Green Tara Sadhana

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Praises to Shakyamuni Buddha

Ton pa chom dn d de shin sheg pa dra chom pa yang dag par dzog pai sang gy rig pa dang shab su dn pa. De bar sheg pa. Jig ten khyen pa. Kye bu du wai. Kha lo gyur wa. La na me pa. Lha dang mi nam kyi tn pa sang gy chom dn d pal gyal wa sha kya thub pa la chag tsl lo. Chd do kyab su chio. (Recite 3xs) Gang tse kang nyi tso wo khyd tam tse Sa chen di la gom pa dun bor n Nga ni jig ten di na chog che sung De tse kh pa khyd la chag tsl lo. Nam dag ku mga chog tu zug zang wa Ye she gya tso ser gyi lhun po dra Drag pa jig ten sum na lham me wa Gon po chog gyur khyd la chag tsl lo. Tsn chog dn pa dri me da wai shal. Ser dog dra wa khyd la chag tsal lo. Dul dra khyd dra srid pa sum ma chi Nyam me khyen chn khyd la chag tsl lo. Gon po thug je che dn pa Tham chd khyen pa ton pa po Sod nam yon tn gya tsoi shing De shin sheg la chag tsl lo

Dag p dd chag dral war gyur Ge wai ngn song l drol ching Chig tu don dam chog gyur pa Shi gyur chla chag tsl lo Drl n drl wi lam yang ton Lap pa dag la rab tu n Shing gi dam pa yon tn dn Ge dun la yang chag tsl lo. Dig pa chi yang mi ja shing Ge wa pun sum tsong par gyur Rang gi sem ni yong su dul De nyi sang gy ten pay yin. Kar ma rab rib mar me dang Gyu ma zil pa chu bur dang Mi lam log dang drin ta bur Du ja ch nam de tar ta. Sod nam di yi tham chd zig pa yi Go phang thob n kyon gyi dra dul te Ga dang na dang chi wai lab drug pai Srid pai tso l dro wa drol war shog.

Praises to Shakyamuni Buddha

To the Teacher, the Blessed One, the One Gone Beyond, the Foe Destroyer, the Completely Perfected, Fully Awakened Being, perfect in knowledge and in good conduct, Sugata, Knower of the World, Supreme Guide of beings to be tamed, teacher of gods and humans. To you, the Completely and Fully Awakened One, the Blessed One, the Glorious Conqueror, the Subduer from the Shakya clan, I prostrate, make offerings and go for refuge. (Recite 3 times ) When, O supreme among humans, you were born on this earth, You paced out seven strides, Then said, I am supreme in this world. To you, who were wise then, I prostrate. With pure bodies, form supremely pure, Wisdom ocean, like a golden mountain, Fame that blazes in the three worlds, Winner of the best to you I prostrate. With the supreme signs, face like spotless moon, Color like gold to you, I prostrate. You are immaculate, the three worlds are not. Incomparably wise one to you, I prostrate. The Saviour having great compassion, The Teacher having all understanding, The field of merit with qualities like a vast ocean To you, the One Gone to Thusness, I prostrate.

The purity which makes one free from attachment, The virtue which frees one from the lower realms, The one path, the sublime pure reality To that Dharma which pacifies, I prostrate. Those who are liberated and who also show the path to liberation, The holy field qualified with realizations, Who are devoted to the moral precepts To you, the sublime community Intending virtue, I prostrate. Do not commit any non-virtuous actions, Perform only perfect virtuous actions, Subdue your mind thoroughly This is the teaching of the Buddha. A star, a mirage, a flame of a lamp, An illusion, a drop of dew, or a bubble, A dream, a flash of lightning, a cloud See conditioned things as such! Through these merits may sentient beings Attain the rank of all-seeing, subdue the foe of faults, And be delivered from the ocean of suffering, Of aging, sickness and death.

HOMAGE TO THE LAMA Balen tsa-we lam-ma rin-po-che Dak-gi chi-wor pe-me Ga-trin chen-po go-ne je-sung-de Gu-sung tuk-kyi ngo -drup tsal-du-so Splendid and precious Root Lama Sitting on the lotus seat on the crown of my head, Out of your great kindness may you care for me And bestow the attainments of body, speech, and mind. REFUGE AND BODHICHITTA (3x) Sang-gye-cho -tang tsok-kyi chok-nam-Ia Chang-chup par-du dak-ni kyap-su-chi Dak-gi jin-sok gyi-pe so -nam-gyi Dro-Ia pen-chir sang-gye drup-par-sho In the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Noble Sangha I take refuge until enlightenment. By the merit I made through giving and so forth May I become enlightened for the benefit of all beings.

