Report On Square Textile Limited

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Annual Report



To pay condolence and tribute to the departed soul of the beloved and honorable founder Chairman of the Company late Mr. Samson H Chowdhury At the outset, Mr. Samuel S Chowdhury, with heavy heart and chocked voice, informed the Board of Directors of the saddest and shocking news of the sudden demise of the Founder Chairman Mr. Samson H Chowdhury on 5th January, 2012 at the Raffles Hospitals at Singapore leaving his family members, colleagues, employees of the Square Group, Business Community, Corporate Houses, Government officials, Members of the Parliament, Respected Prime Minister & her Cabinet Members and the Honorable President of the Country, in a state of shock and mourning. His demise was deeply felt and continued to be mourned throughout the post-funeral days. The bereaved family of the late Chairman acknowledge with deep gratitude the heartfelt condolence offered by the people of all strata of the Country. As proposed by Mr. M Sekander Ali, Independent Director, the Board observed a minute of silence as a mark of respect to the departed soul of the beloved and honorable founder Chairman of the Company late Mr. Samson H Chowdhury. Thereafter, Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid, only living founding Director of the Company apprised the Board of the colorful, honest, devoted and righteousness of his industrious life that brought him to the peak that only a few can ascend to. He observed that his life-story will act as a philosophy and guide to those who would aspire to rise to high peaks of life in any sphere of activities. He observed that the post liberation generation and the posterity will do justice to themselves and to the nation by learning lesson from his career. Mr. M Sekander Ali, Independent Director recalled the history of industrial development, especially the textiles sector and the role played by the late Chairman in achieving the present position of the group. He specially mentioned late Chairman's deep concern for accountability to the shareholders, national exchequer, employees of the Company and CSR to the society at large. He said all these aspects made the late Chairman a shining example to those who would love to serve the people and the nation. On the proposal by Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid, the Board of Directors passed the following resolutions: The Board of Directors, being shocked and grieved at the sudden demise of the Founder Chairman Mr. Samson H Chowdhury, deeply mourn and condole his death with heavy heart and pray for the salvation of his departed soul with rest in peace. The condolence be offered in writing to the wife of late Samson H Chowdhury on behalf of the Board of Directors. The Directorship as well as the Chairmanship of late Samson H Chowdhury be and is hereby declared vacant w.e.f. 5th January, 2012 and necessary returns be filed with appropriate authorities as per prevailing law.




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Notice of the 17th Annual General Meeting Corporate Governance Corporate Profile Management Apparatus Corporate Achievement Corporate Operational Result for 5 years Message from the Chairman Assurance to the Stakeholders' from MD Directors' Report Audit Committee Report Directors' Report Bangla Financial Report Consolidated: Auditors' Report Audited Financial Statements Square Textiles Limited: Auditors' Report Audited Financial Statements Square Yarns Limited: Directors' Report Auditors' Report Audited Financial Statements Square Texcom Limited: Directors' Report Auditors' Report Audited Financial Statements Proxy Form 39 40 57 58 77 79 80 85 87 88 10 12 12 13 14 15 29 30 05 06


To All Shareholders Securities and Exchange Commission Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. Sub : Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2011 Dear Sir (s) We are pleased to enclose a copy of Annual Report together with the Audited Financial Statements comprising Consolidated and Separate Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2011 and Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2011 along with notes thereon of Square Textiles Limited and its Subsidiaries, Square Yarns Limited & Square Texcom Limited for your information and records. Yours sincerely

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary Dated: May 13, 2012 Dhaka

Our conception of business germinated from our vision which sees it as a means to the well being of the investors, stakeholders, employees and members of the society at large by creating new wealth in the form of goods and services that go to satisfy the wants of all of them without disturbing or damaging the socio-ecological-economic balance of the Mother Earth and the process of human civilization leading to peaceful co- existence of all the living beings.

Our mission is the polestar of our vision for maximization of production of quality products and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the consumers, the shareholders and other stakeholders.

To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business operations within the legal & Social framework with malice to none and justice for all in respective of gender disparity, caste, creed or religion or region. To Increase productivity. To create more jobs with minimum investments. To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets. To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts. To reduce the income gap between top & bottom categories of employees. To promote corporate social responsibilities (CSR) amongst all.

Our vision is the polestar to our mission that fulfils our objectives with emphasis on the quality of product, process and services blended with good governance that help build the image of the most venerable corporate -citizenship at home and abroad.



Notice is hereby given that the 17TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the shareholders of SQUARE TEXTILES LTD. will be held on Tuesday the 29th May, 2012 at 10:30 a.m at Factory Premises, Sardaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur to transact the following agenda: Agenda-1: To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statement for the year ended December 31, 2011 together with Report of the Directors and Auditors' thereon. Agenda-2: To declare dividend for the year ended December 31, 2011. Agenda-3: To elect Directors in terms of the relevant provision of the Articles of Association of the Company. Agenda-4: To appoint Auditors for the year 2012 and to fix their remuneration.

By order of the Board

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

Dated: May 13, 2012 Dhaka

Notes: (i) The proxy form must be affixed with requisite revenue stamp and must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. (ii) Members are requested to submit to the Company's Share Office on or before May 31, 2012, their written option to receive dividend. In case of non-submission of such option within the stipulated time, the dividend will be paid off as deemed appropriate by the Company.

Corporate governance is key to its sustenance. Good Corporate Governance is key to successful sustenance. Our Corporate Governance is as follows:

Board of Directors
In line with the concept of good corporate management practice and the provisions of Articles of Association, The Board of Directors, The Top Management tier is responsible for overall control and supervision of the entire affairs of the Company primarily through strategic planning & budgetary control mechanisms. To this end, The Board of Directors hold periodic meetings to resolve issues of policies and strategies, recording the minutes/ decisions for implementation by the Executive Management. During the year under review the board held 8 (eight) meetings to transact various agenda. The Board of Directors is reconstituted every year by the shareholders through retirement /re-election/ election of one- third of its members. Members of the Board of Directors often travel abroad to bring into focus, the Company's image and acquire technological gains. Top Management inaugurates / participates in seminars, training courses, conferences, and various cultural activities of the employees and workers which instill in them a sense of belongingness.

Separate Role of the Chairman and Managing Director

The positions of Chairman and Managing Director are held separate persons. The Chairman is responsible for functions of the Board while the Managing Director serves as the Chief Executive of the Company.

Audit Committee of Board

An audit committee consisting of the Independent Director as Chairman and two other Directors as member has been constituted in terms of the SEC guidelines for ensuring good governance practices. The audit committee of the Board held 4 (four) Meetings during the year and examined the coverage of internal and external audit.

Executive Management
The Managing Director, the CEO, is the head of the Executive Management Team which comprises senior members of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated authority and responsibility by the Board of Directors, Executive Management operates through further delegation of authority at every echelon of the line management. The Executive Management operates within the frame work of policy & Planning strategies set by the Top Management with periodic performance reporting for guidance. The Executive Management is responsible for preparation of segment plans/ sub-segment plans for every profit centres with budgetary targets for every items of goods & services and are held accountable for deficiencies, with appreciation for outstanding and exceptional performances. These operations are continuously carried out by the Executive Management through series of Committees, Sub-Committees, Adhoc Committees & Standing Committees assisting the line management.


Management Committee
Comprising top executives, deal with entire organizational matters.

Standing Committees
O Audit Committees

Internal Audit Committee ISO Audit Committee Social /Environmental Committee Performance Evaluation Audit Committee
O Employment Relations Committees

Remuneration Committee Work Environment Committee Employees Welfare & Recreation Committee
O Management Committees

Product Planning & Development Committee Quality Control & Research Committee Production & Inventory Management Committee Export Promotion Committee

Communication with the Shareholders

The Shareholders as owners are required to be provided with material information on the Company's operation quarterly, half-yearly and annually. They are also provided routine services by the Company Secretary in any company matters which is permissible. The Board is however responsible to the Shareholders as well as investors for publication of price sensitive information as per regulations of Securities and Exchange Commission. A qualified Chartered Secretary is in charge for all these responsibilities as Company Secretary. The Company has also a web site to provide permissible information/notices/price sensitive informations/financial reports/disclosures and others for the Shareholders and interested investors.

Square has an established procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Respective officers are responsible for ensuring proper compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit and Company Secretary

The Company has appointed Mr. Md. Alamgir Hossain, FCMA, FCA as Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Md. Majibur Rahman Bhuiyan, CA(I), MBA as Head of Internal Audit and Mr. Khandaker Habibuzzaman, ACS as Company Secretary of the company as per requirement of Securities and Exchange Commission.

Segment Report
The company's operations are carried out on an aggregate basis and are managed as a single operating segment. Accordingly the company operates in one segment of developing, manufacturing and marketing of cotton/yarn for human as well as industrial use.

Risk Perception
The Company Management perceives investment risk within the national and international economic perspectives in relation to legal and moral requirements involving inter alia, intellectual property right , scientific invention, WTO Regulation, MFA etc and monetary and fiscal investment policies and has prepared its production & marketing strategies to meet the challenges from these risks.

We Strive For
We in SQUARE, strive, above all, for top quality products at the least cost reaching the lowest rungs of the economic class of people in the country. We value our social obligations. We owe our shareholders and strive for protection of their capital as well as ensure highest return and growth of their assets. We strive for best compensation to all the employees who constitute the back bone of the management and operational strength of the company through a pay package composing salary/wages, allowances, bonuses, profit participation, leave/ salary and superannuations & retirement benefits and other emergency grants & gratis. We strive for the best co-operation of the creditors & debtors the banks & financial institutions who provide financial support when we need them, the suppliers of raw materials & supplies who offer them at the best prices at the opportune moments, the providers of utilities - power, gas & water etc. and the customers who buy our products & services by redeeming their claim in time by making prompt payment and by distributing proper product on due dates. We strive for fulfillment of our responsibility to the Government through payment of entire range of due taxes, duties and claims to various public agencies like municipalities etc. We strive as responsible citizen, for a social order devoid of malpractices, anti-environmental behaviors, unethical and immoral activities and corruptive dealings. We keep away from any discriminatory practices between sexes, races, religions, colors or political beliefs. We strive for practicing good governance in every sphere of activities covering inter alia, not being limited to, disclosure & reporting to shareholders holding AGM in time, distribution of dividends and other benefits to shareholders, reporting /dissemination of price sensitive information, acquisition of shares by insiders, recruitment & promotion of staff, procurement & supplies, sale of assets etc. All that directly and indirectly affect the interest of concerned groups- the shareholders, the creditors, suppliers, employees, government and the society in general.


Management Apparatus

Board of Directors
Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Mrs. Ratna Patra Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Mrs. Anita Chowdhury Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid Mr. Kazi Iqbal Harun Mr. Charles C.R. Patra Mr. M. Sekander Ali Chairman Vice Chairman Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director

Audit Committee
Mr. M. Sekander Ali Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Mr. Charles C.R. Patra Chairman Member Member

Management Committee
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Anjan Chowdhury Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Md. Kabir Reza Md. Alamgir Hossain Chairman Member Member Member Member

Company Secretary
Mr. Khandaker Habibuzzaman


Management Apparatus
Management Team
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Md. Alamgir Hossain Md. Abdur Rashid Md. Idris Ali Majibur Rahman Bhuiyan Sayeed Ahmed Chowdhury Mohammad Shohel Anwar Md. Nazibur Rahman Md. Adam Ali Khondoker Chief Operating Officer Chief Financial Officer Head of Factory Head of Utility Head of Internal Audit Head of Procurement & Planning Head of Quality Assurance Head of Marketing Head of HR & Admin

Legal Advisers
1. Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Bar-at- Law Walsow Tower, 21-23, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka. 2. Ms. Nihad Kabir, Bar-at-Law Concord Ovilash (1st floor), House-62 Road- 11A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka

1. Standard Chartered Bank SCB House, 67 Gulshan Avenue Dhaka. 2. Bank Al Falah Limited 5, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka 3. HSBC Ltd. Anchor Tower 1/1 B Sonargaon Road Dhaka

M/s. Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants 47/2, Indira Road Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

1. Pioneer Insurance Co, Ltd. 10, Dilkusha C/A Dhaka. 2. Pragati Insurance Co. Ltd. 20-21, Kawran Bazar Dhaka

Registered Office
Square Centre 48, Mohakhali C.A., Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh Phone: 880-2-8833047-56, 8859007 Web:

1. Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) 2. Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE)

Saradaganj, Kashimpur Gazipur, Bangladesh


Year of Establishment

: 1994 : : : : : : : : : : : : 1997 2000 2000 2002 2002 2002 2003 2007 2008 2009 2010 Manufacturing and Marketing of yarn

(Incorporated as a Public Limited Company) Year of Operation Awarded Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Certificate Awarded ISO-9001:2008 Certificate Listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange Awarded CottonUSA Certificate Awarded SUPIMA License Awarded Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) Certificate Awarded Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) Certificate Awarded USTERIZED Certificate HSBC Export Excellence Award Business Lines

Authorized Capital Paid-up Capital Number of Employees (as on December 31, 2011)

: Tk. 3,000 million : Tk. 974.06 million : 1908 Persons


2011 Turnover (Net) Gross Profit Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax Shareholders' Equity Total Assets Total Current Assets Total Currecnt Liabilities Current ratio Ordinary Shares Outstanding Face Value per Share Shareholders' Equity per Share Earning Per Share (EPS) EPS on Share Issued for Cash Quoted Price per Share (DSE) Quoted Price per Share (CSE) Price Earnings Ratio-DSE (Time) Price Earnings Ratio-CSE (Time) Cash Dividend Declared per Share Stock Dividend Declared Total Dividend Declared (%) Number of Shareholders Human Resources (Persons): Executives Staff Workers 5,247,749 1,070,758 729,621 620,178 4,061,542 7,225,737 4,804,457 3,052,890 1.57 97,405,993 10 41.70 6.37 24.62 111.20 111.50 17.46 17.50 1.60 5:1 36 24,968 217 101 1590 2010 4,445,402 886,759 676,174 564,769 3,571,239 6,605,934 4,301,132 2,923,391 1.47 81,171,661 10 44.00 5.80 22.64 209.80 207.80 30.14 29.86 1.60 5:1 36 26,152 170 160 1452 2009 3,882,244 533,374 311,777 260,634 3,119,404 5,508,282 3,224,730 2,276,602 1.42 70,584,053 10 44.19 2.68 10.45 111.54 111.37 30.22 30.23 1.60 100:15 31 29,789 182 170 1532 2008 2007 (Figures in thousand) 3,052,235 2,541,543 463,216 582,846 277,582 411,123 236,530 352,447 2,964,646 2,020,482 5,807,897 3,659,375 3,437,050 2,085,816 2,722,233 1,382,789 1.26 1.51 58,820,044 39,433,370 10 10 50.04 51.23 2.43 3.62 9.39 13.99 117.30 127.40 118.00 127.80 24.90 14.25 25.05 14.30 1.8 2.5 5:1 5:1 38 45 30,179 22,657 178 167 1,520 150 112 1,363


Dear Shareholders,
Business has survived civilization in the changing world of our humans, as we live & die, leaving core concept of life - truth, uprightness, honesty, sincerity, morality and ethics, standing on themselves, shining and outshining in all our activities, that end in success or failure, change our fate, enabling us to enjoy or suffer. All these have been proved to be true by the performance of our Founder Chairman's life and activities. "If we take lesson from his experience, though hardly people do so as the dictum says : It is the lesson of history that no one takes lesson from history", we shall not fail. We, therefore, vow, we shall take lesson from the life of our Founder Chairman and work for keeping his mantle glowing through out generations of civilizations, in the changing world of ours. Thus shall survive his thoughts and ideals of ethical business, lead the institutions he established into an enlightened socio-economic order of life and happiness he dreamed for. Business to-day faces a new element of disorder in the dire consequences of and impact from "Climate Change", a fall-out from the developed world. As a national enterprise we shall have to positively comply and contribute to the attempt for diminishing the effect of the fall out so that the human race in this planet survives. The socio-economic disorders including financial crises in the developed world have had already produced adverse effects on our economy creating pressure on price level of all consumer items. We must keep an eye on our cost of production and try to keep it dwarfed through increased efficiency, research & development and large scale economic production. This should be our first target of CSR. Despite energy crises, high fuel prices in the international market, recession in the developed economies, maladjustments in the processes and prices of raw materials and end products, the Company had continued its growth trend unabated. This has been possible due to practice of astute management skill and efficiency by the Top Management Team headed by the Managing Director and the operational executives, officers and workers together. The business outlook offers us a unique scope for faster growth amongst the nations of the Region we are in provided our state policy and socio-economic situation remains favorable to the operations of the private sector. We earnestly hope that the economy will attain its current target of 7% GDP growth rate and push it up to the level of 8%-10% which is necessary for effective poverty alleviation in the country. While concluding, I, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Shareholders and all other Stakeholders, would recall the life time services rendered by our Founder Chairman, Samson H Chowdhury till his departure from this Mortal-World on 05 January, 2012 and pray for salvation of his soul & rest in peace in heaven. With best wishes for all of us.

