The Journal of Borderland Research 1971-09 & 10

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TABLE OF CONTENTS TWO FORMS OF BEYOND MAN By Judge David Patterson Hatch. . . . . . . . 1 - 7

THE TEMPLE OF COLOUR By S.G.J. Ouseley...................... 8 - 1 1 UPGRADING CELLULAR ACTIVITY By Aaron H. Steinberg, Ph.D.............. 1 2 - 1 3 TEE DE LAND FROST-GUARD SYSTEM By Eurridge and Van Tassel. ............. 1 4 - 2 0 INSPIRED BY THE DARK FCRCES Part IV, CQC by the Editor...............2 1 - 2 2 THE NEW OPIUM WAR, Part II Conclusion, from juamparts''............. 2 3 - 2 4 : CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS !Awake, Thou Piscean Age Sleepers:", More News : On Magnet Therapy, On The Lakhovsky Loops, Dead Russian Cosmonauts, The Martyrdom Of Professor McDonald, The Law Of Sacrifice, Danger From The Dark Brothers, A Note On Kieronymous, Free Energy From The UFO Grid?, Stimulating Cell Growth, Destroying Malignant Growths, According To All The Rites, Your Money And Uhat The Bankers Do Uith It, BSRA Publications...............2 5 - 3 6

THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH BSRA No, 1: Published by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Inc., PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083, U.S.A. Edited by the Director, Riley Hansard Crabb, Doctor of Metaphysics in the Society of St. Luke the Physician.

The Journal is published six issues a year with the assistance of the Associates, at the Director's home, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista. It is mimeographed, 36 pages an issue. The Foundation was incorpor ated under California l v , May 21, 1951, i254263, and has been in a; continuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to the PO box. The Journal is included in the Association membership of $6.00 a year. Single copies and Back issues of the Journal are now $1.25. If you dont care to join you may receive the Journal by donating $6 a year or more to the Foundation. The Director's wife, Mrs. Judith Crabb, is office manager and Secretary-Treasurer. This is a non-profit organization of people who take an active interest in unusual happenings along the borderland between the visible and invisible worlds. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959: BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not investigate. For example: the Fortean falls of objects from the sky, Teleportation, Radiesthesia, PK effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Disappear ances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, Nature of the Ethers and the problem of the Aeroforms (Flying Sau cers). In the year 1946 BSRA obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which has since come to be known as the Etheric or 4-D interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes good science, sound metaphysics and common sense. 1 The chief present concern of the Foundation is to make this kind of unusual information available as a public service at reasonable cost. Headquarters acts as a receiving, coordinating and distributing center. An important part of the Director's work is to give recog nition, understanding and encouragement to people who are having unusual experiences of the borderland type and/or are conducting research in one or more of the above fields. For consultation on borderland problems, or for Spiritual Healing through prayer, write or phone (714-724-2043) for help or for an appointment. Donations toward Foundation research programs and expenses are welcome. The 22-page list of BSRA publications is available from Heado,uarters for 50c in coin or stamps. This includes mimeo brochures on border land subjects, tape recordings of Mr. Crabb's lectures and of members of the Inner Circle talking through trance-medium Mark Probert. Write to BSRF, PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083 U.S.A. * * * PURPOSES OF BSRA:

THE TWO FORMS OF "BEYOND MAN" From Elsa Barker's "War Letters From The Living Dead Man" (Now that the Pentagon Papers on the war in Vietnam have been published and discussed, let borderland science open your eyes to the occult view of wanton destruction, of how the highest motives of a nation's leaders can be twisted by personal ambition or greed, and sectarian patriotism. In place of Nietzsche substitute Kennedy, Spellman, Johnson, McNamara, Nixon, or any other national leader you like or dislike; by his actions you can determine whether he is inspired by the Dark Forces or by the Forces of the Christ.) THE ENTERING WEDGE, Letter XLVI After our writing of last night,(Jon 1, 1915, in New York City), in which I told you of the tortured soul who asked my judgment on a course of teaching which had corrupted a nation, I went back to the battle line in France. (The Germans cannot sink me with their tor pedoes.) Passing slowly along on the German side, I saw again the tall majestic form, dark-veiled about the head, which I described to you in a previous letter. This time I hailed him, without waiting for him to hail me. How goes your work?" I asked. He threw back the veil which covered him, and I saw the dark and splendid face, marked deep by thought and evil. "My work goes as it goes," he answered. "And what have you been doing?" "Writing to the world this evening," I replied. He laughed, "Have you been writing about peace?" "Not this time. I have been writing about a conversation I had with a greatand troubled soul." "I know." "You know, do you? Were you listening?" "Through my long-distance telephone." "Brilliant invention, the telephone," I observed. "Did you inspire the invention? "I? Oh, noS I worked against it." "And why?" Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 1

"It is not well that man should know too much." But when man makes discoveries, notwithstanding your efforts to hinder him, you attempt to use those discoveries against him, do you not?1 ' "Of course. "You interest me," I said. "And were you interested by my conversation with the soul of Friedrich Nietzsche?" "More interested than you can imagine, until I tnll you why." "And will you tell me why?" "There is no reason for my not telling you. I am frank with those who see through me." "Why dont you teach that to the Germans?" "Because it would spoil my game. I want to destroy them after I have used them, and if they should turn frank, they would be so thorough in their frankness that they would disarm the indignant ivorId. "They are frank enough in their brutality,5 I said. 7 "Oh, yesS But that is another matter. Should they be frank in their repentance, the world would forgive them." "But what of Nietzsche? I questioned. "Only this, that it was I who inspired him." "You did your work thoroughly.: : "I do my work as thoroughly as it can be done.5 ' "Tell me more," I urged. "Uhat a worker was lost in you," he exclaimed, "when you chose good for your standard!" "But I am an excellent worker," I insisted. "I have even balked some of your work." "Dont think I care too much for that," and he laughed a quick, sharp laugh. "There is more than one road for me. If you block the door, I can go in the window." "And how did you go in to Nietzsche?" "Sometimes by one way, sometimes by another. He only locked his door against man, and you see I also am Beyond Man. "I perceived that at our firfet meeting. He who goes beyond man must make the choice between good and evil." "There is no fooling you," he said, "and so I no longer try. Yes, it was I who inspired Nietzsche to preach Beyond Man to the Germans, who could only choose evil when they believed themselves strong." (Doesn't this characterize the behavior of the Vietnam war planners in Washington, fifty years later? ivho thought they could change the world with America's military power?) Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 2 ,

> "And what do you get out of it?" For answer he asked a question: "Did you ever play chess?" "Often, in many lives," I answered. !Did you have an interest in the game?" : "A great interest." 'Did you play for stakes?" "No. "Then what interested you? " ' f y the game." T-a, "Of course," he replied. "This is how I enjoy my game. I play to win, if I can. Uhen I do not win, I have had the pleasure of the game." "And you played with that great man's soul?" "As a cat plays with a mouse. I found in Nietzsche an earnest spirit, with a sore spot in his head and in his heart. He was an easy One. "How did you go about it?" "By the usual method. "And that is?" "Flattery." "And did he not smell a rat? "The rats were perfumed. He is an aesthete." "Do you always perfume the rats? "It isn't always necessary. I perfumed yours." "Yes," I said, with a patchouli of peace. But I have a keen scent." "Yes, the Others have taught you well." "Did Ilietzsche ever see you as I see you? "He saw my distinguished face, and he felt the thrill of my power, and he envied and desired to be like me. It is ^reat sport when these earnest mortals are ambitious to emulate me! "And so you taught him Beyond Man?" "Yes, and I taught him to despise the One who is really Beyond Man." "Then you are not really Beyond Man yourself?" "i y head is. Hy other members are nearer the earth." i "Notwithstanding the dignity of your presence?" Sept-Oct 1971 F R Page 3 v, l

"Oh, there is a dignity in the earth and in what belongs to the earth!'- (Here we have only the merest hint at the source of the unynpolarized sex forces by tthich this devil maintains control over his devotees and victims. In 1915 society, and nice authors like Elsa Barker, agreed with the devil in maintaining the curtain of secrecy which covers the beastialities of priestcraftery. But with the present-day breakup of society and destruction of crystallized forms we try to tell it like it is. The false polarity of sodomy and other forms of abnormal and subnormal sex provide the devils with the energies necessary to ensoul their thought-forms. Thought-forms of what? Mental images of courses of behavior which hold human beings in bondage. Nietzsche entrapment becomes clear in the dialog which follows between Judge Flatch and this devil who, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years before, while in the flesh himself, chose this ideal as his standard: "Evil, be thou i y good!" r 'Did the German philosopher ever know you for what you are?" "Yes, toward the end, but then it was too late to undo my work. "Then also at the end," 1 exclaimed, "he saw the two forms of Beyond Man, you and the Christ5 !Yes, he saw. The seeing drove him mad." , "And you have no remorse for your work? "Remorse? What is that? "Remorse is an emotion which men fael when they are conscious of having done evil." !An emotion that men feel," he repeated. "But I only feel those emotions of men which give me pleasure in the feeling." "Such as "You are really too curious and inquisitive! (Nietzsche was not married and there is some indication in his diaries that there may have been some sexual hanky-panky between him and his sister. As Kabalist Dion Fortune warns in her writings, wherever there is black magick, there is aberrated sex. Normal sex between consenting men and women results in the release and absorption of generative en ergies of opposite polarity, a blessing to both; but sodomy is false polarity and the unabsorbed generative energies are gathered up by the controlling entity to be used for selfish purposes. This is why the student of the Mysteries is enjoined to treat his life fluids, blood and sperm, as his most precious possessions.) "Granted, my curiosity and my inquisitiveness," I said. "But it interests me, this labor of a lifetime, a man's lifetime^ to make him an instrument through which al> this could be produced. ! And I indicated by a gesture the battle TineTeneath us. "What is the lifetime of a msn in comparison to the glory of all this? His eyes were brilliant with fire as he answered. "One might labor a thousand years and produce nothing in comparison!" "It pleases you then, this slaughter? Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 4

