Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

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Thermodynamics is concerned with the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to another, and it gives no indication about how long the process will take. A thermodynamic analysis simply tells us how much heat must be transferred to realize a specified change of state to satisfy the conservation of energy principle. In practice, we are concerned with the rate of heat transfer (heat transfer per unit time) than we are with the amount of heat transfer. For example, we can determine the amount of heat transferred from a thermos flask as the hot milk inside cools from 95 oC to 85oC by a thermodynamic analysis alone. But, a designer of the thermos flask is primarily interested in how long it will be before the hot milk inside cools to 85oC, and a thermodynamic analysis cannot answer this question. Determining the rates of heat transfer to or from a system and thus the time of cooling or heating, as well as the variation of temperature, is the subject of heat transfer. Thermodynamics deals with equilibrium states and changes from one equilibrium state to another. Heat transfer, on the other hand, deals with systems that lack thermal equilibrium, and thus it is a non-equilibrium phenomenon. Therefore, the study of heat transfer cannot be based on the principles of thermodynamics alone. However, the laws of thermodynamics lay the framework for the science of heat transfer. The first law requires that the rate of energy transfer into a system be equal to the rate of increase of the energy of that system. The second law requires that heat be transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature. It is analogous to the electric current flowing in the direction of decreasing voltage or the fluid flowing in the direction of decreasing pressure.


Heat transfer is energy in transit due to temperature difference . Whenever there exists a temperature difference in a medium or between media, heat transfer must occur. The basic requirement for heat transfer is the presence of temperature difference . There can be no net heat transfer between two mediums that are at the same temperature. The temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer, just as the voltage difference is the driving force for electric current flow and pressure difference is the driving force for fluid flow. The rate of heat transfer in a certain direction depends on the magnitude of the temperature gradient (the temperature difference per unit length or the rate of change of temperature) in that direction. The larger the temperature gradient, the higher the rate of heat transfer.

It is important to understand the physical mechanisms which underlie the heat transfer modes and that we are able to use the rate equations that quantify the amount of energy being transferred per unit time

Conduction can be imagined as a atomic or molecular activity which involves the transfer of energy from the more energetic to the less energetic particles of a substance due to interactions between the particles.

Explanation: The physical mechanism of conduction is explained as follows: Consider a gas in which there exists a temperature gradient and assume that there is no bulk motion. The gas may occupy the space between two surfaces that are maintained at different temperatures, as shown in Figure 1.2. The temperature at any point is associated with the energy of gas molecules in proximity to the point. This energy is related to the random translational motion, as well as to the internal rotational and vibrational motions, of the molecules.

Figure 1.2 Association Of Conduction Heat Transfer With Diffusion Of Energy Due To Molecular Activity Higher temperatures are associated with higher molecular energies, and when neighboring molecules collide, as they are constantly doing, a transfer of energy from the more energetic to the less energetic molecules must occur. In the presence of the temperature gradient, energy transfer by conduction must then occur in the direction of decreasing temperature. This transfer is evident in the Figure 1.2. The hypothetical plane at xo is constantly being crossed by molecules from above and below due to their random motion. However, molecules from above are associated with a larger temperature than those from below, in which case there must be a net transfer of energy in the positive x- direction. Hence, the net transfer of energy by random molecular motion may be thought of as diffusion of energy. It is possible to quantify heat transfer processes in terms of appropriate rate equations. These equations may be used to compute the amount of energy being transferred per unit time. The rate equation for heat conduction is known as Fourier's Law. The rate equation for the one dimensional plane wall shown in Figure below, having a temperature distribution T(x) is given by (1.1)

The heat flux (W/m2) is the heat transfer rate in the x -direction per unit area perpendicular to the direction of transfer, and it is proportional to the the temperature gradient, dT/dx , in this direction. The proportionality constant k is a transport property known as the thermal conductivity (W/m.K) and is a characteristic of the wall material. The minus sign is a consequence of the fact that the heat is transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature.

Figure 1.3 One Dimensional Heat Transfer By Conduction Under the steady state conditions shown in Figure 1.3, where the temperature distribution is linear, the temperature gradient may be expressed as (1.2) and the heat flux then (1.3) or (1.4)

This equation provides a heat flux , that is, the rate of heat transfer per unit area. The heat rate by conduction qx(W), through a plane wall of area A is then the product of the flux and the area qx= Problem 1:
The wall of an industrial furnace is constructed from 0.25 m thick fire clay brick having a thermal conductivity of 1.7 W/m.K. Measurements made during steady state operation reveal temperatures of 1500 K and 1200 K at the inner and outer surfaces, respectively. What is the rate of heat loss through a wall that is 0.5 m by 3 m on a side? Solution: Known : Steady state conditions with prescribed wall thickness, area, thermal conductivity and surface temperatures. Find : Wall heat loss. Assumptions: Steady state conditions. One dimensional conduction through the wall. Constant thermal conductivity Analysis: Since the heat transfer through the wall is by conduction, the heat flux may be determined from Fourier's law. Using Equation 1.4, we have


The heat flux represents the rate of heat transfer through a section of unit area. The wall heat loss is then

Comments : Note the direction of heat flow and the distinction between heat flux and heat rate.

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