APUSH Class Notes Chapter 21

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Origins-US Involvement World War I erupted in Europe in 1914 Underlying causes: nationalism, militarism, alliances, propaganda, rivalries (Imperialism) Triple Entente- Allied Powers Great Britain Russia France Italy U.S.A (enters 1917) Triple Alliance- Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Bulgaria Immediate cause was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand US Neutrality The United States claimed neutrality for several reasons (Wilsons Proclamation of Neutrality) Isolated from Europe by distance Quarrels of war were unrelated to the US American isolationist foreign policy U.S. was not formally allied to any of the nations of war U.S. was following the tradition of remaining distant from European affairs Causes of US entry into WWI 1. German violation of neutrality Sinking of the Lusitania Unrestricted submarine warfare Violation of Sussex pledge 2. Zimmerman Telegram From Germany to Mexico- Telling Mexico to attack the US Intercepted by British intelligence Germany offered to give Mexico- Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona 3. Share heritage with Britain and France We trade with them (aid during the war) Ancestry-British colony, and France helped us during the American Revolution 4. Economic Ties Loans to the allies Sale of war supplies to allies New markets for American farmers US DECLARES WAR ON APRIL 6, 1917 Freedom of the Seas Make the world safe for democracy

Mobilization Industry and Labor War agencies were created to ship needed supplies to the allies Bernard Baruch- used his contacts in industry to help win the war War industries Board set production priorities and estab. Centralized control over raw materials and prices Herbert Hoover- took charge of the Food Administration Encourage American households to eat less meat, and bread so that more could be sent to the troops Paid off- two years overseas shipment of food triples Industry and Labor cont Harry Garfield- head of the Fuel Administration Direct efforts to save coal Nonessential factories were closed, and daylight saving time was used for the first time William Howard Taft- helped arbitrate disputes b/w workers and employers- head of National War Labor Board Unions won concessions during war 8 hr day became more common Union membership increased Finance Paying for the war- big problem Govt managed to raise $33 billion via loans and taxes Encourage Americans to invest their savings by buying government Liberty Bonds Increase income and corporate taxes An excise tax on luxury goods Fighting the War European soldiers had been dealing with artillery barrages, machine-gun fire, poison gas attacks. Russia becomes communist in 1917, and Germany only has to focus on the Western Front (France) Naval Operations German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare- it was working Merchant ships going to GB- 900,000 tons of shipping in one month US navy will implement a convoy system to escort groups of merchant ships- worked well enough not to starve Britain and France American Expeditionary Force Commanded by General John J. Pershing First plug the French and British lines, but by 1918 American forces will be on their own for a segment of the Western Front Last German Offensive- Chateau-Thierry on the Marne River- Americans stopped the German advance Drive to victory Aug, Sept, and October an Allied offensive along the Meuse River and through the Argonne Forest succeeded in driving the German Army back to their border November 11, 1918 the Germans signed an armistice Home Front Did the Government and People Cross the Line? War Hysteria

Volunteer Organizations- keep people in check Draft Dodgers Enforce sale of bonds Report and opinion or conversation considered suspicious Example: American Protective league Humiliation of people not buying bonds Persecution for people of German descent German Language instruction and music banned Exceed similar public moods in Great Britain and France Espionage Act of 1917 Fines and imprisonment for persons who made false statements which aided the enemy, incited rebellion in the military or obstructed recruitment or draft Sedition Act 1918 (May) No criticism of government flag or uniform, expand the censorship of mail. Trample civil liberties Eugene V. Debs will go to prison for 10 years for a speech he gives at a socialist convention Robert Goldstein will be fined $10,000 dollars for his film The Spirit of 76 Showed British vs. Americans Shenck vs. the United States- Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.- congress can limit speech when words represent clear and present danger The Red Scare Fear of Communism Anti-German feelings become Anti-Communist/Foreigners (1919 + 1920) Strikes- were thought to be communist inspired Mail Bombs sent to government officials confirm fears Palmer Raids Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer (one of the Mail bomb targets) Aug 1919 name J. Edgar Hoover to collect info on radicals November 1919- almost 700 people arrested deport 43 as undesirable aliens January 2, 1920- arrest 4,000 people accused of being communists; 556 were communist aliens and were deported Palmer will announce a communist revolution on May 1st, 1920 Day passes no revolution, red scare dies down Race Riots 1919 million blacks will migrate from the South to Industrial Cities (North and Midwest) White hostility because of competition for lower paid jobs, and blacks moving into white neighborhoods Race Riots in 25 cities (Longview, TX, D.C. and Chicago) Chicago is the worst- 13 days, 38 dead, 520 wounded, 1,000 families homeless Black veterans experience violence in the south Lynching increases

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