OB Question Paper

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ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 1. Concerning organizational cultures, a. a strong culture is a more productive environment b.

a weak culture is a more productive environment c. the specific culture that contributes to positive effectiveness is well known d. the stronger the culture, the more influential it is on employee behavior 2. Shared organizational values are a. unconscious, affective desires or wants that guide society's behavior b. influenced by international values c. different for the various components of a diverse work force d. a myth 3. Which of the following best explains why an employee behaves as s/he does? a. The environment is the most important consideration in understanding individual employee behavior. b. Both the environment and individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior. c. Neither the environment nor individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior. d. Employee personality and attitudes are primarily dictated by the environment. 4. Motivation is important to managers because a. it is a significant contributor to high performance b. it does not explain the differences in intensity of behavior c. it explains the differences in attitude and personality d. not all employees know how to use it effectively 5. Considering extrinsic rewards, a. money modifies behavior irrespective of the perceptions and preferences of the person being rewarded b. recognition is a powerful motivating reward for everyone c. upper management compensation is a strong incentive for lower-level employees to work harder d. benefits are usually based on longevity, not performance 6. In order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow's five classes of needs? a. Socialesteemphysiologicalsafetyself-actualization b. Physiologicalsafetysocialself-actualizationesteem c. Physiological, safety, social ,esteem, self-actualization d. Self-actualizationesteemsafetysocialphysiological 7. A lack of clarity concerning what will happen is referred to as a. temporal b. predisposition c. uncertainty d. negation 8. Employees with relatively weak higher-order needs are _______ concerned with variety and autonomy. a. less b. more c. very d. extremely

9. Which of the following is a strategy of job design that increases job depth by meeting employees needs for psychological growth? a. Job rotation b. Job enrichment c. Job enlargement d. Job enrichment and job enlargement 10. What is the key word in understanding organization structure? a. Control b. Change c. Process d. Delegation 11. Organization structures a. affect group behavior more than individual behavior b. change rapidly to meet environmental and market changes c. contribute positively to organizational performance d. can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly 12. Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization are called a. formal groups b. informal groups c. task groups d. interest groups 13. Continued membership in a group will usually require a. supporting the group leader b. conforming to group norms c. encouraging cohesiveness in the group d. developing a status system 14. Which of the following is true of managers in relationship to conflict? a. Managers generally encourage low levels of conflict because it improves performance, up to a certain point. b. Managers generally ignore conflict. c. Managers attempt to eliminate conflict because the organization rewards them for keeping conflict out of their area of responsibility. d. Managers show no consistent attitude toward conflict. 15. It appears that a. successful leaders tend to be more intelligent than followers b. there is no link between intelligence of the leader and success c. intelligence is the most important "ability" trait in leaders d. persons with creativity make the best leaders 16. Concerning leadership concepts, a. leader roles are unnecessary in organizations like Gore-Tex, where a self-leadership approach is used b. it is likely that a particular set of leader characteristics and behaviors do suit specific situations and groups c. it is likely that the need for leaders will decline in the 21st century due to more decentralized structures d. the military model of leadership will become more popular in the 21 st century

17. The definition of communication implies that a. communication is mostly verbal b. communication is mostly written c. most communication is in a vertical direction d. understanding must occur to have communication 18. The LEAST-used communication channel in an organization is usually a. upward b. downward c. diagonal d. horizontal 19. Specific procedures developed for repetitive and routine problems are a. autocratic decisions b. programmed decisions c. easy decisions d. non-programmed decisions 20. An important potential environmental source of change is a. a new competitive product b. dissatisfied employee attitudes c. employee grievances d. a wildcat strike ANSWERS TO SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. c 11. d 12. a 13. b 14. c 15. a 16. b

8. a 9. b 10. a 17. d 18. d 19. b

20. A

Question All the unique traits and patterns of adjustment of the individual is known as Correct Answer Personality Question Term LOC in the study of personality stand for Correct Answer Locus of control Question Attitude always remains inside a person. Correct Answer True Question Every manager is intimately concerned with the issue if the attitude can be changed. Correct Answer True Question An individuals own social and personality features does not cause a divergence Correct Answer False Question Human behaviour is based on instincts Correct Answer William James Question Vroom theory has taken into consideration the individual differences based on individual perceptions. Correct Answer False Question A self actualization person is task oriented and is not taken in by the personal criticism or prise. Correct Answer True

