Public Notice 8

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~ Public Notice ~

An Event that Should Concern Every Family, Woman, Man and Child

While we focus On elections Something else Is happening Something we Should know about.

This little paper shares important information about things that are effecting us in ways that most of us can not even imagine are possible. Public unawareness and disbelief are feeding a serious threat to all of humanity.
PLEASE give this the attention it needs, although some of the information shared here will be difficult to believe. Please read it with an open mind and heart. . .and then take the time to do your own research, for your own safety, and that of your loved ones, if not for the freedom of our country. Words can not stress how crucial it is for us to become aware of this difficult reality as quickly as possible.
This little paper merely touches a hint of the surface of an operation that spreads so far that it would take many books to fully cover. Some are being written and some have already been published by people who are far more knowledgeable on the technical aspects of this than I am. Please look them up.

The following statements are almost unbelievable. So I cant blame anyone for innocently not believing. But l am begging you to please start at least trying to grasp this reality before its too late. You will soon understand why.
Secret technologies, which are equipped with remote Directed Energy Weapons, intentionally inflicting Lupus, and other mysterious terminal illnesses. . .in a criminal attempt at population control and human experimentation? Who WANTS to believe this is happening? Acts of terrorism, which are more lethal and deceitful than Hitlers - secret operations (with government funded weapons, like HAARP Weapon and satellites) performing successful remote mind control and human mutilations (FOR DECADES NOW!) on masses of unaware people? Who WANTS to believe this is happening in the USA? Vaccines and flu shots secretly containing micro chips or toxic substances for the purpose of population control. . .and many doctors being involved in this operation? Who WANTS to believe this? Public water supplies being intentionally contaminated by harmful chemicals or mood altering drugs? Who WANTS to believe this? Secret HAARP Weapon types of technologies also successfully being used to interfere with the earths atmosphere and to control weather. . .creating unusual numbers earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes? Who WANTS to believe this? 9/11 intentionally used as an excuse for the disintegration of laws that used to protect American Citizens from domestic terrorism and government tyranny? Who WANTS to believe this? Innocent families being held under constant satellite surveillance and woman and children being inconspicuously drugged and raped in our own homes? Who WANTS to believe this? Financial ruin being intentionally inflicted upon countries and people in a set up for a plan that most of us would cringe just to hear about, let alone experience - a silent/secret takeover of the USA? Who WANTS to believe this? Harmful chemicals being intentionally sprayed into the air by planes that openly fly over our cities and towns? Who WANTS to believe this? Military, FEMA, Red Cross and Government employed agencies being intentionally trained to fight against citizens and create discord during times of HAARP made disasters, instead of helping and consoling people? Who WANTS to believe this? A "sub-government," which is a satanic occult, secretly taking over the USA and destroying other countries? Who WANTS to believe this? Parts of our own respectable communities (including law enforcement agencies) joining covert organized stalking groups, in order to terrorize Targeted Individuals - individuals who become aware of, or a threat to, the evil New World Order. . .some of these local stalkers being unaware that the REAL criminals are their leaders? Who WANTS to believe this? People who are trying to inform the public of these atrocities being threatened, terrorized, stalked, slandered in the media, attacked with remote electronic weapons and falsely labeled as mentally ill or murdered in ways that appear like a natural death? Who WANTS to believe this?

What good person could ever even imagine that these sorts of atrocities can be happening in the United States of America - a country that stands for "Freedom and Liberty for all"?

Nobody WANTS to believe any of this. Nobody WANTS to deal with it.


Whats happening is so outrageously inhumane, that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or even complete disbelief, due to our own technological ignorance. But there is NOT TIME for this type of response. We MUST face this holocaust as quickly as possible, because its already hit a critical point, which will be difficult to stop.

Please take this seriously

Please do not blindly believe media coverage of this crisis, because those who know the truth are being media-slandered and targeted, some reporters who SEEM credible are NOT being honest, and the rest are not aware of the depths of this crisis.

