A Geological Excursion Across The Canadian Cordillera Near 49° N (Highways 1 and 3 From Vancouver To Southwestern Alberta and On To Calgary, Alberta) (Special Paleogene Version)
A Geological Excursion Across The Canadian Cordillera Near 49° N (Highways 1 and 3 From Vancouver To Southwestern Alberta and On To Calgary, Alberta) (Special Paleogene Version)
A Geological Excursion Across The Canadian Cordillera Near 49° N (Highways 1 and 3 From Vancouver To Southwestern Alberta and On To Calgary, Alberta) (Special Paleogene Version)
Road Log
Explanation for 1:500,000 Geological Map
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The Cordilleran orogen in Canada is both paragon and enigma. After a more than a century of work
geologists have discovered many of its secrets, but there are still controversies, paradoxes to resolve, and
new observations to be made. It has provided instructive examples of many orogenic structures and
processes but at the same time our understanding of its details is in a constant state of flux. It has inspired
many classical geological concepts - the structure of miogeoclinal fold and thrust belts, passive margin,
rift, and foredeep basin evolution, eugeosyncline and orthogeosyncline structure and the successor concept
of terranes and terrane accretion, metamorphic core zones, batholiths, great strike-slip faults, and fossil
subduction zones. This excursion will touch on all those topics and provide an opportunity for discussion
of outstanding problems.
In 1913 two Cordilleran transects in Canada were explored by rail as parts of Transcontinental
Excursions Cl and C2 of the International Geological Congress (Geological Survey of Canada, 1913a and
1913b). This came just after publication of Daly's Memoir (1912) describing the geology along the 49th
parallel. At that time no direct highway connection existed across southern British Columbia. Since 1972,
the standard trans-Cordilleran field trip in Canada has been the one following Highway 1 from Calgary to
Vancouver (Wheeler et al., 1972), which has been run many times in recent years (Price et aI., 1981 and
1985). Its emphasis is on fold and thrust belt structure, Mesozoic metamorphic core, and accreted terranes
and their history of amalgamation. The more southerly route across the Cordillera in Canada, following
Highway 3 for the most part, and thus running close to the international boundary between the U. S. and
Canada, has been less often followed, but was also the subject of an excursion for the 1972 International
Geological Congress (Monger and Preto, 1972). Parts have been run on several other field trips (e.g.
Price et al., 1972; McTaggart, 1977; Okulitch et aI., 1977; Brown et aI., 1981; H~y et al., 1981; Church,
1985; Parrish et al., 1985). We are reviving the more southerly route for several reasons. Much has been
learned of its geology in recent years so that many of the questions in 1972 now have answers. The rocks
seen are equally spectacular, both as scenery and geologic example. The themes that can be better
emphasized on the southern route are different - the great tectonic overlap of the accreted terranes onto
North America, the many magmatic episodes that have left their imprint on the Cordilleran region, and the
spectacular effects of Paleogene crustal extension associated with the last major magmatic episode.
The two alternate transects are thus complementary, and can be run together as a grand loop tour of the
Canadian Cordillera.
Much of the information for stops in the accompanying road log has been gleaned from the field guides
cited in the pervious paragraphs.
Proterozoic strata that are only moderately affected by Phaneowic regional metamorphism and
The Foreland Belt is likewise mountainous, and has often been referred to as the Canadian Rockies or
Rocky Mountain Belt. It consists of the mountains between the Rocky Mountain Trench and the low-relief
and low elevation Platform region. Its exposed rocks are sedimentary, their structure imbricate - the well
known fold and thrust belt (Balley et al., 1966; Price, 1981). Their ages are Proterozoic to Mesozoic.
The underlying Precambrian crystalline basement is isostatically depressed but has otherwise remained
undeformed during the Phanerozoic.
East of the mountains lies the Plains. Deformed Paleozoic to Cenozoic rocks overlie depressed
Precambrain crystalline basement adjacent to the Foreland mountains. An abrupt structural front, which
lies just west of Calgary, Alberta, separates the deformed rocks of the Foothills Belt, from the flat-lying
Platform strata unconformably overlying the Precambrain basement of cratonic North America.
aggregation into the observed tectonic stack spanned Jurassic subduction to fMiddle Cretaceous
imbrication. By Early Cretaceous time parts were already included in an Andean-type continental-margin
magmatic arc (Armstrong, 1988a). The displacement of Wrangellia and intervening terranes and portions
of the accretion wedge with respect to North America are inferred to have been large, on the order of
thousands of km (Irving et al., 1980). This is generally accepted. The timing of these displacements is
highly controversial. The observed geology is inconsistent with large displacements after Early
Cretaceous time, perhaps the constraint exists even as far back as Middle Jurassic time (Tipper, 1984b;
van der Heyden, 1989). Some authors advocate or accept large post-mid Cretaceous movements (Irving et
aI., 1985; Umhoefer, 1987; Oldow, 1989), but these hypotheses simply have not been reconciled with the
facts presented on geologic maps.
