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Muntaseer Billah

102 Goodwood Park, Toronto, ON M4C2G8, Canada 647-766-0691(Cell) 647-342-1582 (Home) [email protected]; [email protected]

Air Quality Scientist

Summary of Skills Ph.D. in Environmental Science, M.Sc. in Meteorology and Air Quality, M.Sc. in Chemistry. Over 5 years experience in the field of Air Quality Monitoring, Emission Inventory, and Air Quality Modeling. Experienced in air quality and meteorological model evaluation e.g., CMAQ, SCREEN3, ISC3, OPS, MM5, WRF model. Experienced in different data visualization tools e.g., GrADS, PAVE, VERDI, Surfer, WRPLOT etc. Writing technical reports and peer review articles.

Work Experience PhD Research Fellow: October 2008 to March 2012, Nagoya University, Japan Performed local and regional scale air quality simulation by using WRF-CMAQ modeling system to understand the atmospheric processes such as pollution dispersion, transformations, and transport in and around Bangladesh. WRF and CMAQ model were used in this work as meteorological and chemical transport model, respectively. Regional Emission Inventory for Asia (REAS) was used as emission input for CMAQ model. Evaluated both meteorological and air quality model results by comparing with observed data and revealed that WRF can generate the necessary meteorological inputs for CMAQ whereas CMAQ greatly underestimates concentrations of key air pollutants in Bangladesh. Assessed the impact of brick kiln emissions on the air quality of Dhaka City using CMAQ model. Emissions from brick kilns were used as critical inputs to CMAQ model for quantifying the pollution contribution from this sector. Computed 3672% PM10 and 15 60% PM2.5, as well as a substantial amount of SO2 can be attributed to brick kiln emissions during peak pollution episodes in Dhaka. Estimated brick kiln emissions for whole Bangladesh by using AP-42 as well as local emission factors and revealed that PM10 was the dominant pollutant emitted from brick kilns when AP-42 emission factor was used, whereas local emission factor showed that SO2 was the main pollutant emitted from this sector. Quantified transboundary transport of pollution through source-receptor relationship using CMAQ model. Computed on average, 7% CO, 11% O3, and 10% PM2.5 and maximum 23% CO, 22% O3, and 24% PM2.5 in Bangladesh can be transported from West Bengal and North Indian regions during winter season. Also revealed that contribution of transboundary transport to Bangladesh is highest during dry winter season followed by autumn when polluted continental air mass passes through the country and air pollution reaches its peak in Bangladesh. Scientific Officer: January 2007 to September 2008, Department of Environment, Bangladesh Quantified the relative contribution from motor vehicle emissions and re-suspension of road dust to the ambient PM10 concentration in Dhaka by using OPS (Operational Priority

Substance) model. Showed that motor vehicle contribution dominated to the ambient PM10 concentration (90%) during pre-monsoon and monsoon season whereas re-suspension of road dust dominated to the ambient PM10 concentration (75%) during post-monsoon and dry winter season when PM10 pollution becomes severe. Designed air quality monitoring network for Bangladesh that is currently being used to establish and expand countrys air monitoring facilities. The monitoring network was designed considering monitoring priorities, demography, technical capacity, human resources, financial resources, and international guidance mainly USEPA guideline. Designed and conducted routine and special air quality monitoring program for the acquisition of meteorological and ambient air quality data in Bangladesh. Collected air quality data through Continuous Air Monitoring Station (CAMS) using active and real time monitoring instrument. Conducted special air quality monitoring programs using portable air sampler. Used WinAQMS Data Acquisition System (DAS) for collecting raw air quality data from number of analyzers. Performed Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) procedure including data retrieval, validation as well as auditing to achieve Data Quality Objectives (DQO) using WinCollect data evaluation and reporting software. Conducted air quality monitoring program to determine where air quality standards are being met, to assess the trends of air pollutants concentration, and the effectiveness of air quality management strategies. Supervised and directed air quality monitoring team to conduct air quality monitoring program under the project. Prepared sampling schedule, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for operation, audit, and calibration of different air quality monitoring instruments. Prepared technical specifications and budget for purchasing different air quality and meteorological monitoring instruments. Designed and successfully completed a demonstration project "Air Quality Monitoring at Street Canyon". This project involved in collection of air quality data along the selected traffic corridor before and after the policy intervention for improving citys air quality and safe mobility. In this project, PM2.5 and PM10 were measured in gravimetric method using portable Airmatrics Minivol sampler and CO was measured using electrochemical sensor based portable monitors. Estimated Black carbon using reflectance measurements from PM samples. Designed and initially involved in a demonstration project "Energy and Stack Emission monitoring in Hybrid Hoffman Kiln (HHK) at Dhaka. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the World Bank (WB) intended to facilitate the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices in the Bangladesh brick sector which focused on the replacement of old technology that leads to heavy load of local air pollution and bringing the cleaner technologies those have less impact on local air pollution and more efficient use of energy in the brick kilns. The objectives of this demonstration project was to measure stack emission in HHK, monitor the impact on ambient air quality within the vicinity of HHK, and examine the performance of HHK in terms of energy saving. Interacted with government agencies, stakeholders, academicians and general public to provide air quality information through delivering presentations on air quality impact, findings, and recommendations, conducting joint monitoring programs and investigations regarding air quality issues.

