Jeff Pages - Homeopathic Symptoms

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This document discusses various homeopathic remedies for different ailments ranging from acne to asthma to arthritis. It also discusses Merc-sol as a preventive and cure for swine flu based on its mind symptoms.

Nat sul. 6x and Olan an are mentioned as homeopathic remedies for asthma.

Rhus-tox 30, Bry 30, Calc-c 30, Caust and Iodium are mentioned as homeopathic remedies for arthritis.

Jeff Pages : Homeopathic Symptoms



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Homeopathic Symptoms
HOMEOPATHY - SYMPTOMS Abortion, women prone to: Sep + zinc Absorption, reabsorption of exuded matter: Acon, Kali bitch. Acne Rosacea: Morg-p; Bellis prenis -30 three times a day till acne disappears. Aggr. sunset to sunrise: Colch, leuticum; Ars Aggr - child, colic all night/Diarrhea: Jalapa Ailmentary tract, entire: B. Morgan Allergy to metals: Morgan pure Alcahol: Causes repugnance to, strophanthus ALOPECIA: Morg Pure, complete alopecia. ALOPECIA AREATA:(Somenath)Bac CM morning & eveningX2days. 5 days gap Phos 1000 once every 5th day Alternating symptoms; mental/physical: Arn Carc,Ign,Plat,Nat-m, Lil-t,Stram. Aluminium Piosoning: Cadmium OXIDE M OR 10M Anemia, profound: Crot-h Anger, chagrin, bad effects of: Nux-v; bad effects after: CHAM Angina/Heart attack: Arnica CM, Acon CM, Ars CM every 15 min Ankle, weakness: Sil Antiseptic: Chin M Tinct Antibiotic,broad spectrum: Calc-Sul- Ars iod. Anus open, after stool: Phos, Apis Anxiety, none in chronic cases but anxiety in acutes - kalis Appetite, to promote: Hydr, Also 5 drops Iod MT half hour before meals APPetite loss of on seeing food: Conium Appetite poor:Sulphur and chelidonium; Iodium 3x, 5 drops in water 20 min before food Arms/Axilla itching _ aesc Hip Arteries, to dialate: Thyrod; To contract:Adrenaline Arthritis: Rhus-tox 30; Bry 30; Calc-c 30; Caust Arthritis Deformans: Iodium.Caust Asthma, supression of foot sweat: Olan an. ASTHMA S.O.S Morg-p (as fast as adrenalin) Asthma: Nat sul. 6x put 2 pills in water; succuss 6 times, use one tsp 1/2 cup water Atheletes foot or oozing liquid between toes and fingers = Graph Axila, offensive sweat; Sil (Toes, Feet) Backpain, radiates to other parts: Sab Backpain, from other parts to back: Sep Backpain - tendency,to: Phos Backpain: Apis, Kali carb, Bellis-p; Bashfulness: Amb-gr, Cepa Bed wetting: RM pg 577; Equis Bladder atony: Causticum - urethera as well Bladder: painful Dysuria - Aconite Bleeding: Ferr phos 6X powder on cut stops bleeding immediately. Blood, increases hematin, globulin, fibrin,etc. China Blood: increase the flow as inflow increase to brain in creeping paralysis: ARNICA Blueness: Lach, Ver-a, Dig. Carb-V Birth to make easy: Caulo - helps pelvic ligaments to expand Body large, legs thin: Amm-mur Bone stuck in throat: Lobelia; Ipec Bone deformaties: Syph; Bone pains intollerable at night: Kali-iod Bone - synovial fluid dried up: BRY Boring in nose: Arum-trip; Nat phos. Bread, aversion to: Nat-mur Breasts large painful: Con; ABSENT: Thyr Breast:pain to scapula on nursing;Nipple very sore: Croton tig; Sep.Sil broncho-pnemonia : Tub (excellent) Burning with itching:Sul; with stinging:Apis; with soreness:Caust Burn: within minutes - Cantharis, Tongue, lips: Hamm Cancer, inherited: Carc, Scirr. CANCER ulcers,etc: Med,Thuj, Nat-s,Vacein, use alternatively. Capallaries - enurosis/hemorrhage: Fl ac, Cupr Carcinosin: Thin arms and legs big belly. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Hypericum 200 in water, 1 tsp every hour Catheter(homeopathic) Sabal serrulata if due to enlarged prostate;Acon; opium Etc. Catching cold often: keep up supplement of Vit D, reduce shugarintake, take Selenium. Chilblains, itching/twiching: Agar Cheeks red: Morgan P Chest, infections of all types: Morgan Pure. Chest phlegm muco-prurient - Baccilinum Chest, pain if delays urinating - Lil tig Chickenpox: Puls & next Antim crudum Chikungunya; almost a specific - Polyporus pinicola 10,000X - one single dose

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Jeff Pages : Homeopathic Symptoms