Between the Bridge River - Hozameen Terrane and autochthonous North America this excursion
crosses only one terrane, Quesnellia, and an overlap assemblage linked to the western edge of Quesnellia
since Early Jurassic time, the Methow-Tyaughton Assemblage. Other parts of the composite Intermontane
Terrane (Stikinia and Cache Creek terranes) lie to the north. The underpinnings of Quesnellia are
Paleozoic to Middle Triassic oceanic basin, arc, and accretion wedge. Fossils are rare, structures only
fragmentarily recognized, deformation complex and multicyclic, metamorphism common - usually in
greenschist to low amphibolite facies. This assemblage of older subunits, each with local names, is linked
together into Quesnellia by the unconformably overlying Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic Nicola -
Rossland magmatic arc rock assemblage (Read and Okulitch, 1977; Ross, 1981). The arc faced
westward, arc and accretion wedge rocks being sedimentologic ally and tectonically mingled in the Cache
Creek area (Travers, 1978; Grette, 1979). The chemistry of arc magmatic rocks grades from calk-alkaline
in the west to alkaline in the east and there is a general younging trend eastward (Beddoe-Stephens and
Lambert, 1981; Mortimer, 1987).
The eastern boundary of Quesnellia is a fault, crossed near Salmo on Highway 3. At that locality the
Eastern or Slide Mountain Terrane, which is present immediately to the north, is missing, and Rossland
arc rocks are juxtaposed with Kootenay Arc (an arcuate tectonic zone of tightly folded Proterozoic to
Paleozoic strata along the west side of the Purcell Anticlinorium, not a magmatic arc) rocks that belong to
the passive margin of Phaneozoic North America. The space between Quesnellia and North America is
usually reconstructed as a relatively narrow marginal basin between the Mesozoic arc and the outer passive
margin (pericratonic terranes). Stratigraphic transitions are observed between successive tectonic slices
from Quesnellia to North America so that no large displacements are implied along this zone of sutures
(Klepacki, 1983 and 1985; Struik, 1988). The age of these sutures in southern British Columbia is
closely bracketed as late Early to early Middle Jurassic, between the youngest Rossland Volcanics, about
190 Ma (Tipper, 1984a), and the oldest stitching plutons, about 180 Ma (Parrish and Wheeler, 1983;
Klepacki, 1985).
After the Jurassic accretion of Quesnellia, and closure of the Bridge River - Hozameen suture a
magmatic culmination of Middle to Late Jurassic age (170 to 150 Ma) affected Coast, Intermontane and
Omineca belts (Armstrong, 1988a; van der Heyden, 1989). This magmatism was especially extensive in
southern British Columbia and is little overprinted there by younger events.
Latest Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous time was notable for magmatic and tectonic quiescence. A
stratigraphic hiatus or lull in magmatic activity is observed in all areas (Armstrong, 1988a; Armstrong and
Ward, in press).
From Early Cretaceous time onwards the region crossed by the excursion has been an Andean-type
continental-margin magmatic arc, undergoing various types of intracontinental deformation. The
Cretaceous to Paleocene (up to about 58 Ma ago) was a time of batholith emplacement, and back-arc
tectonic convergence, crustal shortening, and thickening. The Paleogene (later Paleocene and Eocene) was
a time of within-arc crustal extension, synchronous with the last major magmatic episode (Ewing, 1980;
Parish et al., 1988; Freidman and Armstrong, 1988). This was also a time of moderate strike-slip fault
motions, as for example along the Fraser - Straight Creek fault system. Older strike-slip structures are not
recognized in the excursion transect.
Sporadic magmatism of Neogene age has occurred in all allochthonous terranes.
