Participatory Planning and Action Handbook

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Planning and
Eight Steps for Facilitators

Enabling people to become the architects of their own
community development

Eileen T. Higgins
Dr. Anna Toness

2010, Eileen T. Higgins and Anna Toness
All rights reserved. Reproduction, copy, transmission, or translation of any part of this publication may be made only
under the following conditions:
with the prior written permission of the authors; or
with a license from the authors
for quotation in a review of the work; or
under the terms set out below.

For copying in any other circumstances, for re-use in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, prior written
permission must be obtained from the authors and a fee may be payable.

This field guide was written by Eileen Higgins and Anna Toness under the guidance of Dr. Richard Ford. Our
goal is to guide development facilitators in implementing participatory techniques. We have created an
eight-step sequence that can easily be followed by both new and experienced facilitators who want to use
participatory tools. It has long been known that participation by communities in the development process
improves the likelihood of project success. This field guide and the eight-step process give a structured ap-
proach on how to begin a community, neighborhood, or organizational development project. The eight steps
demonstrate how and when to include participatory tools throughout the development planning process.
We have compiled examples and ideas from years of fieldwork and from numerous facilitators into this field
guide. We hope that it can be used as a hands-on reference for facilitating Participatory Planning and Action
in the field. Many other resources exist in this field, but this guide attempts to give practical advice about
which participatory tools work best and at which phase of the process.
Many of the ideas, advice, and examples come from programs implemented by the Center for Community-
Based Development at Clark University, the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council (UUPCC), field
programs conducted Dr. Toness and diverse PRA teams in Paraguay, and Peace Corps Volunteer projects in
Belize and Paraguay under the guidance of Ms. Higgins and Dr. Toness. We are immensely thankful to all of
them for allowing their work to be used as examples so that others can learn.
We gratefully acknowledge the excellent fieldwork done by the facilitators and program leaders referenced
throughout this field guide. Cathy Cordes, Executive Director of the UUPCC had a germ of an idea in 2003 -
that her organization could empower communities - that has now spread to four continents. Dr. Richard Ford
from Clark University acted as an inspiring mentor, convincing many team members to spend vacations and
free time facilitating participatory programs in the field. Due to his thorough coaching, guidance, and pa-
tience, we are now able to teach and train others in these techniques. Many of the concepts included in this
field guide are his. This field guide would not exist without the wisdom, examples, and advice provided by
Dr. Ford. Pat Rodgers, the guides technical editor, provided thoughtful reviews and ideas that improved the
clarity and accuracy of the information in this guide.
We want to recognize facilitation team members in Romania, The Philippines, India, Paraguay, Belize, and
elsewhere who implemented participatory programs with great success. We received many examples and
ideas from Krisztina Pall who, after participating in a community planning workshop, took on a leadership
role in implementing her villages Action Plan. Her work resulted in transformation in her hometown and she
continues to inspire other communities through her enthusiastic facilitation. We also recognize the dedica-
tion of Venus Caballero in promoting participatory development in her own country of Paraguay for over 15
years. We would like to acknowledge several Peace Corps Volunteers whose participatory work in organiza-
tions led to better decisions. In particular, our thanks go to Erin Hogan and Nancy Livak whose work with the
District Association of Village Councils (DAVCO) shows us how important these techniques can be for com-
munity-based organizations. To Julie Doll and Amy Sproston, whose help was invaluable in planning partici-
patory processes in rural communities in the Chaco region of Paraguay. To the Baghdad neighborhoods that
graciously allowed us to use their planning examples from urban neighborhoods.
And most importantly, we are thankful for the overwhelming and enthusiastic participation of thousands of
community members around the globe who want to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty.
When they made the choice to attend and implement the participatory planning process, they empowered
themselves - to create their own Action Plan, to take charge of their own development, and to begin building
a better future.

By Dr. Richard Ford
Why a guide for community-based development in 2010? Dont the authors know that the wave of future de-
velopment calls for investors to build factories, hire workers, and join the global economy? Have the authors
never learned about the multiplier effect and how a new factory stimulates still more investment and leads to
sustained economic growth? Look at the miracle of China with astounding figures of economic growth, urban
development, jobs created, and new schools and universities constructed. These interpretations of devel-
opment are money-based, not development-centered. Investment does not always drive development and,
as Chinese, Nigerians, Venezuelans, Sudanese, and Iranians are learning, money does not automatically
bring development.
This manual is not about economic growth because economic growth often has little connection with human
development. Instead, this is a manual that joins a long line of development practitioners who argue that de-
velopment is about helping people and communities to create their own solutions that they can sustain. The
manual seeks to implement the themes of Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed), E. F. (Fritz) Schumacher
(Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered), or David Korten and Rudi Klauss (People-Centered De-
velopment and Kortens most recent book, Agenda for a New Economy: from Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth).
It is a tradition that follows from the work of Robert Chambers and Gordon Conway who pioneered Rapid Ru-
ral Appraisal in the early 1980s and the substantial family of practitioners who followed with Participatory Ru-
ral Appraisal (PRA) and its many variants.
This manual brings together the wisdom of several years field research mostly in rural Africa; the practice
in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of communities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America/Caribbean; the benefit of
experience during which multiple communities and hundreds of volunteers helped to formalize the process;
the courage of 100 neighborhoods (upwards of 1,000,000 people) in Baghdad in 2009 who adapted the tools
to the unique post-conflict situation of the multiple ethnic and religious groups of that huge city; and to the
vision of the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council (UUPCC) that has been using the tools to enable
North American and overseas communities to work together as equals to enhance their respective communi-
As the global economy stumbles, as courts are increasingly populated with the financial issues of many cor-
porations and investment firms, as local jobs disappear throughout the world, as armies stumble in winless
struggles, as religious fanatics drive the politics of parts of the world, and as environmental indifference
threatens to bring a halt to human habitability, this field manual suggests that there is hope to return to the
sensibility of community cooperation as the front line of attack to solve the globes seemingly insurmountable
To those who say working at local levels is a 19
century strategy, ask them to think again. Has the global
economy brought economic and political well being to the worlds seven billion? If one wants to know how to
mobilize local communities to work together to reach the lofty goal of human development, read on. It is an
interesting story, supported by effective tools, and documented with astounding examples. Read On!

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................... 1
Overview of the Eight Steps ..........................................................................................................................5
Step 1: Preparing the Participants ..................................................................... 6
Building the Perfect Team .............................................................................................................................7
Facilitator and Scribe Roles...........................................................................................................................7
Communication, Schedule, and Approvals....................................................................................................8
Preparing the Community .............................................................................................................................9
Encouraging Participation........................................................................................................................... 10
Step 2: Sharing Information.............................................................................12
Community Mapping.............................................................................................................................. 13-14
Other Maps ............................................................................................................................................ 15-16
Community History ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Seasonal Calendars..................................................................................................................................... 17
Activity Schedules....................................................................................................................................... 18
Trend Lines ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Household Surveys...................................................................................................................................... 19
Step 3: Identifying Resources ..........................................................................20
Institutional Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 21
Venn Diagrams....................................................................................................................................... 21-23
Step 4: Envisioning a Future ............................................................................24
Accomplishment Lists.................................................................................................................................. 25
Sharing Individual Visions........................................................................................................................... 26
Sharing Personal and Collective Dreams .................................................................................................... 27
Appreciative Inquiry ................................................................................................................................... 27
Step 5: Analyzing Needs..................................................................................28
Community Needs Lists.......................................................................................................................... 29-31
Step 6: Building Consensus .............................................................................32
Pairwise Ranking.................................................................................................................................... 33-35
Facilitation Hints for Building Consensus..................................................................................................... 36
Ranking Matrices ................................................................................................................................... 36-37
Step 7: Creating an Action Plan ........................................................................38
Problem Analysis Matrices.......................................................................................................................... 39
Feasibility Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 40-41
Community Action Plans ............................................................................................................................. 42
Combining Resources ................................................................................................................................. 43
Step 7: Implementing the Plan.........................................................................44
Name a Responsible Committee ................................................................................................................. 45
Expand a Detail Action Plan ........................................................................................................................ 46
Work with the Project Steering Committee ................................................................................................. 47
Managing Money ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Mobilizing Community Resources............................................................................................................... 49
Summary .....................................................................................................50
Community Transformations ....................................................................................................................... 51
A Few Final Facilitation Hints ...................................................................................................................... 52
Results.................................................................................................................................................... 53-54
Lessons from Participatory Planning ...................................................................................................... 55-56

Introduction page 1

Participatory Planning & Action

Participatory Planning & Action
A People-Centered Approach to Development

A People-Centered Approach to Development
This field guide is designed to give
development professionals and com-
munity volunteers an overview of how
participatory processes and tools can
lead to more effective community ac-
tion plans. The process works be-
cause community-wide participation
builds commitment among partici-
pants. Unlike other approaches, it
places the development professional
in the role of facilitator rather than
leader and allows community mem-
bers to control and lead the action
planning process.
Participatory processes can be used
in many types of communities and or-
ganizations a whole village, an ur-
ban neighborhood, a school, a par-
ents group, a womens group, na-
tional park management team, water
management committee, or any other
group. Youll learn how this program
helps build skills and enables people
to transform their communities for the
This guide will also help you decide
what sorts of projects might be suit-
able for these techniques and how to
get started.
As a facilitator, you can be the spark
that kindles a community to build a
sustainable future. By focusing on
participatory planning, you give a
community or group the power to
forge its own future.

This field guide is designed to give
development professionals and volun-
teer community facilitators an over-
+ Introduction

+ Introduction

Introduction page 2

+ Transforming Communities
For more than 20 years, development agencies throughout the
world have been using participatory tools to enable communities to
become the primary architects of their own development. These
tools use a participatory approach to mobilize communities and en-
able village institutions to help themselves. The result is the creation
and implementation of an Action Plan that find solutions to the com-
munitys highest priority problems.
As you do your own research, you may find these programs re-
ferred to by different names - Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA),
Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), PAPPA (Policy Analysis for
Participatory Poverty Alleviation), and others. Whatever the name,
one thing is clear you are more likely to be successful in imple-
menting development projects when community members support
them and are willing to commit their time and resources to imple-
ment them.
Key tools include community mapping, institutional analyses, sea-
sonal calendars, ranking, and action planning. Other useful tools are
timelines and gender calendars. Used by experienced facilitators,
these tools help a community to organize what it already knows and
mobilize resources it already has to come to consensus about an
Action Plan to guide development. Armed with a plan that the entire
community supports, local leaders are better able to negotiate with
external partners such as government agencies or non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) to secure resources not pres-
ently available to the community.
Participatory community-based tools help to:
Build consensus on public issues using conflict mediation
Create action plans based on community consensus about
highest priority needs and ways to address them
Assist local institutions to mobilize their own resources to
focus on these priority needs
Form partnerships with government, NGO, and private sector
Instill community ownership and pride in the projects they
Using participatory tools creates an environment where all mem-
bers of the community men, women, youth, elderly, poor, and
well-to-do can come together to openly discuss the future of their
Background on Participatory Planning Tools

Background on Participatory Planning Tools

Introduction page 3
Why it
The Process Inspires Confidence
The Participatory Planning and Action process presented in the guide is based upon the belief that commu-
nity members urban or rural, large or small can join together and take responsibility to develop their
community and to lead efforts to alleviate their own poverty. But they need tools to help them get organized
for action. They need a systematic process to get people involved, get everyones ideas on the table, and to
come to consensus when there are differences of opinions. They need to know how to create an Action Plan
that mobilizes their own resources and how to find outside resources when necessary.

The Meetings Encourage Participation
There are several models for implementing a program of Participatory Planning and Action, but all start with
a series of community meetings led by a trained facilitator. Community members participate in a series of
planning meetings where they conduct an assessment of their needs and their resources. Residents partici-
pate in open discussions through the use of several tools designed to organize and record information about
the community and its needs. As facilitator, you help them reach consensus on how to best improve their
wellbeing and their livelihoods or to achieve a special goal in their community. The process finishes when
the community creates and implements an Action Plan that addresses the highest priority projects.

A key strength of the process is that all residents are invited to participate, not just political or organizational
leaders. Community-wide participation means everyone has the opportunity to generate ideas and shape
the communitys future. This open process results in broader support and participation in making the plan

Enabling Communities for Action
+ Ideas & Tools that Work

+ Ideas & Tools that Work
The Tools Lead to Consensus and Action
These tools have emerged over the past decades in many parts
of the world and are based on three key assumptions:
Communities are filled with knowledge and information
about their needs and ways to solve them but this informa-
tion needs to be organized.
Communities have some resources human, material,
managerial to solve their problems but these resources
need to be mobilized.
Organizing information and mobilizing internal resources
enable a community to resolve internal conflicts and come to
consensus on its highest priority needs and how to resolve
them. This consensus becomes part of the planning process
and consensus leads to an achievable action plan.

