Free Speaking in Front

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Free speaking in front

Im not a good English speaker. To be compared, it is absolutely much difficult for me to speak in English fluently and have free language mistakes than practice reading and writing essay. Im quite surprise when my lecturer, Sir Azman for the first lesson in this semester wanted us to speak in front about how were the English classes before. But I tried my best. However, all of us gained many advantages from the activity. We have to be brave and confident on what we were going to talk about spontaneously. By hook or by crook we must talk because soon or sooner it would be our turn. Besides, we could know the others experiences and opinions about the topic discussed. Thus, we were having the sharing moment of our ideas. Some of my friend also talked out of the topic. For me, I love English yet I still failed to excel in English especially when it comes to speaking task. Instead, during this activity, I shared to all my friends that the English classes in the first semester was quite interesting. I was determined every time it came to English sessions because for me the lecturers in charge are very creative and managed to make the class conducive.

2. Listening and speaking (formation of butterfly)

We were divided into 3 groups for this activity. Firstly, we read the story about the butterfly in the slide show in front. Then in pairing, we needed to discuss the messages and the example of real life story with the same moral values as the story shown in the power point slide show. From the slideshow, my friend and I managed to interpret the information into a real life story with similar plot. At first, we knew the formation process of a butterfly. We only knew that whether the butterfly would be perfect is depended to the natural process of formation. If the cocoon undergone a complete procedure of natural formation then it will become a beautiful and healthy butterfly. After that, we related the butterfly story to our experience in life. We shared the story to all of our group members and the other group. The moral value is we must be patience when we are having problems in our life for example we needed to study smart and hard in order to excel in our examinations and tests. We are encouraged to be persevere facing the difficulties that come along.

3. Group presentations

My group is the first presenter involving 5 members. The topic is about how to keep the environment. From all of the presentations, we gained a lot of general information and also some beneficial tips. To keep the environment clean, it must begin from home where parents teach their children not to litter the rubbish everywhere in the playground, kindergarten and public areas. Besides, the teachers should teach the students the correct ways to keep our environment clean. At the same time, when we shared the information with the friend, we practice speaking in front based on the points in the power point slideshow presented. We make the preparation before presenting.

4. Reading (story Holy Quran)

The topic of the story is Holy Quran. We read the whole story and come out with our own opinions about the story basically. The story is about a young man who is handsome, rich, educated, caring and clever but he lacked of gratitude value towards others. As promised, his father gave him a special present during his graduation day. When he knew that the package contained a new Holy Quran and not the key of sport car, he left his father angrily and unsatisfied. At this point view, we learned that we must appreciate someones gift despite we do not expected it or something that we dont wish for it. Try to evaluate others desire especially from our beloved person. When the young man got a new about his fathers death, he went back to the house and he was very shocked at the moment he discovered a sport car key behind the Holy Quran his father gave years ago. Just like cried over spilt milk, his beloved father could not live for the second time. Then he regretted about the past and turned to a good man in his life. So, do not judge something by its cover because the appearance doesnt symbolize everything about you. Besides, we should realize the mistakes that we have done and change to a better level. The ending of the story is very acceptable and relevant. I like the closing as the young man eventually knew the secret of the gift and he turned to a good person. I wish he will become a religious man.

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