'What a trifling question! It gratifies me, glorifies me, exalts me -- all this carnage of battle brought forth by me and my kind. And did you have all this in mind while you were preparing one man to corrupt a nation by his writings? "Yes, he was the one perfect instrument. None other could have served our purpose so well -- ambitious, dissatisfied, aristocratic, arrogant, unloving in the broader sense, capable of infatuation and hence of disenchantment, and last but not least, with eyes open to the vision. The vision of you? :Yes, and I used the old arguments that women were of small ac , count; that the love of woman stood in man's way; that woman en slaved man unless he enslaved her; that Nature was the devil, not the Great Mother, and so was to be combatted as far as possible; that man rose to Beyond Man by denying all that could influence him, including Nature, and by asserting whatever gave him freedom, such as his own superiority to all other beings, his mastery of them, his mastery of his own thought, his mastery of good and evil, of fact and falsehood. A fine combination of fact and falsehood, that teaching of yours, I saicT ,0f course," he answered, "but what would you? Truth alone 5 could never have produced this. And he swept with his long arm the line of battle beneath us. "And what eles did you teach your chosen disciple? I asked. :I taught him all that he taught the world. Whenever he drove , a woman's face from his heart, I scored a point and he thought him self nearer Beyond Man. Whenever he swelled with pride and super iority, I scored a point and he felt himself nearer Beyond Man. Whenever he read the Gospels and sneered to himself at the humility of the so-called Son of Man, I scored two points -- one against him and one against your Christ. 'Thank you,- I said, for enrolling me with the followers of the Crucified One. I am such a follower. He ignored my last remark and proceeded: I encouraged his wish to produce a new ideal of a leader, a new Christ, an Antichrist, a hard-faced German Christ, who should not win men by love and compassion, but by cruelty and hardening. Oh, I have done that work well! Many a German has exalted my ideal to the place of the Son of Mary. Many a German has put me in place of the Sun-God, and hailed me as Beyond Man, though he was too cowardly to hail me frankly as Antichrist. Instead, he added my attributes to Christ and called us by one name, and by that name he sought to destroy all pity and compassion, both in himself and in others, sought to destroy all love that stood in the way of his be coming like me. It was I who taught him to exalt the cross as a symbol of cruelty, of sacrifice to himself and not of himself for the love of man. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 5

He paused and gazed out towards the stars that shown serenely above us. You seem to me, I said, to be yourself conscious of the su : periority of Christ to Anti-christ." Again he ignored my remark, and continued his own line of thought. What intellectual pleasure it has given me, this transforming of a Christian nation into monsters of egotism and cruelty to all things not their ownI The foreigner was to be hated, despised, used, ridiculed,' and whenever possible insulted. I taught them that such were the ways of Beyond Man, that so was man surpassed. :But why do you tell all this to me?5 I asked. Why do you 1 thus lay your cards upon the table, when you know that I hold a better hand? The eyes he turned to me were smouldering lakes of flame. Because I envy you," he said. Is that some new and more subtle attack upon me and the prin ciples for which I stand? The dark one laughed again, his sharp and mirthless laughter. Frankly, no, he said. You no longer amuse me as an opponent. !Which means -- That I throw up the game in x^eariness -- that is* for the pre sent. (This in 1915, two years before America was drawn into the conflict!) Already the souls I deluded are weary of me and my teach ing. They have seen a new light -- some of them. Perhaps,: I said, : they have seen the light of the Christ, the true Beyond I Jan. Perhaps, he repeated. And have you seen it too? Faugh! he said. Are you ambitious to convert the devil? Ah, noT Suddenly he turned to me: "Will you take me for a pupil? : Again, no, I ~nswered. You will make tliut request of some good woman, with a better chance of deceiving her. you know all the tricks? So " i Teacher has taught me much regarding the ways of your kind. ly Then I bid you good evening,' he said and disappeared into the darkness. (Probably to renew his control over his other apt pupil, the Kaiser!) World for which I write, I am telling you these things that you may be armored with knowledge. When Satan asks you to convert him, beware lest he convert you. Then Satan points to Beyond Man, even Sept-Oct 1971 RP, Page 6

to Christ, be sure that his Christ is not Antichrist; be sure He is full of compassion, that His heart bleeds for the woes and weakness of the world, that His crown of thorns is the mark of His sacrifice for man, and not merely a becoming ornament. For as He said: :By this shall men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love for one another.1 And also: ' 'Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall de ceive many, * * * for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. June 2, 1915 NIETZSCHE THRILLS TO THE PAGAN POWER OF A DEVIL, HIS TEACHER From Colin Wilson's book,:The Outsiders, page 126, where the ; writer quotes from a letter of Nietzsche to his friend Von Gersdorff, written in 1865: "Yesterday an oppressive storm hung over the sky, and I hurried to a neighbouring hill called Leutch. . . At the top I found a hut, where a man was killing two kids while his son watched him. The storm broke with a tremendous crash, discharging thunder and hail, and I had an indescribable sense of well-being and zest. . . Light ning and tempest are different worlds, free powers, without morality. Pure Will, without the confusions of intellect (or unselfish loveJ/ -- how happy, how free. It is possible that this is one of the times when Nietzsche's devil revealed himself objectively to the German philosopher. There was plenty of elemental energy available for such a temporary m - . a.. terialization of the devil's distinguished face if not of his whole form. There was the freshly flowing blood of the two slaughtered goats, one of the very necessary ingredients for a pagan ritual. The misguided philosopher flipped his lid in 1889 but it was 11 years before he escaped the physical tomb. His sister gathered up his manuscripts, determined to treasure them, and to take care of him, in the family home which she called the Nietzsche Archive. She sometimes displayed him 'white gowned and empty eyed to guests who came to tea. Nietzsche's karma was not complete with the ending of World War I; for the Nazis embraced his Piscean Age, r e g r e s s i v e . Pagan pilosophy with enthusiasm in the 1930s. They were especially thrilled and inspired by the book, The Will To Power", a compila tion of his writings put together after, his crackup by his sister. * * *

"In your psychology you are taught that if we spirits exist, we are not what we seem to be but only the subconscious mind in action. And some, if you are ardent religionists, are not too sure -- you may be talking to the Devil; others that you may be talking to great minds. Well, we do not know about the greatness, but we do know that we are minds I " Yada di Shi'Ite Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 7

THE TEMPLE OF COLOUR By S.G.J. Ouseley One of the most lovely and inspiring experiences to which every diligent student of the Radiant Science may attain is contact with the Temple of Colour. This is not a human or material building but a degree of consciousness in which the mind is raised to the higher Astral. The Astral Sphere, with its sub-planes, is accessible to seekers who have reached a certain stage in their wisdom-studies. Like all other planes which surround us, it contains good and bad, high and low, inferior and superior states of being, but those who penetrate it are at once attracted to their counterparts, and enter appropriate regions according to the conditions of their Auras. It is a realm of great Beauty, Light and Cllour. On the upper regions of the Astral plane the great Masters, Tea chers and Guides of humanity from still higher planes have establish ed a centre or meeting-place where human souls can be met, and taught the higher Truths. It is chiefly from this high astral centre that dwellers on the Earth acquire advanced wisdom, inspiration and heal ing power. In the ancient writings it is spoken of as the Temple of Knowledge. Here are stored and preserved the true records of every race, country and tribe that ever existed, every vestige of which has long perished from the earth. All the knowledge that man has gained, or ever will gain, is to be found in this Temple -- all ideas, truths, wisdom and science are enshrined within the vastness of this astral University. An essential part of this wonderful centre of Light is the Tem ple of Colour. There is no true counterpart of this in the physical world. The eyes of the ordinary beholder, unaccustomed to the study of cosmic colour-vibrations, would be blinded by the unparalleled splendour and intensity of the radiations. Very probably they might say that they could see nothing, because everything to them would appear hidden by a cloud of mist, A more perfect environment for the Temple of Colour cannot be imagined. The feeling which the earth-dweller gets in reaching this indescribably peaceful and secluded region is one of the highest ex hilaration. The glorious temple rises gracefully from the soft green sward on which it stands. The ethereal beauty of the spot and the sublime colouring can acercely be judged by our terrestrial standards. The Temple itself is entirely screened by a crescent of tall, beautiful trees, whose grean radiations at once inspire a feeling of harmony and tranquility. In front of the magnificent building lies an oval lake which reflects like a gigantic mirror the whole scene of exquisite splendour. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 8

The Temple is cruciform in shape, and is crowned by a large gol den dome, with a slender tapering spire of glistening white, which symbolizes the Great White Light of the Eternal Logos. The four main divisions of the Temple are curved and rounded in shape, and shine with a brilliant radiance, the curves of the roof arches and windows flow and join together in perfect proportion. The entire edifice shines and glows with living Colour -- one unconsciously absorbs the vital health-giving radiations. Unlike earth buildings, there is no impression of materiality whatever in the construction -- it is as though the Divine Architect had assem bled together the opalescent mists and colouring of a summer sunset. From the front view of the building one sees seven graceful min arets tapering upwards, each representing one of the Seven Great Rays. The tall luminous columns glow with life and colour. The glorious sparkling crimson Ray sends out continuous emanations of life and love; the flaming, scintillating Orange Ray pours out the tonic-force of health and uplifting vitality. The third column is radiant with flashing, golden streams of awakening light -- the Yellow Ray of mind; whilst the central column, emits refreshing, calm, emanations of peace and harmony -- the Green Ray. Next is the inspiring Blue column, flashing with tints of heavenly azure and sapphire, the shin ing Ray of Truth and Inspiration. The last two columns of colour ap pear as towers of mystery and enchantment, so completely transcendent and indescribable are their variegated tints of Indigo, Purple, Violet. This Astral spectrum is brighter than any collection of colours to be seen on the earth plane. The seven radiant columns blend and combine to form an exquisite display of colour, of far greater beau ty than our rainbow. V/ithin the glorious building the same sublime beauty is manifested. Words cannot describe the glories of the Tem ple of Colour, but a description of one of the services conducted therein may prove interesting and instructive. A TYPICAL COLOUR SERVICE Each of the four portions into which the temple is divided is devoted to a service of a particular kind. The principle of the As tral Temple is to act on each individual according to his especial type, or the stage of his development. It is realised that every person has some special channel linking him with the Divine. In some it manifests as love, service and brotherhood, in others, devotion and inspiration, in others sympathy and healing, whilst in some it appears as intellectual power. There are four types of services or developing ceremonies cor responding to the above groups. The Teacher acts as a medium or in termediary between the candidate and the Logos, receiving, concen trating and transmitting the streams of spiritual force, and distri buting and applying the sublime vibrations of light and colour. In the service of the Red Ray, the candidate first closes his eyes, and with the outer senses stilled and passive, visualises men tally a flood or cloud of colour. The Teacher stands within the pyr amid of concentration, in front of the candidates. He materialises in a glorious human form, clothed in a resplendent crimson vestment. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 9

