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Avwioro O G Eur. J. Exp. Bio., 2011, 1 (1): 10-13 ______________________________________________________________________________ infections, and adverse pregnancy outcomes and as a factor in atypical pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. In men, trichomoniasis has emerged as a cause of nongonoccocal urethritis and as contributing to male factor infertility [2]. The most common method of diagnosis is via overnight culture [3,4] with a sensitivity range of 75-95% [5]. Methods, such as rapid antigen testing and transcription-mediated amplification, have also been used and are said to have greater sensitivity, but are not in widespread use [5]. The presence of T. vaginalis can also be diagnosed by PCR, using primers specific for GENBANK/L23861 [6]. The Pap smear is a routine screening test used for the detection of cervical abnormalities and precancerous dysplastic changes of the uterine cervix [7]. It also detects certain viral, bacterial, and fungal infections of the cervix and vagina [8]. There is also epidemiological and experimental evidence that Pap smears are beneficial in detecting infections that are risk factors associated with cervical cancer, such as human papilloma virus [9]. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of Pap smear in the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis in cervical and vaginal specimens. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three hundred cervical and vaginal specimens in cotton wool tipped applicators which were sent for microscopy were simultaneously examined by the conventional Papanicolaou method, culture and by PCR for the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis in some hospitals in Southern and Western Nigeria. Papanicolaou method Each specimen was smeared on a clean grease free slide and fixed in ether-alcohol for 30 minutes. The specimens were then stained by the Papanicolaou method as follows: Harriss haematoxylin without acetic acid for 5 minutes, rinsed in tap water and differentiated in 1% acidalcohol for 30 seconds and blued in Scotts water for 2 minutes. Smears were taken to 95% alcohol and stained in OG6 for 2 minutes, rinsed in 95% alcohol and stained in EA 35 for 2 minutes. Smears were then taken to two changes of absolute alcohol, xylene and mounted in DPX. The stained smears were examined under the light microscope at low and high power objectives for the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis and perinuclear halo. Examination of wet preparation Each cotton wool tipped applicator was subsequently rinsed in a test tube containing about 2 ml normal saline. The content was poured onto a clean glass slide and examined under the light microscope for the presence of a rapidly moving organisms. Culture of T. vaginalis Preparation of culture medium and culture Kupferberg Trichomonas medium was prepared by dissolving 23.5g of the Kupferberg Trichomonas base (QUELAB, Canada) in 950 ml of distilled water with the aid of heat, sterilized in an autoclave for 15 min at 15 Ib pressure (121C) and cooled. 50ml of heat inactivated (55-60C) bovine serum was added. Antibiotics (penicillin G and streptomycin) and antifungal (Amphotericin B) were added to the mixture and stored at 4C. About 15ml of the medium was put in a culture tube and heated to 37C for 15 min. The cervical and vaginal swabs were placed into the medium and incubated at 37C for 7 days after which they were examined 11 Pelagia Research Library
Avwioro O G Eur. J. Exp. Bio., 2011, 1 (1): 10-13 ______________________________________________________________________________ microscopically. The medium was washed two times in sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH7.2 and subjected to DNA extraction. DNA extraction, primers and PCR The cultures were washed twice in sterile phosphate buffered saline at pH7.2 and suspended in 400l T/E buffer. DNA extraction was performed using SDS and proteinase K followed by CTAB/NaCl. The presence of DNA was confirmed by electrophoresis prior to PCR amplification. Primers based on T. vaginalis DNA were used to amplify a 300 bp piece of genome (TIB MOLBIOL, Germany) while the PCR reaction was performed using the automated thermal cycler (Eppendorf master cycler gradient). RESULTS
Table 1 Pap smear, wet preparation and PCR Total number of specimens examined Total positive for perinuclear halo (suggestive of T. vaginalis) Total organisms seen in Pap smears Total positive for perinuclear halo (suggestive of T. vaginalis) and T. vaginalis Total positive during wet preparation for microscopy Total positive by culture and PCR 300 20 16 25 31 38 % 6.67 5.33 8.33 10.33 12.67
Of the 300 specimens examined by the Pap technique, 24 (8%) had perinuclear halo suggestive of T. vaginalis while the organisms were seen in 15 (5%) of them. 30 (10%) of the specimens had both T. vaginalis and perinuclear halo. In wet preparations under the light microscope, 36 (12%) of the specimens had T. vaginalis.
