ISSA Organizational CV For You

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ISSAs Organizational CV

General Profile: ISSA is a membership organization that connects professionals and organizations working in the field of early childhood development and education. ISSA promotes equal access to quality education and care for all children, especially in the early years of their lives. Established in the Netherlands in 1999, ISSAs network today stretches across the globe from Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia, Asia, and the Americas. While ISSA offers general information sharing to all interested individuals and organizations, ISSAs core members are the 29 nongovernmental organizations located primarily in Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which implement the Step by Step Program initiated by the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 1994. Within its network, ISSA supports a wide array of programs that collectively provide a comprehensive set of educational services and advocacy tools intended to influence policy reform for families and children, with a special focus on the years from birth through primary school. ISSAs mission is to support professional communities and develop a strong civil society that influences and assists decision makers to: provide high quality care and educational services for all children form birth through primary school (birth through 10 years old), with a focus on the poorest and most disadvantaged ensure greater inclusion of family and community participation in childrens development and learning ensure social inclusion and respect for diversity. ISSAs overarching goal is to promote inclusive, quality care and education experiences that create the conditions for all children to become active members of democratic knowledge societies. ISSA does this through: raising awareness of the importance of quality care and education; developing resources; disseminating information; advocating; strengthening alliances and building capacity to create conditions where all children thrive. Vision: With support from family and community, every child reaches his or her full potential and develops the skills necessary for being a successful and active member of a democratic knowledge society. Vision for ISSAs Next 10 Years In this new phase of its development, the association will expand to be a broader professional and advocacy network, and become a widely recognized leader on issues related to care and education for children from birth through primary school. Operational Mechanisms: In order to pursue its mission and achieve the strategic goals outlined in its strategic plan for 2009-2020, ISSA will use four operational mechanisms. Each of these tools will be used in an integrated approach and in a coordinated manner: Professional Capacity Building/Strengthening Professionalism in Education Advocacy and Public Information/Education Organizational Capacity Building Networking and Network Representation 1


Strategic Goals 1. Promote access and equity of care and education for young children in the regions ISSA serves. ISSAs strategic goal is to contribute to the development of each child to their full potential and to ensure equal access to quality care and education for all children as an imperative of childrens rights, with a special emphasis on children from disadvantaged socioeconomic groups, from isolated rural areas and from other vulnerable groups, such as ethnic/language minorities and children with disabilities. 2. Promote high quality and professionalism in the provision of care and education for young children. ISSAs strategic goal is to contribute significantly to promoting and implementing quality care and education for all children, with a special emphasis on development and education in the early years, and for children of preschool and primary school age. 3. Promote civil society participation, community-based ECD and parental education. ISSAs strategic goal is to help ensure greater support for and inclusion of family, as well as community participation, in childrens development and learning. 4. Enhance the capacity of the ISSA network to deliver its strategy. ISSAs strategic goal is to develop the skills of its membership, ensure good governance practices and management systems to achieve its program/advocacy goals and to build the associations sustainability in the medium to long term. Partnerships: Since its inception in 1998, ISSA has worked closely with OSI in promoting quality education and care for all children and has developed close cooperation in several program areas. ISSA and its members continue to build upon the substantial investment and success of OSIs Step by Step Program in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The ISSA networks professional development programs, as well as its preschool and primary-school methodologies, developed in cooperation with OSI, have been recognized and included in the official list of services by several Ministries of Education in the region. OSI still provides substantial amount of funding for ISSA activities. ISSA maintains successful partnerships with several other organizations and networks, including the Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Education, the World Forum Foundation, UNICEF, the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking International Consortium (RWCT IC), the Bernard van Leer Foundation, Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training (DECET), the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Children in Europe, Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries (COSPE), Eurochild, Sardes Educational Services, and others. Program Focus: Quality Early Education ISSA offers a wide breadth of services to teachers and education systems which strive towards excellence in early childhood pedagogy in order to achieve strong academic and social outcomes of children. At the heart of ISSAs programs are the ISSA Pedagogical Standards, a network-developed tool based on the principles of best practices in early childhood education and thoroughly imbued with the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. For a number of years, the Standards have provided a framework for professional development and quality assessment through a certification system supported by resource materials and mentoring. ISSA has recently reviewed and updated the Standards. Now, under the title Competent Teachers of the 21st Century: ISSAs Definition of Quality Pedagogy, they are even stronger in the promotion of inclusive quality education for all and child-centered, interactive methodology with professionals, families, and communities as partners. The revised 2