THE FOUR IMMEASUREABLES THOUGHTS Sem chen tam che de wa dang de way gyu dang den par gyur chig Sem chen tam che dug ngel dang dug ngel kyi gyu drel war gyur chig Sem chen tam che dug ngel may pay de wa dang mi drel war gyur chig Sema chen tam che nye ring chag dang nyi dang drel way dang nyom la nay par gyur chig May all sentient beings have happiness and its cause. May all sentient beings be freed from suffer-ing and its cause. May all sentient beings never be separated from the happiness that is beyond all suffering. May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free from attraction that holds some close and aversion that keeps others distant. MANDALA OFFERING Sa-shi bo chu chuk-shing me-tok-tram Ri-rap ling-shi nyin-de gyen-pa-di Sang gye shing-du mik-de pul-wa-yi Dro-kun nam-tak shing-du cho par-sho

MANDALA OFFERING The earth is perfumed with scented water and is strewn with flowers. Adorned as well with Sumeru, the four continents, the sun and moon, By imaging and offering these as a Buddha realm May all living beings here come to enjoy pure realms. Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Taya Mi To you oh Precious Guru, I send forth this jeweled mandala.

Jetsum Pak-ma Drol-ma-dang Cho-chu tu-sum shuk-pa-yi Gyal-wa se-che tam-che-la Gun-ne tang-we chak-gyi-o Me-tol duk-po mar-me-tri Shal-se rol-rno Ia-sok-pa Ngo-jor yi-kyi tru-ne-bul Pak-me tsok-kyi she-au-sol Tok-ma me-ne tan-te-par Mi-ge chu-tang tsam-me-nga Sem-ni-nyon-mong wang-gyur-pe Dik-pa tam-che shak-par-gyi Nyen-to rang-gyal chang-chup-sem So-so kye-wo la-sok-pe Tu-sum ge-wa chi-sak-pe So-nam la-ni dak-yi-rang Sem-chen nam-kyi sam-pa-tang Lo-yi che-trak ji-da-war Che-chung tun-mong tek-pa-yi Cho-kyi kor-lo gor-du-sol Kor wa ji-si ma-dong-par Nya-ngen mi-da tukj-je-yi Duk-ngal gyan-tsor ching-wa-yi Sem-chen nam-la si-su-sol Dak-gi so-nam chi-sak-pa Tam-che chang-chup gyur-gyur-ne Ring-por mi-tok dro-wa-yi Dren-pe bal-du dak-gyur-chi

Po-ta-la-yi ne-chok-ne Tam-yik jang-khu le-trung-shing TAM-yik o-kyi dro-wa-drol Drol-ma kor-che shek-su-sol Hla-tang hla-min cho-pen-gyi Shap-kyi pemo la-du-de Pong-pa gun-Ie drol-dze-ma Drol-ma yum-Ia chak-tsal-lo

From the excellent region of the Potala, out of the green letter TAM arises Tara, You liberate beings with the light of the letter TAM. Pray come Tara with your retinue. The crowns of devas and asuras bow to your lotus feet. Liberator from all poverty, homage to Tara, Mother. To Reverend, Noble Tara and all the Victors and Bodhisattvas Who dwell in the ten directions and three times I most sincerely pay homage. Flowers, incense, lamps, fragrances, food, music and other such, Goods I offer having mentally created them; I pray that the assembly of Noble Ones accept them. From time without beginning until now, I have committed The ten unwholesome deeds and the five of immediate retribution. With a mind under the power of defilement; all these sins I confess

Shravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattvas, ordinary beings, and so forth Have accumulated wholesome deeds in the three times; I rejoice in their merit. In accordance with the classes of thoughts and minds of beings, I pray that you turn the Wheel of Dharma of the Great, Small and Ordinary Vehicle So long as samsara is not empty, pray do not enter nirvana, and with compassion, Look upon beings who are bound in the ocean of suffering. All the merit I have accumulated, being the cause of enlightenment, Before long may I attain to the Splendor of the Guide of Beings.