Tectonic Convergence
Accretion history and tectonic stacking of units is seen in several areas. From Vancouver to the
Hozameen fault various aspects of the aggregation of Wrangellia and intervening terranes to Quesnellia
will be seen and discussed. The Foreland structures of the Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt, seen at
the end of the excursion, are spectacular results of Cretaceous to Paleocene convergence. Within
Quesnellia we will see structural windows exposing the Precambrian basement of North America
(Armstrong et al., 1989). These demonstrate more than 100 km of tectonic overlap of accreted terranes
onto North America, achieved from Jurassic to Paleocene time.
from Coast batholith belt to the Crowsnest Volcanics of the Rocky Mountains. Paleogene magmatism -
extensive from Cascade to Omineca belts. Both volcanic and intrusive aspects will be abundantly
Minor magmatic episodes will be noted, where appropriate. Mafic igneous rocks related to the two
Proterozoic rifting episodes that created the Belt-Purcell and Windermere basins, respectively, will be
encountered. Paleozoic igneous rocks, of various oceanic tectonic settings will be observed at a few
stops. The weak Late Cretaceous magmatic culmination is of limited extent and volume and will be hardly
noticed. It is largely eliminated from the excursion route by the Fraser - Straight Creek fault zone. Except
for the Oligocene-Miocene intrusions of the Cascade magmatic arc (Richards and McTagart, 1976) there
will be few Neogene magmatic rocks seen because of their small volume and scattered occurrence.
Vancouver to Calgary vIa Crowsnest
Day 1 Road Log, in two parts
0.00 km Starting Point: Front of Gage
Residence, University of British
we ct:ive across built up areas in
the CIty.
Columbia. Set odometer to
zero. Continue along Marine Drive,
0.30 km Turn left onto Wesbrook Mall. headed east.
0.70 km Turn left onto Chancellor 6.2 km Turn left onto 4th Avenue.
Boulevard. 10.15 km Angle left onto Burrard, cross
1.15 km Tum right onto Marine Drive. over Burrard Bridge.
11. 70 km Tum right at northeast end of
3.0 km Stop 1: Spanish Banks for Bridge onto Pacific Avenue then
view of the south slope of the after one block right again onto
Coast Mountains (Figure 1). Hornby and after another block
The Point Grey seac1iffs west of right again onto Beach Avenue.
here expose Quadra Sand (here 12.65 km Left onto Pacific from Beach
23 to 24 ka old) overlain by Avenue.
Vashon Drift. The south slope 13.40 km Turn right onto Denman.
of the Coast Mountains is an 14.30 km Tum left onto Georgia Streeet
exhumed erosion surface (Highway 99 and lA) and
beneath Cretaceous - Tertiary continue on through Stanley
sediments of the Nanaimo - Park.
Fraser basin. The bedrock, 16.95 km Crossing Lions Gate Bridge,
exposed in the higher peaks and continue to follow Highway 99
along the shoreline is erosion- into West Vancouver. The
resistant Mesozoic metavolcanic south abutment of the bridge is
and granitic rock, mostly of in the Late Cretaceous Lions
Cretaceous age. The city of Gate Member of the Burrard
Vancouver is built on hills of Group. The Cretaceous -
Cretaceous - Tertiary sediment Tertiary boundary lies within
mantled by Quaternary glacial Stanley Park but is not exposed.
deposits. Bedrock exposures Most of Vancouver overlies
are rare and none will be seen as Tertiary sediment. The erosion
resistance of the Burrard
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177.45 km Highway curves to left. begin here and continue for the
178.20 km and 178.90 km Power line next 1.5 km.
crosses road. 194.95 km Chilliwack exposed in road cuts
182.63 km Highway 9 to Agassiz turns off for the next 2.3 km. The
here. Highway 7 on the north calcareous - siliceous
side of the Fraser River is an Chilliwack is metamorphosed
alternate route to Hope, past due to proximity of the Miocene
several geologic points of plutons. Numerous veins and
interest. Continue on Highway dykes are visible in the fresh
1. cuts.
183.95 km Passing Bridal Falls - Park and 198.50 km Miocene granodiorite - for the
tourist traps. Here prehistoric next 2.4 km.
landslide deposits form an 199.25 km Tum off on right, Peters Road
apron below Mount Cheam. exit, and park on side of on
184.85 km Tum right off highway onto ramp.