Child cries all the time, esp night: Lac-c; Reverse: Psor,Jalap Child wants to be carried: Ant-t Children, impudent; laughs at repremands= Graph Chill/agu, moving up from extremeties: Sab; chills, shivering: Ipec; at night in bed cannot get warm: Kali-iod. Chillies, mouth burning from: Phos; Stomach burning: Caps Chin: quivers incessantly.Ars Cholestrol: Mag-Phos; Colchicum Circulation, sudden irregularity of(throbbing,bursting,congestive):Glon Climacteric: Graph generally Cold, catarrh, to stop: Nat-m, Ferr phos; Sensitive to cold: Bar-c, Rhus-t Cold, withstanding extreme/does not cover when others shivering:Mephitis Cold, sensation, single parts: Calc-carb. Cold intollerance: Merc - sol. Color Blindness: Can't see red & green: CARBONEUM SULPH-30C - 5 pills x 3 times daily x 4 weeks. Cogulation, to increase: Phos Confidence, lack of: Anac Congestion: B. Morg Constapation: Nat phos 6X. Alumn; Op 30 Coition, pain in spermetic cord after: Sabal. Cortisol high; Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) - Flax seed Cough followed by Hiccup/belching:Amb-gr,Angustura; better swallowing cold water:Caust Coughing, pain in distant places: Caps. Headache Phos. Cough - dry, has to sit up at night Cough at night only Sep; Cough harsh/choking: Spongia Cramps: Early morning: Kali carb. 9a.m.: Nat mur Crying: parent wishes to sooth the Puls child and spank the Cham child. Deformities: bones skin; eruptions; extremeties - Syph DENGUE: Dulc Diarrhea: RM pg 254; On beginning to eat: Ferr-met Discolouration of the skin - Sepia Dogs, terribly afraid of: Bell Draining system: Berb aq.Removing water(serum) from blood/body: Nat sulph; Nux?sulph Drunkards, popular remedy in Russia: Asarum europeum. Drug addiction: Avena sativa. Drunk easily: Con Ear, Pain in dogs: belladonna - often indicated for severe ear pain. Frequently when the dog is holding its head tilted: Mephitis Ear wax, excessive:Con Eating after better - Con; worse after: Spigella Electric shock( electrocution & lightning): Calc-phos. Phos 1000 Emaciation, great, whilst eating well: Nat-m Encephilitis prophylactic: Zinc. More likely Belladonna for cure. Epilepsy comes on during sleep: Lach Exostosis, lower jaw: Angustura,Left side -phos Extremity: emaciation, paralized limb: Plumbum Eyes, swelling baglike between upper lids and eyebrows: Kali-Carb; Eyes protuding: Comocladia; sclera very yellow Crot-h Eyes, dust or other foreign matter: Aconite 30; If red, inflamed: Sul Eyelids drooping: Sep, Caust, Gels. EYES puffy under: Syc. co; Ars Eyebows hair falling : Selenium Face bloated: bar-c.Skin too tight -Phos FACE hairy: Morg-p. FACE & upper lip: weekly-, B.Morg, Thuja Face, Mongloid; Morgan Pure. Turn red when in pain - Ferrum Facial distortions/ lumpy skull; Syphillinum Facial neuralgia - Lyc Fainting - in hot sun: Ant c and Ipec. Easy fainting: Sepia.Faint like: Caust, Nux-v Eup-p Fatigue chronic: Sul-ac; Gels Fear, cutting himself while shaving: Calad. FEAR: Arnica and Ars FEVER, lowers temp: all Kali salts; Kali-brom; BELL; Ars Finger joints - Arthritis : Caul. Exostosis: Calc Fluor Fish-Brine odour, follows everywhere and of discharge: Sanic, Calc,Med, Graph Fissure/anus, great burning: Ratanhia (pin worms) Flatus incarcerated,borbogami, does not pass ^ or down: Raphnos-s; Arg nit 'Flu: Gels+Ars iod+ Eup 'Flu - tonic after: Conium Flying, fear of: Arg nit 200 2 hrly. Foetid breath: Syphilinum Foetus stopps growing: Secale cortinum 10M one dose Food, smell of/noise/light agg.:Colch Food, eating, better after, Graph, Anac, Chel, Lach; Worse: Nux-v Foot, left turns inwards when walking: Psor; SOLES hot: Sul, Calc, Cham Foot - rt. hot, left cold - Lyc Foot saweat, ailments from checking: Baryta carb. Frothy - blood/bright red; stools: ipec Frozen Shoulder: Thiosin Gall stone colic: Cholestr. relieves pain immediately; Gastritis: Ars, Ant-c, Phos. Glands, parotid, submaxillary & testes, swelling, hardness: Brom Gout - acute: Colch 30 Goitre - non toxic: Spongia and Thyroidinum (for non-toxic goiter) Grief, long standing: Phos-ac, Nat-mur Growth too rapid, stoop: Phos Gives out - legs or any part: Kali c Haemophilia : Crot Horridus Hands warm, legs cold:Sep; Hands cold, legs warm: Sep; Hands, one cold the other warm: China Hands, washing often: Thuja Hauty: Plat; Verat-a; Pladium Hayfever/pressure root nose: Ranan-b

