Our New Unhappy Lords

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Our New Unhappy Lords

By Ian R Thorpe
Part 1 - Ground Beneath The Palsied Heel Of Mummers

Every year in January The World Economic Forum meets to congratulate each
other and plan to to manage the world economy to the advantage of their elitist
confederates and the disadvantage of us ordinary punters. Some say it is bilderberg
lite, others that it is just another jolly for the rich, paid for as usual by us ordinary
punters in our roles as taxpayers, savings account investors and pension fund holders.
Davos is the most expensive and exclusive of the Alpine Ski Resorts and the World
Economic Forum members stay in the most expensive and exclusive hotels. no
rubbing shoulders with your hoi polloi for them.
Away from the Chateau Petrus and Kobe beef however, the real action taking
place. The bankers and businessmen summon prime ministers and presidents with a
snap of their fingers to secret meetings in tiny rooms, where they order the lives of
the teeming masses and so make themselves even richer and their grop on power
even tighter.

More than 2,500 business executives and bankers converge on Davos for the
annual World Economic Forum. For the five days, Davos will boasts more
millionaires per square foot than Monaco or the executive little boiys room at
Microsoft HQ. A guest list leaked on to the web in advance of the 2013 WEF
included 680 company chief executives, and a plethora of bankers: seven from
Citigroup alone, six each from Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank.
David Cameron was on the list, along with 36 other sitting prime ministers. Naturally,
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are both popping in (the WEF organisers subsequently
issued an updated list, which was leaked to The Guardian newspaper and published
online). It is interesting to note that Barack Hussein Obama was not invited this year,
not even as coffee waiter.
The summit's notional purpose is to allow heads of businesses and of state to
conspire assess the state of the global economy and chart a course for the future. The
theme of this year's conference was "Resilient dynamism" which, true to Davos form,
is a title that would make equal sense, or nonsense, the other way round (other
classics of the genre include 2011's "Shared norms for the new reality").
All the thought-leadership expected of them might make executives feel a weeny
bit overawed, but the sessions on "de-risking Africa" aren't what justify the 45,000
price tag for basic membership and entrance (figures from a New York Times article
BING found for me). As participants acknowledge, the real business lies in private
sessions with industry peers and amenable politicians, and access to those starts at
around 98,500.
At those prices to purchase access for our hirelings we have to wonder how much
of the revenue goes to causes beneficial to us taxpayers. Just sayin'.

Davos: fairty tale setting for dubious deals?

What makes Davos so fascinating is as a case study of how the champions and
practitioners of free-market, globalised capitalism and unregulated banking give the
public one explanation for what they are doing and why, while privately agreeing to
do the absolute opposite. On the one hand there is an event attended by Sharon Stone,
Bono and a slew of tame academics including 14 Nobel laureates, the message being
"we're open to anyone (with $50,000 plus food and accommodation costs to spare)".
But forget Sharon Stone for a minute, she's not as hot as she used to be, what
goes on in those secret meetings, off limits to anyone not in the 100k club. It is both
a reputation-laundry service for failing politicians and a shadowy backroom - dealing
house where the most oleaginous of smooth faced fixers do dubious deals. From the
start the whole point of Davos has been to hype the gospel of free-market
fundamentalism while ensuring markets are anything but free. In his brilliant book,
The Agony of Mammon, Lewis Lapham describes how business-school academic
Klaus Schwab convened the original summit in 1971 for top European managers
interested in the secrets of American entrepreneurship and "freeing commercial

enterprise from the bondage of government regulation". A grand, globalist ideology,

