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February 24, 2013 Mr. Jeronald Sanchez Brgy. Captain, Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Dear captain,

Greetings! As part of our action research in Society and Culture Including Family Planning with Population Education (Soc. Sci. 110/102). We the BSE students of Bulacan Agricultural State College (BASC) will be conducting a research about Factors Influencing Teenagers to Smoke and Its Health Effects. We will be distributing survey questionnaires in Pinaod , San Ildefonso, Bulacan , because we observed that there are some teenagers in your place that are engaged on smoking. The place is accessible and safe for us to conduct our research. We will be distributing questionnaires to be answered by (50) fifty selected teenagers ages 13-18 years of age on February 25, 2013. In connection with this, we would like to ask permission to allow us to conduct our research on the above metioned area.

Respectfully yours,







Part I Profile


Factors Influencing Teenagers to Smoke and Its Health Effects.

Please provide the necessary information on the space provided.

Name: ____________________________________ (Optional)

Age: _______________

Address: __________________________________

Gender: ________

School Level: _______________________

Part II


Please answer the questions honestly. Put a check mark () inside the circle.

1. How many stick of cigarette did you take per day?

o 1-5 o 5-10 o 10 above

Others: __________________

2. Are you aware of the effects of smoking to your body?

o Yes o No
3. Does smoking gives you a great feeling?

o Yes o No
4. Why did you start smoking?

o It creates a sociable atmosphere o I was curios o It relieves my stress o Peer pressure o Family problem o Others: _________________
5. Do you aware that smoking is really bad for your health? Why?

o Yes, Im devastated by the effects. o Yes, But I try to avoid thinking of it. o Yes, And
Im not really concern.

o No, Nothing happened to my body. o No, Im not interested. o No, I have no idea. o Others: _______________________
6. Are you able to quit smoking?

o Yes o No

Chapter I


Most people try out smoking when they are young ; many youths think smoking is a good grown-up habit. Furthermore many young people begin smoking as an act of rebellion and independence. Young smokers start smoking at their age of 12 or 13 just to get a taste of, what it is like. Some of them find it disgusting and unhealthy and some of them find it cool.

Smoking is a habit but curable. Considered as curable but few people try to control themselves from doing it. People, students and even professionals are often tempted to smoke. For some, smoking relieves tension; superiority among others, curiosity, satisfaction, and a form of self -deceptions but the adverse consequences of smoking is ones own health. Smoking exist everywhere even in school campuses that conclude to be huge problem.

Many people tried self -discipline to control the temptation of smoking. Others would try re- lifestyle and refocus their attention just to stop themselves from doing it. But worse, others doesnt know what to do and they simply give in. Others on the other hand, would smoke not because they doesnt know what to do but simply because they wont get belong to the in group. Because of smoking, few qualified people get to be successful. It's because of smoking is one of the reason that word's mortality rate. Smoking could never be eradicated unless we try to start the battle











Studies have indicated that some student does smoking during their vacant time than studying their lessons. Smoking in college especially in nursing students is becoming popular substitute for learning. There are some factors of smoking which has the social approval from parents, faculty and friends. Some studies shows that student with low self esteem is actually more likely to smoke than student with high self esteem because of the negative evaluation that they might receive from the people around them.

The period of adolescence is most closely associated with the teenage years, although its physical, psychological and cultural expressions can begin earlier and end later. Adolescence is a stage of significant growth and potential but it is also considered to be a time of great risk. A lot of adolescents are facing pressures to use alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs and to start sexual relationships, thereby putting themselves at high risk for intentional injuries and infection from sexual transmitted diseases. ( Kipke 1999, 2. )

Adolescence is a time when young people undergo physical, psychological, socio-cultural and cognitive development (Di Clemente et al 2009, 4). It is a time when many physical, psychological and behavioral transformations happen and when adolescents develop a lot of the habits, behavioral patterns and relationships they will take into their adulthood (Committee on Adolescent Health Care Services and Models of Care for Treatment 2008, 17).

Studies on humans and non human primates show that adolescence is a period for undertaking important development tasks like maturing physically and sexually; acquiring skills necessary to perform adult roles; gaining more independence from parents, and establishing social ties with members of the same and opposite gender (Kipke 1999, 2).

During this period, the adolescent establish their emotional and psychological independence, learn to understand and takes charge of their sexuality and think about their future in society. This process is gradual, emotional and at times unsettling. The adolescent may feel sad, disillusioned and hurt one moment; happy, optimistic and in love the next moment. (UNICEF 2002, 4.)

Adolescence is a period the young person is trying to achieve a personal identity so it is a time he or she may experiment with different behaviors (Haven 1996, 14). The adolescent period is a stage when the adolescent takes on new roles and experiment with independence. They seek for identity, learn to apply values gained in early childhood and build skills that will help them in adulthood. (UNICEF 2002, 1.)

