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Blog Post Lesson Plan

This one-day lesson aims to teach 7th grade students about figurative language. Students will define types of figurative language like onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and metaphor. They will identify examples of these devices in a short story and analyze how the language enhances the text. To assess learning, students will participate in class, take part in a class quiz, and write a blog post analyzing figurative language use. The lesson incorporates visual, oral, and writing activities to engage different types of learners. Accommodations like graphic organizers and one-on-one help are provided for students with special needs.

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Blog Post Lesson Plan

This one-day lesson aims to teach 7th grade students about figurative language. Students will define types of figurative language like onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and metaphor. They will identify examples of these devices in a short story and analyze how the language enhances the text. To assess learning, students will participate in class, take part in a class quiz, and write a blog post analyzing figurative language use. The lesson incorporates visual, oral, and writing activities to engage different types of learners. Accommodations like graphic organizers and one-on-one help are provided for students with special needs.

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Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Pre-Instructional Planning: The thought process that leads to the development of quality, meaningful

lesson plans
Guiding questions that will provide the framework for the lesson. (Respond to each question.)
Who will you be teaching? (Identify student grade level as well as academic functioning level and specific needs of individual students) Seventh grade students Who (if anybody) will assist with the presentation of this lesson, and what will their role be? N/A What is the long range goal(s) that is tied to this lesson? Students need to be able to identify and successfully use figurative language in order to help them understand and analyze literature. What is the specific learning objective(s) for this lesson? Students need to be able to define onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration, assonance, metaphor, simile and idiom. Students must be able to identify these features within and text and explain how they enhance the text. What prerequisite skills/knowledge will students need to effectively access and participate in this lesson? Basic computer skills General reading skills Read the story Lobs Girl Understand figurative language and be able to identify them within text.

When within the stages of learning will this lesson be presented? (Is it a learning acquisition lesson, learning fluency lesson, learning maintenance lesson, or learning generalization lesson?) This is a learning acquisition lesson for some and a learning maintenance lesson for most. When will this lesson be completed? (Will it be a one-day lesson or a multiple day lesson?) This is a one day lesson. Where should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (computer lab, classroom, science lab) AND what materials will be needed? This lesson will be completed in the classroom. We will need a computer with projector and screen, a netbook cart, class set of Reading textbooks and paper/pencil. Why are you planning to teach this lesson? Why must this information/skill be presented to the students? This information is a crucial part of 7th grade Reading curriculum. How does this lesson relate to the PA Academic Standards? This lesson is consistent with PA Academic Standards and Common Core Standards. How does this lesson relate to the previous lesson? How does this lesson relate to future lessons? This lesson is part of a whole cohesive unit on figurative language. This content will be referenced throughout future lessons. How will you determine if students have met the lesson objective? (Think assessment) Writing Rubric

How should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (lecture, whole group activities, small group activities, cooperative learning groups) This lesson will be a mix of whole group and individual activities.

Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan: Translating thoughts into a plan of action _____________________________________________
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: (Provide Standard number and statement) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.3a: Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.* CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.5a: Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.2 : Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) The students will define figurative language vocabulary. The students will identify figurative language within a text. The students will analyze the effectiveness of figurative language within a text. The students will write a response based on their analysis. The students will write a clear, complete, concise, grammatically correct paragraph. Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) The students will be assessed through class participation and observation, as well as, through a writing assignment. Materials: We will need a computer with projector and screen, a netbook cart, class set of Reading textbooks and paper/pencil. Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: In order to support those students with special needs, I will offer a graphic organizer for our writing assignment. I will also provide these students with a note sheet that defines each type of figurative language and provides an example. These students will have the option of typing or handwriting their response based on their preference. Through scaffolded instruction throughout the unit, I will provide all of my students the help they need. I will provide one-on-one assistance to those who need it. Enrichment Techniques: For those who need some enrichment, I will ask them to pick another text (anything they would like) and try to find an example of each type of figurative language within it. They will need to mark page numbers and explain how they know each example matches a type of figurative language.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): I will use Gardners Multiple Intelligences by presenting information orally and visually. I will allow students to type their writing responses which appeal to the kinesthetic learner who will have moving fingers, the linguistic learner who will use words effectively, and the interpersonal learner who will interact with others through blog posting.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: As an anticipatory set and to jog the students memory, they will need to fill in a plot diagram for the story Lobs Girl which was previously read.

Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) Anticipatory Set/Review Students will fill in the plot diagram (those students with special needs can bullet point or jot down a few words while other students are expected to write full sentences) and then we will review this as a class. Figurative language class quiz/discussion The teacher will display multiple examples of figurative language and the students must identify which type and what it makes them visualize. The class will discuss based on responses to ensure students understand concepts. Instructions The teacher will use projector to pull up blog assignment. The teacher will review the expectations with the class. Students will get required materials. Blog Students will work on their blog posts for the remainder of the class period. They will be encouraged to check through for grammar errors and to be sure they have fully answered the question. If time allows, students will read peer responses and comment on what they agree with or find interesting. Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities Guided Practice Review of anticipatory set, class quiz, blog instructions Independent Practice Anticipator set, Blog post Assessment Class discussion, Blog post Closure: To close this lesson, I will ask students to share a few of the examples of figurative language they found within the text. I will also review any upcoming assignments or important information.

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