Coleago 4 Day Telecoms Mini-MBA

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses an in-house Mini-MBA training course designed by Coleago consulting for telecom companies to develop relevant skills in areas like strategy, business planning, and finance. Coleago aims to deliver practical, industry-focused training.

The Mini-MBA course for Telecom Companies aims to deliver a distilled MBA focusing on the skills relevant to strategy and business planning for managers and executives in telecom, media, and technology sectors.

Some benefits of choosing Coleago include their experience and relevance to the telecom industry, the practical experience of their trainers, their proven training materials and methodologies, and their track record of working with major telecom companies.

Telecoms Mini-MBA

An in-house interactive training course for telecoms companies

The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

An in-house interactive course for telecoms companies

An excellent course - extremely well delivered, balanced, informative and above all thoroughly enjoyable, a must for anybody who works in telecoms management."
Anthony Mawby, Strategic Insight Manager, Orange A Course Designed for Telecoms Companies Coleago is a specialised management consulting firm serving the needs of the telecom, media and technology sectors. Prompted by its clients, Coleago developed a range of training courses, tailored to meet the management development needs of the telecoms industry. The Mini-MBA for Telecoms Companies is aimed at managers and executives in organisations working within the telecoms, media, and technology sectors. The course aims to deliver a distilled MBA focusing on the skills relevant to strategy and business planning. To develop, retain and motivate your employees relevant, practical and cost effective training and development are critical. Choosing Coleago as your management development and training partner offers significant advantages: Relevance: Coleago Consulting is a practical, hands on consultancy firm providing real solutions to clients in the Telecoms, Media and Technology sectors. Practicality: Our trainers are industry professionals with first hand experience of the challenges that companies face in these sectors. Proven: Our training and course materials are based on tried and tested techniques, processes and methodologies that our consultants use every day in their own consulting work. Track Record: Coleago has delivered courses to telecoms companies and regulators such as Orange, Vodafone, Zain, Ericsson, Cisco, SabaFon, Ofcom, Motorola, Digi, etc. A Course Delivered by Telecoms Professionals Coleago is most and foremost a telecoms management consulting firm. Training is delivered by consultants with over 15 years of industry experience in international markets, including operational experience. This ensures that the course material is: Relevant and up-to date Learnings can be applied in a practical manner Learning Objectives and Benefits The course is designed to enable participants to gain a practical understanding of the principal techniques employed in business planning in order to be in a position to contribute to setting out strategy and write business plans for small and large projects which achieve the goals of the organisation. Key objectives include: Learning to use practical, strategic analysis and planning tools to support the generation and evaluation of strategic options; Gaining an understanding of the telecoms value chain, the economics of the sector and a range of business models; Knowing how to conduct market research, market forecasting and use market planning techniques that focus specifically on the unique characteristics of the telecoms sector; Gaining the ability to develop and analyse financial forecasts using a range of accounting, financial analysis and project appraisal techniques; Understanding profitability, cash-flow and funding issues; Being in a position to effectively write and present a business plan and secure board approval and funding. Hands on Learning Coleagos courses offer tutorial style interaction with the trainers rather than simply delivering a lecture. This considerably enhances the learning experience. We pride ourselves on bringing potentially boring topics (such as finance) to life through business simulation exercises, role plays, case studies and quizzes but most importantly through our passion and interest for the industry and our content. In-course exercises to gain confidence in applying learnings Enjoyable team work that motivates participants Case study giving participants the opportunity to put their new skills into action

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Experienced industry professionals train your staff

Books authored by the course presenters
The Trainers The course is provided by Stefan Zehle and Graham Friend who have many years of industry experience, working on all continents of the globe: Graham Friend, MA, M.Phil (Cantab) ACA, a co-founder of Coleago is an expert in business planning, including strategic analysis and planning, financial forecasting and valuations and business modelling and training for telecoms companies around the world. Graham is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Masters Degree in Economics from Trinity College, Cambridge. Stefan Zehle, MBA a co-founder of Coleago, was a Director of a GSM operator with budgetary responsibility for $46 million of revenue and $29 million of cost. He is an expert in telecoms marketing strategy, market forecasting, and business planning. He was responsible for many successful licence applications. Stefan has spoken at over 30 telecoms conferences world-wide and holds an MBA with distinction. We only provide consulting and training services to the telecoms sector and so we really understand the challenges facing the industry and the training needs within it. Telecoms Experience and Academic Excellence Graham Friend and Stefan Zehle, the co-founders of Coleago Consulting, co-authored the Guide to Business Planning, published by the respected Economist group. Graham Friend also co-authored the Guide to Business Modelling. Graham holds a Masters Degree from Cambridge and Stefan an MBA with distinction. Training Material and Benefits The companies and individuals within them, who will succeed in the telecoms sector, are those that can combine strong financial and business skills with a comprehensive understanding of the ever changing competitive landscape. The Telecoms Mini-MBA will teach these essential business skills and coupled with a no nonsense appraisal of industry trends, ensures that all attendees will be able to make a difference on their return to their business. This course is highly practical, involving the use of simulation tools, exercises and a realistic and challenging case study. In addition attendees will also be provided with invaluable tools and templates to take away and use in their roles. These include: Extensive course notes in PDF format 10 year Excel based business planning valuation model Investment appraisal model Strategic planning templates Industry benchmarks

