General Instructions:: Sample Paper - 2013 Class - XII Subject - Chemistry (Theory)

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Sample Paper 2013 Class XII Subject Chemistry (Theory) Time allowed: 3 hrs
M.Marks: 70

General Instructions:
1. Answer all the questions. 2. Question number 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each. Answer them in one word or one sentence each. 3. Question number 9to 18 carry 2 marks each. Answer them in 30 words each. 4. Question number 19 to 27 carry 3 marks each. Answer it in about 40 words each. 5. Question number 28 to 30 carry 5 marks each. Answer them in about 70 words each. 6. Use of calculator not permitted. Use of log table permitted 1. Name two antidepressants. 2. Define 12-16 compounds. 3. . Define the pseudomolecular reactions. 4. Give one example of sulphonation reaction. 5. Write IUPAC name of CH3-CH=CH-CH2- CHO 6. Draw the structure of zwitter ion. 1 7. Convert Benzene to flurobenzene. 8. What are biodegradable polymers? Give one example. 1 9. What are Antifertility drugs? Give examples. Other Educational Portals | | | | | 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

10. Define colligative properties with example. 2 11. A 1st order reaction is 50% complete in 30 minutes at 270C and in 10 min. at 470C.Calculate (i) rate constant for reaction at 270C and 470C. (ii) energy of activation for the reaction.

12. What is activation energy? How is it related to rate constant K? 13. Give four differences between types of emulsions. 14. What are lyophobic colloids? Give two examples. How does lyophobic colloid differ from lyphillic colloids. 15. Compare the stability of +2 oxidation state of elements with outer electronic configuration 3d64s2,3d54s2 and 3d34s2 in aqueous solution. OR What is Lanthanoid Contraction? Mention two consequences of Lanthanoid contraction. 16. 17. Explain the mechanism of dehydration of alcohols. Distinguish chemically between a) phenol and ethanol b) methanal and ethanal. 18. Write the equation of the reaction involved in the preparation of Bakelite. 2 19. Al crystallizes in a cubic close packing structure (FCC) Its metallic radius is 125 pm .Find the edge length of the unit cell. How many unit cells are there in 1cm3 of Al ? How many atoms are there in 1cm3 of Al ? 20. Calculate the boiling point of 1M KCl solution. Density of solution=1.04g/cm3. 3 Molar mass of KCl=74.5u Kb=0.52K Kg mole-1.Assume KCl is 90% dissociated in aqueous solution. 21. 22. Give the structures of a) XeO3 b) H3PO4 c) PCl3 Account for the following: Other Educational Portals | | | | |

2 2 2

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3 3
a) Zn,Cd, and Hg are not considered as transition elements. b) Actinoid show variety of oxidation states. c) Transition metals forms alloys. 23. a) Write main postulates of werner,s co-ordination theory. b) Draw the geometrical isomers of [Co(NH3)3(NO2)3] OR What type of isomerism is exhibited by [Co(NH3)5Br]CO3? Write the IUPAC name of both the isomers. Give one chemical test to distinguish between these two isomers. 3 24. 25. 26. Explain SN1 and SN2 Reactions. Outline the principles of refining of the metals by the following methods: a) Monds process b) Liquation c) distillation. Explain following: a) WILLIAMSONS REACTION. b) WURTZ REACTION. c) SCHOTTEN-BAUMANN REACTION. 3 3 3

27. i) Explain the following with respect to proteina) Native state of protein b) Peptide linkage 3 ii) Two strands of DNA are not identical but complimentary to each other. Explain this statement. 28. a) Write the reaction involved at each electrode in H2-O2 fuel cell. b) Give one similarity and one difference between fuel cell and other primary cells. c) Give advantages of fuel cells. OR a) State Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. b) Write the reaction involved at each electrode in mercury cell / dry cell. c) Calculate the cell potential at 298K for the reaction Zn+Sn4+ Zn2+ +Sn2+ (1.5M) 0.5M) (2M) 0 2+ E Zn /Zn= - 0.76V E0Sn4+/Sn2+= 0.13V 29. a) Account for the following: i) Group 18 elements have positive value of electron gain enthalpy. Other Educational Portals | | | | | 5
ii) HF has highest boiling point while HCl has the lowest boiling point among hydrogen halide. iii) Sulphur vapours are paramagnetic in naturte. b) Give the products and balance the reactions: i) Cu + H2SO4 (conc) ii) XeF4+ H2O OR a) Account for the following: 5 i) NeF2 is not known. ii) Fluorine has lesser negative value of electron gain enthalpy than Chlorine. b) explain Ostwalds process. 30. a) Carry out the following conversions: 5 i) Benzene to fluorobenzene.. ii) Benzaldeyde to 3-Phenyl propan-1-ol iii) Benzoic acid to m-nitro benzoic acid. b) Give one example each of i) Stephen reduction ii) Aldol condensation. OR a) Explain LUCAS test for distinguish between 10 20 and 30 alcohols. b) Give one example each of i) Cannizaro reaction ii)Acetylation.
Paper Submitted by: Vivek Yadav Email Id: [email protected] Ph No:. +919411937022, +919411937022, ,+915676 235555 VCCI, VIGYAN NAGAR, SHIKOHABAD, INDIA Other Educational Portals | | | | | Other Educational Portals | | | | |

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