Table 2 Percentage sensitivity in comparison with culture and PCR Investigations Total number of specimens positive by culture and PCR Total positive for perinuclear halo (suggestive of T. vaginalis) in Pap smear Total organisms seen in Pap smears Total positive for perinuclear halo (suggestive of T. vaginalis) and T. vaginalis Total positive during wet preparation for microscopy No 38 20 16 25 31 Sensitivity % 100 52.63 42.11 65.77 81.58
When compared with positive results of culture and PCR, wet preparations had the highest sensitivity of 81.58% followed by 65.77% of diagnosis based on perinuclear halo and T. vaginalis. Presumptive diagnosis based on perinuclear halo alone was 52.63% while diagnosis based on identification of organisms in Pap smear was 42.11% DISCUSSION Papanicolaou is the best staining method in cytology, because it helps to effectively differentiate malignant cells from non-malignant cells. It also stains the cytoplasm and its contents [10]. Its ability to differentiate acidophilic materials from basophilic materials as well as its ability to stain non-cellular substances such as fibrin, crystals and pigments, makes it an essential stain in 12 Pelagia Research Library
Avwioro O G Eur. J. Exp. Bio., 2011, 1 (1): 10-13 ______________________________________________________________________________ cytology [10]. T. vaginalis, the causative organism for trichomoniasis is the most common curable sexually transmitted organism worldwide [1,2]. It parasitizes both males and females where it is sometimes asymptomatic in the early stages of the infection. T. vaginalis infection is said to play a role in the development of cervical neoplasia, postoperative infections, and adverse pregnancy outcomes and as a factor in atypical pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility [2]. There is also epidemiological and experimental evidence that Pap smears are beneficial in detecting infections that are risk factors associated with cervical cancer, such as human papilloma virus [9]. Several methods of diagnosis of trichomoniasis exist. There is the easiest method which involves examination of a wet preparation under the microscope where the organisms are seen moving rapidly in all directions. Other methods include overnight culture [11,3,4,5], rapid antigen testing, and transcription-mediated amplification [5] and by PCR [6]. Pap smear is a routine screening test used for the detection of cervical abnormalities and precancerous dysplastic changes of the uterine cervix [7]. It also detects certain viral, bacterial, and fungal infections of the cervix and vagina [8]. In this experiment, wet preparations of cervical and vaginal smears and Papanicolaou stained smears were examined and compared with results obtained from PCR after 7 days culture. The presence of perinuclear halo in the epithelial cells was used as a presumptive diagnosis for T. vaginalis. Pap smears are not superior to wet preparations in the detection of T. vaginalis as shown in tables 1 and 2. Culture is a very sensitive method of detecting T. vaginalis but it is expensive and time consuming. It is concluded that while T. vaginalis should be reported in cervical and vaginal Pap smears, its absence in these smears is not an indication for absolute absence of the organism in the patient. REFERENCES [1] Schwebke, J. R.; Burgess, D. (2004). Clinical Microbiology Reviews 17 (4): 794803 [2] Soper, D (2004). American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 190 (1): 28190. [3] Ohlemeyer, C; Hornberger, L; Lynch, D; Swierkosz, E (1998). Journal of Adolescent Health 22 (3): 2058 [4] Sood, Seema; Mohanty, Srujana; Kapil, Arti; Tolosa, Jorge; Mittal, Suneeta (2007). The Indian journal of medical research 125 (4): 56771. [5] Huppert, Jill S.; Mortensen, Joel E.; Reed, Jennifer L.; Kahn, Jessica A.; Rich, Kimberly D.; Miller, William C.; Hobbs, Marcia M. (2007). Clinical Infectious Diseases 45 (2): 1948. [6] Jurjen S; Bos, Petra A.J.; Roozeboom-Roelfsema, Irene K.; Luijt, Dirk S.; Mller, Lieke V. (2007). Journal of Microbiological Methods 68 (2): 2437. [7] Papanicolaou, GN (1942). Science, 95, 438439. [8] Avwioro OG (2002). Histochemistry and tissue pathology. 1st ed. Claverianun press Nigeria [9] Schiffman MH, Bauer HM, Hoover RN (1993). JNCI., 85:958964 [10] Avwioro OG (2010). Histochemistry and tissue pathology. 2nd ed. Claverianun press Nigeria [11] Garber GE, Sibau L, Ma R, Proctor EM, Shaw CE, Bowie WR (1987) J Clin Microbiol. 25(7): 12751279