Standards reflect the latest international research findings on quality pedagogy and are aligned with international trends and policy documents. Uniquely, ISSAs Standards were developed by a group of professionals from the region where ISSA works, with input from key experts from around the world. An online course based on the Standards is currently under development and will be offered in 2009. Inclusive Education ISSA strongly promotes the idea that quality education is inclusive education and encourages the transformation of educational systems into structures which are flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of all learners. In its activities, ISSA both promotes and assists educators in implementing inclusive education, advocating for children with disabilities and children from ethnic or language minority groups to be included in mainstream classrooms that foster the self and group identity of every child. ISSA builds its activities on belief that a child is a citizen and education is a meeting place for community members to develop social cohesion and work towards inclusive society. Parenting and Community-Based Education ISSA builds its activities on the belief that parents are the childs first educators and a rich and stimulating home learning environment significantly influences the childs development and his/her future success. ISSA has developed and uses three main sets of materials to provide a safe, healthy, and developmentally enriched environment for children in the first six years of life. These resources are designed for parents and other caregivers, parents group facilitators, educators in formal and informal preschool settings and community centers, etc. ISSA supports programs in member countries through training, mentoring, program design, advocacy, etc. =ISSA advocates for diverse forms of community based early childhood services as well as develops and promotes examples of good practice in its member countries. Professional development and Conferences ISSA provides professional development opportunities, including training of trainers, for its members. ISSA promotes further exchange of information through its Newsletter and website. ISSA hosts annual conferences to provide a basis for professional exchange and development for its members and other ECD professionals. Recent and upcoming events include: 2007 Exploring Vygotskys Ideas: Crossing Boarders, co-hosted with EECERA 2008 Active Citizenship: Democratic Practices in Education, co-hosted with World Forum on Early Care and Education. 2009 Seeds of Change: Effective Investments in Early Childhood for Enduring Social Progress, ISSA 10th anniversary conference planned for October 2009 in Bucharest. 2010 International Special Education Forum, co-hosted in June 2010 with the Center for Educational Initiatives, Latvia, the Council for Exceptional Children and DISES. ISSA-led Projects: Civil Society Partnership for Rural Children August 2008 August 2010 Funder: TACIS-IBPP (158,710 EUR); OSI (39,833 EUR) Partners: Comenius Foundation for Child Development, (Poland), Community Foundation Step by Step (Kazakhstan) Project aims to support every childs right to education by developing models of childcentered, cost-effective early education services for rural areas in Kazakhstan in partnership with parents, local education institutions, and municipal governments by reinforcing civil society through work with local communities and building the capacity of a national NGO devoted to early education in Kazakhstan. Activities include: Advocacy and training for municipal government entities, including local self-government and education departments, on mechanisms for providing cost-effective, childcentred early education services; creating models of resource mobilization and implementation of high-quality community-based early education services by leveraging previous Step by Step investments in Kazakhstan; training for the Community Foundation Step by Step Advisory 3

