Ship Design & Engineering

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the major components of a ships 6. Describe the nuclear propulsion plant.

2. D e s c r i b e t h e u s e a n d i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f 7 . Describe the damage control organization on

compartments of a ship. propulsion plant. Navy ships.

3. Describe the conventional steam turbine 8. Identify the types of fires and their primary
extinguishing agents. 9. Describe the importance of preventive damage control.

4. Describe the diesel propulsion plant. 5. Describe the gas turbine propulsion plant.

SIGNIFICANT DATES 17 Apr. 1866 $5,000 appropriated by Congress to test the use of petroleum oil as fuel for ships boilers. First steam-powered ship to circle globe, USS Ticonderoga, ends cruise begun on 7 Dec. 1878. First use of a ship (USS Lexington) to furnish electrical power for a major city takes place at Tacoma, Washington, when that city suffers a power failure. Worlds first atomic submarine, USS Nautilus, sweeps into Long Island Sound at start of maiden voyage, signaling back to New London, Connecticut, Underway on nuclear power . . .

9 Nov. 1880

18 Dec. 1929

Looking at two different types of Navy ships, you might notice several differences. Upon closer comparison, however, you might also notice many similarities. All use compartmentation to increase their ability to remain afloat in case they suffer damage. All use some type of propulsion plant and provide their own electrical power. They also use similar damage control equipment and procedures. In this chapter we will look at some of the similarities and differences of Navy ships. We will also give a brief overview of the various types of propulsion plants used by these ships. Lastly, we will look at one of the most important areas shipboard personnel have to deal withdamage control.

17 Jan. 1955

SHIPS BASIC STRUCTURE The major components of a ships structure include the plating, keel, framing, bulkheads, and decks. Each plays a part in creating a ship from a mass of steel.


PLATING A ship is structurally a box girder. Shell plating forms the sides and bottom of the box girder, and the weather deck forms the top. The point where the weather deck (main and forecastle decks) and the side plating meet is called the deck edge or gunwale (pronounced gun-ul). The location where the bottom plating and the side plating meet is called the bilge. Usually the bottom is rounded into the side of the ship to some degree; this rounding is called the turn of the bilge. Most merchant ships, aircraft carriers, and auxiliary ships have a boxlike midship section with vertical sides and a flat bottom, as shown in figure 17-1. High-speed ships such as destroyers and cruisers, however, have rising bottoms and broad,

rounded bilges. This shape is partially, although not entirely, responsible for the high speed of these ships. Individual shell plates are usually rectangular in shape; the short sides are referred to as the ends, and the long sides are called edges. End joints are known as butts and edge joints as seams. Plates are joined together at the butts to form long strips of plating running lengthwise; these fore-andaft rows of plating are called strakes. The uppermost side strake, at the gunwale, is known as the sheer strake. It is thicker than most strakes since it must withstand high stresses at these corners as the ship bends over wave crests. The outer weather-deck strake, known as the stringer strake, also contributes to the strength of the hull. The shell plating, together with the weather deck, forms the watertight envelope of the ship. The internal structural members of the hull reinforce the watertight capacity of the hull.

Figure 17-1.The ships basic structure.


KEEL Another structural member of a ship is the keel, which runs the length of the ships bottom from the stem to the stern post. It acts as a backbone, performing a function similar to that of the human spine. The keel of a metal ship does not project below the bottom as does the fin keel of a sailboat, but lies entirely within the ship. It consists of plates and angles built into an I-beam shape. The lower flange of the I-beam structure is the flat plate keel that forms the center strake of the bottom plating. The web of the I beam is the center vertical keel. The height of the center vertical keel varies from about 2 feet in small ships to nearly 7 feet in large ships. The upper flange of the I beam is called the rider plate. If the vessel is fitted with an inner bottom, the rider plate forms the center strake of the inner bottom plating. At the ends of the vessel, the keel is joined to the stem and stern posts, which complete the backbone. The keel accepts the major portion of load during dry-docking of the ship. FRAMING Two sets of stiffening members called frames help the shell plating resist the pressure of water, wind, and waves. Transverse frames extend from the keel outward around the turn of the bilge and up the sides like the ribs of the human skeleton. Closely spaced along the length of the ship, they define the form of the ship. Longitudinal, also called longitudinal frames or stringers, run parallel to the keel along the bottom, bilge, and side plating. They tie the transverse frames and bulkheads together along the length of the ship. When two sets of frames intersect, openings in one set must be cut to make way for the other. Those which are not cut are known as continuous frames. When smaller frames butt into larger frames without being continuous, they are called intercostal frames. Therefore, ship construction requires two methods of framing. One method uses continuous transverse riblike frames with intercostal longitudinal between them or sufficient plating thickness to eliminate longitudinal members altogether. In this method the transverse frames are spaced about every 2 feet along the length of the ship. Ships built by this method are known as transversely framed vessels. Most merchant cargo ships and wooden ships are built in this fashion. The alternate method uses many continuous longitudinals along the length of the ship with the transverse frames spaced

