Annotated Bibliography Samsung

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Samsung has shifted to more culturally relevant marketing that directly targets competitors like Apple. This approach has helped Samsung increase its brand recognition and market share.

Initially Samsung focused on product specs and statistics, but its new CEO emphasized making the brand more culturally relevant through unconventional ads. This new strategy positions Samsung as innovative rather than just another tech company.

Familiar brands can irritate customers if they overuse advertising due to boredom. But unfamiliar brands are seen as providing new information. Samsung aimed to make its name and products more familiar through consistent, high-profile marketing.

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Joseph Perucci Prof. Elder-Correa English 103 October 17, 2012 Annotated Bibliography: Samsung Telecommunications BULIK, BETH SNYDER. "Samsung: Cultural Relevance Bet Pays Off." Advertising Age 82.40 (2011): 28. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. This article goes in depth about how Samsungs new CEO Ralph Santanas goal was to make Samsung into a "culturally relevant" brand name unlike its status in prior years. The article goes more in depth about Samsungs marketing success like how it went from #42 overall brand to # 17 according to Interbrand. The article also talks about Samsungs success in the mobile phone industry, taking 24% of the market to apples only 14%. This huge jump in numbers is largely due to the unconventional marketing (that) Mr. Santana promised., for example the new Galaxy SIII commercials that take direct aim at apples new iPhone. This fresh, new, and aggressive line of marketing puts Samsung on the map as a culturally relevant company. This article is a good source because it provides facts and statistics regarding apples rise to global prominence in the last 5 years. It also provides reasons behind the statistics that give more depth to the numbers. This article will be very useful when dissecting Samsungs new marketing strategies and direction. Dukes, Anthony J. "The Value Of A Brand." Phi Kappa Phi Forum 84.3 (2004): 4-5. AcademicSearch Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. The purpose of this academic journal is to highlight the importance of a brand name when it comes to marketing. Dukes explains that a brand name Has a value above and beyond the physical product (4) which is why

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people will pay more for the name brand vs. the store brand even though two products can be identical. People put a certain value on a brand that they trust or have been using for a long time, and consumers begin to develop a subconscious attachment to product with that kind of value. Dukes further explains that he has uses an experiment to prove this hypothesis. Using Coke and Pepsi in a blind taste test, he tasks his students to tell the difference, which shouldnt be difficult for diehard coke and pepsi fans. However, the end of the experiment, the results were no different statistically than if the students had been guessing at complete random. This proves Dukes hypothesis that people attach more value to a brand than just the actual physical product. This is true conversely as well, for example Martha Stewart. When Martha Stewart was arrested there was a 23% drop in her companys stock on the day of her conviction, even though there was no physical change in the companys product line. This journal proves a very valid point, is credible due to Mr. Dukes Phd on the subject, and is easy to relate to Samsung. It will be a useful source when I have to talk about how Samsung has been able to gather such a loyal following in such a short time. Fowles, Jib. Advertisings Fifteen Basic Appeals. Reading and Writing About American Popular Culture. Ed. Peracca, Michael and Sorapure, Madeleine. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1998 print. In this piece, Jib Fowles explains to the audience that advertising companies use fifteen different tactics in order to grasp our attention and gain loyalty. They use a means of subliminal messaging to appeal to these different instinctual human desires, accompanied by facts regarding the product to appeal to the logical side of our minds. These advertisers use many different desires that range from the need to escape the confines of normalcy Because the sensation of pleasure often accompanies

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escape all the way to the need for sex which is actually considered to be a Tricky appeal by most advertisers. Advertisers also are very careful about how they market their products, mostly by only advertising to target groups of consumers by using strategic ad placement. Similar ads can mean completely different things in different contexts. For example, if an ad features a Partially undressed female in an issue of Penthouse, its more of an appeal for need of sex (aimed at men), where if it appeared in an issue of Cosmopolitan, then its trying to appeal more for a Need for attention for women. This article seems to be aimed towards the common consumer, and those that may be interested in learning the tactics of advertisers. Because of Fowlers expertise on the subject, this article is highly credible and accurate enough to be used to help highlight some of the marketing techniques of Samsung Telecommunications. It Doesnt Take a Genius. Advertisement Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC, 2012 Web. 12 October, 2012. This is one of Samsungs most recent advertisements called It Doesnt Take a Genius and is a full page advertisement that has been run in several newspapers all across the US. This advertisement aims to show how the Galaxy SIII is superior to the Apple Iphone, and is a direct comparison of Samsungs flagship phone the Galaxy SIII to apples iPhone. The ad uses two side by side columns to compare and contrast features of both phones. In the column describing the new iPhone 5, there are only 13 points of comparision, and each one is less than or equal to those of the Galaxy eg. 4g lte, new plug, ram, battery life etc. In addition the fact that the advertisement gave Samsung the advantage on every point of comparison (the ad was biased, yet truthful), the list in the Galaxys column had a list of 27 features as opposed to the iPhones 13. Samsung also pokes some fun at with a play on words in the title because a genius is

