Sherlock Holmes Mystery

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The Case of the Cooling Corpse

(Adapted from A Watched Cup Never Cools, Key Curriculum Press, 1999) The following is a synopsis of the first part of an unpublished story. Your task is to solve the mystery and write the rest of the story. Your conclusion must include the mathematics of the solution. It should be written in story form and incorporate the mathematics within the dialogue and other prose as smoothly and naturally as possible. Be creative, but dont arrest the wrong individual!

It was a dark and stormy night. Holmes and Watson were called by Inspector Lestrade of
the police to the scene of the murder. The victim was a wealthy but cruel man. He had many enemies. The most likely suspects are the wife, the business partner, and the butler. Each has an equally strong motive. Each also has an alibi. The wife claims to have spent the entire evening at the theater across town. She was seen leaving the theater at 10:30 p.m. and returned home at 11:00 p.m., going straight up to her bedroom. Her return was verified by the upstairs maid. The business partner claims to have spent the evening working on papers at the office. His wife and household staff verified that he returned home at 10:30 p.m. The butler returned to his quarters above the carriage house at 10:05 p.m. and did not leave. This was verified by the other servants. The body was found in the victims study. Holmes arrived at the scene at 4:30 a.m. The room was unusually warm and stuffy. One of the officers went to open a window. Holmes admonished him to delay that action until he completed his investigation of the crime scene. He instructed Watson to determine the temperature of the body. This was found to be 88.0o. Holmes questioned the servants as to the room temperature during the evening and learned that the victim liked the room warm and that the temperature in the study was always very near the current 76o. Holmes asked Watson to take the temperature of the body again at the conclusion of the inspection of the scene, two hours after the first reading. It was 85.8o.

Newtons Law of Cooling: ( )

Directions Go to (My apologies for the condescending url.) Find your username (pick one person per group). Password is last 5 of your school ID. Once you solve the mystery, you will be able to unlock the sample writing to help you get an idea of how to formulate your story. The password is the time of death in the format hh:mm. Finish your version of the story through a new post on the blog (each group only needs one post). Bonus points will be awarded for incorporating students, teachers, and/or principals. Bonus points will also be awarded if written in the original Sherlock Holmes style. The first line of your story should give the title as well as the authors. Example: Sherlock Hearts Calculus by Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Simpson Rubric//20 points total (worth 2 homework grades) Identifying correct time of death (to the nearest quarter of an hour) Identifying correct murderer Incorporating at least five lines of mathematics into post, and formatting equations correctly (centered and bolded) Commenting on at least one other post (by Tuesday morning), describing why its one of your favorite stories (bonus will be awarded to the most-loved tales).
Total points Bonus

5 5 5 5 20 5

Any math should be centered and bolded: T-Ts=(Ts-T0)e^(-kt) Posts must be submitted before Monday's class. Comments should be submitted between Monday morning and Tuesday morning. If you do not have easy access to the internet, please let me know.

"...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes Quote, The Blanched Soldier

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