People V Perez Digest

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83 PHIL 314

People vs. Perez FACTS: Accused Perez was charged with treason and rape. The accused kidnapped several women in order to present them to a Japanese Commander to satisfy the latters carnal pleasure against the will of the women. In some instances, the accused himself raped several women. HELD/RATIO: The accused was acquitted in relation to the crime of treason; but, he was found guilty in relation to the crime of rape. The acts of the accused in relation with the Japanese didnt directly and materially tend to improve the war efforts or to weaken the power of the United States. Moreover, intent of disloyalty which is essential in the crime of treason is lacking. Nevertheless, the accused can be held liable for the several counts of rape he committed.

Facts: Seven counts of treason were filed against Susano Perez aka Kid Perez, the accused, for recruiting, apprehending, and commandeering women (Eriberta Ramo, Eduarda Daohog, Eutiquia Lamay, and Flaviana Bonalos) against their will to satisfy the immoral purpose and sexual desire of Colonel Mini, and otherJapanese of Officers. Only counts 1,2,4,5,6 were substantiated. In the 4th and 5th counts, the accused personally assaulted and abused two of the offended girls. Susano Perez was convicted of treason and sentenced to death by electrocution by the Peoples Court. Issue: Whether or not the acts of the accused constitute a crime of treason Held : NO. There is a dilemma in trying to draw a line between treasonable and untreasonable assistance, since the scope of adherence to the enemy is comprehensive, and its requirement indeterminate, but as a general rule acts providing aid and comfort to the enemies are considered treasonable when the aid and comfort

rendered are directed to them as enemies not as mere individuals. To lend or give money to an enemy as a friend so that he may buy personal necessities is not technically traitorous, but to lend or give money to an enemy to enable him to buy arms or ammunition to use against the government of the giver is treason. The act of the accused of providing the enemies with women andentertainment, boosting their (the enemies) morale and making their lives more pleasant, is not treason. Sexual and social relations withthe Japanese did not directly and materially tend to improve their war efforts or weaken the power of the government. Any favourable effect toward the Japanese that the accused might have made was trivial, imperceptible and unintentional. Intent of disloyalty is a vitalingredient in the crime of treason, which in the absence of admissionmay be gathered from the nature and circumstances of each case. In this particular case, it was not evident that the intent of the accused in providing the enemies with women was to help them overthrow thegovernment.

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