Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
a. pepper
b. sugar
c. corn our
d. soya sauce
e. salt
19. What is the use of the food processor?
a. to boil the ingredients
b. to measure the ingredients
c. to fry the ingredients
d. to blend the ingredients
e. to heat the ingredients
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
20. Why is oil needed to prepare the dough?
a. to fry the dough
b. to clean the dough
c. to heat the dough
d. to make the dough softer
e. to prevent the dough from being sticky
Questions 21 - 30 are based on the following text.
Queen Aji Bidara Putih
Muara Kaman lies along the Mahakam River, in eastern Borneo. In the past the area was
a kingdom ruled by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a typical queen of myths: beautiful, wise,
and sensitive. Many princes and kings proposed to her but she always refused them because
she was more concerned with ruling her country and guarding her people.
One day, a Chinese boat came to eastern Borneo. First, the people thought it was a merchant
ship but the boat was loaded with trade goods and highly trained soldiers. Their envoys brought
gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China. The queen didnt
refuse instantly and replied that she had to ponder the proposal rst. After the envoys left the
palace, the queen called a court ofcer and ordered him to inltrate the Chinese boat to gather
information on the prince.
When night fell the ofcer sneaked onto the boat, got by all the guards, and nally found
the princes room. The large door would not open and he couldnt nd a peek hole, so the ofcer
put his ear to the wall, trying to catch sounds from inside. He heard that the prince was having
his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the ofcer. It was like a boar that
he had once heard when he was hunting.
He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace. He reported that the prince must have
been a phantom, not a human. He believed that the phantom could be in a humans form only
during the daytime. The queen was so surprised and got angry. On the next day, she refused his
The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The battle was won by the
princes huge band of troops. As they drew near to the palace, Queen Aji Bidara Putih chewed a
leaf of betel vine and sang a mantra while holding it. When she threw it at the Chinese troops, it
turned to giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retreat but three centipedes chased
them and sank the boat. The site of the sunken ship is now known as Danau Lipan (Lake of
Centipedes), with Chinese treasures hidden on the lakes bed.
Adapted from:
21. The text tells about
a. Queen Aji Bidara Putih
b. The Mahakam River
c. The Princes Proposal
d. The Sunken Ship
e. The Chinese Troops
Unit Review Semester 1
22. Where did the story take place?
a. in a kingdom in China
b. in western Borneo
c. in the area that is now called Muara Kaman
d. in a sunken ship
e. in the Lake of Centipedes
23. How was Queen Bidara Putih like?
a. beautiful, sensible, and sensitive
b. beautiful, uncaring, and sensitive
c. pretty, wise, and indifferent
d. pretty, sensible, and indifferent
e. beautiful, wise, and unconcerned
24. Why did the envoys bring gold and porcelain?
a. to trade them for stocks
b. to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China
c. to load their ship
d. to share them with the residents
e. to sell them to the queen
25. How did Queen Aji Bidara Putih respond to the proposal?
a. She agreed with the proposal instantly.
b. She approved the proposal right away.
c. She did not refuse the proposal immediately.
d. She did not reply the proposal.
e. She refused the proposal.
26. Why did the prince raid Muara Kaman?
a. because the queen was spying on the prince
b. because the queen did not accept his proposal
c. because the queen attacked the princes kingdom
d. because the queen returned the princes gifts
e. because the queen chased the prince away
27. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. The prince wanted to marry the queen.
b. The prince had gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal.
c. The prince ordered his troops to attack Muara Kaman.
d. The prince won the battle.
e. The prince turned into a giant centipede.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
28. The word he (paragraph 3, sentence 3) refers to
a. the court ofcer
b. the prince
c. the envoy
d. the phantom
e. the giant centipedes
29. Their envoys brought gold and porcelain to The synonym of envoy is
a. team
b. messenger
c. troop
d. advocate
e. squad
30. prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The synonym of raid is
a. establish
b. ascertain
c. attack
d. expand
e. enlarge
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Stories generally interest us. Many are from overseas. Can you read and write
such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging
You thank others for what they give to you and you may also have to respond
when someone thanks you. Do you know how to do them very well?
It Was The Least I Could Do.
A. Lets Get Ready
Work in pairs to answer the following questions based on your knowledge.
1. Do you know some overseas folktales? Mention them.
2. What is your favourite one?
3. Mention the characters of the story.
4. What does the story tell you?
The followings are characters of some overseas folktales. Match each with the suitable title
of the folktale.
1. 2. 3.
Cinderella Mermaid Bloody Mary Vampire
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the dialogue carefully. Then, answer the following questions. The listening script is
in the Appendix.
Situation: Adib is at Retnos house. He has bought her a novel.
1. What did Adib bring for Retno?
2. What did Retno feel about the present? What did she say to Adib?
3. Why did Retno need it badly?
4. What did Retno promise when she was nished with her writing?
5. What did Adib say to show his gratitude to Retno?
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In Task 3 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions presented
in a table.
Expressions Functions
vThank you very much for your kindness.
vThank you.
v It was the least I could do.
v Dont mention it.
Responding to thanks
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Function
That was really nice of you. Thanking
Thanks a million (for)
Im very grateful to you.
Im much obliged.
Youre welcome. Responding to thanks
Its no trouble at all.
Delighted I was able to help.
1. Listen and Speak
Task 3
Task 4
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Adib and Retno in Task 3 you nd the word because. How do you
pronounce it?
because |bi'Lnz|
The letter s is pronounced z when in the nal syllable preceded and/or followed by a vowel
symbol. Here are some other examples.
choose |lju:z| refuse |'ic!ju:z|
please |pII:z| surprise |so'piaiz|
present |'piczonl| use |ju:z|
Listen carefully to the following dialogues. Complete the missing expressions. The listening
script is in the Appendix.
1) Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness. I wouldnt able to do that by myself.
Ruben : ______________________. You can call me any time you need me.
2) Marcell : I got A for my story telling assignment. Youre the one who gave me the idea about
the story I told the class. ________________________.
Anita : Im glad its helpful.
3) Adib : I have given the story book we bought yesterday to my sister. She loves the book
you have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Ayu : __________________________. You know, most girls love to read romantic stories.
4) Retno : Thank you very much for lending me all of your story books. I have my niece stay
at home all day long.
Virga : ___________________.
5) Andi : I was blessed for having you as my friend. You are always there when I need your
help. ___________________.
Denias : It was the least I could do. Thats what friends are for.
Task 5
Task 6
Cultural Tips
In the United Kingdom, whenever you have been a guest in a home, you should denitely send a hand-
written thank-you note. Indeed, it is a thoughtful gesture to thank your hosts in writing for any hospitality,
even a short drinks party.
Taken from: http://
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, have a short dialogue with your classmate. Use expressions of thanking and responding
to thanks.
v You thank your classmate for picking you up while your brother was still working.
v You thank your mother for cooking your favourite cake.
v You thank your classmate for accompanying you to buy a book of foreign folktales.
v You thank your sister for helping you take care of your novel collection.
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Blue Hens Chicks
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
A Delaware man to war during the American Revolution. For entertainment, he with him
two ghting cocks. When asked about these chickens, the soldier slyly: They are the chicks
of a blue hen I have at home.
Well, these cocks ght! They were so erce, they quite a stir among the men. It did
not take long for the Delaware troops to begin boasting among the troops from the other states
that they could out-ght anyone, just like those famous ghting cocks. Were the Blue Hens
Chickens. We will ght to the end! the theme of the Delaware troops. The other troops to
calling the men from Delaware The Blue Hens Chicks, and to this day, Delaware is known as
the Blue Hen State.
Adapted from:
Tell the class about your favourite overseas story. Look at Task 8 as a model.
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
By the Way
One of the populra overseas stories is Cinderella. The word Cinderella means one who unexpectedly
achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect.
Adapted from:
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and answer the questions.
barn |bu:n| (kb) : gudang
cloak |LIouL| (kb) : mantel; jubah
commotion |Lo'mojon| (kb) : keributan
enchant |in'lju:nl| (kkt) : memikat
frantic |'!inliL| : kalut
hut |h:l| (kb) : pondok
murmur|'mo:mo| (kki) : berbisik
pellet |'pcIil| (kb) : butiran
rattle|'ilI| (kkt) : menderak-derakkan
rein |icin| (kb) : tali kekang
soothe |su:| (kkt) : menenangkan
spear |'spio| (kb) : tombak
stalk |sl:L| (kkt) : mengikuti
suspicious |so'spijos| (ks) : curiga
wicked |'viLid| (ks) : jahat
The Snow Bride
Many years ago, when great forests still covered the hills
of Japan, a samurai named Hikaru lost his way in a sudden
winter storm. Snow pellets sharp as spears pierced his cloak
and drove him blindly into the deep woods.
Cold stalked him, and he had no weapon to battle this in-
visible enemy. Finally his horse burst into a clearing. The wind
rattled the tree limbs, but no snow fell here. A wooden house
squatted beside a huge camphor tree. The snow was a smooth
white carpet. This quiet place seemed peaceful enough, but he
sensed someone watching, waiting in silence.
A door opened. A white-haired woman studied him. Hold-
ing out her arms, she murmured, Welcome, my lord. Enter and
feel no fear.
Hikaru smiled. He had killed fear long ago. But his horse ran away from the tiny hut. The
samurai pulled the reins and drove it forward until the horse reluctantly moved forward. He
found a lean-to built on the side of the hut, sheltered on one side by the hut and on the other by
the tree. When his mount discovered some hay, its hunger drove out all fear. He left the animal
peacefully grazing and went to nd his hostess.
2. Read and Write
Task 10
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The hut was simply furnished, though relight created a golden sparkle off the dishes and
cups she set before him. Where had this woman found such luxuries, he wondered as she silently
served him.
After he had eaten, he xed his eyes on her. Who are you?
She kept her gaze modestly lowered. I am called Yuki, my lord. This place is my home.
Yuki glided around the room in a silken whisper. Gradually he became aware of how quiet
the woods had become. Are you not lonely here?
Her lips quirked in a shadow of a smile. You are here, my lord. As long as you are pleased
with me, how could I be lonely?
Time passed, but it was always winter. Hikaru forgot everything but the lovely woman who
anticipated his wants. As soon as he thought, I want Yuki was there, offering food and drink
to ll his belly or song to soothe his soul. Yet men are never content. For a warrior, even an earthly
paradise can become a wicked prison.
One day, Hikaru woke with anger. Nothing Yuki said or did pleased him.
Dashing dishes off the table, the tiny crashes echoed how hed destroyed his enemies in
the past. The memory inamed his temper. Enough of this quiet and inaction! He could nd
that in death.
My lord, tell me how I have displeased you. I
You, woman! he snapped. Youve kept me prisoner in this place far too long!
He rushed to the door and ung it open. A cold breeze brushed his cheek. Yuki grasped
his sleeve. My lord! Do not leave!
Enough! The samurai jerked from her grip. Rage boiled in his heart as he backhanded
her. Out of my way, woman!
As you wish. The mark of his hand seemed a dark bruise on her pale skin. I will bother
you no more. Head bowed, Yuki stepped aside. The door swung shut between them.
A low moan shuddered amongst the trees. Wind whipped his helm from his head and his
cloak off his shoulders. Cold knifed his body, just beneath the heart.
Yuki? Blinded, Hikaru stumbled backwards, but tree bark scraped his questing hands.
Where was the hut? It was cold, so cold.
Spring came late that year. Birdsong welcomed the suns return. The golden ngers of the
goddess Amateratsu caressed the still alabaster face of the sleeping man. But he never wakened.
As she continued her journey across the sky, cherry trees covered the silken clad form with tiny
pink-edged petals, a living blanket of snow.
Adapted from:
1. Where does the story come from?
2. Who is Hikaru?
3. What happened to him?
4. How was the weather then?
5. What happened to Hikaru after she met Yuki?
6. What made Hikaru want to leave Yukis hut?
7. What happened to Yuki when she tried to restrain Hikarus anger?
8. What happened after Yuki stepped aside?
9. Do you think this story has a happy ending or sad ending? Why?
It Was The Least I Could Do.
The text in Task 10 is a narrative text. As explained in Unit 5, a narrative text is a text that enter-
tains and instructs the readers. It entertains because it deals with the unusual and unexpected
development of events. It instructs because it teaches readers that problems should be con-
fronted, and attempts made to resolve them. The text incorporates patterns of behaviour that
are generally highly valued.
Find words in the story which mean the opposite to the following words. Compare your answers
with a classmates. Look at the example.
(a) blunt : sharp
(b) visible : ..
(c) violent : ..
(d) willingly : ..
(e) unconscious : ..
(f) coarse : ..
(g) rouse : ..
(h) excite : ..
(i) ineffective : ..
(j) bright : ..
Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs of the story of Bloody Mary from Pennsylvania into a good
text by numbering the paragraphs. Look at the example.
Once upon a time, there was a maiden lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage.
She sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called
her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross her cottage for
fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their
children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch
could do to her neighbours.
paragraph 1
Task 11
Task 12
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbours. They came
to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and
pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen
followed him out into the eld and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large
oak tree, holding a magic stick that was pointed towards the millers house.
She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the
millers daughter.
paragraph .
Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and
walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The
millers wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the
tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed
for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running
in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking
away from them and heading out of town.
paragraph .
As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone
mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge
herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went
to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the
evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.
paragraph .
Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could
nd out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the
local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the
missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Marys home in the woods
to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the
disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed.
She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbours were suspicious, but they
could nd no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.
paragraph .
From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Marys name three
times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch.
It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their
mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as
Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.
paragraph .
The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the
witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and
ed back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver
bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and
shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground.
The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the eld, where
they built a huge bonre and burned her at the stake.
paragraph .
Adapted from:
It Was The Least I Could Do.
After you arrange the jumbled paragraphs in Task 12, summarize the story in your own words.
Find two stories from overseas and write them down in your own words. Present them to the
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following conversation with the expressions in the box. Then, act it out with your
Marcell : Hi, girls!
& Anita : Hi, Marcell!
Marcell : 1) _____________________________
Arnys : As you see, were collecting the fairytales from around the world.
Anita : Yeah, Ms Hana asked us to work in pairs to make a clipping about it.
Marcell : It sounds interesting. 2) ______________________.
Anita : Only some. We have The Tooth Fairy, The Piskies, Black Annis, Berguess and
The Spriggans. They are all the fairies from British Isles.
Marcell : Thats pretty good. By the way, my sister has a complete collection of folktales.
Maybe some of them are fairy tales, who knows.
Anita : Really? Can we borrow them?
Marcell : 3) ____________
Arnys : Im very grateful to you.
Marcell : 4) _____________________________
Arnys : Anyway, is she free this afternoon?
Thanks a million for this.
What are you doing here?
Delighted I was able to help.
See you later.
How many stories have you got so far ?
Of course.
Thanks a million for this.
What are you doing here?
Delighted I was able to help.
See you later.
How many stories have you got so far ?
Of course.
Task 13
Task 14
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Marcell : Well, I think so. She said to me this morning that she would try the new cake
recipe. However, I can help you if she is too busy.
Anita : 5) ___________________________
Marcell : Dont mention it. It good to know that I can do something for you.
Arnys : Thats great. So we can nish this assignment soon.
Marcell : Yeah, good luck for you!
& Anita : Thank you.
Marcell : Well, Im afraid I must go now. 6) ______________
& Anita : See you.
Make a summary of the story below.
Once upon a time, there lived an unhappy young girl. She was unhappy because her
mother was dead, and her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters. Her
stepmother didnt like her. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own
daughters. Not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, delicious food, comfy
beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. For the poor unhappy
girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes,
nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when
evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the re, near the cinders. That is how she got
her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone
talking to the cat. The cat said,
Meow, which really meant, Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters
have and that is beauty.
It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders,
she was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes,
were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.
One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the
stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didnt even dare ask, What about me? for
she knew very well what the answer to that would be:
You? My dear girl, youre staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the oors and turn
down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy. Cinderella sighed
at the cat.
Oh dear, Im so unhappy! and the cat murmured Meow.
Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by
herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.
Dont be alarmed, Cinderella, said the fairy. The wind blew me your sighs. I know you
would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!
How can I, dressed in rags? Cinderella replied. The servants will turn me away! The fairy
Task 16
It Was The Least I Could Do.
smiled. With a ick of her magic wand, Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress,
the loveliest ever seen in the realm.
Now that we have settled the matter of the dress, said the fairy, well need to get you a
cart. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot! Quick! Get me a pumpkin! she ordered.
Oh of course, said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat.
You, bring me seven mice!
Seven mice! said the cat. I didnt know fairies ate mice too!
Theyre not for eating, silly! Do as you are told! And, remember they must be alive!
Cinderella soon returned with a ne
pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he
had caught in the cellar.
Good! exclaimed the fairy. With
a flick of her magic wand... wonder of
wonders! The pumpkin turned into a
sparkling cart and the mice became six
white horses, while the seventh mouse
turned into a coachman, in a smart uni-
form and carrying a whip. Cinderella could
hardly believe her eyes.
I shall present you at Court. You will
soon see that the Prince, in whose honour the ball is being held,
will be enchanted by your loveliness. But remember! You must
leave the ball at midnight and come home. For that is when the
spell ends. Your cart will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will
become mice again and the coachman will turn back into a mouse
and you will be dressed again in rags and wearing clogs instead of
these beautiful slippers! Do you understand? Cinderella smiled
and said, Yes, I understand!
When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, a hush
fell. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance,
her beauty and grace.
Who can that be? people asked each
other. The two stepsisters also wondered who
the newcomer was, for never in a month of
Sundays, would they ever have guessed that
the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who
talked to the cat!
When the prince set eyes on Cinderella,
he was struck by her beauty. Walking over to
her, he bowed deeply and asked her to dance.
And to the great disappointment of all the
young ladies, he danced with Cinderella all
Who are you, fair maiden? the Prince kept asking her. But Cinderella only replied:
What does it matter who I am! You will never see me again anyway.
Oh, but I shall, Im quite certain! he replied.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball. But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a
clock: the rst stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word
of goodbye she slipped from the Princes arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one
of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke
of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she ed and vanished into
the night.
The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up her slipper and said to his
Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper ts. I will never be content
until I nd her! So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of all the girls and on Cinderellas
foot as well. Surprise! The slipper tted perfectly.
That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball, snapped the stepmother. Tell
the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Cant you see how ugly Cinderella is! Cant
you see?
Suddenly she broke off, for the fairy had appeared.
Thats enough! she exclaimed, raising her magic stick. In a ash, Cinderella appeared in
a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in
amazement, and the ministers said,
Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!
So Cinderella joyfully went with them, and lived happily ever after with her Prince. And as for the
cat, he just said Meow!
Adapted from:
Pictures: 1. 2.
Study the rule below.
In the story of Cinderella in Task 16 you nd sentences:
Now that we have settled the matter of dress,
and her father had married another woman,
The rst sentence is called Present Perfect and the second sentence is called Past Perfect.
Present Perfect have/has + V3
We use the present perfect to give new information or to announce a recent happening.
For example:
Denias has lived in Jakarta for seven years.
The students have not cleaned the classroom for days.
Past perfect had + V3
We use the past perfect to say something had already happened before this time.
For example:
Arnys had just got home when Virga phoned her.
Retno had seen The Calon Arang drama twice.
Task 17
It Was The Least I Could Do.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
In pairs, have dialogues with your classmate based on the following situations. Include the
expressions of thanking and responding to thanks.
v You thank your classmate for telling you the story of The Tooth Fairy.
v You thank your classmate for helping you make the clipping of American myths.
v You thank your classmate for preparing the Vampire costume for the Halloween party.
v You thank your classmate for giving you a good book of fairytales.
v You thank your classmate for helping you compile the versions of Cinderella story from around
the world.
Recall one of the stories from overseas that you are already learnt and write it down in your
own words.
Music Corner
Thank You
by Dido
Task 18
Task 19
My teas gone cold
Im wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
and I cant see at all
And even if I could itd all be grey
but your picture on my wall it reminds me that
its not so bad
its not so bad
I drank too much last night got bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and therell be hell today
Im late for work again
And even if Im there
Therell all imply that
I might not last the day
And then you call me
And its not so bad
Its not so bad
I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life
Push the door, Im home last
And Im soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now,
I wouldnt have a clue
Because youre near me and
Taken from: http://www.lyrics007.
com Picture: http://www.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to thank someone, for example:
v That was really nice of you.
v Thanks a million (for)
v Thank you very much for your kindness.
2) How to respond to thanks, for example:
v Youre welcome.
v Its no trouble at all.
v Dont mention it.
3) Past Perfect and Present Perfect
Present Perfect have/has + V3
Past Perfect had + V3
4) Narrative texts
A narrative text is a text that entertains and instructs the readers. It entertains because
it deals with the unusual and unexpected development of events. It instructs because it
teaches readers that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them.
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Reading and writing are very important skills. The texts that you read and
write may include descriptive texts on people. Can you read and write such texts
effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging tasks.
You often compliment and congratulate others in many ways. When they do the
same to you, you also respond to them. Do you know how to do them very well?
What A Nice Hair Cut!
A. Lets Get Ready
Look at the following photos of celebrities. Do you recognize them? In pairs, write down their
names. Look at the example.
Number Celebrity Name Number Celebrity Name
1 Drew Barrymore 5 ..
2 .. 6 ..
3 .. 7 ..
4 .. 8 ..
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Based on Task 1, answer the following questions. The words in the box below may help you
answer the questions. Then, compare your answers with your partners.
bearded |'bI:odid| (ks) : berjenggot
charming |'lju:mip| (ks) : mempesona
cute |Lju:l| (ks) : manis
gorgeous |'g:dos| (ks) : menawan
gown |gaun| (kb) : gaun
slim |sIim| (ks) : ramping
wavy |'vcivI| (ks) : bergelombang
1. Is any of them your favourite actor or actress?
2. If none of them is your favourite actor or actress, who is your favourite actor/actress?
3. What makes you adore him/her?
4. What do you know about him/her?
5. Do you want to be like him/her?
Study the following expressions.
Congratulations on
winning the rst prize
on the Movie Festival.
Its nice of you
to say so.
Thank you.
What a nice
hair cut!
Thank you for
saying so.
Task 2
Task 3
You look beautiful in that
What A Nice Hair Cut!
B. Lets Act
Listen carefully to the dialogue. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
Correct the false statements. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Ayu won tickets to watch a movie in the cinema.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Ayu is wearing a cute hat. F Denias is wearing a cute hat.
2. Ayu won a free ticket from the radio.
3. Ayu asks Denias to go to the cinema
with her.
4. Denias refuses Ayus invitation.
5. Denias cannot come at 7.
6. Ayu and Denias are going to the
cinema tomorrow evening.
Study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 4 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the
Expressions Functions
v You look cute with that hat. Complimenting
v Congratulations! Congratulating
v Thank you for saying so.
v Thank you.
Responding to compliments and congratulations
1. Listen and Speak
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v What a !
v Thats a very nice
v I like your
v Youre looking good!
v Congratulations on winning
v Id like to congratulate you on
v I must congratulate you on your
v Well done.
v Thanks.
v Oh, not really.
v Its nice of you to say so.
v How kind of you to say so.
Responding to compliments and congratulations
Listen to the dialogues to complete the missing expressions. Look at the example. The listening
script is in the Appendix.
1) Ruben : Congratulations on getting a free coupon to borrow movies from Nemo DVD
Anita : Thank you.
2) Adib : I like your shoes.
Denias : ....
Adib : Where did you buy them?
Denias : I bought them in the new department store near my house.
3) Arnys : .... Everybody in the club loves your work.
Marcell : Thank you.
Arnys : Where did you get the idea?
Marcell : A scene in The Lord of The Rings inspired me.
4) Retno : I saw your performance on TV yesterday. .. You have impressed the jury.
Andi : Thanks. I worked hard to prepare everything.
5) Virga : It seems that your diet programme works on you. Youre looking good.
Ayu : ....
6) Anita : ....
Retno : Oh, not really.
Anita : Where did you get it?
Retno : I made it myself.
Task 6
What A Nice Hair Cut!
In pairs, complete the following conversation with the expressions in the box. Then, perform
it with your partner.
Arnys : Congratulations on your 16th birthday.
Retno : Thank you.
Anita : 1) ___________________________
Retno : Thank you for saying so. You look so sweet in that red vest.
Anita : Thanks. Look, Denias is coming! 2) ________________________
Arnys : He looks so cute with his new hair cut.
Retno : Yes, youre right.
Denias : Hi, Retno. 3) __________________________
Retno : Thanks. By the way, congratulations on winning the rst prize on Photography
Denias : 4) ___________________
Anita : Your idea was brilliant. I think youre a genius.
Denias : Oh, not really.
Retno : Anyway, lets start the party.
Lets say it right.
In the conversation in Task 7 you nd the word gown and gorgeous.
How do you pronounce it?
gown |gaun| gorgeous |'g:dos|
The letter g is pronounced g when followed by o. Here are some other examples.
goal |gouI| gossip |'gnsip|
golf |gnI!| govern |'g:von|
goose |gu:s|
You look charming in that white gown.
What a gorgeous boy!
Congratulations on your birthday.
Thank you.
You look charming in that white gown.
What a gorgeous boy!
Congratulations on your birthday.
Thank you.
Task 7
Task 8
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Have dialogues with your partner based on the following situations.
v Your classmate got the best mark on the Drama class.
v Your classmate wears a brown sweater. He looks great in it.
v You and your classmate attend a birthday party. Your classmate wears a nice suit.
v Your classmate won a free ticket to watch Hillary Duff's concert in Singapore.
Listen to the following monologue and ll in the missing words. The listening script is in the
My Favourite Actor
My favourite 1) is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a good
actor. He is also very 2) Moreover, he is 3) He has
bright 4) and slanting 5) His facial expression makes
him look funny. If I had a chance to meet him, I would ask him to sign my photograph.
Tell the class your favourite celebrity and his or her physical appearance. Look at Task 10 as
a model.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and ll in the table. Look at the
example. Compare your answers with a partners.
active |'Lliv| (ks) : aktif
bald |b:Id| (ks) : botak
careful |'Lco!uI| (ks) : hati- hati; teliti
careless |'LcoIos| (ks) : sembrono
cheerful |'ljI:o!uI| (ks) : ceria
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
2. Read and Write
Task 12
What A Nice Hair Cut!
condent |'Lnn!idonl| (ks) : percaya diri
determined |di'lo:mind| (ks) : tegas
diligent |'diIidonl| (ks) : rajin
energetic |cno'dcliL| (ks) : enerjik
extrovert |'cLsliovo:l| (ks) : ekstrovet
friendly |'!icndII| (ks) : ramah
generous |'dcnoios| (ks) : dermawan; murah hati
humorous |'hju:moios| (ks) : humoris
intelligent |in'lcIidonl| (ks) : pintar
introvert |'inliovo:l| (ks) : introvet
lazy |'IcizI| (ks) : malas
muscular |'m:sLjuIo| (ks) : berotot
sensitive |'scnsiliv| (ks) : sensitif
shy |jai| (ks) : malu
skinny |'sLinI| (ks) : kurus
slanting |'sIu:nlip| (ks) : sipit
stingy |'slindI| (ks) : pelit
stubborn |'sl:bon| (ks) : keras kepala
stupid |'slju:pid| (ks) : bodoh
wrinkle |'iipLI| (ks) : keriput
The Rising Stars
The success of Harry Potter movies has made Daniel
Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint the centre of public
attention. The three rising stars have grown up on screen and
grown into his or her role as an actor.
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was
born in Fulham, London, 23 July
1989. His nickname is Dan. He
is the only child of Alan Radcliffe
and Marcia Gresham. Dan has
dark brown hair and blue eyes.
His height is about 168 cm. He
is a loyal, shy, down-to-earth,
and humorous person. He is also
intelligent and somewhat mysterious. He
loves football, Formula One racing and
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris, France, 15 April
1990. Her nickname is Emma. She is the daughter of Chris Watson
and Jacqueline Luesby. She lived in Paris until the age of ve before
she moved with her mother and younger brother Alexander to Oxford,
England. Emma has wavy brown hair. Her height is 165 cm. She is a
generous, friendly, and determined person. She also said that she is a
little bit stubborn. Emma loves dancing, singing, tennis and art.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Rupert Alexander Grint was born in Hertfordshire, England, 24 Au-
gust, 1988. His nickname is Rupert. He is the oldest son of Nigel Grint
and Jo Parsons. Rupert has bright red hair.
His height is 180 cm. He is an active and humorous person. Hes also
very humble. However, he is the shyest of the three Harry Potter co-stars.
Rupert is arachnophobic. It means that he is afraid of spiders. He likes
all kinds of music, but his favourite is classic rock and roll. His favourite
school subject is Chemistry.
These Hogwarts trio have been really good friends, not only on screen
but also in real life. Their secret of friendship is that they always understand each other although
they have different backgrounds and personalities.
Adapted from:
Complete the column below based on the text.
Daniel Radcliffe
v Hair : brown
v Eyes : blue
v loyal
v shy
v down-to-earth
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Study the following note.
The text in Task 12 is a descriptive text. Basically, the aim of a descriptive text is to give
information to the readers by making them see, hear, feel, etc. what is described in the text.
A descriptive text focuses on the characteristic features of a person, an animal, or a
particular thing. Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective language. The present tense
is mostly used in descriptive texts. The past tense is also used to describe an object that does
not exist anymore.
In pairs, study the following explanation.
v To describe a persons physical appearance, you can use the following words.
Physical Appearances
Height Body Age Hair Face Eyes
in 20s, 30s,
v To describe a persons characters (qualities & habitual behaviour), you can use the following
Task 13
Task 14
careful careless
intelligent stupid
condent shy
extrovert introvert
generous stingy
diligent lazy
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Complete the following text about Mike Mohede with the words in the box. Look at the
The Cute Mike
Michael Prabawa Mohede was born on November 7, 1983. He
is better known as Mike. He has a beautiful voice. He is the winner of
the second season of Indonesian Idol. He also represented Indonesia
in Asian Idol.
Mike has a smile. His body is His cheeks make him cute.
Mike is a nice and person. He is very friendly to everyone. Some of
his fans call him Teddy Bear because of his plump body and nice
Look at the following celebrities. In pairs, describe their physical appearances. Look at the
cheerful chubby nice plump beautiful
Task 15
Task 16
Physical appearance:
- She is tall.
- Her body is slim.
- She is a teenager.
- She has black straight hair.
- Her face is oval.
- She has round eyes.
Sherina Munaf
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Tobey Maguire
Hillary Duff
David Beckham
Kirsten Dunst
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Ade Rai
Jang Nara
Pictures: 1. 2. http:/ 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Task 17
Ask three of your classmates to describe the physical appearance of their idols. Then, record
them in this table.
No Your classmates Their idols Physical appearances
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Based on the data in Task 17, write descriptions of two idols. Ask your classmates to give you
feedback to revise your descriptions. Put your revised drafts in the school magazine.
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.
What a nice red sweater!
Youre looking good.
I like your ribbon.
Retno : Hi, Anita. 1) ______________________________
Anita : Its nice of you to say so.
Retno : Ive never seen you in that sweater. Is that new?
Anita : Well, my sister bought me this sweater yesterday.
Retno : I see.
Anita : Anyway, 2) ________________________ It makes you look sweet.
Retno : Oh, not really. Look, Virga is coming!
Anita : Hi, Virga. 4) ______________________Who did your haircut?
Virga : Thanks. My Mom did it.
Retno : By the way, I heard you won a quiz on the radio yesterday.
5) _______________
Virga : Thank you.
Task 18
Task 19
Cultural Tips
The Way They Dress in America
- Men: socks should match your suit. No leg should show between pant hem and shoe. Remove your hat
when indoors.
- Women: do not overdress for daytime or wear noisy jewellery. American women do not wear a lot of
make-up to the ofce. Low-cut blouses, short skirts, and tight clothing are not appropriate ofce
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Work in groups of three. Describe the physical appearance of each character of the following
Task 20
What A Nice Hair Cut!
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Find two texts describing celebrities. Then, write them down in your own words.
Have a dialogue with your partner. Include expressions of complimenting, congratulating, and
responding to compliments/congratulations.
v Your classmate wears a cute bracelet. She made it herself.
v Your classmate has just joined a singing competition. He won the second place.
v Your classmate has just been chosen as the captain of the class.
v You and your classmate are going to the cinema to watch Amings new movie. You wear a
new shirt. Your classmate wears a nice blue skirt.
Work in pairs. Write down a description of somebody you know. Let your classmate guess
who he or she is.
Write a short text about your idol.
Music Corner
You can nd expressions of compliment in many songs. One of those songs is entitled You
Are So Beautiful by Westlife.
You Are So Beautiful
Task 21
Task 22
Task 23
Task 24
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Cant you see
Youre everything I hoped for
Youre everything I need
You are so beautiful to me
You are so wonderful
To me
You are so wonderful
To me
Cant you see
Youre everything I hoped for
Youre everything I need
You are so beautiful (3x)
To me
Taken from:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to compliment someone, for example:
v What a !
v Thats a very nice
v I like your
v Youre looking good!
2) How to congratulate someone, for example:
v Congratulations!
v Id like to congratulate you on
v I must congratulate you on your
v Well done.
3) How to respond to compliments and congratulations, for example:
v Thanks.
v Oh, not really.
v It's nice of you to say so.
4) Descriptive text is a text which is telling about the characteristics of a particular thing, such
as persons characteristics or description.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Do you sometimes read and/ or write descriptions of animals? Can you read and
write such texts effectively? Lets explore descriptive texts and more in this unit.
At times, you feel excited and you want to express it.
Do you know how to express it appropriately?
I Find It Very Interesting.
A. Lets Get Ready
Work in pairs to answer the following questions.
1. What is your favourite animal?
2. Do you own one? What is its name?
3. Describe it. Use the points below to help you describe your pet (animal).
a. size (length and height) d. special body part and its use
b. weight e. how it moves
c. colour
Look at the following animals. Name each recording to its description.
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Ah Meng is a female Orangutan. She belongs to the rare Sumatran Orangutan species.
She is a tourism icon of Singapore.
Harriet is a Galpagos tortoise. She was born in 1830. Harriet spends a majority of her
day napping at her home pond. Her favourite food is hibiscus owers.
Gemina is a giraffe who lives in the Santa Barbara Zoo. She becomes notable for the
peculiar deformity in her neck, which is bent by almost ninety degrees.
The mule Idaho Gem was born on 4 May 2003. It is the rst clone born in the horse
Nora is a gray tabby cat. Nora was named after the artist Leonora Carrington. She is
famous for playing the piano.
India Willie Bush is US Presidents George W. Bushs and Laura Bushs black cat. He
has lived with the Bush family for more than ten years.
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue about Andis pets and then ll in the table with correct
information. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Andis Pets Descriptions
Felix (cat)
black and white
4 kg
It likes to sleep for hours.
Deborah (cat)
Brandy (Dog)
Bora (Hamster)
Task 3
1. Listen and Speak
I Find It Very Interesting.
Lets say it right.
In the monologue in Task 3 you nd the word male.
How do you pronounce it?
The vowel letter a is pronounced ci when followed by a consonant plus e. Here are some
other examples.
came |Lcim| same |scim|
change |ljcind| take |lciL|
game |gcim| tame |lcim|
Tell the class your favourite pet. Refer to the monologue in Task 3 as a model.
Listen to the following dialogue between Anita and Denias. Then, choose the right statements
by circling the letter a, b, c, or d. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Anita and Denias are talking about a famous piano playing cat.
1. a. Denias has read the article in the latest school magazine.
b. Denias hasnt read the article in the latest school magazine.
c. Denias has read all the articles in the latest school magazine.
d. Denias hasnt bought the school magazine.
2. a. Anita asks Denias to write an article in the school magazine.
b. Anita asks Denias to read an article in the school magazine.
c. Anita asks Denias whether he has read an article in the school magazine.
d. Anita asks Denias whether he has an article about the school magazine.
3. a. The article is about a strange tabby cat.
b. The article is about a cat playing the piano.
c. The article is about a strange piano.
d. The article is about a singing cat.
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
4. a. Nora is a cat who rarely plays the piano.
b. Nora is a gray tabby cat who plays the piano.
c. Nora is a tabby cat who has the gray piano.
d. Nora is a gray cat who does not like piano.
5. a. Denias is going to search information about Nora on the internet.
b. Denias is going to promote Nora on the internet.
c. Denias is going to write an article about Nora on the internet.
d. Denisa is going to search information about Noras cat on the internet.
In pairs, study the following expressions.
Saying You Are Excited
In the dialogue in Task 4 you nd some expressions used to say that you are excited, such as:
Really? Thats wonderful.
I nd it very interesting.
Here are some other expressions.
Thats terric!
(How) exciting!
Im very enthusiastic!
I cannot deny my enthusiasm for
What do you say in the following situations?
Your classmate tells you that he will give you one of her kittens.
Your classmate tells you that he will invite you to see his new pet.
Your classmate asks you to go with him to watch an animal contest.
Have dialogues with your partner based on the situations below. Include the expressions to
show that you are excited.
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
You have just found a cute hamster at the backyard of
your classmates house. It is a white and brown hamster.
It has a very small nose. It runs very quickly. You really
want to keep it.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Your classmate has a Dalmatian. It is 0.5 m tall. It has a
red ribbon around on its neck. It is very smart and tame.
One day your classmate took his Dalmatian to join a dog
contest in your town. His Dalmatian was chosen as the
Most Favourite Pet.
You had wanted to have a pet for a long time. One day
your father bought you a parrot. It is a lovely one. It is
quite colourful. It has six colours on its body: red, blue,
green, yellow, white, and black. It also sings beautifully.
You tell your classmate about the good news.
Your classmate was given a cat for his birthday present.
When you visit his house, he shows you his cat. It is a big
white cat of 8 kg. It has soft thick fur. It looks beautiful.
Your classmate tells you that you may keep it for two
days. You are very excited.
Read the following advertisements on animals for sale on the internet. Then, in pairs, answer
the questions.
Read and Write
Task 10
Beautiful Golden Retriever
I have a beautiful 2 year old Golden Retriever with silky light brown
hair. I have named her Goldie. She is about 0.5 m tall, and weighs
20 kg. She is a very god pet. She is great with kids and other dogs.
If you are interested in my dog, please call Aji at (021) 532 444,
or email [email protected].
Exotic Shorthair
I have an exotic brown female cat. Her name is Ruby. She is one
year old. She weighs about 8 kg. She is extremely affectionate
and playful. If you are interested in my cat, please call Dina at
(031) 332 222, or email [email protected].
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
1. Describe the dog in the rst ad.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
2. If you are interested in the dog in the rst advertisement, how can you get it?
3. Describe the cat in the second advertisement.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
4. If you are interested in the cat in the second advertisement, how can you get it?
5. Describe the horse in the third advertisement.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
6. If you are interested in the horse in the third advertisement, how can you get it?
advertisement |od'vo:lizmonl| (kb)
advertisement is announcement which tries to make sure that people know that something
is for sale, that something is going to happen, that a show is on.
advertisement is commonly abbreviated as ad.
Amarillo is a dark brown stallion (adult male horse) of 6 years
old. He is 153 cm tall, and weighs 1200 lbs. He is quiet in nature.
If you are interested, please visit 9107 Ridge Road, Castorland,
New York, or call 315 376 5915.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Read the following information about celebrities and their pets and then complete the state-
ments. First, study the following words.
cuddle |'L:dI| (kkt) : memeluk
erce |'!ios| (ks) : galak
fur |!o:| (kb) : rambut binatang
marking |'mu:Lip| (kb) : tanda
poodle |'pu:dI| (kb) : anjing pudel (berambut keriting)
pug |p:g| (kb) : jenis anjing kecil berhidung pesek
puppy |'p:pI| (kb) : anak anjing
shepherd |'jcpod| (kb) : anjing gembala
Task 11
Jessica Alba and Her Pets
Jessica Alba looks very cheerful with her two pugs. She named
them Sid and Nancy. The two dogs look similar. Both have white
fur and brown markings. They also wear the same red ribbon
around their necks.
Hillary Duff and Her Pet
Hillary takes a few moments to get down with her little dog.
She named it Lola. Lola is a cute Chihuahua. Its colour is light
brown. It looks pretty in pink.
Jake Gyllenhaal and His Pet
Jake has a German shepherd. Its name is Atticus. It is mostly
brown with large black marking. Its height is around 75 cm. It
looks erce.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Adapted from:
1. Sid and Nancy are ...s pets. They have ... fur and ... markings.
2. Hillary Duffs chihuahua is named ... Its colour is ...
3. Atticus is of .. type. Its colour is ... It is around ... tall.
4. Jake Gyllenhaals dog looks ....
5. Dusty is a ... It belongs to ....
The text in Task 11 is a descriptive text. As explained in Unit 7, a descriptive text is basically aimed
at giving information to the readers about characteristic features of a thing, person, or animal.
Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective language. The present tense is mostly used in
descriptive texts. The past tense is also used to describe an object that does not exist anymore.
cuddle way of doing things
erce striped black, brown, and grey cat
marking very angry and likely to attack
fur coloured patterns
tabby soft coat of an animal
tame to hug someone or something
behaviour not wild
Match the words with their denitions. Compare your answers with a classmates.
Joss Stone and Her Pet
Joss Stone really loves to cuddle his poodle puppy. Its name is
Dusty. It is white. The hair is a bit curly and covers half of its
eyes. It looks cute in the pink clothes.
Task 12
I Find It Very Interesting.
By the Way
Surveys say that nearly 10 % of American households
dress their pets in Halloween costumes.
Describe the following animals.
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Write a short paragraph about your pet or an animal that you like most. Use the following
vWhat is your pets name?
What is it?
How old is it?
Describe it.
- size - height - habit
- colour - weight
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogues with correct words, phrases, and expressions in the box.
Situation 1: Denias and his sister are going to watch a circus.
elephant show Fantastic! circus smart
Denias : Tomorrow my sister and I are going to watch the... at the town square.
Arnys : How exciting! I went there two days ago with my parents. You have to see the
elephant show.
Denias : Well, I didnt know if they have that kind of show.
Arnys : They have the greatest ... I have ever seen. They are very ... Elephants are
really good at remembering things.
Denias : .. By the way, would you join us tomorrow?
Arnys : Id love to.
Situation 2: Ayu really wants to have a pet.
pet Really? Thats wonderful. promise kitten
Virga : Mom, may I have a ....?
Mother : Sure.
Virga : ... Thanks.
Mother : But you have to ... me to take care of it.
Virga : I will.
Mother : Anyway, what would you have?
Virga : I think Ill take care of my friends ... She has ve little kittens.
She offered me one yesterday.
Mother : Okay.
Task 14
Task 15
I Find It Very Interesting.
Find two texts describing animals in the internet and/ or library. Rewrite and describe the
animals in your own words.
Find ve animals in your neighbourhood, and then describe them.
No. Animals Descriptions
Task 16
Task 17
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Have a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation.
You and your classmate go to the pet shop. You see a very cute little puppy. You really want it.
However, you remember that your parents will not let you have any pet. Then, your classmate
offers you a smart solution. You will have the pet and keep it at your classmates house.
Write a description of an animal that you like best as a pet.
Music Corner
There have been some songs about animals. One of them is a famous old song about a pet
by Patti Page.
How Much is That Doggie in the Window
How much is that doggie in the window?
(arf! arf!)
The one with the waggle tail
How much is that doggie in the window?
(arf! arf!)
I do hope that doggies for sale
I must take a trip to California
And leave my poor sweetheart alone
If he has a dog, he wont be lonesome
And the doggie will have a good home
Task 18
Task 19
Cultural Tips
Eating horses and ponies is taboo in British culture and causes friction with its nearest European neighbour,
Taken from: http://
I Find It Very Interesting.
I read in the paper there are robbers (roof! roof!)
With ashlights that shine in the dark
My love needs a doggie to protect him
And scare them away with one bark
I dont want a bunny or a kitty
I dont want a parrot that talks
I dont want a bowl of little shies
He cant take a goldsh for a walk
How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)
The one with the waggle tail
How much is that doggie in the window?(arf! arf!)
I do hope that doggies for sale
I do hope that doggies for sale
Taken from:
(arf! arf!) sounds like a small dog.
(roof! roof!) sounds like a bigger dog.
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to say that you are excited, for example:
v Really? That's wonderful.
v I nd it very interesting.
v Fantastic!
v That's terric!
v (How) exciting!
v I nd it very interesting!
v Im very enthusiastic!
2) A descriptive text is basically aimed at giving information to the readers about characteris-
tic features of a thing, person, or animal. Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective
language. The present tense is mostly used in descriptive texts. The past tense is also used
to describe an object that does not exist anymore.
I Dont Believe It!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
To follow the development, you need to read news regularly. The texts that you
read may include news items on celebrities around the world. Can you read and
write such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging
tasks with up to date news.
In your daily life you often nd things that surprise you or things you do not believe.
When you are in such a situation, you need to express your feelings. Do you know
how to do that?
I Dont Believe It!
A. Lets Get Ready
Study the following pictures and then answer the questions based on your experience.
Compare your answers with your partners.
1. Do you like reading magazines or newspapers?
2. What is the name of the magazine or newspaper you often read?
3. How often is it published? Weekly or monthly?
4. What column do you like the most? Is it sports, entertainment, business, or politics? Why?
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Wilson Returns after Suicide Attempt
The Jakarta Post
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Los Angeles: Owen Wilson is going back to work for the rst
time since his reported .. attempt last summer.
Wilson, 39, and co-star Jennifer Aniston begin shooting March
10 on 20
Century Foxs Marley & Me, the studio said. It tells the
tales of a couple who .. a dog to give parenthood a trial run, then
nd the mischievous pooch more than they bargained for.
After he was .. last August, Wilson dropped out of his summers
.. Tropic Thunder, which already had been in .. He was replaced
by Mathew McConaughey.
Due out Christmas Day, Marley & Me is directed by David Frankel and based on the book
by John Grogan, Alan Arkin co-stars.
Study and pronounce the words below before you listen to a dialogue between Arnys and
Marcell. Then, state whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). The listening script is
in the Appendix.
abuse |o'bju:s| (kb) : penyalahgunaan
accomplice |o'L:mpIis| (kb) : kaki tangan
alleged |o'Icdd| (ks) : diduga sebagai
apprehend |pii'hcnd| (kkt) : menahan
arrest |o'icsl| (kkt) : menangkap
dealer |'dI:Io| (kb) : pedagang
drug |di:g| (kb) : obat-obatan
raid |icid| (kb) : razia
1. Listen and Speak
Task 2
Task 3
I Dont Believe It!
Situation: Arnys and Marcell meet at the canteen. They talk about Roy Marten.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Arnys and Marcell go to the canteen
F They meet at the canteen.
2. Arnys brings bad news.
3. Denias has read The Jakarta Post.
4. Roy Marten was accused of being a drug
5. Roy Marten was arrested together with four
other people.
6. Roy Marten was apprehended in Surabaya.
7. The police found 47 grams of crystal meth.
Study the following expressions.
In Task 3 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions.
Expressions Functions
Are you serious? Expressing disbelief
Really? Expressing surprise
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v No! I dont believe it!
v You must be joking!
v Youre kidding!
Expressing disbelief
v Thats very surprising.
v What a surprise!
v My goodness!
Expressing surprise
Task 4
By the Way
The word News is actually an acronym standing for the 4 cardinal compass points: North,
East, West, and South.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Listen to the dialogues to complete the missing expressions. Look at the example. The listen-
ing script is in the Appendix.
1) Andi : Did you know that Heath Ledger died?
Arnys : Youre kidding.
Andi : No, Im not. I read it in a magazine this morning.
Arnys : Oh, my goodness!
2) Retno : Kian Egan has announced his engagement to Jodi Albert.
Anita : .
Retno : Why should I? The engagement was announced in the newspaper.
Anita : Oh, he breaks my heart.
3) Virga : Did you know that Mulan Kwok has changed her name into Mulan Jameela?
Adib : How did you know?
Virga : I read it in my moms magazine.
4) Ayu : Ariel Peterpan and his wife are getting a divorce. I read the news in the newspaper.
Denias : .
Ayu : Of course. Ill bring the newspaper and show it to you.
5) Marcell : Your rock idol is caught using drugs.
Ruben : Ahmad Albar? .
Marcell : I say the truth. I read the news this morning.
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Arnys and Marcell in Task 3 you nd the word news.
How do you pronounce it?
news |nju:z|
The letter n is pronounced nj when followed by e.
Here are some other examples.
knew |nju:|
new |nju:|
newsletter |'nju:zIclo|
newspaper |'nju:zpcipo|
Task 5
Task 6
I Dont Believe It!
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate. Include the expressions of disbelief and
v You tell your classmate that his/her idol has broken up with his girlfriend because he has
an affair with a new model.
v You tell your classmate that your favourite actress is going to get married with her boyfriend
next month.
v You tell your classmate that an actor that he/she doesn't like was nominated for The Best
Actor of The Year.
Read the text and guess the meanings of the following words based on the context. Do it in
allegation |Ii'gcijn| (kb) : ....
discharge |dis'lju:d| (kkt) : ....
estranged |i'slicindd] (ks) : ....
fortitude |'!:lilju:d| (kb) : ....
investigation |invcsli'gcijn| (kb) : ....
offset |n!'scl| (kkt) : ....
possession |po'zcjn| (kb) : ....
psychiatric |saiLi'liiL| (ks) : ....
restraining order |ii'slicining ':do| (kb) : ....
testimony |'lcslimonI| (kb) : ....
trivialize |'liivIoIaiz| (kkt) : ....
Britney Spears - Lut Investigated for Drugging Spears
Caption: Britney Spears is followed by a frenzy of photographers
while shopping at Fred Segal in West Hollywood. Los Angeles,
California - 15.02.08
Britney Spears estranged manager Sam Lut is under investigation
by Los Angeles police over allegations he drugged the troubled star.
Lut was served a restraining order earlier this month (Feb 2008)
and was instructed to keep his distance from the Spears family
after Britneys mother Lynne claimed the manager had admitted he
Task 7
2. Read and Write
Task 8
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
drugged her daughter. According to website TMZ, the allegations are now being investigated by
the Major Crimes Division of the Los Angeles Police Department. Luts new spokesman Michael
Sands tells he is aware of the investigation. Spears had been hospitalized for psychiatric
evaluation at Los Angeles UCLA Medical Centre, but was discharged last week (06 Feb 2008)
after a seven-day stay.
Adapted from:
Study the rule below.
In the news item in Task 8 you nd the sentence:
the allegations are now being investigated by
The sentence is the passive form of the present continuous.
The pattern is: am/is/are being + V3
For example:
The patient is being examined by the doctor.
The students are being given the lesson about drugs.
Read the text again and then answer the questions below. Compare your answers with your
1. Who is Sam Lut?
2. Why was he instructed to keep his distance from the Spears family?
3. Who is Lynne? What did she do?
4. Who is Luts new spokesman? What did he say to
5. Where did Britney Spears get her psychiatric evaluation? How long did she spend her time there?
Study the following notes.
The text in Task 8 is a news item telling information about event of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. The text includes:
- newsworthy event : recounts the event in summary form.
- background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.
- sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event.
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
I Dont Believe It!
Complete the following text with the words in the box. You may use your dictionary. Look at the
Roy Martens Arrest
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Roy Martens arrest for narcotic possession has received a different 1) response from the
infotainment industry. Nearly all the 2) ... broadcast by private TV stations has tried to offset
Roys alleged crime by presenting the humanitarian 3) ... of a wifes fortitude.
At least Roy has been seized twice in the drug 4) ..., the latest taking place after his testimony
on the great 5) ... of narcotics to his life. It means that Roy also deceived the public and trivialized
law enforcers anti-narcotic 6) ....
Therefore, Roys behavior does not deserve the continuous defense of TV infotainment pro-
grams, even by his 7) ..., Alex Asmasoebrata. Such developments make the 8) ... wonder whether
the shows have been nanced by narcotic syndicates.
The fact that Roy had just received about an ounce of shabu when he was captured indicates
that he may have been an active 9) ... as well as a drug trafcker.
His case is thus more serious than the previous arrests of fellow 10) ... Gogon, Derry, Polo
and Doyok. Why do infotainment circles so aggressively defend Roy?
Adapted from:
Read the following news about Lindsay Lohan. Find the words in the text which have similar
meanings to the following words. Look at the example.
1. observe = see
2. penalty = ..
3. minor crime = ..
4. corpse = ..
5. basement = ..
response campaigns public friend case
artists danger theme infotainment user
Task 12
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Lohans Sentence to Visit Morgue
BEVERLY HILLS, California: Lindsay Lohan is about to see dead
In June, the 21-year-old actress will visit the morgue as part of
her punishment for misdemeanour drunken driving.
Shes going to see bodies. Well have anywhere from 20 to 50
people in the class and shes treated like any other individual, Los
Angeles County Coroners Assistant Chief Ed Winter said Friday.
Lohan was arrested twice last year on DUI charges and pleaded guilty
in August to misdemeanour drunken driving and cocaine charges.
The morgue visits include a walk-through of the service oor
where autopsies are taking place along with the processing of the
deceased. They also wind up seeing deceased people in our crypt, Winter said.
Its to show them what reality is.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
Picture :
Find two news items in the newspaper and rewrite them in your own words.
Write a news item about any event in your school that you think important to be published.
Put your nal draft in the school bulletin.
Task 14
Task 15
Cultural Tips
In United Kingdom there are some topics which are best avoided for small talk, such as:
- Age, e.g. How old are you?
- Appearance or weight, e.g. You seem to have put on some weight
- Personal gossip about somebody you know
- Jokes that might offend (especially sexist or racist jokes)
- Money, e.g. How much do you earn?
- Previous or current relationships, e.g. Do you have a girl friend?
- Politics, e.g. Who did you vote for at the last election?
- Religion, e.g. Do you believe in God?
- Criticisms or complaints, e.g. Why is British food so bad?
I Dont Believe It!
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with your
Ruben : Anita, why do you look so miserable?
Anita : Ive just read the news about Heath Ledger. It states that he passed away.
Ruben : 1) ____________________.
Anita : Its okay.
Ruben : You must be very sad.
Anita : Yes, hes one of my favourite actors. He was a good actor. I have watched all his
movies and I love them all.
Ruben : 2) ____________________________?
Anita : The police still investigate this case. He might have died of overdose.
Ruben : 3) __________?
Anita : He was found lying in his bed with some pills beside him. The police have not
made any conclusion yet.
Ruben : I hope theyll get the cause soon.
Anita : 4) __________. Ledgers family called his death very tragic, untimely and accidental.
Ruben : Im sure his fans feel the great loss of him.
Anita : Heath was a down-to-earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving, unselsh individual
extremely inspirational to many.
Read the news about Eddie Murphy then answer the questions.
Murphy Starts New Year with Marriage
LOS ANGELES: Actor Eddie Murphy celebrated New Years Day by tying the knot with lm
producer Tracey Edmonds, their representatives told People magazine.
The pair exchanged vows Tuesday on a private island off Bora Bora in French Polynesia in
front of a small group of family and friends, the magazine reported.
Murphy and Edmonds began dating last year and were engaged in July.
Murphy, 46, has ve children from his marriage to Nicole Mitchell Murphy, who led for
divorce in 2005. He also has a daughter with Spice Girls singer Melanie Brown.
vWhat was the cause of his death? v Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
vReally? v I hope so.
vWhat was the cause of his death? v Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
vReally? v I hope so.
Task 16
Task 17
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Edmonds, 40, has two sons from her 13-years of marriage to singer Kenneth Babyface
Edmonds. As head of Edmonds Entertainment group, Inc., she has produced the lm and televi-
sion series Soul Food.
Murphys lm credits include Dreamgirls, the Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Professor, Shrek,
and Dr. Doolitle movies.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 4, 2008
1. Where did Murphy and Edmonds hold the wedding?
2. Who is Murphys ex-wife?
3. Who is Kenneth Babyface?
4. How many children do Murphy and Edmonds have after their marriage?
5. Mention Murphys lm credits.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Have a dialogue with your partner. Include the expressions of disbelief and surprise based
on the following situations.
v Your classmate tells you that he/she accidentally met your favourite singer. Your classmate
has a chat with him for a while and asked his autograph for you.
v Your classmate tells you that your favourite actress and her boyfriend have been married
for four years but they hide it from public. It was revealed on the magazine.
v Your classmate tells you that he/she won the radio quiz to have a dinner with his/her idol.
A private TV station will broadcast this candlelight dinner.
Find and read two news items in the newspaper about any Indonesian celebrity. Then, make
a summary of the news by completing the table. Look at the example.
Newsworthy event
Tisdale Has No Regrets about Nose Job
NEW YORK: High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale says she was
somewhat distressed when she rst saw her new prole after her recent
nose job.
Task 18
Task 19
I Dont Believe It!
The 22-year-old actress-singer kind of freaked out, she tells People
magazine in its Jan. 28 issue. I was so swollen, I was like, Oh my gosh,
is it going to stay like this?
Tisdale says she does not regret having the surgery but is sorry she
decided to sing in public two weeks later.
Tisdale had surgery Nov. 30 to correct a deviated septum that
worsened over the years and contributed to breathing problems. Tisdale
says she decided to talk about her surgery because she didnt want to
play a game of denying it or being coy.
I wanted my fans to know because I dont take plastic surgery
lightly, she says.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
Write your summary here.
Newsworthy event:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to express disbelief, for example:
v I dont believe it!
v Are you serious?
v You must be joking!
2) How to express surprise, for example:
v Really?
v Thats very surprising.
v What a surprise!
3) News item text is a text which is telling information about even of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. It includes the newsworthy event, the background event, and the
4) Passive (present continuous)
The pattern of the passive form of the present continuous is:
am/is/are being + V3
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Thats Very Kind of You.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
You love reading news item, dont you? The news items may include news items
on sports. Can you read and write such texts effectively? Learn how to read and
write news items further in this unit.
In your daily life you often have to respond to offers or invitations from others. Do
you know how to do them very well?
Thats Very Kind of You.
A. Lets Get Ready
Answer the following questions. Compare your answers with your classmates.
1. What is your favourite sport?
2. Who is your favourite athlete?
3. Do you like reading sport news in the newspapers and magazines?
Study the following kinds of sport. Name each. Look at the example.
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Task 1
Task 2
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Sentul to Host First Speedcar Race
The Jakarta Post, Saturday, January 26, 2008
Indonesia will play host
to the rst series of the US$3
million Speedcar Champion-
ships. The Indonesian ..
will take place at the Sentul
International Circuit in Bo-
gor, West Java, from Feb.
16 to 17. Indonesia will ..
its drivers Ananda Mikola
and Moreno Soeprapto in
the race.
Moreno said he hoped
he would .. from the home
crowd and stand on the
podium. He added that if he
should .. to win the race, he would be able to .. more sponsors to help .. him in higher budget
Formula races in the future.
The Speedcar .. will feature 24 drivers behind their eight-valve cars with 620 horsepower,
similar to the ones used in Nascar. Physically and skill wise, its more demanding than Formula
1 as it is heavier. Speedcars .. 1,300 kg, compared to the 600-kg Formula car.
Moreno and Ananda will race against a number of world-class .., including former Formula
1 drivers Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert, in the races.
The speedcar championships, held in partnership with GP2 Asia, will .. the winner
US$600,000. The next series will be held in Malaysia, Bahrain and Dubai. (dre)
Adapted from:
1. Listen and Speak
Task 3
By the Way
Pittsburgh is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colours: black and
Thats Very Kind of You.
Listen to the news again and then choose the right statements by circling the letter a, b, c, or d.
1. a. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Malaysia.
b. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Indonesia.
c. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Bahrain.
d. The rst series of Speedcar Championships will be held in Dubai.
2. a. Indonesia will replace Ananda Mikola with Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
b. Indonesia will place Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert in the race.
c. Indonesia will place Ananda Mikola and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
d. Indonesia will not replace Ananda Mikola and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
3. a. Moreno hoped to get more sponsors to help nance him in Formula races in the future.
b. Moreno got many sponsors from Speedcar races.
c. Moreno would like to be the sponsor of Speedcar races.
d. Moreno did not get many sponsors from Speedcar races.
4. a. The Speedcar series will feature 24 drivers.
b. The Speedcar series will feature 620 horses.
c. The Speedcar series will feature 8 cars.
d. The Speedcar series will feature 620 cars.
5. a. Speedcars weigh the same as Formula cars.
b. Speedcars weigh less than Formula cars.
c. Speedcars weigh more than Formula cars.
d. Speedcars weigh twice more than Formula cars.
List the words in Task 3 which are unfamiliar to you. Then, nd the equivalents in Indonesian
according to the context. Do it in pairs.
Unfamiliar words Equivalents in Indonesian
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, study the following expressions
Study and practise the following dialogue. Pay attention to the expressions printed in bold.
Work in pairs.
Andi : Hey, Den. What are you reading?
Denias : Oh, Im reading the sports column in the Jakarta Post.
Andi : Is there anything interesting?
Denias : Well, there is one entitled Athletes take up English lessons to improve perfor-
Andi : What is it about?
Denias : It is mentioned that some Indonesian athletes currently have another item on their
training schedule. They are to improve their performance by learning English.
Andi : Really? Why do they do so?
Denias : It is said that the inability to speak English restricts players efforts to socialize.
They tend to be introverted when mingling with athletes from other countries.
Andi : Well, it seems that learning English is getting more important.
Denias : Youre right. By the way, Id like to visit the new gym centre near the town square.
Shall we go there tomorrow?
Andi : I wont say no. Anyway, would you like to have a cup of coffee and some biscuits?
Im going to the kitchen.
Denias : Id love to. Thanks.
Andi : Youre welcome.
Task 6
Would you like me to give
you a glass of water?
Shall we watch the tennis match
at Senayan tomorrow?
Id love to.
Thats very kind of you.
Task 7
Thats Very Kind of You.
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 7 you nd expressions, such as:
v I wont say no.
v Id love to.
The expressions above are used to accept an invitation and an offer. Here are some other
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Andi and Denias in Task 7 you nd the word athlete.
How do you pronounce it?
athlete |'0II:l|
The vowel letter a is pronounced when taking the initial position in words. Pronounce the
words below.
absent |'bsonl| actor |'Llo|
accident |'Lsidonl| ambition |m'bijn|
action |'Ljon| angry |'pgiI|
active |'Lliv| anxious |'pLjos|
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate based on the following situations.
v You and your classmate have just nished exercising. Both of you are very tired and thirsty.
You ask your classmate whether he would like to have some drink. Your classmate accepts
your offer.
Thats very kind of you.
Id be delighted.
Accepting an Offer/Invitation
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
v Your classmate has never gone to the gym centre. She tells you that she really wants to
go there. Next Sunday you are going to go to the gym centre. You ask your classmate to go
there with you. Your classmate is very excited. She accepts your invitation.
v Your parents buy you a new set of chess game yesterday. You really want to play it. You ask
your classmate to come to your house to play chess with you. He accepts your invitation.
v Your classmate nds some difculties in searching information about extreme sports on the
internet. You want to help him. Your classmate accepts your offer.
Read the following news on Chris John and nd the meanings of the folowing words recording
to the context. Do it in groups of three.
bout |baul| (kb) : ....
champion |'ljmpIon| (kb) : ....
defence |di'!cns| (kb) : ....
dominate |'dnmincil| (kkt) : ....
pressure |'picjo| (kb) : ....
punch |p:nj| (kkt) : ....
Chris Retains WBA Belt with TKO
Sunday, 27 January 2008
2. Read and Write
Task 11
World Boxing Association featherweight
champion Chris the Dragon John successfully
defended his belt for the ninth time with a
technical knockout of Roinet
Caballero of Panama on
Saturday at Bung Karno
Indoor Stadium in Senayan,
Central Jakarta.
Caballeros ring threw in
the towel before the start of
the eighth round, signalling
that their ghter was unable
to continue.
Chri s domi nated the
Panamanian from the first round, with a
combination of powerful punches and solid
In the third round, Chris
had several chances to oor
the 24-year-old Caballero,
connecting with hooks and
upper cuts to the jaw of the
challenger, who fired very
little in reply.
Chris kept up the pressure
and i n t he si xt h round
unleashed a urry of punches
to put the challenger down.
Thats Very Kind of You.
Caballero tried to ght back in the seventh
round, but Chris defence was simply too solid.
The Panamanian was unable to continue the
bout, which was scheduled for 12 rounds.
With the victory, Chris stretched his record
to 47 wins, no defeats and one draw, with 21
KOs and one TKO.
Chris received Rp2 billion (US$215,000)
for the ght, while Caballero earned Rp650
On the undercard, lightweight Alex Bajawa
of Indonesia was knocked out by Saddam
Kietyongyuth of Thailand in the fth round.
Another Indonesian boxer, Andreas Seran,
defeated Sam Setu of Samoa by KO in the
rst round of their scheduled four-round ght.
Adapted from:
As explained in Unit 9, a news item tells information about event of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. The text is organized to include:
newsworthy event : recounts the event is summary form.
background events : elaborate what happened to, to whom, in what circumstances
expert on the event.
sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event.
Read the text again and then answer the questions below. Compare your answers with a
1. What is the news about?
2. How many times has Chris John defended his belt successfully?
3. Who was Chris Johns rival in the WBA championship in Bung Karno Indoor Stadium in Senayan?
4. Mention Chris Johns ght record.
5. His (paragraph 1, sentence 1) refers to .
Task 12
By the Way
A technical knockout (also referred to as a T.K.O.) is often declared when the referee or other judges
(such as ofcial ring physician, the ghter himself, or the ghters corner men) decide that a ghter
cannot continue the match, even though he does not fail the count.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Read the news about Asian Beach Games. Then, make a summary of the news by listing
important information in your own words in the box.
Asian Beach Games to cost Rp300 billion
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The rst Asian Beach Games, which will be held in Bali from October 18-26, will cost an
estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million), says National Sports Council (KONI) chairwoman
Rita Subowo.
Rita said here Wednesday that the organizing committee and KONI would strive to secure the
funding from the government and sponsors. The Coordinating Ministry for the Peoples Welfare
will provide Rp100 billion, Rita said. A New Zealand apparel company has signed an agreement
with the organizing company to provide a sponsorship of $1.5 million. Rita said she was hopeful
KONI and the organizing committee would nd other sponsors to cover the budget.
We are still negotiating with local and other international companies to sponsor the tourna-
ment. Some of them probably will support us in cash, while some others will provide equipment,
like computers, she said, adding that the organizing committee would use Ernst & Young as its
nancial adviser.
The Asian Beach Games is a multisport event that will be held every two years for athletes
representing 45 countries from across Asia. A total of 17 sports disciplines, including beach soc-
cer, volleyball, sepak takraw, jet skiing, surng and sailing will be included in the Games.
To nance the training of Indonesian athletes participating in the event, Rita said the State
Ministry for Youth and Sports Affairs would provide some Rp15 billion, which is not included in
the Rp300 billion budget for organizing the Games. (trw)
Adapted from:
Where and when will the rst Asian Beach Games be held?
How much will the event probably cost?
Task 13
Thats Very Kind of You.
How will they probably get the fund for holding the rst Asian Beach Games?
How will they manage to nance the training of Indonesian athletes participating
in the event?
What will the Asian Beach Games be like? Mention some branches included.
Task 14
Study the rule below.
In the text in Task 13 you nd the following sentences:
will cost an estimated Rp300 billion
will provide Rp100 billion
Some of them probably will support us in cash,
The word will above is used when we decide to do something, at the time of speaking. The word
will is always followed by Verb 1.
For example:
They will give a big support to the team.
They will hold training for new members.
Write your own news item about sport. Make it simple. The following guidance may help you.
v Pick one topic about sport. You may search it in magazines, newspapers, or the internet.
v List important information on the topic (what it is about, when and where it happened, etc.).
v Arrange the important information you have got to write the news.
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
C. Lets Do More
In pairs, create a dialogue with your classmate based on the following information.
You nd an advertisement about a sports exhibition. The event will be held in the towns
centre building from 510 April. You are very excited about it. You tell your classmate about
the advertisement. You say that you would like to go there with him. Your classmate agrees.
He says that it is the event he has been waiting for.
You and your classmates take a swimming course at 3 p.m. today. Both of you are about to
leave when you realize that you forget to bring your towel. Your classmate says that you may
borrow one of his towels.
Find two news items about sports. Pick any topic you are interested in. You may search it in
the magazines, newspapers, internet, etc. Then, rewrite the news items in your own words.
Task 16
Task 17
Cultural Tips
Irish Road Bowling
The sport of road bowling is most popular in County
Armagh and County Cork in Ireland, although it was once also
quite popular in Scotland and England. This kind of sport
always attracts crowds as it is played outside on the road.
Thats Very Kind of You.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Complete the following dialogue with correct words, phrases, and expressions in the box.
Situation: Retno and Virga are at the tennis court.
Retno : Hey, Virga. Have you seen Denias? He said he would be here today.
Virga : No, I havent. Adib told me that he and Denias would come at 4 p.m. They have to
go to the sports shop rst. Adib needs a new 1) ______________
Retno : I see. Shall we go to the 2) ___________ now? Im very thirsty and I need to drink.
Virga : 3) ______________________ By the way, let me buy you a 4) _______. Id like to thank
you for teaching me to play tennis today.
Retno : 5) _______________. Okay, lets go there.
In groups, have a short dialogue with your classmates. Include the expressions of inviting,
accepting, and declining the invitation of a football match.
Read the text and list the important information on the news. Compare your points with your
canteen drink
I wont say no. tennis racket
Thats very kind of you.
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
Simon Stuns Tauk in Malaysia
The Jakarta Post, Friday, January 18, 2008
Indonesias No. 1 Tauk Hidayat saw his hopes of collecting the rst title this year dashed
by his junior compatriot Simon Santoso in the second round of the US$200,000 Malaysia Open
Super Series badminton tournament in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The 2004 Olympic gold medallist was routed by the tter Simon in 40 minutes 21-18, 21-
16. He refused to make any excuse. There is no excuse for my bad performance today. I simply
lost, he was quoted as saying by AFP.
With the victory, Simon advanced to the quarternals to take on top seed Lee Chong Wei of
Malaysia. Lee secured semi nal berth after beating Przemyslaw Wacha of Poland 21-5, 15-21,
21-8 in 43 minutes. Lee has beaten Simon twice, the last time was at the French Super Series last
November where he also became the eventual winner. Simon is the lone prospect for Indonesia in
mens singles after Andre Kurniawan Tedjono fell to eighth seed Chen Yu of China 13-21, 9-21.
In mixed doubles, world champion Nova Widianto and Lilyana Natsir took another step
toward the quarternals after beating Germans pair Ingo Kindervater and Kathrin Piotrowski
21-11, 21-23, 21-19. They will play Korean duo Lee Yong
Dae and Lee Hyo Jung in the quarternal. The Korean
pair defeated Danish duo Thomas Laybourn and Kamilla
Rytter Juhl 21-15, 20-22, 21-19. This would be the rst
encounter for the Indonesians and the Koreans.
They are a new pair. Korea has repeatedly made
changes in their doubles pairings. We never met them
before, Nova said as quoted by Antara. It will be an in-
teresting game. But, we are optimistic to win the match,
he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesia also saw its best prospects in
womens doubles tumble during the second round of the
tournament. Jo Novita and Greysia Polii were trounced
by Korean pair Lee Won Kyung and Lee Hyo Jung 18-21,
10-21 in 41 minutes, while teammates Lilyana Natsir and
Vita Marissa fell to Miyuki Maeda and Satoko Suetsuna
of Japan 19-21, 16-21 in 45 minutes.
Adapted from:
Thats Very Kind of You.
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to accept an offer or invitation, for example:
v I wont say no.
v Id love to.
v Thats very nice of you.
2) News Items
A news item tells information about event of the day which is considered newsworthy or
important. The text is organized to include newsworthy event, background events, and
3) Will
Will is used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. Will is always fol-
lowed by Verb 1.
Unit Review Semester 2
I. Listen to short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer to each
question. The listening script is in the Appendix.
1. What does Marcell mean?
a. He found it as a trouble to help Arnys.
b. He could not help Arnys.
c. He would not help Arnys.
d. He might help Arnys.
e. He loves to help Arnys.
2. What does Retno mean?
a. She wanted to help Andi.
b. She could not help Andi.
c. She bought a bracelet yesterday.
d. She responds to Andis thanks.
e. She would help Andi.
3. What does Virga mean?
a. She asks Adib to create a new logo.
b. She congratulates Adibs work.
c. She gives Adib a logo for their club.
d. She helps Adib to make a new logo.
e. She wants to create a new logo for the club.
4. What is Anitas intention?
a. She likes Ayus gown.
b. She congratulates Ayu.
c. She compliments Ayu.
d. She invites Ayu.
e. She makes an appointment with Ayu.
5. What does Arnys imply?
a. She does not believe the news.
b. She wants to have the kittens.
c. She is afraid of the kittens.
d. She is excited with the news.
e. She compliments Ruben.
6. What does Anita mean?
a. She is excited.
b. She would like to join the contest.
c. She wants her dog to join the contest.
d. She will go to the contest next week.
e. She wants to buy a dog in the contest.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
7. What does Andi mean?
a. He doesnt believe in the news.
b. He wants to believe in the news.
c. He believes in the news.
d. He wants to become a rock idol.
e. He wants to buy the newspaper.
8. What does Virga imply?
a. She refuses Deniass invitation.
b. She does not want to go with Denias.
c. She accepts Deniass invitation.
d. She wants to go to the match by herself.
e. She says no to Deniass invitation.
9. Ayu : Thanks a million for your help.
Arnys : ______________.
a. Dont mention it.
b. Id love to.
c. Really?
d. Thats wonderful.
e. Terric!
10. Adib : Thats a very cute sweater.
Retno : ______________.
a. Its no trouble at all.
b. Thank you for saying so.
c. With my pleasure.
d. Very well, thanks.
e. That would be nice.
11. Marcell : __________________.
Virga : Really? Thats wonderful!
a. My lovely kitten died last night.
b. My little sister killed my hamster.
c. My horse has been sick for three days,
d. My dog won a swimming contest yesterday.
e. My rabbit was hit by a car this morning.
12. Denias : I heard the news that Pasha Ungu was put on probation for eight months.
Andi : ____________.
a. I dont believe it!
b. Thats great.
c. Id love to.
d. Its no trouble at all.
e. Dont mention it.
Unit Review Semester 2
13. Virga : Wont you have a dinner with my family tomorrow night?
Adib : _____________________.
a. You must be joking!
b. My goodness!
c. That would be great.
d. Well done.
e. Congratulations!
II. Read the texts and choose the best answer to each question.
Questions 14 20 are based on the following text.
The White Buttery
An old man named Takahama lived in a little house behind the cemetery of the temple
of Sozanji. He was extremely friendly and generally liked by his neighbours, though most of them
considered him a little mad. That was because he was very old but he did not want to get married.
He did not have the desire for intimate relationship with women.
One summer day he became very ill, so ill, in fact, that he sent for his sister-in-law and her
son. They both came and did all they could to bring comfort during his last hours. While Takahama
fell asleep, they watched a large white buttery ew into the room and rested on the old mans
pillow. The young man tried to drive it away with a fan; but it came back three times, as if it was
very loath to leave the sufferer.
At last Takahamas nephew chased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the
cemetery beyond, where it lingered over a womans tomb, and then mysteriously disappeared.
On examining the tomb the young man found the name Akiko written upon it, together with a
description narrating how Akiko died when she was eighteen. Though the tomb was covered with
moss and must have been erected fty years previously, the boy saw that it was surrounded with
owers, and that the little water tank had been recently lled.
When the young man returned to the house he found that Takahama had passed away,
and he returned to his mother and told her what he had seen in the cemetery.
Akiko? murmured his mother. When your uncle was young he was betrothed to Akiko.
She died shortly before her wedding day. When Akiko left this world your uncle resolved never to
marry, and to live ever near her grave. For all these years he has remained faithful to his vow, and
kept in his heart all the sweet memories of his one and only love. Every day Takahama went to
the cemetery, whether the air was fragrant with summer breeze or thick with falling snow. Every
day he went to her grave and prayed for her happiness, swept the tomb and set owers there.
When Takahama was dying, and he could no longer perform his loving task, Akiko came for him.
That white buttery was her sweet and loving soul.
Adapted from:
14. The text tells you about
a. an old man with his faith
b. an old man with his neighbours
c. a mad old man
d. a crazy old man
e. dying old man
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
15. How was Takahamas characters?
a. He was a humorous person.
b. He was an indolent person.
c. He was a pathetic person.
d. He was a sociable person.
e. He was a hilarious person.
16. Who was Akiko?
a. She was Takahamas anc.
b. She was Takahamas niece.
c. She was Takahamas sister I law.
d. She was Takahamas sister.
e. She was Takahamas mother.
17. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. Takahama went every day to Akikos grave and prayed for her happiness.
b. Takahama lived near Akikos grave.
c. Takahama resolved not to marry after Akikos death.
d. Takahama became very ill on summer day.
e. Takahama chased the white buttery out into the garden.
18. The word It (paragraph 3, sentence 2) refers to
a. the garden
b. the cemetery
c. the tomb
d. the white buttery
e. the gate
19. Which of the following words is the antonym of resolved?
a. undecided
b. resolute
c. unyielding
d. determined
e. unbendable
20. Which of the following words is the synonym of betrothed?
a. alienated
b. divided
c. separated
d. estranged
e. engaged
Unit Review Semester 2
Questions 21 26 are based on the folowing text.
My Very Best Friends
I believe that a friend is an angel who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble
remembering how to y. It means that our friends are people who will always be there for us
any time we need them.
Im so lucky because I have three best friends. They are Firsty, Ronald and Jonathan.
We have known each other since we were four years old. We met in the kindergarten. Since
then, we always go to the same school. Moreover, our houses are still in the same block. We
do everything together. Our motto is United we stand, divided we fall. It means together we
are stronger. Now, let me introduce my friends one by one.
Firsty is the youngest among us because she was born in December. We call her The
Sweety Firsty. Her father is French. She is tall and slim. Shes about 171 cm. She has long
straight hair. Actually the color of her hair is blonde. However, she dyed her hair black since
last year. She has beautiful blue eyes, an oval face and pointed nose. The Sweety Firsty is a
cheerful, condent, and determined girl. However, she is a little bit careless and stubborn. She
has many cats in her house. There are about nine cats. She loves them all. One of her favourite
is a little orange cat. She calls her Shinny. Firsty loves to dance and sing. Nevertheless, she
wants to be a model.
Ronalds nickname is Ron. Most of girls in our school love and adore him. Theres
no doubt about his good looking. We call him The Charming Ron. His height is 176 cm. Ron
has straight hair and perfect face. He is an intelligent and introvert person. Above all, he is
humble. He was crowned as The Best Student this year. He won so many prizes on Math,
Chemistry and Physic competition. However, his favourite subject is Chemistry. He wants to
be a chemist someday.
Jonathan is a funny person. He can always nd a way to make the people around
him laugh. I wonder what it is in his head for he can create jokes spontaneously. Jonathans
nick name is Jo. He is plump. Hes about 168 cm tall. His weight is 80 kg. Thats why we call
him The Big Jo. He has a round face with brown eyes. His spiky hairstyle makes him easily
recognized. Jo is a humorous, friendly and an easy going person. He is a movie freak. He would
never miss any new movie in the cinema. He dreams of becoming a famous actor one day.
About me? Well, my name is Hana. Im the shortest one among them. Im about 160
cm tall. I have long wavy hair with round face. My friends call me The Chubby Hana because
I also have a chubby check. Most people, even my parents say that Im a careful, generous
and diligent person. They also say that Im a bit sensitive. I love painting. I spend much time
in my small studio just painting.
Thats all about me and friends of mine. Even though we are quite different, we love
each other and will keep this relationship for good.
21. The purpose of the text is
a. to describe persons and characters
b. to tell a sequence of events
c. to entertain the readers
d. to persuade the readers to have many friends
e. to teach the readers how to make friends
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
22. The followings are Firstys characters, except
a. cheerful, humorous, and sensitive
b. cheerful, condent, and strong-minded
c. determined, sensitive, and funny
d. determined, humorous, sensitive
e. sensitive, condent, serious
23. What is Jonathan like?
a. He is fat, easy going, and funny.
b. He is fat, stubborn, and funny.
c. He is chubby, diligent, and sensitive.
d. He is plump, humble, and sensitive.
e. He is friendly, easy going, and slim.
24. What is Hanas favourite?
a. She loves Chemistry.
b. She loves cats.
c. She loves watching TV.
d. She loves painting.
e. She loves singing.
25. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. Firsty has a round face.
b. Jonathan wants to be a chemist.
c. Ron wants to be an artist.
d. Hana has long straight hair.
e. Jonathan is plump..
26. A word in the text that has the same meaning as strong-minded is
a. sensitive
b. friendly
c. determined
d. condent
e. cheerful
Questions 27 30 are based on the folowing text.
Inul aims to drill after haj
JAKARTA: Dangdut singer Inul Daratista says she will not stop performing her raunchy
hip-gyrating dance, the drill after recently completing a spiritual pilgrimage to Mecca.
Uztad (cleric) advised me to run my business as usual after the haj. He only told me
to stop if I was too tired. How am I supposed to feed my family if I dont sing and dance? said
the singer whose dancing was once the source of a major controversy here.
Inul said she wouldnt be changing her typically-tight stage outts like many other
actresses and female singers who start wearing headscarves after coming back from the haj.
.. (the costume) depends on the songs: If I was ordered to sing qasyidah (Arabic
songs). Id have to adjust. Inul said quoted by Detikcom.
Unit Review Semester 2
Inul who travelled to Mecca with her husband, Adam Suseno, said they had been
impressed by the beauty of the city and were planning to make a return trip within the next
four months.
