After Effects CS6 in Simple Steps

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Do it right, Do it Fast, in Simple Steps

` 299/About the Book

AFTER EFFECTS CS6 IN SIMPLE STEPS provides an in-depth and systematic introduction to the latest iteration of After Effects. This book explains the key concepts of video graphics and enables you to learn and master the skills required to create engaging motion graphics using After Effects CS6. It also covers a thorough introduction to the new and improved features in After Effects CS6, such as global performance cache, Three-Dimensional (3D) camera tracker, ray-traced 3D renderer, new bevel and extrude properties and material options , Mask Feather Tool, and layer bounding box and selection indicators. This book explains techniques such as cropping, color correction, and retouching and healing images and how to use layers to edit images nondestructively. Distinguishing features of the book are it follows a step-bystep approach, supplemented with practical examples, and a plethora of real-life screenshots. The content presented in this book is equally helpful to beginners as well as advanced learners.
An all-inclusive book to teach you everything about After Effects CS6 Easy, Effective, and Reliable and Easy learning in Simple Steps Quick Most preferred choice worldwide for learning After Effects CS6

ISBN: 978-93-5004-770-5 | Pages: 288 | Price: ` 299/- | Author: Kogent Learning Solution Inc.

The Book Covers

The new and improved features of After Effects Cs6 The practice used to create projects and compositions in After Effects
The procedure to import, preview, trim, and loop a

The keyframe animation technique where it explains how to animate layer transformations by adding keyframes over time.
The procedure to create the typewriter effect and how to work with

2D and 3D text and animate them using animation presets

to create masks and modify them, including the new Mask How

footage items
An explanation of the shape tools, such as Star Tool and

Feather Tool
A description on using track mattes and chroma keys to remove blue

Pen Tool that is used to create vector shapes

The methods to create interesting path effects using

and green screens that you use to create special effects

The procedure to add and modify audio, light, and camera and

Path Operations, such as Repeater and Zig Zag

The technique to create and animate a brush stroke The new 3D camera track feature that is used to extract

render the final composition in various formats

camera motion as well as 3D scene data by analyzing a video sequence

About the Author

The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence excellence in quality of content; excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors; excellence in the attention to detail; and excellence in understanding the needs of their readers.
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