farther apart. Ships built by this method are known as longitudinally framed ships. Most naval ships are built this way. The plating loaded on the short edges of longitudinally framed ships has a higher buckling strength to resist the loads. Therefore, although the construction for longitudinally framed ships is the more difficult method, ships built by this method are stronger for a given weight.

BULKHEADS The interior of the ship is divided into compartments either by vertical bulkheads (walls), which are watertight, or joiner bulkheads, which are not watertight. Structural bulkheads, which are watertight, also divide the ship into compartments but give the ship contour, shape, rigidity, and strength as well. They may be transverse bulkheads extending athwartships or longitudinal bulkheads extending fore and aft. They not only subdivide the ship, but tie the shell plating, framing, and decks together in a rigid structure. Transverse bulkheads are numbered to correspond with the transverse frames at which they are located.

DECKS The compartments of a ship are further divided by a series of decks and platforms into tiers. The floor of a ships compartment is normally called the deck, and the ceiling is called the overhead. The decks of most ships consist of rectangular steel plates, similar to the shell plating, joined into strakes. The plates in the outermost strake of deck plating, called stringer plates, are connected to the shell plating. Transverse and longitudinal deck beams and deck girders on the underside of the deck strengthen the deck plating. These beams and girders usually consist of I beams or T beams fastened to the shell frames by triangular steel brackets. Decks above the waterline usually are arched (cambered) so that they are higher at the centerline. The camber aids in drainage of water. The name of a deck depends on its position in the ship and its use or function. Decks extending from side to side and from stem to stern are complete decks; decks occurring only in certain portions of the vessel are partial decks. The uppermost complete deck is the main deck.


The complete decks below the main deck (fig. 17-2) are the second deck, third deck, and so forth. Partial decks that do not extend continuously from bow to stern have special names, such as the following: Forecastle deck: A partial deck above the main deck at the bow. It is used primarily on merchant ships and is designated the 01 level on naval ships. Upper deck: Above the main deck from the bow to abaft amidships on merchant ships. It is referred to in naval ships as the 01 level. Succeeding levels above are named the 02 level, 03 level, and so forth. Poop deck: Above the main deck in the stern, usually only in merchant ships. It is designated the 01 level on naval ships. Platform deck: Below the lowest complete deck. Platforms are numbered downward, such as first platform, second platform, and so on. Miscellaneous working platforms or flats consisting of gratings are located in the machinery spaces. These platforms aid in the access to and operation of the ships propulsion equipment. In addition to the foregoing nomenclature, some decks are known by names describing their use or function. In aircraft carriers the uppermost complete deck is the flight deck, and the deck immediately below it is the gallery deck. The main deck is known as the hangar deck. The levels or decks above the hangar (main) deck are called the 01 level (first level above the hangar) and the 02 level (second level above the hangar), The gallery deck is