The Benefit of a Private In-House Course Rather than sending a few people from your company to a public training course, the training course comes to you. This has a number of advantages: Participants can discuss your companys issues freely Delivered where and when you need it Some tailoring of content to your situation We can accommodate a maximum of 16 participants in a tutorial style environment without compromising on interactivity. This means the cost per person will be considerably lower compared to sending people on public courses.

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Course content overview

This is the best training I have ever attended. It was insightful, practical, dynamic, intense to mention a few. I have just been in the Telecoms environment for 8 months and I already feel like a Telco brainiac.
Bassey Umoh, MTN Nigeria A Balanced and Comprehensive Programme The course is designed to cover the topics relevant to developing strategies that deliver competitive advantage and making investment decisions that increase shareholder value. Participants will become familiar with the tools and language of business planning and decision making. Competitive pressures are increasing and therefore financial literacy is key to understanding how companies increase profitability and return on investment. Coleago's teaching techniques explain complex financial subjects in a manner so that they can easily be understood by non-financial managers. Intensive, Stimulating and Enjoyable Learning Four 90 minute sessions per day One double session case study module A sequence of strategy and marketing orientated sessions and sessions with a financial focus. The course culminates in an investment appraisal case study with teams competing against each other Strategy & Marketing Focus Financial Focus Hands on Case Study

The Programme

Day 1 Overview of Strategic and Commercial Planning

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

9:00 10:30

Market Analysis and Strategy

Forecasting Techniques Part 1

Investment Appraisal Part 1

11:00 12:30

Environmental Analysis and Planning for Uncertainty

Analysing and Developing Strategy Part 1 Analysing and Developing Strategy Part 2

Forecasting Techniques Part 2

Investment Appraisal Part 2

13:30 15:00

Introduction to Financial Concepts

Are Telecoms Companies Creating Value Today?

Investment Appraisal Case Study

15:30 17:00

Industry and Competitor Analysis

Advanced Financial Concepts

Basic Valuation Techniques

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Detailed Course Content - Day 1

Overview of Strategic and Commercial Planning To develop an understanding of how a company creates value for its shareholders To understand the objectives of company strategy and to define key strategic terms Interactive exercise: Definitions of strategy and tactics To appreciate the influence of stakeholders and their impact on company goals and performance To review the business planning process and gain an overview of key tools and techniques The typical content of a business plan Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Introduction to Financial Statements and Concepts The three financial statements and understanding their significance The Profit & Loss Account, defining ARPU Variable and fixed costs The Balance sheet and sources of capital for a business The Cash Flow statement, the concept of Free Cash Flow and its role in value creation Interactive exercise: Understanding the 3 financial statements Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

Environmental analysis and planning for uncertainty Understanding the nature of uncertainty in the telecoms industry and responses to it Learn how to apply PESTEL analysis a tool for analysing the environment Interactive exercise: PESTEL analysis Using scenario planning to generate alternative views of an uncertain future Interactive exercise: Scenario planning Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

Industry and Competitor Analysis Understanding structure and forces that drive competition using Porters 5 forces model The industry life cycle in relation to the competitive forces that drive the telecoms industry Generic market structures and their applicability in telecommunications sector Interactive exercise: Different market structures in telecoms Identifying the Value Chain, and its impact on strategy; including examples of successful and unsuccessful value chain strategies Interactive exercise: Your company in the value chain Analysing competitors using the Key Success Factor (KSF) ranking and Porters four corners framework Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Detailed Course Content - Day 2

Market Analysis and Strategy What does marketing really mean? Understanding the benefits of market segmentation and applying segmentation methods and targeting Interactive exercise: Market segmentation The 4 Ps: Adjusting the elements of the marketing mix Targeting market segments with a differentiated offer Case study: the benefit of brand equity How to position a product or services in the market and develop a value proposition Interactive exercise: your own and your competitors value proposition Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Analysing and Developing Strategy Part 2 Using a framework for strategy development: Basis of competitive advantage, direction and implementation Porters generic strategies and the applicability to the telecoms sector Using the Ansoff or Market Options matrix to generate strategic directions Understanding the benefits and drawback of alternative methods of strategy implementation Case study: Two case studies illustrating segmentation strategy vs. brand development strategy Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

