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1: Cell injury
Audio le 01: Cell Injury 1 Audio le 02: Cell Injury 2 Audio le 03: Cell Injury 3 Audio le 04: Cell Injury 4 - Inammation 1

CHAPTER 2: In5lammation
Audio le 5: Inamation 2 - Fluid and hemodynamics 1

CHAPTER 3: Fluid and hemodynamics

Audio le 6: Fluid and hemodynamics 2 Audio le 7: Fluid and hemodynamics 3 Audio le 8: Fluid and hemodynamics 4 - Nutrition 1

CHAPTER 4: Nutrition
Audio le 9: Nutrition 2 - Neoplasia 1

CHAPTER 5. Neoplasia
Audio le 10: Neoplasia 2 Audio le 11: Neoplasia 2 - Hematology 1

CHAPTER 6. Hematology:
Audio le 12: Hematology 2 Audio le 13: Hematology 3 Audio le 14: Hematology 4 Audio le 15: Hematology 5

Audio le 16: Hematology 6 Audio le 17: Hematology 7 Audio le 18: Hematology 8

CHAPTER 7: Cardiovascular
Audio le 19: Cardiovascular 1 Audio le 20: Cardiovascular 2 Audio le 21: Cardiovascular 3 Audio le 22: Cardiovascular 4

CHAPTER 8: Respiratory
Audio le 23: Respiratory 1 Audio le 24: Respiratory 2 Audio le 25: Respiratory 3 - Gastro 1

CHAPTER 9: Gastro
Audio le 26: Gastro 2 Audio le 27: Gastro 3 - HepatoPancreas 1

CHAPTER 10. HepatoPancreas

Audio le 28: HepatoPancreas 2 Audio le 29: HepatoPancreas 3 - Renal 1

CHAPTER 11: Renal

Audio le 30: Renal 2 Audio le 31: Renal 3

CHAPTER 12: Gynae

Audio le 32: Gynaecology

CHAPTER 13: Endocrine

Audio le 33: Endocrine 1 Audio le 34: endocrine 2 Audio le 35: Endocrinology 3 - Musculoskeletal 1

CHAPTER 14: Musculoskeletal System

Audio le 36: Musculoskeletal 2 - Dermatology - CNS 1

CHAPTER 15: Dermatology CHAPTER 16: CNS

Audio le 37: CNS 2

CHAPTER 1: Cell Injury

Audio File 01: Cell Injury 1

Key issues hypoxia, cyanide poisoning, free radicals, apoptosis, growth alternations (i.e. hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia, etc)I. Hypoxia = inadequate oxygenation of tissue (same de5inition of as shock). Need O2 for oxidation phosphorylation pathway where you get ATP from inner Mito membrane (electron transport system, called oxidative phosphorylation). The last rxn is O2 to receive the electrons. Protons are being kicked off, go back into the membrane, and form ATP, and ATP in formed in the mitochondria A. Terms: 1. Oxygen content = Hb x O2 satn + partial pressure of arterial oxygen (these are the 3 main things that carry O2 in our blood) In Hb, the O2 attaches to heme group (O2 satn) Partial pressure of arterial O2 is O2 dissolved in plasma In RBC, four heme groups (Fe must be +2; if Fe+ is +3, it cannot carry O2) Therefore, when all four heme groups have an O2 on it, the O2 satn is 100%. 2. O2 satn is the O2 IN the RBC is attached TO the heme group = (measured by a pulse oximeter) 3. Partial pressure of O2 is O2 dissolved in PLASMA O2 5low: from alveoli through the interphase, then dissolves in plasma, and increases the partial pressure of O2, diffuses through the RBC membrane and attaches to the heme groups on the RBC on the Hb, which is the O2 satn Therefore if partial pressure of O2 is decreased, O2 satn HAS to be decreased (B/c O2 came from amount that was dissolved in plasma) Causes of tissue hypoxia:

A.1. Ischemia (decrease in ARTERIAL blood 5low NOT venous)

MCC Ischemia is thrombus in muscular artery (b/c this is the mcc death in USA = MI, therefore MI is good example of ischemia b/c thrombus is blocking arterial blood 5low, producing tissue hypoxia)

Other causes of tissue ischemia: decrease in Cardiac Output (leads to hypovolemia and cardiogenic shock) b/c there is a decrease in arterial blood 5low. 2. 2nd MCC of tissue hypoxia = hypoxemia Hypoxia = big term Hypoxemia = cause of hypoxia (they are not the same); deals with the partial pressure of arterial O2 (O2 dissolved in arterial plasma, therefore, when the particle pressure of O2 is decreased, this is called hypoxemia). Here are 4 causes of hypoxemia: a. Resp acidosis (in terms of hypoxemia) in terms of Daltons law, the sum of the partial pressure of gas must = 760 at atmospheric pressure (have O2, CO2, and nitrogen; nitrogen remains constant therefore, when you retain CO2, this is resp acidosis; when CO2 goes up, pO2 HAS to go down b/c must have to equal 760; Therefore, every time you have resp acidosis, from ANY cause, you have hypoxemia b/c low arterial pO2; increase CO2= decrease pO2, and vice versa in resp alkalosis). b. Ventilation defects best example is resp distress syndrome (aka hyaline membrane dz in children). In adults, this is called Adult RDS, and has a ventilation defect. Lost ventilation to the alveoli, but still have perfusion; therefore have created an intrapulmonary shunt. Exam question: pt with hypoxemia, given 100% of O2 for 20 minutes, and pO2 did not increase, therefore indicates a SHUNT, massive ventilation defect. c. Perfusion defects knock off blood 5low MCC perfusion defect = pulmonary embolus, especially in prolonged 5lights, with sitting down and not getting up. Stasis in veins of the deep veins, leads to propagation of a clot and 3-5 days later an embolus develops and embolizes. In this case, you have ventilation, but no perfusion; therefore there is an increase in dead space. If you give 100% O2 for a perfusion defect, pO2 will go UP (way to distinguish vent from perfusion defect), b/c not every single vessel in the lung is not perfused. Therefore, perfusion defects because an increase in dead space, while ventilation defects cause intrapulmonary shunts. To tell the difference, give 100% O2 and see whether the pO2 stays the same, ie does not go up (shunt) or increases (increase in dead space). d. Diffusion defect something in the interphase that O2 cannot get throughie 5ibrosis. Best exampleSarcoidosis (a restrictive lung disease); O2 already have trouble getting through the membrane; with 5ibrosis it is worse. Another example Pulmonary edema; O2 cannot cross; therefore there is a diffusion defect. Another example is plain old 5luid from heart failure leads to dyspnea, b/c activated the J re5lex is initiated (innervated by CN10); activation of CN10, leads to dyspnea (cant take a full breath) b/c 5luid in interstium of the lung, and the J receptor is irritated.

These are the four things that cause hypoxemia (resp acidosis, ventilation defects, perfusion defects, and diffusion defects). 3. Hemoglobin related hypoxia In the case of anemia, the classic misconception is a hypoxemia (decrease in pO2). There is NO hypoxemia in anemia, there is normal gas exchange (normal respiration), therefore normal pO2 and O2 saturation, but there is a decrease in Hb. That is what anemia is: decrease in Hb. If you have 5 gm of Hb, there is not a whole lot of O2 that gets to tissue, therefore get tissue hypoxia and the patient has exertional dyspnea with anemia, exercise intolerance. a. Carbon monoxide (CO): classic heater in winter; in a closed space with a heater (heater have many combustable materials; automobile exhaust and house 5ire. In the house 5ire scenario, two things cause tissue hypoxia: 1) CO poisoning and 2) Cyanide poisoning b/c upholstery is made of polyurethrane products. When theres heat, cyanide gas is given off; therefore pts from house 5ires commonly have CO and cyanide poisoning. CO is very diffusible and has a high af5inity for Hb, therefore the O2 SATN will be decreased b/c its sitting on the heme group, instead of O2 (remember that CO has a 200X af5inity for Hb). (Hb is normal its NOT anemia, pO2 (O2 dissolved in plasma) is normal, too); when O2 diffuses into the RBC, CO already sitting there, and CO has a higher af5inity for heme. To treat, give 100% O2. Decrease of O2 satn = clinical evidence is cyanosis Not seen in CO poisoning b/c cherry red pigment MASKS it, therefore makes the diagnosis hard to make. MC symptom of CO poisoning = headache b. Methemoglobin: Methemoglobin is Fe3+ on heme group, therefore O2 CANNOT bind. Therefore, in methemoglobin poisoning, the only thing screwed up is O2 saturation (b/c the iron is +3, instead of +2). Example: pt that has drawn blood, which is chocolate colored b/c there is no O2 on heme groups (normal pO2, Hb concentration is normal, but the O2 saturation is not normal); seat is empty, but cannot sit in it, b/c its +3. RBCs have a methemoglobin reductase system in glycolytic cycle (reduction can reduce +3 to +2). Example: Pt from rocky mountains was cyanotic; they gave him 100% O2, and he was still cyanotic (was drinking water in mtns water has nitrites and nitrates, which are oxidizing agents that oxidize Hb so the iron become +3 instead of +2). Clue was that O2 did not correct the cyanosis. Rx: IV methaline blue (DOC); ancillary Rx = vitamin C (a reducing agent). Most recent drug, Dapsone (used to Rx leprosy) is a sulfa and nitryl drug. Therefore does two things: 1) produce methemoglobin and 2) have potential in producing hemolytic anemia in glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase

de5iciencies. Therefore, hemolysis in G6PD def is referring to oxidizing agents, causing an increase in peroxide, which destroys the RBC; the same drugs that produce hemolysis in G6PD def are sulfa and nitryl drugs. These drugs also produce methemoglobin. Therefore, exposure to dapsone, primaquine, and TMP-SMX, or nitryl drugs (nitroglycerin/nitroprusside), there can be a combo of hemolytic anemia, G6PD def, and methemoglobinemia b/c they are oxidizing agents. Common to see methemoglobinemia in HIV b/c pt is on TMP-SMX for Rx of PCP. Therefore, potential complication of that therapy is methemoglobinemia. c. Curves: left and right shifts Want a right shifted curve want Hb with a decreased af5inity for O2, so it can release O2 to tissues. Causes: 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate (BPG), fever, low pH (acidosis), high altitude (have a resp alkalosis, therefore have to hyperventilate b/c you will decrease the CO2, leading to an increase in pO2, leading to a right shift b/c there is an increase in synthesis of 2,3 BPG). Left shift CO, methemoglobin, HbF (fetal Hb), decrease in 2,3-BPG, alkalosis Therefore, with CO, there is a decrease in O2 satn (hypoxia) and left shift. 4. Problems related to problems related to oxidative pathway a. Most imp: cytochrome oxidase (last enzyme before it transfers the electrons to O2. Remember the 3 Cs cytochrome oxidase, cyanide, CO all inhibit cytochrome oxidase. Therefore 3 things for CO (1) decrease in O2 sat (hypoxia), (2) left shifts (so, what little you carry, you cant release), and (3) if you were able to release it, it blocks cytochrome oxidase, so the entire system shuts down b. Uncoupling ability for inner mito membrane to synthesize ATP. Inner mito membrane is permeable to protons. You only want protons to go through a certain pore, where ATP synthase is the base, leading to production of ATP; you dont want random in5lux of protons and that is what uncoupling agents do. Examples: dinitrylphenol (chemical for preserving wood), alcohol, salicylates. Uncoupling agents causes protons to go right through the membrane; therefore you are draining all the protons, and very little ATP being made. B/c our body is in total equilibrium with each other, rxns that produce protons increase (rxns that make NADH and FADH, these were the protons that were delivered to the electron transport system). Therefore any rxn that makes NADH and FADH that leads to proton production will rev up rxns making NADH and FADH to make more protons. With increased rate of rxns, leads to an increase in temperature; therefore, will also see HYPERTHERMIA. Complication of salicylate toxic = hyperthermia (b/c it is an uncoupling agent). Another example: alcoholic on hot day will lead to heat stroke b/c already have uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation (b/c mito are already messed up). These are all the causes of tissue hypoxia (ischemia, Hb related, cyto oxidase block, uncoupling agents). Absolute key things!

5. What happens when there is: a. resp acidosis Hb stays same, O2 satn decreased, partial pressure of O2 decreased (O2 sat decreased b/c pO2 is decreased) b. anemia only Hb is affected (normal O2 satn and pO2) c. CO/methemoglobin Hb normal, O2 satn decreased, pO2 normal Rx CO 100% O2; methemo IV methaline blue (DOC) or vit C (ascorbic acid) C. Decreased of ATP (as a result of tissue hypoxia) 1. Most imp: have to go into anaerobic glycolysis; end product is lactic acid (pyruvate is converted to lactate b/c of increased NADH); need to make NAD, so that the NAD can feedback into the glycolytic cycle to make 2 more ATP. Why do we have to use anaerobic glycolysis with tissue hypoxia? Mitochondria are the one that makes ATP; however, with anaerobic glycolysis, you make 2 ATP without going into the mitochondria. Every cell (including RBCs) in the body is capable of performing anaerobic glycolysis, therefore surviving on 2 ATP per glucose if you have tissue hypoxia. Mitochondrial system is totally shut down (no O2 at the end of the electron transport system can only get 2 ATP with anaerobic glycolysis). Good news get 2 ATP Bad news build up of lactic acid in the cell and outside the cell (increased anion- gap metabolic acidosis with tissue hypoxia) due to lactic acidosis from anaerobic glycolysis. However, causes havoc inside the cell b/c increase of acid within a cell will denature proteins (with structural proteins messed up, the con5iguration will be altered); enzymes will be denatured, too. As a result, cells cannot autodigest anymore b/c enzymes are destroyed b/c buildup of acid. Tissue hypoxia will therefore lead to COAGULATION necrosis (aka infarction). Therefore, buildup of lactic acid within the cell will lead to Coagulation necrosis. 2. 2nd problem of lacking ATP: all ATP pumps are screwed up b/c they run on ATP. ATP is the power, used by muscles, the pump, anything that needs energy needs ATP. Na/K pump blocked by digitalis to allow Na to go into cardiac muscle, so Ca channels open to increase force of contraction (therefore, sometimes you want the pump blocked), and sometimes you want to enhance it. With no ATP, Na into the cell and it brings H20, which leads to cellular swelling (which is reversible). Therefore, with tissue hypoxia there will be swelling of the cell due to decreased ATP (therefore will get O2 back, and will pump it out therefore it is REVERSABLE). In true RBC, anaerobic glycolysis is the main energy source b/c they do not have mitochondria; not normal in other tissues (want to utilize FAs, TCA, etc).

3. Cell without O2 leads to irreversible changes. Ca changes with irreversible damage Ca/ATPase pump. With decrease in ATP, Ca has easy access into the cell. Within the cell, it activates many enzymes (ie phospholipases in the cell membranes, enzymes in the nucleus, leading to nuclear pyknosis (so the chromatin disappears), into goes into the mito and destroys it). Ca activates enzymes; hypercalcemia leads to acute pancreatitis b/c enzymes in the pancreas have been activated. Therefore, with irreversible changes, Ca has a major role. Of the two that get damaged (mito and cell membrane), cell membrane is damaged a lot worse, resulting in bad things from the outside to get into the cell. However, to add insult to injury, knock off mitochondria (energy producing factory), it is a very bad situation (cell dies)CK-MB for MI, transaminases for hepatitis (SGOT and AST/ALT), amylase in pancreatitis. II. Free Radicals Liver with brownish pigment lipofuscin so-called wear & tear pigment (seen on gross pic; can also be hemosiderin, bilirubin, etc; therefore need to have a case hx with the gross pic); end products of free radical damage are lipofuscin b/c certain things are not digestible (include lipids). A. DeUinition of free radical compound with unpaired electron that is out of orbit, therefore its very unstable and it will damage things. B. Types of Free Radicals: 1. Oxygen: We are breathing O2, and O2 can give free radicals. If give a person 50% O2 for a period of time, will get superoxide free radicals, which lead to reperfusion injury, esp after giving tPA when trying to rid a damaged thrombus. Oxygentated blood goes back into the damaged cardiac muscle=reperfusion injury. Kids with resp distress syndrome can get free radical injury and go blind b/c they destroy the retina called (old name =retinal5ibroplasia sp?) retinopathy of prematurity; also leads to bronchopulmonary dysplasia (get 5ibrosis in lungs), which leads to damage in the lungs and a crippling lung disease. 2. Hydroxyl FR Water in tissues converted to hydroxyl free radicals d/t ionizing radiation (not UVB light, which is non-ionizing radiation) were talking about radiation tx in CA leading to mutations in tissues. Complication of radiation therapy is CANCER (MC cancer from radiation is leukemia, due to hydroxyl free radicals). Fe2+ produces hydroxyl free radicals b/c of the Fenton rxn. This is what makes Fe overload diseases so dangerous, b/c wherever Fe is overloaded, leads to hydroxyl free radicals which will damage that tissue (therefore, in liver leads to cirrhosis, in heart leads to restrictive cardiomyopathy, in pancreas leads to failure, and malabsorption, along with diabetes).

Audio File 02: Cell Injury 2

3. Tylenol (aka acetaminophen): MCC drug induced fulminant hepatitis b/c free radicals (esp targets the liver, but also targets the kidneys). Cytochrome P450 in liver metabolizes drugs, and can change drugs into free radicals. Drugs are often changed in the liver to the active metabolite ie phenytoin. Where in the liver does acetaminophen toxicity manifest itself? right around central vein. Treatment: n-acetylcysteine; how? Well, the free radicals can be neutralized. Superoxide free radicals can be neutralized with supraoxide dismutase (SOD). Glutathione is the end product of the hexose/pentose phosphate shunt and this shunt also generates NADPH. Main function is to neutralize free radicals (esp drug free radicals, and free radicals derived from peroxide). Glutathione gets used up in neutralizing the acetaminophen free radicals. Therefore, when give n-acetylcysteine (aka mucamist); you are replenishing glutathione, therefore giving substrate to make more glutathione, so you can keep up with neutralizing acetaminophen free radicals. (like methotrexate, and leukoverin rescue using up too much folate, leukoverin supplies the substrate to make DNA, folate reductase). 4. Carbon tetrachloride: CCl4 can be converted to a free radical in the liver (CCl3) in the liver, and a free radical can be formed out of that (seen in dry cleaning industry). 5. Aspirin + Tylenol = very bad for kidney (takes a long time for damage to be seen). Free radicals from acetaminophen are destroying the renal medulla *only receives 10% of the blood supply-relatively hypoxic) and renal tubules. Aspirin is knocking off the vasodilator PGE2, which is made in the afferent arteriole. Therefore AG II (a vasoconstrictor) is left in charge of renal blood 5low at the efferent arteriole. Either sloughing of medulla or destroyed ability to concentrate/dilute your urine, which is called analgesic nephropathy (due mainly to acetaminophen). III. Apoptosis Programmed cell death. Apoptotic genes programmed to die (theory). Normal functions: (1) embryo small bowel got lumens from apoptosis. (2) King of the body Y csome (for men); MIF very imp b/c all mullarian structures (uterus, cervix, upper 1/3 of vagina) are gone, therefore, no mullarian structures. MIF is a signal working with apoptosis, via caspasases. They destroy everything, then wrap

everything in apoptotic bodies to be destroyed, and lipofuscin is left over. (3)For woman X csome; only have one functioning one b/c the other is a barr body. Absence of y csome caused germinal ridge to go the ovarian route, therefore apoptosis knocked off the wol5ian structures (epidydymis, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens). (4) Thymus in anterior mediastinum large in kids; if absent, it is DiGeorge syndrome (absent thymic shadow), and would also have tetany; cause of thymus to involute is apoptosis. (5) Apoptosis is the major cancer killing mechanism. (6) Process of atrophy and reduced cell or tissue mass is due to apoptosis. Ex. Hepatitis councilman body (looks like eosinophilic cell without apoptosis) of apoptosis (individual cell death with in5lammation around it). Just needs a signal (hormone or chemical) which activate the caspases, and no in5lammation is around it. Apoptosis of neurons loss brain mass and brain atrophy, and leads to ischemia. Red cytoplasm, and pynotic nucleas. Atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, apoptosis is involved in embryo, pathology, and knocking off cancer cells. IV. Types of necrosis manifestations of tissue damage. A. Coagulation Necrosis: Results often from a sudden cutoff of blood supply to an organ i.e. Ischemia (de5inition of ischemia = decrease in arterial blood 5low). In ischemia, there is no oxygen therefore lactic acid builds up, and leads to coagulation necrosis. Gross manifestation of coagulation necrosis is infarction. Under microscope, looks like cardiac muscle but there are no striations, no nuclei, bright red, no in5lammatory in5iltrate, all due to lactic acid that has denatured and destroyed all the enzymes (cannot be broken down neutrophils need to come in from the outside to breakdown). Therefore, vague outlines = coagulation necrosis (see color change in heart). 1. Pale vs hemorrhagic infarctions: look at consistency of tissue. (a) Good consistency = grossly look pale: infarct: heart, kidney, spleen, liver (rarest of the organ to infarct b/c dual blood supply); ie coagulation necrosis. Example of a pale infarction of the spleen, most likely due to emboli from left side of heart; causes of emboli: vegetations (rarely embolize in acute rheumatic endocarditis); infective endocarditis; mitral stenosis (heart is repeatedly attacked by group A beta hemolytic streptococcus); and clots/thrombi. The worst arrhythmia associated with embolization in the systemic circulation is atrial 5ib b/c there is stasis in the atria, clot formation, then it vibrates (lil pieces of clot embolize). Gangrenous Necrosis: dry and wet gangrene: Picture of a dry gangrene not wet gangrene b/c theres no pus. Occurs in diabetics with atherosclerosis of popliteal artery and possible thrombosis; (dry gangrene related to coagulation necrosis related with ischemia (de5inition of ischemia = decrease in arterial blood 5low), which is due to atherosclerosis of the popliteal artery. Pathogenesis of MI: coronary thrombosis overlying the atheromatous plaque, leading to ischemia, and lumen is blocked due to thrombosis. MCC nontraumatic amputation = diabetes b/c enhanced

atherosclerosis (popliteal artery = dangerous artery). Coronary is also dangerous b/ c small lumen. In wet gangrene, its complicated by infective heterolysis and consequent liquefactive necrosis. (b) Loose consistency of tissue= hemorrhagic infarct: bowel, testes (torsion of the testes), especially the lungs b/c is has a loose consistency and when the blood vessels rupture, the RBCs will trickle out, leading to a hemorrhagic appearance. Example: hemorrhagic infarction of small bowel due to indirect hernia. 2nd MCC of bowel infarction is getting a piece of small bowel trapped in indirect hernial sac. MCC of bowel infarction is adhesions from previous surgery. Example: In the Lung hemorrhagic infarction, wedge shaped, went to pleural surface, therefore have effusion and exudates; neutrophils in it; have pleuritic chest pain (knife-like pain on inspiration). Pulmonary embolus leads to hemorrhagic infarction. B. Liquefactive Necrosis: Exception to rule of Coagulation necrosis seen with infarctions: brain. MC site of infarction from carotid artery why we listen for a bruit (hearing for a noise that is going thru a vessel that has a narrow lumen place with thrombus develops over atherosclerotic plaque and leads to stroke); leads to transient ischemic attacks is little atherosclerotic plaques going to little vessels of the brain, producing motor and sensory abnormalities, that go away in 24 hrs. Brain with meshwork in brain, astrocytes is analogous to the 5ibroblasts b/c of protoplasmic processes. Therefore, acting like 5ibroblast (cant make collagen), but its protoplasmic processes gives some structure to the brain. Therefore, infarction of the brain basically lique5ies it (has no struct), and you see a cyst space liquefactive necrosis. Therefore, exception to the rule of infarctions not being coagulative necrosis is the brain and it undergoes liquefactive necrosis (no struc, therefore leaves a hole). Cerebral abscess and old atherosclerotic stroke -both are liquefactive necrosis. Liquefactive lique5ies; think neutrophil, b/c their job is to phagocytosis with their enzymes (to liquefy); liquefactive necrosis relates to an infection with neutrophils involved (usually acute infection producing an abscess or an in5lammatory condition, which lique5ies tissue). Therefore, liquefactive necrosis usually applies to acute in5lammation, related to neutrophils damaging the tissue. Exception to the rule: liquefactive necrosis related to infarct (not an in5lammatory condition, it just lique5ies) (slide shows liquefactive necrosis due to infection in the brain). So, if you infarct the brain, or have an infection, or have an abscess it is the same process liquefactive necrosis. Example: Abscess gram + cocci in clusters. Why are they in clusters? Coagulase, which leads to abscesses with staph aur. Coagulase converts 5ibrinogen into 5ibrin, so it localizes the infection, 5ibrin strands get out, resulting in an abscess. Strep:

releases hyaluronidase, which breaks down GAGs in tissue, and infection spreads through the tissue (cellulitis). From point of view of necrosis, neutrophils are involved, therefore it is liquefactive necrosis. Example: ABSCESS: Lung yellowish areas, high fever and productive cough; gram stain showed gram + diplococcus, which is strep pneumoniae. (MCC of bronchopneumonia.). Not hemorrhagic b/c its pale, and wedged shaped necrosis at the periphery, which leads to pleuritic chest pain. Example: pt with fever, night sweats, wt loss M tb, which has granulomatous (caseous) necrosis. Pathogenesis of granuloma (involves IL-12 and subset of helper T cells and + PPD). C. Caseous (cheesy consistency) Necrosis: either have mycobacterial infection (any infections, including atypicals, or systemic fungal infection); these are the ONLY things that will produce caseation in a granuloma. It is the lipid in the cell wall of the organisms leads to cheesy appearance. Sarcoidosis get granulomas, but they are not caseous b/c they are not mybacterium or systemic fungi (hence noncaseating granulomas) Crohns dz get granulomas, but not caseous b/c not related to mycobacterium or systemic fungi. D. Fat Necrosis: 1. Enzymatic Fat Necrosis: unique to pancreas Example: pt with epigastric distress with pain radiating to the back pancreatitis (cannot be Peptic Ulcer Dz b/c pancreas is retroperitoneal), therefore just have epigastric pain radiating to the back. A type of enzymatic FAT necrosis (therefore necrosis related to enzymes). Enzymatic fat necrosis is unique to the pancreas b/c enzymes are breaking down fats into FAs, which combine with Ca salts, forming chalky white areas of enzymatic fat necrosis (chalky white areas due to calcium bound to FAs saponi5ication (soap/like salt formation)); these can be seen on xrays b/c have calcium in them. Example: A pt with pain constently penetrating into the back, show x-ray of RUQ. Dx is pancreatitis and esp seen in alcoholics. Histo slide on enzymatic fat necrosis bluish discoloration, which is calci5ication (a type of dystrophic calci5ication-calci5ication of damaged tissue). What enzyme would be elevated? Amylase and lipase (lipase is more speci5ic b/c amylase is also in the parotid gland, small bowel, and fallopian tubes). What type of necrosis? Another example: Enzymatic fat necrosis. Underlying cause? Alcohol produces a thick secretion that will lead to activation of enzymes; which leads to pancreatitis. Therefore, whenever you see blue discoloration and atherosclerotic plaque in a pancreas, it will be calcium.

2. Traumatic Fat Necrosis: Example: woman with damage to breasts is TRAUMATIC FAT necrosis (not enzymatic); it can calcify, can look like cancer on mammogram. Diff btwn that and calci5ication in breast cancer is that it is painFUL. (cancer = painless). Traumatic fat tissue usually occurs in breast tissue or other adipose tissue E. Fibrinoid necrosis: (the -oid means: looks like, but isnt) Therefore, looks like 5ibrin, but is not 5ibrin.it is the necrosis of immunologic dz: Examples of immunologic dz: Palpable purpura = small vessel vasculitis (immune complex type III). Fibrinoid necrosis has immune complex deposition of small vessel. Pathogenesis of immune complex: damage of type III HPY (an immune complex is an Ag-Ab circulating in the circulation; it deposits wherever circulation takes it ie glomerulus, small vessel, wherever). It activates the complement system (the alt system), which produces C5a, which is chemotactic to neutrophils. Therefore, damage done as a result of type III HPY is done by neutrophils. And they are there b/ c the immune complex activated the alternative complement system. The complex has little to do with the damage, its the neutrophils do eventual damage) Henoch-Scholein purpura feel persons legs, and see palpable purpura (due to type III HPY). Rhematic fever (vegetations off the mitral valve) have 5ibrin like (5ibrinoid necrosis) materials (necrosis of immunologic dz). Morning stiffness = rheumatoid arthritis, see 5ibrnoid necrosis b/c immunologic damage. Therefore, 5ibrinoid necrosis is necrosis of immunologic damage (in vessel its a vasculitis, in kidney its a glomerulonephritis, and in lupus glomerulonephritis involving immune complexes). F. Liver: Triad area: portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct. Liver is unique b/c it has dual blood supply and so hepatic artery and and portal vein will dump blood into sinusoids. Other examples of sinusoid organs are BM and spleen. Characteristic of sinusoids: gaps between endothelial cells, with nothing there so things can 5it through (things like RBCs and in5lammatory cells). GBM is fenestrated, have little tiny pores within the cells, for 5iltration. Sinusoids have gaps so large cells can get through them (not true with GBM b/c it is intact, and lil pores allow 5iltration). Portal vein blood and hepatic artery blood go through sinusoids, and eventually taken up by central vein, which becomes the hepatic vein. The hepatic vein dumps into the inf vena cava, which goes to the right side of the heart. Therefore, there is a communication between right heart and liver. Right HF (blood 5ills behind failed heart), therefore the liver becomes congested with blood, leading to nutmeg liver (aka congestive hepatomegaly). If you block the portal vein, nothing happens to the liver, b/c it is BEFORE the liver. Blockage of hepatic vein leads to budd chiari and liver becomes congested. Which part of liver is most susceptible to injury normally?

Around central vein, b/c it gets 5irst dibbies on O2 coming out of the sinusoids (zone 1). Zone 2 is where yellow fever will hit (midzone necrosis) due to ides egypti. Zone 3, around portal vein, which will have least O2 (analogous to renal medulla, which only receives 10% of the blood supply, and the cortex receives 90%). Fatty change is around zone 3 (part around central vein). Therefore, when asking about acetaminophen toxicity, which part is most susceptible? Around the central vein b/c it gets the least amount O2, and therefore cannot combat free radical injury. 1. Alcohol related liver damage: (a) MCC fatty change: alcohol. (b) Metabolism of alcohol: NADH and acetyl CoA (acetate is a FA, and acetyl CoA can be converted to FAs in the cytosol). NADH is part of the metabolism of alcohol, therefore, for biochemical rxns: What causes pyruvate to form lactate in anaerobic glycolysis? NADH drove it in that direction, therefore always see lactic acidosis (a form of metabolic acidosis) in alcoholics b/c increased NADH drives it in that direction. Also, in fasting state, alcoholic will have trouble making glucose by gluconeogenesis b/c need pyruvate to start it off. However, you have lactate (and not pyruvate) therefore alcoholics will have fasting hypoglycemia. Acetyl CoA can also make ketone bodies (acetoacetyl CoA, HMG CoA, and beta hydroxybutyric acid). See beta hydroxybutyric ketone bodies in alcoholics b/c its a NADH driven reaction. Therefore, two types of metabolic acidosis seen in alcoholics are lactic acidosis (b/c driving pyruvate into lactate) and increased synthesis of ketone bodies b/c excess acetyl CoA; main ketoacid = beta hydroxybutyric acid. Why does it produce fatty change? In glycolysis, around rxn 4, get intermediates dihydroxyacetone phoshphate (NADH rxn) and is forced to become glycerol 3-phosphate. Big time board question! With glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle, get ATP. Also imp to carbohydrate backbone for making tryglycerides (add 3 FAs to glycerol 3 phosphate, and you get TGs). In liver, the lipid fraction if VLDL (endogenous TG is synthesized in the liver from glycerol 3 phosphate derived from glycolysis). Restricting fat will NOT decrease the synthesis of VLDL. Restricting carbs WILL decrease the VLDL synthesis b/c it is glucose intermediate it is made from. Glycerol 3 phosphate is a product of glycolysis which is why fatty liver is MCly due to alcoholism (this rxn)!

Audio File 03: Cell Injury 3

2. Kwashiorker kid with fatty change. The mechanism: when you make VLDL, and to be able to get it out of the liver, the VLDL must be surrounded by apoproteins. In kwashiorkor, there is decreased protein intake; they have adequate number of calories, but its all carbs. Therefore, they cannot get VLDL that they made in the liver out b/c there are no apolipoproteins to cover it and put it out in the bloodstream and solubilize it in water. Lipid and water do not mix; therefore it is necessary to put proteins around the lipid to dissolve it in water. Therefore, the protuberant abdomen in these pts is there for two reasons: 1) decreased protein intake which decreases oncotic pressure, leading to ascites. 2) The biggest reason is that they have huge livers related to fatty change. The mechanism for fatty change is different from alcohol b/c in alcohol; the mech is due to increased synthesis of VLDL. In this case, there is a lack of protein to put around the VLDL and export it out of the liver. 3. Hemosiderin and Ferrtin: brief discussion: Ferritin = soluble form of circulating Fe, and is a good marker for Fe in BM. It is the test of choice in dxing any Fe related problem Fe def anemia, or Anemia of Chronic Dz or Fe overload dzs such as hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis (would be elevated). Ferritin is a soluble form of Fe, while hemosiderin is an insoluble form of Fe storage, and is stored in macrophages and BM. Stain it with Prussian blue. V. Types of calciUication: dystrophic and metastatic A. Dystrophic calciUication: means abnormal calci5ication. The damaged tissue gets calci5ied. 1. Example: Seen in enzymatic fat necrosis (chalky white areas on x-ray are a result of dystrophic calci5ication). 2. Example: football player with hematoma in foot, that becomes calci5ied dsystrophically (Ca binds and co-produces dystrophic Ca deposits). Serum Ca is normal, but damaged tissue becomes calci5ied. Occurs in atheromatous plaques (causes serious tissue damage), therefore they are dif5icult to dissolve (need to be on the ornish diet a vegan diet). 3. MCC aortic stenosis (MCC: congenital bicuspid aortic valve) = dystrophic calci5ication (also leads to a hemolytic anemia). Slide: the aorta has only 2 valves

doing the job of three, and gets damaged, leading to dystrophic calci5ication which narrows ori5ice of valve, leading to aortic stenosis. B. Metastatic calciUication: In cases of Hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia, Calcium is actually made to deposit in normal tissues, non-damaged tissues. MCC hypercalcemia (outside of hospital) = primary hyperparathyroidism MCC hypercalcemia (inside the hospital) = malignancy induced hypercalcemia. With hypercalcemia, can put Ca in NORMAL tissues; this is called metastatic calci5ication. In dystrophic calci5ication there is damaged tissue with normal serum Ca levels. Metastatic calci5ication is when there is high Ca or phosphorus serum levels (actually when Ca is deposited into bone, it is the phosphorus part of solubility product that drives Ca into bone). High phosphate levels (very dangerous) will take Ca and drive it into normal tissue. This is why have to put a pt with renal failure on dialysis (have high phosphorus serum levels) therefore need to dialyze the phosphate b/c the phosphate will drive Ca into normal tissue ie heart, conduction system, renal tubules, basement membrane (nephrocalcinosis) all lead to damage. VI. Cell Membrane Defects A. RBC membrane defect: Spherocytosis is a defect in spectrin within RBC cell membrane; if you cant see a central area of pallor (if you dont see a donut) then its a spherocyte. Absence of spectrin with in the RBC does not allow the RBC to form a biconcave disk; it is defective, and therefore forms a sphere. B. Ubiquitin stress protein. High ubiquitin levels are associated with high levels of stress. Some of the intermediate 5ilaments (keratin, desmin, vimentin) are part of the superstructure of our cells (frame of the cell, upon which things are built). When these intermediate 5ilaments get damaged, the ubiquitin marks then for destruction. The intermediate 5ilaments have been tagged (ubiquinated) and marked for destruction. Some of these products have names, for example: there are open spaces within the liver tisse, these spaces are fat and they are probably due to alcohol. The ubiquinited products of the liver are called Mallory bodies. These are the result of ubiquinated 5ilaments called keratin and these are seen in alcoholic hepatitis. Another example: Silver stain of neuro5ibilary tangles Jacob crutzfelt and alzheimers dz. Tau protein is associated with neuro5ib tangles; this is an example of a ubiquinated neuro5ilament. Example: Substantia nigra in Parkinsons Dz include inclusions called Lewy bodies, neurotransmitter de5iciency is dopamine. Lewy bodies are ubiquinated neuro5ilaments. Therefore, Mallory bodies, Lewy bodies, and neuro5ib tangles are all examples of ubiquintation. VII. Cell Cycle- very very important: big big big time A. Different types of cells:

1. Labile cells cell where the division is via a stem cell. Three tissues that has stem cells: bone marrow, basement membrane of skin, and the base of crypts in the intestine. These cells have the tendency of being in the cell cycle a lot. In pharm: there are cell cycle speci5ic and cell cycle nonspeci5ic drugs. The cells that are most affected by these drugs are the labile cells b/c they are in the cell cycle. Complications of these drugs are BM suppression, diarrhea, mucocidis, and rashes on the skin (there are stem cells in all these tissues!). 2. Stable cells in resting phase, Go phase. Most of perenchymal organs (liver, spleen, and kidney) and smooth muscle are stable cells. Stable cells can ungo division, but most of the time they are resting, and something must stimulate them to get into the cell cycle and divide ie a hormone or a growth factor. For example: estrogen in woman will help in the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. The endometrial cells are initially in the Go phase and then the estrogen stimulated the cells to go into the the cell cycle. Therefore, they can divide, but they have to be invited by a hormone or a growth factor. 3. Permanent cells can no longer get into the cell cycle, and have been permanently differentiated. The other types of muscle cells: striated, cardiac and neuronal cells. Only muscle that is NOT a permanent tissue = smooth muscle; hyperplasia = increase in #, while hypertrophy = increase in size. Would a permanent cell be able to under hyperplasia? NO, b/c that means more copies of it. Can it go under hypertrophy? Yes. A smooth muscle cell can undergo hyperplasia AND hypertrophy. B. Different phases of cell cycle: 1. G1 phase: The most variable phase of cell cycle is the G1 phase. Compare with menstrual cycle: The most variable phase is the proliferative phase (not the secretory phase). The prolifertive phase varies with stress; however, once ovulation has occurred, it is 14 days. Therefore, proliferative phase is analogous to G1 phase of the cell cycle b/c it can be shorter or lengthened; none of the other phases (S, G2, and M phase) changes, they stay the same. Therefore, in cancer cells, ones with a longer cell cycle will have a longer G1 phase, and cancer cells with a shorter cell cycle will have a shorter G1 phase. G1 phase is the mastermind of everything. Cyclin dependent kinase (kinase = phosphorylation = activation). Phosphorylation usually involves sending a message to activate something. Glucagon is a phosphorylator, while insulin is a dephosphorylator. Glucagon will phosphorylate protein kinase and activate it, while Insulin would dephosphorylate protein kinase and inactivate it. G1 to S phase: Inactive Cyclin d dependent kinase: Cyclin d activates it, and G1 phase makes cyclin D. Once cyclin D is made in the G1 phase, it then activates the enzyme: cyclin dep. kinase (therefore it is now active). Key area to control in cell

cycle: transition from G1 to S phase. Because if you have a mutation and it goes into S phase, it then becomes duplicated, then you have the potential for cancer. Two suppressor genes that control the transition: (1) Rb suppressor gene: located on chromosome 13, which makes the Rb protein, which prevents the cell from going from the G1 to the S phase. In general, to go from G1 to S, the active cyclin dep kinase phosphorylates the Rb protein; when it is phosphorylated=activation, it can go from the G1 phase to the S phase. A problem occurs if there is a mutation. Therefore the enzyme is checked by (2) p53 suppressor gene: located on chromosome 17, which makes a protein product that inhibits the cyclin d dep kinase. Therefore, it cannot go into the S phase; p53 is the number 1, most imp gene that regulates human cancer. Example: HPV inactivates Rb suppressor gene and p53 suppressor gene. HPV makes two genes products E6 (which knocks off the p53) and E7 (which knocks of the Rb suppressor gene). If you have a point mutation the Rb suppressor gene, the Rb suppressor gene is knocked off, there will be no Rb protein, and the cell will progress to the S phase b/c it is uncontrolled. This mutation in the Rb suppressor gene predisposing to many cancers, such as retinoblastoma, osteogenic sarcoma (ie kid with pain around knees, Codmans triangle sunburst appearance on x-rays), and breast cancer (Rb suppressor can be involved). Depending on the age bracket, it hits in different areas. If you knock of p53 suppressor gene: the kinase will be always active, it will always phosphorylate the Rb protein, and that means that it will always go into the S phase, and this is bad. If you knock off any of those genes, the cell will go into the S phase. The p53 suppressor gene is the guardian of the genome, b/c it gives the cell time to detect if there are any defects/abnormalities in the DNA (splicing defects, codon thing, whatever, etc). DNA repair enzymes can splice out the abnormality, correct it, and the cell is ready to go to the S phase. If the cell has too much damaged DNA, then it is removed by apoptosis. Therefore this gene is imp b/c it gives the cell an opportunity to clean its DNA before going into the S phase. 2. S phase = synthesis phase, where everything is doubled, includes DNA and chromosomes (from 2N to 4N). For example: if its in muscle, it will have double the number of contractile elements. 3. G2 phase = where tubulin is made (imp to microtubule of the mitotic spindle); it is blocked by etoposide and bleomycin. 4. M phase = mitosis; where the cell divides into two 2N cells. The cell can either go into the Go resting phase, or can continue dividing in the cycle, or can be permanently differentiated. p53 gene makes a protein to inhibit the kinase, therefore prevents the Rb protein from being phosphorylated, therefore stays in the G1 phase. Therefore, when you knock it off, no one is inactivating the kinase, and the cell is constantly

phosphorylated and that keeps the cell dividing, and then has the potential to lead to cancer. C. Drugs that act on the cell cycle: 1. Drugs acting on S phase: a) Ergot alkaloids work on the mitotic spindle in S phase b) Methotrexate works in S phase: Example: pt with rheumatoid arthiritis has macrocytic anemia. Drug responsible for this is in what phase of the cell cycle? S phase b/c it is methotrexate blocking dihydrofolate reductase 2. Drugs acting on G2 phase: a) Etoposide b) Bleomycin 3. Drugs acting on M phase: a) Gresiofulvin in M phase b) Paclitaxel speci5ically works in the M phase: Clinical scenario: this drug is a chemotherapy agent made from a yew tree? Paclitaxel (m phase) c) Vincristine and Vinblastine d) This drug used to be used for the treatment of acute gouty arthritis but b/c of all the side effects is no longer used. What drug and where does it act? Colchicine (m phase) 4. Clinical scenario that does not work on the cell cycle: HIV + person with dyspnea and white out of the lung, on a drug; ends up with cyanosis; which drug? Dapsone

VII. Adaptations to environmental stress: Growth alterations A. Atrophy: Diagnosis: the decrease in tissue mass and the cell decreases in size. The cell has just enough organelles to survive, ie less mitochondria then normal cells, therefore, just trying to eek it out until whatever it needs to stimulate can come back. 1. Example: hydronephrosis, the compression atrophy is causing thinning of cortex and medulla, MCC hydronephrosis is stone in the ureter (the pelvis is dilated). Question can be asked what kind of growth alteration can occur here. Answer is atrophy b/c of the increased pressure on the cortex and the medulla and produces to ischemia, blood 5low decreases and can produce atrophy of renal tubules.

2. Example: Atrophied brain due to atherosclerosis (MC) or degeneration of neurons (alzheimers, related to beta amyloid protein, which is toxic to neurons). 3. Example: In muscle, many causes of atrophy ie Lou Gehrigs Dz (amylateral sclerosis) knock off neurons to the muscle, so it is not stimulated, leading to atrophy. 4. Example: Endocrine related: a) Hypopituitarism will lead to atrophy of adrenal cortex: the zona fasiculata and retiucularis layers of the adrenal cortex; NOT the glomerulosa b/c ACTH has nothing to with stimulating aldosterone release. The fasiculata is where glucocorticoids (cortisol) are made, while reticularis is where sex hormones are made (17 ketosteroids and testosterone). ACTH is responsible for stimulating these, therefore zona fasiculata and zona reticularis are atrophied. b) Taking thyroid hormone will lead to atrophy of thyroid gland. This is due to a decrease of TSH and therefore nothing is stimulating the thyroid gland which leads to atrophy. 5. Example: Slide showing a biopsy of a pancreas in a patient with cystic 5ibrosis. What is growth alteration? Atrophy, b/c the CFTR regulator on csome 7 is defective and has problems with secretions. The secretions become thicker and as a result, it blocks the ducts and so that means that the glands that were making the 5luids (the exocrine part of the gland) cannot make 5luids b/c of the back pressure blocking the lumen of the duct, which leads to atrophy of the glands, which then leads to malabsorption in all children with cystic 5ibrosis. 6. Example: Slide of an aorta, with atherosclerotic plaque, which leads to atrophy of the kidney and secondary HTN (renovasuclar HP, leading to high renin level coming out of the kidney). In the other kidney, it is overworked, therefore there is hypertrophy (renin level coming out of this vein is decreased and suppressed). B. Hypertrophy increase of the SIZE of cell, not number Scenario: A cell biology question: what is the N of this? Hypertrophy of a cardiac muscle (permanent muscle), suppose there is a block just before the G2 phase. What is the number of chromosomes? Answer: # of csomes is 4N, b/c it already underwent synthesis: already doubled. 1 N = sperm (23 csomes) 2 N = normal (diploid cell) 3 N = trisomy 4 N = double the number C. Hyperplasia increase in the # of cells

In normal proliferative gland, there are thousands of mitoses, therefore see more glands with hyperplasia. 1. Example leading to cancer: With unopposed estrogen, you may end up with cancer, b/c if you didnt have progesterone (undoes what estrogen did-counteracts the estrogen), you will get cancer. The cells will go from hyperplasia, to atypical hyperplasia to endometrial cancer. Therefore hyperplasia left unchecked there is an increased risk of cancer. One exception: benign prostatic hyperplasia; hyperplasia of the prostate does NOT lead to cancer; just urinary incontinence. 2. Example: gravid uterus (womans uterus after delivery). This is an example of 50:50: 50% hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells in the wall of the uterus, and 50% related to hyperplasia. 3. Example: Bone marrow: normally should have 3X as many WBCs as RBCs. Slide shows few WBCs, and increased RBCs. Therefore, have RBC hyperplasia. This is not expected to be seen in Iron def anemia nor in thalassemias b/c in those, there a defect in Hb production. It is expected to be seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary dz (COPD) b/c the hypoxemia causes the release of hormone EPO (erythropoietin); which is made in the endothelial cells of the peritubular capillaries. So in the slide this is an example of EPO stimulated marrow. 4. Example: psoriasis on elbow an example of hyperplasia (unregulated proliferation of squamous cells in the skin), leading to red skin, and raised red plaque, b/c excessive stratum corneum. This is why methotrexate works here, b/c its a cell cycle speci5ic for the S phase, and prevents the basal cells from proliferating. 5. Example: prostate gland and bladder hyperplasia of prostate glands, it a hormone related hyperplasia; all hormone stimulated glands undergo hyperplasia, not hypertrophy. The wall of the bladder is too thick; b/c urine has to go out thru a narrow opening in the urethra, therefore the muscle has to work harder which leads to hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells of the bladder wall (more urine must go out against a greater force b/c of an increase in after load). D. Metaplasia replacement of one adult cell type by another 1. Example: Slide of an esophagus, part of if is all ulcerated away. On a section surrounding the ulcer (right at the edge of the muscosa) there are mucous secreting cells and goblet cells (these are grandular cells). These cells are not supposed to be present in lower esophagus; squamous cells should be there (not glandular cells). Metastatic grandular: Barrets esophagus is a precursor for adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma has surpassed squamous cell carcinoma of mid-esophagus as the MC cancer of the esophagus. Therefore, GERD is the number one precursor to esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma).

Audio File 04: Cell Injury 4 - In5lammation 1

2. Example: Lining of mainstem bronchus ciliated columnar, pseudostati5ied columnar. In smokers, this would be an example of metaplasia would be squamous. 3. Example: There are increased goblet cells within mainstem bronchus of an old smoker, also see goblet cells in the terminal bronchial. Normally there are goblet cells in the mainstem bronchus but there are no goblet cells in the terminal bronchus, therefore this is an example of hyperplasia. 4. Example: Goblet cells in the stomach are abnormal (should be in the intestines, only). This is a glandular metaplasia, which is a precursor for adenocarcinoma of the stomach. H. pylori are a precursor for adenocarcinoma in the stomach. B/c H. pylori causes damage to pylorus and antral mucosa b/c it is a chronic gastritis which intestinal glandular metaplasia, which is a precursor for adenocarcinoma. MCC adenocarcinoma of the stomach = H. pylori. 5. Example: Cases where metaplasia causes an increased risk to caner: a) Remember that if hyperplasia is left unchecked, could potentially lead to cancer. For example: in endometrial hyperplasia the MC precursor lesion to endometrial carcinoma due to unopposed estrogen. The exception is prostatic hyperplasia, which doesnt become cancer. b) Metaplasia can also go through a process leading to cancer: (1) In lung, ciliated columnar epithelium BECOMES squamous, therefore, this is called SQUAMOUS metaplasia; this will lead to squamous dysplasia, which then proceeds to cancer (squamous carcinoma); (2) In distal esophagus, went from squamous to glandular epithelium b/c squamous epithelium cannot handle the acid, therefore it needs mucous secreting epithelium as a defense against cellular injury. However, the glandular metaplasia can go on to an atypical metaplasia, predisposing to adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus. (3) Parasites: 2 parasites produce cancer: clonesis sinesis leads to cholangiocarcinoma (Chinese liver 5luke); and shistosoma hematoabia. The schistosomias hematobia causes bladder cancer by causing the transitional epithelium to undergo squamous metaplasia. This leads to squamous dysplasia, and then on to squamous cancer. Transitional epithelium leads to squamous epithelium (called metaplasia), then dysplasia, then on to cancer.

E. Dysplasia is really an atypical hyperplasia. 1. Example: Slide of a squamous epithelium is disorganized, with nuclei that are larger near the surface and the basal cell layer is responsible for the dividing; cells at top are bigger than the ones that are dividing, it has lack orientation. If it was found during a cervical biopsy in pt with HPV infection, or if it was found in the mainstem bronchus biopsy, you should be able to tell that it is dysplastic. Therefore dysplasia, whether glandular or squamous, is a precursor for cancer. 2. Example: There was a farmer with lesion on the back of his neck (can grow on any part of the body, due to sun exposure), which could be scraped off and grew back actinic keratosis (aka solar keratosis) is a precursor for sq. cell carcinoma of the skin. UV-b light damages the skin. Actinic keratosis does not predispose to basal cell carcinoma, even though basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer.

CHAPTER 2: Inflammation

I. Acute InUlammation A. Cardinal signs of inUlammation In the scenario with a bee sting: you will see redness (Tubor). The king of vasodilators is histamine and it vasodilates the arterioles. Therefore, histamine is responsible for the redness of acute in5lammation (ie bee sting), and is working on arterioles. Now if we felt the area, it will be warm (Calor = heat), this is due to vasodilating the arterioles, which is caused by histamine. For example in endotoxic and septic shock, the skin is warm b/c you are vasodilated. Tumor is a raised structure caused by histamine. Histamine can lead to increased vessel permeability in the venules; is arterial thicker than venules? Yes. The venules are very thin; they basically have an endothelial cell with a basement membrane, all you have to is drill a hole through the BM and you are out. Therefore, increased vessel permeability occurs at the venule level, not the arterial level. Histamine contracts the endothelial cells, and leaves the BM bare, leading to increased vessel permeability, producing an exudate, and swelling of tissue, hence tumor of acute in5lammation. The area may hurt (Dolor = pain) but hitamine does not have anything to do with this. Bradykinin is part of the kininogen system between factor 11 and Hageman factor 12. So when you activate the intrinsic pathway, you automatically activate the kininogen system. When you activate factor 12 (Hageman factor), it will activate 11 and the whole kininogen system. The end product is bradykinin. ACE degrades bradykinin. Complication of ACE inhibitor is angioedema. Also inhibit metabolism of bradykinin, which increases vessel permeability, producing the angioedema (swelling of the tissues). How bradykinin produces cough is not really understood. Bradykinin and PGE2 cause pain (dolor) and is the only one out of the four Latin terms of acute in5lammation that is not due to histamine release. B. Steps involved in Acute inUlammation (this the normal sequence in acute in5lammation): 1. Emigration: includes margination, paveenting, rolling, adhesion, and transmigration Neutrophils in circulation start to become sticky b/c of adhesion molecule synthesis. Endothelial cells begin to synthesize adhesion molecules. Eventatually, neutrophils will stick to endothelial cells, these steps are called pavmenting or

margination. Then neutrophils look for bare basement membrane on the venules and then they drill a hole through it via type 4 collagenase. Cancer cells also have type 4 collagenase, thats how they metastasize. Cancer cells attach to endothelial via adhesion molecules, usually against laminin in BM, and they have collagensae to get through the BM, therefore, cancer cells are pretty much like a neutrophil when invading tissue. 2. Chemotaxis: When they pass BM of small venules, they emigrate but they have to know what direction to go. They get directions in a process called directed chemotaxis. C5a and LT-B4 (leukotriene B4) are the chemotactic agents. These chemotactic agents are also involved in making adhesion molecules on neutrophils). Therefore, they make adhesion molecules AND give direction by acting like chemotactic agents. 3. Phagocytosis via opsonization: a) Example: in an acute in5lammation with staph aureus, the bacteria are being processed by opsonins, which immobilize the particles on the surface of the phagocyte. The two main opsonins are IgG and C3b. They help with phagocytosis. b) Example of an opsonization defect: Brutons agammaglobinemia: an x-linked recessive dz, where all the immunoglobulins are missing, including IgG. Therefore, MCC death in these pts is due to infection b/c cannot opsonize things. It produces hypogamma-globinemia, but the mechanism of infection is due to not having IgG to opsonize bacteria, therefore cannot phagocytose it. Bacteria are opsonized by IgG and C3b, which means that neutrophils must have receptors for those. In acute in5lammation the main cell is neutrophil and in chronic in5lammation the main cell is macrophage/monocyte (monocytes become macrophages). These cells have to have receptors for these opsonins (IgG and C3b). Then they become phagocytosed or become phagolysomes. When they are phagocytosed, the lysosomes go to microtubules and empty their enzyme into this. c) Example: In I-cell disease: in this dz, mannose residues cannot be phosphorylate in golgi apparatus therefore the enzymes are not marked with phosphorus, and the lysosome are empty. 4. Intracellular microbial killing: a) Examples: (1) Staph aureus in hottub surrounded by enzymes (2)Chlamydia can get out of phagolysosome, mechanism unknown, but sometimes they have mucous and all kinds of things around them. b) O2 dependent myeloperoxidase system is the boards!!

Molecular O2 is converted by NADPH oxidase, which is in the cell membrane of neutrophils and monocytes, but not macrophages. The most important cofactor is NADPH, which is synthesized in the pentose phosphate shunt. The enzyme responsible is glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase, which converts G6P into 6- phosphogluconate, generating NADPH and a neutralizing factor for free radicals (glutathione). It is converting O2 into a free radical, superoxide. Superoxide has an unpaired electron giving off energy, which is called a resp burst, which can be measured by radiation detectors; and by a negative NBT dye test. In the NBT test, you have a test tube, add the colorless NBT dye; and if neutrophils and monocytes are working normally, they will phagocytose it, will have a respiratory burst, and the free radical O2 will cause the color to change to blue, indicating that the resp burst is working. If there is no color change, there is not a resp burst, therefore the pt has chronic granulomatous dz of childhood. Free radical O2 is converted by SOD (its neutralizer) into peroxide. Peroxide itself could kill bugs, but it is used for another reason. Within the neutrophils and monocytes are reddish granules which are lysosomes, and are seen in the peripheral blood. Myeloperoxidase (one of the many enzymes in the granules) will catalyze the rxn. It will combine peroxide with chloride to from bleach. This is the most potent bactericidal mechanism O2 dep myeloperoxidase system, which is in NEUTROPHILS and MONOCYTES but NOT in macrophages, b/c macrophages lose the system when they convert from monocytes to macrophages and they use lysosomes to kill. Macrophages of the CNS are microglial cells, so the reservoir cell for CNS/ AIDS is the microbial cell. Outside the CNS, it is the dendritic cell; it is a macrophage located in the lymph nodes. c) In G6PD de5iciency, infection is the MC precipitation of hemolysis b/c there is no NADPH, therefore there is no functioning O2 dependent myeloperoxidase system, and therefore you are susceptible to infection, which will set of hemolysis of RBCS. d) Chronic granulomatous dz of childhood = X linked recessive dz where the mom gives the dz to the boy, and is an asymptomatic carrier, and they will transmit the dz to 50% of their sons. In this dz, there is a de5icient activity of NADPH oxidase, and the NBT dye test is negative (doesnt show color of die), therefore no resp burst. Do they have superoxide? No. Peroxide? No. Myeloperoxidase? Yes. Chloride? Yes. Therefore, if they phagocytosed a bacteria that could make peroxide, and add it inside the phagolysosome, this is what the kid would need to kill the bacteria. These kids are missing PEROXIDE b/c there is no NADPH oxidase. ALL living organisms make peroxide (including ALL bacteria). However, not all bacteria contain catalase, which is an enzyme that breaks down peroxide. So, in chronic granulomatous dz, what can they and cant they kill? Cannot kill staph, but can kill strep. Why? B/c staph is Coagulase and CATalase +; so, ie, if its staph. aureus and when it makes

peroxide, it will also make catalase and neutralize it, therefore the child cannot kill staph, and will kill the kid. If it was a streptococcus organism that makes peroxide (does not have catalase therefore peroxide can be used by the child), it adds what kid really needed to make bleach, and the bacteria is then wiped out. Therefore, can kill strep and not staph! e) Myeloperoxidase de5iciency: Do they have a resp burst? Yes b/c they have NADPH oxidase. Do they have peroxide? Yes. Do they have superoxide free radicals? Yes. Do they have chloride? Yes. Do they have myeloperoxidase? No. They have a normal resp burst and a normal NBT dye test, but they cant kill the bacteria b/c they cannot make bleach. This is called a myeloperoxidase defect. Other types of defects: (1) opsonization defects with brutons (missing IgG), C3 defs; (2) chemotactic defects where cells do not respond to chemotaxis; (3) microbiocidal defects, the defect in the ablility to kill bacteria, example: chronic granulmatous dz of childhood and myeloperoxidase de5iciency are both microbiocidal dz, in that they cannot kill bacteria, but for different reasons. In myeloperoxidase def the problem is that they cannot make bleach (b/c of the missing enzyme), but do have resp burst, and is Autosomal recessive dz. In CGDz the problem is that they cannot make bleach either, but they have an ABSENT resp burst, and is a X-LINKED recessive dz. f) Child has an umbilical cord that doesnt fall off when it should. When it was removed and looked at histologically, they did not see neutrophils in the tissue or neutrophils lining the small vessels. This is an adhesion molecule defect or beta 2 integrin defect. Umblilcal cord needs to have an in5lammatory rxn involving neutrophils; they have to stick in order to get out. Therefore, if the neutrophils cant stick, they cant get out, and then they cant get rid of your umbilical cord this is a classic adhesion molecule defect. C. Chemical mediators: 1. Histamine: the king of chemical mediators of acute in5lammation a) What does it do to arterioles? Vasodilates b) Venules? Increased vessel permeability 2. Serotonin: a) What amino acid makes serotonin? Tryptophan b) Is serotonin a neurotransmitter? Yes c) In a de5iciency, you get depression (also decreased NE) d) a vasodilator and increases vascular permeability 3. Complement system: Anaphylatoxins C3a, C5a. Function: stimulate mast cells to release histamine, leading to vasodilation and increased vessel permeablility. They also play a role in shock, b/c when there is in5lammation the compliment

system is activated, therefore there will be mast cells and histamine, therefore C3a, and C5a will both be there. 4. Nitric oxide made mainly in endothelial cells, and is a potent vasodilator. It is used for treating pulmonary hypertension. It has a big time role in septic shock. 5. IL-1 associated with a fever, it is a pyrogen, therefore stimulates the hypothalamus to make PGs, which stimulate thermoregulatory system to produce fever. Aspirin works by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins thereby reducing the fever. 6. Arachidonic acid metabolites: a) Corticosteroids inhibits Phospholipase A2, therefore do not release arachidonic acid from phospholipids, therefore not making PGs or leukotrienes. This is the supreme anti5lammatory agent b/c BOTH PGs and leukotrienes are blocked by blocking phospholipase A2. Arachidonic acids make linoleic acid (omega 3), which is found in 5ish oils and walnuts. It is very good for you b/c it acts like aspirin, and blocks platelet aggregation, and thats how omega 3 protects your heart. b) Lipoxygenase pathway: Zileutin blocks 5-lipoxgenase, other drugs act by blocking the receptors, example: zirkufulast, etc. Leukotriene (LT) C4, D4, E4 (the slow reactor substances of anaphylaxis) seen in bronchial asthma. They are potent bronchoconstrictors; therefore it can be seen why zileutin works well in asthma b/c it blocks the leukotrienes, including these (LT-C4, D4, and E4). LT B4 is an adhesion molecule in chemotaxis. c) Cyclooxygenase pathway: Aspirin blocks cycoloxygenase, irreversibly in platelets. PGH2: where everything seems to be derived from. PGI2: derives from endothelial cells, its also called prostacyclin synthase; is a vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation (exact the opposite of TxA2). Thrombaxane A2 (the enemy of PGI2) is made in the platelet; its a vasoconstrictor, a bronchoconstrictor, and promotes platelet aggregation. What drug blocks thrombaxane synthase and is used to stress testing for CAD? Dipyrramidal blocks the enzyme, TxA2 synthase, therefore does not have to perform a treadmill stress test, all you have to do is use the drug dipyrramidal. PGE2: vasodilator in kidney; keeps patent ductus patent in baby heart; makes the mucous barrier in GI (stomach) thereby preventing ulcers; can cause dysmenorrhea woman and increased uterine contractility, and it an abortifactant, to get rid of fetal material. d) COX 2-make sure you know how this works! e) Corticosteroids blocks phospholipase A2, and it also decreases adhesion molecule synthesis, along with other steroids like epinephrine and NE. Decreased

adhesion molecule synthesis, will lead to increased neutrophils on CBC; in immuno, 50% neutrophils are stuck to the endothelial vessels, and the other 50% are circulating, therefore, decreasing adhesion molecule synthesis will lead to doubled WBC (b/c the 50% of neutrophils that were stuck are now circulating). Corticosteroids destroy B-cells b/c they are lymphocytotoxic. Mechanism: decrease WBCs (B and T cells) via apoptosis; therefore, corticosteroids are the signal to activate the caspasases. Eosinophils, mainly seen in type one HPY rxn, corticosteroids decrease them. When on corticosteroids, the only thing that is increased is neutrophils, via decreased adhesion molecule synthesis. Lymphocytes and eosinophils are decreased. Example: If have Addisons, do not have cortisol, therefore the neutrophil ct decreases and the eosinophil count will increase. Example: a person with MI with an 18,000 CBC most of which are neutrophils. Mechanism: Epinephrine decreases adhesion molecule sythesis and neutrophil count goes up. D. Electron microscopy of inUlammatory cells: 1. In lung, type II pneomocyte (black dots are lysosomes). Lamellar bodies structures where lecithin and phosphotidyl choline is located; if ask where macrophage, is, will ask which makes surfactant. 2. Monocyte: single nucleus with a grayish cytoplasm has scavaged; can form foam cell in atherosclerotic plaque b/c it has phagocytized oxidized LDLs (which is a free radical); Vit E neutralizes oxidized LDL. 3. Lymphocyte all nucleus and scant cyptoplasm, prob a T cell (60% of peripheral blood lymphocytes are T cells); ratio of helper to suppressor: CD4:CD8 is (2:1), therefore, more likely to be a Helper T cell, then a suppressor T-cell, and B cells (20%) are least likely. 4. RER looks like a thumbprint, have ribos on it, and likes to make proteins, like Igs (therefore it is a plasma cell). Multiple myeloma has eccentrically located nucleus, cytoplasm is always sky blue, making plasma cells ez to recognize. Plasma cells are derived from B cells, and located in the germinal follicle. 5. Granules eosinophil (have a red color similar to color of RBCs) have crystals in the granules. Eosinophils are the only in5lammatory cell that has crystals in the granules. They are called Charcot-Leiden crystals when its seen in the sputum of asthmatic patient. They are degenerated eosinophils in sputum of asthmatic, and have formed crystals that look like spear heads. Basophils have granules that are more purplish and darker, while basophils have darker colors. 6. Mech for killing invasive helminthesType II HPYmajor basic protein is involved. Remember that shistotosome eggs are coated by IgE Abs. Eosinophils have IgE receptors; therefore, eosinophils hook into the IgE receptor and release chemicals; the main one released is major basic protein, which destroys the

helminth, which is type II HPY, b/c it is a cell hooking into an Ab on the target cell. The effector cell is Type II HPY rxn is the eosinophils; dont get confused with Type I HPY rxn where the effector cell is the MAST CELL, and they release histamine (an eosinophil chemotactic factor), therefore they are invited to area of type I HPY b/c they have histaminase and arylsulfatase, which neutralizes leukotrienes. The purpose of eosinophils in type I HPY is to knock off chemical mediators produced in rxn; however, when an eosinophil kills an invasive helminth, it does so via type II HPY. E. Cluster designations: Helper t cell = CD4 Cytotoxic T cell = CD8 Marker for Ag recognition site for all T cells is CD3 Marker for histiocytes (including langerhans cells) is CD1 Marker for MC leukemia in children = CD10 (calla Ag); positive B-cell lymphoma CD15 and 30 = RS cell CD21, Only on B cells Epstein barr virus; hooks into CD21 on B cells, and actually the atypical lymphocytes are not B-cells but T-cells reacting to the infected B-cells. Burkitts is a B cell lymphoma CD45 is found on all leukocytes, is a common antigen on everything F. Fever IL-1 is responsible and PGE2 (this is what the hypothalamus is making) which stimulates the thermoregulatory center. Fever is good! It right shifts the O2 dissoc curve. Why do we want more O2 in the tissues with an infection? B/c of O2 dependent myeloperoxidase system. Therefore, with antipyretics its bad b/c thwarting the mechanism of getting O2 to neutrophils and monocytes to do what they do best. Also, hot temps in the body are not good for reproduction of bacteria/ viruses. II. Types of inUlammation (scenarios) A. post partum woman, with pus coming out of lactiferous duct this is staph aureus supplerative in5lammation B. Bone of child with sepsis, on top of the bone, was a yellowish area, and it was an abscess osteomyelitis staph. aureus; if the kid had sickle cell, it is salmonella; why at metaphysis of bone? B/c most of blood supply goes here, therefore, mechanism of spread is hematogenous (therefore comes from another source, and then it gets to bone). C. Hot, spread over face cellulitis due to strep (play odds!) group A pyogenes (called erysipilis, another name for cellulitis)

D. Diphtheria = psuedomembrane (corynebacterium diphtheria), a gram + rod, that makes an exotoxin, messing up ribosylation of protiens via elongation factor 2, the toxin damages mucosa/submucosa, producing a pseudomembrane; when bacteria doesnt invade, produces a toxin that damages the membrane; clostridium dif5icile also does this. It also produeces a pseudomembrane and a toxin, which we measure in stool to make the dx. Therefore, the answer is C. dif5icle. E. Fibrinouis pericarditis, usually with increased vessel permeability; seen in (1)lupus, leading to friction rub; also seen in (2) the 5irst week of MI, and then again 6 weeks later in dresslerss syndrome, (3) seen in Coxsackie F. MC organism producing infection in third degree burns = pseudomonas auriginosa. Color of pus: green due to pyocyanin. G. Basal cell layer on both sides of clot, proliferate, and go underneath it to clot. In a primary wound its usually sealed off in 48 hrs (ie appendectomy). Key to wound healing is prescence of granulation tissue. Fibronectin is a very important proteoglycan and is involved in the healing of the wound. Fibronectin is an important adhesion agent and chemotactic agent, inviting 5ibroblast in helping healing process. The granulation tissue starts at day 3 and is on its prime by day 5. If you ever picked at a scar and it bleed like mad and you try to stop it but it still bleed like mad, thats granulation tissue. No granulation tissue means no healing of a wound. Type of collagen in initial stage of wound repair = type 3; type 4 collagen seen in BM; type 1 very strong tensile strength; seen in bone, skin, tendons, ligaments. After a few months, after months, the collagen type 3 is broken down by collagenases, and a metallic enzyme converts type 3 into type 1. Zinc is part of the metallic enzyme, this is why in a pt with zinc de5iciency has poor wound healing b/c it screws up the collagenase (must replace type 3 with type 1). Max tensile strength after 3 months = 80%. MCC poor wound healing = infection H. Ehlers Danlos defect in collagen due to syn/breaking down; have poor wound healing. I. marfan defect in 5ibrilin; also have poor wound healing J. Pt with scurvy defect in hydroxylation of two aas proline and lysine via ascorbic acid. Remember its a triple helix; what makes the triple helix stick together and increase tensile strength? Crossbridges. When you crossbridge things, they anchor into areas where you have hydroxylated proline and lysine. Therefore have weak abnormal collagen in scurvy b/c there are no crossbridges to attach, leading to not being able to heal wounds, hemorrhaging, hemarthroses.collagen has weak tensile strength b/c cannot crossbridge..

Audio File 5: In5lamation 2 - Fluid And Hemodynamics 1

K. Granulation tissue with a lot of blood vessels due to lot of 5ibroblast G, with in5lammatory cells from plasma cells and lymphocytes, necessary for wound healing (rich vascular tissue, which is absolutely essential for normal wound healing). L. Keloid (hypertrophic scar) = excess in type 3 collagen deposition; which causes a tumor looking lesions, esp in blacks. In a white kid keloid to due to third degree burns. In another example: in a chronically draining sinus tract of the skin, they tried to put antibiotics on it (didnt work), there was an ulceration lesion at the ori5ice of this chronically draining tract, and nothing worked. What is it? The answer is squamous cell carcinoma due to a lot of turnover; type 3 converted to type 1, and 5ibroblasts are involved. A lot of cell division occurring, which can presdispose to mutations and cancer, esp squamous cell cancer. Squamous cancer is imp b/c chronically draining sinus tracts, and predisposes to sqamous cell carcinoma. Hyperplasia predisposes to squamous cell carcinoma. III. Chronic inUlammation A. Difference in Immunoglobulins: 1. Acute In5lammation: IgM = main Ig 5irst, and then IgG IgM = main Ig; need a lot of complement components in healing process; IgM is the most potent activator, and have activation of complement pathway (all the way for 1-9); IgM has 10 activating sites (pentamer). IgG can activate the classical system, but does NOT go passed C3 and stops and does not go onto C5-9. After 10 days, there is isotype switching, and the mu heavy chain is spliced out (mu chain de5ies speci5icity of an Ig); it splices in a gamma heavy chain, and IgG is made via isotype switching 2. Chronic in5lammation: IgG (as main Ig IgM is coverted to IgG immediately) B. Difference in Cell Types: 1. Acute in5lammtions = neutrophil 2. Acute allergic reactions= eosinophils (mast cells are in tissues) 3. Viral infections = lymphocytes are the main in5lammatory cells

4. Chronic in5lammations = monocytes/macrophages are imp. And see a lot of plasma cells and lymphocytes; do not see pus-exudative (this is in acute in5lamm increased vessel permeability, and increased emigration of neutrophils into interstitial tissue, a protein rich 5luid with >3 grams/dL, with a protein rich 5luid = pus). Example: Cholecystis. C. Type IV Hypersensitivity Reaction: Another example: Granuloma = chronic in5lammation (never acute); ie caseious necrosis in someone with TB; roundish, pink, multinucleated giant cells = granulomas; pathogenesis = type IV hypersentistivity reaction delayed HPY. The main actors are cytoxic T cells; when they kill neoplastic, virally infected cells, these are also type IV HPY (no Abs involved). Poison ivy = type IV HPY. Back to TB infection, aleovlar macrophage phagocytoses it, and there is lymphohemotogenous spread; meanwhile the macrophage is processing the Ag. Then after weeks, it presents it to helper T cells. Therefore, the key players in Type IV hypersensitivity rxn are macrophages which process that Ag and presents that Ag via class II MHC sites to the helper T cells. These helper T-cells release cytokines: gamma IFN and macrophage inhibitory factor. Gamma IFN will activate the macrophage to kill the TB, Cryptococcus, histoplasmosis, etc. Therefore the gamma IFN is the trigger to active the macrophage; macrophage cannot kill without the activation from gamma IFN; b/c systmemic fungi and TB have lipid in the cell wall, this leads to caseous necrosis. All the pink staining cells are epthiloid, which are activated macrophages (which have been activated by gamma IFN); when they die, they die in style they fuse together and form multinucleated giant cells (like their gravestone). Therefore, epitheloid cells are fused macrophages; black dots are helper T cells. There are two types of helper T-cell: a. Subset 1: involved in Type IV (delayed type) HPY; macrophages have IL-12; when it is secreted, the subset 1 helper T cells are presented with the antigen; then, subset 1 become MEMORY T cells. IL-12 is involved in activating the memory of subset 1 helper t cells. Most people in their primary dz usually recover with no problems, but the granulomas can calcify, as seen on x-ray. A calci5ied granuloma is not dead b/c they are resistant to dying. Therefore, most cases of secondary TB are due to reactivation TB. Granulomas necrosis is due to reactivation. + PPD (puri5ied protein derivative) injected into the skin; the macrophage of the skin is a langerhans cell (histiocyte) (marker: CD 1) which have birbeck granules- look like tennis rackets on EM. They phagocyotose the Ag (the PPD), and process it very quickly; they present it to helper subset 1, which has memory of previous exposure. Therefore, it hooks in the MHC class II Ag sites (as all immune cells do), and once the Ag (PPD processed by the langerhans cell) is presented, the helper T cell releases the cytokines producing the in5lammatory rxn with induration called the + PPD.

