What Is Energy Independence?
What Is Energy Independence?
What Is Energy Independence?
Fact Sheet:
February 2013 By Justin Yarros Introduction
A popular narrative has emerged saying that America will produce enough oil and natural gas to achieve energy independence within a decade, and that this will somehow solve Americas energy security concerns. This narrative is false. First, America has long been independent of foreign sources of energy for electricity, residential, and commercial use (about 50% of U.S. energy use); only the petroleum products that are used for transportation and industrial uses are subject to imports. Although technically independent in that these commodities are not largely imported, it would be a mistake to call these sources of energy safe, sustainable, or economically stable. Second, even if the U.S. could produce all the oil it used, that oil would be subject to global market fluctuations and those market prices are dominated by demand growth in developing countries and by supply changes by large producers like the Persian Gulf. This fact sheet examines the myth of energy independence and shows why America cannot drill its way to energy security.
This fact sheet presents key facts about our consumption patterns of oil and natural gas and examines the threats of fossil fuel dependence. Instead of energy independence, U.S. energy policy should strive for energy security, which can be defined as the ability to act in foreign policy regardless of how we use energy at home. U.S. policy should focus on building an energy system that is secure, economically stable, and sustainable. To really achieve a measure of energy security, we have to diversify our energy sources, use less fossil fuels, and address climate change.
Americas electricity is provided by a mix of mostly coal, natural gas, nuclear power, with about 13% coming from renewables. All of these sources have abundant domestic supplies, and the U.S. is energy independent in electricity. However, our electricity sector is aging, sources of energy like coal are not environmentally sustainable, and commodity prices are not stable. While the shale gas revolution has caused prices of natural gas to temporarily plummet, natural gas prices have been prone to volatility. For now, electricity independence does not solve Americas dependence on oil, because electricity is not used in transportation. For that reason, the newfound abundance of natural gas cannot and will not make us energy independent.
Climate Change
The consequences of climate change rising temperatures, increased occurrence of extreme weather events, and more intense droughts, floods and heat waves present a national security threat to the United States. Achieving energy independence does not address the effects of climate change resulting from our dependence on fossil fuels The greenhouse effect is a natural process whereby thermal radiation is trapped in our atmosphere, increasing global temperatures. Man-made warming has happened because of an upward trend in industrial activity and release of carbon into the atmosphere.3 Earths average temperature has risen by 1.4F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5F over the next hundred years.4 Total Emissions in 2010 were 6,822 Million Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent. Transportation accounts for 27% of 2010 greenhouse gas emissions - primarily from burning petroleum products.5
America does not produce enough to make a significant impact on oil prices. Our oil dependence distorts our foreign policy we often value the stable flow of oil above other strategic interests. The natural gas boom does not solve the problems of energy independence because it is used for electricity. Fossil fuels contribute to climate change. Both natural gas and oil are going to run out someday. We must develop alternative sources to fuel our transportation sector. The only way to improve our energy security for transportation is to diversify our fuel options and use less oil. This means investing in electric vehicles, biofuels, mass transit and R&D into new technologies. Energy independence is a buzzword without a definition. U.S. policy should focus on building an energy system that is secure, economically stable, and sustainable.
Further reading
Cause and Effect U.S. Gasoline Prices WHITE PAPER: Advanced Biofuels and National Security FACT SHEET: DoDs Biofuels Program Need to Know Energy and U.S. National Security Climate Security Report Justin Yarros is an Adjunct Junior Fellow at the American Security Project. He is pursuing an MA in Security Policy Studies at The George Washington Universitys Elliott School of International Affairs. Endnotes
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unless otherwise noted, all figures sourced from Energy Information Administration. http://www.eia.gov/ Crane, K., Goldthau, A., Toman, M., Light, T., Johnson, S., Nader, A., et al. (2009). Imported Oil and U.S. National Security. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG838.pdf Environmental Protection Agency. (2012, December 11). Climate Change Indicators in the United States. Retrieved February 13, 2013, from EPA web site: http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/indicators/ghg/index.html Environmental Protection Agency. (2012, June 14). Climate Change Basics. Retrieved February 13, 2013, from EPA web site: http://www. epa.gov/climatechange/basics/ Environmental Protection Agency. (2012, June 14). Sources of Greenhouse Gases. Retrieved February 13, 2013, from EPA http://www.epa. gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/sources.html 5
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