Introduction page 4

A Structured Approach to Planning
Eight Step Process
The process can be summarized in eight basic
steps, but may take many weeks or months or even
years to implement properly. Sustainable devel-
opment and change take time.
Before and After
The first and last steps Preparing and Implement-
ing -- occur outside of the structure of the participa-
tory planning meetings. The middle steps occur
during a series of planning meetings with broad
attendance by interested individuals.
Assessment and Discussion
Steps 2 through 4 focus on gathering and organiz-
ing information about the community, its resources,
its accomplishments, and its ideas for the future.
Decision Making and Planning
Steps 5 through 7 focus on decision making and
planning, where participants begin the difficult
work of prioritizing needs and creating an Action

+ the process:
Participatory Planning and Action

+ the process:
Participatory Planning and Action
Capacity, not Charity
For many years, community development focused primarily on charity the transfer of
funds and technical expertise from the worlds more affluent communities to poorer
ones. Although some success has been achieved in this manner, the development para-
digm for the 21st century has moved beyond direct assistance and charity. The new
model of partnership is a community-based, people-centered approach that builds ca-
pacity within the community itself.
Participatory planning is one such alternative to charity. Its primary goal is to equip
local leaders and residents with skills in development planning and management. Af-
ter learning tools of data collection, resource mobilization, conflict mediation, plan-
ning, implementation, and management, the community institutions and local leaders
become the architects of their own development.

Capacity not Charity
For many years, community development focused primarily on charity the transfer of
funds and technical expertise from the worlds more affluent communities to poorer
ones. Although some success has been achieved in this manner, the development para-

Introduction page 5

The Process -- Eight Steps to Community Transformation

+ the process:
Participatory Planning and Action

+ the process:
Participatory Planning and Action
Your Role in the Process - Leading, Facilitating, Coaching
As you work with a community, you will find yourself playing different roles. Prior to starting the Participa-
tory Planning and Action meetings (Step 1), you will take a stronger leadership role - organizing activities,
networking with officials, and training your team. During the meetings, you move into a facilitating role.
You will find that to be easier in Steps 2-4, where the work focuses on Assessment and Discussion. The activi-
ties in these steps are fun and engaging for participants. The work becomes harder as you move to the Deci-
sion Making and Planning phase (Steps 5-7). Selecting priorities is difficult and, for some participants, this
will be the first time they will have created an Action Plan. Finally, as the group moves to the Implementation
phase (Step 8), you move into a coaching role, supporting their work and connecting them with the re-
sources that will lead to success. This is also when you begin to let go and trust the community to lead their
own projects.
Following this eight-step process will al-
low your community or group to create
Action Plans based on the groups consen-
sus about its highest priority needs. You
and the community can easily implement
these steps over a series of weeks or
The rest of this field guide is dedicated to
providing you with ideas, tools, and tech-
niques that can help you successfully facili-
tate each step. As you study this field
guide, the examples and comments next to
the photos hold insights from field work
around the world. The examples will also
help you understand the realities of facili-
tating in the field.

Following this eight step process will allow
your community or group to create Action
Plans based on its own consensus about its
highest priority needs. It provides a struc-
ture which you and the community can
easily implement over a series of weeks or
The rest of this field guide is dedicated to
providing you with ideas, tools and tech-
niques that can help you successfully facili-
tate each step. As you study this field
guide, the comments next to the photos
and examples hold insights from field
work in many countries. The examples
will also assist you in understanding the
realities of facilitating in the field.

What the Process Feels Like

The Role of the Outsider
Moving Towards Local Ownership

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 6
Step 1:
Preparing the
It sounds simple, but this first
step is actually the most im-
portant. It is during this
phase that the facilitator and
the community begin form-
ing a comfortable and trust-
ing relationship that can lead
to positive change. First you
will need to find a willing
partner to advocate from
within the community about
Participatory Planning. As
you build rapport within the
group, you will find people
becoming more and more
open to the Participatory
Planning process.
This is the point where you
consider what the commu-
nitys objectives might be
and how you might organize
the process. Youll also be-
gin conversations with others
both within the community
and outside about forming
a team that will help you im-
plement the community
Dont be surprised if this first
step lasts for a few months.
The time spent building alli-
ances and preparing a good
team is crucial and will lead
to more successful Participa-
tory Planning meetings.
Facilitation Hints
Develop Local Support
It sounds obvious, but if members of the community wont support this
sort of process, you will struggle as a facilitator. Without local support,
success will be difficult. Sometimes it will take time to convince them to
try participatory processes. Be patient. You are better off starting a few
months later than without support.
Once youve found a local partner, walk him/her through the process.
Making your partner knowledgeable about participatory tools enables
him/her to advocate for the process within the community.
Determine the Objective
Will this be community-wide, exploring the full gamut of development
needs? Or will this be a study for a particular project such as starting a
functional youth group or selecting which new product to launch? As
you define the objectives, you will be able to determine who are the
right people to participate in meetings, planning, and decisions.
Consider the Community
Ask questions about the sort of community or group that you will work
with. Are the people homogeneous or are there many different ethnic-
ities, religions, and cultures? Do you expect conflict or a positive work-
ing environment? How much time will people have to participate? How
many people do you expect? The answers to these questions will help
you anticipate problems, decide how many people you may need on
your team, and determine the best way to plan for community meetings.

In Schools, Businesses and Organizations
A community is a group of people that are willing to work
together to achieve a common goal, for example:
School Teachers
Womens Craft Group
Family Business
Water Management Team
Management Team
Entire Village
Youth Group
National Park Protectors
Urban Neighborhood
City Council

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 7
Building the Perfect Team
Generally, youll need to have the help of a team of facilitators to properly implement a Participatory Plan-
ning and Action program. Look for team members within the community, at NGOs already present in the
community, or other local organizations. Select and train your team wisely. Assign roles to each team mem-
ber. Your team will need a variety of skills to be successful organizing, observing, interviewing, facilitat-
ing, and analyzing. They will play two key roles during the community meetings facilitators & scribes.
+Ideas & Tools that Work
The Facilitators Role
You will probably be the lead facilitator, but others will help
facilitate small subgroup activities and exercises. You will in-
troduce the objectives of each activity, teach the participants
how to complete each exercise, and ensure that everyone is
participating. You will ask probing questions to encourage re-
sults with deeper meaning. Your enthusiasm should motivate
attendees to participate.
The Scribes Role
Youll need at least one scribe to write down key information
and take detailed notes during meetings. Although scribes re-
cord basic information such as the date, time, number and gen-
der of participants, they play a more important role as listeners
and observers. While community members are involved in an
activity or tool, scribes take detailed notes of what community
members are saying and discussing. They also observe and
make notes about group dynamics. Finally, they write up the
finished results at the end of an activity.
Three to Five Team Members
You need three to five people that can
commit to a series of meetings that may
occur during one week or over a series of
weeks or months.
It is best to have both men and women
and a mix of professional backgrounds.
Try to have members from outside the
community, but include at least one com-
munity member who supports the proc-
You need some who can be good group
facilitators and others who can be insight-
ful observers and scribes. Because team
members will help you analyze the out-
come of each meeting, make sure that the
necessary range of skills is represented
(see below).
Key Skills for Team Members
Facilitators are open minded and non-judgmental
Facilitators manage the process, not the content
Facilitators help the group process its own ideas
Facilitators tap into the groups collective knowl-
Facilitators are energetic, but not authoritarian
Facilitators encourage all to participate
Observers gather information without being intru-
Observers identify information that may need to be
confirmed or questioned
Observers probe about the reliability of information
Observers notice each participants comfort level
Organizers plan meetings and agendas
Organizers ensure that materials, supplies, and meet-
ing spaces are available
Organizers consolidate information
Analyzers pull ideas, facts, or information together
Analyzers see patterns and trends in information
Interviewers demonstrate respect and develop rap-
Interviewers use appropriate and non-threatening
Interviewers listen more than they talk

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 8
Preparing the Community for a Planning Workshop
Work out Good Communication Links
You will need to establish a reliable method for communicating with your local team members and commu-
nity. This will allow you to better coordinate planning and, when it comes time for implementation, to help
link the group with resources you may know about. Sometimes, phone is available, but often the cost of an
international call is prohibitive for some communities. In recent years, rural communities and community-
based organizations have been gaining access to the Internet via satellite or cell phone modems, using these
links to good advantage. Skype and other voice-over-internet communication tools can help you keep in
touch at much lower costs than traditional telephoning.
Set a Convenient Schedule
First, you should determine the schedule for holding a series of community planning meetings. You will need
to balance the availability of your team and the community. It may be that you hold the meetings three con-
secutive evenings from 5 - 9 p.m. Or all day Saturday and Sunday may be best. If the facilitation team lives
nearby, a schedule of one evening or day each week for several weeks is also possible. The process works
best when you implement it over the shortest practical timeline.
If the times and dates of the meetings are not convenient, dont be surprised if no one attends. Farmers can-
not meet early in the morning they are in the fields. Women cannot meet at lunchtime they are making
lunch. Harvest season is not a good time for planning exercises as the meetings pull people away from the
important work of their farms. The rainy season may also be a bad time, depending on the livelihood base of
the community. Village holidays and celebrations might also conflict with peoples availability to come to
meetings. The communication system you have established will allow you to determine the best set of dates.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for preparing the participants
Local leadership and facilitators
met with the Block Development
Officer (BDO) prior to the planning
meeting in Puriang, India. The
BDOs office (which is the equiva-
lent of a county official) controls
many resources and funds that
could be helpful in implementing a
communitys Action Plan.
Obtain Formal and Informal Government Approval for Workshop
Very few programs in community development will have long term and sustainable impact if they try to func-
tion outside of government structures. While politicians and elected officials may not support a program ini-
tially, they want to know what is going on in their territory. Further, if they are aware of the goals of the pro-
gram and they see it getting off to a good start, they are more likely to be helpful in the future if they were
informed at the beginning. Your team should inform district, regional, or state leadership that a team will be
facilitating for a group or community in their area. Schedule these meetings before you begin implementing
the process so that these officials feel informed and included. These leaders will often be crucial to obtaining
the technical or financial resources required to implement the Action Plan.

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 9

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for preparing the participants
Preparing the Community for a Planning Workshop
Explain the Process Well
The more information people have about the process and the tools, the
more likely they are to engage and support participatory planning. In
many parts of the world, the concept of full participation will be new
and can be perceived as threatening to local and regional leadership or
be viewed with doubt by community members themselves. Better
understanding will allow participants and their leaders to feel more
comfortable about Participatory Planning and Action meetings.
Explain the Process to the Community
Use every chance you get to explain how the process works and why
community participation is more likely to lead to successful project
outcomes. This builds allies and excitement before the meetings. You
might want to show examples of case studies to local leaders so that
they have an idea of what to expect.
Explain the Process to Community and Neighborhood Leadership
It is equally important to hold special briefing meetings with village lead-
ers formal and informal so they know about the planning exercises and
to reassure them that the entire community is invited. These briefings ex-
plain that planning workshops have enabled many communities to accom-
plish amazing improvements to their infrastructure or organizational ca-
In conducting these meetings, be aware that political issues should be
considered because the planning workshops could be rejected if these
local leaders perceive them as a threat to their administration. Remind
them that mobilizing an entire community behind their leadership will en-
hance their ability to speak with a louder voice at the regional, state, or
federal level.
Explain the Process to Local, Regional, and State Elected
Briefing political and technical officers to inform them about how the par-
ticipatory planning process works helps advance projects once the com-
munity moves to Action Planning. The challenge for implementation is
often how the Action Plan can be integrated into the development plans
and pre-existing budgets of the municipality, province, or state.
This is the time to stress to these officials that the participatory planning process is designed to help generate
new resources to complement their current development plans and budgets and that community consensus
will make implementing development plans easier and more effective.
Prior to implementing a participatory
planning workshop in Transylvania,
Romania, facilitators met with local
business leaders, NGOs, and mayors
to gain their support.
Dont Let Money
Make sure everyone knows
that the people facilitating
the process are not bringing
money. Instead, they bring
a process that results in
something more powerful --
a plan that the entire com-
munity has agreed upon, will
support, and can implement.

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 10

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for preparing the participants
Preparing the Community for a Planning Workshop
Invite Everyone
When you invite members of the community to attend Participatory Planning & Action meetings, participa-
tion should not be limited. Include as many people as possible. Success is more likely when participation
is community-wide. Encourage everyone to attend men, women, people of all political parties, people
of all faiths, young people, and formal and informal community leaders. Let them know that an impartial
facilitator will lead each session and that this facilitator is there to listen to everyones point of view.
Dont Forget about Publicity
Prepare an invitation or announcement for the entire
community that can be distributed to all potential
residents who might wish to come. This should be
distributed at least one month before the workshop. It
can also be posted in schools, community centers,
shops, churches, and perhaps bars or restaurants if the
community is large enough to have such places. These
notices should be prepared in the local languages.
These announcements can be read at community group
meetings or at church services.
Just prior to the workshop, a small team of people
should go door-to-door to remind people, generate
excitement, and increase attendance at the first
Prepare the Schedule
Prepare the schedule in advance so people know what sort of a time commitment they are expected to
make. Several sessions are usually required. It works best if the sessions can be implemented over the
shortest possible time frame. The schedule for three consecutive evenings might look something like the
First Session (Thursday 6:30 pm 10:00 pm)
Complete the exercises and tools for the Assessment and Discussion Steps (Steps 2-4). The
group will prepare sketch maps, calendars, an institutional analysis, and an accomplishment
list by working together and in small breakout groups.
Second Session (Friday 6:30 pm 10:00 pm)
Complete the exercises and tools for the first two Decision Making and Planning Steps (Steps
5-6). The group will prepare a detailed needs analysis and come to consensus about its high-
est priority needs.
Third Session (Saturday 6:30 pm 10:00 pm)
Complete the exercises and tools for the final Assessment and Discussion Step (Step 7). The
group will analyze the problems surrounding their highest priority needs and draft action
plans to address these needs. They will work in both large and small breakout groups.