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Head, nodding and side to side movement: Lyc;Head tilt: Calc Ph Head greasy: Bry. Migrane: Bry; Bell; Nux-v. Headache, school girls: Nat-m, Calc-p; Shopping from:Sepia; almost specific= Bell CM Headache: sunrise < mid day until sunset: Spigelia Headache with flickerings; ache extnds to root of nose; Lach Headache-migrane:Ingredients: Nux v 6x, Caffeinum 6x, Gels 6x, Kali phos 3x, Arg nit 9x. Heart attack: Arnica to dissolve clots; Cactus to regulate Heartbeat, throbbing pulsation audible on pillow: Glon, Sepia Heart remedy: Conv-m, Crat, Dig. Coronary artery Disease(CAD) Cactus in LM potency - acute or chronic. Heart, functional disturbance from alcahol: strophanthus Heat, intolerable: Ant-crud; Phos; Bry; Kali-b; Merc sol. Heat rash; Ipecac Heel, cracks in: Morg-p ; pain in/soles: Morg Pure High Blood Pressure: Glonoine and Lachesis (for hypertension) Hoarseness, getting overheated hot day: Brom Hemorrage every oriface: Crot-h Home sick: sleeplessness, Caps 3x; much weeping Mag mur; followup Ph-ac Indegistable things; chalk,charcoal: Calc Cicuta, Verat-a Indecision: Carc Influenza - tendency to get: Oscillococcin; Zinc; Allium-c; Acon; Bry;; Gels; Ip. Phos. Influenza - Gastro-intestinal troubles, with: Oscillococcin Influenza - Gelsemium, Eupatorium, Bryonia, Ferrum phosphoricum. Illness, starting puberty:Puls Impotency: Qshwagandha+Agnus cact+Yohimbinum+Nupher lut+Shilajit+Damiana all MT Ingrowing eye lashes: acon; Aur; Bell; Bor;Graph; Merrc; Puls; Nat-m, Sil Ingrowing hair on legs: Mang-m Injuries, joints, where Arn fails: Bry, Bell,Bellis Injuries, tendons, legiments, cartilage: ruta Grav Insomnia: Arnica Intercostal rheumatism: Ran-b Intollerance of milk: Aethusa Cynapium Intoxicated easily: Con Involuntary movements when awake: Agar; Involuntary urine, cough/sneeze/blow nose: Caust, Kali-c Irritable , very: Nux-v; Verat a Jaundice, after blood transfusion: Crot Horridus Jealous/sadness/dissapointed love: Ign, Lach, Aur-m, Ph-ac Jet lag: Arn Joints, small affinity for: Caulo, Calc-c; Ankyloid: Caust Joints: Cracking on motion: Nit-ac Joints - stiffness of- Phos also stiffness of old men Joints: weakness- Sil Kidney, Pain/radiating: Berberis(Best remedy) Kidney/Renal colic: NUX VOM-6C & BELLADONA-6C & BERBERIS VULGARIS-Q - 5 drops in 1 tsp water given in a cycle at every 5-10 minutes interval Knee swollen, grating: Morg P Labour: dialate os, Caul 200 Laughung whilst talking: Aur, Bell; laughing and dancing immoderately: Hyos Legs cold, Hamds warm: Sep Legs hot hands cold: Sep Legs -hind legs weak/paralysis Picr acid. Legs extreme heaviness sitting while- Alumina Lightning bad effects, blindness: Phos Limbs feel heavy: ARNICA Lips dry; Nat Mur Liquid absorption: Nat Sul, antim t Long lasting grief or sorrow: Caust Loquacity: Hyos Lying down aggr: Caust Lymphatic system: Merc Malaria:Malaria Officinalis followed by Chinimum Sulphuricum (for Malaria) Memory loss, of, sudden: Anac Menopause Graph generally. Lach; Sep Mensturation,backache before and during: Kali-carb; Mensturation: absent-Thyr; Albumin in- Thyr Meal, drowsiness after: Phos.Hiccup after, few seconds:Prot Metal contact, skin< Morgan Gaetner; Sabal Milk aversion to: Carbo-v, Calc-c; Craves milk: La MIND - DWELLS - grief from past offenses DWELLS - past disagreeable occurrences, on: Staph MIND - HATRED - - hatred of persons who offended him; Staph MIND - ailments from dominated: Staph Miscarriage, prone to: Sep+ Zinc Moisture,anus: Ant-c Mongoloid: Morgan Pure Morning, waking unfresh: Puls; China for unrefreshed sleep and drowsy all day. Morning aggr. :Lachesis Mosquito bites, itch terribly: Calad; Ledum. Moth patches: Sepia Mouth drooling:Merc sol. Mucous membrains- severe inflamation; Arg nit Mouth dry, tongue adheres to pallette: Nux-Mos;Nuv-v; Mouth distortion of: Con Mumps: Phos 1000 thrice daily+ Vit C 2000 Muscle stiffness, senile tremours: Mag-phos Nails crippled: Sep; Tingling in Colch;Yellow:Con,SEp Ingrowing:Thuja;WHITE spots on:Sil Nail biting: Morg-g Nasal obstruction/side lying on: Rhus-t Nasal obstruction, left or right: Borax

