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10 Sin Ming Drive, Singapore 575701 Tel: 1800-CALL LTA (1800-2255 582) Fax: (65) 65535329



You may take about 5 minutes to complete this form. You will need the following information to fill in the form: Vehicle registration number to be retained, and engine and chassis number of said vehicle; Vehicle registration number, engine and chassis numbers of the existing/ new vehicle to be assigned with the retained number (where applicable); For vehicle registered in the name of an individual : Name and NRIC (Singaporeans, Singapore PRs and Malaysians) / Passport no. and place of issue of passport (Foreigners other than Malaysians); For vehicle registered in the name of a Company / Business / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) / Limited Partnership (LP) / Club / Association / Organisation) : Name of Company, ACRA number/ Unique Entity Number (UEN), Company Stamp, Particulars [Name, NRIC (Singaporeans, Singapore PRs and Malaysians) or passport number (Foreigners other than Malaysians)] of the Director(s)/ Sole-proprietor/ Partner whose name is listed in the ACRA printout, or a manager who is authorised in writing by the named Director(s)/ Sole-proprietor/ Partner to sign on this Form R03 on behalf of the company ; and Name, NRIC (Singaporeans, Singapore PRs and Malaysians) or Passport number (Foreigners other than Malaysians) of the person performing the transaction on behalf of the registered owner (also known as submitter). Please complete this application form and submit it with the requisite payment. For retention of vehicle registration number of vehicle registered under the Off-Peak Car / Revised Off-Peak Car / Weekend Car / Vintage (Restricted) Vehicle / Classic Car schemes, you must: a) Send your vehicle to any of the LTA-authorised inspection centres to confirm that the number plate seals are intact before applying to retain the vehicle registration number. The seal inspection result is valid for 7 calendar days and the application to retain the vehicle registration number must be completed within these 7 calendar days; and b) Change and reseal the new vehicle number plates at any of the LTA-authorised inspection centres within 3 calendar days upon the successful retention of the vehicle registration number.


*I / We ____________________________________(name) holder of *@NRIC / Passport / **ACRA No. / UEN ___________________________ being the registered owner of motor vehicle bearing the vehicle registration number__________________with engine number ________________________ and chassis number ________________________, wish to assign this registration number as indicated below: Please tick ( ) the applicable box Option A A new vehicle bearing engine number ________________________and chassis number _____________________ to be registered under *my / our name within 14 days. *I / We will pay the prescribed fee of $100. However, if I do not register the vehicle with the number within 14 days, *I / We will pay an additional fee of $1,200. A copy of the LTA's notification letter on the valid Temporary Certificate of Entitlement (TCOE) under the owner's name (either bid or transfer) and original/certified true copy of the sales agreement for the new vehicle must be furnished for verification. Existing vehicle registered in *my / our name Option B An existing the vehicle registration number ______________________ with engine number and chassis number _____________________ registered under *my / our name. *I / We will pay the prescribed fee of $1,300. I attach duly completed form R06, Application to Replace a Vehicle Registration Number to replace the vehicle registration number of the existing vehicle with this retained number. vehicle bearing

New vehicle to be registered in *my / our name

Option C

New / Existing vehicle to be registered in *my / our name within 12 months

*My / our existing vehicle (from which the number was retained) is de-registered. *I / We will pay the prescribed fee of $100. An additional fee of $1,200 will be payable if the retained number is used on another of *my / our existing vehicle. Option D *My / our existing vehicle (from which the number was retained) is not de-registered. *I / We will pay the prescribed fee of $1,300. *I / We understand $1,200 will be refunded if the retained number is subsequently used for registration of a new vehicle in *my / our name. Please submit a duly completed form R06, Application to Replace a Vehicle Registration Number if you wish to use this retained number to replace the registration number of an existing vehicle.

(a) (b)

*I / We understand that the vehicle registration number assigned/retained cannot be transferred or cancelled, and there will be no refund of any payment made. *I / We will change and reseal (if applicable) the number plates on *my / our existing vehicle from which the number was retained within 3 calendar days upon the approval of the application to assign/retain the vehicle registration number (Please refer to the payment receipt for the new registration number assigned to the existing vehicle from which the registration number was retained).Note: It is an offence to keep or use the vehicle without displaying the correct vehicle registration number assigned to the vehicle, and/or fail to seal the vehicle number plates (if applicable) by the stipulated deadline. The penalty in the case of a first offence is a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months, and in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

(c) (d)

*I / We declare that the particulars furnished in this application and other supporting documents are true and correct to the best of *my / our knowledge and belief. *I am / We are aware that furnishing any false or misleading particulars or documents in this application is an offence under Section 129 of the Road Traffic Act. *I / We consent to the collection, use or disclosure of my / our personal data to a third party as per stated overleaf.

Submitted by: _________________________________________

Signature & Companys Stamp** (if applicable) of Registered Owner


Name & NRIC No. of Submitter * Delete where inapplicable ** If vehicle is registered in the name of a Company/ Business/LLP/LP/Club/Association/Organisation @ NRIC: Singaporeans, Singapore PRs and Malaysians Passport No.: Foreigners other than Malaysians

** Name of Authorised Person

: _________________________________

**@ NRIC/Passport No. of Authorised Person : _________________________________


A new vehicle registration number ________________________ has been assigned to replace the old vehicle registration number _______________________.
VRLSO-F-R03-V10 (10PT079-05/11)

Staffs name: ______________________________________________

Companys Stamp & Transaction Date
The information is current at time of printing (May 2011)

Consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal data We may share personally identifiable data that you have provided in this application with other Government agencies, so as to serve you in a most efficient and effective way. We will not share your personally identifiable data with other entities, except where such entities have been authorised to carry out specific Government services or in accordance with legislation under the purview of the Land Transport Authority to enable us to perform our functions or duties or to comply with any order of court or in compliance with any written law, or for the purposes of taking any action against any user for breach of the conditions of use of the Authoritys electronic services. Data provided by the Authority may be used for verification and record of your personal particulars, including comparing information from other sources, and using the information to communicate with you.

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