Step 1 Preparing the Participants page 11

The First Meeting
This community meeting sets the stage, so think carefully about how to conduct it and how to get good atten-
dance. Avoid any activities that could cause disagreements or conflict. Instead, start off with activities that
break down barriers and encourage people to interact outside the traditional boundaries of gender, class,
ethnicity, or education.
Avoid Meeting Apathy
Everyone hates meetings. They are necessary, but can be boring and
unorganized. Dont let your Participatory Planning and Actions meet-
ings be like the typical meeting weve all attended. Make them fun.
Make them interactive. Have an agenda. Keep notes and dont run
over the time limit. And, dont be afraid to use food to lure people
into participating. This can be a great way to encourage women to
show up to meetings they might normally be timid about attending - if
they have been asked to prepare juice or a snack, they have a reason
for being there. Food can also be used to celebrate success at the
end of a series of meetings.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for preparing the participants
Boring, but Necessary - Logistics
It is often helpful if outside facilitators stay in the community during the
community meetings rather than commuting from another town or staying
in a hotel. Staying in the community allows them to build trust while be-
friending people in a casual environment. If you are staying in a rural
community, make sure that outside facilitators pack appropriately for the
climate bedding, towels, personal hygiene materials, toilet paper, first
aid kit, mosquito repellent, bed nets, etc.
Food and Water
If the community is unable to provide enough food for any visiting team
members, facilitators should bring enough food for their stay. They
should bring drinking water or be prepared to purify local water.
Depending on what the community can supply, you may need to bring
some or all of the supplies needed to facilitate Participatory Planning &
Action. Be creative and dont worry if you cant find or afford everything
on the list. Chalk on a floor or a stick in the dirt can work well in a pinch
or on a budget.
Flip chart paper (lots)
Markers (5 sets)
3x5 cards or Stickies
Field notebooks for team
Map of the Area
Colored Paper
Masking Tape
Pens & Pencils
Flashlights and Batteries
Ruler (for preparing charts)
Paper Clips
Beans (for ranking in non-
literate communities)
Transylvanian women served home-
made sweets to celebrate three nights
of successful meetings.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 12
Step 2:
Individual community resi-
dents already know a great
deal about their needs and
have ideas about how to
solve them. However, this
information needs to be
shared with everyone in the
community. It must be
made available to everyone,
organized, and recorded. It
also needs to be seen from a
variety of perspectives.
People tend to know
things from their own point
of view. Others may not yet
be aware of their ideas.
The first activities in any
Participatory Planning Meet-
ings are designed to share
community information
among all participants. The
meeting generally kicks off
by collecting knowledge
about the community and its
There are many tools that
can be used, including
mapping, timelines, calen-
dars, gender task analyses,
or matrices. All are de-
signed to make the partici-
pants comfortable working
together. If they can work
well together at this stage,
they are more likely to im-
plement their Action Plan.
Facilitation Hints
Make Participation Comfortable for Everyone
Because this may be the first time these people have gathered together
for a community-wide meeting, its important to set an inclusive tone
right away. This is particularly important in communities where the
ideas of women, the poor, or youth are often disregarded. Make sure
that everyone feels included and has an opportunity to participate. One
of the best ways to do this is to break into subgroups so that people
work with those they are comfortable by sex, age, or ethnicity.
Everyone Must Feel their Ideas are Important
Let every subgroup present their work to the whole group. It lets them
know that their opinions and ideas matter. This may be the first time that
women, young people or the poor have been able to present in front of a
group. They may be shy, but listening to their ideas is worthwhile. It
sets the stage for working together on any action plans.
Listen for Community Strengths and Needs
The exercises you conduct in this step allow participants to discuss their
community openly and in a non-threatening manner. The facilitator and
scribe must listen closely to what is being said during these exercises.
Most of the communitys needs will be discussed during the exercises.
You will learn about what the community has achieved in the past and
how they worked together to implement their accomplishments.
In Schools, Businesses, and Organizations
Maps help people understand the strengths, challenges,
and resources in facilities, neighborhoods, classrooms,
and the broader community. They help businesses un-
derstand distances to clusters of customers. They iden-
tify routes for getting goods and services to market.
Maps help youth groups understand where young people
go to play and hang out, places that are popular, and
places that are unsafe.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 13

Information +Ideas & Tools that Work
Mapping and Beyond
Community Mapping
One particularly effective tool is the Community Map. Participatory mapping allows a group to share infor-
mation about a geographic location. Because everyone knows his or her community, drawing a Community
Map is a stimulating exercise to start the session. It allows groups to create shared knowledge. Because it is
a visual and verbal process, it encourages all members of the community men, women, and youth; rich and
poor; young and old; educated and illiterate to be part of the process.
When preparing a Community Map, participants draw a map of their community, its infrastructure, schools,
key agricultural institutions, fields, water supplies, etc. During this process, the discussion invariably turns to
their accomplishments, but may also point out things that arent working well for them. The facilitators and
scribes listen and quietly record these accomplishments and needs. When groups work together to create a
map, they create more than just a map the mapping process creates an open forum for discussion and shar-
ing information.
Looks dont matter when youre making a map. Its
the content and the discussion that occurs while
drawing it that are important. Eleven women cre-
ated this farm map in Avalos Sanchez, Paraguay. It
shows a typical farm, including fruit trees, animals,
dogs, vegetable gardens, latrines, and the well. The
lines show where products go (for home consump-
tion, to market, or to feed animals). They also show
who does what (men, women, children). The
womens map looked quite different from the mens.
Choose Your Tools
Although maps are the most commonly used tools for information gather-
ing, many others are available. As facilitator, you will likely choose sev-
eral of these to use with your group:
Maps - to collect geographic information
Seasonal Calendars - to understand annual patterns
Activity Schedules - to learn how people spend their time
Histories - to understand projects and communities over time
Trend Lines - to gain insight into trends over time
Surveys - to collect detailed information from individuals or households

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 14

Making the map and then analyzing its contents provided time to discuss needs in Puriang, India. They included the lack of a
nearby water source, the extremely poor condition of the road leading to the fields, and lack of sanitation facilities. Partici-
pants also noted that there were not many small industries in the village. The mapping process enabled the group to highlight
the villages accomplishments. For example, the community now has ten schools, including secondary education.
Use Community Maps to:
Identify infrastructure and basic services.
Identify existing resources.
Show boundaries, distances, and neigh-
boring communities.
Identify subgroup differences in percep-
tions, needs, and access to resources and
power centers.
Show places of importance, places where
they like to be, and places they dislike.
Identify places that are safe and those
that are unsafe.
Show where people gather daily,
weekly, and rarely.
Identify what they would like to have
(land, school, clinic, store, transport,
employment opportunities, etc.).

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information

The men of a small community in northeast India created this map.
The mens map identified virtually every square foot where rice was
planted. They also detailed the community forest. This suggested that
the men were interested in depicting sources of income. The womens
map focused more on services, with electrical poles highlighted,
churches carefully represented, and schools located.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 15
More Maps
Depending on the objective of your work, you can create many different types of participatory maps.
Regional Maps
Regional Maps show a larger area. They highlight resources
outside of the communitys geographic boundaries and their
connection to the community.
Household/Farm Maps
Household/Farm Maps indicate the use of resources and the
roles of family members in household and farm activities.
Thematic Maps
Thematic Maps can show such things as natural resources,
crop location, migration trends, customer locations, disease
prevalence, customer locations, or market trends.
Future Maps
Future Maps create a vision for the community or organiza-
tion. This may be helpful when you begin action planning.
It also is a useful tool when working with different subgroups
to share diverse perspectives on what they desire. A future
map is a great tool to use with youth.
Social Maps
These types of maps indicate a communitys social charac-
teristics such as economic well-being, living arrangements,
education, health, access to food and water, and religious or
social class characteristics. Drawing a social map can create
conflict -- so think carefully before creating one of these and
be prepared to facilitate actively.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information

Residents of Bencd, Romania wear their coats to keep warm in their
primary school as they create a Community Map. The woman in this
photo, Roszika, was one of only three women who attended the first
community meeting. The other village women did not believe that
they were wanted at a community meeting. After Roszika told them
that she got to fully participate and that her opinions were listened to,
the women of the village attended all future meetings.

This Social Map indicates health, income, and
educational levels in the community of Fortn
Falcn, Paraguay.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 16

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information
Community members in Big Falls, Belize
highlighted the things they disliked, such as
the plantation, due to the pollution it
causes. They also listed things they would
like to have, such as a health center, police
station, an Internet cafe, and electricity to
part of the town.
More Mapping Examples
Community History
This tool allows participants to remember how things
began and reflect on how far the community or
group has come. They can quickly identify both
positive and negative changes in the community.
This exercise generally creates pride and is often a
great tool to use early on. While preparing the time-
line, encourage conversation about the meaning of
these changes. This is an excellent tool to create
understanding and appreciation between older
people and younger people.
Village elders in Kyrdem, India discussed the history of their
community. The discussion highlighted the difficulties brought
on by numerous health crises, ranging from cholera to malaria
to small pox. It also pointed to a number of community ac-
complishments over the years.

Residents of Fels!rkos, Romania
created this map. The village is lo-
cated quite close to a now aban-
doned open pit coal mine which is
causing environmental problems for
the people in the area. The waste
from the mine has contaminated
many natural springs. Discussion
also brought up the fact that the for-
ests were mismanaged and clear-cut
during the Communist era. Now that
the land has been returned to the
community, they are implementing
new systems of forest management,
but re-forestation has not yet been
Community History
Fortn Gondra, Paraguay
1974 Arrival of Father Francisco Bosh, who has the idea of creat-
ing a settlement. It took more than 20 years to buy the
land and start settling it.
1990 Arrival of first settler, due to Father Bosh and the Oblatos
de Maria Congregation which bought the land and divided
it into 30 family lots. First clearing and measuring.
1991 Major flood. More settlements. Better access to homes.
1992 More road access.
1993 Land for the school established. Arrival of settling families.
The old school was built with labor from the community.
Began second road.
1994 5-6 families moved away. PRODECHACO built 4 community
stock ponds and started pasture project with 4 families.
1997 Second PRODECHACO project for pasture with 7 families.
1998 Major flooding (500 mm) on March 21. Some families
moved due to the flooding. Parts of town were under water
for 2-3 months. Road closed for 10 months. Helicopters
brought provisions & help. A serious drought came at the
end of 1998. It did not rain for 9 months. The Mennonites
truck entered the village to pick up milk at the first houses.
1999 The drought continued.
2000 More drought. PRODECHACO built a community well. The
teacher's house was built. OISCA's project for the con-
struction of the new school began. Father Sander donated
2 hectares of titled land for the school.
2001 Finished building the new school. It began to rain. The milk
trucks began entering most of the way through the com-
munity. The project to obtain electricity began.
$ %
Coal Mine
Lumber Mill Malom Street
Milk Collection
Cable Office
Post Office Town Hall
Office Shop New
Fire Station
Old Bank
Cattle Stock
Stable Gym
Kormos River

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 17

Seasonal Calendars
Seasonal calendars help you understand seasonal
demands and patterns. Create a seasonal calen-
dar when you want to:
Understand seasonal variations in labor, income,
and expenditures.
See patterns in weather, water, crop production,
animal diseases, available resources (natural &
human), or human health in a larger context.
You may also ask community members to divide
into subgroups women, men, youth, older peo-
ple to create multiple seasonal calendars.
When the calendars are compared, everyone
learns about annual responsibilities from multiple

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information

An annual activity calendar also provides clues about when
people are available to provide time and labor for community
projects. In the case of this African community, scheduling
residents for a building project in April would not be a good
idea. There is simply very little labor available. More community
members would be available to donate their time in July.
This composite calendar from Fortn Gondra, Para-
guay shows activities that occur in their community
throughout the year, including weather, cropping
patterns, pastures, ranging, holidays, events,
school schedules, and illnesses. This visual tool
helped people begin to discuss issues and plan for
solutions with a picture in front of them.
You can use this type of calendar to analyze gen-
der differences as well by writing the symbol for
men or women next to the activities for which they
are responsible.
All participants gather to review the calendar created by
the women in Fortn Gondra, Paraguay. Later, the women
listened to the men report on their calendar.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 18

Daily Activity Schedule - Nagbinlod
Mens View on Women
6 am cooking, sweeping,
8 am laundry
10 am cooking
11 am eating lunch
12 pm sleeping
2 pm manghipos sa hi-
3 pm ironing
4 pm loto
5 pm sweeping
6 pm supper
7 pm resting
8 pm - sleeping
Womens View on Women
Breast feeding
Doing laundry
Cooking housecleaning
Grazing livestock
Gathering firewood for fuel
Collecting water
Manogqway og hayop
Child care
Praying before sleep
Grinding/winnowing corn

Daily or Weekly Activity Schedule
Daily and Weekly Schedules can
provide information on exactly
what individuals do during the
day. When subgroups create and
share their individual daily
calendars of activities, they learn
and appreciate the differences by
age, gender, occupation, or social
class. Discussing this information
among the entire group creates
understanding and appreciation of
everyones work.
Schedule information can help
identify when human resources
are available as well as help
individuals and groups discover
ways to better use their time.
Schedule information also helps
you create convenient meeting
schedules and is useful when
developing the timeline for
implementing action plans.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information
In Nagbinlod, the men were more familiar
with what the women do during the early
mornings and evening. They are less able
to detail their activities during the rest of
the day. These types of exercises give eve-
ryone in the community a better under-
standing of how time is spent. It sets the
foundation for respecting that the needs of
women are just as important as the needs
of men.