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Nausea, smell of cooked food, fish eggs fatty meat: Colch Naval, infants oozing fluid: Calc-p. Urine: Hyos Neuralgic Pain: Kali cyan- almost specific, Plantago Remedy par excellence: Spigelia:head,eyes,head,face,teeth Neuralgic pain - teeth: Mag phos and Kali phos given together evry 15 min. Night, midnight aggr: Ars-a Nipple drawn in, funnel: Sil Nose, Rubbing nose: Bell, Nat-c Nostrils, hot air feeling: Kali-bi, Nat M Numbness Fingers - tips of with pricking :Lach OBESITY: Anac; Calc; Caps; Graph Ferr; NAT_M; Phyt + ARNICA; (2) Arum+ Amm mur+ Amm brom+ Apis+ Piper nig+ Operation, ovaries after: Staph Operation - any abdominal surgery - Staph 1000 to stoppain of sutures, etc. Os rigid in labour: Gels Offensive smell (Toes, feet, axila) Sil Pain, bone: Ruta, Eup-perf Pain> on moving about: Rhus-t, Arum -met, staph Pain, electric shock like all over: Cimic Pain, heel and ball of great toe: Ledum; PAIN heel only: Berb, Rhus-t, Ars, Kali-i,Morg-p Pain, joints RM 829; Pain in small spots: Ign Pain, radiating: Barberis-v; wandering: kALI-B, LAC-C, kALI-S, puls, Magn-acet Pain, spasmodic: Berb-Vul, Nux- V Pain travels upwards: Sep, Led; travells downwards: Kalmia, Cact Pain - wandering: Kali-b, Kali-s, Lac can, Led, Pulls Paralysis, hind legs Picric -ac Paralysis travells upwards: Conium Paralised arm wasting away: Plumbum Periodicity: Sab, chin, ars, Gels, Lach, Nux-v, Sep Photosensitive: Prot Piles bleeding - almost a specific: Hyper Pimples, red 4 head & cheeks: Ledum Platelet count low: Lach Pneumonia better lying right< lying left side: Phos Prays continually: Stram Prolapsus Ani, confinement after, on bending: Ruta, Ign, Mur-ac Prostate: Prostration: Sul-ac Proud, egoistic, haughty: Plat, Sul, Pall, Verat-a Lyc RM pg 579 Public speaking, Shy of: Gels Rabies: Bell, Lach Radiation; computer, cellphone,television etc: one dose phosphorour 1000 monthly Ratena ditchment: Napthalene 6 tds Rawness/soreness/burning: Caust Reading someones mind; Deaf/dumb: Vert-a Recollection, improves: Gels Rectal sphincter - Aloes; Causticum Refuses to talk: Ver-a Renal Colic:NUX V-6C & BELL-6C & BERB V-Q - 5 drops in 1 tsp water given in a cycle at every 5-10 minutes interval Renal failure:Eel serum (Serum anguillar ichthyotoxin) 3x /6x is very effective, but not repeated too often. Rheumatism,pains < at night:Syph; Worse in morning: Med. Generally: Caust Ring worms: Sepia Salivation, Metallic: Sars, Iod. Salivation, excessive drains on pillow at night:Syphilinum Scalp, sore hair roots: Sang nit. Semen, involuntary: Sel; Sep Short stature:Aurum Metallicum, Lycopodium and Iodum (for short stature) Shingles: Ranunculus b 200 or 1M every 2 hrs Sighingfrequent desire to take long breath: Bry Sinus: Kali-b; Hep-s; Mez Sinucitis- Dr Ullmans:Active Ingredients: Zincum Gluconicum 2X, 6X, Euphorbium Officinarum 4X, 6X, 12X, Origanum vulgare (Oregano) 3X, 6X, Echinacea Angustifolia 3X, 6X, 12X, Hydrastis Canadensis 3X, 6X, 12X, Argentum Metallicum 8X , Kali Sulphuricum 3X, 6X, 12X, Allium Cepa 6X, Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia 6X, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 8X, Kali Bichromicum 6X, 10X, Sanguinaria Canadensis 6X, Lemna Minor 3X, Luffa Operculata 6X, Pulsatilla 3X, Sabadilla 6X, Silicea 8X, Spigelia Anthelmia 3X Skin, brown spots scattered: Nit-ac. Skin -Allergic metal contact:Morg -g Skin, brown liver spots - RM pg 1323. SKIN outstanding action upon:Morg-p Skin, yellow/white patches: Lac-c Skin,yellow: Sep, Nux-v. SKIN dryness: Kali-sul, Bry; Morgan P. Dry wrinkled :Calc -p SKIN dry, rough, scaly: Ars; Skin excrescences: Ant-c Skin tags - Med; Skin yellow/green spots - Arnica. Skin discolouration - Sepia Sleeepiness even after good sleep; exhausted all day: China Sleeplessness: Pasiflora tincture, Med 200 Sleep reversed - day becomes night: Syph Snake bite: Aconite 30 followed Led 30 and Toxica serpentium 30c Soles hot: Sul, Cal, Cham Spasms; Nuv-v Spider, fright of - Carc Spine,carries and exostosis: Phos Spinal injuries:injuries to the disc, reversal of paralysis: Helodrilus caliginosis 30c. Spondylosis: Berb MT+Calc phos 6+Caust 6+ Dulc 6+ Nux v 6+ Rhus t 6, 5dops in tsp H20 4 hrly