The beholder perceives an awe-inspiring flashing of brilliant colours above the Teacher's head. Uords fail to properly describe this band or spectrum of colour. It is different from any physical or material spectrum, presenting a dazzling appearance like the midday sun, and is vitalised with the astral light. It is more than a focus of light, as it is really a thought-form expressed in the astral colour-language. Actually, it is a manifestation of the vibrational keynote of the particular service, indicating the nature and object of the point to be obtained. Each candidate strives to imitate the vibrational keynote by projecting above his own head a similar but smaller spectrum of col our. The lights emanating from each student vary greatly -- some are able to reproduce an excellent replica of that manifested by the Teacher, whilst some produce only feeble glimmerings. The aim is to make it visible on the physical plane -- the majority of the candid ates are only able to manifest the power on the astral and mental planes. The teacher extends his arms over the assembly, and sends out a stream of pox^er, over all present, The spiritual outflow enters their auraus in exact correspondence with their own colour-forms and stage of development -- it influences and uplifts them in the same ratio. This outpouring of power is not merely the personal emana tion of the Teacher -- the real source is from the Temple of Higher Teachers and Instructors. The Teacher is only the channel for these wondrous forces. It is difficult to describe adequately the astral effect of this service. The Aura of the officiating Teacher becomes a vast sea of pale crimson light, which spreads out in ever-widening waves over the whole assembly. Each candidate projects his own per sonal colour-ray into the rose-coloured aura, presenting a striking effect of subsidiary flames and tongues of colour, piercing the deep er and wide-spreading crimson sea. It is a picture of marvellous glory. The vast aura eventually includes the entire assembly within it -- the power is absorbed by each individual. After a certain time has elapsed and the Teacher judges that all the conditions are tuned'to t i same vibration, he revises the hs flow of force, and concentrates his Aura into a smaller spherical form with a greatcolumn reaching upward. He then raises his arms above his head, and each candidate sends towards the Teacher his concentrated affection and aspiration. The Teacher absorbs all these rays of love and spiritual desire, and pours them upwards in a col umn of gorgeous colours, like an opalescent fountain. It flows through the Higher Beings in the upper Spiritual planes until it reaches the Great One, the Supreme Logos. The response from on high comes speedily back. For a moment the Light of the Logos shines forth -- a stupendous, unutterable brilliancy. It flashes like a blaze of meteoric splendour in a win ter's night, down through the planes until-it touches the Teacher expectant on the dais. He lowers his arms and extends them over the assembly. The hushed temple is filled with a flood of divine splen dour -- a sea of gorgeous colours suffuses the silent concourse, then Sept-Oct 1971 US, Page 10

into each of Divine of Divine essential link with

individual aura flows the power and the glory, the message love and blessing. The immediate effect of this down-flow power is to make every candidate realise for a moment the divinity within himself, his inborn divine capacities, his the life of God.

The candidate himself becomes charged for the time with divine power, enabling him to help and uplift his fellowmen. All sensitive people are conscious of the radiations sent forth from the Astral Temple. Each service releases beneficent, healing thourhg-forms, which are absorbed by numerous people and are made use of by spirit ual healers everywhere. Just as the release of atomic energy causes vast and widespread devastation and bombards whole districts with deadly radiations for a considerable time, so the release of Divine energy suffuses the world and keeps up a steady radiation of Love and Healing upon all who are in harmony with the Eternal Good. v V * *

. . The preceding article is Chapter VII of S.G.J. Ouseley's book, Colour Meditations", certainly one of the best we've seen on Color Therapy. Publisher is L.U. Fowler & Co., Ltd., Stuart House, 1 Tudor St., London EC4, England, price four shillings. A second book by Ouseley, 'The Power of the Rays, the Science of Colour- Healing", must be equally informative and inspiring. This man writes as one who knows whereof he speaks, by direct observation: Colour Medita tions'' is c. recent donation to the BSRA reference library by Asso ciate George Smith. * * *

DR. PAUL MLLER*S DUCTED FAN IFO SAUCER Readers of the article on the motive power of Flying Saucers in July-Aug Journal will be interested to know that the author, Dr. Paul S. Mller, professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Davis, has built an Identified Flying Object. No, he isn't using electro-magnetic or anti-gravity principles for lift and propulsion yet5 This eight-foot IFO, capable of carrying two people, has a plastic-dome covered cockpit and a saucer-shaped rotor housing which give it the appearance of a traditional Flying Saucer in flight. Dozens of little air-foil blades provide the lift when the four 35horsepower motorcycle motors are revved up, pushing the rotor to as much as 20 revolutions per second. Three motors will cary the craft, which weighs about 400 pounds. With a 22 gallon- fuel supply its range is more than 300 miles. Dr. Mller hopes that a commercial version of the IFO can be ready for the market eventually, to sell perhaps for around $4000. He is well aware that a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) craft is now the only answer to the commuter's problem. His ducted fan blades, housed inside the stationary rim of the craft and close to the ground, are less dangerous, and more efficient, than the highswinging blades of the traditional helicopter. , Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 11

UPGRADING CELLUL/Jl ACTIVITY TJITK ELECTRO-MAGNET ISM By Aaron H, Steinberg, Ph.D. For too tunny years now the scientific knowledge of electro magnetics and its positive effects on cell life has been collecting dust and cobwebs on the shelves of ignorance, brought on by those special interests who fear the Truth. T e are now seeing a rebirth, J if you will, with scientists both professional and amateur, who are reviewing the work of their predecessors and making improvements in the mechanical application of magnetic fields. In 1969 I visited the USSR to see for myself what and how they were utilizing Electro-magnetism. In several country homes for re tirees I was most pleasantly surprised to see electro-magnetism used daily on most of the old folks. I should say young folks since many who claimed to be over 100 years young, looked and acted like most people at 50; The main object of the E-ii was to reverse the ageing process by altering the cellular structure. I was most anxious to purchase a piece of the equipment, but alas no sale. Seek and you shall find has always been one of my dominant char acteristics. So when I learned that Japan was truly advanced in this field, having been using such equipment since 1936, I decided to go there in 1970. I sought out the one company that had been most pro ductive in this field. They were most kind and cooperative. I was introduced to several scientists who had done much useful research. Their claims were backed up by scientific facts and I was convinced that they had a well constructed instrument, simple to use by anyone so desirous. They named their equipment, The ilagnetizer. I returned to the U.S. with a I'iagnetizer and immediately began a research program. I can report that the results obtained to date have been most favorable, after nine months of experimentation. The The magnetic flux generated by the coils can be measured accurately over any part of the body, thus determining those areas where the flux is penetrating as well as those where it is weak. Chemicals and pollution are surely contributing to an unhealthy alteration in our cellular activity and human magnetic field. It will be many years, if at all, before this mess can be rectified and controlled. But in the meantime, those who are aware and see the danger signals, will not sit by and wait for the clean ut> which may , never happen. Instead they will seek to upgrade their cellular ac tivity so that the body's natural resistance may be at peak ohms. There is some indication that the aura force centers known as chakras or vortexes are stimulated by electro-magnetism. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 12

From the Japanese scientists I learned the following about the effects of magnetic flux. It is different from ordinary electric current, which only flows along the surface of matter. It is dif ferent from X-rays, which do not penetrate the bones. The magnetic flux of ultra-long wave generated by the Magnetizer penetrates deeply in muscles, fat and bones and has an intensive affect on the nerves. Magnetic flux never causes unpleasant sensations in the body, such as pain or shock, but instead produces comfortable, warm sensa tions. These sensations are also known as Joule's heat, which streng thens the function of the cell, corrects spasms and inflammations. Ilien magnetic flux passes through tissues, a secondary electric cur rent called the eddy current is created around the magnetic lines of force in the tissue cells, which ionizes the protoplasm and rejuven ates the tissues as a result of activating metabolism. Furthermore, magnetic flux, in the process of penetrating the tissues, works to increase hormone secretions. These maintain youth by providing energy as a result of normalizing function of the internal organs. Flux strongly stimulates magnetic substances in the blood, like iron. Accordingly, the hemoglobin in the blood vessels moves active ly, accompanying the lymph circulation, when the Magnetizer is turned on. The therapeutic effect is not singular but collective, thus eliminating constitutional weakness,
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COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS TO THE NORTH POLE One of Ray Palmer's pet controversies for years has been the big "hole at the pole : story, through which voyagers have sailed into the interior of the earth! All this in spite of numberless photos of the ice-covered sea at the North Pole and thousands of flights by military personnel, Ray has kept the controversy alive by publishing a composite satellite picture of the earth which appears -- to the uninformed -- to be a photo of a huge opening in the sea at the pole! What a tourist attraction this would be for Canadian pilot Veldy Phipps who is planning on offering commercial flights to the North Pole for the adventurous, at $2500 a round trip, Phipps has been fly ing the Canadian arctic since 1953 and operates a fleet of planes out of Resolute Bay, but there is no mention of a hole at the pole in his publicity. Rather, he expects to clear a landing strip on the ice right at the North Pole. There he can put down his thrillseeking passengers in the DC-3 used for the long haul. It's a short tourist season, only about 10 weeks between March and June. After that the behavior of the ice around the Pole becomes too unpredictable. Phipps estimates he will need at least 100 paying passengers to make the venture profitable. For their money they will get a few hours on the ice and the oppprtunity to have a picture of themselves :on top of the world''1 to show friends back home that they actually , made it. For the story of the first flight over the North Pole refer to the September 1926 National Geographic'1 and LCDR R.E. Eyrd's story and pictures of the epochal flight of May 9, 1926, in a Folclcer plane. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 13