Next year, four months from now, well take the umroh (minor haj program), she said.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, December 27, 2007
27. With whom did Inul take haj?
a. alone
b. her friend
c. Ustad
d. her husband
e. her parents
28. What is Inuls decision after haj?
a. She will stop her raunchy dance.
b. She will run her business as usual.
c. She will sing Arabic songs.
d. She will start wearing headscarves.
e. She will take a break for four months.
29. What Inul planned four months ahead?
a. She will take the umroh.
b. She will travel to Mecca.
c. She will sing qasyidah.
d. She will start wearing headscarves.
e. She will stop performing her raunchy dance.
30. A word in the text that has the same meaning as vulgar is
a. usual
b. spiritual
c. minor
d. major
e. raunchy
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
Hill, L. A.. 1963. Elementary Comprehension Pieces. London: Oxford University Press.
Madya, Suwarsih. 2000. Learning English Pronunciation Systematically. Yogyakarta: State University of
Murphy, Raymond. 1985. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
KGRE Magazine, September 2006
The Jakarta Post, February 21, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 31, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 27, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 26, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 18, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 4, 2008
The Jakarta Post, December 27, 2007
Daftar Pustaka
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
Listening Script
Task 2
1) Ayu : Good morning.
Andi : Good morning.
Ayu : Do you know when the class meeting starts?
Andi : It starts at 9 a.m. today.
Ayu : I see. Thanks for telling.
Andi : Youre welcome.
2) Virga : How are you, Den?
Denias : Im ne, thanks.
Virga : Well, you look different today.
Denias : Really? How do I look?
Virga : You look great.
Denias : Thanks. You do too.
3) Retno : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month.
Arnys : Youre right.
Retno : What if we meet at the canteen this afternoon.
Arnys : Sure.
Retno : So, see you later.
Arnys : See you.
Task 6
Andi : Good morning. My name is Andi.
Denias : Good morning Andi. Im Denias.
Andi : Denias, this is Adib. We were classmates the Junior High School.
Denias : Hi, Adib. How do you do?
Adib : How do you do.
Andi : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular activity in the
Junior High School?
Denias : Yes, I did.
Andi : Oh, thats great. Adib and I have never joined it before.
Adib : We hope you can help us.
Denias : Sure.
Andi : Okay, see you this afternoon.
Adib : See you Denias.
Denias : See you.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Task 3
Denias : Hi, Retno.
Retno : Hi, Denias.
Denias : You were absent for two days. Where were you?
Retno : My family and I went to my cousins wedding party.
Denias : I see. Where was it?
Retno : It was in Surabaya. It took ve hours to get there.
Denias : How was the party?
Retno : It was great, but there was something bad that happened.
Denias : Really? What was that?
Retno : The bride fainted after the party was over.
Denias : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Was she sick?
Retno : Actually, she was not. She was just too tired. Fortunately, she soon
Denias : Thats good. Anyway, the bell is ringing. Lets go back to the class.
Retno : Okay.
Task 10
Last year, my family and I visited our relatives in Greece. We ew to Athens via
Singapore. After two hours from Athens, we arrived in Hydra where our relatives were.
The interesting thing about Hydra is that no vehicle allowed. We have to walk to get
anywhere. People often get around on horses or mules. After Hydra, we visited Satorini
by ferry. Then we took a high speed catamaran to Mykonos. At least in Mykonos they
have taxis and buses so we did not have to walk to go everywhere. From Mykonos
we ew to the island of Skiathos where we spent a lovely week visiting beaches and
eating wonderful Greek food. Finally it was time to go back to Athens and end our
trip. After wandering around the old part of the city and taking lots of photos of the
Acropolis and other ancient Greek monuments and statues, we had to get my taxi
to the airport.
Adapted from: KGRE Magazine, September 2006
Task 3
1. First, prepare all the ingredients.
2. Next, slightly beat eggs and mix with our and half cup of water.
3. Then, mash bananas with fork and mix thoroughly with our and egg mixture.
4. After that, deep-fry bananas and our mixture in hot oil until golden brown.
5. Finally, drain on absorbent paper and dust with cheese.
6. The Fried Bananas with Cheese are ready to serve.
Listening Script
Task 4
Ayu : This afternoon Id like to practise making fried rice. Would you like to
come to my house to help me?
Retno : That sounds a nice idea. However, I dont think I can cook.
Ayu : Dont worry. Well learn together how to cook fried rice.
Retno : Would you tell me how to do it before practising?
Ayu : Sure, let me tell you. First, prepare the spices, egg, and cooked
rice. Grind some garlic, chilli, and salt. Then, cut some onions into very
thin pieces. Fry them together until it smells good. After that, add the
egg and scramble them together. Finally, fry them together with the
cooked rice until they are well mixed.
Retno : And then you have your fried rice done.
Ayu : Right.
Retno : That sounds easy. I cant wait to practise it.
Ayu : Neither can I. By the way, do you want me to pick you up?
Retno : No, thank you.
Task 4
Arnys : Denias, do you like to try some food from other countries?
Denias : Yes, I do.
Arnys : What is your favourite one?
Denias : My favourite one is Kebab, actually.
Arnys : Kebab? Ive never heard of it.
Denias : Well, the Kebab originated in Turkey. It is a staple food there.
Arnys : What kind of food is it?
Denias : It is made of sliced roasted meat served with fresh vegetables
and wrapped in Lebanese bread with a choice of sauces.
Arnys : Hmm It sounds delicious.
Denias : Yes, it is. Anyway, let me invite you to try it. Would tomorrow be
Arnys : Sure, that will be ne.
Task 6
Virga : Ayu, have you ever made your own pizza?
Ayu : No, I havent. What about you?
Virga : I havent either. Anyway, Id like to invite you to practise making
Ayu : Really? Where?
Virga : Well, its going to be in my aunts kitchen.
Ayu : So, shes going to teach us.
Virga : No, shes not actually. Well only use my recipe book.
Ayu : Are you sure? Thats going to be challenging.
Virga : So, would tomorrow at 2 p.m. be possible?
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Ayu : Im afraid I cant. I will be attending my music course.
Virga : How about at 4 p.m.?
Ayu : Great, its a perfect time.
Task 11
Making Crab Soup
Making crab soup is not difcult. What you need are 2 liters of sh stock, 2
medium-sized crabs, 100 gram ginger, 50 gram scallions, 50 gram Indonesian
parsley, salt, and pepper to taste. First, make sh stock by boiling sh bones in 8 cups
of water. Then remove these bones after a few minutes. Wash the crabs, split into
several parts. Cut ginger into very thin slices, the scallions and Indonesian parsley.
After that, heat stock for about 5 minutes, put everything into the stock. Finally, add
salt and pepper to taste.
Adapted from:
Task 4
Virga : Ayu, yesterday Mrs Irene told me that the role of Ratna Manggali goes to you.
Ayu : Really? Im delighted to hear about that.
Virga : Well, congratulations!
Ayu : Thank you. By the way, whos going to take the role of Calon Arang?
Virga : Dont be surprised, Mrs. Irene has chosen me!
Ayu : Great! Nobody can do it better than you.
Virga : Im not that sure. I still need more references about Calon Arang to
improve my acting.
Ayu : Dont worry about that, I will help you nd more sources.
Virga : Will you?
Ayu : Yes, of course. Thats what friends are for.
Virga : Thank you very much for your kindness.
Ayu : Dont mention it.
Task 6
1) Andi : Mr. Joe likes the story and lets us use it in the next play.
Denias : Im delighted to hear about that.
2) Arnys : Thanks a lot for telling me the story.
Retno : Any time.
3) Virga : Thank you for your help.
Marcell : Dont mention it.
4) Ruben : Thank you very much for lending me your story book.
Ayu : Thats all right.
5) Adib : You got A for your writing assignment.
Anita : Its marvellous.
Listening Script
Task 10
Brawijaya, the king of Majapahit, had a beautiful daughter named Roro
Anteng. Later she got married to a priest named Joko Seger. Because of an unfor-
tunate situation, they were forced to leave the kingdom. They settled an area in
the mountain named Tengger.
They were unhappy because they did not have a child. They climbed the
peak of the mountain and prayed to the gods. Betara Bromo promised them many
children with one condition: they would have to sacrice their youngest child. They
nally had twenty-ve children. However, they broke their promise to sacrice the
youngest, Kesuma. Suddenly, an eruption occurred and Kesuma fell into the crater.
His voice was heard saying, I have to be sacriced so that you will all live. From
now on you should arrange an annual ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo.
Kesumas brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year by
offering fruits, vegetables, rice and meats. This ceremony is still held today as a
Kesada ceremony.
Adapted from:
1. Anita : How are you?
Denias : Very well, thanks.
2. Retno : Hi, my name is Retno.
Virga : Hi, Retno. Im Virga.
3. Ruben : Thank you very much for lending me the novel.
Arnys : Dont mention it.
4. Ayu : Adib told me that he got an accident yesterday.
Andi : Im sorry to hear that.
5. Retno : Tomorrow Im going to make a chocolate pudding. Would you
like to come?
Ayu : Thank you, Id like to.
6. Adib : Shall we have dinner at the Japanese restaurant tonight?
Arnys : Id like to, but I have another plan.
7. Anita : We need to go to the market to buy some fruits. Would
tomorrow be possible?
Virga : Sure, that will be ne.
8. Marcell : Hey, Retno. They told me that you won the poetry reading
Retno : Thank goodness!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Task 3
Adib : Hi Retno, Ive got something for you.
Retno : Really? Whats that?
Adib : Here you are.
Retno : Oh, thank you very much for your kindness.
Adib : It was the least I could do.
Retno : Adib, this is the only thing I want it right now. Ive been looking for
this novel for months, but I couldnt nd it anywhere. How could
you nd it?
Adib : Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small
bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly?
Retno : I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my
writing on Japanese folktales.
Adib : Oh, I see. Anyway, Im glad I can help you. I hope I will be the rst
to read your writing.
Retno : Of course you will.
Adib : Thank you.
Retno : Dont mention it.
Task 6
1) Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness. I wouldnt able to do
that by my self.
Ruben : Its no trouble at all. You can call me any time you need me.
2) Marcell : I got A for my story telling assignment. Youre the one who gave me
the idea about the story I would tell to the class. I m very grateful
to you.
Anita : Dont mention it.
3) Adib : I have given the story book we bought yesterday to my sister. She
loves the book you have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Ayu : Delighted I was able to help. You know, most of girls love to read
romantic story.
4) Retno : Thank you very much for lending me the all of your story books. I have
my niece stayed at home all day long.
Virga : Its no trouble at all.
5) Andi : I was blessed for having you as my friend. You always there when I
need your help. Im much obliged.
Denias : It was the least I could do. Thats what friends are for.
Listening Script
Task 8
Blue Hens Chicks
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
A Delaware man went to war during the American Revolution. For entertain-
ment, he brought with him two ghting cocks. When asked about these chickens,
the soldier said slyly: They are the chicks of a blue hen I have at home.
Well, these cocks could ght! They were so erce, they caused quite a stir
among the men. It did not take long for the Delaware troops to begin boasting
among the troops from the other states that they could out-ght anyone, just like
those famous ghting cocks. Were the Blue Hens Chickens. We will ght to the
end! became the theme of the Delaware troops. The other troops took to calling
the men from Delaware The Blue Hens Chicks, and to this day, Delaware is
known as the Blue Hen State.
Task 10
My Favourite Actor
My favourite actor is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a good
actor. He is also very funny. Moreover, he is cute He has bright skin and slanting
eyes. His facial expression makes him look funny. If I had a chance to meet him,
I would ask him sign my photograph.
Task 4
Ayu : You look cute with that hat.
Denias : Thank you for saying so. By the way, I heard from Andi that you won
two free tickets to watch I am Legend in the cinema.
Ayu : Thank you. I joined a quiz in the radio and I won it.
Denias : Thats great. What would you do with the tickets?
Ayu : Well, actually Im going to ask you to go with me to watch the
movie. Shall we?
Denias : Really? Id love to.
Ayu : So, can you pick me up at 7 tomorrow evening?
Denias : Of course. Ill be there on time.
Ayu : Ill be waiting for you.
Task 6
1) Ruben : Congratulations on getting a free coupon to borrow movies from
Nemo DVD rental.
Anita : Thank you.
2) Adib : I like your shoes.
Denias : Its nice of you to say so.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Adib : Where did you buy them?
Denias : I bought them in the new department store near my house.
3) Arnys : I must congratulate you on designing the new poster for our drama
club. Everybody in the club loves your work.
Marcell : Thank you.
Arnys : Where did you get the idea?
Marcell : A scene in The Lord of The Rings inspired me.
4) Retno : I saw your performance on TV yesterday. Well done, Andi. You have
impressed the jury.
Andi : Thanks. I worked hard to prepare everything.
5) Virga : It seems that your diet programme works on you. Youre looking
Ayu : How kind of you to say so.
6) Anita : Thats the nicest skirt Ive ever seen.
Retno : Oh, not really.
Anita : Where did you get it?
Retno : I made it myself.
Task 3
Andis Pets
Andi has many pets. He has two cats, a dog, and a hamster. His cats are Felix and
Deborah. Felix is a male cat. It is a black and white cat. It weighs 4 kg. It likes to sleep
for hours. Deborah is a small white female cat. It weighs 1.5 kg. It is very cute. It likes
to play with a tennis ball. Both cats are tame. His dog, Brandy, is a big brown dog. It
is 75 cm tall. It is very smart. It can run very fast. Andi named his hamster Bora. It
is a cute small hamster. It is a brown one. It likes to eat bread. Andi made it a small
hamster house. Andi loves all of his pets.
Task 6
Anita : Hey, Den. Have you read the article in the latest school magazine?
Denias : Which article do you mean?
Anita : Its the one about Nora the Piano Playing Cat.
Denias : Well, I havent read anything about it. The title sounds strange.
What is it actually about?
Anita : It is about a cat named Nora. She is a gray tabby cat. She is famous
for playing the piano.
Denias : Really? Thats wonderful.
Anita : There have also been many talk shows about Nora. She has
attracted the interest of both musicians and scientists, who are
fascinated by her rare behavior.
Denias : Wow, I nd it very interesting. I think Im going to search more
information about Nora on the internet.
Anita : I was thinking about it too.
Listening Script
Task 2
Wilson returns after suicide attempt
The Jakarta Post
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Los Angeles: Owen Wilson is going back to work for the rst time since his
reported suicide attempt last summer.
Wilson, 39, and co-star Jennifer Aniston begin shooting March 10 on 20
Century Foxs Marley & Me, the studio said. It tells the tales of a couple who adopt
a dog to give parenthood a trial run, then nd the mischievous pooch more than
they bargained for.
After he was hospitalized last August, Wilson dropped out of his summers
comedy Tropic Thunder, which already had been in production. He was replaced
by Mathew McConaughey.
Due out Christmas Day, Marley & Me is directed by David Frankel and based
on the book by John Grogan, Alan Arkin co-stars.
Task 3
Arnys : Hi Marcell!
Marcell : Hi! How are you doing?
Arnys : Very well, thanks. What about you?
Marcell : Not so bad, thanks.
Arnys : Have you read The Jakarta Post this morning?
Marcell : No, I havent. Whats in there?
Arnys : Bad news. Roy Marten was arrested again in a drug raid.
Marcell : Are you serious?
Arnys : Yeah, Im not kidding.
Marcell : He was once jailed for nine months for drug abuse. I thought he
would learn a lesson from that. When did it happen and how?
Arnys : Roy was arrested on early Tuesday morning. He was apprehended
together with an alleged drug dealer, Hartanto alias A Hong, two
accomplices identied as Matatula and Didit Kesit Cahyadi, and a
woman named Winda. They were caught in a hotel in Surabaya.
Marcell : What did the police nd in this case?
Arnys : They found 43 grams of crystal meth, an inhaling tube, a plastic
bag of crystal meth, and other drug-taking paraphernalia.
Marcell : Really? Thats a pity.
Arnys : Yes, and its going to be a hot issue along this week.
Task 5
1) Andi : Did you know that Heath Ledger died?
Arnys : Youre kidding.
Andi : No, Im not kidding. I read it in a magazine this morning.
Arnys : Oh, my goodness!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
2) Retno : Kian Egan has announced his engagement to Jodi Albert.
Anita : You must be joking!
Retno : Why should I? The engagement was announced in the newspaper.
Anita : Oh, he breaks my heart.
3) Virga : Did you know that Mulan Kwok has changed her name into Mulan
Adib : Really? How did you know?
Virga : I read it in my moms magazine.
4) Ayu : Ariel Peterpan and his wife are getting divorce. I read the news in
the newspaper.
Denias : Are you serious?
Ayu : Of course. Ill bring the newspaper and show it to you.
5) Marcell : Your rock idol is caught using drugs.
Ruben : Ahmad Albar? No! I dont believe it!
Marcell : I say the truth. I read the news this morning.
Task 3
Sentul to host rst Speedcar race
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
Indonesia will play host to the rst series of the US$3 million Speedcar Cham-
pionships. The Indonesian races will take place at the Sentul International Circuit in
Bogor, West Java, from Feb. 16 to 17. Indonesia will eld its drivers Ananda Mikola
and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
Moreno said he hoped he would benet from the home crowd and stand on the
podium. He added that if he should manage to win the race, he would be able to attract
more sponsors to help nance him in higher budget Formula races in the future.
The Speedcar series will feature 24 drivers behind their eight-valve cars with
620 horsepower, similar to the ones used in Nascar. Physically and skill wise, its more
demanding than Formula 1 as it is heavier. Speedcars weigh 1,300 kg, compared to
the 600-kg Formula car.
Moreno and Ananda will race against a number of world-class drivers, including
former Formula 1 drivers Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert, in the races.
The speedcar championships, held in partnership with GP2 Asia, will award the
winner US$600,000. The next series will be held in Malaysia, Bahrain and Dubai.
Adapted from:
Listening Script
1. Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness.
Marcell : Its no trouble at all.
2. Andi : I have given my sister the bracelet we bought yesterday. She likes
the motif you
have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Retno : Delighted I was able to help.
3. Virga : I must congratulate you on recreating a new logo for our club.
Adib : Thank you. I hope everybody likes it.
4. Anita : You look beautiful with that purple gown.
Ayu : Thank you for saying so.
5. Ruben : You know what, my cat, Bella, gave birth to ve kittens last night.
Arnys : Really? Thats terric!
6. Marcell : There will be a dog contest next week.
Anita : I nd it very interesting!
7. Adib : Your rock idol was arrested for drugs case. I read the news this
Andi : No! I dont believe it!
8. Denias : Would you like to go with me to the baseball match tomorrow?
Virga : I wont say no.
Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas X 198 Answer Key
1. A 11. A 21. A
2. B 12. C 22. C
3. A 13. A 23. A
4. C 14. E 24. B
5. D 15. C 25. C
6. B 16. D 26. B
7. E 17. A 27. E
8. A 18. B 28. A
9. B 19. D 29. B
10. D 20. E 30. C
1. E 11. D 21. A
2. D 12. A 22. B
3. B 13. C 23. A
4. C 14. A 24. D
5. D 15. D 25. E
6. A 16. A 26. C
7. A 17. E 27. D
8. C 18. C 28. B
9. A 19. A 29. A
10. B 20. E 30. E
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X 199 Subject Index
accepting an offer/invitation 39, 40, 54, 167, 176
approving appointments 59, 60, 70
asking how someone is 4,5, 18
canceling appointments 59, 60, 70
complimenting 118, 130
congratulating 118, 130
declining an offer/invitation 39, 40, 54
expressing disbelief 151, 160
expressing surprise 151, 160
giving instructions 40, 54
greeting someone 4, 5, 18
introducing someone 6, 7, 18
introducing yourself 6, 7, 18
making appointments 59, 60, 70
responding to compliments and congratulations 118, 130
responding to thanks 88, 100, 112
saying good bye 4, 5, 18
saying how you are 5, 18
saying you are excited 136, 146
saying that you are pleased 76, 88
showing attention 23, 24, 34
showing sympathy 23, 24, 34
simple past tense 30, 34
thanking 75, 76, 88, 112
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
absorbent |ob'z:bonl| (ks) : menyerap
abuse |o'bju:s| (kb) : penyalahgunaan
accomplice |o'L:mpIis| (kb) : kaki tangan
achievement |o'ljI:vmonl| (kb) : prestasi
active |'Lliv| (ks) : aktif
adjudicator |o'du:diLcilo| (kb) : penilai
allegation |Ii'gcijn| (kb) : dugaan
alleged |o'Icdd| (ks) : diduga sebagai
announcement |o'naunsmonl| (kb) : pengumuman
annoy |o'ni| (kkt) : mengganggu; menjengkelkan
anxious |'pLjos| (ks) : gelisah
apprehend |pii'hcnd| (kkt) : menahan
arrested |o'icslid| (kkt) : menangkap
attainment |o'lcinmonl| (kb) : pencapaian
attend |o'lcnd| (kkt) : menghadiri
audience |':dIons| (kb) : penonton
award |o'v:d| (kb) : penghargaan
bald |b:Id| (ks) : botak
barn |bu:n| (kb) : gudang
battle |'blI| (kb) : peperangan
bay leaf |bci II:!| (kb) : daun salam
beat |bI:l| (kkt) : mengalahkan
benet |'bcni!il| (kki) : mengambil keuntungan
black magician |bIL mo'dijn| (kb) : dukun jahat
boil |biI| (kkt) : didihkan
bout |baul| (kb) : pertandingan
bride |biaid| (kb) : pengantin wanita
bridegroom |'biaidgiu:m| (kb) : pengantin laki - laki
budget |'b:dil| (kb) : anggaran
campaign |Lm'pcin| (kb) : kampanye
candlenut |'LndIn:l| (kb) : kemiri
careful |'Lco!uI| (ks) : hati- hati; teliti
careless |'LcoIos| (ks) : sembrono
cart |Lu:l| (kb) : kereta
cattle |'LlI| (kb) : ternak
ceremony |'sciimonI| (kb) : upacara
champion |'ljmpIon| (kb) : juara
chant |lju:nl| (kb) : nyanyian
charcoal |'lju:LouI| (kb) : arang
cheerful |'ljI:o!uI| (ks) : ceria
Mini Dictionary
cheese |ljI:z| (kb) : keju
chop |ljnp| (kkt) : memotong
cloak |LIouL| (kb) : mantel; jubah
clog |LIng| (kb) : tekelek; bakiak
clove |LIouv| (kb) : butir; siung
club |LI:b| kb) : klub; perkumpulan
cofn |'Ln!in| (kb) : peti mati
commotion |Lo'mojon| (kb) : keributan
competition |Lnmpo'lijn| (kb) : perlombaan
compliment |'LnmpIimonl| (kkt) : memuji
condent |'Lnn!idonl| (ks) : percaya diri
congratulate |Lon'giljuIcil| (kkt) : memberi selamat
content |Lon'lcnl| (ks) : bahagia
coriander seed |Lnii'ndo sI:d| (kb) : ketumbar
corpse |L:ps| (kb) : jenazah
costume |'Lnslju:m| (kb) : kostum
couple |'L:pI| (kb) : pasangan
coy |Li| (ks) : malu
crisp |Liisp| (ks) : renyah
cruel |'LiuoI| (ks) : kejam
crypt |Liipl| (kb) : ruang bawah tanah
cuddle |'L:dI| (kkt) : memeluk
curse |Lo:s| (kb) : kutukan
dealer |'dI:Io| (kb) : pedagang
decorate |'dcLoicil| (kkt) : menghias
defence |di'!cns| (kb) : pertahanan diri
deformity |di'!:milI| (kb : kelainan bentuk
delicious |di'Iijos| (ks) : lezat; enak
delighted |di'Iailid| (ks) : gembira
desire |di'zaio| (kb) : hasrat
determined |di'lo:mind| (ks) : tegas
diligent |'diIidonl| (ks) : rajin
discharge |dis'lju:d| (kkt) : meninggalkan
dissolve |di'znIv| (kkt) : melarutkan
distressed |di'slicsl| (ks) : sedih
dominate |'dnmincil| (kkt) : mendominasi
dough |dou| (kb) : adonan
drain |dicin| (kkt) : tiriskan
drug |di:g| (kb) : obat-obatan
elaborate |i'Iboiol| (ks) : rumit
enchant |in'lju:nl| (kkt) : memikat
encounter |in'Launlo| (kb) : pertemuan
energetic |cno'dcliL| (ks) : enerjik
enthusiastic |in0ju:zI'sliL| (ks) : antusias
estranged Ii'streindd] (ks) : sudah tidak akrab
eventual |i'vcnljuoI| (ks) : akhir
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
extracurricular |'cLslioLo'iiLjuIu:| (ks) : ekstrakurikuler
extrovert |'cLsliovo:l| (ks) : ekstrovet
faint |!cinl| (kki) : pingsan
fairy |'!coiI| (kb) : peri
feast |!I:sl| (kb) : pesta
erce |'!ios| (ks) : galak
our |'!Iauo| (kb) : tepung
foil |!iI| (kkt) : mengagalkan
fork |!:L| (kb) : garpu
fortitude |'!:lilju:d| (kb) : ketabahan
frantic |'!inliL| (ks) : tergesa-gesa
friendly |'!icndII| (ks) : ramah
fry |!iai| (kkt) : menggoreng
funeral |'!ju:noioI| (kb) : pemakaman
fur |!o:| (kb) : rambut binatang
galangal (kb) |`glngciI| : laos
garlic|'gu:IiL| (kb) : bawang putih
generous |'dcnoios| (ks) : dermawan; murah hati
grate |gicil| (kkt) : memarut
graveyard |'gicivju:d| (kb) : makam
gravy |'gicivI| (kb) : kuah daging
green jack fruit |giI:n dL !iu:l| (kb) : nangka muda
host |housl| (kb) : tuan rumah
humble |'h:mbI| (ks) : rendah hati
humorous |'hju:moios| (ks) : humoris
hut |h:l| (kb) : pondok
icon |'aiLon| (kb) : lambang
impatient |im'pcijnl| (ks) : tidak sabar
intelligent |in'lcIidonl| (ks) : pintar
introduce |inlio'dju:s| (kkt) : memperkenalkan
introvert |'inliovo:l| (ks) : introvet
investigation |invcsli'gcijn| (kb) : penyelidikan
involve |in'vnIv| (kkt) : melibatkan
itch |ilj| (kb) : gatal
join |din| (kkt) : mengikuti
jurisdiction |duoiis'diLjn| (kb) : yuridiksi
jury |'duoiI| (kb) : juri
kin |Lin| (kb) : sanak; famili
knight |nail| (kb) : ksatria
lazy |'IcizI| (ks) : malas
lone |Ioun| ks) : satu-satunya
lumberjack |'I:mbodL| (kb) : penebang pohon
marinate |'miincil| (kkt) : mengasinkan
marking |'mu:Lip| (kb) : tanda
marriage |'miid| (kb) : pernikahan
marvelous |'mu:voIos| ks) : bagus sekali
Mini Dictionary
mash |mj| (kkt) : melenyehkan
massive |'msiv| (ks) : raksasa
meditate |'mcdilcil| (kki) : bersemedi
mince |mins| kkt) : menghaluskan
mingle |'mipgI| (kki) : berbaur
miracle |'miioLI| (kb) : keajaiban
misdemeanor |misdi'mI:no| kb) : pelanggaran hukum (yang ringan)
mix |miLs| (kkt) : mencampurkan
murmur|'mo:mo| (kki) : berbisik
muscular |'m:sLjuIo| (ks) : berotot
mystical |'misliLI| (ks) : gaib; mistik
nervous |'no:vos| (ks) : gugup
noble |'noubI| (ks) : mulia
notable |'noulobI| (ks) : terkenal
occasion |o'Lcion| (kb) : acara
offset |n!'scl| (kkt) : mengimbangi
onion |':njon| (kb) : bawang merah
palace |'pIos| (kb) : istana
participant |pu:'lisiponl| (kb) : peserta
pass away s (kki) : meninggal dunia
peculiar |pi'Lju:IIo| ks) : aneh
pellet |'pcIil| (kb) : butiran
performance |po'!:mons| (kb) : pertunjukan; pergelaran
pile up |'paiI:p| (kkt) : menumpuk
pity |'pivol| (kb) : kasihan
pleased |pII:zd| ks) : senang
podium |'poudIom| (kb) : podium
pole |pouI| (kb) : tiang
pond |pnnd| (kb) : kolam
poodle |'pu:dI| (kb) : anjing pudel (berambut keriting)
possession |po'zcjn| (kb) : kepemilikan
pound spaund| kkt) : memukul-mukul
pour s(kkt) : tuang
preparation |picpo'icijn| (kb) : persiapan
pressure |'picjo| (kb) : tekanan
prosperous |'pinspoios| (ks) : sejahtera
psychiatric |saiLi'liiL| (ks) : berhubungan dengan kejiwaan
pug |p:g| (kb) : jenis anjing kecil berhidung pesek
punch |p:nj| (kkt) : memukul, menjotos
puppet |'p:pil| (kb) : golek; boneka
puppy |'p:pI| (kb) : anak anjing
quot t) : mengutip
rag |ig| (kb) : kain lap
iaId |icid| kb) : razia
rattle |'ilI| (kkt) : menderak-derakkan
realizes(kki) : menyadari
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
reception |ii'scpjn| (kb) : resepsi
recipe |'icsipI| (kb) : resep
rein |icin| kb) : tali kekang
relative |'icIolivII| (kb) : kerabat
repeatedly |ii'pI:lidII| (kk) : berkali-kali
represent |icpii'zcnl| (kki) : mewakili
request |ii'Lvcsl| (kb) : permintaan
restraining order |ii'slicining| |':do| (kb) : perintah penahanan
revolt |ii'vouIl| (kki) : memberontak
roast |iousl| (kki) : terpanggang
rumour |'iu:mo| (kb) : rumor
sacred |'sciLiod| (ks) : suci
sauce |s:s| (kb) : saus
saucepan |'s:spn| (kb) : panci bergagang
saut |'soulci| (kkt/kki) : tumis
scabies |'sLcibI:z| (kb) : kudis
scrap |sLip| (kb) : sisa-sisa makanan
sensitive |'scnsiliv| (ks) : sensitif
shepherd |'jcpod| (kb) : anjing gembala
shred |jicd| (kkt) : memarut
shrimp cracker |jiimp 'LiLo| (kb) : kerupuk udang
shrimp paste |jiimp pcisl| (kkt) : terasi udang
shy |jai| (ks) : malu
simmer |'simo| (kkt) : didihkan (dengan api kecil)
skewer |'sLjuo| (kb) : tusuk sate
skinny |'sLinI| (ks) : kurus
slanting |'sIu:nlip| (ks) : sipit
slaughter |'sI:lo| (kkt) : menyembelih
slice |sIais| (kb) : irisan, potongan
slice |sIais| (kki) : mengiris
slipper |'sIipoz| (kb) : sandal; selop
smoothly |'smu:II| (kk) : dengan lancar
soothe |su:| (kkt) : menenangkan
spear |'spio| (kb) : tombak
squeeze |sLvI:z| (kkt) : memeras
stalk |sl:L| (kkt) : mengikuti
staple |'slcipI| (ks) : pokok
steep |slI:p| (kki) : merendam
stingy |'slindI| (ks) : pelit
stinky |slipLi| (ks) : bau tidak enak (busuk)
stir |slo:| (kkt) : aduk
stubble |'sl:bI| (kb) : jerami
stubborn |'sl:bon| (ks) : keras kepala
stupid |'slju:pid| (ks) : bodoh
surgery |'so:doiI| (kb) : operasi
suspicious |so'spijos| (ks) : curiga
Mini Dictionary
tamarind |lmoiind| (kb) : asam
tender |'lcndo| (ks) : lunak
testimony |'lcslimonI| (kb) : kesaksian
topping |'lnpip| (kb) : cream, keju, dll yang diletakkan
diatas makanan
tournament |'lu:nomonl| (kb) : turnamen; pertandingan
trivialized |'liivIoIaizd| (kkt) : meremehkan
trophy |'liou!I| (kb) : piala
ulcer |':Iso| (kb) : bisul
upset |:p'scl| (kkt) : mengganggu
useless |'ju:sIos| (ks) : sia-sia
vow|vau| (kb) : janji
wedding |'vcdip| (kb) : pernikahan
well |vcI| (kb) : sumur
whip |vip| (kb) : cemeti; cambuk
wicked |'viLid| (ks) : jahat
win |vin|(kkt) : memenangkan
wrinkle |'iipLI| (ks) : keriput
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
adjective : word which describes a noun
adverb : word which modies a verb, an adjective, another adverb
or a whole sentence
advertisement : announcement which tries to make sure that people know
that something is for sale, that something is going to
happen, or that a show is on
announcement : statement made in public
appointment : agreed time for a meeting
approving : agreeing to something
attention : careful thinking on something
background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, and in what
cancelling : stopping something which has been planned
character : person in a play or a novel
characteristics features : features that include physical appearance, qualities, and
habitual behaviour
chronological order : arrangement of events in order of the dates
compliment : remark which praises someone or something
congratulations : good wishes on someone who has done well
conjunction : word which links different sections of a sentence
declining : refusing something (an offer/invitation)
descriptive : (text)
dialogue : conversation between two people
disbelief : not being able to believe something
drama : serious performance in a theatre
evaluative remark : comment that values something
excitement : being excited
folktale : story passed down from one generation to the next
greeting : words said in meeting or welcoming someone
instructions : indication of how something is to be done or used
introducing : presenting someone to another person or to people who
did not know him or her previously
invitation : letter or card asking someone to do something
legend : story from the past which may not be based on the fact
monologue : speech by a person alone
myth : ancient story about gods or something untrue commonly
narrative : a spoken or written account of connected events; a story
news item : spoken or written information about what has happened,
an event
newsworthy event : recounts the event in summary form
noun : (in grammar) word which can be the subject of a verb and
is used to refer to a person or thing
offer : thing which is proposed
procedure : way in which something ought to be carried out
pronoun : word used instead of a noun, such as i, you, he, she,
and it
recipe : instructions for cooking food
recount : (text) to tell a story based on a sequence of events
sequence of events : series of things which happen or follow one after the
sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event
surprise : feeling when something happens which you did not expect
to happen
syllable : a whole word or part of a word which has one single
sympathy : feeling or understanding for someone elses problems, or
after someones death
thanking : saying or doing something showing you are grateful to
someone for doing something for you
verb : (grammar) word which shows an action, being or feeling,
vowel letter : a letter used to represent such a sound, e.g. a, e, i, o, u
ISBN 979-462-895-6
HET (Harga Eceran Tertinggi) Rp...
English for Senior High School Students X
Kpvgtncpi wci g adalah seri bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk
siswa SMA. Bahan ajar ini didesain untuk membuat pembelajar
secara bertahap mencapai kompetensi berbahasa yang lebih
tinggi. Materi-materi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada dalam buku
ini disampaikan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu pembuka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur keba-
hasaan, latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target, evaluasi, dan
Materi yang dikembangkan dalam bahan ajar ini diorganisasikan ke
dalam dua (2) siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus
tulis yang disampaikan secara terintegrasi. Masing-masing siklus
mengembangkan ketrampilan berbahasa yang berbeda, yaitu
menyimak dan berbicara (siklus lisan) dan membaca dan menulis
(siklus tulis). Kegiatan dalam siklus lisan membantu siswa dalam
memahami berbagai ungkapan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari, seperti bagaimana berkenalan, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/
undangan, memuji, mengucapkan selamat dan lain-lain. Sedangkan
kegiatan dalam siklus tulis membantu siswa memahami berbagai
jenis teks seperti tgeqwpv."pcttcvkxg. r tqegf wtg. dan lain-lain.
Hak Cipta buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dari Penerbit
PT Grasindo .
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan
(BSNP) dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajar-
an berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No-
mor 34 Tahun 2008 tanggal 10 Juli 2008 tentang Penetapan
Buku Teks yang Memenuhi Syarat Kelayakan untuk Diguna-
kan dalam proses pembelajaran.
English for Senior High School Students X
Joko Priyana
Virga Renitasari
Arnys Rahayu Irjayanti
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Joko Priyana, Ph.D
Arnys Rahayu Irjayanti
Virga Renitasari
Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
English for Senior High School Students X
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Penulis : Joko Priyana, Ph.D
Arnys Rahayu Irjayanti
Virga Renitasari
Editor Ahli : Suharso, M.Pd
Editor : Ika Mayliana
Perancang Kulit : Bene
Layouter : Rita E
Ilustrator : Ipunk Kristianto
Ukuran Buku : 17,6 x 25 cm
Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun 2008
Diperbanyak oleh....
Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Dilindungi Undang-undang
English for Senior High School Students X
i INTERLANGUAGE: English for Senior High School Students X: SMA/MA Kelas XI/oleh Joko
Priyana, Riandi, Anita Prasetyo Mumpuni. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan
Nasional, 2008.
vi, 207 hlm.; ilus. ; 25 cm
Daftar Pustaka : hlm. 184-186
ISBN 979-462-895-6
1. INTERLANGUAGE: English for Senior High School-Studi dan Pengajaran I. Judul
II. Riandi III. Mumpuni, Anita Prasetyo
Hak Cipta buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
dari Penerbit Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia (Grasindo)
iii iii
Kata Sambutan
Kata Sambutan
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat
dan karunia-Nya, Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan
Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran
ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat melalui
situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional
Pendidikan dan telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang
memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk digunakan dalam proses
pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor
34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya
kepada para penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta
karyanya kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan
secara luas oleh para siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya
kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load),
digandakan, dicetak, dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat.
Namun, untuk penggandaan yang bersifat komersial harga penjualannya
harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah.
Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses
sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indone-
sia yang berada di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini.
Kepada para siswa kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah
buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu
ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran dan kritik sangat kami
Jakarta, Juli 2008
Kepala Pusat Perbukuan
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberi hidayah,
kekuatan, kesehatan, dan ketabahan kepada kami sehingga penyusunan bahan ajar seri
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students ini terselesaikan.
Bahan ajar ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
untuk peserta didik kelas X sesuai dengan Standar Isi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi
dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Communicative Approach untuk
secara terintegrasi mengembangkan kompetensi peserta didik dalam keempat keterampilan
berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan tugas
pembelajaran secara terpadu mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas dan peningkatan
wawasan kebinekaan.
Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam bahan ajar ini diorganisasikan ke dalam dua
siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan
pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan
prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis
tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa
target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa
target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi,
setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan review.
Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan untuk menjadikan siswa secara aktif belajar Bahasa
Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mengekspresikan
gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Dalam pembelajaran, guru diharapkan bertindak sebagai
fasilitator, pemberi umpan balik, dan pendorong siswa agar berani menggunakan bahasa target
untuk berkomunikasi secara akurat dan berterima.
Penyusunan buku ajar ini terselesaikan atas dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu,
kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesaikannya
penyusunan buku ini.
Walaupun kami telah menyusun bahan ajar ini dengan upaya yang sungguh-sungguh,
karena berbagai keterbatasan kami, buku ini masih memiliki sejumlah kekurangan. Sehubungan
dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa
pengguna buku ini, untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut.
Januari, 2008
Kata Pengantar
v Daftar Isi
Daftar Isi
Kata Sambutan ....................................................................................................................... iii
Kata Pengantar ....................................................................................................................... iv
Key to Pronunciation .............................................................................................................. vii
List of Abbreviation ................................................................................................................. viii
Unit I Let Me Introduce Myself. ................................................................................. 1
Greeting Someone
Asking How Someone is
Saying How You are
Introducing Yourself
Introducing Someone
Functional Text: Recount Texts
Unit II Im Sorry to Hear That. ..................................................................................... 19
Showing Attention
Showing Sympathy
Functional Text: Recount Texts
Unit III That Sounds a Nice Idea. ................................................................................. 35
Accepting an Offer/Invitation
Declining an Offer/Invitation
Giving instruction
Functional Text: Procedural Texts
Short Functional Texts: Invitation Letters
Unit IV Can I See You at 11 a.m.? ............................................................................... 55
Making Appointments
Approving Appointments
Canceling Appointments
Functional Text: Procedural Texts
Unit V Im Delighted to Hear That. ............................................................................. 71
Saying that You Are Pleased
Responding to Thanks
Functional Text: Narrative Texts
Short Functional Texts: Announcement
Unit Review Semester 1 ......................................................................................................... 89
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Unit VI It was the Least I Could Do ............................................................................ 97
Responding to Thanks
Functional Text: Narrative Texts
Unit VII What a Nice Hair Cut! ...................................................................................... 113
Complimenting Someone
Congratulating Someone
Responding to Compliments and Congratulations
Functional Text: Descriptive Texts
Unit VIII I Find It Very Interesting. ................................................................................. 131
Saying that You Are Excited
Functional Text: Descriptive Texts
Short Functional Text: Advertisement
Unit IX I Dont Believe It! .............................................................................................. 147
Expressing Disbelief
Expressing Surprise
Functional Text: News Item Texts
Unit X Thats Very Kind of You. ................................................................................... 161
Accepting an Offer/Invitation
Functional Text: News Item Texts
Unit Review Semester 2 ......................................................................................................... 177
Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................................................................ 184
Appendix 1: Listening script .................................................................................................. 187
Appendix 2: Answer key ......................................................................................................... 198
Subject Index ........................................................................................................................... 199
Mini Dictionary ....................................................................................................................... 200
Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 206
Phonetics symbols Example Pronunciation
I: see |sI:|
I any |'cnI|
c ten |lcn|
hat |hl|
u: arm |u:m|
n got |gnl|
: saw |s:|
u put |pul|
u: too |lu:|
: cup |L:p|
o: fur |!o:|
o ago |o'gou|
ci pay |pci|
ai ve |!aiv|
ou home |houm|
au now |nau|
i join |din|
io near |nio|
co hair |hco|
uo pure |'pjuo|
Phonetics symbols Example Pronunciation
p pen |pcn|
b bad |bd|
l tea |lI:|
d did |did|
L cat |Ll|
g got |gnl|
lj chin |ljin|
d june |du:n|
! fall |!:I|
v van |vn|
0 thin |0in|
then |cn|
Key to Pronunciation
Key to Pronunciation
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
s so |sou|
z zoo |zu:|
j she |jI:|
v vision |'vin|
h how |hau|
m man |mn|
n no |nou|
s sing |sip|
I leg |Icg|
i red |icd|
j yes |jcs|
v wet |vcl|
List of Abbreviations
kb : kata benda
kki : kata kerja intransitif
kkt : kata kerja transitif
ks : kata sifat
kk : kata keterangan
Let Me Introduce Myself.