Correlation: older people usually dont host a very good Type IV hypersensitity rxn: they have a less response to + PPD; therefore have to do a double test on them. In pt with AIDs, may not get any rxn. They dont have enough helper T-cells therefore dont have granuloma formation. Macrophage inhibitory factor keeps macrophages in that area; therefore, with HIV, b/c the helper t cell ct is decreased, you dont form granulomas at all. Therefore, they will have MAI (organisms) all over the body without granulomas b/c helper T cells are decreased. When you do + PPD, 5 mm induration is enough to say its positive. . IV. Tissue Repair Scar tissue (b/c its permanent tissue); scar tissue (5ibrous tissue) does not contract; therefore, if you have more scar tissue to free wall of left vetricle will lead to decreased ejection fraction (which is stroke volume divided by EDV). A. Response of Kidneys to Injury: Kidney will form scar tissue; medulla is most susceptible to ischemia (b/c least amount of blood supply). What part of nephron most susceptible to tissue hypoxia? 2 places: 1. Straight portion of prox tubule b/c most of oxidative metabolism is located there, with brush borders this is where most of reabsorption of Na, and reclaiming of bicarb is there. 2. Medullary segment of thick ascending limb where the Na/K-2Cl pump is which is where loop diuretics block. The Na/K-2Cl pump generates free water. The two type of water in urine: obligated and free. If the water is obligated, then the water is obligated to go out with every Na, K, and Cl (concentrated urea). Basically 20 mls of obligated water for every Na, K, Cl (its obligated) via Na/K/2Cl pump. The ADH hormone absorbs free water b/c the pump generates free water. Lets say you absorb one Na, how much free water is left behind in the urine? 20 mls; then reabsorbed another K, that is another 20, so its up to 40; another 2 Cls are reabsorbed which is another 40; therefore, for absorbing one Na, one K, and 2 Cls, you have taken 80 mls of free water from the urine this is free water that is generated; its is this pump that loop diuretics block, which is in the thick ascending limb of the medullary segment. B. Lung repair cell is type II pneumocyte (can also repair type I pneumocytes); it also synthesizes surfactant. C. CNS repair cell is the astrocyte; the astrocyte proliferates (b/c its a stable cell, not a neuron), that can proliferate and produces protoplasmic processes called gliosis (rxn to injury in the brain, which is due to astrocyte proliferation); this is analogous to 5ibroblasts laying collagen type 3 in the wound. D. PNS wallarian degeneration is the mech of axonal regeneration In PNS, have Schwann cells, while in the CNS, have oligodendrocytes

(both make myelin). Tumor Schwann cell = schwannoma; if it involves CN VIII it is called acoustic neuroma. What genetic dz that is auto dominant has association? Neuro5ibromatous. (Side note: myasthenia gravis tensilon injection will increase Ach in synapses in eyelids, and myasthenic crisis will end) V. Extra Side notes and Review of InUlammation: A. ESR putting whole blood into cylinder and see when it settles. The higher the density, or weight, therefore settle pretty quick and therefore have a increase sedimentation rate. When stuck together and looks like coins = roulouex. When aggregated together = increased sed rate, which is increased IgG and 5ibrinogen (includes every acute and chronic in5lammation there is. What causes RBCs to clump IgM, b/c the neg charge normally keeps RBCs from stick to e/o. IgM is a lot bigger; cold agglutinins are associated with IgM ab, leading to agglutinin. This is why in cold whether, you get Raynauds phenomenon (lips, nose, ears, toes, 5ingers turn blue). The IgM ab can cause cold agglutinins, leading to ischemia. Another type of clumping of IgM are Cryoglobulins Igs congeal in cold weather; IgM abs do the same thing. High assoc of hep C with cryoglobulins. Mult myleoma = increased esr b/c increased IgG; with waldenstroms, will see increased IgM (Waldenstroms Macroglobemia). B. Acute appendicitis get CBC, and want to see absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis, meaning that you have an increase of neutrophils in the peripheral blood; also looking for toxic granulation, and a LEFT SHIFT. Assuming you start from myeloblast on the left, and eventually form a segmented neutrophil on the right; normally go left to right on maturation; therefore, with a left shift, its means that we go back to immature neutrophils; the de5initions is greater than 10% band neutrophils is considered a LEFT SHIFT (all the neutrophils are bands); if you have just one metamyelocyte or one myelocyte, its is automatically considered a LEFT SHIFT. In acute appendicitis, there is an absolute increase in neutrophils, with toxic granulation and a left shift. C. Most potent system for killing bugs = O2 dependent myeloperoxidase system; Myeloperoxidase is located in azurophilic granules, which are lysosomes. Want a lot of lysosome in an acute in5lammatory rxn, b/c therefore there is more myeloperoxidase around for killing bugs this is what toxic granulation. Therefore, toxic granulation ensures that there is enough myeloperoxidase to work that potent system to kill bugs (O2 dep myeloperoxidase system).

CHAPTER 3: Fluid And Hemodynamics

I. Edema excess 5luid in the interstitial space, which is extracellular 5luid (ECF); this is outside the vessel A. Types of Edema 1. Non-Pitting edema increased vessel permeability with pus in the interstial space (pus=exudates). Lymphatic 5luid is another type of non-pitting edema. Blockage of lymphatics leads to lymphatic 5luid in the interstial space. Pits early, but eventually becomes nonpitting. Exudates and lymphatic 5luid does not pit. 2. Pitting edema transudate with right heart failure, swelling of the lower extremities, 5luid in the interstial space. Transudate does pit. 3. So there are three things that cause edema: exudates, lymphedema, and transudate, and transudates are the only one that has pitting edema. B. Transudate/Pitting Edema Transudate deals with starling forces: 1. What keeps 5luid in our blood vessels? Albumin, and this is called oncotic pressure. 80% of our oncotic pressure is related to the serum albumin levels. Anytime there is hypoalbuminemia then we will have a leaking of a transudate (protein of less than 3 g/dL) leaking into interstial space via capillaries and venules (pitting edema); 2. Normally, hydrostatic pressure is trying to push 5luid out. Therefore, in a normal person, oncotic pressure is winning. Therefore, a decrease in oncotic pressure and an increase in hydrostatic pressure will lead to transudate (pitting edema). 3. Albumin is made in the liver. With chronic liver dz (cirrhosis), have a decreased albumin level. Can you vomit it out? No. Can crap it out (malabsorption syndrome), or can pee it out (nephrotic syndrome), can come off our skin (3rd degree burn b/c losing plasma), another possibility of low protein ct (low-intake) is seen in kids Kwashiorkor kid has fatty liver and decreased protein intake, leading to low albumin level. 4. Examples: a. Person with MI 24 hrs ago and he died and he has 5luid coming out transudate b/c increased hydrostatic pressure and left HF due to MI so things backed up into the

lungs. B/c the CO decreased, the EDV increases and pressure on left ventricle increases, and the pressure is transmitted into the left atrium, to the pul vein, keeps backing up, and the hydrostatic pressure in the lung approaches the oncotic pressure, and a transudate starts leaking into the interstitial space, which leads to activation of the J receptor, which will cause dyspnea. Leads to full blown in alveoli and pulmonary edema, which is what this is. b. venom from bee sting on arm leads to exudate due to anaphylactic rxn (face swelled), with histamine being the propagator, and type one HPY, causing tissue swelling. Rx airway, 1:1000 aqueous epinephrine subcutaneously c. cirrhosis of liver, with swelling of the legs: transudate, mechanism: decreased oncotic pressure b/c cannot syn albumin, and increased hydrostatic pressure b/c portal HTN; there is cirrhosis of the liver, and the portal vein empties into the liver; in this case, it cannot, and there is an increase in hydrostatic pressure, pushing the 5luid out into the peripheral cavities (so there are 2 mech for acites). Pitting edema in legs: decreased in oncotic pressure d. Pt with dependent pitting edema: pt has right heart failure, and therefore an increase in hydrostatic pressure; with right heart failure, the blood behind the failed right heart is in the venous system; cirrhosis of liver is due to decrease in oncotic pressure. e. modi5ied radical mastectomy of that breast, with nonpitting edema: lymphedema. Other causes w. bancrofti, lymphogranulomon venarium (subtype of chylamdia trachomata scarring tissure and lymphatics, leading to lymphedema of scrotum lymphatic). In5lammation carcinoma of breast (peau de orange of the breast) deals with dermal lymphatics plug with tumor; excess leads to dimpling, and looks like the surface of an orange. MCC lymphedema = postradical mastectomy; can also run risk of lymphangiosarcoma. II. Renal Physio A. ECF/ICF ECF (1/3) = extracellular 5luid of two compartments vascular (1/3) and interstitial (2/3) ICF (2/3) = intracellular 5luid compartment Example: how many liters of isotonic saline do you have to infuse to get 1 liter into the plasma? 3 Liters (2/3:1/3 relationship); 2 liters in interstial space, and 1 L would go to the vascular space; it equilibrates with interstial/vascular compartments. B. Osmolality = measure of solutes in a 5luid; due to three things: Na, glucose, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) urea cycle is located in the liver, partly in the cytosol and partly in the mitochondria; usually multiply Na times 2 (b/c one Na and one Cl).

Audio File 6: Fluid And Hemodynamics 2

Normal Na is 135-140 range, times that by 2 that 280. For glucose, normal is 100 divide that by 18, lets say its roughly 5, so thats not contributing much. BUN: located in the liver, part of the cycle is in the cytosol and part of it is in mitochondria. The urea comes from ammonia, thats ammonia is gotten rid of, by urea. B/c the end product of the urea cycle is urea. The normal is about 12; divide that by 3, so we have 4. Therefore, in a normal person Na is controlling the plasma osmolality. To measure serum osmolality: double the serum Na and add 10. C. Osmosis 2 of these 3 are limited to the ECF compartment; one can equilibrate between ECF and ICF across the cell membranes urea; therefore, with an increased urea, it can equilibrate equally on both sides to it will be equal on both sides; this is due to osmosis. B/c Na and glucose are limited to the ECF compartment, then changes in its concentration will result in the movement of WATER from low to high concentration (opposite of diffusion ie in lungs, 100 mmHg in alveoli of O2, and returning from the tissue is 40 mmHg pO2; 100 vs. 40, which is bigger, 100 is bigger, so via diffusion, O2 moves through the interspace into the plasma to increase O2 to about 95mmHb). Therefore, in diffusion, it goes from high to low, while in osmosis, it goes from low to high concentration. 1. Example: In the case with hyponatremia water goes from ECF into the ICF, b/c the lower part is in the ECF (hence HYPOnatremia); water goes into the ICF, and therefore is expanded by osmosis. Now make believe that the brain is a single cell, what will we see? cerebral edema and mental status abnormalities via law of osmosis (the intracellular compartment of all the cells in the brain would be expanded) 2. Example: hypernatremia water goes out of the ICF into the ECF, therefore the ICF will be contracted. So in the brain, it will lead to contracted cells, therefore mental status abnormalities; therefore, with hypo and hypernatremia, will get mental status abnormalities of the brain. 3. Example: DKA have (1000mg) large amount blood sugar. Remember that both Na and glucose are limited to the ECF compartment. You would think that glucose is in the ICF but its not. You think that since glycolysis occurs in the cytosol therefore glucose in the ICF (again its not) b/c to order to get into the cell (intracellular), glucose must bind to phosphorus, generating G6P, which is metabolized (its the

same with fructose and galactose, which are also metabolized immediately, therefore, there is no glucose, fructose, or galactose, per se, intracellularly). So, with hyperglycemia, there is high glucose in the ECF, so water will move from ICF to ECF. Therefore, the serum Na concentration will go down this is called dilutional hyponatremia (which is what happens to the serum sodium with hyperglycemia). Therefore the two things that control water in the ECF are Na and glucose; but a normal situation, Na controls. Urea does not control water movements b/c its permeable, and can get through both compartments to have equal concentrations on both sides. D. Tonicity isotonic state, hypotonic state, and hypertonic state We have all different types of saline: Isotonic saline, hypotonic saline (1/2 normal saline, normal saline, 5% dextrose in water), and hypertonic saline (3%, 5%); normal saline is 0.9%. We are referring to normal tonicity of the plasma, which is controlled by the serum Na. These are the three types of tonicity (iso, hypo, and hyper). Serum Na is a re5lection of total body Na divided by total body H20. For example: hypernatremia is not just caused by increased total body Na; it can also be caused by decreasing total body water with a normal total body Na, therefore there is an increase in serum Na concentration. It is really a ratio of total body Na to total body H20. To determine serum Na, just look at serum levels. With different 5luid abnormalities, can lose or gain a certain tonicity of 5luid. 1. Isotonic loss of Uluid look at ratio of total body Na and water; in this case, you are losing equal amounts of water and Na, hence ISOtonic. This 5luid is mainly lost from the ECF. The serum Na concentration is normal when losing isotonic 5luid. ECF would look contracted. There would be no osmotic gradient moving into or out of the ECF. Clinical conditions where there is an isotonic loss of 5luid: hemorrhage, diarrhea. If we have an isotonic gain, we have in equal increase in salt and water; ie someone getting too much isotonic saline; normal serum Na, excess isotonic Na would be in the ECF, and there would be no osmotic gradient for water movement. 2. Hypotonic solutions by de5inition, it means hyponatremia. Hypoglycemia will not produce a hypotonic condition. MCC of low osmolality in plasma is hyponatremia. How? Lose more salt than water, therefore, serum Na would be decreased. If losing more salt than water, kidney is probably the location of where/ why it is happening. Main place to deal with sodium (either to get rid of it or to get it back) is in kidney, esp when dealing with diuretics (furosemides and HCTZ). The tonicity of solution you lose in your urine is HYPERtonic, so thats how you end up with hyponatremia with a hypotonic condition. ECF concentration is low with hyponatremia, therefore the water will move into the ICF compartment. (Osmosis- remember low to high)

Example: If you gained pure water, and no salt, you have really lowered your serum Na: MCC = SIADH in small cell carcinoma of the lung; you gain pure water b/ c ADH renders the distal and the collecting tubule permeable to free water. With ADH present, will be reabsorbing water back into the ECF compartment, diluting the serum Na, and the ECF and ICF will be expanded. The ECF is expanded due to water reabsorption, and the ICF is expanded b/c it has a high concentration levels (its levels are not diluted). This can lead to mental status abnormalities. Therefore, the more water you drink, the lower your serum Na levels would be. The treatment is by restricting water. Dont want to restrict Na b/c the Na levels are normal. When ADH is present, you will CONCENTRATE your urine b/c taking free water out of urine; with absent ADH, lose free water and the urine is diluted. Therefore, for with SIADH, water stays in the body, goes into the ECF compartment, and then move into the ICF compartment via osmosis. The lowest serum sodium will be in SIADH. On the boards, when serum Na is less than 120, the answer is always SIADH. Example: pt with SIADH, not a smoker (therefore not a small cell carcinoma), therefore, look at drugs she was on chlorpropramide, oral sulfylureas produce SIADH. Example: Gain both water and salt, but more water than salt, leading to hyponatremia these are the pitting edema states ie RHF, cirrhosis of the liver. When total body Na is increased, it always produces pitting edema. What compartment is the total body Na in? ECF What is the biggest ECF compartment? Interstial compartment. Therefore, increase in total body Na will lead to expansion of interstial compartment of the ECF, water will follow the Na, therefore you get expansion via transudate and pitting edema; seen in right HF and cirrhosis. Example: hypertonic loss of salt (from diuretic) leads to hyponatremia Example: SIADH (gaining a lot of water) leads to hyponatremia Example: gaining more water than salt will lead to hyponatremia: pitting edema 3. Hypertonic state by de5inition, have too much Na (hypernatremia) or have hyperglycemia (ie pt with DKA has a hypertonic condition, which is more common than hypernatremia). With hypernatremia, what does ICF look like? It will always be contracted or shrunken. Primary aldosteronsim gain more salt and water. Diabetes insipidus Lose pure water (vs. gaining pure salt in SIADH). If you lose more water than salt in the urine, you have osmotic diuresis mixture. When there is glucose and mannitol in the urine, youre losing hypotonic salt solution in urine. Example: Baby diarrhea = hypotonic salt solution (adult diarrhea is isotonic), therefore, if baby has no access to water and has a rotavirus infection, serum sodium should be high because losing more water than salt, leading to hypernatremia. However, most moms give the baby water to correct the diarrhea; therefore the baby will come in with normal serum Na or even hyponatremia b/c the denominator

(H2O) is increased. Treatment is pedialyte and Gatorade these are hypotonic salt solution (just give them back what they lost). What has to be in pedialyte and what has to be in Gatorade to order to reabsorb the Na in the GI tract? Glucose b/c of the co-transport. With the co-transport, the Na HAS to be reabsorbed with glucose or galactose. Example: cholera, in oral replacement, need glucose to reabsorb Na b/c co-transport pump located in the small intestine. Gatorade has glucose and sucrose (which is converted to fructose and glucose). Sweat = hypotonic salt solution; if you are sweating in a marathon, you will have hypernatremia E. Volume Compartments Arterial blood volume is same as stroke volume and CO (cardiac output). When CO decreases, all physiologic processes occur to restore volume. With decrease CO (ie hypovolemia), oxygenated blood will not get to tissues, and we can die. Therefore, volume is essential to our bodies. We have baroreceptors (low and high pressure ones). The low pressure ones are on the venous side, while the high pressure ones are on the arterial side (ie the carotids and arch of aorta). They are usually innervated by CN 9 and 10 (the high pressure ones). When there is a decrease in arterial blood volume (decreased SV or CO), it will under 5ill the arch vessels and the carotid; instead of 9th or 10th nerve response, you have a sympathetic NS response, therefore catecholamines are released. This is good b/c they will constrict the venous system, which will increase blood returning to the right side of the heart (do not want venodilation b/c it will pool in your legs). Catecholamines will act on the beta adrenergic receptors on the heart, which will increase the force of contraction, there will be an increase in stroke volume (slight) and it will increase heart rate (+ chronotropic effect on the heart, increase in systolic BP). Arterioles on the systemic side: stimulate beta receptors in smooth muscle. Diastolic pressure is really due to the amount of blood in the arterial system, while you heart is 5illing with blood. Who controls the amount of blood in arteriole system, while your heart is 5illing in diastole? Your peripheral resistance arterioles that maintains your diastolic blood pressure. So, when they are constricted, very little blood is going to the tissues (bad news); good news: keep up diastolic pressure this is important b/c the coronary arteries 5ill in diastoles. This is all done with catecholamines. Renin system is activated by catecholamines, too; angiotensin II can vasoconstrictor the peripheral arterioles (therefore it helps the catecholamines). AG II stimulates 18 hydroxylase, which converts corticosterone into aldosterone, and stimulates aldosterone release, which leads to reabsorption of salt and water to get cardiac output up. With decreased SV, renal blood 5low to the kidney is decreased, and the RAA can be stimulated by this mechanism, too. Where exactly are the receptors for the juxtaglomerlur apparatus? Afferent arteriole. There are sensors, which are modi5ied

smooth muscle cells that sense blood 5low. ADH will be released from a nerve response, and pure water will increase but that does not help with increasing the cardiac output. Need salt to increase CO. Example: bleeding to death and there is a loss of 3 Ls of 5luid how can you keep BP up? Give normal saline is isotonic therefore the saline will stay in the ECF compartment. Normal saline is plasma without the protein. Any time you have hypovolemic shock, give normal saline to increase BP b/c it stays in the ECF compartment. Cannot raise BP with normal saline or 5% dextrose; have to give something that resembles plasma and has the same tonicity of plasma. Normal saline is 0.9%. Peritubular capillary pressures: you reabsorb most of the sodium in the proximal tubule (60-80%). Where is the rest absorbed?; in the distal and collecting tubule by aldosterone. The Na is reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries. Starling forces in the capillaries must be amenable to it. Two starling forces: oncotic pressure (keeps 5luids in the vessel) and hydrostatic (pushes 5luids out of vessel). Example: When renal blood 5low is decreased (with a decreased SV and CO), what happens to the peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure? It decreases. Therefore, the peritubular oncotic pressure is increasing (ie the force that keeps 5luids in the vessel), and that is responsible for reabsorption of anything into the blood stream from the kidney. This is why PO (peritubular oncotic pressure) > PH (hydrostatic pressure of peritubular capillary), allows absorption of salt containing 5luid back into blood stream into the kidney. Tonicity of 5luid reabsorbing out of proximal tubule is isotonic (like giving normal saline). ADH is reabsorbing isotonic salt solution, but not as much as the proximal tubule. ADH contributes pure water, therefore, with all this reabsorption you have an isotonic soln add the ADH effect and the pt becomes slightly hyponatremic and hypotonic, therefore absorbs into the ECF compartment when there is a decreased CO. Opposite Example: increased SV, and increase arterial volume, will lead to stretch of baroreceptors (innervated by 9th and 10th nerve), and a parasympathetic response will be elicited, instead of a sympathetic response. There will not be any venuloconstriction nor any increase in the force of contraction of the heart. This is 5luid overload; therefore we need to get rid of all the volume. There is increased renal blood 5low, so the RAA will not be activated. Fluid overload does not ADH be released. The peritubular hydrostatic pressure is greater than the oncotic. Even of the pt absorbed salt, it wouldnt go into the blood stream, and it would be peed out. Therefore pt is losing hypotonic salt solution with increased in arterial blood volume.

Need to know what happens if there is decreased CO, what happens when ANP is released from the atria, and give off diuretic effect; it wants to get rid salt. ANP is only released in volume overloaded states. Example: pt given 3% hypertonic saline: what will happen to osmolality? Increase. What will that do to serum ADH? Increase increase of osmolality causes a release of ADH. Example: What happens in a pt with SIADH? decreased plasma osmolality, high ADH levels. Example: What happens in a pt with DI? no ADH, therefore, serum Na increases, and ADH is low How to tell total body Na in the pt: Two pics: pt with dry tongue = there is a decrease in total body Na, and the pt with indentation of the skin, there is an increase in total body Na. Dehydration: Skin turgur is preformed by pinching the skin, and when the skin goes down, this tells you that total body Na is normal in interstial space. Also look in mouth and at mucous membranes. If you have dependent pitting edema that means that there is an increase in total body Na. SIADH gaining pure water, total body sodium is normal, but serum Na is low; have to restrict water. Right HF and dependent pitting edema 5luid kidney reabsorbs is hypotonic salt solution with a decreased CO (little more water than salt), therefore serum Na will low. Numerator is increased for total body sodium, but denominator has larger increase with water. What is nonpharmalogical Rx of any edema states? (ie RHF/liver dz) restrict salt and water What is the Rx for SIADH = restrict H2O What is the Rx for any pitting edema state? Restrict salt and water Pharmacological Rx for pitting water diuretics (also get rid of some salt). III. Shock A. Causes of hypovolemic shock diarrhea, blood loss, cholera, sweating, not DI (b/c losing pure water, and not losing Na, total body Na is NORMAL! Losing water from ICF; no signs of dehydration; when you lose salt, show signs of dehydration). Example: lady with hypovolemic shock when she was lying down, her BP and pulse were normal; when they sat her up, the BP decreased and pulse went up. What does this indicate? That she is volume depleted. This is called the TILT test. Normal BP when lying down b/c there is no effective gravity, therefore normal blood returning to the right side of the heart, and normal CO. However, when you sit the

patient up, and impose gravity, you decrease the venous return to right heart. So, if you are hypovolemic, it will show up by a decrease in BP and an increase in pulse. Cardiac output is decreased, and the catecholamine effect causes this scenario. How would you Rx? Normal saline.

Audio File 7: Fluid And Hemodynamics 3

Example: pt collapses, and you do a tilt test: 100/80 and pulse of 120 while lying down. Sitting up, it was 70/60 and pulse of 150. The pt is severely hypovolemic, therefore Rx is normal saline. Treatment: One liter in, showed no signs, put another liter and the BP becomes normal, and is feeling better, but still signs of volume depletion (dry mouth). We have the BP stabilized, but the pt lost hypotonic salt solution, therefore we need to replace this. So on IV, give hypotonic salt soln (b/c was losing hypotonic salt solution). We do not give 5% dextrose and water b/c theres not any salt in it. Therefore, we will give normal saline. The treatment protocol is: when a pt loses something, you replace what they lost. And when pt is hypovolemic, always give isotonic saline. Example: DKA, have osmotic diuresis; tonicity of 5luid in the urine that has excess glucose is hypotonic. Hypotonic 5luid has a little more 5luid than salt. So the pt is severely hypovolemic; therefore the 5irst step in management is correction of volume depletion. Some people are in hypovolemic shock from all that salt and water loss. Therefore need to correct hypovolemia and then correct the blood sugar levels (DKA pts lose hypotonic solution). Therefore, 5irst step for DKA pt is to give normal saline b/c you want to make them normo-tensive. Do not put the pt on insulin b/c its worthless unless you correct the hypovolemia. It can take 6-8 liters of isotonic saline before the blood pressure starts to stabilize. After pt is feeling better and the pt is 5ine volume wise. Now what are we going to do? The pt is still losing more water than salt in urine, therefore still losing a hypotonic salt solution, therefore need to hang up an IV with normal saline (ie the ratio of solutes to water) and insulin (b/c the pt is loosing glucose). So, 5irst thing to do always in a pt with hypovolemic shock is normal saline, to get the BP normal. Then to correct the problem that caused the hypovolemia. It depends on what is causing the hypovolemia (ie if pt is sweating, give hypotonic salt solution, if diarrhea in an adult give isotonic salt soln (ie normal saline), if pt with DI (ie stable BP, pt is lucid) give water (they are losing water, therefore give 5% dextrose (ie 50% glucose) and water). B. Four kinds of shock: 1. Hypovolemic shock: blood loss, diarrhea (adult or child), basically whenever you are lose salt, you could end up with hypovolemic shock

2. Cardiogenic shock: MC due to MI 3. Neurogenic shock: assoc. with spinal cord injuries 4. Septic shock: MC due to E. coli; also MCC sepsis in hospital and is due to an indwelling of the urinary catheter. Staph aureus is not the MC cause of IV related septicemia in the hospital, E.Coli wins hands down. Endotoxin in cell wall is a lipopolysacharide, which are seen in gram negative bacteria. The lipids are endotoxins. Therefore, gram negatives have lipids (endotoxins) in their cell wall, gram positive do not. SO if you have E.Coli sepsis, you will have big time problems, and is called septic shock. 5. Classical clinical presentations: a) Hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock: you would see cold and clammy skin, b/c of vasoconstriction of the peripheral vessels by catecholamines (release is due to the decrease in SV and CO) and AG II. These will vasoconstrict the skin and redirect the blood 5low to other important organs in the body like brain and kidneys, leading to a cold clammy skin. BP is decreased, pulse is increased. b) Pouseaus laws: is a concept that teaches you about peripheral resistance of arterioles which control the diastolic blood pressure. TPR = Total peripheral resistance of the arterioles V = Viscosity r = radius of the vessel to the 4th power The main factor controlling TPR is radius to the 4th power What controls the viscosity in the blood? Hb. So if you are anemic, viscosity of blood is decreased (ie low hemoglobin), and if you have polycythemia (high hemoglobin), viscosity will be increased. Therefore, TPR in anemia will decrease, and in polycythemia will increase. c) Septic shock There is a release of endotoxins which activates the alternative complement system. The complement will eventually release C3a and C5a which are anaphylatoxins, which will stimulate the mast cells to release histamine. The histamine causes vasodilation of arterioles (the same ones of the peripheral resistance arterioles). Therefore blood 5low is increased throughout the peripheral resistance arterioles and the skin feels warm. The endotoxins also damage the endothelial cells; as a result, two potent vasodilators (NO and PGI2) are released. Therefore, 2 or 3 vasodilators are released, and affect the TPR to the fourth power. Therefore, the TPR will decrease (due to vasodilation). TPR arterioles control your diastolic BP b/c when they are constricted; they control the amount of blood that remains in the arterial system while your heart is 5illing up

in diastole. Therefore, when the TPR arterioles are dilated, the diastolic BP will pan out. Think of a dam (with gates): if all the gates are wide open all that water will come gushing through. This is what happens to the arterioles when they are dilated. The blood gushes out and goes to the capillary tissues, supposedly feeding all the tissues with O2. Think in the context of 5ishing: when the dam wall opens, all the water rushes thru causing turbulent waters, therefore this would be a bad time to go 5ishing. The 5ishes would be trying to save themselves. That is what the O2 is doing. Therefore, with all this blood going by, the tissues cannot extract O2 b/c it is going too fast and b/c it isnt a controlled release of blood. Therefore, the blood is coming back to the right side of the heart faster than usual, b/c all the arterioles are widely dilated. Due to the blood going back to the heart faster, the cardiac output is increased. This is seen in septic shock and the skin feels warm b/c the vessels are dilated. Therefore, with septic shock, there is a HIGH output failure, with warm skin. However, in hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock, the cardiac output is decreased (b/c the vessels are constricted by catecholamines and angiotensin II), and the skin feels cold and clammy. C. Swan ganz catheter is inserted in the right side of the heart and it measures all parameter that is taught in physiology. All of these things are measured in a swan ganz catheter. 1. Cardiac Output: measured by swan ganz 2. Systemic vascular resistance: this is a calculation. The basically measures the TPR, ie measures what arterioles are doing 3. Mixed venous O2 content. You know normally that the O2 content is equal to = 1.34 x Hb x O2 satn + pO2. Measured in RA with swan ganz catheter; this is the BEST TEST for evaluating tissue hypoxia. Cardiac output in cardiogenic and hypovolemic shock is low, therefore, blood not being pushed ahead with a great deal of force. So, tissue will have a lot of time to extract O2 from what little blood that is being delivered. As a result, mixed venous O2 content in hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock will be decreased ie very low b/c the blood going through the vessels is very slow (no force is helping to push it through). Therefore, it extracts more O2 than normal. Mixed venous O2 content in septic shock (when blood is passing through vessels at a very fast rate) will lead to a HIGH mixed venous content (b/c tissues unable to extract O2). 4. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measures Left ventricular end diastolic volume and pressure (EDV and EDP). Catheter in right heart will tell you what the pressure is in the left ventricle.

5. Differences between Hypovolemic, Cardiogenic, and Septic Shock using swan ganz catheter: CO in hypovolemic and cardiogenic? both decreased CO in septic shock? Increased Systemic vasc resistance (TPR) is a measure of what the ARTERIOLES are doing. What is TPR in hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock? Increased due to vasoconstriction TPR in septic shock? Decreased due to vasodilation. Mixed venous in hypovolemic and cardiogenic? Low. Mixed venous in septic shock? High. How do we separate hypovolemic and cardiogenic? Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (measures left ventricular EDV) In Hypovolemic, what is LVEDV? Low. In Cardiogenic, what is LVEDV? High. In Endotoxin shock its decreased. D. Examples: 1. Example: Of all organs in the body, which suffers the greatest due to decreased BP? Kidneys. What part? Medulla. Not the brain b/c with decreased CO, the circle of willis will distribute blood 5low to certain areas in the brain, especially the areas where there are neurons. Someone with hypovolemic, or cardiogenic, or septic shock: oliguria, and an increased in BUN/Creatine causes sugars in the body. This occurs b/c the patient is going into acute tubular necrosis. Nephrologists want to correct the renal blood 5low, so that you can prevent ATN b/c a pt can die. What type of necrosis? Coagulation necrosis. The dead renal tubules will slough off and produce renal tubular casts in the urine which will block urine 5low, thereby producing oliguria. There is also a decrease in GFR, leading to ATN (chances of survival are zero). So it is the kidneys that are the most affected when the cardiac output is decreased, ie decreased blood 5low. Brain would be a close second to necrosis. The heart has a bit of a collateral circulation as well. 2. Example: Pt with the sickle cell trait can get kidney dz; b/c the renal medullas O2 tension is low enough to induce sickling. Therefore if you have a young black woman with microscopic hematuria coming to the of5ice, what is 5irst test you should do? Sickle cell screen, b/c she probably has the sickle cell trait. Therefore, sickle cell trait has problems, b/c O2 tension in renal medulla is low enough to induce sickling in peritubular capillaries, which produces microinfarctions in the kidneys. Therefore, dont want to produce Coagulation necrosis (aka ATN)

IV. Acid-base and Blood Gas Acidosis increase in H+ ions, therefore decrease in pH Alkalosis decrease in H+ ions, therefore increase in pH A. New equation for acid/base physio by Goljan: B. Compensation = bodies attempt to try to maintain a normal pH (which it never does). So if you want to keep pH roughly normal (assuming you could). 1. Example: if you have metabolic alkalosis (increase in bicarb: which is in the numerator), then have to increase denominator (pCO2) to keep it normal, therefore, compensation is due to respiratory (pCO2) acidosis. A nice way of memorizing it is what is the opposite of metabolic? Respiratory and what is the opposite of acidosis? Alkalosis, and vice versa. 2. Example: if you have metabolic acidosis (decrease bicarb) what do we have to do with the pCO2? We have to get rid of it. If we decrease the nominator, we have to decrease the dominator in order for the equation to stay the same. Therefore, we have to blow off the CO2 (hyperventilation). 3. Ventilation is a CO2 term! Hyperventilation = Increase in respiratory rate allows for the blowing off of CO2, therefore results in respiratory alkalosis. For the treatment of respiratory alkalosis is to give the pt a paper bag and ask to breath in it, b/c then they are re-breathing their own CO2. Hypoventilation = Decrease in respiratory rate allows for the retention of CO2, therefore results in respiratory acidosis. Full compensation does not exist; you never bring back the pH to the normal range. There is one exception: chronic respiratory alkalosis in high altitude; ie mountain sickness (ie peru). C. Respiratory conditions: acidosis and alkalosis 1. Things that deal with CO2: a) Respiratory center is in medulla oblongata, which controls the breathing rate b) Upper airways if obstructed, there will be a problem getting rid of CO2. c) Chest bellows most imp muscle of respiration is diaphragm. On inspiration: the diaphragm goes down, the negative intrathroacic pressure increases, and air is sucked into the lungs and blood is sucked into the right side of the heart (this is why neck veins collapse on inspiration). Negative vacuum sucks blood and air into your chest. On expiration, there is a + intrathrocic pressure, pushing things out. It helps the left heart to push blood out and it also helps the lungs by pushing out air. 2. Examples:

(a) Barbiturates or any drug that depresses the respiratory center will leads to respiratory acidosis (b) CNS injury to medulla oblongata resp acidosis (c) Anxiety = MCC resp alkalosis. When you take a test, sometimes you feel strange, and get numb and tingly, especially around mouth and on the tips of 5ingers, and become twitchy (b/c you are in tetany) its all caused by being alkalotic and ionizing calcium level gets lower and you really are getting tetany. Therefore you become twitchy and paresthesias (ie carpal pedal sign or trousseaus sign are both signs of tetany). All due to tetany b/c of breathing too fast from anxiety. (d) Pregnant woman have resp alkalosis b/c estrogen and progesterone over stimulate the respiratory center. Located in the lungs are spider angiomas due to AV 5istulas related to high estrogen, therefore clear more CO2 per breath than a normal woman. A lot of shunting occurring within lungs. These spider angiomas go away after delivery of the baby. (e) Endotoxins over stimulate the system. All pts in endotoxic shock have resp alkalosis. They are also in anaerobic metabolism, producing lactic acid, therefore are also in metabolic acidosis. Therefore, endotoxic resp alkalosis due to overstimulation, and metabolic acidosis due with normal pH. (f) Salicylate overdose overstimulate resp center, leading to resp alkalosis. Salicylic acid is an acid, hence metabolic acidosis, and pH will be normal b/c they balance e/o out. (Tinnitus in salicylate OD also a MIXED disorder!) (g) 6 y/o child with inspiratory strider do a lateral x-ray, and see thumbprint sign, with a swollen epiglottis. The diagnosis is acute epiglottitis, due to H. in5luenza; vaccination has decreased incidence, hence you dont see any ids with H. meningitis b/c of the vaccination. The MC of meningitis in 1 month 18 yrs = N. meningitis. (h) 3 month old croup, a larygiotracheobronchitis dz due to parain5luenza virus. Want to do a lateral x-ray and see a steeple sign. Where is the obstruction in croup? Trachea (i) Pt shoving food in their mouth (caf coronary) Heimlich maneuver; if they can talk, leave alone and let them cough it out. (j) Diaphragm innervated by the phrenic nerve ie erb Duchene palsy, with brachial plexus injury, and child has resp dif5iculty, and diaphragm on right side is elevated. Paralysis of the diaphragm will lead to increased CO2. (k)Lou Gehrigs dz amyotrophic lateral sclerosis dz, a LMNs and UMNs gone therefore cannot breath b/c no innervation to the diaphragm (ie diaphragm and intercostals are paralyzed)

(l)Guillain-Barre ascending paralysis in a patient who a week ago had a respiratory infection. The spinal 5luid shows increased protein, slight increase in lymphocytes, and a gram stain negative. Dz: Guillain-Barre, demyelinating dz (o) Polio destroys LMNs and eventually UMNs. Therefore, anything that paralyzes muscle of resp will lead to resp acidosis. (p) LUNGS: obstructive and restrictive lung dzs Obstructive lung dz problem getting air out, compliance increased and elasticity is decreased, therefore, have a resp acidosis. In restrictive lung dz, ie Sarcoidosis and pneumonocionioses, there is a problem in getting air in therefore has a resp alkalosis (?)

Audio File 8: Fluid And Hemodynamics 4 - Nutrition 1

Caissons Disease Underwater: for every 30 ft, increase 1 atm, (ie 760 at level, but 30 ft lower it will be 2 atm); the reverse is true when you go to high altitudes ie at top of mt everst, the atmospheric pressure is 200 atm; still breathing 21% O2; breathing the same, but atmospheric pressure is different, depending on where you are. Formula for calculating: alveolar O2 = (0.21 x atmospheric pressure) PCO2 / .8 High Altitude: (.21 x 200) 40mmHb/.8 = 2mmHg of air in alveoli, therefore will have to hyperventilate at high altitudes, b/c lower pCO2= increased PO2 (you HAVE to hypverventilate otherwise you die). However, when you go under, the atm pressure increases, and the nitrogen gases are dissolved in your tissues, leading to an increase in pressure. Ie 60 ft below, want to get up fast; like shaking a soda bottle; as you ascend, the gas comes out of fat in bubbles; the bubbles get into tissues and BVs; this is called the bends; leads to pain, and quadriplegia, loss of bladder control. Rx = hyperbaric O2 chamber.

CHAPTER 4: Nutrition

I. Eating disorders includes obesity, anorexia, bulimia Difference between anorexia and bulimia? A. Anorexia Distorted body image; women with anorexia can have distorted image; control issue; they have lost control of everything in their life, and the only thing that they can control over is what they put in their mouth. With a decrease of body fat and wt, GnRH decreases, therefore FSH and LH also decrease, leading to low estrogen; as a result, amenorrhea occurs, AND predisposes to osteoporosis, as if pt is postmenopausal. Anorexic people will eventually develop osteoporosis. Rx convince person to gain enough wt to bring period back; not birth control. (ie 5irst step in management of HP/diabetes = wt loss; as you lose adipose, you upregulate insulin resistance). In anorexia, usually die to cardiac dz (heart failure: heart just stops). B. Bulimia Nervosa 1. Metabolic Alkalosis: Its not a body image problem they can be obese, normal or thin (no weight issue); however, they binge (eat a lot), then force themselves to vomit. Pic on boards: from vomiting, wear down enamel on teeth; so, brownish stuff seen on teeth is just dentine (erosions seen on teeth). Metabolic alkalosis from forced vomiting will be seen. Metabolic alkalois is bad b.c there is a left shift curve, and the compensation is resp acidosis, which drops pO2, therefore will get hypoxia with metabolic alkalosis, and the heart do not like that. The heart already with low O2 will get PVCs (pre-mature ventricular contractions), RRT phenom, then V-5ib, then death. Therefore, met alkalosis is very dangerous in inducing cardiac arrythmias, and this commonly occurs in bulimics due to forced vomiting. Pt can also vomit out blood Mallory Weiss Syndrome tear in distal esophagus or proximal stomach. 2. Borhave syndrome, which is worse. In the syndrome, there is a rupture and air and secretions from the esophagus get into the pleural cavity; the air will dissect through subcutaneous tissue, come around the anterior mediastinum, which leads to Hemimans crunch observed when dr looks at pts chest, puts a stethoscope down, and you hear a crunch. The crunch is air that has dissected through interstial

tissue up into the mediastinum, indicating that a rupture occurred in the esophagus; this is another common thing in bulimics. So, there are 2 things imp in bulimics: 1) Metabolic alkalosis from vomiting (which can induce arrthymias 2) Borhaves syndrome C. Obesity: With obesity, using a diff method: BMI: kgs in body wt/meters in body ht2. If your BMI is 30 or greater, you are obese; if your bmi is 40 or greater, you are morbidly obese. Main complication of obesity = HTN; with HTN, leads to LVH, and potentially heart failure. MCC death in HTN = cardiac dz. Other complications of obesity include: gallbladder dz, cancers with a lot of adipose, you aromatize many 17-ketosteroids like androstenedione into estrogens. Therefore, will hyperestrinism (all obese women have hyperestrinism), you are at risk for estrogen related cancers ie breast cancer, endometrial carcinoma, colon cancer. II. Malnutrition Protein-calorie malnutrition: 1. Marasmus total calorie deposition, and wasting away of muscle; however, high chance of survival if they get food 2. Kwashiorkor prob gonna die; have carbs, but no protein; also have anemias, cellular immunity probs (ie no rxn to ags), low albumin levels, ascites, fatty livers. These kids are apathetic and need to be force-fed; therefore, kid with kwashiorkor is more likely to die than child with Marasmus. Example: kid with edema, 5laky dermatitis, reddish hair (Cu def) kwashiorkor III. Vitamins A. Difference between fat and water soluble vitamins: 1. Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fats, indicating that they are taken up by chymlomicrons. The chymlomicron will have A, D, E, and, K b/c these are the fat soluble vitamins. Fat soluble are more likely to be stored in fat, so the toxicity is much greater, b/c if it is water soluble, we just pee it out. MCC bright yellow urine = vitamins 2. Water soluble vitamins are all cofactors for biochemical rxns. B. Fat soluble vitamins: 1. Vitamin A a. Function: Is very imp in children for growth and can have failure to thrive in vit A def. Very important in iodopsin/rhodopsin within the eye and the 5irst sign of vit A def is night blindness which is called nictolopia. Vit A also prevents sq metaplasia. b. Example of Vit A def: eye with sq metaplasia, goose bumps on back of arm called follicular hyperkeratois. Eye is lined with cuboidal epithelium; when you get sq

metaplasia, will get white spots on the eye. If become extensive, grow over eye, and can lead to softening of the cornea (keratomalacia), and leads to blindness. 2nd MCC blindness globally = vit A def. MCC blindness globally = trachoma; MCC blindness in USA = diabetes. Therefore, vit A will prevent sq metaplasia, if you are Vit A de5icient and a nonsmoker, a person can end up with sq metaplasia in mainstem bronchus and bronchogenic carcinoma. c. Toxicity: Hypervitaminosis A ex. big game hunter that eats bear liver and has headaches. Increased vit A causes cerebral edema, also get papilloedema (which causes the headache), can alsp lead to herniation and death. There is also an increase of retinoic acid (used from treating acne and acute progranulocytic anemia). The retinoic acid toxicity can lead to severe liver toxicity. Therefore, hypervitaminosis of vit A affects 2 areas: 1) cerebral edema (brain) 2) liver. Example: if have young lady pt on retinoic acid for acne, need to check liver enzymes and ask for headaches (can be developing papilloedema or cerebral edema related to vit A toxicity). Massive amount of vit A in bear livers, and hunter dies with massive headaches or liver failure 2. Vitamin D = VERY imp on the boards; MC source of vit D is from sunlight. a. Cholesterol is the 1. Main component of our cell membranes 2. Starting point for making bile salts and bile acids 3. First compound that starts the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal cortex 4. And the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is photoconverted to vitamin D. Therefore we need cholesterol! (makes bile salts, hormones, cell membranes, and vit D). b. Source: Sun is the most imp source of vit D. take baby out to expose to sunlight (no vit D or vit K in breast milk, therefore must be supplemented expose to sun for vit D). c. Synthesis of Vitamin D: Reabsorbed in the jejunum. Undergoes 2 hydroxylation steps; 5irst is in the liver, where it is 25 hydroxylated and the 2nd is in the kidney and its 1 alpha hydroxylase. What hormone puts 1-alpha hydroxylase in the proximal tubule? PTH. PTH is responsible for synthesis of 1-a-hydroxylase and is synthesized in the proximal tubule. (ACE is from the endothelial cells of the pulmonary capillary, EPO is from the endothelial cells of the peritubular capillary). 1-a-hydroxylase is the 2nd hydroxylation step, and now it is active (the 5irst was in the kidney). d. Vit D function: reabsorb Ca and phosphorus from the jejunum. It HAS to reabsorb both of these, b/c its main job is mineralizing bone and cartilage. Have to have appropriate solubility product to be able to do that; Ca and phosphorus are

necessary to mineralize cartilage and bone (like the osteoid making bone). Therefore, it makes sense to reabsorb Ca and phosphorus b/c it needs to make sure that both of them are present in adequate amounts to have an adequate solubility product to mineralize bone. e. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Functions: (1)is somewhat related to Vitamin D metabolism, it helps last step for hydroxylation of vit D syn. (2) PTH will lead to reabsorption of Ca in the early distal tubule (this is also where Na is reabsorbed, and thiazides block this channel). At that location, there is a Ca channel; PTH helps reabsorption of the Ca in this location. Ca has to take turns with Na, usually more Na, reabsorbed; therefore Ca has to sneak through channel, with help of PTH. Therefore, with thiazides, Na is blocked, leaving the Ca channel completely open, and the thiazides will lead to hypercalcemia. Therefore, use in Ca stone formers most of stone formers have hypercalciurea; these pts have too much Ca in their urine; when they are on thiazides, the drug takes Ca OUT of the urine, so they do not form stones. (3) PTH will decrease reabsorption of phosphorus in the prox tubule, and (4) decrease the reaccumulation of bicarb, too. f. Vitamin D and PTH and how they work together: Vit Ds main function is mineralizing bone, and osteoblasts (bone builders) are involved with this process, therefore the receptor for Vit D is located on the osteoblast. When vit D hooks into the receptor, it causes the release of alkaline phosphatase. So, when you are growing bone or rehealing of a fracture, you expect to see an increase in alkaline phosphatase, which makes the appropriate solubility product to mineralized cartilage and bone. Knowing that PTH breaks down bone (maintains Ca levels in the blood stream) you would think that its receptor would be on the osteoclast (cell normally breaks bone down). However, only one hormone has a receptor on ostoeclasts and that is calcitonin. When calcitonin hooks into the osteoclast receptor, it inhibits the osteoclast, and therefore is used to treat hypercalcemia. Calcitonin also used in treating osteoporosis. The receptor for PTH is on the osteoblast, but not sharing the same one as vit D. When PTH hooks on the osteoblast, it releases IL-1. Another name for IL-1 is osteoclast activating factor (other functions of IL-1 are also involved in fever, stimulates Ab synthesis, and B cell stimulation). So, IL-1 (released from the osteoblast) activates osteoclasts via IL-1 release from osteoblast, and osteoclast is signaled to break down bone to maintain Ca levels in our bloodstream. Sex hormones keep IL-1 in check; in women, estrogen levels keep a check on IL-1 (do not want too much osteoclast activation); in men, it is testosterone that keeps IL-1 in check (puts inhibitory effect on IL-1 release from the osteoblast after PTH hooks in). Therefore, in women, can see why they get osteoporosis lack of estrogen = IL-1 not in check and breaking more bone down than making (this is the mechanism of postmenopausal osteoporosis).

PTH is more involved in maintaining Ca levels in our blood, while Vit D is more involved in mineralizing our bones and cartilage. g. Vitamin D de5iciency: Many reasons: lack of sun, poor diet, liver dz, renal dz. Example: Pt on phenytoin and pt has hypocalcemia, why? Phenytoin, alcohol, barbs, rifampin all induce the cyt p450 system located in the SER. Therefore, get SER hyperplasia; therefore, you metabolize drugs and other things made in the liver, including 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Therefore, anything that revs up the p450 enzymes will cause a decrease in vit D, and any other drugs being taken. Example: woman on birth control pills and taking phenytoin, and she got pregnant, why? The phenytoin reved up the p450 system, which increased the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone in the birth control pills, therefore not enough levels to prevent pregnancy. Example: what is the enzyme in the SER that increases when the p450 is revd up? Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) enzyme of SER! (look at in alcoholics) Example: MCC chronic renal dz in USA: diabetes mellitus tubular damage, so no 1- a-hydroxylase, therefore inactive vit D. Therefore, pts with chronic renal failure are put on 1-25-vit D. Example: if someone gets OTC vit D, what steps does it go through to become metabolically active? 25 hydroxylated in liver, and 1-a-hydroxylated in your kidney (it is NOT 1, 25 vit D this is a prescription drug, and extremely dangerous). Many people have the misconception that the vitamin D is already working. This is not the case; pt must have a functioning liver and kidney. With vit D def in kids = rickets; vit D def in adults = osteomalacia (soft bones). If you cant mineralize bone, you cannot mineralize cartilage, and they will both be soft, therefore pathologic fractures are common. Kids have different a few things that are different in rickets ie craniotopies, soft skulls (can actually press in and it will recoil). They can also get ricketic rosaries, b/c the osteoid is located in the costochondral junc, and b/c they are vit D def, there is a lot of normal osteoid waiting to be mineralized, but not an appropriate Calcium/ phosphorus solubility product; will have excess osteoid with little bumps, which is called ricketic rosary. Not seen in adults b/c they are getting fused. So, 2 things you see in kids and not adults: 1) craniotopies 2) ricketic rosaries; rhe rest is the same, with pathologic fractures being the main problem. h. Toxicity/Hypervitaminosis of vit D: hypercalcemia, therefore risk of having too many stones in the urine, and stones is a MCC complication. Type 1 rickets missing the 1-a-hydroxylase Type 2 rickets missing the receptor for vit D

3. Vitamin E a. Main function: maintain cell membranes and prevent lipid peroxidation of the cell membranes; in other words, it protects the cell membranes from being broken down by phospholipase A (lipid peroxidation, which is free radical damage on the cell membrane, and is prevented with vit E). Other function: neutralized oxidized LDL, which is far more atherogenic than LDL by itself. When LDL is oxidized, it is way more injurious to the cell then when it is not oxidized. Vit E will neutralize oxidized LDL, therefore is a cardioprotectant (vit E and C both neutralize oxidized LDL). In summary: vit E func = 1) protects cell mem from free radical damage. 2) Oxidizes free LDL (this is the LDL that macrophages phagocytose to produce foam cells, and leads to atherosclerotic plaques). b. De5iciency of vitamin E: Is seen but is very uncommon, and if seen if would be in kids with cystic 5ibrosis; from birth, kids have resp probs and pancreas problems. (look at in robbins, too). A kid that has cystic 5ibrosis will have malabsorption problems; therefore what four vitamins should you give him? Cystic 5ibrosis pt has a malabsorption of fat; therefore they will have malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vit E def in USA is usually seen in cystic 5ibrosis patients. c. Clinical presentations: One of the features of vit E def is hemolytic anemia (vit E normally maintains the integrity of the membrane); this pt is now susceptible to free radical damage, damaged mem of RBC leads to hemolysis of RBC and hemolytic anemia. Another feature of vit E are things related to myelin: posterior column dz, spinal cerebellar probs. Therefore, with vit E def, have neurological problems and hemolytic anemia. d. Vitamin E toxicity: anything more than 1100 units (average capsule is 400 units, therefore, if take 3 pills, already toxic). Vitamin E toxicity will inhibit synthesis of Vit K dependent Coagulation factors (2, 7, 9, 10, protein C, protein S); in other words, you are antiCoagulated. Example: pt with MI take antioxidants, and aspirin; with anterior MI, they antiCoagulate the pt, and pt goes home on three months of warfarin. Normal INR ratio, and takes lots and lots of vit E and other vitamins. Take a lot of vit E and will help warfarin, leading to over antiCoagulated state, (remember that warfarin blocks gamma carboxylation of vitamin K dep factors). Vit E will prevent the SYNTHESIS of these factors. Therefore, vit E toxicity is synergistic in activity with warfarin. Example: pt on warfarin, came home from MI, INR ratio is huge; why? Taking vit E. 4. Vitamin K a. Sources: Can come from what we eat, but most is synthesized by our colonic bacteria (our anaerobes in our gut) this is why we give vit K injections to our baby when they are born; they only have 3 days worth of vit K from mom, but after that, they wont have any b/c its not in breast milk; therefore, a very low level of vit K

between days 3-5; also, they dont have bacteria to make the vit K. Therefore, can get hemorrhagic dz of the newborn (this is why we give vit k when they are born); after 5 days, the bacteria colonize, and vit is made by the baby. b. Metabolism: Bacteria make vit K in an inactive form K2. K2 (inactive form must be converted by epoxide reductase to K1 (K1 is the active form of vitamin K). K1 will gamma carboxylates the vit K dependent factors (2, 7, 9, 10, protein C and S). Gamma carboxylates requires the same understanding as Vitamin C, in vit C If you dont hydroxylate pro and lys then the crosslinks are weaker (anchor pt). Gamma carboxylation of vit K dep factors actually activates them to become functional. Vit K dep factors all have something in common: (1)have to be activated by vit K1 and (2) they are the only Coagulation factors that are bound to a clot by Calcium (Ca); so they have to be bound by Ca in order to work and form a clot; if you cant bind, then you are antiCoagulated. That is what gamma carboxylation: glutamic acid residues are gamma carboxylated on the vit K dep factors (which is done with K1), and allows Ca to bind the factors; therefore, it keeps them together and you are able to form a clot; therefore, if they are not gammacarboxylated, they are useless b/c Ca cant grab them to form a clot (so, gammacarboxylation is the anchor pt, so Ca can bind to form a clot, similar to hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis). Warfarin blocks epoxide reductase, so all the vit K pt has is K2 and no gammacarboxylation will occur. Therefore, the patient is anticoagulated. c. Vitamin K de5iciency: MCC vit K def (in hospital) = broad spectrum Abs. 2nd MCC = poor diet, being a newborn, malabsorption. Def vit K = hemorrhagic diathesis (bleeding into skin or brain). Know why newborn has vit K def: Example: kid with rat poison rat poison is warfarin; when rats eat it, they get antiCoagulated and die. Treat with intramuscular Vitamin K. Example: kid lived with grandparents and developed hemorrhagic diathesis: why? B/c the elderly were on warfarin, and kid ate the warfarin, and led to toxic levels.

Audio File 9: Nutrition 2 - Neoplasia 1

C. Water Soluble Vitamins: all are cofactors in major biochemical pathway 1. Vitamin C: a) Classic example of Vitamin C de5iciency: older person on tea and toast diet indicating that they are malnourished; pt gets bleeding of the gums = scurvy, due to vit C def. Vit C is responsible for hydroxylation of proline and lysine, and this occurs in the Golgi apparatus b/c thats where post-translational modi5ication occurs. Pts have weak Type I collagen b/c cannot crossbridge it; therefore, BVs are unstable and gums bleed. Get bleeding of the gums, in5lammation, and may loose teeth. b) Associated question: what complication is associated with severe hemophilia A? Hemearthroses, and caused by Vit C de5iciency (b/c the BVs are unstable and they rupture). c) Physical diagnosis of Vitamin C de5iciency: Along with the tea and toast diet, there is also perifollicular hemorrhage (hemorrhage around the hair follicles). See ring sideroblast (nucleated RBC, and has too much iron in the mitochondria), ring around the hair follicle and also see cork screw hairs due to vit C def. The tongue looks like it hurts and patients with vit C have a smooth tongue glossitis, with kelosis around ankles, plus a hemorrhagic diathesis = scurvy. d) Excess vitamin C: very common b/c pts take way too much vit C (6-8gm), main complication is Renal stones (increased uric acid stones, and other kinds of stones). Vitamin C and D both have toxicity stones. e) Vitamin C is used in ancillary Rx for methemoglobinuria; it is a reducing agent and a great scavenger hunter for free radicals (knocks them off). f) Cofactor in biochemical pathway: Vit C is a cofactor for converting the catecholamine NE into Epi. 2. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): a) Involved in many biochemical reactions: transketolase rxns in the pentose phosphate shunt; and pyruvate dehydrogenase; alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase; and alpha keto acid dehydrogenase. All the dehydrogenase rxns require thiamine as a cofactor. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is the main rxn that converts pyruvate into

acetyl CoA. Pyruvate can also be converted to OAA with a carboxylase enzyme. When you combine acetyl CoA with OAA, you make citrate, and you are in the TCA cycle. b) So, if thiamine def, b/c it is involved in the pyruvate dehydrogenase rxn (which converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA), you will not have a lot of acetyl CoA around, therefore, wont have much citrate around, therefore, you wont have the TCA cycle working ef5iciently, and LESS ATP. Therefore, the problem with thiamine def is ATP depletion. When you go from pyruvate to acetyl CoA, you generate 2 NADHs and since this is in the mito, you get 6 ATP (so, just from going from pyruvate to acetyl- Coa, gives 6 ATP); and then with TCA, get 24 ATPs. 6 + 24 = 30 ATP; the total you can get from completely metabolizing glucose is 38 ATP; so, if you are thiamine def, you are out 30 ATPs; so, the main prob of thiamine def is ATP depletion. c) In thiamine def youll see foot drop (dry beriberi), and pitting edema (wet beriberi). How does this explain wet/dry beriberi? 1) Dry beriberi = peripheral neuropathy, and refers to Wernickes korsakoff psychosis (cant remember old and new things like an exam ie used to know that, but cant remember now; a memory problem). It takes a lot of ATP for synthesis of myelin; without myelin, you will get peripheral neuropathy and foot drop (due to common peroneal palsy), can get wrist drop (radial nerve palsy), and claw hand (ulnar nerve palsy). Wernickes encephalopathy is confusion, ataxia, and nystagmus. All of these are due to demyelization. 2) Wet beriberi = heart failure; MCC thiamine def = alcohol (not polished rice). Alcoholics are the MC people with thiamine def. Wet beriberi is referring to cardiomyopathy cause: LHF went into RHF which lead to pitting edema. Heart needs ATP to function, therefore, the pt with have congestive cardiomyopathy; their heart will have biventricular enlargement (the whole chest will be heart), with left and right HF (pitting edema is a sign of right HF due to increased hydrostatic pressure behind the failed heart). If you give IV thiamine, can reverse; and in some cases its related to toxicity of alcohol, and cannot work. d) Example: pt in ER given IV of 5% dextrose and normal saline; all of sudden, pt develops confusion, nystagmus, and ataxia, and opthalmaplegia. Diagnosis: subclinical thiamine de5iciency. As soon as the glucose was hung up, the pyruvate went to acetyl CoA and used the rest of thiamine...then went into acute Wernickes encephalopathy. Therefore, moral of the story: give IV thiamine before hanging up IV glucose, especially in ER. f) When people come in comatose or semicomatose, several things you always do: 1) 50% glucose if a hypoglycemia problem 2) naloxone (OD) 3) IV thiamine 3. Vitamin B3 (Niacin):

Slide: Rash in sun exposed area = pellagra (aka dermatitis), due to niacin def (also diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia); hyperpigmentation in sun-exposed areas = Cassels necklace (dermatitis/pellagra); NAD/NADP rxns (N stands for nicotinamide, and the nicotinamide was derived from niacin). Therefore, all the oxidation rxns rxns are niacin dependent. Example: pyruvate to acetyl CoA = went from NAD to NADH and niacin is involved here. Tryptophan can used in synthesizing niacin and serotonin (why its an essential aa); but its not the main source of niacin, but a good source. Nicotinic acid = least expensive lipid lowering drug; see the 5lushing assoc with it; supposed to take aspirin with it to remove the 5lushing related to nicotinic acid (used in treating familial hyperlipidemia), it is the DOC for elevated hyperTGemia. 4. Vitamin B2 (RiboUlavin): FAD/FMN rxns are ribo5lavin cofactor rxns (therefore, whenever you have FAD and FMN rxns, these are ribo5lavin cofactor rxns). (Niacin for NAD/NADP rxns, and ribo5lavin for FAD/FMN rxns). Also, the 5irst rxn: glutathione reductase converts oxidized glutathione into glutathione which ribo5lavin is a cofactor for. 5. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Were talking about microcytic anemia. First rxn in the synthesis of heme involves succinyl Coa, plus glycine. The enzyme is ALA synthase, and the cofactor is B6. Therefore, it is imp to the synthesis of hemoglobin and heme proteins. The cytochrome system is the heme system, too. Myoglobin is different from Hb (has one heme group), while Hb has four heme groups. There is also heme in the liver, in the cytochrome system. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of heme, which is in porphyrin. Pyridoxine is in the transaminases rxn. Most abundant substrate from making glucose in the fasting state = alanine (aa from muscle aas broken down from muscle to get glucose, via gluconeogenesis). How can an aa be used to make glucose? Transamination. Transaminations (SGOT, SGPT) from the liver can take transaminases; they take amino groups out and put them into other things; if you take the amino group out of alanine, this produces pyruvate (an alpha keto acid). If you take aspartate and take the aa out, you have OAA, which is a substrate for gluconeogenesis. If you take pyruvate, and add an amino group, can synthesize alanine. If you take OAA, and add an amino group, you can make aspartate. This is what the transaminases do, with B6 as a cofactor. B6 is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Therefore, a child that is B6 de5icient, they end up with severe neurological problems b/c no neurotransmitters (B6 imp to synthesizing the neurotransmitters). Important in transamination, neurotransmitter, and heme synthesis.

MCC def B6 def = isoniazid; without B6, will develop neurologic problems and sideroblastic anemia related to heme problem. D. Other important co-factors 1. Pantothenic acid is related to FA synthase; not the rate limiting rxn, but imp in making palmitic acid (a 16 C FA), and helps in making CoA (ie acetyl CoA, HMG CoA); pantothenic acid is the cofactor for these rxns. 2. Biotin Cofactor for other rxn of pyruvate to acetyl Coa via pyruvate dehydrogenase = thiamine is the cofactor, while biotin is the cofactor for Pyruvate decarboxylase to OAA. Therefore, thiamine helps form acetyl CoA from pyruvate, while biotin helps form OAA from pyruvate. If you are def, need to eat 20 raw eggs/day De5iciency: get a rash and go bald (alopecia). If biotin def, cannot form OAA, and cannot from citrate either (this is the 5irst step in gluconeogenesis, therefore you can end up with fasting hypoglycemia). If you build pyruvate, it will be forced to go to lactic acid. 3. Trace elements a) Chromium = glucose tolerance factor, and helps insulin do its job. Oatmeal can also decrease glucose with all the 5iber; good for a type II diabetic to be on chromium. b) Copper lysl oxidase puts crossbridge between collagen 5ibrils and elastic tissue. Therefore, if Cu def, have weak collagen and weak elastic tissue, predisposing to dissecting aortic aneurysm. Red hair in kwashiorkor also due to Cu def. c) Fluorine needed to prevent dental carries; too much 5luorine leads to white, chalky teeth, also in Colorado b/c water has too much 5luorine. It will also get calci5ication of the ligaments, where ligaments go into bone; the calci5ied ligaments are subject to rupture; any good radiologist can detect 5luorine toxicity. d) Selenium in pentose phosphate shunt, form glutathione, and have ribo5lavin helping that enzyme. Glutathione can neutralize peroxide, and this requires glutathione peroxidase; selenium is the cofactor for this reaction. Therefore, in other words, it is an antioxidant b/c if you are def in it; the glutathione cannot breakdown the peroxide. (Vit E usually comes with selenium so one works on glutathione, while the other protects the lipid membrane from free radical damage and scavenges oxidized LDL). e) Zinc Example: older person with dysgusia (abnormal taste) and anosmia (lack of sell); smell and taste are both def in zinc def. Zinc is a metalloenzyme; therefore it has a trace metal as a cofactor. Collagenase is a metalloenzyme b/c it has zinc in it,

and it breaks down the type 3 collagen, so you can form type 1 collagen. Therefore, if de5icient in it, will have poor wound healing, and you get a rash on the face. So, rash on face, dysgusia, anosmia, poor wound healing = zinc de5iciency!!! Diabetics are zinc def, unless taking supplements. 4. Dietary Uiber (insoluble and soluble) soluble 5iber can lower cholesterol (not the insoluble 5iber). How it works (ie oatmeal): oatmeal has insoluble 5iber, when its in the gut, it will suck up water into it from the colon, and also suck up bad things lipopolic acid. 95% of bile acids and bile salts are reabsorbed in the terminal ileum. The 5% are lipopolic acids, which are carcinogenic (produces colon cancer). So, 5iber (insoluble and soluble), it sucks the lipopolic acid up, into the interior of the stool, so it has no contact with the bowel mucosa. Plus, defecate more often and therefore lipopolic acids have even less contact with the stool. Women are lucky b/c they recycle estrogens; main way of excreting estrogens is in bile and out of your stool, but a small % of estrogens are recycled back into the system. You may not necessarily need that, so, when on 5iber, increased estrogen is passed out, therefore, decreasing chance of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer b/c 5iber in the diet. IV. Special diets protein restriction What 2 dzs would you restrict protein in? 1) Renal failure b/c excess protein broken down to ammonia and other things the ammonia is metabolized in the urea cycle, will have increase urea and the kidney will have to get rid of more urea. 2) Cirrhosis of the liver defective urea cycle therefore cannot metabolize ammonia; most of the ammonia that we have in our bodies comes from bacteria in our colon that have urease in them (H. pylori); and they breakdown urea to ammonia in our colon. Ammonia is reabsorbed, and supposed to go back to our liver and go into the urea cycle, become urea and get rid of it. But with cirrhosis, no urea cycle, so the ammonia levels increase in the blood, leading to hepatic encephalopathy, mental status abnormalities, asterixis; also caused by octpaneme, benzoic acid, neurotransmitters. So, two situations to restrict protein: cirrhosis and chronic renal failure.

CHAPTER 5. Neoplasia

I. Nomenclature: B9 vs. malignant A. Main difference B9 usually does not metastasize, malignant has the capacity to metastasize. Exception: B9 tumor that metastasize: invasive mole (metastasize to lungs, but goes away). B. Slides: a) MC skin cancer INVADES but does not metastasize: basal cell carcinoma. b) Uterus: leiomyoma; MC B9 tumor in woman is MC located in which organ? Uterus its a leiomyoma; tumor of smooth muscle! c) Fibroids smooth muscle; become very hard d) MC B9 tumor in male (yellow) = lipoma e) B9 tumor of glands = adenomas (ie adrenal adenoma thin adrenal cortex b/c it is functional; it could be making cortisol, therefore suppressing ACTH, and the fasiculata and reticularis would undergo ATROPHYleads to Cushings. If tumor secreting mineralocorticoids it is Conns syndrome, causing atrophy of the zone glomerulosa (GFR salty sweet sex) f) Tubular adenoma = MC precursor lesion for colon cancer (looks like strawberry on a stick) C. Carcinoma vs. sarcoma 1. Carcinoma malignancy of epithelial tissue (3 epithelial tissues squamous, glandular, and transitional) a) Squamous carcinoma how to recognize? Little swirls of increased redness (bright red) called squamous pearls; b) Glandular carcinoma Round glands, with something in the middle = adenocarcinoma c) Transitional cell carcinoma from bladder, ureter, renal pelvis (from genital urinary tract) all with transitional epithelium Therefore 3 carcinomas = squamous, adenocarcinoma, and transitional cell carcinomas.

d) Example: Malignant melanoma 5irst step in management? Excision (b9 version = nevus), both are derived from melanocytes. This is the most rapidly increasing cancer in the USA, not MC. They are S-100 Ag + tumors aput tumors e) Aput Tumors: S-100 Ag + tumors aput tumors; aput is precursor uptake decarboxylation, meaning that they are of neurosecretory or neural crest origin. Therefore, on EM, have neurosecretory granules. S-100 Ag is used to stain things of aput origin or neural crest origin (most, not all, will take up that Ag). Examples of aput tumors: melanoma; small cell carcinoma of the lung; bronchial carcinoid; carcinoid tumor at the tip of the appendix; neuroblastoma (secretory tumor), ie 2 y/o with tumors all over skin, and on biopsy, it is S-100 +, tumor was from adrenal medulla, metastasize to skin. 2. Sarcomas are malignancy of MESENCHYMAL tissue (not epithelial). Sarcoma of smooth muscle = leioymyosarcoma; Striated muscle = rhabdomyosarcoma; Fat = liposarcoma; (these are malignancies of mesenchymal tissue, while carcinomas are of epithelial tissue). Examples: a) Bone, see metaphysis, see Codmans triangle, and sunburst appearance on x-ray b/c this tumor actually makes bone. Dx = osteogenic sarcoma (bone making sarcoma). b) Biopsy from girl having necrotic mass coming out of her vagina, Vimentin and keratin -, and desmin +, dx? Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (see striation of muscle). This is the MC sarcoma of children (vagina in little girls and penis in little boys) c) Movable mass at angle of jaw = mixed tumor (in parotid); mixed b/c two histologically have two different types of tissue but derived from SAME cell layer (not a teratoma, which is from three cell layers),. MC overall salivary gland tumor (usually b9) = mixed tumor d) Teratoma = tooth, hair, derived from all three cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) Aka germ cell tumors b/c they are totipotential, and stay midline. Ex. anterior mediastinum, or pineal gland; therefore, teratomas are germ cell, midline tumors. e) Cystic teratoma of the ovaries: 16 y/o girl with sudden onset of RLQ pain (dont confuse with appendicitis, Crohns dz, ectopic pregnancy, follicular cyst). On x-ray, see calci5ications of the pelvic area! Cystic teratoma (the calci5ications can be bone or teeth). Usually develop in midline germ cell tumor. II. Nomenclature: Leukemia and lymphoma

MC on the boards: Auer rod from myeloblast, and hypersegmented neutrophil from B12 and folate de5iciency. A. Leukemia = malignancy of stem cells in the BM, and they can metastasize (like all cancer) and to lymph nodes, leading to generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. Derived from stem cells in the marrow and metastasize. B. Malignant lymphoma: arise from LYMPH nodes, and can metastasize anywhere, include BM. The MC site in body for lymphoma NOT developing in lymph node: stomach Most extranodal (outside lymph node) primary lymphomas occur in the stomach; H. pylori can produce these. 2nd MCC location (lymphoid organ in the GI tract) = Payers patches (located in the terminal ileum). MC lymphoma = follicular B cell lymphoma. This is an example of knocking off apoptosis gene -14:18 translocation of a heavy chain; when you get the translocation, B cells will make bcl-2, which inactivates apoptotic gene in the B cell, therefore, the apoptotic gene is immortal, leads to cancer. III. Nomenclature of Trophoblastic Tumors A. Hydatidiform mole, presents with cluster of grapes. It manifests in the 5irst trimester with signs of preeclampsia (HP, proteinuria, edema in the 5irst trimester). On ultrasound, will see uterus too large for its gestational age, with a snowstorm appearance = classic complete mole; and can progress to choriocarcinoma. B. Choriocarcinoma mole is a benign tumor of the chorionic villus; chorionic villi are lined with trophoblastic cells, including synctiotrophoblast on the outside (has contact with the blood, from which O2 is extracted); under the synctiotrophoblast is the cytotrophoblast, then have wartens jelly in the chorionic villus, then have vessel that becomes the umbilical vein, which has the most O2 in the vessels of the fetus. So, hydatidiform mole is a B9 tumor of the WHOLE chorionic villus, and it looks like grapes b/c its dilated up. Choriocarcinoma is a malignancy of the lining of the chorionic villus: the synctiotrophoblast and the cytotrophoblast (not the actual chorionic villus). Which makes hormones? The syncytiotrophoblast synthesizes B- HCG and human placental lactogen (growth hormone of pregnancy it gives aas and glucose from mom to baby). So, when gestationally derived, and even when they metastasize to the lungs, they respond well to chemotherapy (methotrexate, chlabucil). Therefore, these are highly malignant tumors, but go away with chemotherapy.

Audio File 10: Neoplasia 2

IV. Things that end in oma: Everything that end in oma is not necessarily b9 ie melanoma (malignant tumor of melanocytes), lymphoma (malignant tumor of lymph nodes) Also, all that ends in oma is not necessarily a neoplasm ie hemartoma = overgrowth of tissue that is normally present in that area. Example: A bronchial hemartoma seen lung which is b9 cartilage and a solitary coin lesion is seen in lung (also wonder if its a granuloma). The polyp in Peutz Jeghers syndrome is a hemartoma (not even a neoplasm), thats why there is no increase in risk of poly cancer. Hyperplastic polyp (MC polyp in GI) is a hemartoma, its a B9 tissue in place it is not suppose to be (ie pancreatic tissue in the stomach) this is called a choristoma, or heterotopic ret. Meckels Diverticulum MC complication of Meckels Diverticulum = bleeding from a gastric mucosa that is ulcerated, or pancreatic tissue that is ulcerated. Should gastric mucosa be in the meckels diverticulum? No, b/c it is in the small bowel (about 2 ft from the ileocecal valve). Hemartomas are non-neoplastic, and therefore do not have cancer producing potential. V. Malignant Cells Increased mitotic rate does not mean cancer. What makes mitosis malignant is having an atypical mitotic spindle (they are aneuploid and have more than the normal 46 csomes). Key thing that determines if it is malignant is its ability to metastasize. Malignant cells usually have a longer cell cycle than the cells they derived from. How many doubling times does it take to get a tumor that can be detected clinically? 30 doubling times means that the tumor goes through the cell cycle 30 times, and a tumor of one sonometer in size is produced; 109 in mass. Malignant cells are immortal they dont like each other and lack adhesion; if they were stuck to each other, they would have problems in5iltrating tissue. Malignant cells have simple biochemical systems, typically anaerobic metabolism, and have many enzymes such as proteases (used to break through tissue), collagenases (used to break through BM). This is what makes a malignant cell malignant. VI. Mechanisms of Metastasis: lymphatic, hematogenous, seeding

A. Lymphatic metastasizes: How do carcinomas usually metastasize? Lymph nodes they drain to their regional lymph nodes; ie breast cancer goes to axillary nodes or internal mammary nodes. For colon cancer, go to nodes around them (the local lymph nodes); same with carcinoma of the esophagus. What part of the lymph node do metastases go to? Subcapsular sinus. If they can get through the lymph node, they go to the efferent lymphatics which drains into the thoracic duct, and then into the subclavian, and then they become hematogenous. Therefore, carcinoma can become hematogenous, this means that they 1st went through the lymph nodes; now, they can spread to other organs (ie bone, liver, etc). This is better than sarcoma b/c can feel the lymph nodes by clinical exam and pick up before it spreads. B. Hematogenous metastasizes: On the other hand, sarcomas do not like to go to lymph nodes. They go right through BVs and are characterized by hematogenous spread, and thats why lungs and bones are common sites of sarcomas. They dont like to go to lymph nodes. Therefore, they are a little worse b/c they immediately go hematogenous, and do not give a clue that they are spreading. Example: have angiosarcoma of the breast; would you do a radical dissection of the axilla? No, b/c angiosarcoma does not go to the lymph nodes, therefore, do a simple mastectomy. If it is breast carcinoma, take breast and lumpectomy and local axillary lymph nodes and complete the dissection. Exceptions: Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid (thinks its a sarcoma) skips lymph nodes and goes straight to BVs, and takes the hematogenous route. Renal adenocarcinoma goes to renal veins (also determines prognosis) Hepatocellular carcinoma like to attack the vessels In general, carcinomas 1st like to go to lymph nodes, and the have the potential to become hematogenous. Sarcomas go hematogenous, making them dangerous. C. Seeding: Classical Example: cancers that are in cavities and have a potential of seeding, like little malignant implants. Most ovarian cancers are surface derived cancers, therefore derived from lining around the ovary, and they seed like little implants. Therefore, easy to throw out these implants and for it to metastasize to the omentum, and into the pouch of Douglas. The pouch of Douglas is posterior to the uterus and anterior to the rectum and is felt by digital rectal exam. The pouch of Douglas is to a woman, as the prostate gland is to the man. If you do a rectal on a man, and push forward, you will feel the prostate. If you do a rectal on a woman and push forward, this is the pouch of Douglas. This is an imp area b/c its the most dependent area of a womans pelvis and many things go here clotted blood in a rupture ectopic pregnancy, where endometrial implants go in endometriosis, and where seeding goes in ovarian cancers (pouch of Douglas). So, seeding of ovarian cancer to the omentum and can actually invade. Can also seed in the pleural cavity,

for example: peripherally located lung cancer that can seed into the pleural cavity. GBM (MC primary malignancy of the brain in adults) can seed into the spinal 5luid and implant into the entire spinal cord, as can a medulloblastoma in a child. So, the 3 mechanisms for metastasis are lymphatic, hematogenous, and seeding. VII. Most Common (MC) cancers The 5irst question is to ask: Is the metastasis more common than primary cancer? In most cases, metastasis is the MC cancer in an organ (not a primary cancer). Exception: renal adenocarcinoma (which is more common than metastasis to it). Lung: MC cancer is metastasis from the breast cancer. Therefore, MC cancer in the lung is breast cancer. Therefore, women are more likely to get lung cancer. Bone: MC cancer in bone is metastasis (not multiple myeloma or osteogenic sarcoma). MC cancer that metastasis to bone is breast cancer b/c the batsom system; it is a venous complex going from base of the skull down to the sacrum, and has no valves in it. The little tributaries communicate with the vena cava and also go right into the vertebral bodies. Then they collect around the spinal cord and go up. For example: a lady has a little plug of tumor in the intercostal vein, and bends down to pick up something off the ground, which causes the cancer to be dislodged from the vein to the vena cava to the batson plexus in the vertebral bodies, and 3 months later she is complaining of lower back pain. All of a sudden, she is stage four cancer. MC bone metastasis TO the vertebral column. 2nd MC is the head of the femur (in a woman, this is due to breast cancer ie breast cancer in head of femur, when they thought it was degenerative arthritis). MC organ metastasis to = lymph nodes (carcinomas are more common than sarcomas, and carcinomas like to go to lymph nodes, meaning it is the MC metastasis to) Liver: MC cancer of liver = metastasis from lung into liver (not colon colon is 2nd b/c portal vein drainage). Testicular Cancer: Where would testicular cancer metastasize 5irst? Paraortic lymph nodes; NOT the inguinal lymph nodes b/c it derived from the abdomen, and then descended. Example: seminoma (malignant) will metastasize to paraortic nodes b/c that is where it came from Left supraclavicular node, aka Virchows node. The MC primary metastasize to Virchows nodes = stomach cancer! There is a mass in the left supraclavicular nodes along with wt loss and epigastric distress.