THE DE LAUD FROST-GUARD SYSTEM From Articles by Gaston Burridge and George Van Taasel "I need urgently certain information about the De Land System (Orchard Frost Protection). Can you answer the following questions: 1. Is the inventor De Land still alive? 2. Is the device a United States Patent? 3. Can you tell me how the invention works physically?: ? Bernhard Vaegs, Kunchen, West Germany Inquiries like the above continue to come in even though the original article on De Land in Round Robin, by Gaston Burridge, ap peared in the July-August 1955 issue. Fruit and fruit trees are not known to be suggestible but apparently the De Land Frost Guard puts a magnetic umbrella over an orchard which convinces it and its produce that it is not freezing even when the thermometer registers in the low 20s; George Van Tassel covered the same subject with an illustrated article in his "Proceedings for May 1955. He titled it "Secondary Power". He hoped that if nothing else, widespread use of the DeLand principle would eliminate the use of anti-frost smudge pots in California orchards, one less source of smog. Burridge hoped that the improved quality of fruit, as well as frost-free protection, would encourage wide use so that 'DeLand's name will be chiseled deeply into the stone of time". But of course such has not been the case in the 16 years since. California's citrus industry is still dominated by the Piscean Age mentality. "I drove north on Iowa Avenue out of Riverside, California, wrote Burridge. To my right, between the 1500 and 1400 numbers on the mail boxes I noticed some rows of strange looking, slim towers. They lifted high over the tops of the orange trees. They are in the grove of Mrs. Eva Hibbs. . . It contains 15 acres. It was an old grove when she took over its management -- a grove said to be con siderably past its prime. Mrs. Hibbs told me, 'The grove just about centers one of the coldest spots in Riverside County's citrus belt. Everything seemed against my efforts to make something of it. Eeing new at growing oranges, and not knowing what couldn't be done, I de cided to try five acres of the DeLand system of frost prevention. So, in 1950 five towers were established here. The results obtained from these five acres were so gratifying, the following year I added five more towers. Two years later, the remaining five acres were covered.' "Mrs. Hibbs told me that last year (1954) she took 6,000 boxes or oranges from her 15 acres. The 20 acres across the street only produced 6,000 boxes. In addition, they spent about $3,000 for or chard heating oil. Mrs. Hibbs spent nothing{ These figures, she . Sept-Cct 1971 RR, Page 14

says, can be verified at the packing houses/ In the grove was an ancient peach tree, struggling to survive after being blasted by storms, its inner trunk nearly rotted away, nevertheless, under the influence of the De Land magnetic field it was sending out new shoots and had a crop of young peaches on it. llrs. Kibbs decided to leave it in the orchard just to see what would happen to it. VOLUNTEER TOMATO PLANTS Mrs. Kibbs told Durridge how they came to be there. : an ex As periment I bought four plants. One I set out behind the garage -outside the working range of the DeLand system. This plant would receive water but no care. It would be shifting for itself pretty much. Another plant was set at one end of the garden. It would re ceive water and whatever care the rest of the garden got, but it was also outside the DeLand system. The other two plants were set by one of the DeLand system towers. They would receive water, but no more care than the orchard received. 'The tomato plant behind the garage grew well, but it had no tomatoes on it. It did have many large worms. One morning the man who was doing my tractor work picked off 16: The plant in the garden also grew well. It bore many tomatoes. They were ordinary sized tomatoes, ordinary in flavor, color and texture. The two plants be neath the tower grew exceptionally well. Their foliage had a deeper green, was more luxuriant. The fruit was both larger in size and in numbers. Its color was richer and the fruits were less acid than the ordinary tomatoes. Many of them weighed more than a pound apiece The seeds of those tomatoes continue to sprout in the orchard despite persistent cultivation. DeLand creates a vortex or flux of magnetic energy around a central mast 32 feet high. It is designed to protect one acre of grove but not necessarily garden vegetables even though the qual ity of those tomatoes was improved; for Eurridge writes that the sys tem will not protect small plants like vegetables from frost. Mr. DeLand was working on a device to protect such small plants from frost when he died in 1951 : . IvKAT CONSTITUTES THE DELAND SYSTEM? The tower is about 32 feet high. It is composed of three, 12foot lengths of standard galvanized steel pipe. The lowest section is two-inch pipe, set three feet deep in concrete. On top of this a twelve-foot section of 1%-inch pipe is screwed on by means of a reducer. Above this the top section of twelve-foot pipe, 1 inch in diameter, is screwed on by means of a reducer. Resting horizontally atop each reducer and at the mast head is a one-foot diameter disc of water-proof, 3/4 inch plywood. Near the outer diameter of each plywood disc or collar is drilled seven holes. These holes are parallel to the center mast and are equally spaced around the dia meter, or a little more than 51 degrees apart. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 15

"Beginning at-the top of the mast, with pn extension of s h or seven inchoc p.mvil 1el to the ground, vlO gauge bare copper x / r s are -ie run down through the seven holes of ench plywood collar. These wires are continued through the concrete foundation's outer edge. From there they branch out, in 18-inch deep trenches, to a distance of 144 feet from the mast's center. At this point, each wire is wrapped several turns around a specially prepared Alnico 5 permanent magnet. The end of each wire is brought above ground and pointed back toward its corresponding other end on top of the tower. : 'Trenches and magnets are covered with earth. The 18-inch depth is to protect the wires from cultivation. They must remain uncut if the system is to function. One wire on the tower, anS hence In the earth, must point toward magnetic north. The placing of this first wire must oe done very accurately. The location of the other wires and magnets should be done accurately. , , This system has no elec trical connections, , . A patent is pending covering its several fine points not given here. This system has protected groves when temper atures have fallen to as lov* as 20 degrees F, The system does not alter the air temperature in the grove. Rather, it seems to effect a condition m the trees, leaves and fruit themselves; so that lower temperatures seem stymied in bringing about the condition known as freezing. Oranges lying on the ground or unattached to the trees will freeze. Tree branches which have been once broken or severely frozen, and have naturally mended themselves, thus believed to have a natural restriction on their general flow of sap, appear to receive the least benefit from this method of protection. : Burridge learned from his widow that DeLand experienced dramatic confrontations with powerful magnetic fields in the Arctic. ,He was ! one of the first men to pack into the Klondike over Chilkoot Pass in the Gold Rush in Alaska in 189 7.: The Aurora Borealis was : power 1 so ful at times he could hear it as well as see it. At such times it made the hair on his sled dogs bristle all over. , . : He and Mrs, : DeLand began a long and varied career in the citrus industry in Cal ifornia in 1916, operating groves also in Arizona. She showed Burr idge colored photos of groves 7 several citrus areas which graphi in cally portrayed the differences in the trees protected by the DeLand Magnetic Control System and those not so protected. . . Cost of new installations runs about $350 an acre. . . Mrs. DeLand has the neces sary equipment for determining if all parts of the system are func tioning properly. . . It functions as well on hillsides as on flat ground except that erosion may expose wires and magnets. . . : : DETAIL FROM GEORGE VAi! TASSEL Mrs. De Land told me how John received the details of the appa ratus. John used the same means of thought reception 17 years ago that I use today. He heard a voice speaking inside his head, describ ing how to control frost and fruit freezing by a new method. John wrote the information down a little at a time, as it was given to him Then he spent the next 15 years developing and proving true the infor mation. . . Mrs. De Land holds the patent papers on this apparatus. This drawing is reproduced with her permission. Sept-Cct 1971 RR, Page 16 MORE


Three 12 inch Plywood Spacer Collars

Sept-Oct 1971 F R Page 17 ;,

. . . At the top plywood disk,1 writes Van Tassel, ,the seven ' : wires are wrapped once around the edge at each hole and extend out ward 4 inches, parallel to the ground, and each wire points back ra dially to its own other end at the magnet. The mast extends 32 feet above ground level and sets in a 3 foot depth of concrete. The wires run through the concrete and loop back up outside the concrete to a depth below the surface that will allow cultivation. Each of the seven wires extends radially underground to a dis tance not to exceed 144 feet from the mast. At this distance they are wrapped around a 1 inch diameter by 5 inches long Alnico 5 magnet. (Number of turns not critical? RKC) "The magnet sets inclined toward the mast at 45 degrees to the surface of the ground. It is also buried below cultivation level. These magnets are made up and coated with one-eighth inch of plastic to hold the windings in place and prevent rusting. The magnets are set polarised to the North magnetic pole parallel to the lines of magnetic force. , . This is free energy in operation. Pointing the buried bar magnets toward the North magnetic pole, but also setting them so they point or tilt toward the central mast gives a skew to the flux or flowing energy. This creates a constant vortex, the universal symbol for which is the swastika or hooked cross. DeLands instruments must have showed this to some extent. FREE ENERGY EQUIPMENT PAYS FOR ITSELF She proudly showed us around and compared her oranges with others for color, sweetness and size," writes Van Tassel, "the grown outr grove has increased its production every year. The crop had just been estimated by the packers before we visited Mrs. Kibbs. This year s crop (1955);will go nearly four times the average production per acre. "Mrs. Hibbs was forced to buy $400 worth of 2x2 props to support the limbs of her trees. Not only has Mrs. Hibbs increased her profit each year from the crop but she has saved $3000 worth of smudge oil in 5 years. The saving in oil alone has paid for the installation of the free energy equipment. . . "Progress is not a respector of authority or industry. The auto mobile made the need for oil companies. Now if the people in the oil companies are smart, they will get into the manufacture of free energy devices. Because as sure as you are reading this article, the oil company products are going to be replaced by free energy. They cant sell the energy but they can sell the apparatus required to use the free energy. . . "I do not ask anyone to take my word for anything. For proof, call on Mrs. Hibbs. Her address is 1210 Iowa Ave, Riverside, Calif, phone OVerland 65090. There are over 200 units now in operation. Write or visit Mrs. Hazel De Land, 4437 8th St., Riverside, or Mario Glick, 2559 Missouri Ave., in South Gate, California. SEFT-0CT 1971 RR, Page 18