Board in effective governance and advocacy; adaptation, translation, and printing of materials for distribution to community-based early education groups and large-scale dissemination through a virtual resource centre and media. Teachers That Make a Difference January 2008 July 2009 Service Contract with: IBM-Global Work/Life Fund Partners: Nadcia kola Dokorn (Slovakia) and Ec Pec Foundation (Hungary) Project aims to develop leadership capacity in the ISSA network in the area of working with pedagogical standards for early childhood teachers, including the development of an on-line course and mentoring program; to promote quality education to increase child outcomes; and to promote professional development of preschool educators in Slovakia and Hungary through trainings and mentoring. Activities include: ISSA, together with its member NGOs, Nadcia kola Dokorn (Slovakia) and Ec Pec Foundation (Hungary), will implement a year-long professional development program which will pilot the revised ISSA Pedagogical Standards during the 2008/2009 school year with a select group of kindergartens attended by the children of IBM employees. The professional development will include training through an online course and mentoring, both in person and online. It is anticipated that the project will expand to include kindergartens in 3-4 additional countries in 2009. The on-line course based on the ISSA Pedagogical Standards will be made available to all ISSA members and other interested organizations. Vygotsky Across Borders: Early Childhood Education and Social Cohesion An East/West Perspective December 2007 December 2009 Funder: Bernard van Leer Foundation (EUR 9,800) Partner: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Project aims to develop an edited collection of papers in order to promote the most significant material presented at the 17th Annual EECERA Conference, co-hosted by ISSA, to disseminate knowledge on the role of Vygotskys theory to the fields of psychology and pedagogy and its relationship with the current approach to quality in early childhood care and education across geographical regions; promote cooperation in the field of early childhood education at different levels including: east/west; researchers/ practitioners /politicians; different disciplines (psychology, pedagogy, anthropology, etc). Activities include: Establishing a review panel of prominent scholars to suggest and review articles for publication; coordination of article submissions from authors across the regions where ISSA is active, translation of papers written in different languages to English; editing; publication and distribution of book. Minority Exclusion: Education for Social Justice in Central Asia (2005/111-200) January 2006 June 2009 Funder: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) (333,275 EUR); OSI (117,100 EUR) Partners: Foundation for Education Initiatives Support Kyrgyzstan, Community Foundation Step by Step Kazakhstan, OSI-Assistance Foundation Tajikistan, Farzandim-Jibargandim Uzbekistan Project aims at improving the wellbeing of children and families from minority groups in the Fergana valley regions of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan and poor, rural areas of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan through intensive work with educators, increasing availability of culturally and developmentally appropriate learning materials, and increased family and community involvement in education. Activities include: training teachers at selected project schools in multicultural education practices, publishing manuals for teachers (Teacher Manuals for Education for Social Justice in 5 languages and Teacher Manuals for Language Development in 5 languages) and multilanguage learning materials for children (at least 10 books in at least 8 languages), developing capacity among the NGO implementing partners in each country so that activities can continue after the project and EIDHR financing. More than 7,000 educators and community members will be train and will benefit from this project.

Every Childs Right to Education: Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Belarus (DDH/2006/126-541) October 2006 October 2008 Funder: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) (78,377 EUR); OSI (42,203 EUR) Partners: Belarusian Parents and Teachers League Step by Step, Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation Project aims at fostering a culture of human rights by supporting children with disabilities and their parents in advocating for their right to fair and equal access to education in a mainstream environment that values the differences and individuality of each child. Activities include: series of training workshops for teachers and parents, mentoring support for educators and parents, publishing materials for parents and teachers related to inclusive education and childrens rights (1,500 copies of the manual Inclusive Teachers Practical Guide and 1,000 brochures), establishing of three model sites for long-term dissemination of project results. The project will reach around 150 direct beneficiaries (incl. 36 children with special needs in 12 classrooms and over 60 parents of children with special needs) and more than 1,000 indirect beneficiaries; at least 6 classrooms in 6 preschools will receive educational materials, around 50 teachers/educators and 400 parents will be trained. Joining Efforts to Create Models of Inclusive Kindergartens in Russia (2005/100-772) June 2005 June 2007 Funder: TACIS-IBPP (195,682 EUR); OSI (56,391 EUR) Partners: Russian Foundation for Education Development Soobschestvo (RFED, Russia), Center for Innovative Education (CIE, Lithuania) Project aimed to improve educational results for 48 children with disabilities in the Moscow and Veliky Novgorod regions of Russia by providing equality of opportunity and full participation leading towards a future of independent living and economic self-sufficiency. Activities included: development of an inclusive educational model (6 model inclusive kindergartens); case studies (research and evaluation activities); dissemination of information (Newsletters, web page, book for parents You Are Not Alone, publications in media); family involvement (about 90 parents of children with disabilities, as well as around 1400 parents of other children); advocacy for policy change (round table discussions, meeting, closing briefing, etc.); professional development (more than 120 teachers and pre-school administrators trained; trainers prepared for future dissemination of the project results); collaboration with other community agencies and NGOs (networking with more than 10 NGOs and other agencies). The partners, ISSA and CIE, worked towards building RFEDs competency towards future countrywide dissemination of inclusive education and sustainability across Russian preschool education. Effective teaching and learning for minority-language children in pre-school (119111-CP-12004-1-NL-COMENIUS-C21) December 2004 December 2006 Funder: European Commission (163,380 EUR); OSI (27,609 EUR) Partners: Nadacia Skola dokoran (Slovakia), Hea Algus (Estonia), COSPE (Italy), SARDES (NL) Project aimed to develop a replicable teacher training module and learning materials appropriate to the needs of early learners from minority language communities, through greater inclusion of their mother tongue and home culture in the classroom, combined with effective learning of state language as second language. Target Groups are pre-school children from 5 to 7 years old, who are non-native language speakers, parents, and pre-school educators who have non-native speaking kids in their classrooms. Activities includes: needs assessment of target groups (parents and teachers), developed a Teachers Handbook and Compendium of Learning Materials and an in-service teacher training module. Organized pilot trainings and pilot the materials in 5 pre-schools both in Estonia and Slovakia, provided professional support to teachers. Developed evaluation tools for the project, carried out observations. Published and disseminated all materials in English, Estonian, and Slovakian. 5