Question Conflict the result of Correct Answer In compatible goals Question Correct Answer Organization help people achieve their own personal objectives At the same time people help organizations achieve its objectives Performance results are minimum In autocratic model of organization Managers do not bother to motivate, guide, develop employees organization In custodial model of organization HR manager comes late frequently He is reluctant to talk on time management Employees who are regular and punctual To be rewarded by organization in order to encourage desired behavior Question Rewards for behaviour in support of change help in overcoming resistance for change. Correct Answer True Question There are three broad categories of stresses Correct Answer Organization stressor Question Role ambiguity ,role conflict , role overload etc. are some organizational stressors relating to the role in the organization Correct Answer True Question Hawthorne studies points out the need for Correct Answer Recognition Question The ________ of stimuli implies that the more intense the ________ audio or visual, the more is the likelihood it will be perceived Correct Answer intensity, stimulus Question Although understanding differences in ________ is important, behaviour always involves, an ________ of the person and the situation Correct Answer personality, interaction Question ________ attitude is also a ________ of the trust in the communicator by the employees Correct Answer Changing, function Question Human ________ is ________ Correct Answer behavior, rational Question The study of OB investigate the ________ that individuals, ________ and structure have on behaviour. Correct Answer impact, groups

Question Morale essentially is ________ to ________ satisfaction Correct Answer related, job Question Organizational culture is a pattern of ________ and ________ shared by the members of organization Correct Answer beliefs, expectations Question Procedural conflict occurs when individuals follow sance process to achieve an objective. Correct Answer False Question An organization that values formality, ________, standard operating procedures and ________ co ordination has a buearacratic culture Correct Answer rules, hierarchical Question ________ is a natural ________ among people Correct Answer Conflict, disagreement Question Avoiding refers to ________ and uncooperative behaviours. It is a ________ approach Correct Answer unassertive, lose lose Question Friendship groups are Correct Answer Evolved informally Question Team is a small number of Correct Answer Employer with complementary competencies Question Self managed teams Correct Answer Perform a variety of managerial tasks Question Norming stage of team building is Correct Answer Setting rules by which the team will operate Question Norming stage Correct Answer Norms are established Question Effective communication is the foundation Correct Answer of modern organization Question In the ________ stage harmony develops and norms are ________ . Correct Answer Norming, established Question Correct Answer face to face interact condition- highest media richness vertical communication-between hierarchical positions fear of reprisal-people are afraid to speak their mind Filters-employees ideas get transmitted upward lateral communication-among people

Question An idea, no matter how great, is useless until it is transmitted and understood by others Correct Answer True Question Effective communication cannot be seen as the foundation o modern organisations. Correct Answer False Question Perception is used in Correct Answer Selection of candidate for employment , Performance Appraisal Question Situation where individual differences are unimportant are Correct Answer Earthquake , Drought , Flood Question Attitudes are influence by Correct Answer Religion , Family , Educational background Question Physiological needs are Correct Answer Basic Needs , Physical needs , Bodily needs Question Atmospheric conditions that affect working environment are Correct Answer Temperature , Humidity , Air circulation Question Group is Correct Answer Two or more people , Intgeracting with each other , Having common objective Question Task oriented roles of team include Correct Answer Seeking information or opinions , Giving information or opinions , Clarifying and elaborating Question Democratic leader Correct Answer Trusts subordinates , Open to all , Formal / informal communication Question The two dimensional approach of Ohio state studies lessened the gab between Correct Answer The strict task orientation , The scientific management movement , The human relations emphases Question Constantly changing external environment forces an organization to address Correct Answer Mission , Long term goals , strategy Question To form healthy working relationship culture organization needs to look into Correct Answer Organization structure , Performance , reward system Question Upward communication is used Correct Answer to provide feedback to higher-ups , inform them of progress , relay current problems Question The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of personalities are enormous in terms of. Correct Answer Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations. Question Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like Correct Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person