Om Je-tsum-ma Pak-ma Drol-ma-la chak-tsal-lo OM! Homage to the Reverend, Noble Tara! Chak-tsal Drol-ma nyur-ma ba-mo Homage, Tara, quick one, heroine, Chen-ni ge-chik lok-tang dra-ma whose eyes flash like lightening, Jik-den sum-gon chu-kye shal-gyi Born from the opening corolla of the Ge-sai che-was le-ni chung-ma Lotus face of the Lord of the three worlds Chak-tsal don-ke da-wa gun-du Homage, Lady, whose face is filled Kang-wa gya-ni tsek-pe shal-mal with a hundred full autumn moons, Gar-ma dong-trak tsok-pa nam-kyi Blazing with the resplendent beams Rap-du che-wa o-rap bar-ma of a thousand starry clusters,

Chak-tsal ser-ng chu-ne kye-kyi Homage, Lady, whose hand is adorned Pe-me cha-ni nam-par gyen-ma with a lotus, a lotus blue and gold Jin-pa tson-drun ga-trup shi-wa Whose field of practice is giving, exertion, So-pa sam-den cho-yel nyi-ma austerity, peace, patience and meditation. Chak-tsal te-shin shek-pe tsuk-tor Homage, Lady, ushnisha of the Tathagatas, Ta-ye nam-par gyal-war cho-ma. Abiding in endless triumph Ma-lu pa-rol chin-pa top-pe Honored by the children of the Jina, Gyal-we se-kyi shin-tu dem-ma Having attained every perfection. Chak-tsal TUTTARE HUNG yi-ge Homage, Lady, who fills all directions Do-dang cho-dang nam-ka kang-ma Of space with syllables TUTTARE and HUNG Jik-den dun-po shap-kyi nen-te Tampling the seven worlds with her feet, Lu-pa me par guk-par nu-ma Able to summon all before her.

Chak-tsal gya-chin me hla tsang-pa Homage, Lady, worshipped by Indra, Agni Lung-hla na-tsok wang-chuk cho-ma Brahma, the Maruts, and Vishveshvara Chung-po ro-lang tri-sa nam-dang Honored by hosts of monsters, zombies, No-jin tsok-kyi dun-ne do-ma Gandharvas, and yakshas. Chak-tsal TRE-che cha-dang PHE-kyi Homage, lady who destroys others magic devices Pa-rol trul-kor rap-du jom-ma With the sounds of TRE and PHE Ye-gum yon-kyang shap-kyi nen-te Trampling with right foot up and left extended Me-bar truk-pa shin-tu bar-ma Posed gracefully admidst a blazing fire, radiant Chak-tsal TURE jik-pa chen-mo Homage, Lady, TURE, the terrible lady, Du-kyi pa-wo nam-par jom-ma who annihilates the hero of Mara, Chu-kye shak-ni tro-nyer den-dze Lotus-faced, frowning-browed, Dra-wo tam-che ma-lu so-ma who slays all enemies without exception.

Chak-tsal gon-chok sum-tson chak-gye Homage, Lady, who adorns her heart Sor-mo tuk-kar nam-par gyen-ma with a hand-gesture, symbol of the Three Jewels, Ma-lu cho-kyi kor-lo gyen-pe Her right palm, adorned with the universal wheel, Rang-gi o-kyi tso-nam truk-rna emits beams of light. Chak-tsal rap-du ga-wa ji-pe Homage, Lady, whose delightfully brilliant diadem Ur-gyan u-kyi treng-wa pel-ma spreads a garland of light, She-pa rap-she TUTTARA-yi Subjugating Mara and the world Du-dang jik-den wang-du dze-ma with a laughing, mocking TUTTARE. Chak-tsal sa-shi kyong-we tsok-nam Homage, Lady able to summon Tam-che gu-par nu-pa nyi-ma before her all the hosts of protectors of the earth, Tro-nyer yo-we yi-ge HUNG-gi Saving from all misfortune