Samuel S. Chowdhury


Dear Stakeholders, The year of our operations, the accounting year 2011 AD, was the last operational year under supervision of our most venerable Founder Chairman who left us on 05 January 2012 leaving us to bear the burden of all the Stakeholders' interest in the Company. While we all stand in silence praying for the Salvation of his soul and rest in peace in heaven, I, as CEO and head of the Management Team, pledge to you all and assure that the ideals of good corporate governance that our late beloved Chairman had set in over the years and ingrained in us, shall not be abandoned at any cost. The legacy of his administrative skills and love for ethical business will be breathed in and out again and again to produce the best results in the time immemorial. The Directors' Report contain in details our operational dynamics production, productivity, financial performance and returns on investments which all show growth over the previous year. As a publicly listed one, our Company tops the list in all dimensions. This is the result of hard and sincere work of all of us. I assure you that with cooperation from all of you, we shall, by the grace of Almighty, continue to lead in the sector in the days ahead. Thanking you all.

Tapan Chowdhury



Directors Report to the Shareholders

Dear Shareholders, In terms of provisions of Section 184 of the Companies Act 1994, Rule 12 (and the schedule there under) of the Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and IAS 1 (International Accounting Standards 1) codes as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), it is the pleasure of the Board of Directors to submit its Report to the Shareholders for the year ended 31 December 2011 in the following paragraphs; COMPANYS OPERATIONS: (1) CAPACITY/ PRODUCTION The total installed production capacity (at average 30s Ring, 14s OE and 10s OE counts) as of December 31, 2011 was as follows: 2011 (1.1) Spindles/ Rotors a) Installation : - No. of Spindle installed - No. of Rotor head installed b) Operation: - No. of Spindle installed - No. of Rotor head operated installed (1.2) Production Capacity Installed (Kg): -At Equivalent 30s Count (Ring Yarn) -At Equivalent 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - At Equivalent 14s Count (O/E Yarn) 11,582,899 11,582,899 11,582,899 11,271,574 11,271,574 2,329,234 2,329,234 2,329,234 2,239,230 2,239,230 10,000,454 10,000,454 10,000,454 1,464,610 Total 23,912,587 23,912,587 23,912,587 14,975,414 13,510,804 2010 2009 2008 2007

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 768

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 768


2011 (1.3) Actual Production (Kg): - At Equivalent 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - At Equivalent 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - At Equivalent 14s Count (O/E Yarn) 10,612,745 1,766,667 8,334,898





10,352,180 10,593,511 1,723,291 2,079,084 8,130,259 8,737,910

10,333,745 10,669,536 2,099,388 2,216,588 1,445,570 -

Total 20,714,310 20,205,730 21,410,505 13,878,703 12,886,124 (1.4) Production Efficiency (%): - 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - 14s Count (O/E Yarn) Total 91.62 75.85 83.35 86.63 89.37 73.99 81.30 84.50 91.46 89.26 87.38 89.54 91.68 93.75 98.70 92.68 94.66 98.99 95.38

Production efficiency marginally increase by 2.13% in 2011 over 2010 due to change of productmix. Out of actual production of 20,714,310 kg as mentioned above, 3,205,915 kg are made through sub contract. (2) COST OF PRODUCTION: The cost of production has varied during the past years primarily due to wide fluctuations in the price of raw cotton, packing materials, fuel & power and spare parts which were beyond the control of the Management. The level of costs and their incidences are given below: 2011 (a) Output of Yarn (Kg) (b) Cost of Major Items: Raw Material Consumed (Tk) Packing Materials Fuel/ Power etc Spare Parts Other Overhead Total Cost 3,313,577,001 2,807,161,179 2,644,967,512 2,006,550,074 1,450,439,367 43,510,941 176,022,570 155,321,804 548,872,585 31,982,712 134,507,081 166,050,000 418,425,535 30,261,942 119,836,772 163,554,586 399,713,131 41,945,314 79,522,329 130,557,589 337,331,633 22,029,802 81,178,400 120,532,125 286,320,181 17,497,597 2010 20,035,936 2009 23,190,746 2008 15,657,509 2007 13,597,921

4,237,304,901 3,558,126,507 3,358,333,943 2,595,906,939 1,960,499,875

2011 (1.3) Actual Production (Kg): - At Equivalent 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - At Equivalent 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - At Equivalent 14s Count (O/E Yarn) 10,612,745 1,766,667 8,334,898





10,352,180 10,593,511 1,723,291 2,079,084 8,130,259 8,737,910

10,333,745 10,669,536 2,099,388 2,216,588 1,445,570 -

Total 20,714,310 20,205,730 21,410,505 13,878,703 12,886,124 (1.4) Production Efficiency (%): - 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - 14s Count (O/E Yarn) Total 91.62 75.85 83.35 86.63 89.37 73.99 81.30 84.50 91.46 89.26 87.38 89.54 91.68 93.75 98.70 92.68 94.66 98.99 95.38

Production efficiency marginally increase by 2.13% in 2011 over 2010 due to change of productmix. Out of actual production of 20,714,310 kg as mentioned above, 3,205,915 kg are made through sub contract. (2) COST OF PRODUCTION: The cost of production has varied during the past years primarily due to wide fluctuations in the price of raw cotton, packing materials, fuel & power and spare parts which were beyond the control of the Management. The level of costs and their incidences are given below: 2011 (a) Output of Yarn (Kg) (b) Cost of Major Items: Raw Material Consumed (Tk) Packing Materials Fuel/ Power etc Spare Parts Other Overhead Total Cost 3,313,577,001 2,807,161,179 2,644,967,512 2,006,550,074 1,450,439,367 43,510,941 176,022,570 155,321,804 548,872,585 31,982,712 134,507,081 166,050,000 418,425,535 30,261,942 119,836,772 163,554,586 399,713,131 41,945,314 79,522,329 130,557,589 337,331,633 22,029,802 81,178,400 120,532,125 286,320,181 17,497,597 2010 20,035,936 2009 23,190,746 2008 15,657,509 2007 13,597,921

4,237,304,901 3,558,126,507 3,358,333,943 2,595,906,939 1,960,499,875

Export (In Million Tk.)


Sales Revenue

Local Sale (In Million Tk.) 100


80 Export Local Sale







2010 2009 2008 Financial Years



The above figures show while the local sales revenue increased by 3.56% in and export sales revenus increased by 18.28% during the period over last year. The overall turnover increased by 18.05% in 2011over 2010. (ii) Unit Selling Prices Attained: The selling Prices (Taka/ Kg) over the years varied substantially as shown below: 2011 Local Sales Export Sales Total Sales (Average) 321.12 299.64 299.91 2010 166.67 222.94 221.77 2009 175.88 167.22 167.43 2008 206.53 194.82 194.95 2007 200.32 186.76 186.98

The above indicate that while local selling price increased by 92.67% and export selling price increased by 34.40% in 2011 over 2010. This is primarily ascribable to the international situation and export demand. The overall average price increased by 35.23% during 2011 over 2010, as against raw material price increased by about 36.99% over the previous year. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: In order to continuously upgrade the productive facilities, the company made additional net capital expenditures of Tk. 331.33 million as follows: (Taka in Million) 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Land/civil construction Plant and Machinery Other Fixed Assets Total 72.46 225.86 33.01 331.33 52.72 43.55 8.50 104.77 31.18 57.39 8.30 96.87 17.96 103.98 8.66 130.60 5.54 86.55 5.59 97.68

The above investment have helped increase the production efficiency. The entire amount has been invested out of its internal generation of fund.

INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARIES: The Company has invested Tk. 95,000,000.00 as equity (99.50%) in the capital of Square Yarns Limited and has also deposited Tk. 800,000,000 as share money deposit. The Company has also invested Tk. 65,783,760.00 as equity (95%) in the capital of Square Texcom Limited (erstwhile Mithapur Textiles Limited). As per provision of the Company Act 1994 Square Yarns Limited and Square Texcom Limited are subsidiary of Square Textiles Limited and as such Directors Report along with Auditors Report and Audited Financial Statement have been included as part of this report. CONTRIBUTIONS: 1. Contribution to National Exchequer: The Company contributed an amount of Tk. 126.01 million in 2011 to the National Exchequer consisting of the following: (Taka in Million) 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Corporate Income Tax 109.44 Advance Income Tax (Deducted at source) 2.41 Excise/VAT/Import Duties/Taxes etc. 12.65 Govt.Taxes/Stamp Duties/License Fees etc. 1.51 Total 126.01 111.41 1.44 6.73 7.39 126.97 51.14 1.43 11.36 1.17 65.10 41.05 1.43 9.01 0.65 52.14 58.68 5.50 16.00 0.14 80.32

TK. in Million 150 120 90 60 30

Contributions To National Exchequer



2010 2009 2008 Financial Years


2. Foreign Exchange Earned/Saved: The Company contributed substantially to the Foreign Exchange Reserve of the Country during 2011 through its export marketing operation. This amounted to Tk. 1,364.48 million as detailed below: (Taka in Million) 2011 Total Export Earings Less: import costs / expenses Raw Cotton Spare Parts Miscellaneous Net Export Earings 4,833.92 3,290.46 139.67 39.31 1,364.48 2010 4,376.00 3,021.33 103.34 30.50 1,220.83 2009 3,783.51 2,351.78 75.00 28.99 1,327.74 2008 3,018.10 2,339.00 150.18 11.95 516.97 2007 2,497.17 1,417.67 147.95 10.90 920.65


3) Value Added Statements: 2011 Source of Funds Net Turnover Less: Bought in Materials and Services Add: Other Income Value Added Applied in the following Ways Employees Salaries, Wages,Gratuty and Other benefits Contribution to Workers Profit Participation & Welfare fund Government Corporate Tax Other Government Dues Provider of Capital Dividend Retained by the company Depreciation Retain Earning 239,459,425 202,978,375 36,481,050 125,180,454 109,443,150 15,737,304 232,737,642 198,928,925 33,808,717 126,965,203 111,405,203 15,560,000 Tk. 5,247,748,947 (4,063,337,924) 15,710,732 1,200,121,755 2010 4,445,402,112 (3,354,783,820) 31,023,629 1,121,641,921

350,661,575 484,820,301 215,304,022 269,516,279 Tk. 1,200,121,755

292,217,980 469,721,096 197,169,933 272,551,163 1,121,641,921

Distribution of Value Addition in 2011

Distribution of Value Addition in 2010

Government 10.43%
Employees 19.95%

ent ernm Gov .32% 11

Provider of Capital 29.22%

Retained by the company 40.40%

Provider of Capital 26.05%

Retained by the company 41.88%

Employees 20.75%


FINANCIAL RESULTS: The Companys operating financial results, as compared to the previous year are summarized hereunder: 2011 5,247,748,947 4,176,991,364 1,070,757,583 157,385,096 162,981,165 750,391,322 15,710,732 766,102,054 36,481,050 729,621,004 109,443,150 620,177,854 20.40% 11.82% 6.37 16.25% 97,405,993 10 2010 4,445,402,112 3,558,642,850 886,759,262 113,189,908 94,609,920 678,959,434 31,023,629 709,983,063 33,808,717 676,174,346 111,405,203 564,769,143 19.95% 12.70% 5.80 16.88% 81,171,661 10 2009 2008 3,882,244,010 3,052,235,640 3,348,870,289 2,589,019,736 533,373,721 463,215,904 109,832,354 85,777,018 121,730,159 109,701,045 301,811,208 267,737,841 25,554,510 327,365,718 15,588,844 311,776,874 51,142,872 260,634,002 13.74% 6.71% 2.68 8.57% 70,584,053 10 23,722,979 291,460,820 13,879,087 277,581,733 41,051,825 236,529,908 15.18% 7.75% 2.43 9.49% 58,820,044 10 2007 2,541,542,767 1,958,696,404 582,846,363 61,767,371 106,026,180 415,052,812 16,626,533 431,679,345 20,556,159 411,123,186 58,676,050 352,447,136 22.93% 13.87% 3.62 18.59% 39,433,370 10

Turnover Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Operating Income Other Income Net profit before WPPF Contribution WPPF Net profit (BT) Provision for Income Tax Net Profit (AT) Gross Margin Net Margin Earing Per Share (EPS) Return on Equity(ROE) Outstanding Shares Face value per share (Tk.)

The trurnover increased by 18.05% during the year 2011 as against 14.50% of 2010. However, The gross margin is 20.75% during the year 2011 as against 66.25% of the previous year. As the operating expenditure increased by 39.05% over previous year, the operating income increased by 10.52% only over the previous year.

Operating Income
8000 7000

8 7 6 5 4 3


Percentage 25%

Return on Equity (ROE)

2007 2011 2010

In Million Taka

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

2011 2010



2009 2008


Financial Year


Financial Year

Financial Years


APPROPRIATION: The net profit of Tk. 620,177,854.00 earned during the year 2011. It has been recommended by the Board of Directors that the said net profit is to be appropriated in the following manner: a) Provision for proposed cash dividend for the year 2011 @16% (Tk. 1.6 per share) b) Provision for Stock Dividend (Bonus Share) @20% (in the ratio of 5:1) c) Transfer to General Reserve & Surplus ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid, Mrs Ratna Patra and Mr. Anjan Chowdhury, Directors of the Company, retire as per Article 125 & 126 of Articles of Association and being eligible offer themselves for reelection. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS: The existing Auditors of the company M/s. Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co., Chartered Accountants retires at this Annual General Meeting on completion of consecutive three years, they are not eligible for reappointment as per SEC order No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/104/admin dated July 27, 2011. Mr. Ahsan Zamir & Co. Chartered Accountants expressed their interest to be appointed as auditors of the company for the year 2012. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Corporate Governance is the practice of good citizenship, through which the company is governed by the board, keeping in view its accountability to the shareholders and to the society.The status report required to be presented by the company in pursuance to notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/Admin/02-08 of February 20, 2006 issued by Securities & Exchange Commission is depicted in the ANNEXTURE-i. MANAGEMENT APPRECIATION: The Board of Directors record with deep appreciation the performance of the management, the officers, staff and workers whose relentless effort helped increase the productivity as well as the net profit despite the natural and unnatural adverse factors of production and marketing throughout the country and the world. It is expected the employees and the management will continue to improve the results for the interest of shareholders whose unswerving trust in management has always been an inspiration to the Board of Directors. The director humble express its gratitude and acknowledge with keen interest the cooperation and unflinching support it has received from various agencies including Securities and Exchange Commission, Stock Exchanges, National Board of Revenue and other agencies of the public and the private sector. Tk. 155,849,589 Tk. 194,811,986 Tk. 269,516,279 Tk. 620,177,854

Samuel S Chowdhury Chairman

* In the event of conflict between English text and Bangla text of this report, English text shall be prevailed.