Question Major determinants of personality Correct Answer Biological , Situation Question Valence refers to the degree of favourableness or unfavourableness towards object. Correct Answer True Question -Correct Answer Attitude- Respond Value -Judgment Opinion- Expression Personality -Behaviour Question Hearing and seeing do not influence perception Correct Answer False Question Theory of unconscious behaviour Correct Answer Sigmund Freud Question Insecurity makes a man Correct Answer Under-productive Question Job enlargement means adding other task to the job. Correct Answer True Question Our perceptions are Correct Answer different Question Pressure for change are created only outside and not inside the organization. Correct Answer False Question Participative management style facilitate implementing change in organization. Correct Answer True Question Leadership is one form of clominaxe in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by another person Correct Answer True Question The Laiseez Faire leadership climate produces the greatest number of aggressive acts from the group Correct Answer True Question Conceptual skill is the ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork Correct Answer False Question As the Supervisory level the requirement of technical skills is the highest Correct Answer True

Question Participative leaders decentralize authority Correct Answer True Question Giving a person an opportunity to talk an air his grievances had a positive impact on his Correct Answer Morale Question -Correct Answer Organizational behavior helps to understand the importance of -Human elements in the organization Organizational objectives cannot be achieved -By an individual or a small group of individual Organizations show -Hierarchy of authority In a organization there is constant interaction- Between people structure an technology Every organization contains a blue- Print of human behaviour at work Question ________ affects ________ in organization and other social settings in several important ways Correct Answer Self-esteem, behaviour Question ________ changes may be roughly classified into ________ and incongruent changes Correct Answer Attitude, congruent Question Intra personal ________ is the result of ________ needs Correct Answer conflict, unsatisfied Question Organizational behavior is the ________ and ________ of knowledge Correct Answer study, application Question High levels of ________ taking, ________ and credibility characterize an entrepreneurial culture. Correct Answer risk, dynamism Question Organizational ________ is the ________ process by which an organization brings a new employee into its culture Correct Answer socialization, systematic Question When our ________ is ________ we are very likely to resist vigorously, any attempt to change our attitude. Correct Answer self-esteem, threatened Question A worker with a ________ attitude towards his ________ is much less likely to slacken pace on the job Correct Answer favourable, supervisor Question Potency Correct Answer Capable of being effective Question Self managed teams Correct Answer Perform a variety of managerial tasks

Question Task oriented roles include Correct Answer Seeking information or opinions Question The informal communication network is called Correct Answer Grapevine Question Formal communication is Correct Answer from top to bottom Question ________ can be classified as formal group and ________ group . Correct Answer group, informal Question The most tried and effective downward communication is to communicate orally and Correct Answer then follow up in writing Question Rewards Correct Answer Motivate employees , Encourages , Feel honoured Question Productivity declines because of Correct Answer Fatigue , Boredom , Monotony Question People with strong feeling of boredom Correct Answer Dislike routine activity , Prefer leisure activities , Show lack of satisfaction Question Organizations are said to be a Correct Answer Group of people , Having some common goal or objective , Utilize resources for attaining goal Question Benevolent - Authoritative leader Correct Answer Trusts his subordinates , Has confidence in subordinates , Uses formal communication Question Steps to be taken for introducing change in the organization. Correct Answer Recognise the forces demanding change , Recognise the need for the change , Finding loopholes. Question Changing task includes Correct Answer Job enrichment , Job specification , Job redefinition Question organizational socialization includes Correct Answer Developing competencies , Developing organizational values , Developing social and working relationship Question Individual personality traits that serve as hurdle in communication Correct Answer low adjustments , low sociability , low agreeableness Question Love your body means Correct Answer Have a regular medical checkup , Do exercise regularly , Dont touch tobacco