Popkum Road, then
immediately tum left onto ramp 199.40 km Stop 8: A quick look at
back to highway and park on Miocene granodiorite.
roadside before reentering
highway. Continue back onto Highway,
185.4 km Stop 7: Road cuts in 200.90 km Miocene granodiorite intrudes
Chilliwack Group siliceous metasediments which on the
argillite and limestone. With north side of the Fraser River
luck, cross sections of giant are called the Slollicum
hom corals can be found at this Formation (Triassic) by Monger
locality. A felsic dyke at this (1986).
locality is probably Miocene, 201.25 km Past the Laidlaw Exit. A major
from plutons of the nearby fault zone is crossed just ahead,
Cascade - Pemberton Belt. where the Highway crosses
Jones Creek. The fault is
Continue back onto Highway 1. steeply dipping and marked by
189.90 km Rusty weathering Chilliwack in ultramafic lenses. East of the
roadcut. fault is black argillite that may
190.50 km Miocene granitic stock on west be Darrington Formation of the
end of roadcut in intrusive Shuksan Thrust sheet. An
contact with Chilliwack Group optional side trip exits here and
exposed towards the east. The turns south up the Jones Lake
main intrusive body lies to the road. About 2 km up the road
east so this mass of Chilliwack are good exposures of black
sediment is a roof pendant or argillite. Further upvalley are
xenolith. good exposures of broken black
192.00 km Passing a hydro power station. phyllite. In the creek bed one
The water comes from Waleach can fmd boulders of gabbro and
(Jones) Lake through a tunnel diorite that may be from the
and descends about 600 m to early Paleozoic and
the powerhouse. Recent slow Precambrian(?) Yellow Aster
movements, opening cracks in Complex and bits of ultramafic
the water tunnel have raised rock.
concerns about a landslide here 206.70 km Hunter Creek Road. Tum off
at some future date. here for rest stop at Hunter
193.00 km Road cuts in Miocene stock Creek.
(Mount Barr Granodiorite)
207.25 km Rest Stop.
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16.95 km Stop 21: Nicola Group 40.15 km Massive, fractured. friable flow.
greenstone in road cuts on left. 40.85 km Greenish and tan tuff and altered
hornblende andesite flow.
Continue eastward. 41.00 km Pull over on right side in small
18.90 km Stop again. turnout just before 60 km/hr
18.90 km Stop 22: Nicola Group
Rhyolite in large roadcut on left. 41.00 km Stop 26: Large-column
(colonnade) part of hornblende
Continue eastward. andesite flow.
19.60 km Stop again.
Continue northwards.
19.60 km Stop 23: Sediments of Nicola 41.35 km Small columns (entablature) in
Formation - black shale and roadside exposure.
sandstone. 41. 65 km Friday Creek Bridge at bottom of
slope, sharp curve.
Continue eastward. 42.75 km Lahars and volcanic clast
21.30 km Similkameen Falls are out of mudflows.
sight to the right of the road. 42.95 km Straight ahead the Ingerbelle
21.75 km Stop at turnout on right side at (Similkameen) Mine is now
lower end of large exposure. visible. A bit to the right, across
the Similkameen River, at -2:00,
21.75 km Stop 24: Walk back up road to are the open pit and dump of the
see exposures of Nicola older Copper Mountain Mine.
epic alas tic/pyroclastic rocks with The Ingerbelle ore body was
well preserved primary structure. discovered beneath the old
highway. Relocation westward
Continue eastward. was necessary so that the mine
24.05 km Rest Area. could be opened. The rerouted
25.55 km Sharp curve in Highway. Bridge highway will descend through
over Copper Creek. Slow road cuts in Nicola Group
down! On the next upgrade we volcanic and sedimentary rocks
cross into Eocene, Kamloops over the next 10 km.
Group, volcanic and sedimentary 47.70 km Beginning steep downgrade
rocks which continue for the next 49.25 km Pull over to right and stop just
17 km. before concrete comer barriers
32.45 km Sunday Summit.
34.55 km to 34.95 km Long cut in 49.25 km Stop 27: View of Princeton
greenish and pale cream colored Basin and copper mines. The
lahars of Kamloops Group. geology of the basin is
37.35 km Pull over on to side of road. summarized by McMechan
(1983). The structural control is
37.35 km a NNE trending normal fault on
the east side of the half graben
containing Eocene deposits.
Continue northward. Volcanic rocks, related to those
38.25 km Crossing another summit in we have just crossed are overlain
roadway. More lahar exposures by 1.7 km of coal-bearing clastic
along roadside. sediments of the Allenby
38.90 km Saturday Creek Bridge. Formation. Coal mining began
39.05 km Massive, close columnar jointed in 1901 and died out in the
flow. 1950's. The Similkameen mill is
39.55 km Lahar exposure. built on Early Jurasic monzonite
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Creek, on the right side of the 106.35 km Coming into Meyers Flat, an
road going south.) alluvium floored valley.