the plan for a New World Order has since been wrapped around that piece of elitist
class interest. The New World Order was first mooted before the 20th century began
but the fist Davos session lookes very much like the point at which the players
decided it was time to make their move.
Grasp that and you grasp what's
wrong with the argument the Terry
Leahys, Phillip Greens, Bob Diamonds,
Bill Gates' Mark Zukerbergs and the evil
twins of Google make for their extreme
wealth. Look, the line runs, we work
hard for our wealth, we create jobs,
we're worth it. And up to a point it's true:
though they actually destroy more jobs
than they create, unlike previous
generations of the ultra-wealthy, many
of the modern super-rich work very hard
in running major businesses or in
finance to get richer although they are motivated more by obsessive compulsive
disorder than a strong work ethic.
We should not get carried away with the egalitarianism fostered by the digital
revolution however, the Davos guest list still includes plenty of sheikhs and royals
and people whose ancestors managed to drive the peasants from and claim as their
own land under which lay vast deposits of oil, iron, copper and tin ore, rare earth
metals and other money spinners. But that doesn't mean they truly earn the millions
they claim, oppressing peasants is a job not many of us could take on.
Take a look at who's in the Davos set. Last spring, two American academics, Jon
Bakija and Brad Helm, and a US Treasury official, Adam Cole, published the most
comprehensive analysis yet of the richest 0.1% earners, based on tax returns (Jobs

and Income growth of top earners - Bakija, Helm, Cole). Of these top dogs, nearly
two in three were top corporate executives and bankers. And the story in both those
professions has not been of brilliant returns to shareholders or vast improvements for
society, but of wealth extraction and lobbying politicians, Davos-style. In particular,
the tale of modern high-finance is of generating transactions, whether in corporate
mergers or sub-prime mortgages and then skimming off some of the cash.
Earlier generations would have known what to call this Davos set of wealth
extractors and rip-off merchants. Andrew Sayer, a Lancaster professor working on a
book to be called Why We Can't Afford The Rich tots up the terms: Ruskin referred to
such wealth as illth (opposite of 'wellth?'), the liberal JA Hobson as "improperty".
British social reformer William Cobbett called them tax - eaters, stock - jobbers, risk
- sharpers, loan - hucksters and skimmers. Their trades, on which the success of
London's financiasl industry was built, was secretive and sleazy. Now the top 0.1%
are able to conceal what dodgy dealing they are up to in plain sight.
As I am going to be posting this on respectable websites that do not like colourful
language I will call them Mummers because Mummers (see top picture) were masked
players in medieval mime plays, their faces were concealed and they only
communicated by gesture and though our Mummers are the big players in the game
for total control of our lives, they are seldom seen or heard in public and we hardly
know most of them exist.
If you do not know who the Mummers this article discusses are, we're not talking
about ancient preistly orders, alien shape shifting lizard men, secret cults within the
Vatican or the Freemasons, they are ordinary people like us, not in any way endowed
with mystical powers but wealthy globalists who control society from behind the
scenes and pull the strings of politicians. Many of the Mummers are high level
bankers, not the brash, shouty boys in shirtsleeves you see in movies about Wall
Street and The City (London) but the real bosses who shun publicity.
I'm trying to avoid giving the impression we are talking about secret societies
here, we're not. If you are one of those not-as-clever-as-you-think-you-are people
who does not believe in secret societies or conspiracies then you do not believe

organized crime exists. Groups that operate in secret, whether they are fixing the
price of pork belly futures or shifting industrial quantities of recreational drugs
from the mountains of The hindu Kush to the streets of Manhattan, do not publish
annual accounts, minutes of their meetings or press releases announcing planned
activities. You can trust me on that. Or you can read the revelatory books written by
Dr. David E. Martin who was a US Congressional and EU Parliamentary policy
adviser in global finance and ethics. Dr. Martin's books are described as fiction but he
says hey are thinly disguised accounts of his experiences as a political adviser.
Where might you find the Mummers?

The houses of Parlkiament or

the E U headquarters?
Are they in The Capitol or the UN
Building ...?

The houses of Parlkiament or

the E U headquarters?
Are they in The Capitol or the UN
Building ...?