Question General adaptation syndrome Correct Answer Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion Question Stage of resistance Correct Answer Maximum adaptation , Alarm reaction disappears , Resistance increases Question A youth with white hair catches attention faster in India. This reaction is based on which attention seeking principle / factor? Correct Answer Novelty Question Boredom can be avoided by employing people who are slightly less :Correct Answer Intelligent Question According to Ram it is financially advantageous to work for five days in a week. However, Laxman is of the opinion that such a move will hamper productivity. Under which category will you classify this conflict of ideas between Ram and Laxman? Correct Answer Cognitive conflict Question Shyam is working as manager-finance in a multi-national company. His behavior towards his friends has undergone some change in the last couple of weeks. Which of the behavioral symptoms should be observed by his friends so as to find out whether or not he is under stress? Correct Answer Tendency to remain isolated , Poor eye contact while talking , Sudden change in clothing habits Question Major determinants of personality Correct Answer Biological , Situation Question Norms are often more liberally defined. Correct Answer False Question An employee whose skill set combines good training and high performance goals, implies that he has ________ . Correct Answer High productivity Question The technology necessitates an organization to change its process of manufacturing, make structural changes, etc. Correct Answer True Question According to Frend the human mind is composed of Correct Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind Question Hawthorne studies provided the foundation for the expansion of Industrial Psychology to the :Correct Answer Study of motivation and morale Question Ego controls Correct Answer The gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment , Decides what instincts will be satisfied. Question The first stage of alarm reaction includes an initial ________ phase, in which the resistance is lowered. Correct Answer Shock Question The ________ skills relate to a person's knowledge and ability in any organizational functional area.

Correct Answer Technical Question It is observed that ________has an adverse impact on executive efficiency in the organizations. Correct Answer Distress Question Select the factors which are treated as motivators by Herzberg in his theory of motivation :Correct Answer Achievement , Possibility of growth , Responsibility Question Stress affects different people but in the same manner. Correct Answer False Question Sona and Sunil work on the cost reduction project. Their target is to reduce costs by 15%. Sona is of the view that the total salary of all managers should be reduced by 15%. However, Sunil finds this move to be too taxing on the managers. He opines that only leave travel concession of the managers should be cut down by 15%. Narang is appointed as a mediator. What qualities should Narang possess in order to be successful mediator for resolving the given conflict between Sona and Sunil? Correct Answer Narang should be able to diagnose the conflict properly , Narang should show mutual acceptance , Narang should have the ability to provide emotional support Question A manager informally conveys to his senior that the recommendations of the committee are not implementable because he was not selected as a member of that committee. What type of defense mechanism is the manager using? Correct Answer Negativism Question During which phase it is seen that the adaptation energy is exhausted and the resistance level begins to decline in an irreversible manner? Correct Answer State of exhaustion Question All the unique traits and patterns of adjustment of the individual are known as :Correct Answer Personality Question The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of personalities are enormous in terms of. Correct Answer Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations. Question Which personality theories give recognition to continuity of personalities? Correct Answer Trait Question A motivated employee is highly productive but least interested in quality. Correct Answer False Question Identify the process influence personality development. Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process Question Good match between individual personality and organization is essential because of Correct Answer Some people have passion for bureaucracy , Some people prefer autonomy flexibility in operation Question When the senior official gets angry with his subordinate and throws the files at him, which form of defense mechanism is he indicating through his behavior? Correct Answer Regression Question In heavy muscular work, ________ fatigue is unquestionably a major factor contributing to work decrement.

Correct Answer Physiological Question Usually, the first impression stops affecting any of your later perception of the individual. Correct Answer False Question If coincidentally, five out of fifteen employees working in the sales division quit their jobs at about the same time, it is more likely to be perceived as a problem with the manager of the sales division. Correct Answer True Question Perception is a ________ process. Correct Answer Psychological Question The ________ needs have a tendency of recurrence. Correct Answer Physiological Question Identify the primary levels of conflicts :Correct Answer Intrapersonal , Interpersonal , Intergroup Question The perceptual process shall always result in correct judgment or understanding of facts. Correct Answer False Question Which type of motivators are involved in granting additional authority to an employee in his activity? Correct Answer Responsibility and recognition Question Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches to understanding the complex personality? Correct Answer Intrapsychic , Physiognomy , Trait Question The primary concern of ego is to determine whether the action proposed by superego is right or wrong. Correct Answer False Question State the structures within the human mind concerned with the development of personality, as advocated by Freud. :Correct Answer The id , Ego , Superego Question Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like Correct Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person Question Ishwar was known as task getter. He always threatened his assistants that they might loose their jobs if the work is not done properly. He displayed his authority in the false belief that it frightens the subordinates into productivity. What kind of leadership style is being followed by Ishwar? Correct Answer Negative Question Freud calls ego as "Libido". Correct Answer False Question John, a finance manager, had to present the cash budget before the board of directors. Seconds after he finished, the managing director pointed out that the capital expenditure was not considered and thus making his entire cash budget incorrect. In such a situation, which of the following bodily responses are expected of John? Correct Answer Raised pulse , Release of adrenaline , Rapid breathing