Chak-tsal da-we tum-bu ur-gyen Homage, Lady, whose diadem is a crescent moon Gyen-pa tam-che shin-tu bar-ma blazing with all its ornaments, Ral-pe tro-ne o-pak me-le Ever lit by the radiance of Amitabha Dak-par shin-tu o-ni dze-ma upon her piled hair. Chak-tsal gal-pa ta-me me-tar Homage, Lady who lives amidst a garland Bar-we tren-we tren-we u-na ne-ma that blazes like the fire of the final aeon, Ye-kyang yon-kum gun-ne gor-ge At ease in the royal of posture, Dra-yi pung-ni nam-par jom-ma overcoming the enemy army. Chak-tsal sa-shi ngo-la chak-gi Homage, Lady who strikes with the palm of the hand Til-gyi nun-ching shap-kyi dung-ma And pounds with her feet the surface of the earth, Tro-nyer chen-dze yi-ge HUNG-gi Who frowning, shatters the seven underworlds Rim-pa dun-po nam-ni gem-ma with the syllable HUNG.

Chak-tsal de-ma ge-ma-shi-ma Homage, Lady blissful, virtuous, calm Nya-ngen de-shi cho-yul nyi-ma whose field of practice is calm nirvana, SOHA OM-dang yang-dak den-me Endowed with SOHA and OM, Dik-pa chen-po jom-pa nyi-rna destroying great sin. Chak-tsal gun-ne gor-rap ga-we Homage, Lady of joyous posture Dra-yi lu-ni rap-tu gem-ma who shatters the bodies of enemies, Yi-ge chu-pe nga-ni go-pe The liberator sprung from HUNG Rik-pa HUNG-le Drolma nyi-ma in the mantra arraying the sound of ten syllables. Chak-tsal TURE shap-ni dap-pe Homage, Lady who strikes with the feet of TURE, HUNG-gi nam-pe sa-bon nyi-ma whose seed has the form of HUNG, Ri-rap Man-da ra-dang bikche Shaking Mount Meru, Mandara, Jik-den sum-nam yo-wa nyi-ma Kailsha, and the three realms.

Chak-tsal hla-yi tso-yi nam-pe Homage, Lady, who holds in her hand Ri-dak dak-chen cha-na nam-ma The hare-marked moon in the form of the ocean of the gods, TARA nyi-jo PHE-kyi yi-ge Totally dispelling poisons with the TUK-nam ma-lu par-ni sel-ma Twice-spoken TARA and the sound of PHE. Chak-tsal hla-yi tsok-nam gyal-po Homage, Lady, honored by the ruler of hosts of gods, Hla-ang mi-am chi-yi den-ma by the gods and kinnaras. Gun-ne go-cha ga-we ji-kyi Dispelling contention and bad dreams So-dang mi-lam ngen-pa sel-ma with the brilliance of her joyous armor. Chak-tsal nyima da-wa gye-pe Homage, Lady, whose eyes are brilliant Che-nyi pola o-rap sal-ma with the light of the sun and the full moon, HARA nyi-jo TUTTARA-yi Dispelling terrible fevers Shin-tu trak-po rim-ne sel-ma with twice-spoken HARA and TUTT TARE.

Chak-tsal de-nyi sum-nam go-pe Homage, Lady perfectly endowed Shi-we tu-dang yang-dak den-ma with the power of calm by the array Of the three truths (OM - Body, AH - Speech, HUNG - Mind) Don-dang ro-lang no-jin tsok-nam Destroying the hosts of evil spirits, zombies, and yakshas, Jom-pa TURE rap-chok nyi-ma TURE, most excellent lady! Tsa-we nga-kyi do-pa di-dang This is the praise with the basic mantra Chak-tsal wa ni nyi-shu tsa-chik and the twenty-on verses of homage.
(Repeat The Praises of 21 Tara 2, 3, 7, or 21x)


TARA'S ACTIVITIES AND BENEFITS Hla-mo la-gu yang-dak den-pe Lo-den kang-gi rap-dang jo-de So-dang to-rang lang-par che-ne Tren-pe mi-jik tam-che rap-der Dik-pa tam-che rap-du shi-wa Ngen-dro tam-che jom-pa nyi-do GyaJ-wa che-wa trek-dun nam-kyi Nyur-du went-ni gur-war gyur-la Di-Ie che-wa nyi-ni top ching Sang-gye ko-pang tar-tuk ter-dro Te-yi tuk-ni trak-po chen-po Den-ne pa-am shen-yang dro-wa So-pa tang-ni tung-pa nyi-kyang Tren-pe rap-du sel-wa nyi-do Don-dang rim-dang tuk-gi sir-we Duk-ngal tsok-ni nam-par bong-te Sem-chen shen-pa nam-la yang-ngo Nyi-sum dun-du ngon-par jo-na Pu-do pe-ni pu-top gur-shing Nor-do pe-ni nor-nam nyi-top Do-pa tam-che top-par gyur-de Gek-nam me-ching so-sor jom-gyur