1 Let Me Introduce Myself.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Concept Map
You like reading and writing, dont you? The texts that you read may include
recount texts such as experiences in joining extracurricular activities and competi-
tions. Can you read and write such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this
unit through challenging tasks.
In your daily life you often meet new people and you need to introduce
yourself to them or possibly introduce your friends to others. You may also need
to respond to others who introduce themselves to you. Do you know how to do
them very well?
When you meet others you usually greet them, ask them how they are, say
goodbye, etc. Do you know how to do them?
Let Me Introduce Myself.
A. Lets Get Ready
In pairs, discuss the following activities with your classmate. The following words may help you.
ceremony |'sciimonI| (kb) : upacara
classroom |'LIu:sium| (kb) : ruang kelas
club |LI:b| (kb) : klub; perkumpulan
extracurricular |'cLslioLo'iiLjuIu:| (ks) : ekstrakurikuler
join |din| (kkt) : mengikuti
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following short dialogues. Then, complete the missing expressions. The listening
script is in the Appendix.
1) Ayu : Good morning.
Andi : ____________________
Ayu : Do you know when the class meeting starts?
Andi : It starts at 9 a.m. today.
Ayu : I see. Thanks for telling.
Andi : Youre welcome.
2) Virga : How are you, Den?
Denias : ____________________
Virga : Well, you look different today.
Denias : Really? How do I look?
Virga : You look great.
Denias : Thanks. You do too.
3) Retno : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month.
Arnys : Youre right.
Retno : What if we meet at the canteen this afternoon?
Arnys : Sure.
Retno : So, ___________________
Arnys : See you.
Study the following expressions. Work in pairs.
In the dialogues in Task 2 you nd expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions
presented in a table.
Expressions Functions
v Good morning. Greeting someone
v How are you, Den? Asking how someone is
v See you. Saying good bye
1. Listen and Speak
Task 2
Task 3
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v Good afternoon/evening.
v Hi!/Hello!
Greeting someone
v How are you doing? Asking how someone is
v Im ne, thanks.
v Very well, thanks.
v Not so bad, thanks.
Saying how you are
v Good bye.
v Bye.
v See you soon/later/tomorrow.
Saying good bye
Complete the dialogues below with correct expressions.
1) Arnys :
Ruben : Very well, thank you.
2) Ayu : Good evening.
Denias :
3) Andi : How are you doing?
Retno :
4) Adib : See you tomorrow.
Virga :
5) Anita : Take care.
Marcell :
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Ayu and Andi in Task 2 you nd the word class. How do you pronounce it?
class |LIu:s|
Cultural Tips
Meeting and Greeting in Australia
Shake hands with everyone present upon meeting and before leaving. Allow women to offer their hands
Women generally do not shake hands with other women.
Use titles, Mr, Mrs, and Miss when rst introduced.
Taken from: http://
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The vowel letter a is pronounced u: when followed by ss, -st, or -sk. Here are
some other examples.
glass |gIu:s|
pass |pu:s|
cast |Lu:sl|
last |Iu:sl|
ask |u:sL|
task |lu:sL|
Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions. Before listening, read the ques-
tions. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Andi, Denias, and Adib are new students. They are at the students association
1. What does Andi say to Denias to introduce himself?
2. What does Denias say to Andi to introduce himself?
3. What does Andi say to Denias to introduce Adib?
4. Who joined pencak silat extracurricular activity in the Junior High School?
5. What does Andi say to end the conversation?
Study the following expressions. Work in pairs.
In the conversation in Task 6 you nd expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions
presented in a table.
Expressions Functions
v My name is Andi.
v Im Denias.
Introducing yourself
v Denias, this is Adib. Introducing someone
Task 6
Task 7
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v Let me introduce myself. My name is
v Id like to introduce myself. My name is
v Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
Introducing yourself
v Id like to introduce
v Let me introduce
v Allow me to introduce
Introducing someone
Complete the following conversation with the correct expressions in the box. Compare your answers
with a classmates. Then, act the conversation out.
Situation: Adib, Arnys, and Retno are new students. They meet at the students orientation
Adib : Hi, Are you a new student?
Arnys : Yes, I am. By the way, are you a new student, too?
Adib : Im a new student too. 1) ______________________
Arnys : 2) _________________ Well, Adib, 3) __________________
She was my classmate in the Junior High School.
Adib : 4) ________________ Nice to meet you?
Retno : Nice to meet you too.
Adib : Anyway, we still have half an hour before the class starts. Shall we go to the canteen?
Arnys &
Retno : Okay.
Have a conversation in groups of three. Introduce yourself and one of your classmates to your
group. Look at the example.
Anita : Hi, my name is Anita.
Virga : Hi, Anita. My name is Virga.
Anita : Virga, this is Ayu.
Virga : Hi, Ayu. Its nice to meet you.
Ayu : Its nice to meet you too, Virga.
Hi, Retno. My name is Adib.
this is Retno.
Im Arnys.
Hi, Retno. My name is Adib.
this is Retno.
Im Arnys.
Task 8
Task 9
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In small groups, introduce yourself to your classmates. The following guidance will help you.
v greet your classmates
v introduce yourself: name, place/date of birth, address
v mention your hobbies and your ambitions
v tell the activities you ever joined and recent activities you have
Good morning, everybody! Let me introduce myself. My name is Anita Mumpuni. I was born
in Semarang, on 29 August 1992. I live at Diponegoro street no. 27. My hobbies are dancing,
singing, and swimming. I want to be a professional dancer someday. I joined the music club in
the Junior High School. Now, I join the dancing club. I practise hard to reach my ambition.
Study the following sentences. Work in pairs.
Task 10
2. Read and Write
Task 11
I am a Senior High School student.
Two years ago
I was a Junior High School student.
I join the pencak silat club. I joined the football club.
Two years ago
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Read the following text carefully and then write T if the statement is true and F if the state-
ment is false. Correct the false statements. Compare your work with a classmates. Look at
the example.
Joining the Traditional Dance Competition
I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last
year. I represented my Junior High School. It was my biggest
competition. I practised hard with my teacher for a month.
We also prepared the best costume we had.
We only had one day in Jakarta. We went there by plane.
We left at 6 a.m. and arrived in Jakarta at 7 a.m. We took a taxi
to take us to the place where the competition was held. It took
an hour to get there. There were already some participants
when we arrived. The competition would start in an hour.
First, my teacher and I went to the dressing room. My
teacher helped me do the make-up and the costume. We
spent almost an hour for the preparation. I told my teacher
that I was really nervous. I was not ready for this. However,
she told me that everything was alright, and I felt better.
Then, the time came for me to perform on stage. There
were ve judges and about two hundred people watching me. However, I did not feel nervous
anymore. I performed on the stage condently. I really did the best I could. I was glad when it
ended smoothly.
After that, we waited for the announcement of the result. It was 4 p.m. when the judges
nished making their nal decision. I was so impatient to hear the result. I still could not believe
when they called my name as the rst winner. I was so happy to be given the trophy. My teacher
was also proud of my achievement. Finally, we went back to Yogyakarta in the evening. We were
so tired. However, we were satised because our effort was not useless.
I play the guitar in my band. I played the keyboard in my band.
Two years ago
Task 12
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
No. Statements T/F Correction
The writer joined the Modern Dance
The writer joined the Traditional
Dance Competition.
The writer joined the competition when
she was in the Junior High School.
The writer went to Jakarta a day before
the competition was held.
4. The writer went to Jakarta alone.
The writer spent more than an hour
for the preparation before she
The writer performed on the stage
The wri ters per formance ended
The writer went back to Yogyakarta the
next day.
Study the following notes.
The text in Task 12 is a recount text telling what happened. The purpose of the story is to tell
a series/sequence of events and evaluate their signicance in some way. It has expressions of
attitude and feeling, usually made by the writer about the events.
The text is organized to include:
- an information about who, where and when;
- a record of events usually in chronological order;
Task 13
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Read the text in Task 12 once again and nd the meanings of the following words based on
the context. You may work in groups of three.
achievement |o'ljI:vmonl| (kb) : ....
announcement |o'naunsmonl| (kb) : ....
competition |Lnmpo'lijn| (kb) : ....
costume |'Lnslju:m| (kb) : ....
impatient |im'pcijnl| (ks) : ....
nervous |'no:vos| (ks) : ....
participant |pu:'lisiponl| (kb) : ....
preparation |picpo'icijn| (kb) : ....
smoothly |'smu:II| (kk) : ....
trophy |'liou!I| (kb) : ....
useless |'ju:sIos| (ks) : ....
In pairs, match each word in column A with a word or phrase in column B that is close in meaning.
Column A Column B
competition award
arrive contest
nervous attainment
jury viewer
audience get there
trophy adjudicator
achievement anxious
- personal comments or evaluative remarks, which are arranged over throughout the record
of events; and
- a reorientation which rounds off the sequence of events.
The grammatical patterns of the text include:
- use of nouns and pronouns to identify people or things involved;
- use of action verbs to refer to events;
- use of past tense to locate events in relation to writers time;
- use of conjunction and time connectives to sequence the events;
- use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time; and
- use of adjectives to describe nouns.
Task 14
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Do this crossword puzzle in groups of three.
1 2
5 6
1. He was the winner in the singing contest. He was very happy to be given the ....
4. She is a modest person. The synonym of modest is ....
5. Andre is a new member of the basketball ....
8. The will decide the winner of the competition.
9. a person who is in the same class as you at school
10. unhappy
1. the synonym of attainment
2. goal
3. being worried
6. not useful
7. game between two teams
Task 16
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Study the rule below.
Simple Past Tense
To talk about past events and conditions, you use VERB-2 forms. Here are some examples taken
from the text.
I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year.
It was my biggest competition.
Telling Past Events
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did not + V1
(+) I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year.
I represented my Junior High School.
(-) I did not feel nervous anymore.
Telling Past Conditions
(+) S + was/were + noun/adjective
(-) S + was/were not + noun/adjective
(+) It was my biggest competition.
I was so happy to be given the trophy.
(-) I was not ready for this.
The adverbs that are usually used in the simple past tense sentences are:
yesterday, last week, and
a week ago, last
Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms. Compare your answers with your classmates sitt-
ting next to you. Look at the example.
am win take have join are
The Football Competition
When I 1) was in the Junior High School, I joined two clubs. They 2) ________ the Football
Club and the Karate Club. I 3) _______ those clubs because I love sports, especially football and
karate. I 4) ________ football on Sunday mornings and karate on Mondays at 4 p.m.
Task 17
Task 18
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
One day my football club joined a football competition. There were eight clubs joining the
competition. At rst, our club 5) __________ the match. Then, we had to defeat one club to get
to the nal. Remarkably, we won again. After those two matches, we 6) _________ lunch in the
cafeteria nearby. We were so impatient to play in the last game. It was the hard one because
our opponent was very tough. Finally, we won the game with a nice score of 3 2. We were very
happy and proud.
Make a composition about your experience in joining an extracurricular activity in the Junior
High School. The following questions may help you develop your composition.
1. What extracurricular activity did you join?
2. Did you ever join any competition held by the club or outer club?
v If so, tell about your experience in the competition.
(Tell about what you did from the preparation until the end of the competition)
v If you never did, tell about any interesting experience in the club.
(Tell about the event from the beginning until the end)
Ask two of your classmates to give you feedback to revise your draft. Put your nal draft in
the school bulletin.
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogues with correct expressions. Then, perform them with your
Dialogue 1
Situation: Andi and Denias are in the bookstore. They meet Ayu, a friend of Andi.
Andi : Hi, Ayu! 1) _______________.
Ayu : Hi, Im ne, thanks. What about you?
Andi : 2) _____________. By the way, this is Denias. He is my classmate.
Ayu : Nice to meet you.
Denias : 3) ______________.
Task 19
Task 20
Task 21
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Andi : Ayu, I didnt see you at the farewell party. I heard you went to London. Is that true?
Ayu : Yes, I left for London two days before the farewell party.
Andi : What did you do there?
Ayu : Actually, my brother studies there, and last month I had the chance to visit him.
Andi : Oh, I see. Denias also lived in London for two years when his father studied there.
Ayu : Really?
Denias : Yes, thats true. Thats when I was still ten years old.
Andi : Anyway, its been nice talking to you. Im afraid I must go now.
Denias : Well, we still have a lot of things to do this evening.
Ayu : Okay, Ill call you tonight.
Andi : Thatd be great. You have to tell me more about your holiday. Goodbye.
Ayu : 4) _________.
Dialogue 2
Situation: Ayu found an agenda book. She intends to take it to the owner.
Ayu : Excuse me, is this your agenda book?
Retno : Oh, yes, thank you. I didnt realize that I left it.
Ayu : Dont mention it. By the way, are you a new student?
Retno : Yes, I am. 1) ___________________. Im from class A.
Ayu : 2) __________________. Im from Class D.
Retno : Anyway, 3) __________________, my classmate.
Ayu : Hi, Arnys. Its nice to meet you.
Arnys : Its nice to meet you too, Ayu. By the way, do you know Adib? Hes from Class D.
Ayu : Sure. Hes the captain of the class.
Arnys : He was my classmate. He won the National Math Competition last year.
Ayu : Oh, really? I dont know about that. He never tells us.
Arnys : Well, he is a modest person.
Ayu : Yes, youre right. Everybody likes him.
Read the text and then choose the right statements by circling the letter a, b, c, or d.
When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. Each year my two brothers and I spent
the holiday with our uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty yards from the
water. The water was warm, the sun shone brightly, and most days there were no waves. In the
middle of the day a wind always began to blow, but it was not strong and did not make the sea
One day, we put on our swimming-shorts before breakfast. Then, we ran down to the sea
across the sand and jumped in. We were in the sea or on the beach until late at night. When our
aunt rang a bell, we went back to the house for food, but we ate it in our swimming-shorts and
soon went back in the sea again. We were all very good swimmers. We dived through the waves
or rode towards the beach on top of them until we were tired and hungry.
Adapted from: L.A. Hill, 1963
Task 22
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
1. a. The boys home was near the sea.
b. The boys uncles home was near the sea.
c. The boys uncles home was a long way from the water.
d. The boys home was a long way from the water.
2. a. There were waves every day.
b. There were waves on most days.
c. There were no waves on most days.
d. There were no waves every day.
3. a. The boys had breakfast in the house.
b. The boys did not have breakfast.
c. The boys had breakfast on the sand.
d The boys did not use to have breakfast.
4. a. The boys put on their swimming-shorts before each meal.
b. The boys put other clothes on before every meal.
c. The boys did not do anything to their clothes before meals.
d. The boys always changed their clothes before meals.
5. a. The waves rode on top of the boys towards the beach.
b. The waves carried the boys towards the beach.
c. The boys rode on top of their brothers towards the beach.
d. The boys rode on the waves using their board.
Find two recount texts on someones experience when joining any competition. You may nd
them on the internet, in magazines, etc. Then, write them down in your notebook.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Work in groups of two or three. Have a conversation based on the following situations.
v You meet an old friend at a singing contest.
- greet him/her
- ask how he/she is
- say good bye
v You are at a students orientation activity. You do not know any one there. Try to nd someone
and have a talk with him/her. Introduce yourself.
Task 23
Task 24
Let Me Introduce Myself.
Write a short paragraph to introduce yourself and tell all of the activities you joined while you
were in the Junior High School.
Music Corner
You can nd expressions of saying goodbye in many songs. One of them is entitled Goodbye
by Spice Girls.
Now listen little child, there will come a day
When you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain or the aggravation
You know theres a better way
for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Fly like an angel heaven sent to me
Goodbye my friend
(I know youre gone you said youre gone
but I can still feel you here)
Is not the end
(You gotta keep it strong before the pain
turns into fear)
So glad we made it
Time will never change it no no
Just a little girl, big imagination
Never letting no one take it away
Went into the world (into the world)
What a revelation
She found theres a better way
for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Find out for certain
Love is gonna be there for you
Youll always be someones baby
You know its time to say goodbye
We would play about the way we used to
Scream and shout never dreamt youd go
Your own sweet way
You know its time to say goodbye
And dont forget on me you can rely
You know its time to say goodbye
And dont forget on me you can rely
I will help, help you on your way
I will be with you every day
Taken from:
Task 25
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to greet someone, for example:
v Good morning/afternoon/evening.
v Hi!
2) How to ask how someone is, for example:
v How are you?
v How are you doing?
3) How to say how you are, for example:
v Im ne, thanks.
v Very well, thanks.
4) How to say good bye, for example:
v Good bye.
v Bye.
5) How to introduce yourself, for example:
v My name is
v Im .
6) How to introduce someone, for example:
v This is
v Id like to introduce
7) Simple Past Tense:
Telling Past Events
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did not + V1
Telling Past Conditions
(+) S + was/were + noun/adjective
(-) S + was/were not + noun/adjective
8) A recount text is a text that tells us about
a part of experience. A recount text has an
orientation, a series of events in chronologi-
cal order, personal remarks on the events,
and a reorientation that rounds off the
sequence of events. In the text, you will nd
words and phrases used to start, connect a
sentence with the next one, and end your
Im Sorry to Hear That. 19 Im Sorry To Hear That.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
You love reading and writing, dont you? The texts that you read may include
recount texts such as experiences during a funeral and wedding. Can you read
and write such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through
challenging tasks.
In your daily life you often want to show your attention or possibly sympathy to
others. Do you know how to do them very well?
Im Sorry to Hear That.
A. Lets Get Ready
In pairs, study the following occasions. What occasions are they? Can you name them? The
words in the box may help you.
ceremony |'sciimonI| (kb) : upacara
funeral |'!ju:noioI| (kb) : pemakaman
occasion |o'Lcion| (kb) : acara
relative |'icIoliv| (kb) : kerabat
wedding |'vcdip| (kb) : pernikahan
Answer the following questions. Share your answers with your classmates.
1. What family occasions do you usually have or attend?
2. When did you last attend a family occasion?
3. What occasion was it?
4. Can you tell your classmates what you did from the beginning till the end?
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen carefully to the dialogue between Denias and Retno. Complete the missing expressions.
The listening script is in the Appendix.
Denias : Hi, Retno.
Retno : 1) _________.
Denias : You were absent for two days. Where were you?
Retno : My family and I went to my uncles wedding party.
Denias : 2) _______. Where was it?
Retno : It was in Surabaya. It took us ve hours to get there by bus.
Denias : How was the party?
Retno : It was great, but there was something bad that happened.
Denias : 3) ________? What was that?
Retno : The bride fainted after the party was over.
Denias : Oh, 4) ____________________. Was she sick?
Retno : Actually, she was not. She was just too tired. Fortunately, she soon recovered.
Denias : Thats good. Anyway, the bell is ringing. Lets go back to the class.
Retno : Okay.
Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false according to the dialogue. Cor-
rect the false statements. Look at the example.
No. Statements T/F Correction
Retno will be absent for two
F Retno was absent for two days.
Retno plans to go to her cousins
wedding party.
Retno went to Surabaya for ve
There was an incident after the
The bride fainted before the
party was over.
6. The bride was not sick.
Task 3
1. Listen and Speak
Task 4
Im Sorry to Hear That.
Study and practise the following dialogue between Adib and Ruben. They are talking about
Rubens experience last Christmas. Pay attention to the expressions printed in bold.
Adib : Hi, Ruben. What a nice hat!
Ruben : Oh, hi Adib. Thank you for saying so.
Adib : Is that new?
Ruben : No, actually. My grandfather gave me this hat last Christmas.
Adib : I see. Well, I heard you went to Medan last Christmas.
Ruben : Youre right. My family and I spent the holiday with our relatives there.
Adib : How was it?
Ruben : It was a nice gathering. We spent three days there. However, there was something
annoying in our way home from Medan.
Adib : What was it?
Ruben : I lost my wallet.
Adib : Im sorry to hear that. How did it happen?
Ruben : I thought I dropped it in the taxi. However, when I called the taxi company,
they said they found nothing in the taxi.
Adib : How upsetting.
Ruben : Moreover, I lost all my identity cards.
Adib : Thats a pity.
Study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 5 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions
presented in a table.
Expressions Functions
I see.
Showing attention
Im sorry to hear that.
Showing sympathy
How upsetting.
Thats a pity.
Task 5
Task 6
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
Youre right. Showing attention
Is it?
Im terribly/dreadfully sorry about Showing sympathy
How annoying.
You must be very upset/annoyed.
Respond to the following statements. Look at the example.
It took us almost twelve hours
to get there. Normally its only
six hours.
I met our Biology teacher
at my aunts wedding
I burnt my hand when I
was cooking for Christmas
Im sorry to
hear that.
My uncle told us that
Grandpa passed away
last night.
Task 7
Im Sorry to Hear That.
My niece broke my
glasses last holiday.
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Adib and Ruben in Task 5, you nd the word Christmas. How do you
pronounce it?
Christmas |'Liismos|
The letter t in the word Christmas is silent. Here are some other examples.
bouquet |bu'Lci|
buffet |'bu!ci|
castle |'Lu:sI|
debut |'dcibju:|
listen |'Iison|
often |'n!on|
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate using expressions of showing attention and
sympathy based on the following situations.
Your classmate tells you that she tore your gown she borrowed.
You tell your classmate that there will be no party for your birthday this year.
Your classmate tells you that her kitten died.
You tell your classmate that the food in the party last night was not delicious.
Your classmate tells you that she dropped the birthday cake in her cousins party last night.
You tell your classmate that your servants wife passed away this morning.
Task 8
Task 9
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Listen to the following monologue. Complete the missing words. The listening script is in the
Our Holiday in Greece
Last year, my family and I ... our relatives in Greece. We ... to Athens via Singapore. After
two hours of drive from Athens, we ... in Hydra where our relatives live. The interesting thing
about Hydra is that no vehicle ... We have to walk to get anywhere. People often get around on
horses. After Hydra, we visited Satorini by ferry. Then we ... a high speed catamaran to Mykonos.
At least in Mykonos they have taxis and buses so we ... not have to walk to go everywhere. From
Mykonos we ew to the island of Skiathos where we ... a lovely week visiting beaches and eating
wonderful Greek food. Finally it ... time to go back to Athens and end our trip. After wandering
around the old part of the city and taking lots of photos of the Acropolis and other ancient Greek
monuments and statues, we ... to get my taxi to the airport.
Tell your classmates your experience in attending a wedding party and funeral. You may
follow the questions below.
1. When did you last attend a funeral?
2. Can you tell the class about the funeral from the beginning till the end?
3. When did you last attend a wedding?
4. Can you tell the class about the wedding from the beginning till the end?
Task 10
Task 11
Im Sorry to Hear That.
What did you do last holiday? In groups of three, tell each other.
2. Read and Write
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text on Torajan funeral and answer
the questions.
balcony |'bILonI| (kb) : balkon
cofn |'Ln!in| (kb) : peti mati
corpse |L:ps| (kb) : jenazah
elaborate |i'Iboiol| (ks) : rumit
kin |Lin| (kb) : sanak; famili
slaughter |'sI:lo| (kkt) : menyembelih
My Grandpas Funeral in Toraja
Last month my family
and I went to Toraja to at-
tend Grandpas funeral.
It was my rst time to go
to such a ceremony. We
gathered there with our
kin in the ceremony.
Overall, the ceremo-
ny was quite elaborate. It
took about a week. Several
days before the ceremo-
ny was done, grandpas
body was kept in a series
of houses arranged in a
circular row around an
open eld called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a ne wearing.
The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes,
and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the
corpse was placed in a sandal wood cofn. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on
an open platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the
wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in
Task 12
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
this place. The cofn is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there
were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting,
and dancing.
On the last day, the grandpas cofn were lowered from the funeral tower and brought up
to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great shouting and excitement from the
relatives and the guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other
puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there.
The funeral ceremonies made my family and me tired. However, we were grateful because
it ran smoothly.
Adapted from:
1. When did the writer attend the funeral?
2. How long did the writer and his family hold the ceremony?
3. What did they do to the corpse before the funeral was done?
4. What did they do after the corpse was placed in a sandal wood cofn?
5. What did they do on the last day of the ceremony?
As explained in Unit 1, a recount text is a text that tells you a part of experience. A recount text
has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events and
a reorientation that rounds off the sequence of events. In the text, you nd words and phrases
used to start, connect a sentence with the next one, and end your composition. Those words and
phrases are:
After that,
What do the following words refer to based on the text in Task 13?
1. We (paragraph 1, sentence 3) refers to .
2. It (paragraph 2, sentence 2) refers to .
3. His (paragraph 2, sentence 4) refers to .
4. It (paragraph 3, sentence 5) refers to .
5. It (paragraph 3, sentence 10) refers to .
Task 14
Im Sorry to Hear That.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, arrange the jumbled paragraphs into a good
text about Anitas experience in attending her cousins wedding.
bride |biaid| (kb) : pengantin wanita
bridegroom |'biaidgiu:m| (kb) : pengantin laki laki
couple |'L:pI| (kb) : pasangan
involve |in'vnIv| (kkt) : melibatkan
legalize |`II:goIaiz| kkt) : mengesahkan
marriage |'miid| (kb) : pernikahan
reception |ii'scpjn| (kb) : resepsi
ritual |'iiljuoI| (kb) : susunan upacara; ritual
sacred |'sciLiod| (ks) : suci
In the following morning, Ijab Ceremony (religious marriage consecration)
was held. I sat right behind the bride. I really didnt want to miss this moment
because it is the most important phase in the wedding. After Ijab, there were
some Javanese ceremonies following the wedding celebration. They were
Panggih, Balangan Suruh, Wiji Dadi, Sindur Binayang, Timbang, Tanem, Tukar
Kalpika, Kacar Kucur, Dahar Klimah, Sungkeman and Mertui Ceremony. I was
too busy in the reception table so I did not follow all of those ceremonies.
Paragraph .
The very rst ceremony was Siraman (bathing ceremony). Siraman
means to take a bath. The Siraman ceremony was organized in the afternoon.
I was also involved in preparing the place and the stuffs needed. After the
Siraman, the bride was led to the wedding room. She was dressed with a
traditional womans blouse (kebaya) and batik clothes. Make-up was put on
her by a traditional make-up woman who led the whole ceremony. The bride
looked very beautiful.
Paragraph .
I went back home in the evening by the last train. I went happily because
I could attend my cousins wedding even helped the preparation.
Paragraph .
Two weeks ago I went to Semarang to attend my cousins wedding. I was
there for four days. I was involved in the preparation of the wedding ceremony.
Like other Javanese wedding ceremonies, it has several complicated traditional
Paragraph .
The next ceremony was Peningsetan or Srah Srahan (traditional engagement
ceremony). The family of the would-be-bridegroom visited the parents and
the family of the would-be-bride. They were bringing some gifts. After this
ceremony, I helped the women in the backyard. We packed the snacks for
the party in the morning.
Paragraph .
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The second ceremony was Midodareni (ceremony on the eve before
the wedding). The bride had to stay in the room from 6 p.m. to midnight
accompanied by some elder women giving her useful advice. My other cousins
and I also visited her for a while.
Paragraph .
After the wedding rituals, the reception followed. The newly wed couple
received blessings and greetings from the guests. The newly wed couple
looked very happy although they couldnt hide their tired faces.
Paragraph .
Study the rule below. Then, complete the dialogues based on the clue. Look at the example.
Simple Past Tense (?)
The simple past tense is used to tell actions or situations in the past. In Unit 1 you learned the
simple past tense used in positive and negative sentences. In this unit you learn the simple
past tense in interrogative sentences. Here are the patterns.
(?) Did + S + V1
Did you go to her wedding party yesterday?
Did you wear your new skirt at the party last week?
(?) Was/Were + S + noun/adjective
Was she angry with you last night?
Were they classmates in Junior High School?
1. talk/Retno/yesterday
Virga : Did you talk to Retno about the wedding yesterday?
Arnys : No, I did not.
2. look for/wedding gown/two days ago
Ruben :
Retno : Yes, I did.
3. accompany/Anita/boutique/last week
Adib :
Denias : Yes, I did.
Task 16
Im Sorry to Hear That.
4. sad/funeral/yesterday
Ayu :
Marcell : No, I wasnt.
5. your parents/happy/birthday party
Retno :
Ayu : Yes, they were.
6. Adib/join/New Year Party
Anita :
Ruben : No, he didnt
Summarize the text in Task 15. Ask your classmate to proofread your draft.
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.
Youre right I see Im sorry to hear that Hmm ...
Adib : Ruben, I didnt see you yesterday. Were you absent?
Ruben : Yes. My aunt passed away. I was attending the funeral.
Adib : Oh, 1) __________________________.
Ruben : Thanks.
Adib : May I know the cause of her death?
Ruben : She got a heart attack. However, nobody knows what made her suddenly get it.
Adib : 2) ___________.
Ruben : I think its just strange for her to get a heart attack without any cause.
Adib : 3) ___________. However, you should not think about it any longer. Anyway, how was
the funeral?
Ruben : It ran well. My family and I arrived there at 7 a.m. and went home at 1 p.m. I followed
the whole process. I was involved in the funeral.
Adib : 4) ________, I think youre a good nephew. Im sure she was proud of you.
Task 17
Task 18
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Fill in the missing blanks with the suitable words in the box. Make any changes to the verb
forms if necessary.
attend buy come give
wear tell lose celebrate
1. I couldnt my cousins wedding party because I was at the hospital.
2. I think there were about hundreds of people who to his funeral ceremony.
3. Virga her cell phone when she was celebrating New Year party with her family in the town
4. Retno me that Ayus birthday party cost a lot of money.
5. My sister birth to a healthy baby last night.
6. Last year, Marcell Christmas Eve with his family in Berlin.
7. Denias a nice suit in his parents wedding anniversary yesterday.
8. Ruben a novel at the bookstore as a wedding gift for his brother.
Find two recount texts on someones experience when attending a wedding and a funeral.
You may search on the internet and/ or in magazines for the texts.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate expressions of showing attention or
1) Andi : I saw a woman crying sadly at my brothers wedding.
Denias : .
2) Marcell : My mom was angry with me this morning for something that I didnt do.
Arnys : .
3) Retno : I visited the National Museum with my brother and my cousins last week.
Anita : .
4) Ruben : My brother died in a tragic accident ve years ago.
Ayu : .
5) Adib : I went to Bandung yesterday. My sister has a new baby.
Virga : .
Task 19
Task 20
Task 21
Im Sorry to Hear That.
Write a text telling your experience in attending any family occasion. Use the following ques-
tions to help you develop the text.
1. What kind of occasion did you attend?
2. Where and when did it happen?
3. Can you tell your classmates what you did from the beginning till the end?
4. How did you feel?
Music Corner
You can nd expressions of showing sympathy in the song entitled Picnic By The Motorway by Suede.
Picnic By The Motorway
Im so sorry to hear about the news
Dont you worry
Ill buy us a bottle and well drink in the petrol fumes
Im so sorry to hear about your world
Dont you worry
Theres a gap in the fence down by the nature preserve
Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day
Such fun, looking at the lovers in a lay-by with my little one
Im sorry to hear the news today
Dont you worry
Theres been a speeding disaster so well go
Im so sorry to hear about the scene
Dont you worry
Just put on your trainers and get out of it with me
Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day
Such fun, looking at the lovers in a lay-by with my little one
Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day
Task 22
Cultural Tips
Americans do not have as many customs and taboos concerning gifts as many other cultures have. Gifts
from your country will always be appreciated. Good choices are local and regional arts and crafts, books,
candies, specialty foods and wine or spirits (if you are certain that the recipient drinks).
Taken from: http://www.ediplomat.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Such fun, looking at the lorries in the litter with my lovely one
We could go dancing, we could go walking
We could go shopping, we could keep talking
We could go drinking, we could sit thinking
We could go speeding, or we could go dreaming, see?
Oh hey
Taken from:
Pictures :
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made in after learning English in this unit:
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to show attention, for example:
I see.
2) How to show sympathy, for example:
Im (very) sorry to hear ....
How upsetting/annoying.
Thats a pity.
3) Simple Past Tense (?)
The simple past tense is used to tell actions
or situations in the past. In interrogative sen-
tences, here are the patterns:
(?) Did + S + V1
Situations or Conditions
(?) Was/Were + S + noun + adjective
4) Recount texts
Recount texts tell a series of events and
evaluate their signicance in some way.
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Do you often read procedural texts? The texts that you read may include recipes
of Indonesian food. Can you read and write such texts effectively? Learn those
and more in this unit through challenging tasks.
In your daily life you often have to respond to many kinds of invitations. You
may need to accept or decline them. Do you know how to do them very well?
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
A. Lets Get Ready
In pairs, study the following pictures. What are the people doing?
Answer the following questions. Share your answers with your partners.
1. Can you cook?
2. What is your favourite Indonesian food?
3. Have you ever cooked for yourself or your family? Can you tell the class the steps?
4. Have you ever invited your friends to taste your cooking? What did you say to invite them?
5. What did they think about your cooking?
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the steps of preparing fried banana with cheese. Number the pictures according
to the steps. Some pictures are already numbered. First, study the words in the box. The
listening script is in the Appendix.
absorbent |ob'z:bonl| (ks) : menyerap
cheese |ljI:z| (kb) : keju
drain |dicin| (kkt) : meniriskan
our |'!Iauo| (kb) : tepung
fry |!iai| (kkt) : menggoreng
mash |mj| (kkt) : melenyehkan
mix |miLs| (kkt) : mencampur
recipe |'icsipI| (kb) : resep
step ...
step ...
step 4
step 1
step ...
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
Task 3
step ...
1. Listen and Speak
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Listen carefully to the dialogue between Ayu and Retno. They plan to practise making fried
rice. Then, read the statements. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
Correct the false statements. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Ayu asks Retno to make her fried
F Ayu asks Retno to help her make fried
2. Ayu and Retno are going to make
fried rice at Ayus house.
3. Retno refuses to help Ayu because
she cannot cook.
4. Ayu does not want to tell Retno
about the recipe before cooking.
5. Retno thinks that making fried rice
might be simple.
6. They cancel their plan to make fried
rice because it sounds easy.
7. Ayu will fetch Retno.
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In Task 4 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions presented
in a table.
Expressions Functions
That sounds a nice idea. Accepting an offer/invitation
No, thank you. Declining an offer/invitation
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
First, prepare the spices, eggs, and
cooked rice.
Giving instructions
Then, cut some onions into very thin
After that, add the egg and scramble
them together.
Finally, fry them together with the cooked
rice until they are well mixed.
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
Thank you. Id like to. Accepting an offer/invitation
I would, very much.
That would be very nice.
With pleasure.
Thank you very much, but Declining an offer/invitation
Im not sure I can.
Id like to, but
Thats very kind of you, but
First, prepare the avocado, some ice cubes, coconut water,
and coconut shavings
Giving instructions
(The words in bold are used to
show actions.)
Then, cut the avocado into small pieces
Put the ice cubes, the coconut water and coconut
shavings into the glass
After that, put the avocado that is already cut
Finally, put the condensed milk on the top of the
Cultural Tips
In America, if you are invited to someones home for dinner or a party, bring owers, a potted plant, a fruit
basket, candy, wine, a book or a small household gift.
Taken from:
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Ayu and Retno in Task 4 you nd the word cook. How do you pronounce it?
cook |LuL|
The vowel letter o is pronounced u when spelt oo. Here are some other examples.
book |buL| good |gud| look |IuL|
foot |!ul| took |luL|
Study and practise the following conversation. Then, underline the expressions of accepting/
declining an offer/invitation.
Anita : You look so happy today, Adib.
Ruben : Is there something we dont know?
Adib : Yes, my brother has nished his study in Australia and hell be home tonight.
Anita : Really?
Adib : Yeah, tonight were going to have a small welcome party. Would you like to come?
Ruben : I would.
Adib : What about you, Anita?
Anita : Id like to, but tonight I will have to take care of my little brother and my little sister. My
parents will attend their friends wedding party.
Adib : I see. Its okay. Well, I think I have to go now. See you.
& Anita : See you
Study the rule below.
In the dialogue in Task 7, you nd an expression:
Tonight were going to have a small welcome party.
We use going to (do) when we say that we have already decided to do; what we intend to do in
the future.
For example:
A : Have you made the ginger coffee yet?
B : No, but Im going to make it.
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Complete the following dialogues using expressions of accepting/declining an offer/
invitation. Look at the example.
1) Arnys : Would you have a glass of Es Palubutung?
Marcell : (accept) That would be very nice.
2) Adib : Shall we have lunch at Padang Resto?
Anita : (decline) ....
3) Anita : Wont you have more Satay?
Virga : (decline) ....
4) Andi : Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Retno : (accept) ....
5) Ayu : Will you have something to drink?
Ruben : (accept) ....
6) Marcell : Would you like to join me for a coffee?
Andi : (decline) ....
Have a short dialogue with your classmate with the following situations. Use expressions of
accepting/declining an offer/invitation. Look at dialogues in Task 9 as examples.
v offering your friend the food you cooked by yourself
v inviting your classmate to dinner at your house
v asking your classmate to help you practise cooking your favourite Indonesian food
Read the following invitation
letters. Then, choose the
right statements by giving
a tick (). Compare your
work with a classmates.
You are invited to join us for
Rubens 16th birthday party!
Saturday, 2 August 2008
7 p.m. closing time
Rubens house, Ahmad Yani street No. 27
Food, drink, games, and entertainment will be provided.
Be there to celebrate this momentous occasion!
RSVP to Ruben at (024) 424 444
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
2. Read and Write
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Were having a barbeque party!
Please come and join in on all the fun.
Sunday, 3 August 2008, at 3 o clock
Diponegoro street No. 18
Mr Smith and the family
RSVP to Mr Smith at (031) 332 432
Mr & Mrs Priyana would like you to come to dinner to celebrate
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Date : Monday, 4 August 2008
Time : 8 p.m. 10 p.m.
Place : Nusa Wungu Restaurant,
Pierre Tendean street No. 5
We are looking forward to meeting you.
RSVP to Mr Priyana at (0274) 749 999
Dress code: Back to 70s
Tick the correct statements.
1. Ruben is turning 16 on 2 August 2008.
Rubens birthday is on 16 August 2008.
Ruben is invited to join a birthday party.
2. Rubens birthday party starts at 16 o clock.
Rubens birthday party starts at 2 o clock.
Rubens birthday party starts at 7 o clock.
3. Mr & Mrs Smith are celebrating their 25
wedding anniversary.
Mr Smith is having dinner at Nusa Wungu Restaurant with his family.
Mr Smith is holding a barbeque party.
4. Mr Smith is celebrating his birthday on 2 August 2008.
Mr Smith is having a barbeque party on 3 August 2008.
Mr Smith is invited to a barbeque party 4 August 2008.
5. Mr & Mrs Priyana are celebrating their wedding anniversary at the restaurant.
Mr & Mrs Priyana are holding a barbeque party at Nusa Wungu Restaurant.
Mr & Mrs Priyana are holding a wedding anniversary party at Diponegoro street No. 5.
The followings are some tips
on how to write invitation
state the occasion,
date, time, and place;
include addresses and
a map if necessary;
include a telephone
number for RSVPs;
if there is a dress code,
state the preferred dress
in the lower left-hand
corner of the card; and
express that you are
looking forward to seeing
the person.
RSVP |' u: cs vI: ' pI: | is
the abbreviation for the
French phrase rpondez sil
vous plat, meaning please
answer letters printed on an
invitation asking the person
invited to reply.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
garlic onion lemon grass tamarind coriander seed
bay leaf galangal candlenut lime leaf chilli garlic
Study the following pictures. Label each with its name. Consult your dictionary if necessary.
