Inland Ais Installation Guidelines Last Draft Version

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DRAFT Guidelines on installation of the Inland Automatic Identification System (Inland AIS)

The purpose of this document is to support installation and testing of the proper configuration and operation of an Inland AIS station on board an inland vessel. Following documentation has to be on board

Type approval certificate of the Inland AIS station Radio licence for the operation of the Inland AIS station providing MMSI number and call sign Navigability licence for the inland waterway vessel providing ENI (or OFS number with leading 0) Confirmation about Installation and Operation of the Inland AIS station (for ships navigating on the Rhine: CCNR Form according RheinSchUO Anlage N Teil II ) Detailed installation and operation report for the Inland AIS station Operation manuals as provided with the Inland AIS station to be used on board of the ship in the language of the skipper[s].

The following actions have to be taken during installation: Install the Inland AIS station on board according to the installation manual provided by the manufacturer Configure the Inland AIS station as per installation manual Document all settings in the Detailed installation and operation report for the Inland AIS station Train the skipper in editing the static and voyage related data as appropriate and how to handle alarm messages of the Inland AIS station Complete the Confirmation about Installation and Operation of the Inland AIS station and assure signature by the skipper / ship owner and the installation company Send the completed CCNR form and the detailed installation and operation report for the Inland AIS station to the national competed authority on Inland AIS The Detailed Installation and Operation Report for the Inland AIS station shall be stored by the authorized installation company


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Recommendation for the installation of inland AIS station on board of inland vessels
This recommendation is meant to be used in addition to the installation manuals of the manufacturer providing the Inland AIS station. Local laws may demand additional requirements which have to be taken in consideration as well.

Installation of Inland AIS station

The minimum mandatory data set transmitted by the Inland AIS station is up to national regulations or in accordance to international agreements. Data transferred by Inland AIS should be valid and correct. Some data have to be maintained manually and should kept actual, i.e the navigational status information of the ship. During installation of the Inland AIS station the data of the vessel has to be entered properly. This includes the password protected static data like MMSI, Unique European vessel Identification Number (ENI), Name of ship as well as by the user changeable semi static data like length and beam, which may change at a convoy, and voyage related data like ships draught. The installation password should be kept at the installation company and should not be made known to the user. Missing ENI number In case the ship has not jet been assigned an Unique European vessel Identification Number (ENI number) the official ship number (OFS number) with a leading 0 to supplement the OFS number to 9 characters should be used. Special considerations Special attention should be taken while configuring following data due to the fact that those data appear on both places; in the inland specific data set as well as in the common maritime/inland data set: Where applicable the correct conversion between both data sets has to be checked respectively has to be made manually. Length and beam of convoy The overall length and beam of the convoy respectively of the single vessel has to match with the length and beam derived from the reference point of the GPS antenna (A, B, C, D values) To convert from decimeter (dm ) in meter (m) the value should always be rounded upwards. Bothe settings - length / beam and reference point of GPS antenna - have to be amended at any change of the convoy by the skipper. Some Inland AIS station provides a mismatch warning in case both settings dont match.
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Type of convoy / type of ship The type of convoy / type of ship value shall be set according Annex E ERI Ship Types of the Vessel Tracking and Tracing Standard (see attachment). The conversion from the ERI Ship Type to the IMO ship type is also provided in the Annex E. Some Inland AIS station converts automatically from ERI Ship Type to IMO ship type when ERI Sip Type is entered. Bothe settings - ERI Ship Type to the IMO ship type- have to be amended at any change of the convoy by the skipper. Ships draught The maximum present static draught of the sip is provided decimeter value (dm) for the common maritime / inland setting and in centimeter value (cm) for the specific inland setting. To convert from centimeter (cm) in decimeter (dm ) the value should always be rounded upwards. Some Inland AIS station converts the draught automatically from centimeter value to decimeter value when centimeter value is entered. Bothe settings draught in dm and draught in cm - have to be amended at any change of the present static draught of the ship by the skipper.

Antenna installation
The use of certified antennas, type approved with the Inland AIS station, are mandatory.. The manufacturer has to declare the antenna types by a declaration of conformity in accordance to the type approval certificate.