TARA'S ACTIVITIES AND BENEFITS To the wise, devoted to the goddess, who recite these stanzas At evening or upon arising at dawn, who recollect them, Jetsun Tara grants total fearlessness, Pacifies all their unwholesome actions, and destroys all lower destinies, Seventy million Blessed Ones will quickly initiate the wise; Greatness beyond this is obtained and the wise go to the final Buddhahood. If a dreadful poison, whether animal or vegetable, eaten or drunk, for the wise who recollect, it is completely nullified. The wise are freed from sufferings inflicted by spirits, poisons or diseases; And as it works for them, it works for other beings, too. If they recite these stanzas clearly, two, three, seven times, By wishing for sons, they will have sons, wishing for wealth, they will gain wealth. They will obtain all they desire, and there will be no obstacles to hinder them.



Je-tsun Chom-den-de-ma tuk-je-chen Dak-dang ta-ye sem-chen tam-che-kyi Drip-nyi chang-shing tsok-nyi nyur-dzok-ne Dzok-pe sang-gye top-par dze-du-sol Te-ma top-kyi tse-rap gun-du-yang Hla-dang mi-yi de-ws chok-top-ne Tam-che khyen-pa drup-par che-pe-la Par-che don-gek rim-dang ne-Ia-sok Tu-min chi-war gyur-pa na-sok-dang Mi-lam ngen-dang tsen-ma ngen-pa-dang Jik-pa gye-sok nye-war tse-wa-nam Nyur-du shi-shing me-par dze-du-sol fik-den jik-den Ie-ni de-pa-yi Ta-shi de-Iek pun-sum tshok-pa-nam Pel-shing gye-pe ton-tram ma-lu-pa Be-me lhun-gyi drup-par dze-du-sol Drup-la tson-sbing tam-cho pel-wa-tang Dek-du kyo-drup shal-chok tong-wa-tang Dong-nyi ton-dok chang-sem rin-po-cbe Yar-ngo da-dar pe1-shing gye-par-dzo Gyal-we kyil-kor sang-shing ga-wa-der Pe-mo tam-pa sbin-tu dze-Ie-kye Nang-wa ta-ye gyal we ngon-sum-du Lung-den pa-yang dak-gi ter-top-sho

Dak-gi tse-rap ngon-ne drup-pe-hla Tu-sum sang gye gun-gyi trin-le-ma Ngo-jang shal-chik cha-nyi nyur-shi-ma Yum-gyur ut-pal nam-pe te-sbi-sho
(Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen)

Gyal-yum Drol-ma kye-gu chin-dra-dang Kor-tang gu-tse tse-dang shing kam-dang Kye-kyi tsen-chok sang-po chin-dra-wa Ten-dra kho-nar dek-sok gyur-war-sho

Kyo-la do-cbing sol-w dep-pe-tu Dak-sok kang-na ne-pe ss-cho-su Ne-dtin ul-pong tap-tso shi-wa-dang Cho-dang ta-shi pel-war dze-du-sol
(Dharma King Tri-song de-tsen)

Gu-yi kyon-pang tsen-dang pe-che-dea Sung-gi kyon-pang ka-la ping-ge-yang Tuk-kyi kyon-pang she-cha tak dak-khyen Ta-shi pal-bar ma-yi ta-sbi-sho



Reverend, Blessed, Compassionate One, Having purged my and all the limitless beings' Two obstructions and quickly completed the two accumulations, I pray that we attain complete Buddhahood. In all my lifetimes before attaining that, Having obtained the supreme divine and human bliss, May I attain omniscience and I pray that obstacles, evil spirits, plagues, illness and so forth, The various causes of untimely death, and Bad dreams, bad signs, and The eight dangers and other such threats Be quickly eliminated and brought to nothing. I pray that the worldly and transcendental Auspicious joys of excellences Vastly increase and that all such objects Be spontaneously realized without effort. May I be diligent in practice, increase the Holy Dharma, Always do your practice, behold your countenance, and May the precious enlightened mind that realized emptiness Vastly increase like the waxing moon. In the good and joyous mandala of the Victor, Born from the very beautiful, holy lotus, Actually predicted by the Victor Amitabha, May I attain that too.