Bone: Best test looking for bone mets? Radionucleide scan. Example: everywhere that is black in a woman is mets from breast cancer. MC bone metastasis to = vertebral column! Mets that are lytic (break bone down) and mets that are blastic (mets go into bone and induce osteoblastic response). A. Lytic Metastasis: For lytic mets, they can lead to pathologic fractures and hypercalcemia. Multiple myeloma with punched out lesions b/c all malignant plasma cells have IL-1 in them (aka osteoclast activating factor) B. Blastic metastasis: For blastic mets, alkaline phosphatase will be elevated. Example: this is a male with prostate cancer (prostate cancer is blastic!); it is making bone and will release alkaline phosphatase MC location for mets = lumbar vertebrae Example: 80 y/o man with lower lumbar pain with pt tenderness; what is 5irst step in management? Digital rectal exam would be the 5irst thing to do b/c this would be stage four dz, and the prostate is palpable; so, this is the easiest and cheapest test (not PSA, or radionucleide bone scan to make sure its not mets). Lytic mets have lucency (absence of bone) ie vertebrae collapse Blastic mets have entity on x ray If you see any specimen with multiple lesions in it, it is METS (primary cancers are conUined to one area of the organ). MC cancer brain = mets MC cancer killer in men and women = lung cancer MC primary site for cancer in brain = lung MC cancer in lung = mets from breast MC mets to adrenal = lung therefore they always do a CT of the hilar lymph nodes, and adrenal glands in the staging of all lung cancers. Bone = blastic, therefore the most likely cause is prostate cancer. VIII. Stains and EM used to help dx dz: Stains: desmin good stain for muscle ie used for rhabdomyosarcoma Stain for keratin (most carcinomas have keratin in it, therefore stain for that) Stains help ID diff types of tumors Vimentin- mesenchymal cells

EM: Used when nothing else helps Auput tumor see neurosecretory granules. Histiocyte tumor (ie histiocytosis X) see birbeck granules, with CD 1 Muscle see actin and myosin 5ilaments Vascular malignancy Wibble palad bodies (have vWF in them); they are of endothelial origin Know gap junc (which communicate, which dont) IX. Oncogenesis: A. Big picture of oncogenesis 1) Initiation (mutation ie within the cell cycle) 2) Promotion (where multiple copies of the mutation are made) 3) Progression (sub-specializing) diff types of cancer cells have diff func malignant cells with one purpose to kill you. Diff cells with diff func: some stay where they are; some invade (and are given special things for it to be able to invade); some have special receptors to home in to speci5ic organs; some resist chemo, some spread, some make enzymes to penetrate tissues. 2 sets of genes involved with cancer: 1) Involved in growth process (cell cycle related) 2) Genes that suppress things (suppressor genes) B. Things that are involved in trying to get a cell to divide: GFs (epidermal derived GF); protooncogenes normal genes, which havent been activated, and have normal function. When they have been activated, they become oncogenes, which are bad and become cancerous. Certain protooncogenes code for growth factors ie sis, whose func is to make GFs. All GFs have to hook into a receptor; therefore certain protooncogenes whose main job is to make receptors ie erb-2 = breast cancer, which codes for a receptor and ret = seen in MEN syndrome (MEN I and IIa and IIb). We have to send a message to the nucleus, so have another set of genes, whose job is to send the message; some located in the cell membrane. Example: ras protooncogene sends a GTP (a phosphorylated protein message), therefore its a cell membrane located messenger system. Another example: abl protooncogene which lives in the cytosol, very close to the nuclear membrane and also is involved in messages.

Who is the messenger sent to? The message is sent to a group of protooncogenes in the nucleus. Once that message is sent to them, there is stimulation of nuclear transcription of that message; in other words, the cell divides and makes whatever it is supposed to make. Classic protooncogenes there are myc protooncogenes = n-myc and c-myc (n-myc is for neuroblastoma, and c-myc is for Burkitts lymphoma). So, the protooncogenes involved make GFs, growth factor receptors; send messages (which are often phosphorylated proteins). Example ie insulin hooks into receptor on adipose and activated tyrosine kinase (located right on the receptor), which makes a phosphorylated product, goes to the nucleus (to divide), and also goes to GA and attaches to GLUT-4, which is made from golgi apparatus, goes to the cell membrane and theres the receptor for glucose. Therefore the messages go to nuclear transcribers in the nucleus and these are myc oncogenes. The suppressor genes are controlling the cell cycle. The 2 most imp are Rb suppressor gene and p53 suppressor gene. Normally, they control the cell cycle and do not let cell cycle progress to S phase. If unregulated, cells go to S phase and become initiated. How do we initiate a cell? Mutationsmechanisms: usually a point mutation ie substitutes aa for e/o. The p53 suppressor gene and the ras oncogenes is a pt mutn. All suppressor genes are due to pt mutn. Other mutations include: Ampli5ication make multiple copies (erb-2 is an ampli5ication system) and Translocation (putting in another place and cant go back) classic: CML translocation of abl (non receptor tyrosine kinase activity from csome 9 to 22. On csome 22, it fuses on a cluster region of the fusion gene, and b/c of the tyrosine kinase activity, it sends a message and stem cells keep dividing; aka Philly csome. Another example: Cancer assoc with Epstein Barr virus translocation of myc nuclear transcriber gene from csome 8 and puts it on csome 14; it doesnt like it there, so it leads to Burkitts lymphoma. Receptor for Epstein barr virus on all B cells CD 21; when it hooks on to receptor, it causes B cells to become plasma cells and make Ab (therefore, this virus is an amazing stimulating of Ab synthesis, as is the CMV virus.) The more a cell divides, the worse it is if something happens to it; ie EBV virus , 8,14 translocation of myc oncogenes from 8 to 14 and all of a sudden you are making multiple copies, and leads to lymphoma (greater chance that you do something, the greater chance that you will screw up). Follicular B cell lymphoma translocation of 14:18; inactivation of suppressor gene. Translocation 15:17 = acute progranulocytic leukemia; Rx Vit A (retinoic acid) b/c it matures the blasts, therefore the malignant cell becomes B9.

C. Suppressor genes Suppressor genes suppress, therefore if knocked off, whatever they were suppressing keeps on going. Key suppressor genes: p53, Rb gene, adenomatos polyposis coli (familial polyposis), neuroUibromatosis, wilms tumor gene, brca1 and 2 (both involved in DNA repair, and one is on csome 13 while the other is on csome 17); brca1 can be breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or others; brca2 is TOTALLY related to breast cancer. Only 15% of breast cancers have genetic assoc with these genes, therefore, most cases are sporadic. X. Common things that predispose mutations: Protooncogenes are activated, while suppressor genes are inactivated 3 main ways this occurs: chemicals, viruses, radiation A. Chemicals: Which of the three is most common in initiating a cell producing a mutation? Chemicals smoking = MCC death in USA due to polycyclic hydrocarbons. By itself, smoking is MC than virally induced or radiation induced cancers. Smoking causes lung cancer, squamous cancer of the mouth, larynx, lung, pancreas, bladder, and if its not the #1 cause, its often #2, such leukemias, cervical ca, and colon. MCC papillary tumor of the bladder = transitional cancer (smoking) What if you worked in a dye industry? Aniline What if you had Wegeners granulomatosis, put on a drug and got hematuria, did cytology and saw cells, what drug is pt on? Cyclophosphamide (hemorrhagic cystitis); prevent with mesna, and can cause transitional cell carcinoma (therefore acts as a carcinogen!) Lung cancer MCC = polycyclic hydrocarbons from smoke; most often assoc with smoking is small cell and squamous; B. Viruses: Virus assoc cancer: a virus with nonpruritic raised red lesions. Dx? Kaposis sarcoma (due to HHV 8) Burkitts; due to Epstein barr varies which also causes nasopharyngeal carcinoma, esp. in Chinese liver Hepatocellular carcinoma due to hepatitis B from Asia; also due to a mold a$latoxin B; combo of hep B, cirrhosis, plus aUlatoxin makes is common in Asia; can also be caused by hep C HIV is assoc with primary CNS lymphoma. They will ask: the rapidly increasing incidence of primary CNS lymphoma can be directly attributed to what? HIV

HPV causes squamous cancer of cervix, vagina, and vulva, and anus of homosexuals due to unprotected intercourse; due to HPV 16, 18, 31. This virus causes anal squamous cell carcinoma in homosexuals. The virus works by making two proteins, E6 which knocks off p53, while E7 knocks of Rb. C. Radiation MC cancer assoc with radiation = leukemia MC leukemia assoc with radiation = CML (9, 22 translocation of abl) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid is also commonly seen as a result of radiation. Example: pt had radiation in head and neck, and has nontender nodular masses in cervical region = metastatic papillary carcinoma of the thyroid related to ionizing radiation. Example: osteogenic sarcoma Example: which medical profession is most subject to leukemia? Radiologist, leukemias are commonly caused by radiation and its the radiologist that are commonly involved with this. Example: if you have Jacob Crutzfelt dz, what dr are you? Neuro-Pathologist (bc work with brains and prions) Example: basal cell carcinoma (pic), multifocal; this is non ionizing radiation (ionizing radiation is the bad stuff). This is UV B light (b is bad); UV A light is for 5luorescing super5icial dermatophytes (woods light) or greens patches in tuberous sclerosis (therefore used by dermatologists), aka black light. UV B light is what you protect yourself from to prevent getting skin cancers (basal cell = MC, then squamous cell, then melanoma). UV D = thymidine dimmers Example: lesion in sun exposed areas that is scraped off and grows back aka solar (actinc) keratosis; it predisposes to squamous dysplasia. Arsenic is a metal that is associated with skin cancer. Bangladesh has bad water supply which contains arsenic, therefore they have a high number of squamous skin cancers, and with time it can lead to cancer of the lung, and angiosarcoma of the liver. Example: kid with white eye re5lex retinoblastoma csome 13. This dz is sporadic and familial. It takes the sporadic dz 2 separate mutn to become retinoblastoma (knock off on each csome 13). If it is familial, which is Autosomal dominant it takes just one mutn, b/c you are born with one already inactivated, therefore only need one more mutation on the other chromosome in order to develop retinoblastoma. White eye reUlex is not MC due to retinoblastoma the MCC is congenital cataract (which can be due to CMV, rubella, or any congenital infections). Which drug predisposes to cataracts? Corticosteroids; therefore a person with Cushings dz may develop cataracts.

Audio File 11: Neoplasia 2 - Hematology 1

XI. Genetic dz Xeroderma pigmentosa sun exposed areas, auto recessive, can cause all skin cancers (BCC, SCC, and melanomas), and the defect is in DNA repair enzymes. Other DNA repair defects are associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2, p53, they splice out the defects, this group is called the chromosomal instability syndromes wiskott Aldrich, Blooms, Ataxia Telangiectasias, and Fanconis, all have probs with DNA repair. Basic rule of thumb for BCC and SCC: Upper lip and up is basal cell carcinoma; lower lip and down is squamous cell (therefore, lesion on lower lip = sq cell; lesion on upper lip = basal cell) Example: inside nose is BCC, b/c above the upper lip Example: keloid sq cell carcinomas and 3rd degree burns and sq cell carcinoma developing in areas of drainage from the sinus and ulcer that doesnt heal from antibiotics. So, wherever there is constant irritation, and division of cells related to irritation, there is an increase susceptibility to cancer. This does not hold true for scar cancer tissue related cancers of the lungs or adenocarcinoma (just applies to things on the skin ie burns and draining of sinus tracts). Only bacteria assoc with cancer? H. pylori adenocarcinoma and low grade malignant lymphomas. XII. Grade vs Stage A. Grade = what does it look like? The term well differentiated means that the tumor is making something like keratin or glands, and if its identi5iable its called low grade. When the cells are anaplastic, poorly differentiated under the microscope, and if you cannot tell what it is, then its called high grade. Example: sq cell carcinoma can see keratin pearls; can ID it, so its a low grade cancer. Example: see gland like spaces, can ID so its low grade B. Stage = (TNM) MC staging system; goes from least imp to most imp (TNM)

Example: breast cancer with axillary node involvement; therefore, the N=1, but the M is worse, b/c it indicates that cancer has spread to other organs like bone, etc. Just b/c it goes to lymph nodes doesnt mean it is the most imp prognostic factor. T=size of tumor; if tumor is over 2 sonometers, it has a chance of mets N=nodes (next most imp for prognosis) M=mets outside of nodes (most imp prognostic factor) Stage is more important than grade for prognosis; and within staging, M is the most imp factor for prognosis Example: pt with prostate cancer, which of following has it the worst? The answer choices were cancer limited to prostate, it went into seminal vesicles, it involved the wall of bladder, went to lymph nodes, or bone? Answer = bone (bone represents the M of the TNM system this ie is stage 4 by de5inition=mets) Example: a slide of a colon cancer and a lymph node: what is most important size of tumor or lymph node involvement? Lymph node. If it was also in the liver, what is most imp? Liver specimen is the most imp prognostic factor. XIII. Host defenses most important is Cytotoxic CD8 T cell Others NK cells, Abs, macrophages, type 2 HPY In hospital, they look for altered MHC class I Ags in the cancer pt, b/c cancer wants to kill T cells; they do this by putting in perforins, which activate caspasases, and this leads to apoptosis (the signal, from the perforins, activate the caspasases, which have proteases, which break down the nucleus and mitochondria, and cell dies, without any in5lammatory in5iltrate). XIV. Other diseases seen in malignancy: A. Cachexia cause is TNF alpha; it is irreversible Once you see a pt with disseminated cancer about to go into catabolic state, can give then total nutrition, but still wont help. (Will not get muscle mass back, and this is due to TNF-alpha) B. Many hematologic causes of anemia seen in malignancy MC anemia in malignancy is Anemia of chronic disease (this is the overall most common) Colon cancer: left side obstructs w/ right side bleeds; if you have RT side bleed in colon cancer, Fe def anemia is very common. Mets to BM and replace BM Or, use chemotherapy drugs that are cell cycle speci5ic or cell cycle nonspeci5ic they wipe out the marrow

Can have autoimmune mechanism with certain malignant dz. C. Associations with disseminated cancers: 1. Most pts with disseminated cancers are hypercoagulable, meaning that they have a tendency for forming clots. Classic Example: a pt with painless jaundice, left supraclavicular node (this is a distracter), had light color stools, lesions that jump from one part of body to next trousseaus sign: a super5icial migratory thrombophlebitis due to carcinoma of the head of the pancreas). Pancreatic cancers can ALSO mets to left supraclavicular node (virchows node), and often describe trousseaus sign, which is a vascular problem in the veins that jumps from one place to the next. 2. Another common thing seen is disseminated cancers is thrombocytosis an elevated platelet count. Other causes of thrombocytosis: Fe def, splenectomy (ie see scar on abdomen), TB, anemias. If you cannot 5ind any obvious cause of thrombocytosis then the cause is cancer. 40% of disseminated cancers are thrombocytosis Or a do a stool guaic for colon cancer D. MCC fever in malignancy = gram neg. infection. An E. coli if you have an indwelling catheter; Pseudomonas if you have a respirator, staph aureus can also be the cause from an indwelling catheter, but this is gram +. MCC death in cancer = infection XV. Paraneoplastic syndromes These are signs and sometimes symptoms saying that you may have an underlying cancer present. Its important b/c when you recognize the signs and symptoms, then you can catch the cancer before it metastasize. MC Paraneoplastic syndrome = hypercalcemia 2 mechanism for hypercalcemia in malignancy: 1) mets to bone, produce a chemical (IL-1, PGE2, both of which activate osteoclasts) that produces lytic lesions in bone, and you get hypercalcemia 2) renal adenocarcinoma or squamous carcinoma of mainstem bronchus that sits there and makes PTH-like peptide and causes hypercalcemia b/c it acts like PTH and breaks down bone. This is Paraneoplastic, but its not the most common one. Example: 2 black lesions both are markers for gastric adenocarcinoma; usually under the arm called acanthosis nigricans, and other is called seborrheic keratosis (these are not neoplasms); however, when these suddenly develop overnight, you get multiple outcroppings (lesserr tree-ar sign), and the outcroppings is a phenotypic marker for gastroadenocarcinoma; this is easy to remember b/c 2 black lesions are markers from gastroadenocarcinoma.

Example: clubbing in5lammation beneath on the bone called periostitis; in5lamm of underlying bone causes proliferation of the soft tissue around it, which leads to clubbing (called hypertrophic osteoarthropathy). Clubbing is not always assoc with cancer; also assoc with bronchiectasis, IBS. But, if its a malignancy, it is due to primary lung dz. Example: least common collagen vascular dz, but the most often assoc with a certain cancer. They have an elevation of serum CK; this is dermatomyositis; raccoon eyes, so you see in5lammation of skin and muscle; high assoc with leukemias, lymphomas and lung cancer. patches of knuckles goltrins patches (seen in dermatomyositis). Example: vegetations (sterile) on the mitral valve assoc with mucous producing cancers such as colon cancer; this is called marantic endocarditis-aka nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis; they are not infections and these marantic vegetations are assoc with mucous secreting colon cancers. Can they embolize? Yes. You will need history to separate from rheumatic fever, but history will relate more to colon cancer (ie polyarthritis) Example: hyponatremia or Cushings cancer in the lung = small cell carcinoma, which is secreting either ADH or ACTH; also, for small cell, they are aput tumors, S-100 Ag positive, neural crest origin, neural secretory granules. Example: Hypercalcemia or secondary polycythemia: renal adenocarcinoma (can make PTH like peptide and/or EPO). Example: Hypoglycemia or secondary polycythemia: Hepatocellular carcinoma (they can make EPO or insulin-like factor). Example: Hypocalcemia or Cushings: auto dominant, and the rare tumor marker that can be converted to amyloid (calcitonin) medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. XVI. Tumor markers A. 2 markers associated with Testicular cancer alpha feto protein (AFP) (which is really the albumin of a fetus) and HCG. AFP is a maker foryolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor). So the tumors in kids are yolk sac tumors (alpha feto protein) AFP is also assoc with Hepatocellular carcinoma, increased in neural tube defects (must be on folate while pregnant to prevent neural tube defects). In Downs syndrome AFP is decreased. Marker for malignancy in bone, assoc with monoclonal spike: Bence Jones Proteins (light chain Ig), assoc with Multiple Myeloma.

Tumor marker for prostate cancer: PSA; not sp for cancer b/c it can be also increased in hyperplasia; it is sensitive but not speci5ic. If you do a rectal exam, it is not increased. PSA is NOT an enzyme; it is an Ag and is within the actual cell. It will not increase with a rectal exam. Breast cancer (surface derived) 15, 3. CEA125: Ovarian cancer CEA Ag for colon cancer; and sometimes used for small cell, and breast ca. CEA can be a part of an immune complex, and will get CEA: anti-CEA immune complexes which deposit in the kidney, and lead to nephrotic syndrome this is diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis = MC overall cause of nephrotic syndrome. Many of these are related to malignancy b/c CEA can be the Ag that is deposits in the glomeruli. woman with a trophoblastic mole, what would you get? Beta HCG What is MC primary tumor of the brain in kids? Cerebellar cystic astrocytoma (B9). Its not medulloblastoma. All astrocytomas are B9 (if asked what is the most common malignant primary tumor, and then the answer is medulloblastoma, which derives from cerebellum). MC actual tumor of the brain cerebellar tumor derived from astrocytes; MC childhood cancer = ALL leukemia (other childhood tumors include CNS tumors, neuroblastomas (in the adrenal medulla), Burkitts, Ewings (tumor of bone with onion skinning), embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.) Adults: incidence: in woman: breast, lung, colon In men: prostate, lung, and colon Killers: lung is #1 in both (followed by prostate/breast and colon) 2nd MC cancer and cancer killer in men and women combined = colon Therefore, from age 50 and on, you should get a rectal exam and a stool guaic. After 50, MCC cancer of + stool guaic is colon cancer. MC gyn cancer: endometrial (#2 is ovarian, and #3 is cervix) Cervix is least common b/c Pap smear. When you do a cervical pap, picking up cervical dysplasia, not cervical cancer (therefore the incidence isnt the highest). B/c cervical pap smears; the incidence of cervical cancer has gone down signi5icantly b/c the detection of the precursor lesion, cervical dysplasia. So, b/c cervical Pap smear, incidence of cervical cancer has gone down dramatically (picking up the precursor lesion); with mammography, the incidence of breast cancer decreases, same with PSA.

MC Gyn cancer killer: ovarian (#2 = cervical, #3 = endometrial); therefore to remember, the MC has the best prognosis endometrial is MC and has the best prognosis. What is the only known existing tumor vaccine? HBV why? MC infection transmitted by accidental needle stick in the hospital = Hepatitis B B/c viral burden of Hepatitis B is greater than any infection, even more so than HIV. So, with the Hepatitis B vaccine, you wont get three things (1) Hepatitis B, (2) Hepatitis D (requires Hep B), and (3) hepatocellular carcinoma (related to Hepatitis B related cirrhosis). How do you eradicate hepatocellular carcinoma? Vaccination (ie in the Far East).

CHAPTER 6. Hematology:

RBC I. Think big picture. A. MCV < 80: Microcytic anemias: Fe def = MC and Anemia of chronic dz, thalassemias, sideroblastic anemias B. MCV > 100: Macrocytic anemias: B12/Folate def = MC; usually folate def in an alcoholic C. MCV 80-100: Normocytic anemias: low reticulocyte ct corrected: aplastic anemia, renal dz; high corrected reticulocyte ct: hemolytic anemias hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell, G6PD def, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, microangiopathic Reticulocyte count: Reticulocyte count next to CBC is the 5irst step in the work up of any anemias. What is reticulocyte? Young RBC. In 24 hrs, a reticulocyte will become a mature RBC with a biconcave disk. If you have an anemia, the reticulocyte count is important b/c it tells you where the problem is: is the prob in the Bone Marrow in making the RBC, or is it a prob outside the Bone Marrow causing the problem? To determine this, look at reticulocyte ct. If the BM was the prob, then the reticulocyte ct would not have an appropriate response. What is an appropriate response? You would have a BM with rbc hyperplasia, that has revd itself up, and making RBCs and should be putting reticulocytes out prematurely, therefore working correctly to correct the anemia. Therefore, it tells whether the BM is responding appropriately or not. If you have blood loss right now, do not expect reticulocyte ct to be elevated in 24 hrs; it takes at least 5-7 days to get the response of making more reticulocytes (like the kidney making bicarb, which takes a few days (3-4) to make). If nothing is wrong with the BM, then it should host a normal reticulocyte response; if there is something wrong, will not have a normal response (imp b/c might decide whether you have to do a BM exam or not). Therefore, if you have a normal reticulocyte ct, do not do a BM exam.

Purpose of Reticulocyte count 1. Tells us if the bone marrow is functioning normally. 2. If we need to do bone marrow biopsy, in case BM pathology. Corrected Retic count > 3% = normal BM function (no need for BM biopsy) Corrected Retic count < 3% = low BM function (BM biopsy is done) In anemia, the retic count is high [False High Reading]. This can mask any reduced BM function. So we wont be able to test for BM function. So we need to correct it for the degree of anemia. We do it by standardising it against normal hematocrit. Hematocrit = Hb x 3 . eg 15 x 3=45 Corrected reticulocyte ct = ( Hct/45 ) x reticulocyte count of pt. Example: pts Hct is 15% (which is very severe anemia), and the reticulocyte ct that was initially measured is 9% (which is increased anything over 3% is increased). This looks like the BM is responding correctly b/c the ret ct is 9% (but have to correct for the degree of anemia). 15/45 X 9 is 3; so, when we correct for the anemia, we have 3%; thats what the corrected is therefore, 3% or greater = good response; 3% or less = bad response; so, this 5igure is saying that it is a reasonable response occurring in the pt. Second example . Hb = 5g% and retic count = 6%. (HCT = 5 x 3 = 15) On the surface it looks like normal response. as retic count ids > 3% Corrected retic count = [ 15 45 ] X 6 = 2%. It turns out that this is not adequate response . So, do a bone marrow biopsy. Slide of a reticulocyte (know what it looks like) need to do a special giemsa stain to see the black 5ilaments (which are RNA 5ilaments); b/c they are RNA 5ilaments, the reticulocyte is still synthesizing Hb. So, in about 24 hrs, 25% the normal Hb is being synthesized and need RNA 5ilaments; cannot see these without doing a special stain (look like little black worms in the RBC do not confuse with Heinz body). Another slide using right giemsa stain of reticulocyte with bluish stain polychromasia. These are younger blood cells than the 24 hr old reticulocytes. They still have the basophilia, which is not normally present in the peripheral blood; so, when we see them, it means that the BM is really responding, and pushing even the younger ones out.

Therefore, whenever the boards says polychromasia, they are talking about these cells and these cells take 2-3 days before they become a mature RBC. Why is this imp? B/c we have to make an additional correction why? When we are working up an anemia, we do a corrected ret ct and want to know how the BM is responding right now at this day. Not interested about what will happen in 2-3 days, but what will happen right now. Heres the prob: when they do a reticulocyte stain, these guys will also have RNA 5ilaments and will be counted in the ret ct and it will show a falsely elevated ret ct (we dont want these b/c they take 2-3 days b4 they become a mature RBC) instead we want the normal guys there. So, how do we factor them out? Divide by 2. So, make the 5irst correction for the degree of anemia (did it with 3% in this case), look at CBC and see nothing that says polychromasia. Lets say the CBC ct says polychromasia present then have to make an additional correction by dividing by 2. All of a sudden, it is now 1.5% and this is not a good reticulocyte response! So, when you see the term polychromasia, then you have to make an additional correction by dividing by 2. If the Peripheral Blood smear says polychromasia present. The corrected retic count is Corrected reticulocyte ct = { ( Hct/45 ) x reticulocyte count of pt. } 2 eg. { (1545) X 9 } 2 = 1.5% III. Side notes: When looking at CBC you can make many dxs. Rule of 3 is good: Hb x 3 should roughly equal the Hct Example: for previous ie, had 15% Hct, therefore the Hb was a 5 Transfusion of packed (not whole) RBCs for every unit transfused increase the Hb by 1 and the Hct by 3%. Example: pt with 5 gram Hb, and given 3 units of packed RBCs. The following day the Hb is 6 and the Hct is 18, is that an appropriate response? NO, it shouldve been 8, with Hct of 24. It wasnt 8 b/c the pt has a GI bleed (pt was bleeding). MCC anemia worldwide = Fe def anemia MCC cause of Fe def (overall) = GI bleed MCC Microcytic anemia = Iron Deff Therefore, the MC reason why Hb and Hct dont go up after transfusion is b/c blood loss, MC due to GI tract bleed.

Reticulocyte cannot see with right giemsa stain; use special giemsa stain to see RNA 5ilaments . DD ribosomes (look like dots [not lines] BASOPHILIC STIPPLING, seen in lead poisoning). IV. RBC indices MCV how big is the cell? Best way to classify is with MCV (mean corpuscular volume) Small, normal or big? The machine has the RBCs pass through an aperture and sizes it. And then takes an average; this is the best way for classifying an anemia MCV: < 80, it is microcytic (if you play odds, its Fe def) MCV: 80 -100 =; have Normocytic anemia; MCV above 100 = macrocytic (b12 or folate) If you have small and large cells (dimorphic popcorn of RBCs) it will be Normocytic (Like the met acidosis, and resp alk, but normal pH). So, how could you have a Fe def anemia and a folate def anemia at the same time? Know where these things are reabsorbed Fe reabsorbed in the duodenum, Folate is reabsorbed in the jejunum, and B12 is reabsorbed in the terminal ileum. FFB. So if you have all these, you have small bowel dz (ie celiac dz); pt has malabsorption that affects diff areas of the bowel. Example: celiac sprue (MCC malabsorption) involves duodenum and jejunum, therefore will have def of Fe and folate, and will have small cells and large cells. Example: if it involves the jejunum and terminal ileum, you will have folate and B12 def. V. RDW RBC Distribution Width This machine looks at the RBCs and tells if the RBCs coming out of the aperture are all uniformly small, normal, macrocytic, or different in size. So, the RDW detects a change in size of the RBCs and it reports it as a number. Example: microcytic anemia, with an increased RDW; this tells us that is microcytic, and there are different sized microcytic cells. Example: if you develop microcytic anemia overnight and all the cells are Fe def, the cells dont become microcytic immediately; they are normocytic 5irst before they become microcytic, and there will be a size variation picked up by the RDW. Heres the trick: when you look at the CBC, and it shows decreased MCV with an increased RDW, this is Fe def anemia & not thalassemias b/c that is genetic and ALL the cells are microcytic). Fe deff anemia = RDW high (not enough time for all cells to become microcytic) Thallasemia = RDW normal (pathology since birth, all cells are microcytic) Slide with high RDW has large and small cells.

Another slide with spherocyte (have too little membrane, and therefore cannot hold a biconcave disk - an anorexic cell). Target cell (in the background)(has too much membrane and too much Hb collects in there and looks like a bulls-eye an obese cell). Target cells are important markers for alcoholics b/c they have altered cell membrane due to an altered cholesterol concentration of the membrane and markers for hemoglobinopathies (ie thalassemias, SCD, HbC). Sickle cell = too little membrane / small cell Target cell = too much membrane / large cell Mature RBC looks like biconcave disk and is thin in the middle b/c there is less Hb there, and more is concentrated at the edges; this is why there is a central area of pallor in a normal RBC when it lying 5lat. All microcytic anemias have one thing in common: decreased Hb synthesis; with less Hb, the redness of the cell with decrease and see greater area of pallor will increase (and if you play odd its IDA). Spherocyte too lil mem, therefore its a sphere; NO central area of pallor! (All red, no central area of pallor). Microcytic anemias all have a PALE, blank color to them; therefore, it is very easy to ID spherocyte and microcytic cells with hypochromia and IDA of chronic dz.

Audio File 12: Hematology 2

VI. Normocytic Anemia: For normocytic anemia, you need to look at the reticulocyte count. First, you have to correct for the degree of anemia (Hct/45 X ret ct). Then look to see if there is polychromasia, if there is polychromasia (then divide by 2); 3% or higher = BM responding normally, and 2% or lower = not responding properly. Physical signs of anemia: Spoon nails = Koilonychia (Fe) Spoon nails with cracking = Kelosis (Fe, Ribo5lavin , non speci5ic) Pallor of conjunctiva = have 6 grams or less of Hb Palmer crease works for white people if dont see red, pt is anemic In women, often due to Fe def Lead line discoloration in gums due to lead poisoning Neurologic exam very imp in B12 def b/c the posterior columns are knocked off and lateral corticospinal tract, therefore have propioception abnormalities and decreased vibration sensation and babinski (lateral cortical). VII. Microcytic anemias A. Fe studies 4 Fe studies: 1. Serum Fe (normal = 100, like the alveolar O2), 2. Serum Ferritin [Storage Protein] best test this is a soluble, circulating form of Fe storage; it rep the amount of Fe stored in the BM, so, if you had to pick one test for dx of Fe def, anemia of a chronic dz, or Fe overload, you would pick serum ferritin b/c this is the best screening test.

3. Transferrin / TIBC [transport protein] (total Fe binding capacity); the carrying protein for Fe is transferrin (trans = carrys) and it is made in the LIVER. Normal=300 4. % saturation = serum Fe divided by TIBC. Normal=33% Iron stores decreased = TIBC increased B. 3 rules: 1. Transferrin and the TIBC is the SAME! (Remember transferrin is what carries Fe). 2. There is a relationship of Fe stores in BM with the transferrin synthesized in the liver. When the Fe stores in the BM are de5icient (ie Fe def anemia), that is the signal for the liver to make more transferrin, so its increased; therefore, TIBC will also be increased in Fe def. Therefore, low Fe stores = increased transferrin synthesis and increased TIBC (an inverse relationship); also, if Fe stores increase, transferrin and TIBC will decrease (ie Fe overload hemochromatosis, transfusions) 3. % saturation is a calculation = serum Fe/TIBC (normal serum Fe is 100 and normal TIBC is 300, therefore, the % satn is normally 100/300 = 33% - therefore, 1/3 of the binding sites are occupied with Fe. These are the terms and Fe studies we use, esp for microcytic anemias (related to Fe problems). C. Pathogenesis of microcytic anemias All microcytic anemias are microcytic (b/c they have a problem making Hb). When the RBC is developing in the marrow, its the Hb concentration within the RBC that determines the number of cell divisions. Therefore, if the Hb synthesis is decreased, it is a signal in the marrow to increase the number of mitoses. When cells mitoses, they go from something originally big to something small. So b/c of the decrease in Hb syn, there are extra divisions and therefore the cell is smaller. All four groups of microcytic anemias have a decrease in Hb. Hb = heme + globin; Heme = Fe + protoporphyrin; Globin is made by the body alpha (), beta (), delta (), gamma (); HbA 22; HbA222; HbF 22 We can dispense 2 of the 4 microcytic anemias immediately: Fe def = dont have Fe, therefore there is no Fe to form with protoporphyrin to form heme; so, no Fe = no heme = no Hb D. Pathogenesis of Anemia of chronic dz When we have in5lammation, our bodies respond to in5lammation as if it is an infection. In micro, bugs increase their reproduction with Fe, therefore, the more Fe they have, the more they reproduce. Same concept: with anemia of chronic

in5lammation and body assumes it is subject to a bacterial infection, the object is to keep Fe away from the bacteria. How does it do that? Its like a safety deposit box, and you have the key Fe is normally stored in macrophages in the BM this is where transferrin goes (to the macrophage) to pick up the Fe and take it to the RBC. If you dont want bacteria to have access to the Fe, it will be locked away in the macrophages in the BM and the key to the macrophages will be lost; therefore, there is lots of Fe in the macrophages of the BM, but cannot get it out. However, the good news is that you are keeping it away from the bugs so they dont reproduce. Bad news keeping it away from the RBCs, and therefore have an decrease in Hb synthesis. However, unlike Fe de5iciency, where there is no Fe in the macrophages of the BM, there is PILES of Fe, but the key have been lost and you cannot get it out. So, irrespective of that, your serum Fe is decreased b/c it is all locked in the macrophages, and you dont have enough Fe to make heme. So, its the same mechanism as Fe def, but for different reasons: (1) you have no Fe (IDA) and (2) you have lots of it, but its locked in the safety deposit box and you cannot get it so, either way, you cannot make heme and therefore you cannot make hemoglobin. To distinguish between IDA and ACDz, there are high ferritin levels in ACDz, whereas there is a high TIBC in Fe def anemia E. Heme synthesis Certain rxns in biochem occur in the cytosol, the inner mito membrane (ox phos), mito matrix (beta ox of FAs, TCA), and in the cytosol AND the mitochondria (gluconeogenesis, which starts in the mito and ends up in the cytosol, urea synthesis, which starts in the mito and goes to the cytosol and back into the mito, and heme syn in mito, then cytosol, and then again in the mito). So, there are 3 biochemical rxns in the mito and cytosol. First part of heme syn (aka porphyrin syn) begins in the mito. First rxn is succinyl coA (substrate in TCA cycle and substrate for gluconeogenesis), which can be put together with glycine (which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter of muscle, blocked by tetanus toxin rhesus sardonicus and tetanic contraction so when glycine is inhibited, the muscles are in a tonic state of contraction). Know all RATE LIMITING Enzymes (RLE) for every biochemical rxn. (RLE in cholesterol syn = HMG CoA reductase). RLE in heme synthesis = ALA synthase, cofactor = pyridoxine. So, protoporphyrin is made and goes back to the mito. So you have protoporphyrin plus Fe, so you have a metal plus protoporphyrin. Chelatase puts these together; so, it is called ferrochelatase, with combines Fe with protoporphyrin and forms heme. Heme has a feedback mechanism with ALA synthase (all RLEs have a feedback mech). So, with increased heme, it will decrease syn of ALA synthase, and when heme is decreased, it will increase ALA synthase syn.

F. Pathogenesis of Sideroblastic anemias (least common of the microcytic anemias). sidero = Fe. Rarest of microcytic anemias = sideroblastic anemias; they have 3 causes: 1. Alcohol (sideroblastic anemia is NOT the MC anemia in alcohol, MCC of sideroblastic anemia is alcohol; MC anemia overall = ACDz, followed by folate def). Alcohol is a mitochondrial poison and uncouples ox phos, and damages inner mito membrane, allowing protons to go in and drain them off. On EM of the mito of an alcoholic is huge b/c they are damaged (called megamitochondria). Therefore, any process that occurs in the mito is screwed up. This, therefore, includes heme synthesis. So, Fe is delivered to the RBC by transferrin and doesnt know where to go. Some is stored as ferritin, while most of it goes to the mito, which is BAD news! Why? B/c it can get in, but CANNOT get out. So, there is damaged mitochondria that were damaged by alcohol, Fe goes in and now cannot go out. So, there will lots of Fe caught and Fe builds up within the mito. Mito is located around the nucleus of an RBC in the BM, leading to a ringed sideroblast. This is the marker cell for sideroblastic anemia; also in Fe overload dz will excess iron, and will not get heme b/c mito destroyed (so alcohol is the MCC).

2) G6PD def pyridoxine def; ie not taking Vit B6 during Rx of TB. So, no Vit B6 = no heme, and the 5irst rxn will not happen. But Fe doesnt know that; again, Fe goes to the mito, waiting for porphyrin, leading to ringed sideroblast. 3) lead poisoning so lead leads to sideroblastic anemia. Lead is a denaturer. All heavy metals denature proteins (enzymes are proteins). Leads favorite enzyme to denature is ferrochelatase, so it wont work, and no heme = no Hb, leading to microcytic anemia. Less of inhibitory effect, but does have a little one on aminolevulinic acid dehydratase. But is MOST commonly knocks off ferrochelatase. So, when Fe comes into mito, it cannot bind to protoporphyrin to form heme. No heme = decreased Hb = microcytic anemia. Example: if ferrochelatase is decreased/inhibited, heme decreases, but what happens to protoporphyrin before the block? It increases (used to be screening test of choice for lead poisoning). Not used anymore. Why? B/c if you dont have Fe b/c ACDz/Fe def, what will happen to the protoporphyrin in the mito? It will increase. So, they found out that many people had an increase in RBC protoporphyrin, and got - test for lead poisoning, and then knew that the pts had either Fe def or ACDz, and concluded that it was not a good screening test. So, now blood lead level is the screening and con5irmatory test for lead poisoning, not RBC protoporphyrin (too many false +s) G. Pathogenesis of Thalassemias: Auto rec dzs

1. Alpha thalassemias who do we see alpha thalassemias in? Asians (Far eastern) and blacks (all genetic hematologic dzs are seen in the black popn alpha/ beta thal, G6PD def, SCDz). 1. Hb electrophoresis separates things based on size and charge, therefore you can clearly separate HbA, HbF, and HbA2 clearly on cellulose acetate b/c they have different migrations. So, they 5luoresce it, and HbA, HbF and HbA2 all settle down. Then they stain the cellulose acetate to see how much is there. Then, it produces density, and the density correlates with the concentration of each of the Hbs. How will they know the percent? With a densitometer it converts the density of the stain to the percentage. It turns out that HbA (22) is the predominant Hb in an adult (95-95%). HbA2 is 1-2%; HbF = 1%. These are the normal, which are expressed as a percentage. 2. Alpha thalassemias, auto rec, has a problem in making alpha globin chains. Do HbA2 and HbF require HbA to be made? Yes. Therefore, all will be equally decreased. This will NOT show up on an electrophoresis, b/c all are equally decreased, therefore, it shows to be totally normal. There are four genes that control alpha globin synthesis. Deletion of one of these four will not cause anemia. Deletion of 2 genes = problem b/c minimally decreased, and therefore a mild anemia. It is microcytic b/c the globin part is decreased, meaning you will get a microcytic anemia (decrease in Hb concn, which will be the stimulus). This called alpha thalassemia minor, seen in the far eastern popn and black popn. With a three gene deletion, thats not good, and pt is really decreased (there is also a hemolytic component to it). The beta chains get irritated that there is no alpha chains around, so they from their own beta globin chains. So, four beta chains get together and form HbH. If you do an electrophoresis, there will be a different result. HbH is a diff Hb, and therefore will not migrate to the same place as other Hbs. So, you can dx this alpha thalassemia with Hb electrophoresis (why its called HbH dz). Four gene deletions spontaneous abortions (usually, therefore not usually born alive aka hydrops fetalis). Gamma chains form together (like the beta chains did earlier) and form a Hb with 4 gammas, which is called Hb Barts. This will show up on electrophoresis, but wont matter b/c baby is dead already. What is the spontaneous abortion rate in far east? High b/c this is where alpha thalassemia is most commonly located. Therefore, if the incidence of spontaneous abortions is increased, what cancer risk is increased? Choriocarcinoma (increased hydatidiform moles, which leads to choriocarcinoma). So, there is a high incidence of choriocarcinoma in the far east b/c of alpha thalassemia. Rx DO NOT give Fe (will Fe overload them). So, just leave them alone. (2nd MCC jaundice = Gilberts dz esp with lack of food). 2. Beta thalassemia blacks, Greeks, Italians. B (by itself) = making normal beta chains; B (with a +) = making beta chains, but not enough; B (with a 0) = not making beta chains at all. Beta thal is auto rec, and has to do with splicing defects,

stop codons. The most severe form is due to stop codon (therefore terminate synthesis of beta chains, and dont even make them). Mild thalassemia: slightly decreased beta chains, prob due to a splicing defect; beta chains are slightly decreased, alpha chains are okay, delta chains are okay, gamma chains 5ine (con5ined to fetus). So, HbA will decrease, and delta will get together (hence increase in HbA2) and gamma chains get together (hence increase in HbF). Therefore, see a decrease in HbA and an increase in HbA2 and HbF; this WILL show up on electrophoresis. This happened b/c beta chain is decreased, and it showed a decreased HbA. It is just a mild thalassemia and is very common. So, only way to dx Beta thal is with Hb electrophoresis. Cannot do anything about it. Hopefully it is not the severe type, where not making any beta chains aka Cooleys anemia and will not live past 30 y/ o. Will have a constant transfusion requirement; many of these pts die from Fe overload, or Hep C or multiple transfusions or HIV. MC in black popn beta-delta thalassemia (decreased beta chains and decreased delta chains, so whats left are alpha and gamma chains). What will the electrophoresis show? HbF. This called hereditary persistence of HbF. No anemia, just dominant HbF. For thalassemias, know they are genetic, what groups of people they are in, and that you DONT do anything to them, esp giving Fe b/c all their Fe studies are normal.

H. Iron DeUiciency Anemia (IDA): 1. Causes of Fe def anemia look at age brackets: a) Prematurity everyday a baby is not in utero, it is losing Fe (all their Fe stores are decreased, so baby must be given Fe supplements). b) Newborn check stool for their blood; need to know its not moms blood, which can be swallowed. This is done with the apt test. Most of blood that comes out of babys meconium is blood the baby swallowed from mom, and it has HbA in it. However, if it was HbF blood that came out, the MCC is bleeding meckels diverticulum. Therefore, bleeding meckels diverticulum = MCC Fe def in a newborn and child. Meckels diverticulum is NOT the cause of Fe def in an adult, b/c most have bled by four years of age, and already would have known pt has it. c) Woman under 50 MCC Fe def = menorrhagia, therefore need to get a good menstrual hx; due to anovulatory cycles (between 20-40 y/o, due to ovulatory cycles, inadequate luteal phase, pregnancy related bleeds, endometrial polyp that is bleeding). d) Men under 50 MCC Fe def = PUD (usually duodenal ulcer). e) Men and women over 50 MCC Fe def = Colon cancer

2. Lab Test serum Fe = low, TIBC = high, % satn (Fe/TIBC) = low If you dont have Fe, satn is decreased b/c no Fe to put on it. Serum ferritin level = low I. ACDz related to in5lammation. Fe is locked in safety deposit box, so you have plenty, but cannot get it out Serum Fe=low; TIBC=low (high Fe STORES = decrease transferrin syn) % sat = low, serum ferritin = high Therefore, main test to distinguish ACDz from Fe def = serum Ferritin! J. Mild alpha and beta thal NORMAL Fe studies b/c nothing to do with Fe, but globin chains. K. Sideroblastic - ie smear without appropriate amount of Hb in the cells, therefore, they are more than likely to be a microcytic anemia (Fe def, ACDz, thalassemia, lead poisoning). Slide: ringed sideroblast (only seen in BM, and is stained with Prussian blue, which stains Fe b/c mito around the nucleus, all 5illed up with Fe called a ringed sideroblast this is pathognomonic of a sideroblastic anemia). So if you think that B6 is causing the anemia, need to prove it. Need to get BM; if you think alcohol is the cause, you have to prove it. L. Lead poisoning If you suspect lead poisoning; just do a lead level (not a BM exam). cells with blue spots called basophilic stippling. Do not need a special stain to see basophilic stippling (shows up on giemsa stain). See blue dots lead denatures ribonuclease, and the purpose of ribonuclease is to break down ribos; if is denatured, and doesnt breakdown, ribosome persists. Therefore, they give a great marker in the peripheral blood basophilic stippling. If its an RNA 5ilament, talking about reticulocyte. If we were talking about persistent ribo = lead poisoning. On x- ray epiphyses of 5inger of child; only heavy metal that can deposit in the epiphysis of bone is lead (mercury cannot, arsenic cant, only lead can). Therefore, can see deposits in epiphyses. This is why they have failure to grow. If you screw up the epiphyses of the kid, they will not be able to grow properly. Clinical scenario child eating paint/plaster leads to lead poisoning, have severe abdominal colic, prob with cerebral edema, convulsions, severe microcytic anemia, see lead in intestines (5lat plate). Youll see Fe in the intestines; three things can cause this is Fe tablets ingested in a kid, lead, mercury). Also, there is a failure to thrive. Mechanism of cerebral edema? Related to increased vessel permeability of brain and buildup of delta-lemavinylinic acid. If you block ferrochelatase, everything distal to the block will increase (protoporphyrin, deltalemavinylinic acid) this is toxic to neurons, leading to cerebral edema.

Example: guy at an automobile shop, complains of abdominal colic and diarrhea. This is lead poisoning b/c exposure to batteries. In plants, there is exposure to incineration of batteries, and pts are exposed to lead in auto factories Example: moonshine make alcohol in old radiators, leads to lead poisoning Example: pottery painter pottery is commonly painted with lead based paints. A lot times they lick the tip of the brush, and leads to lead poisoning. Example: in certain country, they use lead-based pottery for dishes, which leads to lead poisoning. Adults will get the neuropathies slapping gait (perineal palsy), wrist drop (radial palsy), claw hand (ulnar palsy), lead lines in teeth (usually get with colic and diarrhea) M. Fe/TIBC/%sat/ferritin: Fe def: l, h, l, l ACDz: l, l, l, h Alpha/beta thal: n, h, h, h, do nothing about it Lead poisoning (and sideroblastic anemias Fe overload like hemochromatosis): H, l, h, h (TIBC is low b/c Fe stores are high!) in Fe overload everything is high, TIBC is LOW Anemia Iron Deficiency Anemia Anemia of Chronic Disease Alpha and Beta Thalassemias Lead overload w/hemochromatosis Iron


% Saturation Ferritin

Audio File 13: Hematology 3

VIII. Macrocytic anemias B12 and folate are involved in DNA synthesis, therefore, if you are B12 and/or folate def, you cannot make DNA, speci5ically b/c you have a prob with making DMP (deoxythymidine monophosphate). Therefore, if you cannot make that, you cannot mature the nucleus (immature nuclei do not have a lot of DNA in them, but as you make more DNA, the nuclei become more matured, and the nucleus becomes smaller and more condensed). B/c DNA cannot be made, then you have large nucleus, and all nucleated the cells in your body are big why they are called MEGAloblastic anemias. A good pathologist can dx B12 and folate def in a cervical pap smear, when looking at the squamous cells (cells look big any cell with a nucleus has DNA in it, so any cell with DNA will be big not just the hematopoeitic cells that are huge, ALL nucleated cells in the body are big ie GI, squamous cells) B12 aka cobalamin; B12 has cobalt in it. Circulating form of folate is methyltetrahydrofolate (tetra = four). Purpose of cobalamin (B12) is to take the methyl group off of methyltetrahydrofolate. Then its called tetrahydrofolate. If you dont get the methyl group off of folate, you will not make DNA. So, if you are B12 def, you cant get the methyl group off and cannot make DNA. If you are def in folate, you cant make DNA. Cobalamin adds a methyl to group homocysteine; when you add a methyl group to homocysteine, it becomes methionine. Methionine = aa for 1 carbon transfer rxns. (Methyl = CH3). If you are B12 or folate def, what are the serum homocysteine levels? High. With a high serum homocysteine, it produces thromboses, including MIs; it damages endothelial cells, leading to thromboses, and predisposing to MI. So, what is MCC of increased homocysteine? It is NOT homocystinuria (rare auto rec dz), but B12 def or folate def, and folate is MC than B12. Therefore, the MCC of increased homocysteine is folate def, and have an increased incidence of thrombosis and MI. This is why cardiologists order serum homocysteine levels. In folate def, no methyl group to add to homocysteine (so homocysteine increases); with B12 def, no methyl group to add to methionine to make homocysteine therefore methionine increases. Tetrahydrofolate is the start of the cycle, and leads to production of thymidilate synthase this is where DNA is made. DUMP is converted to DDT, making DNA.

Therefore, this substrate is necessary to make DNA. So, it is used in the making of DNA by an enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase which converts oxidized dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate. Many drugs block dihydrofolate reductase methotrexate, TMP-SMX. The drugs block DNA synthesis (ie decreasing DNA synthesis) thereby leading to macrocytic anemia. So, the functional B12 takes the methyl group from tetrahydrofolate and gives it to homocysteine to make methionine. And tetrahydrofolate will start the cycle for making DNA. A. B12 1. B12 Reactions: B12 is humiliated by having to transfer methyl groups. This is an odd request so whoever he asked said that they can take care of even chained FAs, but we have a problem with ODD chained FAs b/c we can only break down till proprionyl CoA, which leads to dementia and proprioception loss. B12 helps in odd chain FA metabolism. Therefore, it is involved in proprionate metabolism, which is metabolism of an odd chain FA. Proprionate forms methylmalonyl CoA, where B12 comes in and helps convert methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA, which can go into the TCA cycle. In B12 def, certain things will build up, such as proprionate and methylmalonyl CoA. Methylmalonyl CoA becomes methylmalonlylic acid, which is a sensitive and speci5ic test for B12 def. So, with B12 def, get a methylmalonlylic acid test (which will be increased). Reason for neurological problems is b/c proprionate metabolism; without B12, cannot convert odd chain FAs into succinyl CoA, and they build up, and it screws up myelin (cannot syn myelin) and leads to demyelination of posterior columns, and of the lateral corticospinal tract, along with dementia. B/c it is a posterior column dz, you will have probs with proprioception, vibration; b/c you knock off the lateral cortical spinal tract, you will get UMN lesions (spasticity, babinski), and then dementia. Will always tell you that you can have B12 def, and correct the anemia with high doses of folate, but cannot correct the neurologic dz. Therefore, must make the speci5ic dx. B/c if you think its folate def and give folate, you will correct the hematologic problem, but not the neurological problem, therefore have B12 def. So, in differential of dementia, include B12 def (along with Alzheimers). You dont have to have anemia with B12, but can have neurological probs. So, with dementia, get a TSH level (to throw out hypothyroidism), and a B12 level to rule out B12 def b/ c these are REVERSIBLE causes of dementia. Pure vegan vs. ovo-lactovegan: In ovo-lactovegan taking dairy products (which are animal products), therefore, do not have to take B12 supplements. However, a pure vegan does have to take B12 supplements. 2. Normal sequence of B12 absorption: Have to eat meats or dairy products to get B12. The 5irst thing B12 does is binds to R factor in saliva. R factor protects B12 from destruction by acid in the stomach. Intrinsic factor (IF) made by parietal cells in the body fundus; they also make acid. IF is not destroyed by acid, therefore does

not need anything to protect it. So the B12/R factor complex goes into the duodenum, where there is IF waiting for it. R factor must be cleaved off, which is done with enzymes from the functioning pancreas. Then, IF and B12 bind to e/o and take a long trip. Do not go to duodenum (Fe country), do not go to ligamentum of trietz in the jejunum (folate country); so they go all the way to the terminal ileum, where there are receptors for IF, and it is reabsorbed. This is the same place bile salts are reabsorbed, and the same place the Crohns dz hits. Therefore, it is fair to say that with Crohns dz, you also have bile salt reabsorption problems and B12 def. 3. Causes of B12 de5iciency: a) MCC B12 def = pernicious anemia; this is an autoimmune dz with destruction of the parietal cells; autoAbs attack the parietal cells and there are autoAbs against IF and destroys the parietal cells which are located in the body and fundus. Everything gets destroyed leading to an atrophic gastritis of the body and fundus. No parietal cells = no acid = achyloridria, and no IF. Achyloridria is a major predisposing factor for gastric adenocarcinoma. b) Causes of B12 def: pure vegan; chronic pancreatitis seen in alcoholics (this leads to B12 def b/c cant cleave off the R factor); D. latum (5ish tapeworm that eats B12 (rarest) from 5ish in lake trout in lakes of Chicago); terminal ileum dz (Crohns). And bacterial overgrowth due to peristalsis prob and/or diverticular pouches and/or stasis. Whenever there is stasis youll get bacterial infection (also bladder infection); bacteria love B12 and bile salts with bacterial overgrowth. All of these will lead to B12 de5iciency. B. Folate Folate is seen in animal and plant products, therefore not seen in vegans. Folate has many pharm ties (ie dihydrofolate reductase). When you eat folate, its in a polyglutamate form, meaning you cannot reabsorb it in the jejunum; therefore it has to be converted to a monoglutamate form. Intestinal conjugase (in the small intestine) is responsible for this. What drug blocks intestinal conjugase? Phenytoin. So, if they ask about pt on Phenytoin, with macrocytic anemia, hypersegmented neutrophils, neurological effects are NOT present therefore folate def (b/c there are no neurological problems, this r/o b12 def.) Now you have monoglutamate, which is absorbed in the jejunum. There are 2 things that inhibit its absorption: (1) birth control and (2) alcohol (MCC folate def = alcoholism). With B12, have 6-9 year supply in liver, therefore its uncommon to get. Folate only has 3-4 month supply so, even if you have an excellent diet, you can have folate def if you are taking one of these two things. Summary: circulating form of folate is methyltetrahydrofolate, and B12 takes the folate off, and gives it to homocysteine which becomes methionine; the

methyltetrahydrofolate becomes tetrahydrofolate, and with the help of dihydrofolate reductase, DNA is made. Example: pic with hypersegmented neutrophil (de5inition: 5 or more lobes!). Hypersegmented neutrophil indicates B12 or folate def, even if you dont have anemia. It is the 5irst thing that comes up before anemia. And if the neurological test is normal, its a folate def. Test for proprioception: Rhomberg test if you have post column dz, prob with proprioception b/c do not know where your joints are; does not show cerebellar ataxia (will have these with eyes opened AND closed). Use vibrating tuning fork to see if pt has proprioception on the malleous. Hematopoetic cells are made outside the sinusoids in the BM. Its analogous to the cords of bilroth in the spleen (where there are 5ixed macrophages and then, the RBCs and WBCs have to get back into the sinusoids and circulate through holes. They get through, and are in sinusoids). The same thing occurs in the BM they have a place equivalent to the cords of bilroth and that is where they are made. To get into the circulations, they have to 5it through lil, narrow holes to get into the sinusoids in the BM and into the blood stream. Something very big will not be able to get through the lil holes and into the sinusoids. Therefore, macrophages will want to feast on the macrocytic cells (WBCs, RBCs, platelets) that cannot get into the sinusoids. So, the macrophages kill them all. So in the peripheral blood, will see NOTHING pancytopenia; severe macrocytic anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia which is characteristic of B12 /folate def. (everything in the marrow is too big and cannot get out into the circulation). Schillings test good test for localizing B12 def. We know now that its a B12 de5iciency, and we want to know what caused it. Steps for schilling test: Give radioactive B12 by mouth; they then collect the 24 hr urine to see if any comes out in the urine and nothing comes out, therefore prove that they have a problem absorbing B12. 1st step: give radioactive B12 and IF, collect urine for 24 hrs, and piles in the urine = Pernicious anemia; b/c added what was missing (IF); if it didnt work, you can EXCLUDE pernicious anemia. Say this didnt work, then you: 2nd step: give 10 days worth of broad spectrum antibiotic; pt comes back and again you give them radioactive B12; see piles of radioactive B12 in the urine, what is dx? Bacterial overgrowth b/c knocked off the bugs eating B12 Say this didnt work, then you: 3rd step: pancreatic extract, swallow pills, then give radioactive B12; 24 hrs later, see what happens; if there is radioactivity in urine, pt has chronic pancreatitis. If that didnt work, could be Crohns, worm, etc.

Summary: If B12 malabsorption was corrected by adding IF, pt has pernicious anemia If B12 corrected by adding an antibiotic, pt has bacterial overgrowth If B12 is corrected by adding pancreatic extract, pt has chronic pancreatitis.

IX. Normocytic anemias When you do the corrections for the anemia and look for polychromasia; if correction is less than 2%, it is a bad response (BM not responding correctly). First two things you see: early IDA and ACDz remember that you have to have a normocytic anemia 5irst to become microcytic. Doesnt occur overnight. Therefore, with a decreased ret ct (ie less than 2%), must include microcytic anemias in the differential, and you need to get a ferritin level. IDA goes through diff stages: 5irst thing that happens decreased ferritin, then Fe decreases, TIBC increased, % sat decrease, and still wont have anemia. In other words, all Fe studies are ABNORMAL before you have anemia. Then you get mild normocytic anemia, and eventually microcytic anemia. A. Causes: 1. Blood loss less than a week = normocytic anemia; no increase in ret response b/c nothing wrong with the BM, and not enough time (need 5-7 days for BM to get revd up) so, after one week, would get an appropriate response. 2. Aplastic anemia no marrow; if that is true, the peripheral blood will show pancytopenia (all hematopoetic cells are destroyed in the marrow); have normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia. 3. MC known C = drugs: chloramphenical used in rocky mtn spotted fever, indomethacin, phenylbutazone, and thyroid related drugs 4. 2nd MCC = infections esp. Hep C (wipes out everything); aplasia of RBC = parvovirus 5. Radiation and malignancy 6. Early IDA and ACDz (need to have serum ferritin levels) 7. Mechanism of normocytic anemia with less then 2% ret ct renal failure, and decreased EPO (can be given exogenously) decreased in hep B, C, and HIV. Athletes that dope are given EPO, to increase RBCs to allow more O2 delivery to body B. Mechanisms of hemolysis 2 ways to kill an RBC: Normocytic anemias with corrective ret ct about 3%:

1. Extravascularly (outside of the BV). They are killed by macrophages, usually in cords of bilroth in the spleen, sometimes in liver sinusoids. Every RBC must go to the cords of bilroth a few times per day and get examined by a macrophage if the cell picked up an IgG or C3b, it is marked for destruction via phagocytosis b/c the macrophage has receptors for IgG and C3b. If you dont have IgG or C3b, can still die b/c the cell is in bad shape abnormal shape: ie sphere will not be able to 5it through a 2 micron hole to get to the sinusoids it cant therefore, spherocytes are removed extravascularly b/c they cannot get out; sickle cells cannot get out either b/c they have a bad shape. Another reason for their destruction is b/c they have something inside them that they shouldnt a piece of nucleus; what is this called? Howell jolly body; macrophage will get rid of it. There are autoimmune hemolytic anemias, and can be due to IgG or C3b on the surface of the RBC, or extravascular hemolytic anemias is where you have abnormal shape (ie sphere, Sickle cell will not make it out of the spleen b/c removed by macrophages). End product of phagocytosing an RBC: unconjugated bilirubin. When the RBC is broken down, you have hemoglobin, and there is an enzyme that splits heme from globin and the globin is broken into aas and therefore goes to the aa pool. Then, takes the heme, splits it open, and saves the Fe. Now you have protoporphyrin, and spit it out; end result is unconjugated bilirubin in the macrophage within the spleen. Then, the macrophage spits out the unconjugated bilirubin into blood stream (which is insoluble b/c its unconjugated). The unconjugated bilirubin then binds albumin and goes to the liver and is conjugated. So, what clinical 5inding will you see in pts with extravascular hemolytic anemia? Jaundice. Does that bilirubin get into the urine? No. Why? 2 reasons: (1) Lipid soluble and (2) Bound to albumin (albumin does not get into the urine) so you are jaundiced, but doesnt get into the urine 2. Intravascular (within the BV) Intravascular is less common meaning that you die within the BV. How does that happen? You die within the vessel if you bump into something. Example: congenital bicuspid aortic valve with calcium there if you bump into that, you would damage yourself and die. Example: if you have IgM on the surface of the RBC (IgM is the most potent activator of the complement system); this will go from 1-9, meaning that it will sit on the RBC, activate the complement and dies intravascularly; so, anything that is IgM mediated = intravascular hemolysis. So, what will you release into the bloodstream if you are killing the RBC? Hb. Dont want to lose all of it and need to retreat it by getting back the aas and retrieving the Fe. Speci5ic protein that is made in the liver that is released when there is intravascular hemolysis haptoglobin (aka suicide protein b/c forms complex with Hb and is phagocytosed by the macrophage), therefore giving life to retrieve the Hb, therefore in pts with intravascular hemolysis, the haptoglobin levels decrease. Is it possible to get

jaundice? Yes, but usually dont b/c macrophage is phagocytosing. Intravascular hemolysis: hemoglobinuria, and low haptoglobin levels 3. Summary: Extravascular = macrophages remove = unconj bilirubin is the end product = jaundice is the clinical manifestation Intravascular = Hb in urine, decreased haptoglobin

Audio File 14: Hematology 4

C. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Hemolytic anemia: 1. Intrinsic something wrong with RBC, causing it to hemolyze: such as no spectrin, or not decay accelerating factor to neutralize complement, no G6PD enzyme in pentose phosphate shunt, or abnormal Hb (ie HbS). Therefore, something wrong inside the Hb molecule, causing it to hemolyze. 2. Extrinsic nothing wrong with the RBC, just at the wrong place at the wrong time; ie it just happened to smash into the calci5ied valve (nothing was wrong with it, until it hit the valve). Then it will be dreading going to the cords of bilroth with destroy it b/c it has been marked with IgG and C3b for phagocytosis. D. Something intrinsically wrong with the RBC causing it to hemolyze but theres nothing wrong with the BM (but something intrinsically wrong with the RBC), and the corrective ret ct is greater than 3%. MAD MC intrinsic probs Membrane defect (spherocytosis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria), Abnormal Hb (SC trait Dz), De5iciency of enzyme (G6PD def). 1. Membrane Defects: (a) Spherocytosis: do no see a central area of pallor therefore must be a spherocyte and must be removed extravascularly. Clinically manifest with jaundice from unconjugated bilirubin. Spectrin defect and AD dz; splenomegaly always seen over a period of time. Gallbladder (GB) dz is common b/c there is a lot more unconjugated bilirubin presented to the liver and more conjugation is occurring and more bilirubin is in the bile than usual. So, whenever you supersaturate anything that is a liquid, you run the risk of forming a stone; if you supersaturate urine with Ca, you run the risk of getting a Ca stone; if you supersaturate bile with cholesterol, you will get a cholesterol stone; if you supersaturate with bilirubin, you will get a Ca- bilirubinate stone. Therefore, pts have GB dz related to gallstone dz and then do a CBC with normocytic anemia and a corrected ret ct that is elevated, and see congenital spherocytosis. Whats the diagnostic test? Osmotic fragility they put these RBCs wall to wall in different tonicities of saline, and the RBCs will pop (therefore have an increased osmotic fragility).

Rx: splenectomy (need to remove organ that is removing them they will still be spherocytes and will not be able to form a biconcave disk). (b) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria = defect in decay accelerating factor. So when we sleep, we have a mild resp acidosis b/c we breathe slowly (if you have obstructive sleep apnea, the acidosis is worse). When you have acidosis that predisposes the complement thats sitting on ALL cells circulating in peripheral blood. RBCs, WBCs, and platelets all have complement sitting on it. There is no complement destruction of these cells b/c in our membranes we have delay accelerating factor. This factor causes increased degradation of the complement so it doesnt have an opp to drill a hole in our membrane, therefore we dont wake up in the morning with hemoglobinuria, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. So, if you are missing decay accelerating factor, the complement will be activated and goes from C1-9, leading to intravascular hemolysis. Think about the name (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria): occurs at night, and when you wake up in the morning, you pee out hemoglobin. So, when you do a CBC, not only have a severe anemia, but also a neutropenia and a thrombocytopenia: pancytopenia). 2. Abnormal Hb: Sickle Cell Trait/Dz With sickle cell trait, there is NO anemia and NO sickled cells in the peripheral blood. You can have sickled cells in a certain part of your body in the renal medulla within the peritubular capillaries (decreased O2 tension), but not in the peripheral blood. This is b/c in SCDz, the amount of sickled Hb in the RBC determines whether it sickles or not. Magic # = 60%; if you have 60% or more, HbS can spontaneously sickle. Oxygen tension in the blood also determines whether a cell will sickle or not. At lower O2 tensions, cells are more likely to sickle. This is an auto rec dz, meaning that both parents must have abnormal gene on their csome (so its 2 traits); therefore, 25% complete normal, 50% heterozygous asymptomatic carrier, 25% complete dz (same with cystic 5ibrosis). SC Trait vs. SCDz: (a) In sickle cell trait, black individual with normal PE and normal CBC, but microscopic hematuria, the 5irst step is sickle cell screen b/c microscopic hematuria is ALWAYS abnormal and must be worked up but in blacks = 1/8 people have the trait. So, SC trait is what you are thinking of; not renal stones, or IgA glomerulonephritis, but is SC trait normally. (b) SCDz 2 things are happening: Hemolytic anemia (usually extravascular) can be very severe and commonly requires a transfusion and Occlusion of small BVs by the sickled cells (blockage of circulation) lead to vasooclusive crisis, and this ischemia leads to pain. Therefore, they are painful crisis (occur anywhere in the body lungs, liver, spleen, BM, hands/feet (bactulitis)). Over time, it leads to damage of organs kidneys, spleen autoinfarcted (autosplenectomy) in 5irst 10 years of life,

pt will have splenomegaly b/c trapped RBCs, and eventually autosplenectomy around age 19 (spleen will be the size of a thumb). After 2 years, it is nonfunctional so even though you have a big/swollen spleen, it isnt working. How will you know what that has happened? Howell Jolly body (RBC with a piece of nucleus that should not be in the spleen if the spleen were working, a 5ixed macrophage would have taken care of it). This occurs at about 2 yrs of age. This is fortunate b/c this is about the age where you can get pneumovax. With a nonfunctional spleen what infection is guaranteed? Strep pneumoniae sepsis. MCC death in child with SCDz = strep pneumoniae sepsis. They try to cover with antibiotics and pneumovax pneumovax can be given at the age of 2 and thats about the time when the spleen stops working (start to see Howell jolly bodies). Slide with Howell jolly body and slide with sickled cells, then will ask, whats wrong with the spleen? Its dysfunctional; Howell jolly would have been removed if the spleen is functional. When do they get their 5irst sickle cell crisis? When little kids gets painful hands, and are swollen up (called bactulitis) does not occur at birth, b/c HbF inhibits sickling and newborns in newborns, 70-80% of their RBCs are HbF. In SCDz, 60-70% RBCs have HbF, while the rest are HbS! At this stage, there is enough HbF to inhibit the sickling; however, as the RBCs are broken down and replaced, the HbF decreases and HbS increases, and by 6-9 months of age, there is a high enough concentration to induce sickling and their 5irst vasooclusive crisis, producing bactulitis. So, bactulitis doesnt come until 6-9 months b/c HbF inhibits the sickling. Bone infarctions occur from sickling the BM. Osteomyelitis these pts are susceptible to osteomyelitis from salmonella due to a dysfunctional spleen. Salmonella is destroyed by macrophages. The spleen normally 5ilters out salmonella, but is dysfunctional. MCC osteomyelitis is staph, but MCC in SCDz pt = salmonella. What drug is used to decrease the incidence of vasooclusive crises? Hydroxyurea. How does it work? It increases HbF synthesis. 3. DeUiciency of enzyme: G6PD deUiciency G6PD def is X-linked recessive. Most enzyme defs are auto recessive ie PKU, albinism, homocystinuria). What are the two X-linked recessive enzyme defs? G6PD def and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (involves purine metabolism with mental retardation, self mutilation, increased uric acid, def of HGPRT).

Glucose 6 phosphate has several functions: (1) to make glutathione, (2) to make ribose 5 carbon sugars for making DNA, and (3) to make glycogen from G6P (converted to G1P, UDP-glucose and glycogen). Key: with this enzyme, we can make NADPH, which is the main factor for making anabolic types of biochemical rxn (ie steroid synthesis). NADPH will reduce oxidized glutathione to glutathione; its job is to neutralize peroxide to water. Which vitamin catalyzes this rxn? Ribo5lavin. Which enzyme helps glutathione neutralize peroxide? Glutathione peroxidase. Which trace metal is involved? Selenium. Every living cell makes peroxide as an end product, therefore every cell must a way to handle it. Catalase present in all cells except RBCs and it can neutralize peroxide. It is stored in peroxisomes. Other way to neutralize peroxide is with glutathione (only thing available to RBCs b/c they dont have catalase). So, if you are de5icient in this enzyme, there is a problem. So, peroxide increases to the point of hemolyzing RBCs why would that occur? B/c if you had an Infection, or if you took an oxidizing drug (ie sulfa drug, nitryl drug), which will lead to a lot more peroxide lying around. Peroxide will not be able to be neutralized if you are de5icient in catalase. So, what will happen is the peroxide will affect the Hb. The peroxide will cause the Hb to clump and form Heinz bodies (Hb clumped up together). Will also affect the RBC membrane b/c it damages the membrane so much that the primary mechanism of destruction is intravascular. Little element is extravascular, but mostly intravascular. It is precipitated by infections and/or drugs. 2 MC drugs: 1) primaquine missionary got malaria, received a drug, and 2-3 days later the got hemoglobinuria, chills, and a hemolytic anemia (this is primaquine induced hemolysis). 2) Dapsone is used in treating leprosy; every person with leprosy is given a screen for G6PD def b/c of the high incidence of producing hemolysis. See this dz in the same population as Beta thal blacks, Greeks, Italians. Slide: smear with actively hemolyzing blood cells Heinz bodies when it goes into the cords of bilroth, the macrophage will take a big bite out of it and sometimes, is a small bite out of the membrane, and the cell goes to the peripheral circulation and is called a bite cell (RBC with little membrane). Need to do special stains to ID Heinz bodies. In Greeks or Italians with severe forms of G6PD def, they can eat fava beans which can precipitate an episode (aka favism). Dx when you have an acute hemolytic episode, the last thing you want to get a diagnosis is to get an enzyme assay. Why? B/c the only cells that are hemolyzed are the ones missing the enzymes. The ones that have the enzyme are still gonna be there, so you have a normal assay. So, NEVER use enzyme assays for active hemolysis. Need to special stain to ID the Heinz body. When the hemolytic episode is over thats when the dx is con5irmed, this is done with a G6PD assay. Will get a question on G6PD deUiciency, either dapsone related or primaquine related. X. Autoimmune hemolytic anemias Warm reacting antibodies are IgG and cold reacting is IgM

MC autoimmune hemolytic anemia = warm; MCC of it = Lupus When you have autoimmune dz in your family, you have certain HLA types that predispose you to that autoimmune dz. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you have one autoimmune dz youre likely to have another. So, pts with lupus c o m m o n l y a l s o h a v e a u t o i m m u n e h e m o l y t i c a n e m i a , a u t o i m m u n e thrombocytopenia, autoimmune neutropenia, and autoimmune lymphopenia. For example: the MCC of hypothyroidism = hashimotos thyroiditis; these pts commonly have other autoimmune dzs ie pernicious anemia, vitiligo, autoimmune destruction of melanocytes). So, if you have one autoimmune dz, you are likely to have others (ie if you have a hemolytic prob, it is prob autoimmune related). This is b/c of the HLA relationship. Therefore, if you have a family that has an autoimmune dz, what would be the single best screening test to use? HLA (ie if they have the HLA type speci5ic for lupus there are speci5ic HLAs for diff dzs). Therefore, HLA is the best way to see if pt is predisposed to something. MCC autoimmune anemia = Lupus; it has IgG and C3b on the surface of the RBC, so it will be removed by the macrophage. This is an extravascular hemolytic anemia. How do we know that there are IgG or C3b Abs on the surface? Direct Coombs test: detect DIRECTLY the presence of IgG and/or C3b on the surface of RBCs. Indirect coombs is what the women get, when they are pregnant and they do an Ab screen on you (looking for any kind of Ab); so, when you look for Ab in the serum (NOT on RBC, on SERUM), this is an indirect Coombs. Therefore, another name for the indirect Coombs = Ab screen; with direct coombs, we are detecting IgG and/or C3b on the SURFACE of RBCs. you cannot do direct coombs on platelets or neutrophils, but only RBCs. So, the test of choice if you suspect an autoimmune hemolytic anemia is Coombs test. A. Drug induced autoimmune hemolytic anemias: There are 3 types of drug induced hemolytic anemia (2nd MCC autoimmune hemolytic anemia = drug induced; MCC = lupus) 1. PCN mechanism: the bpo group of PCN attaches to RBC (lil piece of PCN is attached on RBC membrane). This is bad if an IgG Ab develops against it b/c if it does, than the IgG attaches to the bpo group, goes to the spleen and is removed extravascularly; this is an ie of type II HPY Example: pt on PCN develops a rash what type of HPY? Type I. Example: Pt on PCN develops a hemolytic anemia what type of HPY? Type II 2. Methyldopa aka aldomet. Use: anti-HTN for pregnant woman (other anti-HTN used in pregnancy = hydralazine). Methyldopa and hydralazine have complications methyldopa can cause a hemolytic anemia; hydralazine can lead to drug-induced

lupus (2nd to procainamide for drug induced lupus). Methyldopa works differently from PCN: methyldopa messes with Rh Ag on surface of RBC and alters them. They are altered so much that IgG Abs are made against the Rh Ag (our OWN Rh Ag). So, the drug is not sitting on the membrane, it just causes formation of IgG Abs and they attach to RBC to have macrophage kill it what type of HPY is this? Type II. Therefore, methyldopa and PCN are type II for hemolytic anemia. 3. Quinidine: this is the innocent bystander b/c immune complexes are formed. Quinidine acts as the hapten, and the IgM Ab attaches; so, the drug and IgM are attached together, circulating in the bloodstream. This is a different HPY type III, and will die a different way, b/c this is IgM. When IgM sees the immune complex, it will sit it, and activate the classical pathway 1-9, leading to intravascular hemolysis, and haptoglobin will be decreased, and in the urine, Hb will be present. XI. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia RBCs all fragmented schistocytes (schisto means split). MCC chronic intravascular hemolysis = aortic stenosis, in this dz, the cells hit something; therefore have intravascular hemolysis, Hb in the urine and haptoglobin is down. This is a chronic intravascular hemolysis, and you will be losing a lot of Hb in the urine; what does Hb have attached to it? Fe; so what is another potential anemia you can get from these pts? Fe def anemia. Example: will describe aortic stenosis (systolic ejection murmur, 2nd ICS, radiates to the carotids, S4, increased on expiration, prominent PMI), and they have the following CBC 5indings: low MCV, and fragmented RBCs (schistocytes) this is a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia related to aortic stenosis. Other causes of schistocytes: DIC (lil 5ibrin strands split RBCs right apart b/c RBC is very fragile); thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, HUS see schistocytes. When you have platelet plugs everywhere in the body, the RBCs are banging into these things causing schistocytes and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Example: runners anemia, esp. long distance you smash RBCs as you hit the pavement; very commonly, you go pee and see Hb in it; to prevent, use bathroom b4. Another cause of hemolytic anemia: malaria falciparum b/c you have multiple ring forms (gametocyte (comma shaped and ringed form). It produces a hemolytic anemia, which correlates with the fever. The fever occurs when the cells rupture (the hemolytic anemia).