96.55 km Pull over just past cattle guard. 106.35 to 107.05 km Road cuts on left
are in Paleozoic-Triassic
96.55 km Stop 33: Panoramic view of greenstone and chert.
White Lake Basin with Radio 107.25 km Road forks. Go left. The hills
Observatory in foreground, straight ahead are Shuswap
Skaha Fonnation supports the Complex -Vaseaux Fonnation.
ridge in the background. The The hills to the right (south) are
overall structure here is a east underlain by the Oliver Pluton,
plunging syncline in a half a composite body of Early to
graben, bounded on the east by Middle Jurassic age. Older
a major, low-angle nonnal fault. hornblende diorite surrounds a
The Skaha is composed of younger adamellite core.
debris shed catastrophically 108.65 km Paved road forks again. Go
from the rapidly rising upland to left. The road will now follow
the east. the trace of the Okanagan Valley
fault for several km. On the left
Continue northeast. are exposures of chert and
96.75 km Sandstone and coaly beds by argillite. On the right are
road. metamorphic rocks. Near the
97.90 to 98.30 Good exposure of road these are mylonitic,
sedimentary rocks. Pullover approaching chlorite breccia
and stop on right hand side. inplaces. Foliation dips gently
98.30 km Stop 34: Examination of 109.40 km Paleozoic-Triassic chert and
sandstone and coal beds of greenstone fonn the high hills
White Lake Fonnation. on the left. To the north and
Coalified logs, fossil plant west, at 10:00, the hills are
fragments, mudflow deposits Marron Volcanics.
are observable. 110.45 to 110.95 km Outcrops of Vaseaux
Fonnation paragneiss.
Turn around and head back to 111.05 km Marron Volcanics on left.
south. 111.35 km Turn left onto dirt road at
100.10 km Sharp left curve. Mahoney Lake and stop.
101.35 km Stop on side of road.
111.35 km Stop 36: Mahoney Lake.
101.35 km Stop 35: View of Indian Rocks in the footwall of the
Head. The capping rock is Okanagan Valley Fault. Parrish
Skaha Fonnation slide breccias et al. (1985) describe the next
containing clasts of chert and several stops. Here we can see
greenstone. These overlie less mylonitic gneiss and chloritic
erosion-resistant tuff breccia and slicic breccias at the very
and agglomerate. top of the lower plate of the
Okanagan Valley fault. Acrosss
Continue south towards Oliver. the lake to the west are Marron
101.90 to 102.10 km Ridge on left is Volcanics. To the northwest the
Marron Volcanics again as we hills are Skaha Fonnation.
descend out of White Lake Mahoney Lake contains warm
Basin. saline stagnant bottom water.
104.55 to 105.90 km Downgrade across
faulted Marron. Continue northeast.
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43.75 and 44.20 kIn Last road cuts in 59.95 kIn Road widens, turnout on right
Rossland Group. shoulder and stop.
44.45 kIn Bridge over Salmo River.
45.65 km Cut on left at end of ridge is in 59.95 kIn Stop 62: Lower Cambrian
Nelson-type granitic rock. quartzite, Sheep Creek Anticline.
48.05 to 48.50 kIn Tailings pile by side of Strike of bedding swings around
road. We are in the Salmo from northeast to northwest.
Mining District. This is a steep axial plane, tight,
52.60 kIn Junction of Highways 6 and 3. south plunging anticline - typical
Stay on 3, going east. of this part of the Kootenay Arc.
Optional side trip to see the Black
Bluff fault: 5.15 kIn south on Continue eastward.
Highway 6, with a good pullout 60.40 kIn Last quartzite exposure. Dip is
on the right (west) side is an now eastward.
excellent exposure of the fault, 62.30 kIn Lower Cambrian Laib Formation
described by Lambert et al. slaty argillite in cut on left.
(1989). The fault is seen on the 62.70 kIn Light grey limestone of Middle
east side of the road where it is Cambrian Nelway Formation.
host to a biotite lamprophyre 63.35 kIn Large curve to left, leaving South
dike. Black slate of the Salmo River and entering
Ordovician Active Formation on Stagleap Creek Valley, which
the north is separated from trends nearly parallel to strike.
phyllite and limestone of the 64.05 kIn Nelway Formation.