also known as the 03 level and the flight deck as the 04 level. COMPARTMENTATION A cargo ship has only a few decks, and its bulkheads are widely spaced. The resulting compartments are identified by their primary purpose, such as cargo holds. In some cases, cargo holds are large enough to accommodate many tons of cargo. Passenger ships have smaller holds, the remainder of the space being divided by decks and bulkheads into smaller living compartments for passengers. Naval ships are usually more extensive y compartmented than merchant ships. Their watertight compartmentation is more than a matter of dividing or segregating various activities aboard ship. The ability of a naval ship to withstand damage depends largely upon its compartmentation. In case of damage, the watertight boundaries of the compartments restrict floodwaters and stand as a barrier between them and the undamaged portion of the vessel. Extensive compartmentation lessens the amount of seawater that will enter the vessel through a rupture in its shell plating. Watertight Integrity If a compartment is not watertight, it is useless as a flood barrier. The quality of watertightness is known as watertight integrity. The greater the watertight integrity of a compartment, the more effectively it limits flooding. The battle to maintain the watertight integrity of the ship as a whole is a complicated and never-ceasing one. Many members of a ships crew spend hours patrolling and inspecting the ship to maintain its watertight integrity and keep it in battle trim.

Figure 17-2.Decks and platforms divide the ship into tiers of compartments.


Countless holes pierce watertight compartments to accommodate doors and hatches; water, steam, oil and air piping; electrical cables; ventilation ducts; and other necessary utilities. Each hole is plugged by a stuffing tube, a pipe spool, or some other device to prevent water from leaking in and around piping and cables. Piping and ventilation ducts are equipped with cutoff valves or other closures at each main bulkhead so that they can be closed off if ruptured. Ships enforce rigid restrictions against opening watertight doors or hatches during action or in dangerous waters. A ship must take all of these defense precautions to ensure its full fighting capability. The main transverse watertight bulkheads contain no access doors or hatches below the damage control deck. The damage control deck is the lowest deck that permits fore-and-aft access, and that access is by watertight doors. The damage control deck is usually the first deck below the main deck. Compartment Numbering System This chapter does not discuss the numbering system for compartments of ships built before 1949. However, if you are stationed aboard one of these ships, you will be required to learn that numbering system as part of your damage control qualification. In ships built after March 1949, each compartment number indicates that compartments deck number, frame number, relation to the centerline of the ship, and usage. A hyphen separates the numbers and letters representing each type of information. The following is an example of a common compartment number and what each part of the number represents: 3-75-4-M 3-third deck 75-forward boundary at or immediately abaft of frame 75 4-second compartment outboard of CL to port Mammunition compartment We will now explain how each part of the compartment number is assigned. DECK NUMBER. The main deck is deck number 1. The first deck or horizontal division below the main deck is number 2; the second

below, number 3; and so forth. If a compartment extends down to the shell of the ship, the number assigned the bottom compartment is used. The first horizontal division above the main deck is number 01, the second above 02, and so on. The deck number, indicating its vertical position within the ship, becomes the first part of the compartment number. FRAME NUMBER. The frame number at the foremost bulkhead of the enclosing boundary of a compartment is its frame location number. When a forward boundary lies between frames, the frame number forward is used. Fractional numbers are used only when frame spacing exceeds 4 feet. RELATION TO CENTERLINE. Compartments through which the centerline of the ship passes carry the number 0 in the third part of the compartment number. Compartments located completely to starboard of the centerline have odd numbers; those completely to port bear even numbers. Two or more compartments that have the same deck and frame number and are entirely starboard or entirely port of the centerline have consecutively higher odd or even numbers, as the case may be. They are numbered from the centerline outboard. For example, the first compartment outboard of the centerline to starboard is 1; the second, 3; and so on. Similarly, the first compartment outboard of the centerline to port is 2; the second, 4; and so on. COMPARTMENT USAGE. The fourth and last part of the compartment number is a capital letter that identifies the assigned primary usage of the compartment. Since most ships do not consider a secondary usage of compartments, they identify them by a single letter only. However, dry and liquid cargo ships do not follow this practice. These ships use a double-letter identification to designate compartments assigned to cargo carrying. Ships assign letter identifications as follows: Letter and Category ADry stowage Types of Spaces Storerooms, issue rooms, refrigerated spaces Plotting rooms, CIC, radio, radar, sonar operating spaces, pilothouse