According to the World Health Report (1999) a considerable number of deaths would be prevented and tobacco related deaths would be halved if most of the adult smokers quit smoking over the next 20 years. People who begin smoking early have a greater risk of lung cancer compared to those who begin smoking at a later age as a result of the cumulative exposure. (Colditz& Hunter 2000, 7.)

Tobacco is known to be the only legal consumer product that can cause harm to everyone exposed to it and kills most of those who use it as intended. Tobacco is also considered as the single most preventable cause of death in the world. The use of tobacco is widespread due to low prices, strong marketing, lack of education about its negative effects, and poor public policies against its use. (WHO 2008, 8.)

Tobacco contains many chemicals which are known to cause cancers. (Report on Carcinogens 2005, 408). Tobacco kills more than the combination of AIDS, legal drugs, illegal drugs, road accidents, murder and suicide. (Mackay&Eriksen 2002, 36).

These are the factors that influence people to smoke; 1.) Emotions 2.) Pleasure3.) Social Pressure 4.) Habit 5.) Addiction 6.) Smoking Is Everywhere' 7.) Smoking Is A Lesser Evil 8.) To Alleviate Stress And 9.) Negative Feelings.

The easiest way to stop the effect of tobacco is to prevent its initiation. (Robin &Sugarman 2001, 143). Quitting smoking is easy, Ive done it thousands of times. Mark Twain

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study was to determine the significant factors that influenced the selected teenagers ofBarangay Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. More specifically, the study sought answer to the following questions:

1. Why do young people smoke a. Low education b. Peer pressure c. Family problem d. Coping with stress 2. What are the factors affecting the smoking behavior of teenagers? a. Home factor b. School Factor c. Social factor d. Mass media 3. Do teenagers feel good about smoking? 4. How does social status affect the smoking behavior of teenagers? 5. How do peers influence a typical teenager to smoke?

Significance of the Study The study will be significant to all. It will show how different factors that surround us can affect each one of us to try everything, because typically we are all explorers. Specifically the habit of smoking. Non-Smokers. They are the primordial beneficiaries of this study. The knowledge to be acquire to this study will help them to know what are the harmful effects when they try to smoke. Students. They will be aware of the factors that influence a man to smoke and will be encourage some of them to quit smoke and take them a tour and a broader look about its effects to health.

Parents. The findings of this study will be beneficial for parents . They must know their childrens attitudes, and performance especially on school. This study will also help them to realize the need to establish open communication with their children to bridge the so-called generation gap. Teachers. The result of the study may serve as a guide on adapting different kinds of guiding their students not engaging to smoke. Future Researchers. The researchers ultimately believes that the result of this study will help the other future researchers who have intention of conducting the same study about the topic of smoking.

Scope and Limitation of the Study The study focused on the profile and the answer of the questionnaire that have been given to selected teenagers of Barangay Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. The respondents of the study were (50) teenagers which are composed of (48) males and( 2) females ages 13 -18 that were selected from the given barangay.

Definition of terms Smoking . Is the act of emitting smoke; the act of practice of smoking tobacco. Peer Pressure. It refers to the influence of groups or friends on the person. Emotions. feeling stressed, bored, lonely, upset, angry, frustrated or unhappy Pleasure. to add to the enjoyment of something, to take time out or as a reward Social Pressure. to feel part of the crowd if youre not part of the smoking group you are missing out on the best information, non-participation may lead to feelings of alienation;

Habit. linking smoking with other activities eg having a cup of coffee, talking on the phone, drinking alcohol. Addiction. to satisfy the craving for nicotine. 'Smoking Is Everywhere'. Children raised in this environment will often see smoking as just another part of becoming an adult and so the cycle continues. Smoking Is A Lesser Evil. smoking is viewed by many as an acceptable alternative to other drugs such as alcohol, cannabis and intravenous drugs To Alleviate Stress And Negative Feelings. Smoking is perceived by many to have a calming effect and may also be seen as an enjoyable activity over which people can retain control no matter how difficult other parts of their lives may be. This is particularly relevant within Indigenous communities where control over many aspects of their life may be difficult.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies which provided the researcher with deeper and broader understanding of the concept related to smoking. Foreign Literature The strongest factors that influence tobacco users to start are usually social pressures, family members, media and friends (Conrad et. al, 1992).

