Lugganath Army List 0.4.1

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Lugganath Craftworld Army List

The Fir Iolarion Titan Legion is truly the hero of Lugganath and the main source of military power for this Craftworld that hangs outside the Anargo Sector. These Eldar were almost completely destroyed four centuries ago when they lost control of the warp gates onboard their Craftworld, Lugannath, allowing the Daemons of the warp to enter and attack them. For many years the clan drifted helplessly in space while they laboured to make the necessary repairs; stranded, and with their numbers severly depleted by the creatures in their midst, they were reduced to being one of the weakest Eldar clans. Over time however, thanks only to their own unrelenting and steadfast efforts, they have not only regained the power they once had but increased their might many fold. However, the destruction of much of their military infrastructure mitigated with the heroic efforts of the Fir Iolarion caused this Craftworld to develop in a much different manner than their bretheren across the galaxy. Focusing on the majestic titans as their source of protection, Lugganath has developed an army that focuses primarily on the giant machines. But this is not the extent of the Lugganath by any means. Tirasur, or Land of the Phoenix, is a pristine garden world which, while hot, still remains a paradise for both the Craftworld and Exodite Eldar that live there. When Lugganath settled into this part of the galaxy, they found their Exodite brothers long settled on Tirasur; a waypoint on the edge of the Anargo Sector that provides ground for the Eldar to trade with the Empire in delicate peace. The Exodites over time developed strong ties both culturally and militarily with the nearby Lugganath. Knights of Tirasur join their larger Titan cousins on the battlefield in a support function that has displaced the more commonly seen Engines of Vaul.

Titan Formations
(0-1) Magnate 1 Warlock Titan 1 Warden Titan 1 Phantom Titan 1-2 Minor Titans in any combination

50% or more of the total points must be spent from these Core formations. Units Included Cost
1 Magnate, must be Supreme Commander if on list 1 Warlock Titan 1 Warden Titan 1 Phantom Titan Sentry Titan Revenant Titan Scout Titan 1,200 points 850 points 800 points 750 points 425 points 350 points 300 points

Support Formations
Guardian Warhost

Up to 3 formations may be chosen from this list for each Core formation. Units Included Cost Extras
5 Guardians + 1 Farseer Unit 125 points
Formation may include 1 Wraithlord for +50 points, and 3 Support Weapon Platforms for +50 points. Up to three Guardians may be replaced with Heavy Weapon Platforms at no additional cost. Alternatively, the formation may be mounted in three Wave Serpents for +150 points. If this option is taken then the formation is not allowed to take any other upgrades. All units apart from Swooping Hawks, Warp Spiders, and Shining Spears may be transported in Wave Serpents and/or Falcons if desired. If you choose to take this option then you must take exactly enough transport vehicles to carry the units that require transport, without any spare transport spaces being left over. Each Wave Serpent taken costs +50 points. Each Falcon costs +65 points. In addition the formation may include up to 1 Exarch character upgrade for +25 points each.

Aspect Warhost

6 Aspects

225 points

War Walker Troupe Ranger Troupe Shields of Vaul Swords of Vaul

6 War Walkers 4-8 Rangers 3 Night Spinners 5 Falcons

200 points 25 points each 175 points 250 points

None None Exchange any number of Night Spinners for Firestorms (at no cost) Exchange any number of Falcons for Firestorms (at no cost) and/or Fire Prisms (+25 each).

Aerospace Formations
Up to 1/4 of the points may be spent on these formations.
Formation Fighters Fighter-Bombers Transport (0-1) Wraithship (0-1) Dragonship 3 Nightwings 3 Phoenix Bombers 1 Vampire Transport 1 Wraithship 1 Dragonship Units Included 300 points 350 points 200 points 150 points 300 points Cost

0-1 WEBWAY PORTAL: cost varies WRAITHGATE: 50 points

The Eldar player may choose to replace one of the Objective markers in his half of the table with a Wraithgate at a cost of 50 points. The Wraithgate functions both as a webway portal and as an objective for rules purposes. It may not be attacked or destroyed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Wraithgates are one of the smallest types of webway portal, and may only be used by formations made up exclusively of infantry, light vehicles, and armoured vehicle units that have walker ability; formations that include any other type of unit may not use a Wraithgate to enter play. OR

GATE OF VAUL: 150 points

The Eldar player may choose to replace one of the Objective markers in his half of the table with a Gate of Vaul at a cost of 150 points. The Gate of Vaul functions both as a webway portal and as an objective for rules purposes. It may not be attacked or destroyed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gates of Vaul are one of the largest types of webway portal, and may be used by any Eldar formation. The rituals and runes needed to activate the Gate of Vaul are so complex that no formation may exit from it if any unbroken enemy formations are within 15cm of it.