Question State the limitations of trait theories :Correct Answer Traits may be too abstract. , The theory focuses on isolated traits. , The theory is essentially descriptive in nature. Question ________ is a tendency to be directed inward and have a greater affinity for abstract ideas and sensitivity to personal feelings. Correct Answer Introversion Question Lakhan is the production incharge XYZ Industries Ltd. He observes that more than two tea-breaks during a day of 8 working hours hampers the productivity. However, the union is demanding four tea-breaks. It is impossible to increase the number of tea-breaks nor is it possible to increase the productivity of workers without tea breaks. Advise on the ideal conflict management style which will benefit Lakhan in this situation. Correct Answer Compromising style Question Correct Answer Free rein leaders-Avoid power and responsibility Negative leaders- Act domineering and superior with their subordinates Autocratic leaders- Provide security and satisfaction to his subordinates Participative leaders- Exercise control mostly by using forces within the group Question Correct Answer Noise- Is a distracter Repetitive task- Is a cause of boredom Peak output -Is a result of efficiency Soft music -Increases productivity Question The super ego acts as a censor on the individual. Correct Answer True Question Values and attitudes are acquired and learned from experience with people and objects. Correct Answer True Question Some of the attitudes are developed through imitation. Correct Answer True Question Organizational commitment by employees does not lead to loyalty. Correct Answer False Question Perception is Correct Answer It is a Process Question Needs are the result of Correct Answer imbalance Question Physical surrounding affects Correct Answer Production Question There are five primary levels of conflicts. Correct Answer False

Question If organizations' interests suffer, it does not impact employees interest Correct Answer False Question Change takes place in all part of organization. Correct Answer True Question Human beings are Correct Answer Susceptible to stress Question Stress is non specific response of the body to Correct Answer Stimulations Question Ego i.e attachment to self temptations envy or hate, or the ,main organizational stressors Correct Answer False Question -Correct Answer Organization culture -Employee behaviours Procedures and policies- Shapes organization culture Reward system and measurement -Affect organization culture Bureaucratic culture- Values rules and regulation Tradition, loyalty- Attributes of clan culture Question Extra - organizational activities influence human behavior act Correct Answer Work Question Free rein leaders avoid power and Correct Answer Responsibility Question The authoritarian leader encourages group discussion anddecision- making Correct Answer False Question Organization shows Correct Answer Hierarchy of authority Question Perhaps the most ________ factor that contributes to ________ is the physical stature of an individual Correct Answer outstanding, personality Question Organizations are the grand strategies created to bring ________ to a concerted effort for the achievement of certain ________ . Correct Answer order, objectives Question Manager is not the ________ but a leader in ________ model of organization. Correct Answer boss, supportive Question ________ can be high in spite of morale being low because of________ systems and controls imposed by management Correct Answer Productivity, rigid

Question ________ means the ________ of employees and group towards their work environment Correct Answer Morale, attitude Question Procedures and policies provide foundation for developing Correct Answer A good work culture in the organization Question Organizational ________ is still a relatively new,________ and little understood management concept Correct Answer culture, controversial Question Finding the most ________ sub ________ in the organization and using it as an example from which employee can learn. Correct Answer effective, culture Question Pressure for ________ are created both outside and ________ the organization Correct Answer change, inside Question Management of ________ is incomple without proper ________ Correct Answer change, follow up. Question Effective group has Correct Answer Shared goals Question Organizational communication is of different Correct Answer types and forms Question A purpose, expressed as a message to be conveyed, passes between a source ( the sender ) and a receiver Correct Answer True Question Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest and concerted attempt to understand Correct Answer The human factor , Recognize the employee attitude ,Workers social situation on the job Question Secondary motives Correct Answer Power , Affiliation , Achievement Question The hygiene factors are like Correct Answer Technical supervision , Salary , Personal life Question Characteristic of group think Correct Answer Collective rationalization , Stereotypical views ,Direct pressure Question Consultative leader Correct Answer Shows confidence in subordinates , Retain control in his hands , Retain decision making in his hands Question Theories of leadership Correct Answer Trait theory , Fiedler's theory , Life cycle theory