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Spondylosis:Acetic acid; In general Acids are good, Phos acid is one of the best medicines for Cervical spondylosis. Chelidonium, Mag.carb, Natrums ( Nat.phos and Nat.sulph). Phos and its variants all have close bone and spine affinity Phos, Phos. acid, Nat.phos, Calc.phos etc. Stiching pain: Asafoetida; Ran-b Stiffness extremeties/numbness: Arnica Stomach, icy coldness: Colch; distention of milk after: Con Stomach burning, as if lime were being slaked: Caust; COLIC pains:Coloc, Mag-ph, Cham, Staph Ver. Stomach, absorption lacking -vitamins,iron, etc:Cobaltum Stomach - throbbing: Sep; FLuttering - Xanthoxylum Stool, square: Sanicula; cold: Conium; sticky tenacious sticks to rectum:Bry; creamy/foamy -Formica Stool, great amel for short time after: Nux-v Stools black; Brom, Leptandra, Psorinum, Stram stress; grief - Sep; Caust Suicide attempted, prevention for future: Plumb Suddeness of attack: Phos, Bry Sunset to sunrise - Syph Sunburn: Cantharis 6C; 12C Swallow, inability, esp liquids: Cina Sweats, day & night without relief: Hep Sul. Daytime on closing eyes: Con sweet, craving for - Lyc; Arg nit Swelling: Cham; Acon; Bry Swine Flu Merc sol 200 - is a specific.One single dose. Sympathetic, intensely: Caust Synovial fluid dried up: Bry Taste, bitter: Rhus_t, China, Puls; Sour: Calc. Teeth, black: Staph. Teeth Pain/looseness: Syphillitic miasm Temp. body lowered: Nat-mur, Kali bi Thirst, unquenchible: Lach Throat, wart like excrescences: Arg-nit; Throat SORE, pain shoots to ear on swallowing: Phyt,, Lac-c Thunder Storms - bad effects of, Phos, Rhod Time, 5 mins seems ten hours: Can Ind Tired, lethargic, legs feel heavy: Picric ac. Toncilitis & Neurofibrosis: Baryta Iod -1M- morning & evengX 2 days every 4 wks; Calen-Q- 2dropsx 3 times dlyx 28 days Tongue dry, adheres to pallette: Nux-mos; Distortion of: Con Touch, can not bear: Kali-carb Travel sickness : COCC; PETR; SEP; TAB Sea Sickness: COCC; CON NUX-V PETR TAB Tremours: Gels; Phyt low potency; Cimic - finger trembling writing Tubercular diathesis: Tub with Syph (Somenath) Phos 1000 Tumor of brain: Hell 30,Apis 30, Cal-f 30, Thyr 30, one each 4 times/daily Tumor, fibroid: Calc-carb.Stony Hard:Calc-Fl, Cistus.Fibroid/soft Bovista, Lapis Alb. Tumour/ absorption of tissues- new growth Phyt. Typhoid fever: Typhoidinum followed by Baptisia (for typhoid fever) Unconscious,frothing at mouth: Glon Urine, almost black: Colch - red sand in: Lyc Urine, child cries before -Lyc Urine, flow of prostatic fluid before or after urination : Lach; Sabal Urine, incontinence and frequent, cannot wait; leaking; infection; when coughing; Urine incontinence after labour: Ars Urine: painful dysuria: Aconite Utrus - baby stops growing: single dose of Secale cortnm 10M Venus Stasis, (nails, hands, skin blue): Carb-v, Lach, Sang Vericose veins, leg: Dys. co Vertigo, high blood pressure: Morg-p. Vertigo kneeling: Sep Vision - Green -Ars; Caps - black; Actea spic - blue; camph- bright & glittering; Vision: Hyos- spots before eyes; Ruta- candlelight surrounded by red halo; Cina- " " everything yellow. Voices,hears, far away: anac Walking in circles/ falling to the rt: Thuja Warts/condylomata: Sep,Thuja, Caust; small many:Sars; Warts,Palm hand" Nat-m;large, pedunctd:Nit-a,Staph, Thuja, Caust Washerwoman leg pains: Sep Water in blood/body - eliminates: Nat sulph Weakness: all Kali salts; Weakness chronic: Phos, Phos-ac, Sul -ac Weather change(either way) Phos Weepy very, Sep Weight to gain: Sabal Weight, to lose: Phyt 6x ; Nat -phos 6x Wet when hot, ailments from: Rhus-t; Merc sol Windy/stormy weather aggravates (under a fan): Rhod. Worms: Thread:Cina, Teucr Scirr; Hook: Carb-an; Ring: Sep Yawning and stretching, constant: Amylenum Nitro Yawning spodmatic, violent: Plat Young,when has narrow hips - now after becoming mother fat abdomen: Sep