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someone that works at the apple store. The bottom line is that this style of comparison is used to make consumer buy Samsungs product. By comparing itself to the most popular phone on the market and claiming it is even better than that phone, Samsung attempts to gain brand recognition. Though this advertisement is clearly biased towards Samsung, it makes a logical appeal by presenting a list of facts and trying to convince consumers that they are making the educated move by buying their product. Over all I think it is a good source and will prove useful when I discuss how marketing techniques have become more aggressive as their popularity has risen. The Next Big Thing is Already Here - Samsung Galaxy S III. Sept 19, 2012. Advertisement. October 10, 2012. Samsungs The Next Big Thing is Already Here commercial is an excellent example of how Samsung responds to a market dominated by apple and its iPhone. The commercial shows lines for the iPhone 5 wrapping around the building in several major cities including NYC, San Francisco, and Los Angles. There is some casual conversation going on between the people on line who are all dressed like hipsters (Plaid, newsboy hats, very hip) and wearing the iconic white apple ear buds. They start talking about all of the inherent problems with the new phone like a new jack that you need a connector to use, or about how they might get all of the stuff they didnt get in last years model. In the mean while two people of the line bump phones to share a playlist and the whole line gawks and then says Can ours do that? maybe next years can. In another city one guy on line sees his friend who says hey I saved you a spot and his friend says no thanks Ive already got my GSIII, and he then proceeds to tell him about the bigger screen and instant video and picture sharing. The video ends with a man saying Were going to get that for sure, maybe not this time, but the next time. And

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then the slogan The next big thing is already here. This advertisement is basically asking the public why they are still using apple iPhones when ours are so much better? This ad makes a logical appeal to consumers by stating some facts, but in a satirical matter that makes fun of the competition. Because this is a primary source straight from Samsung it is very biased in its attitude and encourages people to buy from them. However, it will be very useful when explaining Samsungs attitude and marketing strategy for its new product line. Russell, Mallory How Samsung Upstaged Apple During the Launch of iPhone 5. 9/26/12 Web. October 12, 2012. In this article written for the popular website adage, the writer, Mallory Russell goes in detail about how the Samsung Galaxy was able to knock the apple iPhone off its metaphorical pedestal and upstage it during its launch. According to Russell, one fairly large factor was its advertising campaign. Samsungs The Next Big Thing is Already Here advertisement video went viral on YouTube with over 13.2 million views in a very short amount of time. Samsung's products might not cause the kind of frenzy that Apple's products do, but the company's marketing has created waves by taking jabs at its biggest competitor. In the past, if a company took shots at an even bigger or more successful company the advertisements would generally just be ignored or disregarded. However, Samsung is very confident in its product and feels that it is in fact superior to apples iPhone, and Samsung intends to dethrone it. Sammsung is going after the biggest kid on the block in full force It seems apparent that Apple can't rely on buzz alone anymore, especially with Samsung going after it with an aggressive marketing approach. This article seems to be unbiased factually however; it

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really made Samsung seem like advertising geniuses. This article will be very good to use for when I have to explain how Samsung uses Marketing to deal with its competitiors. Samsung. Galaxy SII. Purchased July 2012, Manufactured July 2011. As it happens, I am the owner of a Samsung Galaxy SII, the predecessor to the Galaxy SIII thats currently the center of Samsungs new ad campaign. Physically this phone is all black and features a 4.3 inch display, and compared to the other smartphones on the market looks very simple. This phone was actually given to me by Sprint as a replacement for my old phone that had a software malfunction, the HTC Evo 3d. At first I was a little upset that I got stuck with a Samsung which had really not been a good brand name for phones. At this point, Samsung was considered more of a TV and computer brand that had just decided to delve into the world of phones. About a month in I decided it had officially won me over from HTC. This phone has a bigger screen, is thinner, faster, longer battery life, and more cost effective than my old phone, and even the new iphone that I was considering upgrading to. Aside from the occasional freezing that plauges every smart phone, I have never had any software or hardware issues with my phone. Ever since adopting a Samsung phone, Ive been considering upgrading to the new Galaxy SIII which is just an even better version of my current phone, and Samsungs proudest development. Even though owning a Samsung product may make me a little biased, it has allowed me to have a better understanding of the company. I now understand that though the company may have superior hardware, it was being under sold until recently with the start of Samsungs new ad campaign, for before that the brand had no notoriety as a smartphone brand. SAMSUNG Galaxy S III Coming To Five Major Carriers Beginning in June. Samsung Telecommunications. June 4, 2012. Web October 16, 2012. This piece is an official press