WBC I. Non-neoplastic Lymphoid Proliferations:

A. Neutrophils when you have acute in5lammation = ie appendicitis, neutrophilic leukocytosis, left shift, toxic granulation, and leukamoid rxn. Leukamoid rxn means that it looks like leukemia but it isnt and its benign. Usually involves any of cell lines. What causes leukamoid rxns? TB and sepsis. You see greater than 30-50,000 cells in the blood. Kids get these a lot (ie otitis media). Adult with otitis med = 12,000; kids with 30,000 (exaggerated). Example: Pertussus whooping cough lymphocytosis (60,000) pediatricians are worried about ALL leukemia, but kid doesnt have anemia or thrombocytopenia; kid comes in pale, coughing. Lymphocytes are mature and are totally normal. Lymphocytosis w/ viral infection or with pertussus. In atypical lymphocytosis this is a lymphocyte that is doing what its supposed to do when presented to and Ag. Its responding to the Ag by dividing and getting bigger, so basically its an antigenic stimulated lymphocyte. When talking about atypical lymphocyte, the absolute 5irst thing that pops into the mind is: mononucleolosis EBV. Other dz that are seen with large, beautifully staining bluish cells: CMV, toxoplasmosis, any cause of viral hepatitis, phenytoin. EBV is called the kissing dz b/c the virus holds up in the salivary glands. EBV affects B cells and CD 21. Mono causes viremia, generalized painful lymphadenopathy, very commonly get exudative tonsillitis, jaundice (hardly ever seen), increased transaminases (off the chart), and spleen enlargement and can rupture. Therefore dont play sports b/c can ruptured spleen can occur, so avoid contact sports usually for 6-8 weeks. Also causes macrocytic anemia via inhibiting intestinal conjugase).

Audio File 15: Hematology 5

Example: the boards will give you a classic hx of mono, and ask which tests you run, but monospot test is not on the choices b/c thats the trade name, so pick heterophile antibodies (hetero = diff, phile = loving). Heterophile Abs are anti-horse RBC Abs (or anti-sheep); they are different, hence heterophile Abs. Once you have mono, you always have it and will have 3-4 recurrences over your lifetime ie reactivation consists of swollen glands, very tired, etc. EBV lives in B cells; the atypical lymphs in mono are T cells reacting against the infected B cells. B. Monocyte = king of chronic in5lammation, therefore expect monocytosis in pts with chronic infections ie rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns, ulcerative colitis, lupus, malignancy Side Note: creatine gives energy b/c it binds to phosphate, and that is the phosphate you get from making ATP so what serum test is markedly elevated in someone taking creatine for their muscles? Creatinine! B/c the end product of creatine metabolism is Creatinine. The BUN is normal in this person. Worthy board question. C. Eosinophilia You would see eosinophilia in Hay fever, rash in pt with PCN, strongoloides Protozoa infections DOES NOT produce eosinophilia, therefore it rules out amabiasis (pinworm), giardia, and malaria. Only invasive helminthes produces eosinophilia. Adult ascariasis does NOT cause eosinophilia b/c all they do is obstruct bowels, its when the invasive larvae form crosses into the lungs that causes eosinophilia. So anything that is Type I HPY causes eosinophilia; protozoa do not cause eosinophilia; ascariasis, and pinworms do NOT cause eosinophilia (all others ie whipworms do b/c they invade). II. Myeloproliferative Dz: Polycythemia increased RBC ct, increased Hb and Hct Difference between serum Na and total body Na? yes. Serum Na is milliequavalents per liter of plasma; total body Na is milliliters per kg body wt (the total amount you have). Similarly: RBC mass = total # of RBCs in entire body in mL/kg in body wt RBC ct = # of RBCs/microliter of blood, therefore its how many you have in a certain volume of blood. Why is this a big deal? Example: went running and vol depleted RBC ct would be hemoconcentrated, therefore would look like more RBCs

per microliter of blood (b/c you depleted the plasma volume), but what would the RBC mass be? Normal (not actually synthesizing RBCs). So, there are 2 types of RBCs: relative and absolute. Relative = decrease in plasma vol causing an increase in RBC ct, but the RBC mass is normal. Absolute increase is appropriate or inappropriate? When would it be appropriate? Syn of RBCs tissue hypoxia, so, any source of tissue hypoxia would be an appropriate response. Example: if you have lung dz, hypoxemia, COPD, high altitude these are ies of appropriate polycythemias. What if we have normal blood gases, but didnt have tissue hypoxia? This would be an inappropriate polycythemia. So, there are two things to think about with increased RBC mass: polycythemia rubivera, which is an ie of a stem cell proliferative dz of the BM, meaning that the stem cells are dictators, and nothing keeps them in check a neoplastic dz; they can become leukemias. So, it would be inappropriate to have normal blood gases and no evidence of tissue hypoxia and have an increase in RBC mass. 2) Tumor or cyst with an excess production of EPO: renal adenocarcinoma making EPO, causing an increase in RBC mass this is inappropriate b/c a tumor is inappropriately making it. In summary: polycythemia is relative or absolute. Relative means that you just lost plasma vol (ie from running) with RBC ct increased, and mass is normal. Absolute increase: is it appropriate or inappropriate? Appropriate anything that is a hypoxic stimulus for EPO release. If there isnt a hypoxic condition causing the EPO production, then you are ectopically making EPO from a tumor or cyst or you have polycythemia rubivera (a myeloproliferative dz).

III. Myeloproliferative dz neoplastic stem cell dz that has lost all regulation and nothing can inhibit it anymore. 4 dzs that 5it under this de5inition:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Polycythemia rubivera CML (only leukemia in this category) Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia BM is replaced by 5ibrous tissue Essential thrombocythemia where a stem cell that makes platelets goes crazy and make 1 million, 600 platelets for microliter, Myelodysplastic syndrome A. Polycythemia rubivera: 4 Hs:

1. Hyperviscosity (remember Pouseaus law = TPR = viscosity/radius4). With polycythemia, it will have an increased resistance and TPR will go up; it will predispose to thrombosis, which kills you thrombosis of anything ie dural

sinuses; MCC Budd chiari = hepatic vein thrombosis; coronary artery, SMV, anything can be thrombosed b/c blood slugging around and this is why phlebotomy is done. Phlebotomy is performed to make you Fe def they want to make you Fe def why? If you make them Fe def, b/c then it will take longer to make RBCs, so you purposefully slow down the process. 2. Hypovolemia only polycythemia that has an increase in plasma volume that matches the increase in RBC mass; none of the other causes have an increase in plasma vol (these are measured with radioactive techniques). So, it is very rare to see an increase in plasma vol with polycythemia, except for this case. Why? Myeloproliferative dzs take years and years to develop therefore plasma vol is able to keep up; therefore both increase together over time. 3. Histaminemia all cells are increased: RBCs, WBCs, platelets, including mast cells and basophils. Example: Classic hx: pt takes a shower and gets itchy all over body this is a tip off for polycythemia rubivera why? Mast cells and basophils are located in the skin and temperature changes can degranulate mast cells, causing a release of histamine, leading to generalized itching (very few things cause generalized itching bile salt deposition in the skin in pts with obstructive jaundice, and pts with mast cell degranulation), face is red looking, too b/c of histamine b/c vasodilatation, leading to migraine-like headaches. 4. Hyperuricema b/c nucleated hematopoetic cells are elevated, they then die, and the nuclei have purines in them. The purines will go into purine metabolism and become uric acid. Example: pt on chemotherapy must also be put on allupurinol to prevent urate nephropathy and prevent renal failure from uric acid. (allupurinol blocks xanthane oxidase). When killing cells youre releasing millions of purines when the nucleated cells are killed and the tubules are 5illed with uric acid, leading to renal failure. Must put them on allupurinol. This called tumor lysis syndrome. The same thing occurs in polycythemia rubivera b/c there is an increase in number of cells that eventually die and you run the risk of hyperuricemia. B. RBC mass/plasma vol/O2 sat/EPO Polycythemia rubivera h,h,N (inappropriate), low (have too much O2 b/c you have piles of RBCs and therefore suppress EPO (its a hormone). The hint was O2 content=1.34 * Hb * O2 sat +pO2 COPD, tetralogy of fallot, high alt H, N, L, H (appropriate polycythemia b/c its responding to hypoxia) Renal adenocarcinoma, hepatocellar carcinoma, any cyst (renal, esp. ie hydronephrosis, wilms tumor) H, N, N, H (even with normal gas studies b/c ectopically produced) Relative Polycythemia N, L, N, N

IV. Leukemias They are a malignancy of the BM and mets anywhere it wants. A. General characteristics of Leukemia; therefore, will always have: 1. Generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, etc 2. Abnormal cells in the peripheral blood BLASTS (myeloblasts, lymphoblasts, monoblasts, megakaryoblasts) so some abnormal blasts are in the peripheral blood 3. B/c it is arising in the BM, will always crowd out the normal hematopoetic cells, and will ALWAYS have an anemia, usually normocytic 4. Thrombocytopenia b/c crowding out the normal megakaryocytes from making platelets 5. Usually an increase in WBCs ct with abnormal cells present 6. Acute vs. chronic Do a bone marrow test and look at blasts if blasts are <30%, this is chronic; if the % blasts is >30%, it is acute. Therefore the blast ct tells if its acute vs chronic B. Age brackets: Know age brackets 0-14 = ALL 15-39 = AML myeloblast with Auer rods in peripheral blood 40-59 AML, CML (separate with BM AML with >30% and CML with <30%, 9, 22, Philly csome) 60+ = CLL MC overall leukemia regardless of age = CLL MCC generalized nontender lymphadenopathy in pt 60+ = CLL; not b/c its a lymphoma, but b/c it mets to lymph nodes).

C. Different Types of Leukemia: Example: peripheral smear of 49 y/o, 150,000 WBC ct, 1% myeloblast in peripheral blood and BM, generalized nontender lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and normal anemia dx? CML (look at age bracket and % blasts). To prove, get 9, 22 study (abl protooncogene with nonreactor tyrosine kinase activity and goes from 9 to 22 and fuses with the cluster fusion gene). LAP leukocyte alkaline phosphatase stain can also be used. Look at which neutrophils take it up mature neutrophils all have LAP in them; neoplastic neutrophils do not why? B/c they are neoplastic. So, if no stain, know its neoplastic (normal cells take

up stain). Called a LAP score always low in CML. So, the two tests: Philly csome and LAP score, which is always low. Example: tear drop cell b/c there was a dictator in BM, and cells have to move to the spleen, so there is a migration of hematopoetic cells from the BM to the spleen. When you take up hematopoesis anywhere other than the bone marrow, this is called extramedullary hematopoesis. So, the spleen in huge esp. in atherogenic myeloid metaplasia. Some of the megakaryocytes go back to the marrow to lay down collagen; and megakaryocytes go back. Fibrosis of the BM occurs (used to be called myelo5ibrosis metaplasia). So, not everyone left the BM, and stay in the 5ibrotic marrow. For them to get to the spleen, they have to work their way through strands of 5ibrotic tissue, often times damaging their membrane, leading to tear drop cells (so, it gets passed the barbed wire 5ibrous tissue and getting into the sinusoids, they are tear drop cells in the peripheral blood). So, pt with huge spleen, with tear drop cells atherogenic myeloid metaplasia. Example: too many platelets essential thrombocythemia (makes too many platelets) Example: 4 y/o pt that presents with sternal tenderness, fever, generalized nontender lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, normocytic anemia, 50,000 WBC count many of which had an abnormal appearance cells. What is the dx? ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia. MC cancer in kids; the most common type is: common ALL Ag B cell leukemia. CD10+; calla+ Ag B-cell ALL, associated with downs syndrome Example: 65 y/o, normal criteria, smudge cells and normocytic anemia. They also have hypogammaglobinemia b/c they are neoplastic B cells and cannot change to plasma cells to make Igs. Therefore, MCC death in CLL = infection related to hypogammaglobinemia. What is the Dx? CLL Example: 62 y/o, normal criteria, special stain of TRAP (tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain) hairy cell leukemia (know the TRAP stain) Example: 35 y/o pt, with normal criteria, with 50,000 abnormal WBCs and Auer rods (abnormal lysosomes), 70% blast cells in the BM. What is the Dx? AML. Know what Auer rods look like, know the leukemia that in5iltrates gums (acute monocytic anemia M5), and acute progranulocytic anemia (M3) they always have DIC, has a translocation 15,17. Rx = retinoic acid (vit A causes blasts to mature into b9 cells). V. Lymph nodes A. General Characteristics: 1. Painful vs painless: lymphadenopathy that is painful is not malignant; mean that you have in5lammation causing it (does not always mean infection) you are stretching the capsule, its an in5lammatory condition (lupus), and that produces

pain. When you have non-tender, think malignant, either (1) mets or 2) primary lymphoma originating from it. Always tell if painful/less. 2. Localized vs. generalized lymphadenopathy: Localized (ie exudative tonsillitis goes to local nodes; breast cancer goes to local nodes. Generalized (systemic dz ie HIV, EBV, Lupus). 3. Examples: (a) Brutons agammaglobinemia germinal follicle absent: B-cell (b) DiGeorge syndrome paratrabeculae messed up: T-cell country (c) Histiocytes (Han shculler Christian/letterman sieve dz) involves sinuses (d) SCID (adenine deaminase def) B and T cell de5iciency, therefore no germinal follicle and no paratrabeculae but will have sinuses. (e) Reactive lymphadenopathy: Macrophage takes Ag, and presents to germinal follicles and they spit out a plasma cell, making Abs B. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma Follicular lymphoma = MC Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma: B-cell; translocation 14,18; and apoptosis gene knocked off, so the cells are immortal. What 2 tissues are resistant to invasion by cancer cells? Cartilage and elastic tissue Example: Burkitts; caused EBV; Translocation 8,14, myc oncogenes, starry sky normal macrophages looking like sky at night, #3 MCC cancer in kids; can cure; MC lymphoma in kids, usually in the abdomen (ie payers patches, paraortic lymph nodes, also but rarely in the jaw, or testes) Example: plaque like lesions, no teeth, not a fungal infection actually the in5lammatory cells are really neoplastic; so the helper T cell in mycosis fungoides is neoplastic, therefore its a T cell malignancy. Involves the skin and lymph nodes vs. Sezary cell syndrome which is seen in peripheral blood (malign helper T cell that is in peripheral blood, in mycosis fungoides) Example: kid with EM of eczematous rash all over generalized nontender hepatosplenomegaly, , EM of monomorphic cells which were CD 1+ cells histiocytosis X (letterman sieve dz) (birbeck granules, look like tennis racket clostridium tetani which has a spore also looks like a tennis racket)

Audio File 16: Hematology 6

Painful lymphadenopathy = some type of in5lammatory condition, not malignant Painless lymphadenopathy = malignancy: MC malignancy of lymph node = metastasis MC primary cancer of lymph node = non Hodgkins lymphoma: follicular B cell lymphoma (translocation: 14, 18. This knocks off apoptosis gene and the cell is immortal). C. Hodgkins Dz four different types. In Hodgkins the cardinal signs are: fever, night sweats, and wt loss (usually TB unless proven otherwise). It is usually localized, nontender lymphadenopathy. On micro: the malignant cell is Reid Steinberg cells, RS cells owl eyes - common on boards (also giardia, CMV, ashoff nodule in rheumatic fever). Less # = better prognosis; more = worse The most important one is Nodular Sclerosis: MC = nodular sclerosis, seen in women; it is nodular (hence the name), and has lots of sclerosis (collagen deposition, so its hard and non-painful node). You would see it in a woman with lymph node involvement in 2 places: 1) anterior mediastinum and 2) somewhere above the diaphragm- ie the cervical nodes, superclavicular nodes, neck. This combination of mass in neck and anterior mediastinum = nodular sclerosis. You would see RS cells on micro. 2. Terms: poly and monoclonal (this will help to understand the diff from multiple myeloma and other things that increase gamma globulin p). On serum protein electrophoresis, albumin migrates the farthest b/c it has the most neg charge, whereas gamma globulin just sits there. (a) Polyclonal: poly = many, clonal = plasma cells, therefore you have many clones of plasma cells b/c the gamma globulin region is where the gamma globulins are. Think g-a-m to know the order of most abundant/greatest number of globulin. Therefore, on electrophoresis, you see a little peak, this is an increase in IgG b/c its the most abundant IgG this makes sense b/c for chronic in5lammation, the main Ig is IgG, and for acute in5lammation the main Ig is IgM. So, in chronic in5lammation (ie Crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, UC) there is an increase in IgG which will show a large diffuse elevation (a nice round mtn). This is called polyclonal gammopathy b/c many benign plasma cells are making IgG. Polyclonal

gammopathy always means benign and chronic in5lammation. Will not have polyclonal gammopathy with acute in5lammation (ie acute appendicitis); this not any rise in the gamma gobulin region for acute in5lammation the main Ig is IgM for acute. (b) Monoclonal = one clone of plasma cells are making Igs; other plasma cells are not making Igs b/c they are suppressed. So, when you see a monoclonal peak, this means its a malignancy of plasma cells. Meanwhile, all other plasma cells are suppressed by immunologic mechanisms. The malignant clone makes its own Ig; most of the time it is an IgG malignancy. They are making many light chains and get into the urine these are called Bence Jones proteins. Monoclonal usually means malignancy and always means multiple myeloma. (c) Peaks (in order): albumin, alpha 1, alpha 2, beta, gamma have a pt 25 y/o, non-smoker, had emphysema of the lower lungs, no alpha 1 peak what is Dx? Alpha 1 antitrypsin def. VI. Plasma Cell Disorders: A. Multiple Myeloma (MM) MM is a very bad dz, incurable, and unless you get BM transplant, you will die. Its usually seen in people over 50, a little more common in women. The most common form is Ig kappa, which is abundant. Plasma cells have IL-1 (aka osteoclast activating factor); this is why you see lots of lytic lesions in the skull or bones. The lytic regions are round, and nicely cut (in contrast to Pagets dz, the lytic regions are fuzzy and not sharply cut). While in MM lesions have a 5ine, sharp (cookie cutter cut) border, b/c IL-1 activates osteoclasts, leading to the punched out lesions. Example: if there was a lytic lesion in the ribs and pt coughed, what would potentially happen? Pathologic fractures and these are extremely common. Example: elderly woman coughs and develops severe pain you see lytic lesion of the rib, so what does the pt have? Multiple myeloma Know what plasma cell looks like has bright blue cytoplasm and nucleus is eccentrally located (around the nucleus are clear areas present). On EM, will see layer and layers of RER, b/c they are constantly making protein (ribos are where ribosomal RNA sits on). Must know what plasma cell looks like on EM and giemsa stain. Summary of multiple myeloma lytic lesions, Bence Jones proteins, and seen in elderly pts. 1. Amyloidosis: is a clinical characteristic of MM Amyloid on EM is a non-branching, linear compound with a hole on the center of it. They always ask a question on amyloidosis b/c it ends up in the differential dx for multi-system dz (systemic amyloidosis). Amyloid is a protein, but whats interesting

is that many other different proteins can be transformed/converted into this unique protein ie pre-albumin,

calcitonin (tumor marker for medullary carcinoma of the thyroid), light chains in MM, and trisomy 21. In Trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome), the csome 21 codes for beta amyloid, and if you have three of these, you will make more beta amyloid protein. And beta amyloid protein is toxic to neurons; so, if you have trisomy 21 are making more beta amyloid protein, then you will be losing more neurons b/c you are losing more of this protein that is toxic to neurons. This is why they always ask the question about a pt dying at forty and on autopsy, you see atrophy of the brain and it reveals senile plaques in frontal and temporal lobes, and will ask what pt had Downs syndrome. All downs pts will get Alzheimers. Downs pts die from 1 of 2 things: either from (1) endocardial cushion defects which leads to heart defects and an ASD (in childhood) and a VSD or (2) Alzheimers dz (death b/c chromosome 21 is making too much beta amyloid protein). Example: 40 y/o with Alzheimers dz has downs syndrome. Beta amyloid is most important protein. VII. Lysosomal storage dzs

Two different cells that they like to ask questions about. 1. Gaucher dz: there is a macrophage with a crinkled paper like appearance in the cytoplasm. There are lysosomes 5illed with glucocerebroside, therefore pt has Gaucher dz. Its an auto recessive dz with a missing glucocerebroside. 2. Niemann-Pick dz: bubbly cytoplasm, severe mental retardation, buildup of sphingomyelin in the lysosomes, therefore the pt has Niemann-Pick dz, missing sphingomyelinase. 3. Pompes Dz: only glycogen storage dz that has lysosomal storage = Pompes; only glycogen storage dz that is lysosomal b/c they are missing an enzyme to break glycogen down in the lysosomes. How does pt die? Die from cardiac failure b/c excess deposition of normal glycogen in the heart. Summary: bubbly cytoplasm = Niemann-Pick dz; crinkled paper = guachers, both are lysosomal storage dz

Hemodynamic Dysfunction I. Thrombogenesis: The Coagulation System Hemostasis: things in our body that prevents clots from developing in BVs. If these clots were not prevented, the pt either has DIC, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), or HUS, and all of them lead to death. So, why dont we form clots in our small BVs? [small blood vessels include arterioles, venules, and capillaries, while small airways include terminal bronchioles, resp bronchioles, alveolar duct, and alveolus]. A. So, why dont we form clots? B/c we have coagulation factors such as: heparin, PGI2, Protein C and S, and tissue plasminogen activator. So all of these things are used to prevent little clots occurring in our small blood vessels. 1. Heparin (a GAG, a mucopolysaccharide). It is normally found in the body and helps prevent formation of clots. How does heparin work? It ENHANCES antithrombin III. Antithrombin III is made In the Liver (like all other proteins). Therefore, heparin gets the credit for anticoagulating you, but its antithrombin III does all the work. Antithrombin III neutralizes most of the coagulation factors. So, we have a little bit of heparin in our small vessels, which prevents clotting from occurring. 2. PGI2, prostacyclin, made from endothelial cells, a vasodilator. When the vessel is vasodilated, and blood 5lows faster, it is more dif5icult for things to stick; therefore, its more dif5icult for a thrombus to stick b/c it blows away so fast. Therefore, vasodilatation is antagonistic to forming thrombi in anything b/c everything is moving too quickly. PGI2 also prevents platelet aggregation. 3. Protein C and S are Vit K dependent factors (as are factors 2, 7, 9, 10). Functions of protein C and S: they INACTIVATE (ie neutralize or get rid of) two things factors 5 and 8. They actually inhibit factors 5 and 8 in our body. This is interesting b/c antithrombin III cannot inhibit these. Antithrombin III can only inhibit serine proteases, and Factor 5 and 8 are not serine proteases. 4. t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator) this is what we use to dissolve a clot in a pt with coronary thrombosis it activates plasminogen, which produces plasmin. Plasmin basically eats everything in site. B. DeUiciency in any of the anticoagulants: So, if we are def in any of these things (heparin, PGI2, protein C and S, and t-PA), clots would form. In other words pt will be thrombogenic. Why are pts on birth control thrombogenic? B/c it increases the synthesis of 5 and 8, increases syn of 5ibrinogen, and inhibits antithrombin III. So, birth control pills are blocking heparin by inhibiting ATIII. Therefore, the estrogen of the pill is thrombogenic, thereby assisting in the formation of clots. Deadly duo: woman on

birth control and smoking = bad; smoking is thrombogenic b/c it damages endothelial cells (so both are thrombogenic). C. Formation of a stable clot For example: a pt is shaving and cut himself. How do we stop bleeding when you cut a small BV (not talking about muscular arteries need to plug that) were referring to an injury/cut/damage of a small vessel (ie arteriole, venule, capillary. What will stop the bleeding? To determine this we use bleeding time as ie: bleeding time is used to evaluate platelet function. Example: If pt has hemophilia A and has no factor 8, the pt will still have a NORMAL bleeding time b/c bleeding time has NOTHING to do with coagulation factors. Bleeding time is purely a PLATELET thing. 1. How do they perform the test? Cut the pt (in5lict wound), start stop watch, and dab wound every thirty sec; when the wound stops bleeding, this is the pts bleeding time normally it is 7-9 mins. 2. The pathway of bleeding time: When the vessel is cut, tissue thromboplastin is released (which activates the extrinsic coagulation system, but has nothing to do with bleeding time). The cut exposes collagen and of course Hageman factor (factor 12) is activated by the exposed collagen; hence the intrinsic pathway is activated, but this has nothing to do with bleeding time, either. Endothelial cells and megakaryocytes make an adhesion product (a type of glue) whose special purpose is to stick to platelets vWF. vWF is part of the factor 8 molecule and is made in 2 places megakaryocytes in the BM and endothelial cells. Whats made from megakaryocytes? Platelets; which carry a little bit of glue with them in their granules. Also, platelets are made in the endothelial cells. So, when you damage the small BVs, vWF is exposed and platelets have receptors for vWF which is basically an adhesion molecule (just like neutrophils had receptors for the endothelial cell made by the endothelial cell). If neutrophils cannot stick to venules, then they cannot get out to kill bugs. Same concept here platelets have to stick to before they can do their thing so vWF is the adhesion molecule that allows them to do that. So, now the platelet sticks called platelet adhesion. When the platelet sticks, it causes the platelet to release chemicals most imp chemical is ADP this is a potent aggregating agent, and causes platelets to stick together. They start to help form a thrombus to begin to stop the bleeding. However this is not enough to complete the process. So, this is called the release rxn when the platelet sticks, it causes the platelet to release chemicals, and the most imp chemical is ADP. When platelets come by, they will stick together (b/c of the ADP) and the bleeding will go down. But still not enough; needs another chemical. As soon as the platelet has the release rxn, it starts synthesizing its own unique substance Thromboxane A2; platelets make it b/c they are the only cell in the body that has thromboxane synthase. So, it can

convert PgA2 into TxA2, potent vasoconstrictor. This is important in stopping bleeding, b/c if you slow rate of blood 5low, it will make it easier for platelets to stick together and the platelets wont get washed away. As opposed to prostacyclin, which is a vasodilator the platelets cannot stick b/c the blood 5low has increased. TxA2 is the vasoconstrictor in Prinzmetals angina. Its also a bronchoconstrictor, so it has affects in asthmatics b/c it helps LT C4, D4, and E4. So, TxA2 is a vasoconstrictor, a bronchoconstrictor, and a platelet aggregator. It puts the 5inishing touches on it and causes the platelets to really aggregate, and blocks the injured vessels, and bleeding time has just ended. 3. Integration: Platelets do two things (1) release rxn, where chemical were already made in it were released so, preformed chemicals were released and (2) it makes its own chemical called TxA2). This is analogous to MAST CELLS. For example: two IgEs bridged together, and pollen bridged the gap. This caused the mast cells to have a release rxn (release of preformed chemicals: histamine, serotonin, and eosinophil chemotactic factor). These chemicals then started the in5lammatory rxn in a type I HPY rxn. The mast cell released arachidonic acid from its membrane and we ended up making PGs and leukotrienes. They were released 30 minutes to an hour later and furthered/enhanced type I HPY (in5lammatory) rxns. So the mast cell had a release rxn of preformed elements and it made its own PGs/leukotrienes. That is what platelets did: released its preformed chemicals and made its own chemical: TxA2. Plug is temporary it is a bunch of platelets stuck together and held together by 5ibrinogen, and is enough to prevent bleeding (to stop bleeding time), but if you scratch or try to open the wound, it would start bleeding again, so its not a stable plug. 4. Conditions that arise with increased or decreased bleeding time: Lets screw up bleeding time: (a) What would be an obvious mess up of bleeding time? Thrombocytopenia: decreased platelet count therefore if you have less than 90,000 platelets, you will have a prolonged bleeding time b/c you will not have enough to aggregate. Another dz that has a problem with adhesion molecule defect is vWB dz (MC genetic hereditary dz, AD) (b) MCC prolonged bleeding time = taking aspirin; mechanism? Aspirin blocks platelet COX, not TxA2 (blocked by Dipyrramidal). Endothelial cells have COX, too; so why didnt the endothelial cells inhibit COX from making PGI2? The platelet COX vs the endothelial COX reacts differently to aspirin. Different compounds act differently to non-steroidal. Its a 9:1 ratio (aspirin block platelet COX more than endothelial COX); cannot neutralize both would be bad. So, aspirin is irreversible and other NSAIDs are reversible for 48 hrs. So, if you took an aspirin, it prevents platelets from

aggregating, and therefore they do not work, so if you cut yourself, the bleeding time will be increased. Aspirin inhibits platelets from aggregating; no TxA2, so it wont work and you will continue bleeding. 5. Continuation of Clotting: Recall that the release of t-PA which will activate extrinsic system and it also activates the Hageman factor 12 b/c of collagen being exposed therefore the intrinsic system is also activated. End product of coagulation is thrombin, and thrombin converts 5ibrinogen into 5ibrin. So, we have pile of platelets stuck together and they are bound with 5ibrinogen. What will happen right after the bleeding time ends? The activated thrombin (produced by the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways) will convert the 5ibrinogen (which is holding the platelets together loosely) into 5ibrin, making a more stable platelet plug that you are not able to dislodge. So, who will remove that platelet plug from the vessel? Plasmininogen, and when it is activated and plasmin are formed; plasmin will drill a hole through it and recanalize, so the vessel is normal again. D. Platelet deUiciency vs Coagulation deUiciency So, with bleeding time, the platelets (which are held together with 5ibrinogen) form a temporary hemostatic plug. This stops the bleeding time, but its very unstable. When the Coagulation system makes thrombin, it converts 5ibrinogen into 5ibrin, making a strong platelet plug. This difference is very imp b/c it distinguishes a difference between a platelet abnormality vs coagulation factor de5iciency 1. If you have a platelet problem, what will happen to bleeding time? Prolonged, b/ c if the pt cuts a vessel, what will happen? It will continue to bleed (therefore a platelet prob). Therefore, in platelet abnormalities, you see bleeding from super5icial scratches or cuts (pt continues to bleed b/c you cant form a temporary hemostatic plug). In addition, you mess up the integrity of small vessels when platelets are messed up, leading to petechia (hemorrhage only see in a platelet abnormality pinpoint area of hemorrhage), echymoses (purpura), epistaxis (nose bleed, which is the MC manifestations in platelet problem). NONE of these manifestations (petechia, echymoses, epistaxis, and bleeding from super5icial scratches) occurs in Coagulation factor de5iciency!!! 2. Coagulation de5iciency: Example: pt w/ hemophilia A def in factor 8; what is bleeding time? Normal. What type of problems do these pts run into? LATE re- bleeding. Example: appendectomy everything went 5ine, pt woke up, starting moving around and blood started coming out (massive amounts of blood came out of the wound and pt bled to death). B/c the only thing that was holding the blood in was sutures and temporary hemostatic plugs. If you have a Coagulation factor def, you cannot convert 5ibrinogen into 5ibrin, and the platelets will fall away, leading to late re-bleeding. Pt is able to handle super5icial scratches/cuts. However, will not hold vessel closed for too long b/c late re-bleeding will take place. Best question to

ask to see if they have a Coagulation def: have you had a molar tooth removed (ie a wisdom tooth)? Lets say she says yes; Then ask, did you have any problems with bleeding? NO, (therefore pt does NOT have Coag factor def.); why? Extraction of a wisdom tooth imposes the greatest hemostatic stress on the system that ever exists, its even worse after a thoraoctomy, and lots of surgical procedures. So if after extraction of a wisdom tooth no bleeding occurred, then they have normal Coag factors. Example: If pt had a wisdom tooth extracted, and had hemophilia A, pt had no problems with bleeding; however, what is the ONLY thing holding the wound shut? Lil temporary platelet plugs that are held together by 5ibrinogen (not 5ibrin). Dentist tells you to wash mouth out (with salt or a little bit of peroxide) when you get home; bad b/c you will bleed to death and suffocate on your own blood (all hemostatic plugs are gone and pt bleeds to death). This is LATE rebleeding; not from super5icial scratches. Other conditions of coagulation de5iciency: Menorrhagia more of Coag def, than a platelet problem, and the potential for Hemearthroses: where you bleed into closed spaces. Summary: So, platelet problem (epistaxis, echymoses, petechia, bleeding from super5icial scratches) vs coagulation problem (late re-bleed, Menorrhagia, GI bleeds, hemarthroses). This is all based on knowing what happens to small vessels. E. Tests for platelet abnormalities 1. First do platelet count: if you took an aspirin you still have a normal # of platelets, but they dont work. 2. Secondly do Bleeding time assesses platelet function 3. Test for vWF? Ristocedin cofactor assay - if missing vWF, ristocedin cant cause platelets to clump (most sensitive test for dxing vWF dz). So, three tests that assess platelets: platelet count, bleeding time, ristocedin cofactor assay (for vWB Dz) Example: older man with osteoarthritis prostate was resection and massive bleeds: if have osteoarthritis, you have pain, and if you have pain, you will be on pain medication, an NSAIDS, and will give test results PT/PTT/platelet count all normal bleeding time is longer. Rx platelet pack transfusion when you give from a donor, it WILL work (donors platelets are normal). So, if your taking NSAIDs, platelets not working and if you have a prob during surgery, give pt platelets from donor.

Audio File 17: Hematology 7

F. Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic system: 1. Factors involved: Extrinsic = factor 7 Intrinsic = factors 12, 11, 9, 8 Both share the same 5inal common pathway factor 10. (What is another system that has a 5inal common pathway? Complementwhether by the classical pathway, the alternate pathway, or by the MAC pathway, all includes C3) What do we have left? 10, 5, 2 (Prothrombin), 1 (5ibrinogen) and then the clot. 2. Tests involved: a) Prothrombin time (PT): Evaluates the extrinsic system all the way down to the formation of a clot so it only deals with 7, 10, 5, 2, and 1. End stage of the test is a clot in the test tube. INR = standardized way of doing it standardization technique (same everywhere in world). b) Partial thromboplastin time (PTT): Evaluates the intrinsic system all the way down to a clot so it deals with 12, 11, 9, 8, 10, 5, 2, and 1. Example: PT is prolonged, but PTT is normal, what is the factor def? 7 B/c the prothrombin was prolonged; this includes 7, 10, 5, 2, or 1. And the PTT are normal, meaning that 12, 11, 9, 8, 10, 5, 2, 1 are all normal. So the only one responsible is 7. Example PTT is prolonged, but PT is normal, what is the factor def? Factor 8 (play odds). Why? If PTT is prolonged, it is 12, 11, 9, 8, 10, 5, 2, and 1 that is the problem. However the PT is normal, therefore 7, 10, 5, 2, and 1 are normal. Therefore, its one the PTT factors (12, 11, 9, 8). We know what hemophilia A (next to vWB Dz) is the MC factor def, therefore, if you play odds, its a factor 8 def. Example: what did warfarin block? Epoxide reductase. So, that prevented the gamma carboxylation of Factors: 2, 7, 9, and 10. So, what do you follow with warfarin? PT. What is the only factor you are not evaluating to when you are doing a

PT time for a person on warfarin? Factor 9 b/c its part of the intrinsic system. What is the PTT in a person on warfarin? Prolonged b/c factors 2 and 10 are vit K dependent factors in the 5inal common pathway. However, PT does a better job in evaluating warfarin b/c 3 out of the 4 things that its involved in are in the prothrombin time. So, both PT and PTT are prolonged when you are on warfarin, but PT is better diagnostic tool. Example: what do you follow heparin therapy with? PTT (evaluates the intrinsic pathway). Factors that antithrombin III knocks off: 12, 11, 7, 10, 2, 1 are all neutralized by antithrombin III. So, with pt on heparin, PTT is prolonged, what is the PT? Prolonged. Its just that the PTT does a better job at evaluating heparin (many factors antithrombin III involved with) So, BOTH PT and PTT are prolonged if on warfarin or heparin; however, it turns out that PTT is better at evaluating heparin and PT is better for warfarin. II. Fibrinolytic system: Plasmin Plasmin leaves crumbs its breaks down things (5ibrinogen, 5ibrin, coagulation factors) think 5ibrinoLYTIC system. When it breaks down a clot, there are many pieces (ie 5ibrin) left around, which are 5ibrin degradation products. What is the single best screening test for DIC? D-dimers (better answer) or 5ibrin split products. What plasmin does is breaks things apart, leaving crumbs behind and you have degradation products. D dimers are the absolute best test for DIC (di- means 2). When you form a 5ibrin clot, factor 13 (5ibrin stabilizing factor) makes the clot stronger. How do you stabilize strands? Link them by putting connections between them to make them stronger (this is what factor 13 does). So, how do you make collagen stronger? By, linking them to increase the tensile strength (factor 13 will put a crossbridge in 5ibrin). What D-dimer is detecting are only those 5ibrin factors that have a link (ie when there are two of them held together, this what the test picks up). What does this absolutely prove? That there is a 5ibrin clot. Do you see this in DIC? Yes. Example: Would you see it if you broke apart a platelet thrombus in a coronary artery? (Remember a platelet thrombus is a bunch of platelets held together by 5ibrin). So, what would the D dimer assay be if you broke apart that clot? Increased, you would see increased D dimers and would see the little 5ibrin strands held together by cross linking. They often do that to see if you have recanalized or if you got rid of your thrombus. Example: it is often also seen with a pulmonary embolus, b/c if you have a pulmonary embolus, one test is a D dimer b/c you will form a clot that will activate the 5ibrinolytic system, and it will try to start breaking it down, and there will be a release of D dimers. Single best test for DIC. Good test for picking up pulmonary embolus, along with ventilation/perfusion scans. Excellent test to see if you have

reperfusion after given t-PA b/c it proves that if D dimers were present, a 5ibrin clot must be present (5ibrin was there so it proves it). III. Vessel abnormalities A. Senile purpura: Seen on the back of hands of an old person they hit things and get senile purpura; vessels get unstable as you get older and subcutaneous tissue thins. When you hit yourself, BVs rupture and you get echymoses called senile purpura, an age dependent 5inding. Only present in places that normally hit things, back of the hands and the shins. Example: Mom was put in old age home and the children were gonna sue the old age home for abuse. Do the children have a case? No, b/c it has nothing to do with abuse and is an age dependent 5inding. Example: now if they also saw echymoses on buttocks and back, this is not a normal place to get trauma related to just bumping into things that would be abuse. Senile purpura is the cause of echymoses on the back of the elderlys hand. Everyone will get this, everyone, no one is exempt. B. Osler Weber Rendu Dz aka hereditary telangiectasias: Many of these pts have chronic Fe def anemia, related to persistent GI bleeds. You can make the dx with PE of the pt. The pt will have small red dots called telangiectasias and if you look on the lips and tongue you will see telangiectasias, and if you do endoscopy, you will see the little red dots throughout the GI tract. What does this pt have? Osler Weber Rendu Dz aka hereditary telangiectasias. It is the MC genetic vascular dz. Therefore, you can see why you get chronic Fe def and bleeds b/c the telangiectasias will rupture. It is kind of like the angiodysplasia of the skin So, these are the two vessel dzs: senile purpura and Osler Weber Rendu dz, and also scurvy. IV. Platelet Abnormalities Findings of platelet problems: all have a problem in making a hemostatic plug, epistaxis (MC), petechia, echymoses, and bleeding from super5icial scratches/cuts. Example: 12 y/o kid, with URI one week ago, presents with epistaxis. Perform PE, and you see lesions that do NOT blanch (need to know the difference between petechia and spider angiomas: petechias do not blanch b/c bleeding into the skin; spider angioma WILL blanch b/c its an AV 5istula). Platelet count is 20,000. What is your dx? Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Mechanism: IgG against the platelet. What type of HPY is this? Type II. Who is removing the platelet? Macrophages in the spleen (b/c IgG marked the platelet for destruction by the macrophage). This is similar to autoimmune hemolytic anemia, but this is autoimmune THROMBOcytopenia. Rx if they are very symptomatic, give corticosteroids; if not, leave alone and it will go away.

Example: woman with + spearman Ab test, epistaxis, petechia, generalized tender lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly. Pt has LUPUS, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, same mechanism: IgG auto-antibodies against platelets, a type II HPY rxn, with macrophage related removal. A. TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) and HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome) Both have similar pathophysiology. These are NOT DIC, therefore you are not consuming coagulation factors; the PT and PTT are totally and unequally normal. What you see is a formation of a temporary hemostatic plug of small blood vessels (bleeding time) and the coagulation system converting 5ibrinogen to 5ibrin to form a strong platelet plug. So in TTP and HUS, something in the plasma damages small vessels throughout your body, so that platelets stick and platelets aggregate and eventually form 5irm platelet plugs in all the vessels of the entire body. Would you consume all the platelets with all that sticking going on? Yes. Will you bleed b/c of that? Yes. What will you see in your peripheral blood? RBC will be smashed, leading to schistocytes. Therefore you will have a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Pts will have thrombocytopenia, fever, renal failure (b/c glomerular capillaries will have these platelet plugs in them). Absolutely have to have schistocytes in the peripheral blood with hemolytic anemia to make the dx. 1. 2 causes of HUS: a) 0157:H7 E. coli (toxin producing E. coli that can be present in undercooked beef. The toxin damages the vessel, leading to the dz, and this is called HUS. One of the MC causes of acute renal failure in children = HUS. b) Shigella toxin (very potent) that leads to shigellosis and then HUS. In TTP/HUS will see low platelet count, prolonged bleeding time, and normal PT/ PTT b/c youre not consuming coagulation factors, but only consuming platelets. V. Coagulation deUiciency In Coagulation de5iciency, you different signs symptoms, such as: delayed bleeding ie go through operation with no prob, then the pt starts moving around thats when its bad. When pt has an operation and they start bleeding out of the wound, the MCC is not a coagulation factor de5iciency; the MCC is due to suture slipped or a bleed. When you have a coag de5iciency, just have to tie it off. Example: molar extraction with constant oozing of blood b/c nothing holding those small vessels together except a temp hemostatic plug need a tight 5ibrin bond to plug it up. Example: It is showing hemorrhage into the fascial compartment of the thigh. In the knee, there are repeated hemarthroses and the pt has hemophilia A. Will not see

hemarthroses or bleeding into spaces with platelet abnormalities, but only coagulation factor de5iciency. A. Must know the difference between hemophilia A and vWB Dz (these are the key coagulation de5iciencies) 1. vWB Dz missing vWF, therefore there is a platelet adhesion defect, therefore, they have all the signs and symptoms of a PLATELET problem. However, they also have a factor 8 de5iciency, but it is very mild and never severe. So, they have TWO abnormalities they have a platelet defect AND a coagulation factor defect. This is why they can have menorrhagia and GI bleedings (this the coagulation part of it); will also see history of epistaxis and they bruise easy. There are 3 parts of the factor 8 molecule: vWF, factor 8 coagulate (part of intrinsic system), 8 Ag. The 8 Ag has a carrier function: it carries around vWF and factor 8 coagulant in the blood (so its a chauffeur) - so it functions as a carrier protein. All 3 of these can be measured. 2. Differences in two dzs: a) Genetics: In pts with hemophilia A its an X linked recessive dz, therefore males get the dz. Whereas vWDz is Autosomal dominant, and only one of the parents have to have the abnormality and 50% of the kids will have the potential to get the dz. b) Number of de5icient factors: Hemophilia A only has one factor that is de5icient: 8 anticoagulant; they have normal 8 Ag levels and normal vWF levels. vWDz has ALL 3 things decreased: 8 Ag, factor 8 anticoagulant (mildly decreased), and vWF. B. What drug can increase the synthesis of all three of these factor 8 molecules? The drug comes from ADH and is called desmopressin (ddadp). This can increase the synthesis of all three factor 8 molecules. It will help treat mild hemophilia A, and is the DOC for vWDz. In woman, if they have menorrhagia and normal everything else, you have vWDz. They put you on birth control and that took the bleeding away. In one of the cases, the Dr. ordered PT, PTT, and bleeding time tests. The tests for PT and PTT were normal and the bleed time was normal. The sensitivity for these tests is only 50%, so do not depend on these. The ristocedin cofactor assay is the test of choice for vWDz, and will be abnormal. Estrogen increases the synthesis of all factor 8 molecules. So, 2 things increase the synthesis of all the factor 8 molecules: desmopressin and birth control pills (DOC for women). C. USMLE Step 2: Anti-phospholipids syndrome (one of the causes of spontaneous abortion) includes: Lupus anticoagulant (not an anticoagulant, but the opposite: thrombogenic) and anti-cardiolipin antibodies. Both of these antibodies cause vessel thrombosis. Lupus anticoagulant is part of the syndrome that produces vessel thrombosis. Also seen in HIV pt. Anti-cardiolipin antibodies have a history of having a biological false + syphilis serology. So, here you are with VDRL and RPR being

positive. To con5irm, FT ABS would be negative (test Ag is beef cardiolipin). Therefore makes the VDRL and RPR false positive, b/c the con5irmatory test was negative. So why was the RPR positive in the 5irst place, b/c the test antigen is beef cardiolipin. Therefore syphilis antibodies react to against that beef cardiolipin, and producing a positive reaction. But so the anti-cardiolipin antibodies. Therefore you get a biological false + with a syphilis serology. If you have a woman with a biological false + syphilis serology, what is the very 5irst test you should get? Serum anti ANA antibody b/c she can develop lupus. Anti-cardiolipin antibodies are a very common feature of LUPUS. Matter of fact, a biological false + with a syphilis serology is a criteria for diagnosing Lupus.

D. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Disseminated = all over the body Intravascular = within the vessel Coagulation = clotting (forming clots throughout the body) What is consumed in a clot? Fibrinogen, 5, 8, prothrombin, platelets In clot tube form a clot on top is serum and the serum is missing what is consume in a clot (5ibrinogen, 5, 8, prothrombin, platelets). This is what you have in DIC consuming these coagulation factors, including platelets, in those clots throughout the body; therefore you have 2 dzs at once. You have (a) thrombi in vessels, and at the same time you are (b) anticoagulated b/c all you have circulating around is serum, you dont have plasma b/c you consumed the coagulation factorscalled a hemorrhagic thrombosis syndrome. The syndrome is very unusual and two things are happening at the same time. What started all this off? The intravascular coagulation is responsible for consuming all these things. So, what causes this? MCC = Septic shock (MCC septic shock = E. coli), snake bite (not the neurotoxin types, but the rattlesnakes), and ARDS. Very simple to recognize they bleed from every ori5ice or scratch, and even if there is a puncture wound. Classic DIC = Dx is easy, b/c if you consuming all the Coagulation factors, PT and PTT prolonged and platelet count is decreased, d dimers +. The test for Dx is D- dimer test. Example: pt with abruptio placenta and had amniotic 5luid embolism. Amniotic 5luid gets into circulation of the mom, which contains thromboplastin, so, death is from DIC, not from the amniotic embolism. B/c the thromboplastin within the amniotic 5luid precipitated DIC.

Example: hereditary thrombosis = young person w/ DVT, not normal and family hx Example: factor 5 leiden abnormal factor 5 that protein C and S cannot breakdown, therefore there is an increase in factor 5, which predisposing to thromboses Example: Antithrombin III de5iciency MCC woman birth control (therefore, the MCC is acquired can also be genetic ie pt with DVT, put on warfarin and heparin, and do a PTT is normal after heparin, so you give more heparin, and the PTT is still normal. So, pt with DVT, give heparin, PTT remains normal = AT III def. b/c heparin works on AT III. Normally, the heparin facilitates antithrombin III thereby increasing the PTT. In this case, no matter how much heparin is injected, there is no change in PTT, therefore there is no Antithrombin III for the heparin to work on (this is how dx is usually made by mistake). E. Coagulation disorders summary: Platelet ct/bleeding time/PT/PTT (basic tests to evaluate Hemostasis) Aspirin: N, H, N, N Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (MCC of thrombocytopenia in kids): L, H, N, N TTP/HUS: L, H, N, N Hemophilia A: N, N, N, H vWDz: N, H, N, H (so, for lab tests, main diff from heme A is bleeding time) warf/hep: N, N, H, H (INR PT = warfarin, , PTT = hep) Disease Aspirin ITP TTP/HUS Hemophilia A vWB Dz Warfarin/Heparin DIC VI. Blood Groups A. Different blood groups and what is Uloating around in the serum: O is most common, A is 2nd most common, B is 3rd common, and AB is the rarest O: have anti-A IgM, anti-B IgM, anti-AB IgG Platelet Count

Bleeding Time PT


A: anti B IgM B: anti A IgM AB: nothing Newborn: nothing, why? They dont begin synthesizing IgM until after they are born and only after 2-3 months do they start synthesizing IgG. Elderly: nothing Example: an old person who is blood group A and by mistake received blood group B, but did not develop a hemolytic transfusion rxn why? Their levels of Abs are low when they get older that there wasnt anything around to attack those cells. B. Associated Diseases: Which is associated with gastric cancer? A Which is associated with duodenal ulcer? O Universal donor? O (can give their blood to anyone b/c have NO anti-A or anti-B Ag). What is the only blood group O can get? O Universal recipient? AB b/c they have no Abs to attack those cells C. Other Antigens: 1. Rh + antigen means that you are + for D antigen 2. Duffy Ag is missing in black popn; therefore not as likely to get plasmodium vivax (malaria) b/c the Ag the P. vivax needs to parasitize the RBCs is the Duffy ag and if you dont have the Ag the P. vivax cant get it. (G6PD def, thalassemias, SCDz pts protected from falciparum they are protected b/c theyre RBCs have a shorter lifespan so, the parasite cannot live out their cycle, and RBCs a shorter lifespan) D. Major crossmatch: pt gonna get blood; their serum is in a test tube, with the blood of the donor unit and they mix the 2 together so they mix the pts serum with the donors RBCs to see if they are compatible; looking for anything in the pts serum that will attack the antigens in the donors RBCs. Another part of the workup for crossmatching is to do an antibody screen which is an indirect coombs before mixing (remember that it detects the ANTIBODY). If this test is negative, the crossmatch is compatible (so, there is no Ab in the pts serum that will attack the donors). This does not prevent a transfusion rxn, or that Abs will develop later against the donor. What is the chance that anyone has the same Ag makeup as another? Zero. So, even if I get a blood group O when Im group O, there is still an increase risk of ab attack. Moral of the story? Dont transfuse unless its absolutely necessary

Audio File 18: Hematology 8

VII. Side Notes A. Questions asked during the break about hypersensitivity: Lupus (not everything is type III) Post strep (not everything is type III, either) can cause type II if its post strep. rheumatic fever, however, if it is post strep glomerulonephritis, that is type III Thrombocytopenia and Hemolytic anemia = type II PCN rash = type I PCN hemolytic anemia = type II (IgG Abs against the PCN group attached to the RBC membrane) Example: most common Ab in the USA is Anti-CMV (everyone has been exposed). You are safest from getting HIV from blood transfusion than from all the other infections (1/625,000 per unit of blood chance of getting HIV therefore uncommon get to get HIV from blood). This is due to all the screening tests that they perform. They do the Elisa test which looks for anti-gp120 Abs (remember, its the gp-120 Ag that attaches to helper T cell (CD4) molecule). On western blot, looking for more (3 or 4) Abs, making it more speci5ic, so if you get this + on 3 or more, you are a true positive. . What is the MC infection transmitted by blood transfusion? CMV, which is the MC overall infection. That is why this antibody is the most common. What is MCC post transfusion hepatitis? Hep C (1/3000) In newborn, want to prevent graft vs. host dz and CMV b/c no immune defenses, therefore, need to irradiate the blood. The irradiation kills off the lymphocytes and since the CMV lives in lymphocytes, we kill off the CMV virus also. This why we radiate blood before giving to newborns. Accidental needle stick from a pt you know nothing about what is the MC infection you can get? Hep B. Accidental needle stick from HIV + pt; what is the chance of getting HIV+? 1/300. What do you do about it? You go on therapy as if you are HIV+. Go on to triple

therapy (2 RTIs AZT and a protease inhibitor) for six months and get constant checks do PCR test looking for RNA in the virus (most sensitive), do Elisa test. In fact, the MC mechanism of a healthcare worker getting HIV = accidental needle stick Do not transfuse anything into a person unless they are symptomatic in what they are de5icient in. Example: If you have 10 grams of Hb, and have no symptoms in the pt, do not transfuse. You should transfuse the pt if they have COPD and are starting to have angina related to the 10 grams. Example: 50,000 platelet ct no epistaxis = do not treat them; if they do have epistaxis, treat the pt. Every blood product is dangerous b/c you can get infections from it. B. Fresh frozen plasma should never be used to expand a pts plasma volume to raise BP use normal saline (it is too expensive and you run the risk of transmitting dz). Use fresh frozen plasma for multiple coagulation factor de5iciencies ie would be legitimate to give frozen plasma to replace consumed factors, as in DIC. Example: pt with warfarin is over anticoagulation and bleeding to death not to give IM vit K will take to long to work (takes 6-8 hrs to work), so the treatment of choice is fresh frozen plasma to immediately replace it. So, fresh frozen plasma is limited to use of multiple factor de5iciencies (ie cirrhosis of the liver and you are bleeding since most of the factors are made in the liver, they are de5icient in all proteins). DOC for heparin overdose is to give protamine sulfate. C. Know the diff transfusion rxns 1. MC transfusion rxn = allergic rxn (itching, hives, anaphylaxis) - this is an example of a type I HPY rxn ie have unit of blood, and in their plasma you are allergic to something (ie PCN); Rx = benadryl, antihistamines 2. 2nd transfusion rxn = febrile rxn; it is due to HLA Abs; pt has HLA Abs against leukocytes of donor Ag. So, when the unit of blood is transfused into me, and there are some leukocytes with HLA Ab on them, my Ab will react against it, destroy the cell and release the pyogenes from neutrophil, leading to fever. If Ive never been transfused, should I have HLA Abs against anything? No! Continuing question: Who is most at risk for having a febrile rxn with transfusion? Woman b/c she is has been pregnant every woman that has had a baby has had a fetal maternal bleed, so some of the babies leukocytes got into the bloodstream, and the woman developed an anti HLA Ab (the HLAs are from the husband, that have been passed on to the woman). So, the more pregnancies a woman has had, the more anti HLA Abs she will develop b/c of her previous pregnancies. This is also true for spontaneous abortions you can still get HLA Abs. So, women are more likely to have transfusion induced febrile rxns b/c they are more likely to have anti-HLA Abs

(we should not have human beings HLAs in our blood stream b/c we havent been exposed to humans blood). Example: Who has the greatest risk in developing febrile rxn? The answer choices for this question would be a newborn, 12 y/o without transfusion, woman with one pregnancy, woman with spontaneous abortion, and man. The answer is woman with spontaneous abortion b/c that is a pregnancy and there is a potential for HLA abs to leak out of the fetus into the mother. Febrile rxn is a type II HPY rxn against the HLA Ab (allergic rxn is type I) 3. Hemolytic transfusion rxns are very rare. Example: If you are blood group A, and given group B by stupidity b/c the pt has anti-B IgM (remember that IgM is the most potent complement activator and that cell will not last only about 1 msec) This is b/c the IgM will attack it, C1-C9: MAC, anaphylatoxins are released, and shock will ensue very serious aka clerical error). Example: pt has Ab against Ag on RBCs in the unit you would think that this shouldnt happen b/c the crossmatch said it is compatible; and did an Ab screen that was negative (Indirect Coombs). However, some Abs are not present, and you have memory B cells. Suppose if I got blood transfusion 30 years ago, there are no Ab titers now b/c they wouldve gone away however, there are memory B cells; these abs will be way below the sensitivity of an Ab screen, come out compatible from a crossmatch, and will have neg indirect coomb; however, after transfusion, memory B cells would detect the foreign Ag. After the B cell detects the Ag, it will start dividing in the germinal follicle and start dividing and become a plasma cell, which would make anti-calla Ab. This can occur in a few hrs or may occur in a week depending on the Ab. Thats the one they like on the boards delayed hemolytic transfusion rxn. Example: woman postpartum, dif5icult delivery (abruptio placenta) was transfused 3 units of blood. When she left the hospital, she had an Hb of ten. One week later, she is jaundice and week, and has an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and has an Hb of 8. What is the dx? Hb was less than what she left the hospital, and they will not mention the coombs test) What is most likely cause? Halothane (no b/c that takes over a week to develop), hepatitis (no, which takes 6-8 weeks to develop). Answer: delayed hemolytic transfusion rxn so, they might ask what test would you get? Indirect coombs test to prove it b/c you will see the Ab Coating the RBC. Moral of the story? Transfused with certain level of Hb, 1 week later have jaundice and less Hb = delayed hemolytic transfusion rxn = type II HPY VIII. ABO/Rh incompatibility A. ABO incompatibility: If blood group O woman have a baby, the mom will have a problem with ABO incompatibility b/c mom already have an Ab that can cross the placenta (blood group

O people have anti A IgM, anti B IgM and anti AB IgG, normally). Normally, there is an anti AB IgG Ab which can cross the placenta, and attack an A or B RBC. So, there could be a problem in the very 5irst pregnancy. Example: mom is blood group O negative and baby is blood group A negative. Is there an incompatibility of blood groups? Yes. Is there an incompatibility in Rh groups? No. Just the blood groups, since the mom is O while baby is A. The mom is O, she has anti AB IgG, which will cross the placenta; the A part of the Ab will attach to the A part of the A cells of the babys. The babys macrophages of the spleen will destroy it, which is Type II HPY, mild anemia, and unconjugated bilirubin which is handled by the moms liver; no kernicterus, no probs with jaundice in the baby b/c in utero, the moms liver will take care of it. When the baby is born the baby, it will have a mild anemia and jaundice. MCC jaundice in the 5irst 24 hrs for a newborn = ABO incompatibility (not physiologic jaundice of the newborn that starts on day 3). Why did the baby develop jaundice? B/c the babys liver cannot conjugate bilirubin yet and must handle unconjugated bilirubin on its own now, so it builds up. This is an exchange transfusion rxn for ABO incompatibility most of the time is b9, and put under UV B light. How does UV B light work? It converts the bilirubin in the skin into di-pyrol, which is water soluble and they pee it out (Rx for jaundice in newborn). Anemia is mild b/c it is not a strong Ag and doesnt holster a brisk hemolytic anemia. If you do a coombs test, it will be positive b/c IgGs on the RBCs. So always an O mom with a blood group A or AB baby. This can occur from the 5irst pregnancy (not like Rh sensitization where the 5irst pregnancy is not a problem). In any pregnancy, if mom is blood group O, and she has a baby with blood group A or B, there will be a problem (blood group O = no problem). B. Rh incompatibility Mom is Rh negative and baby is Rh positive. Example: mom is O negative and baby is O positive (not ABO incompatible, but Rh incompatible). In the 5irst pregnancy: deliver baby without going to a Dr, and there is a fetal maternal bleed, some of the babies O positive Abs got into my bloodstream, which is not good. So, mom will develop an anti B Ab against it. So, mom is sensitized which means that there is an Ab against that D Ag and now mom is anti D. 1 year later, mom is pregnant again, and still O negative, and have anti D and the baby again is O positive. This is a problem b/c it is an IgG Ab, which will cross the placenta, attach to the babies D Ag positive cells (of all the Ags, the D Ag hosts the worst hemolytic anemia). So, the baby will be severely anemic with Rh than will ABO incompatibility. The same thing happens though babys macrophages phagocytose and moms liver will work harder. When the baby is born, the bilirubin levels are very high, a severe anemia occurs, and there is an excellent chance that an exchange transfusion will be necessary (99% chance), so take all the blood out (gets rid of all the bilirubin and

sensitized RBCs and transfuse b/c baby is anemic). So, they will usually always have a exchange transfusion. Therefore, for the 5irst pregnancy, the baby is not affected, and this is when the mother gets sensitized. In future pregnancies, the baby will a lot worse. How do we prevent? Mom will do an Ab screen test and she is Rh negative. Around the 28th week, give her Rh Ig, which is prophylactic. This is anti D, which comes from woman; it has been sensitized and heat treated and cannot cross the placenta. Why do they give at 28 weeks? Pt may get fetal maternal bleeds before the pregnancy or a car accident or fall can cause babies blood to get into moms circulation. So, mom has anti D Abs to sit on the D positive cells and destroy them, so mom wont get sensitized. Then, mom gives birth to baby (lets say it is Rh pos). Do a Plyhowabenti test and takes moms blood to ID (if any ) fetal RBCs in the circulation and count them; they can say how much is in there. Depending on that, that will determine how many viles of allergen Ig you give the mom to protect her further (anti D only last three months, and need to give more at birth, especially if the baby is Rh positive). Example: Mom: O negative; Baby: A positive! 2 problems: ABO incompatible and Rh incompatible. But, there is not going to be a prob with sensitization. No Why? After delivery of baby, some of the babies cells (which are A cells) get into the moms blood (which mom has anti A IgM) ; those cells will be destroyed so fast, that in most cases the mom cannot generate Ab against those cells b/c they have been destroyed. So, ABO incompatibility protects against Rh sensitization. You still would give Rh Immunoglobulin. So if you are ABO and Rh incompatible, Rh sensitization will be protected against. Kid with erythroblastosis fetalis will have Rh incompatibility what do they die of? Heart failure severe anemias will decrease viscosity of blood, so they get a high output failure: LHF, then RHF, huge livers b/c extramedullary hematopoesis b/c they are so severe anemic. Example: cross section of brainstem from kid what is the cause of color change? Its yellowish due to kernicterus prob from a baby that had Rh incompatibility. Remember, its an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia b/c its a hemolytic anemia and lipid soluble; liver cannot syn it; goes to brain and is very toxic leading to severe debilitating dz or death.

CHAPTER 7: Cardiovascular

Audio File 19: Cardiovascular 1

III. Rxn to Injury Theory Cells involved- platelets, monocytes, macrophages, cytotoxic t cells with cytokines (neutrophils not involved) Atherosclerosis in an aorta rxn to injury theory = injury to endothelial cells lining the elastic arteries and muscular arteries what is injuring it? Ammonia in cig smoke, CO in cig smoke; so, poisons damage the endothelial cells; LDL damages it, and if its oxidized, it damages it worse; viral infections damage it, too. Chlamydia pneumoniae (2nd MCC atypical pneumoniae); pts with MI most had Abs against Chlamydia pneumonia, homocysteine all these things damage endothelial cells What happens when you damage endothelial cells? Platelets stick to it and PDGF is released into the artery and PDGF causes smooth muscle cells within the media to proliferate and they undergo hyperplasia and then, they chemotactically migrate to the subintimal level. They have all these smooth muscle cells migrating to the intima of the vessel. Monocytes have access into the vessel b/c it has been injured and monocytes also have GFs. As the LDL increases, the macrophages phagocytose them. Macrophages and smooth cells have LDL w/in them; the LDL becomes oxidized and a fatty streak is produced. Over time, a 5ibrofatty plaque develops, which is pathognomonic of atherosclerosis. It can be complicated by dystrophic calci5ication, 5issuring, thrombosis and a complicated atherosclerosis. IV. Arterial Disorders: A. Atherosclerosis is a primary factor for certain dzs CAD; atherosclerotic stroke relates to plaques; abdominal aneurysm due to weakening of the vessel; nontraumatic amputation of lower extremity (peripheral vascular dz); mesenteric angina, small bowel infarction, renovascular atherosclerosis of the renal arteries. Atherosclerosis only involves muscular arteries and elastic arteries. Can small vessel, such as arterioles get hardened? Yes. Example: look at the spleen hyaline arteriolar sclerosis and hyperplastic arteriolar sclerosis (onion skinning).

1. Hyaline arteriosclerosis is a small vessel dz; lumen is narrow; whenever there is a lot of pink staining stuff, this is hyaline. Example: small vessel dz of diabetes and HTN two major dzs that produces a small vessel dz with different mechanisms: a. Diabetes: nonenzymatic glycoslyzation aka HbA1c; glycoslyzation is glucose attaching to aa and protein. For HbA, its glucose attaching to aa and HbA, and the HbA is glycosylated. HbA1c levels correlate with the blood glucose levels of the last 6-8 weeks, so this is the best way of looking at long term glucose levels. All the damage seen in diabetes is due to glucose. For a diabetic, you should be under 6%, meaning that you are in a normal glucose range. There is nothing unique about diabetes except for a large glucose level, you keep that normal, and its as if you dont have diabetes. The only two pathologic processes are this: nonenzymatic glycosylation of small BVs including capillaries in the kidney, and osmotic damage. Those tissues that contain aldose reductase lens, pericytes in the retina, schwann cells all have aldose reductase and can convert glucose into sorbitol and sorbitol is osmotically active sucks water into it and those cells die, leading to cataracts, microaneurysms in the eye b/c the pericytes are destroyed and weakened and the retinal vessels get aneurysms, and you get peripheral neuropathy b/c schwann cells are destroyed. They all related to excess glucose. So, tight glucose control = normal life. What does nonenzymatic glycosylation to do the basement membrane of small vessels? Its renders them permeable to protein, so the protein in the plasma leaks through the BM and goes into the vessel wall, produces a hyaline change and narrows the lumen. What if there is nonenzymatic glycosylation of the GBM? It will render it permeable to protein called microalbuminuria. This is the 5irst change to be seen in diabetic nephropathy. So, what is the mechanism? Nonenzymatic glycosylation. b. Hypertension Does not use nonenzymatic glycosylation. It just uses bruit force and drives (b/c of increase in diastolic pressure) the proteins through the BM and produces the effect. When we look at a kidney in HTN, it is shrunken, has a cobblestone appearance this is b/c there is hyaline arteriolosclerosis of the arterioles in the cortex, ischemia, and is wasting away with 5ibrosis and atrophy of tissue. Lacunaer strokes (tiny areas of infarction that occur in the internal capsule) are a hyaline arteriosclerosis problem related to HTN. 2. Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis Seen in malignant HTN; more common in blacks then whites, mainly b/c HTN is more common in blacks than whites. Mainly see this vessel dz in malignant HTN (ie when pt has BP of 240/160). B. Aneurysm

1. DeUinition: area of outpouching of a vessel due to weakening of the vessel wall. Atherosclerosis can cause weakening of the abdominal aorta leading to an aneurysm. What would be the analogous lesion in the lungs with weakening and outpouching? Bronchiectasis due to cystic 5ibrosis with infection, destruction of elastic tissue leading to outpouching and dilatation of the bronchi. Example: what is the GI aneurysm? Diverticular dz have a weakening and outpouching of mucosa and submucosa 2. Law of Laplace the wall stress increases as radius increases. In terms of this, once you start dilating it, it doesnt stop b/c as you dilate something, you increase the wall stress and eventually it ruptures. So, in other words, all aneurysms will rupture its just a matter of when. 3. Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm: Why is the abdominal aorta the MC area of aneurysm? B/c there is no vasa vasorum or blood supply to the aorta below the renal arteries. So, the only way abd. aorta gets O2 and nutrients is from the blood thats in the lumen. So, part furthest from it mgets screwed. Therefore, apart from the part that is not getting much O2 and nutrients, it will be more susceptible to injury, therefore atherosclerosis leads to weakening of the wall and aneurysm/injury occurs. a. MC complication abdominal aortic aneurysm = rupture. The triad of s/s are: a sudden onset of severe left 5lank pain b/c the aorta is retroperitoneal organ and so it does not bleed into the peritoneal cavity, but into the peritoneal tissue. So, severe left Ulank pain, HypoTN, and pulsatile mass on PE. These are three things that always occur when there is a ruptured aortic abdominal aneurysm. MC complication of any aneurysm = rupture 4. Aneurysm of the arch of the aorta MCC = tertiary syphilis. Pathology of syphilis is vasculitis of arterioles. Chancre, too. Its painless b/c if you section it, you will see little arterioles surrounded by plasma cells and the lumen of the vessel is completely shut, so it is ischemic necrosis. In other words, it is ischemia of the overlying tissue undergoing necrosis. B/c nerves are next to vessels, they are knocked off, too, and it is painless. All of syphilis is a vasculitis. That is what the Treponema infects small vessels and arterioles. What are they affecting in the arch of the aorta? The vasa vasorum; the richest supply of vasa vasorum is in the arch, so its logical that the Treponema will pick it leads to endarteritis obliterans (they are obliterating the lumen), ischemia, weakening under systolic pressures, leads to depression in the arch of the aorta (looks like a catchers mitt). What will that do to the aortic valve ring? It will stretch it which murmur will this lead to? Aortic regurg. Murmurs can occur b/c there is valvular damage or b/c the valvular ring is stretched. So, there can be stretching of the ring and nothing wrong with the valves, and have a murmur, or you can have damage to the valves and have a murmur.

Syphilis is an example of stretching of the aortic valve ring leading to a murmur and aortic regurg. Aorta should be closing during diastole as you pump the blood out, and the SV goes down, and b/c the aortic cannot close properly, only some of the blood will drip back in. So you will have more volume of blood in the left ventricle in someone with aortic regurg. Frank-starling forces will be working. As you stretch cardiac muscle, you increase the force of contraction. Normally, you have a 120 mls of blood and get out 80, so the EF is 80/120 =66%. Lets say you have 200 mls of blood in the LV b/c blood is dripping back in, and frank-starling force gets out 100 mls of blood, which has an EF of 50%. So this isnt as ef5icient. Therefore, frank-starling occurs in a pathologic condition. If you have 100 mls of blood coming out of your aorta, thats not good b/c their head is wobbling, and when they open their mouth you can see uvula pulsating, can take their nail and lift it up and see pulsations of the vessels under the nail, Water-hammer pulse, and when listening with the stethoscope of the femoral artery you can hear Durasanes sign. This is all due to the increase in SV coming out related to the fact that there is more blood in the LV. syphilitic aneurysms of the abdominal aorta is the classic example of this. Anatomy correlation: the Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve wraps around the arch and therefore can get hoarseness. Again the MC complication is rupture. 5. Dissecting aortic aneurysm: a. Key factor that causes a tear in the aorta is HTN b/c it imposes stress on the wall of the vessel. There must be weakening the elastic artery and is caused by elastic tissue fragmentation. Cystic medial necrosis: thats where the GAGs mix together and theres mucinous material w/in, and walls of aorta rub upon itself, and when adding a little bit of HTN leads to a tear. Wherever the area of weakness in the elastic artery is where the blood will dissect and tear blood can go to the pericardial sac, leading to cardiac tamponade. This is called the proximal dissection (MC). Most of the tears up in the arch; therefore you would think the pt may have an absent pulse; this is very common in pts with tears that are proximal. When it dissects, it closes lumen to subclavian artery and it usually dissects on the left and causes an absent pulse on left. b. Chest pain in MI is diff than the chest pain in a dissecting aneurysm. MI has chest tightness radiating to left arm and jaw; in aortic dissection, there is a tearing pain radiates to the back; and is a retrosternal pain. Pulse on left is diminished vs. the one on the right. On chest x-ray, widening of the aortic knob. With blood there, diameter of aorta will be enlarged, as seen on x-ray, and this test is 85% sensitive in detecting it, therefore it is the screening test of choice; see widening of the proximal aortic knob. To prove, do transesophageal ultrasound or angiography to con5irm dx. c. Many dzs can predispose to aortic dissections:

(1) Marfan syndrome (eunochoid proportions ht of pelvic brim to feet is greater than from pelvic brim to the head. Also, another de5inition is that arm span is greater than the height. AD inheritance, csome 15, defect in 5ibrillin, which is a component in elastic tissue. Due to the defect in 5ibrillin, the elastic tissue is weak this is why they have dislocated lenses and have dissected aortic aneurysms (MCC death in marfans is MVP). (2) Ehler Danlos has a collagen defect, MCC of death (3) Pregnant women are susceptible to dissecting aortic aneurysms b/c in pregnancy they have twice the amount of plasma vol vs. a non-pregnant woman. There is an increase of plasma vol by 2 and RBC mass by 1, so its a 2:1 ratio of increasing plasma vol to RBC mass; which decreases the Hb concentration. Thats why all pregnant women have decreased hemoglobin; usually around 11.5 is their cutoff for anemia and the cutoff is 12.5 for normal women. This is b/c of dilutional effect with excess in plasma vol. Apparently in some women, the excess plasma volume for 9 months can cause weakening of the aorta and thereby causing an aneurysm. V. Venous Disorders: A. Superior vena cava lung syndrome in a smoker with primary lung cancer, now complaining of headache and blurry vision look at his retina and see retinal vein engorgement, and congested dx? Superior vena cava lung syndrome usually due to primary lung cancer knocking off the sup vena cava, leading to backup of venous blood into the jugular venous system and to the dural sinuses; this is a very bad dz, and will lead to death. Usually treat with radiation to shrink the tumor to get normal blood 5low. Dont confuse with Pancoast Tumor associated with Horners syndrome. So, SVC syndrome has nothing to do with Horners, as opposed to Pancoast. B. Varicose Veins VI. Tumors of Blood Vessels: A. Sturge Weber syndrome web looks like a mini map on their face its a vascular malformation in the face and notice its in the trigeminal nerve distribution (making it easy to dz). However, on the same side of the brain theres an AV malformation, predisposing to bleeding. So, not only a vascular malformation of the face, but also an AV malformation in the same side of the brain, which predisposes to bleeding. Also, these pts are a little mentally retarded. (some pts show it on the entire side of the face) B. Osler Weber Rendu aka Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia small telangiectasia in GI. AD inheritance characterized by localized telangiectases of the skin and mucous membranes and by recurrent hemorrhage from these lesions.