7:24 AM 10/19/03 STAPHYSAGRIA If one is going to choose a rubric that well defines Staphysagria > mental state, it is > > Mind- AILMENTS FROM - mortification - indignation; > with' > > In a majority of Staphysagria patients you find a > history of mortification. The reaction of the patient > is usually a suppressed anger with leads to an

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> internal feeling of indignation. Although the > pathology starts with swallowing the anger, the > patient is never successful in maintaining this > suppression. He/she may try to control his/her emotion > but he always fears losing his control which leads to > an uncontrollable anger. The patient is always in an > unstable passive-aggressive state. He can never forget > how he was 'abused' and becomes extremely sensitive to injustice. > Here you see how the delusion of being abused is meaningful in > Staphysagria's mental state. > > Study the following selected rubrics of Staphysagria. > > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - sexually > - children; in > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - indignation; with > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - silent grief; with > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - suppressed > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - honor; wounded > MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification - indignation; with > MIND - ANGER - never angry > MIND - ANGER - sudden > MIND - ANGER - throwing things around > MIND - DWELLS - grief from past offenses > MIND > MIND - GRIEF - silent - indignation, with > MIND - HATRED - - hatred ofpersons who offended him; > MIND - HATRED - revengeful; hatred and > MIND - INDIGNATION - misdeeds of others; at the > MIND - INJUSTICE, cannot support > MIND - OFFENDED, easily - offenses, from past > MIND - WEEPING - offense - former offense; about Online ARNICA Some of the long term effects which follow include low Blood Pressure, Low Cholesterol, freedom from bodily aches and pains, higher resistance to disease especially those of viral origin, better mental capacity, good skin condition and vitality continuing on to the later years of one's life. I believe that it is this deep sleep experienced during the night immediately after taking the dose last thing at night, that is the secret that permits the body to recover better, thereby slowing down the aging process as it seems to have done in my case. Menstrual problems Agave sad and pessimistic menses weak and painful Apis need to be so busy - menses suppressed drives them to busy mania Argentum nit - apprehensive, time passes slowly menses too soon, too late Baryta carb bashful and mistrusting menses absent or scanty Belladonna fearful with a need to escape menses too early and profuse Borax dread of downward motion menses have gripping pains Carcinosin over-extended - bleeding between menses Chamomilla ugly and cross dysmenorrhea China fantasises menses copious with fainting Dioscorea intense sufferings violent dysmenorrhea Drosera suspicious and anxious menses suppressed or retarded Dulcamara nagging and petulant menses suppresses or watery Elaps full of dread menses black Erigeron very despondent, cannot move menses on slight exertion Eupatorium purp depressed and sleepy sterility Fluoric acid always on the move menses copious, too long Formica unusually excited menses 8 days too early Fraxinus nervous, must talk menses profuse Gelsemium fearful yet apathetic menses painful but scanty Glonoine frantic and confused menses suddenly cease Guaiacum weak, forgetful, depressed menses irregular Hamamelis feels unappreciated menses vicarious Hedera constantly worried menses infrequent Helleborus dull, dismal and despairing menses suppressed from sadness Ignatia disappointed, internal conflicts menses irregular and black Iodum excited and restless menses cause great weakness Ipecacuanha capricious menses gushing Jaborandi nervous with fixed ideas of killing menses start with coldness Juglans peevish and taciturn menses early, profuse and black Kali carb full of fear and imaginings menses constantly ooze Kalmia confused menses suppressed with pain in limbs Kreosote - want everything but throw it away - menses intermits (back and forth emotions) Lac caninum attacks of rage menses flow in gushes Lachesis cannot be suppressed menses >>> by the flow Lyc suppressed - menses suppressed for months Mag sulph feels unfortunate bleeding in between menses Manganum constantly moaning and groaning bleeding in between menses Merc viv hurried and corrosive - menses profuse and corrosive Nat mur averse to sex, infertile - menses suppressed (no need for them) Nitric acid pessimistic and hateful menses profuse like muddy water Nux vom angry and impatient - menses irregular and painful Oenanthe epilepsy ailments from suppressed menses Onosmodium confused and slow always feels as if menses would appear Opium placid menses suppressed from fright Palladium love of approbation menses come on at full moon