WKAT HAKES THE DELAND SYSTEM WORK? J 'Mrs. De Land said her husband John never did find out what makes the installation work, writes Van Tassel. "So I went back to our friends the Space People, through thought transference, for an ex planation, and this is it. "Trees manifest life but they do not manifest motion. Tempera ture is a result of molecular motion. The only motion manifested in a tree, or its fruit, is by the electrons in the atoms of its compo sition. 'On a planet that rotates there are four periods each day. (Re fer to yuur Proceedings of January 1955, pages 8 and 9.) These are the positive quarter from 6 a.m. to noon; the active quarter from 12 noon to 6 p.m.; the negative quarter from 6 p.m. to midnight; and the rest quarter from midnight to 6 a.m. Atoms in free space are charged continuously. Atoms on a ro tating planet are only charged according to their opposite polarity period. As a negative electron rotates faster in the positive and active quarters of the earth's daily rotation, it manifests more heat due to the resistance of polarity opposition. As an atom on the planet moves into the negative quarter, its electrons have no polarity opposition and they begin to discharge. As the electrons of the atom move into the rest quarter they dis charge part of their energy and this in turn causes a slowing up in their orbits around the proton. An electron can be stopped in its orbit by extremely low temperatures, which removes its charge. The magnetic canopy of the De Land Control helps the electrons to hold their charge by keeping them in motion. This is definitely proven in the De Land Controls on Mrs. Kibbs' property. An orange on the tree does not freeze despite the fact that a fruit thermometer inserted into the orange shows the tempera ture is as much as 7 degrees below freezing. As long as the orange is on the tree it is part of the life process of that tree, /j iy orange that falls to the ground inside the control area will freeze. This is because it grounds out v/ith earth and its electrons therefore slow up in their orbits. . , On the following page we have reproduced the four periods each day" drawing which illustrates Van's explanation of why the DeLand system works -- here in Southern California at least. It's difficult to imagine it working in the winter months of the temperate zones. There the Rest Period of the larger cycle, the year, lasts for six months; If any borderland researchers have any information on this aspect of the DeLand System, we'd like to hear about it. We haven't followed up on any of the contacts given in George Van Tassel's story. There is a vague recollection of some Associate telling us, several years back, that the orange groves on Iowa Ave. in Riverside have been subdivided in to homesites. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 19

/dapted by RHC from the article and drawing, 7The Earth As A Kotor ; page 8-9, the January 1955 ^Proceedings", of George Van Tassels College of Universal Uisdom, PO Box 458, Yucca Valley, Calif. 92284 /ssume that time in relation to this drawing is at 3:00 p.m., July 30th in the center of the active quarter. Positive Lines of Force ACTIVE QUARTER, tloon to 6 p.mj POSITIVE CUARTER 6 a.m. to Hoon

MEGAT IVE CUARTER ~ ~ 6 p.m. to Midnight Viewed from the Northern Hemisphere, the Earths Positive Core rotates Clockwise, and the negative Crust on which we live rotates CbunterClockwise. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 20

REST CUARTER Midnight to 6 a.m Direction of Earth, Sun and other planets through space

INSPIRED BY .THE DARK FORCES CQC Cn The Rise And Fall Of Hitler's Third Reich Part IV l o one seemed to be v/ith Albert K. Bender as he jjhivercJ into l trfmrp and floated away from his body into darkness. Quite unlike another medium, Adolf Hitler, who shouted and screamed and stamped his feet when his demon came to call for him twenty years earlier, Lender went quietly, floating ?as on a cloud;. : : He came to, seated in a chair, in a glamorous conference room at what he was told was an underground (or under ice?) Flying Saucer base on the Antarctic continent. The glass-like dome of the circular room seemed to look out into the night sky. The room darkened. There was the sound of a sliding panel, a dark figure moved out in front of him on a dais. Again, as before when the Three lien In Black material ized in his reom at Bridgeport, Connecticut, there was conversation without sound. Bender was welcomed to their domain1 . His attention was direct 1 ed to a large circular screen behind him. In its 3-D stereo depths he was shown the part of the universe from which we come. We are far from the reaches of your Earthly telescopes.'1 Yet some of the scenes showed a planetary surface as desolate as the iioon, and Bender was told the invaders' cities were all underground. It could be that the informer was lying and their home "planet is indeed our satellite, 240,000 miles away: To back up the claim that their surveillance of our planet is complete, Bender was then shown scenes of what were claimed to be high security areas in the Pentagon, atomic energy plants, and so on. Bender had shown good emotional stability so far; so the Invader de cided to risk showing himself and moved around to the screen. Only then did Bender realize that the speaker wqs no longer on the plat form behind him, but apparently in the screen. It depicted a hideous monster, more horrifying than any I have ever seen in the work of science fiction or fantasy artists. The monster was alive I . . . 'You view me here on the screen in my normal appearance. I note you find me horrible to look upon, yet the people of our planet do not find me horrible. We looked upon your people as odd when we first saw them evolve. . . Continued experimentation with radioactive material (on earth) and other environmental changes will lead to necessary adaptation in body structure. This will undoubtedly have effects on future generations. This could even lead to loss of reproductive capabilities. . . Thesfe things are ahead of you and you must face them and solve these problems if you can. To us your pro gress is of academic interest, but little more. Cn our planet we have three sexes: female similar in function to yours; male also sim Sept-Gct 1971 RR, Fage 21

ilar to yours; and the third is neither male nor female. These lat ter individuals are the exalted ones who become our rulers. They are few and when they are bora there is great celebration. Cur fe males bear eggs which are stored away. We control our population and these eggs are permitted to be hatched only when the great black ness covers our planet and takes many lives. That was the end of Lender's seventh contact with the MIB and their monster leaders. The Antarctic headquarters surroundings faded. There was the floating sensation. His head cleared. He found himself lying on his bed at home, the piece of metal still clutched in his hand. Fis clock revealed that a half hour had passed. A REPTILE RACE FROM SPACE The fact that these Invaders are egg-born is most revealing. This indicates a non-human stream of evolution more reptile than man. Their science is ahead of ours but they are sub-human in that they have no heart and warm-blood circulation system out of which love, understanding and compassion manifest. There are no family ties among Bender s monsters. Being egg-born, hatched in an incubator, they have no way of knowing, or caring, who their father and mother were; Wo wonder Bender shivered in their cold presence, all mind and power, and no heart. As Hietszche thrilled and shivered in the presence of his devil; and as Hitler shivered and thrilled to the power of his evil genius. Was it Mani Rimpochte, the Exalted Jewel from the underground center of evil in Tibet, Agharta? Or was it some elemental monster alien to our planet, operating from a hidden base in the Antarctic? For this we have no solid answers, but can only speculate on the data available. The reptile or elemental angle would help to account for the in humanity of the cutthroats with which Hitler surrounded himself -if some of the more fiendish of them were crossovers from some non human line of evolution -- Heinrich Himmler, for instance. In the depressing winter of 1942 the Reichsfuhrer went to Dr. Kersten for treatment. In their book, The Dawn of Magic, Pauwels and Bergier describe the visit this way. "Was it that he (Himmler) was beginning to doubt the possibility of victory? Mo it was not that. As he lay on the couch, while the doctor massaged his stomach, he began to talk, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He explained that the Fhrer had become convinced that there could be no peace on earth so long as a single Jew was left alive. . . 'And so,' continued Himmler, 'he has ordered me to liquidate immedi ately all the Jews in our possession.' His long, desiccate hands lay on the divan inert, as if frozen. He remained silent. Dr. Ker sten, taken aback, thought he discerned in the Master of the Elack Order signs of pity and revulsion, and his alarm at the news was tempered by a gleam of hope. ,MYes, yes, I understand; your conscience forbids you to approve of this atrocity. I understand your deep distress.' (To be continued in the next issue.) Sept-Cct 1971 RR, Fage 22

THE NEW OPIUM WAR Run Tith American Expertisei 7 Part II, CQC by the Editor The :Government Employees Exchange bulletin of Washington D.C. named Robert Uillism Komer, CIA intelligence officer, a s being one . of the chief causes for the thrust to "Americanize the Vietnam war in the early 1960s. His work was successful enough during the John son administration that in 1969 President Nixon promoted him to Oper ations Officer for the National Security Council, on the recommenda tion of McGeqrge Bundy. The National Chronicle weekly called it "Komer's War". eventual The American choice for/military dictator of South Vietnam after the liquidation of dictator Diem was another Roman Catholic, Nguyen Cao Ky. As a Viet Air Force Colonel, he flew planes for the CIAs Operation Haylift" in the 1950s. The primary purpose of this opera tion was to drop saboteurs into North Vietnam. Ky then made side money by bringing out opium on his return flights. As Browning and Garrett point out in their Ramparts article, the glittering cock tail parties which Ky threw at the Caravelle Hotel in Saigon could scarcely have been financed on Ky's $25 a month military pay: Their Saigon sources of information say that Ky continued to fly opium out of Laos after he became dictator in February 1965, "carrying loads ranging from 2000 to 3000 kilos of opium. . . "According to the United Nations Commission on Drugs and Narco tics, since at least 1966, 80% of the world's 1200 tons of illicit opium has coma from Southeast Asia directly contradicting most official U.S. claims that the primary source is the Middle East. . . What has happened is that Richard Nixon and the makers of /unericas Asian policy have completely blanked Indochina out of the world's narcotics trade. . . In his recent State of the World address, Richard Nixon dealt directly with the international narcotics traffic: 'Nar cotics traffic has been spreading with pandemic violence,' he said, adding that 'this affliction is spreading rapidly and without the slightest respect for national boundaries. . . T e have workedodosely i with a large number of governments, particularly Turkey, France and Mexico. . . ,: ! But about Indochina and America's deep involvement in the opium trade there? A thundering silence from the President; Browning and Garrett attribute this to the generous political support Nixon and other California politicians have received from Chiang Kai Shek's China Lobby since" 1950. This twenty-year obligation to the corrupt old Gissimo on Taiwan, more than anything else ;has effectively pre i cluded any possibility of (Nixon) being able to deal with heroin at home... . Among the most notable members of the 'China Lobby' are i.adame Anna Chennault, whose husband, General Claire Chennault, Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 23

founded Air America; columnist Joe Alsop; FBI Director J. Edgar hoo ver; former California Senator William Knowland; and Ray Cline, cur rently Chief of Intelligence for the State Department. . . "The entire cast of the China Lobby has relied on one magic cor poration, the same corporation established just after Uorld Uar II by General Claire Chennault as Civil Air Transport and renamed in the 1950s Air /merica. Carrier not only of men and personnel for all of Southeast Asia, but also of policies that have turned Indochina into the third bloodiest battlefield in American history. Air Americas chief contract is with the American Central Intelligence Agency. . . :0ne of its principal services has been to fly in support for : the 'remnant1 93rd Division of the KMT, the 'opium army5 (of Chiang Kai Shek) in Eurma; another has been as major carrier of opium itself. Air /'merica flies through all of the Laotian and Vietnamese opium pick-up points, for aside from the private 'butterfly fleet' and var ious military transports, Air /merica is the official* Indochina air line. . . the (French) Corsican Mafia's Air Opium has been supplanted by the CIA's Air /merica. . . :The shift in the international opium traffic is also a metaphor ; for what has happened in Southeast Asia itself. . . One of the upshots has been that the opium trade has been systematized, given U.S. tech nological expertise and a shipping and transportation network as per vasive as the U.S. presence itself. The piratical Corsican trans porters have been replaced by pragmatic technocrats carrying out their jobs with deadly accuracy. Unimpeded by boundaries, scruples or cus toms agents, and nurtured by the free flow of military personnel through the capitals of the Orient, the United States has -- as a re flex of its warfare in Indochina built up a support system for the trade in narcotics that is unparalleled in modern history. "The U.S. went on a holy war to stamp out communism and to pro tect its Asian markets, and it brought home heroin. It is a fitting trade-off, one that characterizes the moral quality of the U.S. in volvement. This ugly war keeps coming home, each manifestation more terrifying than the last; home to the streets of the teeming urban ghettos and the lonely suburban isthmus where in the last year the number of teenage heroin addicts has taken a quantum leap forward. Heroin has now become the newest affliction o affluent /merica -of mothers in Westport, Connecticut, who only wanted to die when they traced track-marlcs on their daughter's elegant arms; or of the fathers in Cicero, Illinois, speechless with outrage when their conscripted sons came back from the war bringing home a blood-stained needle as their only lasting souvenir." (Ramparts ilagazine, May 1971) Most of you who read this wont believe it -- unless you have a friend or a loved one hooked on dope -- the Vietnam opium story is too horrible. You can believe the headline stories about our gradual withdrawal from Vietnam if you like; but the headquarters for /merican Military Advisors in Cambodia has been quadrupled in the last month; and the CIA has a 30,000-man army of mercenaries protecting its opium operations in Laos; so the Satanic forces are really busy, aren't they. Sept-Oct 1971 HR, Page 24