Middle Cambrian Nelway 65.35 kIn Crossing Ripple Creek Fault,
Formation on the south. just before Gate. For the next
53.15 km Good cut on left in Lower kilometer road cuts are in shale
Cambrian Reeves Limestone and argillite of the Lower
Member of Laib Formation. We Cambrian Laib Formation.
are now in the Lower Paleozoic 67.35 to 67.65 kIn Good exposures of
strata of the Kootenay Arc. Lower Cambrian Reno
53.90 to 54.05 kIn More Reeves Formation slate and argillite.
Limestone, dark limestone in 68.20 kIn Light grey limestone of the
road cuts. Lower Cambrian Reeves
54.40 kIn Pull over into small turnout on Limestone Member of the Laib
right and stop. Walk back to Formation. We are coming into
road cuts. the core of the Laib Syncline.
68.60 to 69.15 kIn Spectacular minor
54.00 km Stop 61: Reeves Limestone. folds in argillite. Possible stop at
68.90 kIn in core of syncline.
Continue eastward. 69.65 kIn Roadcut into dark limestone.
54.60 kIn Rest Stop on right. 70.05 to 71.00 kIn Cuts are in dark
57.00 km Approximate position of the argillite of Reno Formation.
Black Bluff fault - Ordovician 71.00 to 73.50 kIn Cuts are in quartzite
Active Formation on the and argillite of the Quartzite
northwest side, upper Laib Range Formation. The contacts
Formation of Early Cambrian age appear to be somewhat
on the southeast side. gradational.
57.60 km Power line overhead. 73.50 to 75.30 kIn Cuts in Three Sisters
59.70 kIn Good exposure of medium Formation, Windermere Group
bedded quartzite with west dip greenish and grey grit and
on northeast side of road. This quartzite.
is Lower Cambrian Quartzite 75.45 kIn Summit Lake. Wide turnouts on
Range Formation. both sides of road permit a stop
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to walk back and see cooked up 89.95 km Stop 65: Toby Conglomerate,
gritty quartzite. base of Windermere Group.
75.60 km Crest in Highway. Flattened clasts of quartzite and
76.10 km Stop on broad shoulder. buff to white dolostone occur in
a phyllitic matrix. The unit is
76.10 km Stop 63: Summit stock. Two- inferred to be a glacial diamictite.
mica granodiorite of mid Walk back down road, past
Cretaceous age. parking spot and covered
contact, to Dutch Creek
Continue east, mostly Formation, Purcell Group.
downgrade for next 38 km to the Rusty weathering quartzite and
Kootenay River Valley, going pelite. Stop 1-5 of Brown et al.
down section in the Proterozoic (1981).
continent-margin sediment
wedge. This is a very thick Continue eastward.
section with metamorphic grade 90.60 km Maryland Creek road turnoff on
increasing noticeably left.
downsection and eastwards. 93.90 km Approximate position of Blazed
78.70 km Approximate contact of Summit Creek normal fault. East side up
stock with Three Sisters - bringing up Aldridge Formation
Formation. at higher metamorphic grade.
79.45 km Grey quartzite of Three Sisters 96.50 km Road cut in steeply dipping
Formation. Aldridge Formation, lower
79.90 km Curve right. Purcell Group. Pegmatite fills a
80.90 km Turnout on right and stop. Walk nearly horizontal fissure.
ahead to road cut under power 93.35 km Rest area on right.
line. 100.30 km Topaz Creek.
101.90 to 108.35 km Road cuts in
81.10 km Stop 64: Irene Volcanics and metamorphosed Aldridge, cut
Monk Conglomerate. by lenticular pegmatite sheets.
Stromatolitic dolomite occurs at 108.35 km Dirt road intersects highway on
west end of exposure, dolomite left. Turn in and park. Walk
clast conglomerate and back to road cut.
pyroclastic greenstone follow to
the east. This is stop 1-7 of 108.30 km Stop 66: Metamorphosed mica
Brown et al. (1981). schist and micaceous quartzite
of the Aldridge Formation,
Continue eastward. Lower Purcell Group. The
89.45 km Road cuts in base of Windermere mineral assemblage is biotite-
to west and top of Purcell to east muscovite-quartz with minor
of this point at approximate garnet, sillimanite and kyanite.
contact between the units. More than one foliation is
81. 70 km Cut in Irene Volcanics. present. The quartz-feldspar
83.45 km Gate. pegmatite bodies are
86.15 km Power line overhead. boudinaged within the foliation
86.30 to 89.95 km Road cuts in Toby (sl), which is further folded
Conglomerate at base of and kinked. This is stop 1-4 of
Windermere Group. Clasts are Brown et al. (1981).
flattened parallel to cleavage in
matrix. Continue east on Highway 3.