Step 2 - Sharing Information - page 19

Trend Lines
This is another simple visual tool to obtain historical data about a community. Trend lines are simple to con-
struct and can quickly show the historical, economic, or social changes that have occurred in the community
over time. Use them to encourage residents to reflect on the changes that have taken place in their commu-
nity and to start a conversation on the meaning of those changes.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for sharing information
Community members from Arkos analyzed their communitys progress since the fall of communism. After the end of centralized
planning and cooperative farming, the community regained control of their land which led to greater agricultural productivity. Unfor-
tunately, as the central government stopped providing many essential services, residents no longer had access to health care.
The facilitation team conducted a very
detailed house-by-house survey in Nag-
binlod to enhance their understanding of
the village prior to the participatory plan-
ning meetings. A snapshot of some re-
sults is shown (left). Village households
spend most time collecting water and
buying household goods. This community
eventually selected water as its number
one priority. This survey data suggests
that their priority is well-chosen. They
spend little time selling produce, confirm-
ing that their farm income is low. Given
the fertility of the soils, future focus on
road improvement might make marketing
crops easier.



Time Spent in Household Activities
Nagbinlod, The Philippines
Household Surveys
Formal household surveys can also be used to collect data about a community and its well-being. A variety of
topics can be explored such as type of land ownership, household income, and type of land preparation.
These surveys help create a robust picture of the community and its needs.
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Step 3 Identifying Resources page 20

In Schools, Businesses and Organizations
For businesses, Institutional Analysis helps explain the relationships
between customers, suppliers, and departments. In schools, they
can show how clubs, parents associations, and teachers associations
work together. In not-for-profit organizations, they can show rela-
tionships between the board of directors, operating managers, out-
side donors, and supporting organizations.
Step 3:
If you understand the orga-
nizations that exist in a
community, you gain key
insights into community life
and the activities in which
people participate. One of
the key resources that com-
munities have are their pre-
existing community institu-
tions, groups, and organiza-
tions. Many of these institu-
tions already meet on a
regular basis, are highly
functioning and effective or-
ganizations. Others may not
yet have reached their full
potential, but may need to
for effective implementation
of Action Plans.
The local community or vil-
lage council will usually
play an important role, but
other groups can as well.
These institutions range
from churches to schools,
from the police to a forest
association, or from a youth
group to the town soccer
team. Once the community
moves onto Action Planning,
this step will show partici-
pants that they do have or-
ganizations that already ex-
ist that can be mobilized to-
wards action.
Facilitation Hints
Explain that They are Already Organized
Many times small communities feel that they arent organized to imple-
ment change. They dont realize that they already have a set of highly
functioning institutions that meet on a regular basis. You may need to
give them examples of the types of institutions or organizations that you
are looking for. These organizations may be a womens crafts group, a
water board, a soccer team, the village council, board of directors, or a
Talk in Detail about Their Institutions
One of the best ways for determining community resources is to conduct
an Institutional Analysis. A Venn Diagram is the tool most frequently
used to help a community create a pictorial view of the organizations and
influential individuals that impact their communities. There are several
basic approaches that use Venn Diagrams. One is simple and analyzes
only the organizations within the community. The second looks at institu-
tions and individuals both within and outside of the community.
Show that Existing Organizations are Resources
During the process, encourage people to discuss whether they think ex-
isting organizations have the capability to work on other projects in the

Step 3 Identifying Resources page 21

Institutional Analysis
Simple Venn Diagram
Simple Venn Diagrams can provide a lot of informa-
tion about community institutions. To create one,
break residents into teams and ask them to visually
draw all the organizations that exist in their village.
Larger circles indicate the strongest and most influ-
ential community institutions. Smaller circles show
less influential or smaller institutions. Then show
linkages between organizations that work well to-
gether by drawing them closer together.
In-Depth Venn Diagram
A more complex Venn Diagram also includes the
outside groups and individuals that impact the com-
munity. The largest circle indicates the boundary of
the community. Organizations, groups, and people
from the community are placed within this circle.
Managed carefully, a good facilitator can ask the
group to indicate the quality of the relationships and
links that each entity has with the community (very
good, neutral, not so good) on the diagram. This
process can bring up issues, so be prepared to ne-
gotiate conflict. Participants can also create a wish
list by adding to the map the organizations they
wish existed.
+Ideas & Tools that Work
This Institutional Analysis from Malingin, The Philippines
showed that four institutions were viewed as the most influen-
tial - the Barangay (village) Council, schools, religious groups,
and money lenders. Participants placed these centers of influ-
ence at a distance from each other, an indication that each is
influential, but that they may not always collaborate.
This Venn Diagram was created in Fortn Falcn,
Paraguay. The small circles indicate groups while
the triangles indicate individuals. Some of the
individuals are opinion leaders rather than
elected leaders.
Blue linkages indicate good working relationships,
yellow indicate normal ones, and red indicate
those that could be improved. The dashed lines
show relationships that do not exist, but should
for proper community development.

Step 3 Identifying Resources page 22

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for identifying resources
Identifying Effective Institutions
Venn diagrams can help facilitators and community
members identify the institutions that are the best or-
ganized and most likely to successfully implement
large projects in the future.

Noticing What is Missing
Sometimes it is not what is in the diagram that is im-
portant, but rather what is missing. Facilitators
should look for organizations that normally exist in
communities and ask questions if these institutions
are not represented.

Residents of Fels!rkos, Romania considered the
institutions in grey to be the best organized. In
other words, they were key community assets.
When the community wrote its Action Plan, the
Forest Association took a leadership role in man-
aging the planning and creation of a village water
system. The Womens Group decided that they
could use their existing organization to improve
the health clinic. Usually, the mayor or local coun-
cil runs these types of programs. What Fels!rkos
decided to do was mobilize other groups to assist
community leaders in implementing a larger num-
ber of programs simultaneously.

In Puriang, India, the Institutional Analysis showed
a number of organizations. Participants ranked
the institutions that were most important. They
did the same for the key influencers that were
regional in nature, but not directly part of the
community. Although the community had a num-
ber of organizations that were working in poverty
reduction, it did not have a Village Development
Committee (VDC). In northeast India, a functioning
VDC is required to obtain funding for numerous
government-sponsored development programs,
including infrastructure and job creation. The
community may need to include a VDC in their
Action Plan.

School &
unlon of

Step 3 Identifying Resources page 23

Finding Relationships that Work
Institutional Analysis reveals a great deal about a community and how its members work together to achieve
success. When a facilitator notices a community that is used to working well together, it is an indication that it
can take on more difficult and long-range projects.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for identifying resources
Finding Relationships that Can Be Improved
Institutional Analysis often gives a community a structured method to identify which institutions interact with
one another and who are the key influencers who can impact the community.
This Venn Diagram from Belize shows
groups within (blue) and outside (yel-
low) the community. The participants
added their thoughts about how the
relationships between groups were
functioning (very good, good, not so
good, or bad).
The women from the Unitarian-
Universalist Church of The Philippines
drew a Venn Diagram to identify the
programs that their social action
committee uses to help alleviate pov-
erty Negros Island communities.
In the case of Doldol in The Philippines, probably the most signifi-
cant item to notice is the central role of the Barangay (village)
Council. There are nearly forty groups and institutions working in
the community. Many of these groups work closely with the Ba-
rangay Council to implement community improvements, while
others tackle issues of great social and socioeconomic impor-
tance. The youth have a program that focuses on the develop-
ment issues of out-of-school youth. There is an active and produc-
tive womens organization that focuses on building livelihood pro-
grams and collaborates with groups dealing with the protection of
children and preventing abuse of women. Men are active in the
fathers organization and also assist with keeping peace and or-
der. The senior citizens have mobilized to support the school-
feeding program. All community groups, under the coordination of
the Barangay Council, were consulted during the preparation of
Doldols Development Plan that lays out its hopes for the future.
All of this activity reflects a community that is used to working
together to find ways to solve problems and present proposals to
local and provincial officials that will continue to spur develop-
ment. This institutional analysis shows that Doldol is ready to
tackle complicated projects.

Step 4 - Envisioning a Future page 24
Step 4:
a Future
After several long hours and
meetings, the participants
have been discussing their
community in great detail.
In this step, you add exer-
cises that allow participants
to begin thinking about a
better and different future.
The tools used here are de-
signed to build the groups
confidence and spirit about
the future before they move
on to the Decision Making
and Planning Steps.
No decisions are made at
this time, but the discus-
sions are focused on past
accomplishments and future
dreams. You will use a
combination of activities that
encourage indidivual reflec-
tion as well as group con-
sideration about these suc-
cesses and thoughts.
This step makes use of Ap-
preciative Inquiry tech-
niques that encourage par-
ticipants to feel confident
that they can work together
to improve their future.
Facilitation Hints
Focus on the Future
The tools used in this step are based upon the principles of Apprecia-
tive Inquiry. They allow participants to step away from the discussion
of what life is like today and engage in activities that encourage them
to turn towards the future. You will be asking them to imagine a dif-
ferent and better future.
Motivate them to Create a Better Future
The tools you have used in the previous steps have started conversa-
tions where participants frankly and collaboratively discuss their com-
munity. Many of the communitys needs have been identified; more
will come to light as the planning meetings continue. Often, they can
seem nearly impossible to overcome. It can even be demoralizing for
people to think about a long list of needs.
In this step you use tools that ask them to focus on the positive. The
goal of this step is to assure them that they can help build a better fu-
ture. Your goal is to build the communitys confidence about imple-
menting change.
Remind Them of Their Past Success
You will ask them to analyze their past achievements and determine
how they have achieved those successes. These successes show that
they are powerful and have the ability to change their communities
and their lives.

In Schools, Organizations, and Businesses
In school, the group can focus on student successes
or building improvements. Small businesses can
look at past growth patterns or customer growth.
Community organizations can review their previous
contributions to the residents they support.

Step 4 - Envisioning a Future page 25

a Future

Listing Accomplishments
+Ideas & Tools that Work

Reasons Why People Like Living in Puriang
I was born here and it is my homeland
We have enough food
Unlike some villages, we have enough water - even in
the dry season
There are enough places to work
! We have a better climate than other villages. We are
high up on the hills so there are fewer mosquitoes and
Accomplishment Lists
One good way to get a group focused on the positive is to re-
view their accomplishments over time. You can ask them to
list community accomplishments for the past twenty years.
Where applicable, list the organization or individual who was
instrumental in implementing that accomplishment.
Sometimes, more focused accomplishments are helpful. For
example, you could focus business accomplishments on spe-
cific areas such as costs, quality, or new customers.

A group of men in Kyrdem, India prepared their list
of accomplishments over the last few years.
Reflection and Sharing
Another easy exercise is simply to ask people to list what they
like about their community, jobs, or organization. It is a sim-
ple and quick way to add positive energy to a conversation.
Regional District Council lead-
ers took time out while writing
their Action Plan to reflect on
their many accomplishments
by building a wall of accom-
Participants worked individu-
ally to create their list of ac-
complishments. Then, they
were pasted on the wall and
compiled into broad themes.
Puriang, India residents created this list of
positive attributes of their village. Despite
the poverty, lack of jobs, and lack of health
care, they are thankful that they are able to
grow enough food and have a healthier
climate due to their hillside location. De-
spite the two-hour round trip walk to the
spring in the dry season, they are thankful
that they have water throughout the year.
Accomplishments -
Kyrdem Communities
Community Hall
School Buildings
Church Buildings
Water Tap
Electric Current
Foot Path
County Feeder
Cultivating Land
Public Distribution of
Food for Poor
Cultivated Fields
are Productive
Community Forest
Day Care Center
New Shops
Bus Waiting Shed
Community Forest

Step 4 - Envisioning a Future page 26

Sharing Individual Visions
For most of the exercises so far, participants have worked in
groups. But individual work also gives people time for
thoughtful consideration about personal hopes for the future.
You can create a short list of questions that participants can
prepare before they come to the meetings. The facilitators col-
lects the responses and shares these thoughts, usually anony-
mously, with the group. Normally the results are both inspiring
and more cohesive than participants might imagine.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for envisioning a future
Sample of Responses to Pre-Workshop Assignment
Imagine that the Faith in Action (FIA) department is very successful in the next 5 years. Write a description of the
departments accomplishments as you hope they will be in the future. List how many communities are impacted, the
number of people who are involved, the activities implemented, and the actions that FIA will have achieved.
The Faith in Action (FIA) committee of the Unitarian-Universalist Church in The Philippines is the organization dedicated to alle-
viating poverty among its communities. The FIA committee had been working for a few years, but wanted to update its vision
and mission for the future. All attendees of the Participatory Planning and Action meetings answered a few questions in a Pre-
Workshop Assignment. The goal was to show that all committee members had an extremely positive view of the future.