It is imperative that you just listen closely to your own instincts and heart.
(High Frequency Active Aurora Research Program) Located in Alaska, USA

~ HAARP Weapon ~

I began researching, in order to figure out what was happening to me, and started finding that I am just a tiny part of a crisis that is already a serious threat to ALL of humanity. None of us are safe, until we bring an end to this holocaust. Seriously.

HAARP is the largest of many similar weapons, which are deceitfully called research facilities but are secretly being used to inconspicuously harm humanity through radio waves.
People have been killed for trying to expose the truths about this secret technology to the rest of humanity! HAARP is known, by knowledgeable scientists, to have the capability of both weather modification and remote mind control as well as effecting the biological rhythms in human beings - the ability to inflict terminal illness. Can you imagine what sorts of horrors can continue with weapons like HAARP secretly remaining in the hands of ill intending forces? Can you look out into the world and honestly think that this does not explain MANY of the strange and mysterious illnesses and natural disasters that have been happening more frequently?

~ Please Research This ~

As you do your own research keep in mind that the operatives of this crisis sometimes post confusing misinformation, in efforts to retain their secrecy. Listen closely to your own instincts and let them lead you past deceitful walls and into Truth. Then do what you can to help bring a peaceful end to this atrocity. Please.

Check out books on, Mind Control by Jim Keith. HAARP Conspiracy or Weather Warfare by Jerry E. Smith. I feel that these authors were inconspicuously murdered for trying to get this information out to us. Lets not let their deaths be in vein. Also look up New Word Order HAARP Weapon ~ Remote Mind Control ~ Targeted Individuals ~ Organized Stalking ~ Gang Stalking ~ Chem Trails ~ Agenda 21...etc. And know that these ARE NOT just conspiracy theories. They are happening NOW! This is real. This is the most dangerous holocaust in the history of humanity, because it is so secret, so silent and so deceitful that it is virtually undetectable to unaware victims. Please help spread the word. . .ASAP. Download and pass out free copies of this notice: w w w. ta r g e t e d i n a m e r i c a . c o m Ive had a lot of interference with my websites, So Im also trying to put information on:

HAARP Weapon, and its supporting technologies, are creating not only an unsafe environment for humanity, but also a lethal one, which is ALREADY intentionally harming countless people!
It is said that certain types of antidepressants enhance HAARP's mind control capabilities through altering brain waves and making people less resistant. These types of drugs began being found in public drinking water in 2008. Though the media started taking off with these findings, it seems to be hushed since then. Here is a link to that 2008 broadcast:

Mood Stabilizers found in drinking water. . . Did you know that fluoride in water is toxic? Time to start learning the criminal secrets.

You dont have to just take my word for any of this, because there is scientific proof. All you need do is open your mind enough to consider this horrible reality, and then find the heart to do your own research, so that we can ALL unite into bringing a PEACEFUL end to this crisis.

~ Conclusion ~
I do not believe that words can accurately express the horrors that are being felt by the primary victims of this technological holocaust. But, unfortunately this is not the worst of it. This notice is being posted with the hope of preventing the complete takeover of the USA (and ultimately all of humanity) by an evil operation that is ALREADY succeeding with this aim, due to our unawareness of their deceitful manipulations and secret technologies. Although most of us do not realize this is happening, we are ALL going to be seriously harmed by it, if we have not already been.

The only way to end this is for us to quickly unite into the grandest PEACEFUL stand for freedom that humanity has ever had to perform.
Lets make a stand to have HAARP, and ALL its supporting technologies, completely shut down, until they can be taken over by officials who have the decency to use them for good purposes. Please help to figure out how to accomplish this or find a better remedy as quickly as possible.

In order to let evil win all we need to do is nothing

Who ever it was, he or she had situations like this in mind.

Who was it that wrote something like,

The Freedom we boast of in the USA Has Already Been Secretly Torn Away

Lets take it back!

Lets face this With determination to preserve humanity, With gentle hands reaching out to those in need, With peaceful non-acceptance of the evil seed.
Never, in the history of humanity, has there been a more devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for us to open our hearts and unite into a peaceful regaining of our freedom and basic human rights. Please make copies of this and pass them to everyone you know. Please.

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