C. Spider angioma/spider telangiectasia: If you press down on this, the little tentacles will go away (therefore it blanches) called spider angioma. It is due to hyperestrinism. This is normal in pregnancy. If a male has spider angioma, he has cirrhosis (MCC cirrhosis = alcohol). Why would a male have a spider angioma? B/c if you have cirrhosis, you cannot metabolize estrogen so it builds up, leading to gynecomastia, warm skin, palmer erythema, and spider angioma related to hyperestrinism. Another reason would be b/c they cannot metabolize 17 ketosteroids either, therefore they will be aromatized those in the adipose tissue into estrogen. So, they are 2 ways of getting hyperestrinism in cirrhosis. So, how is this different from petechia? It looks diff; also, it will blanch when you press it in b/c its an AV 5istula in other words, the blood goes directly from arteriole to a venule and is bypassing the capillaries. D. Capillary Hemangioma: pic of child with red lesion (not bilateral wide eye lesion so its not retinoblastoma); what do you do? Leave it alone; do not surgically remove b/c by 8 y/o, it will be gone so, leave capillary angiomas alone b/c they will go away. E. Bacillary angiomatosis: Kaposi sarcoma is caused by the HHV 8 organism. If there was a lesion seen only in AIDs pts that looks like Kaposi sarcoma, but its not; what is it due to? Its due to bacteria bacillary angiomatosis due to bartenella hensilai seen with silver stain. Rx? Sulfa drug. This organism also causes Cat Scratch Dz. F. Angiosarcoma of the liver common causes VAT = Vinyl chloride (people who work with plastics and rubber), Arsenic (part of pesticides, contaminated water), and Thorotrast (a radioactive diagnostic agent thorium dioxide). VII. Vasculitis Syndromes A. Concept of Vasculitis: Vasculitis of small vessels (arterioles, venules, capillaries), muscular arteries, and elastic arteries. All of these vasculitis present with different signs and symptoms (ie like coagulation disorders vs. platelet disorders). 1. Small vessel vasculitis 99% of the time it is due to a type III HPY, meaning it is involves immune complex deposition, that will deposit in the small vessel, activate complement and attract neutrophils (C5a), and will get 5ibrinoid necrosis and damage to the small vessel and PALPABLE PURPURA; (remember the old person with purpura on the back of the hand that was not palpable and was due to hemorrhage into the skin, there was no in5lammatory problem it just ruptured into the skin) but if it was palpable, it would be considered a SMALL VESSEL vasculitis not a platelet problem. Example:

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (hypersensitivity vasculitis); nuclear dust = 5ibrinoid necrosis and immune complex dzs; and Henoch-Schonlein purpura. So, SMALL VESSEL vasculitis = PALPABLE purpura (always told in the stem of the question). 2. Muscular artery vasculitis Polyarteritis Nodosa and Wegener granulomatosis. These will get THROMBOSIS of the vessel, not palpable purpura. Will have INFARCTION. Example: Kawasakis Dz in children crims coronary artery vasculitis ,rash,infarction,mi, swelling get coronary artery vasculitis MCC MI in children = Kawasakis dz b/c part of the syndrome, in addition to mucocutaneous in5lammation, desquamation of skin, and lymphadenopathy, there is a coronary artery vasculitis thrombosis occurs and little child will have an infarction. So, infarction is what you see with a muscular artery vasculitis. Examples: Polyarteritis Nodosa, Wegener granulomatosis, Kawasakis dz in kids. 3. Elastic artery vasculitis When you knock off an elastic artery, then you deal with arch vessels, and they will get pulseless dz=Takayasus arteritis the vasculitis will block off the lumen of one of the arch vessels, leading to STROKES and can knock off the internal carotid. Example: Takayasus young, far eastern lady with absent pulse. So, palpable purpura = small vessel vasculitis Infarction = muscular vasculitis Involves pulse/stroke = elastic artery vasculitis B. Temporal Arteritis unilateral headache, aches and pains all over body, loss of vision of same side of headache, hurts when pt chews in temporal area. This is a granulomatous (have multinucleated giant cell) vasculitis of the temporal artery, a type of giant cell arteritides. It can involve other portions of the artery including the ophthalmic branch and produce blindness. Thats why the sedimentation rate is the ONLY screen discreet for temporal arteritis. Why? Not that it is speci5ic, but b/c this is an arteritis, (an in5lammation) the sed rate should be elevated. If the sed rate is NOT elevated, it could be a transient ischemic attack. This is good screen b/c it takes time to take a biopsy and look at it, and the pt could go blind. So, you must put the pt on corticosteroids immediately (right there and then) just based on hx alone. The pt will be on corticosteroids for one year. Its associated with polymyalgia rheumatica muscle aches and pains. They want you to say it is polymyositis, but it isnt. Polymyalgia rheumatica does not have an elevation of serum CK, and have aches and pains of muscles and joints. In polymyositis, its an in5lammation of muscle. C. Buerger dz (aka thromboangiitis obliterans smokers dz); ew boogers and smoke make me so sick my 5ingers and toes curl

males, young, digital vessel thrombosis, leading to autoinfarction of their 5ingers, AND toes. Its an acute in5lammation involving small to medium-sized arteries. Henoch-Schonlein purpura: (butt, joints, git, renal,skin) (palpable purpura on butt, n legs, joint probs, and kidney probs) 14 y/o, URI one week ago, presents with polyarthritis, joint pains, hematuria, with RBC casts and palpable purpura of buttocks and lower extremity dx? Henoch- Schonlein purpura = MC vasculitis in children immune complex (as is all small vessel vasculitis) anti IgA immune complex, and the RBC casts are due to glomerulonephritis. Do not confuse with IgA glomerulonephritis Bergers dz E. Wegener granulomatosis -if u had to go listen to wagner in concert, you would pretend u had to use the bathroom or get pneumonia infarcn, lung, urt, renal , saddle nose ,cancacyclophosamine rx pt with saddle nose deformity (not congenital syphilis) also probs with sinus infections, URIs, lung probs with nodular masses, and glomerular dz dx? Wegener granulomatosis (MCC of saddle nose deformity). This is a granulomatous in5lammation AND vasculitis. Therefore, it involves the upper airways, lungs, and kidneys; also, there is an Ab that is highly speci5ic for it c-ANCA (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab). Rx - Cyclophosphamide (which can lead to hemorrhagic cystitis and bladder cancer and how can you prevent the hemorrhagic cystitis? Mesna). F. Polyarteritis Nodosa panca, hbsag, kidney, heart problems, infarcn male dominant dz that involves muscular arteries, therefore infarction is a part of it. Has p-ANCA Ab and a high association with Hep B surface Agemia. Example: have IVDA with chronic Hep B who has a nodular in5lamed mass on the lower extremity and hematuria (due to kidney infarct); what does the pt have? Polyarteritis Nodosa b/c the pt has a chronic hep B infection therefore has hep B surface antigens. So, remember p-ANCA and Hep B surface Ag. G. Bacterial infections: vessel in RMSF. The rickettsial organisms infect endothelial cells; the spots are petechia; unlike other rickettsial dzs with rash, this starts on the extremities and goes to the trunk (whereas others start on the trunk and to the extremities). Also have to remember the vector: tick. Other tick born dzs: Lyme dz (borrelia burgdorferi b. recurentis is relapsing fever, and has antigenic shifts; it is a spirochete (Leptospira and syphilis are also spirochetes). So, 3 spirochetes Leptospira, Treponema, Borrelia (BLT)

F. Fungus that is wide angle, nonseptate , pt has DKA, and cerebral abscesses related to fungus mucormycosis (know relationship of this fungus and DKA); Diabetics commonly have mucor in their frontal sinuses; so when they go into ketoacidosis and start proliferating, they go through the cribiform plate into the frontal lobes where they infarct it and infect it with the dz. VIII. Functional Vascular Disorders: Raynaud Dz There are many causes this; some involve cold reacting Abs and cold reacting globulins. People who go outside in the cold weather will get Raynauds and cyanosis in the nose and ears (that comes and goes away); so, it is due to IgM cold agglutinin dz or cryoglobinemia in old man with Hep C. However, we have other dzs that are collagen vascular dz and 5irst manifestation is Raynauds; this involves a digital vasculitis and eventually a 5ibrosis progressive systemic sclerosis (aka scleroderma), and its counterpart CREST syndrome. Vasculitis of 5ingers and leads to 5ibrosis will eventually auto-amputate 5inger (like Bergers). CREST syndrome Calcinosis (dystrophic calci5ication) and Centromere Ab (speci5ic for crest syndrome), Raynauds, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly (5inger that is very narrow), Telangiectasia (very similar to the pin point hemorrhages also seen in Osler Weber Rendu).*********** Other causes due to vasoconstriction common in pts that take drugs for migraine drugs for migraines cause vasoconstriction of vessels. So, Raynauds can occur after taking Ergot derivatives; Buerger dz, too. Therefore, general causes of Raynauds: vasoconstriction, vasculitis of the digits (ie CREST and scleroderma), and cold reacting Abs and globulins . IX. Hypertension (HTN) MCC death with HTN = MI (2nd = stroke, 3rd = renal failure) Essential HTN= MC A. Multifactorial Inheritance: What racial group has highest incidence of HTN? Blacks. Why? Multifactorial inheritance (aka polygenic inheritance; other dzs include: gout, CAD, Type II diabetes, affective disorders, congenital pyloric stenosis, essential HTN). This means that you have a tendency to FOR the dz, but dont necessarily get the dz. Why? B/c its MULTIfactorial! Example: I am black, what should I do to prevent from getting it? I cannot get rid of genetics, and my genetics are that I cannot get rid of salt in my urine - retaining too much salt (which is the basic mechanism of essential HTN in blacks and elderly). So, cannot control genetics, but I can control 3 things: (1) weight has a direct correlation with HTN; (2) reduce salt intake; and (3) exercise. Example:

family hx of gout, what can I do so I avoid gout? Avoid red meet, no alcohol (which will decrease purine metabolism). Example: If you had a family hx of DM type II be skinny (lean and mean) as you lose adipose, upregulate insulin receptor synthesis and that alone could prevent you from having the dz. B. Mechanism of HTN b/c you retain salt (its not the only mechanism, but the MC one). When you retain salt, what compartment will the salt be retained in? ECF if that is true, what will be the plasma volume if you have excess salt in your vascular and interstitial compartment? Increased if your plasma vol is increased, your stroke volume will be increased which is your systolic HTN (b/c increase in PLASMA vol). When you have excess salt, salt wants to go into smooth muscle cells (into peripheral resistance arterioles). When sodium enters muscle, it opens certain channels for Ca to go in; Ca goes in and smooth muscle will contract, so the peripheral resistance arterioles are vasoconstricting. TPR = viscosity/radius4; we are decreasing radius, increasing resistance, and retaining more blood in the arteriole system (that registers as an increase in diastolic pressure). This is why the Rx of choice for essential HTN in blacks and elderly = hydrochlorothiazide b/c you rid salt and water to decrease BP; however, do not use if pt has hyperlipidemia, so use ACE inhibitors. Is this a high or low renin type of HTN? Low renin b/c increased plasma volume = increased blood 5low to the renal artery = decreased renin. So thats the basic mechanism of HTN. C. Complications: HTN is a major risk factor for CAD, leading to MI (MCC death). Stroke = #2. Blood is located in globus pallidus and/or putamen this is where almost all of the HTNive bleeds occur in the brain. This is b/c the lenticulostriate vessels (which are small vessels of the middle cerebral artery) under increased pressure form aneurysms called Charcot Bouchard aneurysms, and they rupture. This is not a good place to rupture. Therefore, this is not an infarct it is a hematoma its a blood clot right there. Neurosurgeons can suck these out. Therefore the 2nd MCC death is HTNve bleed. Example: kidney that is too small with a pebbly surface due to hyaline arteriolosclerosis a small vessel dz is causing ischemia of the kidney, atrophy of tubules, destruction of glomeruli, shrinkage of kidney, and leads to kidney failure. This is the 3rd MCC death in HTN. MC overall abnormality in HTN = LVH (mech: afterload prob b/c the heart has to contract against increased resistance and if it remains over a period of time it will eventually lead to heart failure.

Audio File 20: Cardiovascular 2

THE HEART I. Hypertrophy of the Heart: Concentric (thick) HPYd heart vs. Dilated HPY heart: 2 different etiologies, and they involve work. It requires a lot of work to contract and push blood thru a stenotic aortic valve, or increased TPR from HTN. These will cause an increased afterload = concentric HPY. If you have a valvular problem, and have excess volume of blood in the ventricles increased preload = increased work. Therefore, the frank starling goes into effect b/ c stretching and increasing preload in there, and you have to work harder to increase the force of contraction this produces dilated HPY. Therefore, concentric HPY = afterload problem; dilated HPY = volume overload = preload problem (increased volume) II. Heart sounds S1 heart sound = beginning of Systole = mitral and tricuspids close (mitral closes before the tricuspid b/c higher pressures) S2 heart sound = beginning of Diastole = pulmonic and aortic close (variation with respiration as diaphragm goes down they increase the intrathoracic pressure. Blood is being sucked into the right side of the heart, and the pulmonic valve will close later than the aortic valve. So, the second heart sound has a variation with inspiration the P2 separates away from A2 b/c more blood coming into the right heart, so the valve closes a little bit later. S3 heart sound = normal under 35 y/os. After that, it is pathologic. S1 = beginning of systole and S2 = beginning of diastole; obviously, S3 = early diastole. S3 is due to blood, in early diastole, going into a chamber that is volume overloaded. So, blood from the left atrium is going into overloaded chamber, causing turbulence, which is the S3 heart sound. Only hear S3 heart sound in volume overloaded chamber. It could be from LHF (left ventricle overloaded) or RHF (right vent overloaded), so there are left sided S3s and right sided S3s it means volume overload in the chamber. Analogy: rivers going into ocean leads to turbulence (ocean is the ventricle with a lot of 5luid in it and the river is the blood coming in

during diastole; the river hits this large mass of 5luid in the ventricle, causing turbulence and an S3 heart sound). S4 heart sound = late diastole this is when the atrium is contracting and you get the last bit of blood out of the atrium into the ventricles, leading to S4 sound. S4s occur if there is a problem with compliance. Compliance is a 5illing term. So, when talking about compliance, referring its ability to 5ill the ventricle. The left atrium is contracting, trying to get blood into a thick ventricle; the ventricle is noncompliant, and therefore resistance will occur. This will create a vibration, leading to an S4 heart sound. An S4 heart sound is due to a problem with compliance. The left atrium is encountering a problem in putting blood in late diastole into the left ventricle and it doesnt want to 5ill up anymore. This could be due to 2 reasons: (1) b/c its hypertrophied (it doesnt want to 5ill anymore restricting 5illing up) or (2) its already 5illed up and has to put more blood in an already over5illed chamber. Summary: Slides: Vol overloaded? No S3. So can it have an S4? Yes. If you have HTN, which type of heart will you have? Concentric HPY. So, in HTN, which type of heart sound will you have? S4. Vol overloaded? Yes. So can it have an S3? Yes; can it also have an S4? Yes. Why can it also have an S4? B/c it cant 5ill up anymore. Analogy: turkey dinner all 5illed up, but always room for desert lil vibration that occurs when it 5ills is an S4 heart sound. So you have both S3 and S4 heart sound = gallop rhythm (they have S1, 2, 3, and 4). How do you know if its from the left or right? It is breathing. When you breath in, you are sucking blood to the right side of the heart. All right sided heart murmurs and abnormal heart sounds (ie S3, S4) increase in intensity on inspiration this is more obvious b/c there is more blood in there, and it emphasizes those abnormal sounds. Prob get them on expiration with positive intrathoracic pressures that are helping the left ventricle push blood out of the heart this is when abnormal heart sounds and abnormal murmurs will increase in intensity on expiration. So, all you have to do is 5igure out that there is an S3 heart sound. *****Then, you have to 5igure out which side it is coming from. Louder on expiration, therefore its from the right side. Example: essential HTN = left; Mitral regurg = right; and Mitral stenosis = middle. III. Murmurs

Stenosis = prob in opening, that is when the valve is opening, and that is when the murmur occurs. Regurgitation = prob in closing the valve, that is when the valve is closing, and that is when the murmur occurs. Need to know where valves are heard best right 2nd ICS (aortic valve), left 2nd ICS (pulmonic), left parasternal border (tricuspid), apex (mitral) this isnt necessarily where the valve is, but where the noise is heard the best. A. Stenosis: 1. Systolic Murmurs: Who is opening in systole = aortic and pulmonic valves = therefore, murmurs of aortic stenosis and pulmonic stenosis are occurring in systole. This is when they are opening; they have to push the blood through a narrow stenotic valve. a. Aortic Stenosis LV contracts and it is encountering resistance - intensity of the murmur goes up; as it is pushing and pushing, it gets to a peak and this is diamond shape con5iguration this is why it is called an ejection murmur. So, they often have diagrams of the con5igurations on these murmurs. With an ejection murmur (aortic stenosis), it will have a crescendo-decrescendo (hence, diamond shaped con5iguration). So, with aortic stenosis, there is an ejection murmur in systole, heard best at the right 2nd ICS, which radiates to the carotids, and the murmur intensity increases on expiration, and will probably hear an S4 b. Pulmonic Stenosis heard best on left 2nd ICS, ejection murmur, and increases on expiration. 2. Diastolic murmurs: In diastole, mitral and tricuspid valves are opening. a. Mitral Stenosis (problem in opening the valve) who has the problem? Left atrium. Heres the problem, the mitral valve doesnt want to open but it has to in order to get blood into the left ventricle. So, the left atrium will get strong b/c it has an afterload to deal with it becomes dilated and hypertrophied (the atrium) which predisposes to atrial 5ib, thrombosis, and stasis of blood. So, the atrium is dreading diastole b/c it has to get the buildup of blood into the left ventricle. With the build up of pressure, the mitral valve snaps open, and that is the opening snap. All the blood that was built up in the atrium comes gushing out into the ventricle, causing a mid-diastolic rumble. So, you have an opening snap followed by a rumbling sound (due to excess blood gushing into LV). With mitral stenosis, there is a problem with opening the valve, and therefore you are under 5illing the left ventricle, and therefore will be no HPY b/c you are under 5illing it. If you are having trouble getting blood into it, you are not overworking the ventricle; the left atrium has to do most of the work. Heard best at the apex and will increase in intensity on expiration. (same concept with tricuspid stenosis, just a different valve).

B. Regurgitation problem in closing the valve. 1. Systolic Murmurs: mitral and tricuspid are closing in systole. a) Mitral Regurg: If they are incompetent and mitral valve cannot close properly. Example: 80 mls of blood = normal stroke volume; lets say 30 mls into the left atrium and only 50 mls leaves the aorta. So, an extra 30 mls of blood in the left atrium, plus trying to 5ill up and have excess blood there way more blood ends up in the left ventricle and it becomes volume overloaded. So, how would the murmur characteristics be if there is a problem in closing the valve? It will not be an ejection murmur; will just sound like whoooosh all the way through, as blood all the way through systole is going through the incompetent mitral valve, back into the left atrium therefore it is pansystolic or almost pansystolic so its a straight line effect. Sometimes, it will obliterate S1 and S2. So, is an apical murmur, pansystolic, S3 and S4 (b/c a problem with compliance and volume overload, increased in intensity on expiration. b. Tricuspid Regurg: it will be pansystolic, S3 and S4, left parasternal border, and increases on intensity on inspiration). Example: IVDA with fever, pansystolic murmur along parasternal border, S3 and S4 heart sound, accentuation of the neck veins, what is the most likely dx? Infective endocarditis of tricuspid valve, which is the MC infection. So, it was extremely imp to know if the murmur increased on inspiration (which is right sided). If the question said that the murmur had increased on expiration, it would be Infective endocarditis of the mitral valve (which is left sided). 2. Diastolic Murmurs: want the aortic and pulmonic valves to close (what you just pumped out doesnt want to come back in). Aortic Regurg (as seen in syphilis aneurysm but this is due to the stretching of the ring). In systole the blood goes out and the valve should be closing properly , but it doesnt, so some blood will trickle back in. Example: 80 cc went out initially and 30 cc is dripped back in. As blood keeps dripping back in, you will get a volume overloaded chamber. Eventually you will have and EDV of 200 mls (instead of 120). So, for aortic regurg, when you hear the murmur? After the 2nd heart sound b/c it isnt closing and blood is dripping back in that makes the sound of a high pitched blowing diastolic murmur into the right second ICS, increases in intensity on expiration, S3 and S4 heart sounds, vol overloaded, and bounding pulses. What valve lea5let is dripping blood? Anterior lea5let of mitral valve. This is one side of the out5low tract out of the aorta. What murmur does that create? Austin Ulint murmur. If you have aortic regurg with an Austin 5lint murmur, you need to call the cardiac surgeon. Need to replace the valve b/c you are signi5icantly dripping blood. Therefore, this murmur is imp b/c when it is there, you have to perform surgery. IV. Heart Failure: Left or Right Heart Failure

Left HF = lungs and Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea/pillow orthopnea Right = Liver A. Left heart failure=forward failure, cant get blood out of the heart b/c the LV fails Therefore your left ventricle has to push against an afterload and fails; or it has to deal with excess volume and fails; or youve had so many infarcts that the left ventricle is no longer muscle but now 5ibrous tissue and this reduces contractility and it fails. Its a forward failure b/c you are having problems getting blood outside of the heart. This means that EDV will increase b/c you cannot get all the blood out b/c you cannot push it out. The pressure and volume will go back in to the left atrium, back into the pulmonary vessels, increase the hydrostatic pressure, and then pulmonary edema. With chronic left heart failure, this will lead to hemorrhage and alveolar macrophages will phagocytose RBCs, leading to rusty colored sputum. On cytology, you will see heart failure cells, which are alveolar macrophages that has phagocytosed RBCs and is broken down to hemosiderin. Pulmonary edema is always left heart failure. Left heart failure is a diagnosis of symptoms, b/c the main symptom in LHF is dyspnea (SOB), have trouble breathing b/c Uluid in there. B. Right Heart Failure: Diagnosis of signs: Backward Failure; cant get blood into the heart. RHF is a problem of the right heart getting blood through the pulmonary vessels to the left heart. So, if it fails, blood builds up behind it, and it is a backward failure. B/c if it cannot get blood through pulmonary vessels into the heart, blood will build up behind it, and hydrostatic pressures will build in the venous circuit. This leads to neck vein distension; also, will get hepatomegaly (which is painful), and a nutmeg liver b/c of the increased pressures in the vena cava are transmitted to the hepatic vein, which empties into it, then back into the liver and the central vein, then will get red dots all over liver, which looks like a nutmeg. MCC congested hepatomegaly = RHF. What caused the increased in hydrostatic pressure also going to produce pitting edema and possibly ascites therefore its more signs than it is symptoms. So, neck vein distension, pitting edema, hepatomegaly, nut meg liver, ascites. C. Examples of LHF: When you lie down to go to sleep, you can reabsorb up to 1 liter of 5luid b/c it will go from the interstium to the venous side b/c theres no effective gravity. Therefore, there is extra blood going back to the right heart and into the left heart. However, what if you had left HF? There will be excess blood coming back (that wasnt there when you were standing up) and the left heart is having trouble getting blood out, with even more blood coming back in. Then the heart cannot handle it and goes back to the lungs, leading to dyspnea and continues for the next 30 minutes this is

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Eventually it settles down, you go back to sleep, wake up again, and it occurs again. Pt realizes that after you stand up, then it eventually goes away therefore they put a pillow under them to decrease the dyspnea when they wake. This is called pillow orthopnea. If its one pillow orthopnea, its not that bad; however, if you have to sit up, you have serious left heart failure b/c you are imposing gravity. Just by putting head on one pillow will decrease venous return back to the heart. If you put 2 pillows under, it will decrease the dyspnea even more b/c of effective gravity. So, pillow orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea are signs of LEFT heart failure. D. Treatment: If you have heart failure (right or left), what is the best nonpharmacologic treatment? Restrict water and salt. What the king of Rx of HF? ACE inhibitor b/c it decreases afterload AND preload at the same time. ACE inhibitors increase longevity by (1) decreased aldosterone, therefore decreased salt and water reabsorption which decreases preload and (2) by blocking Angiotensin II, will lead to a decrease in vasoconstrictor effect on peripheral resistance arterioles, which will decrease afterload. Pts with spironolactone + ACE inhibitor did better b/c aldosterone will eventually break through and become elevated again, therefore ACE inhibitor acting against aldosterone is not a permanent suppression. So spironolactone which speci5ically block aldosterone, plus the ACE inhibitor is an increase in prognosis. Therefore, now its normal to put the pt on spironolactone and ACE inhibitor b/c it will increase longevity. E. High output failure One cause is endotoxic shock peripheral resistance arterioles are dilated, therefore an increase in C3a, C5a, NO, leading to increased venous return to the heart and the heart eventually gives up. There are also many other causes, and they relate to Pouseaus law viscosity/radius to the fourth power. So, if you vasodilate the peripheral resistance arterioles, and you decrease TPR, more blood returns to the right heart, the left heart has to deal with it, too, and pt runs the risk of high output failure. So, one cause of the vasodilatation is septic shock, while the other is thiamine deUiciency. Problem in thiamine def: ATP depletion: smooth muscle cells and peripheral resistance arterioles need ATP, therefore they do not work as well, and there is vasodilatation of the peripheral arterioles, leading to high output failure. So, thiamine def can produce high out put failure b/c vasodilatation of those vessels. Gravess dz hyperthyroidism thyroid hormone increases the synthesis of beta receptors in the heart. Get an increase in force of contraction, and more blood. Systolic pressures are higher, and go into high output failure.

AV Uistulas ie get stabled in the leg; and develop an AV malformation, where there is arteriole blood bypassing the microcirculation going directly to the venous circulation and the blood comes back faster to the heart than normal; a bruit can be heard over the mass and it will be pulsatile; if you press the proximal portion of it, heart rate would slow (Brenhams sign) these are all signs of AV 5istula, leading to high output failure. So, 3 examples of high output failure are endotoxic shock, graves, and AV Uistulas V. Congenital heart dz A. Know fetal circulation (which vessels have the least/most O2); remember that the baby is NOT exchanging blood with O2 in the lungs. Pulmonary vessels in the fetus look like they have pulmonary HTN they are so thick that it is extremely hard to get blood through the pulmonary artery into the LV b/c very little blood can go there this is why baby needs a patent ductus to get blood out. Where is O2 coming from? Coming from chorionic villus dipping into lake of blood, which derives from moms spiral arterioles. Have chorionic villi dipping into blood and extracting O2 from it. Obviously, this is not as good an O2 source as the lungs; therefore, you want a high af5inity Hb to be able to get what little O2 is down in the area this is why babies have HbF, b/c of its high af5inity to grab O2 from the blood. Bad news is that it gets the O2, but doesnt want to give it up (says mine) it left shifts the curve. What is compensatory response? This left shift causes tissue hypoxia, which will cause EPO to be released and the kid will have an 18 gram Hb b/c of this, all newborns (in a sense) have polycythemia. This is the way around HbFs high af5inity for O2 more RBCs made, more Hb, and baby gets more O2. Order of O2 passing: O2 goes through syncytiotrophoblast of chorionic villus, into the cytotrophoblast, then through the myxomatous stroma of the chorionic villus, then into the blood vessel. The blood vessels of the chorionic villis all coalesce to form the umbilical vein. This has the highest O2 content. It goes to the liver and it can go two ways: 1) into the hepatic sinusoids and recollects into the hepatic vein and gets dumped into the IVC; and 2) ductus venosis and straight into the IVC. Then it goes up the right side of the heart; the foramen ovale is open in all fetuses (its not closed) so all this blood is coming up the IVC will it go straight across, through the foramen ovale and into the left atrium, or will it go into the IVC into the right atrium, down to through the tricuspid valve, and into the right ventricle? It will go through the foramen ovale. So, all this oxygenated blood will go directly from the right atrium of the foramen ovale into the left atrium, then the left ventricle and out the aorta. What about SVC blood valve? It is coming from the superior part of the right atrium (its not gonna make a left turn and go through the foramen ovale). It will go straight down, through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Now, it will go out the pulmonary artery. This is a PROBLEM b/c the pulmonary vessels are too thick

and its encountering this tremendous amount of pressure. To counter this problem, kept the patent ductus open (which is kept open by the PGE2, a vasodilator, made by the placenta) so, there is a right to left shunt and blood can get out of the pulmonary artery and dumped back into the aorta. Then, when the baby is born and takes its 5irst breath, the pulmonary vessels (that were all shut), all open within a millisecond, and blood is going through those pulmonary arteries and gas exchange is occurring through the lungs in literally seconds. Also, the patent ductus closes and forms the ligamentum arteriosum. This is normal fetal circulation. Vessels with the least O2 are the 2 umbilical arteries, and the one with the most amount of O2 is the umbilical vein. B. Shunts: Look at O2 saturations (this is how they dx them they catheterize, measure O2 saturations in different chambers, and know which direction the shunts are going. Need to get used to two terms step up and step down. If you have a left to right shunt, and have oxygenated blood going into unO2d blood, what is happening to O2 saturation on the right side? Step up b/c mixing O2d with unO2d blood. If you have a right to left shunt with unO2d blood going into the O2d blood? Step down. The O2 saturation on the right side of the heart in blood returning from the body is 75%. The O2 saturation on the left side is 95%. C. VSD (MC) Whos stronger - left or right ventricle? Left, therefore the direction of the shunt is left to right. So, oxygenated blood will be dumped into the right ventricle, leading to step up. Also, it will pump it out of the pulmonary artery, leading to step up. So, you have a step up of O2 in right vent and pul artery. What if this is not corrected? With this mech, you are volume overloading the right side of the heart b/c of all that blood coming over. The outcome of this will be pulmonary HTN (the pulmonary artery has to deal with more blood and must contract more leading to pul HTN) Once pul HTN occurs, right ventricle will have a problem contracting and it will get hypertrophied. Suddenly, you run the risk of reversing a shunt b/c then right ventricle could eventually be stronger than the left. So, it will be a right to left shunt this is called Eisenmengers syndrome. So, an uncorrected left to right shunt has the potential for producing Eisenmengers syndrome. After reversal of the shunt occurs, pt will have cyanosis (aka cyanosis tardive). Most VSDs close spontaneously and some need to be patched. D. ASD

Normal for a fetus to have a patent foramen ovale; it is not normal once they are born. Which direction will blood go through the foramen ovale? Left to right (b/c the left side is always stronger than the right). Therefore, what will happen to the right atrium? Step up so it will go from 75 to 80%. What will happen to the right ventricle and pulmonary artery? Step up. So, what is the main diff in O2 saturations in VSD vs ASD? ASD is step up of O2 also in the right atrium. Are you volume overloading the right heart? Yes. So do you run a risk for Eisenmengers? Yes. What else are at increased risk for? Paradoxical embolization. What if you werent lucky enough to have a DVT in the leg, and it embolize up and the pressures of the right side of the heart are increasing, and you have a patent foramen ovale will there be an embolus that can go from the right atrium to the left atrium and will have a venous clot in arterial circulation? Yes this occurs in pts with ASD. MC teratogen that has ASD associated with it? Fetal alcohol syndrome (1/5000) E. PDA Its normal in a fetus but not when they are born. Connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery which is stronger? Aorta. So, oxygenated blood goes from left and get dumped in the pulmonary artery before going into the lungs. So, what happens in the pulmonary artery? Step up. So, now its 80% O2 saturation the pulmonary artery is the only thing that has a step up of O2. Then will go under the lungs and the pulmonary vein will have the normal 95% O2 sat. B/c there is an opening between these, there is blood going back and forth during systole and diastole machinery murmur where is it heard best? Between shoulder blades. Can you vol. overload the right heart? Yes. Pulmonary HTN? Yes. Now which way will the shunt go? Will go the same way when it was a fetus; you will have unO2d blood dumping into the aorta. Where does the ductus empty? Distal to the subclavian artery so, the baby will have pink on top and blue on bottom b/c dumping unO2d blood below the subclavian artery, therefore will have differential cyanosis pink on top, cyanotic on bottom. What is the teratogen assoc with PDA? Congenital Rubella. If you had a PDA, can you close it off without surgery? Yes. How? Indomethacin - this is a potent NSAID, which would inhibit PGE2, and therefore would start constricting and close on its own. F. Tetralogy of Fallot MC cyanotic congenital dz: tetra = four overriding aorta: its straddling the septum; pulmonic stenosis below the valve, RVH, membranous septal defect (VSD). What determines whether you get cyanosis or not? Degree of pulmonic stenosis; not all babies have cyanosis and are acyanotic called acyanotic tetralogy; why does this occur? Lets say the degree of pulmonic stenosis is not that bad when the right vent contracts, a lot of the blood goes up the pulmonary artery to get O2d and less blood gets into the left ventricle, and therefore probably will not have cyanosis at birth. What if it was a severe stenosis and when the right vent contracts, very lil

blood got up there? Most will be shunted right to left and there will be a step DOWN in O2 in the left vent and baby will be cyanotic. So, it is the degree of pulmonic stenosis that determines whether you have cyanosis or not. Which of the groups of shunts is cardio-protective in a pt with tetralogy of fallot? PDA, ASD good lets say there is an ASD, therefore blood will go left to right b/c we get O2d blood emptying into the right atrium. This would cause a step up of blood into the right atrium (this is good). How about a PDA? Lets make believe this occurs so, unO2d blood pushed from left from the aorta down to the pul artery to get O2; some of the unO2d blood put back into the pul artery, where it gets O2d and more gets out good to have PDA and ASD (foramen of ovale) with tetralogy of fallot. Right to left leads to polycythemia and a real risk for infective endocarditis b/ c shunts going into left side, therefore can get vegetations going into the brain and other systemic organs. All congenital heart defects lead to infective endocarditis.

Audio File 21: Cardiovascular 3

G. Transposition of Great vessels Example: in Kartageners syndrome with syndrome with sinus inversus this not the case with transposition of great vessels have a normal heart that is on the right side (everything isnt reversed the way it is in sinus inversus). Whats transposed? Not the right atrium it is still getting unoxygenated blood. Its not the left atrium it is still getting 95% O2 saturated blood from the pulmonary vein. The problem is in the ventricles the right ventricle is being emptied by the aorta; and the left is being emptied by the pulmonary artery. So, the thing that is transposed are the ventricles (the atria are 5ine). This is incompatible with life unless you have shunts: VSD, ASD, and PDA can work. Hows does this work? Start at the atrial side have 95% O2 coming into left atrium and it is going from the left to right; there will be a step up of O2 in the right atrium and therefore also a step up of O2 in the right ventricle. Some will go out the aorta and rest will go to the left ventricle. This is good b/c the left ventricle is being emptied by the pulmonary artery, so the blood will be taken to the lungs to be oxygenated. So, these shunts are necessary. Otherwise, the right vent being emptied by the aorta would be all oxygenated blood and the left ventricle being emptied with the pulmonary artery would not be okay. So, by having the shunts, can get around these defects. An ASD is necessary so you can get O2d blood into the right atrium, and from the right atrium there will be a step up of O2 in the right ventricle, which is being emptied by the aorta; obviously this blood isnt 95% saturated (maybe 80%), and this is why there is cyanosis in these patients. At least some blood can get out of the aorta and have some O2 to the pt and they can survive for a little while. B/c of the right to left shunt, that blood is being emptied by the pulmonary artery and that is going to the lungs and being oxygenated. So, the shunts are necessary for life. So, with Kartageners, there is NOT a complete transposition of vessels, but a normal heart on the right side (called sinus inversus). H. Coarctation have preductal and postductal Pre = before patent ductus; post = after patent ductus (after the ligamentum arteriosum) Preductal occur in Turner syndrome and go straight into failure, therefore must be corrected immediately. Postductal are not present at birth and can occur at any

time during the pts adult life. Important to recognize b/c they are a surgically correctable cause of HTN. Stenosis in aorta what is happening proximal? There is trouble getting blood through that, therefore there will be a murmur heard best between the shoulder blades a systolic murmur. There is a lot of pressure built up proximally, so the prox aorta will be dilated and there will be a lot of pressure going into the vessels the subclavian, internal carotids therefore the BP in the upper extremities will be higher than it is in the lower extremities. Also, with increased blood 5low into the brain, at the junction where the communicating branches hit the main cerebral branches, we have no internal elastic lamina and no smooth muscle there, therefore it is a weak area (for ALL people); therefore, everybody has the potential to develop berry aneurysms. What would exacerbate, or make the berry aneurysm a realistic thing? HTN (any cause of HTN can cause berry aneurysms ie ADPKD, essential HTN, the bottom line is HTN, and ALL hypertensive pts run the risk of berry aneurysms we all have the same defect at the junction form any cause of HTN its not unique to ADPKD, its in all cases of HTN other relations to HTN = subarachnoid bleeds, stretch/dilatation of aortic valve ring and therefore a murmur of aortic regurg. All the pressure on the wall of the proximal aorta can also predispose to dissecting aortic aneurysm. What is distal to this? Decreased blood 5low, claudication (angina of peripheral vessels so when they walk, they will get calf pain, buttock pain, then they stop and it goes away, they walk it hurts) this is all due to ischemia, and the muscle development to the lower extremities will not be too good, either. Muscle mass will be decreased, BP difference between upper and lower extremities, and the blood 5low to the renal arteries is decreased, leading to activation of the RAA will lead to HTN. So the HTN in pts with Coarctation is due to activation of RAA so it is a high renin HTN. So, if you can correct it the HTN will go away. When there is a problem (ie a roadblock), we have to go around it ie need collaterals. However, the aorta is not a good place to have a roadblock b/c only have two ways to get around the block: 1)(rarest) super5icial epigastric artery, with the internal mammary artery can get around this; this is at the lateral border of hasselbach (the super5icial epigastric artery). So, when you stick your 5inger in the canal and have an indirect inguinal hernia. Right through the medial side will feel a pulsation (where the sup epigastric artery is). 2) intercostals on the undersurface of the ribs and getting extra blood through them leading to notching of ribs (visualized on x-ray). VI. Major risk factors for coronary artery dz: Know the risk factors! Age is the most imp risk factor (cannot control) -45 for males; 55 for women why? Higher estrogen levels, which affect HDL levels. Risk factor for CAD is not LDL, its HDL. HDL visits fatty streaks, sucks LDL out, takes it to the liver to be metabolized. 55 in women b/c that is the age of menopause; not taking estrogens and that is the

age when estrogens go down; HDL levels go down and risk goes up. Family history of premature artery dz, cig smoking, HP, HDL<35, diabetes, LDL (cholesterol is not a risk factor, LDL is) b/c all therapeutic decisions are based on LDL levels, not cholesterol levels. HDL is a negative risk factor: if your HDL is greater than 60, you can subtract one from your major risk factor - ie 58 y/o, but HDL is above 60, can subtract the age risk factor and will have no risk factors. VII. Ischemic Heart Disease: 4 types: Angina, Myocardial Infarct, Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome, Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease A. Sudden cardiac death syndrome = death within the last hr what will you see at autopsy? Will NOT see a coronary thrombus, will see severe coronary artery atherosclerosis. So, usually these pts do not have a thrombus, but do have severe coronary artery dz, leading to ischemia, PVCs, ventricular 5ibrillation (die of ventricular arrhythmia just like in MI); die so fast that there are no changes in the heart (ie pallor/Coagulation necrosis); see severe coronary artery dz and dx sudden cardiac death. Very high risk in smokers. B. Chronic ischemia heart dz Its a lot of our parents, uncles and aunts who have coronary artery dz with little infarcts, or had a small heart attack, basically talking about subendocardial infarctions. What happens is that the muscle gets replaced by 5ibrous tissue and eventually the poor LV is all 5ibrous tissue, with no muscle therefore the ejection fraction is very low. Its 0.2 instead of the normal 0.66 and they die from heart failure. Fibrous tissue does not have contractility; this dz is the 2nd MC indication for a heart transplant. C. Angina (MC type of heart dz) 3 types exertional, prinzmetal, unstable (resting) angina 1. Exertional chest pain on exertion, goes away within 5-10 minutes of resting; ST depression on EKG (1-2 mm depression) therefore a candidate for coronary angiogram to see whats going on. 2. Prinzmetals seen in women, occurs in morning; due to vasospasm of the coronary arteries, NOT atherosclerosis. In some people, TxA2 is implicated for the vasospasm. ST depression means subendocardial ischemia. Coronary arteries penetrate the outside of the heart and go in, so the subendocardial tissue get screwed b/c its furtherest from the blood supply. Therefore, with coronary artery atherosclerosis, and decreased blood 5low, who gets screwed? Subendocardium and it reacts to it with pain and ST depression. With vasospasm of coronary artery, get transmural ischemia therefore there is ischemia throughout the entire thickness of the muscle this produces ST elevation. So, Prinzmetals angina has ST elevation b/c transmural ischemia.

3. Unstable aka pre-infarction angina get angina on resting. Classic hx: initially had stable angina, now pt just get it when they are sitting. This means that they will need angioplasty and put into the hospital. Do not put on treadmill, they will die. What veins do they use? Saphenous vein over 10 years will become arterialized (it will look exactly like an artery). If you take a vein, and put arterial pressures into it, it will change its histology and look exactly like an artery. They have a high tendency for 5ibrosing off after 10 years b/c they are veins. Internal mammary is an artery, therefore wont have the same problem b/c it is used to those pressures. They will remain patent, but cannot do four vessel bypass with one internal mammary artery. So, they use the saphenous vein, which has the tendency to undergo 5ibrosis over time b/c they are arterialized under pressure. They can also use the internal mammary. D. Acute MI Thrombus composed of group of platelet cells bound together with 5ibrin. TPA doesnt have a problem with this b/c it just breaks the 5ibrin bonds to destroy the clot. It has a much bigger problem with the breakdown of a venous clot b/c those have more 5ibrin. The thromboses/clots in the heart do not have that much 5ibrin. Another factor to deal with is reperfusion injury O2d blood goes into injured tissue, superoxide free radicals form, Ca form, and a few of the injured myocardial cells will die. Once those die, it will still improve longevity. 1. Complications of MI: a) LAD coronary artery is MC vessel thrombosed, and supplies entire anterior part of your heart and the anterior 2/3s of the interventricular septum. So, there will be paleness, with the ant 2/3s knocked off. Where are most of the conduction bundles? Anterior 2/3s. So, if you have complete heart block that requires ectopic pacemaker, what is the most likely vessel thrombosed? LAD. When you have LAD occlusion, you have classical signs pain radiating the jaw, pain down the left arm, substernal chest pain. b) RCA = 2nd MC thrombosed artery which supplies the entire posterior part of the heart and the posterior 1/3 of the ventricular septum and the entire right ventricle. So, it supplies the post heart, post 1/3 of the septum and the entire right ventricle. The mitral valve has two valves with papillary muscles posteromedial papillary muscle and posteromedio papillary muscle. So, what supplies the posterior? RCA. Also have the SA node and AV node. The SA node has an equal distribution between left and right. However, the AV node has a 95% supply from the branches of the RCA this brings up interesting complications. Example: pt with mitral regurg murmur, which is related to posteromedial papillary muscle dysfunction, or may break what is the problem? Thrombosis of the RCA b/c the RCA supplies that papillary muscle. So, mitral regurg murmur that occurs during MI

would be due to RCA. If you knock off the AV node, this is sinus bradycardia, and atypical chest pain. The RCA is dangerous b/c sometimes pt will get epigastric pain, which is an atypical pain. This simulates GERD; ie pt sent home with pepto bismol, and ends up dying at home (b/c of missed dx). They should have been sent to hospital. Therefore, elderly pt with epigastric pain could be GERD or coronary artery thrombosis of the RCA. 2. Gross/microscopic features Need to know when the heart is softest and has a chance for rupturing this is between 3-7 days. When do you see gross manifestation of being a pale infarct? 24 hrs begin seeing paleness. Coagulation necrosis in 4-6 hrs. Example: LAD thrombosis b/c see pale anterior 2/3 of heart. Rupture pericardium 5illed with blood (hemopericardium) most are interior, and therefore is from the LAD thrombosis how does this manifest itself? Day 3 or day 4 complain of chest pain, have muf5led heart sounds, neck vein distension, and know they have ruptured. Example: rupture of post medial papillary muscle and it was infracted, therefore the RCA is the cause of the rupture so, what would the murmur be? Mitral regurg On day 3 pt goes into heart failure, have a pansystolic murmur, increases on expiration, and S3 and S4 heart sound. It wasnt there a day before meaning the posterior medial papillary muscle was dysfunctional b/c it was infracted or it ruptured. So, its something that wasnt there before and suddenly arise between days 3-7. Will go into heart failure b/c massive volume overload and go right back to the lungs. Example: rupture of ant wall Example: rupture of papillary muscle, and the posteromedial one is MC Example: Coag necrosis Example: interventricular septum ruptures, therefore a left to right shunt and a step up. Most interventricular ruptures are LAD thromboses. Example: mural thrombus (mural = wall) in this case, mural is a thrombus, on the wall. They are almost always LAD thrombi b/c need a place to stick. With anterior MI, always give aspirin and put pt on warfarin/heparin why do they do that? To prevent mural thrombus from forming. So, when you have an anterior prob, they will anticoagulate you. Mural thrombi are mixed clots they are not a pure venous like clot or a platelet like clot, they are mixed. Heres how it works: you have a transmural infarction and therefore injury to endothelial cells of the heart, therefore platelets will stick so platelets are the 5irst things that stick and then b/c the muscle is not contracting that well (b/c infracted muscle does not contract), there is stasis, and so on top of the platelets is a venous like clot, which Coagulation

factor 5,8, and RBCs, so its mixed (platelets with 5ibrin and venous clot from stasis). With aspirin, you not only preventing a coronary thrombus with decreasing platelet aggregation, but also preventing a mural thrombus from initially forming b/c it inhibits the platelets from aggregating. Also, by putting on warfarin and heparin, you prevent the other part of the clot from forming. Dont want these b/c it can embolize and therefore are very dangerous. 3. Fibrinous pericarditis can occur 2 times in a person with MI: 1) 1st week get a friction rub, chest pain (relieved when leaning forward and worse when leaning back - a 3 component friction rub). Thats due to transmural infarction and increased vessel permeability. And 2) hx of transmural infarct, comes in 6 weeks later with fever, muscle aches and pains, and a 3 component friction rub in the chest = Dresslerss syndrome , which is an autoimmune pericarditis. When had infarct, damage of the pericardial surface led to autoAbs against pericardial tissue. This took 6 weeks to build up, and they start attacking the pericardium leading to systemic symptoms related to immunologic rxn = Dresslerss. Therefore, 2 types are 1st week, not autoimmune, and 6 weeks, autoimmune. Basically treat with NSAIDS. 4. Later complications ventricular aneurysm Example: pt 3 weeks out of MI chest bulges what under there? Massive pectoralis major ie systolic bulge of pericardium is ventricular aneurysm. Blood is collecting in the aneurysm and making the chest bulge out. This is a late manifestation know its a vent aneurysm; the MC complication is NOT rupture, this aneurysm is lined by scar tissue and therefore will not rupture. MCC death in a vent aneurysm = heart failure. Most of heart has scar tissue, which leads to decreased ejection fraction, therefore, die of HEART FAILURE not rupture. Example:Acute MI wasnt it is Uibrous tissue, which is whiter and more patchy. Fibrous tissue (scar) can be anywhere from 3 weeks to 10 years Must look at EF (ejection fraction) before leaving hospital; if you dont have a good EF, probably will die. If you have a low EF, you had a big infarct, with a lot of muscle that was destroyed. Therefore, EF is the biggest prognostic factor. If its close to 0.66, thats good. But if your 0.4, ie its very bad. 5. How do we dx MI? CK-MB is dx of choice Not an EKG b/c it has only an 80% sensitivity showing a new q wave, ST elevation. They have great speci5icity: Troponin I; CK-MB is an isoenzyme of creatinine kinase have CK-MM, MB, and BB. CK MB is primarily in cardiac muscle. Therefore, when you infarct the muscle, you will see a primary increase in cardiac muscle, and when the muscle is infracted, will see an increase in that enzyme. Starts to go up at 6 hrs. Peaks in 24 hrs, and gone

in 3 days b/c if CK MB is present after 3 days de5ines REinfarction. So, the reappearance of CK-MB = REinfarction. Troponin I elevates a few hrs earlier than CK MB its goes up at about 4 hrs, and peaks in about 24 hrs, too. It lasts 7 days, which is good. However, cannot dx reinfarction. So, after day 3 Troponin will still be there and therefore, you cannot dx reinfarction. CK-MB replaces LDH isoenzymes. LDH isoenzyme: Normally, LDH2 is higher than LDH1. However, LDH1 is in cardiac muscle. So, when you have an infarct, you release LDH1, and 1 becomes higher than 2 which is called the 5lip. When you infarct through the muscle, 1 will be higher than 2, and that is the 5lip. This occurs in about 18 hours and peaks in about 3 days and last for a week. Most of the time, we use LDH enzymes if the pt came in 2-3 days after symptoms and CK-MB will have been gone by then. Then, look at LDH isoenzymes, and recognize that there is a 5lip and realize that there was an MI few days ago. This will be replaced by Troponin 1 b/c its elevated during this time period.

Audio File 22: Cardiovascular 4

VIII. Valvular Heart Disease A. Mitral Valve Prolapse MC mitral valve lesion more common in women; too much valve and looks like a parachute (air goes under a parachute and 5ills it up same with blood) blood will prolapse into left atrium, and when it stops, it causes a click. Prolapse means that something is coming out ie rectal prolapse. So, with mitral valve prolapse, it is extending into the left atrium. When it stops, and cannot go in anymore, it stops and causes a click, and it followed by a short mitral regurg murmur. So, it goes click murmur, click murmur (not snap murmur opening snaps occur in mitral and tricuspid stenosis). What is the pathology? Myxomatous degeneration. What GAG makes up the valve? Dermatan sulfate, therefore its an excess of dermatan sulfate in the mitral valve, and it becomes redundant (too much of it), blood goes under it and causes a click and murmur. Is it closer to S1 or S2? It deals with preload. If we increased vol of blood in the left ventricle, then the click and murmur will come closer to S2 b/c it takes longer for all the events to get blood out. If we decrease the amount of blood coming into the left ventricle (decrease preload), the click and murmur come closer to S1. So, when standing and have MVP, what is preload vs. lying down? It is less. Less preload = less blood in the ventricle = click and murmur closer to S1. Now, lets say pt lies down click and murmur closer to S2 b/c increasing preload. They will ask: what will happen to click and murmur with anxiety? What will happen to heart rate with anxiety? Increase. Therefore, will have less time to 5ill ventricles, therefore will come closer to S1. Queston on examinations American tourist came back with diarrhea answer is giardisis B. Aortic Stenosis MC valvular cause of syncope with exercise MCC angina with exercise. MCC microangiopathic hemolytic anemia This will an ejection murmur, right 2nd ICS, radiation into the neck, systolic, increases in intensity on expiration. Intensity of murmur with different positions: what will increase the intensity of the murmur (what will make it worse and

therefore louder)? Increasing preload in the ventricle. With decreased blood in the ventricle, it will decrease the intensity of the ejection murmur b/c it has to go out the stenotic valve. If you are putting more blood into the LV and need to get it out, it will increase the intensity - this is imp b/c it differentiates it from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Why do they get angina with exercise? Pulse is diminished and therefore the stroke volume will decrease. So, when do the coronary arteries 5ill up? Diastole. With less blood there (b/c couldnt get it out and had to get it through the valve), there is thickened muscle and less blood going to the heart, leading to angina. So, this is the MC valvular lesion leading to angina. Also, with syncope with exercise, b/c you have decreased cardiac output, you will faint. C. Mitral stenosis Slide: Thrombi, left atrium is dilated; murmur in diastole (stenosis prob in opening and this valve opens in diastole, leading to snap and rumble), heard at apex and increases in intensity on expiration. MCC mitral stenosis rheumatic fever (acute). Rheumatic fever -vegetations; due to group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection. Usually occurs as post- pharyngitis. As opposed to post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, this can be pharyngitis or a skin infection. Most of time rheumatic fever is from a previous tonsillitis. When you culture blood in pts with rheumatic fever, it will be negative. Will not be able to grow the organisms b/c its not an infective endocarditis. It is an immunologic mechanism. With strep, M protein is the pathogenic factor for group A strep. Certain strains have Ags similar to the heart and joints. So, when we make Abs against the group A strep, we are also making Ags against the heart (our own tissue) therefore we attack our own heart, joints, basal ganglia and elsewhere. This is called mimicry b/c we are developing Abs against our own tissue, b/c there are similar Ags in the M protein of the bacteria, so its is all immunologic! MC valve involved is the mitral valve. The vegetations are sterile and line along the closure of the valve. The vegetations usually do not embolize. Know Jones criteria for dx of acute rheumatic fever ie young person, few weeks ago had an exudative tonsillitis, now presents with joint pain and swelling and dyspnea, rales in the lung, pansystolic murmur, apex, and increases in intensity on expiration, S3 and S4 heart sound due to acute rheumatic fever. Dx is rheumatic fever. MC symptom is polyarthritis. They like this question b/c in children, there is a limited d/d for polyarthritis it includes juvenile rheumatic arthritis, Henoch Schonlein purpura, rubella, acute rheumatic fever. However, none of these have symptoms of heart failure and mitral insufUiciency except for acute rheumatic fever. So, if they ask you the MC valvular lesion in acute rheumatic fever, it is NOT mitral stenosis. It takes 10 years to have a stenotic valve (mitral stenosis). So, the murmur that you hear is mitral REGURG, b/c all parts of the heart are in5lamed,

leading to friction rub, myocarditis (in5lamed myocardium), and endocarditis (these are the valves with the vegetations). So, will get mitral regurg murmur with acute rheumatic fever. Other features of Jones criteria: joints, cardiac abnormalities, erythema marginatum (skin zit), subcutaneous nodules (like rheumatic nodules on the extensor surfaces they are exactly the same). Rh nodules and nodules associated with acute rheumatic fever are exactly the same. They are both immunologic dzs. Late manifestation of Jones criteria is abnormal movements called Syndhams chorea. Example: pt with acute rheumatic fever (grade 3, pansystolic, apex, rales, S3 and S4, nodules, erythema marginatum) - 6 weeks later have Syndhams chorea. ASO titer is imp, too b/c its a group A strep infection and its elevated. Aschoff nodules reactive histiocytes in the myocardium; only 5ind with bx on death. Summary: immunologic dz, will not culture out group A strep in the blood, Jones criteria (polyarthritis, MC carditis, subcutaneous nodules, erythema marginatum, Syndhams chorea. Ie mitral stenosis, looking from left atrium, down to the ventricle looks like a 5ishmouth (5ishmouth appearance). Example: what is the most posteriorly located chamber of you heart? Left atrium. Seen best on transesophageal ultrasound. B/c it is posteriorly located, and enlarged when dilated, it can press on the esophagus, leading to dsyphagia with solids (not liquids). Also, it can stretch the left recurrent laryngeal nerve and cause hoarseness. This is called Orners syndrome. Example: if they have an irregular irregular pulse, what does that mean? Atrial Uibrillation. Does it surprise you that they get thrombus in the left atrium? No. B/c there is a lot of stasis b/c blood is having trouble getting through, leading to stasis and thromboses. So, have to anticoagulate the pts, which is a bad combo. Atrial 5ib + thrombus = bad combo. When you picture A 5ib, its like a vibrator and lil chips can come off and embolize this is very common in patients with MITRAL STENOSIS. MVP valve is being prolapsed into atrium, b/c it is so redundant, and, chordae tendinae will rupture, leading to acute mitral insuf5iciency. This is not common in MVP most of the time it is asymptomatic. MC symptomatic thing = palpitations. 2 genetic dzs with MVP assoc: Marfans and Ehler Danlos syndrome. Marfan pt and pt died suddenly, why? NOT dissecting aortic aneurysm (do not die immediately with dissections get pain, radiation and cardiac tamponade) answer is MVP and conduction defects. So, pt with marfan and dies suddenly, this is due to MVP and conduction defects (not dissecting aortic aneurysm). Tricuspid regurg know about IVDA with infective endocarditis. Carcinoid syndrome in order to have carcinoid syndrome, must have metassis to liver of carcinoid tumor. Serotonin and the tumor nodules gets into hepatic vein

tributaries and gets into the venous blood and bathes the right side of the heart, and serotonin produces a 5ibrous tissue response of the valves. So, will get tricuspid insuff and pulmonic stenosis. These are the 2 valvular lesions assoc with carcinoid syndrome. (TIPS) IX. Infective endocarditis Mitral valve with vegetations and rupture chordae tendinae; vegetations are big and bulky and destroying the valve (hence, infective). What is MCC? Strep viridians; 2nd MCC = Staph While brushing teeth, have a transient strep viridians infection. If you have an underlying cardiac dz, then you run the risk of developing a bacterial endocarditis b/ c just brushing your teeth can cause it to get into the bloodstream; with damaged valves, it can seed into it and produce vegetations. Staph aureus can affect a NORMAL valve OR a damaged valve. MC valve involved in infective endocarditis = mitral valve; 2nd MC valve = aortic valve If you are an IVDA (who inject into veins), MC valve involved = Tricuspid valve, 2nd MC is aortic Tricuspid involved = Murmur of tricuspid regurg, pansystolic, increased on inspiration Aortic valve involved: aortic regurg, high pitched diastolic after S2 Staph is #1 (MCC) for IVDA If you have colon cancer/ulcerative colitis (any type of ulceration of the colonic mucosa), there is a unique type of infective endocarditis this is strep bovis = group D strep commonly involved with dzs that produce ulceration of the colonic mucosa ie UC or colon cancer. History of colon cancer and have infective endo organism is strep bovis (not staph). Aortic valve close relationship of membranous portion of the septum with the aortic valve. So, why did pt get vegetations of the aortic valve? B/c they got VSD that was not picked up. If you have congenital heart dz, you have an increased risk for infective endocarditis. VSD that someone did not pick up caused aortic valve to get infective and cause aortic regurg. Therefore, on the test, will be mitral valve infective endo, or aortic infective endo with a VSD. Splinter hemorrhages; Painful = oslers nodes; painless = janeway lesion; in eye Roth spot (red with white center just like Koplik spots in measles, which are red with a white center). This is why it is called the Koplik spot of the eye. What do they all have in common (aside from the fact that they are seen in infective endocarditis)? Splinter hemorrhages, Oslers nodes, janeway lesions, Roth spots, and

glomerulonephritis? All are type III HPY. All these lesions are immune complex vasculitis. Vegetations all over surface of the valve and pt has a + serum ANA dx? Libman sacs endocarditis pt has Lupus (Libman sacs is not the MC lesion of the heart with Lupus pericarditis is); Libman sacs is the 2nd MCC, which is 5ibrinoid necrosis like rheumatic fever. Marantic vegetations in mucous secreting colon cancer = Paraneoplastic syndrome (it is marantic endocarditis in a pt with colon cancer). Acute rheumatic fever looks like it. X. Myocarditis vs. Pericarditis On the test, if you have an infection question, it is Coxsackie virus. MCC of myocarditis and pericarditis; MCC viral meningitis = Coxsackie virus. Cause of hand, foot and mouth dz? Coxsackie virus Herpangina is due to Coxsackies virus. Example: Pt with heart failure did an endomyocardial bx and it had lymphocytic in5iltrate in there, and it was due to Coxsackies myocarditis. To dx, need to do a bx of subendocardial tissue, and will see lymphocytic in5iltrate (as expected with ANY virus). Therefore, ie, pt in heart failure, bx of myocardium has lymphocytes = Coxsackies virus myocarditis Chest x-ray see water bottle con5ig this pt as muf5led heart sounds (cannot hear anything), when the pt breaths in, neck veins distend (shouldnt happen b/c when you breath in and increase neg intrathoracic pressure, the neck veins should collapse on inspiration), radial pulse is decreased on inspiration, when you take BP there is a drop of 10mmHg during inspiration. Dx? Pericardial effusion What the name of the triad? Becks triad. What is the name of the sign? Kussmauls sign. What is the drop of 10 mm Hb on inspiration? Pulsus paradoxus. How does all this occur? B/c there is an effusion of the pericardial sac, meaning that that heart cannot 5ill up (b/c there is 5luid around it) leading to muf5led heart sounds. So, when you breath in and blood is supposed to get into the right side of your heart, it cannot expand. So, the neck veins distend instead of collapse, which is called Kussmauls sign. What ever happens to right side of the heart affects the left side of the heart b/c the left side receive blood from the right side. So, there is no blood going into the right heart, and therefore, no blood is going out of the left heart, either. So, on inspiration, blood cannot get out of left side (b/c blood is not coming out of the right heart), leading to a drop in pulse hence pulsus paradoxus. Always see these things together: neck vein distension, drop in pulse magnitude, and drop in BP, Kussmauls sign, pulsus paradoxus = pericardial effusion. However, this is not what

they will ask you they will ask what is Uirst step in management? Echocardiogram shows that they have 5luid (proves it b/c need to call surgeon to do pericardiocentesis). What is it MC due to? Pericarditis. What is the MCC pericarditis? Coxsackie. What if woman has this and a + serum ANA? Lupus. Any young woman that has an unexplained pericardial or pleural effusion is lupus until proven otherwise. Why? Serositis = in5lame serosal membranes its gonna leak 5luid, leading to effusions. And is a feature of Lupus. E. Constrictive pericarditis In third world countries, TB is MC. In USA, due to previous cardiac surgery b/c have to go through pericardium. Slide of a heart and thickened pericardium, no 5luid, so when you breathe in blood goes to right heart, 5ills up and hits wall called pericardial knock therefore to differentiate pericardial effusion from constrictive pericarditis, have mufUled heart sounds in effusion with no knock in pericardial effusion, and in have some Uilling up with a pericardial knock in constrictive pericarditis. White stuff in pericardium is dystrophic calci5ication, and can see it on x-ray. Pt goes to Russia and gets diarrhea = giardiasis) XI. Cardiomyopathies Large left ventricle and right ventricle A. Congestive cardiomyopathy (aka dilated cardiomyopathy) Example: woman 6 weeks postpartum, and do a chest x-ray and she has a generalized cardiomegaly heart is huge, has effusions at both lung bases dx? Congestive cardiomyopathy; this is a dz of the cardiac muscle and has many causes. Pt has both left and right heart failure. Causes: 6 weeks postpartum (dont know why), Coxsackies myocarditis, alcohol, drugs; MCC transplants is due to congestive cardiomyopathy. Cardiotoxic drugs daunorubicin, tricyclics = drug induced cardiomyopathies = congestive cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic with big heart due to thiamine def = congestive cardiomyopathy. B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy MCC sudden death in a young athlete = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Thickness of septum very thick with an asymmetric HPY; why? B/c the interventricular septum is thicker. Blood 5low of left vent goes through narrow opening (ant lea5let of mitral valve so, if you have aortic regurg, blood will hit anterior lea5let of mitral valve and produce Austin 5lint murmur). Why is this a narrow opening? B/c it is too thick. If we took a laser to burn it off, could open it up; so, where is the obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? Its not at the level of the aortic valve, but below it. Why does it obstruct? Venturi phenomenon things go through a narrow opening quickly and there is a negative pressure behind it. When blood, under increased

force of contraction is forced through, the negative pressure behind it sucks the anterior lea5let behind the septum and stops the blood, leading to obstruction of blood 5low. What can we do to make this better (what can we do to reduce the intensity of the murmur and have the pt have better CO)? Put more blood into the ventricle increase preload and decrease obstruction b/c it would pull it away b/c there is more blood in it. All these things that increase preload will make the intensity of the murmur less and improve the pt. So, if you are standing up, will that improve the dz? No, b/c would decrease preload, leading to a harsh systolic murmur. However, if lying down, there is increased venous return to the right heart, and increased blood in the vent, this would decrease intensity of murmur. Digitalis would be contraindicated b/c it would increase force of contraction, make it go faster and make it obstruct quicker. A beta blocker would be good; Ca channel blocker would also be good b/c it would decrease force of contraction, slow the heart rate, and increase preload. This is MCC sudden death in a young athlete. If you took a section of the septum, its not a normal septum its disorganized, and the conduction bundles are messed up, leading to conduction defects - with conduction defects, run the risk of V. tach and death at any time. This abnormal conduction system and asymmetric septum is responsible. Ie 16 y/o bball player that died suddenly what do you see at autopsy? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Mech? Abnormal conduction C. Endocardial Fibroelastosis (ie of restricted cardiomyopathy) If it is restrictive, something is preventing the ventricle from 5illing up. This is the MC dz causing restrictive cardiomyopathy in children, and is called endocardial Fibroelastosis. This dz is the MC reason why a child needs a heart transplant. If the child does not get a transplant, they will die. Other causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy Pompes, Fe overload, amyloid. D. Cardiac myxoma 85% in the left atrium, 15% in right B9, movable can move over and block ori5ice of mitral valve, leading to syncope. They can embolize (they are very soft and have bits and pieces inside them). Have a lot of junk inside them, which leaks out. It can lead to fever, and other signs and symptoms. Syncope cannot 5igure it out; then get a transesophageal ultrasound and see it. So, this is the MC primary b9 tumor of the heart in adults. They describe tumor in heart of kid this is rhabdomyoma (b9 tumor of cardiac muscle) they are assoc with auto dom. dz, which one? Tuberous sclerosis. So, if they talk about a tumor in the heart of a CHILD, do not pic myxoma (seen in adults); its a rhabdomyoma and is more likely in a child with tuberous sclerosis.

CHAPTER 8: Respiratory

Audio File 23: Respiratory 1

I. A-a gradient know how to calculate: Alveolar O2 and arterial pO2 are never the same. The difference between the two is called alveolar arterial gradient. Reasons for it: (1) Ventilation and perfusion are not evenly matched in the lungs. When standing up the ventilation is better than perfusion in the apex, whereas perfusion is better than ventilation at lower lobes. This explains why almost all pulmonary infarctions are in the lower lobes perfusion is greater there. Also, this explains why reactivation TB is in the apex TB is a strict aerobe and needs as more O2, and there is more ventilation in the upper lobes (higher O2 content). Normally, alveolar O2 is 100 and the arterial pO2 is 95. So, normally, the gradient is 5 mmHg. As you get older, the gradient expands, but not that much. Most people use their upper limit of normal in other words, have a very very high speci5icity of 30 mmHg. If you have an A-a gradient of 30 mmHg or higher there is a problem. It is very high speci5icity (aka PPV truly have something wrong). The concept is easy you would expect the gradient btwn the alveolar O2 and the arterial O2 to be greater if you have primary lung dz. What will do this? Ventilation defects (produces hypoxemia, and therefore prolongs the gradient dropping the PO2 and subtracting, and therefore a greater difference btwn the two), perfusion defect (ie pul embolus), and diffusion defect. But the depression of the medullary resp center by barbiturates does not cause a difference in A-a gradient. So, prolonged A-a gradient tells you the hypoxemia is due to a problem in the lungs (vent perfusion/diffusion defect). A normal A-a gradient tells you that something outside the lungs that is causing hypoxemia (resp acidosis in resp acidosis, PO2 will go down). Causes of resp acidosis: pulmonary probs (COPD), depression of resp center (obstruct upper airway from epiglottitis, larygiotracheobronchitis, caf coronary (paralyzed muscles of resp), Guillain Barre syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and paralysis of diaphragm. These all produce resp acidosis and hypoxemia, but the A-a gradient will be NORMAL). So, prolonged A-a gradient, something is wrong with the lungs. If A-a gradient is normal, there is something OUTSIDE of the lungs that is causing a resp problem.

Few things must always be calculated: anion gap (with electrolytes) and A-a gradient for blood gases all you need to do is calc alveolar O2. We can calculate the A-a gradient = 0.21 x 713 = 150 (0.21 is the atmospheric O2; and 760 minus the water vapor=713). So, 150 minus the pCO2 (given in the blood gas) divided by 0.8 (resp quotient). So, normal pCO2 = 40, and 40/.8=50 and 150-50 = 100; so, now that I have calc the alveolar O2, just subtract the measured arterial pO2 and you have the A-a gradient. This is very simple and gives a lot of info when working up hypoxemia. II. Upper Respiratory Disease: A. Nasal Polyps: 3 diff types of nasal polyps MC is an allergic polyp. Never think of a polyp in the nose of kid that is allergic as an allergic polyp. Allergic polyps develop in adults after a long term allergies such as allergic rhinitis Example: 5 y/o child with nasal polyp and resp defects, what is the 5irst step in management? Sweat test b/c if you have a polyp in the nose of the kid, you have cystic 5ibrosis; its not an allergic polyp. B. Triad Asthma take an aspirin or NSAID, have nasal polyps and of course have asthma. They dont tell you the pt took aspirin and that the pt has a polyp. The aspirin or NSAID is the answer but this is how they will ask the question: 35 y/o woman with chronic headaches or 5ibromyalgia. Pt has some type of chronic pain syndrome and will not tell you that the pt is on medication, and she develops occasional bouts of asthma what is the mech of the pts asthma? B/c she is taking an NSAID. What they wont tell you that she has a polyp and that she is on an NSAID; however, if a pt is in pain or has chronic pain, it is safe to assume the pt is on pain medication (ie an NSAID, Motrin or aspirin). Mech of asthma from pain medication: what do aspirin/NSAIDs block? COX, therefore arachidonic acid cannot forms PGs but the Lipoxygenase pathway is left open. Some people are very sensitive to this and LT C4, D4, and E4 are formed, which are potent bronchoconstrictors, leading to asthma. It is NOT a type I HPY rxn. It is a chemical mediated non type I HPY rxn. So, chronic pain can lead to asthma b/c of aspirin sensitivity. Another assumption you have to make: any well built male on anabolic steroids (ie football player, wrestler) with intraperitoneal hemorrhage produce benign liver cell adenomas which have the tendency of rupturing. C. Laryngeal carcinoma (a squamous cell carcinoma) Concept of synergism: MCC = Smoking; 2nd MCC = alcohol Alcohol and smoking have a SYNERGISTIC effect which leads to laryngeal carcinoma. Example: lesion in this slide is a laryngeal specimen which of the following have the greatest risk factor? Answer alcohol AND smoking (this is true for any squamous cancer from the esophagus to the mouth to the larynx). Smoking = MCC cancer in mouth, upper esophagus and larynx. Alcohol can do the same thing, so

if you are smoker and alcohol consumer, you can double your risk. MC symptom assoc = hoarseness of the throat. Example: epiglottis; what can infect it? H. in5luenza what is the symptom? Inspiratory strider. Example: 3 month old child died with inspiratory strider dx? Croup parain5luenza; this is a TRACHEAL in5lammation. Whereas epiglottitis is elsewhere. Both produce upper airway obstruction.

III. Respiratory Distress Syndromes: A. Hyaline membrane dz (Neonatal Resp distress syndrome) If something has a lot of pink in it, what is it? Hyaline Key to understanding this dz is massive atelectasis 1. What is atelectasis? Collapse of airways. Why did these airway collapse? No surfactant (aka lecithin/phosphotidyl choline/phosphotidyl glycerol they are all surfactant). So, de5icient of surfactant causes atelectasis b/c: Collapsing pressure in the airways = surface tension/radius of airway. So, on expiration, normally the airway will be smaller b/c there is a pos intrathoracic pressure. If you decrease the radius, you will increase the collapsing pressure in the airways. Therefore, on expiration (in all of us), we have to decrease surface tension (which is what surfactant does) by doing this, it keeps the airways open on expiration, preventing atelectasis. 2. Three causes of RDS:


Prematurity: surfactant begins syn early, but it peaks at 32-35 week, so if you are born prematurely, you will not have enough surfactant, and baby will develop increased risk of developing RDS. Sometimes mother has no choice and must deliver baby, or else it will die, and there is something you can do to the mom so the baby has more surfactant: give mother glucocorticoids b/c they stimulate surfactant synthesis. Example: what can you do to increase surfactant (but glucocorticoids wasnt one of the answer choices) thyroxine (thyroid hormone) (as does prolactin); does that mean you give thyroxine b4 delivering the baby? No, will give mom and baby hyperthyroidism. Diabetes: gestational diabetes = woman who wasnt pregnant, becomes pregnant, and then obtains glucose intolerance after delivery so if a diabetic gets pregnant, this is not called gestational diabetes, but a diabetic that got pregnant. Its imp that a woman in


pregnancy has good glucose control b/c if she is hyperglycemic, baby will be, too. B/c baby is hyperglycemic, it will stimulate insulin synthesis, and insulin has a negative effect on surfactant syn and will decrease its synthesis.


C section b/c the baby is not delivered vaginally, there is no stress. B/c the baby has not been stressed, the ACTH and cortisol are not released, and surfactant is not made. Whereas a child that is delivered vaginally has a lot of stress and therefore a lot of ACTH and cortisol is being released, which stimulates surfactant release. So, C section predisposes to RDS. So, these are the three main causes (prematurity, diabetes, and C section). 3. Complications and associated conditions:

d. e.

a. Example: why are the babies of poor glycemic control big (macrosomial)? The babys insulin is increased to keep the glucose down. Insulin will increase storage of triglyceride in adipose (it increases fat storage). Where is most of the adipose located? Centrally. So, one of the reasons why they have macrosomia is b/c insulin stimulates synthesis of TG and deposition of fat. Also, insulin increases uptake of aas in muscle (like growth hormone). So, it will increase muscle mass. So, the reason for macrosomia is increased adipose and muscle mass, both due to insulin. This also explains why they get hypoglycemia when they are born. The mothers hyperglycemia is coming into the baby, causing the baby to release insulin; the moment insulin is made and the cord is cut, and no more increase in glucose, glucose goes down, and leads to hypoglycemia. b. Superoxide free radical damage seen in retinopathy of prematurity and blindness and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. c. Why do babies with RDS commonly have PDA? B/c they have hypoxemia. When a normal baby takes a breath, it starts the process of functional closure of the ductus. However, with hypoxemia after they are born, it remains open, and they have a machinery murmur. d. Hyaline membranes are due to degeneration of type II pneumocytes and leakage of 5ibrinogen, and it congeals to form the membrane. So, they will give a classic history for RDS, and then will ask for the pathogenesis of hypoxemia in the baby. This is a massive ventilation defect b/c everything is collapsing. This is a SHUNT problem, which leads to a massive interpulmonary shunt. Rx=PEEP therapy positive end exp pressure b/c these airways are collapsed and you need to get O2 into them and surfactant. So, give O2 and at the end of expiration, pump in pressure, which keeps airways open on expiration, so you can keep O2 in them.