Magnate Titan (Subest Soles, meaning The Two Made One)

Type War Engine Speed 25cm Armor 5+ Close Combat 3+ Firepower AP4+/AT5+/AA5+ 2 x MW3+ MW2+ BP4 D3+1BP 6BP Assault Weapons Firefight 3+ Notes -Titan Killer (1) Titan Killer (41 per 15cm range to target) Disrupt, Lance Macro-weapon, Titan Killer (D6) Disrupt Extra Attack (+2),

Weapon Range 2 x Twin Eldar Missile Launchers 45cm (0-2) Titan Pulsars 75cm (0-1) Fusion Lance 60cm (0-1) Tremor Cannon 60cm (0-1) Titan D-Cannon 45cm (0-1) Lucent Scepter 30cm War Pedes Base Contact Macro-Weapon, Titan Killer (D2)

Critical Hit Effect: The holofield projector mounted in the Phantoms wings is badly damaged and will no longer work. The Phantom loses its holofield save for the rest of the battle. Any further critical hits will cause an additional point of damage. Alternate Critical: Random weapon system is destroyed! Weapon will no longer function for the remainder of the game. If the Lucent Scepter is destroyed, the weapon and endowment abilities will no longer function for the remainder of the game. The Magnate and all Eldar formations within 30cm of the Magnate will break automatically (may make withdrawals and rallies normally). Notes: Supreme Commander, Inspiring, Holofield, Damage capacity 9, Reinforced Armor, Walker, Fearless, Infiltrator. The titan may jump over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is 4cm high and up to 6 cm wide. Lucent Scepter: When the Magnate is armed with this weapon, all Eldar formations within 30cm will be endowed with the Fearless and Inspiring abilities.

Warlock Titan
Type War Engine Speed 25cm Armor 5+ Close Combat 3+ Firepower AP4+/AT5+/AA5+ 3BP Small Arms 2 x MW3+ MW2+ BP4 6 x AP4+/AT4+ Small Arms Assault Weapons Firefight 3+ Notes -Disrupt, Ignore Cover, Titan Killer (D3) Extra Attacks (+2), Ignore Cover, Titan Killer (D3) Titan Killer (1) Titan Killer (4 1 per 15cm range to target) Disrupt, Lance -Extra Attacks (+3) Extra Attacks (+2), Titan Killer D3

Weapon Range 2 x Twin Eldar Missile Launchers 45cm (0-1) Psychic Lance 30cm OR (15cm) (0-1) Titan Pulsars (0-1) Fusion Lance (0-1) Tremor Cannon (0-1) Power Fist OR (Fist Mounted Lasers) OR (Fist Attack) 75cm 60cm 60cm 30cm (15cms) (Base Contact)

Critical Hit Effect: The holofield projector mounted in the Phantoms wings is badly damaged and will no longer work. The Phantom loses its holofield save for the rest of the battle. Any further critical hits will cause an additional point of damage. Alternate Critical: Random weapon system is destroyed! Weapon will no longer function for the remainder of the game. Notes: Holofield, Damage Capacity 6, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide, Reinforced Armor, Fearless, Inspiring, Commander, Farsight. May be armed with any two different weapons from the above list. The Warlock's weapons may fire all round due to the Titan's exceptional maneuverability.