Deity who I evoked in previous lifetimes, The activities of all the Buddhas of the three times, Dark green, one face, two hands, serene, Mother who holds the lotus: May we have the good fortunate of you.
(by Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen)

Mother of the Victors, a form such as yours, A retinue, life-span, and Buddha-realm, And excellent marks and signs like yours: May I and others become just like that.

By the force of praising and supplicating you, May I and others who dwell in the ten Directions, Be freed from sickness, evil spirits, poverty and fighting and May the Dharma and good fortune increase.
(Dharma King Tri-song de-tsen)

Eliminating the faults of body, you possess the signs and marks of enlightenment, Eliminating the faults of speech, the melody of the kalinga bird, Eliminating the faults of the mind, you know all that is to be known: May we have the good fortune of she who is radiant with the glory of good auspices.


DEDICATION Ge-wa di-yi nyur-du-dak Je-tsum Drol-ma drup-gyur-ne Dro-wa chik-kyang ma-lu-pa Te-yi sa-ae go-par-sho

By this virtue may I swiftly accomplish Noble Tara, And may all beings, without exception, be established in that state



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Dedication Prayers
Jang chub sem chog rin po che May kye pa nam kye gyur chig Kye pa nyam pa may pa yang Gong nay gong du pel war shog Tng nyi ta wa rinpoche May kye pa nam kye gyur chig Kye pa nyam pa may pa yang Gong nay gong du pel war shog Gang ri ra way kor way shing kam dir Pn dang de wa ma lun jung way nay Chen re zig wang ten zin gya tso yi Shap pay si te bar du ten gyur chig Pan dei jung n tan pa dar zhing gy tan dzin kye bu tam ch ku kam zang lu chan kun la de kyi jung w n sang gye tan pa tag tu gy gyur chig Gay wa di yi nyur du dag La ma sang gye drub gyur nay Dro wa chig kyang ma lu pa Kye kyi sa la go par shog

Dedication Prayers
May the precious Bodhi mind Not yet born, arise and grow. May that born have no decline But increase forever more. May the precious mind realizing emptiness Not yet born, arise and grow. May that born have no decline But increase forever more. In the sacred land surrounded by snow mountains You are the source of all benefit and happiness, Oh, Powerful Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso, Remain in this world until samsara ends. May the source of benefit and goodness, The Dharma, spread and expand. May the beings upholding the Dharma have excellent health. May the source of happiness and well-being for all embodied beings, The Dharma taught by the Buddha, Always increase. Due to this merit may I soon attain The Enlightened state of Guru Buddha So that I may be able to liberate All sentient beings from their suffering.

Aspiration Prayer
May we, the sentient beings, never be separated from listening to Dharma Teaching in all of our lives. May we be able to uphold Dharma by way of reading, writing, internalizing and unmistakably explaining it to others. May we be able to single mindedly practice correct understanding of meaning in order to further the lineage of the Three Jewels. May we all, while remembering our rebirths, abandon negativities and cultivate positive actions in all of our lives. May we liberate those, who are not yet free, from the river of delusion of their lives. May we liberate those, who are not yet free, from the three realms of cyclic existence. May we provide relief to those who are tormented by suffering.

In Praise of Dependent Origination

Homage to my guru, Manjughosha, Since it is due to my teachers kindness I have met with the teaching of the unexcelled teacher, I dedicate this virtue too toward the cause, For all beings to be sustained by sublime spiritual mentors. May the teaching of this Beneficent One till worlds end Be unshaken by the winds of evil thoughts; May it always be filled with those who find conviction In the teacher by understanding the teachings true nature. May I never falter even for an instant, To uphold the excellent way of the Sage, Which illuminates the principle of dependent origination, Through all my births even giving away my body and life. May I spend day and night carefully reflecting, By what means can I enhance, This teaching achieved by the supreme savior, Through strenuous efforts over countless eons. May we console those who are distressed by delusion. May those who have not yet realized the unobstructive wisdom, that does not grasp at phenomena, actualize the omniscient wisdom. May we never be separated from the sublime Bodhicitta Enlightened Attitude.
(An excerpt from Great Atishas Profound Prayer titled Tsan-Bum or 100,000 Names of Tathagatas).



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