Step 4 - Envisioning a Future page 27

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for envisioning a future
Sharing Personal Dreams
Asking individuals to share their personal dreams is another method to get participants to focus on the future.
People can either write these goals as stories or draw them. With less-literate populations, drawings usually
work better. For organizations or small businesses, written stories can be extremely inspiring. When these
dreams and stories are shared, people are often surprised to find that they share the same goals.
Sharing Collective Dreams
Groups or communities can also create a vision of their collective dreams or goals through stories or draw-
ings. They can create excitement about the future and how success will positively affect the lives of each
Appreciative Inquiry Exercise
Work with a partner.
Share a story about a time when you worked
together as a team to accomplish something.
What values does this represent about that
Taking turns, listen to your partners story.
What weve done successfully in the past, we can
do successfully again.
Weve worked well together in the past. We can
work together again.!
Appreciative Inquiry Exercises
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a field of study of its own.
Numerous AI exercises build positive energy for
change in groups and individuals. They are designed
to show people that they have the power to create
change in their communities. They assume that peo-
ple, groups, and communities will be successful. They
encourage people to look at their assets and believe
that they are strong. They presume that people will
collaborate towards success.
AI exercises can be done in a large group or in pairs.
The box to the right is an exercise that is best done in
pairs engaging in thoughtful conversations.
Each woman in a jam-making
cooperative in Paraguay created
her own vision for how her fam-
ilys lives would improve when the
jam factory became a successful
business. In one individual vision,
the woman indicated her dream
for a better home, more cattle
and goats, a modern latrine, and
clean drinking water. Later the
women collectively created their
collective dream for the jam fac-
tory to support their personal

Step 5 - Analyzing Needs page 28
Step 5:
Completing a needs as-
sessment helps community
members identify their de-
sires, needs, or problems.
A list of issues may be
developed by discussion or
from analyzing the informa-
tion you have gathered and
organized about the com-
munity and its institutions.
During this step, you will
want to encourage lots of
discussion about the items
on the list. Discussion
leads to better understand-
ing of the issues and the
perspectives of men,
women, youth, and other
subgroups about their de-
velopment needs.
Make sure that all needs,
large or small, are placed
on the list at this point.
Later in the process, the
group as a whole will de-
cide which ones to address
first. For now, all needs
must be considered as im-
portant because they mat-
ter to the person or people
who listed them.

Facilitation Hints
Start with Their Words
By listening carefully and taking good notes throughout the meetings
you have facilitated, it should be easy to say, Ive heard a lot of people
mention that safe drinking water would benefit this community. The
facilitator should try to echo what community members have already
said they need or want to improve.
Look for Common Needs
At this early stage, encourage people to list anything they can think of.
There is no need to prioritize right away. By listening to everyone and
getting a broad range of ideas, you can identify common needs. Finding
collective needs will help inspire action as the community works on
items of importance for everyone.
Have an Open Conversation
The tools you have used in the previous steps will have opened a con-
versation about the nature of the communitys strengths as well its needs
without ever asking the direct question, What do you need? The an-
swer to that question can make people feel that they are dependent on
outsiders to help them with their needs. What you have been doing
through this participatory process is highlighting their strengths, their
organizations, and their resources. Facilitated properly, the group
should now be working well together well enough that they can
frankly and collaboratively discuss community needs.
In Schools, Organizations, and Businesses
Listing needs and looking at causes of problems works in
any sort of organization. Businesses may need better ac-
counting systems, lower costs, or higher quality. A school
may need a library, improved training in reading tech-
niques, or more involved parents.

Step 5 - Analyzing Needs page 29

Listing Community Needs
+Ideas & Tools that Work
Create a Community Needs List
One good way to get the list of needs started is
to have the scribes create a chart based on
what theyve heard community members say-
ing they need. The scribes list is the commu-
nitys starting point and serves as the basis for
the full list of needs that all participants create.
Participants start with this list and then brain-
storm what is missing.
If the list of needs is extremely long, the facilita-
tors may want to group the needs into catego-
ries. It will often make it easier for the partici-
pants to work with when they start prioritization

This list states the communitys view
of its needs. Most were developed
during the community mapping exer-
cise, but the institutional analysis and
timelines clarified and refined their
thinking. Because about thirty needs
were listed, a small group of Arkos
residents was assigned to group
them into ten categories.
After working through a variety of participatory tools, including
mapping and institutional analyses, community representatives
from Al-Hadhar, Iraq created a list of their needs.

Building schools
School rehabilitation &
Equip the medical
Rehabilitation of
sewage system
Paving and coating the
Construction of
Clearing the debris
Supply big containers
Supply and fix power
Cultural courses for
Parks rehabilitation
Electricity/solar lights
! Disabilities"
List of Unranked Needs
Al-Hadhar Neighborhood
Baghdad, Iraq
Unranked Needs in Arkos, Romania
Lack of cultural life no social events
Lack of a club for elderly
No organized local fire protection
No local association of farmers
No NGOs working in Arkos
Unorganized Sport Life
Bowling team is not organized and
Poor facilities, especially football
Healthcare System
No full-time healthcare staff
Lack of health care system
Diseases at change of season
Income Generation
Lack of employment
Lack of economic development
Pension is very small
Palace (Tourism)
Does not belong to community
Inadequate Education
Lack of hygiene in school
No physical education
No library in school
No playground
Insufficient Services
Infrequent bus schedule
Telephone service does not extend to
all houses
Garbage in streets, dump near farm
Weak Infrastructure
No sewage or natural gas system
Inadequate water
Unpaved roads
Limited Youth Social Activities
No place for youth at night no pubs,
movies, or dance facilities
Insufficient Legal Services
No accountability
No legal services

Step 5 - Analyzing Needs page 30

Example - Khasi Hills, India
This page and the following page contain an example of facili-
tating Step 5 from the Khasi community of Puriang. It shows
how it is easier for participants to start with a needs list pre-
pared by the facilitation team who listened carefully to what
people were saying about their community and its needs dur-
ing the Assessment & Discussion phase (Steps 2-4).

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for analyzing needs

Not all village children attend school
Low teacher salaries
Teacher grants for salaries
Health Care Systems
No health services for village
Not many people to teach health skills in the
Not many people with knowledge of health
in the village
No pharmacy in village
No regular health worker visits
High costs for health care and transportation
Seasonal diseases like cholera & dysentery
Water Supply
Carrying water takes a lot of time
No water supply into the village
Agricultural Prices
Crops sell at very low prices at harvest time
Middleman makes all the money
No storage facilities to sell crops at a differ-
ent time
No food processing facilities (to can toma-
toes or make finished product to sell at
higher prices)
Recreational Facilities
Sports facilities could be improved
No recreational center
A place for cultural events
Small Industries/Income Generat-
ing Activities
Not many small industries
Not many ways to earn an income except
Road to Sung
The road to the fields is unpaved
No garbage site
Not many latrines
Not everyone has sanitation educa-
Capacity Building
No training for village groups in how to work
cooperatively to achieve goals
No training for men and women in parenting
or family planning

Preliminary List of Unranked Needs for Participant Review
One of the three groups reviews the prelimi-
nary list of unranked needs. They added
several more village needs to the list.
Based on the discussion generated using participatory tools, the facilitators
compiled a draft list of approximately 25 needs. Because the list was long,
the needs were reshaped into nine categories. This list and the categories
were reviewed and discussed by three smaller groups of participants. The
discussion was lively and they identified many additional needs. These
were added to the original list to compile a complete list of unranked

Step 5 - Analyzing Needs page 31

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for analyzing needs
Final List of Unranked Needs

Not all village children attend school
Low teach salaries
Teacher grants for salaries
No school bus
No night school
Low family income to support education
Lack of teaching aids and materials
Dropouts are increasing
Health Care Systems
No health services for village
Not many people to teach health skills in the
Not many people with knowledge of health in
the village
No pharmacy in village
No regular health worker visits
High costs for health care and transportation
Seasonal diseases like cholera and dysentery
No sub-center/dispensary (government)
No medicine in PHC
No ambulance
Water Supply
Carrying water takes a lot of time
No water supply into the village
No agricultural chemicals and fertilizers
No seed bank
Recreational Facilities
Sports facilities could be improved
No recreational center
A place for cultural events
Agricultural Prices
Crops sell at very low prices at harvest time
Middleman makes all the money
No storage facilities to sell crops at a different
No food processing facilities (to can tomatoes
or make finished product to sell at higher
Small Industries/Income Generating
Not many small industries
Not many ways to earn an income except ag-
Lack of entrepreneurs tailor, barber, forge,
Road to Sung
The road to the fields is unpaved
No garbage site
Not many latrines
Not everyone has sanitation educa-
No cooking gas
No washing place/platform
Capacity Building
No training for village groups in how to work
cooperatively to achieve goals
! No training for men and women in parenting
or family planning"
Example Khasi Hills, India (cont.)

The three smaller groups added several concerns including the lack of small businesses and services in the community. Peo-
ple wished there was a tailor, a barber, a blacksmith, and an agricultural supply shop. The youth were vocal in making sure that
two additional educational concerns of theirs were added to the list the lack of a school bus during the monsoon season and
a desire for night classes so young people who must work the fields during the day could complete their education in the eve-
ning. Additional health concerns were also added, focusing on the difficulty of getting medicines or ambulance transportation.

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 32
Step 6:
One of the key strengths of
the Participatory Planning
and Action process is that it
brings people together and
minimizes the local conflicts
that exist in nearly every
community. Conflict must
be minimized so that the en-
tire community can agree
on its highest priority needs
for development.
With the list of needs devel-
oped, it is time to prioritize
the items. Invariably, dif-
ferences of opinion will exist
and its important to get
them out in the open. Its
natural that individuals will
have different perspectives
about what is their highest
priority. For long-term suc-
cess, the group needs to de-
termine their collective pri-
orities. Try to minimize the
disagreements that can
arise during prioritization
by using consensus building
tools such as Pairwise Rank-
Eventually, the results of the
Pairwise Ranking exercise
will allow the entire com-
munitys most important
priorities to emerge.

Facilitation Hints
Use a Structured Tool
A structured tool is crucial to minimize conflict while deciding be-
tween priorities. Pairwise Ranking is excellent when the group is large
and when the choices span a wide range of topics. Matrices can be
used with smaller groups who are working with narrowly defined
choices such as selecting between business opportunities or crops.
Use Pairwise Ranking
One of the best ways for building consensus is Pairwise Ranking. This
technique works well because each needs importance is discussed
and considered. Pairwise Ranking assumes all needs are important,
but still must be prioritized. This tool never asks participants to vote
because voting can create winning and losing ideas than can harden
conflict rather than reduce it.
Call a Tie
If the debate over priorities gets heated, cut it off quickly before tem-
pers flare. It is often difficult to decide which is of higher priority
when both needs are important. Instead, let them both be equally
important. Acknowledge that both are critical needs, validate that
having different opinions is fine, and rank them the same. If you are
using Pairwise Ranking, you will have other opportunities to compare
these two needs versus others during the discussion. You can only
reach consensus if conflict is kept to a minimum. Declare a tie and
move the discussion forward.
In Schools, Organizations, and Businesses
Ranking matrices are an excellent way to compare the
differences in costs and market potential for products.
Pairwise ranking can help a board of directors com-
pare and contrast the importance of several potential
new programs.

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 33

Pairwise Ranking
+Ideas & Tools that Work
Build Consensus with Pairwise Ranking
Pairwise Ranking proceeds through an entire list one pair at a time and enables a community group no
matter how badly in disagreement to come to conclusions about its first choices. This process provides the
community with an opportunity to discuss its preferences in a consensus building manner.
As each pair is compared, the community selects the most important need from that pair and awards it one
point. If making a decision about one pair is difficult, skip it for a few minutes and move on. Come back later
and see if it is any easier. Do not vote. Simply call it a tie and give each need 1/2-point.

Community members in Szekelyszentmihaly, Romania discussed their community needs during a Pairwise Ranking exercise. They
quickly came to consensus on their top priorities - health care, a milk collection point, and water and sewage.
The results of Pairwise Ranking indicated the most impor-
tant needs of the Teko Pyahu Womens Committee in
Yacarey, Paraguay. The women chose improving their
existing organization as the most important step to in-
creasing their income by better using their jam factory.
1. Organization and committee strengthening
2. Future planning
3. Technical assistance and training
4. Capital investment
4. Water treatment
5. Glass jar supply
6. Marketing
6. Better documentation
7. Better labels
8. Waste water
9. Equipment
10. Improving the physical structure of the factory
11. Organization of community

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 34

Example - Deciding between Competing Priorities in Doldol

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for building consensus
Final Ranking
1. Health Center
1. Post Harvest Storage
2. Roads
3. Farm Financing
4. Barangay Relocation Site
5. Livelihood
6. Vehicle
Example - Men and Women Prioritizing Together in Kyrdem
Pairwise ranking highlights how difficult it can be to decide between two equally important priorities. In Doldol, The Philippines
deciding between health care and post-harvest storage agricultural facilities was very difficult. Both were critical to village devel-
opment and many people presented strong cases for each. The storage facilities would allow Doldols farmers to dry and store
crops for several months. These crops could then be sold at much higher prices than at harvest, when a glut of harvested crops
kept prices low. Regarding health, people believed that facilities were lacking, equipment broken (even the stove couldnt heat
water for the midwife), and no medicines were available locally. In the end, they decided If they were not healthy, all livelihood
programs would have little value.