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release from Samsung declaring its official launch for the Galaxy SIII, and also states some facts about the phones specifications. The press release states As promised, we are delivering the next big thing for U.S. customers and across all major carriers, (Dale Sohn qtd. In Samsung). This press release is a way for Samsung to make an official announcement regarding its new release via the internet. It is clearly going to be used to drum up support and boost pre-release hype surrounding Samsungs newest release, the Gaxay SIII. It is clear that Samsung has been using all of its available resources to make sure that this phone succeeds in such a competitive market. In addition to the announcement itself, the press release also includes a feature list that describes the SIIIs supposed new features such as instant media sharing, S-voice, a bigger processor, and Sbeam. Samsung took a page out of apples book here, by surrounding a pre-release product with so much hype. Hype sells products, regardless of what it is, and this piece has allowed me to see yet another of Samsungs marketing strategies. This article will be very valuable for evaluating all of Samsungs new marketing techniques. Vega, Tanzina and Chen, Brain X. Samsung-Apple Fight Moves to Marketing. September 18, 2012. New York Times, Web. October 13, 2012. This article is a perfect example of a secondary source, for it talks about to primary sources that I am using, both of which are advertisements for Samsungs new Galaxy SIII. This article dissects these new advertisements and attempts to state their greater purpose. Firstly, the writer said that Samsung was obviously trying to get people to try to convert from apple, but is going about it in a very strange way. Apple fans are known for being almost blindly loyal to apple products, It seems like an odd way to seduce them because youre basically telling them theyre idiots. (Segall qtd. in Vega and Chen). The argument here is how can you

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hope to gain loyalty by attacking someones personal preference and taste. Secondly, the article goes on to describe how Samsung is actually copying off apple with their latest ad campaign. Apple used to run an ad campaign that depicted PC users as fat out of touch old men, while apple was depicted as the young, more hip and attractive man. All Samsung has done now is turned the tables on apple by depicting their users as blindly loyal hipster fan boys, and their users as well informed tech savvy adults. However this strategy seems to be working for them quite well, and may have been the smartest decision by Samsung. This article is a very solid source because of the NY Times good reputation and the authors understanding of the article. This article will be very useful when talking about how Samsung has been using its advertisements to put down competition in addition to marketing its own products. Wayne D. Hoyer, et al. "Brand Familiarity And Advertising Repetition Effects." Journal Of Consumer Research 30.2 (2003): 292-304. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. This academic journals purpose is to identify the effects of repeated advertising over a period of time, as well as to study the concept of brand familiarity in our society today. One of his theories was consumers would have negative reactions to the repetition of ads for familiar brands more quickly than they would to ads for unfamiliar brands. (293) He thought that because commercials generally irk consumers, they would be more upset by a familiar, trusted brand annoying them than a new, unknown brand. After forming his hypothesis Hoyer preformed two experiments using a small sample size and ficticous brands in order to test his hypotheses. His results following the experiment supported his original hypothesis; a popular or well-known brand easily agitates consumers when repeating advertisements very often. The reason for this is Tedium

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arises from boredom and reactance or annoyance to the repeated message, (294) however when you watch a commercial about and unknown brand or product, your brain does not consider it boring, it considers it new information that it must take in. Because this is a peer reviewed, academic journal, it is an unbiased and good source on marketing. It will be especially helpful when comparing Samsungs marketing campaign strategy to other popular ones. Webster, Scott. Samsung's branding may spell success for Galaxy S III June 4, 2012 CnetReviews Web. October 10, 2012. This online review was posted on a hugely successful technology website Cnet, and explains quite a bit how Samsung is increasing exponentially in cultural relevance. What Webster finds particularly interesting about Samsung, more specifically the Galaxy SIII is that this may be the first Android release where average consumer types are talking about a particular series. To translate that he means this phone would be the first phone that uses the Andriod operating system to get consumers to recognize and discuss it as if it were an iphone or windows phone. Generic android phones are dime a dozen and few if any ever get a real following. Also unlike previous android phones, it is available on all major networks which ensures better name recognition for consumers. Lastly, Webster talks about all of the hype surrounding the products launch, he states I haven't seen any Android product pull in as much prerelease interest as this model, that clearly demonstrates that Samsungs new marketing scheme is going according to plan. This article serves as a good unbiased second hand source. It was published by a very well respected technology website and written for a more general audience. The article seems optimistic, but unbiased about the product and will


be very helpful when looking at Samsungs strategy to compete against other phones on the market.

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