CShip control and fire control operating spaces


EEngineering spaces

Main propulsion spaces; pump, generator, and windlass rooms Fuel oil, diesel oil, and lubricating oil tanks Gasoline tank compartments, cofferdams, trunks, and pump rooms Aircraft fuel stowage Stowage of chemicals and semisafe and dangerous materials, except oil and gasoline tanks Berthing and messing spaces, medical and dental areas, and passageways Stowage and handling

each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

Conventional steam turbines

FOil stowage

Diesel engines Gas turbines Nuclear power plants

CONVENTIONAL STEAM TURBINES The substance that operates a conventional steam turbine plant is steam. The plant produces steam (generation phase) to drive the turbines (expansion phase). It then condenses the steam (condensation phase) and reuses it (feed phase) to make steam again, as shown in figure 17-3. One of the advantages of the steam propulsion plant is that it is a high-power system with the ability to propel combatant ships at high speeds. Another advantage is that ships can use it for a variety of auxiliary services, such as laundry and galley operations and hot water heaters. Disadvantages include its bulkiness and the complication of the system. It is the slowest of the plants used as far as preparations for underway operations. Additionally, it consists of a relatively large number of operating stations, requiring higher manning. Lets look at each of these four phases a little closer. Generation Steam is generated in the boiler. Naval propulsion boilers operate at 600 psi or 1,200 psi. A pressure-temperature relationship exists in the generation phase. At higher pressures, water must be heated to a higher temperature before the water will boil and produce steam. At 600 psi the boiling temperature is 489F. At 1,200 psi the boiling temperature is 567F. In the pressure vessel of the boiler, steam cannot be further heated unless all the water is first boiled. Having some water in the boiler is necessary to ensure heat flow and to prevent the boiler tubes from melting. As steam is drawn from the steam drum, it first passes through separators to remove moisture. It then passes through the superheater, which further heats the steam to a higher temperature. Superheated steam has more energy per unit mass for conversion to mechanical energy.

GGasoline stowage

JJP-5 tanks KChemicals and dangerous materials

LLiving spaces

MAmmunition TVertical access trunks VVoids

Cofferdam compartments, o t h e r t h a n gasoline; void wing compartments Compartments storing water, including bilge, sump, and peak tanks Ships offices, laundry rooms, galleys, pantries, and wiring trunks

WWater stowage

QSpaces not otherwise covered

The double letters AA, FF, and GG identify spaces used to carry cargo.

PROPULSION PLANTS All ships require a means of propulsion. Navy ships use four types of propulsion plants,


Figure 17-3.Energy relationships in the basic propulsion cycle of conventional steam-driven ships.

Since superheated steam is dry, it causes less corrosion of piping and machinery. For auxiliary purposes, some steam is desuperheated by passing through the desuperheater piping located in the steam drum. The superheated steam is then ready for use to drive the turbine. Expansion In the expansion phase the thermal energy of the steam is converted to mechanical energy in the turbines. Turbines use nozzles to convert the higher pressure of the steam into a high velocity. The kinetic energy of the steam is then transferred to the turbine blading, creating the mechanical energy of the turbine rotor. That, in turn, through the reduction gears, turns the propellers.

Condensation As the steam leaves, or exhausts through, the turbine, it is condensed so that the feedwater may be reused. One boiler can generate 150,000 pounds of steam per hour. If the feedwater were not recovered, the system would require an enormously large evaporator to produce the required feedwater. As the steam exhausts into the main condenser, seawater passes through tubes in the condenser. The cool seawater cools the steam to the point of condensation. The condenser operates at a vacuum, which helps this process and increases the efficiency of the system. The condensate pump takes a suction from the main condenser hot well and delivers the condensate (condensed steam) into the condensate piping system and the air ejector condenser. The