"AWAKE! THOU PISCEAM AGE SLEEPERS! A few days ago a local yokel visited us to talk of things bor derland... When the talk veered to the mess in Vietnam, his voice took on a religious fervor as he spoke glowingly of the Holy Crusade against Communism in Southeast Asia. He Was 99 and 44/100ths for the war we have been waging there. I say the above percentage be cause when I asked him if he volunteered to go over there and help he said no. When I offered to take up a collection bo buy him a rifle and ammunition, and a one-way air ticket to Saigon, he missed the irony of the remark and observed that I must be nuts. Only idealists fight wars. The wise guys stay home and make money! It was obvious that this character wasn't about to go to Vietnam and have his ass and genitals blown off by a Viet Cong landmine, as had already hap pened to thousands of GIs. he Then I asked him if/had any snns of draft age. Yes, one 19 and the second a couple of years behind, still in highschool. Then an example of his borderland science came to the surface very quickly, :I y wife and I belong to the I A l group. We prayed and prayed ,i l that our boy's draft number wouldn't come up in the drawing, and it didnt. We certainly believe in the power of prayer MORE MEWS CM MAGNET THERAPY "Enclosed is check for $6 for another of thos little Magnet Whizzies. They are great for keeping in the car or office when vi tality fluctuates as much as mine does! Only problem was, the some what elderly mother of a dear friend got so much energy from it and was so charmed with it that I just had to give her mine. Look for ward to more nev/s on magnetic healing. Tried using the south pole of a really big horseshoe magnet on a very troublesome gall bladder (with the carbon rod tucked against the underside of my body) and it is working wonders; The energy going into the body is so force ful one can actually feel it : And can also feel the affected organ reacting! Just ereatT^~ % K y p o l u x o > Florida AMD LAKHOVSKY LOOPS :Kave not had the hoped-for results with the wire^Loops. Pos , sibly the magnet-assembly with carbon rod, which can be used more directly over the area needing treatment, will be more effective. $6 enclosed." M.S., Eliensburg, Washington We welcome research reports, whether the data is positive or negative. This is how useful knowledge is developed. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 25

DEAD RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS, ANOTHER VIET7 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D.C. :Dear Sirs: I would like to inform you that I have been doing re : search with Eiomagnetics. In my research, I have placed several white rats and mice in a high magnetic field, with proper feeding of both polarized food and water for a few days, then weeks in a higher field of 4000 gauss. In all cases I have found that when I removed them from the field carefully by reducing the vortex, they live. However, if I takem them out suddenly or abruptly, they die within a period of a few hours. : The death of the Russian Astronauts has been blamed on Caisson Disease, which is caused by compressed air, the bends, or diver's palsy. It is my humble opinion that when these Russian Astronauts, victims of the search for knowledge, die with no cyanosis present on their faces, then their death was caused by their inability to adjust themselves to the half-gauss magnetic field of the earth, after en during the higher magnetic vortex of the out-of-earth orbit. The high magnetic field in outer space prepared them in such a way, that when they returned, the change caused a disturbance in their nervous system. It had adapted itself to a different magnetic functioning in space. The sudden entry into our earth field needed a magnetic con ditioning to compensate, which they lacked.w Dr. Ralph U. Sierra, Puerto Rico Scientific Research Laboratory, Inc. 1707 Arkansas St., San Gerardo, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00926 Dear Dr. Sierra: nThank you for your letter of July 22 and the en closed reprint, 'Los Imanes', which was read with interest. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has long been aware of the possible effects of the earth's magnetic field on living organisms and of the possible effects of the fields found ax^ay from the earth's surface. In this respect I can recommend *A Review of the Biological Effects of Very Low Magnetic Fields' by Charles C. Conley, NASA TN D-5902, which is available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scien tific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151 for $3.00. Thank you for your interest in the National Space Effort.1 ' Walton L, Jones, M.D. Deputy NASA Director for Life Sciences From nev/s releases all we know is that Russian authorities assured NASA that the dead landing of the three Cosmonauts, Tuesday, June 29, 1971, posed no new, unforseen threat or hazard in extended space flights of two or three weeks. The fatal accident was attributed to pilot failure or carelessness in properly closing a hatch, with a sud den loss of air pressure during re-entry. Americans were properly concerned because of the upcoming launch of Apollo 15 on July 26th, and a planned 12-day stay in space on the Moon trip. Still unanswered is the effect of extended stays in space on man's consciousness. Mill his sense of physical responsibility diminish to where he cannot be depended to do what is necessary to return alive?? Who knows? Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 26

THE MARTYRDOM OF PROFESSOR MCDONALD ! 'Just a hurried note to ask you if you know anything about Dr. James McDonald? Is it true that he has committed suicide? We have heard a rumour only. Also do you know anything about Ted Cwens in the articles'Flying Saucer Prophet of Doom' in March and April Saga Magazine?1 5 Fred and Phyllis Dickeson Scientific Approach to Cosmic Understanding 33 Dee St., Timaru, Mew Zealand From Michel Jaffe's :Data Net1 The UFO Amateur Radio Network, July'71 : 5 15 June 1971 - Tucson, Arizona - DR. McDONALD, 'EXPERT1 CN UFOs, FOUND DEAD. ,Dr. James E. McDonald, well known for his controversial ! stands on unidentified flying objects and the supersonic transport plane, is dead at age 51. Dr. McDonald, a University of Arizona physics professor, was found dead in the desert north of here. Pima County Sheriff's deputies said he was the victim of an apparent sui cide. McDonald was an outspoken critic of an Air Force report that claimed almost all reports of UFOs could be explained as natural phenomena or government projects. He maintained that some could be from other inhabited worlds. He reported six months ago that the Supersonic Transport plane indirectly may cause cancer. He explained that chemical reactions to exhausts from a fleet of the big jets could 10,000 cases of skin cancer a year. ! (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 15 Jun 71). We have learned that Dr. McDonald's death stemmed from extreme personal problems. There is no mystery involved although sensationalists may try to link his death with "flying saucers.'5 From a popular Flying Saucer lecturer: 1 have talked to Jim McDonald's family. There is absolutely no basis whatsoever for any suggestion that Jim's suicide was arran ged. His wife had asked him for a divorce two weeks prior to his first attempt on April 9. He had only managed to blind himself. On June 11 he carried out plans that he had made (notes were later found) took a taxi, bought a gun, and went out to a preselected spot in the desert and shot himself -- the note and the gun were found as well. Dont misunderstand me. I worked under security for 14 years and would put practically nothing past the government -- but that is no reason to accept every story as true since I found many of them untrue and some just the product of overqctive imaginations. Because most things are possible doesn't mean that all have occurred." Stanton T. Friedman 18434 Mansel Avenue Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278 A MEMBER OF THE "ESTABLISHMENT Kietha Fish's "Kansas-Oklahoma Newsletter for June 1971, in a leng thy obituary, lists the late professor's impeccable qualifications as a member of the nation's scientific Establishment: "Dr. McDonald received his B.A. in Chemistry at the University of Omaha in 1942, M.S. in Meteorology at Massachusetts Institute o Technology in 1945, Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 27

and Ph.D. in Physics at Iowa State University in 1951. He served in Naval Intelligence in World War II, from 1942-45. From 1950-53 he was Assistant Professor of Physics at Iowa State University, then be came a research physicist with the Cloud Physics project at the Univ ersity of Chicago, 1953-54. Since 1954 he has been with the University of Arizona, and was Senior Physicist in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Professor, Dept, of Meteorology. He was a member of the American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, Royal Meteorological Society, Nation Science Foundation's Advisory Panel on Weather Modification (wonder if he ever heard of the DeLand Frost Guard? RHC.), and Advisory Panel for the U.S. Navy Project STORMFURY (hurricane modification) and the American Meteorological Society's Publication Commission. ' As we recall, Professor McDonald first made national news sever al years ago when he indignantly broke security by revealing a Top Secret CIA directive on the reporting of Flying Saucer sightings. Thus the honorable doctor of physics publicly chose sides in the cur rent Battle of Armageddon. He was fearlessly dedicated to the search for Truth and laid his reputation and his career on the line. Also, without realising it personally, he offered his life on the altar of the Gods. The decision for that had probably been made hundreds of years ago by McDonald's Higher Self. Let us suppose that he was a scien tist in his preceding life in Europe or the Orient, a "Hynek or a "Dr. Menzel! , comfortably in the pay of his government, and he was : asked to prostitute his precious knowledge and prestige in support of some :ism -- Hinduism, Catholicism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism or , Judaism. Then, before the end of that life, or afterward, he learned to his sorrow that his :words of wisdom had been twisted to support , a spiritually bankrupt philosophy that kept millions enslaved to false hood. Then would have been born the fierce resolve which led to the sacrifice to Truth in this present life. This is the occult view, of course; and we are reminded of Annie Besant's definition of occult ism: "Knoitfledge too profound to be understood by the material minded." THE LAW OF SACRIFICE McDonald's martyrdom -- as in the similar case of M.K. Jessup's arranged'1 suicide in March 1959 -- seems reasonable if we view it from the principle of the graded orders of evolution and the parasit ism of the levels of life here on earth. The Mineral Kingdom is sac rificed to the needs of the Vegetable Kingdom, fhe Vegetable Kingdom is sacrificed to the needs of the Animal Kingdom. The Animal Kingdom is sacrificed to the needs of the Human Kingdom. And humans? They are sacrificed to the needs of the Super-Human Kingdom of the Gods! This is merely another way of saying, !We are property!" Which ! statement is violently distasteful to most people, who consider them selves free agents in nature -- at least as compared to vegetables and animals; but this is a comfortable delusion necessary to man's moral and spiritual growth at this stage in his evolution. This stage is just about finished, by the way, for mankind on this planet at Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 28