Phantom Titan
Type War Engine Speed 25cm Armor 5+ Close Combat 3+ Firepower AP4+/AT5+/AA5+ 2 x MW3+ MW2+ BP4 6 x AP4+/AT4+ Small Arms Assault Weapons Firefight 3+ Notes -Titan Killer (1) Titan Killer (4 1 per 15cm range to target) Disrupt, Lance -Extra Attacks (+3) Extra Attacks (+2), Titan Killer D3

Weapon Range 2 x Twin Eldar Missile Launchers 45cm (0-2) Titan Pulsars 75cm (0-1) Fusion Lance 60cm (0-1) Tremor Cannon 60cm (0-1) Power Fist 30cm OR (Fist Mounted Lasers) (15cms) OR (Fist Attack) (Base Contact)

Critical Hit Effect: The holofield projector mounted in the Phantoms wings is badly damaged and will no longer work. The Phantom loses its holofield save for the rest of the battle. Any further critical hits will cause an additional point of damage. Alternate Critical: Random weapon system is destroyed! Weapon will no longer function for the remainder of the game. Notes: Holofield, Damage Capacity 6, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide, Reinforced Armor, Fearless. May be armed with any two different weapons from the above list. The Warlock's weapons may fire all round due to the Titan's exceptional maneuverability.
Hanging in space just outside the Anargo Sector sits the mighty Craftworld of Lugganath. Once in history this Eldar world was nearly ripped apart from the inside by the forces of Chaos. Deep in the bowels of the Eldars floating world, the infinity circuit was slowly being ripped apart by daemons from the Warp. But within the Craftworld the daemons met an Eldar power few have ever encountered. The Warden Titans pushed forward with their mighty fists, securing the souls of their ancestors. Since this honored day, the Warden Titans found usefulness outside the confines of their space-faring world and are much more than guards, however noble that station may be.

Warden Titan (Unan-Tageth, meaning Before the Fall)

Type War Engine Speed 20cm Armor 4+ Range

Close Combat 3+ Firepower


Firefight 3+ Notes
Macro-weapon, Titan Killer (D6)

Weapon (0-1) Titan D-Cannon (1-2) Powerfists OR (Fist Mounted Lasers) OR (Fist Attacks)

30cm 6 x AP4+/AT4+ (15cm) Small Arms (Base Contact) Assault Weapons

Front Arc Extra Attacks (+3) Extra Attacks (+2), Titan Killer (D3)

Critical Hit Effect: Armor breach the heavy armor on the Wardens leg joints have been severely damaged causing the titans movement to slow by 10cm and an additional point of damage taken. Alternate Critical: Random weapon system is destroyed! Weapon will no longer function for the remainder of the game. Notes: Holofield, Damage capacity 6, Reinforced Armor, Fearless, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide. May be armed with any two different weapons from the above list. The Warlock's weapons may fire all round due to the Titan's exceptional maneuverability.

Revenant Titan
Type War Engine Speed 35cm Armor 5+ Range 45cm 45cm Close Combat 4+ Firefight 4+ Notes ---

Weapon 2 x Revenant Pulse Lasers 2 x Eldar Missile Launchers

Firepower 2 x MW4+ AP5+/AT6+/AA6+

Critical Hit Effect: The Revenants Holofield generator is destroyed. The unit may no longer take holofield saves for the remainder of the game. Any further critical hits will immediately destroy the Titan. Notes: Holofield, Damage capacity 3, Fearless, Jump Pack, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide. The Revenant's weapons may fire all round due to the Titan's exceptional maneuverability.

Scout Titan (Geir-Zain, meaning Fast-Breaking)

Type War Engine Speed 35cm Armor 5+ Range 45cm 45cm Close Combat 4+ Firefight 4+ Notes ---

Weapon 2 x Pulse Lasers 2 x Eldar Missile Launchers

Firepower 2 x AT4+ AP5+/AT6+/AA6+

Critical Hit Effect: The Scouts Holofield generator is destroyed. The unit may no longer take holofield saves for the remainder of the game. Any further critical hits will immediately destroy the Titan. Notes: Holofield, Damage capacity 3, Fearless, Walker, Scout. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide. The Scout's weapons may fire all round due to the Titan's exceptional maneuverability.

Sentry Titan
Type War Engine Speed 30cm Armor 5+ Range 30cm (15cm) Close Combat 4+ Firepower 2 BP Small Arms Firefight 3+ Notes Front Arc, Titan Killer (D3+1) Extra Attacks (+1)

Weapon 2 x D-Cannons Canopy Mounted Lasers

Critical Hit Effect: Weapon coils on the D-Cannon have been struck and cause an overload in the system. The Titan and all units within 5cm take a TK(D3+1) hit (no save). Notes: Holofield, Damage capacity 3, Reinforced Armor, Fearless, Walker. May step over units and impassable or dangerous terrain that is lower than the Titans knees and up to 2 cm wide.

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