Example: pic with type II pneumocyte (with lamellar bodies look like onion, and hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis b/c they are concentrically shaped). These lamellar bodies contain surfactant. This would ID it as a type II pneumocyte. They commonly give EMs of the lung with an alveolar macrophage. Macrophage has junk in the cytoplasm. The type II pneumocyte is the repair cell of the lung and synthesizes surfactant. B. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) In terms of ARDS, essentially it is the same as RDS in pathophys, but is NEUTROPHIL related injury. In RDS youre not making surfactant b/c you are too premature or have too much insulin and just have collapsed alveoli. BUT in ARDS its b/c you have too much in5lammation; there is no in5lammation in RDS. MCC ARDS = septic shock (MCC septic shock = E coli from sepsis from an indwelling catheter; MCC DIC = septic shock). Example: In the ICU if a pt come in with dyspnea and its within 24 hrs of having septic shock, pt has ARDS. If pt is in septic shock and within 48 hrs of admission and is bleeding from every ori5ice, he has DIC. So, Uirst day = septic shock, second day = ARDS, third day = DIC. Pathogenesis: Neutrophils get into the lung in septic shock and start destroying all the cells of the lung (type I and II pneumocytes). So surfactant production decreases and result is massive atelectasis (collapse). However, this is neutrophil related (the neutrophils are destroying the type II pneumocyte. The reason why they get hyaline membranes in the ARDS is b/c the neutrophils have to get in the lungs by going through the pulmonary capillaries, so they put holes in them as they get out of the bloodstream and into the lungs (this is why it is called leaky capillary syndrome). All the protein and 5ibrinogen get in and produce hyaline membranes. Therefore, you can actually see hyaline membranes in ARDS. So, there is massive collapse and the pathophys is intrapulmonary shunting. This is the same in RDS, but ARDS is neutrophil related, which is a bad prognosis. IV. Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax A. Spontaneous pneumothorax MCC spontaneous = ruptured subpleural bleb have pleura and right underneath is a bleb (air pocket). The bleb (air pocket) ruptures causing a hole in the pleura, so that part of the lung collapses. B/c whats keeping it expanded is neg intrathoracic pressure, which keeps the lungs expanded. So, if you put a hole in the pleura, then the atmospheric pressure is not negative, but is the same as the air you are breathing. So, there is nothing to hold it open and therefore it collapses. When parts of the lung collapse, there are things that will take up the slack. One of those is

the diaphragm. If you collapse part of the lung, the diaphragm will go up on that side to take up the open space on that has been left. Not only that, if there is a collapse on one side, the trachea will go to the side that there is space. So, will have tracheal deviation to the side of the collapse, and the diaphragm is up, leading to spontaneous pneumothorax. Usually seen in tall male they have blebs that rupture and lead to spontaneous pneumothorax. Can also get in scuba divers b/c they come up too quickly, which leads to rupture of the blebs. B. Tension pneumothorax Diff from spontaneous pneumothorax. MC due to knife injuries into the lung. Theres tear of pleura (5lap), sp when you breathe in the 5lap goes up and on expiration it closes. So, the air stays in the pleural cavity. So, every time you breathe, the 5lap goes up, air stays in, and on expiration it closes. So, for every breath you take, it keeps increasing and the pressure in the lung. The lung hasnt collapsed yet. The increase in pressure starts pushing the lung and the mediastinum to the opposite side. When it pushes it, it compresses the lung and it leads to compression atelectasis (it is not de5lated b/c of a hole there isnt a hole its a tear that when the air went in it went up and it shut on expiration, and that pos pleural pressure is pushing everything over to the opposite side). This compression will push on the SVC, right vent, and left atrium on the opposite side. This will compromise blood return and breathing, leading to a medical emergency. So, its like 5illing tire up with air, but cannot get out. Air is 5illing pleural cavity and cannot get out. It keeps building up and starts pushing everything to the opp side. With a pos intrathoracic pressure, the diaphragm will go down (goes up in spontaneous pneumothorax). V. Pulmonary Infection A. Pneumonia 1. 2 kinds Typical and Atypical Typical wake feeling normal, then suddenly develop a fever, productive cough Atypical slow, insidious onset (feel bad over few days) 2. Community vs. Nosocomial (hospital acquired) If you get pneumonia in the community and its typical, it is Strep pneumoniae. If you get pneumonia in the community and it is atypical, its mycoplasma pneumoniae. Organisms in the hospital (nosocomial) = E coli, Pseudomonas, Staph aureus (will not get strep pneumoniae in the hospital). 3. Productive cough in Typical pneumonia Reason for productive cough in typical pneumonia: have exudate (pus) and signs of consolidation in the lung Slide: yellow areas with microabcesses which are consolidation in the lung. Ie lobar pneumonia = see consolidation in lung, within

alveoli, causing consolidation. Therefore, with typical, see consolidation and pus in the lung. Physical dxtic tools of lung consolidation: decreased percussion, increased TVF (when the person talks, feel vibrations in chest if have consolidation in ie the upper left lobe, will have increased TVF b/c it is a consolidation, compared to the other side so, increased TVF indicates consolidation), having an E to A (egophony) sign (pt says E and you hear A), whispered pectoriloquy (pt whispers 1, 2, 3 and I will hear it very loud with the stethoscope). Therefore, decreased percussion, increased TVF, egophony, and pectoriloquy = consolidation. What if there is a pleural effusion overlying the lung? Only thing you would have is decreased percussion (this separates pleural effusion from pneumonia). 4. Atypical pneumonias They do not have a high temp and do not have productive cough b/c they are interstitial pneumonias. They have in5lammation of the interstitium there is no exudate in the alveoli which is why you are not coughing up a lot, and therefore do not have signs of consolidation. So, will not have increase TVF, E to A, with an atypical. Atypical pneumonia has an insidious onset, relatively nonproductive cough, no signs of consolidation. MCC typical pneumonia = strep pneumoniae (know the pic) gram + diplococcus (aka diplococcus) Rx = PCN G MCC atypical pneumonia = mycoplasma pneumoniae; 2nd MCC = Chlamydia pneumoniae; which are all interstitial pneumonias. Bronchopneumonia: MC due to strep pneumonia, and community acquired. Lobar pneumonia. Slide: lobar consolidation on chest x-ray strep. Pneumonia. a) Viral pneumonias 1) Rhinovirus = MCC common cold; they are acid labile meaning that it wont lead to gastroenteritis in the stomach b/c is destroyed by the acid in the stomach. Never will have a vaccine b/c 100 serotype. 2) RSV MCC bronchiolitis whenever you in5lame small airways, its leads to wheezing. This is a small airway dz and bronchiolitis is MC due to RSV and pneumonia. So, pneumonia and bronchiolitis is MC due to RSV in children. 3) InUluenza drift and shift have hemagglutinins, which help attach the virus to the mucosa. Have neuraminidase bore a hole through the mucosa. Antigenic drift = minor change/mutn in either hemagglutinins or neuraminidase; do not need a new vaccine; antigenic shift= major change/mutn in either hemagglutinins or neuraminidase need a vaccine. The vaccine is against A Ag. b) Bacterial pneumonias 1) Chlamydia psittacosis from birds (ie parrots, turkeys).

2) Chlamydia trachomatis a little kid was born and a week later he was wheezing (big time), pneumonia, increased AP diameter, tympanic percussion sounds, no fever, eyes are crusty (both sides), weird cough staccato cough (short coughs). He got it from his moms infected cervix. (MCC conjunctivitis in 2nd week = Chlamydia trachomatis). (MC overall of conjunctivitis is inUlammation of erythromycin drops). c) Hospital-acquired gram-negative pneumonias 1) Pseudomonas water loving bacteria, therefore see in pt in ICU when on a RESPIRATOR. pt water unit with green productive cough with. 2) Klebsiella famous in the alcoholic; however, alcoholic can also get strep pneumonia. So, how will you know strep vs. Klebsiella? Alcoholic with high spiking fevers, productive cough of MUCOID appearing sputum the capsule of Klebsiella is very thick. Lives in the upper lobes and can cavitate, therefore can confuse with TB. 3) Legionella atypical cough, nonproductive cough, very sick can kill you, from water coolers (water loving bacteria), seen in mists in groceries or at restaurants. Example: classic atypical pneumonia, then pt had hyponatremia this is Legionella. Legionella just doesnt affect the lungs, also affects the other organs such as liver dz, interstial nephritis and knocks off the juxtaglomerlur cells, and kills the renin levels, low aldosterone and therefore lose salt in the urine, leads to hyponatremia (low renin levels with low aldosterone). Rx = erythromycin

Audio File 24: Respiratory 2

B. Fungal Infections The two systemic fungus are Candida and Histo 1. Candida seen in indwelling catheters (usually those in the subclavian). And get Candida sepsis 2. Histoplasmosis = Midwest (Ohio/Tennessee valley) carried by dung of starlings and bats often seen in cave explorers, or spelunkers. They develop non-productive cough. Histo is the only systemic fungus that has yeasts phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages. 3. Cryptococcus = Pigeons looks like mickey mouse yeast forms are narrow based buds. Example: NY exec with pigeons roosting in air conditioner and developed non productive cough. Example: painter developed resp infection worked on Brooklyn bridge with pigeons, how do you treat? Amphotericin B. 4. Blastomycosis = SE USA = skin and lung infections; broad based bud 5. Coccidioidomycosis: SW USA (new Mexico, Arizona, southern Cal. = coccidiomycose has spherule endospores (know the pic). Example: in LA earthquake, a # of people had nonproductive coughthe arthrospore (the infectious form) is in dust. With the earthquake, dust comes up, breathe it in. Example: man that is an Indian artifact explorer in the sonaran desert, which is in Arizona, and is a CAVE explorer that developed nonproductive cough this is COCCIOMYCOSIS (not Histo b/c not the Midwest). 6. Aspergillus 3 different manifestations/dzs: 1) loves to inhabit abandoned TB fungus cavities fungus ball (aspergilloma, a very common cause of massive hemoptysis). Example: left upper lobe cavitary lesion and asp love to live in there = fungus ball 2) vessel invader; therefore will invade the vessels in lung, leading to thrombosis and infarction 3) allergies the mold, leading to extrinsic asthma and type I HPY So, three manifestations: fungus ball, invasive vascular dz producing hemorrhagic infarctions of the lung, and asthma. Example: pic of corona component of Aspergillus (looks like a crown) septate is very characteristic (mucormycosis is

nonseptate and has wide angles, while Aspergillus has narrow angles in its budding and coronas). 7. PCP (Pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia Fungus (used to be a protozoa) b/c more things in the cell wall that look like a fungus. Its associated with HIV, MC AIDs de5ining lesion (as soon as the helper T cell ct is 200, it usually shows up). Used to be MCC death in AIDs pt, but now has gone down, b/c as soon as your CD4 ct is 200, dr. will put pt on prophylactic therapy with TMP-SMX. When taking TMP-SMX and protecting against PCP, would other organism is the pt protected from? Toxoplasmosis. (so, you get 2 for 1). MCC space occupying lesion within the brain in a pt with AIDs= Toxoplasmosis Seen with silver stain: cysts of PCP can be seen look like ping pong balls, seen in alveoli, leading to alveolar in5iltrate, leading to dyspnea, tachypnea, foamy bubbly in5iltrate, on chest x-ray, looks all white out b/c of the involvement of the lung however, not only seen in lungs, can be seen in any part of the body also seen in lymph nodes of HIV +. Other organisms that are only seen with silver stain: bartenella henselae (bacillary angiomatosis), Legionella (not visualized with gram stain, therefore use butuly??? silver stain) 8. TB Organism in upper lobe of lungs (play odds) TB see cavitary lesion, which is reactivation TB (not primary). Primary TB is the lower part of the upper lobe or the upper part of the lower lobe and close to the pleura (kind of in the middle of the lobe). Primary TB has a Ghon focus and a Ghon complex. Most people recover; when pt is immunocompromised, it leads to reactivation and goes into the apex and produces a cavitary lesion. There is no Ghon focus or complex in reactivation TB, only primary TB. Other things that cavitate in upper lobes: Which systemic fungus is the TB of the lungs? Histoplasmosis Which cancer can cavitate in the lung? Squamous Cell carcinoma of the lung Which bacteria (that has a big mucous wall around it) can also produce cavitations in the upper lobe? Klebsiella pneumoniae. What is acid fast stain staining? Mycolic acids. So, just b/c something is cavitating the upper lobe, it is not necessarily TB. C. Foreign Bodies

If you are standing or sitting up, foreign bodies will go to posterobasal segment of the right lower lobe. This is the most posterior segment of the right lower lobe. If you are lying down (MC way to aspirate things), foreign body will go to superior segment of the right lower lobe. If you are lying on the right side, can go to 2 places 1) middle lobe 2) posterior segment of right upper lobe (this is the ONLY one that is in the upper lobe. If you are lying down on your left, and aspirate, it will go to the lingula. Summary: Sitting/standing = posterobasal segment of right lower lobe Back: superior segment of right lower lobe Right: middle or sup segment of right lower lobe Left: lingula D. Abscess MCC abscess = aspiration of oropharyngeal material Seen commonly in street people that do not have good dentition, may be drunk and fall and oropharyngeal material will be aspirated. Aspirate consists of aerobes and anaerobes, leading to putrid/stanch smell. The aspirate is a mixture of all these organisms: Mixed aerobes and anaerobes, fusobacterium, bacteroides. Can get absecces in the lung from pneumonia: staph aureus, Klebsiella (however, MCC is aspiration), see 5luid cavities in lung on x-ray. VI. Pulmonary Vascular Disease: A. Pulmonary Embolus 2 types of emboli tiny ones that produce wedge shaped hemorrhagic emboli or can chip off large ones. Where do most Pul emboli embolize from? MC SITE for thrombosis is the deep veins of the lower leg. This is NOT the most common site for embolization; it is the femoral vein (this is the MC site for embolization). Makes sense b/c venous clots propagate toward the heart (deep veins to the femoral vein, and the femoral vein is a larger vessel, therefore it is more likely to chip off). So, the femoral vein is the MC site for embolization to the lung. The deep veins are the MC site where deep venous thrombosis begins. (when it get to the femoral vein, it is dangerous for embolization). So, small ones produces hemorrhagic infarct that is only if you have an underlying lung dz. If I have a small embolus, prob wont infarct b/c dont have abnormal lungs. However, if you have preexisting lung dz you will infarct. 85% of the time embolus will not produce infarct. However, in the 15%, most of the pts with infarcts have preexisting lung dz (ie they are smokers). The other type of embolus is a saddle embolus (it is huge) and blocks off the ori5ices of the pulmonary vessels and pulmonary arteries. If you knock off at least 3 out of the 5

ori5ices, you are dead in a millisecond, so there is no infarction b/c you dont have time to infarct. It produces acute right heart strain and immediate death. Screening test of choice: Ventilation perfusion scan will have ventilation, no perfusion; conUirmatory test is pulmonary angiogram. VII. Restrictive Pulmonary Disease Restrictive something is restricting it from 5illing. Example: restricted 5illing of the heart = restrictive cardiomyopathy. Or restriction in 5illing up of the lungs with air. Have 2 terms: compliance (Uilling term, inspiration term) and elasticity (recoil, expiration term); For restrictive lung dz, picture a hot rubber bottle for restrictive lung dz. The hot rubber bottle is dif5icult to blow up, therefore compliance is decreased and it is hard to 5ill the lung up with air. So, whats preventing it from blowing up? Fibrosis (interstial 5ibrosis, MCly). If you get the hot water rubber bottle 5illed with air and let the air out, what happens to the elasticity? Increases. So, compliance is decreased and cannot 5ill it up, but once you do 5ill the lung up, it comes out quickly (elasticity increases). Example: pt with sarcoid diff to 5ill lungs, but get it out fast (due to 5ibrosis). So, all TLC, RV, TV (all lung capacities have all equally decreased). FEV1/FVC on spirometer take a deep breath (ie pt with sarcoid) FEV1 (amount you get out in one sec normally it is 4 liters) is decreased, FVC (total that got out after deep inspiration) is decreased (b/c increased elasticity) this is the same as FEV1, so the ratio is often 1. Normally, the FVC is 5 liters, and the FEV1 is normally 4 liters so, the normal FEV1/FVC ratio is 4/5 =80%. B/c the elasticity is increased, the FVC is the same as FEV1, and therefore the ratio is increased to 1 instead of 0.8. Examples of restrictive lung dzs: 1. Pneumoconiosis airborne/dustborne dzs famous in big cities (LA, NY). Cole worker pneumoconiosis esp. in west Virginia/Penn, have an anthrocotic pigment that causes a 5ibrous rxn in the lung, leading to restrictive lung dz. Have an increased incidence of TB, but not cancer. 2. Silicosis Sandblasters get graf5iti off things, or work in foundries and deal with rocks (ie quartz), and break them down, and breathe in dust, leading to silicoses). Have nodules in the lung that are hard has rock (literally) b/c there is quartz in them and it looks like metastatic dz in the lung (silica dioxide which is sand in the lung) again, increased of TB, not cancer. If pt happens to have rheumatoid arthritis, and also has one of these pneumoconiosis (ie Cole workers), have a potential for a syndrome, which is called caplan syndrome. Caplan syndrome consists of rheumatoid nodules in the lung (same as extensor surfaces in the arm). Rheumatoid arthritis commonly involves the lung with 5ibrosis. And rheumatoid nodules can form in the lung. The combo of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid nodules) in

the lung, plus pneumoconiosis (silicosis/asbestosis/Cole workers) = caplan syndrome. 3. Asbestos asbestos 5ibers look like dumbbells (therefore ez to recognize). These are called ferruginous bodies. Asbestos 5ibers coated with iron, therefore can call them either asbestos bodies or ferruginous bodies. MC pulmonary lesion assoc with asbestos is not cancer it is a 5ibrous plaque with a pleura, which is b9 (not a precursor for mesothelioma). MC cancer assoc with asbestos = primary lung cancer, 2nd MCC = mesothelioma, which is a malignancy of the serosal lining of the lungs. If you are a smoker and have asbestos exposure, you have an increased chance of getting primary lung cancer. This is a good example of synergism (other causes of lung cancer (SCC) include smoking, alcohol). Asbestos + smoker = will get cancer. There is no increased incidence of mesothelioma with smoking (not synergistic). Example: Roofer for 25 years, nonsmoker (do tell you, but you had to know that 25 years ago, all the roo5ing material had asbestos in it; in other parts of NY, many buildings were torn down, and there was asbestos in the roo5ing of those buildings, which was inhaled by many people, and 10-30 years later they developed primary lung cancer or another complication of asbestosis). What would he most likely get? Primary lung cancer (primary pleural plaque was not there). If he was a smoker? Primary lung cancer. Mesothelioma takes 25-30 years to develop. Lung cancers take about 10 years to develop. Lung cancers are more common, and you die earlier. What is the main cause of asbestos exposure? Roofers or people working in a naval shipyard (b/c all the pipes in the ship are insulated with asbestos), also in brake lining of cars and headgear. 4. Sarcoidosis =2nd MCC restrictive lung dz. Example: classic x-ray lymph nodes (hilar lymph nodes are big), haziness seen, too, which is interstial 5ibrosis. Sarcoid is a granulomatous dz that has NO relationship to infection (cause = unknown). Causes a noncaseating granuloma (not caseating b/c no relationship to TB and systemic fungal infections). The lungs are ALWAYS involved (lungs are the primary target organ), and more common in blacks. Example: black person, 35 y/o, with dyspnea, see hilar nodes on x-ray, uviitis (blurry vision this is in5lammation of the uveal tract this dz always affects something in the face, and the face the 2nd MC site a lesion will occur with this dz, can also involve salivary glands or lacrimal glands something in the head/neck/face area (behind the lungs). This dz is a dx of exclusion, therefore must rule out anything that causes granuloma (TB, Histo), along with the correct physical presentation = Sarcoidosis. Rx = steroids. ACE enzymes are very high in these pts b/c granulomas in kidney; hypercalcemia macrophages (epitheloid cells) make 1-alpha- hydroxylase. If they are making 1-alpha-hydroxylase, what is the mech of hypercalcemia? Hypervitaminosis D. you are second hydroxylation more vit D and therefore have excess vit D, and vit D promotes reabsorption of calcium and

phosphorus, leading to hypercalcemia. This is the MC noninfectious cause of granulomatous hepatitis (TB is the MCC of infectious hepatitis, 2nd MC = pneumoconiosis). 5. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (farmers lung, siloUillers dz, bysinosis) These are restrictive lung dzs. Dont confuse farmers lung and silo5illers dz they are BOTH seen in farmers. So, remember one, the other is the other! SiloUillers dz put things in silos, which is a closed space, and fermentation of gas occurs, the gas is nitrogen dioxide Example: farmer went into a room in his barn and suddenly developed wheezing and dyspnea, why? B/c he took in nitrogen dioxide, which is a fermenting problem. (silo can explode b/c gas from fermentation). Farmers lung thermophilic actinomyces (a mold). Example: on tractor, dust being blown up in the air and thermophilic actinomyces (which is a mold) is inhaled; leading to hypersensitivity and HPY pneumonitis and they end up with a restrictive lung dz. Bysinosis worker in textile industry, and they get dyspnea. These are the HPY and restrictive lung dzs. Goodpasture syndrome Begins in the lungs with a restrictive lung dz (with coughing up blood hemoptysis), and ends up very shortly with renal dz (therefore, it starts in the lung and ends in the kidneys). This is a restrictive lung dz. VIII. Obstructive lung Dz A. Deals with compliance/elasticity concept In obstructive lung dz, no prob getting air in, but have a problem in getting the air out. Why dont you have a problem getting it in? B/c the elastic tissue support is destroyed, so it is very ez to 5ill up the lungs. However, b/c the elastic tissue support is destroyed, it is very dif5icult hard to get it out b/c it collapses on expiration, so you can get air in, but cannot get air out. In a pt with obstructive air dz, they breathe in with no problem, but have trouble getting it out. So, something is left over in the lung cannot get all the air out, therefore the residual volume is increased (whenever something is left over, it is called the residual). So, if you cannot get air out, then the residual volume increases, which means that the TLC will increase, which means that the diaphragm will go down b/c as the lungs are over in5lated, and the AP diameter will go out. So, with obstructive lung dz, you have increased AP diameter and diaphragms go down (depressed). There is only a certain amount of expansion your chest can go. Eventually, the chest starts to compress other volumes (as you trap air and residual volumes go up). So, tidal volume starts decreasing, vital capacity goes down b/c the residual vol is increasing and you are

compressing other volumes. So, TLC and RV increases, everything else decreases. On spirometer, FEV1 is very low (usually 1 normally it is 4). In other words, you have a better FEV1 with restrictive lung dz b/c you can get air in. The FVC (total amt they can get out) is 3 liters (vs. 5 liters). When you do a ratio of FEV1/FVC, the ratio has decreased, hence distinguishing restrictive from obstructive dzs. Classic COPD x-ray: hard to see the heart, with depressed diaphragms (at level of umbilicus), increased AP diameter dx? Classic obstructive dz x-ray prob getting air out, therefore the diaphragm is down and AP diameter is increased. Example: 3 month old can have this same 5inding due to RSV Example: Newborn with Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia b/c he is trapping air. B. There are 4 type of obstructive lung dzs: chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, asthma. The ones associated with smoking are bronchitis and emphysema. 1. Chronic Bronchitis Purely a clinical dx = Pt has productive cough for 3 months out of the year for 2 consecutive years. Where is the dz? Terminal bronchioles (you have main stem bronchus, segmental bronchi, terminal bronchioles, resp bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli). As soon as you hit the terminal bronchioles, these are small airway; it is all turbulent air up to terminal bronchioles. After that, it is parallel branching of the airways. The turbulent air hits the terminal bronchioles and then hits a massive cross sectional airway where you can go diff paths b/c parallel branching of the small airways. So, the air5low changes from turbulent to laminar air5low. By the time you hit the resp unit, it is not moving the air. Most small airway dzs are inUlammation of the terminal bronchioles, leads to wheeze. Terminal bronchioles are the site of chronic bronchitis. This is the same area as asthma and bronchiolitis. More prox to the terminal bronchioles, in bronchitis, you will get a mucus gland hyperplasia, and a lot of crap is coming up (thats the productive part). The actual area of obstruction is the terminal bronchiole. Have goblet cell metaplasia and mucous plugs. Think about having one terminal bronchiole and one mucous plug this is affecting a major cross sectional area of lung b/c all the parallel branches that derive from here will not have CO2 in them, and they are trying to get air past the mucous plug, but cannot. So, there is a HUGE vent-perfusion mismatch. This is why they are called blue boaters they are cyanotic. They have mucous plugs in the terminal bronchioles and cannot rid CO2. 2. Emphysema Not in the terminal bronchioles. It is in the resp unit (resp unit is where gas exchange occurs cannot exchange gas in the terminal bronchioles aka nonresp bronchiole); it is the primary place for expiratory wheeze and small airway dz,

however. Gas exchange occurs in the resp bronchiole, resp alveolar duct and alveoli. Only need to know 2 emphysemas: centrolobular and panacinar. Emphysema affects gas exchange and where it affects the airway is more distal, compared to chronic bronchitis (proximal). So, when you have emphysema with all the in5lammation associated with it, not only destroy the resp unit, but also the vasculature associated with it. Therefore, there is an even loss of ventilation and perfusion. So, will NOT have retention of CO2 in these pts. When you have a problem with a mucous plug in the terminal bronchiole, which is way more prox and a great cross sectional area of the lung is affected, there is gonna be a problem there; however when you are out this far (in emphysema) and also destroying the vessels, you will not have an increase in CO2. This is why they are called pink puffers, and this is why many of them have resp alkalosis. a) Centrolobular most associated with smoking and involved with the upper lobes. So, it is an upper lobe emphysema, and the primary portion of the resp unit that is destroyed is the resp bronchiole (this is the very 5irst thing that smoke hits). Neutrophils will damage it b/c all people that smoke have more neutrophils in their lungs, and smoke is chemotactic for neutrophils. ALL smokers have increased neutrophils in their lungs. What does alpha-1 antitrypsin do? Its an antielastase (its only purpose is to destroy elastases produced by neutrophils that is its function. If you are a smoker, that is denatured. So, you also have an acquired alpha-1 antitrypsin def). Dont have adequate alpha-1 antitrypsin, and have too many neutrophils in the lungs. This is a terrible combo. This why neutrophils have no problem in destroying the elastic tissue support of the respiratory bronchioles. So, you breath air in, which is no problem; but you try to get it out, and there is no elastic tissue support and leads to lung expansion this is why blebs are found there are big cystic spaces in the lung it has trapped air in there b/c there is no elastic tissue, so when it tries to get by, it just expands. This is centrolobular emphysema of the UPPER lobes. b) Panacinar Emphysema (remember pan means everything ie in pancytopenia, ALL the cells decreased). So, panacinar means that the ENTIRE resp unit is decreased b/c it is associated with NO alpha 1 antitrypsin. This is a genetic dz auto rec the LIVER does not make it. So, at a young age, you develop destruction of entire resp unit of the LOWER lobes, so this is a LOWER lobe emphysema. So, you can see that the resp bronchioles are knocked out, the alveolar ducts are knocked out, alveoli knocked out. So, you breathe in, and this entire resp unit catches it this is in the lower lobes. Smokers, which have an acquired alpha-1 antitrypsin def, can get an element of panacinar emphysema in the lower lobes, too. So, smokers can get 2 emphysemas: centrolobular emphysema in the upper lobes (which knocks off the resp bronchiole)

and in the lower lobes, get a panacinar type of pattern. Therefore, can get upper AND lower lobe emphysema, and 2 diff types of emphysema.

Audio File 25: Respiratory 3 - Gastro 1

3. Bronchiectasis Have bronchiectasis see bronchi going out to the pleura (abnormal). When you see bronchi going out further than the hilum, this is bronchiectasis. Mech: infection, destruction of the elastic tissue support, dilatation of the airways. Segmental bronchi; 5ill with pus. Example: pt has a productive cough of cupfuls (not just a tablespoon) of pus, b/c they are trapped. a) Causes: 1) MCC bronchiectasis in USA = cystic Uibrosis. If parent with child has cystic 5ibrosis, will see huge pus coming out of bronchi, a couple times per day. 2) MCC bronchiectasis in 3rd world countries = TB. 3) Kartageners syndrome (aka immotile cilia syndrome). 9+2 con5iguration arrangement with cilia and microtubules. The problem with immotile cilia syndrome is an absent dynein arm. The 9 microtubules on the outside have arms that keep them together these dynein arms are missing. So, when these arms are missing, the cilia cannot move. So, the places with cilia not moving are affected: these places are sinuses (why sinusitis is a problem), bronchiectasis (b/c there is cilia psuedostrati5ied columnar epithelium is affected), males and females are infertile (b/c the tail on the sperm cannot move the tail is a modi5ied cilia they head is moving, but the tail is weak. Women are infertile; too, b/c the fallopian tube needs cilia to carry the egg down. Organs are located on the opposite side (dextrocardia, withOUT transposition of great vessels). 4. Asthma Can be extrinsic (type 1 HPY) and intrinsic: Involves chemicals people in the workplace can get triad asthma, which involves people taking NSAIDs Many people, ie athletes will get exertional asthma and wheeze cromolyn Na is the DOC for these patients. Cold temps can cause asthma. Type I HPY has nothing to do with these causes of asthma. The wheezing is due to in5lammation of the terminal bronchioles it is not due to smoking, but b/c factors like LT C4, D4, E4, PGs causing in5lammation and narrowing of the airways. IX. Lung Cancer

A. Peripherally located vs. centrally located 1. Centrally located (mainstem bronchus): Have the highest association with smoking. Include squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma. These are generally centrally located, hence mainstem bronchus types of locations. Squamous cell are more common than small cell carcinomas. 2. Peripherally located: Adenocarcinomas (the more common primary lung cancer, more common than squamous) are more peripheral than central. Shifted to the periphery b/c of the 5ilters of the cigarettes. The 5ilters prevented the large carcinogens from passing in, but the small carcinogens still passed through, and they are not trapped in the main stem, but trapped in the periphery. There are at least 3 or 4 types of adenocarcinoma. One obviously does have a smoking relationship, while the others do not. The ones that do not have a smoking relationship include bronchiolar alveolar carcinoma, and large cell adenocarcinoma of the lung (scar cancers). B. Cytology: know what squamous cancer looks like with a pap smear. A lot of people think that the Papanicolaou stain is only done for cervical carcinoma. This is not the case. This is a famous stain (pap smear) used for all cytological specimens on for all organs. The stain stains keratin bright red. Slide: (pic) pt that is a smoker with a centrally located mass. Showing sputum sample with a Papanicolaou (pap smear) stain has red keratin, which is squamous cell carcinoma. If this were a cervical pap smear from a woman that is 40 years of age, this is squamous cell carcinoma. The keratin is staining bright red! (bright red cytoplasm = keratin = squamous cell carcinoma). Papanicolaou stains keratin bright red. Example: small cells that look like lymphocytes this is small cell carcinoma. This is more dif5icult to dx, b/c sometimes diff to tell the difference from lymphocytes. Slide shows malignant cells. Small cell carcinoma is the most malignant cancer of the lung. Rx? Radiation and chemo (not surgery). These are auput tumors with neurosecretory granules and S-100 Ag positive. They can make ADH and ACTH. A slightly less malignant tumor with auput origin is the bronchiocarcinoid. It is a low grade malignancy of the same types of cells that produce small cell carcinoma. So, they can invade, met, and produce carcinoid syndrome if they make increased amount of serotonin. They dont have to mets to produce carcinoid syndrome it just goes straight into the bloodstream. It is very uncommon. C. Cancer:

MC cancer of lung = mets ie see many metastatic nodules all over lung; if you play odds, what is the primary cancer? breast (which the MC met to the lung, or in other words, it is the MC cancer of the lung). Summary of lung cancer in the lung: MC cancer = mets MC primary cancer = primary adenocarcinoma of the lung, followed by squamous and small cell carcinoma. Worst cancer (worst prognosis): small cell carcinoma. Horners syndrome pancoast tumor/superior sulcus tumor tumors that are in the upper lobe posteriorly (in post mediastinum); most of the time is caused by squamous carcinoma in that area. Whats happening here? Tumor is locally invading into the local part of the lower trunk of the brachial plexus, so can get lower trunk brachial plexus like 5indings, and can also affect the superior cervical ganglion. This is in the posterior mediastinum, therefore will end up with Horners syndrome; as a result, will end up knocking OFF sympathetic activity ptosis (lid is lower), anhydrous (lack of sweating), miosis (in sympathetic, which is 5ight or 5light, normally have mydriasis, which dilates the pupil with 5ight or 5light, want as much light as possible, therefore dilating pupil, but this is cut off, leading to miosis). Do not confuse with SVC syndrome; this is just blocking off SVC. Myasthenia has to do with thymoma, which is located in the anterior mediastinum. Exudate vs. transudate (< 3 grams, without many cells in it) MCC pleural effusion due to transudate = HF Exudate = protein > 3 grams, and has cells in it (ie pneumonias, pulmonary infarction)

CHAPTER 9: Gastro

I. Diseases of the Mouth A. Herpes simplex; Herpes labialis-(fever blisters and cold sores); primary herpes is a systemic infection. Have fever, viremia, generalized lymphadenopathy, and goes away; it stays in the sensory ganglia (dormant in the sensory ganglia) every now and then it can come out with stress, menses, whatever, and will form vesicles. Recurrent herpes is no longer systemic there is no more fever, and no more lymphadenopathy. Other virus that remain latent herpes zoster remains latent in the sensory ganglia; can involve the skin, lips, dermatomes. So, primary herpes is systemic, recurrent herpes is not. (No fever = no lymphadenopathy).If we enroot and stain, will see inclusion in herpes it is a multinucleated cell with internuclear inclusions. Biopsy of a multinucleated cell from a pt with HIV, with multiple internuclear inclusions herpes esophagitis. B. Hairy Leukoplakia This is not an AIDs de5ining lesion, but IS a preAIDs type of infection as is thrush, shingles. Located on the lateral boarder of the tongue. Has nothing to do with dysplasia (leukoplakia). It is a result of an infection from EBV. So, do not get the idea that it is a preneoplastic lesion. Start seeing this before the helper T cell count get to 200. Rx - Acyclovir C. Thrush (oral candidiasis) In an adult, therefore can assume that it is in an immunocompromised patient, where there is a defect in cellular immunity. In kids (newborns), they can get it from the mom on the way out. However, it is not a sign of immunocompromise. So, adult = ICd D. Exudative tonsillitis 30% chance that it is group A beta hemolytic strep. 70% chance that it is a virus; adenovirus, EBV. So, when you see exudative tonsillitis, cannot assume it is bacteria and immediately give PCN. How do you prove it is group A strep? Latex agglutination test. So, most pus tonsils are not bacteria. Example: It is group A strep, and 3 weeks later, has bilateral rales, pansystolic murmur apex radiating into the axilla, polyarthritis dx? Rheumatic fever. When you do a blood culture what would you 5ind? Nothing its not an infective endocarditis.

E. Leukoplakia White lesion, plaque like, try to scrap off, but wont come off = clinical dx of leukoplakia what is the 5irst step in management? Bx True in the vulva/penis area white or reddish-white plaque like lesion that does not scrape off 5irst step in management? Bx. Why? Rule out dysplasia and/or invasive cancer. F. Cancer of the mouth MCC squamous dysplasia and cancer = smoking 2nd MCC = alcohol If you do both, you increase the risk of both. Invasive squamous cancer = color change Lower lip cancer? Squamous cell carcinoma Upper lip? Basal cell carcinoma Veracious carcinoma from chewing tobacco (squamous carcinoma); also has a HPV virus associated with it. G. Hyperpigmentation dx? Addisons Addisons: diffuse pigmentation, low cortisol levels, increased ACTH (ACTH has melanocytes stimulating properties); very 5irst place you see hyperpigmentation is in the Buccal mucosa. H. Peutz-Jeghers Blotchy (not diffuse) areas of hyperpigmentation. Polyps in small intestine. This is one of the exceptions to rule for polyps in the small intestine. Most polyps in the GI located in the sigmoid colon; however, polyps of Peutz Jeghers are located in the small intestine, and they are hamartomas, therefore they are not neoplastic, and their ability to change to cancer is ZERO. II. Diseases of the Salivary Glands Pleomorphic adenoma aka Mumps / mixed tumor ( NOT a teratoma, but a mixed tumor it has two diff types of tissues, same cell layer). It is the MC salivary gland tumor overall, and is in the MC location the parotid. Mumps paramxyovirus, increase in amylase; is the incidence of orchitis high? No; does it cause infertility? No, why? B/c its unilateral if it were bilateral then it would a much greater chance. Usually in older teenage males or male adults is where orchitis will occur. Can also occur in females - oophoeritis MC unilateral, therefore infertility is rare. III. Diseases of the esophagus

A. Dysphagia and odynophgia = difUiculty swallowing Most of the time, there will be 5-6 clues per question. A pt has problem swallowing foods, is it solids or liquids? If the pt can take down liquids and not solids (difUiculty in swallowing solids), it is due to obstruction can be due to esophageal web in Plummer Vinson syndrome, IDA with glossitis and cheilosis and an esophageal web, esophageal cancer If pt has problem swallowing solids AND liquids, it is a peristalsis problem, which is very bad. If its the upper 1/3 of the esophagus (which is all striated muscle), it is due to myasthenia gravis (b/c it affects striated muscle). If its the middle 1/3 (combo of smooth and striated muscle). And if its the lower 1/3 (smooth muscle) its due to Scleroderma (aka progressive systemic sclerosis and CREST syndrome) and achalasia. So, they will tell you immediately if they can swallow liquids and/or solids, or neither (which is a peristalsis problem). How can you distinguish PSS/CREST from achalasia? In achalasia, they vomit up the food they ate when they go to bed at night; or they will tell you pt has Raynauds, indicating that it is CREST. Odynophgia = PAINFUL swallowing; always abnormal In HIV pt = Candida esophagitis is it AIDs de5ining? Yes. MC fungal infection in HIV = Candida When it gets into the esophagus, it is AIDs de5ining When it is a thrush, it is PRE AIDS lesion (not aids de5ining) Helpful hints with other diseases: Palpable purpura = immune HPY type III = Henoch Schonlein (MC) Epistaxis = platelet problem (dont think hemophilia)they give clues! Pansystolic murmur increases on inspiration = tricuspid regurg Pansystolic murmur increases on expiration = mitral regurg B. Tracheoesophageal Uistula Blindly ending esophagus (prox esophagus ends blindly) distal esophagus arrives from the trachea. What does the mom have? Polyhydramnios amniotic 5luid is baby urine, so have to recycle it, or mom will have big belly. So, the baby swallows it and it is reabsorbed in the small intestine. So, if you have obstruction in the esophagus, or proximal portions of the duodenum, mom will have polyhydramnios. So, there are 2 answers: 1) Tracheoesophageal 5istula 2) duodenal atresia in Downs syndrome these 2 are associated with polyhydramnios. They block the ability to reabsorb amniotic 5luid, leading to polyhydramnios. Also, when these kids eat, food gets

caught and kids cough and sputter b/c the distal esophagus arises from the trachea and leads to distension of the stomach. This is very characteristic. C. Zenkers diverticulum Area of weakness cricopharyngeous muscle. It has a lil slit in between the 5ibers of it. Not the whole area is cut (which would be a true diverticulum this is a false diverticulum). It goes out and gets a pouch. The pouch collects food and leads to halitosis. They have a tendency of regurgitating undigested food out of the nose. D. Achalasia Peristalsis prob prob with relaxation of the LES, therefore it is in spasm all the time. Why? If you bx that area, this means that the ganglion cells are missing. What dz does this remind you of? Hirschsprung dz. What is in those ganglion cells? Vasointestinal peptide (VIP). What is its function? To relax the LES. So, when you destroy those ganglionic cells, not only do you destroy the movement of the lower esophagus, but you also reduce VIP levels. So, you have constant constriction of the LES, leading to bird beak. Prox portion is dilated. E. Parasites Dz of South America where the leishmania forms invades the ganglion cells of the LES and the rectum produce acquired achalasia and Hirschsprung dz = Chagas dz, vector = reduvid bug (aka kissing bug); swelling of the eye sign? Romanas. What does it do in the heart? Causes myocarditis and chronic heart failure congestive cardiomyopathy. This is one of the more common causes of heart dz in South America. F. Barrett esophagus Ulcerated mucosa in the distal esophagus. Bx: see glandular metaplasia; therefore see goblet cells and mucous cell (which shouldnt be there). They are there b/c the esophagus cannot protect itself from esophageal injury. Therefore, run the risk of adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus. Example: If the lesion in esophagus, dsyphagia of solids, but not liquids, lesion in noted in distal esophagus do NOT pick squamous cell carcinoma this is in the MID esophagus. If it is distal, it is adenocarcinoma, and the precursor lesion is Barretts esophagus. G. Esophageal varices Dilated submucosal esophageal veins = therefore pt has cirrhosis, who was an alcoholic. Pt also has portal HTN the left gastric vein is involved (one of the branches off the portal vein is left gastric vein). The left gastric vein drains the distal esophagus and proximal stomach. What drains into the left gastric vein? Azygous vein. Where does the left gastric vein drain into? Portal vein. However, b/c of cirrhosis, portal vein cannot empty blood suf5iciently into it, the hydrostatic pressure

increases; you reverse blood 5low into the left gastric vein, splenic vein, and other veins, and end up producing varices that rupture. Hematemisis = vomiting blood Hemoptysis = coughing up blood Hematochezia = blood pouring out of anus (actual dripping of blood not coating of stool with blood, that is seen in anus). MCC = diverticulosis; not diverticlulitis b/c the vessel is next to the diverticular sac, so if it were -titis, it would be scarred off. With -osis, it is intact, and just have to erode it, leading to 6 mL bleed.

H. Mallory Weiss Syndrome Tear at esophago-gastric junction. Example: lets say its young woman (play odds) what does she have? Bulimia. Classic Example: alcoholic with retching (trying to vomit, but nothing is coming out causes tremendous pressures, leading to tear (hematemisis) or puncture (Borhaves - this is when the air gets into the pleural cavity, and leads to Hamans crunch of the anterior mediastinum). So, seen with bulimia and leads to Borhaves (vs. an alcoholic). I. Esophageal cancer Squamous cancer (not distal, but mid); MCCs = smoking and alcohol (2nd MCC) Dysphagia seen in this pt - initially, pt cannot swallow solids, but can take down liquids. Example: 50 y/o, male, alcoholic, wt loss, prob swallowing foods, not liquids dx? Esophageal cancer squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus (play odds). Example: pic of trachea and see cartilage rings, and elastic artery (esophageal in middle) this is esophageal cancer. IV. Diseases of the Stomach A. Congenital Pyloric Stenosis Example: male, 3 weeks old and started vomiting non bile stained Uluid at 3 wks; palpated the abdomen and felt a knot in RUQ and see hyperperistalsis. This is NON bile stain 5luid at 3 weeks. Congenital Pyloric Stenosis What if it is duodenal atresia in a downs kid? That would be at birth vomiting of bile stained 5luid. And double bubble sign atresia (lack of development of the lumen) is distal to where the bile duct comes in, so bile can still enter the proximal portion of the duodenum this is why it is bile staining b/c there is no movement, there will be air trapped in there, and air is trapped in the stomach, therefore there is air in the stomach and prox duodenum a double bubble sign. Also, mom will have

polyhydramnios. So, do not confuse congenital pyloric stenosis (which has no relationship to downs) with duodenal atresia. It does have multifactorial inheritance; therefore it can be increased in future children. Can see pyloric stenosis, as it has thickened. To Rx, split the muscle (called pyloroplasty). B. NSAID ulcers Non steroidal will block PGE2, which is responsible for the mucous barrier of the stomach, and vasodilatation of the vessels, mucous secretion, and secretion of bicarb into the mucous barrier. So, when you take NSAIDS for a period of time, the whole thing is destroyed. Leads to multiple ulcers and signi5icant blood loss over time. They are punched out. C. H. pylori Silver stain (as is PCP, Legionella, bartenella hensilai). Comma shaped organisms (like campylobacter), but found out that they have different cell walls and etc. Nasty bug b/c it make lots of cytokines and urease which converts urea to ammonia, and is one of the reasons why they can burrow through the mucous layer ammonia is very toxic this is the test we use when we take bx of gastric mucosa, we do a urease test on it and if its positive, know H pylori is in it. Can also use serological tests Abs against it. Its only good for the 5irst time. Why? B/c the Abs do not go away and, therefore cannot dx reactivation or recurrent. After that it is useless b/c wont tell anything b/c will always be positive b/c Abs stick around. Where does pernicious anemia hit? Body and fundus. That is where the parietal cells have autoAbs destroying them, and IF leading to atrophic gastritis. This is NOT where H pylori exerts its affect. H pylori affects the pylorus and antrum. It destroys the mucosa, leading to atrophic gastritis of the pylorus and antrum. This is where cancers are. Most cancers are along the lesser curvature of the pylorus and antrum (exact same place where gastric ulcers are). The H pylori live in a mucous barrier and therefore is protected. MCC stomach cancer = H pylori. H pylori can also cause malignant lymphomas of the stomach (low grade). Why dont we ever bx a duodenal ulcer? B/c they are never malignant. But gastric ulcers have a chance of becoming malignant therefore need to biopsy gastric and not duodenal ulcers. Only reason they bx a gastric ulcer is b/c they are trying to rule out whether it is cancer (malignant) or not they know its an ulcer and it has a 3% of benign malignant. Never have to bx a duodenal ulcer, so just leave alone. H pylori is more commonly assoc with duodenal PUD than gastric. Why do you get melana with upper GI bleeds? Upper GI = anything that is a bleed from the ligamentum of trietz where the duodenum hits the jejunum and up. Why is it black? Acid acts on Hb and converts it to hematin. Hematin is black pigment,

leading to melana. This is imp to know, b/c if you have black tarry stools, and its 95% chance that is an upper GI bleed, and if you play odds, it is prob a duodena ulcer (vs. a gastric ulcer). So, Hb is converted by acid to hematin, which is a black pigment. Vomiting of coffee ground material = blood clots acted upon by acid and changes to hematin. Example: Pt, an executive under great stress, and sudden onset of severe epigastric pain that radiates into the left shoulder. First step in work up? Flat plate of the abdomen; see air under diaphragm. Odds? Duodenal ulcer. Why did he have shoulder pain? Air got out, settled under the diaphragm, irritated nerve #4 (phrenic), and got referred pain to the dermatome (which is the same dermatomes)

Audio File 26: Gastro 2

D. Rhinitis Plastica: Adenocarcinoma of the stomach With signet ring cells. Example: 52 y/o female with weight loss and epigastric distress. She had an upper gastrointestinal series, noted that stomach did not move (no peristalsis), and then she died. Dx? Rhinitis plastica cells that are invading the wall of the entire stomach, called signet ring cells (which are stained with mucocarnine cells, are pink signet cells are like a diamond ring, and the diamond has been pushed to the periphery). The mucous is inside, making the cell look empty, and pushing the nucleus to the side (just like fatty change of the liver). However, these are malignant neoplastic glandular cells, and are characteristic of rhinitis plastica type of gastric adenocarcinoma. Misconception: Krukenberg tumor is not a tumor that is seeding out to the ovary. This tumor is due to hematogenous spread to the ovary. There is no such thing as a signet ring carcinoma of the ovary (there is no primary cancer of the ovary that looks like this). The signet ring cells came from stomach cancer that has metastasize to ovaries = Krukenberg tumor. Most are ulcerative tumors in the lesser curvature of the pylorus and antrum. Leather bottle stomach very hard due to all of the cancer cells and the 5ibrous response to it. Gastric cancer is declining in US; other countries it is a primary cancer - Japan, b/c smoked products. Other ethnic cancers: nasopharyngeal carcinoma = china; stomach cancer and HTLV 1 = Japan; Burkitts lymphoma = Africa. If there was a nontender mass in left supraclavicular area and pt with epigastric distress one week ago dx? Metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma. Cervical cancer can also metastasize here. Left supraclavicular node drains abdominal organs; therefore pancreatic cancers but mostly the stomach cancers metastasize there. The right supraclavicular node mets are from lung cancer. V. Malabsorption Means bad absorption of everything: fats, carbs, and proteins. Diagnosis point of view we look for increased fat in the stool = steatorrhea = screening test for malabsorption. A. Fat Digestion:

1) Need lipases to break down fat into 2 monoglycerides and FAs, so you need a functioning pancreas. 2) Need villi of the small intestine b/c if we didnt, the small intestine would have to be a mile long. Villi increase the overall absorptive surface without increasing the length. So, if you dont have them, you decrease the absorptive surface, and will lose the monoglycerides and FAs. Therefore, you need a functioning SI with villi. 3) Need bile salts to emulsify the fat and break it down to micelles (tiny particles that are 1 micron in diameter) and chymlomicrons. Emulsifying agents are many times in dishwashers b/c need to get fat off plates. Fat will come to the surface and break up into micelles, which are easier to absorb. So, need functioning pancreas, bile salts, small intestine that has villi in order to reabsorb fat. Bile salts are made in the liver from cholesterol. Cholesterol cannot be degraded; it either solubilized in bile (therefore run the risk of cholesterol stones) or is converted to bile acids. Cannot break down cholesterol. \ Bile salt de5iciency is seen in: a) liver dz; b) anything that obstructs bile 5low will produce bile salt def; c) bacterial overgrowth can eat and breakdown bile; d) terminal ileal dz, ex. Crohns dz cannot recycle; and e) Cholestyramine: resins used for treatment of hyperlipidemia, can produce bile salt def. This is the MOA of resins, by binding and then excreting them, b/c if you are not recycling them, you will make more. Whats happening in the liver? Upregulation of LDL receptors synthesis, b/c need to make more bile salts, therefore need to suck more out of the blood and will make more LDL receptors. These drugs will eventually take more cholesterol out of the blood and lower it, so you can make more bile salts. It also takes drugs with it, so its not good for people taking meds, b/c you will lose these meds in the stool, along with bile salts. Dzs: screening test is looking for fat in stool (steatorrhea) lets say it is positive. So, we have to 5igure which if the 3 areas is the cause of the malabsorption pancreatic def, bile salt def, or something wrong with the small bowel (MC). B. Celiac Dz (sprue) Pic of small bowel lesion and a skin zit that has an association with it. This is celiac dz (autoimmune dz), and the skin zit is dermatitis herpetiformis. Celiac dz is an autoimmune dz against gluten wheat, esp. gliadin. It is very common and is the MCC of malabsorption in this country. So, when you eat wheat products, the gluten is reabsorbed into the villi and there are Abs against gliadin, and leads to destruction of the villi (just like Abs against parietal cells or intrinsic factors, which destroy everything around it). So, the Abs attack gluten that has just been reabsorbed by the food, which will cause destruction of the villus. And there are no villi here it is 5lat; blunting of villus so you are not able to reabsorb fat, proteins, or carbs. There is no

villus surface. The glands underneath are 5ine, however. The villi are absent. There is a 100% chance of dermatitis herpetiformis association with underlying celiac dz. Dermatitis herpetiformis is an autoimmune dz, and it is a vesicular lesion of the skin looks like herpes of the skin. They will show pic of a dermatitis herpetiformis, and will ask what the cause of diarrhea is? Abs against gluten (gliadin).

C. Whipples dz An infection of the small infection due to an organism that you cannot gram stain. T. whippelii only seen with EM; cannot be cultured. See 5lat blunted villi and foamy macrophages (look like Niemann pic bubbly macrophages; can also be from an HIV + b/c it looks like Whipples, but isnt). The macrophages have distinctive PAS- positive stains. HIV positive pt and acid fast stain pt with helper T cell count of 100. Have an acid fast stain with the foamy macrophages due to MAI (this is more common that TB), and can cause Whipple like dz with malabsorption. Whipples, being an infection, has systemic signs and symptoms: fever, lymphadenopathy, polyarthritis, generalized pain. Its an infection therefore can be treated with antibiotics. So, there are 2 dzs that cause malabsorption: celiac dz and Whipples dz. Other dzs are dzs of the pancreas chronic pancreatitis (MC in alcoholics 2 reasons for malabsorption in alcoholics a lipase def related to chronic pancreatitis, or bile salt def due to cirrhosis, or both in an alcoholic). D. Diarrhea Best way to classify is to subdivide into 3 types: 1. Invasive: bacteria invades 2. Secretory: the bacteria produces toxins and that will stimulate cAMP (or other mechanisms) causing the small bowel to secrete small amounts of ISOTONIC 5luid, which is NaCl. 3. Osmotic: lactase de5iciency. Also produced by laxatives, and other inborn errors of metabolism. Secretory and osmotic diarrheas are high volume diarrheas and you go frequently, whereas invasive diarrhea is a small volume diarrhea. Best/cheapest test to get in a pt with diarrhea = fecal smear for leukocytes. If there are NOT any neutrophil dont worry because not invasive. If there are in5lammatory cells then you must do fecal smear test for campylobacter or shigella.

a) Osmotic diarrhea (5its in with osmotic water movement) is when there is some osmotically active substance in the bowel lumen that is sucking water out of the bowel, causing a high volume, hypotonic loss of 5luid. Example: lactase def. = brush border or disaccharidase de5iciency, a brush border enzyme. In a classic case but they will not tell you its a lactase def, instead will tell you its a disaccharidase def or even a brush border enzyme def. So if youre lactase def, it means that any dairy products which contains lactose (which breaks down into glucose and galactose) cant be indigested. So it will go to the colon, and act as desserts to the anaerobic bacteria which will eat the lactose and produces hydrogen gas, and other gases, and acids, and get acidic stools. The hydrogen gases causes the bloating, distention, and incredible explosive diarrhea. b) Secretory diarrhea: two things to know, Vibrio cholerae and ETEC (travelers diarrhea). These are not invasive diarrhea, therefore when you do a bowel biopsy there will not be one iota of in5lammation, its perfectly normal. Its purely a toxin that activates a pump either cAMP (Vibrio) or some other pump: guanylate cyclase (E. coli). Treatment: when you give 5luid replacement to patients with v. cholerae, you need to give glucose along with the 5luids. This is b/c you need glucose to co- transport Na that was in the 5luids. Side note: Need to know the other E. coli related toxins: EHEC: O157:H7; EIEV; and EaggEC. c) Invasive diarrhea: the MC in US is caused by campylobacter jejuni, and shigella is a close second. Classic case: a person with low vine(?) diarrhea, with some blood in it, and on gram stain there were comma shaped or S-shaped organisms thats campylobacter jejuni. Both of these organisms can produce pseudomembranes. Therefore all pseudomembranes does not necessarily mean you will see C. dif5icile. d) Parasites that causes diarrhea: Giardia: owl eyes that move. This is the MCC of diarrhea due to a parasite in the US. Treatment: metronidazole. Cryptosporidium parvi: MCC of AIDS diarrhea is a partially acid-fast organism. It sticks to the wall of the colon. Classic case: there is a pt that has AIDS and has diarrhea, and when they stain it, there are oocysts that are partially acid-fast. It will kill if you are immunocompromised. The treatment is almost worthless. It comes at the end when the helper T-cells are near 50 or 75, and thats when all the organisms that will kill you: MAI, cryptosporidium, toxoplasmosis, and CMV all comes in at the end. P. carinii comes in around 200 helper T-cells. Clostridium difUicile: This is an autopsy pic of an older woman who was in the hospital with pneumonia, and she developed diarrhea. What was found on autopsy? Well, it is safe to say that if she had pneumonia, then she was taking antibiotics. So this is pseudomembranous colitis, caused by clostridium difUicile. This occurs when taking antibiotics that wipe off the good organisms, leaving behind c. dif5icile.

Everybody has c. dif5icile in their stools, but E. coli, enterobacter fragilis are keeping it in check. But when taking antibiotics such as ampicillin (MC), clindomycin (2nd MC) for a period of time, you knock off the good guys, giving c. dif5icile a chance to proliferate and make toxins that damage the super5icial layers of the colon. The bacteria doesnt invade, its the toxins that do. This is analogous to c. diphtheria, which also has a toxin that damages and produces pseudomembranes but the organism does not invade. The ribosylation thing, and the Elongation factor 2 (EF-2 allows for protein elongation) are messed up, therefore cannot elongate proteins. The 5irst step in management is to do a toxin assay of stools, not gram stain b/c there are lots of gram stain organisms in the stools, not blood culture b/c its not in the blood. The screening test of choice is toxin assay of stool! The treatment is to give metronidazole, used to give vancomycin b/c c. dif5icile became resistant to it. Metronidazole itself can produce pseudomembranous colitis but you take that chance. VI. Diseases of the Small Intestine A. Small bowel obstruction: See classic step ladder appearance of air-5luid levels: air, 5luid, air, 5luid (step ladder appearance). When you have a hollow viscous that peristalsis, you get a certain characteristically pain, called COLIC pain. It isnt like a crampy pain with no painfree intervals; colicky pain is when you have pain, a painfree interval, pain, and then a painfree interval. The intervals are not consistent, sometimes you have a 15 min painfree interval, and other times if may be longer or shorter. This is colicky pain; it means TOTAL small bowel obstruction. By the way, the bile duct does not have peristalsis, therefore you do not get colicky pain, and instead you get crampy pain. You have to have peristalsis to get colicky pain, it has to move. And whats it doing is trying to move against that obstruction and thats causing the pain. B/c you cannot perstalse you get stagnation of the food proximal to wherever the obstruction is, and get air-5luid levels. Distal to the area of obstruction there is no air. In obstruction, there are two things that can happen: constipation or obstipation. Constipation is where you have a problem with stooling, which does not necessarily mean obstruction. Obstipation means that not only do you have constipation you also have a problem passing gas, that means you have complete obstruction. So you have to ask the pt whether they have passed any stools or gas. MCC of obstruction: adhesions from previous surgeries. Slide: those are watermelon pits, with a narrow lumen. But if the case read that this pt did not have pervious surgeries and had colicky pain, this is due to the bowel being trapped in the indirect inguinal hernia. Example: there was a weight lifter who developed colicky pain in the RLQ area, had no previous surgery, the most likely cause is indirect inguinal hernia. Weight lifters often times create indirect inguinal hernias. Side note: there was a pic of Downs syndrome kid. Trisomy 21 (abnormal number of chromosomes) is due to nondisjunction (unequal separation during the

5irst stage of meiosis I) but not all downs have trisomy 21. But if the kid had normal 46 chromosomes, this is due to Robertsonian translocation. In this case, they would have 46 chromosomes but on one of those chromosomes 21, will be another chromosome attached to it. They will have three functional chromosome 21. The two GI diseases that are MCly seen in Downs are duodenal atresia (double bubble sign) and Hirschsprung dz. B. Hirschsprung dz: the nerves are there but the ganglionic cells are missing. So, what happens if its missing in the rectum, the stools cannot get by, even when there is an opening, b/c there is no peristalsis. So the stools just stay there. So, the dilation of the proximal colon has ganglionic cells, and there peristalsis occurring and you cant get the stools thru the rectal area. So this means that the rectal ampulla has no stools in it. Example: if you have a child that didnt pass the meconium in 24 hours and a rectal exam was performed. If there was NO stools that came out on exam it means Hirschsprung dz. If on exam, there was stools on the 5inger, it means tight sphincter. This is a dz of the colon. C. Intussusception: most occur in children, and its when the terminal ileum intussuscepts goes into the cecum. There will be colicky pain b/c you are obstructing, and not only that, you are compromising blood 5low, so you get the bleeding. They will say: a 2 y/o kid, with colicky pain and bloody stools. They might way there is an oblong mass in the RUQ. In some kids, it spontaneously comes out, but if not, then the radiologists will do barium enema, and put a little pressure there, and he reverts it. So you get complete bowel obstruction and infarctions. D. Volvulus: Twisting of the colon around the mesentery b/c theres too much of it causing complete obstruction and infractions due to compromising blood 5low. E. Gallstone ileus usually seen in older people, more women, and have signs of colicky pain, and obstruction. The gallbladder stone falls thru the 5istula and settles into the ileocecal valve and causes obstruction. See a 5lat plane of the abdomen that produced air in the biliary tree. Boom, theres your Dx. There is a 5istula that is communicating the gallbladder with the small bowel therefore air can get in the small bowel and the biliary tree. Air in the biliary tree with colicky pain is gallstone ileus. Dz of gallbladder. F. Meconium Ileus = cystic Uibrosis

Audio File 27: Gastro 3 - HepatoPancreas 1

VII: Diseases of the Colon A. Vascular diseases of the colon: 1. Ischemic Bowel Dz: The small bowel more commonly infracts than the large bowel, b/c it has only one blood supply. The entire small bowel, the ascending colon, and the transverse colon are all supplied by the SMA (superior mesenteric artery). So, what is the main diff in a small bowel infarct vs. an ischemic ulcer causing bloody diarrhea in the splenic 5lexure? The difference in Presentation. They both can have bloody diarrhea. However, the small bowel infarction will DIFFUSE abdominal pain (all over not one speci5ic area). In ischemic colitis, it will point to speci5ic area on right side of abdomen. This differentiates btwn a small bowel infarct from a small infarct in the colon (can pinpoint area). 2. Angiodysplasia 2nd MCC Hematochezia, with diverticulosis being #1. Its in the cecum b/c law of Laplace (wall stress and radius). The diameter of the cecum is bigger than any other part of the colon. B/c the diameter is greater, the wall stress is greater. Therefore, putting stress on the vessels in the wall of the cecum, it actually pulls them apart and produces telangiectasias. As a result, it predisposes to angiodysplasia b/c increased wall stress. If one of them ruptures to the surface, you can end up with signi5icant bleed. A very common cause of Hematochezia in older people. So, if diverticulosis is ruled out, angiodysplasia is probably it. B. Meckels Diverticulum/ Small Intestine Dz: 1. Rule of 2s: 2% of popn; 2 inches from terminal ileum; 2 ft from the iliocecal valve; 2 cm in length; 2 y/o or younger; and 2% of carcinoid tumors occur in M.D. MC complication = bleeding. B/c it is a diverticulum, it can be in5lamed, and leads to diverticulitis. Example: hematemisis, pain in RLQ area, melana dx? Meckels (involved melana AND hematemisis de5initely not UC or Crohns). Example: newborn with a sinus and umbilicus was draining poop dx? Persistent vitelline duct (same as meckels sometimes it is open all the way through, therefore there is a communication between the small bowel and umbilicus, so feces coming

out of umbilicus, which is persistence of the vitelline duct. If you have urine coming out of the vitelline duct, this is persistence of the uracus. So, feces=vitelline duct, urine = uracus. C. Sigmoid Colon MC location for cancer in the entire GI tract = sigmoid colon MC location for polyps in the entire GI tract = sigmoid colon MC location for diverticula in the entire GI tract = sigmoid colon The area of weakness is where the blood vessels penetrate the valve. The mucosa and submucosa will herniate right next to the vessel. This is very bad next door neighbor. When feces are stuck (fecalith), can erode that vessel, and can see why diverticulosis is the MCC of Hematochezia massive lower GI bleed. These extend outside of the lumen, which is diverticulosis. If you see polyps in the lumen, do not confuse with polyposis polyps go INTO the lumen, not out. D. Diverticulosis MC complication = diverticulitis; has MANY complications. Diverticulitis = Left side appendicitis (appendicitis dx: RLQ pain, McBurneys pt, rebound tenderness, fever, and neutrophilic leukocytosis) this is the same presentation in diverticulitis), but diverticulitis occurs in the LLQ area, in an elderly person. MCC Uistulas communications in the GI = diverticulosis. With a 5istula, there is communication between 2 hollow organs. The MC Uistulas are colovesicle Uistulas, which is a 5istula between the colon and the bladder, leading to neumaturia air in the urine. MCC of colovesicle Uistula is diverticular dz. They can rupture, and the rupture can cause peritonitis. VIII. InUlammatory Bowel Dz: Crohns and UC Crohns involved the terminal ileum 80% of the time. Sometimes it just involves the terminal ileum, sometimes it involves the terminal ileum AND the colon, and sometimes it just involves the colon. Crohns likes the ANUS, UC likes the RECTUM (they have a preference for which part of the lower part they like). Crohns likes to produce 5istulas and 5issures of the anus; UC likes the rectum, producing bloody diarrhea. Crohns jumps around, transmural, noncaseating granulomas. UC doesnt jump; it stays in continuity, and involves the mucosa/submucosa. Dx of Crohns is simple ie ileocecal valve, ascending colon, terminal ileum there is a transmural inUlammation with a very narrow lumen therefore the presentation will be colicky, RLQ pain, with diarrhea in young person. Nothing except Crohns produces colicky pain in the RLQ in a young person! If is a 3rd world county, what is it? TB (m. bovis). In this country, if we get intestinal TB from swallowing it and it will be M .Tb. In third world countries, it produces presentation same as Crohns; this occurs b/c they do not have pasteurization; M. bovis is the

MCC; this is where payers patches are. String sign on barium study, looks like a string see that it is transmural and that it is segmental. The proximal valve is dilated have to push stool through that but you cant. See cobblestones and ulceration in Crohns dz. Linear ulcers are apthus ulcers. Non caseating granuloma is characteristic of UC. UC always begins in the rectum, can stay there, or can move up in continuity and involved the whole colon, but it never involves the terminal ileum. It is involves the whole colon, it is called pancolitis, and this has the highest incidence of cancer. So, the more involvement and greater duration = greater chance of cancer related to UC. Pseudopolyps see ulcerated mucosa and submucosa. Pseudopolyps are residual polyps that are in5lamed, it is in5lamed bloody mucosa. Everything is ulcerated off, and you see the submucosa of the colon. UC has the highest incidence with cancer, HLA B27 anklyosis spondylitis, and is the MCC of sclerosing pericholangitis (sclerosis/5ibrosis around common bile duct, producing obstructive jaundice and high incidence of cholangiocarcinoma). Know the diff in UC vs. Crohns. IX. Tumors of the Colon Polyps MC polyp in entire GI = hyperplastic polyp it is a little nubbin aka hemartomas (therefore not neoplastic), usually in sigmoid colon. Tubular adenoma: looks like a strawberry on stick, therefore has a stalk with strawberry, which is the precursor lesion for colon cancer. Juvenile Polyp: Slide: coming out of childs butt kid with polyp in rectum; all juvenile polyps located in the rectum and are hamartomas (no precancerous). Lets say it is an adult and the polyp is sticking out (a reddish mass) dx? Internal hemorrhoids. Rule: internal hemorrhoids bleed, external hemorrhoids thrombose. Therefore, when you have blood coating the stool, it is internal hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids are NOT painful, but they do prolapse. Adult with something reddish sticking out of their butt = prolapsed internal hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids bleed and painless, while external thrombose and are painful. Sessile Polyp (villous adenoma) looks like the villous surface of the small intestine (hence name villous adenoma); these are lil 5inger-like excrenses of the small intestine, hence the name villous adenoma. These have the greatest malignant potential, and are usually in the rectal sigmoid. B/c they are villous/ 5inger like they have a lot of mucous coating the stool; mucous secreting villous. They have a 50% chance of becoming malignant. So, tubular adenomas are precursors for cancer (size determines malignant potential if they are above 2 sonometers, they are very dangerous) and villous adenomas lead to cancer, too. Familial polyposis need to have over 100 polyps to have familial polyposis. This dz is autosomal dominant, uses APC suppressor gene, ras, and p53; APC is the major

one. Will always get cancer in them, usually between 35-40. Therefore, will need to prophylactically remove the bowel. The autosomal dominant dz is famous for late manifestations, penetrance, and variable expressivity (as are all other AD dzs). This means that they will not be born with polyps at birth (they start developing btwn the ages of 10-20; in ADPKD, they do not have cysts are birth, they start developing btwn 10-20; in Huntingtons chorea, do not have chorea at birth, but around 35-40 years, and they have late manifestations. Affected colon has polyps and brain tumors = Turcot syndrome (like turban) therefore, you have a polyposis syndrome with brain tumor; this dz is auto rec (not dominant). Gardners syndrome: Have multiple polyps in there, plus b9 salt tissue tumors: desmoids and osteomas in the jaw. X. Carcinoid Tumors Along with auput tumors. All carcinoid tumors are malignant, but have low grade potential. A lot of it depends on their size and if they are going to mets. Depends on their size in sonometers if they are greater than 2 sonometers they have the ability to mets. MC location for carcinoid tumor = tip of the appendix have a bright yellow color, but they are NEVER the cause of carcinoid syndrome why? B/c the tip of the appendix will never be greater than 2 sonometers. So, where is the MC location of carcinoid tumor that CAN be associated with carcinoid syndrome? Terminal Ileum they are always greater than 2 sonometers. What do all carcinoid tumors make? Serotonin. B/c the appendix and terminal ileum are drained by the portal vein, the serotonin made goes to the portal vein, goes to the hepatocyte, is metabolized into 5 hydroxyactoactitic (?) acid and is peed out; therefore it is not in the bloodstream. Therefore, there are no signs of 5lushing and diarrhea b/c there is no contact with the systemic circulations. However, if you mets to the liver, then those metastatic nodules that are making serotonin can dump some of it into the hepatic vein tributaries. This does have access to the systemic circulation b/c goes to IVC to Right side heart, and this is why you get right sided lesions TIPS = tricuspid insuff and pulmonic stenosis. Serotonin is a vasodilator in some cases, but a vasoconstrictor in other cases. However, in terms of serotonin syndrome, its a vasodilator that causes Ulushing (which is the MC symptom of carcinoid), followed by diarrhea (2nd MC). If it has access to systemic circulation, it has high levels of 5 hydroxyacetoacitic (?) acid, which is the screening test of choice b/c it is the metabolite of serotonin. So, b/c making and LOSING a lot of serotonin, what aa can be deUicient? Tryptophan is def, therefore the vitamin Niacin is def, therefore can have pellagra. You using up all the Tryptophan and making serotonin instead of niacin. XI. Colon cancer

Neurosecretory granules on EM colon cancer; left side obstructs, right side bleeds. This is easy to understand b/c the left colon has a smaller diameter than the right. So, when the cancer develops in the left colon and wants to form a polyp, it goes around annular (napkin ring), and produces constriction. Open bowel in left colon, see one edge of the cancer on each side of the bowel and bowel is constricted have signs of obstruction (left side obstructs, right side bleeds). In the right colon, b/c of there is a bigger diameter; it has a bigger chance of going out and forming a polyp. Therefore, it is sitting in the stool, leading to a bleed (therefore left side obstructs, right side bleeds). So, which is side is more likely to have Fe def? Right sided lesion. Which is more likely to have alteration in bowel habits (constipation/diarrhea)? Left sided. Tumor marker for colon cancer = CEA (carcinoembryonic Ag). Not used to dx colon cancer, but used to follow it for REOCCURRENCE. MCC relates to diet (lack of 5iber in stool therefore, more 5iber you have, the less chance of colon cancer b/c you are getting rid of lipocolic acid). Age is also a risk factor (pts over 50); smoking is a risk factor that is assoc with colon cancer. Polyposis coli syndromes also have an association (familial polyposis, Gardners syndrome, turcots syndrome) NOT Peutz Jeghers, hyperplastic polyps, or juvenile polyps). XII. Diseases of the Appendix: Appendicitis Covered with pus; MCC appendicitis in adults = fecalith = impacted stool. So when you impact stool it presses on the sides of the appendix, and leads to ischemia, then get a breakdown of the mucosa, E. coli gets in there and acute appendicitis occurs. This is the SAME mech for diverticulitis (the diverticular sacs also get fecaliths in them and the same exact thing happens the pathogenesis of acute diverticulitis and acute appendicitis is exactly the same). So, fecalith, ischemia along the wall, in5lammation, E coli. Another analogy: acute cholecystitis except it is not a fecalith, but is a stone in the cystic duct pushes on the side, leads to ischemia, acute cholecystitis, E coli. So, there is a concept there we have acute cholecystitis, diverticulitis, and appendicitis all related to something obstructing the lumen, causing mucosal damage, and E coli inUlammation. In acute cholecystitis its a stone, while acute appendicitis and diverticulitis is due to a fecalith. What the MCC of appendicitis in children? Measles and/or adenovirus infection. Then, acute appendicitis occurs b/c there is lymphoid tissue in the appendix. With measles or adenovirus infection, get hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue in the appendix, and can obstruct the lumen and set up inUlammation for

mucosal injury and leads to acute appendicitis. So, in children, it usually follows a viral infection. As opposed to adults, where it is due to fecalith.