Their reach and influence extends into all those places but their real centre of
operations is ....
The Bank For International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland.
It is the activities of The Mummers and their useful idiots, the new political,
academic and professional elite that created the economic mess the world plunged
into in 2008 (in truth we began plunging long before then but the decay was masked
by printng money and making virtually unlimited credit available. How did the
financiers, politicians and academics get it so wrong? you might well ask. But did
they get it wrong? They are hardly likely to disclose the real agenda to people whose
interests will be harmed by it are they. Perhaps things are working out just the way
they were intended to.
Followers of The Obamessiah cult talk of how we can have peace and harmony if
everybody will change their consciousness, abandon seolf interest and start living for
each other. It's the kind of claptrap that should be left to superannuated hippies of
course, we are not going to change into The Borg, human nature has changed little in

twenty thousand years. Such a global ant - hill society would suit the Mummers
perfectly. What they want is total control of a compliant and infantilized society.
Aldous Huxley envisaged such a system in Brave New World .
To experience true freedom and world peace, we need to learn and understand
how the Controllers think and study their systems of control so we can find ways to
counter them. Otherwise, the Mummers will steal our freedom and turn the planet
into a prison society. If this happens, our children and future generations be slaves
without a self determined future to look forward to. So much for saving the planet for
our children.If we are to be able to effectively resist The Mummers and their systems
of control it is necessary to understand why this elite group is so obsessed with
gaining total control of the world economy and it's varied societies. After reading this
article, you should understand why we cannot rely on our national parliaments and
assemblies and our elected representatives to safeguard our individual liberties and
why we need to embrace personal responsibility and extend that to collaboration with
groups of people whose cultural values and interests are similar to our own. Anybody
who has been paying attention to coverage of recent G20 meetings and climate
confrences will have heard political leaders and academics talk of the need to create a
global culture. In such a culture, under a paternalistic, totalitarian government
presumably, ancient traditions would be obliterated and a set of synthetic morals and
values created by the elite would replace them. We (or our descendants) would live in
unthinking dependency, slaves to the central authority. Taking responsibility for our
own actions would be unthinkable.
History should have taught us that when we become irresponsible and take
freedom for granted, we always get tyranny! But history is excluded from the school
curriculum now, having been replaced by a colourless, flavourless, politically correct
propaganda that serves not the truth but the agenda of The Mummers
Subsequent parts of The Mummers will examine their control systems,
manipulation of news and information, rewriting of history, engineering of economic
boom and bust, deliberate provokation to war, and systematic undermining of cultural
values, traditions and institutions. In part two the control of religion will be

examined. For the present however you may like to pondr the wisom of these words
written in the first decade of the twentieth century by G. K. Chesteron in his poem
The Secret People:
from The Secret People by G.K. Chesterton
stanza 6
They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
Lords without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs.
We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street ...
<a href="http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/gkc/books/secret-people.html"> The
Secret People by G K Chesterton available in full here</a>To fully understand all the
metaphor of Chesterton's poem some understanding of British history from the
Anglo Saxon era is an advantage. Even without that however it's a good poem and
worth reading.
"Ground beneath the palsied heel of mummers" is a line from W H Auden.

Conspirators. 1:

Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations
Death By Debt Of Western Civilization?
Corporatism is fascism, democracy is dead
The Mummers: The Controlling system And The Illusion Of Freedom
TTIP - The Anything But Free Trade Agreement
New Waves of Migrants Could Hit Britains Shores As Germany Introduces More Lax Border
Agenda 21 Revealed: The Abolition Of Private Property
How The Elite Plan To Take Over The World
Russell Brand Rips Apart MSNBC Morning Joe Presenters
Give And Take: Guess who gives and who takes
Federal Exchange Ignores The Goal Posts, Moves The Stadium.
Britain 'will join euro before long, says German finance minister
Debt Crisis
California: The Global Capital Of Crazy
Getting Naked In The Financial Markets
Are The Cultural Poles Flipping
Flight From Freedom
Obama Attacks Internet Freedom
Inflation Tax
Gambling In The Euro Casino At Vegas on the Med

Financial Alchemy

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