Look at the example.
2. 3.
. . . . . .
. . .
5. 6.
. . . . . .
. . .
8. 9.
. . .
. . .
Task 12
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and answer the questions.
bay leaf |bci II:!| (kb) : daun salam
boil |biI| (kkt) : didihkan
candlenut |'LndIn:l| (kb) : kemiri
clove |LIouv| (kb) : butir; siung
coriander seed |Lnii'ndo sI:d| (kb) : ketumbar
galangal |`gIangciI| (kb) : laos
garlic |'gu:IiL| (kb) : bawang putih
green jack fruit |giI:n dL !iu:l| (kb) : nangka muda
pour |p:| (kkt) : tuang
onion |':njon| (kb) : bawang merah
saut |'soulci| (kkt/kki) : tumis
shrimp cracker |jiimp 'LiLo| (kb) : kerupuk udang
shrimp paste |jiimp pcisl| (kkt) : terasi udang
simmer |'simo| (kkt) : didihkan (dengan api kecil)
stir |slo:| (kkt) : aduk
tamarind |lmoiind| (kb) : asam
tender |'lcndo| (ks) : lunak
Gudeg Jogja (Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew)
- 5 onions
- 10 candlenuts
- 10 garlic cloves
- 4 bay Leaves
- 1/2 lb. (250g) green jack fruit
- 2-1/2 tsp. (12g) coriander
- 1-1/4 tsp. (6g) cumin
- 1/4 cup (62ml) coconut sugar
- 2 cups (500ml) coconut milk
- 2 tsp. (30g) tamarind
- 2 lb. (1kg) chicken (cut into
small pieces with bone)
- 5 cups (1.25l) water
- 2 inches bruised galangal
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
- First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick. Wash and boil until tender.
- Next, ground onions, candle nuts, saut paste, bay leaves, and galangal until
- Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until chicken changes clour.
- Then, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to a boil.
- Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are
- Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before its done, bring back to a boil. Serve
hot with rice.
This dish is sweet and usually served with shrimp cracker.
Adapted from:
tbs : tablespoon lb : pound
tsp : teaspoon oz : ounce
kg : kilogram l : litre
g : gram ml : millilitre
1. What does the text tell you?
2. What ingredients do you need?
3. What equipment do you need?
4. What are the steps to cook it?
5. How do you serve it?
Study the following notes.
The text in Task 13 is a procedural text telling you how to do something. It usually includes:
- the goal of the activity;
- any materials needed to achieve the goal; and
- steps to accomplish the goal.
The grammatical features of this procedural text include:
- the use of commands, e.g. cut, add, pour;
- the use of action verbs, e.g. wash, boil;
- the use of precise vocabulary, e.g. fry, boil, fragrant; and
- the use of adverbials to express details of time and place, manner and so on, e.g. 1 inch
thick, until fragrant, until the chicken changes colour.
Task 14
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box. Compare your work with a classmates.
Look at the example.
rst cook cut oil
then nally absorbed stir
Satay Ayam Madura (Madura Chicken Satay)
2 chicken breasts, each 360 g
3 tbs vegetable oil
1 small onion, peeled and nely chopped
1 garlic clove, peeled and nely chopped
2 candle nuts, grated
2 tbs coconut, desiccated
1 tbs coriander
1 tbs sambal
tbs lemon grass, ground
1 pea-size dried shrimp paste, softened with 2 tbs water
1 tbs brown sugar
bamboo or metal skewers
First, skin the chicken breasts, if desired, and ______ into bite-size cubes and set
_________, heat __________ in a saucepan and add all remaining ingredients.
_______ well and heat through before removing from heat.
After that, add the chicken cubes to cooked mixture and leave for at least 1 hour
to allow strong aromatic spices to be ___________.
___________, skewer marinated meat and ________ until well done over charcoal
heat. Serve.
Adapted from:
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, match the words in Column A with the synonyms in Column B. Consult your dictionary
if necessary. Look at the example.
To which picture do the steps belong? Look at the example. You may work in pairs.
No. Pictures Steps
Coto Makassar
Boil one egg and slice it.
Boil young cabbage, long beans, and
slice them.
Cut beef into big chunks.
Ground onions, garlic, coriander seeds,
roasted peanuts, and Holland red pep-
per to a ne paste.
Task 16
Task 17
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
Put some dough into your hand and
put half boiled egg inside, then boil in
water until oating.
Drain all the water, deep fry it and add
some of the soup.
Cut beef into big chunks.
Ground onions, garlic, coriander seeds,
roasted peanuts, and Holland red pep-
per to a ne paste.
Iced Tamarind
Mix 1/2 of the egg with our and but-
Form thin layer of squares - for wrap-
Mix 1/2 of the egg with our and but-
Form thin layer of squares - for wrap-
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, act the dialogue out.
Im not sure I can.
Thank you. Id like to.
Would you come?
Would you like to try it?
Andi : Den, do you know klepon?
Denias : No, I dont. Whats that?
Andi : Its a kind of dessert made of ours with brown sugar inside. It is sprinkled with
shred coconut. The shape of klepon is like a ball. 1) _______________ . My mother
made klepon this afternoon.
Denias : 2) ________________.
Andi : Well, Ill get some for you.
Denias : Okay.
Andi : Here you are. Just try it.
Denias : Hmm , its delicious. Your mum is a good cook.
Andi : Yes, she is. By the way, tomorrow were going to have a graduation party for my
sister. 3) _________.
Denias : 4) __________________. Tomorrow Im going to join a karate competition. I dont
know what time it ends.
Andi : Thats okay. Anyway, wont you have more klepon?
Denias : Yes, thank you.
Read the following text and make the recipe of Ginger Coconut Coffee. Compare your recipe
with your classmates.
The Sweet Ginger Coconut Coffee (Bajigur)
This afternoon I went to my aunts house. She was making a Ginger Coconut Coffee. I have
never drunk this kind of beverage before. I helped her make it. It wasnt difcult to make it. Ill
tell you the recipe. First, you have to prepare the ingredients. What you need are 1 inch fresh
ginger, sliced thinly, 1/2 tsp, grated fresh nutmeg, 1 stick cinnamon, 2 cloves, 1 inch lemon
grass, minced, 4 tbs. Coffee, powdered, 1 cup coconut milk, 2 tbs. palm sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt, 4 tbs
young coconut esh. When those ingredients are already in front of you, you have to heat the
Task 18
Task 19
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and lemon grass in 3
cup water. Then, simmer lightly for 10 minutes. After that,
turn off the heat, add the ground coffee and allow steep-
ing for a few minutes. Strain the solids from this liquid
and add the coconut milk, palm sugar and salt. Simmer
gently for 2 minutes. Finally, add the coconut esh and a
sprinkle of nutmeg on top. Well, thats all and youll have
your sweet Ginger Coconut Coffee!
Find two Indonesian food recipes. Then, write them down in the boxes.
Task 20
Adapted from:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Have a dialogue with your classmate in the situations below. Include expressions of accepting/
declining an offer/invitation.
You and your classmate are doing a pair work at your house. Your friend seems very thirsty.
You are going to have a birthday party next Sunday.
Your classmate wants to practise making pempek. She needs your help.
You need a friend to accompany you to have lunch at the cafeteria.
Find your favourite Indonesian food recipe. Give the instructions orally on how to cook it. Use
the action verbs in giving instructions.
Task 21
Task 22
By the Way
Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously.
That Sounds A Nice Idea!
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to accept an offer/invitation, for example:
Thank you. Id like to.
That would be very nice.
That sounds a nice idea.
2) How to decline an offer/invitation, for example:
No, thank you.
Id like to, but
Thats very kind of you, but
3) How to give instructions
The words in bold are used to show actions, for example:
First, prepare the avocado, some ice cubes, coconut water, and coconut shavings.
Then, cut the avocado into small pieces.
Put the ice cubes, the coconut water, and coconut shavings into the glass.
After that, put the avocado that is already cut.
Finally, put the condensed milk on the top of the avocado.
4) Procedural texts tell how to do something. It is usually organized to include:
the goal of the activity;
any materials needed to achieve the goal;
steps to accomplish the goal.
The grammatical patterns of this procedural text include:
the use of commands, e.g. cut, add, pour;
the use of action verbs, e.g. wash, boil;
the use of precise vocabulary, e.g. fry, boil, fragrant;
the use of adverbials to express details of time and place, manner and so on, e.g.
1 inch thick, until fragrant, until chicken changes colour.
5) Going to (do )
We use going to (do) when we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the
Im Delighted to Hear That.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
You must read a lot of texts everyday. The texts that you read may include
narrative texts on Indonesian tales. Can you read and write such texts effectively?
Learn those and more in this unit through fun tasks.
I believe that you often feel happy and want to share your happiness with others.
Do you know how to express it? Sometimes you also have to thank others for what
they give to you and have to respond if someone thanks you. Do you know how
to do them very well?
Im Delighted to Hear That.
A. Lets Get Ready
Study the following pictures. Discuss them with your classmate to name the characters and
then match them with their origins. Look at the example.
4. 5.
1. Nyi Roro Kidul
2. ..
3. ..
4. ..
5. ..
Central Java
West Java
Central Java
Pictures: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In small groups, answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference among a folktale, myth, and legend?
2. How many Indonesian folktales have you ever heard? Mention them. What is your favourite
3. What do you think of legends and myths? Do you believe in those stories?
4. Among the characters in Task 1, who do you think the most interesting?
In pairs, study the following expressions. What do they mean?
You are chosen as the
leading role in the
annual drama show
next month.
Thank goodness!
You can play this piano
anytime you want.
Thank you, Maam.
Task 2
Task 3
Im Delighted to Hear That.
B. Lets Act
Study the following words and repeat after your teacher. Then, listen to the dialogue carefully
and answer the questions. The listening script is in the Appendix.
delighted |di'Iailid| (ks) : gembira
marvellous |'mu:voIos| (ks) : bagus sekali
mystical |'misliLI| (ks) : gaib; mistik
performance |po'!:mons| (kb) : pertunjukan pergelaran
pleased |pII:zd| (ks) : senang
Situation: Virga and Ayu are talking about the roles in the school drama they get.
1. To whom did the role of Ratna Manggali go?
2. How did Ayu feel after she knew that she got the role of Ratna Manggali? What did she say?
3. Who got the role of Calon Arang?
4. What would Virga do to improve her acting?
5. What would Ayu do to help Virga improve her acting?
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 4 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the
expressions presented in a table.
Expressions Functions
v Im delighted to hear that.
v Great!
Saying you are pleased
v Thank you.
v Thank you very much for your kindness.
v Dont mention it. Responding to thanks
Task 4
Task 5
1. Listen and Speak
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v Im very pleased with
v Its marvellous!
v Thank goodness!
v Thank God for
v Im very glad about
v Fantastic!
Saying you are pleased
v Thank you very much (for)
v Thanks.
v Thanks a lot for
v Many thanks.
v Youre welcome.
v Not at all.
v My pleasure.
v Thats OK.
v Thats all right.
v Any time.
Responding to thanks
Listen to the following dialogues carefully. Write down the missing expressions. Then, perform
the dialogues with your classmate. The listening script is in the Appendix.
1) Andi : Mr Joe likes the story and lets us use it in the next play.
Denias : ..
2) Arnys : ..
Retno : Any time.
3) Virga : ..
Marcell : Dont mention it.
4) Ruben : Thank you very much for lending me your story book.
Ayu : ..
5) Adib : You got A for your writing assignment.
Anita : ..
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Virga and Ayu in Task 4 you nd the word hear. How do you pronounce it?
hear |hio|
Task 6
Task 7
Im Delighted to Hear That.
The letter r is usually pronounced silent when taking a nal position. Here are some other
car |Lu:| hair |hco|
door |d:| year |jo:|
fear |'!io|
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with your
Anita : Hey, Andi could you help me bring these books to Deniass class?
Andi : Yes, sure.
Anita : 1) __________________
Andi : Any time.
Anita : By the way, have you heard the latest news about our school?
Andi : No, I havent. Whats that?
Anita : We won the rst prize in the Drama Competition held by the local government.
Andi : 2) _____________________ I never know we have a good drama club.
Anita : Well, you have to change your perspective. Anyway, thanks for helping me.
Andi : 3) ________________
Anita : So, lets go to the cafeteria. Let me buy you a drink.
Andi : Really? Thank you so much.
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate in the following situations.
v Your classmate told you that you passed the test to enter the Drama Club.
v Your classmate told you that she will direct the drama performance next week.
v Your classmate helped you prepare the costume for last nights performance.
v Your classmate gave you a beautiful ower bouquet after you performed in the school drama.
Thank you.
Wow, fantastic!
My pleasure.
Thank you.
Wow, fantastic!
My pleasure.
Task 8
Task 9
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Listen carefully to the following story of The Origin of Kesada Ceremony to complete the
missing words.
Brawijaya, the king of Majapahit, a beautiful daughter named Roro Anteng. Later she
got to a priest named Joko Seger. Because of an unfortunate situation, they were to leave
the kingdom. They an area in the mountain named Tengger.
They were unhappy because they did not have a child. They the peak of the mountain
and to the gods. Betara Bromo them many children with one condition: they would have to
sacrice their youngest child. They nally had twenty-ve children. However, they their prom-
ise to sacrice the youngest, Kesuma. Suddenly, an eruption and Kesuma fell into the crater.
His voice was saying, I have to be sacriced so that you will all live. From now on you should
arrange an annual ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo.
Kesumas brothers and sisters the offering ceremony every year by offering fruits,
vegetables, rice and meats. This ceremony is still held today as a Kesada ceremony.
Adapted from:
Study the rule below.
In the story of The Origin of Kesada Ceremony in Task 10 you nd the following sentences:
This ceremony is still held today as a Kesada Ceremony.
They were forced to leave the kingdom.
Those two sentences are called Passive. The rst sentence is the passive form of the
present simple and the second sentence is the passive form of the past simple.
Present simple am/is/are + V3
Active : Somebody holds a ceremony.
Passive : A ceremony is held by somebody.
Other examples:
Some traditional celebrations are still celebrated by villagers.
Many legends are told by old people.
Past simple was/were + V3
Active : The King of Majapahit built the castle.
Passive : The castle was built by the King of Majapahit.
Other examples:
The village was destroyed by a great disaster.
The boat was kicked by Sangkuriang.
Task 10
Task 11
Im Delighted to Hear That.
Ask ve of your classmates about their favourite legends and the reasons why. Write down
their answers in the table.
No. Name Favourite Legends Reasons
Read the following announcement. Then, choose the right statement by giving a tick ().
The school drama club is going to organize the Sangkuriang casts audition.
For those who are interested to join the audition, please come to our ofce on Monday, 4 August, at 2 p.m.
to register.
The followings are the requirements:
- your latest photograph of postcard size (2) - the registration form (get it in the ofce)
The audition will be held on Sunday, 10 August, at 9 a.m. The list of the selected candidates will be
announced in a week.
We do appreciate your participation. Thank you.
The Committee
p.s.: no charge for the registration form
Task 12
Task 13
Cultural Tips
Please and thank you are very important in America. Say please and thank you to everyone for even
the smallest kindness. Americans say them regardless of rank or how much they are paying for something,
and they expect others to do the same.
Taken from:
2. Read and Write
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Tick the correct statements.
1. The school drama club is holding a drama competition.
The school drama club is holding an audition for recruiting new members.
The school drama club is holding a selection for casts in a drama.
2. The audition will be held on 17 August.
The audition will be held on 10 August.
The audition will be held on 4 August.
3. The audition will be held at 2 p.m.
The audition will be held at 9 p.m.
The audition will be held at 9 a.m.
4. The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 4 August.
The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 10 August.
The list of the selected candidates will be announced a week after 17 August.
5. To register, they should buy the registration form at the drama club ofce.
To register, they can get the registration form for free at the drama club ofce.
To register, they do not need to ll in the registration form.
The followings are some useful tips in writing an announcement:
write your announcement to be straightforward and concise so the reader can get the infor-
mation quickly and be able to refer to it easily;
if making a positive announcement, keep it short, inviting, and to the point;
demonstrate your desire to maintain a personal or business relationship, and to build morale,
condence, loyalty, goodwill;
if announcing or recognizing the achievements of others, you can, if you write correctly, mo-
tivate others to achieve the same objectives.
make the information in your announcement clear and complete, so you are not bombarded
with questions later; and
if you are announcing bad news, make a direct, no-nonsense statement. Temper the announce-
ment with understanding and optimism. Your tone should be considerate and respectful.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text entitled Kyai Jegod and answer
the questions.
black magician |bIL mo'dijn| (kb) : dukun jahat
cattle |'LlI| (kb) : ternak
itch |ilj| (kb) : gatal
lumberjack |'I:mbodL| (kb) : penebang pohon
Task 14
Im Delighted to Hear That.
massive |'msiv| (ks) : raksasa
meditate |'mcdilcil| (kki) : bersemedi
miracle |'miioLI| (kb) : keajaiban
noble |'noubI| (ks) : mulia
palace |'pIos| (kb) : istana
pole |pouI| (kb) : tiang
pond |pnnd| (kb) : kolam
rumour |'iu:mo| (kb) : rumor
scabies |'sLcibI:z| (kb) : kudis
stinky |slipLi| (ks) : bau tidak enak (busuk)
ulcer |':Iso| (kb) : bisul
Kyai Jegod
Once upon a time there was a king
who ruled Mataram Kingdom. His name is
Amangkurat IV. He was the grandfather of
Sultan. He often meditated in a nearby forest,
called Garjitawati.
One day, when a gardener was gathering
grass for his cattle in the forest, he looked for
some water because it was so hot. He found a
small pond and when he was going to drink some water from it, a dragon came out of the under-
water, but it was so friendly to him. The dragon said that if Sultan wanted to build his palace, it
was supposed to be located in that forest. Then it disappeared.
Then Sultan started to build the palace in that forest. He demanded strong and old woods
and the forest where those woods lied was said to be home of genies and spirits. His lumberjacks
could not nd anything to eat and the only thing they could have were some rice and water for
three days, or sometimes they could not have anything.
Then Sultan ordered that the main pole in the palaces hall had to be built from special
wood, which would give strong impression. One night, a servant who was sleeping in the forest
heard loud and deep voice. The voice introduced itself as Kyai Jegod. The servant saw that Kyai
Jegod was an old, tall, and massive tree. He said that he would voluntarily let himself be cut to
make the main pole so that he could stay inside it forever.
The servant told it to Sultan and Sultan let Kyai Jegod stay inside it forever, while Kyai Jegod
became the protector of that palace since then.
Adapted from:
1. Who is Sultan?
2. What happened to the gardener in the forest?
3. What kind of woods that Sultan wanted to build his palace with?
4. Who is Kyai Jegod? What does it look like?
5. What did Kyai Jegod say to the servant?
6. What has Kyai Jegod done till today?
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Study the following notes.
The text in Task 14 is a narrative text that entertains and instructs the readers. It entertains
because it deals with the unusual and unexpected development of events. It instructs because
it teaches readers that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them. The
text incorporates patterns of behaviour that are generally highly valued.
The text is organized to include:
- a stage that introduces the main character/s in a setting of time and place;
- a sequence of events, which may begin in a usual pattern, is changed in some way so that
the pattern of events becomes a problem for one or more of the characters. The events are
evaluated by the character/s, thus making it clear to the reader that a crisis has developed;
- the problem is resolved or attempted to be resolved; and
- a stage which makes explicit how the character has changed and what has been learned
from the experience.
The grammatical features include:
- use of particular nouns to refer or to describe the particular people, animals and things that
the story is about;
- use of adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the story;
- use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events through time;
- use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular events;
- use of past tense action verbs to indicate the actions; and
- use of saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling, thinking or saying.
Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs of the story entitled Nyi Roro Kidul into a good text by numbering
the paragraphs. Look at the example.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of
her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge. It means The Beautiful Sun. Her
father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was
unhappy. It is because he always expected to have a son.
paragraph 1
Task 15
Task 16
Im Delighted to Hear That.
The poor princess went alone. She did not know where to go. She almost could
not cry anymore. But, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feeling
about her step mother. She always prayed to God. She walked for almost seven
days and seven nights. Then, she came to the South Ocean. The ocean was
so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.
paragraph .
Dewi Mutiara called a black magician to curse Kadita. She wanted Kaditas
beautiful body full of scabies and itch. The black magician did the order. In
the night, Kaditas body was full of scabies and itch. When she woke up, she
found her body full of ulcer. It also smelled stinky. The beautiful princess cried.
She did not know what to do.
paragraph .
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. The scabies
and itch were gone. Even, she became more beautiful than before. Not only
that, she also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became
a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.
paragraph .
When the King heard the news, he was very sad. No one could cure his
daughters illness. The King did not want her daughter to be a rumour so he
agreed to send his daughter away.
paragraph .
The King decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. He was very
happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future. She asked
the King to send his daughter away. However, the King did not agree. He would
not let anyone hurt his daughter.
paragraph .
Match the words in Column A with the antonyms in Column B. Look at the example.
Task 17
beautiful happy
strong last
sad quiet
clean dirty
loud ugly
rst weak
deep shallow
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Summarize the text in Task 16.
Find two stories and write them in your own words. Ask your classmates to give you feedback.
Revise your draft and then publish them in the school bulletin.
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.
Ruben : Hi, Arnys. Guess what? I won two free tickets to watch Nyi Roro Kidul Drama at the
town square.
Arnys : 1) ____________________
Ruben : Yeah, I won it in the radio quiz.
Arnys : Thats great. Many people eager to watch the drama. However, the tickets are very
limited. 2) ________________________
Ruben : Thats why Im here. I will give you my second ticket.
Arnys : Really? 3) ___________________________
Ruben : 4) __________ Shall we go to the drama tomorrow evening?
Arnys : 5) _______________
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate based on the following situations.
1. Your classmate told you that you are chosen to represent your school in the drama held by
the local government.
2. Your classmate allowed you to pick the owers in her garden to decorate the stage.
3. Your classmate told you that the teacher loves your performance and recommend you to
join her drama club.
4. Your classmate helped you write the script for the drama competition next month.
Id love to. Thats OK.
Thank you very much. Its marvellous!
I wish I have the ticket as well.
Id love to. Thats OK.
Thank you very much. Its marvellous!
I wish I have the ticket as well.
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
Task 21
Im Delighted to Hear That.
Complete the following story with the words in the box. Make any form changes if necessary.
Look at the example.
Calon Arang
Calon Arang was a widow of Girah who gave birth to a daughter in the jungle. Her daughter
up to be the famed beauty Ratna Menggali. Calon Arang her daughter to marry a prince from
Airlanggas palace. However, no prince along. Infuriated by this, Calon Arang the art of black
magic and practised it against the kingdom, causing many people to die.
When the king Airlangga of the epidemic in Girah, he consulted his high priest, Mpu
Bharadah. The priest then sent his son to Ratna Menggali. Calon Arang was pleased, the curse
ended, and the couple wed.
Calon Arang inscribed her black magic secret on a lontar (palm leaf book). One day, her
son-in-law it and gave it to his father. When Calon Arang found out that Mpu Bharadah had
learned her secrets, she was furious and declared war upon him. The priest no choice but to
ght and, in a deadly struggle, destroyed the widow by casting a spell. Before she , Calon Arang
asked forgiveness. Mpu Bharadah her and showed her the way to heaven.
Adapted from:
Make a summary of the story entitled Princess Loro Jonggrang below.
The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggrang
Once upon a time in Java Island, especially in Prambanan, there were two Hindu kingdoms, they
were Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging Kingdom was a prosperous and wealthy kingdom led
by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo who had a son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.
Kraton Boko was a part of Pengging Kingdom jurisdiction led by a cruel king that was not
a man but a giant who was a man eater, named Prabu Boko. However, Prabu Boko had a very
beautiful daughter named Princess Loro Jonggrang. Prabu Boko also had a minister named Patih
Gupolo that was a giant too. Prabu Boko had a desire to revolt and had control over Pengging
Kingdom. Therefore, together with Patih Boko, they gathered the power by training men to become
soldiers and collected goods from civil people as provisions.
give hear propose
come forgive learn
grow nd die
have want
give hear propose
come forgive learn
grow nd die
have want
Task 22
Task 23
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
After having enough preparation, Prabu Boko and all soldiers went to Pengging Kingdom to
revolt. Then the war between Pengging and Boko Soldier happened in Pengging kingdom. A lot of
soldiers died from both sides. People of Pengging became poor and suffered from starvation.
Knowing that his people were suffering and there were lots of soldiers died, Prabu Damar
Moyo sent his son, Raden Bandung Bondowoso to have a battle with Prabu Boko. The ghting
between Raden Bandung Bondowoso and Prabu Boko was very furious. Because of the power of
Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Prabu Boko can be defeated, and then he died. When Patih Gupalo
found out that his king died, he ran away from the battle. Raden Bandung Bondowoso chased
him to Kraton Boko.
After he arrived at Kraton Boko, Patih Gupalo reported to Princess Loro Jonggrang that her
father died in the battle, that he was killed by a Pengging knight named Raden Bandung Bondo-
woso. Then the princess cried, she was very sad because of the death of her father.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso nally arrived at Kraton Boko. He was surprised when he saw
Princess Loro Jonggrang, She was very beautiful so he proposed her to become his wife. However,
Princess Loro Jonggrang did not want to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso because he killed her
father. To refuse his proposal, Princess Loro Jonggrang had a strategy. She had two requests that
should be fullled by Raden Bandung Bondowoso so that she would agree to marry him. First, she
asked him to make Jalatunda well. Then, she asked him to make 1000 temples in one night.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso accepted the requests. Immediately he started to make Jalatunda
well and asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to see it. Then, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden
Bandung Bondowoso to go into the well, and after that she ordered Patih Gupolo to pile up the well
with stone. Both Princess Loro Jonggrang and Patih
Gupolo thought that Raden Bandung Bondowoso
already died in the well. However, Raden Bandung
Bondowoso was still alive. He meditated and nally
he could get out from the well safely.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso was very angry
with Princess Loro Jonggrang. However, because
of her beauty, he soon forgot about his anger. After
that, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden Bandung
Bondowoso to do the second request which was to
make 1000 temples in one night. Therefore Raden
Bandung Bondowoso commanded genies to make
the temples immediately. However Princess Loro Jonggrang intended to foil his effort to make
the temples. She ordered the girls to pound and burn stubbles, so that the sky looked bright as
if the morning had come. That made the cocks crow loudly.
Hearing the cocks crowing, people pounding rice, and seeing the brightness in the east, the
genies stopped making temples. Genies reported to Raden Bandung Bondowoso that they could
not continue building the temples because the morning had come. Raden Bandung Bondowoso
got the feeling that the morning had not come yet. He asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to count the
amount of the temples. The total was only 999 temples, so there was still 1 temple left. Therefore,
Princess Loro Jonggrang refused to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Feeling deceived, Raden
Bandung Bondowoso was very angry and cursed her, Loro Jonggrang, there is only 1 temple left,
let you be the one to make it complete. It was a miracle that suddenly Princess Loro Jonggrang
transformed to a stone statue.
Im Delighted to Hear That.
Until today, the stone statue of Princess Loro Jong-
grang is still in Candi Prambanan and Raden Bandung
Bondowoso cursed the girls around Prambanan area to
become old virgins because they helped Princess Loro
Jonggrang. Based on what is believed by old people,
the couple who are dating in Prambanan temple will
break up.
Adapted from:
D. Lets Check Your Competence
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate in the following situations.
v Your classmate won the national drama competition in Bandung. He also bought you a nice
pair of shoes as a souvenir from Cibaduyut.
v Your classmate told you that your script was chosen to be used in the next school drama
and you will be the director of it. Then, you asked her to be your assistant in that event.
Find and write down any mystical story in Indonesia in this box.
Task 24
Task 25
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to say that you are pleased, for example:
v Im very pleased with v Thank goodness!
v Im really delighted. v Im very glad about
2) How to thank, for example:
v Thanks a lot for ... vThanks. v Thank you very much (for)
3) How to respond to thanks, for example:
v Youre welcome. vMy pleasure. vThats OK.
4). Passive forms
Present simple am/is/are + V3
Past simple was/were + V3
5). A narrative text is a text that entertains and instructs the readers. It entertains because
it deals with the unusual and unexpected development of events. It instructs because it
teaches readers that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them.
The text incorporates patterns of behaviour that are generally highly valued.
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
AT 11 A.M.?
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
It is always fun to nd new recipes. At times, you might be interested in practising
some of them. In this unit, there will be procedural texts on international food
recipes. Can you read and write such texts effectively? Learn those and more in
this unit through challenging tasks.
In your daily life you often make appointments with others. Sometimes, you
may also have to approve and cancel some appointments. Do you know how to
do them?
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
A. Lets Get Ready
Answer the following questions based on your experience. Compare your answers with your
1. Mention some foods from other countries you know.
2. Did you ever eat any of them?
3. What is your favourite one?
In pairs, study the following international foods. Match each with its name and origin based
on your knowledge.
Kebab; Turkey
1 3
Tempura; Japan
Nasi Lemak; Malaysia Hamburger; Germany
Pizza; Italy
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, study the following expressions.
B. Lets Act
Listen carefully to the dialogue. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
Correct the false statements. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Arnys and Denias are talking about Kebab, a staple food in Turkey.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Denias dislikes Kebab. F Denias likes Kebab.
2. Arnys has no idea about what Kebab is.
3. Kebab is a staple food in Turkey.
4. Kebab is made of meat served with
vegetables, bread, and sauces.
5. Denias invites Arnys for Kebab.
6. Arnys declines Deniass invitation.
Task 3
Id like to visit your new apartment.
Would tomorrow be a good time?
Sure, Ill be
waiting for you.
Can I see you
at 11 a.m.?
Sorry, I dont think so.
Task 4
1. Listen and Speak
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
Task 5
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Arnys and Denias in Task 4 you nd the word wrap. How do you
pronounce it?
wrap |ip|
The letter w is silent in words in which it is followed by -r.
Here are some other examples.
wreath |iI:0| wrist |iisl|
wreck |icL| write |iail|
wrinkle |'iipLI|
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. The listening script is in the Appendix.
1. Why does Virga invite Ayu to practise making pizza?
2. Where are they going to practise making pizza?
3. What does Ayu say when Virga asks her to come at 2 p.m.?
4. What time will they nally practise making pizza?
Study the following expressions.
In Task 4 and Task 6 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions
presented in a table.
Expressions Functions
vWould tomorrow be posible? Making appointments
vSo, would tomorrow at 2 p. m. be possible?
vHow about at 4 p.m.?
vSure, that will be ne. Approving appointments
vGreat, its a perfect time.
vIm afraid I cant. Cancelling appointments
Task 6
Task 7
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v Can I see you at 11 a.m.?
v Will it be convenient if I come at 3 p.m.?
Making appointments
v Sure, Ill be waiting for you.
v Yes, I think so.
Approving appointments
v Sorry, I dont think so.
v Sorry, I cant.
v Im afraid not.
v No, I cant.
Cancelling appointments
Study and practise the following dialogues in pairs.
Dialogue 1
Marcell : Do you have a recipe book of making tempura?
Arnys : Yes, I do.
Marcell : Great! My sister needs it. May I borrow it?
Arnys : Of course.
Marcell : Can I see you at 10 a.m. tomorrow?
Arnys : Sure, Ill be waiting for you.
Dialogue 2
Anita : I found a new recipe on making pizza. It is called fruit pizza.
Adib : Really? I never heard of it.
Anita : So, Id like to invite you to make the fruit pizza together.
Adib : That sounds nice. Will it be convenient if I come tomorrow at 5 p.m.?
Anita : Sorry, I dont think so. How about at 7 p.m.?
Adib : Okay, that will be ne.
Task 8
Cultural Tips
When you are doing business in the United States, you must be on time. Americans view someone being
late as rude, showing a lack of respect and having sloppy, undisciplined personal habits. Being on time in
business situations generally means being about ve minutes early. Five minutes late is acceptable with a
brief apology. Ten to fteen minutes late requires a phone call to warn of the delay and to apologize.
Taken from: http://
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
Complete the short dialogues with appropriate expressions to make, approve and cancel an
appointment. Look at the example.
1) Ayu : Can I see you tomorrow at 8 a.m.?
Retno : (approve) Yes, I think so.
2) Ruben : Id like you to help me decorate my new kitchen. Would tomorrow be possible?
Anita : (cancel)
3) Retno : (make)
Arnys : Im afraid I cant.
4) Andi : Lets try the new restaurant at Amarylis Street No.5. How about Tuesday
the fth?
Denias : (approve)
5) Marcell : I need your help to make a chocolate cake. Would tomorrow morning be
Virga : (approve)
6) Adib : Can I see you tomorrow at 5 p.m.?
Ayu : (cancel)
Ask ve of your classmates some of their favourite international foods. Look at the example.
No. Name Food
1. Denias Kebab, pizza, and hamburger
Task 9
Task 10
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing words. The listening script is in
the Appendix. Then, list the ingredients and the steps.
Making Crab Soup
Making crab soup is not difcult. What you need are 2 .. of sh stock, 2 medium-sized ..,
100 gram .., 50 gram scallions, 50 gram Indonesian parsley, .., and pepper to taste. First,
make sh stock by .. sh bones in 8 cups of water. Then .. these bones after a few minutes.
.. the crabs, split into several parts. .. ginger into very thin slices, the scallions and Indonesian
parsley. After that, .. stock for about 5 minutes, put everything into the stock. Finally, .. salt
and pepper to taste.
Put the steps in making pizza in the right order. You may work in pairs.
Task 11
1. .
2. .
3. etc.
1. .
2. .
3. etc.
Task 12
v Enjoy your Pizza
v Put pizza toppings
vMake pizza dough
vPut pizza sauce
Adapted from:
2. Read and Write
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and answer the questions.
crisp |Liisp| (ks) : renyah
dough |dou| (kb) : adonan
gravy |'gicivI| (kb) : kuah daging
sauce |s:s| (kb) : saus
slice |sIais| (kb) : irisan, potongan
squeeze |sLvI:z| (kkt) : memeras
topping |'lnpip| (kb) : cream, keju, dll yang diletakkan diatas makanan
Nasi Lemak
1 cup rice salt to taste
3 screw pine leaves 1 grated coconut
v First, clean the rice and drain.
v Then, squeeze out 2 cups of thick coconut milk with screw pine leaves. Add in salt.
v If you desire, you can also add in some sliced onions and ginger.
v Finally, serve this rice with sliced hard-boiled eggs, cucumber, and Sambal Ikan Bilis.
Nasi Lemak is usually served with Sambal Ikan Bilis.
Sambal Ikan Bilis is made of dried ikan bilis (anchovies), bombay onion, onion, garlic, tamarind
juice, dried chilies, shrimp paste, salt and sugar.
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Sambal Ikan Bilis
1 bombay onion
1/2 cup dried ikan bilis (anchovies)
1 clove garlic
2 tbs tamarind juice
4 onions
8 dried chillies
shrimp paste (belacan) (optional)
salt and sugar to taste
v First, fry the ikan bilis until crisp and put aside.
v Then, grind the shrimp paste together with onion, garlic, dried chilies. Slice
the bombay onion into rings.
v After that, heat 2 tbs oil in a pan and fry the ground ingredients until fragrant.
Add in the onion rings.
v Add tamarind juice, salt, and sugar.
v Cook, stirring occasionally until the gravy thickens.
v Add in the ikan bilis and mix well.
v Finally, serve with steaming hot Nasi Lemak.
Adapted from:
As explained in Unit 3, a procedural text is a text that tells you how to do something. It is usually
organized to include:
- the goal of the activity;
- any materials needed to achieve the goal; and
- steps to accomplish the goal.
The grammatical patterns of this procedural text include:
- the use of commands, e.g. cut, add, pour;
- the use of action verbs, e.g. wash, boil;
- the use of precise vocabulary, e.g. fry, boil, fragrant
- the use of adverbials to express details of time and place, manner and so on, e.g. 1 inch
thick, until fragrant, until chicken changes colour.
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
1. What do the texts tell you?
2. What ingredients do you need to make Nasi Lemak?
3. What are the steps to cook it?
4. What ingredients do you need to make Sambal Ikan Bilis?
5. What are the steps to cook it?
6. How do you serve Nasi Lemak?
In pairs, write the recipe on one of the following international foods.
Task 14
d. e.
a. b.
c. d. e.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Answer the questions and then nd the answers in the box by circling them. Compare your
answers with your partners. Look at the example.
1. room where you cook food
2. large nut from a type of palm tree
3. The biscuits are not .. any more, they have gone soft.
4. .. originated in Hamburg.
5. material which goes to make something
6. the synonym of to blend
7. sauce from meat during cooking
8. thin piece cut off something to eat
9. substance that you use to make food sweet
10. tsp stands for ..
11. cream, melted cheese, etc., put on the top of food such as cakes, pizzas, ice cream, etc.
Task 15
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.
Would Saturday at 3 p.m. be possible?
Im afraid, I cant
how about Sunday at 10.30 a.m.?
Great, its a perfect time.
Andi : Retno, have you tried Japanese tempura at Diponegoro street?
Retno : No, I havent.
Andi : Will you accompany me to go there?
Retno : Sure, when?
Andi : 1) ____________________________
Retno : Umm 2) ____________________ I have a dancing class next Saturday.
Andi : I see. So, 3) ____________________
Retno : 4) __________________________
Andi : Okay, see you next Sunday.
Retno : See you.
Complete the following recipe of making Chinese Fried Rice with words in the box.
heat egg fork pan brown
Chinese Fried Rice
2 eggs -- beaten 1 red or green pepper -- chopped
2 large onions -- chopped 10 ml garlic -- minced
2 tsp corn oil 3 green onions -- chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce -- optional 1 cup instant rice
3 stalks celery -- chopped 1 cup water boiling
Task 16
Task 17
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
1. Cook the eggs in a large over low heat
until set.
Break up with a Remove from pan.
2. Combine the onions, oil, and 2 tsp of the
soy sauce in the pan. Cook and stir until
onion is Add remaining ingredients and
to boiling.
3. Reduce heat, simmer 1 minute. Stir in
Remove from heat, cover tightly, let stand
5 minutes.
Stir before serving.
Adapted from:
Task 18
Write down your favourite food recipe from another country.
Find two recipes from other countries and present them to the class.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate. Include expressions of making, approving, and
cancelling appointments.
v You and your classmate plan to visit a new Kebab restaurant.
v You want to practise making Spaghetti. You need your friends help.
v You want to borrow some cooking stuffs from your friend.
Task 19
Task 20
Can I See You at 11 a.m?
Task 21
Find two international food recipes. Then, write them down in the boxes.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to make appointments, for example:
v Would tomorrow be possible?
v Can I see you at 11 a.m.?
2) How to approve appointments, for example:
v That will be ne.
v Great, its a perfect time.
3) How to cancel appointments, for example:
v Im afraid I cant.
v Sorry, I dont think so.
4) Procedural texts
A procedural text is a text that aims to tell you how to do something. It is usually organized
to include:
v the goal of the activity
v any materials needed to achieve the goal
v steps to accomplish the goal
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Unit Review Semester 1 89 Unit Review Semester 1
I. Listen to short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer to each question.
The listening script is in the Appendix.
1. What is the intention of Anitas expression?
a. to ask how Denias is
b. to greet Denias
c. to say how she is
d. to say goodbye
e. to state how she is
2. What is Virgas intention?
a. to introduce Retno
b. to introduce herself
c. to ask how Retno is
d. to state how she is
e. to greet Retno
3. What does Arnys mean?
a. She says that she is pleased.
b. She wants to borrow the novel.
c. She will lend Ruben the novel.
d. She responds to Rubens thanks.
e. She would like to thank Ruben for the novel.
4. What does Andi mean?
a. He wants to ask about Adibs condition.
b. He wants Ayu to know that Adib got an accident.
c. He shows his sympathy.
d. He knew that Adib got an accident.
e. He wants to apologize to Adib.
5. What does Ayu mean?
a. She wants to make a chocolate pudding with Retno.
b. She does not want to make a chocolate pudding.
c. She wants Retno to make her a chocolate pudding,
d. She accepts Retnos invitation.
e. She declines Retnos invitation.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
6. What does Arnys imply?
a. She accepts Adibs invitation.
b. She declines Adibs invitation.
c. She wants to have dinner at another place.
d. She wants to have dinner with somebody else.
e. She asks Adib to have dinner at another restaurant.
7. What does Virga mean?
a. She does not have time tomorrow.
b. She will not go to the market tomorrow.
c. She asks Anita to buy some fruits.
d. She declines an appointment.
e. She approves an appointment.
8. What does Retno imply?
a. She really wants to win the poetry reading competition.
b. She wants to express that she is pleased.
c. She wants to join the poetry reading competition.
d. She wants to thank Marcell.
e. She wants to tell Marcell that she won the competition.