CHAPTER 10. HepatoPancreas

I. Bilirubin metabolism: Most of the bilirubin in our blood is unconjugated and derived from the RBCs when they are old, phagocytosed and destroyed. Unconj bilirubin is the end product, goes to the bloodstream and binds with albumin, goes to the liver and is taken up. Majority of bilirubin is from breakdown of RBCs (99%), which is all unconj. None of this is in the urine b/c it is lipid soluble. So, it gets taken up by the liver and is conjugated. Any time the cytochrome p450 conjugates bilirubin, or metabolizes any drug, it renders it water soluble. So, we have a lipid soluble unconjugated bilirubin is converted to conjugated bilirubin (direct bilirubin), which is water soluble. One of the purposes of the liver is to render lipid soluble drugs water soluble, so you can pee them out. So, we conjugate it and have water soluble bilirubin. Once bilirubin is taken up by the liver, it is never close to a vessel. So, there is no way it can get into a vascular channel (once it is taken up by the liver). So, if direct conjugated bilirubin is in our urine, this is b/c something happened (either in the liver or bile duct) to have caused it to get there b/c it shouldnt have access to our blood stream. So, it is taken up in the liver, conjugated, and pumped into the bile ductules; which go into the triad, goes up the common bile duct, some is stored in the GB and goes into the small intestine through the common bile duct. Therefore, bile contains conjugated bilirubin. Its also contains bile salts, cholesterol and estrogen, but has conjugated bilirubin that we will get rid of. So, this conjugated bilirubin takes a long trip down to the colon and the bacterial have been waiting for the conjugated bilirubin and will break it down back into unconjugated bilirubin. Then, it continues to break it down. The bacteria breaks it down to stercobilinogen (what it used to be called). Stercobilinogen oxidizes to stercobilin produces the color of stool. This term is no longer used. Now, it is called urobilinogen (which makes the color of the pigment). It is easier to understand the concept. So, the unconjugated bilinogen is broken down to urobilinogen. All porphyrins are colorless when they are in an -ogen compound; however, when you oxidize them, they have color. So, urobilinogen, when it becomes oxidized in the stool becomes urobilin, which is the color of stool. A small portion of urobilinogen is reabsorbed out of the colon. Most of it goes back to the liver. A little of it goes to the kidney and ends up in the urine, where it get oxidized into urobilin. This is the cause of the color of urine. So, the same pigment that colors stool is responsible for coloring urine. We were taught that stercobilinogen is in the stool and urobilinogen is in the urine; however, sterco = uro,

so the same compound is responsible for color change in feces and urine. They are not diff pigments, they are the same. So, if you have obstructed bile 5low (in the liver or CBD), what should the color of the stool be? Light colored b/c the urobilinogen would not have access to the stool to color it. Also, would not have urobilinogen in the urine. This leads to jaundice. II. Jaundice To calculate jaundice, they take the total bilirubin and 5ind out the percentage of bilirubin that is conjugated (direct bilirubin). Example: total is 10, conj = 5, therefore conj bilirubin = 50%. So, they subdivide jaundice into 3 types conjugated bilirubin less than 20% (therefore most of it is unconjugated), btwn 20-50% (therefore some is conj and unconj), and greater than 50% (most of it is conjugated bilirubin). Its also means that you have obstruction. If it is under 20%, this primary unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. So what can increase unconj bilirubin? Hemolytic anemias, spherocytosis, SCDz, ABO hemolytic dz of the newborn, Rh hemolytic dz of the newborn, physiologic jaundice of the newborn (b/c they cannot conjugate it). So, there is increased unconjugated bilirubin b/c breaking down more RBCs, have problems with conjugating enzymes either too immature or they are missing enzymes (Craigler Najjar syndrome). So, we are either making too much b/c we are breaking down too many RBCs or we have a problem with conjugating enzymes which is little babies with physiologic jaundice dz of the newborn, or rare dzs where we are de5icient in the enzyme (Craigler Najjar). The dzs btwn 20- 50% are hepatitis. Hepatitis = in5lammation of the liver (not just some of it, all of it). So, b/c its a sick liver, it doesnt want to take up the unconjugated bilirubin. Unconj liver builds up behind the liver. In5lammation in the liver will maybe destroy the architecture in the liver and break open bile ducts that have conj bilirubin in them. Now, b/c you have disrupted the architecture, there is a possibility of water soluble bilirubin to get into the blood stream (b/c there is necrosis of liver cells and bile ducts so you will get conjugated bilirubin in there, too) - leading to 20-50%. This includes all the hepatitis (including alcoholic). If it is greater than 50%, this is a NO BRAINER it is clearly an obstruction of bile. We have intrahepatic obstruction (intrahepatic cholestasis), meaning that you are blocking bile 5low in the liver (triad is blocked). Also have extrahepatic cholestasis (outside of the liver). There is only one thing outside the liver that can lead to this CBD (common bile duct). Therefore, something is obstructing that a stone in the common bile duct that came from the GB (play odds). Can also have carcinoma of the head of the pancreas b/c ducts go through the head of the pancreas. As a result, you have complete bile duct obstruction. So, there is

intrahepatic cholestasis and extrahepatic cholestasis. So, what will happen is like water behind a dam. If you block bile 5low, it will back up where does it back up? Backs up to where it was made (the liver cells remember this is an excess of conjugated, direct bilirubin). In the liver cells, it bubbles outside, and has access to the sinusoids and now is in the blood stream. So, the predominant factor in the blood stream is CONJUGATED bilirubin, which is water soluble. So, will have very dark yellow urine and the stool will be LIGHT colored. This combo high conj bilirubin, bilirubin in the urine (HAS to be conjugated b/c its in the urine and therefore water soluble), and light colored stools = OBSTRUCTION (nothing else can do this, and it is either intrahepatic or extrahepatic). A. Congenital Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemias 1. Gilberts syndrome Seen if you fast for over 24 hrs and get jaundice, AD, b9 (therefore do not need a bx). Mech: prob in taking up bilirubin and prob in conjugating bilirubin, therefore it is predominantly an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. So, if you want to see if pt has it, do 24 hr fasting test. So, get baseline bilirubin when they are not jaundiced and dont eat for 24 hrs and come back. When they come back they are jaundiced. Lets say the baseline is 1, and you double the baseline after 24 hrs, pt has Gilberts syndrome. Ex. pt comes back after fasting test and is 2.5. 2nd MCC jaundice = Gilberts syndrome (MC = hep A). Ex. resident that gets jaundice, but didnt have needle stick = he has Gilberts dz b/c was fasting (enzyme levels are normal, high unconj bilirubin levels). Rx? Nothing 2. Craigler Najjar B. Congenital Conjugated hyperbilirubinemias Dubin Johnson; Rotor syndromes: Genetic dzs involving prob getting rid of CONJ bilirubin in the bile ducts. So, this is predominantly a conj hyperbilirubinemia. In Dublin Johnson, have a black colored pigment that builds in the liver and get black liver. III. Liver Function Test (LFTs) What are transaminases used for? They are indices of liver cell necrosis (hepatitis). AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT); ALT is more speci5ic b/c it is only found in the liver; AST is in muscle, RBCs and liver. Therefore, if you have a viral hepatitis, with massive liver cell necrosis, which would be the predominant transaminases elevated? ALT. Ex: 2500 ALT and 2200 AST. So ALT will be the main liver cell enzyme elevated in diffuse liver cell necrosis. In alcoholic hepatitis, this is not what happens. There is a reason: AST is present in the mito of hepatocytes. ALT is not its in the cytosol. Alcohol is a mito poison

(remember that it uncouples). AST is predominantly in mito, and when pt has alcoholic hep, AST is higher than ALT (forget the 2:1 relationship). Therefore, if you see AST higher than ALT, this is due to alcoholic liver dz. Could be fatty change, alcoholic cirrhosis, and alcoholic hepatitis. If its VIRAL hepatitis, ALT is bigger than AST. So, what are the enzymes of OBSTRUCTION (obstruction of bile ducts)? Alkaline phosphatase and Gamma glutamyl transferase. Transaminases will also be up, but not to the same degree. Gamma glutamyl transferase is located in the SER. When the SER is revd up, it undergoes hyperplasia (ie due to drugs: alcohol, barbs, rifampin, and phenytoin); you not only increase the metabolism of the drug, but also increase the synthesis of gamma glutamyl transferase. So, what would the classic thing you would see in any alcoholic liver dz? AST>ALT, along with INCREASED gamma glutamyl transferase. There is a problem: alk phos is in other things other than the liver in bone (osteoplastic activity), placenta. So, how will you know where the alk phos comes from (ie if its from bile duct obstruction vs. other things)? Look at gamma glutamyl transferase b/c its speciUic for the liver (so, if alk phos up, look at gamma glutamyl transferase!). If the gamma glutamyl transferase IS elevated along with alk phos, this is BILE DUCT OBSTRUCTION. Albumin protime = marker of severity of liver damage. It is made in the liver, therefore if you have severe liver dz (ie cirrhosis), it will be decreased. Even better than that is prothrombin time b/c coagulation factors are made there (most are made there vWF is not, however). So, if you have liver damage, the production of coagulation factors will be decreased, and PT will be prolonged (increased). So, albumin levels and PT are the 2 best tests for liver severity (PT is a little better than albumin). There is only one autoAb that is important: anti mito Abs in primary biliary cirrhosis. Tumor markers: alpha feto protein is a marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Can also use alpha-1 antitrypsin b/c it is made in the liver (it is increased in hepatocellular carcinoma). If you have fractionation of bilirubin (less than 20%, 20-50%, and 50+ %), can start d/d; then give transaminase levels see how it correlates with liver dz: transaminases correlate with viral hep and conj bilirubin of 20-50, or obstructive liver dz (alk phos, gamma glut) and conj bilirubin over 50%.

Audio File 28: HepatoPancreas 2

IV. Viral Hepatitis A. MC on hepatitis: MC hep = A (followed by B, C, D, E in that order) A and E = fecal oral; all the others are transmitted parentally Hep A = No chronic carrier state Hep E = produces a chronic carrier state only if you are pregnant, leading to chronic liver dz Hep D = Requires Hep B to infection Hep A = Daycare centers (therefore should get vaccine to prevent; outbreaks can occur in daycare centers) Hep A = Jail Hep B = IVDA Hep C = Post transfusion Hepatitis Hep B = MC infection by accidental needle stick Hep C,D = No protective antibodies. Positive IgM/IgG = active disease. B. Serology: HAV: anti A IgM= have hep A; anti A IgG = had it and wont get it again HCV: anti C IgG Abs are NOT protective and mean that you have the dz; there are no known protective Abs HDV: (same as HCV) anti D IgG = have the dz, and no known Abs will help cure; if you are anti-D IgG positive it means you have the active dz now So, only protective Abs are HAV, HBV (surface Ab), and HEV. Hep B (HBV) First marker that comes up is surface Ag (HBsAg). It comes up about 1 month after you have the infection. You dont know you have it and are asymptomatic. The enzyme studies are normal. The next thing that comes up is the bad guys: E Ag (HBeAg) and HBV DNA, b/c these are only ones that are infective. Then the 5irst

Ab comes up a lil after the DNA and E Ag, which is core Ab IgM (Anti-HBc) (this is expected b/c the 5irst Ab against acute in5lammation is IgM). The majority of people with Hep B recover (about 90%); those with HIV+ never recover and will have chronic cases b/c they have no immune response to knock it off. If you do recover the Uirst things to go away are E Ag (HBeAg) and HBV DNA. The last of the Ags that goes away is surface Ag (HBsAg). So, surface Ag is the 5irst to come and the last to leave (like a house within a house look at the chart and will see that S Ag is the big house and E Ag and HBV DNA are the lil houses under big house). In other words, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be E Ag positive and S Ag negative (E Ag and DNA come up after S Ag and leave before). Surface Ab doesnt come up until about 1 month after S Ag is gone, so there is this gap, which is a window with nothing elevated (only has one Ab there; S Ag, E Ag, HBV DNA are all gone, and S Ab not there yet). So, how do you know the pt HAD Hep B? Core IgM doesnt leave it stays there and becomes IgG over time. So, the marker for that window period when all the bad guys are gone and surface Ab hasnt arrived yet, is core Ab IgM (which tells you that you HAD Hep B and are in the process of recovery). There is no way you are infected during this period why? B/c E Ag and HBV DNA are not there. Therefore, you are not infective it just means that you HAD Hep B and are in the process of recovering. YOU ARE NOT INFECTIVE this is between the 5th and 6th month. So, if you had Hep B, there should be 2 Abs that you have: core Ab IgG and surface Ab IgG. If you have been vaccinated, cannot have anything b/c you had yeast make surface Ag, which is what the vaccine consists of. The only bad Ab you can get from injecting surface Ag is Abs against it. So, only Ab you will have if you were vaccinated is Surface Ab. NOT core Ab IgG b/c were not injected with that. Core Ab is not a protective Ab. C. Chronic hepatitis is a de5inition: How long have you had surface Ag? If its more than 6 months, you have chronic Hep B. So, are you infective or not? are you an infective carrier or healthy carrier? You automatically know if you are an infective chronic carrier if you have HBV DNA. This means that you are a patient with chronic Hep B that is infective. So, youre a walking hazard, and your intimate contacts need to be immunized b/c the dz can be transmitted sexually to those people, or by IV (IVDAs). If you are negative for E Ag and HBV DNA but are surface Ag positive, then it makes you a healthy carrier (this does not mean you are healthy you are still a chronic carrier of Hep B). If you are a healthy carrier, however, the chances of recovery are excellent b/c in about one year, S Ag will disappear and S Ab will come up. Will also have core Ab IgG at this time this means that you have a good chance of total recovery. Also have a good chance of recovery

with E Ag b/c pt is a candidate for Alpha IFN therapy (DOC). Never give corticosteroids to any chronic viral infections. D. Review: What we expect in acute hepatitis B (what would the markers be)? S Ag, E Ag, HBV DNA, and core IgM What if the pt is in the window period? Core IgM What if had Hep B, but have recovered from it? Core Ab IgG and surface Ab IgG What if pt was vaccinated (what is the ONLY thing you should have)? Surface Ab IgG What if you have at the end of 6 months S Ag, core IgM, with everything else neg? Healthy carrier What if you have after 6 months surface Ag, E Ag, HBV DNA and core Ab IgM? Infective carrier. V. InUlammatory Liver Disorders A. Amebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica Organism is resistant to acid swallow it and will not die in presence of acid. It ex- cysts in the cecum, within an alkaline environment. Has a chemical that can drill a hole through the mucosa, leading to 5lask shaped ulcers, and leads to bloody diarrhea. Unfortunately, b/c the cecum is drained by the portal vein, and is forming an ulcer, there is a chance that it can drill and hole, get into the portal vein tributary and get to the right lobe of the liver, where it will produce an abscess. It will start dissolving the liver hence term anchovy paste abscess b/c it looks like anchovy paste (a brownish liquid). If it wants to, it can drill a hole through the right diaphragm, go to the lungs, and produce an effusion, and go anywhere it wants in the systemic circulation brain. Rx metronidazole. Trophozoites (slide) with red particles in them, which are RBCs. The only protozoa that can phagocytose is Entamoeba histolytica (no other amoeba can phagocytose RBCs) this is a very characteristic 5inding. Metronidazole is used in the treatment of giardiasis, Entamoeba histolytica, vaginosis, c diff, and trichinosis. B. Hydatid dz 1. De5initive vs. intermediate host DeUinitive host = sexually active worms that have the ability to mate and lay eggs. Intermediate host = only have the larval form; do not have sexually active adults. These are the stages: Adult, egg, larva. Adult lays eggs, and the eggs develop into larva. If you have the larva form in you, it will stay there b/c that its the end stage form. If you have the egg form, it will develop into a larva, but the larva cant go

anywhere else. If you have the adult form in you, it will give an egg, which changes to larva. Larva form cannot go anywhere it is the end stage form. Sheep herders dz (gonococcus vermicularis or unilicularis (?)) The sheep dog eats some sheep meat (there are larval forms in the sheep; therefore, the sheep is the intermediate host). Dog eats sheep, and has larva in the dog. The larva form develops into an adult within the dog, and the dog becomes the de5initive host. The dog has sexually active worms inside it and the worms lay eggs within the dog. Dog is petted, gets eggs on their hand and into pts food, which is eaten. So, now, the pt has the egg, which develops in the larva (cannot go any farther b/c larval form is end stage), and the pt (human) becomes the intermediate host. So, the sheep is an intermediate host, the dog is the de5initive host and the sheep herder is an intermediate host. Do not want to rupture these cysts, b/c if the 5luid gets into the abdominal cavity, leads to anaphylactic shock. C. T. solium (pig tapeworm) You go to a barbecue and eat undercooked pork (larva in the pig meat, which is eaten). The larva develop into the adult form within the pt (so, there is a sexually active worm inside). So, pt becomes de5initive host, while the pig was the intermediate host. Now you have a family member that is a de5initive host (has sexually active worms inside them) lets say this family member is making salad that night, and didnt wash their hands, so some of the eggs got into the salad. The pt eats the salad with the eggs in it. What is the egg going to form inside me? Larva. What is this called cystocerci. Do they form adults? No, stops there. Therefore, pt has cystocercosis. What are the larvae going to do? They like the eye and the brain (where they form a cyst in the brain, calcify and lead to seizure activity for the rest of the pts life). So, in this dz, the pt can have two forms of it. If pt ate the infected pig, they can be the de5initive host. If you get the egg in your mouth, you become an intermediate host, and the egg can become larva, which will go on to cystocercosis. So the larvae form is the dangerous form in T. solium. (MC S/E of cataracts = glucocorticoids) VI. Nutmeg Liver MCC = RHF Thrombus in portal vein will NOT lead to nutmeg liver because portal vein is before emptying into the liver. Would you have ascites? Yes. Portal HTN? Yes. Varices? Yes. But is liver big and congested? No. Thrombus in hepatic vein: is called Budd Chiari syndrome (MCC polycythemia Rubivera, 2nd MCC = birth control pills). Would you have a nutmeg liver? Yes hepatic vein empties the liver. You get a huge liver, and is a surgical emergency and die 100% of the time if you dont have surgery.

So, these are pre/post hepatic thromboses (Prehepatic = portal vein, posthepatic = hepatic vein). VII. Alcoholic liver dz MC manifestation is fatty change (steatosis). B/c alcohol metabolism, have NADHs, acetate, and acetyl CoA. NADHs mess with pyruvate and convert it into lactate leading to fasting hypoglycemia, and metabolic acidosis. Acetyl CoA can make FAs and glycerol 3 phosphate and TG and fatty change, or can be converted into ketone bodies, which causes an increased anion gap: metabolic acidosis. Fatty change is reversible if the alcoholic stops drinking. Alcoholic hepatitis is very bad; can have hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, etc. Alcoholic hep is diff from fatty change b/c there is fever, neutrophilic leukocytosis, very high AST>ALT, and gamma glutamyl transferase is up. Youre big time sick and if you do not stop drinking you will die. It is very serious systemic dz. If pt hospitalized for alcoholic hep, is released and takes alcohol, they will die. See Mallory bodies (ubiquinated keratin micro5ilaments). Toxic compound that causes cirrhosis is acetaldehyde bound to a protein, not acetaldehyde by itself. Ito cell normally is the cell that stores Vit A. In an alcoholic the acetaldehyde protein complex stimulates the Ito cell to make 5ibrous tissue and collagen. The Ito cell, which is responsible for storing vit A, is now putting down collagen tissue and is responsible for causing 5ibrosis. Fibrous tissue is a big part of alcoholic tissue dz. VIII. Cholestasis Cholestasis = obstruction to bile 5low, due to a stone in the CBD. Ex: have a cholesterol stone with a deep green colored liver. Bile is blocked, which has conj bilirubin in it and is backed up into the liver. The conj bilirubin will eventually re5lux into the sinusoids, and leads to bilirubin in the urine and light color stools, with NO urobilinogen in the urine. The yellow urine is due to water soluble conj bilirubin in the urine. What enzymes are elevated? Alk phos and gamma glutamyl transferase. What is the mech for getting rid of cholesterol? Bile. So, you re5lux cholesterol, bilirubin and bile salts (they are all recycled). Would it surprise you that they have hypercholesterolemia, too? No b/c it is recycled. The bile salts deposit in the skin, leading to itching.

2 other causes of cholestasis: Bile duct radical, surrounded by 5ibrous tissue, bloody diarrhea with LLQ crampy pain, jaundice what is the IBDz? UC Common bile duct surrounded by 5ibrous tissue dx? Primary sclerosing cholangitis. MCC primary sclerosing cholangitis = UC

What cancer can develop b/c it involves the bile duct? Cholangiocarcinoma (MCC in this country, in 3rd world countries, it is due to Clonorchis sinensis Chinese liver 5luke). IX. Primary Biliary cirrhosis 50 y/o woman with generalized itching, 5ind enlarged liver on PE, normal bilirubin (no jaundice), alk phos and gamma glutamyl transferase are huge (obstructive type of enzymes), transaminases are elevated dx? Primary biliary cirrhosis, which is an autoimmune dz that leads to granulomatous destruction of the bile ducts in the portal triad why doesnt she have jaundice? Lets say you have 1 million triads, have the dz and knock off 250,000 of them. Still have 75% that can handle the bilirubin load. 3 years later, only have 50% (500,000 destroyed). Still no jaundice, eventually, more knocked off and get jaundice way down the line. So, the reason why pt wont get jaundice is b/c pt has a reserve that can handle the bilirubin. Therefore, there is no reason to have jaundice early and it comes late. What is the Ab to order in this pt? Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (antimicrosomal = hashimotos). X. Drug effects Birth control (OCP) and anabolic steroid have the same effect on the liver. The OCP and anabolic steroids both produce intrahepatic cholestasis. Ex. wt lifter (assume heon steroids) develops jaundice, and viral serology is negative, high alk phos and gamma glutamyl = due to steroids (not hepatitis). One of the MCCs jaundice in pregnancy is b9 intrahepatic cholestasis. This is b/c of the estrogen during pregnancy, which produces intrahepatic cholestasis. Rx? Deliver baby (goes away after delivering baby). Lets say woman takes OCP and gets jaundice; when she become pregnant, she will develop jaundice, too b/c of the estrogen effect. So, intrahepatic cholestasis is a normal complication of OCPs and anabolic steroids. Both of these drugs also predispose to a b9 liver tumor, called liver cell adenoma aka hepatic adenoma. It has a nasty habit it likes to rupture, leading to intraperitoneal hemorrhage (which can kill you). Example: wt lifter (assume hes on anabolic steroids) who is lifting and suddenly becomes hypotensive and collapses. Find abnormal liver/cavity what is most likely cause? Ruptured liver cell adenoma b/c pt is on anabolic steroids. So, OCPs and anabolic steroids have 2 similar effects: both can produce b9 intrahepatic cholestasis (which goes away if you stop the drug) and liver cell adenoma which is susceptible to rupture. For women, if they are on birth control, then get off it to get pregnant lets say they have a liver cell adenoma they did not know about (that developed with OCP use), then get pregnant, then get an intraperitoneal hemorrhage, and then what is d/d? Ruptured ectopic pregnancy or rupture intraperitoneal hemorrhage. Step 2: pregnant women have the tendency to have splenic artery aneurysm = rupture. XI. Hemochromatosis

Example: hyperpigmented pt adult that is diffusely hyperpigmented and has diabetes (type I diabetic) = bronze diabetes = hemochromatosis = Fe overload, auto rec, reabsorb too much Fe. Hemosiderosis is acquired iron overload by being an alcoholic. Iron supplements are contraindicated in the elderly b/c it will create hemosiderosis and have iron overload. Back to hemochromatosis: its an autosomal recessive dz and what happens is that instead of reabsorbing 10-15% of iron from foods, you are absorbing 100% of iron. Target organ is the liver. Whenever Fe is absorbed into cells, it produces hydroxyl free radicals. So, the Fe doesnt damage anything, its the free radicals (the hydroxyl free radicals Fenton rxn). If you are damaging liver cells, will lead to 5ibrosis and cirrhosis. They ALL have cirrhosis in Fe overload, either by hemosiderosis or hemochromatosis. In cirrhosis, you see liver with brownish pigment, Prussian blue stain (to see Fe), and a VERY HIGH incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. Can also go elsewherepancreastherefore can have EXOcrine and ENDOcrine dysfunction, leading to malabsorption. Destruction of islet cells leads to very brittle type I diabetes. Also deposits in skin and lead to hyperpigmentation (bronze look). This is a combo of Fe depositing there and by stimulating melanocytes, therefore there is Fe pigmentation and melanin. Can go into joints and lead to polyarthritis, can go to pituitary, leading to hypopituitarism, can go to heart and produce restrictive cardiomyopathy. How you do screen for iron overload? Serum ferritin. Serum Fe = high. Excess Fe stores, therefore decreased syn of transferrin. The TIBC is decreased. % sat is increased, serum ferritin is increased. Rx? Phlebotomy. Do not use chelation therapy. They purposely make you Fe def. This dz is the next to the most common autosomal rec dz. Hemosiderosis = ACQUIRED Fe overload from alcohol. XII. Wilsons dz Kayser Fleischer ring brown ring around cornea. What is degeneration called? Hepatolenticular degeneration. Pt with abnormal movement (chorea) disorder, dementia, and cirrhosis. Auto recessive. Defect in ridding Cu in bile; so, the Cu builds up and accumulates in the liver. Very toxic. So, over a period of months to years, you go from chronic active hepatitis to cirrhosis. When you get a total Cu level, what does it include? Free Cu and binding protein for Cu. The binding protein is called ceruloplasmin. So, some Cu is attached to ceruloplasmin. So, the total Cu measured includes bound and free. 95% of a normal total Cu level is related to Cu attached to ceruloplasmin. So, most of the total Cu level is bound to ceruloplasmin, not the Cu that is free. So, 95% in a normal person the total copper is Cu that is bound and inactive to ceruloplasmin. So, is ceruloplasmin a protein? Yes. So, with cirrhosis, are you synthesizing ceruloplasmin? No. Therefore, there is a decrease of binding protein for Cu. So, free cu increased. So, the total Cu level is decreased (b/c less ceruloplasmin), but the free Cu is increased (more unbound). Rx? PCNamine (Cu binder). Lenticular nucleus messed up (caudate nucleus in HD)

Audio File 29: HepatoPancreas 3 - Renal 1

XIII. Cirrhosis Never focal, always diffuse. The bumps all over it are called regenerative nodules. Know that liver tissue is stable, therefore its usually in the Go phase, and something has to stimulate it to go into the cell cycle to divide. The liver has an amazing regenerative capacity. Regeneration of liver cells are hepatocytes with no triad, no central vein, and no sinusoids. Just wall to wall hepatocytes which are worthless. Bumps are regenerative nodules, no triad; there are just wall to wall hepatocytes surrounded by 5ibrous tissue. Starts off as micronodular (less then 3 mm) and ends up macronodular (over 3 mm). So, have liver, but cells not working. How is a portal vein gonna be able to empty into the liver when there are no sinusoid/triads? Its a problem portal HTN. Complications: Pitting edema, ascites, esophageal varices, and metabolic probs (cannot metabolize estrogen, leads to gynecomastia). Cannot look at gynecomastia, have to feel it. Side effects of problems of estrogen metabolism: Side note: There are 3 times in a lifetime where males can develop gynecomastia. 1. Newborns males have boobs b/c estrogen from mom; newborn girls with periods b/c estrogen from, then drop off, leads to bleeding. 2. Males also get boobs in teens (puberty). 3. Males also get boobs when they turn old b/c testosterone goes down and estrogen goes down, leading to gynecomastia so, get boobs (gynecomastia) three times throughout life, and this is normal. Example: 13 y/o unilateral subalveolar mass, what is management? Leave it alone. Gynecomastia is not always bilateral, it is usually unilateral. Women have diff size breasts b/c each breast has different susceptibility to estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Men do not have breast tissue, therefore more likely that one will enlarge, the other will not. Palmer erythema (related to estrogen), spider angioma, vit defs, dupatrons contracture in palm (5ibromatosis increased 5ibrous tissue around the tendon sheaths, causing 5ingers to coil in, commonly assoc with alcoholics) these are all estrogen abnormalities. Complication of Ascites adult with ascites spontaneous peritonitis due to E coli. Child with nephrotic syndrome and get ascites and spontaneous peritonitis, what is the organism? Strep pneumoniae. So, adults with ascites and spontaneous peritonitis = E coli, while kid with ascites and spontaneous peritonitis = Strep pneumoniae.

XIV. Hepatocellular carcinoma Nodularity; Cancer in hep vein tributary (ie). This cancer almost always develops in the background of cirrhosis. It is very rare for hepatocellular carcinoma to develop without cirrhosis present. Since alcohol is the MCCs cirrhosis, is it also the MCC of cancer? NO. MCCs hepatocellular carcinoma = pigment cirrhosis: hemochromatosis; hepatitis B and C. This cancer can produce ectopic hormones EPO (leads to 2ndary polycythemia), insulin like GF (leads to hypoglycemia). Tumor marker: alpha feto protein. Example: pt with underlying cirrhosis, and is stable. But suddenly the pt begins to lose wt and ascites is getting worse. Do a peritoneal tap and it is hemorrhagic (do not assume it is traumatic from the needle, unless they say it). If there is blood in the acidic 5luid it is pathologic bleeding. So, this hx (wt loss, beginning to deteriorate suddenly, blood in acidic Uluid). Know it is hepatocellular carcinoma, but will ask what test do you do? Alpha feto protein. Many tumors in liver = mets, prob from lung; lets say its a nonsmoker, what is the primary cancer? Colon cancer, b/c he is a nonsmoker, therefore it wont be from a primary lung cancer, so the 2nd MCC is colon cancer and it doesnt have a high association with smoking. Remember the 2nd most common cause: example of a small bowel obstruction, the MCC is adhesion from previous surgery, but if the pt did not have any surgeries then its due to indirect inguinal hernia. GALLBLADDER DZ I. Ask about pathogenesis of stone too much cholesterol in bile or too little bile salts. You will have a supersaturated stone with cholesterol will get cholesterol stone (MC stone). Or, too little bile salts, both lead to stones. Anything that causes bile salt def (cirrhosis, obstruction, Cholestyramine, Crohns dz) can lead to gallstones b/c too lil bile salts. II. Pigment stones Yellow stones (know they are not cholesterol stones) 25 y/o female, RUQ crampy pain, fever, point tenderness, neutrophilic leukocytosis, stones revealed on ultrasound. CBC showed a mild normocytic anemia and a corrected reticulocyte ct of 8%. Splenomegaly on PE and family hx of splenectomy. Dx? Congenital spherocytosis; b/c she has been hemolyzing RBCs all her life, she puts a lot of bilirubin into conj bilirubin and therefore has supersaturated bile with bilirubin, and forms Ca bilirubinate stones that are jet black. Seen with ultrasound. What is the screening test of choice for stones? Ultrasound. Screening test of choice for anything in the pancreas = CT reason why is b/c bowel overlies pancreas and messes up ultrasound, therefore not as sensitive. Always put CT for pancreas; GB = ultrasound (can tell diameter of CBD to tell if there is a stone in it).

PANCREAS I. Cystic Fibrosis Cystic 5ibrosis growth alteration b/c mucous in ducts of the pancreas. See atrophy b/c block lumen of exocrine ducts, and pressure goes back to the glands and that pressure atrophies the glands, leading to malabsorption. Can cystic 5ibrosis also lead to diabetes? Yes b/c eventually 5ibrose off the islet cells, leading to type I diabetes, too. Molecular bio: csome 7 with 3 nucleotide deletion, and those 3 nucleotides codes for phenylalanine. So, you are def of phenylalanine in the cystic Uibrosis transmembrane regulator protein (CFTR). So, all its missing is phenylalanine. Most things, after they are made in the ribosome in the RER, have posttranslational modi5ications in the Golgi apparatus, which is where the real defect is. The real problem is when it gets to the Golgi apparatus its supposed to be modiUied and secreted to the cell surface. It ends up being degraded in the cell, and you end up having the CFTR. So, the prob is in the Golgi apparatus it screws it up, and never makes it to the surface, therefore has no function. So, what does it do? In the sweat glands, normally, it would reabsorb Na and Cl out of the sweat gland. B/c they are def in this, they are losing salt, which is the basis of the sweat test. 3 y/o kid, failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea, resp infection, mom states that the baby tastes salty when she kisses the baby. This is the give away for CF, b/c they lose considerable salt and become salt depleted when they are overheated. Why are all the secretions so thick in the lungs, pancreas, and bile ducts? CFTR regulator what does it do? In lungs, need to have salt and secretions in the lumens of the resp tract to keep it viscous (to keep it nice and loose); if you are missing CFTR, Na is reabsorbed OUT of the secretions in the airway (therefore a lil dehydrated). And, chloride cannot be pumped into the lumen of the airway so you are taking away the 2 imp ingredients with this pump: taking Na out and not putting Cl in. Therefore these secretions are thick like concrete. The same is true for secretions in the pancreas (Na pumped out and Cl not put in). MCC death = pseudomonas aeruginosa. Fertility: what is chance of male with cystic 5ibrosis having children? 0-5% (most are infertile); for females, they can get pregnant, but only have 30% chance of getting pregnant. The problem is that the cervical mucous is as thick as concrete and therefore the sperm cannot penetrate, and that is one of the reasons why they are infertile II. Acute pancreatitis

MC due to alcohol; 2nd MCC = stone caught in accessory ducts of the pancreas. Amylase is elevated. Characteristic pain: Epigastric pain with radiation into the back (b/c its a retroperitoneal organ). Have an hx of acute pancreatitis; after 10 days, have a mass in the abdomen and they ask what do you do? CT what is it? Pancreatic pseudocyst - a lot of 5luid accumulates around an in5lamed pancreas and forms a false capsule and has a potential to rupture (not good to have amylase in peritoneal cavity). RUQ with dystrophic calci5ication (dots on x-ray); what do you think it is? Pancreatitis. Is it acute or chronic? Chronic b/c there are so many. Is this pt likely to be an alcoholic? Yes. What else would you expect ie which of the following you expect? Steatorrhea (one of the causes of malabsorption need enzymes), or may say you have bile salt def (no, b/c pancreas has nothing to do with bile salts), hemorrhagic diathesis (yes, Vit K def related to malabsorption), etc Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas MCC = smoker, 2nd MCC = chronic pancreatitis, painless jaundice (mainly conjugated bilirubin), light colored stools, palpable GB (Courvoisiers sign). C sign permanently indenting the duodenum, do barium study, also a sign of pancreatic cancer. Acute pancreatitis with inUlammation. What will that do to peristalsis of that duodenum next to it? How does the bowel react to the presence of in5lammation next to it? It stops peristalsing (not through the entire bowel, just there). If this is true, there would just be air in the area it doesnt peristalses what is this called? Sentinel sign (sentinel is someone that is supposed to keep watch) keep watch of what? In5lammation (so, the sentinel sign keeps watch of inUlammation); the classic area is the pancreas. This is called localized ileus (ileus, by deUinition is lack of peristalsis). Whenever the bowel lacks peristalsis, will see air accumulate and will get distension. What if you have a segment of bowel that is distended in the RLQ? Has to be in5lammation, the cecum is in the RLQ and appendix could be the reason. So, appendicitis producing sentinels sign.

CHAPTER 11: Renal

I. Cast mold of whatever is going on in the nephron/tubule. It is a protein that is congealing around whatever is present in the tubule at that time; there is a mold made, and is passed into the urine and we can see it under the microscope. This is imp b/c now we do not have to do a renal bx of the renal tubules b/c the cast will tell you what is going on. Example: if you have glomerulonephritis (in5lammation of the glomerulus), you have damaged the capillaries and get hematuria, so the RBCs are in the nephron and trapped in the cast, and will have an RBC cast that tells you there is a glomerulonephritis occurring. Example: With renal tubule necrosis, the tubules are sloughing off with coagulation necrosis. This will form a cast and is called renal tubular cast, and will tell you there is renal tubular necrosis. Example: man/woman with acute pyelonephritis with neutrophils invading the interstitium and the tubules, there are cast of neutrophils (WBC casts), telling me there is infection of the kidney. Example: spilling lipid in urine in nephrotic syndrome and form cast of fat and a fatty cast that you can see and polarize in the urine. II. Urinalysis The Uirst thing that disappears in renal failure is the ability of the kidney to concentrate urine. This occurs before Cr/BUN think about increasing, or even having renal tubular casts. Example: taking urine in the morning and doing the speci5ic gravity of the urine and seeing what it is. B/c, speciUic gravity can tell you if it is concentrated or dilute urine. If the speci5ic gravity is greater than 1.023, this means that the pt is concentrating urine and that the kidneys are ABSOLUTELY NORMAL (this is a CHEAP test). Example: lets say I did a speci5ic gravity of urine overnight and it is 1.010 this is very hypotonic urine, and it means that the pt could not concentrate, and that the pt is in renal failure. (BUN/Cr will not help determine this). The urine that should be concentrated is from a pt that is sleeping overnight. Hyaline cast cast of a protein; mostly b9/harmless (all other casts have pathological signi5icance). III. Crystals: Uric acid crystal looks like a star; pH of the urine has to be acidic to form a uric acid crystal. Pt with gout want to stop crystals from forming, and you know they

form in low pH, what do you want to do with the urine? Alkalinize it. How can you do that? Carbonic Anhidrase inhibitor (acetazolamide). By blocking bicarbonate reclamation will alkalinize the urine, and prevent stones from forming. So, simple manipulation of the pH can prevent urate nephropathy. Calcium Oxalate crystal look like the back of an envelope; why is this imp to know? Example: street person comes in, stupurous, has increased anion gap metabolic acidosis. Do a urinalysis, and see bunch of calcium oxalate stones what did he drink? Ethylene glycol. What is the MC stone we pass? Ca oxalate. So if you have a Ca Oxalate stone, you will have crystals associated with it. Horse kidney joined at their lower poles. Will ask what is restricting the movement of the kidney? IMA it traps the kidney. IV. Cystic dz of the kidney A. Infantile polycystic kidney dz, which is auto recessive; therefore it is present at birth. Do you think this baby is urinating? No, therefore has oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic 5luid). So, baby is in an amniotic sac, with hardly any amniotic 5luid around it, and therefore have malformation due to pressure. Look at the nose and ears; this is called Potters face, which is a sign of oligohydramnios in polycystic kidney dz: Ulattened nose, low- set ears, and recessed chin). This child wasnt able to breath, and when it tried to breath, it couldnt; the lungs are hypoplastic they never fully developed b/c the kid couldnt 5ill them up. These cysts are also seen in the pancreas, the liver and just incompatible with life. B. Adult polycystic kidney disease: APKDz Some autosomal dominant dz show Penetrance have the abnormality when they look for it on the gene, but do not express it. (so you have the genetic abnormality, but have never expressed it in your life). Thats the good news the bad news is that you can transmit it to your child, therefore it is dif5icult to recognize on the pedigree. Example of penetrance: familial polyposis = 100% penetrance if you have the gene, you have the dz. Example of incomplete penetrance: marfan abnormality on csome 15, normal parents, they do not express the gene, but passed on to child (this is incomplete penetrance). APKDz is another example of incomplete penetrance. So, APKDz is an autosomal dominant dz that is not present at birth b/c AD dz have delayed manifestations. See cysts by 10-12 years of age, always get HTN which will then predisposes 2 types of bleeds: (1) Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms (a blood clot) and (2) see blood all over the brain, due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, therefore the blood is due to rupture berry aneurysm. Subarachnoid hemorrhage = worst headache of my life, blood in subarachnoid space.

MVP (mitral valve prolapse): Example: hx of HTN, abnormality of ultrasound in the renal pelvis, and had click murmur (therefore MVP) dx? APKDz. There is a high assoc of MVP with this. Diverticulosis also has a high incidence. Example: pt with HTN, abnormality on ultrasound in renal area, lost 600 mls of blood all of a sudden, leading to hematochezia (MCC hematochezia = diverticulosis).

V. Glomerular stuff A. Nomenclature of the Kidney dz: -itis = type III HPY therefore its an immunologic dz (glomerulonephritis) Example: Lipoid nephrosis does that have type III? No Example: Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis? No Example: Diabetic glomerulosclerosis? No. Example: IgA glomerulonephritis, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis? Yes When we say diffuse, this means that EVERY glomerulus has something wrong with it on renal bx. What is focal? not all glomeruli involved. What if dz is focal and dz in the glomerulus is focal? Have a problem this is called Focal Segmental Glomerulus What does proliferative mean? Have lots of them. So, you have many nuclei. If all the glomeruli have a lot of nuclei, this is diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis If you just see thick membranes, its membranous glomerulonephritis If you see both increased cell and thickened membrane? Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

Audio File 30: Renal 2

B. Anatomy/schematic The order is: blood, endothelial cells of the capillaries, underneath there is a BM, and then the visceral epithelial cells (looks like feet = podocytes; which have spaces in between them called slit pores) that line the bowmans capsule. Who makes/ synthesizes the GBM? Visceral epithelial cells (podocytes). What keeps Albumin out of the urine normally? Strong negative charge of the BM. Who is responsible for strong -of the BM? A GAG called heparan sulfate, which has a strong neg charge. If we immunologically damage the visceral epithelial cell, what do we automatically also damage? The BM, which means youre gonna spill a lot of protein in the urine, which means you potentially can have nephrotic syndrome if you spill >3.5 grams in 24 hrs). C. Test on Renal Bx Stains routine H & E hemotoxylin stains, silver stains. ImmunoUluorescent stain pattern can be linear or granular (aka lumpy bumpy), which are the only 2 patterns. These patterns are immune complexes or patterns/Abs that they are detecting. Take bx, and have Abs with a 5luorescent tag on them. Ie want to see IgA in the glomerulus and have anti IgA Abs with a 5luorescent tag if there are any, it will attach to it and make a 5luorescent tag. There are also tags for IgG, C3, 5ibrinogen so can get an idea of whats in the glomerulus and an idea of what pattern it is in (ie linear vs. lumpy bumpy granular pattern). It doesnt tell us where these things are, it just tells us that they are there. What tells us where immune deposits and immune complexes are located are EM. So, we do stains, 5luorescence, and EM. How can we tell that the podocytes are fused? Can only tell by EM b/c its so small. VI. Difference between Ab recognition vs. immune complexes Detect with Ab which have 2 Ag recognition sites on the Ab. Goodpasture syndrome is an IgG anti BM Abs. So, they get in the blood they get into the glomerular capillary and are directed against the BM. Wherever there was a spot on the BM you will see an IgG Ab. There wouldnt be one spot on the BM without IgG. So, what if we do a 5luorescent tag for IgG overlying the glomerulus what would you see? Would see outlines of all the BMs of the entire glomerulus. It is linear. MCC linear pattern on immunuUluorescence = Goodpastures.

Immune complexes Ag with Ab attached and is circulating in the bloodstream, hence Ag-Ab complex ie lupus = immune complex dz: Ag = DNA, Ab = anti-DNA they attach to e/o and 5loat around and deposit in certain places; in this case it will deposit in the glomerular capillary; type III HPY (b/c immune complex). B/c they are immune complexes, they are larger than individual Abs b/c they are Ag and Ab attached together therefore they are bigger, have diff solubilities, have diff charges they wont 5it nice and neat in the glomerulus. So, depending on the size and charge will depend on where they locate themselves. Ie if too big, will locate under the endothelial nucleus. So, this would be called a subendothelial membrane they are so big that they 5it under a podocyte (they cannot get through the BM). Lupus is like this, too they cannot get passed the BM and hangout under the endothelial cells. Post strep GM bacterial Ag with Ab against (immune complex), which is very small, and very soluble. They can go all the way past the BM and deposit under the epithelial side this is a subepithelial deposit. So, how do you 5ind out where the deposits are? Cannot see with immunu5luorescence, but will be able to see with EM b/c they are electron dense (meaning that they increase the density wherever they are). So, immune complexes have diff solubilities, diff charges, and randomly go underneath the endothelium, under the subepithelial surface; they will not have a nice smooth linear pattern like anti basement membrane Abs. Example: dz that isnt linear (so its not Goodpastures) it could be any immune complex dz lupus, post strep, IgA glomerulonephritis. Can get a hint of what the dz is, depending on what is in there ie what is the only glomerular nephritis that you can only dx with immunuUluorescence? IgA glomerulonephritis. B/c if you are gonna call it glomerular nephritis, this means that there is no IgG in there, but IgA. So, the only way to accurately dx IgA glomerulonephritis is to prove that it is IgA and nothing else. Granular/lumpy bumpy pattern when you see this, what does it mean? Immunocomplex type III dz; remember anti BMs and anti BM Abs against the BM is not a type III, but a type II. Whereas, immune complexes are type III.

VII. Nephritic vs. Nephrotic Glomerulonephritis There are 2 types of glomerulonephritis: nephritic or nephrotic (cannot be both at same time; however, it can start out nephritic and become nephrotic) A. Nephritic Syndrome: Has unique cast that is red, and looks like biconcave disk RBC casts (unique to nephritic dzs); b/c you have in5lammation you will spill protein, but not greater than 3.5 grams in a 24 hr period (b/c if it did, it would be nephrotic) so it is mild to moderate proteinuria. You are spilling protein, but not to the same level as

nephrotic, therefore will not have pitting edema, ascites, etc If are in5laming the glomerulus, will you have oliguria? Yes all the glomerular capillaries have swollen up, GFR would decrease, and this would lead to oliguria. Are you decreasing the absorption or not 5iltering Na? yes. So does the Na build up? Yes therefore run the risk of HTN. So, classically what you see in nephritic dzs is hematuria, RBCs casts, oliguria, HTN, and mild/moderate proteinuria (this is the deUinition) B. Nephrotic Syndrome: Has a different cast (fatty cast), have greater than 3.5 grams of protein in a 24 hr urine sample. Will also have pitting edema. So, if you started out nephritic (RBC casts, mild/moderate proteinuria) and all of a sudden you start seeing pitting edema, start seeing over 3.5 grams of protein in the urine over 24 hrs, and fatty casts then nephritic has become nephrotic. VIII. Nephritic Syndromes A. Proliferative Glomerulonephritis All the glomeruli are diffuse, too many nuclei B. Post strep GN Example: scarlet fever 2 weeks ago, presents with hematuria, RBC casts, mild to moderate proteinuria, HP, periorbital puf5iness. EM: lumen of capillary, bump on lumen is endothelial cell, underneath is BM (grayish), and epithelial cells under. Has boulders that are denser than the normal glomerular BM these are immune complexes. In this case, it the bacteria is the Ag-Ab immune complexes. Which side are they closer to? Closer to epithelial side, therefore they are subepithelial deposits hence post strep GMN. C. Lupus GN Example: 35 y/o female with + serum ANA with a rim pattern (meaning you have anti DNA Abs present). Lupus almost always involves the kidney. There are 6 types, and the important one to know is type IV, which is a diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, which is the MC overall one seen in Lupus. Has many nuclei, therefore proliferative; has wire loops. (orient to EM) deposits in BM are anti DNA deposits. Would you agree that they are in the endothelial cell? Yes. So what is this location? Subendothelial deposits. Podocytes with slit pores in btwn are not fused b/ c if they were, it would be nephrotic syndrome. Also see lumen, endothelial cells and deposits. Immune complexes are so big they cant get through the BM. D. Crescentic GN Glomerulus surrounded by proliferating cells that are parietal cells b/c not in the glomerulus, and has crescent shape, hence the name crescentic glomerular nephritis. This is the WORST glomerular nephritis to have b/c in 3 months; pts will go into

acute renal failure and die unless pt is on dialysis. Many dzs have a crescentic glomerulonephritis, but the only one I need to know is Goodpastures; this is a NEPHRITIC dz; this dz has crescentic glomerulonephritis on bx (therefore a BAD dx). IX. Nephrotic Syndromes: Pt with casts (fatty casts), polarized specimen with maltese cross this is cholesterol in the urine. When cholesterol is polarized, it looks like a maltese cross. These fatty casts are pathonognomic for nephrotic syndrome. Greater than 3. 5 grams protein for 24 hrs, fatty casts in the urine, ascites, pitting edema, risk of spontaneous peritonitis if you are a child. Organism? Strep pneumonia in kids, E coli in adults. A. Lipoid nephrosis aka Minimal Change Dz: Example: EM of 8 y/o boy that had an URI one week ago, and now is all swollen, has pitting edema throughout body (anasarca) and ascites, normo-tensive, no HTN; saw nothing on renal bx; but then did a EM see RBC in glomerular capillary lumen. So, see endothelial cells, see BM (without electron dense deposits), podocytes (fused) fusion of podocytes is ALWAYS seen in any cause of nephrotic syndrome. Maltese crosses in urine. Dx? Lipoid nephrosis. All pt with nephrotic syndrome have hypercholesteremia. Since they have glomerular dz and some of the cholesterol can get into the urine, some can form casts in the urine. Aka minimal change dz. Why is this happening? Has lost neg charge in GBM, therefore albumin can get through. These pts have a select proteinuria the only protein in these pts urine is albumin, and it is greater than 3.5 grams per 24 hrs. Rx corticosteroids (usually goes away in 1 year never to come back again). The MCC nephrotic syndrome in kids. B. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Example: pt that is HIV +, pitting edema therefore look at urine and note that is greater than 3.5 grams over 24 hrs. Has fatty casts in urine and has HTN. Do bx, and already know what you are gonna see b/c it the MCC nephrotic syndrome in AIDs pt. On bx, some of the glomeruli are abnormal and others are normal, but only a part of the glomerulus is messed up. Therefore, it is focal segmental. B/c the renal bx with EM and immuno5luorence did NOT show deposits, therefore its glomerulosclerosis. So, this is called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. This is the MC lesion in AIDs pts and IVDAs. Next to rapidly progressive crecentric glomerulonephritis, this is the next worse glomerular dz. C. Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis Example: adult with pitting edema, over 3.5 gram per 24 yrs, fatty casts. Do a bx and see not many dots therefore not a proliferative dz. However the BM is thicker. Dx? Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis = MCC nephrotic syndrome in

adults. This is subepithelial deposit. Epimembranous spikes spike like lesion on the outside of GBM seen with silver stain = diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis (only one that looks like that). Many things can cause this (drugs, cancer, nothing, infections); some the drugs include NSAIDs, Hep B, captopril (king of treatment of diabetic nephropathy and heart failure), malaria, syphilis, colon cancer (immune complex is anti-CEA Abs). Eventually leads to renal failure and can die unless you get a renal transplant D. Type I and II Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis (ends in -itis therefore it is type III HPY immune complex!) 1. Type I has a relationship with Hep C how do you remember? Membranous = Hep B (also remember the vasculitis Polyarteritis Nodosa), Membranoproliferative = Hep C (also remember cryoglobinemia). So, type I is a subendothelial deposit that produces nephrotic syndrome. 2. Type II is less common, and has an Auto Ab against C3, called C3 nephritic factor. It causes C3 convertase to become overactive and is constantly breaking complement down. So, the lowest complement levels you will see is in type II glomerular nephritis this is called dense deposit dz b/c the entire BM an immune complex. tram tracks mesangial cell (structural component of the glomerular capillary) the mesangial cell is extending itself between the BM and the endothelial cell, making it look like a tram track; so, its a mesangial process btwn the BM and endothelial cell tram track Membranoproliferative dz E. Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis Classic sign: big round balls on H and E stain. When there is excess red in the cell, think hyaline arteriolosclerosis; this is a small vessel dz of diabetes and HTN. The very 5irst vessel that is hyalinized is the efferent arteriole. Lets say it is hyalinized. So, b/c the lumen is narrow in the efferent arteriole, the GFR will increase. So, what is the Cr clearance? Increased. So, in early diabetic nephropathy, there is an increased GFR and Cr clearance. Why? B/c the efferent arteriole is hyalinized and obstructed. Is this bad? Yes as a result the glomerulus will take a pounding for the next ten years leading injury called hyper5iltration damage. What is the process where glucose attaches to an aa in a protein)? Nonenzymatic glycosylation. Lets say this is also going on b/c the pt is not watching himself too well, therefore we are nonenzymatically glycosylating the GBM. What would happen when you glycosylate a BM what is it permeable to? Protein. So, have all this pressure on the glomerular capillary b/c the efferent arteriole and also nonenzymatically glycosylating the GBM, so its permeable to protein. So, tons of protein going into the urine. When you initially start seeing it, is called microalbuminuria. Will the standard dipstick for protein detect that? No. There are special dipsticks that are

available to detect this called microalbuminuria dipsticks. So, what does it mean when your diabetic pt has a + dipstick for microalbuminuria? Have to give pt ACE inhibitor b/c you want to stop progression of this. How will it work? Afferent arteriole is controlled by PGE2; the efferent arteriole is controlled by AT II (which constricts it). So, when you give an ACE inhibitor, what happens to AT II level? It decreases. So, b/c AT II decreased, you take off the vasoconstrictive element it has on it. Even though it was hyalinized, it will open then lumen, taking pressure off the glomerulus, and decrease the 5iltration rate. So, the constant pounding on the glomerulus is taken away. Need to get glycosylated Hb (HbA1c) under 6%, but the ACE inhibitor cant do it all, so must have perfect glycemic control, otherwise will go into chronic renal dz. If they can do this, the ACE inhibitor will prevent the dz. The ACE inhibitor also helps HTN. Pink stuff is type IV collagen in the mesangium. It builds up, ez to see big circle (big balls/golf balls/Christmas balls) aka Kimmelstiel- Wilson nodules this is nodular glomerular sclerosis. F. Amyloid Like to deposit in the kidneys. Its a special protein. Stain with Congo red, and after you polarize it, it has a (granny smith) apple green birefringence. Light green is what the amyloid is supposed to look like when you polarize it with a Congo Red stain. Amyloid and diabetic glomerular sclerosis are nephrotic syndromes.

G. Summary nephrotic: Lipoid sclerosis = MCC nephrotic in kids Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis = IVDAs, AIDs Diffuse Membranous glomerulonephritis = MC in adults Type I and II Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis = type I with hep C relationship, type II with autoAb against C3 (lowest complement levels seen) Diabetic nephropathy Amyloid X. Combo of Nephritic and Nephrotic Syndrome A. IgA Glomerulonephritis (burgers dz) IgA glomerulonephritis is a VARIANT of Henoch Schonlein purpura b/c it is an immune complex dz, anti IgA Abs (so is Henoch Schonlein palpable purpura in buttocks of legs, polyarthritis, GI bleed, hematuria (RBC casts)) On immuno5luorence, everything shows up in the mesangium. Example: in kids, presents with episodes of gross hematuria, goes away, comes back a few years later;

in adults, presents with episodic bout of microscopic hematuria. So, have a lil hematuria, goes away, and comes again. Lil proteinuria, no HTN. When it starts getting worse (10 years later), thats when it will be bad (so its not b9). It is the MC of all glomerulonephritis and is type III HPY.

Audio File 31: Renal 3

XI. BUN/Cr Prerenal Azotemia Can separate prerenal azotemia vs. renal failure BUN = blood urea nitrogen and Cr = end product of creatine metabolism. Urea can be 5iltered and reabsorbed in the prox tubule (so its not a perfect clearance substance); Cr is only 5iltered in the kidney and is reabsorbed or secreted. (lnulin clearance is better). If you take the normal BUN level (10), and normal Cr level (1mg/dL), will have the normal ratio of 10:1. When you have prerenal azotemia, there is an increase in BUN (this is what azotemia means). Pre = before, therefore there is something wrong before the kidney in other words, there is nothing wrong with the kidney, but the CO is decreased (from any cause - ie CHF, MI, hypovolemia, cardiomyopathy, etc). Anything that decreases CO will lead to prerenal azotemia b/c the GFR will decrease. If you have less renal blood 5low, you will 5ilter less and the GFR will decrease. So, when it decreases, it gives the prox tubule more time to reabsorb little bit more urea than normal. So, there is increase prox tubule reabsorption of urea. What about Cr? We know that it is not reabsorbed, but you do have to get rid of it through the kidneys. So, even though it is not reabsorbed, the GFR is decreased, there is a back up of Cr and will not be able to clear it as fast. Therefore, there will be an increase in serum Cr. There is little more of an increase is urea b/c it is being reabsorbed than with Cr. So, there is a disproportionate increase of BUN/Cr. All you have to remember is 15:1. So, greater than a 15:1 BUN/Cr = prerenal azotemia. Example: the pt has CHF, BUN is 80 and Cr is 2. So, both are elevated, but the BUN/ Cr ratio is 40:1, indicating that it is prerenal azotemia, and the pt does NOT have ATN. Lets say pt truly has renal failure oliguria, renal tubular casts, acute renal failure. This will affect the BUN/Cr EQUALLY b/c something is wrong with the kidney, therefore the same effect on the BUN is the same on Cr. For both, urea has to be 5iltered out of the kidney and it has failed both increased proportionate to each other b/c both have the same problem and kidney is screwed up; cannot get rid of urea, cant get rid of creatinine, so they increase in proportion to each other b/c the urea is not being reabsorbed anymore b/c the kidney is in shock. Example: BUN = 80, Cr = 8, therefore the BUN/Cr ratio is 10:1, and pt is in renal failure. So, even though

the 10:1 is maintained, still have renal failure b/c it has increased so much. If the ratio is 15:1, it is prerenal azotemia; if it is increased and still 10:1, its renal failure. XII. Acute Renal Failure A. Acute Tubular Necrosis: MCC = Ischemic Acute Tubular Necrosis this is what you worry about the most when the CO decreases, pt develops oliguria. When a pts CO decreases, and have prerenal azotemia, you have a decrease in GFR, which is another cause of the oliguria. So, decrease in CO and oliguria is VERY BAD, and start to see BUN/Cr go up need to know if its prerenal azotemia, or renal azotemia to distinguish, get a BUN/Cr. It its 15:1, its still prerenal. But it can progress to renal failure ischemic acute tubular necrosis. MCC ischemic acute tubular necrosis = not treating prerenal azotemia. So, ischemic ATN is the worst the get and the BUN/Cr ratio will be normal, but increased in values (ie 80/8) Coagulation necrosis: Sloughs off, blocks lumen and contributes to oliguria, and see casts in the urine. The casts are renal tubule casts. So, combo of renal tubular casts, oliguria, BUN/Cr of 10:1 = ATN. Why does this have such a bad prognosis? When pt has ischemic necrosis, not only are you killing the tubular cells, but the BM also gets damaged, so the structural integrity of the tubule is being taken away, which is not good. When you have liver damage, and damage liver cells, and the cells regenerate, the cells are not regenerating sinusoids and triads, but only themselves. If the BM isnt there, and the patient has recovered from ATN or is in the process of doing that, can you regenerate a tubular cell without a BM? No. So, the more necrosis, the more BM are destroyed, the worse the prognosis b/c cannot regenerate and cannot get back normal function. This is why it is such a bad dz. There are 2 parts of the nephron that are most susceptible to ischemia what are they? Straight portion of the prox tubule and thick ascending limb of the medullary segment (where the Na/K/2 Cl co- transport pump is). These two parts undergo coagulation necrosis and sloughing off. So, will see these fall off in the proximal tubule and also in the thick ascending limb of the medullary segment. B. Nephrotoxic ATN: Gentamycin, AGs. If they are nephrotoxic, what is the 5irst thing they will 5iltered from the glomerulus? Proximal tubule. So, nephrotoxic tubular necrosis related to drugs involves the proximal tubule. And, the BM remains intact; therefore the prognosis of nephrotoxicity is way better for 2 reasons: only affecting the proximal tubules and not affecting the BM. The MCC nephrotoxicity = AGs (2nd MCC = intravenous pyelograms). What is GFR in 80 y/o? It is decreased the Cr is 4 mls/ min; which is normal in older people. Cr clearance decreases along with GFR as they

get older; so, if you are giving a drug without nephrotoxicity the same dose as a young person, you will be killing the older person. This is obviously occurring b/c AGs are the MCC ATN and doctors are not decreasing the dose of the drug to decrease nephrotoxicity. XIV. Tubular and Interstitial Disorders of the Kidney A. Acute Pyelonephritis: How do you separate it from a lower UTI? Very easily. Pyelonephritis is seen more in women b/c of their short urethra. Acute pyelonephritis is a systemic infection and is an infection of the kidney proper. How does it get into the kidney? At the uretovesicular junc, the muscle squeezes so there is no re5lux of urine from the bladder into the ureter. This is true in normal people. However, not all people have a normal vesicoureteral junction. So, what happens in a pt with a bladder infection and the junction is incompetent, it leads to vesicouretal reUlux, and the infected urine re5luxes up into ureters, and leads to ascending infection that goes all the way up to the kidneys. So, they will ask you, what is the mech of ALL UTIs? (urethritis, cystitis, pelvitis, or pyelonephritis) due to ascending infection from the beginning of the urethra. Every woman (has nothing to do with cleanliness) has the same E coli serotype in her stool at the introutus of the urethra and her vagina. So, with trauma or certain serotypes of E coli, it can ascend up the urethra into the bladder. If the pt has an incompetent uretovesicular junc, up the ureters into the kidneys. So, all UTIs are ascending from the beginning of the urethra on up. With acute cholecystitis, have painful urination (dysuria), increased frequency, suprapubic pain, NO fever, no Ulank pain, NO WBC casts (with neutrophils in them) why? B/c the WBC casts develop in the renal tubules; they do not develop in the ureter or the bladder; they develop in the kidney in the tubule. So, fever, Ulank pain, and WBC casts = ACUTE PYELONEPHRITIS. So, its an ascending infection due to incompetent vesicouretal junc. This usually shows up in newborn girls (and will be a prob for rest of lives). Example: kidney with white spots = abscesses seen in pyelonephritis. If you have constant acute attacks of pyelonephritis, can become chronic. Therefore have increased risk of HTN and renal failure. B. Chronic Pyelonephritis Example: scarred kidney (on cortex), blunting of the calyces (occurs under the scar), seen on intravenous pyelograms dx? CHRONIC pyelonephritis. So, blunting of the calyces = CHRONIC pyelonephritis.

C. Acute Drug-induced interstitial nephritis Can drugs produce a nephritis involving the interstitium and tubules? Yes can be acute and chronic and ez to diagnose. Why? B/c will have fever, and develop a rash. Fever + Rash (obviously due to drug, b/c started after taking the drug), oliguria, eosinophiliuria (eosinophils in the urine pathognomonic). This is called acute drug induced interstitial nephritis. This is more and more common, and is a very common cause of chronic renal failure. So, put pt on drug, get fever, rash, oliguria = discard/stop drug (never give again) this is a combo of type I and IV HPY. Analgesic nephropathy Example: discoloration in renal medulla, pale infarct, renal papilla sloughed off ringed signed; and on pyelograms there will be nothing there just an empty space. Dx? Analgesic nephropathy. This from combo of acetaminophen and aspirin over a long period of time. Acetaminophen is producing free radicals. B/c of the poor circulation in the medulla, there is free radical damage on the tubular cells of the medulla. Aspirin will block PGE2 (a vasodilator), therefore angiotensin II (a vasoconstrictor) is in charge of the renal blood 5low. Vasoconstrictor of the efferent arteriole. The peritubular capillaries arise from the efferent arteriole. So, with vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole, pt is affecting peritubular capillaries going around collecting tubules and renal medulla. So, is that producing ischemia? Yes. So, pt has free radical damage and ischemia leading to analgesic nephropathy. This is why the renal papilla necroses, sloughs off, and leads to renal papillary necrosis. So, aspirin and acetaminophen toxicity. Diabetic nephropathy (b/c causes ischemia), acute pyelonephritis (b/c abscess formation), SCDz and trait, can all lead to analgesic nephropathy.

XV. Chronic renal Failure DeUinition: Pt has BUN/Cr ratio 10:1 for more than 3 months. If both kidneys failed: will not be able to excrete the things we normally get rid of (so those things will build up ie salt); EPO production will decrease, leading to normocytic anemia with a corrected reticulocyte ct of less than 2%. Will not be able to get rid of organic acids, leading to metabolic acidosis, increased anion gap. With metabolic acidosis, bones try to buffer all the acid. B/c the bones are buffering the extra H ion, bone dz can develop, leading to osteoporosis. The prox tubules are messed up in the renal tubules, and 1-alpha hydroxylase will decrease (this responsible is hydroxylating Vit D); so, with renal failure will also have hypovitaminosis D (vit D def). This means that there will be hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, leading to osteomalacia. So, there are two bone dzs osteoporosis (b/c buffering and wearing away bone matrix) and osteomalacia; also,

PTH is reacting to chronic hypocalcemia and leads to secondary hyperparathyroidism (also affects the bone). The bun/Cr ratio is 80/8. So, if you know normal renal func you know what happens. XVI. Other Problems related to kidneys: Example: pt has essential HTN over 10 yrs, and pt is not compliant with medication kidney with cobblestone appearance = nephrosclerosis. Underlying dz causing it: hyaline arteriolosclerosis b/c there is decreased blood 5low, tubular atrophy, glomeruli are 5ibrosing off, renal function is going down, and leads to renal failure. Example: lets say the pt wakes up with a big headache and blurry vision. Pt is getting dizzy, goes to dr, and pressure is 240/140, in the retina, dude has papilloedema with 5lame hemorrhages and hard and soft exudates, grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy, BUN/Cr are 80/8 dx? Malignant HTN (aka 5lea bitten kidney petechia visible on surface of kidney see vessel changes ie hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, and the BVs are rupturing, leading to petechial lesions on the cortex called 5lea bitten kidney). This is all you have to know. They can also ask Rx: IV nitroprusside to get the BP down. So, they have CNS edema with papilloedema, and if the BP isnt lowered, they are gonna die. Example: kidney with abnormal areas that are pale and depressed so, if you take a section through one of these, and you see an irregular irregular pulse, will see pale infarction with coagulation necrosis b/c what you are looking at are infarcts. Irregular irregular pulse is from atrial 5ib, and atrial 5ib is most dangerous for embolization. So, these infarcts are from multiple emboli, leading to multiple pale infarcts of the kidney. This is NOT pyelonephritis b/c has microabcesses Example: atrophy due to dilatation of the renal pelvis, leading to hydronephrosis. So, if you have hydronephrosis and increased pressure pressing on the cortex and medulla, what happens to that? Get ischemia and atrophy which is called compression atrophy. This is very similar to cystic 5ibrosis ducts 5illed with mucous the pressure is impacted back to the glands, and they undergo compression atrophy. Cortex and medulla are very thin, along with very dilated renal pelvices. MCC = stone Example: staghorn calculus urine pH is alkaline and smells like ammonia; therefore, there must be a urease producer, and this is Proteus. B/c it is a urease producer, they break urea down to ammonia, and get an alkaline pH. This is why a staghorn calculus is Mg ammonium phosphate, and only develops in infections in pts that have urease producers. E coli are not urease producer and proteus species are and they predispose to these stones. Do not pass these stones (too big), therefore need to extract these (surgery). So, urease producer, alkaline pH, ammonia smell to the urine. XVII. Tumors of the kidney

If you see a mass in a kidney, and its an adult, it is a renal adenocarcinoma. If its a kid, its a Wilms tumor. So, if you see a mass in the kidney, its prob not mets (b/c not many things go there), its not b9, pick cancer. So, adult = renal adenocarcinoma, kid = Wilms tumor; they derived from the proximal tubule and the MCC = smoking; they make lot of ectopic hormones: EPO, parathyroid hormone (leads to hypercalcemia), invade the renal vein. Cells are clear, full of glycogen. Example: 5lank mass in child, HTN = Wilms tumor; HTN occurs b/c its making renin; usually unilateral. Histology: cancer where pt is duplicating embryogenesis of a kidney everything is primitive. Can see rhabdomyblasts; likes to mets to lung If AD, from csome 11, and have 2 classic Uindings: aniridia (absent iris), and hemihypertrophy of an extremity (one extremity is bigger than another) this is a sign that the wilms tumor has a genetic basis. Papillary lesion in the bladder = transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) What is the MCC transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder? Smoking Dye use to look? Aniline dye; what is chemotherapy agent used to Rx Wegeners? Cyclophosphamide. What are the complications of Cyclophosphamide? Hemorrhagic cystitis and transitional cell carcinoma. How do you prevent this? Mesna. XVIII. Urinary Tract Infection MC urine abnormality seen in the lab Example: arrow pointing to neutrophils in urine; RBCs in it, too, bacteria E coli (play odds). So, see neutrophils, RBCs and bacteria. The dipstick will pick up all three of these things. + dipstick for blood due to RBCs. Hematuria is very frequent and sometimes a lot of blood comes out (hemorrhagic cystitis) and most of the time its E coli, but sometimes it can be from adenovirus. Also, the dipstick has leukocyte esterase and its measuring the enzyme in the leukocyte. Most urinary pathogens are nitrate reducers, meaning that they convert nitrate to nitrite. On a dipstick, they have a section for nitrites. B/c E coli is a nitrate reducer, there should be nitrites in the urine, which are dipstick + for that. So, you have a pt, woman or man, who has dysuria, increased frequency, suprapubic pain and have a urine sediment of neutrophils, RBCs, bacteria or dipstick 5indings of hematuria, leukocyte esterase pos, nitrate + = UTI

Is it lower or upper? If the pt has fever, Ulank pain, WBC casts its upper, if none of these things are present, its lower. Example: pt with dysuria, increased frequency, neutrophils in the urine, few RBCs, no bacteria, + leukocyte esterase, urine culture is neg, and sexually active person, dx? Chlamydia normal urine cultures do not pick up Chlamydia trachomatis. It is the MC STD. In men, called nonspeci5ic urethritis, in woman its called acute urethral syndrome. We also use the term called sterile pyuria. We dont have bacteria present, but do have neutrophil present. On routine stool culture, its neg. So, one cause of sterile pyuria is Chlamydia infection and the other one is TB. MC organ that military TB goes to = kidney, therefore will have TB in the urine, and it will be sterile b/c urine cultures do not pick up. So, remember Chlamydia and TB as causes of sterile pyuria. Penis Embryo: what is the embryology of hypospadias? Opening on the undersurface (you pee and it goes on your shoes) failure of closure of urethral fold Epispadias? Opening on upper surface (pee and goes in face); defect in genital tubercle Peyronies dz: like Dupuytrens contracture Priapism permanent erection, seen commonly in SCDz bc of the RBCs and sickle cells trapped in the vascular channels. MC cancer of the penis = squamous bc lack of circumcision. It is more commonly seen in an uncircumscribed pt they usually do not clean (poor hygiene) predisposes the smegma is carcinogenic. Testicle Cryptorchid testis testicle doesnt want to come down. There are two phases in the decent of a testicle: transabdominal migration down to inguinal canal. MIF is responsible for this. The second part of the trip is androgen dependent. This includes testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. So, the 5irst phase is from MIF and the second phase is androgen dependent. Need testicle down by two years of age bc if not, has a risk of seminomas. Still at risk if you get it down. Lets say you went in, and it look atrophic and other testicle looks normal, have to take normal one out, too bc it is also at risk. So, must have testes examines to make sure you dont have a seminoma. Analogy: in turners, they are infertile and have menopause before menarche, bc by two years of ages, they have no follicles in their ovaries, and this is called a streak gonad. This is an ovary without any follicles. This is analagous to cryptorchid testes: just like the cryptorchid testes predisposes to seminomas (which is a germ cell tumor), so does the streak gonad predispose to a germ cell tumor however, do not

call them seminomas in women, but dysgerminomas. So, in pts dxd with Turners syndrome, they surgically remove both ovaries bc of the great risk. They dont keep them in there bc lead to cancer. Orchitis mumps Epididymitis less than 35 = N gonorrhea/chlamydia, greater than 35 = pseudomonas Varicocele on left side bc spermatic vein connected to left renal vein, wheras the spermatic vein on the right is connected to the IVC; bc of this, the pressures increase, and a varicocele on the left, leads to increased heat and is one of the most common causes of infertility ie what would happen if you blocked the left renal vein? Would develop a varicocele. So, if you block the left renal vein, you will increase the pressure in the spermatic vein and will lead to a varicocele. Torsion spermatic cord twisting; when there is a torsion of the spermatic cord, it shortens it. This means that the testicle will go up into the inguinal canal. This is painful. You will lose your cremasteric re5lex (in normal male, if you scatch the scrotum, it will contract, which is lost in torsion of the testicle). Hydrocele persistence of tunica vaginalis; when you have big scrotum, you dont know whether its big bc there is 5luid in it, or its big bc there is a testicle in it. So, what do you do? Transilluminate. If it transilluminates, it is hydrocele. If it doesnt its cancer. d/d for painless enlargement of testicle : cancer, cancer, cancer!! (why they dont even do bx, just remove) Seminoma MC (best prognosis); huge cells with lymphocyctic in5iltrate. They are the counterpart of a womans dysgerminoma. These will melt with radiation, have little beta hcG; met to paraortic lymph nodes why? Bc they came from the abdomen, and thats where they will go. MC testicular tumor in child? Yolk sac tumor; tumor marker? Alpha feto protein What is worst testicular cancer? choriocarcinoma not the same prognosis of a gestationally derived choriocarcinma in a woman youre dead Example:: 25 yo male with unilateral gynecomastia and dyspnea. Chest xray reveals multiple nodular masses in the lung. So, gynecomastia and mets dz, - what is the primary cancer? testicle choriocarcinoma. Source of gynecomastia: BHCG is like LH, and therefore it stimulates progesterone in the male, which increases duct growth and breast tissue and leads to gynecomastia Example:: same scenario, but older man will lead to malignant lymphoma So, older pts get malignant lymphoma (not as primary dz, but from mets); the testes mets a lot , esp in leukemia and lymphomas Summary:

Worst = choriocacinoma MC = Seminoma MC in kids = yolk sac tumor MC in old = mets malignant lymphoma Prostate Hyperplasia occurs in the periurethral portion of the prostate gland. This is why you get dribbling and urinary retention as the most common symptom. Prostate cancer is in the periphery of the prostate gland within the periphery of your 5inger. So, when you press on it, you feel hardness. Example 75 yo man with urinary retention and bladder is up the umbilicus and has dribbling what is the most likely cause? NOT prostate cancer why? Bc for prostate cancer to do that, it has to invade all the way through the prostate gland to the urethra/bladder neck. This is prostate HYPERPLASIA bc it is already around the urethra, and this is the MCC, not cancer. What male hormone is totally responsible for prostate? Dihydrotestosterone in embryogenesis, this hormone fuses the labia to form a scotrum, extends the clitoris to form a penis and makes a prostate gland. So, prostate HPY and cancer are NOT testosterone dep cancers, but dihydrotesterone dep cancers. If you use a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, that will increase testosterone. This drug will decrease DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE MC cancer in men = prostate cancer Produces osteoblastic mets.

CHAPTER 12: Gynae

Audio File 32: Gynaecology

Hirsutism and Virilization Hirsutism = increased hair in normal hair bearing areas Virilization = hirstuism, plus male secondary sexual characteristics (zits, acne, deeper voice), clitoromegaly (pathognomonic) Testosterone is predominantly synthesized in the ovary. Most testosterone in a woman is from the ovary. DHEA sulfate is 95% from adrenals, and is an androgen. Therefore, if a pt has hirstuism, have to get two tests get a testosterone level have to fractionate it bc sometimes the total can be normal, but the free test can be increased, and you get a DHEA sulfate test. So, if testeterone is predominantly elevated, it is coming from the ovary and if DHEA is elevated, it is coming from the adrenals. If it is adrenal orgin, it consists of hydroxylase def (adrogenital syndrome), Cushings, etc.. Hirstuism from the ovaries is a common phenomenon. So, when you are evaluating hirsutism, look at DHEA levels (adrenal origin) and testosterone levels(ovarian origin). One of the common causes of ovarian origin are polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome MCC hirstuism = polycystic ovarian syndrome (or idiopathic) (Also due to stromal hyperplasia stroma of the ovary can make testosterone, or tumors others ovary) This dz is a hypothalamic-pit abnormality where FSH is suppressed and LH is increased. If you know what LH does, it makes the pathophys easy. In a woman, LH is responsible for synthesis of theca interna (which is around the developing follicle). During the proliferative phase of the cycle, what is predominantly being synthesized is the 17 keto steroids DHEA and androstenedione. The androstenedione is converted by oxydoreductase into testosterone. Then, the test goes across the membrane of the developing follicle into the granulosa cells, where there is aromatase. FSH is put in there. Then, the aromatase in the granulosa cell converts

test into estrodiol and this is where the woman gets her estradiol (from the aromatization process). LH is responsible for synthesis of 17 keto steroids and testosterone in the ovaries. This is why we will see hirstuism in a woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome (bc increase of 17 ketosteroids, DHEA, androstendione, and testosterone). Obesity is a common correlation with this dz. This makes sense bc excess adipose = more aromatase, so the sex hormones test and androstenedione can be converted to estrogens in these pts. Androstenedione is aromatized into estrone (a weak estrogen). Testosterone is aromatized into estradiol, which is a strong estrogen. So, we have a paradox have a woman with signs of excess androgens (hirsutism, acne not signs of virulization). At the same time, these are being converted to estrogens so will have endometrial hyperplasia and therefore have a risk of endometrial caricinoma. So, there is a combo of increased androgens and increased estrogens. It is the increased estrogens that causes suppression of FSH via negative feedback, while there is a POSITIVE feedback on LH. So, bc increased estrogens, pt is constantly suppressing FSH and constantly increasing LH, so the cycle repeats itself. So, you can break the cycle with an OCP bc the progestin in it will block LH. So, why do they have cysts? Functions of FSH is to prepare the follicle. Also, they increase the aromatase activity. If the FSH is constantly suppressed, the follicle degenerates and leaves behind a cystic spaces where the follicle used to be. So, pt has POLYcytic ovarian syndrome related to chronic FSH suppression. Can feel these by pelvic exam and seen with ultrasound. Menstrual dysfunction Dysmenorrhea = painful menses (primary and secondary MCC primary is too much PGF a PG that increases contraction of the uterine musculature. The MC secondary cause is endometriosis). There are also problems with dysfunctional uterine bleeding this is NOT a bleeding abnormality related to a bleeding/organic cause. So, in other words, it is not bleeding from an endometrial polyp, its not bleeding from a cancer; this type of bleeding is a hormone imbalance that causes abnormality in bleeding. MCC abnormal bleeding in young lady from menarche to 20 yrs of age = anovulatory bleeding. So, if a young lady is bleeding, that is the usual cause. What is occurring? There is a persistent estrogen stimulation that is occurring on the mucosa, and not enough progesterone stimulation. So, they develop a lil hyperplasia, there is a build up of mucosa as the month progresses, and then eventually the stroma sloughs off and leads to signi5icant bleeding. So, its mainly an estrogen primed uterus, without the effect of progesterone and they do not ovulate related to this. This is the MCC. Amenorrhoea Primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea

When you think amenorrhea, it can be a prob with the hypothalamus/pituitary. In other words, is the hypothalamus putting out GnRH or not? Is the pit putting out FSH/LH or not? So, is it a hypothalamic-pit abnormality? Is it an ovarian prob? Maybe the ovary is not making enough estrogen. Is its an end organ prob? This is anatomically related maybe she doesnt have a vagina - Rokitansky- Kuster-Hauser syndrome, or maybe she has an imperforate hymen shes been having periods all along, and has blood built up behind it, or cervical stenosis (DES exposure) these are all anatomical reasons for the amenorrhea. Ashermans syndrome secondary amenorrhea, woman has repeated dilatation and curotoshes(?), where the stratum basalis is scraped away; have to leave something behind from which you can proliferate endometrial mucosa if you scrape all the way down the the muscle, will not be able to menstruate again, and will scar everything off, leading to an infertile woman. So, amenorrhea is primary or secondary : hypothalamic-pit problem, ovarian prob, or end organ prob. FSH and LH levels help in distinguishing those 3. If pt has hypothalamic-pit prob, what would FSH and LH be? Low. If had a primary ovarian problem, what would they be? High. If you have an end organ defect, what would FSH and LH levels be? Normal. What is the 5irst step in the workup of any case of amenorrhea? Pregnancy test. Turners syndrome: Primary cause of amenorrhea, webbed neck, females Majority are XO, therefore do not have a barr body. Defects in lymphatics. Can make dx at birth via PE see swelling of hand and feet (lymphedema) = turners Webbed neck is due to lymphatic abnormalities get cystic hygromas, which are dilated lymphatics in the neck area and 5ill with lymphatic 5luid and stretch the skin bc they stretch the skin, looks like webbing. Have preductal coarctations. Do not have MR. some cases are mosaics XOXX and there is a remote possibility that they may be fertile. There are also XOXYs that are mosaics. have menopause b4 menarche. All of there follicles are gone by the age of 2, and this is the streak ovaries (gonad). Therefore, they are susceptible to dysgerminomas (seminomas are in males are analogous). Uterine Disorders Adenomyosis glands and stroma within the myometrium very common cause of dysmenorrheal, dyspyrunia, menorragiah, hysterectomy; does NOT predispose to cancer.