The study examined data from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey between 1997 and 2004.Women who smoke now die at a similar rate for men, the study also found. Previous research from the 1980s showed that women were less affected."Women now lose about 11 years of life expectancy if they smoke," McAfee says. "Men lose about 12 years." He adds that it is presumed that women's smoking patterns are now more similar to men's in terms of picking up the habit at younger ages and smoking a larger number of cigarettes.
Despite all the anti-smoking campaigns, cigarette taxes, novel smoking alternatives, and even smoking bans in some areas, millions of people still smoke cigarettes both out of habit and for pleasure. Sadly, many of these people, if asked, would say they do not actually like smoking, but feel as though they are hopelessly addicted with no effective way to quit. But if you or someone you know is serious about quitting smoking, there is hope apart from trying to quit cold turkey, wearing nicotine patches, and taking anti-smoking drugs. Here are five natural approaches to kicking the smoking habit for good (Ethan AH. 2012). ml#ixzz2MfNHO2cD The truth is that most pack-a-day smokers are hooked and cannot figure out how to quit, mainly because most cessation methods don't address the true depth of the addiction, and most are just scams that are marketed by "Big Pharma" to damage your health even further and send any "ex-smokers" right back to the well (S.D. Wells

2012). MfO9Vc5e Adult smoking has begun to level off, but teenage smoking is on the rise across the nation. It is well documented that smoking shortens a person's life. Tobacco smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally, so programs to reach teens should be as aggressive as the industry's push on children to begin smoking. The most common diseases associated with long term smoking are cardiovascular issues affecting the heart and lungs. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, COPD and cancer ( Duke M. 2011). The "Talk: They'll Listen" campaign failed because its message was only that parents should talk to their kids about smoking; not that children should not smoke, according to the study's authors. The researchers concluded that "no reason beyond simply being a teenager is offered as to why youths should not smoke ( Fraser J. 2006).

Learn more: 2MfPL3fZ1

According to a 2003 study from the Cancer Council Victoria in Australia, the only anti-smoking ads that actually work on teens show the graphic, gory health consequences of smoking. Teens shown images of a smoker's oozing artery or a blood clot in a smoker's brain were less attracted to smoking, the researchers found. MeZ9

Local Literature Socialization is the process through which the person acquires the behavior through which persons acquires the behavior and skills that are essential for social existence (Maguigad., 2006). 17.3M-estimated number of Filipinos aged 15 and older who smoke, according to the 2009 Philippine Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 70-estimated number of carcinogens, or cancer-causing ingredients, contained in a cigarette stick

13.8M-estimated number of Filipinos aged 15 and older who smoke every day (GATS, 2009).

P326.4-Average amount of money spent monthly on cigarettes (GATS, 2009) 10.6-Average number of cigarettes smoked per day by daily cigarette smokers in the Philippines (GATS, 2009).

2M- Estimated reduction in number of smokers in the Philippines by 2016 if tobacco taxes were increased by 10 percent, according to the Department of Health Sources: Isabatas Na! Sin Tax is Anti-Cancer Tax: A Primer for Pro-Health Citizens, Global Adult Tobacco Survey Philippines (2009). Several government agencies are tasked to monitor and assess the Tobacco Production in the Philippines. According to the report of National Tobacco Authority (2009), the tobacco industry carries a lot of promise as it continues to flourish in spite of the countrys troublesome economy. Report said that tobacco farmers have a bountiful harvest of quality tobacco leaves, which together with the good price this year, brings a lot of hope to those who are dependent in this industry. Foreign Studies Can G. (2009), indicated those students whose siblings smoked were 1.35 times more at risk than those whose siblings did not smoke. Those whose friends smoked were are 2.42 times more at risk than those whose friends did not smoke. Those with poor grades 2.62 more at risk than those with good grades. Subjects whose mothers smoked were 1.57 times more at risk than those whose mothers did not smoke.

Kulbok PA. (2008), concerns for health and addiction, a positive self-image, and perceived confidence, emerged as factors affecting participants decisions not to smoke. The approval of parents and friends, and personal beliefs further reinforced adolescents nonsmoking decisions.

Hayes ER. et. al (2007), peer pressure was the greatest influencing factor to beginning to smoke, and health was the major reason for not beginning to smoke. Addiction and stress maintained smoking.

Weiss JW. et. al (2008), Study showed that anxiety, hostility, and depressive symptoms were significantly associated with a higher risk of lifetime smoking for both boys and girls.

Damianaki A. et. al (2008), Stepwise logistic regression analysis showed a positive relationship between current smoking and having brother or sister smoking, having more than three friends who were smokers and last school grade.

Moeschberger et. al (1997), suggested that smoking behavior was associated with it; older Asian men who were44 years of age were almost 10 times more likely to quit smoking than younger men below 24 years old.