Question Kurt lewin suggested three phase process for change in people Correct Answer Unfreezing , Changing , Refreezing Question Constantly changing external environment forces an organization to address Correct Answer Mission , Long term goals , strategy Question Cultural diversity brings with it Correct Answer Intra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , turnovers Question Improving communication at the individual level include Correct Answer sending , choosing channels , receiving Question Working requires greater ________ and interaction ________ workers Correct Answer co-ordination, among Question The stage which relates to development of decision making abilities, interpersonal and technical competencies is known as : Correct Answer Storming Question Feeling of insecurity usually makes a man under-productive. Correct Answer True Question -Correct Answer Ideal self -Roger Per sonare- to sound through Ego -Frend Traits- All port Physical structuring -Sheldon Question Individual initiative, flexibility and freedom are encouraged in________culture. Correct Answer entrepreneurial Question OB is mainly concerned with the study of human behavior at work. Correct Answer True Question The great depression contributed to the rise of: Correct Answer Human relations movement Question Resistance to Cultural Change is directly depends on: Correct Answer Magnitude of change , Strength of the prevailing culture Question- Correct Answer Wagner Act -Labour movement Scientific Management movement- Wage payment plans Hawthorne Experiments -Human relations Hugo Munsteberg -Psychology and industrial efficiency Question Hawthorne studies point out that: Correct Answer The need for recognition and security exert greater impact on productivity than the physical working conditions.

Question Maximum adaptation occurs during the stage of resistance. Correct Answer True Question The blue print of human behaviour at work is represented by Correct Answer Procedures , Rules , Regulations Question To be efficient every manager must try to Correct Answer Understand human behaviour , Predict human behaviour, Control human behaviour Question If the stress persists, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, the organism develops itself for the fight mechanism. Correct Answer False Question A ________ person has a cause and an ideology to fight for achieving the set goal. Correct Answer Self-actualized Question The philosophy that guides an organization's policies towards its employees and customers is an important part of Correct Answer Organizational culture Question The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader's trust in the abilities of his subordinates. Correct Answer Participative Question ________ in one form of dominance, in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by another person. Correct Answer Leadership Question Basic Organizational Behaviour concepts take into consideration Correct Answer Nature of people , Nature of organization Question A manager can be effective by just having a sound knowledge of his area of work Correct Answer False Question During which phase it is seen that the adaptation energy is exhausted and the resistance level begins to decline in an irreversible manner? Correct Answer State of exhaustion Question According to Vroom's theory, ________ is the result of multiplication of valence and expectancy. Correct Answer Motivation Question Name the groups of core needs identified by Alderfer Correct Answer Existence , Relatedness , Growth Question The storming stage relating to development of a team is characterised by which of the following aspects? Correct Answer Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the responsibilities of each team member

Question Which theory assumes that the manager's role is to coerce and control employees? Correct Answer Theory X Question What are the principles of job enlargement? Correct Answer Rotating the assignments , Challenging the employees by increasing the expected production , Adding other tasks to the job Question Rest pauses provide an opportunity to talk and think only about job-related activities Correct Answer False Question The multinationals which come on the Indian scene enjoy superior resources in terms of________technology as well as market network. Correct Answer money The major contributors to the development of Organizational Behaviour are: Correct Answer Industrial psychology , Scientific management movement , Human relations movement Question The ________ motivator includes introducing new and more difficult tasks to an employee, who will be doing them for the first time. Correct Answer Growth and learning Question In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' means Correct Answer By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves. Question Career development of employees facilitates development of whole person concept. Correct Answer True Question Illumination Experiment is a part of Hawthorne experiments. Correct Answer True Question The features of team empowerment are as follows: Correct Answer Potency , Autonomy , Impact Question Fiedler has described situational favorableness in terms of three empirically derived dimensions, viz: Correct Answer The leader member relationship , The degree of task structure , The leader's positional power Question High competitiveness and profit orientation is a characteristic of which type of organizational culture? Correct Answer Market Question A communication media is said to rich when which of the given parameters are satisfied? Correct Answer It facilitates rapid feedback Question Anand is the new CEO of ABC Ltd. Whatever suggestions or recommendations are given by his subordinate managers, all are rejected by Anand. What sort of role is being portrayed by Anand? Correct Answer Negativist Question The communication process can be improved by ________. Correct Answer Reducing status barriers