Analysing and Developing Strategy Part 1 Understanding the product life cycle curve and its strategic implications Understanding the strategic movement of portfolio products and cash using the BCG box Case study: The growth in non-sms mobile data Analysing your own business: How resources contribute to competitive advantage Summarising internal and external factors into Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Interactive exercise: SWOT analysis Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

Advanced Financial Concepts Appreciate the fundamental principals of accounting Examine the accounting treatment for fixed assets depreciation and amortisation Develop and understanding of economies of scale and their impact on the scalability of a business Case study: Differences in fixed and variable costs between an MNO and MVNO Examine the concept of accruals and prepayments Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Detailed Course Content - Day 3

Forecasting Techniques - Part 1 Understanding the process of forecasting demand and essential forecasting concepts The effect of inflation: Forecasting in real or nominal terms Market sizing: The potential demand for a product or service Suitability and application of different market research techniques Understanding the suitability of different forecasting techniques in particular situations How to use the time series method to make a forecast based on trend and seasonality Interactive exercise: Applying forecasting techniques using Excel Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Are Telecoms Companies Creating Value Today? Develop a systematic approach to reviewing financial information Understand how to calculate and interpret profitability ratios Evolution of EBITDA margins, regional and global review Interactive exercise: Calculating profitability ratios Using and interpreting different types of capital efficiency ratios Evolution of Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) Interactive exercise: Calculating capital efficiency ratios Using liquidity and solvency ratios to assess a companys ability to meet its immediate obligations and long term exposure Capex to Sales & Capex to EBITDA ratios and cash flow impact Interactive exercise: Calculating solvency ratios Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Forecasting Techniques - Part 2 How to use explanatory methods, notably regression analysis to make a forecast Using the product life cycle and s-shaped growth curves to forecast take-up The Bass model of diffusion of innovation to forecast demand for new services Price elasticity of demand in telecoms markets, practical applications Price elasticity coefficient estimates and empirical evidence of price elasticity of demand for telecoms services Demand for mobile internet services, a sample survey: methodology and results Interactive exercise: Applying forecasting techniques using Excel Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Basic Valuation Techniques and the Business Case Story Board Investment ratios and the role of equity analysts in valuing companies Case study: Valuing Virgin Mobile, a UK MVNO, for the purposes of setting the IPO share price What happens in a maturing market: the historic performance of the UK Mobile Industry Interactive exercise: What are the implications for your market What decision makers what to know: The business case story board Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Detailed Course Content - Day 4

Investment Appraisal Part 1 Understand the objectives of investment appraisal and process of decision making Identify popular investment appraisal techniques and understand the basis of each approach Identify which revenues, costs and capital expenditure to include in appraisal techniques Learn how to calculate Pay Back Interactive exercise: Calculating payback Learn how to calculate the Break Even Point Interactive exercise: Finding the break even point Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content Investment Appraisal Case Study Based around current issues in the communication sector Draws together the learning from previous sessions Allows participants to deploy their new skills in a practical exercise Team working and presentation skills are tested

Extract from Investment Appraisal Case Study Model

Investment Appraisal Part 2 Learning how to carry out a Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Appreciate the relevance of Net Present Value to decision making Worked example: Net present value Interactive exercise: Calculating the NPV for a new data project Understand the concept of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Interactive exercise: Calculating the IRR for a new data project Expected Net Present Value: a tool to incorporate probable outcomes Interactive exercise: Quiz reviewing the content

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The Coleago Telecoms Mini-MBA

Course Logistics and Contacts

"The telecoms MBA delivered clear, concise and confident teaching of complex content. I have a background in finance, but the financial content was explained better than I have ever heard it done before - I really did learn something new.
Amanda Scott, Ingenious Media Course Location and Set-Up The course is organised in-house for your companys staff at a time convenient to you. Coleagos trainers travel to your preferred location. At this location, Clients should arrange for a suitable course venue, ideally off-site, so that participants are not distracted by their daily working life. Recognising that the course is demanding for participants, frequently our clients chose to hold courses in well appointed hotels that can also provide participants with morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunch and water. The training room should be equipped with: a PC projector; a desk or table space for each participant and the trainer, each with a power outlet for the PCs; several flip charts and colour marker pens (one for each team and one for the trainer); a whiteboard and colour pens. All participants require a laptop in order to take part in the exercises and read the course notes provided in PDF format. Although the course material is very extensive, participants may whish to take additional notes and bring pens and paper. Further Information or to Arrange Your In-House Course To discuss the course on offer or make a booking, please call or email either Stefan Zehle or Graham Friend. Graham Friend, MA Managing Director, Coleago Consulting Ltd Tel: +44 7973 315 434 [email protected] Contacts

Stefan Zehle, MBA CEO, Coleago Consulting Ltd Tel: +44 7974 356 258 [email protected]

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Coleago Consulting A brief introduction to Coleago Consulting, our expertise and experience

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Coleago Consulting

A leading boutique telecommunications consulting and training firm

Since its launch in 2001, Coleago Consulting, based in the UK, has established itself amongst operators around the world as one of the leading boutique telecoms advisory firms.
Preferred supplier to major global & regional players Global players such as Orange, Vodafone and Telefonica and leading regional players such as KPN, Qtel and Zain, along with regulators such as Ofcom, have selected Coleago as a preferred supplier for a wide range of consulting services around the world.