The Directors also report that: The financial statements of the Company present true and fair view of Company's state of affairs result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity. Proper books of accounts as required by law have been maintained. Appropriate accounting policies have been followed in formulating the financial Statements and Accounting estimates were reasonable and prudent. The financial statement have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) as applicable in Bangladesh. The internal control system is sound in design and effectively implemented and monitored. There are no significant doubts upon the company's ability to continue as a going concern. There is no significant deviation from the operating result of the last year. The number of board meetings and the attendance of directors during the year 2011 were as follows: Name of Directors Mr. Samson H Chowdhury Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Mrs. Anita Chowdhury Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid Mrs. Ratna Patra Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Mr. Charles C.R. Patra Mr. Kazi Iqbal Harun Mr. M. Sekender Ali Position Chairman Vice Chairman Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director Meeting Held 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Attended 8 8 8 6 6 7 8 7 7 8

The pattarns of shareholding as on December 31, 2011 is given in ANNEXURE-II Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission is enclosed as ANNEXURE-III. Key operating and financial data of last three years have been presented in summarized form in ANNEXURE-IV.


Pattern of Shareholding as on December 31, 2011 Particulars Parent Company Nos. Share holding Percentage Remark The company is not subsidiary of any company The company has no associate company

Associated Companies:

Other Related Parties: Directors: Mr. Samson H. Chowdhury Mrs. Anita Chowdhury Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Mrs. Ratna Patra Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Dr. Kazi Harunar Rashid Mr. Kazi Iqbal Harun Mr. Charles C.R. Patra Mr. M Sekandar Ali Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and his spouse and minor children: Chief Financial Officer(CFO) and his spouse and minor children: Company Secretary(CS) and his spouse and minor children: Head of Internal Audit(HIA) and his spouse and minor children: Executives (Top five salaried person other than CEO,CFO,CS,HIA): 1. Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui, COO 2. Mr. Abdur Rashid, Head of Factory 3. Mr. Idris Ali, Head of Utility 4. Mr. Sayeed Ahmed Chowdhury, Head of P&P 5. Mr. Md. Mozibur Rahman, Senior Manager, A&F Shareholders holding 10% or more voting right: Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

7,722,394 311,270 1,765,670 1,966,272 922,508 1,380,480 477,540 471,458 58,767 1,966,272 1068 442

7.93% 0.32% 1.81% 2.02% 0.95% 1.42% 0.49% 0.48% 0.06% 2.02% 0.0011% 0.0005%

3,108 -

0.0032% -




Condition No. 1.1

Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission's notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/Admin/02-08 dated February 20, 2006 Title Board's Size: Board members should not be less than 5(Five) and more than 20(Twenty) Independent Director: At least 1/10 th Appointment of independent Director by elected Directors Individual Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive, clearly defined roles and responsibilities The Directors report to Shareholders on:Fairness of financial Statements Maintenance of Proper books of accounts Adaptation of appropriate Accounting policies and estimates Compliance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) Soundness of Internal Control System Ability to Continue as Going Concern Significant deviation from last year Presentation of last three years data Declaration of Dividend Details of Board Meeting Shareholding Pattern Appointment of CFO, Head of Internal Audit and Company Secretary and defining of their respective roles, responsibilities and duties Compliance Status Complied Explanation for non compliance with the condition

1.2(i) 1.2(ii) 1.3

Complied Complied Complied

1.4 1.4(a) 1.4(b) 1.4(c) 1.4(d) 1.4(e) 1.4(f ) 1.4(g) 1.4(h) 1.4(i) 1.4(j) 1.4(k) 2.1

Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied


Condition No. 2.2

Title Attendance of CFO and the Company Secretary at Board of Directors meeting Audit Committee Constitution of Committee Constitution of Committee with Board members including one Independent Director Filling of Casual Vacancy in committee Chairman of the Committee Professional Qualification and experience of the Chairman of the committee Reporting to the Board of Directors Reporting of Conflict of Interest to the Board of Directors Reporting of any fraud or irregularity to the Board of Directors Reporting of violation of laws to the Board of Directors Reporting of any other matter to the Board of Directors Reporting of Qualified point to Commission Reporting of activities to the Shareholders and General Investors External/Statutory Auditors: Non-engagement in appraisal or valuation Non- engagement in designing of Financial Information System Non-engagement in Book-Keeping Non-engagement in Broker-dealer service Non-engagement in Actuarial Services Non-engagement in Internal Audit Non-engagement in any other services

Compliance Status Complied

Explanation for non compliance with the condition

3.00 3.1(i) 3.1(ii)

Complied Complied Complied

3.1(iii) 3.2(i) 3.2(ii)

Complied Complied

3.3.1(i) 3.3.1(ii)(a) 3.3.1(ii)(b) 3.3.1(ii)(c) 3.3.1(ii)(d) 3.3.2 3.4 4.00 4.00(i) 4.00(ii) 4.00(iii) 4.00(iv) 4.00(v) 4.00(vi) 4.00(vii)

Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied

Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied


Key operating and financial data of last three years have been presented below in summarized form;

Figure in Tk. ,000.00

Particulars Turnover Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Operating Income Other Income Net profit before WPPF Contribution WPPF Net profit (BT) Provision for Income Tax Net Profit (AT) Total Assets Total Fixed Assets Total Current Assets Total Current Liabilities Current Ratio Shareholders' Equity Earning Per Share (EPS) Cash Dividend Per Share Stock Dividend Market Price year end (DSE) Market Price year end (CSE) Price Earnings Ratio year end (DSE) Price Earnings Ratio year end (CSE) 2011 5,247,749 4,176,991 1,070,758 157,385 162,981 750,391 15,711 766,102 36,481 729,621 109,443 620,178 7,225,737 2,421,280 4,804,457 3,052,890 1.57 4,061,542 6.37 Tk. 1.60 5:1 111.20 111.50 17.46 17.50 2010 4,445,402 3,558,643 886,759 113,190 94,610 678,959 31,023 709,983 33,809 676,174 111,405 564,769 6,605,934 2,304,802 4,301,132 2,923,391 1.47 3,571,239 5.80 Tk. 1.60 5:1 209.80 207.80 30.14 29.86 2009 3,882,244 3,348,870 533,373 109,832 121,730 301,811 25,554 327,365 15,588 311,776 51,142 260,634 5,508,281 2,283,552 3,224,729 2,276,601 1.42 3,119,404 2.68 Tk. 1.60 Tk. 100:15 111.54 111.37 30.22 30.23

Square Textiles Limited

For the year 2011
The Audit Committee consists of the following members: Mr. M Sekander Ali Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Mr. Charles C R Patra Chairman Member Member

The scope of Audit Committee was defined as under: a. Review and recommend to the Board to approve the financial statements prepared for statutory purpose; b. Report to the Board of Directors on internal audit findings from time to time considering the significance of the issues; c. Carry on a supervision role to safeguard the system of governance and independence of statutory auditors; and d. Review and consider the internal report and statutory auditors' observations on internal control. Activities carried out during the year: The Committee reviewed the first quarter, half yearly, third quarter and annual financial statement and recommended to the Board for consideration. The Committee also overseen, reviewed and approved the procedure and task of the internal audit, financial report preparation and the external audit reports. The Committee found adequate arrangement to present a true and fair view of the activities and the financial status of the company and didnt find any material deviation, discrepancies or any adverse finding/observation in the areas of reporting.

M Sekander Ali Chairman Audit Committee Dated: April 02, 2012


cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

kqvinvviMbi cwZ cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

mvwbZ kqvinvvie`:
cwiPvjbv cl` Avb`i mv_ Kvvbx AvBb 1994 Gi aviv bs 184, wmwKDwiwUR G GP ijm& 1987 Gi 12 bs wewai (Ges Zdwmj Abyhvqx) kZvbymvi Ges BbwwUDU Ae PvUvW GKvDUvUm& Ae evsjv`k KZK MnxZ AvBGGm - 1 (AvRvwZK wnmve gvb` - 1) Abymvi 31 wWm^i 2011 ZvwiL mgv Avw_K eQii cwZe`b mvwbZ kqvinvvie`i KvQ wbgv cwiQ`jvZ ck KiQb :

qvi UUvBjm& wjt

1| Drcv`b gZv/Drcv`b
31 wWm^i 2011 ZvwiL gvU vwcZ Drcv`b gZv (Mo 30 wmj, 14 wmj Ges 10 wmj) wQj wbgic: 2011 (1.1) wj&m& /ivUi nWm& (K) vwcZ : vwcZ wj&&m& Gi msLv vwcZ ivUi nWm& Gi msLv (L) Drcv`b KvR eeZ : wj&&m& ivUi nW&&m& (1.2) vwcZ Drcv`b gZv (KwR) : 30 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (wis BqvY) 10 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (Icb G) 14 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (Icb G) gvU 2010 2009 2008 2007

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 768

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 3,960

59,472 768

11,582,899 2,329,234 10,000,454 23,912,587

11,582,899 2,329,234 10,000,454 23,912,587

11,271,574 2,329,234 10,000,454 23,912,587

11,271,574 2,239,230 1,464,610 14,975,414

11,271,574 2,239,230 13,510,804

cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

2011 (1.3) cKZ Drcv`b (KwR): 30 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (wis BqvY) 10 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (Icb G) 14 wmj KvDUi mgZyj (Icb G) gvU (1.4) Drcv`b `Zv (%): 30 wmj KvDUi mgZyj 10 wmj KvDUi mgZyj 14 wmj KvDUi mgZyj gvU





10,612,745 1,766,667 8,334,898 20,714,310

10,352,180 1,723,291 8,130,259 20,205,730

10,593,511 2,079,084 8,737,910 21,410,505

10,333,745 2,099,388 1,445,570 13,878,703

10,669,536 2,216,588 12,886,124

91.62 75.85 83.35 86.63

89.37 73.99 81.30 84.50

91.46 89.26 87.38 89.54

91.68 93.75 98.70 92.68

94.66 98.99 95.38

Dciv cwimsLvb nZ cZxqgvb nq h, Drcv`b MZ eQii Zzjbvq 2.13% ew cqQ cavbZ Drcv`b wgkbi cwieZbi Rb| cKZ Drcv`b 20,714,310 KwR myZvi ga 3,205,915 KwR Drcvw`Z nqQ mve-KbUv Gi gvag|

2| Drcv`b eq:
weMZ eQijvZ evcK gvvq KuvPv Zzjv, cvwKs `emvgMx, we`yr I Rvjvbx Zj Ges gwkbi LyPiv hvski qg~ji nvm/ewi dj Drcv`b eq eoQ hv wQj eevcbv KZci wbqYi evBi| LvZIqvix eqi cwigvY Ges Zv`i AvbylvwK cfve wbP `Lvbv njv : 2011 (K) m~Zvi Drcv`b (KwR) (L) iZc~Y LvZjvi eq mg~n : eeZ KuvPvgvj (UvKvq) cvwKs mvgMxi g~j Rvjvbx Zj/we`yr BZvw` LyPiv hvsk Abvb LiP mg~n gvU eq 17,497,597 2010 20,035,936 2009 23,190,746 2008 15,657,509 2007 13,597,921

3,313,577,001 43,510,941 176,022,570 155,321,804 548,872,585 4,237,304,901

2,807,161,179 31,982,712 134,507,081 166,050,000 418,425,535 3,558,126,507

2,644,967,512 30,261,942 7119,836,772 163,554,586 399,713,131 3,358,333,943

2,006,550,074 1,450,439,367 41,945,314 22,029,802 79,522,329 81,178,400 130,557,589 120,532,125 337,331,633 286,320,181 2,595,906,939 1,960,499,875


2011 (M) cwZ KwRi g~j (UvKvq): KuvPvgvj cvwKs mvgMx Rvjvbx Zj/we`yr LyPiv hvsk Abvb LiPmg~n cwZ KwR Drcv`b LiP gvU kZKiv wnmve KuvPvgvj 189.37 2.49 10.06 8.88 31.37 242.16 78.20%

2010 140.11 1.60 6.71 8.29 20.88 177.59 78.89%

2009 114.05 1.30 5.17 7.05 17.24 144.81 78.76%

2008 128.15 2.68 5.08 8.34 21.54 165.79 77.30%

2007 106.66 1.62 5.97 8.86 21.06 144.17 73.98%

UvKvq LiP 200 150 100 50 0 2011

Drcv`b eq (cwZ KwR)

KuvPvgvj cvwKs mvgMx Rvjvbx Zj/we`yr LyPiv hvsk Abvb LiPmg~n 2010 2009 2008 2007

Dciv weeiY nZ cZxqgvb nq h, AvjvP eQi 2010 mvji Zzjbvq cwZ KwRi Drcv`b eq ew cqQ 36.36%, GKB mgq 2010 mvji Zzjbvq 2011 mvj KuvPvgvj eq, cvwKs mvgMx, Rvjvbx, LyPiv hvsk Ges Abvb Dcwi eq h_vg 35.16%, 55.63%. 49.78% Ges 07.11%, 50.24% ew cqQ| Abw`K GKB GKK cwZ KuvPv gvji eq nvm cqQ 0.69% 2010 mvji Zzjbvq| cavb Dcv`vbjv hgb: KuvPvgvj, cvwKs mvgMx, Ges Abvb Dcwi eq evovi g~j Kvib wQj AvRvwZK evRvi g~j ew|

3| wecbY Kvhg:
(1) evRvi cwiwwZ : MZ eQii gZ G eQiI Kvvbx ivwb weqi Dci cvavb `qvi avivevwnKZv eRvq iLQ, hv wbgict 2011 (K) weqi cwigvY (KwR) vbxq evRvi weq ivwb weq gvU weq (L) weqj Avq (UvKvq) vbxq evRvi nZ Avq ivwb Avq gvU weq 223,805 17,273,792 17,497,597 2010 416,387 19,628,509 20,044,896 2009 561,347 22,625,699 23,187,046 2008 165,247 15,491,421 15,656,668 2007 221,514 13,371,187 13,592,701