Question ________ is caused because of the modern life and anxiety to cope with them. Correct Answer Distress Question According to Likert, few variables characterize the leadership style. Select these variables. Correct Answer Casual , Intervening , End-result Question Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory. Correct Answer Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs Question Contribution of Walter Dill Scot towards industrial psychology is: Correct Answer He showed how psychology can be applied to advertising and selling. Question In the discipline Organizational Behaviour the fundamental concept is: Correct Answer Based on the nature of people and organization Question The communication between managers and workers located in different functional divisions is known as ________ communication. Correct Answer Diagonal Question Identify the process influence personality development. Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process Question 'I' refers to the personal self and 'me' refers to the social self in the theory of Correct Answer Roger Question Fundamental force motivating the human organism is Correct Answer Self actualization Question Indicate the developmental stages that the teams are required to go through. Correct Answer Forming , Storming , Norming Question The storming stage relating to development of a team is characterised by which of the following aspects? Correct Answer Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the responsibilities of each team member Question The ________ teams are concerned with rotating tasks and assignments amongst its members. Correct Answer Self-managed Question The self-managed teams usually consist of employees whose work is related to manufacturing an entire product. Correct Answer True Question Norms are often more liberally defined. Correct Answer False Question Identify the situations which reflect upward communication. Correct Answer Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by the supervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen , Employee attitude surveys

Question Identify the steps involved in achieving improvement in communication within the organization. Correct Answer Simple messages , Use of multiple channels ,Promoting inter-group communication Question Face-to-face conversation is often regarded as the richest communication media, because: Correct Answer Handles multiple cues simultaneously Question The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its internal communication. Correct Answer False Question Research has found that all communication channels are equal in their capacity to convey information. Correct Answer False Question A non-specific response of the body to a situation is known as ________. Correct Answer Stress Question The concept of organizational stress was first evolved in the classic work of ________. Correct Answer Kahn et al Question Decrease in productivity and increase in interpersonalconflicts are some of the ________ symptoms of stress. Correct Answer Behavioral Question It is observed that ________has an adverse impact on executive efficiency in the organizations. Correct Answer Distress Question Sidha Samadhi Yog is one of the modern therapies of________. Correct Answer Meditation Question Eustress is very harmful to the person suffering from it. Correct Answer False Question The ________ studies were the first to emphasize the importance of task and human dimensions in assessing leadership. Correct Answer Ohio State Question- Correct Answer Katz and Kahn -Advocated varied meanings of leadership Keith Davis- Defined leadership as human factor that binds people together Ronald Lippitt and Ralph K. -Series of pioneering leadership studies Kurt Lewin- Father of group dynamics Question Organizational Behaviour studies human behavior as well as group________. Correct Answer dynamics Question The results of bank wiring room study done under the Hawthorne experiments were: Correct Answer Small group of people emerge as a team , The group is indifferent towards financial incentives , The group norms are more important for the members

Question Fred Luthans is known as the father of "Scientific Management". Correct Answer False Question The four different models of organizational behavior denote: Correct Answer The responses of the employees to the various orientations of the managers , The general behavioural climate prevailing in the manager-employee relationship , The evolution of the thinking and behaviour of the management and the managers alike Question In which organization models, managers did not bother to create an atmosphere which was conducive to the development of the employees? Correct Answer Autocratic , Custodial Question Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory. Correct Answer Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs Question The ________ job loading is also known as job enlargement. Correct Answer Horizontal Question Which of the given factors are also known as dissatisfiers? Correct Answer Hygiene factors Question What is the other name for vertical job loading? Correct Answer Job enrichment Question While physiological need have a reference to the future, the safety needs take care of the present. Correct Answer False Question The social needs are so strong that even the cruelest criminals dread the punishment of solitary confinement. Correct Answer True Question According to Herzberg's factor, hygiene factor for one employee is the hygiene factor for all the employees within the organization. Correct Answer False Question Organizational________represents a complex pattern of beliefs, expectations, ideas, values and attitudes shared by the members of the organization. Correct Answer culture Question Internal integration involves addressing the issue of: Correct Answer Determining rules related to power and status Question Organization culture and performance is directly related. Correct Answer True Question An important factor in implementing rest pauses lies in itsCorrect Answer placement Question

State the drawback of Vroom's theory. Correct Answer Does not provide specific solution to the motivational problems

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