Junior Scientific Officer: June 2001 to August 2004, Department of Environment, Bangladesh Operated various air monitoring instruments for collecting air quality data in Continuous Air Monitoring Station (CAMS) at Dhaka City. Collected PM10 and PM2.5 samples using high-volume and low-volume air samplers, respectively and measured in gravimetric method. Measured gaseous pollutants such as CO, O3, NOX, SO2 and some primary

meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, barometric pressure using continuous automated monitors. Directly involved and assisted in the installation of Continuous Air Monitoring Station (CAMS) at Dhaka. Received extensive training on air quality monitoring station operation and maintenance which included theoretical overview of the monitoring system, hands on operation and maintenance, theoretical overview of Wincollect data evaluation software and hands on experience with Wincollect software. Successfully completed all requirements associated with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)'s course #435, "Ambient Monitoring for Particulate Matter and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)", held in Dhaka Achieved clear understanding regarding United States EPA reference or equivalent methods during working at CAMS as most of the CAMS instruments are either Federal Reference Method (FRM) or Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) sampler/monitor. Analyzed, interpreted, and evaluated air quality and meteorological data collected under routine and special monitoring program to produce daily, monthly, and annual air quality monitoring report. Developed, implemented and revised Quality Assurance an Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures in air quality monitoring activities under the project. The QA/QC involved calibration and audit check for different air monitoring instrument, data validation and reporting, maintaining station activity log book, revising QA/QC manual etc. Evaluated the effectiveness of emission reduction policy. This involved the assessment of some policy intervention such as phasing out two stroke-three wheeler to reduce air pollution in Dhaka City. Estimated almost 40% PM2.5 and 15% PM10 reduction in ambient air immediately after banning two stroke-three wheeler in Dhaka. Assisted in the adaptation of Air Quality Index (AQI) system for Bangladesh and performed AQI calculation and disseminated to policy makers, experts, and other agencies.

Education PhD in Environmental Science, Nagoya University, Japan. (Thesis: Study of Urban and Regional Air Pollution in Bangladesh using a Regional Air Quality Modeling System) MSc in Meteorology and Air Quality, Wageningen University, Netherlands (Thesis: Application and Validation of OPS model to Predict PM10 for Dhaka City) MSc in Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh

Relevant Course Work and Gained Knowledge: Air Quality II - Understanding specific air quality issues at the local to global scale, idea about the complete cycle of natural and anthropogenic air pollutants, the role of meteorology on air pollution mixing and transport etc. Meteorology and Climate - Gained insight into the physical processes of the atmosphere that govern weather, climate and air quality, the concept of stability and the use of thermodynamic diagrams. Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling - Application of atmospheric models e.g., MM5, WRF in real working situations to understand and interpret meteorological and air quality phenomena, evaluated model performance by comparison of model results with observations or other models, Boundary Layer Processes - Discussed and explained the majority of issues related to the atmospheric boundary layer, described the fundamental processes of flow disturbed by boundary layer processes related to atmospheric chemistry, application of the general theory of the atmospheric boundary layer.

Scientific Writings and Oral Presentations Ibn Azkar, M.A.M.B., Chatani, S., Sudo, K., 2012: Simulation of urban and regional air pollution in Bangladesh. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D7, doi:10.1029/2011JD016509 Ibn Azkar, M.A.M.B., Chatani, S., Sudo, K., 2011: Modeling seasonal variation of air quality and roles of transboundary transport in Bangladesh. Power point presentation and Extended Abstract, Air Quality Modeling in Asia 2011 Conference, Seoul, Korea, January 24-25, 2011. Ibn Azkar, M.A.M.B., Chatani, S., Sudo, K., 2009: Application of WRF-CMAQ modeling system to study of urban and regional air pollution in Bangladesh. Power point presentation and Extended Abstract, 8th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 19-21, 2009.

Competencies: Work as a team player and outstanding cooperation skill with government agencies, other environmental agencies, client groups stakeholders, general public and news media regarding several air quality issues. Planned, organized, and coordinated two air quality monitoring projects. One project was roadside air quality monitoring to support a policy intervention. Another project regarding air quality monitoring at a brick field to assess the technology used. Excellent problem solving and motivation skill. Solved several problems at air quality monitoring station, particularly regarding malfunction of different instruments.

Reference Will be provided upon request.

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