71,867,683 5,175,881,264 5,247,748,947

69,398,155 4,376,003,957 4,445,402,112

98,729,395 3,783,514,615 3,882,244,010

34,128,293 3,018,107,347 3,052,235,640

44,373,889 2,497,168,878 2,541,542,767

cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

ivbx weq (wgwjqb UvKvq) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Avw_K eQi

weq ivR^

vbxq weq (wgwjqb UvKvq) 100 80 60 40 20

ivwb weq vbxq weq

Dciv wP _K eySv hvq h, MZ eQii Zzjbvq 2011 mvj vbxq evRvi weq Avq 3.56% ew cqQ Ges ivbx Avq MZ eQii Zzjbvq 18.28% ew cqQ| mvgwMKfve 2010 mvji Zzjbvq AvjvP eQi weq Avq 18.05% ew cqQ| (2) cv GKK weq g~j : c~eeZx eQii Zzjbvq G eQi weqg~j Dj- hvM fve ZviZg NUQ hv bxP `Lvbv njv : L 2011 321.12 299.64 299.91 2010 166.67 222.94 221.77 2009 175.88 167.22 167.43 2008 206.53 194.82 194.95 (UvKv/KwR) 2007 200.32 186.76 186.98

vbxq evRvi weq ivwb weq gvU weq (Mo)

Dcii Z_vejx wb`k Ki vbxq weqg~j 2010 mvji Zzjbvq 2011 mvj 92.67% ew cqQ Ges ivwb g~j GKB mgq 34.40% ew cqQ| cv_wgKfve ivwb g~j ewi AbZg KviY AvRvwZK cwiek Ges ivwb Pvwn`v| 2010 mvji Zzjbvq 2011 mvj Mo weq g~j ew cqQ 35.23% hvi wecixZ GKB mgq KuvPvgvji g~j ew cqQ 36.36%|

g~jabx LiP mg~n:

Drcv`b KvVvgv Divi DbxZ KiYi j Kvvbx 331.33 wgwjqb UvKv g~jabx LvZ G eQi eq KiQ hv wbgic t (wgwjqb UvKvq) 2011 Rwg/wbgvY KvR hcvwZ Abvb m` gvU wewbqvM 72.46 225.86 33.01 331.33 2010 52.72 43.55 8.50 104.77 2009 31.18 57.39 8.30 96.87 2008 17.96 103.98 8.66 130.60 2007 5.54 86.55 5.59 97.68

Dciv wewbqvM Drcv`b gZv ew KiZ mnvqZv KiQ| cyiv wewbqvMUvB wbR^ Drm _K Kiv nqQ|


mvewmwWqvix KvvbxZ wewbqvM:

qvi UUvBjm& wjwgUW 95,000,000 UvKv qvi Bqvbm wjwgUW G g~jab wnmve 99.50% wewbqvM KiQ Ges 800,000,000 UvKv kqvi gvwb wWcvwRU wnmve w`qQ| GQvovI 65,783,760 UvKv qvi UKg wjwgUW (c~e bvg wQj wgVvcyi UUvBjm& wjwgUW) Gi g~jab wnmve 95% wewbqvM KiQ| 1994 mvji Kvvbx AvBb Abymvi qvi Bqvbm wjwgUW Ges qvi UKg wjwgUW Kvvwbq mvewmwWqvix Kvvbx weavq cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b Ges wbixwZ wnmve GB cwZe`bi mv_ mshy Kiv nqQ|


(1) RvZxq KvlvMvi Ae`vb:

Kvvbx 2011 mvj 126.01 wgwjqb UvKv RvZxq KvlvMvi Rgv w`qQ| hvi weeiY bxP `Lvbv njv t (wgwjqb UvKvq) 2011 KcviU AvqKi AwMg AvqKi (Drm nZ KZb) AveMvix /fvU/Avg`vbx /Ki BZvw` miKvix Ki/v /jvBm wd BZvw` gvU wgwjqb UvKvq 150 120 90 60 30 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Avw_K eQi Ae`vbmg~n

2010 111.41 1.44 6.73 7.39 126.97

2009 51.14 1.43 11.36 1.17 65.10

2008 41.05 1.43 9.01 0.65 52.14

2007 58.68 5.50 16.00 0.14 80.32

109.44 2.41 12.65 1.51 126.01

RvZxq KvlvMvi Ae`vb

(2) e`wkK gy`vi ARb/mq:

Kvvbx Dj- hvMfve ivwb evwYRi gvag `ki e`wkK gy`v wiRvf Ae`vb iLQ 2011 mvj hvi cwigvY 1,364.48 L wgwjqb UvKv| hvi wevwiZ weeiY wbP `Iqv njt 2011 gvU ivwb Avq ev`: Avg`vwb LiP mg~n: KuvPv Zzjv LyPiv hvsk wewea bxU ivwb Avq 4,833.92 3,290.46 139.67 39.31 1,364.48 2010 4,376.00 3,021.33 103.34 30.50 1,220.83 2009 3,783.51 2,351.78 75.00 28.99 1,327.74 (wgwjqb UvKvq) 2008 2007 3,018.10 2,339.00 150.18 11.95 516.97 2,497.17 1,417.67 147.95 10.90 920.65

cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

(3) g~j mshvRb weeiYx:
A_i Drm mg~n bxU weq ev` : DcKiY I mevg~j hvM : Abvb Avq g~j mshvRb mshvwRZ g~ji cqvM KgKZv-KgPvix eZb, gRyix, MvPzBwU Ges Abvb myweavw` gybvdvi Ask I KjvY Znwej miKvix KvlvMvi KcviU AvqKi Abvb miKvix cvIbv g~jab hvMvb`vZv jfvsk Kvvbxi wbKU iwZ AePq AvewUZ gybvdv UvKv 239,459,425 202,978,375 36,481,050 125,180,454 109,443,150 15,737,304 350,661,575 484,820,301 215,304,022 269,516,279 1,200,121,755 232,737,642 198,928,925 33,808,717 126,965,203 111,405,203 15,560,000 292,217,980 469,721,096 197,169,933 272,551,163 1,121,641,921 UvKv

2011 5,247,748,947 (4,063,337,924) 15,710,732 1,200,121,755

2010 4,445,402,112 (3,354,783,820) 31,023,629 1,121,641,921

g~j mshvRbi eb-2011

miKvix KvlvMvi 10.43%
g~jab hvMvb`vZv 29.22% KgKZv KgPvix 19.95%

g~j mshvRbi eb-2010

miKvix KvlvMvi 11.32%

Kvvbxi wbKU iwZ 40.40%

g~jab hvMvb`vZv 26.05%

Kvvbxi wbKU iwZ 41.88%

KgKZv KgPvix 20.75%


Avw_K djvdj:
c~eeZx ermii Zzjbvq AvjvP ermi Kvvbxi Avw_K eevcbvi djvdj wbg AvjvPbv Kiv njv : 2011 2010 2009 2008 weq 5,247,748,947 4,445,402,112 3,882,244,010 3,052,235,640 wewZ cYi Drcv`b g~j 4,176,991,364 3,558,642,850 3,348,870,289 2,589,019,736 gvU gybvdv 1,070,757,583 886,759,262 533,373,721 463,215,904 cwiPvjb LiP mgyn 157,385,096 113,189,908 109,832,354 85,777,018 Avw_K LiP mg~n 162,981,165 94,609,920 121,730,159 109,701,045 cwiPvjb gybvdv 750,391,322 678,959,434 301,811,208 267,737,841 Abvb Avq 15,710,732 31,023,629 25,554,510 23,722,979 bxU gybvdv (Wwe- wc wc Gd) c~e D 766,102,054 709,983,063 327,365,718 291,460,820 Wwe- wc wc Gd G Aby`vb D 36,481,050 33,808,717 15,588,844 13,879,087 bxU gybvdv (Ki c~e) 729,621,004 676,174,346 311,776,874 277,581,733 AvqKi mwwZ 109,443,150 111,405,203 51,142,872 41,051,825 bxU gybvdv (Ki cieZx) 620,177,854 564,769,143 260,634,002 236,529,908 gvU gybvdvi nvi 20.40% 19.95% 13.74% 15.18% bxU gybvdvi nvi 11.82% 12.70% 6.71% 7.75% kqvi cwZ Avq 6.37 5.80 2.68 2.43 Avi I B 16.25% 16.88% 8.57% 9.49% cwikvwaZ kqvi 97,405,993 81,171,661 70,584,053 58,820,044 kqvii bvwgK g~j 10 10 10 10 2007 2,541,542,767 1,958,696,404 582,846,363 61,767,371 106,026,180 415,052,812 16,626,533 431,679,345 20,556,159 411,123,186 58,676,050 352,447,136 22.93% 13.87% 3.62 18.59% 39,433,370 10

gvU weq 2010 mvji Zzjbvq 2011 mvj 18.05% ew cqQ hv 2010 mvj 14.50% ew cqwQj| hv nvK, 2010 mvji Zzjbvq 2011 mvj gvU gybvdvi nvi 20.75% ew cqQ| Abw`K cwiPvjb eq 39.05% ew cqQ, Ges cwiPvjb Avq ew cqQ 10.52%|

8 7 6 5 4 3

kqvi cwZ Avq

kZKiv nvi

Avi I B
2007 2011 2010

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

wgwjqb UvKvq



2007 2009

2009 2008



Avw_K eQi

Avw_K eQi

Avw_K eQi

gybvdv eUb:

2011 mvj Ki cieZx bxU Avq UvKv 620,177,854 cwiPvjbv cl` wbgic ebi Rb cve Kib: K) 2011 mvji bM` jfvsk cve @ 16% (1.60 UvKv cwZ kqvi) L) 2011 mvji Rb evbvm kqvi @ 20% (5:1) M) mvaviY mwwZZ vbvi UvKv UvKv UvKv UvKv 155,849,589 194,811,986 269,516,279 620,177,854

cwiPvjbv cl`i cwZe`b

cwiPvjK wbevPb:
msNwewai 125 I 126 AbyQ` Abyhvqx Kvvbxi cwiPvjK Rbve Wv: KvRx nvib Ai ikx`, wgmm iZv cv Ges Rbve Ab Payix Aemi MnY KiQb Ges cybtwbevwPZ nIqvi hvM weavq cybtwbevwPZ nIqvi BQv cKvk KiQb|

wbixK wbqvM:
Kvvbxi wbixK gmvm Payix fvPvh G Kvs, PvUvW GKvDUvUm& A mfvq Aemi Mnb KiQb Ges GmBwm Av`k bs SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/104/admin of dated July 27, 2011 Abymvi avivevwnK 3 eQi AwWU Kvh mv`b Kivq c~b:wbqvMi hvM bnb, gmvm Avnmvb Rvwgi G Kvs, PvUvW GKvDUvUm Kvvbxi wbixK wnmve 2012 A_eQii Rb KvR Kivi BQv cKvk KiQb|

KcviU Mfb:
KcviU Mfb nQ mybvMwiKZi PPv hvi gvag cwiPvjbv cl` Kvvbxi cwiPvjbv Kib, kqvi nvvi/^v_ mswk- eweM Ges mgvRi cwZ Revew`wnZvi `wfw wbq| wmwKDwiwUR G GP Kwgkb Gi bvwUk bs GmBwm/wmGgAviAviwmwW/2006-158/ckvmb/0208 deqvwi 20, 2006 Gi wbwiL Kvvbxi KcviU Mfb Gi Aevb wPvwqZ nqQ mshyw 1 (GK) Gi ga|

eevcbv KZci ^xKwZ:

cwiPvjbv cl` eemvwqK Kvhg wbevnx eevcbv, KgKZv I kwgK KgPvix`i Ae`vbK Mfxifve g~jvqb KiQ| mviv wek evwYR I Drcv`b wewfb eix cfve _vKv mI Zv`i wbijm cPv KvvbxK Drcv`b gZv Ges bxU gybvdv ewZ mvnvh KiQ| mvwbZ kqvinvviMY h Avv cwiPvjbv cl`i Dci iLQb Zv cwiPvjbv cl`K AbycvwbZ Ki AvmQ Ges eevcbv KZc, wbevnx KgKZv I KgPvixMY Zv ai ivLZ mP neb| cwiPvjbv cl` webxZfve evsK, wmwKDwiwUR G GP Kwgkb, K GP, RvZxq ivR^ evW Ges Abvb miKvwi I emiKvwi GRwjvK cwZvb Gi Kvhg cwiPvjbvq mnhvwMZv `qvi Rb KZZv RvbvQb| Avgiv mKji fwelr Dbqb Kvgbv Kwi|

mvgyqj Gm Payix Pqvigvb




Auditors' Report to the Shareholders on Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Square Textiles Limited

We have audited the accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements of Square Textiles Limited, which comprises the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011 and the related Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended, and all related summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), the Companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 December, 2011 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the period then ended and comply with the companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations. (i) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof; (ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by Square Textiles Limited so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; (iii) The company's Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income and its Statement of Cash Flows dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns; (iv) The expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company's business.

Dated, Dhaka April 24, 2012

B.K. Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2011
31-12-2011 NET ASSETS: Fixed Assets Assets at Cost Less Depreciation Goodwill Notes 4 5 2,483,823,461 2,427,539,701 56,283,760 2,431,705,707 2,375,421,947 56,283,760 31-12-2010

Current Assets: Stocks Trade Debtors Advances, Deposits and Prepayments Cash & Bank Balances Less: Current Liabilities: Short Term Bank Loan Sundry Creditors Other Current Liabilities Short Term Loan Provision for Income Tax Net Current Assets Deferred Tax Liability FINANCED BY: Share Holders Equity: Share Capital General Reserve and Surplus Non controlling Interest

6 7 8 9

6,371,106,117 1,902,471,712 3,331,220,012 656,428,247 480,986,146 4,034,826,920 497,733,221 2,205,497,561 327,145,001 569,592,985 434,858,152 2,336,279,197 180,036,773 4,640,065,885 4,635,087,878 974,059,932 3,661,027,946 4,978,007 4,640,065,885

5,597,368,885 2,337,729,488 2,793,836,999 342,870,550 122,931,848 3,908,757,979 1,115,737,221 1,500,362,542 216,323,182 787,887,594 288,447,440 1,688,610,906 176,909,275 3,943,407,338 3,940,131,862 811,716,610 3,128,415,252 3,275,476 3,943,407,338

10 11 12 13 14

15 Tk.

16 17 20 Tk.

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Textiles Limited

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year Ended December 31, 2011
2011 Notes Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Operating Income Other Income Net Income Before W.P.P & W.F Allocation for W.P.P. & W.F Net Income Before Tax Provision for Income Tax Provision for Deferred Income Tax Net Profit after Tax Non Controlling Interest Net Income for the Year (Transferred to the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity) Earning Per Share 28 Tk. 8.47 7.32 Tk. 26 27 25 23 24 21 22 9,391,822,689 (7,942,084,250) 1,449,738,439 (181,811,012) (243,725,859) 1,024,201,568 673,417 1,024,874,985 (48,803,570) 976,071,415 (146,410,712) (3,127,498) 826,533,205 (1,702,531) 824,830,674 6,096,627,967 (4,960,533,384) 1,136,094,583 (128,465,638) (103,750,309) 903,878,636 311,937 904,190,573 (43,056,694) 861,133,879 (139,149,133) (7,398,167) 714,586,579 (1,424,765) 713,161,814 2010

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year Ended December 31, 2011

Particulars As at December 31, 2010 Net Profit for the Year 2011 Cash Dividend for 2010 Stock Dividend for 2010 As at December 31, 2011 Tk.

Share Capital 811,716,610 162,343,322 974,059,932

General Reserve and Surplus 3,128,415,252 824,830,674 (129,874,658) (162,343,322) 3,661,027,946

Total 3,940,131,862 824,830,674 (129,874,658) 4,635,087,878

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Year Ended December 31, 2010

Particulars As at December 31, 2009 Accumulated Loss of Square Texcom Ltd. Net Profit for the Year 2010 Cash Dividend for 2009 Stock Dividend for 2009 As at December 31, 2010 Tk.