AIS VHF Antenna

The AIS VHF antenna should be installed in such a way that the potential interference with other high-power energy sources, such as radar and other VHF antennas is as low as technically and physically possible. The VHF antenna should be placed in a vertical position, but it must be possible to lower the antenna temporarily for passing bridges and other objects with a reduced height As guidance the following should be considered when installing the AIS VHF antenna: Interference to the Ships VHF Radiotelephone: Attention should be paid to the location and installation of the various antennas, in order to support the antenna characteristics in the best possible way. The AIS VHF antenna should have omni directional vertical polarisation. Special attention should be paid to the installation on a movable antenna mast. The AIS VHF antenna should be placed in an elevated position, as free standing as possible, with a minimum of 2 meters in horizontal direction from objects made of conductive materials. The antenna should not be installed close to any large vertical obstruction. The AIS VHF antenna should have a visible sky of 360.
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The AIS VHF antenna should be installed at least 3 meters away from interfering highpower energy sources such as radar and other transmitting radio antennas, and out of the way of the transmitting beam. There should not be more than one antenna on each level. The AIS VHF antenna should be mounted directly above or below the ships primary VHF radiotelephone antenna, with no horizontal separation and a minimum of 2 meters vertical separation. If it is located on the same level as other VHF antennas, the distance apart should be as large as possible, recommended > 10 meters.

GNSS Antenna
An Inland AIS unit shall be connected to a GNSS antenna, even when the Inland AIS station is connected with an external GNSS position device. The GNSS antenna must be installed where it has a clear view of the sky, so that it accesses the horizon freely through 360, with a vertical observation of 5 to 90 degrees above the horizon. The antenna should be located at least three meters away from, and out of the transmitting beam of high-power transmitters (e.g. Radar). If a DGNSS system is included or connected to the AIS system, it should be in accordance with IEC 61108-4.

Antenna cabling
The recommendation of the manufacturer should be considered and appropriate cable types shall be used for the VHF antenna and the GNSS antenna working under the environmental conditions of inland ships. The coaxial cables between the antennas and the Inland AIS station connectors should be routed directly, in order minimize attenuation of the signal and to reduce electromagnetic interference.. Coaxial cables should be installed in separate signal cable channels/tubes, and at least 10 cm away from any power supply cables. The cable should not be installed close to high-power lines, such as radar or radio-transmitter lines Coaxial down-leads should be used for VHF antenna, and the coaxial screen should be connected to the ground at one end. All outdoor connectors on the coaxial cables should be fitted with preventive isolation, such as shrink-tubing/stocking with silicone to protect the antenna cable against water penetration.

Combined VHF/GNSS antenna

A combined use of the VHF antenna and cabling for both VHF radio and Inland AIS is not allowed. A combined VHF/GNSS antenna for Inland AIS is allowed. The combined use of the cabling for AIS VHF and GNSS is allowed.


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Installation of the MKD

The functionality MKD should be accessible to the skipper. Alarm and status information of the Inland AIS station has to be in direct view of the skipper.

Connection of blue sign

Blue sign information has to correspond to the real state of the blue sign on the ship. The status of the blue sign may only be sent if the connection to such a device ensures that the real state can be determined at all times. The status unknown must be sent if this connection is temporarily unavailable.

Connection to Inland ECDIS

It is recommended to connect the Inland AIS station to an Inland ECDIS to use the Inland AIS derived information for on board navigation support.

Connection of external sensors (Position, Heading, ROT )

The Inland AIS station has interfaces (configurable as IEC 61162-1 or 61162-2) for position, bottom track (BT) speed, heading and rate of turn (ROT) sensors. In general, sensors connected to the Inland AIS station shall comply with the appropriate standards from inland or maritime regulations and shall be type approved. Only type approved external sensors should be connected to the Inland AIS Station. In the absence of suitable inland navigation standards the external sensors connected to the Inland AIS station have to be type approved in accordance to the following appropriate maritime standards: Sensor Minimum performance standard (IMO) ISO/IEC standard

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GPS DGPS/DGLONASS Galileo Heading/GPS Compass MSC 112(73) MSC 114(73) MSC 233(82) MSC.116(73) 61108-1 61108-4 61108-3 (CDV) 22090.3 GNSS-Principles

Power supply
The inland AIS station should be connected to a reliable power source. If available the Inland AIS station should be connected to the ships battery buffered main power source. A new battery capacity calculation may be required. The stability of the power supply has to be considered. Appropriate measures have to be taken if needed for the correct operation of the Inland AIS station.


