Power System Restoration With

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SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No.

7, November 2009

K Sathish Kumar* I.G.Mohamed Nowfal S.Naveen Hariharan R Rajaram T Jayabarathi V Tamilselvan V Shanmugasundaram
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] School of Electrical Sciences. VIT University. Vellore 632014. Tamilnadu. India.

*Corresponding author
Abstract: Power system security and reliability have become challenging issues in the present restructured scenario. The problem of monitoring the power flows and bus voltages in a power system is very important in maintaining system security and fast prediction is essential for controlling these quantities. As power systems have become more stressed due to increased loading and large interconnections, there will be an increase in cases of voltage limit violation and line loading limit violation, particularly in contingency conditions like line outage, generator outage etc. Under emergency conditions, power system operator has to take quick decisions without caring much for the optimality of the operating condition. Under this condition, a direct approach could be line-overloading alleviation with minimum number of control actions i.e. scheduling of generators/load shedding in the affected power system .For real power flow security assessment of power system, it is important to find out which line is overloaded and what is the amount of overloading in these lines .The most severe violation in a line flow limit can be due to different contingencies. Therefore an immediate need arises to take corrective action for alleviation of line overloads in the overloaded lines of the system. There are several methods based on optimal power flow (OPF) for the corrective and preventive control actions along with economy and security function. Keywords: Power System Restoration, N-R Method and PID Control. I. INTRODUCTION Accurate as well as fast computation of lines flows, identification of overloaded lines and prediction of line overloading in different overloaded branches are essential for secure and reliable operation of power system. In other words, fast security assessment of power system is of paramount importance in modern power system to provide reliable and secure electricity supply to its consumers. In this paper we use Newton Raphson method to compute line flows in a power system and PID controller approach for the operation and control of power system . Even though several control theories have been developed significantly, we do see the widely popular use of proportional integral- derivative (PID) controllers in process control, motor drives, flight control, and instrumentation. The reason of this acceptability is for its simple structure which can be easily understood and implemented .Easy implementation of hardware and software has helped to gain its popularity. Keywords: AVR, PID Controller and Load Shedding II. LINE OVERLOADING CALCULATIONS USING NEWTON RAPHSON POWER FLOW METHOD The objective of power flow or load flow study is to determine the voltage and its angle at each bus, real and reactive power flows in each line and line losses in the power system for specified power system conditions. The power flow studies are conducted for the purpose of planning (viz. short, medium and long range planning), operation and control. For the purpose of power flow studies, it is assumed that the three-phase power system is balanced and also mutual coupling between elements is neglected. Variables associated with each bus of a power system include four quantities viz. voltage magnitude Vi, its phase angle i, real power Pi and reactive power Qi ;total 4m variables for m bus system. At every bus two variables are specified, the remaining two can be found by solving the 2m power flow equations. Depending upon which two are specified, the buses are classified as Swing Bus or Reference Bus, Generator Bus or PV Bus and Load Bus or PQ Bus. From the nodal current equations, the total current entering the ith bus of m bus system is given by (1)



SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009
where Yik is the admittance of the line between buses i and k and Vk is the voltage at bus k. In polar coordinates (2) where, H, N, J and L are the sub-matrices of the Jacobian in Eq(6), having ikth elements as

(3) Eq. (9) may be written as Here, is the angle of the bus voltage and ik is bus admittance angle. At ith bus, complex conjugate power will be (10) (4) Or The solution of Eq.(10) provides the correction vector i.e. s for all the PV and PQ type buses and Vs for all the PQ type buses, which are used to update the earlier estimates of s and Vs. This iterative process is continued till the convergence is obtained i.e. mismatch vector Ps for all the PV and PQ type buses and Qs for all the PQ buses become less than a pre assigned tolerance value e. Once the solution of bus voltages (|V| and for load buses and for generation buses) is found, the power flows in line between buses i and k can be calculated using nominal P representation of the line. Current flow from bus i towards bus k will be (11) where Yik is line charging of the line between buses i and k. The power flow in the line i- k at the bus i is given by Similarly, the reactive power at ith bus will be (12) In Newton-Raphson method, Jacobian elements are to be calculated and its inverse is also required using Eqs. (9) and (10), in each iteration. Due to this fact, the Newton-Raphson method requires more time per iteration. However, this method provides accurate results and is the most reliable ac power flow method. Hence, in this work the NR power flow program has been developed and run to calculate real power flows in different lines of a power system. Line overloading is evaluated as the amount by which the real power flow exceeds the maximum power flow limit for the line i.e. the line rating. III. AVR The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) loop controls the magnitude of the terminal voltage V. The latter voltage is continuously sensed, rectified, and smoothed. This dc signal, being proportional to |V|, is compared with dc reference |V|ref. The resulting error voltage after

(5) The real power at ith bus will be



(7) Or (8)

Above equations are known as static power flow equations (SLPE). The power flow equations used in Newton-Raphson method for computation of voltage corrections are given as, (9)



SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009
amplification and signal shaping, serves as the input to the exciter which finally delivers the voltage vf to the generator field winding. IV. P.I.D. CONTROLLER A. Fundamentals of PID Controllers: Process control techniques in the industry have made great advances. Numerous controls Methods such as: adaptive control, predictive control, neural control, and fuzzy control have been studied. In despite of many efforts, the proportionalintegral-derivative (PID) controller continues to be the main component in industrial control systems, included in the following forms: embedded controllers, programmable logic controllers, and distributed control systems. The reason is that it has a simple structure which is easy to be understood by the engineers and it presents robust performance within a wide range of operating conditions. The proportional part of the PID controller reduces error responses to disturbances. The integral term of the error eliminates steady-state error and the derivative term of error dampens the dynamic response and thereby improves stability of the system. The transfer function of the PID controller is described by the following equation in the continuous s-domain (Laplace operator)First, let's take a look at how the PID controller works in a closed-loop system using the schematic shown above. Error signal (e) represents the tracking error, the difference between the desired input reference value (R) and the actual output signal (Y). This error signal (e) will be sent to the PID controller, and the controller computes both the derivative and the integral of this error signal. The control signal (u) just past the controller is now equal to the proportional gain (KP) times the magnitude of the error plus the integral gain (KI) times the integral of the error plus the derivative gain (KD) times the derivative of the error.

This signal (u) will be sent to the plant, and the new output (Y) will be obtained. This new output signal (Y) will be sent back to the sensor again to find the new error signal (e). The controller takes this new error signal and computes its derivative and its integral again. This process goes on and on. B. The characteristics of P, I, and D controllers A proportional controller (KP) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce, but never eliminate, the steady-state error. An integral control (KI) will have the effect of eliminating the steady-state error, but it may make the transient response worse. A derivative control (KD) will have the effect of increasing the stability of the system, reducing the overshoot, and improving the transient response. Effects of each of controllers KP, KD, and KI on a closed-loop system are summarized in the table shown below.

KP = Proportional gain KI = Integral gain KD = Derivative gain


RISE TIME Decrease Decrease Small Change


SETTLING S-S TIME ERROR Small Change Increase Decrease Decrease Eliminate Small Change

Increase Increase Decrease

Table 1 : The PID Controller.



SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009

Model 2 : system with PID controller.

Model 1 : System without PID controller. Model 1 : System without P.I.D. Controller.

Model 2: System with PID Controller

Graph 1 : Output of the system with PID controller. Graph 1 : Output of the system with P.I.D. Controller. Observations from Graph 1: Peak Time: 0.791 sec Rise Time: 0.247 sec Settling Time: 19.04 sec Peak Overshoot: 82.46% Observations from Graph 2: Settling Time: 3.285 sec Rise Time: 0.55 sec and Peak Time: 0.65 sec V. LOAD SHEDDING The proposed scheme relies on PID controllers situated over a region prone to voltage instability. Each controller monitors the voltage V at a transmission bus and acts on a set of loads located at distribution level and having influence on V.



SHORT PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 7, November 2009
The value of Vth, within the required range, should be chosen high enough to avoid excessive delays in load shedding /generator scheduling. VI. CONCLUSION The identification of overloaded lines and prediction of line overloading in different overloaded transmission lines are essential for secure and reliable operation of a power system. Once the overloading in different lines is predicted accurately, fast action can be taken in the form of generation scheduling/load shedding to reduce the line overloads to the security limits. For this purpose analytical methods take a long time, as ac power flow analysis has to be carried out for any change in loading/generation condition. On the other hand, with the use of PID controller, the identification of overload and the amount of overload can be predicted easily and quickly. Of course, the paper tackled only the control logic; validations with full time simulation, design measurement filtering schemes, number of controllers, clustering of loads etc. are important aspects to be considered before implementing such a protection scheme. REFERENCES
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Figure 1

The controller operates as follows: It acts when the monitored voltage falls below a threshold voltage level, Vth It acts until V recovers above Vth It chooses the optimum values of C and K such that the minimum load shedding/power supply is done, where C and K are controller constants. It disconnects the Circuit Breakers corresponding to the amount of load shedding to be achieved in case additional power supply is not possible or additional power is supplied to overcome the over-loaded condition. After the normal conditions have been achieved, the controller goes back to the idle state. As long as V remains above the specified threshold voltage, the controller is in idle state, while it is started as soon as disturbance causes V to drop below Vth. Let t0 be the time when this change takes place and let be the time taken for the corrective action. The delay depends on the time evolution of V as follows: with the limits t0 to t0 + and where C is a constant to be adjusted. The control law yields inverse-time characteristics: the deeper the voltage drops, the lesser time it takes to reach the value C and, hence, the faster the shedding or generator scheduling. Furthermore, the delay is lower bounded. min To prevent the controller from reacting on a nearby fault. Similarly, the amount P of power shed/power supply at time t0+ depends on the time of V through where K is another constant to be adjusted and Vav is the average voltage drop over the time interval t0 to t0+ i.e.; with the limits t0 to t0 +



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