air ejector condenser removes the air and noncondensable gases from the condensate before they enter the deaerating feed tank (DFT). Feed The feed phase starts in the DFT. The DFT preheats the feedwater and removes dissolved gases. The dissolved gases, if not removed, will cause erosion and deterioration of the boiler tubes. The main feed booster pump and main feed pump increase the feedwater pressure to a pressure greater than the operating pressure of the boiler. The increased pressure ensures a flow of feedwater through the boiler. That brings us back to the point where we started. Thus, the system is a closed system. DIESEL ENGINES Diesel engines are the favored means of power for medium and light vessels. They are relatively low-cost power plants to produce, are reliable, and have a high fuel-efficiency rate. They can also be started from a cold-plant condition and rapidly brought on line. The cycle of operation for diesel engines starts with the intake of air. Next the air is compressed. Following compression, combustion occurs. The combustion produces a rapid expansion of gases in the cylinder. This downward expansion is the power stroke of the cylinder. As the waste gases exhaust, new air intake occurs to start the cycle over again. Each cycle causes the pistons within the cylinders to reciprocate. The rotary motion of the pistons, connected to the crankshaft, drives the propellers. Among the disadvantages are the frequent overhaul and periodic maintenance requirements and the power limitations of the engines. Diesels cannot develop enough power to meet the highspeed requirement of combatant ships. GAS TURBINES In gas turbines, as in diesel engines, the working substance is air. They are open systems; that means the air passes through the engine once and is discharged back to the atmosphere. Air is drawn into the compressor from the atmosphere. The compressor raises the pressure of the air and discharges it to the combustion chamber, where fuel is admitted. Here, as the

fuel-air mixture ignites, combustion occurs. The hot combustion gases then expand and enter the turbine. This turbine is similar in design and theory to that of the conventional steam turbine. Approximately 75 percent of the power developed by the turbine is used to drive the compressor and accessory systems. The remaining power is used as engine output. The shaft of a gas turbine ship rotates in one direction only. An external method of reversing the direction of travel of the ship is required to propel the ship forward or backward. This problem is overcome by the reversible pitch propeller. As the shaft turns in one direction, the ship is propelled forward or backward by a change in the propeller pitch. Because of the high rotational speed and high temperatures of the gas turbine, operational parameters must be closely monitored. Automated central operating systems have been developed to monitor those parameters, thus keeping the manning level low. Two disadvantages of gas turbines are that the engine must be removed for overhaul and that it needs a high volume of air for operation. However, these two disadvantages complement each other because the engine can be removed through the large ducts needed to accommodate the high volume of air. Gas turbines are becoming the preferred propulsion plant for several ship types. They are very light and compact and offer a high-power plant that is relatively inexpensive to build. They are as fuel efficient as a conventional steam plant. NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Nuclear power plants are very similar to conventional steam turbine plants. The major difference is that a nuclear reactor replaces the boiler as the device that generates steam. Submarines are ideally suited for a nuclear power plant because their reactor does not need a supply of air from the atmosphere. Before the advent of nuclear power, submarines ran on motors charged by d.c. batteries when submerged. When surfaced, diesel engines supplied power for the submarine and recharged the batteries. The charge of the batteries limited the endurance of the submerged submarine. Nuclear power plants enable submarines to remain submerged for extended periods. Nuclear reactors transfer the energy emitted by the fission of radioactive material into thermal energy. A primary and a secondary system (or


loop) generate steam. Water in the primary loop (fig. 17-4) is heated but not converted to steam. The water in the primary loop flows from the reactor to a heat exchanger called the steam generator. Here, the high-temperature, high-- pressure water in the primary loop heats the water in the secondary loop until it becomes steam. The water in the primary loop then returns to the react or by the primary coolant pump. The steam generated in the secondary loop, which is not superheated, goes to the turbine. This portion of the secondary loop uses a condenser and a feed pump similar to the conventional steam turbine plant. The nuclear power plant has two primary advantages infrequent fueling requirements and no need for combustion air. The ability of the plant to operate without combustion air, as previously mentioned, makes it ideal for use in submarines. The nuclear power plant is, however, expensive to build and extremely heavy; it requires highly trained personnel for its operation. DAMAGE CONTROL An area of engineering that should by no means be considered secondary is damage control (DC). Damage control is an all-hands evolution on Navy ships that can never be overemphasized. DAMAGE CONTROL ORGANIZATION Damage control is divided into two phasesadministrative and battle. The administrative phase

requires the efforts of all hands in establishing and maintaining material readiness conditions. (Material readiness means all equipment aboard ship is available and in a working condition to combat any emergency.) The battle phase starts after a ship has received damage and must restore its offensive and defensive capabilities. All hands must be trained in both phases if the ship is to achieve its damage control objectives. When properly carried out, the first or initial action taken helps reduce and confine any damage received. Strict use of compartment checkoff lists ensures the full protection offered by each material readiness condition. Once the ship has been damaged, the ships DC organization is responsible for restoring the ship to as near normal operation as possible. The ships engineer officer is responsible for the operational readiness of the DC organization. Under the engineer officer the damage control assistant (DCA) coordinates the efforts of repair parties in the control of damage. These efforts include controlling the ships stability; fighting fires; repairing damage; and using chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) defense measures. The DCA also ensures that the crew receives training in all damage control evolutions. In some instances, the DCA and the engineer officer may be the same person.