Local Studies

In the study of (Imaoku 2008), the tobacco farming employment is declining; tobacco-related manufacturing jobs are increasing, but at a much slower pace than increases in manufacturing production volumes and the trend seemed to reverse in the mid-2000s. Overall, the tobacco sector contributes less that 1% to total employment in the Philippines. Moreover, Espino (2008) Philippine tobacco farmers surveyed continue to grow tobacco because they have forty to fifty years of experience growing the crop, and they may not necessarily conduct or rely on a cost-benefit analysis of tobacco growing as the basis for their decision. This study stated above had given information to the researchers that tobacco is on

Chapter III Methodology

This chapter presents the methods and procedures that were employed in the conduct study. It includes the research design, data gathering techniques and the sampling procedure. Research Design This study used the descriptive method of research in determining the factors influencing teenagers to smoke on a particular Barangay Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. The descriptive method of research is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings in which the basic caution is that this method has to be something more and beyond just data gathering. The concept of trait being

studied is carefully defined. It describes with emphasis what actually exists such as conditions, practices, situations or any phenomena.

Sampling Procedure The respondents of the study were all teenagers that will be 13-16 years of age from selected Barangay of San Ildefonso, Bulacan. In the place that weve conducted the research , we have chosen specific persons who had engaged on smoking.

Data Analysis Scheme Collected data were gathered and tabulated, tallied, analyzed and interpreted and presented in textual and tabled form. Further, the data were subjected to analysis in area of descriptive statistics.

To solve the problems of the study, these are the following statistical tools were used to ensure accuracy and reliability in the analysis and interpretation of data.

Percentage %=f/n x 100 Where: % = percentage f = frequency of respondents N = total number of respondents

Chapter IV Results and Discussion

Table 1.0 Gender of the Respondent

Gender Male Female Total

No. respondent 48 2 50

Percentage % 96% 4% 100%

In this table 1.0 shows that males are most abundant in taking cigarettes, 48 respondents or 96% of it say that.

Table 1.1 Age of the Respondent

Age 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total

No. of Respondent 2 4 8 10 12 14 50

Percentage % 4% 8% 16% 20% 24% 28% 100%

In this table 1.1 shows that the some smokers begins to smoke at the age of 13 and from the age 13-18 the persons age 18 got the higher percentage whose taking cigarettes .

Table 1.2 School Level of the Respondent

School level Elementary Secondary Tertiary Total

No. of Respondent 2 17 31 50

Percentage % 4% 34% 62% 100%

In this table 1.2 shows that majority of the respondents taking cigarettes is in the tertiary level.

1. How many stick of cigarette did you take per day?

Table 2.0 No. of stick of cigarette taking per day No. of stick of cigarette taking per day 1-5 5-10 10 and above other Total No. Respondent 18 29 13 0 50 Percentage% 36% 58% 26% 0% 100%

In this table 2.0 shows that 29 smokers among 50 respondents or 58% of it says that they are taking cigarettes 5-10 sticks a day.

2. Are you aware in the effects of cigarettes in your body?

Table 3.0 Awareness in the Effects of Cigarettes Response Yes No Total No. of Respondent 36 14 50 Percentage % 72% 28% 100%

In this table 3.0 shows that majority of the respondents or 36 in 50 respondents says that they are aware in the effects of cigarette.

3. Does smoking give you a great feeling?

Table 4.0 Smokers Experiencing a Great Feeling in Cigarettes Smoking

Response Yes No Total

No. of Respondent 41 9 50

Percentage % 82% 18% 100%

In this table 4.0 shows that 41 smokers or 82% of 50 respondents most say that they are experiencing great feelings when they are smoking.

4. Why did you start to smoke?

Table 5.0 Reasons Engaging People to Smoke Reasons It creates a sociable atmosphere I was curious It relieves my stress Peer pressure Family problem others Total No. of Respondent 12 11 9 15 3 0 50 Percentage % 24% 22% 18% 30% 6% 0% 100%

In this table 5.0 shows that the peer pressure or influence of friends is the number reason why people engaging to smoke, 15 smokers in 50 respondents or 39% of it says that.

5. Do you aware that smoking is really bad for your health? And why?

Table 6.0 Awareness in the Effects of the Cigarettes in our Health

Response and Reason Yes, Im devastated by the effects Yes, but I try to avoid thinking about it Yes, but Im not really concerned No, nothing happens to my body No, Im not interested No, I have no idea others Total

No. of Respondent 6 12 18 9 3 2 0 50

Percentage % 12% 24% 36% 18% 6% 4% 0% 100%

In this table shows that most of the respondents taking cigarette are aware in the effects of cigarette but they are not concerned on it.

6. Are you able to quit smoking cigarettes?

Table 7.0 Capability of the Smokers to Stop in Smoking

Response Yes No

No. of Respondent 7 43

Percentage % 14% 86%




In this table 8.0 shows that 43 smokers or 86% of 50 respondents are not able To quit in smoking.

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