The Laser Communication Systems
The Laser Communication Systems
The Laser Communication Systems
The laser communication systems are widely used since they are very fast communication method and the data can be transmitted for long distances. And since it becomes a hot topic lately, as solutions for how to satisfy ever increasing bandwidth needs are in high demand. From this point this project aims to design and implement a complete pic microcontroller system that will take data from the computer and send the data over a laser link whether it is a fiber optics or free space, then there will be a receiver for the laser in order to convert it to a voltage signal in order to retrieve the data, there will be a pic microcontroller to receive the serial data and format it to display it on a liquid crystal display. The laser communication if used in free space will require a line of site because the laser beam is very narrow, because of this we decided to use a fiber optic cable to be the transmission medium. The carrier being used for the transmission is modulated using the serial communication on the computer side, and also it will be demodulated at the receiver side using the pic microcontroller using the internal building universal asynchronous module. This project will be one way which means the user can send the data from the computer to be displayed on the liquid crystal display, and there is no feedback from the display to the computer since the link has one transmitter at the computer side and one optical receiver on the LCD side. REFERENCES 1. T. M. Strauss Laser communications study, 1966 2. J. H. Ward A Broad bandwidth digital laser communication system", 1967 IEEE Conf. Laser Eng. Appl., 3. J. H. Ward Optical communications system design and evaluation, 1970