Share Capital 705,840,530 105,876,080 811,716,610

General Reserve and Surplus 2,640,604,598 (6,540,595) 713,161,814 (112,934,485) (105,876,080) 3,128,415,252

Total 3,346,445,128 (6,540,595) 713,161,814 (112,934,485) 3,940,131,862

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For The Year Ended December 31, 2011
2011 Cash Flow From Operating Activities: Receipts: Cash From Sales Revenue Cash From Other Income Total Cash Receipts Payments: Purchase of Raw & Packing Materials Paid for Operating & Non-operating Exp. Income Tax payments Workers Profit Participation Fund and Welfare Fund Total Payments Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities Cash Flow From Investing Activities Net Sales (Purchase) of Fixed Assets Investment in Shares of Square Texcom Ltd. Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities Cash Flow From Financing Activities Short Term Bank Received (Repaid) Short Term Loan From (to) Sister Concern Long Term Loan Dividend Payment Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities Net Cash Position Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents Closing Cash in Hand Tk. 8,888,004,814 673,418 8,888,678,232 (5,360,022,598) (1,636,915,524) (150,320,675) (43,066,570) (7,190,325,367) 1,698,352,865 (352,864,293) (352,864,293) (618,004,000) (259,685,890) (109,744,384) (987,434,274) 358,054,298 122,931,848 480,986,146 5,380,910,052 311,937 5,381,221,989 (4,794,515,208) (892,373,764) (94,502,545) (48,028,134) (5,829,419,651) (448,197,662) (135,279,812) (46,283,760) (181,563,572) 502,258,966 327,046,706 (54,791,000) (112,934,485) 661,580,187 31,818,953 91,112,895 122,931,848 2010

Square Textiles Limited

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2011
NOTE -1: ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATIONS. a) Legal Form of the Enterprises. Square Textiles Limited (Here in after said as the Company) is a public limited company and its subsidiaries, Square Yarns Limited and Square Texcom Limited incorporated with Registrar, joint stock companies and firms, Dhaka, Bangladesh under Companies Act 1913 and Companies Act 1994 respectively. The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiary (the group) are described in note 1(b) and (c). b) Address of Registered office and factory of the group. The address of the registered offices and factories of the group is described in page no. 11 of this annual report. c) Nature of Business. The group owns Five (5) units of spinning mills, and a twisting mill. Its activities and operations are related with manufacturing and marketing of Yarns. NOTE-2: ADOPTION OF NEW IFRS. During the year of reporting Management of the Company adopted revised IAS-1 (revised in 2008). NOTE- 3: SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND OTHER MATERIAL INFORMATION. a) Statement of Compliance. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the provisions of the Companies Act 1994, The Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other relevant rules and regulations. b) Basis of preparation. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the going concern principle and historical cost convention. The significant accounting policies are set out below. c) Basis of Consolidation. The consolidated financial statements, incorporate the financial statements of the company and entities controlled by the company. Control is achieved where the company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into line with those used by other member of the group. All intra group transaction, balances, income and expenses are eliminated in full on consolidation. Non-controlling interest in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries are identified separately from the Group's equity therein. These consolidated financials have been prepared in consolidation with the audited accounts of the company and the audited accounts of Square Yarns Limited for the Year ended December 31, 2011 and restated Financials of Square Texcom Limited as of December 31, 2011 being there is a difference between Financial Year of Square Texcom Limited and Square Textiles Limited. d) Fixed Assets. Fixed Assets i.e. property, Plant, Equipment are stated at their historical cost less accumulated depreciation. No depreciation has been charged on the Freehold Land and on the Capital work in progress. Depreciation is charged on all other assets on straight-line method. Depreciation for full year has been charged on additions irrespective of date when the related assets are put into use but no depreciation charged on the assets disposed off during the year. Depreciation is computed on the straight- line basis over the estimated useful lives as follows:

Factory Building and other Construction Plant & Machinery Laboratory & other Equipment Furniture & Fixture Motor Vehicles Electrical Installation

Years 20 15 6.67 6.67 5 6.67

Depreciation Percentage 5% 6.67% 15% 15% 20% 15%

e) Stocks. Stocks comprise of Raw Materials, Raw Materials in transit, Packing Materials, Work in Progress, Finished Goods, Comber Noil, and Spare & Spare Parts in transit. Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost comprises invoice value plus applicable handling charges. Net realizable value is based on estimated selling price less estimated cost to completion and selling expenses. f) Employees' Separation Plan. The group has established an approved contributory provident fund scheme. A board of trustees wholly administers the fund. No part of the fund is included in the asset of the group. The group has separate unfunded gratuity scheme under which an employee is entitled to the benefit depending on length of service. The group has two group insurance schemes for its permanent employees, premium for which is being charged to Statement of Comprehensive Income. g) Revenue Recognition. Sale of Goods. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when all the following conditions are satisfied: the group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; the group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the group; and the cost incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably. Other Income. It is recognized when received. h) Foreign Currency Transactions. Transactions in Foreign Currencies are translated into BDT at the rate of exchange ruling on date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are translated into BDT at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of Statement of Financial Position. i) Borrowing Costs. Borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they incurred and capitalized the same that incurred before commencement of commercial operation. j) Financial Instruments. Financial assets and liabilities are recognized on the Statement of Financial Position when the group has become a party to a contractual provision of the instrument.


Receivables. Trade Receivables are stated at their nominal value and considered good. No provision has been made for doubtful debt and no amount was written off as bad. Payables. Trade Payables are stated at their nominal value. Due to /Due from related parties. Due to/due from related parties are stated at nominal value. Borrowings. Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds received net of direct issue costs. Finance charges are accounted for on an accrual basis. k) Cash and Cash Equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, bank currents accounts, other bank deposits free of encumbrance and having maturity dates of three months or less from respective dates of deposit. l) Taxation. Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax. Current Tax. The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from profit as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income because it excludes items of income or expenses that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted on date of Statement of Financial Position. Deferred Tax. Deferred tax is recognized on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and are accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences, and deferred tax assets are generally recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which those deductible temporary differences can be utilized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability shall be settled or the asset realized, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted by the date of Statement of Financial Position. m) Contingent Liabilities and Assets. Current or possible obligations or assets arising from past events and whose existence is due to the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain events which are not within the control of the group. n) Related Party Transaction. The group has some related party transaction in arm length transaction with its sister concern. o) Segment Reporting. There are three business centres in two geographical segment but same business nature of the group. So there no reportable business segment because the subsidiary's financial statements are enclosed with these financials. p) Earning Per Share. Basis Earning per Share (EPS) has been computed dividing the earnings attributable to the weighted average number of the ordinary shares during the period. q) Comparative Figure. Certain prior year figures have been regrouped /reclassified to conform to current year's presentation. r) Financial Year. Financial year means gregorian calendar year, January 01, 2011 to December 31, 2011. s) General. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest taka, as it is the reporting currency of these financials.

4. FIXED ASSETS: TK. 2,427,539,701 'Details of Fixed Assets and Depreciation as of December 31, 2011 are shown in the annexed schedule-01. Depreciation for the year charged to Factory Overhead (Note-22.3). The break-up of the balances are depicted below: 31-Dec-11 31-Dec-10 Fixed Assets at Cost: Opening Balance 4,490,956,526 4,319,728,515 Addition during the year 575,428,606 168,102,977 Aquisition all Assets of Square Texcom Ltd. 35,943,575 Sale/Adjustment during the year (200,972,477) (32,818,541) Closing Balance (Cost) 4,865,412,655 4,490,956,526 Accumulated Depreciation: Opening Balance Charged during the year Accumulated Depreciation of Square Texcom Ltd. Adjustment for sale/Transfer Written Down Value 5. GOOD WILL: TK. 56,283,760 Investment in Square Texcom Ltd. (For 95,000 Shares of Square Texcom Ltd.) Less: Face Value of the Shares 6. STOCKS: TK. 1,902,471,712 Stocks of Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials In Transit Finished Goods Packing Materials Work - in - process Comber Noil Stock of Spares Spares at Store Spares in Transit Tk. Tk. 2,115,534,579 322,788,375 (450,000) 2,437,872,954 2,427,539,701 65,783,760 9,500,000 56,283,760 1,795,028,627 1,330,485,935 175,056,245 24,754,834 15,629,222 56,064,522 193,037,869 107,443,085 91,070,789 16,372,296 1,902,471,712 1,812,308,285 299,616,804 3,609,490 2,115,534,579 2,375,421,947 65,783,760 9,500,000 56,283,760 2,303,821,613 1,406,192,998 794,663,058 23,015,911 15,282,626 41,277,400 23,389,620 33,907,875 17,037,437 16,870,438 2,337,729,488

The basis of valuation is stated in Note -3(e). Carrying amount of inventories pledged as security. No segmentation of stock is required because of homoginus materials and process. 7. TRADE DEBTORS: TK. 3,331,220,012 This represents invoice value of goods delivered to customer. This is considered good and collectable. Aging of the above balance is as follows: Below 180 days Above 180 days Tk. 3,207,571,435 123,648,577 3,331,220,012 2,691,038,626 102,798,373 2,793,836,999

a) There was no amount due by the Directors (Including Managing Director), Managing Agent, Manager and other Officers of the Company and any of them severly or jointly with any other person. b) The carrying amount of Trade Debtors plegded as security.


31-Dec-11 8. ADVANCE, DEPOSIT & PREPAYMENTS: TK. 656,428,247 This is made up of the followings: Advance: Income Tax Salary & PF Current account Expenses Contractor Deposits: Margin & Deposit Security Deposit Adv. Ag. Excise Duty Tk. 609,868,633 313,472,116 66,575,037 207,329,940 22,491,540 46,559,614 4,923,064 41,508,945 127,605 656,428,247


297,802,101 162,849,865 13,399,840 110,380,228 11,172,168 45,068,449 28,714,407 16,226,437 127,605 342,870,550

(a) There was no amount due by the Directors (Including Managing Director), Managing Agent, Manager and other Officers of the Company and any of them severly or jointly with any other person. (b) There was no amount due by the associated undertaking. (c) The advances & deposits considered good & recoverable. 9. CASH AND BANK BALANCES: TK. 480,986,146 This is made up of the followings: Cash in hand Cash at Bank Tk. 10. SHORT TERM BANK LOAN: TK. 497,733,221 This is made up of the followings: Bank Overdraft Local Purchase Offer Clean Import Loan Revolving Loan Export Development Fund Tk. 99,584,145 100,000,000 100,000,000 198,149,076 497,733,221 249,610,430 100,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 166,126,791 1,115,737,221 2,089,861 478,896,285 480,986,146 5,975,674 116,956,174 122,931,848

These short term loans are secured against hypothecation of Stock and Accounts Receivable. 11. SUNDRY CREDITORS: TK. 2,205,497,561 2,205,497,561 1,500,362,542 This represents amount payable to regular suppliers of raw materials, Deferred L/Cs, packing materials, utilities, and other services rendered to the company. All suppliers were paid on a regular basis. 12. OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES: TK. 327,145,001 This consists of as follows: Retention Money Allocation for W.P.P & W.F Others Tk. 1,622,296 143,407,402 182,115,303 327,145,001 1,690,912 103,669,244 110,963,026 216,323,182



13. SHORT TERM LOAN: TK. 569,592,985 Loan from Square Pharmaceuticals Limited 14. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX : TK. 434,858,152 Opening Balance Income Tax Expenses Adjusted Current Year Provision 15. DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY: TK. 180,036,773 Opening Balance Adjusted for deductable temporary difference Provision for this Year 176,909,275 3,127,498 180,036,773 170,482,362 (971,254) 7,398,167 176,909,275 288,447,440 146,410,712 434,858,152 159,277,358 (9,979,051) 139,149,133 288,447,440 569,592,985 787,887,594

This represents tax liability payable in future due to accumulated taxable temporary differences. 16.SHARE CAPITAL: TK. 974,059,932 This is made up of the followings: Authorized: 300,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid up: 97,405,993 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each Fully Paid up in cash Tk. 3,000,000,000 Tk. 1,000,000,000



The distribution schedule showing the number of Shareholders and Correspending holding percentage under DSE & CSE listing regulation 37 is given in notes no. 17, Page no. 66 of seperate Financial Statement of Square Textiles Limited. 17. GENERAL RESERVE AND SURPLUS: TK. 3,661,027,946 Opening Balance Less: Dividend paid during the year Less: Appropriation for stock dividend at the rate of one share for every five shares held Add: Surplus of the Year Add: Accumulated Loss of Square Texcom Ltd. 3,128,415,252 (129,874,658) (162,343,322) 824,830,674 3,661,027,946 2,640,604,598 (112,934,485) (105,876,080) 713,161,814 (6,540,595) 3,128,415,252


31-Dec-11 20. NON CONTROLLING INTEREST: TK. 4,978,007 5,000 shares of Tk 100 at par of Square Yarns Ltd. 5,000 shares of Tk 100 at par of Square Texcom Ltd. Shares of Accumulated Profit Tk. 500,000 500,000 3,978,007 4,978,007


500,000 500,000 2,275,476 3,275,476

This represents non controlling interest in Square Yarns Limited and Square Texcom Limited as on December 31, 2011. 2011 21. SALES TK. 9,391,822,689 Sales Comprises the following: In Quantity(KG) Opening Stock Production during the Year Available for Sale Closing Stock Sales during the year (To be accounted for as follows) Sales Accounted as follows: Local Sale of Yarns Export Sale of Yarns Kg. In Taka Local Sale of Yarns Export Sale of Yarns 88,177 17,719,759 17,807,936 (82,333) 17,725,603 67,950 26,422,549 26,490,499 (88,177) 26,402,322 2010


259,728 27,574,779 27,834,507

1,222,296 25,180,026 26,402,322 77,119,979 6,019,507,988 6,096,627,967

81,446,107 9,310,376,582 Tk. 9,391,822,689



22. COST OF GOODS SOLD TK. 7,942,084,250

This is arrived as follows: Raw Material Consumed (Note-22.1) Packing Material Consumed (Note-22.2) Factory Overhead (Note- 22.3) Cost of Goods Manufacturing Opening Work-In-Process (Opening) Closing Work-In-Process (Closing) Cost of Production Finished Goods (Opening) Finished Goods (Closing) Tk. 6,658,635,365 58,167,088 1,241,807,842 7,958,610,295 41,277,400 (56,064,522) 7,943,823,173 23,015,911 (24,754,834) 7,942,084,250 3,883,848,884 45,657,336 1,046,015,469 4,975,521,689 30,331,482 (41,277,400) 4,964,575,771 18,973,524 (23,015,911) 4,960,533,384

22.1 RAW MATERIAL CONSUMED: TK. 6,658,635,365

This is arrived as follows: In Quantity(KG) Opening Stock Purchase during the year Raw Material Available for Consumption Closing Stock Raw Material Consumed In Taka Opening Stock Purchase during the year Raw Material Available for Consumption Closing Stock