this time. The presence of the Flying Saucers is helping to force an expaneion of awareness, a realization that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, both good and bad. In this context we do have freedom of choice: Whose property are we? Do we serve the Forces of Darkness or the Forces of Light. Armageddon is on. The prize is the control and use of the plan et earth. An important aspect of this battle is the fight for con trol of men's minds. Our government's silence policy" on Flying Saucers has remained unchanged and unchallenged through five changes of administration in Washington. Who set that policy in 1947? Who sees to it that it is maintained, victimizing those who would let some Light into this dark area of our national life? DANGER FROM THE DARK BROTHERS In Alice A. Bailey's "Letters On Occult Meditation:, her Teacher ? reveals some of the methods by which human devils on the astral plane cause students of the Mysteries to stumble and fall. I believe here we have a clue to the primary cause of Professor McDonald's suicide. "It is only as discipleship is approached and a man stands out ahead of his fellows as an instrument of the White Brotherhood that he at tracts the attention of those who seek to withstand. . . who work with the forces of involution and thus he may bring attack upon him self. This attack may be directed against any of his three vehicles . . . a -- Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed to hinder the usefulness of the disciple through dis ease or the crippling of his physical body. Hot all accidents are the result of karma. . . b -- Glamour is another method used, or the casting over the disciple of a cloud of emotional or mental matter which suffices to hide the real. . . shadows of the thought of weak ness or discouragement or criticism to which he may at intervals give way. Thus cast they loom in undue proportion and the unwary disciple not realising that he is but seeing the gigantic outlines of his owm momentary and passing thoughts, gives way to discouragement, aye even to despair, and becomes of little use to the Great Ones. . . Wisely therefore have all aspirants been enjoined to study and work at the development of viveka or that discrimination which safeguards from deception. . . c -- A third method frequently employed is to envelop the disciple in a thick cloud of darkness, to surround him with an impenetrable night and fog through which he often stumbles and falls. It may take the form of a black cloud of emotional matter, of some dark emotion that seems to imperil all stable vibration and plunges the bewildered student into a blackness of despair; he feels that all is departing from him; he is a prey to varied and dismal emotions he deems himself forsaken of all; he considers that all past effort has been futile and that nought remains but to die. At such times he needs much the gift of viveka, and to earnestly weigh up and calm ly reason out the matter. He should at these times remind himself that the darkness hides nought from the God within, and that the stable centre of consciousness remains there, untouched by aught that may betide. He should persevere until the end -- the end of what? The end of the enveloping cloud, the point where it merges into sunlight. . . Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 29

EXPECT ABSOLUTELY HO MERCY The dark brother recognises no unity with his species, only seeing in them people to be exploited for the furtherance of his own ends. This then, on a small scale, is the mark of those who are being used by them wittingly or unwittingly. (Nietzsche thought he knew, until he saw his Christ of Evil and the Christ of Good contrasted!) They respect no person, they regard all men as fair prey, they use everyone to get their own way enforced, and by fair means or foul they seek to break down all opposition and for the personal self acquire that which they desire. :The dark brother considers not what suffering he may cause; he 7 cares not what agony of mind he brings upon an opponent; he persists in his intention and desists not from the hurt of any man, woman or child, provided that in the process his own ends are furthered. Ex pect absolutely no mercy from those opposing the Brotherhood of Light. Regardless of whether or not you can accept the Master D.K.'s thesis on directed evil above, nor my application of it to the hid den causes of Jim McDonald's suicide in June, two facts in the case are abundantly clear and beyond question. Our most prestigious pub lic spokesman for the reality of Flying Saucers has been effectively removed from the national scene. His pronouncements are no longer a threat to the government's "silence policy'1 on Flying Saucers. Secondly, his reliability as a witness has been permanently damaged. With his emotional stability in question and his character smirched by suicide, who can believe what he said about UFOs? IS THAT FIRST RITE, RIGHT OR LEFT? ,I am a Hexv Zealander and was therefore born in the Southern : Hemisphere. I've been doing the Five Rites of Rejuvenation given in Peter Kelder's book. Do you think the First Rite of turning fast from Left to Right (clockwise) should be from Right to Left (counter clockwise) by me? The reason is I get really sick from the turns and yet all of my friends feel refreshed when they turn. You know, even the bath water swirls right to left in N.Z. and left to right here in Kingsport where I am staying." R.T.H., Kingsport, Tennessee We've had reports of borderlanders getting sick and dizzy from clockwise spins and also b o m here in the northern Hemisphere! So where does that leave us? By all means try counter-clockwise spin ning in the First of the Five Rites. If that proves to be refresh ing, rather than sickening, by all means stay with it. You have posed a problem facing anyone trying to use ritual magick developed in the Orient or the Occident of the Northern Hemisphere, but living south of the Equator, where the seasons, climbing plants, whirlpools, etc. are reversed. Should the circumambulations in rituals also be reversed? We'd like to hear from you practicing magicians on that. And for those of you who have yet to add the Five Rites to your Physical-Etheric conditioning toward balanced and joyous health, get a copy and get going! Only $2.00 a copy. Add 2 for First Class Mail. 4; Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 30

A NOTE OH HIERONYMOUS "Referring to a reference to radionics in the July-August Journal, the I-Iieronymous instrument is quite different from the Abrams and Drown sets. Hieronymous uses condensor tuning (as in radio sets) following the line of development started by the Pathoclast. Also, Hieronymous has the electronic energy focused through a rotatable prism. Each element in the atomic table has a particular angle at which the prism must be placed if the radiation of that element is to be passed. That is what Hieronymous calls Eloptic Energy. u Dr. Jose Rizal, iianila We dont have a schematic diagram or atlas of rates for the Hier onymous equipment, but we do have for a modified Drown instrument of nine dials. This uses resistor tuning. Borderland researchers, doc tors and naturopaths have made effective use of this circuit for two generations, in reducing spiritual, mental and healing energies to a number system. If you want to do research along this line, we can make up a set of photocopies of the 30-page atlas of rates and schematics and instructions for the instruments, for $10.00. FREE ENERGY FROM THE UFO GRID OF OUR PLANET? ' have a suspicion that if the ideas of Tesla were adapted to I tapping the global grid system as delineated in the book Harmonic 33' by Capt. Bruce Cathie, that a workable and cheap free power source could be evolved. I have a letter from Capt. Cathie that says in part 'you are correct about the ^rid being a complete source of power. The static electricity inherent m the earth is put in motion by the reaction of the grid system and can be tapped off in the manner de scribed by Tesla. I have direct evidence that scientific gtoups are carrying out extensive experimentation of this nature in Hew Zealand. This evidence I will show in my next book.' I am working with an electrician who is very interested in this phenomenon and we are trying to construct a field strength meter that will pick up the radiations from the ariels (grids?) and convert them into usable power. This is a new brainstorm; so we're not very far down the road of discovery. Any BSRAs working on this type of project?" Dr. E.U.C., New Zealand Yes, there are several Associates with engineering and/or tech nical backgrounds interested in developing a new, radical, universally available, free source of power, call it anti-gravity or what you will. We can put you in touch with each other if heed be. A DeLand Frost Guard System should be a real powerhouse if located on a UFO grid line. An examination of Tesla's patent records in Weshington might reveal if he had formalized power-grid tapping ideas. After his death in New York City, we understand that Tesla's papers were bundled up by the authorities and shipped to a fictitious character in a Chicago hotel. There the trail ends. But other channels are available to the Teachers of our race and Tesla himself may be one of the ones who has guided the mind of Capt. Cathie in developing the grid-system theory -- and protecting him from the human devils: Sept-Bet 1971 RR, Page 31

MORE ON MAGNET THERAPY :I am 79 years old. I noticed a yoar or so ago L i t something : laas I had sort of mottled red spots on my legs and didn't realize that it was poor circulation. I wrote to Northern Book House for literature on magnet healing in Russia and paid very little for the information. I started the magnetic treatments and in two weeks time the numbness in my feet and legs had almost disappeared and the stinging and burning in my feet was less. I also began drinking the magnetic (polarized) water and used the horseshoe magnet to run up and down my legs. Before that I could hardly walk sometimes and now I am thankful to ESRA for the wonderful information. I have interested my chiropractor friend in this. 5 Mrs. E.K., Piqua, Ohio STIMULATING CELL GROWTH ,You are probably well familiar with the theory but here goes. : Electro-magnetic forces must influence the tissue rate of vibration. Drs. Abrams and Drovm postulated that tissues and organs when vibra ting at their optimum rate were healthy. If the vibratory rate went down, disease manifested. If you could ' beam in the correct rate (electro-magnetic force) the diseased organ/tissue would use that force to sort of shore up its rate and regeneration took place. Whether you use the Abrams Black Box, the Drown machine, the MultiWave Oscillator, the Dinshah lamp -- or plain magnets -- you are focussing the same force in the effected area. Abrams and Drown were too narrow in their thinking, as they used individual rates for each condition, making diagnosis necessary -- and no result if that diag nosis was in errori "The use of a wide spectrum of vibrations (magnet) obviated the need for diagnosis (for example Mrs. E.H. above) and made recovery more sure; for it is very seldom that only one specific group of tis sues malfunction without something somethwere else either contribu ting or being involved. Suffice it so say that I am also experimen ting with magnets, with enough indications of magnetic vibration in fluence results to know that we are on the threshold of a therapy that will be inexpensive, easily available and capable of getting to the causitive source. L.L.H., Lincolnwood, 111. STIMULATING NERVE ACTION ,The VITIC (Magnet and carbon rod) is proving a life saver in ' : many cases. In two paralytic cases only the Vitic treatment twice daily has given wonderful results. A patient with facial paralysis who was having constant dribbling of saliva from mouth and had no power to hold the knife in the right hand improved remarkably with the Vitic treatment. The saliva flow stopped and he started cutting meat with the right hand in about a months s time. He is so happy that he has promised that he will spread the word of Vitic through out. In another paralytic case of nearly 10 years the Vitic brought back the sensation in the dead limb after about a month's treatment. I am sure if this treatment is given to all cases many will feel the Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 32