II. Choose the best expressions to complete each of the following dialogues.
9. Ruben : Can I see you at 9 a.m. tomorrow?
Ayu : ______________________________. I have a class at 9 a.m.
a. Sorry, I dont think so.
b. Sure, that will be ne.
c. Ill be waiting for you.
d. Yes, I think so.
e. Great. Its a perfect time.
10. Arnys : Marcell promised to take me to the boutique, but he did not come. He didnt
tell me why he couldnt make it.
Adib : __________________
a. How upsetting.
b. How marvellous.
c. That sounds nice.
d. Thats great!
e. Thats fantastic!
Unit Review Semester 1
11. Denias : My uncle will be directing a drama for a TV programme. He would like to ask
you to play in it.
Ayu : __________________
a. Im delighted to hear about that.
b. How annoying.
c. Im sorry to hear that.
d. Thats a pity.
e. Dont mention it.
Questions 12 - 16 are based on the following text.
The Football Match
My brother and I went to a football match yesterday. Our school team was playing against
another High School team. Our team wore red and white shirts, white shorts, and red stockings.
The other team wore orange and black shirts, orange shorts, and black stockings. They look
like bees, my brother said, and we laughed.
They played like bees too. They ran very fast, attacked very hard, and passed the ball
to each other very fast. Soon they scored their rst goal. My brother and I shouted and shouted,
Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys! Our headmaster was near us and he was
shouting too. He seemed very enthusiastic. However, the high school scored another goal. We
were very sad.
Then, one of the bees stopped the ball with one of his hands, so our team got the
free kick. Our captain took it and scored a goal. We shouted, Hooray! The score was now 2:1.
That was better.
Now our team began to play betteror the bees were getting tired. Our team scored
another goal before half-time. In the second half of the match, both teams tried very hard, but
neither scored, so at the end the score was still two all.
Adapted from: L.A. Hill, 1963
12. The text tells about
a. joining a football match
b. winning a football match
c. attending a football match
d. the school football team
e. playing football
13. What did the writer and his brother do after the rival team scored the rst goal?
a. They shouted to support their school team.
b. They shouted to the headmaster.
c. They laughed at their school team.
d. They ran very fast.
e. They played like bees.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
14. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. The writer and his brother will watch a football match.
b. The writers school team wore orange and black shirts.
c. The writer called his school team the bees.
d. The writers school team scored the rst goal.
e. The opponent scored the rst goal.
15. A word in the text which has the same meaning as leader is
a. brother
b. goal
c. captain
d. team
e. score
16. He seemed very enthusiastic. The antonym of the underlined word is
a. energized
b. excited
c. eager
d. apathetic
e. impatient
Questions 17 - 20 are based on the following text.
Pempek Palembang
Main Ingredients:
250 gr cod or any white meat sh
125 gr tapioca or corn our
2 tbsp light soya sauce
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp oil (to prevent the dough sticky)
For type Kapal selam, you need 3 hard boiled eggs slice half
Soup Ingredients:
5 chillies
100 gr palm sugar
2 tbsp sugar
Unit Review Semester 1
Salt and pepper
2 tbsp light soya sauce
2 tbsp ebi (dried prawn)
Handful diced cucumber
4 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp tamarind
250 ml water
Soup Method
Boil all soup ingredients into sauce pan
1. Blend all the ingredients into food processor until the smooth like a dough, you
could put splash of water if you need it.
2. Put enough sh cake into your hand and put half boiled egg in the middle and
cover it with the dough and put into boiled water until oating.
3. Drain all the water, deep fry it and add some of the soup.
Adapted from:
17. The text tells you about
a. how to make Pempek Palembang
b. how to eat Pempek Palembang
c. the soup ingredients to make Pempek Palembang
d. how to prepare the ingredients to make Pempek Palembang
e. the equipment needed to make Pempek Palembang
18. The followings are the main ingredients you need to make Pempek Palembang, except
a. pepper
b. sugar
c. corn our
d. soya sauce
e. salt
19. What is the use of the food processor?
a. to boil the ingredients
b. to measure the ingredients
c. to fry the ingredients
d. to blend the ingredients
e. to heat the ingredients
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
20. Why is oil needed to prepare the dough?
a. to fry the dough
b. to clean the dough
c. to heat the dough
d. to make the dough softer
e. to prevent the dough from being sticky
Questions 21 - 30 are based on the following text.
Queen Aji Bidara Putih
Muara Kaman lies along the Mahakam River, in eastern Borneo. In the past the area was
a kingdom ruled by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a typical queen of myths: beautiful, wise,
and sensitive. Many princes and kings proposed to her but she always refused them because
she was more concerned with ruling her country and guarding her people.
One day, a Chinese boat came to eastern Borneo. First, the people thought it was a merchant
ship but the boat was loaded with trade goods and highly trained soldiers. Their envoys brought
gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China. The queen didnt
refuse instantly and replied that she had to ponder the proposal rst. After the envoys left the
palace, the queen called a court ofcer and ordered him to inltrate the Chinese boat to gather
information on the prince.
When night fell the ofcer sneaked onto the boat, got by all the guards, and nally found
the princes room. The large door would not open and he couldnt nd a peek hole, so the ofcer
put his ear to the wall, trying to catch sounds from inside. He heard that the prince was having
his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the ofcer. It was like a boar that
he had once heard when he was hunting.
He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace. He reported that the prince must have
been a phantom, not a human. He believed that the phantom could be in a humans form only
during the daytime. The queen was so surprised and got angry. On the next day, she refused his
The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The battle was won by the
princes huge band of troops. As they drew near to the palace, Queen Aji Bidara Putih chewed a
leaf of betel vine and sang a mantra while holding it. When she threw it at the Chinese troops, it
turned to giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retreat but three centipedes chased
them and sank the boat. The site of the sunken ship is now known as Danau Lipan (Lake of
Centipedes), with Chinese treasures hidden on the lakes bed.
Adapted from:
21. The text tells about
a. Queen Aji Bidara Putih
b. The Mahakam River
c. The Princes Proposal
d. The Sunken Ship
e. The Chinese Troops
Unit Review Semester 1
22. Where did the story take place?
a. in a kingdom in China
b. in western Borneo
c. in the area that is now called Muara Kaman
d. in a sunken ship
e. in the Lake of Centipedes
23. How was Queen Bidara Putih like?
a. beautiful, sensible, and sensitive
b. beautiful, uncaring, and sensitive
c. pretty, wise, and indifferent
d. pretty, sensible, and indifferent
e. beautiful, wise, and unconcerned
24. Why did the envoys bring gold and porcelain?
a. to trade them for stocks
b. to announce the marriage proposal from a prince of China
c. to load their ship
d. to share them with the residents
e. to sell them to the queen
25. How did Queen Aji Bidara Putih respond to the proposal?
a. She agreed with the proposal instantly.
b. She approved the proposal right away.
c. She did not refuse the proposal immediately.
d. She did not reply the proposal.
e. She refused the proposal.
26. Why did the prince raid Muara Kaman?
a. because the queen was spying on the prince
b. because the queen did not accept his proposal
c. because the queen attacked the princes kingdom
d. because the queen returned the princes gifts
e. because the queen chased the prince away
27. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. The prince wanted to marry the queen.
b. The prince had gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal.
c. The prince ordered his troops to attack Muara Kaman.
d. The prince won the battle.
e. The prince turned into a giant centipede.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
28. The word he (paragraph 3, sentence 3) refers to
a. the court ofcer
b. the prince
c. the envoy
d. the phantom
e. the giant centipedes
29. Their envoys brought gold and porcelain to The synonym of envoy is
a. team
b. messenger
c. troop
d. advocate
e. squad
30. prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The synonym of raid is
a. establish
b. ascertain
c. attack
d. expand
e. enlarge
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Stories generally interest us. Many are from overseas. Can you read and write
such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging
You thank others for what they give to you and you may also have to respond
when someone thanks you. Do you know how to do them very well?
It Was The Least I Could Do.
A. Lets Get Ready
Work in pairs to answer the following questions based on your knowledge.
1. Do you know some overseas folktales? Mention them.
2. What is your favourite one?
3. Mention the characters of the story.
4. What does the story tell you?
The followings are characters of some overseas folktales. Match each with the suitable title
of the folktale.
1. 2. 3.
Cinderella Mermaid Bloody Mary Vampire
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the dialogue carefully. Then, answer the following questions. The listening script is
in the Appendix.
Situation: Adib is at Retnos house. He has bought her a novel.
1. What did Adib bring for Retno?
2. What did Retno feel about the present? What did she say to Adib?
3. Why did Retno need it badly?
4. What did Retno promise when she was nished with her writing?
5. What did Adib say to show his gratitude to Retno?
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In Task 3 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions presented
in a table.
Expressions Functions
vThank you very much for your kindness.
vThank you.
v It was the least I could do.
v Dont mention it.
Responding to thanks
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Function
That was really nice of you. Thanking
Thanks a million (for)
Im very grateful to you.
Im much obliged.
Youre welcome. Responding to thanks
Its no trouble at all.
Delighted I was able to help.
1. Listen and Speak
Task 3
Task 4
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Adib and Retno in Task 3 you nd the word because. How do you
pronounce it?
because |bi'Lnz|
The letter s is pronounced z when in the nal syllable preceded and/or followed by a vowel
symbol. Here are some other examples.
choose |lju:z| refuse |'ic!ju:z|
please |pII:z| surprise |so'piaiz|
present |'piczonl| use |ju:z|
Listen carefully to the following dialogues. Complete the missing expressions. The listening
script is in the Appendix.
1) Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness. I wouldnt able to do that by myself.
Ruben : ______________________. You can call me any time you need me.
2) Marcell : I got A for my story telling assignment. Youre the one who gave me the idea about
the story I told the class. ________________________.
Anita : Im glad its helpful.
3) Adib : I have given the story book we bought yesterday to my sister. She loves the book
you have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Ayu : __________________________. You know, most girls love to read romantic stories.
4) Retno : Thank you very much for lending me all of your story books. I have my niece stay
at home all day long.
Virga : ___________________.
5) Andi : I was blessed for having you as my friend. You are always there when I need your
help. ___________________.
Denias : It was the least I could do. Thats what friends are for.
Task 5
Task 6
Cultural Tips
In the United Kingdom, whenever you have been a guest in a home, you should denitely send a hand-
written thank-you note. Indeed, it is a thoughtful gesture to thank your hosts in writing for any hospitality,
even a short drinks party.
Taken from: http://
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, have a short dialogue with your classmate. Use expressions of thanking and responding
to thanks.
v You thank your classmate for picking you up while your brother was still working.
v You thank your mother for cooking your favourite cake.
v You thank your classmate for accompanying you to buy a book of foreign folktales.
v You thank your sister for helping you take care of your novel collection.
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Blue Hens Chicks
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
A Delaware man to war during the American Revolution. For entertainment, he with him
two ghting cocks. When asked about these chickens, the soldier slyly: They are the chicks
of a blue hen I have at home.
Well, these cocks ght! They were so erce, they quite a stir among the men. It did
not take long for the Delaware troops to begin boasting among the troops from the other states
that they could out-ght anyone, just like those famous ghting cocks. Were the Blue Hens
Chickens. We will ght to the end! the theme of the Delaware troops. The other troops to
calling the men from Delaware The Blue Hens Chicks, and to this day, Delaware is known as
the Blue Hen State.
Adapted from:
Tell the class about your favourite overseas story. Look at Task 8 as a model.
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
By the Way
One of the populra overseas stories is Cinderella. The word Cinderella means one who unexpectedly
achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect.
Adapted from:
It Was The Least I Could Do.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and answer the questions.
barn |bu:n| (kb) : gudang
cloak |LIouL| (kb) : mantel; jubah
commotion |Lo'mojon| (kb) : keributan
enchant |in'lju:nl| (kkt) : memikat
frantic |'!inliL| : kalut
hut |h:l| (kb) : pondok
murmur|'mo:mo| (kki) : berbisik
pellet |'pcIil| (kb) : butiran
rattle|'ilI| (kkt) : menderak-derakkan
rein |icin| (kb) : tali kekang
soothe |su:| (kkt) : menenangkan
spear |'spio| (kb) : tombak
stalk |sl:L| (kkt) : mengikuti
suspicious |so'spijos| (ks) : curiga
wicked |'viLid| (ks) : jahat
The Snow Bride
Many years ago, when great forests still covered the hills
of Japan, a samurai named Hikaru lost his way in a sudden
winter storm. Snow pellets sharp as spears pierced his cloak
and drove him blindly into the deep woods.
Cold stalked him, and he had no weapon to battle this in-
visible enemy. Finally his horse burst into a clearing. The wind
rattled the tree limbs, but no snow fell here. A wooden house
squatted beside a huge camphor tree. The snow was a smooth
white carpet. This quiet place seemed peaceful enough, but he
sensed someone watching, waiting in silence.
A door opened. A white-haired woman studied him. Hold-
ing out her arms, she murmured, Welcome, my lord. Enter and
feel no fear.
Hikaru smiled. He had killed fear long ago. But his horse ran away from the tiny hut. The
samurai pulled the reins and drove it forward until the horse reluctantly moved forward. He
found a lean-to built on the side of the hut, sheltered on one side by the hut and on the other by
the tree. When his mount discovered some hay, its hunger drove out all fear. He left the animal
peacefully grazing and went to nd his hostess.
2. Read and Write
Task 10
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The hut was simply furnished, though relight created a golden sparkle off the dishes and
cups she set before him. Where had this woman found such luxuries, he wondered as she silently
served him.
After he had eaten, he xed his eyes on her. Who are you?
She kept her gaze modestly lowered. I am called Yuki, my lord. This place is my home.
Yuki glided around the room in a silken whisper. Gradually he became aware of how quiet
the woods had become. Are you not lonely here?
Her lips quirked in a shadow of a smile. You are here, my lord. As long as you are pleased
with me, how could I be lonely?
Time passed, but it was always winter. Hikaru forgot everything but the lovely woman who
anticipated his wants. As soon as he thought, I want Yuki was there, offering food and drink
to ll his belly or song to soothe his soul. Yet men are never content. For a warrior, even an earthly
paradise can become a wicked prison.
One day, Hikaru woke with anger. Nothing Yuki said or did pleased him.
Dashing dishes off the table, the tiny crashes echoed how hed destroyed his enemies in
the past. The memory inamed his temper. Enough of this quiet and inaction! He could nd
that in death.
My lord, tell me how I have displeased you. I
You, woman! he snapped. Youve kept me prisoner in this place far too long!
He rushed to the door and ung it open. A cold breeze brushed his cheek. Yuki grasped
his sleeve. My lord! Do not leave!
Enough! The samurai jerked from her grip. Rage boiled in his heart as he backhanded
her. Out of my way, woman!
As you wish. The mark of his hand seemed a dark bruise on her pale skin. I will bother
you no more. Head bowed, Yuki stepped aside. The door swung shut between them.
A low moan shuddered amongst the trees. Wind whipped his helm from his head and his
cloak off his shoulders. Cold knifed his body, just beneath the heart.
Yuki? Blinded, Hikaru stumbled backwards, but tree bark scraped his questing hands.
Where was the hut? It was cold, so cold.
Spring came late that year. Birdsong welcomed the suns return. The golden ngers of the
goddess Amateratsu caressed the still alabaster face of the sleeping man. But he never wakened.
As she continued her journey across the sky, cherry trees covered the silken clad form with tiny
pink-edged petals, a living blanket of snow.
Adapted from:
1. Where does the story come from?
2. Who is Hikaru?
3. What happened to him?
4. How was the weather then?
5. What happened to Hikaru after she met Yuki?
6. What made Hikaru want to leave Yukis hut?
7. What happened to Yuki when she tried to restrain Hikarus anger?
8. What happened after Yuki stepped aside?
9. Do you think this story has a happy ending or sad ending? Why?
It Was The Least I Could Do.
The text in Task 10 is a narrative text. As explained in Unit 5, a narrative text is a text that enter-
tains and instructs the readers. It entertains because it deals with the unusual and unexpected
development of events. It instructs because it teaches readers that problems should be con-
fronted, and attempts made to resolve them. The text incorporates patterns of behaviour that
are generally highly valued.
Find words in the story which mean the opposite to the following words. Compare your answers
with a classmates. Look at the example.
(a) blunt : sharp
(b) visible : ..
(c) violent : ..
(d) willingly : ..
(e) unconscious : ..
(f) coarse : ..
(g) rouse : ..
(h) excite : ..
(i) ineffective : ..
(j) bright : ..
Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs of the story of Bloody Mary from Pennsylvania into a good
text by numbering the paragraphs. Look at the example.
Once upon a time, there was a maiden lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage.
She sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called
her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross her cottage for
fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their
children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch
could do to her neighbours.
paragraph 1
Task 11
Task 12
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbours. They came
to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and
pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen
followed him out into the eld and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large
oak tree, holding a magic stick that was pointed towards the millers house.
She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the
millers daughter.
paragraph .
Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and
walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The
millers wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the
tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed
for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running
in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking
away from them and heading out of town.
paragraph .
As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone
mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge
herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went
to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the
evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.
paragraph .
Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could
nd out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the
local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the
missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Marys home in the woods
to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the
disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed.
She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbours were suspicious, but they
could nd no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.
paragraph .
From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Marys name three
times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch.
It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their
mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as
Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.
paragraph .
The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the
witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and
ed back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver
bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and
shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground.
The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the eld, where
they built a huge bonre and burned her at the stake.
paragraph .
Adapted from:
It Was The Least I Could Do.
After you arrange the jumbled paragraphs in Task 12, summarize the story in your own words.
Find two stories from overseas and write them down in your own words. Present them to the
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following conversation with the expressions in the box. Then, act it out with your
Marcell : Hi, girls!
& Anita : Hi, Marcell!
Marcell : 1) _____________________________
Arnys : As you see, were collecting the fairytales from around the world.
Anita : Yeah, Ms Hana asked us to work in pairs to make a clipping about it.
Marcell : It sounds interesting. 2) ______________________.
Anita : Only some. We have The Tooth Fairy, The Piskies, Black Annis, Berguess and
The Spriggans. They are all the fairies from British Isles.
Marcell : Thats pretty good. By the way, my sister has a complete collection of folktales.
Maybe some of them are fairy tales, who knows.
Anita : Really? Can we borrow them?
Marcell : 3) ____________
Arnys : Im very grateful to you.
Marcell : 4) _____________________________
Arnys : Anyway, is she free this afternoon?
Thanks a million for this.
What are you doing here?
Delighted I was able to help.
See you later.
How many stories have you got so far ?
Of course.
Thanks a million for this.
What are you doing here?
Delighted I was able to help.
See you later.
How many stories have you got so far ?
Of course.
Task 13
Task 14
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Marcell : Well, I think so. She said to me this morning that she would try the new cake
recipe. However, I can help you if she is too busy.
Anita : 5) ___________________________
Marcell : Dont mention it. It good to know that I can do something for you.
Arnys : Thats great. So we can nish this assignment soon.
Marcell : Yeah, good luck for you!
& Anita : Thank you.
Marcell : Well, Im afraid I must go now. 6) ______________
& Anita : See you.
Make a summary of the story below.
Once upon a time, there lived an unhappy young girl. She was unhappy because her
mother was dead, and her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters. Her
stepmother didnt like her. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own
daughters. Not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, delicious food, comfy
beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. For the poor unhappy
girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes,
nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when
evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the re, near the cinders. That is how she got
her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone
talking to the cat. The cat said,
Meow, which really meant, Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters
have and that is beauty.
It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders,
she was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes,
were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.
One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the
stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didnt even dare ask, What about me? for
she knew very well what the answer to that would be:
You? My dear girl, youre staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the oors and turn
down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy. Cinderella sighed
at the cat.
Oh dear, Im so unhappy! and the cat murmured Meow.
Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by
herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.
Dont be alarmed, Cinderella, said the fairy. The wind blew me your sighs. I know you
would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!
How can I, dressed in rags? Cinderella replied. The servants will turn me away! The fairy
Task 16
It Was The Least I Could Do.
smiled. With a ick of her magic wand, Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress,
the loveliest ever seen in the realm.
Now that we have settled the matter of the dress, said the fairy, well need to get you a
cart. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot! Quick! Get me a pumpkin! she ordered.
Oh of course, said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat.
You, bring me seven mice!
Seven mice! said the cat. I didnt know fairies ate mice too!
Theyre not for eating, silly! Do as you are told! And, remember they must be alive!
Cinderella soon returned with a ne
pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he
had caught in the cellar.
Good! exclaimed the fairy. With
a flick of her magic wand... wonder of
wonders! The pumpkin turned into a
sparkling cart and the mice became six
white horses, while the seventh mouse
turned into a coachman, in a smart uni-
form and carrying a whip. Cinderella could
hardly believe her eyes.
I shall present you at Court. You will
soon see that the Prince, in whose honour the ball is being held,
will be enchanted by your loveliness. But remember! You must
leave the ball at midnight and come home. For that is when the
spell ends. Your cart will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will
become mice again and the coachman will turn back into a mouse
and you will be dressed again in rags and wearing clogs instead of
these beautiful slippers! Do you understand? Cinderella smiled
and said, Yes, I understand!
When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, a hush
fell. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance,
her beauty and grace.
Who can that be? people asked each
other. The two stepsisters also wondered who
the newcomer was, for never in a month of
Sundays, would they ever have guessed that
the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who
talked to the cat!
When the prince set eyes on Cinderella,
he was struck by her beauty. Walking over to
her, he bowed deeply and asked her to dance.
And to the great disappointment of all the
young ladies, he danced with Cinderella all
Who are you, fair maiden? the Prince kept asking her. But Cinderella only replied:
What does it matter who I am! You will never see me again anyway.
Oh, but I shall, Im quite certain! he replied.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball. But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a
clock: the rst stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word
of goodbye she slipped from the Princes arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one
of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke
of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she ed and vanished into
the night.
The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up her slipper and said to his
Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper ts. I will never be content
until I nd her! So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of all the girls and on Cinderellas
foot as well. Surprise! The slipper tted perfectly.
That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball, snapped the stepmother. Tell
the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Cant you see how ugly Cinderella is! Cant
you see?
Suddenly she broke off, for the fairy had appeared.
Thats enough! she exclaimed, raising her magic stick. In a ash, Cinderella appeared in
a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in
amazement, and the ministers said,
Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!
So Cinderella joyfully went with them, and lived happily ever after with her Prince. And as for the
cat, he just said Meow!
Adapted from:
Pictures: 1. 2.
Study the rule below.
In the story of Cinderella in Task 16 you nd sentences:
Now that we have settled the matter of dress,
and her father had married another woman,
The rst sentence is called Present Perfect and the second sentence is called Past Perfect.
Present Perfect have/has + V3
We use the present perfect to give new information or to announce a recent happening.
For example:
Denias has lived in Jakarta for seven years.
The students have not cleaned the classroom for days.
Past perfect had + V3
We use the past perfect to say something had already happened before this time.
For example:
Arnys had just got home when Virga phoned her.
Retno had seen The Calon Arang drama twice.
Task 17
It Was The Least I Could Do.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
In pairs, have dialogues with your classmate based on the following situations. Include the
expressions of thanking and responding to thanks.
v You thank your classmate for telling you the story of The Tooth Fairy.
v You thank your classmate for helping you make the clipping of American myths.
v You thank your classmate for preparing the Vampire costume for the Halloween party.
v You thank your classmate for giving you a good book of fairytales.
v You thank your classmate for helping you compile the versions of Cinderella story from around
the world.
Recall one of the stories from overseas that you are already learnt and write it down in your
own words.
Music Corner
Thank You
by Dido
Task 18
Task 19
My teas gone cold
Im wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
and I cant see at all
And even if I could itd all be grey
but your picture on my wall it reminds me that
its not so bad
its not so bad
I drank too much last night got bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and therell be hell today
Im late for work again
And even if Im there
Therell all imply that
I might not last the day
And then you call me
And its not so bad
Its not so bad
I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life
Push the door, Im home last
And Im soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now,
I wouldnt have a clue
Because youre near me and
Taken from: http://www.lyrics007.
com Picture: http://www.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to thank someone, for example:
v That was really nice of you.
v Thanks a million (for)
v Thank you very much for your kindness.
2) How to respond to thanks, for example:
v Youre welcome.
v Its no trouble at all.
v Dont mention it.
3) Past Perfect and Present Perfect
Present Perfect have/has + V3
Past Perfect had + V3
4) Narrative texts
A narrative text is a text that entertains and instructs the readers. It entertains because
it deals with the unusual and unexpected development of events. It instructs because it
teaches readers that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them.
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Reading and writing are very important skills. The texts that you read and
write may include descriptive texts on people. Can you read and write such texts
effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging tasks.
You often compliment and congratulate others in many ways. When they do the
same to you, you also respond to them. Do you know how to do them very well?
What A Nice Hair Cut!
A. Lets Get Ready
Look at the following photos of celebrities. Do you recognize them? In pairs, write down their
names. Look at the example.
Number Celebrity Name Number Celebrity Name
1 Drew Barrymore 5 ..
2 .. 6 ..
3 .. 7 ..
4 .. 8 ..
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Based on Task 1, answer the following questions. The words in the box below may help you
answer the questions. Then, compare your answers with your partners.
bearded |'bI:odid| (ks) : berjenggot
charming |'lju:mip| (ks) : mempesona
cute |Lju:l| (ks) : manis
gorgeous |'g:dos| (ks) : menawan
gown |gaun| (kb) : gaun
slim |sIim| (ks) : ramping
wavy |'vcivI| (ks) : bergelombang
1. Is any of them your favourite actor or actress?
2. If none of them is your favourite actor or actress, who is your favourite actor/actress?
3. What makes you adore him/her?
4. What do you know about him/her?
5. Do you want to be like him/her?
Study the following expressions.
Congratulations on
winning the rst prize
on the Movie Festival.
Its nice of you
to say so.
Thank you.
What a nice
hair cut!
Thank you for
saying so.
Task 2
Task 3
You look beautiful in that
What A Nice Hair Cut!
B. Lets Act
Listen carefully to the dialogue. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
Correct the false statements. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Ayu won tickets to watch a movie in the cinema.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Ayu is wearing a cute hat. F Denias is wearing a cute hat.
2. Ayu won a free ticket from the radio.
3. Ayu asks Denias to go to the cinema
with her.
4. Denias refuses Ayus invitation.
5. Denias cannot come at 7.
6. Ayu and Denias are going to the
cinema tomorrow evening.
Study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 4 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the
Expressions Functions
v You look cute with that hat. Complimenting
v Congratulations! Congratulating
v Thank you for saying so.
v Thank you.
Responding to compliments and congratulations
1. Listen and Speak
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v What a !
v Thats a very nice
v I like your
v Youre looking good!
v Congratulations on winning
v Id like to congratulate you on
v I must congratulate you on your
v Well done.
v Thanks.
v Oh, not really.
v Its nice of you to say so.
v How kind of you to say so.
Responding to compliments and congratulations
Listen to the dialogues to complete the missing expressions. Look at the example. The listening
script is in the Appendix.
1) Ruben : Congratulations on getting a free coupon to borrow movies from Nemo DVD
Anita : Thank you.
2) Adib : I like your shoes.
Denias : ....
Adib : Where did you buy them?
Denias : I bought them in the new department store near my house.
3) Arnys : .... Everybody in the club loves your work.
Marcell : Thank you.
Arnys : Where did you get the idea?
Marcell : A scene in The Lord of The Rings inspired me.
4) Retno : I saw your performance on TV yesterday. .. You have impressed the jury.
Andi : Thanks. I worked hard to prepare everything.
5) Virga : It seems that your diet programme works on you. Youre looking good.
Ayu : ....
6) Anita : ....
Retno : Oh, not really.
Anita : Where did you get it?
Retno : I made it myself.
Task 6
What A Nice Hair Cut!
In pairs, complete the following conversation with the expressions in the box. Then, perform
it with your partner.
Arnys : Congratulations on your 16th birthday.
Retno : Thank you.
Anita : 1) ___________________________
Retno : Thank you for saying so. You look so sweet in that red vest.
Anita : Thanks. Look, Denias is coming! 2) ________________________
Arnys : He looks so cute with his new hair cut.
Retno : Yes, youre right.
Denias : Hi, Retno. 3) __________________________
Retno : Thanks. By the way, congratulations on winning the rst prize on Photography
Denias : 4) ___________________
Anita : Your idea was brilliant. I think youre a genius.
Denias : Oh, not really.
Retno : Anyway, lets start the party.
Lets say it right.
In the conversation in Task 7 you nd the word gown and gorgeous.
How do you pronounce it?
gown |gaun| gorgeous |'g:dos|
The letter g is pronounced g when followed by o. Here are some other examples.
goal |gouI| gossip |'gnsip|
golf |gnI!| govern |'g:von|
goose |gu:s|
You look charming in that white gown.
What a gorgeous boy!
Congratulations on your birthday.
Thank you.
You look charming in that white gown.
What a gorgeous boy!
Congratulations on your birthday.
Thank you.
Task 7
Task 8
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Have dialogues with your partner based on the following situations.
v Your classmate got the best mark on the Drama class.
v Your classmate wears a brown sweater. He looks great in it.
v You and your classmate attend a birthday party. Your classmate wears a nice suit.
v Your classmate won a free ticket to watch Hillary Duff's concert in Singapore.
Listen to the following monologue and ll in the missing words. The listening script is in the
My Favourite Actor
My favourite 1) is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a good
actor. He is also very 2) Moreover, he is 3) He has
bright 4) and slanting 5) His facial expression makes
him look funny. If I had a chance to meet him, I would ask him to sign my photograph.
Tell the class your favourite celebrity and his or her physical appearance. Look at Task 10 as
a model.
Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text and ll in the table. Look at the
example. Compare your answers with a partners.
active |'Lliv| (ks) : aktif
bald |b:Id| (ks) : botak
careful |'Lco!uI| (ks) : hati- hati; teliti
careless |'LcoIos| (ks) : sembrono
cheerful |'ljI:o!uI| (ks) : ceria
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
2. Read and Write
Task 12
What A Nice Hair Cut!
condent |'Lnn!idonl| (ks) : percaya diri
determined |di'lo:mind| (ks) : tegas
diligent |'diIidonl| (ks) : rajin
energetic |cno'dcliL| (ks) : enerjik
extrovert |'cLsliovo:l| (ks) : ekstrovet
friendly |'!icndII| (ks) : ramah
generous |'dcnoios| (ks) : dermawan; murah hati
humorous |'hju:moios| (ks) : humoris
intelligent |in'lcIidonl| (ks) : pintar
introvert |'inliovo:l| (ks) : introvet
lazy |'IcizI| (ks) : malas
muscular |'m:sLjuIo| (ks) : berotot
sensitive |'scnsiliv| (ks) : sensitif
shy |jai| (ks) : malu
skinny |'sLinI| (ks) : kurus
slanting |'sIu:nlip| (ks) : sipit
stingy |'slindI| (ks) : pelit
stubborn |'sl:bon| (ks) : keras kepala
stupid |'slju:pid| (ks) : bodoh
wrinkle |'iipLI| (ks) : keriput
The Rising Stars
The success of Harry Potter movies has made Daniel
Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint the centre of public
attention. The three rising stars have grown up on screen and
grown into his or her role as an actor.
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was
born in Fulham, London, 23 July
1989. His nickname is Dan. He
is the only child of Alan Radcliffe
and Marcia Gresham. Dan has
dark brown hair and blue eyes.
His height is about 168 cm. He
is a loyal, shy, down-to-earth,
and humorous person. He is also
intelligent and somewhat mysterious. He
loves football, Formula One racing and
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris, France, 15 April
1990. Her nickname is Emma. She is the daughter of Chris Watson
and Jacqueline Luesby. She lived in Paris until the age of ve before
she moved with her mother and younger brother Alexander to Oxford,
England. Emma has wavy brown hair. Her height is 165 cm. She is a
generous, friendly, and determined person. She also said that she is a
little bit stubborn. Emma loves dancing, singing, tennis and art.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Rupert Alexander Grint was born in Hertfordshire, England, 24 Au-
gust, 1988. His nickname is Rupert. He is the oldest son of Nigel Grint
and Jo Parsons. Rupert has bright red hair.
His height is 180 cm. He is an active and humorous person. Hes also
very humble. However, he is the shyest of the three Harry Potter co-stars.
Rupert is arachnophobic. It means that he is afraid of spiders. He likes
all kinds of music, but his favourite is classic rock and roll. His favourite
school subject is Chemistry.
These Hogwarts trio have been really good friends, not only on screen
but also in real life. Their secret of friendship is that they always understand each other although
they have different backgrounds and personalities.
Adapted from:
Complete the column below based on the text.
Daniel Radcliffe
v Hair : brown
v Eyes : blue
v loyal
v shy
v down-to-earth
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Study the following note.
The text in Task 12 is a descriptive text. Basically, the aim of a descriptive text is to give
information to the readers by making them see, hear, feel, etc. what is described in the text.
A descriptive text focuses on the characteristic features of a person, an animal, or a
particular thing. Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective language. The present tense
is mostly used in descriptive texts. The past tense is also used to describe an object that does
not exist anymore.
In pairs, study the following explanation.
v To describe a persons physical appearance, you can use the following words.
Physical Appearances
Height Body Age Hair Face Eyes
in 20s, 30s,
v To describe a persons characters (qualities & habitual behaviour), you can use the following
Task 13
Task 14
careful careless
intelligent stupid
condent shy
extrovert introvert
generous stingy
diligent lazy
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Complete the following text about Mike Mohede with the words in the box. Look at the
The Cute Mike
Michael Prabawa Mohede was born on November 7, 1983. He
is better known as Mike. He has a beautiful voice. He is the winner of
the second season of Indonesian Idol. He also represented Indonesia
in Asian Idol.
Mike has a smile. His body is His cheeks make him cute.
Mike is a nice and person. He is very friendly to everyone. Some of
his fans call him Teddy Bear because of his plump body and nice
Look at the following celebrities. In pairs, describe their physical appearances. Look at the
cheerful chubby nice plump beautiful
Task 15
Task 16
Physical appearance:
- She is tall.
- Her body is slim.
- She is a teenager.
- She has black straight hair.
- Her face is oval.
- She has round eyes.
Sherina Munaf
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Tobey Maguire
Hillary Duff
David Beckham
Kirsten Dunst
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance:
Ade Rai
Jang Nara
Pictures: 1. 2. http:/ 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Task 17
Ask three of your classmates to describe the physical appearance of their idols. Then, record
them in this table.
No Your classmates Their idols Physical appearances
What A Nice Hair Cut!
Based on the data in Task 17, write descriptions of two idols. Ask your classmates to give you
feedback to revise your descriptions. Put your revised drafts in the school magazine.
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box.
What a nice red sweater!
Youre looking good.
I like your ribbon.
Retno : Hi, Anita. 1) ______________________________
Anita : Its nice of you to say so.
Retno : Ive never seen you in that sweater. Is that new?
Anita : Well, my sister bought me this sweater yesterday.
Retno : I see.
Anita : Anyway, 2) ________________________ It makes you look sweet.
Retno : Oh, not really. Look, Virga is coming!
Anita : Hi, Virga. 4) ______________________Who did your haircut?
Virga : Thanks. My Mom did it.
Retno : By the way, I heard you won a quiz on the radio yesterday.
5) _______________
Virga : Thank you.
Task 18
Task 19
Cultural Tips
The Way They Dress in America
- Men: socks should match your suit. No leg should show between pant hem and shoe. Remove your hat
when indoors.
- Women: do not overdress for daytime or wear noisy jewellery. American women do not wear a lot of
make-up to the ofce. Low-cut blouses, short skirts, and tight clothing are not appropriate ofce
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Work in groups of three. Describe the physical appearance of each character of the following
Task 20
What A Nice Hair Cut!
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Find two texts describing celebrities. Then, write them down in your own words.
Have a dialogue with your partner. Include expressions of complimenting, congratulating, and
responding to compliments/congratulations.
v Your classmate wears a cute bracelet. She made it herself.
v Your classmate has just joined a singing competition. He won the second place.
v Your classmate has just been chosen as the captain of the class.
v You and your classmate are going to the cinema to watch Amings new movie. You wear a
new shirt. Your classmate wears a nice blue skirt.
Work in pairs. Write down a description of somebody you know. Let your classmate guess
who he or she is.
Write a short text about your idol.
Music Corner
You can nd expressions of compliment in many songs. One of those songs is entitled You
Are So Beautiful by Westlife.
You Are So Beautiful
Task 21
Task 22
Task 23
Task 24
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Cant you see
Youre everything I hoped for
Youre everything I need
You are so beautiful to me
You are so wonderful
To me
You are so wonderful
To me
Cant you see
Youre everything I hoped for
Youre everything I need
You are so beautiful (3x)
To me
Taken from:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to compliment someone, for example:
v What a !
v Thats a very nice
v I like your
v Youre looking good!
2) How to congratulate someone, for example:
v Congratulations!
v Id like to congratulate you on
v I must congratulate you on your
v Well done.
3) How to respond to compliments and congratulations, for example:
v Thanks.
v Oh, not really.
v It's nice of you to say so.
4) Descriptive text is a text which is telling about the characteristics of a particular thing, such
as persons characteristics or description.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Do you sometimes read and/ or write descriptions of animals? Can you read and
write such texts effectively? Lets explore descriptive texts and more in this unit.
At times, you feel excited and you want to express it.
Do you know how to express it appropriately?
I Find It Very Interesting.
A. Lets Get Ready
Work in pairs to answer the following questions.
1. What is your favourite animal?
2. Do you own one? What is its name?
3. Describe it. Use the points below to help you describe your pet (animal).
a. size (length and height) d. special body part and its use
b. weight e. how it moves
c. colour
Look at the following animals. Name each recording to its description.
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
Task 1
Task 2
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Ah Meng is a female Orangutan. She belongs to the rare Sumatran Orangutan species.
She is a tourism icon of Singapore.
Harriet is a Galpagos tortoise. She was born in 1830. Harriet spends a majority of her
day napping at her home pond. Her favourite food is hibiscus owers.
Gemina is a giraffe who lives in the Santa Barbara Zoo. She becomes notable for the
peculiar deformity in her neck, which is bent by almost ninety degrees.
The mule Idaho Gem was born on 4 May 2003. It is the rst clone born in the horse
Nora is a gray tabby cat. Nora was named after the artist Leonora Carrington. She is
famous for playing the piano.
India Willie Bush is US Presidents George W. Bushs and Laura Bushs black cat. He
has lived with the Bush family for more than ten years.
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue about Andis pets and then ll in the table with correct
information. Look at the example. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Andis Pets Descriptions
Felix (cat)
black and white
4 kg
It likes to sleep for hours.
Deborah (cat)
Brandy (Dog)
Bora (Hamster)
Task 3
1. Listen and Speak
I Find It Very Interesting.
Lets say it right.
In the monologue in Task 3 you nd the word male.
How do you pronounce it?
The vowel letter a is pronounced ci when followed by a consonant plus e. Here are some
other examples.
came |Lcim| same |scim|
change |ljcind| take |lciL|
game |gcim| tame |lcim|
Tell the class your favourite pet. Refer to the monologue in Task 3 as a model.
Listen to the following dialogue between Anita and Denias. Then, choose the right statements
by circling the letter a, b, c, or d. The listening script is in the Appendix.
Situation: Anita and Denias are talking about a famous piano playing cat.
1. a. Denias has read the article in the latest school magazine.
b. Denias hasnt read the article in the latest school magazine.
c. Denias has read all the articles in the latest school magazine.
d. Denias hasnt bought the school magazine.
2. a. Anita asks Denias to write an article in the school magazine.
b. Anita asks Denias to read an article in the school magazine.
c. Anita asks Denias whether he has read an article in the school magazine.
d. Anita asks Denias whether he has an article about the school magazine.
3. a. The article is about a strange tabby cat.
b. The article is about a cat playing the piano.
c. The article is about a strange piano.
d. The article is about a singing cat.
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
4. a. Nora is a cat who rarely plays the piano.
b. Nora is a gray tabby cat who plays the piano.
c. Nora is a tabby cat who has the gray piano.
d. Nora is a gray cat who does not like piano.
5. a. Denias is going to search information about Nora on the internet.
b. Denias is going to promote Nora on the internet.
c. Denias is going to write an article about Nora on the internet.
d. Denisa is going to search information about Noras cat on the internet.
In pairs, study the following expressions.
Saying You Are Excited
In the dialogue in Task 4 you nd some expressions used to say that you are excited, such as:
Really? Thats wonderful.
I nd it very interesting.
Here are some other expressions.
Thats terric!
(How) exciting!
Im very enthusiastic!
I cannot deny my enthusiasm for
What do you say in the following situations?
Your classmate tells you that he will give you one of her kittens.
Your classmate tells you that he will invite you to see his new pet.
Your classmate asks you to go with him to watch an animal contest.
Have dialogues with your partner based on the situations below. Include the expressions to
show that you are excited.
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
You have just found a cute hamster at the backyard of
your classmates house. It is a white and brown hamster.