10,653,613 28,211,936 38,865,549 (8,582,064) 30,283,485

10,847,395 26,691,229 37,538,624 (10,653,613) 26,885,011

1,406,192,998 6,582,928,297 7,989,121,295 (1,330,485,930) Tk. 6,658,635,365

1,110,236,913 4,179,804,969 5,290,041,882 (1,406,192,998) 3,883,848,884





This is arrived as follows: Opening Stock Purchase Materials available for Consumed Closing Stock Tk. 15,282,626 58,513,684 73,796,310 (15,629,222) 58,167,088 13,358,350 47,581,612 60,939,962 (15,282,626) 45,657,336

22.3. FACTORY OVERHEAD: TK. 1,241,807,842

Factory Wages , Salary & Allowances Travelling & Conveyance Printing & Stationery Production Workers Free Lunch Uniform & Liveries Fuel , Petrol , Light , Diesel etc. Electricity , Gas & Water Repairs & Maintenance - Factory Technical Consultant Expenses Medical Expenses Repairs & Maintenance of Vehicles Papers Books and Periodicals Fire Insurance Premium Telephone , Fax , & Telex Charges Government Taxes & License Fee Security Services Research & Development Spare Parts - Machinery Group Insurance Yarn Making Charge Depreciation (Schedule-1) Tk. 261,535,772 207,314 2,560,943 5,507,522 221,593 99,062,824 156,693,969 148,750,429 43,510 160,475 13,483,249 12,331 18,764,918 868,359 1,839,194 9,014,839 2,752,785 181,322,179 1,256,324 14,960,938 322,788,375 1,241,807,842 213,829,536 123,325 2,387,401 5,098,496 191,578 41,505,743 164,003,591 92,704,722 978,867 115,324 13,506,833 11,076 15,338,510 774,368 8,431,219 169,719 186,900,500 327,857 299,616,804 1,046,015,469

2011 23.OPERATING EXPENSES: TK. 181,811,012 This is arrived as follows: Administrative Overhead (Note 23.1) Selling & Distribution Overhead (Note 23.2) Tk. 23.1. ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD: TK. 166,246,481 Salary and Allowances Directors Remuneration Consultantion Fee Travelling and Conveyance Overseas Travelling Training Expenses Printing and Stationery Postage,Telephone,Fax & Telex Electricity, Gas & Water Vehicles Running & Maintenance Tiffin and Refreshment Fees, Subscription Repairs & Maintenance Bank Charges & Commission Insurance Medical Expenses Govt. Taxes, Stamp Duty & Licence Fee Lease Rent Office Rent Security Service Annual General Meeting Expenses Audit Fees Tk. 48,221,198 13,332,000 195,024 540,082 44,015,934 82,600 1,797,439 1,014,580 1,099,334 6,921,466 1,596,915 7,367,585 6,457,296 2,102,003 85,612 5,143 1,600,549 17,508,204 6,186,043 622,940 5,348,034 146,500 166,246,481 166,246,481 15,564,531 181,811,012


112,805,770 15,659,868 128,465,638 43,108,048 10,120,000 89,100 389,095 30,227,659 279,449 1,532,709 1,114,121 930,727 5,325,630 2,213,313 2,317,707 4,308,426 2,117,394 11,506 6,320 1,125,202 3,033,284 465,596 3,970,484 120,000 112,805,770

a) Audit Fees represent provision for the auditors' remuneration for audit of the Company's Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011. 23.2. SELLING & DISTRIBUTION OVERHEAD: TK. 15,564,531 This is arrived as follows: Sales Promotion Expenses Expenses for Export Excise Duty on Sales Carrage Outword Tk. 21,842 12,827,677 2,208,620 506,392 15,564,531 4,020,651 10,500,164 745,473 393,580 15,659,868


2011 24. FINANCE COST: TK. 243,725,859 This is arrived as follows: Interest on Short Term Loan Tk.


243,725,859 243,725,859

103,750,309 103,750,309

a)The finance cost includes no interest on any sort of borrowing from directors including managing director and managers. 25. ALLOCATION FOR W.P.P & W.F.: TK. 48,803,570 This represents 5% of Net Income before charging Income Tax as per provisions of the Labour Law 2006, Chapter - 15 and it shall be allocated among eligible workers as defined in the said act. 26. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX: TK. 146,410,712 This represents estimated Income Tax on Net Income for the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. 27. PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAX: Tk. 3,127,498 The provision for deferred tax is rised due to taxable temporary differences for this year. 28. EARNING PER SHARE (EPS): The Computation is given below: Surplus for the year attributable to Shareholders (Net Profit after tax) Weighted average number of shares outstanding for the year 2011 and restated for the year 2010. Earning Per Share Tk.




97,405,993 8.47

97,405,993 7.32

These Financial Statements have been approved by the Board on April 10, 2012

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

Square Textiles Ltd.

Schedule of Consolidated Fixed Assets
Schedule-01 COST At 1st January 2011 Additions At 31 December 2011 Sales/Transfer Charged Adjustments/ Transfer At 1st January 2011 During the year During the year At 31 December 2011 DEPRECIATION

Consolidated Fixed Assets - Tk. 2,427,539,701


Written Down Value as at 31 December 2011

Freehold Land 271,495,998 72,460,170 Building 663,511,110 21,535,292 Temporary Shed 9,817,322 3,544,479 Plant & Machinary 3,333,269,879 429,996,581 (198,531,269) Plant & Machinary in Trans 2,079,552 18,604,594 (1,991,208) Furniture & Fixture 12,162,570 267,879 Office Equipment 13,207,231 325,990 Motor Vehicles 55,077,165 14,480,000 (450,000) Electrical Intallation 87,509,936 9,913,097 Deep Tubewell 2,506,125 Boundary Wall 16,988,372 Gas Line Installation 20,726,031 3,200,525 Workshop Tools 1,862,145 1,100,000 Testing Equipment 743,090 Total 2011 Tk. 4,490,956,526 575,428,606 (200,972,477) Total 2010 4,319,728,514 204,046,533 (32,818,541)

343,956,168 685,046,402 267,537,755 13,361,801 9,627,862 3,564,735,191 1,688,097,480 18,692,938 12,430,449 9,871,918 13,533,221 10,761,809 69,107,165 43,300,767 97,423,033 66,973,970 2,506,125 1,942,607 16,988,372 5,325,985 23,926,556 10,595,411 2,962,145 1,112,175 743,090 386,840 4,865,412,655 2,115,534,579 4,490,956,526 1,812,308,285

38,342,125 632,320 263,010,540 884,296 769,183 7,187,085 8,489,935 225,047 849,419 1,878,643 383,663 136,120 322,788,375 303,226,294

- 343,956,168 - 305,879,880 379,166,522 10,260,182 3,101,619 - 1,951,108,020 1,613,627,171 18,692,938 10,756,214 1,674,235 11,530,992 2,002,229 (450,000) 50,037,852 19,069,313 75,463,905 21,959,128 2,167,654 338,471 6,175,404 10,812,968 12,474,054 11,452,502 1,495,838 1,466,307 522,960 220,130 (450,000) 2,437,872,954 2,427,539,701 - 2,115,534,579 2,375,421,947


The Shareholders 2011

6% 16.11%



Sponsors Local Institutions General Public Foreign Investors

Auditors' Report to the Shareholders of Square Textiles Limited
We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of Square Textiles Limited, which comprises the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011 and Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended, and all related summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), the Companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 December, 2011 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the period then ended and comply with the companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations. Further to our opinion in the above paragraph, we state that: (i) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof; (ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by Square Textiles Limited so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; (iii) The company's Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income and its Statement of Cash Flows dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns; (iv) The expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company's business.

Dated, Dhaka April 24, 2012

B.K. Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2011 31-12-2011
NET ASSETS: Fixed Assets Assets at Cost Less Depreciation Investment-Long Term(At Cost) Share Money Deposit Current Assets: Stocks Trade Debtors Short Term Loan Advance, Deposits and Prepayments Cash & Bank Balances Less: Current Liabilities: Short Term Bank Loan Short Term Loan Sundry Creditors Other Current Liabilities Provision for income Tax Net Current Assets Less: Deferred Tax Liability FINANCED BY: Share Holders Equity: Share Capital General Reserve and Surplus 17 18 Tk. 4,061,541,881 974,059,932 3,087,481,949 4,061,541,881 3,571,238,685 811,716,610 2,759,522,075 3,571,238,685 Notes 4 5 6 2,421,279,721 1,402,876,722 160,783,760 857,619,239 4,804,457,403 1,236,014,474 2,008,696,513 695,694,698 542,235,494 321,816,224 3,052,890,011 486,705,024 569,592,985 1,385,606,603 291,387,314 319,598,085 1,751,567,392 111,305,232 4,061,541,881 2,304,802,482 1,286,399,483 160,783,760 857,619,239 4,301,132,525 1,623,278,528 1,666,731,087 656,447,428 289,172,239 65,503,243 2,923,391,090 998,924,770 787,887,594 733,985,411 192,438,380 210,154,935 1,377,741,435 111,305,232 3,571,238,685


7 8 9 10 11

12 9 13 14 15

16 Tk.

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Textiles Limited

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2011

2011 Notes
Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Operating Income Other Income Net Income Before W.P.P & W.F Allocation For W.P.P. & W.F Net Income Before Tax Provision For Income Tax Net Income For The Year (Transferred to the Statement of Changes Equity) Earning Per Share 25 Tk. 6.37 24 Tk. 23 21 22 19 20 5,247,748,947 (4,176,991,364) 1,070,757,583 (157,385,096) (162,981,165) 750,391,322 15,710,732 766,102,054 (36,481,050) 729,621,004 (109,443,150) 620,177,854


4,445,402,112 (3,558,642,850) 886,759,262 (113,189,908) (94,609,920) 678,959,434 31,023,629 709,983,063 (33,808,717) 676,174,346 (111,405,203) 564,769,143


Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year Ended December 31, 2011
Share Capital 811,716,610 162,343,322 Tk. 974,059,932 General Reserve and Surplus 2,759,522,075 620,177,854 (129,874,658) (162,343,322) 3,087,481,949 Total Tk. 3,571,238,685 620,177,854 (129,874,658) 4,061,541,881

Particulars As at December 31, 2010 Net Profit for the Year 2011 Cash Dividend for 2010 Stock Dividend for 2010 As at December 31, 2011

Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year Ended December 31, 2010
Share Capital 705,840,530 105,876,080 Tk. 811,716,610 General Reserve and Surplus 2,413,563,497 564,769,143 (112,934,485) (105,876,080) 2,759,522,075 Total Tk. 3,119,404,027 564,769,143 (112,934,485) 3,571,238,685

Particulars As at December 31, 2009 Net Profit for the Year 2010 Cash Dividend for 2009 Stock Dividend for 2009 As at December 31, 2010

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Textiles Limited

Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year Ended December 31, 2011
2011 Cash Flows From Operating Activities: RECEIPTS: Cash From Sales Revenue Cash From Other Income Total Cash Receipts PAYMENTS: Paid to Suppliers Paid for Operating and Non-operating Expenses Income Tax Workers Profit Participation Fund and Welfare Fund Total Payments Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities Cash Flow From Investing Activities Net Sales (Purchase) of Fixed Assets Investment in share of Square Texcom Ltd. Share Money Deposit with Square Texcom Ltd. Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities Cash Flow From Financing Activities Shorterm Bank Loan Short Term loan from/(to) sister Concern Payment of Dividend Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities Net Cash Increased (Decreased) Opening Cash & Cash Equivalent Closing Cash & Cash Equivalents Tk. 4,905,783,521 15,710,733 4,921,494,254 4,462,000,074 311,997 4,462,312,071 2010

(2,161,856,882) (1,152,050,252) (126,268,176) (35,760,530) (3,475,935,840) 1,445,558,414

(3,789,869,600) (612,177,108) (87,425,774) (39,957,129) (4,529,429,611) (67,117,540)

(309,739,425) (309,739,425)

(105,016,810) (55,783,760) (57,619,239) (218,419,809)

(512,219,746) (257,541,878) (109,744,384) (879,506,008) 256,312,981 65,503,243 321,816,224

425,122,412 (7,479,708) (112,934,485) 304,708,219 19,170,870 46,332,373 65,503,243

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 24, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2011

a) Legal Form of the Enterprises. Square Textiles Limited (Here in after said as the Company) is a public limited company incorporated with Registrar, joint stock companies and firms, Dhaka, Bangladesh under Companies Act 1913. The principal activities of the Company are described in note 1(b) and (c). b) Address of Registered office and factory of the group. The address of the registered office at Square Centre, 48 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212. Factory at Sharadaganj Kashimpur, Gazipur. c) Nature of Business. The company owns three units of spinning mills, and a twisting mill. Its activities and operations are related with manufacturing and marketing of Yarns. NOTE-2: ADOPTION OF NEW IAS/IFRS. The management of the Company adopted BAS-1 (Revised-2008) in the year of reporting. NOTE- 3: SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND OTHER MATERIAL INFORMATION. a) Statement of Compliance. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the provisions of the Companies Act 1994, The Securities and Exchanges Rules 1987 and other relevant rules and regulations. b) Basis of preparation. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the going concern principle and historical cost convention. The significant accounting policies are same as set out in page no. 44.

4. ASSETS AT COST LESS DEPRECIATION: TK. 1,402,876,722 Details of Fixed Assets and Depreciation as of December 31, 2011 are shown in the annexed schedule-02. (Page 74) Depreciation for the year charged to Factory Overhead (Note-20.3). The break-up of the balances are depicted below: 31-Dec-11 31-Dec-10 Fixed Assets at Cost: Opening Balance 3,016,049,504 2,911,032,694 Addition during the year 530,503,163 137,835,351 Sale/ Transfer during the year (199,171,902) (32,818,541) Closing Balance 3,347,380,765 3,016,049,504 Accumulated Depreciation: Opening Balance Charged during the year Adjustment for sale/Transfer Written Down Value Tk. 1,729,650,021 215,304,022 (450,000) 1,944,504,043 1,402,876,722 1,532,480,088 197,169,933 1,729,650,021 1,286,399,483

5. INVESTMENT- LONG TERM (AT COST): TK. 160,783,760 This represents investments in Shares of Square Yarns Limited and Square Texcom Limited. Investment in Share of Square Yarns Limited (950,000 Shares of Tk. 100 each) Investment in Shares of Square Texcom Limited (95,000 Shares of Tk. 100 each) Tk. 95,000,000 65,783,760 160,783,760 95,000,000 65,783,760 160,783,760

1) Square Yarns Ltd., a private limited company incorporated under Companies Act 1994, a subsidiary company of the company holding 99.48% share. 2) Square Texcom Limited, a private limited company incorporated under Companies Act 1994, a Subsidiary company of the Company holding 95% share. 6. SHARE MONEY DEPOSIT: TK. 857,619,239 Share money deposit with Square Yarns Limited Share money deposit with Square Texcom Limited Tk. 7. STOCKS: TK. 1,236,014,474 Stock of Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials In Transit Finished Goods Packing Materials Work - in - process Comber noil Stock of Spares Spares at Store Spares in Transit 1,183,875,539 878,054,072 52,260,470 13,538,558 10,145,232 36,839,338 193,037,869 52,138,935 51,266,952 871,983 Tk. 1,236,014,474 1,607,403,967 920,318,148 619,381,314 10,062,064 9,421,252 24,885,109 23,336,080 15,874,561 15,196,227 678,334 1,623,278,528 800,000,000 57,619,239 857,619,239 800,000,000 57,619,239 857,619,239

The basis of valuation is stated in Note -3(e) of page no. 45, carrying amount of inventories pledged as security.