90.00 km Pull over and stop on wide 108.55 km Bridge over Summit Creek.
shoulder on right side of road. 108.75 to 109.05 km Aldridge Formation
Walk back to exposure. in cuts on left.
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48.70 kIn
Rest area. Pb-Zn-Ag vein deposit began in
49.10 kIn
Bridge over Moyie River. 1890 and ended several decades
49.35 kIn
Railroad overpass. ago.
52.90 kIn
Beginning of good road cuts in 72.80 to 73.65 kIn Mine dumps on right.
Aldridge Fonnation. 73.65 to 74.00 kIn Moyie.
53.55 kIn Pull over on shoulder on right 74.65 to 78.20 kIn Cuts in Upper
and stop. Aldridge, rusty-weathering,
laminated, dark grey argillite and
53.55 kIn Stop 68: Middle Aldridge lighter-grey siltstone.
Formation. Rusty weathering 80.30 kIn Crest of hill.
argillite, siltstone and quartzite 80.70 kIn Beginning of large cut in Creston
showing turbidity current Formation.
sedimentary structures indicative 81.10 kIn Pull over and park in wide
of deep water deposition are turnout on left side of highway.
observable here on the west limb
of the Moyie Anticline. This unit 81.10 kIn Stop 70: Creston Formation in
is more than 5000 m thick. large road cut. This formation is
composed of 2000 m of tan,
Continue northeast. green, brown, and purple
54.75 kIn Bridge over Irishman Creek agrillaceous quartzite, siltstone
55.30 kIn Pull over on wide shoulder on and argillite with shallow-water
right and stop. sedimentary structures.
55.30 kIn Stop 69: Moyie Sill. Continue northward, past more
Hornblende quartz diorite sill in cuts in Creston Formation.
Middle Aldridge Formation. 81.90 to 82.5 kIn Covered interval.
These gabbroic sheets are 82.50 kIn Beginning of good exposure
numerous in the Purcell including Creston -Kitchener
Geanticline and intruded only transition.
Low and Middle Aldridge 82.70 kIn Pull over and park in turnout on
sediment, presumably during left side of highway.
deposition of the Aldridge
Formation. U-Pb dates indicate 82.80 kIn Stop 71: Kitchener Formation
a 1.43 Ga time of crystallization. in large road cut. This
These magmas were probably Formation is composed of 2000
the heat source for the m of argillaceous dolostone and
hydrothermal system that dolomitic argillite with shallow
deposited the Sullivan and related water sedimentary structures.
vein base metal deposits. Molar tooth structure in the
carbonate rocks is a distinctive
Continue northeast. feature.
55.80 kIn End of nearly continuous
Aldridge exposures. Continue northwards, past
58.40 to 72.70 kIn Multiple cuts and approximately 2 km of Kitchener
exposures of Aldridge Fonnation Formation exposures in road
along highway. cuts, including well developed
65.65 kIn Midway mine dump on left. molar tooth structure in silty
70.05 kIn Bridge over Moyie River. carbonate beds.
73.00 kIn Ruins of mill on right. For the 83.95 kIn Bridge over Peavine Creek.
next 10 kIn there are views of 84.80 kIn Cross the Moyie fault. This
Moyie Lake to the left of the structure has a minimum 4000 m
highway. reverse/right lateral displacement.
73.15 kIn St. Eugene Mine Point of Interest We cross it close to the axis of
sign. The exploitation of this the Moyie Anticline.
30 8/23/89
Continue northward.
194.50 km Good views to north along this
stretch of highway - towards
Mount Fernie and the Three
Sisters. More overturned
Paleozoic in the upper plate of
the Hosmer thrust.
195.90 km Road from ski area comes in to
Highway from left.
197.15 kIn Bridge.
198.90 km Road from Mount Fernie
Provincial Park comes in from
200.25 kIn Entering Fernie.
201.20 kIn Bridge over Elk River.
201.40 kIn Three Sisters Motel. End of
Day 4.
8/23/89 33
and have relatively low initial 80.00 km Sharp left turn onto road into
87S rj86S r ratios (circa 0.705). Frank Slide Visitor Center.
80.05 to 80.45 km Good exposure of
Continue eastward. Blainnore sandstone on right.