We only recruit leading industry experts

Coleago only recruits leading industry experts with over 10, 15 and even 25 years experience, many at board and director level. Our team shape industry opinion; are quoted in the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal and have written for The Economist.

End-to-end Partner level consulting on all assignments

We provide Partner level, end-to-end consulting expertise on every assignment and specialise in complex assignments requiring the highest level of expertise and experience throughout. We never use recent MBAs, juniors or associates.

Emerging market specialists

We have unrivalled experience and insight into emerging markets such as the Middle East and Africa through directorships of mobile businesses in the region and have provided advice to operators such as Qtel, Warid, MTN, Digicel and Zain.

Broad range of consulting services

Our experience encompasses mobile, WiFi, WiMAX, cable, broadband, fixed services and television. Our expertise ranges from strategy and business planning, spectrum auctions and due diligence through market forecasting, market research and market planning to interconnect and regulation, cost modelling and network planning and optimisation.

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Coleago Consulting

Coleago has delivered assignments for global operators and smaller players
Our clients include fixed and mobile operators, MVNOs, equipment vendors, regulators and content providers

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Coleago Consulting

We offer practical, realistic advice that can be implemented to deliver real value
Major operators are increasingly choosing to work with Coleagos small, dedicated and highly experienced teams over traditional consultancies with their large, expensive teams of relatively inexperienced consultants.
Coleago focuses only on providing independent advice, we have no commercial interest in recommending infrastructure investment, system implementations or on-going outsourcing services.

Independent opinions

Small, effective teams

Our consultants are highly experienced, multi-skilled and have extensive project management experience this means we can deploy smaller teams, without the hierarchy of traditional consultancies, which clients find easier to work with and integrate into their own project teams.

Practical, relevant advice

Our advice is based on hands on experience, much at Director and Board level, and ensures that our recommendations are realistic, practical and achievable.

Existing tools and databases

As we only focus on the telecoms sector we have an extensive library of modelling and forecasting tools developed specifically for the sector as well as comprehensive benchmark databases which ensure that we can be adding value from the outset of a project.

Language Skills

Many Coleago team members are fluent in a number of languages including French, Spanish, Arabic, German and Dutch language skills are often crucial in delivering assignments in emerging markets.

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Coleago Consulting

Coleagos consultants lead and shape the industry

Coleago is regularly asked to speak at key telecoms conferences around the world as well as sitting on governmental working groups and industry bodies that shape the future of the industry. Some of the papers published by Coleago
Fears About Debt Levels of Mobile Operators are Misplaced Article, Total Telecom & elsewhere PMR in Europe Article, Communications International Demand for Mobile Internet Services Article, Total Telecom

Business texts written by the founders of Coleago

Trends in Mobile Tariffing Article, Telecommunications & Microwave Journal

International Accounting Rates Letter, Telecommunications

Mobile Networks in Eastern Europe Article, Telecommunications

A Cellular Alternative in Eastern Europe? Opinion, Mobile Europe

Telecoms in Eastern Europe: Investing for Growth Article, Telecommunications

Inter German Telecommunications Integration Article, Communications International

GSM Billing Article, Communications International

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Coleago Consulting

Our services include advisory roles, operational support and training

Business Planning Regulation M&A Transaction Support
Identifying and Screening Opportunities

Performance Improvement
Network Optimisation

Strategic Analysis & Planning

Regulatory Cost Modelling

Market Research & Forecasting

Spectrum and Licence Bids

Commercial Due Diligence

Geo Marketing

War Gaming and Scenario Planning

Interconnect Strategy

Technical Due Diligence

Product & Services Development

Marketing Planning

Reference Interconnect Offers

Preparing Information Memorandum

Budgeting Process Reengineering

Technical & Network Planning

Interconnect Agreements


Training Services

Financial Forecasting

International Connectivity

Excel Modelling and Bespoke Models

Valuations & Benchmarking

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Coleago Consulting

Global outlook
We have delivered projects on every continent of the globe
Canada, USA Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK

Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore

Caribbean, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Panama

Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Madagascar, Morocco, South Africa Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman

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