Figure 17-4.Naval nuclear power propulsion plant.


Damage Control Central The primary purpose of damage control central (DCC) is to determine the condition of the ship and the corrective action to be taken. DCC makes this determination by collecting and comparing reports from the various repair stations. The DCA is assigned to damage control central, the nerve center and directing force of the entire damage control organization. Representatives of various shipboard divisions are also assigned to DCC. Reports from repair parties are carefully checked. This information enables DCC to initiate immediate action to isolate damaged systems and to make emergency repairs in the most effective manner. Under the direction of the DCA, graphic records of the damage are made on various damage control diagrams and status boards as reports are received. For example, reports on flooding are recorded, as they come in, on a status board that indicates liquid distribution (fuel and water) before the damage occurred. With this information, the stability and buoyancy of the ship can be estimated and the necessary corrective measures can be taken. If damage control central is destroyed or is for other reasons unable to retain control, designated repair stations take over the responsibilities of damage control central. Repair Parties All ships have at least one repair party; most have three or more. Each party has an officer, a chief petty officer, or a senior petty officer in charge. This person is called the repair locker leader or repair party leader. The makeup of each repair party depends upon the type of ship, the section of the ship assigned to the repair party, and the number of personnel available. The following chart lists the repair parties and their assigned areas of responsibility: Repair Party Repair 1 Repair 2 Repair 3 Repair 4 Repair 5 Repair 6 Repair 7 Repair 8 Location or Function Main deck repair Forward repair After repair Amidship repair Propulsion repair Ordnance Gallery deck and island structure Electronics

Additionally, aircraft carriers and ships equipped for helicopter operations have crash and salvage teams and personnel trained to repair damaged aviation fuel piping systems. Carriers also have an ordnance disposal team. The specific purpose of each repair party depends on its area of responsibility. Each repair party must be able to perform the following functions: 1. Make repairs to electrical and soundpowered telephone circuits, and rig casualty power 2. Give first aid and transport injured personnel to battle dressing stations without seriously reducing the partys damage control capabilities 3. Detect, identify, and measure radiation dose and dose rate intensities; decontaminate the affected areas of nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks 4. Identify, control, and extinguish all types of fires 5. Evaluate and report correctly the extent of damage in the repair partys area of responsibility 6. Control flooding 7. Make repairs to various piping systems 8. Be familiar with all damage control fittings in their assigned areas, such as watertight doors, hatches, scuttles, ventilation systems, and various valves On large ships each party is subdivided into several units and assigned to the various sectors of the repair partys area of responsibility. That speeds up inspections and reduces the chances of an entire repair partys becoming a casualty. Each unit establishes patrols, normally consisting of three persons who determine material conditions in their sectors. These patrols report to their repair party headquarters, which, in turn, reports to DCC. When all hands are on board, major emergencies are met with the crew at general quarters. In port, with all hands not on board, each duty section has a duty in-port fire party and a rescue and assistance detail. If any emergency arises, all personnel not assigned specific duties fall in at quarters. These personnel are then available to assist the duty in-port fire party and the rescue and assistance detail.