Partnership Projects:

Civil Society for Increased Education Participation February 2007 July 2008 Lead Partner: Kosova Education Center Other Partners: ISSA, Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosovo (SBASHK), Kosovar Association for Human and Children's Rights (KAHCR) Funder: European Agency for Reconstruction (64,665 EUR); OSI (15,000 EUR) Project aims to contribute to building of an all-inclusive education system that promotes equal access to quality education and models respect for diversity and social justice. Specific objective of the project is to mobilize local resources for increasing participation of children from disadvantaged groups in pre-school and primary education by strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to engage in cooperation with parents, schools, local and central authorities. Activities include: 1. Building organizational and management capacity of partner associations and developing a joint cooperation strategy for the Network; 2. Training partner organizations on policy formulation and advocacy as well as developing policies related to participation and retention in education; 3. Training 500 members of SBASHK and KAHCR for childrens rights, anti-bias, and advocacy in local level; followed by organizing other awareness raising activities. Parents as Partners in Advocacy for Inclusive Education: Creating Community Parent Resource Centres (CPRC) May 2005 May 2007 Lead Partner: Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation (USSF) Other Partners: ISSA Funder: TACIS-IBPP Project aimed to enable parents of children with disabilities to become competent advocates, in order for their children to have improved educational outcomes through equality of opportunity and full participation, and to ensure independent living and economic selfsufficiency for their future. Activities included: educating parents to better understand the nature of the disabilities of their children and to be leaders and competent advocates for the rights of children with disabilities in their communities; identifying, coordinating, locating, and assessing services for children with disabilities and their families; establishing and developing connections for parents peer and professional support for informational, educational, and advocating networking; building a strong network of parents as advocates for the rights of their children; strengthening the capacity of USSF as the main training providing organization in Ukraine in the sphere of inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools through the participation of the Step by Step trainers in the trainings conducted within the project. Creating Centres of Excellence for Inclusive Education of Children with Special Needs into Mainstream Schools December 2002 November 2004 Lead Partner: Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation (USSF) Other Partners: ISSA, EveryChild UK Funder: TACIS Project aimed to support social integration of children with disabilities into society through providing their one of the basic rights - right for education in regular schools alongside their peers with equal access to the resources in their communities. Activities included: Professional development in the field of education and social work with the focus on inclusion of children with disabilities, and providing social support to their families. Establishment of good practice training centres based on two regular schools in Bila Tserkva (Kyiv oblast) and Lviv to disseminate the best inclusive educational practices, information, advice to other schools in Kyiv and Lviv oblasts. Capacity building of USSF by providing training of USSF network: regular teachers, school directors, parents and parents organizations, USSF trainers, and USSF staff. Work with parents organizations to assist them in increasing their capacities to work with statutory services towards implementing the inclusive model of education.