For the initial ranking in Kyrdem, India men and women met separately, ranking
their own lists. This gave good identification to the choices so that both men and
women felt as if their needs were central to the solution. These top choices
were combined to form a second round of ranking in which men, women, and
youth were included in one group. The caution was fully unnecessary. The com-
bined list was a huge success and resulted in the final and joint list of community
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Final Ranking
1. Health
1. Upper Primary School
1. Public Latrine
2. Public Bath House
3. Playground
4. Footpath
5. Electricity
6. Help Poor Households
7. Food for the Poor

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 35

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for building consensus
Example - When the First Priority is Clear,
but the Second is Less Obvious

Final Ranking
1. Water supply
2. Healthcare systems
3. Agriculture
4. Road
5. Capacity Building / Training
In Puriang, its clear why water is a priority. The trip down the path to the
dry season water supply takes one hour each way. Most women and
children make this trip twice a day.
In the Baghdad neighborhood of
Al-Hadhar, it became clear that
the first priority was given to the
achievement of electric power
generators. The second priority
was the maintenance and ex-
pansion of the sewage system.
Their third priority was the lack
of medical supplies and capa-
bilities at the medical center.
Example - Setting Priorities in an Urban
The pairwise ranking exercise was done in a large group in Puriang. Despite
the size of the group, it proceeded smoothly. The list of needs that were
evaluated was also quite long. The top priority was a unanimous decision
the water supply. To increase discussion and thought about the next highest
priorities, a second matrix was prepared to re-rank the top five priorities
water, road, capacity building/training, agriculture, and health care systems.

Initial Results of Pairwise
Need or Problem Rank
Water supply
Capacity building / Training
Healthcare systems
Income generating activities
School bus
Night school
Recreational facilities
Cooking gas

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 36

Ranking Matrices
Ranking matrices can be used to help determine priorities, particularly if your team is working in a well-
defined area. Matrices have variables along both the horizontal and vertical axis. The vertical axis usually
contains the projects or products that you wish to compare. The horizontal axis contains the variables the
community wishes to consider before it selects a project. If the community is selecting between very differ-
ent priorities, matrices do not work well; pairwise ranking will be a better tool.
On the following page, you will see a typical case where a ranking matrix might work better than pairwise
ranking. If your group already knows that it will be planting a new type of crop to increase livelihoods, it
might want to use a matrix to help select the best option.

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for building consensus

Facilitation Hint Large Visuals Aid Understanding
Dont worry if you dont have a lot of office supplies handy. In this
Belizean village, the participants ranked using chalk on the ground.
These women were trying to determine the best tactic for growing their
business. They were selecting between:
A formal pricing analysis study
A product quality improvement strategy
A set of market visits for market research
Increasing communication with current customers
Facilitators in Absfalva review the results of the pairwise
ranking exercise while setting priorities. They created a
very large chart to make sure that all participants could
see the results. The community selected a weighing sta-
tion as their highest priority. Other key priorities included
several infrastructure projects such as renovating the
cemetery and church, and a better road. Some were
health-based such as an herbal garden and public
kitchen. Missing services were also prioritized including a
fire station, funeral home, and youth center. Other priori-
ties centered on income generating activities with job
opportunities, village tourism, a museum, cell phone ac-
cess, and agriculture improvement rounding out the list.

Facilitation Hint Building Consensus without Supplies

Step 6 - Building Consensus - page 37

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for building consensus

Because this northern Belizean community
wanted to increase income from crop produc-
tion, participants from the community evaluated
the potential of various crops. They compared
sales potential among tourists, locals, and res-
taurants. They also considered some produc-
tion constraints like shelf life and the fragility of
the crops.
Notice that this group chose to use easily un-
derstood symbols rather than numbers to de-
termine their priorities. This can be a helpful
tool when working with groups that are intimi-
dated by numbers.
Example - Setting Priorities for Additional Crop Production

In this Paraguayan community, participants
listed their community needs on the left side.
These needs included better orchards, farm-
ing, more animals, better pasture manage-
ment, improved forest management, and oth-
ers. They then ranked how improvements in
each of these would impact their family lives.
Items considered included health, education,
and access to credit among others.
Example - Comparing Community Priorities and their Impacts
Market Crops and their Benefits
Can we
Use or
Good for
Easy to
Cotton 2 1 0 0 0 3
Soybeans 1 2 2 1 1 7
Manioc 0 2 1 1 2 6

Good = 2
Okay = 1
Not Good = 0

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 38
Step 7:
Creating an
Action Plan
Priorities are helpful, but
until they are translated into
a specific Action Plan, the
priorities have no meaning.
Your final Community-Based
Planning meetings are
dedicated to creating Action
Plans for the top priorities.
The broad participation that
occurs in an open and com-
munity-wide meeting is
what creates broad-scale
ownership of the plan. It
becomes the communitys
plan, not the Facilitators
plan. The Action Plan starts
with a more detailed analy-
sis of the problem followed
by a list of potential activi-
ties and solutions. Resi-
dents discuss the labor,
technical assistance, mate-
rials, and money that will be
needed for the projects.
Then the group assigns a
person or institution to lead
small implementation com-
mittees that will report back
to the community. Time-
lines are set for next steps
and they decide on a variety
of measures that will be in-
dicators of their success.

Facilitation Hints
Be Respectful of the Past
As the meetings turn towards finding solutions to the community's high-
est priorities, one of the first steps is to understand whether they have
tried to solve these problems in the past. If they have been unsuccess-
ful, try to understand why their efforts did not yield the results they were
hoping for.
Be Sensible, Be Feasible
Dont be surprised if the highest priority is incredibly difficult to imple-
ment. Just because something is a high priority doesnt mean that it
should be the first project you tackle. Encourage people to be sensible
and select a project that is among the highest priorities, but can be im-
plemented successfully. Success builds confidence as well as skills.
What They Can Do
The key to creating a successful Action Plan is to understand what re-
sources exist within the community. They always exist, but many of
these resources are unrecognized or underutilized. They may be extra
supplies, manpower, an unused building, or an organization. Encour-
age participants to think of all their possible resources.
Engage the Youth
Try to identify a project that the young people can manage themselves,
even if it was lower on the list of priorities. Young people can take
charge of environmental projects like stream cleanups or recycling
In Schools, Organizations, and Businesses
Businesses and organizations are often used to writing action plans.
What they may need help with is writing them with a methodical ap-
proach that leads to better decisions and better plans. Entrepre-
neurs with great ideas often throw money and time away by entering
businesses that are not financially feasible.

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 39

An Action
Problem Analyses and Plans
+Ideas & Tools that Work
Problem Analysis Matrices
Problem analysis matrices assist participants in identifying the causes of their most important problems. You
may want to break into small groups to create analyses of the top three or four of the community needs that
were identified during pairwise ranking. Encourage them to examine each problem to determine why it ex-
ists, whats been done in the past, and what may be done in the future. This analysis is not meant to solve the
problem, but will show if the community already has ideas about how to solve the problem and if there are
local resources that might be available to implement solutions to problems.
Problem Analysis: Top Three Priorities in Nagbinlod, The Philippines
Problem Causes Previous Coping
Opportunities and
Heavy rains destroy the road
Limited government budget to
maintain roads
Heavy trucks destroy the road
Several requests made to
No community labor offered
as local contributions
Committees meet to work
out a plan
Offer counterpart labor
Raise funds
Petition Municipality
Lack of funds
Classrooms neglected with no
maintenance for last three years
Increase in number of pupils
Several requests from Ba-
rangay Council to govern-
ment with no success
No community labor offered
Create committee
Provide community labor as
local share
Open well is unsafe and unclean
Long distance to walk to bring
water to houses
Source of clean water is limited
It is budgeted by the Mu-
nicipality, but funds have
not been made available
Volunteer labor
Purchase pipe to bring wa-
ters to the Barangay.

Causes Previous Coping
Possible Solutions
No medicine in re-
gional center (PHC)
No sub-center in vil-
Irregularity of health
worker from PHC
No sanitation facilities
Distance to PHC
High cost of transport
Coal truck traffic jams
Use herbal medi-
Go to hospital in
Shillong or Jowai
for medical needs
Taking loan for
Share/consult with the gov-
ernment for the health work-
Train the villagers
Find support from government
department (PHC/Block)
Discuss the traffic jam prob-
lem with the government.

Problem Analysis: Healthcare System in Puriang, India
This was the first exercise that
focused on solutions in Puriang,
India. The process encouraged
the community to think first
about the causes of its prob-
lems, then to remember previ-
ous attempts to solve them,
including why they did not work,
and finally to reflect on this his-
tory prior to quickly imagining
some solutions.

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 40

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for creating an action plan
In-Depth Feasibility Analysis
There are many ways to evaluate a projects feasibility, but they generally compare the following categories:
Productivity How much will this option
Stability Could this project disrupt the
economic, political, cultural, or ecological
life of the community?
Sustainability Will this option be able
to continue for an extended period of time?
Equitability Will all or many people
Time to Benefit How long will it take
before benefits are seen? Quicker is better.
Cost It the cost realistic in relation to the
benefits of the project?
Technical Difficulty Can the project
be implemented in the context of the com-
munitys support system?
Independence Can the project be im-
plemented with minimal outside resources?
Feasibility Analysis
Before creating a detailed plan, it is often useful to do a feasibility analysis on each of the top three priorities.
Sometimes the highest priority need is the most difficult to implement. This is particularly true if implementa-
tion requires a substantial amount of outside financial or technical resources. Implementation can also be
difficult if the community has had difficulty working together in the past. In these cases, it may be better for
the group to select a lower priority project if it is more likely to be imple-
mented successfully.
Simple Feasibility Analysis
Evaluate the project using four simple questions. If the answers to these
questions are all Yes, its probably not the best project to tackle first.
This is particularly true for a community or group that does not have a his-
tory of working well together.
The facilitators in Al Mashl, Iraq used faces to help participates
implement a more in-depth feasibility analysis. This analysis was
conducted on one area of action planning - Education. Partici-
pants were trying to decide which type of educational programs
would have the most impact while considering the practical con-
straints of budgets and other resources.
Is it complex?
Is it costly?
Will it take a long time?
Do we need lots of
outside help?

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 41

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for creating an action plan
Example - Organizing for District-Wide Development

Is it
Is it
Will it
Do we
Funding Y N Y Y 3 3
Respect Y Y Y Y 4 4
Participation N N N Y 1 1
Political Inter-
Y Y Y Y 4 4
Y Y Y Y 4 4
Office Issues N Y N Y 2 2
Transportation N Y Y N 2 2

Results -
Two Years Later
All villages regularly par-
ticipate in DAVCO meet-
Consulted by government
for new policy on local
Advised government on
local construction pro-
Newsletter communicates
issues to villagers
Media used to elevate rural
Receiving NGO and gov-
ernment funding for pro-
jects & operations
Simple Feasibility Analysis
Note: The more yeses a project recieves, the harder the project
DAVCO leaders contributed actively while completing tools and exercises during their 2-day Participatory Planning and Action
meetings. These leaders wanted to improve the quality of life in impoverished Belizean villages.
The District Association of Village Councils (DAVCO) from one state in Belize knew that they needed to have an influence on
government in order to change the plight of poverty in the small villages of their district (state). The needs were great - clean
water, better schools, roads, jobs, and health care. As the leaders of the associated villages, they conducted a simple feasibil-
ity study on various tactics to evaluate which one would be the most likely to succeed. In the end, improving participation
among villagers and villages in the DAVCO programs seemed most likely to work. Their action plan focused on improving par-
ticipation. It has had an impact. The leaders of DAVCO knew they would be stronger acting together and their participation
programs created cohesion among its constituent villages. Two years later, they had already seen great results from their plan.

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 42

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for creating an action plan
Community Action Plans
Community Action Plans integrate the ranking of identified needs
with information that has been obtained throughout the entire Par-
ticipatory Planning and Action process. Often, it is useful to break
into smaller groups to create action plans for the top three priori-
ties and then come back together to discuss them together.
Community Action Plans generally include:
Activities The tasks that need to be done.
Resources The resources that are needed. These may be
technical assistance, labor, materials, or money. Some will be
available within the community. Others may need to come from
outside the community. Indicate those that you already have vs.
those that you do not have.
Responsibility The person or organization that will imple-
ment this task. Get a name if you can its always best for some-
one to feel responsible, even though others may help him or her
with the task.
Timing When the activity will take place. For some tasks
there may be a start and end date.
Indicators The measures that show that the group has been
Mobilize Their Resources
One key assumption of Participa-
tory Planning and Action is that
there are already resources avail-
able in the community. But these
resources are often unrecognized.
They can remain immobilized for a
variety of reasons local conflicts,
tensions between strong-minded
leaders, factional rivalries, or tradi-
tional views of gender roles that
push women aside. More often,
these resources remain immobi-
lized simply because communities
rarely come together to talk about
how their collective resources can
serve the well-being of the entire
community. No matter how poor
they may be, communities always
have some resources human,
material, managerial to solve
their problems, but these resources
need to mobilized.
Suggested Activities
Who will Act? When?
To compromise with the owner
on a small place which is nec-
essary for the scale house
Community meeting, commu-
nity work
Wood felling and cutting
Transport to the new place
Bringing the back hoe from the
Building the scale house
Checking and certifying the
Choosing a responsible per-
son for the scale
Public Work
Money (funds)
Certificate of
the scale
Back hoe
Person re-
sponsible for
the scale
Szocs Laszlo will
talk with owner
Zsombori Balazs
will organize the
meeting with
Local Council,
Land Owner As-
Homorodi Gyula
will organize the
public work
First week of
May - com-
Second week
of May
The end of
May - build,
public work
June - some-
one is respon-

What is interesting
about this action plan
from Absfalva is that it
clearly shows that the
community does have
resources to solve its
own problems. There
was a new realization
that the community can
be part of the solution.
They do not have to wait
for outsiders to help.
Absfalvas Action Plan for a Community Scale

Step 7 - Creating an Action Plan - page 43

Example - Combining Resources to Achieve Success

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for creating an action plan
Resources Needed - Labor,
Material, Money
Who will Act? When?
Indicators of Suc-
450 meters
of pipe
estimate of
total cost
Need: Pipe fittings, pipe
cement, Teflon
Village Chairman
and council with
Build a tank
Need: Contact engineer
Have: Labor Same
Install pipe
Need: Contact engineer
Have: Labor
Community la-
bor to install pipe
Reduction in the
amount of time spent
obtaining water each

Reduction in illness

Change in amount of
water available for
special occasions.