31-Dec-11 8. TRADE DEBTORS: TK. 2,008,696,513


This represents invoice value of goods delivered to customer. This is considered good and collectible. Aging of the above balance is as follows: Below 180 days Above 180 days Tk. 1,888,174,722 120,521,791 2,008,696,513 1,566,727,221 100,003,866 1,666,731,087

a) There was no amount due by the Directors (Including Managing Director), Managing Agent, Manager and other Officers of the Company and any of them severly or jointly with any other person. b) The carrying amount of Trade Debtors plegded as security. 9. SHORT TERM LOAN: Tk. 126,101,713 Loan to Sqaure Yarns Limited Loan to Square Texcom Limited Short Term Loan Given Loan from Square Pharmaceuticals Limited Tk. 600,252,777 95,441,921 695,694,698 (569,592,985) 126,101,713 637,792,888 18,654,540 656,447,428 (787,887,594) (131,440,166)

10. ADVANCE, DEPOSITS & PREPAYMENTS: TK. 542,235,494 This is made up of the followings: Advance: Income Tax Salary & PF Current account Expenses Contractor Deposits: Margin & Deposit Security Deposit Adv. Ag. Excise Duty Tk. 498,953,305 268,515,162 45,360,245 162,586,358 22,491,540 43,282,189 4,150,414 39,083,345 48,430 542,235,494 270,006,558 142,246,986 5,428,485 111,158,919 11,172,168 19,165,681 4,150,414 14,966,837 48,430 289,172,239

(a) There was no amount due by the Directors (Including Managing Director), Managing Agent, Manager and other Officers of the Company and any of them severly or jointly with any other person. (b) There was no amount due by the associated undertaking. 11. CASH AND BANK BALANCES: TK. 321,816,224 This is made up of the followings: Cash in hand Cash at Bank Tk. 1,207,458 320,608,766 321,816,224 775,926 64,727,317 65,503,243



12. SHORT TERM BANK LOAN: TK. 486,705,024 Bank Overdraft Local Purchase Offer Clean Import Loan Revolving Loan Export Development Fund Tk. 88,555,948 100,000,000 100,000,000 198,149,076 486,705,024 232,797,979 100,000,000 300,000,000 200,000,000 166,126,791 998,924,770

These short term loans are secured agaings hypothecation of stock and Accounts Receivable.

13. SUNDRY CREDITORS: TK. 1,385,606,603 Tk. 1,385,606,603 733,985,411 This represents amount payable to regular suppliers of raw materials, Deferred L/Cs, packing materials, utilities, and other services rendered to the company. All suppliers were paid on a regular basis. 14. OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES : TK. 291,387,314 This consists of as follows: Retention Money Allocation for W.P.P & W.F Others Tk. 15. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX: TK. 319,598,085 Opening Balance Adjsutment of Tax Current Year Provision Tk. 16. DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIY: TK. 111,305,232 Opening Balance Adjusted for deductable temporary difference Tk. 111,305,232 111,305,232 112,276,486 (971,254) 111,305,232 210,154,935 109,443,150 319,598,085 108,728,783 (9,979,051) 111,405,203 210,154,935

1,263,362 108,157,006 181,966,946 291,387,314

1,331,978 92,101,454 99,004,948 192,438,380

This represents Tax Liability Payable in Future Due to accumulated texable temporary differences




17.SHARE CAPITAL: TK. 974,059,932

This is made up of the followings: Authorized: 300,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid up: Opening Balance Bonus Share Issued 97,405,993.20 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each Fully Paid up Tk. 3,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

811,716,610 162,343,322 Tk. 974,059,932

705,840,530 105,876,080 811,716,610

The position of shareholders as on December 31, 2011 is as follows: Particulars of Investors Number of Investors Number of Shares Percentage of Share Holding 2011 61.31% 6.00% 16.58% 16.11% 100.00% Percentage of Share Holding 2010 61.31% 5.49% 16.06% 17.14% 100.00%

Sponsors Foreign Investors Local Institutions General Public Total

10 26 148 24,784 24,968

59,719,163 5,841,118 16,152,444 15,693,268 97,405,993

Distribution schedule of each class of equity security setting out the number of holders and percentage as on 31 December 2011 As per Folio As per BO ID Total share % Holding No. of holders Holdings No. of holders Holdings Less than 500 shares 4157 297,739 17532 1,405,368 1,703,107 1.75 500 to 5,000 shares 162 201,970 2633 3,599,013 3,800,983 3.90 5001 to 10,000 shares 15 116,317 180 1,254,577 1,370,894 1.41 10,001 to 20,000 shares 9 123,615 100 1,406,788 1,530,403 1.57 20,001 to 30,000 shares 7 159,598 30 759,462 919,060 0.94 30,001 to 40,000 shares 3 102,020 19 651,917 753,937 0.77 40,001 to 50,000 shares 2 98,193 17 783,795 881,988 0.91 50,001 to 100,000 shares 2 155,821 33 2,341,116 2,496,937 2.56 100,001 to 1,000,000 shares 12 4,717,585 45 13,225,631 17,943,216 18.42 Over 1,000,000 shares 5 27,717,620 5 38,287,848 66,005,468 67.76 4374 33,690,478 20594 63,715,515 97,405,993 100.00 Range of Holdings

31-Dec-11 18. GENERAL RESERVE AND SURPLUS: TK. 3,087,481,949 Opening Balance Less: Dividend paid during the year Less: Appropriation for stock dividend at the rate of 20 (twenty) share for every 100 (hundred) shares held Net Income for the Year 2011 Tk. 19. SALES: TK. 5,247,748,947 Sales Comprises the following: In Quantity(KG) Opening Stock Production during the Year Available for Sale Closing Stock Sales during the year (To be accounted for as follows) Sales Accounted as follows: Local Sale of Yarns Export Sale of Yarns Kg. In Taka Local Sale of Yarns Export Sale of Yarns Tk. 20. COST OF GOODS SOLD TK. 4,176,991,364 This is arrived as follows: Raw Material Consumed Packing Material Consumed Factory Overhead Cost of Goods Manufacturing Opening Work-In-Process (Opening) Closing Work In Process (Closing) Cost of Production Finished Goods (Opening) Finished Goods (Closing) Cost of Goods Sold Before Adjustment Income from Yarn Making Charge Cost of Goods Sold After Adjustment 58,990 17,508,395 17,567,385 (69,788) 17,497,597 2,759,522,075 (129,874,658) (162,343,322) 620,177,854 3,087,481,949 2011


2,413,563,497 (112,934,485) (105,876,080) 564,769,143 2,759,522,075 2010


67,950 20,035,936 20,103,886 (58,990) 20,044,896

223,805 17,273,792 17,497,597 71,867,683 5,175,881,264 5,247,748,947

416,387 19,628,509 20,044,896 69,398,155 4,376,003,957 4,445,402,112

20.1 20.2 20.3 3,313,577,001 43,510,941 880,216,959 4,237,304,901 24,885,109 (36,839,338) 4,225,350,672 10,062,064 (13,538,558) 4,221,874,178 (44,882,814) 4,176,991,364 2,807,161,179 31,982,712 718,982,616 3,558,126,507 21,557,097 (24,885,109) 3,554,798,495 13,906,419 (10,062,064) 3,558,642,850 3,558,642,850



2011 20.1 RAW MATERIAL CONSUMED: TK. 3,313,577,001 This is arrived as follows: In Quantity(KG) Opening Stock Purchase during the year Raw Material Available for Consumption Closing Stock Raw Material Consumed In Taka Opening Stock Purchase during the year Raw Material Available for Consumption Closing Stock Raw Material Consumed



7,042,240 17,716,388 24,758,628 (5,727,764) 19,030,864 920,318,148 3,271,312,926 4,191,631,074 (878,054,073) 3,313,577,001

7,042,899 20,660,195 27,703,094 (7,042,240) 20,660,854 706,145,769 3,021,333,558 3,727,479,327 (920,318,148) 2,807,161,179



This is arrived as follows: Opening Stock Purchase Materials available for production Closing Stock Packing Materials Consumed 9,421,252 44,234,921 53,656,173 (10,145,232) 43,510,941 12,237,747 29,166,217 41,403,964 (9,421,252) 31,982,712


20.3. FACTORY OVERHEAD: TK. 880,216,959

This is made up as follows: Factory Wages , Salary & Allowances Travelling & Conveyance Printing & Stationery Production Workers Free Lunch Uniform & Liveries Fuel , Petrol , Light , Diesel etc. Electricity , Gas & Water Repairs & Maintenance - Factory Technical Consultant Expenses Medical Expenses Repairs & Maintenance of Vehicles Papers, Books and Periodicals Fire Insurance Premium Telephone , Fax , & Telex Charges Security Services Research & Development Spare Parts - Machinery Group Insurance Yarn Making Charge Depreciation (Schedule-1) 21.OPERATING EXPENSES: TK. 157,385,096 Notes This is arrived as follows: 21.1 Administrative Overhead 21.2 Selling & Distribution Overhead Tk. 21.1. ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD: TK. 150,671,771 This is arrived as follows: Salary and Allowances Directors Remuneration Consultantion Fee Travelling and Conveyance Overseas Travelling Training Expenses Printing and Stationery Postage,Telephone,Fax & Telex Electricity, Gas & Water Vehicles Running & Maintenance Tiffin and Refreshment Fees, Subscription & Donation Repairs & Maintenance Bank Charges & Commission Insurance Medical Expenses Govt. Taxes, Stamp Duty & Licence Fee Lease Rent Office Rent Security Service Annual General Meeting Expenses Audit Fees




180,093,874 204,917 1,854,359 4,125,254 80,160 71,326,915 104,695,655 83,117,210 43,510 143,240 11,681,698 8,670 12,498,328 691,114 4,246,516 350,731 155,321,804 863,842 33,565,140 215,304,022 880,216,959

147,011,667 85,512 1,515,204 3,409,511 53,308 24,121,926 110,385,155 42,093,207 892,875 92,928 11,321,224 8,406 10,262,339 644,797 3,689,113 169,719 166,050,000 5,792 197,169,933 718,982,616

150,671,771 6,713,325 157,385,096

104,761,367 8,428,541 113,189,908


46,033,551 13,332,000 195,024 422,800 37,003,160 73,600 1,620,319 943,765 738,781 6,920,486 1,565,150 6,439,481 4,288,243 1,767,521 72,182 5,143 1,510,459 17,508,204 4,615,001 143,867 5,348,034 125,000 150,671,771

41,797,258 10,120,000 89,100 313,215 28,022,150 275,947 1,472,059 1,075,072 689,501 5,325,632 1,707,081 2,122,395 3,087,699 1,863,525 1,444 6,320 506,352 2,150,521 65,612 3,970,484 100,000 104,761,367

Audit Fees represent provision for the auditors' remuneration for audit of the Company's Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011.


2011 21.2. SELLING & DISTRIBUTION OVERHEAD: TK. 6,713,325 This is arrived as follows: Sales Promotion Expenses Export Sales Expenses Excise Duty on Sale Carriage Outward Tk. 22. FINANCE COST: TK. 162,981,165 This is arrived as follows: Interest on Short Term Loan


6,167,961 466,259 79,105 6,713,325

1,120,101 6,499,272 442,968 366,200 8,428,541

162,981,165 162,981,165

94,609,920 94,609,920

The finance cost includes no interest on any sort of borrowing from Directors including Managing Director and Managers. 23. ALLOCATION FOR W.P.P & W.F.: TK. 36,481,050 This represents 5% of Net Income before charging Income Tax as per provisions of the Labour Law2006, Chapter-15 and it shall be allocated among the eligible workers as defined in the said act. 24. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX: TK. 109,443,150 This represents estimated Income Tax on Net Income for the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. 25. EARNING PER SHARE (EPS): The Computation is given below: Surplus for the year attributable to Shareholders (Net Profit after tax) Weighted average number of shares outstanding for the year 2011 and restated for the year 2010. Earning Per Share 26. APPROPRIATION DURING THE YEAR The appropriations for the year 2010 have been reflected in the "Statement of Changes in Equity". The Board of Directors proposed both cash and stock dividend of Tk. 1.60 (Taka one and sixty paisa) only per share and 20 (Twenty) fully paid up bonus shares for every 100 (Hundred) shares respectively for the year 2011. It will be recognised as liability in the accounts as and when the proposal approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Total fund required for Cash Dividend Tk. 155,849,589 & Stock Dividend Tk. 194,811,986.

620,177,854 Tk. 97,405,993 6.37

564,769,143 97,405,993 5.80



The Number of employees and expenses incurred for employees during the year as follows: No. of Employees: Below Tk. 36,000.00 p.a Tk. 36,000.00 and Above

1,888 1,888

705 1,077 1,782

Amount in Taka Below Tk. 36,000.00 p.a Tk. 36,000.00 and Above 216,236,253 216,236,253 66,083,124 122,725,801 188,808,925

There is no Salary/Wages/Remuneration below Tk. 3000/- per month with w.e.f January '01 2011.


The Aggregate amount paid/provided during the year in respect of "Directors" and "Officers" of the Company are as follows: Directors Remuneration Managerial Remuneration Managerial Benefits: Basic and House rent Bonus Medical and Conveyance Company Contribution to P.F. 13,332,000 13,918,571 10,120,000 11,598,809

8,351,142 2,505,343 1,670,228 1,391,857

6,959,285 2,087,786 1,391,857 1,159,881


Contract for capital expenditure are being executed by the Contractors and the running bill are accounted for but the unfinished contracts has not been reflected in this Financial Statements.


There was no claim against the Company not acknowledged as debt as on December 31, 2011.





31.1 Contingent Liability of the Company was Tk. 364,330,018 as on December 31, 2011 for opening LCs by the banks in favour of foreign suppliers for raw materials and spares. Out of this amount Tk. 87,541,020 Lease from IPDC. 31.2 There was no facts and figures for which the company has contingent liability to any party other than to Banks as on December 31, 2011.


Capacity Installed: - No of Spindles Installed - No of Rotor Heads Installed Capacity Utilised: - No of Spindles Operated - No of Rotor Heads Operated Production Target: (In Kg) - At Equivalent 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - At Equivalent 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - At Equivalent 14s Count (O/E Yarn) Total: Actual Production( In Kg): - At Equivalent 30s Count (Ring Yarn) - At Equivalent 10s Count (O/E Yarn) - At Equivalent 14s Count (O/E Yarn) Total: 10,612,745 1,766,667 8,334,898 20,714,310 10,352,180 1,723,291 8,130,259 20,205,730 11,582,899 2,329,234 10,000,454 23,912,587 11,582,899 2,329,234 10,000,454 23,912,587 59,472 3,960 59,472 3,960 59,472 3,960 59,472 3,960


During the year under review total cash dividend amounting to Tk. 129,874,658 has been paid to the shareholders.


There was no credit facility available to the Company under any contract other than bank credit facility and trade credit available in the ordinary course of business.




There is no significant event that qualify for reporting between the end of financial year closing date and financial statemetn issue date other than normal business activities. 36. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION: The Company did not carried out any related party transactions without Square Pharmaceuticals Limited (SPL), Square Yarns Limited (SYL) and Square Texcom Limited during the Year of reporting. The summary is as follows: Transaction with SPL: Total Received During the Year Total Paid During the Year Closing Balance Transaction with SYL: Total Received During the Year Total Paid During the Year Closing Balance Transaction with STL: Total Received During the Year Total Paid During the Year Closing Balance 70,560,020 166,001,942 95,441,922 189,703,251 208,357,791 18,654,540 1,322,518,155 1,922,770,931 600,252,776 993,565,619 1,631,358,507 637,792,888 1,510,143,200 940,550,215 (569,592,985) 1,586,958,425 799,070,832 (787,887,593)





These financial statements have been approved by the board on April 10, 2012.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Tapan Chowdhury Managing Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary


Square Textiles Ltd.