Technical Assistance and Training Promoting Quality Pedagogy The ISSA Pedagogical Standards and Assessment Instruments serve as a framework to assist educators and programs working towards a quality education for children and their families.ISSAs comprehensive system of standards includes: ISSA Pedagogical Standards for Preschool and Early Primary Grades Competent Teachers of the 21st Century: ISSAs Definition of Quality Pedagogy, International Pedagogical Standards Trainings and Manuals for Certifiers Trainings and Manuals for Teacher Trainers and Mentors Self Assessment Manuals for Teachers Standards for Trainers Step by Step Primary Assessment Materials ISSAs Approach to Professional Development Drawing on a network of technical experts from ISSAs members, ISSA provides technical assistance in the strategy, implementation, and evaluation of systemic reform initiatives in early childhood education. ISSA consultants bring experience and knowledge of successful reform initiatives throughout Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Americas. For countries that want to engage in child-centered, community-based, early childhood education reform projects, ISSA provides a range of technical assistance services, including: strategic planning, ongoing staff development and training, international study visits, and a country mentoring system. Trainings are adapted to meet the needs of diverse audiences, including parents, communities, teachers, administrators, teacher training pedagogues, university professors and representatives of local of national authorities. ISSA experts also provide training and consulting services to complement initiatives of other organizations. New trainings are developed by the network each year in response to evolving needs in the field of early childhood education. Service Contracts In the past few years, the ISSA Secretariat and experts from the network have been contracted to assist major international organizations, as well as national Ministries of Education and other bodies, by providing expertise and technical assistance in various projects. Some of the most recent projects include: World Bank project to provide technical assistance: Preparing Recommendations on the Improvement of Regional Early Childhood Development and Preschool Education System in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation Project of the Ministry of Education and Science, National Institute for Education Directors, Bulgaria: Development of the modular program for newly appointed school principals Education for Inclusion and Social Justice Ministry of Education, Republic of Azerbaijan: A Review of the curriculum of the Life Knowledge subject for the general education schools of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1st 4sth grades) Trainings Offered Education for Diversity and Social Justice Educating for Diversity: Education for Social Justice Activities for Classrooms Training Manual Education for Social Justice: Adults (Facilitators Training Manual) A Program for Adults Effective Teaching and Learning for Minority-Language Children 12 Day Training Manual Extended Early Childhood Programs and Parent Education Getting Ready for School: Fun Activities for Caregivers and Children Training Parent Facilitators 7

Trainings for implementation of the Step by Step/child-centered methodology Each ISSA member holds a license from OSI to offer the following Step by Step trainings in their countries. These trainings represent the basic framework for professional development activities to acquire child-centered methodology. They have been and can be successfully adapted according to the unique conditions and national requirements in each country. Infant/Toddler Training Modules Creating Child-Centered Programs for Infants and Toddlers Tuning in to Infants and Toddlers

Preschool Training Modules Primary School Training Modules (Grades 1, 2, 3, 4) Middle School Training Modules (5th-8th Grade) Inclusion Basic Inclusion Training Modules Instructional Strategies for Children with Disabilities Early Childhood Classroom Instructional Strategies for with Disabilities in the Primary Classroom

Parent Advocacy and Involvement Empowered to Make a Difference: Guidelines for Parent Advocacy Parent Involvement Is Important Training of Trainers Training of Trainers, Part I Training of Trainers, Part II (Advanced level) School Improvement Other Training Topics Health Activities for Children in Child-Centered Classrooms Classroom Management Training Module Advanced Cooperative Learning (also in Russian) Professional Development for Higher Education Faculty Child-Centered Curriculum The Study of Children Through Observation and Recording School and Family Partnerships Individualized Teaching in Early Childhood Education Learning Through Play Applied Research in Early Childhood Education Teacher as Researcher: Using Applied Research in the Classroom Creating Successful Practicum Program for Student Teachers Teaching in the Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom School and Family Partnerships: A Course for Early Childhood Faculty Advocacy: ISSA advocates policies that ensure that every child, regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality or ability, has the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential. ISSA promotes the rights of all children to quality education and reaches out to children of minority families, children with disabilities, refugee children, and children in poverty. Some of ISSAs international advocacy efforts have included: Cooperation with international education networks Representation at national, regional, and international meetings and conferences 8

Advising governments on designing and implementing early child policies/legislation Developing enhanced educational opportunities for oppressed minorities and children with special needs