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Jeff Pages : Homeopathic Symptoms

Platina contempt for others - menses have bearing down sensation Pulsatilla forever changeable menses never the same Ranunculus quarrelsome menses acrid Rhododendron dread the storm coming menses absent Rhus tox anxious and restless menses early, profuse and prolonged Saccharum off. indifference menses diminished and pale Sepia indifferent - menses late and scanty Sulphur irresolute - menses too late, short, scanty, difficult Tarentula destructive impulses dysmenorrhea with erotic spasms Theridion find pleasure in nothing menses suppressed Thuja hurried with ill humour menses too early, too short Uranium never feels well faints during menses Urtica sensitive menses excoriates Ustilago weepy and depressed menses liquid on slight provocation Valerian changeable disposition menses late and scanty, variable Veratrum melancholic or excited menses suppressed or too early Viburnum nervous and irritable menses spasmodic, painful and scanty Wyethia impatient and quarrelsome menses begin with burning pains X-ray irritable, desire to kill pre menstrual syndrome Xanthoxylum deeply depressed menses thick almost black Xerophyllum dull, cannot concentrate menses have bearing down feeling Zincum lethargic and forgetful menses too late or suppressed Zingiber nervous and fidgety menses too early and profuse Zizia exhilarated then sleepy sudden cessation of menses THUJA: Thuja has a most violent irritability, jealousy, quarrelsomeness, which > is to be shown towards her (close) family members, not to you. > Thuja wants to be alone & takes upon herself fixed ideas, there is no

POTASSIUM: A Natural Alternative to Blood Pressure Drugs By Jon Herring When it comes to lowering your blood pressure, all you hear is "Eat less salt." But increasing your intake of potassium could be just as important. A panel of research scientists at Johns Hopkins University who analyzed data from more than 30 studies concluded that potassium works nearly as well as drug therapy to lower blood pressure ... and without the negative side effects. Though those with normal blood pressure levels experienced a benefit with potassium, the effect was much greater for those who were hypertensive - especially for those considered "salt-sensitive." You might consider a potassium supplement if you have high blood pressure. But why not simply incorporate more potassium in your diet? Most fruits and beans are good sources of this electrolyte mineral. The best sources include dark leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, and cantaloupe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------advanced homoeo practice Posted by: "krishna" [email protected] chikungunya23 Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:51 am (PDT) If any one wants to read my book on ADVANCED HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE please just let me know ([email protected]) and I would send you by e-mail attached file in pdf form and you can read it. Thank you. Please read below extracts from my book: Treatment of swine flu By Dr. V. Krishnamurthy (Thirty-eight years of teaching experience in Homoeopathy, Chinese Acupressure & Dr. Bach Flower Remedies of England) During the years 2006-2008, almost all homoeopathic practitioners had been giving different remedies for chikungunya disease (mainly Rhus. tox and Eup. perf.) to be taken for days and weeks with little relief. The undersigned was the first to declare that the homoeopathic remedy Polyporus Pinicola-10,000x is almost a specific for chikungunya and with this remedy GIVEN IN ONE SINGLE DOSE, my students had cured lakhs and lakhs of chikungunya victims during the years 2006 to 2008. (Rate of success: more than 97%). I am not proud of the above, because it is my duty, as Professor of homoeopathy, to find out the remedy for any epidemic. [A teacher is he who makes difficult things easy. ? Ralph Waldo Emerson.] Be that as it may. Though, all practitioners had cured several cases of chikungunya with one single dose of Polyporus, what was disappointing is that not even a single homoeopath came forward to ask me as to how I selectedPolyporus Pinicola for chikungunya. These homoeopaths (who had cured chikungunya with one single dose of Polyporus) are now asking me what homoeo medicine is to be given for swine flu. I am not satisfied with this query. But I would be much pleased if they had asked me how I arrived at Polyporus Pinicola for chikungunya and further how to find out the remedy for the present pandemic swine flu. I don't mind declaring the name of the correct homoeopathic remedy which would be almost a specific for swine flu. Before this I would, first of all, like to teach the practitioners as to how I found out the remedy for chikungunya. This is more important. Such a teaching alone would help the reader to find out by himself a remedy for future epidemics. Chikungunya disease begins with fever, shivering and joint pains. Many patients had to crawl for going to the toilet etc., because of crippling joint pains. Their faces were "gloomy." (See Calvin B. Knerr's Repertory?MIND AND DISPOSITION?Gloomy, in ague: Poly.) (ague: malaria or another illness involving fever and shivering) Now, coming to the much dreaded swine flu. (a) those who had died in hospitals with swine flu had lung failure (b) swine flu starts with fever, sore throat and body pain. Step 1: Fever with body pain, sore throat. The rubric that you must take for this in Kent 's Repertory is under GENERALITIES. Inflammation, internal: Step 2: Disease of lung that speedily kills any patient; the equivalent rubric in Kent 's Repertory is Pneumonia (CHEST: Hepatization of lungs) The remedies scoring more points (being common to the above two lists) are Cactus=4, Iodum=5, Kalic-c.=4, Kali-iod.=4, Lach.=5, Lyc.=4, Merc-sol.=4, Nux-v.=5, Phos.=6, Sulph.=5, Tereb.=5 These remedies were studied in Samuel Lilienthal's HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS under the chapter PNEUMONIA; Under Merc-sol we find the following words "epidemic broncho-pneumonia". On the same page under the remedy ferrum met. also, we find the words "epidemic pneumonia". But