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Detailed installation and operation report for the Inland AIS station
Bescheinigung ber Einbau und Funktion von Inland AIS Gerten Report about Installation and Operation of the Inland AIS station
NAME DES SCHIFFES: NAME OF THE SHIP: Einheitliche europische Schiffsnummer (ENI): Unique European Ship Number (ENI): oder Amtliche Schiffsnummer (OFS): or Official Ship Number (OFS): Rufnr. des mobilen Seefunkdienstes (MMSI): Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI): Schiffstyp Type of ship Schiffseigner Ship Owner: Kontaktperson: Contact person: Anschrift: Address: Telefon: Phone: Fax: Email: Inland AIS Gert Inland AIS station: Typ: Type: Hersteller: Manufacturer: Zulassungsnummer: Certificate Number: ANERKANNTE FACHFIRMA: CERTIFIED INSTALLATION COMPANY: Name: Name: Anschrift: Address: Telefon: Phone: Fax: Email: Firmenstempel: Company Stamp:

Ort, Datim, Unterschrift:

Place, date, Signature:


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Inland AIS station Configuration: Static data

Manufactorer Software Version Ship Name ENI Number Quality of sensor input Speed: high low Serial number MMSI Call Sign / ATIS name IMO No (if applicable) Course: high low Heading: high low

Semi static data (static for single vessel, semi static for convoy)
Internal GNSS antenna position [m] considering overall dimension External GNSS antenna position [m] considering overall dimension Length Convoy [dm] ERI (UN/ REC 28) Ship Type A: B: C: D:





Beam Convoy [dm] IMO Ship type (converted)

Voyage related data

Navigational Status Loaded / Unloaded Destination Persons on Board Crew: No. of Blue Cones Draught [cm] ETA at destination Support: Passengers:

The user has been informed on how to enter and maintain the above configured data as well as other optional information supported by the Inland AIS station.

Sensor Configuration
Sensor connected Sensor e.g. heading CH1 Sensor Sensor ECDIS Pilot Port Long Range DGNSS Alarm relay CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH8 CH9 CH10 Type of connected Equipment Used NMEA Talker/ Sentences Update rate of the information

Blue Sign connection


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Inland AIS station installation

Please list which peripheral equipment is connected state equipment manufacturer and type specification: Power Supply of the Inland AIS station Estimated Cable length to GNSS antenna in m Estimated Cable length to VHF antenna in m Please describe antenna position for VHF and GNSS (internal, external) below or add an antenna layout to this document. (preferred drawing)

The final installation verification has been carried out by: Visual verification by Keyboard and Display of the own ship data Verification of the own ship data via a connected ECDIS (YES/NO) Visual verification by Keyboard and Display of any other ships data Verification of the own ship data via any other receiving AIS station PLEASE LIST THE ACTIVE ALARMS IF PRESENT Alarm type: ID 01 Tx-Malfunction ID 02 VSWR limit ID 03 Rx ch1 Malfunction ID 04 Rx ch2 Malfunction ID 05 Rx ch70 Malfunction ID 06 General failure Yes No Alarm type ID 25 External EPFS lost ID 26 No Sensor ID 29 No valid SOG info ID 30 No valid COG info ID 32 Heading lost/invalid ID 35 No valid ROT info Yes No

Please confirm the proper installation and training

Installationsfirma Installation company Firmenstempel: Company Stamp: Schiffsfhrer / Eigner Skipper / ship owner

Unterschrift: Signed: Ort: Place: Datum: Date:


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ANFORDERUNGEN AN INLAND AIS GERTE UND VORSCHRIFTEN BETREFFEND DEN EINBAU UND DIE FUNKTIONSPRFUNG VON INLAND AIS GERTEN A) B) Anforderungen an Inland AIS Gerte Inland AIS Gerte mssen die Anforderungen des im Beschluss 2007-I-15 enthaltenen Test Standards einhalten. Die Einhaltung wird durch eine Typgenehmigungsprfung einer zustndigen Behrde nachgewiesen. Einbau und Funktionsprfung von Inland AIS Gerten an Bord Beim Einbau von Inland AIS Gerten an Bord sind folgende Bedingungen einzuhalten: 1) Der Einbau der Inland AIS Gerte darf nur durch eine Fachfirma erfolgen, die von der zustndigen Behrde anerkannt ist. 2) Das Inland AIS Gert muss im Steuerhaus oder an einer anderen gut zugnglichen Stelle eingebaut sein. 3) Es muss optisch erkennbar sein, ob das Gert in Betrieb ist. Das Gert muss ber einen ausfallsicheren Stromkreis mit eigener Absicherung stndig mit elektrischer Energie versorgt werden und direkt an diese Versorgung angeschlossen sein. 4) Die Antennen der Inland AIS Gerte sind so zu installieren und an die Gerte anzuschlieen, dass diese unter allen normalen Betriebsbedingungen sicher funktionieren. Andere Gerte drfen nur dann angeschlossen werden, wenn die Schnittstellen beider Gerte kompatibel sind. 5) Vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme nach dem Einbau, bei Erneuerungen respektive Verlngerungen des Schiffsattests (ausgenommen nach 2.09 Nr. 2 der Rheinschiffsuntersuchungsordnung) sowie nach jedem Umbau am Schiff, der die Betriebsverhltnisse dieser Gerte beeintrchtigen knnte, muss von der zustndigen Behrde oder von einer anerkannten Fachfirma eine Einbau und Funktionsprfung durchgefhrt werden. 6) Die anerkannte Fachfirma, die die Einbau- und Funktionsprfung durchgefhrt hat, stellt ber die besonderen Merkmale und die ordnungsgeme Funktion des Inland AIS Gerts eine Bescheinigung gem Anlage N Teil II aus. 7) Die Bescheinigung ist stndig an Bord mitzufhren. 8) Eine Bedienungsanleitung ist zum Verbleib an Bord auszuhndigen. Dies ist in der Bescheinigung ber den Einbau zu vermerken. Unterrichtung der Zentralkommission fr die Rheinschifffahrt Die Rheinuferstaaten und Belgien teilen der Zentralkommission unverzglich 1) jede Benennung einer zustndigen Behrde, 2) jede Erteilung oder Entziehung einer Typgenehmigung fr Inland AIS Gerte, 3) jede Anerkennung einer Fachfirma fr den Einbau von Inland AIS Gerten oder Entziehung einer derartigen Anerkennung mit.



A) B)


Requirements for Inland AIS stations Inland AIS stations must comply to the test standards which are included in the resolution 2007-I-15. The compliance is verified through the type approval of the responsible authority. Installation and integrity test of Inland AIS stations on board The following conditions have to be fulfilled during the installation of an Inland AIS station on board: 1) The installation shall be carried out by an authorized company which is nominated at the appropriate authority. 2) The Inland AIS station has to be installed in the wheel house or another easily accessible place. 3) It must be noticeable if the unit is activated. The unit has to be connected directly to a failsafe electric system with its own fuse and continuous power. 4) The antennas of the Inland AIS stations have to be installed in a way that guarantees full functionality during all normal operating conditions. The installation of other equipment is only allowed if the interfaces of both devices are compatible. 5) An installation and functionality check has to be done by the responsible authority or an authorized company before the first startup after installation as well as after renewal and extension of the inspection certificate (except 2.09 no.2 of the Rheinschiffsuntersuchungsordnung) as well as after any reconstruction of the ship which could have any effect to the operating conditions of the units. 6) The authorized company who implemented the installation und functionality check issues a confirmation concerning the specific features and the properly functionality of the Inland AIS station according to appendix N part II. 7) This Confirmation about Installation and Operation of the Inland AIS station has to be carried along on board of the ship. 8) A delivered operation manual has to available on board. This has to be confirmed on the installation report. Briefing of the central commission for the Rheinschifffahrt The Rheinuferstaaten and Belgium immediately communicate to the central commission: 1) The nomination of a responsible authority 2) Each assignment or withdrawal of the type approval for Inland AIS stations


Each authentication of an authorized company for the installation of Inland AIS stations or the withdrawal of such a company.


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Appendix : ERI SHIP TYPES (Annex E of VTT Standard)

This table should be used to convert the UN ship types, which are used in Inland message 10 to the IMO types which are used in IMO message 5.


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