In 2006, ISSA headed an international effort to combat discrimination in education for Roma. In October 2006, ISSA, the Roma Education Fund (REF), and the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) jointly submitted an Amicus Brief to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in reference to the case D.H. and others v. the Czech Republic brought by 18 Czech children and their parents against the Czech government in 1999. In 2007 the Court ruled in favor of a group of Roma parents and awarded damages, concluding that the Czech Republic had discriminated against their children by placing them in special schools for children with learning difficulties. Publications: Pedagogical Quality Assurance Step by Step Program and Teacher Standards for Preschool and Primary Grades (2002) ISSA Pedagogical Standards for Preschool and Primary Grades (2005) Competent Teachers of the 21st Century: ISSAs Definition of Quality Pedagogy, International Pedagogical Standards (in process) Step by Step Mentoring Guide for Quality Improvement: A Master Teacher Trainer Handbook (2004) Teaching for Quality Improvement: Applying Step by Step Standards in Classrooms (2004) Education for Diversity and Social Justice Educating for Diversity: Education for Social Justice Activities for Classrooms Teachers Guide (2006) Speaking for Diversity: Promoting Multilingualism in Early Childhood Education - A Teachers Guide for the Effective Teaching and Learning for Minority Language Children Program (2006) Effective Teaching and Learning for Minority-Language Children Compendium of Learning Materials (2006) Education for Social Justice Additional Readings (2003) Promoting Early Literacy and Reading Childrens books (32 titles to date) created by authors and illustrators from 26 ISSA member countries. To see the full list of the books and available languages, download the Reading Corner brochure from The books are used throughout the ISSA network in schools and communities, as well as by educators and parents in other countries. The books are available for sale through,, and Opening Magic Doors: Reading and Learning Together with Children (2007). Activity kits for caregivers and family members taking care of children at ages 2-3, 4-5, and 6-8. Each kit includes an activity book and four different ageappropriate children books. Activity kits are currently available in the following languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Czech and Slovak, with additional languages soon to be available. Materials for Extended Early Childhood Programs and Parent Education Getting Ready for School: Fun Activities for Caregivers and Children (2005) including Childrens Materials, Parent Activity Guide and Facilitators Guide in English and Russian Parenting With Confidence 0-3. Enhancing the Development of Young Children. (2005) Parenting With Confidence 3-6. Enhancing Childrens Development in the First Three Years.(2005) 9

Case Studies of Best Practices (2006 -) In 2004, as the Step by Step Program approached its 10th anniversary, ISSA, in cooperation with the Open Society Institute, launched the Case Study Project to chronicle a decade of efforts to reform early childhood education in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Mongolia, and the Americas. The Case Study Project documents the vast base of experience accumulated by the implementation of the Step by Step Program, in an effort to help inform international efforts to improve early childhood care, development, and education around the globe. Case Studies cover such areas as: Promoting High-Quality, Child-centered Teaching: ISSA Standards and Certification Creating Child-centered Environments and Learning Opportunities Reforming and Decentralizing Teacher Training Social Inclusion: Quality Education for Roma Children Inclusion: Children with Disabilities Reaching Children Outside of Preschools Family and Community Environment The complete set of case studies will soon be available on the ISSA website. Additional Child-Centered Methodologies The following resources, developed by Children Resources International with funding from the Open Society Institute, are also used throughout the ISSA network. These resources for teachers, caregivers and parents, and other early childhood professionals are hands-on guides, which provide practical applications on how to implement child-centered, community-based philosophies in early childhood programs. The foreign language editions have been specially adapted by professionals for local conditions in the countries of each of ISSAs national members. Training modules supplement each methodology. Creating Child-Centered Programs for Infants and Toddlers (1997) Learning Activities for Infants and Toddlers: An Easy Guide for Everyday Use. (Children from Birth-3 years) (2000) Creating Child-Centered Classrooms: 3-5 Year Old Children (1997) Creating Child-Centered Materials for Math and Science (1998) Creating Child-Centered Classrooms (6-7 Year Old Children) (1998) Creating Child-Centered Classrooms (8-10 Year Old Children) (2000) Creating Inclusive Classrooms (1999) Making a Difference: A Parents Guide to Advocacy and Community Action (2000) Education and the Culture of Democracy: Early Childhood Practice (2001)


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