Community Action Plan
Bringing Water to the Village of Nagbinlod, The Philippines
Nagbinlod village on Negros Island in The Philippines conducted a village planning exercise that set water as its highest priority
need. Their Action Plan noted many things. One specific item was the communitys commitment to provide voluntary labor to
bury about 3 km of water pipe. For the previous five years the village council had gone to the Mayors office and explained they
needed a water supply. The Mayor would always smile and say he had 30 villages in his district and they all needed water sup-
plies. He noted that he did not have enough money to install systems in every village. So, he lamented, he could not help them.
On this visit to the Mayors office, the committee then produced its new Action
Plan. The Mayor smiled again and said this all looks very nice, but I have no
money. As he spoke, he glanced at the Action Plan. The paragraph that
showed the communitys contribution of labor caught his attention. He began
to read more carefully and his smile broadened. He looked up and asked, is
it true that you are ready to provide labor to install all of the pipe? The
committee responded with an emphatic yes.
The Mayor told the
committee to come back
next week. When they reap-
peared the Mayor said that
if the community was so
determined to have a water system that they would invest a substantial
portion of labor, he could find some small money ($5,000) to build a water
tank and provide a pump. Because they now had the Mayors commitment,
the village subsequently was successful in raising an additional $5,000 to buy
the pipe. In nine months, they had a fully installed and operational water

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 44
Step 8:
the Plan
In developing their Action
Plan, team leaders emerge
and resources within the
community (such as labor
and supplies) are identified.
While some problems can
be solved with the newly
mobilized resources within
the community, others re-
quire outside resources.
These resources are typi-
cally financial, but can also
be specialized technical as-

Finding outside partners for
these action plans can be an
intimidating process for a
community with only basic
literacy levels or low self-
confidence in dealing with
bureaucratic or technical
agencies. The first step is to
work with their local gov-
ernment contacts to learn
about NGO, national gov-
ernment, and international
programs that can help to
implement their Action Plan.
Often the facilitators can
play a helpful role in identi-
fying funding agencies or
technical resources and
providing advice about how
best to work with these
types of agencies.
In Schools, Organizations, and Businesses
Be sure to respect the hierarchy of the organization by garnering the
support of senior executives such as principals or managers. It is
important that they be included in and supportive of the Action Plan.
Facilitation Hints
Transfer the Workshop Report
As a facilitation team, one of the most important things you can do for
the community and group is to complete the final report of the Partici-
patory Planning and Action workshops. This report should contain
copies of all completed tools and your teams analysis of the outcome.
This report is proof that they have worked together in a new and dif-
ferent manner, collectively and collaboratively. They can use it to
guide their work in implementing projects. They can also use it to
request funding. Many government programs and granting agencies
are now requiring that participatory techniques be used prior to allo-
cating financial or technical resources.
Be a Shepherd
Be sure that community members are leading the implementation of
the Action Plan. Implementing this plan could take longer than your
facilitation service. Focus on transferring your role of leader-
facilitator to key people and groups in the community. Work to estab-
lish credible and effective project implementation committees that
will be able to continue after the facilitator has left the community.
Unite Before Asking Others for Resources
Communities that are effectively organized, technically focused, and
politically unified will achieve results. They are more likely to get
attention and funding than communities without action plans because
they are able to show that their community is willing to participate in
its own development.

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 45
Name a Responsible Committee
The most important action after the planning workshop is to identify the members of the project steering-
committee or choose an existing community-based organization that will be responsible for implementation.
Normally, this organization would have been identified in Step 7 Action Planning. The Action Plan devel-
oped during the planning workshop has a column that identifies who will be responsible. That is a good
place to start.
If the Action Plan identifies an existing village
committee, work with that group. If the Action
Plan suggests individuals, then meet with
those individuals and see what they are pre-
pared to do. It may be possible to create a
new committee made up of these individuals,
specifically charging them with implementing
the project. Any new committee should rep-
resent multiple viewpoints, including those of
women, youth, and the very poor. Be sure to
invite anyone with needed technical expertise
to join. In addition, make certain that the vil-
lages existing governing body approves the
new committee.

Help the Committee Get Started
Once you have a committee in place, meet with them to determine if they are prepared to take the necessary
steps to implement the plan. Work out an informal or even formal agreement and set a schedule. When this
agreement is in place, find a way to inform the rest of the community that their committee has already taken
the first step to get started on the plan.
If there are no officers or formal leaders within the committee, you might want to have the committee desig-
nate who will be in charge of different parts of the work. That information should also be made available to
the entire community. The more everyone knows what is happening, the more you will be able to get help
and support from the community as the implementation process moves forward.
As facilitator, this is a good time to let the committee know how you would like to be involved in supporting
them during the implementation phase. This is also a good time to organize a means to keep in contact with
the committee.
the Plan
Well-Organized Committees
+Ideas & Tools that Work

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 46

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for implementing the plan
Expanding and Completing the Action Plan
Past experience suggests that the Action Plan created during the planning workshop often needs additional
information and detail. Gather together either the project steering committee or the existing village execu-
tive committee (or both) and review the Action Plan.
Technical Aspects
Look at the plans technical aspects. For example, if it is a water supply system, does anyone in the village
know about installing water systems? If not, where can you get information about the technical needs? There
may be a local government officer trained as a water engineer. Or perhaps there is another village nearby
that has recently installed a water system. Maybe an NGO has an office in a nearby town and can help. There
is also a possibility that someone from the facilitation team knows about water projects or knows someone
who has done such things. This technical review of the action plan is very important so that the committee
will know what kind of materials are needed, approximate costs, length of time to install, and most impor-
tantly, what the village can contribute and what will be needed from outside resources.
Preliminary Feasibility
!"#you review the action plan, check on how practical and realistic it might be. For example, one action plan
stated it would solve its water problems by tapping into a source above the village. The project committee
conducted a preliminary investigation and learned that the source was privately owned and already in use by
families living nearby. Check the feasibility of a solution before getting involved in major project planning or
negotiating. A different solution may be needed.
Budget Estimate
Before investing major time in planning a project, get approximate estimates of costs. If there are to be pro-
posals submitted to government or other agencies, the committee needs to have a sense of what support is
potentially available and whether the project is realistically within that agencys ability to support.
Permitting and Government Regulations
Determine whether the group will need to obtain building permits or other local approvals before they start a
project. The local government staff can help determine this. Just as there may be need for local permits,
there may be district or national government permissions required such as registering the sponsoring
agency, getting permission to open a bank account, or related permissions.
Implementation Calendar
Look at the schedule for implementation produced during the planning exercises. Compare it with the tech-
nical details that have been added and see whether you need to adjust the schedule to make it consistent with
these technical needs. For example, will it take many more months than anticipated to order and install win-
dows in a renovated health clinic? Reconcile these differences to create a practical implementation timeline.
Reflect on Indicators
Review the indicators of success selected in the original Action Plan. Are they still relevant? Do more need to
be added? Often when a community asks for funding, the government or NGO funding agency will ask how
the group will evaluate the result. In Nagbinlod, the village was able to show that school attendance had im-
proved because the new water system had reduced the incidence of diarrhea and other stomach/intestinal
ailments. Better water leads to better health and more regular school attendance. Government officers and
granting agencies can be persuaded to support a project that has truly positive outcomes.

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 47

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for implementing the plan
Working with the Project Steering Committee
Who is in Charge?
Make certain that the source of authority for the committee is clearly understood in the community as well as
who the officers and leaders are within that committee. If an existing committee is managing the project, this
should not be a big problem. If a new committee is created to run the project, make certain that its members
have been chosen in a formal and legal way and work to make certain that the entire community understands
why each member of the committee has been selected.
Holding and Managing Committee Meetings
As facilitator, you should not chair the community meetings. This is a task for the appropriate committee
member. Instead, the task of the facilitator is to keep the meetings directed toward the design, organizing,
mobilizing, and implementation of the project(s). Work with the chair to set an agenda, provide background
information, learn about other villages that have done similar projects, and be alert for government programs
that might be helpful. It is also appropriate for the facilitator to assign someone to take minutes of the meet-
ing so there is a record of what was discussed and who will follow through.
There is a fine line between the duties of the committee chair and the facilitator. Only experience and good
judgment can guide the facilitator in maintaining this separation. As meetings continue, the facilitator should
be able to turn complete control over to the committee chair and its members. Early on, the facilitator should
work with the committee to ensure that they:
Establish Committee Norms
Once a committee has been established and before beginning anything, be sure to set norms
for how they will work together. Who will lead the team? Who will take minutes? How will
the agenda be set? How often will they meet?
Make Decisions Public
Record and make public the decisions taken at committee meetings. This helps avoid rumors
that committee leaders are placing wells or clinics near their own homes or adding their rela-
tives to the payroll of a community project. The best way to control these rumors is to make
all decisions public. Distribute the minutes or post them in public places.
Formalize Links between the Committee and the Facilitation Team
When you leave the community, you should have agreed with the project steering committees about how you
will stay involved with them as they implement their Action Plan. Regular communications are helpful for
three reasons. First, you will feel a connection to the community and will want to hear of their successes.
Second, because you represent a wealth of experience and expertise, you can help connect the community
with the resources that it needs to implement its Action Plan successfully. Third, as they share successes and
struggles, you will be able to motivate them to be patient and persevere as they implement change in their

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 48

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for implementing the plan
Preparing the Steering Committee to Manage Money Properly
Dont Let Distrust Form
Implementing the Action Plan will often require financial resources. Whenever money is involved, the risk of
conflict and mistrust exists. You can avoid this by encouraging the creation of a transparent and fully ac-
countable money management system for any project that requires cash resources for implementation. Cre-
ate this system before any money is received.
Train if Needed
There are many resources to train the committee on how to manage money properly. Some even involve us-
ing a simulation that manages a hypothetical project over the course of a week or two where committee
members are given cash (pieces of paper) and they have to keep track of expenses, create reports, and
However you decide to teach the committee about accounting
and money management, you need to be clear about the
importance of high standards for managing any budgets or funds
that the project committee may have access too.
Create an Accounting System
Even small organizations need an accounting system to mange
their funds. A basic accounting system helps the group keep
track of its:
Past receipts and trends
Present inventory and costs
Future budgets and forecasts
Honesty and Transparency are Rewarded
When groups manage money responsibly, the community will trust them to manage other projects in the fu-
ture. If funds have been received, for example, to buy computers, make public the information about where
the money has come from, how it will be spent, who will be responsible for managing the budget, and where
the bank account is located as well was who are the legal signatories for access to the account. If these ac-
tions are not taken, can you blame a community for wondering if there was more money available or if any of
it was used for other purposes? How are they to know if no system is in place to show that their money was
managed with care?
Governments and NGOs may take a risk to fund a new group once, but they wont take it twice. If the project
committee squanders or misuses the funds, they will likely never receive funding again. On the other hand,
groups and communities who have implemented their first development project using outside funds in a re-
sponsible, honest and transparent manner are much more likely to receive future grants or funding in the
Basic Principles of
Money Management
Require multiple signatories on all
accounts. The facilitator should
never be one of these signatories
and should not handle money.
Keep a budget. Report publicly and
regularly all expenses and sources
of income.
Use an independent referee (an
auditor) in cases of dispute.

Step 8 - Implementing the Plan page 49

+ ideas, tools & examples:
for implementing the plan
Mobilizing Community Resources
Look in the Action Plan at the full list of materials and other resources required to implement the project.
What does the community have that is already available? These resources could be materials or labor.
Many granting agencies require a community contribution prior to funding a development project. Finding
and contributing local resources can mean the difference between receiving funding or being denied. In the
case of Nagbinlod, after the community agreed to donate the manual labor needed to implement the water
project, the government provided funds for the pump and tanks.
For some projects, no outside resources are required. The youth of Arkos built trash containers using their
own labor and donated lumber in an effort to clean-up their community streets. The women of Malingin be-
gan growing medicinal plants and herbs for sale in their own community. They are now evaluating how this
can be expanded into a business beyond the community.
Looking for Outside Resources
Some projects do require outside resources for proper implementation. The chart below highlights the types
of outside resources that communities and groups need.
Obtain Implementation Support
Once the project steering committee is in place, it needs to set up a more specific schedule and de-
tailed assignments. While each Action Plan will be different, implementation needs generally fall into
four categories:

Technical Advice
Projects can falter for many reasons. One is poor tech-
nical advice. The project steering committee must work
with all appropriate groups to insure the project is well
planned, all technical issues are considered, and that
realistic designs are adopted. Most local governments
have staff skilled in the basic technologies of develop-
ment. If that is not the case, work through village, dis-
trict, or NGO networks to find people knowledgeable in
technical areas.
Most communities have abundant supplies of labor dur-
ing certain times of the year. A good project steering
committee can find out when would be the best time to
use community labor and to encourage residents to
contribute their labor to implement the Action Plan.
When communities are willing to donate their own la-
bor, it shows their commitment and it lowers the overall
cost of the project. This community-wide commitment
is often what convinces outside organizations to con-
tribute monies for supplies or equipment.