It has a very small nose. It runs very quickly. You really
want to keep it.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Your classmate has a Dalmatian. It is 0.5 m tall. It has a
red ribbon around on its neck. It is very smart and tame.
One day your classmate took his Dalmatian to join a dog
contest in your town. His Dalmatian was chosen as the
Most Favourite Pet.
You had wanted to have a pet for a long time. One day
your father bought you a parrot. It is a lovely one. It is
quite colourful. It has six colours on its body: red, blue,
green, yellow, white, and black. It also sings beautifully.
You tell your classmate about the good news.
Your classmate was given a cat for his birthday present.
When you visit his house, he shows you his cat. It is a big
white cat of 8 kg. It has soft thick fur. It looks beautiful.
Your classmate tells you that you may keep it for two
days. You are very excited.
Read the following advertisements on animals for sale on the internet. Then, in pairs, answer
the questions.
Read and Write
Task 10
Beautiful Golden Retriever
I have a beautiful 2 year old Golden Retriever with silky light brown
hair. I have named her Goldie. She is about 0.5 m tall, and weighs
20 kg. She is a very god pet. She is great with kids and other dogs.
If you are interested in my dog, please call Aji at (021) 532 444,
or email [email protected].
Exotic Shorthair
I have an exotic brown female cat. Her name is Ruby. She is one
year old. She weighs about 8 kg. She is extremely affectionate
and playful. If you are interested in my cat, please call Dina at
(031) 332 222, or email [email protected].
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
1. Describe the dog in the rst ad.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
2. If you are interested in the dog in the rst advertisement, how can you get it?
3. Describe the cat in the second advertisement.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
4. If you are interested in the cat in the second advertisement, how can you get it?
5. Describe the horse in the third advertisement.
name :
type :
age :
colour :
height :
weight :
other characteristics :
6. If you are interested in the horse in the third advertisement, how can you get it?
advertisement |od'vo:lizmonl| (kb)
advertisement is announcement which tries to make sure that people know that something
is for sale, that something is going to happen, that a show is on.
advertisement is commonly abbreviated as ad.
Amarillo is a dark brown stallion (adult male horse) of 6 years
old. He is 153 cm tall, and weighs 1200 lbs. He is quiet in nature.
If you are interested, please visit 9107 Ridge Road, Castorland,
New York, or call 315 376 5915.
I Find It Very Interesting.
Read the following information about celebrities and their pets and then complete the state-
ments. First, study the following words.
cuddle |'L:dI| (kkt) : memeluk
erce |'!ios| (ks) : galak
fur |!o:| (kb) : rambut binatang
marking |'mu:Lip| (kb) : tanda
poodle |'pu:dI| (kb) : anjing pudel (berambut keriting)
pug |p:g| (kb) : jenis anjing kecil berhidung pesek
puppy |'p:pI| (kb) : anak anjing
shepherd |'jcpod| (kb) : anjing gembala
Task 11
Jessica Alba and Her Pets
Jessica Alba looks very cheerful with her two pugs. She named
them Sid and Nancy. The two dogs look similar. Both have white
fur and brown markings. They also wear the same red ribbon
around their necks.
Hillary Duff and Her Pet
Hillary takes a few moments to get down with her little dog.
She named it Lola. Lola is a cute Chihuahua. Its colour is light
brown. It looks pretty in pink.
Jake Gyllenhaal and His Pet
Jake has a German shepherd. Its name is Atticus. It is mostly
brown with large black marking. Its height is around 75 cm. It
looks erce.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Adapted from:
1. Sid and Nancy are ...s pets. They have ... fur and ... markings.
2. Hillary Duffs chihuahua is named ... Its colour is ...
3. Atticus is of .. type. Its colour is ... It is around ... tall.
4. Jake Gyllenhaals dog looks ....
5. Dusty is a ... It belongs to ....
The text in Task 11 is a descriptive text. As explained in Unit 7, a descriptive text is basically aimed
at giving information to the readers about characteristic features of a thing, person, or animal.
Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective language. The present tense is mostly used in
descriptive texts. The past tense is also used to describe an object that does not exist anymore.
cuddle way of doing things
erce striped black, brown, and grey cat
marking very angry and likely to attack
fur coloured patterns
tabby soft coat of an animal
tame to hug someone or something
behaviour not wild
Match the words with their denitions. Compare your answers with a classmates.
Joss Stone and Her Pet
Joss Stone really loves to cuddle his poodle puppy. Its name is
Dusty. It is white. The hair is a bit curly and covers half of its
eyes. It looks cute in the pink clothes.
Task 12
I Find It Very Interesting.
By the Way
Surveys say that nearly 10 % of American households
dress their pets in Halloween costumes.
Describe the following animals.
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Write a short paragraph about your pet or an animal that you like most. Use the following
vWhat is your pets name?
What is it?
How old is it?
Describe it.
- size - height - habit
- colour - weight
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogues with correct words, phrases, and expressions in the box.
Situation 1: Denias and his sister are going to watch a circus.
elephant show Fantastic! circus smart
Denias : Tomorrow my sister and I are going to watch the... at the town square.
Arnys : How exciting! I went there two days ago with my parents. You have to see the
elephant show.
Denias : Well, I didnt know if they have that kind of show.
Arnys : They have the greatest ... I have ever seen. They are very ... Elephants are
really good at remembering things.
Denias : .. By the way, would you join us tomorrow?
Arnys : Id love to.
Situation 2: Ayu really wants to have a pet.
pet Really? Thats wonderful. promise kitten
Virga : Mom, may I have a ....?
Mother : Sure.
Virga : ... Thanks.
Mother : But you have to ... me to take care of it.
Virga : I will.
Mother : Anyway, what would you have?
Virga : I think Ill take care of my friends ... She has ve little kittens.
She offered me one yesterday.
Mother : Okay.
Task 14
Task 15
I Find It Very Interesting.
Find two texts describing animals in the internet and/ or library. Rewrite and describe the
animals in your own words.
Find ve animals in your neighbourhood, and then describe them.
No. Animals Descriptions
Task 16
Task 17
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Have a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation.
You and your classmate go to the pet shop. You see a very cute little puppy. You really want it.
However, you remember that your parents will not let you have any pet. Then, your classmate
offers you a smart solution. You will have the pet and keep it at your classmates house.
Write a description of an animal that you like best as a pet.
Music Corner
There have been some songs about animals. One of them is a famous old song about a pet
by Patti Page.
How Much is That Doggie in the Window
How much is that doggie in the window?
(arf! arf!)
The one with the waggle tail
How much is that doggie in the window?
(arf! arf!)
I do hope that doggies for sale
I must take a trip to California
And leave my poor sweetheart alone
If he has a dog, he wont be lonesome
And the doggie will have a good home
Task 18
Task 19
Cultural Tips
Eating horses and ponies is taboo in British culture and causes friction with its nearest European neighbour,
Taken from: http://
I Find It Very Interesting.
I read in the paper there are robbers (roof! roof!)
With ashlights that shine in the dark
My love needs a doggie to protect him
And scare them away with one bark
I dont want a bunny or a kitty
I dont want a parrot that talks
I dont want a bowl of little shies
He cant take a goldsh for a walk
How much is that doggie in the window? (arf! arf!)
The one with the waggle tail
How much is that doggie in the window?(arf! arf!)
I do hope that doggies for sale
I do hope that doggies for sale
Taken from:
(arf! arf!) sounds like a small dog.
(roof! roof!) sounds like a bigger dog.
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to say that you are excited, for example:
v Really? That's wonderful.
v I nd it very interesting.
v Fantastic!
v That's terric!
v (How) exciting!
v I nd it very interesting!
v Im very enthusiastic!
2) A descriptive text is basically aimed at giving information to the readers about characteris-
tic features of a thing, person, or animal. Descriptive texts often use neutral and objective
language. The present tense is mostly used in descriptive texts. The past tense is also used
to describe an object that does not exist anymore.
I Dont Believe It!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
To follow the development, you need to read news regularly. The texts that you
read may include news items on celebrities around the world. Can you read and
write such texts effectively? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging
tasks with up to date news.
In your daily life you often nd things that surprise you or things you do not believe.
When you are in such a situation, you need to express your feelings. Do you know
how to do that?
I Dont Believe It!
A. Lets Get Ready
Study the following pictures and then answer the questions based on your experience.
Compare your answers with your partners.
1. Do you like reading magazines or newspapers?
2. What is the name of the magazine or newspaper you often read?
3. How often is it published? Weekly or monthly?
4. What column do you like the most? Is it sports, entertainment, business, or politics? Why?
Task 1
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Wilson Returns after Suicide Attempt
The Jakarta Post
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Los Angeles: Owen Wilson is going back to work for the rst
time since his reported .. attempt last summer.
Wilson, 39, and co-star Jennifer Aniston begin shooting March
10 on 20
Century Foxs Marley & Me, the studio said. It tells the
tales of a couple who .. a dog to give parenthood a trial run, then
nd the mischievous pooch more than they bargained for.
After he was .. last August, Wilson dropped out of his summers
.. Tropic Thunder, which already had been in .. He was replaced
by Mathew McConaughey.
Due out Christmas Day, Marley & Me is directed by David Frankel and based on the book
by John Grogan, Alan Arkin co-stars.
Study and pronounce the words below before you listen to a dialogue between Arnys and
Marcell. Then, state whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). The listening script is
in the Appendix.
abuse |o'bju:s| (kb) : penyalahgunaan
accomplice |o'L:mpIis| (kb) : kaki tangan
alleged |o'Icdd| (ks) : diduga sebagai
apprehend |pii'hcnd| (kkt) : menahan
arrest |o'icsl| (kkt) : menangkap
dealer |'dI:Io| (kb) : pedagang
drug |di:g| (kb) : obat-obatan
raid |icid| (kb) : razia
1. Listen and Speak
Task 2
Task 3
I Dont Believe It!
Situation: Arnys and Marcell meet at the canteen. They talk about Roy Marten.
No. Statements T/F Correction
1. Arnys and Marcell go to the canteen
F They meet at the canteen.
2. Arnys brings bad news.
3. Denias has read The Jakarta Post.
4. Roy Marten was accused of being a drug
5. Roy Marten was arrested together with four
other people.
6. Roy Marten was apprehended in Surabaya.
7. The police found 47 grams of crystal meth.
Study the following expressions.
In Task 3 you nd some expressions with different functions. Here are the expressions.
Expressions Functions
Are you serious? Expressing disbelief
Really? Expressing surprise
Below are some other expressions.
Expressions Functions
v No! I dont believe it!
v You must be joking!
v Youre kidding!
Expressing disbelief
v Thats very surprising.
v What a surprise!
v My goodness!
Expressing surprise
Task 4
By the Way
The word News is actually an acronym standing for the 4 cardinal compass points: North,
East, West, and South.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Listen to the dialogues to complete the missing expressions. Look at the example. The listen-
ing script is in the Appendix.
1) Andi : Did you know that Heath Ledger died?
Arnys : Youre kidding.
Andi : No, Im not. I read it in a magazine this morning.
Arnys : Oh, my goodness!
2) Retno : Kian Egan has announced his engagement to Jodi Albert.
Anita : .
Retno : Why should I? The engagement was announced in the newspaper.
Anita : Oh, he breaks my heart.
3) Virga : Did you know that Mulan Kwok has changed her name into Mulan Jameela?
Adib : How did you know?
Virga : I read it in my moms magazine.
4) Ayu : Ariel Peterpan and his wife are getting a divorce. I read the news in the newspaper.
Denias : .
Ayu : Of course. Ill bring the newspaper and show it to you.
5) Marcell : Your rock idol is caught using drugs.
Ruben : Ahmad Albar? .
Marcell : I say the truth. I read the news this morning.
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Arnys and Marcell in Task 3 you nd the word news.
How do you pronounce it?
news |nju:z|
The letter n is pronounced nj when followed by e.
Here are some other examples.
knew |nju:|
new |nju:|
newsletter |'nju:zIclo|
newspaper |'nju:zpcipo|
Task 5
Task 6
I Dont Believe It!
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate. Include the expressions of disbelief and
v You tell your classmate that his/her idol has broken up with his girlfriend because he has
an affair with a new model.
v You tell your classmate that your favourite actress is going to get married with her boyfriend
next month.
v You tell your classmate that an actor that he/she doesn't like was nominated for The Best
Actor of The Year.
Read the text and guess the meanings of the following words based on the context. Do it in
allegation |Ii'gcijn| (kb) : ....
discharge |dis'lju:d| (kkt) : ....
estranged |i'slicindd] (ks) : ....
fortitude |'!:lilju:d| (kb) : ....
investigation |invcsli'gcijn| (kb) : ....
offset |n!'scl| (kkt) : ....
possession |po'zcjn| (kb) : ....
psychiatric |saiLi'liiL| (ks) : ....
restraining order |ii'slicining ':do| (kb) : ....
testimony |'lcslimonI| (kb) : ....
trivialize |'liivIoIaiz| (kkt) : ....
Britney Spears - Lut Investigated for Drugging Spears
Caption: Britney Spears is followed by a frenzy of photographers
while shopping at Fred Segal in West Hollywood. Los Angeles,
California - 15.02.08
Britney Spears estranged manager Sam Lut is under investigation
by Los Angeles police over allegations he drugged the troubled star.
Lut was served a restraining order earlier this month (Feb 2008)
and was instructed to keep his distance from the Spears family
after Britneys mother Lynne claimed the manager had admitted he
Task 7
2. Read and Write
Task 8
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
drugged her daughter. According to website TMZ, the allegations are now being investigated by
the Major Crimes Division of the Los Angeles Police Department. Luts new spokesman Michael
Sands tells he is aware of the investigation. Spears had been hospitalized for psychiatric
evaluation at Los Angeles UCLA Medical Centre, but was discharged last week (06 Feb 2008)
after a seven-day stay.
Adapted from:
Study the rule below.
In the news item in Task 8 you nd the sentence:
the allegations are now being investigated by
The sentence is the passive form of the present continuous.
The pattern is: am/is/are being + V3
For example:
The patient is being examined by the doctor.
The students are being given the lesson about drugs.
Read the text again and then answer the questions below. Compare your answers with your
1. Who is Sam Lut?
2. Why was he instructed to keep his distance from the Spears family?
3. Who is Lynne? What did she do?
4. Who is Luts new spokesman? What did he say to
5. Where did Britney Spears get her psychiatric evaluation? How long did she spend her time there?
Study the following notes.
The text in Task 8 is a news item telling information about event of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. The text includes:
- newsworthy event : recounts the event in summary form.
- background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.
- sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event.
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
I Dont Believe It!
Complete the following text with the words in the box. You may use your dictionary. Look at the
Roy Martens Arrest
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Roy Martens arrest for narcotic possession has received a different 1) response from the
infotainment industry. Nearly all the 2) ... broadcast by private TV stations has tried to offset
Roys alleged crime by presenting the humanitarian 3) ... of a wifes fortitude.
At least Roy has been seized twice in the drug 4) ..., the latest taking place after his testimony
on the great 5) ... of narcotics to his life. It means that Roy also deceived the public and trivialized
law enforcers anti-narcotic 6) ....
Therefore, Roys behavior does not deserve the continuous defense of TV infotainment pro-
grams, even by his 7) ..., Alex Asmasoebrata. Such developments make the 8) ... wonder whether
the shows have been nanced by narcotic syndicates.
The fact that Roy had just received about an ounce of shabu when he was captured indicates
that he may have been an active 9) ... as well as a drug trafcker.
His case is thus more serious than the previous arrests of fellow 10) ... Gogon, Derry, Polo
and Doyok. Why do infotainment circles so aggressively defend Roy?
Adapted from:
Read the following news about Lindsay Lohan. Find the words in the text which have similar
meanings to the following words. Look at the example.
1. observe = see
2. penalty = ..
3. minor crime = ..
4. corpse = ..
5. basement = ..
response campaigns public friend case
artists danger theme infotainment user
Task 12
Task 13
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Lohans Sentence to Visit Morgue
BEVERLY HILLS, California: Lindsay Lohan is about to see dead
In June, the 21-year-old actress will visit the morgue as part of
her punishment for misdemeanour drunken driving.
Shes going to see bodies. Well have anywhere from 20 to 50
people in the class and shes treated like any other individual, Los
Angeles County Coroners Assistant Chief Ed Winter said Friday.
Lohan was arrested twice last year on DUI charges and pleaded guilty
in August to misdemeanour drunken driving and cocaine charges.
The morgue visits include a walk-through of the service oor
where autopsies are taking place along with the processing of the
deceased. They also wind up seeing deceased people in our crypt, Winter said.
Its to show them what reality is.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
Picture :
Find two news items in the newspaper and rewrite them in your own words.
Write a news item about any event in your school that you think important to be published.
Put your nal draft in the school bulletin.
Task 14
Task 15
Cultural Tips
In United Kingdom there are some topics which are best avoided for small talk, such as:
- Age, e.g. How old are you?
- Appearance or weight, e.g. You seem to have put on some weight
- Personal gossip about somebody you know
- Jokes that might offend (especially sexist or racist jokes)
- Money, e.g. How much do you earn?
- Previous or current relationships, e.g. Do you have a girl friend?
- Politics, e.g. Who did you vote for at the last election?
- Religion, e.g. Do you believe in God?
- Criticisms or complaints, e.g. Why is British food so bad?
I Dont Believe It!
C. Lets Do More
Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with your
Ruben : Anita, why do you look so miserable?
Anita : Ive just read the news about Heath Ledger. It states that he passed away.
Ruben : 1) ____________________.
Anita : Its okay.
Ruben : You must be very sad.
Anita : Yes, hes one of my favourite actors. He was a good actor. I have watched all his
movies and I love them all.
Ruben : 2) ____________________________?
Anita : The police still investigate this case. He might have died of overdose.
Ruben : 3) __________?
Anita : He was found lying in his bed with some pills beside him. The police have not
made any conclusion yet.
Ruben : I hope theyll get the cause soon.
Anita : 4) __________. Ledgers family called his death very tragic, untimely and accidental.
Ruben : Im sure his fans feel the great loss of him.
Anita : Heath was a down-to-earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving, unselsh individual
extremely inspirational to many.
Read the news about Eddie Murphy then answer the questions.
Murphy Starts New Year with Marriage
LOS ANGELES: Actor Eddie Murphy celebrated New Years Day by tying the knot with lm
producer Tracey Edmonds, their representatives told People magazine.
The pair exchanged vows Tuesday on a private island off Bora Bora in French Polynesia in
front of a small group of family and friends, the magazine reported.
Murphy and Edmonds began dating last year and were engaged in July.
Murphy, 46, has ve children from his marriage to Nicole Mitchell Murphy, who led for
divorce in 2005. He also has a daughter with Spice Girls singer Melanie Brown.
vWhat was the cause of his death? v Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
vReally? v I hope so.
vWhat was the cause of his death? v Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
vReally? v I hope so.
Task 16
Task 17
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Edmonds, 40, has two sons from her 13-years of marriage to singer Kenneth Babyface
Edmonds. As head of Edmonds Entertainment group, Inc., she has produced the lm and televi-
sion series Soul Food.
Murphys lm credits include Dreamgirls, the Beverly Hills Cop, The Nutty Professor, Shrek,
and Dr. Doolitle movies.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 4, 2008
1. Where did Murphy and Edmonds hold the wedding?
2. Who is Murphys ex-wife?
3. Who is Kenneth Babyface?
4. How many children do Murphy and Edmonds have after their marriage?
5. Mention Murphys lm credits.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Have a dialogue with your partner. Include the expressions of disbelief and surprise based
on the following situations.
v Your classmate tells you that he/she accidentally met your favourite singer. Your classmate
has a chat with him for a while and asked his autograph for you.
v Your classmate tells you that your favourite actress and her boyfriend have been married
for four years but they hide it from public. It was revealed on the magazine.
v Your classmate tells you that he/she won the radio quiz to have a dinner with his/her idol.
A private TV station will broadcast this candlelight dinner.
Find and read two news items in the newspaper about any Indonesian celebrity. Then, make
a summary of the news by completing the table. Look at the example.
Newsworthy event
Tisdale Has No Regrets about Nose Job
NEW YORK: High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale says she was
somewhat distressed when she rst saw her new prole after her recent
nose job.
Task 18
Task 19
I Dont Believe It!
The 22-year-old actress-singer kind of freaked out, she tells People
magazine in its Jan. 28 issue. I was so swollen, I was like, Oh my gosh,
is it going to stay like this?
Tisdale says she does not regret having the surgery but is sorry she
decided to sing in public two weeks later.
Tisdale had surgery Nov. 30 to correct a deviated septum that
worsened over the years and contributed to breathing problems. Tisdale
says she decided to talk about her surgery because she didnt want to
play a game of denying it or being coy.
I wanted my fans to know because I dont take plastic surgery
lightly, she says.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
Write your summary here.
Newsworthy event:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
E. Lets Make a Reflection
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to express disbelief, for example:
v I dont believe it!
v Are you serious?
v You must be joking!
2) How to express surprise, for example:
v Really?
v Thats very surprising.
v What a surprise!
3) News item text is a text which is telling information about even of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. It includes the newsworthy event, the background event, and the
4) Passive (present continuous)
The pattern of the passive form of the present continuous is:
am/is/are being + V3
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Thats Very Kind of You.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
You love reading news item, dont you? The news items may include news items
on sports. Can you read and write such texts effectively? Learn how to read and
write news items further in this unit.
In your daily life you often have to respond to offers or invitations from others. Do
you know how to do them very well?
Thats Very Kind of You.
A. Lets Get Ready
Answer the following questions. Compare your answers with your classmates.
1. What is your favourite sport?
2. Who is your favourite athlete?
3. Do you like reading sport news in the newspapers and magazines?
Study the following kinds of sport. Name each. Look at the example.
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Task 1
Task 2
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
B. Lets Act
Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing information. The listening script
is in the Appendix.
Sentul to Host First Speedcar Race
The Jakarta Post, Saturday, January 26, 2008
Indonesia will play host
to the rst series of the US$3
million Speedcar Champion-
ships. The Indonesian ..
will take place at the Sentul
International Circuit in Bo-
gor, West Java, from Feb.
16 to 17. Indonesia will ..
its drivers Ananda Mikola
and Moreno Soeprapto in
the race.
Moreno said he hoped
he would .. from the home
crowd and stand on the
podium. He added that if he
should .. to win the race, he would be able to .. more sponsors to help .. him in higher budget
Formula races in the future.
The Speedcar .. will feature 24 drivers behind their eight-valve cars with 620 horsepower,
similar to the ones used in Nascar. Physically and skill wise, its more demanding than Formula
1 as it is heavier. Speedcars .. 1,300 kg, compared to the 600-kg Formula car.
Moreno and Ananda will race against a number of world-class .., including former Formula
1 drivers Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert, in the races.
The speedcar championships, held in partnership with GP2 Asia, will .. the winner
US$600,000. The next series will be held in Malaysia, Bahrain and Dubai. (dre)
Adapted from:
1. Listen and Speak
Task 3
By the Way
Pittsburgh is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colours: black and
Thats Very Kind of You.
Listen to the news again and then choose the right statements by circling the letter a, b, c, or d.
1. a. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Malaysia.
b. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Indonesia.
c. The rst series of the Speedcar Championships will be held in Bahrain.
d. The rst series of Speedcar Championships will be held in Dubai.
2. a. Indonesia will replace Ananda Mikola with Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
b. Indonesia will place Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert in the race.
c. Indonesia will place Ananda Mikola and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
d. Indonesia will not replace Ananda Mikola and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
3. a. Moreno hoped to get more sponsors to help nance him in Formula races in the future.
b. Moreno got many sponsors from Speedcar races.
c. Moreno would like to be the sponsor of Speedcar races.
d. Moreno did not get many sponsors from Speedcar races.
4. a. The Speedcar series will feature 24 drivers.
b. The Speedcar series will feature 620 horses.
c. The Speedcar series will feature 8 cars.
d. The Speedcar series will feature 620 cars.
5. a. Speedcars weigh the same as Formula cars.
b. Speedcars weigh less than Formula cars.
c. Speedcars weigh more than Formula cars.
d. Speedcars weigh twice more than Formula cars.
List the words in Task 3 which are unfamiliar to you. Then, nd the equivalents in Indonesian
according to the context. Do it in pairs.
Unfamiliar words Equivalents in Indonesian
Task 4
Task 5
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
In pairs, study the following expressions
Study and practise the following dialogue. Pay attention to the expressions printed in bold.
Work in pairs.
Andi : Hey, Den. What are you reading?
Denias : Oh, Im reading the sports column in the Jakarta Post.
Andi : Is there anything interesting?
Denias : Well, there is one entitled Athletes take up English lessons to improve perfor-
Andi : What is it about?
Denias : It is mentioned that some Indonesian athletes currently have another item on their
training schedule. They are to improve their performance by learning English.
Andi : Really? Why do they do so?
Denias : It is said that the inability to speak English restricts players efforts to socialize.
They tend to be introverted when mingling with athletes from other countries.
Andi : Well, it seems that learning English is getting more important.
Denias : Youre right. By the way, Id like to visit the new gym centre near the town square.
Shall we go there tomorrow?
Andi : I wont say no. Anyway, would you like to have a cup of coffee and some biscuits?
Im going to the kitchen.
Denias : Id love to. Thanks.
Andi : Youre welcome.
Task 6
Would you like me to give
you a glass of water?
Shall we watch the tennis match
at Senayan tomorrow?
Id love to.
Thats very kind of you.
Task 7
Thats Very Kind of You.
In pairs, study the following expressions.
In the dialogue in Task 7 you nd expressions, such as:
v I wont say no.
v Id love to.
The expressions above are used to accept an invitation and an offer. Here are some other
Lets say it right.
In the dialogue between Andi and Denias in Task 7 you nd the word athlete.
How do you pronounce it?
athlete |'0II:l|
The vowel letter a is pronounced when taking the initial position in words. Pronounce the
words below.
absent |'bsonl| actor |'Llo|
accident |'Lsidonl| ambition |m'bijn|
action |'Ljon| angry |'pgiI|
active |'Lliv| anxious |'pLjos|
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate based on the following situations.
v You and your classmate have just nished exercising. Both of you are very tired and thirsty.
You ask your classmate whether he would like to have some drink. Your classmate accepts
your offer.
Thats very kind of you.
Id be delighted.
Accepting an Offer/Invitation
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
v Your classmate has never gone to the gym centre. She tells you that she really wants to
go there. Next Sunday you are going to go to the gym centre. You ask your classmate to go
there with you. Your classmate is very excited. She accepts your invitation.
v Your parents buy you a new set of chess game yesterday. You really want to play it. You ask
your classmate to come to your house to play chess with you. He accepts your invitation.
v Your classmate nds some difculties in searching information about extreme sports on the
internet. You want to help him. Your classmate accepts your offer.
Read the following news on Chris John and nd the meanings of the folowing words recording
to the context. Do it in groups of three.
bout |baul| (kb) : ....
champion |'ljmpIon| (kb) : ....
defence |di'!cns| (kb) : ....
dominate |'dnmincil| (kkt) : ....
pressure |'picjo| (kb) : ....
punch |p:nj| (kkt) : ....
Chris Retains WBA Belt with TKO
Sunday, 27 January 2008
2. Read and Write
Task 11
World Boxing Association featherweight
champion Chris the Dragon John successfully
defended his belt for the ninth time with a
technical knockout of Roinet
Caballero of Panama on
Saturday at Bung Karno
Indoor Stadium in Senayan,
Central Jakarta.
Caballeros ring threw in
the towel before the start of
the eighth round, signalling
that their ghter was unable
to continue.
Chri s domi nated the
Panamanian from the first round, with a
combination of powerful punches and solid
In the third round, Chris
had several chances to oor
the 24-year-old Caballero,
connecting with hooks and
upper cuts to the jaw of the
challenger, who fired very
little in reply.
Chris kept up the pressure
and i n t he si xt h round
unleashed a urry of punches
to put the challenger down.
Thats Very Kind of You.
Caballero tried to ght back in the seventh
round, but Chris defence was simply too solid.
The Panamanian was unable to continue the
bout, which was scheduled for 12 rounds.
With the victory, Chris stretched his record
to 47 wins, no defeats and one draw, with 21
KOs and one TKO.
Chris received Rp2 billion (US$215,000)
for the ght, while Caballero earned Rp650
On the undercard, lightweight Alex Bajawa
of Indonesia was knocked out by Saddam
Kietyongyuth of Thailand in the fth round.
Another Indonesian boxer, Andreas Seran,
defeated Sam Setu of Samoa by KO in the
rst round of their scheduled four-round ght.
Adapted from:
As explained in Unit 9, a news item tells information about event of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important. The text is organized to include:
newsworthy event : recounts the event is summary form.
background events : elaborate what happened to, to whom, in what circumstances
expert on the event.
sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event.
Read the text again and then answer the questions below. Compare your answers with a
1. What is the news about?
2. How many times has Chris John defended his belt successfully?
3. Who was Chris Johns rival in the WBA championship in Bung Karno Indoor Stadium in Senayan?
4. Mention Chris Johns ght record.
5. His (paragraph 1, sentence 1) refers to .
Task 12
By the Way
A technical knockout (also referred to as a T.K.O.) is often declared when the referee or other judges
(such as ofcial ring physician, the ghter himself, or the ghters corner men) decide that a ghter
cannot continue the match, even though he does not fail the count.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Read the news about Asian Beach Games. Then, make a summary of the news by listing
important information in your own words in the box.
Asian Beach Games to cost Rp300 billion
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The rst Asian Beach Games, which will be held in Bali from October 18-26, will cost an
estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million), says National Sports Council (KONI) chairwoman
Rita Subowo.
Rita said here Wednesday that the organizing committee and KONI would strive to secure the
funding from the government and sponsors. The Coordinating Ministry for the Peoples Welfare
will provide Rp100 billion, Rita said. A New Zealand apparel company has signed an agreement
with the organizing company to provide a sponsorship of $1.5 million. Rita said she was hopeful
KONI and the organizing committee would nd other sponsors to cover the budget.
We are still negotiating with local and other international companies to sponsor the tourna-
ment. Some of them probably will support us in cash, while some others will provide equipment,
like computers, she said, adding that the organizing committee would use Ernst & Young as its
nancial adviser.
The Asian Beach Games is a multisport event that will be held every two years for athletes
representing 45 countries from across Asia. A total of 17 sports disciplines, including beach soc-
cer, volleyball, sepak takraw, jet skiing, surng and sailing will be included in the Games.
To nance the training of Indonesian athletes participating in the event, Rita said the State
Ministry for Youth and Sports Affairs would provide some Rp15 billion, which is not included in
the Rp300 billion budget for organizing the Games. (trw)
Adapted from:
Where and when will the rst Asian Beach Games be held?
How much will the event probably cost?
Task 13
Thats Very Kind of You.
How will they probably get the fund for holding the rst Asian Beach Games?
How will they manage to nance the training of Indonesian athletes participating
in the event?
What will the Asian Beach Games be like? Mention some branches included.
Task 14
Study the rule below.
In the text in Task 13 you nd the following sentences:
will cost an estimated Rp300 billion
will provide Rp100 billion
Some of them probably will support us in cash,
The word will above is used when we decide to do something, at the time of speaking. The word
will is always followed by Verb 1.
For example:
They will give a big support to the team.
They will hold training for new members.
Write your own news item about sport. Make it simple. The following guidance may help you.
v Pick one topic about sport. You may search it in magazines, newspapers, or the internet.
v List important information on the topic (what it is about, when and where it happened, etc.).
v Arrange the important information you have got to write the news.
Task 15
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
C. Lets Do More
In pairs, create a dialogue with your classmate based on the following information.
You nd an advertisement about a sports exhibition. The event will be held in the towns
centre building from 510 April. You are very excited about it. You tell your classmate about
the advertisement. You say that you would like to go there with him. Your classmate agrees.
He says that it is the event he has been waiting for.
You and your classmates take a swimming course at 3 p.m. today. Both of you are about to
leave when you realize that you forget to bring your towel. Your classmate says that you may
borrow one of his towels.
Find two news items about sports. Pick any topic you are interested in. You may search it in
the magazines, newspapers, internet, etc. Then, rewrite the news items in your own words.
Task 16
Task 17
Cultural Tips
Irish Road Bowling
The sport of road bowling is most popular in County
Armagh and County Cork in Ireland, although it was once also
quite popular in Scotland and England. This kind of sport
always attracts crowds as it is played outside on the road.
Thats Very Kind of You.
D. Lets Check Your Competence
Complete the following dialogue with correct words, phrases, and expressions in the box.
Situation: Retno and Virga are at the tennis court.
Retno : Hey, Virga. Have you seen Denias? He said he would be here today.
Virga : No, I havent. Adib told me that he and Denias would come at 4 p.m. They have to
go to the sports shop rst. Adib needs a new 1) ______________
Retno : I see. Shall we go to the 2) ___________ now? Im very thirsty and I need to drink.
Virga : 3) ______________________ By the way, let me buy you a 4) _______. Id like to thank
you for teaching me to play tennis today.
Retno : 5) _______________. Okay, lets go there.
In groups, have a short dialogue with your classmates. Include the expressions of inviting,
accepting, and declining the invitation of a football match.
Read the text and list the important information on the news. Compare your points with your
canteen drink
I wont say no. tennis racket
Thats very kind of you.
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
Simon Stuns Tauk in Malaysia
The Jakarta Post, Friday, January 18, 2008
Indonesias No. 1 Tauk Hidayat saw his hopes of collecting the rst title this year dashed
by his junior compatriot Simon Santoso in the second round of the US$200,000 Malaysia Open
Super Series badminton tournament in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
The 2004 Olympic gold medallist was routed by the tter Simon in 40 minutes 21-18, 21-
16. He refused to make any excuse. There is no excuse for my bad performance today. I simply
lost, he was quoted as saying by AFP.
With the victory, Simon advanced to the quarternals to take on top seed Lee Chong Wei of
Malaysia. Lee secured semi nal berth after beating Przemyslaw Wacha of Poland 21-5, 15-21,
21-8 in 43 minutes. Lee has beaten Simon twice, the last time was at the French Super Series last
November where he also became the eventual winner. Simon is the lone prospect for Indonesia in
mens singles after Andre Kurniawan Tedjono fell to eighth seed Chen Yu of China 13-21, 9-21.
In mixed doubles, world champion Nova Widianto and Lilyana Natsir took another step
toward the quarternals after beating Germans pair Ingo Kindervater and Kathrin Piotrowski
21-11, 21-23, 21-19. They will play Korean duo Lee Yong
Dae and Lee Hyo Jung in the quarternal. The Korean
pair defeated Danish duo Thomas Laybourn and Kamilla
Rytter Juhl 21-15, 20-22, 21-19. This would be the rst
encounter for the Indonesians and the Koreans.
They are a new pair. Korea has repeatedly made
changes in their doubles pairings. We never met them
before, Nova said as quoted by Antara. It will be an in-
teresting game. But, we are optimistic to win the match,
he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesia also saw its best prospects in
womens doubles tumble during the second round of the
tournament. Jo Novita and Greysia Polii were trounced
by Korean pair Lee Won Kyung and Lee Hyo Jung 18-21,
10-21 in 41 minutes, while teammates Lilyana Natsir and
Vita Marissa fell to Miyuki Maeda and Satoko Suetsuna
of Japan 19-21, 16-21 in 45 minutes.
Adapted from:
Thats Very Kind of You.
E. Lets Make a Reflection
Reect on your learning in this unit and write down your reection in the space below.
What I like best in this unit:
What I dont like in this unit:
The improvement I have made after learning English in this unit:
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
F. Lets Make a Summary
In this unit you learn:
1) How to accept an offer or invitation, for example:
v I wont say no.
v Id love to.
v Thats very nice of you.
2) News Items
A news item tells information about event of the day which is considered newsworthy or
important. The text is organized to include newsworthy event, background events, and
3) Will
Will is used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. Will is always fol-
lowed by Verb 1.
Unit Review Semester 2
I. Listen to short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer to each
question. The listening script is in the Appendix.
1. What does Marcell mean?
a. He found it as a trouble to help Arnys.
b. He could not help Arnys.
c. He would not help Arnys.
d. He might help Arnys.
e. He loves to help Arnys.
2. What does Retno mean?
a. She wanted to help Andi.
b. She could not help Andi.
c. She bought a bracelet yesterday.
d. She responds to Andis thanks.
e. She would help Andi.
3. What does Virga mean?
a. She asks Adib to create a new logo.
b. She congratulates Adibs work.
c. She gives Adib a logo for their club.
d. She helps Adib to make a new logo.
e. She wants to create a new logo for the club.
4. What is Anitas intention?
a. She likes Ayus gown.
b. She congratulates Ayu.
c. She compliments Ayu.
d. She invites Ayu.
e. She makes an appointment with Ayu.
5. What does Arnys imply?
a. She does not believe the news.
b. She wants to have the kittens.
c. She is afraid of the kittens.
d. She is excited with the news.
e. She compliments Ruben.
6. What does Anita mean?
a. She is excited.
b. She would like to join the contest.
c. She wants her dog to join the contest.
d. She will go to the contest next week.
e. She wants to buy a dog in the contest.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
7. What does Andi mean?
a. He doesnt believe in the news.
b. He wants to believe in the news.
c. He believes in the news.
d. He wants to become a rock idol.
e. He wants to buy the newspaper.
8. What does Virga imply?
a. She refuses Deniass invitation.
b. She does not want to go with Denias.
c. She accepts Deniass invitation.
d. She wants to go to the match by herself.
e. She says no to Deniass invitation.
9. Ayu : Thanks a million for your help.
Arnys : ______________.
a. Dont mention it.
b. Id love to.
c. Really?
d. Thats wonderful.
e. Terric!
10. Adib : Thats a very cute sweater.
Retno : ______________.
a. Its no trouble at all.
b. Thank you for saying so.
c. With my pleasure.
d. Very well, thanks.
e. That would be nice.
11. Marcell : __________________.
Virga : Really? Thats wonderful!
a. My lovely kitten died last night.
b. My little sister killed my hamster.
c. My horse has been sick for three days,
d. My dog won a swimming contest yesterday.
e. My rabbit was hit by a car this morning.
12. Denias : I heard the news that Pasha Ungu was put on probation for eight months.
Andi : ____________.
a. I dont believe it!
b. Thats great.
c. Id love to.
d. Its no trouble at all.
e. Dont mention it.
Unit Review Semester 2
13. Virga : Wont you have a dinner with my family tomorrow night?
Adib : _____________________.
a. You must be joking!
b. My goodness!
c. That would be great.
d. Well done.
e. Congratulations!
II. Read the texts and choose the best answer to each question.
Questions 14 20 are based on the following text.
The White Buttery
An old man named Takahama lived in a little house behind the cemetery of the temple
of Sozanji. He was extremely friendly and generally liked by his neighbours, though most of them
considered him a little mad. That was because he was very old but he did not want to get married.
He did not have the desire for intimate relationship with women.
One summer day he became very ill, so ill, in fact, that he sent for his sister-in-law and her
son. They both came and did all they could to bring comfort during his last hours. While Takahama
fell asleep, they watched a large white buttery ew into the room and rested on the old mans
pillow. The young man tried to drive it away with a fan; but it came back three times, as if it was
very loath to leave the sufferer.
At last Takahamas nephew chased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the
cemetery beyond, where it lingered over a womans tomb, and then mysteriously disappeared.
On examining the tomb the young man found the name Akiko written upon it, together with a
description narrating how Akiko died when she was eighteen. Though the tomb was covered with
moss and must have been erected fty years previously, the boy saw that it was surrounded with
owers, and that the little water tank had been recently lled.
When the young man returned to the house he found that Takahama had passed away,
and he returned to his mother and told her what he had seen in the cemetery.
Akiko? murmured his mother. When your uncle was young he was betrothed to Akiko.
She died shortly before her wedding day. When Akiko left this world your uncle resolved never to
marry, and to live ever near her grave. For all these years he has remained faithful to his vow, and
kept in his heart all the sweet memories of his one and only love. Every day Takahama went to
the cemetery, whether the air was fragrant with summer breeze or thick with falling snow. Every
day he went to her grave and prayed for her happiness, swept the tomb and set owers there.
When Takahama was dying, and he could no longer perform his loving task, Akiko came for him.
That white buttery was her sweet and loving soul.
Adapted from:
14. The text tells you about
a. an old man with his faith
b. an old man with his neighbours
c. a mad old man
d. a crazy old man
e. dying old man
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
15. How was Takahamas characters?
a. He was a humorous person.
b. He was an indolent person.
c. He was a pathetic person.
d. He was a sociable person.
e. He was a hilarious person.
16. Who was Akiko?
a. She was Takahamas anc.
b. She was Takahamas niece.
c. She was Takahamas sister I law.
d. She was Takahamas sister.
e. She was Takahamas mother.
17. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. Takahama went every day to Akikos grave and prayed for her happiness.
b. Takahama lived near Akikos grave.
c. Takahama resolved not to marry after Akikos death.
d. Takahama became very ill on summer day.
e. Takahama chased the white buttery out into the garden.