69.85 to 70.2 km Blainnore shale 81.20 km Sharp right turn. Cuts in
exposure in road cut. Blainnore continue up to parking
70.60 km Pull over and stop on wide paved lot.
shoulder of highway. 81.75 km Park in Visitor Center lot.
, "01
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~" : :0 '.';:) :
f'::: '" \ ...,....
Quesnel \
•. r..::" -L.:.. : c;Il / ~. :'
Cascade .......
... ,J ~",'
.. --t
) :. . . .::,(...!: ~
Q Quesne 11 i a
Cc Cache Creek
St Stikinia
Br Bri dge Ri ver
CcCascadi a I~~~I
...-.--![--....... I ...
GN Gravina-
i4utzoti n
A Alexander
W \~range 11 i a
· •• 0......
Pc Pacifi c
Pacifi c
Be lt of
. _.
o Olympic 0 ~
. . . .'" to .. & ..
to . . . _ . . .
: .... ......
t~ull er,
boundari es of the
five tectonic belts Q 2!
3 4 5
• of Figure 1 OO'S km
Figure 2. Distribution and nature of probably allochthonous (or suspect) terranes in the Canadian Cordillera. Each terrane is characterized by a distinctive.
laterally persistent stratigraphic record or has a stratigraphic style featuring extreme disruption (melange. in part). The heavy lines delinate terranes (I. II)
composed of smaller terranes that coalesced prior to accretion to North America. The Sr"7: Sr"6line (Armstrong and others. 1977; Armstrong, 1979 and
personal communication) marks the probable western limit of Precambrian continental crust at the ancient continental margin or in blocks that may be
displaced outboard from it. Boundaries of the five belts in Figure I are given for reference: note the rough correspondence between the two high grade belts
(OCB. CPC) and the boundaries of I. II and the autochthonous terrane.
..I. :
.. c3
..•· .
.. ..
~ ~
FillUre 43. Major lithological units of the Nonhem Cascade System, their relationships to one another and to the structural elements of the Cascades.
6000 Q..
.-<' ...,
-+- Q
.-<' . ..,
CROSSBEDDING , , , . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...JJ.L.
U GRADED BEDDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -=-
~ LAMINATED . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. =
2000 .... LENTICULAR BEDDING . , . . . . . • . . • . . -
...JJ.L. <C
w -+-
MUD CRACKS .•.•..••...........
0.... ~
...JJ.L. ;:,
FIGURE 4. A composite stratigrapbic column of tbe Purcell Supergroup in tbe Moyie Lake area (St. Eugene area of Fig. 2); (from
Hoy and Diakow, 1982).
It~ ~~~6~T5~~STONE ,
-~~--L U.S.A.
Figure 8. Lewis thrust and Crowsnest Mountain
klippe from highway just east of Crowsnest Pass.
Devonian - Mississippian miogeosynclinal carbonate
(Devonian Fairholm - Alexo, Palliser, Mississippian
Exshaw, Banff, and Rundle formations) in the upper
plate are well exposed. Upper Cretaceous Alberta
Group and Belly River Formation sand and siltstone in
the lower plate are covered by vegetation and soil.
Figure 9. Livingstone Range, viewed towards the
northeast from a hill above the Frank Slide Visitor
Centre. The upper plate of the Livingstone thrust is
here composed of south- plunging en echelon folds
cored by massive Upper Paleozoic carbonate strata
(pz). Triassic - Jurassic strata (Mz) occur on the
west (distant) flank of the Range on the right and all
along the lower slopes of the east (closer) side of the
Range. Cretaceous strata underlie the valley in the
foreground. Immediately in front of the observation
point is a conglomerate in the Upper Cretaceous
Blairmore Formation (Kb).
--- ----~-------------------
t~ v :, ~I
I~ y YyYJ
Fault and Pluton names are shown on map.
Field trip stops are numbered in sequence on map on or near trace of
Highway 1 from Vancouver to Hope and Highway 3 from Hope to Alberta.
Vancouver Island
ETim Eocene Sooke Gabbro
ETv Paleocene-Eocene Metchosin Basalt
uK Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group
JK Jurassic-Cretaceous Leech River - Pacific Rim Melanges
E..RV Lower Jurassic Bonanza Volcanics
E.Ri Early Jurassic Island Intrusions
E.Rim Early Jurassic and older Wark-Colquitz Gneisses
~v Upper Triasssic Karmutsen Basalt
Di Devonian Saltspring Intrusions
pz Devonian-Permian Sicker Group
m Paragneiss
um Ultramafic
umn Ultramafic nodule locality
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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