Schedule of Fixed Assets
Schedule-02 COST At 1st January 2011 Additions At 31 December 2011 Sales/Transfer Charged Adjustments/ Transfer At 1st January 2011 During the year During the year DEPRECIATION At 31 December 2011

Fixed Assets - Tk. 1,402,876,722


Written Down Value as at 31 December 2011

Freehold Land 263,391,040 72,460,170 Building 424,835,125 7,376,832 Temporary Shed 9,675,222 Plant & Machinary 2,170,657,414 424,579,196 (198,531,269) Plant & Machinary in Trans. 251,235 (190,633) Furniture & Fixture 7,170,391 267,879 Office Equipment 11,322,222 325,990 Motor Vehicles 48,547,165 14,480,000 (450,000) Electrical Intallation 40,950,396 9,913,097 Deep Tubewell 2,506,125 Boundary Wall 16,905,732 Gas Line Installation 19,364,959 Workshop Tools 404,388 1,100,000 Testing Equipment 68,090 3,016,049,504 2,911,032,694 137,835,351 (32,818,541) 530,503,163 (199,171,902) 3,347,380,765 3,016,049,504 1,729,650,021 1,532,480,088 215,304,022 197,169,933

335,851,210 432,211,957 219,354,532 23,926,850 9,675,222 9,595,889 79,333 2,396,705,341 1,387,232,307 180,557,638 60,602 7,438,270 6,951,026 135,470 11,648,212 9,981,345 521,301 62,577,165 38,076,766 5,881,085 50,863,493 40,944,517 1,506,004 2,506,125 1,942,607 225,047 16,905,732 5,319,787 845,287 19,364,959 9,778,767 1,461,007 1,504,388 404,388 165,000 68,090 68,090 -

- 243,281,382 9,675,222 - 1,567,789,945 7,086,496 10,502,646 (450,000) 43,507,851 42,450,521 2,167,654 6,165,073 11,239,774 569,388 68,090 (450,000) 1,944,504,043 1,729,650,021

335,851,210 188,930,575 828,915,396 60,602 351,774 1,145,567 19,069,314 8,412,972 338,471 10,740,659 8,125,185 935,000 1,402,876,722 1,286,399,483










Directors Report to the Shareholders for the year 2011 Dear Shareholders, I have the Pleasure on behalf of the Board of Directors to submit to you its Report containing the audited accounts including the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 December 2011, Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011, Statement of Cash Flows for the year 2011 and the Auditors' Report thereon and compliances of the other provisions/requirements of Section 184 of the companies Act 1994 as here under detailed/enclosed. OPERATIONS: The Company, which had commenced commercial production since 10 January 2007 had successfully increased the output and operating results during the year 2011 as a full year operation. Despite several adverse factors in both the local and the international market the Company's achievement is commendable as may be observed from the following comparative anylasis of results of 2011 and 2010.

Quantity Produced (Kg): Actual: At Equivalent 30/s: Quantity Sold (Kg): Local Sales Export Sales Total Sales Sales Revenue (Tk.): Local Sales Export Sales Total Sales 9,578,424 4,053,903,141 4,063,481,565 ** 35,923 9,917,463 9,953,386 ** 5,285,887 5,671,722

5,576,312 5,938,317

35,167 5,551,517 5,586,684

7,721,824 1,430,688,738 1,438,410,562

** Total sales quantity included Kg / 4,274,554 and sales revenue Tk. / 1,742,094,367 by sub-contract production.

Selling price attained (Tk.): Local Sales Export Sales Unit Cost of Production Kg (Tk.): a) Cost of Production Per Unit (Kg) b) Raw Materials Consumed c) Packing Materials Consumed d) Factory Overhead 372.67 334.91 1.36 36.41 217.81 168.57 2.19 48.07 266.64/Kg 408.76/Kg 219.58/Kg 257.71/Kg


MARKET OPERATIONS: Similar to the Square Textiles Limited, Square Yarns Ltd. has been also concentrated on exports at almost 100% level with less than significant local sales. This is in line with the group's policy of export production in the greater interest of the Company. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: The Compnany made a net Capital Expenditures of Tk. 18,604,594 during the year under review (2011) as follows :

Plant & Machinery Other Assets Total

FINANCIAL RESULTS: The operating financial result during the year 2011 were as follows:

2011 18,604,594 18,604,594


2010 1,816,963 23,700 1,840,663


(Taka) 4,063,481,565 357,634,345 241,604,782 230,099,792 192,457,325 201.53 8.80% 4.74%

(Taka) 1,438,410,562 223,814,916 176,535,922 168,129,449 135,511,864 141.90 15.56% 9.42%

Sales Revenue Gross Profit Operating Income Net Income (BT) Net Income (AT) Earning Per Share Gross Margin Net Margin (AT)

APPROPRIATION OF PROFIT: Thought the Company has earned a respectable level of profit Tk. 201.53 per share the Board of Directors decided to transfer the entire profit to the General Reserve for ploughing back in the long term interest of the Shareholders. As such the Board of Directors did not recommended for declaration of any dividend for the year 2011. AUDITORS: M/s. Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants, Auditors, retire at this Annual General Meeting and being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment for the year 2012. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Board of Directors thankfully acknowledge the devotion and dedication of all the workers, employees and officers without which the Company's operations could not have attained the successes as reported above. The Board also records with appreciation the support and co-operation it received from Banks, BOI, PDB/REB and the Government in general. Looking forward to a bright future for all of us.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman


Auditors' Report to the Shareholders of Square Yarns Limited
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Square Yarns Limited, which comprises the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011 and the related Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended, and all related summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 December, 2011 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the period then ended and comply with the companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. Further to our opinion in the above paragraph, we state that: (i) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof; (ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by Square Yarns Limited so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; (iii) The company's Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income and its Statement of Cash Flows dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns; (iv) The expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company's business.

Dated, Dhaka April 05, 2012

B.K. Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Yarns Limited

Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2011 31-12-2011 NET ASSETS: Fixed Assets : At Cost Less Depreciation 31-12-2010

959,643,306 959,643,306 2,131,873,050 635,355,892 1,267,796,085 74,319,750 154,401,323 1,571,079,577 11,028,197 600,252,776 817,892,008 31,623,634 110,282,962 560,793,473 (68,731,541) 1,451,705,238 1,451,705,238 95,500,000 556,205,238 800,000,000 1,451,705,238

1,035,882,370 1,035,882,370 1,896,660,698 701,483,440 1,111,605,660 31,206,734 52,364,864 1,607,691,112 116,812,451 637,792,888 754,827,552 22,490,228 75,767,993 288,969,586 (65,604,043) 1,259,247,913 1,259,247,913 95,500,000 363,747,913 800,000,000 1,259,247,913

Current Assets: Stocks Trade Debtors Advance , Deposit & Prepayments Cash & Bank Balance Less : Current Liabilities: Short Term Bank Loan Short Term Loan Sundry Creditors Liability for Other Finance Provision for Income Tax Net Current Assets Less: Deferred Tax Liability Tk. FINANCED BY: Share Holders Equity : Share Capital General Reserve and Surplus Share money deposit from STxL Tk.

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 05, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chariman & MD

Charles C. R. Patra Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Yarns Limited

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2011

2011 Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Operating Income Allocation For W.P.P & W.F Net Profit Before Tax Income Tax Current Income Tax-Deferred Net Profit For The Year (Transferred to the Statement of Changes in Equity) Earning Per Share 201.53 Tk. 4,063,481,565 (3,705,847,220) 357,634,345 (23,906,059) (92,123,504) 241,604,782 (11,504,990) 230,099,792 (34,514,969) (3,127,498) 192,457,325

2010 1,438,410,562 (1,214,595,646) 223,814,916 (13,888,105) (33,390,889) 176,535,922 (8,406,473) 168,129,449 (25,219,418) (7,398,167) 135,511,864 141.90

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 05, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman & MD

Charles C. R. Patra Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Yarns Limited

Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year ended December 31, 2011
Particulars As at 31st December 2010 Net Profit for the Year 2011 As at 31st December 2011 Share capital 95,500,000 95,500,000 General Reserve & Surplus 363,747,913 192,457,325 556,205,238 Total Tk. 459,247,913 192,457,325 651,705,238

Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Year ended December 31, 2010
Particulars As at 31st December 2009 Net Profit for the Year 2010 As at 31st December 2010 Share capital 95,500,000 95,500,000 General Reserve & Surplus 228,236,049 135,511,864 363,747,913 Total Tk. 323,736,049 135,511,864 459,247,913

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 05, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman & MD

Charles C. R. Patra Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Yarns Limited

Statement of Cash Flows
For The Year Ended December 31, 2011
2011 Cash Flow From Operating Activities: Receipts: Cash from Sales Revenue Total Cash Receipts Payments: Purchase of Raw & Packing Materials Paid for Operating & Non-operating Exp. Income Tax Paid Workers Profit Participation Fund and Welfare Fund Total Payments Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities Cash Flow From Investing Activities Purchase of Fixed Assets Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities Cash Flow From Financing Activities Short Term Loan Received Short Term Bank Loan Received Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities Net Cash Position Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents Closing Cash & Cash Equivalents Tk. 3,907,291,140 3,907,291,140 (3,155,320,516) (415,255,386) (24,052,499) (7,306,040) (3,601,934,441) 305,356,699 (18,604,594) (18,604,594) 832,030,180 832,030,180 (879,566,555) (186,658,214) (7,119,352) (8,073,606) (1,081,417,727) (249,387,547) (1,858,405) (1,858,405) 2010

(78,931,392) (105,784,254) (184,715,646) 102,036,459 52,364,864 154,401,323

181,693,740 77,136,554 258,830,294 7,584,342 44,780,522 52,364,864

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: April 05, 2012

As per our annexed report of even date.

Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman & MD

Charles C. R. Patra Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants




Directors' Report to the Shareholders for the year 2010-2011 Dear Shareholders, In terms of the provisions of section 184 of the Companies Act 1994 and IAS codes, I, on behalf of the Board of Directors, have the pleasure to submit its Report to you at the annual general meeting for the period ended 30 June, 2011 in the following paragraphs: 1. IMPLEMENTATION: The total cost of project incurred upto June 30, 2011 as follows: 2010-2011 Plant & Machinery 36,605,703 Buildings (Factory) 14,008,918 Land 1,442,500 Other Assets 13,033,499 Total Tk. 65,090,620 2. SHAREHOLDING: The company has issued 95,000 shares of Tk. 100 each to Square Textiles Ltd. (STxL.) in addition 5,000 shares of Tk.100 each have been issued to the individual shareholders as follows: Mr. Samson H. Chowdhury Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Mrs. Ratna Patra Mr. Anjan Chowdhury 1,000 Shares 1,000 Shares 1,000 Shares 1,000 Shares 1,000 Shares 2009-2010 13,497,670 36,82,860 1,442,500 6,961,912 25,584,942

On the basis of the above shareholdings, Square Texcom Ltd. (Texcom) has the status of subsidiary to STxL. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The following person are the members of the Board of Directors of the Company. Mr. Samson H. Chowdhury Mr. Anjan Chowdhury Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Mr. Tapan Chowdhury Mrs. Ratna Patra 4. OPERATIONS: The operational performance during the years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 are as follows: 2010-2011 Sales Gross Profit/(Loss) Net Profit /(Loss) AT Earnings Per Share 55,971,304 (20,510,554) (42,292,543) (42.29) 2009-2010 84,341,567 3,707,335 (1,832,090) (18.32) Chairman Managing Director Director Director Director.

The above reveals that the Sales decreased by 33.64% during 2010-11 as against increase 556.62% over the previous year (after takeover) as production was suspended for certain period of time due to BMRE of the factory after taking over.


5. FINANCIAL POSITION: The Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2011, Statement of Comprehensive Income then ended at June 30, 2011 are placed hereunder. 6. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS: M/s. Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co., Chartered Accountants', Auditors of the Company, retire at this Annual General Meeting and being eligible have offer themselves for appointment as Auditors for the year 2011-2012 and re-fixation of their remuneration. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Directors record with appropriation the services rendered by all concerned. To keep similarity with SQUARE family, Mithapur Textiles Limited was converted into Square Texcom Limited on 20th May 2011.

Samson H. Chowdhury Chairman


Auditors' Report to the Shareholders of Square Texcom Limited
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Square Texcom Limited, which comprises the Statement of Financial Position as at 30th June 2011 and the related Statement of Comprehensive Income, for the year ended, and all related summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 30th June, 2011 and the results of its operations comply with the companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. Further to our opinion in the above paragraph, we state that:


We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof; (ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by Square Texcom Limited so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; (iii) The company's Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns; (iv) The expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company's business.

Dated, Dhaka September 28, 2011

B.K. Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Texcom Limited

Statement of Financial Position
As at June 30, 2011 30-06-2011 NET ASSETS: Fixed Assets: At Cost Less Depreciation Preoperative Expenses Current Assets: Stocks Accounts Receivable Advance , Deposit & Prepayments Cash & Bank Balance Less : Current Liabilities: Short Term Loan Liability for Exp. Other CurrentLiabilities Net Current Assets Tk. FINANCED BY: Share Holders Equity: Share Capital Share Money Deposit General Reserve and Surplus Long Term Loan Tk.

67,834,141 52,866,287 14,967,854 72,855,048 50,394,890 467,586 20,811,903 1,180,669 121,094,152 118,499,408 674,364 1,920,380 (48,239,104) 19,595,037 19,595,037 10,000,000 57,619,239 (48,024,202) 19,595,037

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: September 28, 2011

As per our annexed report of even date.

Anjan Chowdhury Managing Director

Tapan Chowdhury Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants

Square Texcom Limited

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended June 30, 2011

2011 Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Finance Cost Net Profit/(Loss) Before W.P.P & W.F Allocation for W.P.P & W.F Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax Provision for Income Tax Net Profit/(Loss) For The Year (Transferred to the Statement of Changes in Equity) Earning Per Share (42.29) Tk. 55,971,304 (76,481,858) (20,510,554) (9,734,233) (12,047,756) (42,292,543) (42,292,543) (42,292,543)

Attached notes form part of these financial statements . Dated, Dhaka: September 28, 2011

As per our annexed report of even date.

Anjan Chowdhury Managing Director

Tapan Chowdhury Director

Khandaker Habibuzzaman Company Secretary

B.K Bhattacharjee, FCA Partner Chowdhury Bhattacharjee & Co. Chartered Accountants


Square Textiles Limited

Registered Office : Square Centre, 48, Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka-1212

PROX Y FORM I/We of being a member of Square Textiles Ltd., do hereby appoint Mr/Mrs/Miss of as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the 17th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday the 29th May, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at Factory Premises, Sardaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur. As witness my hand this day of ........................................... , 2012. Affix Revenue Stamp

(Signature of the Proxy) Dated

(Signature of the Shareholder) Dated

Folio / BO ID Note: A member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The proxy form should reach the Registered Office of their Company not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. Signature Verified

Authorized Signatory Square Textiles Limited

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Square Centre, 48 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

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