FIRE AND FIRE FIGHTING Fire is a constant threat aboard ship. Personnel must take all possible measures to prevent a fire or, if one is started, to extinguish it quickly. Fires have several causes: spontaneous combustion, carelessness, hits by enemy shells, or a collision. If the fire is not controlled quickly, it could cause more damage than the initial casualty and could cause the loss of the ship. Fighting fires is primarily handled by repair parties. However, you must learn all you can about fire fighting so that you will know what to do if called upon. Fires are classified into four types based on the type of material burning and the fire-fighting agents and methods required to extinguish the fire: 1. Class A fires involve solid materials that leave an ash, such as wood, cloth, and paper. Water is the primary means of extinguishing class A fires. Carbon dioxide (C02) may be used on small fires, but not on explosives. The flames of a large fire usually must first be knocked down (cooled) with fog. The material, particularly mattresses and similar articles, is then broken up with a solid stream for further cooling. 2. Class B fires involve flammable liquids such as oil, gasoline, and paint. The best extinguishing agent for class B fires is aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). Another good extinguishing agent is Halon. Halon systems are being installed for combating class B and C fires. For small fires, or in a confined space like a paint locker, CO2 is a good extinguisher. For large fires, other agents such as a water fog or foam must be used. A solid water stream should NEVER be used on a class B fire. The stream will simply penetrate the flammable liquids surface, with no cooling effect, and scatter the liquid, thus spreading the fire. Class B fires involve the three temperature levels of flash point, fire point, and ignition point. A small spark may be all that is needed for ignition. Fire will flash across a surface, but will not continue to burn; however, the flash may be hot enough to ignite some other material or to injure personnel. 3. Class C fires are those associated with electrical or electronic equipment. The primary extinguishing agent is CO 2, but high-velocity fog may be used as a last resort. Foam should not be used as it will damage the equipment and may present a shock hazard. A solid water stream

should NEVER be used. If at all possible, electrical power to the equipment should be secured. 4. Class D fires involve metals, such as magnesium, sodium, and titanium. These metals are used in the manufacture of certain parts of aircraft, missiles, electronic components, and other equipment. A typical example is the magnesium aircraft parachute flare. This flare burns at a temperature above 4000F with a brilliancy of 2 million candlepower. Since water coming in contact with burning magnesium produces highly explosive hydrogen gas, a solid water stream should NEVER be used on this type of fire. However, low-velocity fog can put out the fire in a matter of seconds with little danger. Jettisoning the burning object overboard is another method. Despite the most carefully observed safety precautions, a fire may still occur. If you discover a fire, report it immediately so that fire-fighting operations can be started. The efforts of even one person may contain the fire until the arrival of the fire party. If the fire threatens to get out of control, try to prevent it from spreading. Secure all doors, hatches, and other openings in the fire area, including ventilation ducts, to confine the fire within a specific boundary. You can establish a primary fire boundary by cooling all bulkheads, decks, and overheads surrounding the fire area. Always ensure dewatering equipment (pumps) is ready for immediate use in case of a fire. The amount of water used for fighting the fire and for cooling purposes may cause a serious ship stability problem. PREVENTIVE DAMAGE CONTROL Naval ships are designed to resist accidental and battle damage. Damage-resistant features include structural strength, watertight compartmentation, stability, and buoyancy. Maintaining these features and a high state of material and personnel readiness before damage does more to save the ship than any measures taken after damage. Ninety percent of the damage control needed to save a ship takes place before damage and only 10 percent after the damage. The division damage control petty officer (DCPO) is one person in the DC organization who helps to ensure that preventive damage control measures have been taken. The DCPO oversees the maintenance of divisional DC equipment and also assists in training divisional personnel in DC. Always keep in mind that damage control is an all-hands evolution. The best way to defend


against damage is to prevent it. If damage occurs, however, all hands must be trained in damage control procedures to prevent the loss of the ship. SUMMARY In this chapter we introduced you to the major structural components of ships and how they affect the watertight integrity of the ship. We also explained the system of numbering ship compartments. The four primary propulsion plants used by the Navy are the conventional steam turbine, diesel engine, gas turbine, and nuclear power plant. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Last but not least, we talked about damage control. Once again, remember that damage control is an all-hands evolution.

REFERENCES Basic Military Requirements, N A V E D T R A 12043, Naval Education and Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1992. Principles of Naval Engineering, NAVPERS 10788-B1, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Navy Department, Washington, D.C., 1970.

SUGGESTED READING Bland, D. A., A. E. Bock, and D. J. Richardson, Introduction to Naval Engineering, 2d ed., Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Md., 1985. Felger, D. G., Engineering for the Officer of the Deck, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Md., 1979.




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