good effects but the day is very far off as the modem man will not take to this treatment unless he is rejected by the orthodox system. You may also be surprised to know that Mrs. Mayers's daughter lost 30 lbs. of weight in two months. In this case I gave the Teletherapy radiations of RV/IR (Red, Violet and Infra-Red) and the Homeopathic medicine Aurum Iod. or gold. If only obesity can be cured with these combined pathies we can say that our science has done a great thing. Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya Shastri Villa, Naihati, W.B., India DESTROYING TUMORS AND MALIGNANT GROWTHS "I have built and used for over two years a set of D.C. electro magnets, consisting of a tube rectifier of from 300 to 450 volts di rect current, which energises two radar magnetrons (heavy coils), with solid soft steel cores. These I apply on both sides of the area to be treated. I have these hooked up to double-throw, duuble-pole switches which will change the polarity of the coils, from attract to repell, back and forth, every three minutes. The treatments last usually 15 minutes, during which time even malignant growths are being perceptibly dissolved and scattered. The repell modality dis solves and the attract scatters. Even one or two treatments per week have shown remarkable results in a short period of time. If the pa tient is put on a detoxicating diet and sticks to it! -- the growth may easily and quickly be dissolved and scattered safely. Not only lumps or growths, malignant or benign, are dissolved with these D.C. coils, but also ulcers, congestion in the lungs, heart or other viscera respond to them. "Previous to this shift to drugless therapy I used natural rem edies, herbs, vibrators, heat applications, to bring the accumulation of toxins to a head where they could be drained off. If the patient had a tumor in the head, I had to gradually shift the accumulation down into the arm, for instance, where it could be drained from the system without danger to him. Now, with electro-magnets, all that time-consuming bother is eliminated. The toxins, the dead malignant cells, are broken up into such fine particles that they are easily handled and eliminated by the venous blood, on out through the urine, feces and perspiration." Dr. N.A. Turopath Somewhere, Canada We can think of only one other therapy which matched the above claimed results of electro-magnets, and that was the Aerobic Glycolis developed by Dr. Um. F. Koch in the 1920s, perfected in the 1930s, and outlawed by the American Medical Association in the 1940s. Koch, like Jim McDonald, could have committed suicide under the pressure, but perhaps he was emotionally more stable. He chose exile, Brazil, where he lived another twenty useful years. One 2cc. shot of Glyoxylide was enough, in most cases,to cure terminal cancers, tuberculosis, infantile paralysis, malaria, Malta fever, Amazon Wild Fire, leprosy, and a host of other ailments, all of which were caused primarily by an accumulation of poisons, toxins, in the blood. Apparently weak magnetic fields, like Glyoxylide, oxidize or b u m up the poisons. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 33

ACCORDING TO ALL THE RITES Do you happen to know how to break a Kahuna Black Spell which seems to me I picked up about four years ago, from lectures here in Long Beach. Since then, its been one thing after another. Just spent nine days in the hospital. Rational explanations seem logical enough, but? P.S., Long Beach, Calif. Yes, with a cleansing magickal ritual, repeated every day, morn ing and evening, until you feel that the obsessing entity or entities have been driven away or destroyed. Only ritual gives you the neces sary leverage, or pother, on the astral and mental planes to man-handle "eating companions" as the Kawaiians call them, or a Dybbuk or Golem as Jewish Kabalists call them. Driving them away is not too diffi cult, but it is equally important to cleanse the aura of the coarse vibration which opened the door to the obsessor in the first place I Otherwise, the star boarder will come back again. Meade Layne's RETRO I E The Practical Magic of Self Defense, is 1, only 50$ and contains half a dozen different protective rituals, in cluding Circles of Banishment and Protection, Sealing the Aura, the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Kow To Obtain Things You Desire. "Failure by the operator, wrote Meade, usually arises from nebulous, ill-defined or conflicting wishes -- from scepticism and doubts, and the notion that one is performing useless and ridiculous acts -- from superstitious fears and conflict with deep-rooted pre judices (religious or scientific) from self-consciousness, and the general inability to lend ones self with calm confidence to the oper ation at hand. Hhat one may call the 'average wish is a poor and devitalized thing, summoned up at one hour and dismissed the next, contradicting and nullified at every turn, But a powerful, steadily maintained and clearly defined wish is known to be an effective force even in daily and common experience. It is a wish of this kind which is given direction and drive and creative power by ritualistic for mulation. . . In our own Lesson Book, YOU LIVE IN FOUR WORLDS, we take the time and trouble to illustrate the Kabalistic Cross ahd Lesser Ban ishing Ritual of the"l?entagram with several drawings. This makes it much easier for the would-be magician to visualize clearly what is expected of him as makes the cleansing, protective gestures and chants the God-names. The Eorces of the Archangels of the Elements ride in on your vortex of sound. As we did this once, not long ago, at the request of a haunted woman, she said she could feel the atmosphere of her living room crackle with power. Yet she was a Mys tic, and felt that the work of the Hermetic Path was not for her. YOU LIVE IN FOUR WORLDS, 67 pages, illustrated, printed. . . $2.00 By the wayt we are lecturing on this subject for the Marion Dozier group, 1083 Atchison St., Pasadena, California 91104, 7:45 p.m. Thursday evening, September 23, 1971, phone 681-0483. There will be a Workshop of Rhythmic Breathing, Relaxation, Concentration, etc., discussion, and demonstration of Ritual if there is demand. Sept-Oct 1971 RR, Page 34

'OUR MO.'EY A I I.KAT THE BANKERS DO WITH IT " iD It has been six years since we last gave this, the most contro versial and emotionally disturbing of our lectures. Eut this talk on the History of Cur Money is most timely now that Richard FlipFlop Mixon, Irish Catholic and darling of Wall Street, has now ta ken us completely off the Gold Standard, and we thank Dob Crichton for inviting us to present the revelatory material to the Cuesters in Arcadia, California, Sept. 10th. Imagine the screams of rage, "Crucify him! Crucify him! that would have risen from the Kennedy haters in 1961 or 62 if Jack had taken the nation off the gold stan dard or opened up diplomatic relations with Red China. Perhaps it is more fitting that a Right Republican should take us Left in these violent times, less violence. Jeane Dixon predicted a world wide crisis Aug. 15th and America deserting the gold standard -- after it was forced on us 210 years ago by the English bankers is surely it. Seeing that Wall Street and Zurich initiated this chaos-produ cing move, it can mean only one thing. The Sanhedrin and the Jesuits have found their gold-linked money system a hindrance to world power. Their international control now is such that they need complete free dom to establish the world dictatorship predicted in 1950 by Paul Warburg. Yes, 21 years ago this German-American banker prophesied that world government was coming, either voluntarily or by con quest". Of course he was just echoing a command which originated in AghartaS A Cavern World command center for Satanic forces even deeper in the earth. Anyhow, the Story of Our Money, and the enlightened Americans who tried to keep control of it in the hands of those who created it, by the sweat of their brow, is fascinating. It hasn't been transcribed to mimeo form yet, but if you'd like to hear our unmasked baritone, order a tape dubbing of the original of the talk. . $10.00. Two Hours of talk and discussion on either Cassette, or 3 3/4 speed Monaural, 5 in. reel or 7 in. reel, your choice. That was one price increase legitimately established before the President's deadlinei "THE HISTORY OF THE KABALA We have been asked to present this illustrated talk on the Origins of the Western Mystery Tradition at the next Understandorama Convention, early Sunday afternoon, Oct, 17,1971. Esther Ellsworth has decided to move these conventions down off the High Desert and closer to the majority who attend* Hew location- Griswold*s C'l&reer , montitfpn^s 5l5^VKrFoothdllrSlvdi ^rGlaremont-, Calif.. liritf etoo Estherr e Ellsworth, P0 Box 626, Morongo Valley, Calif. 92256 for more detailed information. You might also inquire about the splendid metaphysical lending library she has organized. The History of the Kabalistic Western Tradition, and where it came from, is Chapter III,<of Part I of our Leson Series, 'The In visible Reality Behind Appearances, illustrated, 93 pages, $2.50 We also have this on tape, two hours of talk, discussion, ques tions and answers on occult training, problems and practices, your choice of Cassette, or 5 in. or 7 in. reel, 3 3/4 Monaural. . $10.00 Sept-0ct 1971 RR, Page 35

THE KABALA :TREE OF LIFE" POSTER SIZE : Black & White reproductions of the huge, 28 in. by 44 in. Tree of Life chart we have used in our Kabala teachings and lecturing are now available at $5 per poster sheet, in cardboard mailing tube, postpaid. The Ten Sephiroth are numbered and King Scale of colors given, so you can color them in yourself. There is plenty of room on the large white surface to write in Kabalistic data: The God ITames, Archangels, Angels, Demons, and the meaning and significance of each Sephirah in Hebrew and in English. Pinned to your study wall or fastened to stiff carboard backing, this life-size Tree can be a great aid to your own study and teaching program................................... $5 OUR MONEY A TD WHAT THE BANKERS DO WITH ITS -- The History of Money I by the BSRA Director is a lecture-review of the high price we pay to our self-appointed Fiduciary Agents for handling our money, and how the situation got and stays that way in spite of the best intentions of our Founding Fathers -- on tape only and paired with LUCIFER, A NECESSARY EVIL, a discussion of God's Loyal Opposition, the neces sary friction by which the Creator keeps his System moving forward into the Hew Age. T / one-hour talks.................... $10.00. xo (Specify for Cassette, or on 5 or 7 in. reel, 3 3/4 speed lionaural) SECRET CITY IN THE VALLEY OF MYSTERY -- The Director's review of Ted Illion's visit to the underground city of Agharta in Tibet in 1934, from his book, Dark ness Over Tibet : 49 pages, mimco........................ $1.50. , *

The J O U R N A L of Borderland R e s e a r c h
A Publication of:, Borderland Sciences Research Roundation PC Box 548, Vista, California 92083 USA

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