Endometriosis functioning glands and stroma outside the uterus (myometrium is INSIDE); MC location = ovary, causes bleeding in the ovary see chocolate cyst (endometromas - not cancer, just endometriosis of the ovary), tube, in pouch of Douglas Example: good question to ask if pt has endometriosis: Does it hurt when you defecate ? Yes. How about when your period goes away? No, it goes away this is endometriosis bc there is bleeding in the rectal pouch of the pouch of Douglas (there is endometreosis there). The rectum is 5illed with stools, and streches the pouch of Douglas, leading to pain. So, pain on defecation during the period leads to endometriosis. Endometrial Hyperplasia From unopposed estrogen. Always dangerous to have unopposed estrogen, meaning no progesterone effect, bc then pt runs risk for endometrial cancer. MCC endometrial cancer = endometrial HPY due to unopposed estrogen Pouch of Douglas can collect seeding from ovarian cancer, pus from PID, unclotted blood from ruptured ectopic pregnancy (low part of a womans pelvis includes: vagina, cervical os, uterus, bladder) Endometrial cancer: Early vs late menarche early is worse bc longer time for estrogen to circulate Early vs Late menopause late is worse bc more estrogen exposure Obese vs not obese obese bc the estrogen factor in adipose (more aromatase), therefore, obese woman are more susceptible to cancers related to estrogen - breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer Type II diabetics are at increased risk bc 80% of type II pts are obese (so, the obesity is the cause of increased risk of endometrial cancer). Cancer and age brackets 45 = cervical 55 = endometrial 65 = ovarian 55 yo, postmenopausal is when you usually see endometrial carcinoma. Any woman that has been in menopause for over 1 yr, and then has rebleeding has endometrial cancer until proven otherwise. 1st step in management? Endometrial Bx Leiomyoma MC b9 tumor in a woman

Leiomyosarcoma mitosis prob; MC sarcoma of the uterus; big bulky tumors (as are all sarcomas); leiomyoma is NOT a precursor for leiomyosarcoma. Example: young woman sudden onset of severe lower abdominal pain must do a pregnancy (look at beta HCG level) test to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Ovarian masses Surface derived derived from the surface of the ovary Germ cell types - dysgerminomas (men have these, too) Sex chord stromal tumors make estrogens (ie granulosa cell tumors - therefore can have hyperestrinism which leads to bleeding and endo carcinomas), some make androgens (sertoli leydig cell tumors of the ovary assoc with virulization and hirstuism). (males just have germ cell tumors) Follicular cyst MCC of ovarian mass in a young woman = follicular cyst Follicle that ruptured, not neoplastic, accumulates 5luid and leads to peritonitis. It is bad if its on the right side bc it can be either ruptured follicular cyst, appedicitus, ectopic pregnancy (ruptured), PID; look at with ultrasound Under 35 yo, most ovarian masses are b9 Over 35 yo, most ovarian masses have a greater potential of being malignant. Surfaced derived (overall MC) MC surfaced derived = serous cystadenoma (B9); serous cystadenocarcinoma (malignant) (these are the MC overall b9 and malignant ovarian tumors) These are also the MC that are bilateral, and the cystadenocarcinoma has psommoma bodies (bluish colored due to apoptosis, destruction of the tumor cell and replacement with dystrophic calci5ication). Also seen in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid and in meningiomas Example:: 65 yo, bilateral ovarian enlargement (remem they tend to arise at this age) Any woman that is over 55 and has palpable ovaries is cancer until proven otherwise bc a postmenopausal woman should be have ovaries that are atrophying. Example:: 62 yo woman with ovarian mass on the right already know its bad bc shouldnt have a palpable ovary. Cystic teratoma

Tooth, sebaceous glands, cartilage, skin, thyroid,, MC overall germ cell tumor, usually B9 If it is making thyroid, it is called struma ovary Sex chord stromal tumors MC = 5ibromas (B9) Meigs syndrome: ovarian 5ibroma, ascites, and right side pleural effusion goes away when you take the ovary out. Granulosa cell tumor of ovary: low grade malignant tumor; what does the granulosa cell normally do? It aromatizes androgens and estrogens, so a granulosa cell tumor is more than likely an estrogen producing tumor. Signet ring cells is this a primary cancer, or mets from another site? Site is from stomach called a krukenburg tumor; there is NO primary ovarian cancer that has signet ring cells. Gestational Disorders Placenta Chorionic villus outside layer = syncytiotrophoblast, clear cells under the outside layer = cytotrophoblast; which is making hormones? Syncytiotrophoblast. What hormones is it making? B-hcG and Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) growth hormone of pregnancy. Has myxomatous stroma. Vessels coalesce into umbilical vein, which has the highest o2 content. Neoplasms of chorionic villus: Hydatidiform mole can be complete (46, XX, both X csomes come from father called androgenesis) or partial (triploid, 69 csomes, can have a fetus present) The complete moles have a greater propensity to moving on to choriocarcinoma. Causes of choriocarcinoma: 50% of choriocaricnomas are from preexisting hyadiform mole (2% progress to choriocarcinoma; 10% become more aggressive moles and invade myometrium Qbank) 25% from spontaneous abortion 25% from normal pregnancy Hyatidiform moles are b9 tumors of the chorionic villus; choriocarcinomas are a malignancy of the trophoblastic tissue (do not see chorionic villi). Loves to go to the lungs and responds well to chemotherapy (can even go away in the presence of mets) Breast

Picture a schematic with nipple, lactiferous duct, major ducts, terminal lobules (where milk is made), and the stroma Nipple = Pagets dz of the breast Lactiferous duct = Intraductal papilloma (MCC of bloody nipple discharge of woman under 50) b9 papillary tumor, if you press on it, blood will come out of the areola Major ducts = where most of the cancers arise from invasive ductal cancers, medullary carcinomas, mucinous carcinomas Terminal lobules (where milk is made) MC tumor = lobular carnicoma, is famous be BILATERAL (so, lobular tumors are to the breast as serous tumors are to the ovary in terms of their bilatterallity); mammography doesnt pic up lobular cancers. MCC of mass in breast of woman under 50 = Uibrocystic change MCC of mass in breast of woman over 50 = cancer: in5iltrating ductal carcinoma (not intraductal this means that we are not picking up the cancer early enough by mammography and picking up in the intraductal phase, and our techniques are insensitive so we are missing the ductal stage and we are picking up the cancer when it has invaded to pick up early, need to get at 5mm or less). So, if they are intraductal, has a good prognosis Example: 35 yo woman with movable mass in breast that gets bigger as the cycle progresses = 5ibroadenoma These are the most commons in terms of age and location Slide: Uibrocystic change cysts, lumpy bumpy in breast, more painful as the cycle progresses bc they are hormone sensitive Example:: ductal hyperplasia cannot see; precursor lesion for cancer that are estrogen sensitive epithelial cells in the ducts (just like the endometrial glands are estrogen sensitive, the glands lining the ducts are estrogen sensitive). Sclerosing adenosis in terminal lobules, b9 part of 5ibrocystic change (see cysts) Fibroadenoma MC tumor that moves around in the breast in a woman under 35 = Uibroadenoma is the neoplastic components the glands or the stroma? Its the stroma as it grows, it compresses the ductstems, so they have slit like spaces; very common. Even if you know its a 5ibroadenoma, still get a bx Breast Cancer Slide: How do you know its breast cancer? nipple is hard as a rock when breast cancers invade the stroma, they elicit a 5ibroblastic and elastics tissue response,

making it hard this is good bc it makes it palpable. This is why a woman over 50, that has a painless palpable mass, its cancer. If its painful and under 50, its rarely cancer (fat necrosis, Uibrocystic change). So, the magic word is painless. Outer quadrants of the breast are the MC sites bc this is where most of the breast tissue is. Therefore, this would be the MC site for breast cancer. The 2nd MC site is around the areola. Slide: nipple being sucked in, whitish mass, stellate (classic for invasive cancer); on mammography, see density with spicules coming out and has calci5ied. This is highly predictive for cancer. What is the 5irst step in management of a palpable mass? FNA bc can make a dx and tell if its solid or cystic (this is also the 5irst step in management of cold nodule in thyroid, not ultrasound). Slide: intraductal cancer netlike arrangement, called comedocarcinoma, junk that comes out (like caseous necrosis); has erb-2 oncogene (aggressive cancers). Slide: invasive cancer, see tumor cells invading stroma; see Indian 5iling sign of invasive lobular cancer; seen more often in in5iltrating ductal carcinoma Slide: eczematous dz around the nipple = pagets dz of the breast rash around nipple cancer of the duct that has spread to the skin Slide: in5lammatory carcinoma worst, red, dimpled skin bc the lymphatics are plugged with cancer underneath and the lymphatic 5luid leaked out, but the ligaments are still attached, but increasing the 5luid in the interstium, and as it expands out, it dimples pdoeu orange so, in5lammatory carcinoma looks like that bc its lymphatic 5illed with tumor, and is the worst of the worst. Slide: lobular carcinoma MC cancer of the terminal cancer (at the end of the ducts); it is famous for bilaterality Slide: lymphedema is a woman that is postradical masectectomy; when you are doing a modi5ied radical mastectomy, what are you removing? The entire breast including a nipple, leaving behind pec major, axillary resection, and taking pec minor. MC complication = winged scapula (bc cut the long thoracic nerve) The lumpectomy removes the underlying tumor with a good border of normal tissue around it, take a few nodes from the axilla (bc have to use for staging bc they go to lower axillary 5irst), and then you do radiation of the breast (good for breast conservation same prognosis as mastectomy) Example:: ERA-PRA = estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor assay what does it mean? Relationship betwn estrogen and its receptor synthesis. So, if you are in a reproductive period of your life when estrogen is abundant, the receptors will be downregulated. This is why in women that are young, in the reproductive period of their life, have breast cancer and are ERPRA negative bc this is what we would expect

bc estrogen would down regulate receptor synthesis. Whereas, if you are postmenopausal, it leads to up regulation of the receptors and those women are ERPRA positive. But what does this mean? It means that the tumor is responding to estrogen and need to take away that estrogen affect bc it is feeding the tumor. How can you take it away? Tamoxifen this is weak estrogen, so it hooks into the receptor of breast tumors, so if there is any left behind, normal estrogen in a woman cant get into it and wont be able to feed the tumor. So, its a blocker of the receptor. Complications? Menopausal type symptoms; also, it is an estrogen so you have the risk of endometrial cancer. A bene5it in the postmenopausal state with an ERA PRA pos woman is that it does prevent osteoporosis. So, cannot give estrogen to a woman that is ERA PRA pos, but is a candidate for tamox and will prolong recurrence.

CHAPTER 13: Endocrine

Audio File 33: Endocrine 1

Primary vs Secondary vs Tertiary Hashimotos = destruction of the thyroid gland = PRIMARY hypothyroidism (the gland screws up the hormone) Hypopituitarism and hypothyroidism = SECONDARY hypothyroidism (no TSH to stimulate) Hypothalamic Dz = Sarcoidosis destroying TRH: TERTIARY (no TRH) Example: adenoma on parathyroid producing PTH leading to hypercalcemia = primary hyperparathyroidism Example: have hypocalcemia/vit D def, and asked the parathyroid to undergo hyperplasia, that is called SECONDARY hyperparathyroidism Example: what if after a long time PTH keeps being made = tertiary hyperparathryroidism (rare) Overactivity vs underactivity of glands Stimulation test: if pt has underactive gland, would use stimulation test to see if the gland is working. Supression test: if pt has overactive gland, would use suppression test to see if gland will stop working. Most of the time, things that cause overactivity, we CANNOT suppress them. There are 2 exceptions where we suppress them, and they deal with overactivity in the pituitary gland 1)prolactinoma can be suppressed bc it can prevent the tumor from making prolactin; bromocriptine suppresses it (dopamine analog normally, women do not have galactorrhea bc they are releasing dopamine, which is inhibiting prolactin (therefore dopamine is an inhibitory substance bromocriptine is also used for treating parkinsons bc bromocriptine is a dopamine analog (which is what is missing in parkinsons dz)

2) Pituitary Cushings: b9 tumor in the pitiuitary that is making ACTH you CAN suppress it with a high dose of dexamethasone. These are the only two exceptions for a tumor making too much stuff. (There is no way to suppress a parathyroid adenoma making PTH, or an adrenal ademona making cortisol, or a an adrenal tumor from synthesizing aldosterone these are AUTONOMOUS) Example: pt with hypocortisolism lets do an ACTH stimulation test will hang up an IV drip and put in some ACTH; collecting urine for 17 hydroxycorticoids (metabolic end product of cortisol) and nothing happens so what is the hypocortisol due to? Addison dz gland was destroyed therefore, even if you keep stimulating it, you will not be making cortisol. Example: Lets say after a few days you see in an increase in 17 hydroxycorticoids, then what is the cause of hypocortisolism? Hypopituitarism in other words, its atrophic bc its not being stimulated by ACTH, but when you gave it ACTH over a period of time, it was able to regain its function. So, with that single test, you are able to 5ind cause of hypocortisalism. Can also look at hormonal levels ie Addisons causing hypocortisalism, what would ACTH be? High; if you have hypopituitarism causing hypocortisalism, what would ACTH be? Low Hypopituitarism MCC in adults = nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma (within sella turcica in the sphenoid bone, hence surgery is transphenoidal surgery, where the expanded sella turcica is). Pit Adenoma usually nonfunctioning and destroys the normal pituitary over time as it grows, leading to hypopituitarism. Sheehans (postpartum necrosis) Example:: have a pregnant woman, has abruptio placenta and goes in to hypovolemic shock, but get out; doing 5ine and breast feading baby at home, but suddently stops breast milk production dx? Postpartum necrosis therefore she has infarcted her pituitary (coagulation necrosis), and this is residual pitiuatary (This is not liquefactive necrosis bc the pituitary is not part of the brain). Mech is ischemia and coagulation necrosis. Pregnant woman have a pituitary gland two times the normal size. Prolactin is being synthesized but a pregnant woman does not have galatorrhea bc the estrogen and progesterone inhibit release. So, the moment you give birth, the inhibitory effect is released and start having galactorrhea. This is the 2nd MCC hypopit in adult.

MC in kids = craniopharnygioma Rathkes pouch origin this is part of the embryological development of the pituitary gland pieces of it remain and can become neoplastically transformed into a craniopharygioma. Its not a malignant tumor, but a b9 tumor in a bad place. It is MC supra-sellar (above the sella) and it goes down and destroys the pituitary, but likes to go forward and bumps into optic chiasm, leading to bitemporal hemianopsia, leading to visual 5ield defect. Example:: child with headaches and visual 5ield defect do a schematic of it and will ask what the cause is craniopharyngioma tumor of rathkes pouch origin. Growth Hormone When you have a tumor that is expanding in the sella turcica, different releasing factors (hormones) decrease in a certain succession. The 5irst thing that is destroyed is gonadotropin. So, in a woman, what would happen? She would have amenorrhea (secondary amenorrhea). What if I were a man (what is the analogous condition)? Impotence; impotence is to a male as amenorrhea is to a female. Impotence = failure to sustain an erection during attempted intercourse. The next thing that goes is growth hormone (which has 2 functions: 1) increases aa uptake and 2) involved in gluconeogenesis (hormone that produces bone and tissue growth is insulin like growth factor-1, which is present in the liver aka somatomedins; so, GH release will stimulate the liver to release IGF-1 to cause growth of bones linearly and soft tissue); an adult with the loss of growth hormone will not get smaller, but will have the effects of lack of growth hormone: will start to lose muscle mass and will have fasting hypoglycemia bc GH is normally gluconeogenic. So, its not there and not contributing is func to glucogngeogenesis, leading to hypoglycemia. What would you see in a child? Pituitary Dwar5ism. Would see hypoplasia (incomplete development of something). So, pit dwar5isim is an incompletely developed child, but everything looks normal. What is the best stimulation test to see if you are GH or IGF-1 defecient? Sleep. You grow when you sleep exactly at 5 am (thats when GH comes out). So, the best test is sleeping, then checking blood at 5 am (if it isnt your def).Why is histidine and arginine de5icient? They are essential to normal growth of a child bc they stimulate growth hormone. These are basic aas. This is why wt lifters buy arg/his supplements. So, best test is sleep, followed by measuring arg and his levels. The third hormone to go is TSH, which leads to hypothyroidism (therefore low TSH and low T4 cold intolerance, brittle hair, fatigue, delayed re5lexes). The next thing that goes is ACTH , leading to hypocortisalism. Will be fatigue will a low cortisol level. Will also lead to hypoglycemia bc cortisol is gluconeogenic. That last thing to lose is prolactin. Diabetes Insipidus Central (lacking ADH) vs Nephrogenic (kidney doesnt respond to ADH)

Central: one of the common causes is car accident, leading to head trauma. The head is shifted and stalk is severed. One of the 5irst things that goes is ADH bc it is made in the supraopitic paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. In the same nerve it is made in, it goes down the stalk and is stored in the POSTERIOR pituitary. So, if you sever that stalk, you sever the connection and leads to ADH def. Also def in all the releasing factors that are made in the hypothalamus that stimulate the pituitary, leading to hypopituitarism (eventually but initially will have s/s of DI = polyurea and thrist). Nephrogenic: have ADH, but doesnt work on the collecting tubule to make it permeable to free water. Other polyureas (DM mech = osmotic diuresis, polydipisia mech = drink too much water (psychological problem), hypercalcemia leads to polyurea). Constantly diluting, but will never be able to concentrate urine; SIADH is the exact opposite, where ADH is always there, and will constantly concentrating, and will not be able to dilute. In DI, constantly diluting urine, losing free water, and will never be able to concentrate the urine. So, you are losing all the water, and serum Na will go up, correlating with an increased plasma osmolality (bc most of plasma osmolality is Na). To test: restrict water in a normal person, if you restrict water, the plasma osmolality will go up to 292 (the upper limit of normal for the osmolality), 750 urine osmolality - what does that mean? Pt is concentrating the urine. So, if you are depriving a normal pt of water, it should concentrate the urine; water is being retained get into the ECF to get the serum Na into normal range. Example: pt restricted water and have a 319 and 312 plasma osmolality (which is elevated). So, they have hypernatremia. If you look at urine osmolality, it is 110 and 98. So you know that have DI. So, how do you distinguish central from nephrogenic? Give them ADH (aka vasopressin). So, you give it to them and see what happens to urine osmolality. If it increases greater that 50% from the baseline: then its central. It its less than 50% its nephrogenic. So, gave ADH to 5irst guy and it urine osmolality change to 550, indicating that he has central DI. For the second pt, ADH was given, but only a lil increase in urine osmalality, indicated nephrogenic DI. Acromegaly What is cheapest way for screening for acromegaly? Ask for an old pic of the pt 10 years ago. Gigantism in kid bc epiphyses havent fused, therefore an excess in GH and IGF-1 lead to an increase in linear growth. Bad dz bc can die from cardiomyopathy. So, they have excess GH and excess IGF-1. So, what if youre an

adult with acromegaly? Will not get taller bc the epiphyses have fused, but bones will grow wider. One of the bones in the head that does that is the frontal bones, so they stick out. So, get a gorilla like increase in the frontal lobe (bc it increases size of the sinuses), so the hat size will increase. Your hands get bigger, feet get bigger, and every organ in the body gets bigger. Also, you produce a cardiomyopathy, which leads to death. Galactorrhea/Prolactinoma Men do not get galactorrhea bc we dont have enough terminal lobules to make the milk. So, if a male has a prolactinoma, do not expect him to have galactorrhea. This has many causes. When woman comes in with it, make sure you ask what drug they are on - bc there are many drugs that can stimulate prolactin synthesis. Example:: OCPs, hydralazine, Ca channel blockers, psychotropic drugs. Primary hypothyroidism can also be a cause, therefore get a TSH level. Why? Bc if you have hashimotos, not only is TSH increased, but you also have increased TRH. TRH is used as a stimulation test for prolactin. So, you must rule out hypothyroidism in a woman with galactorrhea (so in this case, there is nothing wrong with the pituitary, but the thyroid, leading to galactorrhea). So, must r/o hypothyroidism. If all this is ruled out and pt has high prolactin level, dx is prolactinoma (any time there is a prolactin level over 200 it is always a prolactinoma). When pts have prolactinoma, why do they develop amenorrhea? Bc prolactin has a negative feedback on GnRH. So, this is a cheap birth control pill for the 5irst three months after pregnancy bc mom is breast feeding, and the high prolactin levels are feeding back on the pituitary on GnRH. Thyroid Thyroid studies do NOT have to know resin T3 uptake and T4 indexes; 3 things need to know: T4, TSH, I 131 uptake If TSH is normal, the thyroid is normal. If TSH is decreased, pt has hyperthyroidism or hypopituitarism. If TSH is increased, have high primary hypothyroidism. Thyroid binding globulin is the binding protein for thyroid hormone What is the binding protein for cortisol? Transcortin; calcium? Albumin; Fe? Transferrin; Cu? Ceruloplasmin; what % of binding sites occupied? 30%). 3 of 9 binding sites on TBG are occupied by thyroid hormone.

Free T4 level. When we measure total T4 level, there is free T4 and bound T4. The free T4 is the part that is metabolically active and is converted to T3. This part is doing all the work (that part that is bound is not). What happens if you are on an OCP with an increase of estrogen? TBG and transcortin increase. So, increased syn TBG, and is immediately 1/3 occupied (9 sites on TBG, and 1/3 occupied by T4, so that is 3 T4s). Bc everything is in equilibrium, the thyroid senses that it lost 3 T4s and replaces them immediatetly. So, has the FREE T4 altered? No. So what is the TSH? Normal. What is the T4? Increased (but the free hormone level and TSH not altered). So, an increase T4 with a normal TSH means the pt is on estrogens. This is true for any woman on estrogen or any pregnant women. So, the total T4 is elevated bc increased TBG (not be increased free hormone level) and it automatically has 3 sites occupied by T4). Same is true for cortisol if pt is pregnant or on OCP, cortisol is elevated but do not have signs of cushings. Why? Bc transcortin is increased bc estrogen increasing the synthesis of it, so there is more cortisol bound to it, but the free cortisol levels are still normal. Example:: if football player/wt lifter, assume pt is on anabolics. They work the opposite. Anabolics break down proteins that you normally would use for other things to build up and put them into muscle. The proteins it likes to go after is binding proteins. So, when they are on anabolics, thyroid binding globulin is decreased bc the aas that you would have used to make the binding protein are instead utilized to make muscles stronger. So, they wont work if you are not working aa supplements. Example: pt on anabolics, so less TBG being synthesize bc proteins being used elsewhere (muscles). The same number of site are occupied, but missing TBG. So, free T4 is the same, but missing TBG. So, if a person has a low T4 with a TSH, they are on anabolic steroids. If a woman has a high T4 and a normal TSH, what is she on? Estrogen. If a person has high T4 and low TSH, what do they have? Hyperthyroidism. If pt has low T4 and increased TSH, what do they have? Primary hypothyroidism. Do not need resin T3 uptake to make these dxs. I 131 uptake is a radioactive test (remember that thyroid hormone is tyrosine with iodine on it). (What are other things involved with tyrosine? Melanin, tyrosine tyrosinase, dopamine goes into the golgi apparatus and becomes melanin, phenylalanine, dopamine, dopa, NE, epi (catecholamines), if you put iodides on tyrosine you have thyroid hormone). So, with hyperthyroidism (ie graves), thyroid gland will be making more thyroid hormone. Would we need more iodide to do this? Yes. So, if you gave a pt radioactive iodide, will there be increased uptake of radioactive iodide in that overactive gland? Yes. So, will have increased I131 uptake. What if I were taking excess thyroid hormone to lose weight what would that do to my TSH level? Suppress it. So, when that pt is taking too much hormone, the gland has atrophied. So, if you have a radioactive I 131, would there be an increased

uptake? No bc is has atrophied. So, radioactive I 131 is the main way to distinguish whether a person has true evidence of hyperthyroidism (GLAND is making too much thyroid hormone) vs someone that is surreptitiously/purposely/unknowingly taking too much thyroid hormone and producing hyperthyroidism. I 131 is the best test to distinguish these two types of hyperthyroidism. So, if its increased, pt has graves (gland is using it); if its decreased, pt is taking thyroid hormone. Example:: pt from wt loss clinic they are taking thyroid hormone, so they will lose wt at the expense of hyperthyroidism Slide: midline cyst dx? Thyroglossal cyst. Remember that the thyroid gland was originally at the base of the tongue and migrates down the midline to the current location. Slide: cyst in anolateral portion of neck dx? Branchiocleft cyst (know all branchiocleft derivatives esp the one in the head area). Thyroiditis (in5lammation of the thyroid) The only imp one is hashimotos Graves Dz exophalmos Unique to Graves Dz excess GAGs deposited in orbital fat, and pushing the eye out (pathonomognic for graves); apathetic graves OLD people with graves dz have heart prob with atrial 5ib. They get heart manifestations. So, any pt with atrial 5ib, must get a TSH level to rule out graves. s/s hyperthyroidism: heat intoleranc, sinus tachy, atrial 5ib, brisk re5lexes, diarrhea, systolic HTN, hypercalcemia, increased bone turnover (all symptoms are adrenergic they are all catecholamine things why? T4 increases the synthesis of beta receptors (catecholamines are cousins of Thyroid hormone and they work together. All the symptoms are adrenergic. What is the INITIAL Rx of graves? Beta blockers (blocking adrenergic response, then give PTU to stop the gland from making it can stop all the symptoms with beta blocker except one sweating) so, thyroid studies on graves pt: T4 is high, TSH is low, I 131 is HIGH

Audio File 34: Endocrine 2

In hyperthyroidism, want to always look at the face and will see periorbital puf5iness, which is seen a lot bc of GAGs (also in vocal cords, leading to hoarseness, tibial area leading to nonpitting edema) Mitral Valve Prolapse also has an increase in GAGs bc dermatan sulfate is responsible for causing excess and redudency of the valve). Also seen in Hashimotos. Graves is due to IgG Ab against TSH receptor, causing it to synthesize too much. What type of HPY rxn is this? Type II (Ab against the receptor); MG is also type II HPY (have Ab against receptor which is destroying the receptor). In hashimotos thyroiditis, they also have an IgG against the receptor, except instead of activating the gland, it inhibits it. So, in Hashimotos and Graves, these are both autoimmune dzs but at opposite ends of the spectrum. One as stimulatory IgG while the other has an inhibibitory one. So, an overlying symptom that they both have is pretibial myxedema and GAG deposition. Where do you see a decrease in GAGs (ie metabolism of GAGs)? Lysosomal storage dzs Hurlers, Hunters need lysosomal enzymes for breaking down dermatan sulfate, etc s/s hypothyroidism weakness (MC) bc all pts with hypothyroidism have proximal muscle myopathy, so they cannot get up out of chairs , serum CKs are elevated. Also have brittle hair, course skin, slow mentation, periorbital puf5iness, delayed re5lex, diastolic HTN Slide: bx of thyroid gland in Hashimotoss no follicle, but do see germinal follicle bc there is autoimmune destruction of the gland. There are cytotoxic T cells that destroying it, and are synthesizing Abs (IgG Abs, hence you see the germinal follicles), and therefore looks like a lymph node). Will see a low T4, high TSH, low I 131 (not necessary to do this test). Example: pt on estrogen what will happen to T4? Increase TSH? Normal (no need for I 131 this is bad bc babies thyroid would take it up and its thyroid would take it up and leads to cretinism) thyroid hormone is responsible for brain growth in the 5irst year, so it imp to do thyroid hormone screens to avoid cretinism (will be severly MR bc brain depends on thyroid hormone for development). Example: Graves dz T4 high, TSH, low, I 131 high

Example: pt on anabolic steroids T4 low, TSH normal Example: Hashimotos T4 low, TSH high, I 131 low Example: factitious (taking too much thyroid hormone and have hyperthyroidism) T4 high, TSH low, I 131 low (main factor that distinguishes from graves) Goiter Anytime thyroid is big. Lots cysts. MCC goiter = Iodine def Most often due to low iodide levels, so they have hypothyroidism or borderline hypothyroidism, so the glands are getting revd up, T4 goes up and TSH goes down (so TSH will be stimulating it, then not, then it is, etc..). Rx of choice thyroxine Sometimes have a nodule nodules that develop in the thyroid gland get hemorrhaged. There is sudden increase in hemorrhage due to cyst. Dx with FNA. Then, give thyroid hormone and many times these things will get smaller. In this country, we iodinize salt, so dont see much. However, some places people have iodine poor diets ie Great Lakes in Chicago area, Britain; when they get graves dz, due to increase in T3 bc they are iodide def and do not have enough iodine. Cold nodule vs Hot Nodule Means if nodule is taking up I 131 or not. If it does not, there is an area of lucency, and therefore cold. If it is hot, there will be a black dot. Why? Bc if the nodule is autonomously making thyroid hormone, what is the TSH? Decreased. If the TSH is decreased, would that suppress the normal portion of the thyroid? Yes, so it undergo atrophy and not take it up, leading to black dot (wouldnt see anything else). What is chance that a cold nodule is malignant in a woman? 15-20%. Most cold nodules in an older woman are benign. Most are cysts. A small % is follicular adenoma. Any cold nodule in a MAN is cancer until proven otherwise. Any cold nodule in a child is cancer until proven otherwise. Any PERSON that has been exposed to radiation and has a cold nodule has CANCER (papillary carcinoma of the thyroid radiation exposure in head/neck area). Cancers of the thyroid Need to bx (cannot tell if malignant just by looking at it) this is true for follicular adenoma, something b9, multinodular goiter. Done with FNA.


Papillary cancer would show up with a cold nodule, and has Psammoma bodies. Papillary carcinomas mets to cervical lymph nodes next to them. They commonly do this, and have a good prognosis. This is the only assoc with radiation. Annie orphan nuclei.

2. 3.

Follicular cancer 2nd MC type, invades vessels. Do not go to lymph nodes. Spread hematogenously, therefore often go to lungs and bone. Medullary carcinoma some cases are sporadic and other cases have AD relationship; assoc with MEN syndromes (multiple endocrine neoplasia I, IIa, IIb) Pink stain stain with congo red and see polarized apple green birefringence = amyloid A (which came from calcitonin); what is the tumor marker? Calcitonin (which is the screening test of choice) Example: where would the cancer be located in the body where the tumor marker is converted into amyloid? Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid


MEN I pit tumor, parathyroid adenoma, pancreatic tumor (usually Zolinger Ellison, leading to peptic ulcer). MEN IIa medullary carcinoma, pituitary , pheochromocytoma MEN IIb medullary carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuroma How do you screen? Ret protooncogene (unique to coding for receptors in this syndrome). Prognosis (best to worst): Papillary>Follicular>Medullary PARATHYROID GLAND Pt can have tetany with a normal total Ca. Ca is bound and free its the free Ca that is metabolically active (which is true for ANY hormone the part that is bound is totally metabolically inactive). So, who does Ca interact with? PTH So, if Ca is low, the PTH is high, and if Ca is high, PTH is low. Roughly 1/3 of the binding sites in albumin are occupied by Ca. So, in other words, roughly 40% of the total Ca is bound to albumin. 47% is ionized Ca 5loating around and the rest is phosphate and sulfates. The ionized Ca is the metabollicaly active form. MCC overall of hypocalcemia = hypoalbuminemia. Have low albumin level, therefore decreased level, and less of albumin binds Ca. So, before you look at PTH levels, look at albumin levels if that is low, this is the cause of hypocalcemia. This is not affecting the free hormone level, just that albumin is decreased. This the same as TBG being decreased, leading to decreased T4. Alkalosis (resp or metabolic): have decreased H ions, and pH is increased. What are the acidic aas? Glutamate, Aspartate. Why are they acidic? Have COOH groups (as opposed to basic aas , which have more basic NH groups). The reason why albumin is such a great binder of Ca is bc it has the most negative charges in the body, bc it has the most acidic aas in it. So, if you have an alkalotic state the COOH groups become COO - groups. Bc if you have less H ions, its COO-. So, albumin has MORE of a negative charge in an alkalotic state, which means it can bind more Ca. So, where does it get it from? Ionized free Ca (so a bunch of ionized

free Ca binds to the the albumin). However, we have NOT altered the total, just took it. It doesnt affect the total, but it DOES decrease the ionized Ca level, leading to TETANY. So, total is the same, but the ionized level has decreased. What is the mech of tetany? Have threshold for the AP before the nerve is stimulated. Then you have a resting membrane potential. So, a decreased ionized Ca level will lower the threshold for activating the nerve and muscle. If its -60 for normal threshold. Pt is partially depolarized, therefore doesnt take a lot to activate the muscle or the nerve (which is the mech of tetany) so you are lowering the threshold. In hypercalcemia, the opposite occurs and you are increasing the threshold, so it takes more ionized Ca to activate the nerve. PTH on y axis and Ca in x axis ht of square = PTH and width = Ca Low serum Ca, low PTH = primary hypoparathyroidism MCC = previous thyroid surgery Example: pt goes in to remove thyroid cancer (these days they autotranplant it to the arm) Example: newborn with cyanosis, irritable and xray of chest shows not anteriormediastinum shadow dx? DiGeorge hypoparathyroidism and no thymus Example: low Ca, high PTH = secondary hypoparathyrodism so whatever is causing the hypocalcemia is causing a compensatory increase in PTH (called secondary hypoparathyrodism the MCC of this is renal failure bc these pts have hypovitaminosis D, which decreases Ca and increases PTH). So, any decrease in Ca with cause a compensatory increase in PTH. Example: high Ca, high PTH = primary hyperparathyroidism = gland is not obeying negative feedback. This is MCC hypercalcemia is a community; If pt is in a hospital, MCC hypercalcemia = mets to bone (malignancy induced). Most hypercalcemia pts are asmptomatic; if they ARE symptomatic, they have stones (Ca stones, which is the MC symptomatic presentation for hypercalcemia). Labs: increased Ca, increased PTH, low phosphate (normally PTH increases Ca reabsorption and decreased phophorus reabsorption). Almost always over 50 yo Example: high Ca, low PTH = all other causes except primary hyperparathyroidism. MC due to malignancy. Can PTH like peptide cause hyperCa? Yes (so if you measure PTH it will be normal). Squamous cell of the lung, renal adenocacinoma, or mets to bone (breaking bone down), sarcoidsis (leading to hypercalcemia), multiple myeloma (leading to hypercalcemia) all will have LOW PTH. So, what is the ezest way to determine hyperCa in a pt? PTH level (if its high, its primary hyperparathyroidism; if its low, its all the causes ie malignancy).

ADRENAL GLAND Cushing Syndrome PURPLE striae, obesity, thin extremities MCC = pt on long term steroid therapy (ie pts with renal transplants, pt on immunosuppressant, Lupus) If this is excluded, need to think of 3 sources: pituitary Cushings, adrenal Cushings, ectopic Cushings. Which of the three will have the highest ACTH levels? Ectopic (small cell carcinoma). Which would have the lowest ACTH levels? Adrenal. Why? Bc its making cortisol, which would suppress the ACTH. Pit Cushings is usually a b9 tumor making ACTH. There are 2 good screening tests for Cushings (when you have excluded the fact that they are not on steroids). The screening tests are: 24 hr urine test for free cortisol. This is looking for cortisol in the urine, not attached to any protein (so its free). It must mean that you have a lot of excess of it to have that much of it in your urine. This is the BEST screening test for Cushings. This test distinguishes Cushings syndrome from Cushingoid obesity. Example: see obese pt with Cushings symptoms and you think they have Cushings; however, get a 24 hr urine cortisol test and its normal. If its increased, they truly have Cushings in other words, they have 99% sens and speci5icity. They will ask about dexmeth suppression test (low vs high dose). What is dexamethasone? Its a cortisol analog. If you give dexamethasone to a normal person, it will suppress ACTH. If you suppress ACTH, the cortisol levels with be low, indicating the cortisol levels are suppressible. So, what happens when you give a LOW dose of dexamethasone in a pt with Cushings will you suppress their cortisol? No. So, you see a lack of suppression. Therefore pt has cushings. However the LOW dose just tells you pt has Cushings, not what kind they have, so it just a screening test (if you did a 24 hr cortisol urine level, it would be positive). Remember that there are two endocrine dzs that you CAN suppress PITUITARY Cushings and prolactinoma. So, if you give high dose of dexamethasone, you are able to suppress the ACTH release by the pituitary and cortisol goes down. It will not be suppressed in adrenal and ectopic Cushings (small cell). [Read last sentence if you get a long question] Example: for one of these, they will describe Cushings, and ask about dexmeth suppression 5irst thing to do is look at high dose suppression if its suppressed, its automatically pituitary cushings (not a hard question!) So, why do the pts look like this? Pt has hypercortisolism, which is gluconeogenic. So, need substrates for gluconeogenesis main substrate is aa from muscles. Where are the muscles located? Arms and legs so pt will get a break down of muscle in the

extremities, which is why they have thin arms and thin legs. Then will get alanine transaminated and get pyruvate. So, will always have thin arms and extremities. Bc it is gluconeogenic, what will the glucose be? High. What does that do to insulin release? Increases it. What does insulin do to fat? Increases fat storage. What part of the body have the most adipose? Face and trunk. So, you are getting an increase in deposition of TG in the face and trunk and back. So, the thin extremities is due to breaking down muscle for aas in gluconeogenesis. The moon facies, buffalo hump and truncal obesity is due to increase in insulin and fat deposition. The stretch marks are due to obesity, and they are purple bc cortisol decreases collagen synthesis. Will get structurally weaker collagen. Its like purpura within the stretch mark (like senile purpura). Break down the vessels bc increase in cortisol. Example: Trousseaus sign sign of tetany; this pt has HTN, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis dx? Primary aldosteronism. (have tetany bc alkalosis neg charges on albumin are increased, and ioninzed Ca level decreases). Aka Conns syndrome Adrenal Medulla tumors MC in adults = pheochromocytoma (b9, HTN) (so, adult, HTN, tumor in adrenal medulla = pheo); have unstable HTN anxiety, sweat a lot; get a 24 hr urine test for VMA and metenephrine (these are metabolic endproducts of NE an Epi (so, anxious, sweating, HTN). Are there assoc with pheochromocytoma? Yes MEN IIa and MEN IIb, neuro5ibromatosis (ie pt with neuro5ibromatosis with HTN what test you get? VMA and metanephrine 24 hr urine, bc high assoc with pheo). MC in kids = neuroblastoma (MALIGNANT) Both of these are from renal medulla, both are neural crest origin, both produce HTN. Pheo = adults ; neuro - kids Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome N. menigitidis Example:: 12 yo, gram - diploccocus, high fever, nuchal rigidity, spinal tap found neutrophils and gram -, kid then crashed started to get petechial lesions all over the body, hypovolemic shock, died, on autopsy both adrenal glands are hemorrhaged Dx? Waterhouse Freidrickson MCC meningitis from 1 month to 18 yrs of age = N meningitidis. It is the ONLY meningitis with petechial lesions (and they always mention this). So, if they give meningitis and petechia, know is N meningitis. If they are hypovolemic, they hemorrhaged their adrenals and went into hypvolemic shock, also, they have no cortisol or mineralocorticoids.

Cause of hypocortisolism that is chronic = Addisons dz MCC Addisons = autoimmune destruction of the gland (used to be TB due to autoimmune destruction). The entire adrenal cortex is destroyed, therefore the mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids are low. So, there is low cortisol with HIGH ACTH. What does that do to melanocytes? Increases them, leading to hypigmentation in the mouth and elsewhere. There is NO aldosterone. There are 2 pumps (Na/K pump and proton/K pump). Are you gonna lose Na? Yes which will lead to hyponatremia and HYPERkalemia (peaked T waves). Will you be able to get rid of the protons in the urine? No therefore will have metabolic acidosis. So, you have hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperpigmentation. Example: ambiguous genetalia what is 5irst step in management? Csome analysis have to 5ind out what the genetic sex is. Its XX. So, pt has ambiguous genetalia, female, phenotypically cannot tell, so its female pseudohermaphrotide (play odds) adrenogenital syndrome due to 21 hydroxylase def. 17 hydroxylase is responsible for 17 ketosteriods (include DHEA, androstenedione, and are weak androgens). Androstenedione can be converted into testosterone and testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. 17 hydroxycorticoids are 11 deoxycortisol and cortisol So, if you have an increase in 17 hydroxycorticoids, this is an increase in 11 deoxycortisol and cortisol If you have an increase in 17 ketosteroids, (17, KS) its an increase in DHEA and androstenedione. When you have an enzyme def, things prox to the block increase and things distal to the block decrease With 21 hydroxylase def, decrease mineralcorticoids and glucocortiocoids and increase androgens, lead to ambiguous genetalia (excess androgens), lose salt, high ACTH, therefore hyperpigmented With 11 hydroxylase def decreased cortisol, decreased aldost, but increased 11 deoxycorticosterone (weak mineralcoricoid), increased 17 hydroxys and 17 ketos lil girl will have ambiguous genitalia, lil boy will have precocious puberty (excess androgens), HTN 17 hydroxylase def no androgens, increased in mineralocorticoids (HTN), so if its a lil boy he wont have test and will look like a female bc no development (no external genitalia bc no 17 ketos, test, or dihydrotest). In a lil girl she will be underdevoped. Islet cell tumors Only 2 to know: Insulinomas and ZE syndrome

ZE: making too much gastrin, leads to peptic ulcers Insulinoma: is pt injecting or do they really have insulinoma? When you break proinsulin down into insulin, you release C peptide, so for every insulin molecule that is released, there is C peptide that is released with it. So, if you inject human insulin into yourself, and produce a low glucose level and C peptide will be SUPPRESSED. If you have a islet cell tumor, glucose will be low, insulin will be high and C peptide will be INCREASED. Example: pts that have access to insulin get this (Drs, nurses, pharmacists)

Audio File 35: Endocrinology 3 - Musculoskeletal 1

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Absolute insulin de5iciency Antibodies against islet cells DKA HLA relationship Insulin used (always) Type 2 Family history of diabetes Obesity Amyloid in islet cells Hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma Insulin used when eventually pt get resistant to SFU PATHOGENESIS: 2 mechanisms: 1) Osmotic Damage Tissue has to have aldose reductase: only 2 have them: i) Lens, glucose! sorbitol, osmotic reactive, absorbs water into the lens Retinal vessels in lens get weak, then destroyed due to microabsesses and can rupture and lead to blindness. ii) Scwann Cells: MCC cause of peripheral neuropathy is Diabetes: MECH: osmotic damage 2) Non-enzymatic Glycosylation Renders the BM permeable to proteins: Hyaline arteriolosclorosis, diabetic nephrophathy

HbA1c: long term control of DM. Slide: Retina in a diabetic-microaneurysms (red dots) Slide: Retina in a diabetic-neovascularization Example: 50 yr old, blurry vision; gets a prescription from a optometrist, new glasses, one month later, blurry vision again. Gets new prescr, one mth later, blurry vision again. Dx: Diabetes. Glucose is being converted to sorbitol-water is going in and changing the refractive index. Classic question. HAVE to get a FASTING BLOOD GLUCOSE. Lab: Fasting glucose >126 mg/dl on two separate occasions. Example: Beh Sc link: The FBS level has been decreased from 140 mg/dl to 126 mg/ dl. Is this increasing the speci5icity or the sensitivity of the test? A: HIGH Sensitivity. By bringing it lower ie closer to the normal range, you are going to be able to pick up more people with diabetes. When it was 140, it was high sp: to eliminate false positives. So it was unequivocally a diabetic if it was > 140. Glucose tolerance test, dont worry about it. Gestational Diabetes Def: Woman who did not have diabetes, but after becoming pregnant develops diabetes. Risk factors for baby: RDS, premature delivery Women with GD, are at a higher risk for developing diabetes later on. Amyloid in Beta islets: Type 2 Antibodies against islets; in5lammation: Type1 (Coxackie virus implicated) HLA correlation: HLA DR3 and DR4=Type 1; propensity for developing Type 1, if certain environmental factor comes in such as infection: Coxsackie, mumps, EBV HLAB27: Ankylosing Spondylitis Env factors: Chlamydeal Infection Ulcerative Colitis, Shigellosis Psoriasis

CHAPTER 14: Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System Need to identify crystals in synovial 5luid Gout Pseudogout Rhomboid crystals in synovial 5luid==pseudogout But Pseudogout could also have needle-shaped crystals (like those of mono-sodium urate in Gout) which makes DD dif5icult. So you use a special 5ilter to make the whole slide red and then the crystals are made to look yellow or blue. When the color of the crystals is yellow when the plane of 5ilter is parallel to the analyzer= Negatively birefringent =GOUT East west direction: color is blue and parallel to analyzer=Positively birefringent = PSEUDOGOUT (calcium pyrophosphate) Arthritis Osteoarthritis Progressive wearing down of articular cartilage Sometimes leads to reaction to injury: SPUR formationat the margin of the joint= Heberdens node: osteophyte in the joint Note the enlargement of the DIP (Heberden's nodes) and PIP joints (Bouchard's nodes), enlargements represent osteophytes. Rheumatoid Arthritis In5lammatory joint dz; enlarged MCP joints Rh factor sets up the in5lammation: IgM Ab against IgG. IgG is in synovial 5luid. IgM- IgG form complexes, activate the complement system, damage the joint, synovial 5luid gets in5lamed, starts growing and growing, starts growing over the articular cartilage= PANNUS; hyperplastic synovial 5luid. (different from Tophus) Joints can get 5ixed, and ankylosed and cannot move. Dont get 5ixing of the joint in OA.

If rheumatoids dont keep moving their joints, and if it is not controlled using anti- in5lammatory drugs then eventually they cannot move it at all. Slide: Rheumatoid nodules. Can be seen in Rheumatic fever as well. Example: older pt having trouble eating and swallowing crackers, feels like there is sand in my eye all the time. On examination: eyes and mouth are dry. Dx? Sjograns Syndrome. Pt with RA and auto-immune destruction of lacrimal glands, salivary glands. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Rheumatoid nodules in lung + pneumoconiosis==Caplan Syndrome Treatment of RA= Methotrexate Example: Pt with RA, develops a macrocytic anemia with hypersegmented neutrophils, neuro exam is normal, interstitial 5ibrosis in lung. What is the drug? Methotrexate Gout = podagra Big toe, usually 5irst one to be involved; usually at night. Monosodium urate crystals are precipitated and taken up by the neutrophils that phagocytose it and release chemicalsin5lammatory reaction. Dont de5ine Gout based on Uric acid level. Elevated uric acid does not necessarily lead to gout. About 25% of people might have elevated uric acid. Dx: HAS to be by presence of uric acid crystals in the joint. Treatment: Indomethacin to control in5lammation. Cause: over production (Rx=allopurinol: blocks Xanthine oxidase) or under excretion of uric acid (>90% of cases) Rx=uricosuric drugs like probenecid and Sul5inpyrazone Chronic Gout = tophus: deposition of monosodium urate in soft tissuemalleolus Very disabling as it erodes the joint. Rx= allopurinol Slide: Tophus that was polarized showing MSU crystals Slide: X-ray of digit showing erosion by tophus Genetics of Gout: Multifactorial inheritance AVOID red meats (full of purines) AVOID Alcohol. Mechanism: Metabolic acidosis: uric acid has to compete with other acids for excretion in proximal tubule. Alcohol increases all the lactic acid, and beta hydroxyl butyric acids.

So all these acids compete and win against uric acid, and get excreted. Uric acid keeps waiting and waiting; and builds up and causes gout. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) HLAB27 association Slide: Note anterior 5lexion which often results in restrictive lung disease. Hunched over, restricts movement of chest cavity, blood gas abnormalities, 20 yr old, morning when he woke up, sudden pain in sacro-lumbar region. In5lammatory reaction seen on X-ray, as the day progresses pain decreases. Eventually, the in5lammation spreads to the vertebral column, and it fuses==Bamboo spine Also develop: Uveitis, Aortitis, iridocyclitis, blurry vision, eventually go blind. Example: Genetic dz where degenerative arthritis in vert col, on autopsy, black cartilage; urine on exposure to air turns black. Alkoptonuria Aut rec, homogentisic acid oxidase enzyme def Slide: 20 yr old, dysuria, increased freq, urinalysis= leucocyte esterase positive, sterile pyuria--sexually active, had non-speci5ic urethritis, conjunctivitis, was treated. It was Chlamydia trachomatis conjunctivitis, but one week later, got sterile conjunctivitis and tendonitis in Achilles tendon. So patient with non-infectious conjunctivitis, previously had Chlamydia trachomatis infection and then developed conjunctivitis and arthritis (HLA B27 positive): Reiter's syndrome Another Env trigger in HLAB27 positive pt: Ulcerative Colitis Septic arthritis due to disseminated gonococcemia Note the hot knee and the pustule on the wrist, on aspirating: gram negative diplococci STD= Sexually Transmitted Disease S=Synovitis=joints T= Tenosynovitis= joints in hands and feet D= Dermatitis=pustules MCC of septic arthritis in US= Gonorrhoea For it to become disseminated, need to be de5icient in the 5inal pathway of Complement system: C5-C9 (some say C6-C9) Slide: Note the Ixodes tick (vector of Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti), note the erythematous rash in the bottom screen - the tick bite is in the center of the rash

and the rash extends out in concentric circles from that point, the rash is called erythema chronicum migrans (pebble thrown in water) Pathognomonic of Lyme's disease Early form Rx: tetracycline Chronic Lymes Disease: Apart from disabling joint disease: myocarditis plus bilateral Bells palsy: CN VII involved + pt will have Babesiosis Idiopathic: is usually Unilateral Bells Palsy= Herpes Simplex Above Pt develops Hemolytic anemia, what did he see in his peripheral blood smear? Babesia microti (ring form similar to Plasmodium falciparum) Remember: the Ixodes tick has the reservoir for Borrelia burgdorferi (white tailed deer that has Babesia microti) AND Babesia microti intra-erythrocytic parasite Rx: Ceftriaxone Bone Disorders Osteogenesis imperfecta Slide: Kid with an eyeball, blue sclera: AD disorder with defect in synthesis of type I collagen, note the blue sclera- loss of collagen in sclera allows bluish color of choroidal vessels to shine through: Osteogenesis imperfecta (NOT foreign body!) brittle bone disease cant break bone down Question: whats the defect? Defective synthesis of type 1 collagen Question: whats the mechanism of development of blue sclera? Collagen in sclera, type 1 is defective, so it is so thin, so you can see the underlying choroidal veins that gives the blue color. Osteopetrosis = marble bone disease Defect in too much bone: defect in osteoclasts Osteoporosis Slide: Decreased width of inter vertebral cartilage. Note the collapse of the vertebra due to loss of bone mass: patients lose more bone than is replaced Slide: Dowagers Hump Mech: Postmenopausal osteoporosis is due to the loss of the inhibitory effect of estrogen on the release of interleukin 1 from osteoblasts; not enough estrogen to stop the activity of Interleukin-1 (osteoclast activating factor) from breaking your bone down.

Osteoporosis: Overall reduction in bone mass. Both mineral AND organic component. WHOLE mass of bone is reduced. Osteomalacia: Decreased mineralization of bone: organic part of bone is normal. Cartilage is ok, osteoid is ok; its not getting mineralized Dx of osteoporosis: Dual beam Absorptiometry: density of the bone in whole body is measured. Non invasive, very easy. MC fracture: compression fracture: lose stature, 2nd MC fracture: Colles fracture of distal radius. Question: Is swimming a good exercise for preventing osteoporosis: NO. Because no stress on bones. It is great exercise for aerobics. But it does not prevent osteoporosis. Walking is good. Weight bearing is even better than walking! Walk with Dumbells! Get aerobics and inc in bone mass! HAVE to stress bone to build it up. Example: In space, lack of gravity and astronauts are given bisphosphonates, Vit D and calcium to get bone density back: because serious prob of osteoporosis in space. Tip: reproductive women need to: 1) Exercise 2) 1500 mg of Ca everyday 3) 400-800 units of Vit D 4) Vit pill that contains Iron Bone Tumors Exostosis (osteochondroma) Note the cartilaginous cap on the surface of the bone. This causes a protuberance of the bone. This is the most common benign bone tumor. Chondrosarcoma of the hip MC malignant one Osteogenic sarcoma Slide: Note metaphyseal origin of the cancer and extension into the muscle, note the splinter of periosteum that is elevated which would correspond to Codman's triangle Slide: X-ray of proximal humerus showing the "sunburst" appearance of osteogenic sarcoma that is extending into the muscle, osteogenic implies that the cancer is making bone Adolescent, sun burst app, codmans triangle, knee area==Osteogenic Sarcome Suppressor Gene relationship: Rb suppressor Chromosome 13

Muscular Disorders Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy Gowers maneuver Elevated Serum CK, Absence of dystrophin protein Sex linked recessive, missing Dystrophin gene Variant: Beckers dystrophy: make dystrophin but it is defective Analogy: alfa 1 antitrypsin def: MCC of HCC in children Adults get panacinar emphysema: many diff sub types of alfa 1 anti-trypsin: 1) Absent alfa 1 anti-trypsin: get pan acinar emphysema. 2) Alfa 1 anti-trypsin is present but it cannot get OUT of the hepatocytes: so get HCC

Audio File 36: Musculoskeletal 2 - Dermatology - CNS 1

Myotonic dystrophy - MC adult dystrophy, AD Triplet repeat dz repetition of tri-nts (there are 4 dzs with this abnormality HD, Fragile X have macrorchidism (big testes in adolescents), Friedrichs ataxia, Myotonic dystrophy). In future generations, dz gets worse anticipation. Therefore, can anticipate that in future dzs it will get worse. For each generation, there are more triplet repeats added on, leading to a more defective protein and the dz gets worse and worse. Example: genetic counselor telling couple that they have a dz, where if are to have children, the dz will be fatal in their children. The couple didnt listen to their counseler, had a child and the child died only after 1 month. What was it and what is this: an ie triplet repeat disorder (anticipation) Muscle weakness in face (so mouth is drooped open). Example: pt with failure to release grip on golf stick (or when shaking hand) they cannot relax their muscle grip, diabetes, cardiac abnormality Myasthenia Gravis AutoAb against Ach receptor its an IgG Ab, therefore is an Example: of type II HPY, like Graves, which is an IgG Ab against the receptor (by de5inition, this makes it type II). Whether you destroy the receptor or just block it is irrelevant. Ach cannot hook into it and therefore there is muscle weekness. The 5irst muscles are the lids, which leads to lid lag. They also get double vision bc muscles of the eye are messed up, leading to diplopia. Eventually, they get dysphagia for solids and liquids (gets stuck in upper esophagus, bc this is where there is STRIATED muscle). Eventually muscle dz prevails throughout. Feel energized in the morning and feel tired at night. Tensilon test positive. Can die. Rx is acetylcholinestrase inhibitors. By giving an inhibitor, block the breakdown of Ach and build up Ach. With few receptors you have in there, there is a larger chance of hooking up to the receptors and pt does well. However, eventually, no receptors

there and it doesnt matter how much Ach is there, so pt is screwed. Then, her only option is a thymectomy. The thymus is in the anterior mediastimun. Trick question: they can ask, what is the pathology? They can describe MG and ask, what do you expect to see in the mediastinum? Do NOT put thymoma. This is a malignancy of the thymus and does occur in 15-20% of cases, but isnt the MC pathology seen in the thymus in a pt with MG. See germinal follicles in the thymus (remember, this T cell country, not B cell country, so its abnormal to have germinal follicles here) they are the ones making the Ab causing the MG. So, by doing a thymectomy for Rx, you are removing the Ab producing tissue. 1/3 pts get a complete cure. 1/3 get a partial cure, and 1/3 die bc they waited too long for thymectomy and Rx and didnt have receptors, anyway. So, B cell hyperplasia is the MC thing you see, not thymoma. This where the Ab is being made. Lupus Butter5ly distribution on the face (malar rash) Of all the autoimmune dzs this one is the most likely one to have a + ANA (99% sensitivity). The Abs you want to order to prove that its lupus are anti-Smith Ab (which has a 100% spec, therefore no false pos therefore 100% PPV) for lupus, meaning that if you test + for this Ab, you have Lupus. The other Ab is anti dsDNA this not only indicates that you have lupus, but also that you have KIDNEY dz. That has a 98% spec, too. So, these are two good Abs to con5irm lupus. Morning stiffness is present in lupus (simulates Rh arthritis/photophobia), rash, pericarditis; LE cell prep Anti DNA Abs are phagocytosed by neutrophils, and they have altered DNA. Not speci5ic for lupus (waste of time). Progressive Systemic Sclerosis/CREST Tight face, telangiectasia, Raynauds, dysphagia (solids and liquids), dystrophic calci5ication, sclerodactly; if kidneys involved, it is progressive systemic sclerosis, NOT CREST (doesnt involved kidneys). Dermatomyositis Racoon eyes, elevated serum CK, rash over the PIP (goutren patches), highest assoc with underlying cancer. Sjogrens syndrome Assoc with rh arthritis, autoimmune Abs destroy salivary glands leading to dry mouth, lacrimal glands leading to dry eyes. Example: bx of lower lip which is a con5irmatory test its looking to see if there is destruction of the minor salivary glands see lymphocytes (which is con5irmatory dx). Abs are anti-SSa (aka anti-Ro) and anti-SSb (aka anti-La) (SS = Sjogrens syndrome).

Anti-ro can also be in lupus pts, and can cross the placenta and disrupts the babys conduction system (leads to complete heart block).

CHAPTER 15: Dermatology

Skin Basal cell carcinoma (upper lip) Squamous cell carcinoma (lower lip) Psoriasis silvery lesion that is red and raised. Can involve the hands, scalp pts think they have dandruff (aka seborreic dermatitis from malasezia furfura), but they really have psoriasis. On black person wont see red lesion, will see silver one. Rash at pressure points esp the elbow. Atopic dermatitis child with allergic diathesis starts dz; have eczema (aka atopic dermatitis); type I HPY. Contact dermatitis ie to metal (nickel); type IV HPY Example: pathophys is equalant to what? + PPD, bc both are type IV HPY Seborrheic Dermatitis Due to Malassezia furfur (a fungus) IC pt (ie AIDs) This is a preAIDs lesion Tinea capitis Example: pt with bald spot on head, 5luouresces and seen with black light blacklight (UV-A light) Can cause Tinea capitis (now Trichophyton tonsurans is MCC) Bc the fungus involves the inner portion of the shaft, there are no 5luorescent metabolites, and is Wood light negative All the other super5icial dermatophyte infections including Tinea corporis (ring worm) Example: red outer edge and clear center, what is 5irst step in workup? Scrape outside and do KOH prep, and see hyphae and yeast forms. All other superUicial dermatophyte infections (except Tinea capitis) are due to trychophyton rubra. What is the color around Tinea capitis? Red (= rubra) (how to remember it). Molluscum contagiosum

Sandy like material in crater, children, self inoculate Poxvirus makes these (DNA virus) Volcano crater look, with sandy stuff in it Pityriasis Rosea Example: rash on butt non pruritic rash, NON INFECTIOUS; oblong looking with red on outside and pale in middle. You think this is T corporis, but its oblong (and not circular). Do a KOH prep, 5ind nothing; then put topical steroids and doesnt go away; 3 days later comes back with rash in the line of langer in Christmas tree like distribution; not an infectious dz, like a herald rash; not a fungus Dysplastic Nevus syndrome Example: precursor lesion for malignant melanoma; if you have over 100 nevi all over body, you have dysplastic nevus syndrome Very common Must go to dermatologist once a year bc need to look at dysplastic nevi. Could be a precursor lesion for malignant melanoma. 4 diff types of malignant melanoma What is 5irst step in management? Excision Example: super5icial spreading malignant melanoma (MC) Example: on face of older pt Lentigo maligna melanoma; irregular border, corn colored, LEAST likely to met of all malignant melanomas. Example: black popn do not get malignant melanomas bc the black pigment in the skin prevents UV light damage and propensity for cancer. however, there is one type of cancer they malignant melanoma they CAN get: black pt with dyspnea, on xray 5ind multiple mets all over body. Bx is done and pt has malignant melanoma, which part of the body would you examine to 5ind the primary dz? Under the nails, palms or sole of the feet this is Acrolentiginous malignant melanoma (acro means edge of/tip of) this is the MOST AGGRESSIVE of all the melanomas. This has nothing to do with radiation. Pagets dz looks similar Example: Nodular malignant melanoma also very aggressive. The most important thing affecting prognosis is depth of invasion (key to prognosis magic # is .76 mm). If its less than .76, its not gonna met. Toxins 2 poisonous spiders Black widow

Has a neurotoxin causes spasm of the muscles in the upper thighs and abdomen so strong its almost like tetanus; pain muscle contractions, esp in the abdomen. There is an antivenom, painful bite Example: person went down into their cellar, lifted boxes, felt sharp prick on 5inger, and developed contractures over a period of hrs due to black widow bite. Brown recluse spider (aka violin spider) Painless bite, has a necrotoxin, leading to ulcer So, neurotoxin for black widow, necrotoxin for brown reclous Where is receptors to androgens? Sebaceous glands (this is why men get more zits than woman testosterone will release lipid rich material which gets into the hair follicle. Then, if you have proprionum acnei (anaerobe) it has lipases that breakdown fat from the sebaceous gland and produces FAs that irritate the follicle and end up with acne. So, men more likely to get it bc they have acne It all occurs in the erector pili muscle of the skin. So, there are androgen receptors sebaceous glands and erector pili muscle. Drug used to prevent hirsutism? Spironolactone (same drug used to block aldosterone); this drug is good bc it blocks androgen receptors and therefore prevents hirsutism. Can also lead to gynecomastia.


CNS Spinal 5luid derives from choroid plexus in the ventricles. In the lateral, 3rd and 4th ventricles. Its an ultra5iltrate of plasma. What is the difference in serum and spinal 5luid? Way more protein in spinal 5luid bc its an ultra5iltrate. Cell? Hardly any cells in spinal 5luid (none). Glucose? Lower in spinal 5luid about 60% of what it is in serum (if the spinal 5luid glucose level were low, then something is in there utilizing it for energy such as bacteria or fungus or cancer cells). Is there anything MORE in spinal 5luid than serum? Chloride (way higher in spinal 5luid than serum) - around 120. These are imp bc there are injuries to the head. Example: baseball that hits the eye in an orbital blowout fracture can potentially break cribriform plate, leading to dripping 5luid out, which could be snot, serum, or spinal 5luid. So, its imp to know diffs btwn the two. Example: wacked in the head 5luid out of ear (otorrhea), hemorrhage leads to battle sign. This is a fracture of the basilar plate and there is spinal 5luid there. Most of the 5luid comes out the aqueduct of sylvius which is the MCC of hydrocephalus in children bc it gets blocked off until you get a build up of spinal 5luid in the 3rd vent and lateral vent, which is a narrow area and leads to hydrocephalus. Then, it comes to the fourth vent and needs to get out bc it needs to get into the subarachnoid space. So, it goes through the foramen of Luschka and Magendie, so 5luid goes out. Dura means strong its tightly adherent to the periosteum. So, when pt has epidural hematoma (blood clot betwn bone and dura). The only pressure that can split the periosteum away from dura is arterial pressure. So, this is the one when the middle mengial artery ruptures, and can be done with arterial pressure (not venous). It gets into the subarachnoid space (to protect us a cushion against damage). Get rid of spinal 5liud in arachonoid granulation. [A tumor can arise from the arachnoid granulations meningioma.] It goes through the arachnoid granulations, (there are NO LYMPHATICS IN BRAIN) and the dural sinuses and conglomerate into the jugular vein, which is emptied into the right side of the heart. So, when you do a valsalva and the neck veins distend, that pressure transmits all the way back to the dural sinuses, to the arachnoid granulations through the spinal

5luid , and right down the the needle in the subarachnoid space at L4 and the pressure goes up. This is called quakens step maneuver. It is a great test for when you are doing a spinal tap to see if the entire subarachnoid space is patent. If you dont see that manometer go up, there is something blocking the spinal 5luid more proximally. Example: when you wt lift, you shouldnt hold your breath bc the pressure are huge and and lead to a herniated disk. Tentorium Cerebelli 70% of brain tumors in adults are supratentorial (involve cerebral cortex) 70% of brain tumors in kids are infratentorial (cerebellar, cystic astrocytoma, medulloblastoma) Hydrocephalus Communicating vs Noncommunicating Communication of spinal 5luid in ventricles with subarchnoid space. Noncommunicating MC Something is preventing spinal 5luid in the ventricles from getting into the subarachnoid space MCC = stenosed Aqueduct of Sylvius Or something going in the 4th vent, ependymoma in kids will block it off, or meningitis in base of brain (TB), leads to scar tissue bc blocks foramen of magendie and luschka. Communicating Still communicating, but still a build up of pressure. One cause could be tumor of choroid plexus (papillary looking). So, if you have a tumor there, you have a greater ultra5iltrate of plasma and would be making more plasma. Also, would be making more spinal 5luid. There would still be a communication with here, but the pressure would build up bc making more than you commonly do. More commonly, what if you have a subarachnoid bleed or meningitis? Then pt has scarred off arachnoid granulations and have no way of draining it out. So, still have a communication, but cannot get rid of it (MC). Arnold Chiari Malformation Example: pull down spinal cord. This would bring the medulla into the cervical region and maybe a lil part of the cerebellum. Leads to hydrocephalus and platybasia (5lattening of the base of the skull)

Dandy walker syndrome Cerebellar vermis is not developed Herniation Why would we herniate in the brain? Bc there is cerebral edema and no other place to go. The famous ones are tonsillar herniation through the foramen magnum. (from the cerebellum) cerebellar herniation has been squeezed into the foramen magnum, and has constriction. Can cause immediate death. Uncal herniation medial portion of the temporal lobe herniates through the tentorium cerebelli and pressing against midbrain, leads to hemorrhage (durets hemorrhage). Also an oculomotor nerve that is gonna be compressed. So, this will lead to opthalomoplegia (LR6SO4, 3), so everything innervated by CN III is paralyzed. With oculomotor nerve palsy, it is down and out. (down and in is CN 4 palsy if CN 6 is paralyzed, will look cross eyed). Look at pupil. Example: MRI of oribit, name muscles Parasympathetic constrict the pupil (normally) , sympathetics dilate (normally) So, if you mess up the parasympathetics, which normally constrict, it will lead to mydriasis. The 5irst sign of uncal herniation is mydriasis of pupil on side of herniation (so it dilates on that side). Also, posterior cerebral artery can get blocked with uncal herniation, leading to post lobe infarction. Know brainstem and CNs and how it related to herniation Papilledema Any cause of increased incranial pressure Vit A tox Lead poisoning delta-aminolevulinic acid leads to increased permeability

Audio File 37: CNS 2

Hydrocephalus MCC = stenosis of the aqueduct of sylvius Noncommunicating. Get hydrocephalus bc the sutures have not fused if you miss hydrocephalus in adult and sutures have fused, will lead to dilatation of the ventricles and eventually over years, the pressure will turn back to normal bc the increased pressures keep the choroid plexus from making so much Dementia, ataxia, urinary incontinence. Aka normal pressure hydrocephalus (bc pressures normalize) Tuberous Sclerosis AD Hamartomas (noneoplastic proliferation of things) Ventricles have bumps called tubercles which are hamartomas which have proliferation of astrocytes. They produce hamartomas that bulge into the ventricle, called candle stick dripping. Hemartomas of the kidney called angiomyolipomas, MR, cardiac tumors (rhabdomyomas), shagreen patches, areas of hypopigmentation, woods light shine out Anencephaly Worst of neural tube defects Absent brain Vertebral arch defects Spina biUida occulta tufts of hair come out, vert arches do not touch, no meninges come Meningoceole meninges come out Meningomylocele both meninges and spinal cord come out High alpha feto protein levels in blood of mother; decreased in downs syndrome

Have to be on folate to prevent neural tube defects (neural tube 5inished forming by 30 days, so make sure she is on folate if she is trying to get pregnant). NeuroUibromatosis Albright syndrome (precocious puberty, caf au lait, bone zits) Sturge weber Caf au lait (coffee colored non raised lesions) spot, plexiform neuro5ibromas, hyperpigmentation in the axilla (axillary freckling), neuro5ibromas AD , therefore late manifestations (esp for neuro5ibromatosis), penetrance, variable expressivity (you are expressing the dz, but diff levels of how severe the dz is) Example: pt with HTN and pic, what test would you get? Relationship of neuro5ibroma with pheochromocytoma, therefore get a 24 hr urine for VMA and metanephrine. Acoustic schwannoma Example: pt with sensorinerual hearining loss b9 tumor of Schwann cells around CN 8 Meningiomas Optic nerve gliomas Syringomyelia Example: pt that works in factory and one of workers says you are burning your hand and pt didnt notice this, on exam loss of musculature (loss of LMN) in intrinsic muscles of the hand, loss of pain and temp in cape like distribution across back. Cant feel pain (not ALS in ALS, 5irst place of development of loss of muscles is here, so dont confuse; but ALS is UMN and LMN loss, PURE MOTOR , so if pt has pain, ie, this is sensory and not ALS) Big cystic cavity knocking off spinothalamic knocking off pain and temp. can knock off the corticospinal tract and anterior horn cells, so it will be a COMBO of sensory AND motor loss for syringiomyelia. Infections Meningitis vs encephalitis Meningitis in5lammation of meninges and nuchal rigidity; if you move your head or extend your knee, you will stretch the meniges, leading to pain (stretching in5lamed meninges). Encephalitis sleeping sickness they are always sleeping and drowsy; they have mental status abnormalities (not nuchal rigidity)

Pus at the base of the brain can possibly block lushka and majendie, leading to obstructive hydrocephaly and noncommunicating When you Rx meningitis, use steroids and Abs. why? Steroids prevent scar tissue formation and complications that arise with it (ie hydrocephalus). This is standard TB meningitis Rx (TB in brain causes vasculitis and scarring) Deafness is a complication of meningitis. Rabies Example:: meningitis, cerebral abcess, Rabies (MCC in States = skunks, dogs in 3rd world) Negri bodies (perkinje cell inclusion) CMV Periventricular calici5ications Example: section of kid (brain) - see white stuff going around ventricles MC congental infection = CMV What body 5luid is best to culture from? Urine Meningitis What is MC meningitis/sepis in 5irst month of life? Group B strep strep agalactae bc many women have this organism in their vagina, so they are carriers. Premature ruptured membranes lets the organism get up, get an chorioamnionitis and into the bloodstream. 2nd MCC is E coli 3rd MCC is listeria monocytogenes (gram + rod with tumbling motility as does Trichomonas vaginalis) What food should pregnant women avoid? Soft cheeses (ie feta cheese, but listeria is present). MC in 1 month 18 yo = N meningitides (not H in5luenza bc vaccination) MC in 18+ = Strep pn Example: 52 yo man, nuchal rigidity, tap shows increased protein, increased neutrophils and decreased glucose dx? Strep pn. what is the gram stain? Gram + diploccus Cryptococcus India ink see narrow based bud for Cryptococcus Who do you think this is in? ICd pts

What is MC immunodef in USA? AIDs MCC meningitis in AIDs pts? Cryptococcus Mucormycosis In frontal lobe, therefore from a diabetic in ketoacidosis Example: special stain on AIDs pt with CD 4 ct of 50, CT showed space occupying lesion Dx? Toxoplasmosis Example: pig herder, and long time problem with focal epileptic seizures (dilating therapy) multiple calci5ied and cystic lesions in brain dx? Cysticercosis Example: Jacob Cruetzfeltds from prions (mad cow) who is most likely to get? Neuropathologists, neurosurgeons, beef, lettuce from Arizona (cow manure on it) Traumatic lesions Epidural hematoma (above dura) hit in head middle meningeal have to fracture bone (under arterial pressures, can separate dura from periosteum). When you get 50 mls of blood, you get uncal herniation and die. Ie get him, say they are ok, 6 hrs later epidural hematoma and death Subdural hematoma rupture of bridging veins betwn dura and arachonoid membrane. If you have cerebral atrophy, then the space bwtn the dura and arachnoid membranes is bigger. Bridging veins dangling, break and get a hematoma. Fluctuating levels of consciousness. Left untreated lead to dementia. Do CT to r/o epi and subdural hematoma (also for strokes if its a hemorrhagic stroke) Strokes Slide: Brain: one side is bigger. Atherosclerotic stroke; pale infarct of brain. At bifurcation, there is an atherosclerotic plaque and thrombus. No blood 5low to brain and it infracted, starts breaking down, no reperfusion, so it remains a pale infarct. If the thrombus did break apart, and reperfusse the brain, the blood in the goes into the area of infarction and is called a hemorrhagic infarct. However, this usually doesnt occur and pale infarcts more common. If no blood, and there is infarction, pt is a candidate for heparin therapy. Over time, if pt survives, ends up with cystic space where there was infarction and this is called liquefactive necrosis--pale infarct, liquefactive necrosis. Slide: hemorrhagic infarct blood is to edge of brain this is an embolic infarct, usually from left side of the heart. The vessel it always goes to is middle cerebral artery. It gets into the Circle of Willis and into the middle cerebral. If you embolize down, will go into the superior mesenteric The reason it is hemorrhagic is bc pt will get breakdown of 5ibrinolytic system of the embolus and leads to reperfusion. Instead of being a pale infarct, its a

hemorrhagic infarct. So, both a atherosclerotic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke are both infarcts one is pale and the other is hemorrhagic. Slide: HTN, pressures cause lenticulostriate vessels to come up and supply this area of the brain. Derive from the middle cerebral aneurysms, called Charcot Bouchard aneurysm and it ruptures, leading to giant hematoma and blood clot. Horrible prognosis. So, embolic stroke goes to surface of the brain and if its in the basal ganglia, its always an intracebral bleed from HTN. Example: subarachnoid hemorrhage mostly due to rupture congenital berry aneurysm. MC at the junction ant comm branch of ant cerebral artery Less common cause of SAH: AV malformation Sturge Weber on same side as skin lesion of the face, there is an AV malformation Lacunar infarcts small areas on the brain; unusual bc they hit areas of the brain. Depending on where in the internal capsule, can have a pure motor stroke or pure sensory. MC due to HTN Multiple Sclerosis (MS) MC demyelinating Dz (autoimmune) MS Slide:demylinated: white matter has myelin it, grey doesnt. If you are destroying white matter, then youll see grey underneath. Plaques of MS. 2 ways to demylinate 1) knock off cell that makes myelin in the brain (oligodendrocytes in brain, schwann cell in PNS) viruses do this subacute sclerosis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, HPV they affect the oligodendrocyte; 2) can also have Abs against myelin and not the oligodendrocyte, which is MS paresthesias Nystagmus, ataxia, optic neuritis with blurry vision (MCC of Optic Neuritis= MS bc demylination of optic nerve) Internuclear opthalmaplegia (demylination of MLF) - pathognomonic Spinal tap will show increased protein, normal glucose, increase lymphs Hydrocephalus Ex Vacuo Severe atrophy of brain and ventricles look bigger than they should be Dementia Alzheimers Dz

Classic lesion: senile plaque, neurits, amyloid (Beta!!) so beta amyloid is toxic and the more you have the more toxic pathognomonic of alzheimers, on csome 21, therefore seen in downs, neuro5ib tangles (in any dementia and HD) Alz probs in higer levels dementia Only way to dx is autopsy (con5irmation) see senile plaques Parkinsons Dz Resting tremor

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