Almost all projects require some type of materials. You
may be able to obtain some locally (gravel, fence
posts, paint, etc.). Participatory Planning and Action
often shows that a community has many local resources
and that they can be made available at little or no cost.
More complex materials (grain milling machines,
pumps, oil presses, etc.) will come from outside of the
community. The project committee will need to work to
obtain these resources.
You will need to decide if project funds can be gener-
ated through internal fundraising or if the project re-
quires outside funding. Its always easier and faster to
raise funds within the community, but that is generally
only practical for small projects. Although communities
can do a great deal for their own development, they
need outside resources to fund development. Forming
strong partnerships with international and local NGOs,
government officials, and others can open doors to re-
sources for the current project and for future ones.

Summary page 50

Participatory Planning & Action
Transforming People and Communities
Implementation of a Participatory Plan-
ning & Action program can be a slow
process, particularly for large and com-
plex projects that can take two years or
more to implement. As a facilitator, you
become a positive force in mobilizing a
community to manage its own develop-
ment. Using participatory tools enables all
community members to contribute ideas
in an open and inclusive manner and al-
lows you to play a clear role as a facilita-
tor in the development process.
Facilitated properly, the process can be
the catalyst for an entire community to
forge new and productive partnerships
with other organizations that can provide
the technical or financial resources
needed for community development and
poverty alleviation.
Implementing Participatory Planning and
Action takes preparation and patience,
but the rewards are real. You will see
long-lasting changes created by people
that improve their lives, their incomes,
and their future. Community-based work
is exciting because it empowers people in
a way that changes lives. The emotional
bonds formed while celebrating the suc-
cesses that make a permanent difference
in the lives of community members like
new businesses, healthcare access, im-
proved sanitation, better nutrition,
stronger education will last a lifetime.
This is one of the many reasons that work-
ing with communities is so rewarding.
This final chapter shows the incredible
results that communities have achieved
by using participatory methods and high-
lights the difference this approach has
made in the lives of people around the
+ Summary

Summary page 51
+ Participation Mobilizes Results
Participatory planning brings communities together by building consensus about how to move forward to
create a more positive future. Successful projects have yielded results in a variety of areas.
Protecting the Environment
The youth of several Romanian communities selected the environment as their priority. In Arkos, they orga-
nized a stream clean-up day to improve water quality. Together they built and placed 24 trash containers
around the village and organized bi-weekly pickup by the county trash collection department.
The youth from Benced organized a village clean-up day with 100 residents participating. The young people
participated in an environmental summer camp and Earth Day is now an annual celebration in the village.
Revitalizing Village Life
After their community planning workshop, residents of Benced organized and opened their first internet con-
nection which has expanded to a fully functional cyber caf. This free internet access has enabled the com-
munity to write several successful grant proposals. Cultural nights allow current and former residents to en-
joy music, dancing, singing, and eating. The villages senior citizens routinely enjoy youth-sponsored enter-
tainment and hospitality.
Improving Access to Water
It is common for poor communities to list access to safe drinking water among their highest priorities. After
Torockosztgyorgy village implemented a streambed cleaning, the Mayor hired a contractor to make further
streambed improvements. Over time, this resulted in a water system upgrade that was finished in 2008.
The village prepared a proposal for the City Council to include a drainage and sewage system. Less than two
years after its community planning session, the Indian village of Puriang saw the pipe and tank for its new wa-
ter system installed. This new system will save more than three hours each day currently wasted in carrying
water during the long dry season.
Enhancing Infrastructure
A newly mobilized Puriang was able to write and secure a government-sponsored upgrade for the road from
the village to the rice paddies. Many of its villagers will be providing labor for the project and will receive
cash payments in exchange for their manual labor.
Building Health and Sanitation Systems
The Indian community of Kyrdem has already made progress on its highest priority and has convinced the
public health clinic to conduct two health awareness seminars. They then turned to applying for a public toi-
The community of Puriang met with their elected official and learned how to file a formal application for a
health center something they had never done before. A few months later a site inspection team, including
the doctor, came for a visit. They approved the site and have recommended to the Ministry of Health that a
center be opened.
Transformation Occurs in Many Areas

Summary page 52
from the
A Few Final Facilitation Hints
Dont be Afraid
It can seem intimidating to facilitate the process the first time. After receiving training, I was terrified my first
time. My advice is to prepare well, but then just jump in. Be enthusiastic. Be energetic. Youll quickly discover
new ways to facilitate that match your personal style. And youll feel so happy to have helped a community.
Krisztina Pall, facilitator since 2005
Dont Overdo the Tools
When I first started working in the field, I used to use every tool possible. The reality is that the participants get
frustrated when they cant see where the process is headed. I realized that we were gathering more information
than was helpful. Now I use the minimum number of tools needed to move a community towards consensus.
Conflict-ridden communities may need more, but in many places 5-6 tools are enough. In short, use only the
number of tools needed to move the people quickly towards action planning. Thats what they are interested in.
Dr. Richard Ford, facilitator since 1985
Write a Report
I always spend an extra day in the village writing the report so that the community gets a copy of its work imme-
diately. I try to distribute it to as many people as possible and leave it in a public place, like a library, church, or
school. Letting everyone see the report is important because it reinforces the fact that everyones opinion mat-
tered and was recorded. This written record can be referenced during the implementation phase. In some coun-
tries, its crucial to have a good report because participatory work is often a requirement for receiving a grant or
government money.
Eileen Higgins, facilitator since 2003
Find Ways for Everyone to Participate
Keep an eye out during each exercise to see that everyone is engaged. You may need to adjust how the groups
are split. If the women are too quiet in a mixed group, create a women-only team. If one person is dominating
the conversation, find another role for that person. If people seem stressed or reserved, get the positive energy
flowing again by using a fun activity as an icebreaker.
Anna Toness, facilitator since 1999
Know When to Be Patient
After we finished the community planning workshop in Puriang, we returned home with high hopes and thought
that we would be receiving reports of results right away. Progress did occur, but at a pace In keeping with the
daily demands of life in a poor agricultural community rather than at the hyperkinetic speed Americans are used
to. Its very important to keep this in mind as participants in participatory planning programs. Active
empowerment did take place between the villagers and the Indian government with no further outside American
involvement. Two years later, a new water system was installed. We are thrilled that the lives of the people of
Puriang are forever altered.
Sharon Van Duizand, co-facilitator since 2008
+ Ideas & Tools that Work

Summary page 53

+ the results:
Success Breeds Success in Nagbinlod
Participatory Planning Empowered Community Leaders and Local Institutions
This case study of the Filipino community of Nagbinlod shows how
their participatory planning meetings started a community develop-
ment process that continues to this day.
The tiny, impoverished village agreed that clean, safe drinking water
was a high priority and they organized their first Community Action
Plan around this issue. Within 18 months Nagbinlod had an opera-
tional gravity-fed water system in place, delivering water at seven
standpipe locations along the main road. The government granted
$3,000 in materials because the village offered up an equivalent
$3,000 in volunteer labor to install the new system. The participatory
plan inspired North American partners to donate the pipe and valves
needed to complete construction.
Motivated by the successful installation of its water supply, Nagbin-
lod became even more organized. Improvements abound in this
small village. The people did much of the work themselves to repair
and renovate the Barangay (town) Hall. They built a shelter in the
public assembly field to host community events. Even getting to
Nagbinlod became easier because they convinced the Ministry of
Transport to fund grading and patching of the road.
Nagbinlods school used to be one rundown building. But improving
the school system ranked high on the villages list of priorities. The
village received a $2300 grant from the government for materials
because it provided a good portion of the labor, allowing the ele-
mentary school to grow to five buildings by 2006.
This village had convinced the government that they were a good
investment. If the government provided funds for a community pro-
ject, it could rely on these villagers to implement the project success-
fully and manage it for the long-term.
The government placed a new agricultural extension center there in
early 2006. Villagers now receive training in innovative growing and
irrigation techniques from agricultural extension specialists. Because
they had a functioning water system, Nagbinlod was able to grant
water rights to the agricultural extension center for irrigation. This
facilitated a partnership with a Taiwanese seed company who
needed access to water. In exchange, this partnership gives villag-
ers access to new types of seed like eggplant, broccoli, and mel-
ons with higher yields, shorter growing cycles, and more nutri-
tional value.
In 2003, this community could barely feed itself. Now its gardens are
producing more than they can eat and the community is considering
starting a food processing business.

Summary page 54

Organized Communities Get Results
Nagbinlod used outside help only to attain fund-
ing for their first project the water system.
Recent successes resulted from their own initia-
tive, in partnerships with The Philippines gov-
ernment, private sector groups, an energized
population, and the work of invigorated local
institutions including the Farm Family Associa-
tion, the Village Council, and the Womens
Group. Using a participatory planning process
gave this community the vision and tools it
needed to manage its own development. The
local action continues.
The First Success Starts the Ball Rolling in Nagbinlod
The chart shown below shows how one successful project implemented by a small, impoverished commu-
nity can start a chain of successes that continues seven years later. Each year the projects seems to get
larger. They recently received funds to bring safe drinking water to neighboring communities by imple-
menting a regional water system.

+ the results:
Still Working Together Six Years Later

Summary page 55

What Does All of this Mean?
The lessons of Nagbinlod, Puriang, Kyrdem, Benced, Arkos, and many more are deep, sustainable, and
relevant to literally thousands of similar communities across the globe. Poverty is everywhere. Solutions
do not have to wait for donors or governments or NGOs to come. Individual communities can do a lot to
help themselves. What are some of the lessons learned?
1. People are the most important resource.
The greatest resource to solve global poverty is the people themselves. They know their needs and
what has failed in the past. They also know and can sustain solutions that they design, implement, and
2. Planning tools are more important than money.
The most significant role of outsiders is not bringing money. The money is soon spent (or stolen) and
builds a cycle of dependency where the community believes begging for more money is the route to
development. Instead of bringing money, Participatory Planning and Action brings tools, skills, con-
sensus-building, conflict mediation, local ownership, and perhaps most important, hope.
3. Start with local information.
The first task of the tools is to help people organize information that they already know and to share
that information between and among all members of the community. The first round of exercises in
the planning workshops does exactly that.
4. Mobilize underutilized resources.
The second task is to mobilize resources the people already have. Nagbinlod is an example of a pre-
viously conflict-ridden community coming alive and moving forward by energizing their own re-
5. Consensus is critical to unite the community.
The third task is building consensus that enables the entire community to work together. This has
been the hallmark of virtually all of the communities that have used this approach.
6. Evaluation takes place in seeing new and successful projects, so all the com-
munity members are evaluators.
The best form of evaluation of the tools is that the communities keep using them. Nagbinlod, seven
years after their initial workshop, is still using a participatory approach and succeeded in winning a
government grant to expand their water project to several additional communities. They did this
completely on their own with no outside help.

+ the results:
Lessons from Participatory Planning

Summary page 56

+ the results:
Lessons from Participatory Planning
7. Local planning is gaining recognition.
Governments and donors now more frequently understand that matching grants and co-funded lo-
cally-planned projects are a more sustainable type of community assistance than 100% government-
designed initiatives. The Government of India has recently introduced legislation in its 38 most pov-
erty-ridden states that requires villages and neighborhoods to prepare community action plans prior
to receiving money to assist in road, school, water, health, forestry, and related infrastructure projects.
It was inspired directly by the well-known Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach that the gov-
ernment adopted several years ago and that is one of the forerunners of this handbook.
8. Partnership is the new mode of poverty alleviation.
Villages are looking to governments, NGOs, and the private sector as partners rather than providers
of money with which local politicians can enhance their influence and power.
9. The people as preeminent.
The greatest lesson from the 30 years of developing participatory tools is that the impoverished know
things worth knowing and can apply this knowledge to achieve sustainable results. How ironic that
the greatest resource to alleviate poverty is not finding billions of dollars or Euros as many institutions
assume. Instead, the missing link in the poverty alleviation game is the people who have the most to
gain by reducing poverty. While money is a necessary resource, it is not the central ingredient in the
poverty alleviation equation. But the people need structure, focus, tools, organizing, consensus, and
vision to make this happen. The planning workshops, the tools, and the follow-up implementation ex-
amples noted in this handbook offer one way to enable the people to take charge of their lives, their
communities, and their economic and social development.
Participation A Different Process to Build Hope for the Future
After implementing village-wide planning meetings, the words of one Village Council member summed
up both the hopes and fears for the future.
We are happy that youve been able to be with us from the beginning of the process. Its
some kind of wonder everybody was saying that its just like in a dream. Its a kind of
process that weve never experienced in our lives before.
We are so happy that you came here to help the village. And we hope that the issues that
have been brought to the top will be able to succeed with the training you have set up.
Pray God that from the process we will be able to progress more.

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