18. The word It (paragraph 3, sentence 2) refers to
a. the garden
b. the cemetery
c. the tomb
d. the white buttery
e. the gate
19. Which of the following words is the antonym of resolved?
a. undecided
b. resolute
c. unyielding
d. determined
e. unbendable
20. Which of the following words is the synonym of betrothed?
a. alienated
b. divided
c. separated
d. estranged
e. engaged
Unit Review Semester 2
Questions 21 26 are based on the folowing text.
My Very Best Friends
I believe that a friend is an angel who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble
remembering how to y. It means that our friends are people who will always be there for us
any time we need them.
Im so lucky because I have three best friends. They are Firsty, Ronald and Jonathan.
We have known each other since we were four years old. We met in the kindergarten. Since
then, we always go to the same school. Moreover, our houses are still in the same block. We
do everything together. Our motto is United we stand, divided we fall. It means together we
are stronger. Now, let me introduce my friends one by one.
Firsty is the youngest among us because she was born in December. We call her The
Sweety Firsty. Her father is French. She is tall and slim. Shes about 171 cm. She has long
straight hair. Actually the color of her hair is blonde. However, she dyed her hair black since
last year. She has beautiful blue eyes, an oval face and pointed nose. The Sweety Firsty is a
cheerful, condent, and determined girl. However, she is a little bit careless and stubborn. She
has many cats in her house. There are about nine cats. She loves them all. One of her favourite
is a little orange cat. She calls her Shinny. Firsty loves to dance and sing. Nevertheless, she
wants to be a model.
Ronalds nickname is Ron. Most of girls in our school love and adore him. Theres
no doubt about his good looking. We call him The Charming Ron. His height is 176 cm. Ron
has straight hair and perfect face. He is an intelligent and introvert person. Above all, he is
humble. He was crowned as The Best Student this year. He won so many prizes on Math,
Chemistry and Physic competition. However, his favourite subject is Chemistry. He wants to
be a chemist someday.
Jonathan is a funny person. He can always nd a way to make the people around
him laugh. I wonder what it is in his head for he can create jokes spontaneously. Jonathans
nick name is Jo. He is plump. Hes about 168 cm tall. His weight is 80 kg. Thats why we call
him The Big Jo. He has a round face with brown eyes. His spiky hairstyle makes him easily
recognized. Jo is a humorous, friendly and an easy going person. He is a movie freak. He would
never miss any new movie in the cinema. He dreams of becoming a famous actor one day.
About me? Well, my name is Hana. Im the shortest one among them. Im about 160
cm tall. I have long wavy hair with round face. My friends call me The Chubby Hana because
I also have a chubby check. Most people, even my parents say that Im a careful, generous
and diligent person. They also say that Im a bit sensitive. I love painting. I spend much time
in my small studio just painting.
Thats all about me and friends of mine. Even though we are quite different, we love
each other and will keep this relationship for good.
21. The purpose of the text is
a. to describe persons and characters
b. to tell a sequence of events
c. to entertain the readers
d. to persuade the readers to have many friends
e. to teach the readers how to make friends
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School X
22. The followings are Firstys characters, except
a. cheerful, humorous, and sensitive
b. cheerful, condent, and strong-minded
c. determined, sensitive, and funny
d. determined, humorous, sensitive
e. sensitive, condent, serious
23. What is Jonathan like?
a. He is fat, easy going, and funny.
b. He is fat, stubborn, and funny.
c. He is chubby, diligent, and sensitive.
d. He is plump, humble, and sensitive.
e. He is friendly, easy going, and slim.
24. What is Hanas favourite?
a. She loves Chemistry.
b. She loves cats.
c. She loves watching TV.
d. She loves painting.
e. She loves singing.
25. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. Firsty has a round face.
b. Jonathan wants to be a chemist.
c. Ron wants to be an artist.
d. Hana has long straight hair.
e. Jonathan is plump..
26. A word in the text that has the same meaning as strong-minded is
a. sensitive
b. friendly
c. determined
d. condent
e. cheerful
Questions 27 30 are based on the folowing text.
Inul aims to drill after haj
JAKARTA: Dangdut singer Inul Daratista says she will not stop performing her raunchy
hip-gyrating dance, the drill after recently completing a spiritual pilgrimage to Mecca.
Uztad (cleric) advised me to run my business as usual after the haj. He only told me
to stop if I was too tired. How am I supposed to feed my family if I dont sing and dance? said
the singer whose dancing was once the source of a major controversy here.
Inul said she wouldnt be changing her typically-tight stage outts like many other
actresses and female singers who start wearing headscarves after coming back from the haj.
.. (the costume) depends on the songs: If I was ordered to sing qasyidah (Arabic
songs). Id have to adjust. Inul said quoted by Detikcom.
Unit Review Semester 2
Inul who travelled to Mecca with her husband, Adam Suseno, said they had been
impressed by the beauty of the city and were planning to make a return trip within the next
four months.
Next year, four months from now, well take the umroh (minor haj program), she said.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, December 27, 2007
27. With whom did Inul take haj?
a. alone
b. her friend
c. Ustad
d. her husband
e. her parents
28. What is Inuls decision after haj?
a. She will stop her raunchy dance.
b. She will run her business as usual.
c. She will sing Arabic songs.
d. She will start wearing headscarves.
e. She will take a break for four months.
29. What Inul planned four months ahead?
a. She will take the umroh.
b. She will travel to Mecca.
c. She will sing qasyidah.
d. She will start wearing headscarves.
e. She will stop performing her raunchy dance.
30. A word in the text that has the same meaning as vulgar is
a. usual
b. spiritual
c. minor
d. major
e. raunchy
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
Hill, L. A.. 1963. Elementary Comprehension Pieces. London: Oxford University Press.
Madya, Suwarsih. 2000. Learning English Pronunciation Systematically. Yogyakarta: State University of
Murphy, Raymond. 1985. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
KGRE Magazine, September 2006
The Jakarta Post, February 21, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 31, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 27, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 26, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 21, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 18, 2008
The Jakarta Post, January 4, 2008
The Jakarta Post, December 27, 2007
Daftar Pustaka
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
Listening Script
Task 2
1) Ayu : Good morning.
Andi : Good morning.
Ayu : Do you know when the class meeting starts?
Andi : It starts at 9 a.m. today.
Ayu : I see. Thanks for telling.
Andi : Youre welcome.
2) Virga : How are you, Den?
Denias : Im ne, thanks.
Virga : Well, you look different today.
Denias : Really? How do I look?
Virga : You look great.
Denias : Thanks. You do too.
3) Retno : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month.
Arnys : Youre right.
Retno : What if we meet at the canteen this afternoon.
Arnys : Sure.
Retno : So, see you later.
Arnys : See you.
Task 6
Andi : Good morning. My name is Andi.
Denias : Good morning Andi. Im Denias.
Andi : Denias, this is Adib. We were classmates the Junior High School.
Denias : Hi, Adib. How do you do?
Adib : How do you do.
Andi : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular activity in the
Junior High School?
Denias : Yes, I did.
Andi : Oh, thats great. Adib and I have never joined it before.
Adib : We hope you can help us.
Denias : Sure.
Andi : Okay, see you this afternoon.
Adib : See you Denias.
Denias : See you.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Task 3
Denias : Hi, Retno.
Retno : Hi, Denias.
Denias : You were absent for two days. Where were you?
Retno : My family and I went to my cousins wedding party.
Denias : I see. Where was it?
Retno : It was in Surabaya. It took ve hours to get there.
Denias : How was the party?
Retno : It was great, but there was something bad that happened.
Denias : Really? What was that?
Retno : The bride fainted after the party was over.
Denias : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Was she sick?
Retno : Actually, she was not. She was just too tired. Fortunately, she soon
Denias : Thats good. Anyway, the bell is ringing. Lets go back to the class.
Retno : Okay.
Task 10
Last year, my family and I visited our relatives in Greece. We ew to Athens via
Singapore. After two hours from Athens, we arrived in Hydra where our relatives were.
The interesting thing about Hydra is that no vehicle allowed. We have to walk to get
anywhere. People often get around on horses or mules. After Hydra, we visited Satorini
by ferry. Then we took a high speed catamaran to Mykonos. At least in Mykonos they
have taxis and buses so we did not have to walk to go everywhere. From Mykonos
we ew to the island of Skiathos where we spent a lovely week visiting beaches and
eating wonderful Greek food. Finally it was time to go back to Athens and end our
trip. After wandering around the old part of the city and taking lots of photos of the
Acropolis and other ancient Greek monuments and statues, we had to get my taxi
to the airport.
Adapted from: KGRE Magazine, September 2006
Task 3
1. First, prepare all the ingredients.
2. Next, slightly beat eggs and mix with our and half cup of water.
3. Then, mash bananas with fork and mix thoroughly with our and egg mixture.
4. After that, deep-fry bananas and our mixture in hot oil until golden brown.
5. Finally, drain on absorbent paper and dust with cheese.
6. The Fried Bananas with Cheese are ready to serve.
Listening Script
Task 4
Ayu : This afternoon Id like to practise making fried rice. Would you like to
come to my house to help me?
Retno : That sounds a nice idea. However, I dont think I can cook.
Ayu : Dont worry. Well learn together how to cook fried rice.
Retno : Would you tell me how to do it before practising?
Ayu : Sure, let me tell you. First, prepare the spices, egg, and cooked
rice. Grind some garlic, chilli, and salt. Then, cut some onions into very
thin pieces. Fry them together until it smells good. After that, add the
egg and scramble them together. Finally, fry them together with the
cooked rice until they are well mixed.
Retno : And then you have your fried rice done.
Ayu : Right.
Retno : That sounds easy. I cant wait to practise it.
Ayu : Neither can I. By the way, do you want me to pick you up?
Retno : No, thank you.
Task 4
Arnys : Denias, do you like to try some food from other countries?
Denias : Yes, I do.
Arnys : What is your favourite one?
Denias : My favourite one is Kebab, actually.
Arnys : Kebab? Ive never heard of it.
Denias : Well, the Kebab originated in Turkey. It is a staple food there.
Arnys : What kind of food is it?
Denias : It is made of sliced roasted meat served with fresh vegetables
and wrapped in Lebanese bread with a choice of sauces.
Arnys : Hmm It sounds delicious.
Denias : Yes, it is. Anyway, let me invite you to try it. Would tomorrow be
Arnys : Sure, that will be ne.
Task 6
Virga : Ayu, have you ever made your own pizza?
Ayu : No, I havent. What about you?
Virga : I havent either. Anyway, Id like to invite you to practise making
Ayu : Really? Where?
Virga : Well, its going to be in my aunts kitchen.
Ayu : So, shes going to teach us.
Virga : No, shes not actually. Well only use my recipe book.
Ayu : Are you sure? Thats going to be challenging.
Virga : So, would tomorrow at 2 p.m. be possible?
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Ayu : Im afraid I cant. I will be attending my music course.
Virga : How about at 4 p.m.?
Ayu : Great, its a perfect time.
Task 11
Making Crab Soup
Making crab soup is not difcult. What you need are 2 liters of sh stock, 2
medium-sized crabs, 100 gram ginger, 50 gram scallions, 50 gram Indonesian
parsley, salt, and pepper to taste. First, make sh stock by boiling sh bones in 8 cups
of water. Then remove these bones after a few minutes. Wash the crabs, split into
several parts. Cut ginger into very thin slices, the scallions and Indonesian parsley.
After that, heat stock for about 5 minutes, put everything into the stock. Finally, add
salt and pepper to taste.
Adapted from:
Task 4
Virga : Ayu, yesterday Mrs Irene told me that the role of Ratna Manggali goes to you.
Ayu : Really? Im delighted to hear about that.
Virga : Well, congratulations!
Ayu : Thank you. By the way, whos going to take the role of Calon Arang?
Virga : Dont be surprised, Mrs. Irene has chosen me!
Ayu : Great! Nobody can do it better than you.
Virga : Im not that sure. I still need more references about Calon Arang to
improve my acting.
Ayu : Dont worry about that, I will help you nd more sources.
Virga : Will you?
Ayu : Yes, of course. Thats what friends are for.
Virga : Thank you very much for your kindness.
Ayu : Dont mention it.
Task 6
1) Andi : Mr. Joe likes the story and lets us use it in the next play.
Denias : Im delighted to hear about that.
2) Arnys : Thanks a lot for telling me the story.
Retno : Any time.
3) Virga : Thank you for your help.
Marcell : Dont mention it.
4) Ruben : Thank you very much for lending me your story book.
Ayu : Thats all right.
5) Adib : You got A for your writing assignment.
Anita : Its marvellous.
Listening Script
Task 10
Brawijaya, the king of Majapahit, had a beautiful daughter named Roro
Anteng. Later she got married to a priest named Joko Seger. Because of an unfor-
tunate situation, they were forced to leave the kingdom. They settled an area in
the mountain named Tengger.
They were unhappy because they did not have a child. They climbed the
peak of the mountain and prayed to the gods. Betara Bromo promised them many
children with one condition: they would have to sacrice their youngest child. They
nally had twenty-ve children. However, they broke their promise to sacrice the
youngest, Kesuma. Suddenly, an eruption occurred and Kesuma fell into the crater.
His voice was heard saying, I have to be sacriced so that you will all live. From
now on you should arrange an annual ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo.
Kesumas brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year by
offering fruits, vegetables, rice and meats. This ceremony is still held today as a
Kesada ceremony.
Adapted from:
1. Anita : How are you?
Denias : Very well, thanks.
2. Retno : Hi, my name is Retno.
Virga : Hi, Retno. Im Virga.
3. Ruben : Thank you very much for lending me the novel.
Arnys : Dont mention it.
4. Ayu : Adib told me that he got an accident yesterday.
Andi : Im sorry to hear that.
5. Retno : Tomorrow Im going to make a chocolate pudding. Would you
like to come?
Ayu : Thank you, Id like to.
6. Adib : Shall we have dinner at the Japanese restaurant tonight?
Arnys : Id like to, but I have another plan.
7. Anita : We need to go to the market to buy some fruits. Would
tomorrow be possible?
Virga : Sure, that will be ne.
8. Marcell : Hey, Retno. They told me that you won the poetry reading
Retno : Thank goodness!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Task 3
Adib : Hi Retno, Ive got something for you.
Retno : Really? Whats that?
Adib : Here you are.
Retno : Oh, thank you very much for your kindness.
Adib : It was the least I could do.
Retno : Adib, this is the only thing I want it right now. Ive been looking for
this novel for months, but I couldnt nd it anywhere. How could
you nd it?
Adib : Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small
bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly?
Retno : I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my
writing on Japanese folktales.
Adib : Oh, I see. Anyway, Im glad I can help you. I hope I will be the rst
to read your writing.
Retno : Of course you will.
Adib : Thank you.
Retno : Dont mention it.
Task 6
1) Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness. I wouldnt able to do
that by my self.
Ruben : Its no trouble at all. You can call me any time you need me.
2) Marcell : I got A for my story telling assignment. Youre the one who gave me
the idea about the story I would tell to the class. I m very grateful
to you.
Anita : Dont mention it.
3) Adib : I have given the story book we bought yesterday to my sister. She
loves the book you have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Ayu : Delighted I was able to help. You know, most of girls love to read
romantic story.
4) Retno : Thank you very much for lending me the all of your story books. I have
my niece stayed at home all day long.
Virga : Its no trouble at all.
5) Andi : I was blessed for having you as my friend. You always there when I
need your help. Im much obliged.
Denias : It was the least I could do. Thats what friends are for.
Listening Script
Task 8
Blue Hens Chicks
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
A Delaware man went to war during the American Revolution. For entertain-
ment, he brought with him two ghting cocks. When asked about these chickens,
the soldier said slyly: They are the chicks of a blue hen I have at home.
Well, these cocks could ght! They were so erce, they caused quite a stir
among the men. It did not take long for the Delaware troops to begin boasting
among the troops from the other states that they could out-ght anyone, just like
those famous ghting cocks. Were the Blue Hens Chickens. We will ght to the
end! became the theme of the Delaware troops. The other troops took to calling
the men from Delaware The Blue Hens Chicks, and to this day, Delaware is
known as the Blue Hen State.
Task 10
My Favourite Actor
My favourite actor is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a good
actor. He is also very funny. Moreover, he is cute He has bright skin and slanting
eyes. His facial expression makes him look funny. If I had a chance to meet him,
I would ask him sign my photograph.
Task 4
Ayu : You look cute with that hat.
Denias : Thank you for saying so. By the way, I heard from Andi that you won
two free tickets to watch I am Legend in the cinema.
Ayu : Thank you. I joined a quiz in the radio and I won it.
Denias : Thats great. What would you do with the tickets?
Ayu : Well, actually Im going to ask you to go with me to watch the
movie. Shall we?
Denias : Really? Id love to.
Ayu : So, can you pick me up at 7 tomorrow evening?
Denias : Of course. Ill be there on time.
Ayu : Ill be waiting for you.
Task 6
1) Ruben : Congratulations on getting a free coupon to borrow movies from
Nemo DVD rental.
Anita : Thank you.
2) Adib : I like your shoes.
Denias : Its nice of you to say so.
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
Adib : Where did you buy them?
Denias : I bought them in the new department store near my house.
3) Arnys : I must congratulate you on designing the new poster for our drama
club. Everybody in the club loves your work.
Marcell : Thank you.
Arnys : Where did you get the idea?
Marcell : A scene in The Lord of The Rings inspired me.
4) Retno : I saw your performance on TV yesterday. Well done, Andi. You have
impressed the jury.
Andi : Thanks. I worked hard to prepare everything.
5) Virga : It seems that your diet programme works on you. Youre looking
Ayu : How kind of you to say so.
6) Anita : Thats the nicest skirt Ive ever seen.
Retno : Oh, not really.
Anita : Where did you get it?
Retno : I made it myself.
Task 3
Andis Pets
Andi has many pets. He has two cats, a dog, and a hamster. His cats are Felix and
Deborah. Felix is a male cat. It is a black and white cat. It weighs 4 kg. It likes to sleep
for hours. Deborah is a small white female cat. It weighs 1.5 kg. It is very cute. It likes
to play with a tennis ball. Both cats are tame. His dog, Brandy, is a big brown dog. It
is 75 cm tall. It is very smart. It can run very fast. Andi named his hamster Bora. It
is a cute small hamster. It is a brown one. It likes to eat bread. Andi made it a small
hamster house. Andi loves all of his pets.
Task 6
Anita : Hey, Den. Have you read the article in the latest school magazine?
Denias : Which article do you mean?
Anita : Its the one about Nora the Piano Playing Cat.
Denias : Well, I havent read anything about it. The title sounds strange.
What is it actually about?
Anita : It is about a cat named Nora. She is a gray tabby cat. She is famous
for playing the piano.
Denias : Really? Thats wonderful.
Anita : There have also been many talk shows about Nora. She has
attracted the interest of both musicians and scientists, who are
fascinated by her rare behavior.
Denias : Wow, I nd it very interesting. I think Im going to search more
information about Nora on the internet.
Anita : I was thinking about it too.
Listening Script
Task 2
Wilson returns after suicide attempt
The Jakarta Post
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Los Angeles: Owen Wilson is going back to work for the rst time since his
reported suicide attempt last summer.
Wilson, 39, and co-star Jennifer Aniston begin shooting March 10 on 20
Century Foxs Marley & Me, the studio said. It tells the tales of a couple who adopt
a dog to give parenthood a trial run, then nd the mischievous pooch more than
they bargained for.
After he was hospitalized last August, Wilson dropped out of his summers
comedy Tropic Thunder, which already had been in production. He was replaced
by Mathew McConaughey.
Due out Christmas Day, Marley & Me is directed by David Frankel and based
on the book by John Grogan, Alan Arkin co-stars.
Task 3
Arnys : Hi Marcell!
Marcell : Hi! How are you doing?
Arnys : Very well, thanks. What about you?
Marcell : Not so bad, thanks.
Arnys : Have you read The Jakarta Post this morning?
Marcell : No, I havent. Whats in there?
Arnys : Bad news. Roy Marten was arrested again in a drug raid.
Marcell : Are you serious?
Arnys : Yeah, Im not kidding.
Marcell : He was once jailed for nine months for drug abuse. I thought he
would learn a lesson from that. When did it happen and how?
Arnys : Roy was arrested on early Tuesday morning. He was apprehended
together with an alleged drug dealer, Hartanto alias A Hong, two
accomplices identied as Matatula and Didit Kesit Cahyadi, and a
woman named Winda. They were caught in a hotel in Surabaya.
Marcell : What did the police nd in this case?
Arnys : They found 43 grams of crystal meth, an inhaling tube, a plastic
bag of crystal meth, and other drug-taking paraphernalia.
Marcell : Really? Thats a pity.
Arnys : Yes, and its going to be a hot issue along this week.
Task 5
1) Andi : Did you know that Heath Ledger died?
Arnys : Youre kidding.
Andi : No, Im not kidding. I read it in a magazine this morning.
Arnys : Oh, my goodness!
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
2) Retno : Kian Egan has announced his engagement to Jodi Albert.
Anita : You must be joking!
Retno : Why should I? The engagement was announced in the newspaper.
Anita : Oh, he breaks my heart.
3) Virga : Did you know that Mulan Kwok has changed her name into Mulan
Adib : Really? How did you know?
Virga : I read it in my moms magazine.
4) Ayu : Ariel Peterpan and his wife are getting divorce. I read the news in
the newspaper.
Denias : Are you serious?
Ayu : Of course. Ill bring the newspaper and show it to you.
5) Marcell : Your rock idol is caught using drugs.
Ruben : Ahmad Albar? No! I dont believe it!
Marcell : I say the truth. I read the news this morning.
Task 3
Sentul to host rst Speedcar race
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
Indonesia will play host to the rst series of the US$3 million Speedcar Cham-
pionships. The Indonesian races will take place at the Sentul International Circuit in
Bogor, West Java, from Feb. 16 to 17. Indonesia will eld its drivers Ananda Mikola
and Moreno Soeprapto in the race.
Moreno said he hoped he would benet from the home crowd and stand on the
podium. He added that if he should manage to win the race, he would be able to attract
more sponsors to help nance him in higher budget Formula races in the future.
The Speedcar series will feature 24 drivers behind their eight-valve cars with
620 horsepower, similar to the ones used in Nascar. Physically and skill wise, its more
demanding than Formula 1 as it is heavier. Speedcars weigh 1,300 kg, compared to
the 600-kg Formula car.
Moreno and Ananda will race against a number of world-class drivers, including
former Formula 1 drivers Jean Alessi and Johnny Herbert, in the races.
The speedcar championships, held in partnership with GP2 Asia, will award the
winner US$600,000. The next series will be held in Malaysia, Bahrain and Dubai.
Adapted from:
Listening Script
1. Arnys : Thank you very much for your kindness.
Marcell : Its no trouble at all.
2. Andi : I have given my sister the bracelet we bought yesterday. She likes
the motif you
have chosen. That was really nice of you.
Retno : Delighted I was able to help.
3. Virga : I must congratulate you on recreating a new logo for our club.
Adib : Thank you. I hope everybody likes it.
4. Anita : You look beautiful with that purple gown.
Ayu : Thank you for saying so.
5. Ruben : You know what, my cat, Bella, gave birth to ve kittens last night.
Arnys : Really? Thats terric!
6. Marcell : There will be a dog contest next week.
Anita : I nd it very interesting!
7. Adib : Your rock idol was arrested for drugs case. I read the news this
Andi : No! I dont believe it!
8. Denias : Would you like to go with me to the baseball match tomorrow?
Virga : I wont say no.
Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas X 198 Answer Key
1. A 11. A 21. A
2. B 12. C 22. C
3. A 13. A 23. A
4. C 14. E 24. B
5. D 15. C 25. C
6. B 16. D 26. B
7. E 17. A 27. E
8. A 18. B 28. A
9. B 19. D 29. B
10. D 20. E 30. C
1. E 11. D 21. A
2. D 12. A 22. B
3. B 13. C 23. A
4. C 14. A 24. D
5. D 15. D 25. E
6. A 16. A 26. C
7. A 17. E 27. D
8. C 18. C 28. B
9. A 19. A 29. A
10. B 20. E 30. E
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X 199 Subject Index
accepting an offer/invitation 39, 40, 54, 167, 176
approving appointments 59, 60, 70
asking how someone is 4,5, 18
canceling appointments 59, 60, 70
complimenting 118, 130
congratulating 118, 130
declining an offer/invitation 39, 40, 54
expressing disbelief 151, 160
expressing surprise 151, 160
giving instructions 40, 54
greeting someone 4, 5, 18
introducing someone 6, 7, 18
introducing yourself 6, 7, 18
making appointments 59, 60, 70
responding to compliments and congratulations 118, 130
responding to thanks 88, 100, 112
saying good bye 4, 5, 18
saying how you are 5, 18
saying you are excited 136, 146
saying that you are pleased 76, 88
showing attention 23, 24, 34
showing sympathy 23, 24, 34
simple past tense 30, 34
thanking 75, 76, 88, 112
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
absorbent |ob'z:bonl| (ks) : menyerap
abuse |o'bju:s| (kb) : penyalahgunaan
accomplice |o'L:mpIis| (kb) : kaki tangan
achievement |o'ljI:vmonl| (kb) : prestasi
active |'Lliv| (ks) : aktif
adjudicator |o'du:diLcilo| (kb) : penilai
allegation |Ii'gcijn| (kb) : dugaan
alleged |o'Icdd| (ks) : diduga sebagai
announcement |o'naunsmonl| (kb) : pengumuman
annoy |o'ni| (kkt) : mengganggu; menjengkelkan
anxious |'pLjos| (ks) : gelisah
apprehend |pii'hcnd| (kkt) : menahan
arrested |o'icslid| (kkt) : menangkap
attainment |o'lcinmonl| (kb) : pencapaian
attend |o'lcnd| (kkt) : menghadiri
audience |':dIons| (kb) : penonton
award |o'v:d| (kb) : penghargaan
bald |b:Id| (ks) : botak
barn |bu:n| (kb) : gudang
battle |'blI| (kb) : peperangan
bay leaf |bci II:!| (kb) : daun salam
beat |bI:l| (kkt) : mengalahkan
benet |'bcni!il| (kki) : mengambil keuntungan
black magician |bIL mo'dijn| (kb) : dukun jahat
boil |biI| (kkt) : didihkan
bout |baul| (kb) : pertandingan
bride |biaid| (kb) : pengantin wanita
bridegroom |'biaidgiu:m| (kb) : pengantin laki - laki
budget |'b:dil| (kb) : anggaran
campaign |Lm'pcin| (kb) : kampanye
candlenut |'LndIn:l| (kb) : kemiri
careful |'Lco!uI| (ks) : hati- hati; teliti
careless |'LcoIos| (ks) : sembrono
cart |Lu:l| (kb) : kereta
cattle |'LlI| (kb) : ternak
ceremony |'sciimonI| (kb) : upacara
champion |'ljmpIon| (kb) : juara
chant |lju:nl| (kb) : nyanyian
charcoal |'lju:LouI| (kb) : arang
cheerful |'ljI:o!uI| (ks) : ceria
Mini Dictionary
cheese |ljI:z| (kb) : keju
chop |ljnp| (kkt) : memotong
cloak |LIouL| (kb) : mantel; jubah
clog |LIng| (kb) : tekelek; bakiak
clove |LIouv| (kb) : butir; siung
club |LI:b| kb) : klub; perkumpulan
cofn |'Ln!in| (kb) : peti mati
commotion |Lo'mojon| (kb) : keributan
competition |Lnmpo'lijn| (kb) : perlombaan
compliment |'LnmpIimonl| (kkt) : memuji
condent |'Lnn!idonl| (ks) : percaya diri
congratulate |Lon'giljuIcil| (kkt) : memberi selamat
content |Lon'lcnl| (ks) : bahagia
coriander seed |Lnii'ndo sI:d| (kb) : ketumbar
corpse |L:ps| (kb) : jenazah
costume |'Lnslju:m| (kb) : kostum
couple |'L:pI| (kb) : pasangan
coy |Li| (ks) : malu
crisp |Liisp| (ks) : renyah
cruel |'LiuoI| (ks) : kejam
crypt |Liipl| (kb) : ruang bawah tanah
cuddle |'L:dI| (kkt) : memeluk
curse |Lo:s| (kb) : kutukan
dealer |'dI:Io| (kb) : pedagang
decorate |'dcLoicil| (kkt) : menghias
defence |di'!cns| (kb) : pertahanan diri
deformity |di'!:milI| (kb : kelainan bentuk
delicious |di'Iijos| (ks) : lezat; enak
delighted |di'Iailid| (ks) : gembira
desire |di'zaio| (kb) : hasrat
determined |di'lo:mind| (ks) : tegas
diligent |'diIidonl| (ks) : rajin
discharge |dis'lju:d| (kkt) : meninggalkan
dissolve |di'znIv| (kkt) : melarutkan
distressed |di'slicsl| (ks) : sedih
dominate |'dnmincil| (kkt) : mendominasi
dough |dou| (kb) : adonan
drain |dicin| (kkt) : tiriskan
drug |di:g| (kb) : obat-obatan
elaborate |i'Iboiol| (ks) : rumit
enchant |in'lju:nl| (kkt) : memikat
encounter |in'Launlo| (kb) : pertemuan
energetic |cno'dcliL| (ks) : enerjik
enthusiastic |in0ju:zI'sliL| (ks) : antusias
estranged Ii'streindd] (ks) : sudah tidak akrab
eventual |i'vcnljuoI| (ks) : akhir
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
extracurricular |'cLslioLo'iiLjuIu:| (ks) : ekstrakurikuler
extrovert |'cLsliovo:l| (ks) : ekstrovet
faint |!cinl| (kki) : pingsan
fairy |'!coiI| (kb) : peri
feast |!I:sl| (kb) : pesta
erce |'!ios| (ks) : galak
our |'!Iauo| (kb) : tepung
foil |!iI| (kkt) : mengagalkan
fork |!:L| (kb) : garpu
fortitude |'!:lilju:d| (kb) : ketabahan
frantic |'!inliL| (ks) : tergesa-gesa
friendly |'!icndII| (ks) : ramah
fry |!iai| (kkt) : menggoreng
funeral |'!ju:noioI| (kb) : pemakaman
fur |!o:| (kb) : rambut binatang
galangal (kb) |`glngciI| : laos
garlic|'gu:IiL| (kb) : bawang putih
generous |'dcnoios| (ks) : dermawan; murah hati
grate |gicil| (kkt) : memarut
graveyard |'gicivju:d| (kb) : makam
gravy |'gicivI| (kb) : kuah daging
green jack fruit |giI:n dL !iu:l| (kb) : nangka muda
host |housl| (kb) : tuan rumah
humble |'h:mbI| (ks) : rendah hati
humorous |'hju:moios| (ks) : humoris
hut |h:l| (kb) : pondok
icon |'aiLon| (kb) : lambang
impatient |im'pcijnl| (ks) : tidak sabar
intelligent |in'lcIidonl| (ks) : pintar
introduce |inlio'dju:s| (kkt) : memperkenalkan
introvert |'inliovo:l| (ks) : introvet
investigation |invcsli'gcijn| (kb) : penyelidikan
involve |in'vnIv| (kkt) : melibatkan
itch |ilj| (kb) : gatal
join |din| (kkt) : mengikuti
jurisdiction |duoiis'diLjn| (kb) : yuridiksi
jury |'duoiI| (kb) : juri
kin |Lin| (kb) : sanak; famili
knight |nail| (kb) : ksatria
lazy |'IcizI| (ks) : malas
lone |Ioun| ks) : satu-satunya
lumberjack |'I:mbodL| (kb) : penebang pohon
marinate |'miincil| (kkt) : mengasinkan
marking |'mu:Lip| (kb) : tanda
marriage |'miid| (kb) : pernikahan
marvelous |'mu:voIos| ks) : bagus sekali
Mini Dictionary
mash |mj| (kkt) : melenyehkan
massive |'msiv| (ks) : raksasa
meditate |'mcdilcil| (kki) : bersemedi
mince |mins| kkt) : menghaluskan
mingle |'mipgI| (kki) : berbaur
miracle |'miioLI| (kb) : keajaiban
misdemeanor |misdi'mI:no| kb) : pelanggaran hukum (yang ringan)
mix |miLs| (kkt) : mencampurkan
murmur|'mo:mo| (kki) : berbisik
muscular |'m:sLjuIo| (ks) : berotot
mystical |'misliLI| (ks) : gaib; mistik
nervous |'no:vos| (ks) : gugup
noble |'noubI| (ks) : mulia
notable |'noulobI| (ks) : terkenal
occasion |o'Lcion| (kb) : acara
offset |n!'scl| (kkt) : mengimbangi
onion |':njon| (kb) : bawang merah
palace |'pIos| (kb) : istana
participant |pu:'lisiponl| (kb) : peserta
pass away s (kki) : meninggal dunia
peculiar |pi'Lju:IIo| ks) : aneh
pellet |'pcIil| (kb) : butiran
performance |po'!:mons| (kb) : pertunjukan; pergelaran
pile up |'paiI:p| (kkt) : menumpuk
pity |'pivol| (kb) : kasihan
pleased |pII:zd| ks) : senang
podium |'poudIom| (kb) : podium
pole |pouI| (kb) : tiang
pond |pnnd| (kb) : kolam
poodle |'pu:dI| (kb) : anjing pudel (berambut keriting)
possession |po'zcjn| (kb) : kepemilikan
pound spaund| kkt) : memukul-mukul
pour s(kkt) : tuang
preparation |picpo'icijn| (kb) : persiapan
pressure |'picjo| (kb) : tekanan
prosperous |'pinspoios| (ks) : sejahtera
psychiatric |saiLi'liiL| (ks) : berhubungan dengan kejiwaan
pug |p:g| (kb) : jenis anjing kecil berhidung pesek
punch |p:nj| (kkt) : memukul, menjotos
puppet |'p:pil| (kb) : golek; boneka
puppy |'p:pI| (kb) : anak anjing
quot t) : mengutip
rag |ig| (kb) : kain lap
iaId |icid| kb) : razia
rattle |'ilI| (kkt) : menderak-derakkan
realizes(kki) : menyadari
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X
reception |ii'scpjn| (kb) : resepsi
recipe |'icsipI| (kb) : resep
rein |icin| kb) : tali kekang
relative |'icIolivII| (kb) : kerabat
repeatedly |ii'pI:lidII| (kk) : berkali-kali
represent |icpii'zcnl| (kki) : mewakili
request |ii'Lvcsl| (kb) : permintaan
restraining order |ii'slicining| |':do| (kb) : perintah penahanan
revolt |ii'vouIl| (kki) : memberontak
roast |iousl| (kki) : terpanggang
rumour |'iu:mo| (kb) : rumor
sacred |'sciLiod| (ks) : suci
sauce |s:s| (kb) : saus
saucepan |'s:spn| (kb) : panci bergagang
saut |'soulci| (kkt/kki) : tumis
scabies |'sLcibI:z| (kb) : kudis
scrap |sLip| (kb) : sisa-sisa makanan
sensitive |'scnsiliv| (ks) : sensitif
shepherd |'jcpod| (kb) : anjing gembala
shred |jicd| (kkt) : memarut
shrimp cracker |jiimp 'LiLo| (kb) : kerupuk udang
shrimp paste |jiimp pcisl| (kkt) : terasi udang
shy |jai| (ks) : malu
simmer |'simo| (kkt) : didihkan (dengan api kecil)
skewer |'sLjuo| (kb) : tusuk sate
skinny |'sLinI| (ks) : kurus
slanting |'sIu:nlip| (ks) : sipit
slaughter |'sI:lo| (kkt) : menyembelih
slice |sIais| (kb) : irisan, potongan
slice |sIais| (kki) : mengiris
slipper |'sIipoz| (kb) : sandal; selop
smoothly |'smu:II| (kk) : dengan lancar
soothe |su:| (kkt) : menenangkan
spear |'spio| (kb) : tombak
squeeze |sLvI:z| (kkt) : memeras
stalk |sl:L| (kkt) : mengikuti
staple |'slcipI| (ks) : pokok
steep |slI:p| (kki) : merendam
stingy |'slindI| (ks) : pelit
stinky |slipLi| (ks) : bau tidak enak (busuk)
stir |slo:| (kkt) : aduk
stubble |'sl:bI| (kb) : jerami
stubborn |'sl:bon| (ks) : keras kepala
stupid |'slju:pid| (ks) : bodoh
surgery |'so:doiI| (kb) : operasi
suspicious |so'spijos| (ks) : curiga
Mini Dictionary
tamarind |lmoiind| (kb) : asam
tender |'lcndo| (ks) : lunak
testimony |'lcslimonI| (kb) : kesaksian
topping |'lnpip| (kb) : cream, keju, dll yang diletakkan
diatas makanan
tournament |'lu:nomonl| (kb) : turnamen; pertandingan
trivialized |'liivIoIaizd| (kkt) : meremehkan
trophy |'liou!I| (kb) : piala
ulcer |':Iso| (kb) : bisul
upset |:p'scl| (kkt) : mengganggu
useless |'ju:sIos| (ks) : sia-sia
vow|vau| (kb) : janji
wedding |'vcdip| (kb) : pernikahan
well |vcI| (kb) : sumur
whip |vip| (kb) : cemeti; cambuk
wicked |'viLid| (ks) : jahat
win |vin|(kkt) : memenangkan
wrinkle |'iipLI| (ks) : keriput
Interlanguage: English For Senior High School X
adjective : word which describes a noun
adverb : word which modies a verb, an adjective, another adverb
or a whole sentence
advertisement : announcement which tries to make sure that people know
that something is for sale, that something is going to
happen, or that a show is on
announcement : statement made in public
appointment : agreed time for a meeting
approving : agreeing to something
attention : careful thinking on something
background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, and in what
cancelling : stopping something which has been planned
character : person in a play or a novel
characteristics features : features that include physical appearance, qualities, and
habitual behaviour
chronological order : arrangement of events in order of the dates
compliment : remark which praises someone or something
congratulations : good wishes on someone who has done well
conjunction : word which links different sections of a sentence
declining : refusing something (an offer/invitation)
descriptive : (text)
dialogue : conversation between two people
disbelief : not being able to believe something
drama : serious performance in a theatre
evaluative remark : comment that values something
excitement : being excited
folktale : story passed down from one generation to the next
greeting : words said in meeting or welcoming someone
instructions : indication of how something is to be done or used
introducing : presenting someone to another person or to people who
did not know him or her previously
invitation : letter or card asking someone to do something
legend : story from the past which may not be based on the fact
monologue : speech by a person alone
myth : ancient story about gods or something untrue commonly
narrative : a spoken or written account of connected events; a story
news item : spoken or written information about what has happened,
an event
newsworthy event : recounts the event in summary form
noun : (in grammar) word which can be the subject of a verb and
is used to refer to a person or thing
offer : thing which is proposed
procedure : way in which something ought to be carried out
pronoun : word used instead of a noun, such as i, you, he, she,
and it
recipe : instructions for cooking food
recount : (text) to tell a story based on a sequence of events
sequence of events : series of things which happen or follow one after the
sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event
surprise : feeling when something happens which you did not expect
to happen
syllable : a whole word or part of a word which has one single
sympathy : feeling or understanding for someone elses problems, or
after someones death
thanking : saying or doing something showing you are grateful to
someone for doing something for you
verb : (grammar) word which shows an action, being or feeling,
vowel letter : a letter used to represent such a sound, e.g. a, e, i, o, u
ISBN 979-462-895-6
HET (Harga Eceran Tertinggi) Rp...
English for Senior High School Students X
Kpvgtncpi wci g adalah seri bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk
siswa SMA. Bahan ajar ini didesain untuk membuat pembelajar
secara bertahap mencapai kompetensi berbahasa yang lebih
tinggi. Materi-materi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada dalam buku
ini disampaikan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu pembuka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur keba-
hasaan, latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target, evaluasi, dan
Materi yang dikembangkan dalam bahan ajar ini diorganisasikan ke
dalam dua (2) siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus
tulis yang disampaikan secara terintegrasi. Masing-masing siklus
mengembangkan ketrampilan berbahasa yang berbeda, yaitu
menyimak dan berbicara (siklus lisan) dan membaca dan menulis
(siklus tulis). Kegiatan dalam siklus lisan membantu siswa dalam
memahami berbagai ungkapan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari, seperti bagaimana berkenalan, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/
undangan, memuji, mengucapkan selamat dan lain-lain. Sedangkan
kegiatan dalam siklus tulis membantu siswa memahami berbagai
jenis teks seperti tgeqwpv."pcttcvkxg. r tqegf wtg. dan lain-lain.
Hak Cipta buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dari Penerbit
PT Grasindo .
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan
(BSNP) dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajar-
an berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No-
mor 34 Tahun 2008 tanggal 10 Juli 2008 tentang Penetapan
Buku Teks yang Memenuhi Syarat Kelayakan untuk Diguna-
kan dalam proses pembelajaran.