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Jeff Pages : Homeopathic Symptoms

we do not get this remedy in repertorisation. Patients who had come to me after being tested positive for swine flu were given the homoeo medicine Merc-sol-200 one single dose only) and after a week when they tested, the result was negative. All their symptoms disappeared. (Rate of success: 97%). For prevention, the same remedy Merc.sol.200 may be given one dose once a month for three months. This prevents swine flu for six months from the date of taking the first dose. In homoeopathy, cure is easier and quicker than prevention. ADDITIONAL NOTE: In Section 213 of the Organon Dr. Hahnemann tells us that without prescribing a remedy on mind symptoms a cure is not possible. Let us now see how the remedy Merc-sol satisfies this requirement. In big organizations when a person is affected with fever, sore throat and body pain he is advised NOT TO COME TO OFFICE. In other words, the awe-stricken non-affected persons run away from the victims as if they are their enemies, for fear of contracting swine flu. A lady took her 5-year old son to a doctor. There a patient came to consult the doctor because he was declared positive for swine flu. Immediately on hearing this that lady started running away with her son, lest he may be infected. The otherwise healthy person considers the victim of swine flu as his enemy. The victims are asked to keep off till cured. Under the Chapter "MELANCHOLIA" in the reference book HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal, (page no.700 under the remedy Merc-sol.) we find the following words: ?anxious restlessness as if some evil impended? constant suspicion, considering everybody his enemy. The following extracts from the WILKINSONS' MATERIA MEDICA (under the chapter `Mind' in the remedy Merc-sol.) also confirms my selection of this remedy for swine flu. ...Desire to flee, with... anxiety and apprehension.... did not know what to do... Inexpressible pain of soul and body, anxious restlessness, as if some evil impended... As this mind symptom is found in those who had not got the disease, the remedy Merc-sol. is indicated as a preventive. In one of the big multinational companies office at Chennai, about 300 persons were working on the first floor. Immediately on hearing that two of their colleagues tested positive for swine flu, all of them started fleeing. This attitude is found in almost all persons who are running here and there for prevention of swine flu. Therefore, Merc-sol is almost a specific both as a preventive and curative. What is most disappointing is that no one talks about Dr. Lilienthal's work HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS, be it in seminar papers, monthly meetings or articles in journals. Said Charles Gatchell in a review of HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS, "? it is an extraordinarily useful book and those who add it to their library will never feel regret?" In a review, Samuel A. Jones said about Lilienthal's HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS as under: "For the fresh graduate this book will be invaluable? to the older one who says he has no use of this book, we have nothing to say. He is a good one to avoid when well, and to dread when ill." ????? If you read the following books of mine, you can yourself solve in no time all your problems (including swine flu and any other damn life threatening disease or epidemic) in the future. Also solve problems and overcome difficulties in day-to-day life. Health is every man's right! English book: Wrong Beliefs & Truth of Alternative Medicines... ... ... Rs.75 (Overseas: US$ or Euro 4=00) Complete Guide to Dr. Bach Flower Remedies of England (5 parts) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rs.l,200 (Overseas: US$ or Euro 50=00) To get all the above books you may send money order or Bank Draft to our Chennai Address. We have a CD disc containing South Indian Karnatic music that would play for five hours. Listening to this for one hour daily increases your income, prevents many diseases, and solves problems in life.. For getting this CD send Rs.200=00 to the following Chennai address. [overseas US $ or Euro 7=00] Dr. V. Krishnamurthy Raman House Old No. 21, Kuppaiah Street West Mambalam Chennai - 600 033 South India

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