Pdi Upgrade

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Upgrading From PDI 4.3 to 4.

This document supports Pentaho Business Analytics Suite 4.8 GA and Pentaho Data Integration 4.4 GA, documentation revision October 31, 2012. This document is copyright 2012 Pentaho Corporation. No part may be reprinted without written permission from Pentaho Corporation. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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If you have questions that are not covered in this guide, or if you would like to report errors in the documentation, please contact your Pentaho technical support representative. Support-related questions should be submitted through the Pentaho Customer Support Portal at http://support.pentaho.com. For information about how to purchase support or enable an additional named support contact, please contact your sales representative, or send an email to [email protected]. For information about instructor-led training on the topics covered in this guide, visit http://www.pentaho.com/training.

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The author(s) of this document have used their best efforts in preparing the content and the programs contained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author(s) and Pentaho shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the programs, associated instructions, and/or claims.

Pentaho (TM) and the Pentaho logo are registered trademarks of Pentaho Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Trademarked names may appear throughout this document. Rather than list the names and entities that own the trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked name, Pentaho states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing upon that trademark.

Company Information
Pentaho Corporation Citadel International, Suite 340 5950 Hazeltine National Drive Orlando, FL 32822 Phone: +1 407 812-OPEN (6736) Fax: +1 407 517-4575 http://www.pentaho.com E-mail: [email protected] Sales Inquiries: [email protected] Documentation Suggestions: [email protected] Sign-up for our newsletter: http://community.pentaho.com/newsletter/

| TOC | 3

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 4
Introducing Instaview.................................................................................................................................... 4 New Features in Pentaho Data Integration...................................................................................................4

Upgrade Best Practices............................................................................................................. 6 Upgrade Checklist..................................................................................................................... 7 Downloading Client and Server Packages................................................................................ 9 Creating Backups.................................................................................................................... 10
Backing Up Content Files........................................................................................................................... 10 Backing Up a Database Repository............................................................................................................10 Moving JDBC Drivers for PDI..................................................................................................................... 10 How to Back Up the Enterprise Repository................................................................................................ 10 Backing Up the .kettle Directory................................................................................................................. 11 Backing Up the data-integration Directory.................................................................................................. 11

Upgrading a Data Integration Server....................................................................................... 12 Upgrading the Pentaho Enterprise Console............................................................................ 13 Upgrading a Data Integration Workstation...............................................................................14
Upgrading a Data Integration Work Station in Ubuntu 12...........................................................................14

Calculator Step Bug Fix........................................................................................................... 15 Upgrading the Google Analytics Step......................................................................................16 Testing and Cleanup................................................................................................................17 Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components......................................................................... 18
JDBC Drivers.............................................................................................................................................. 22

| Introduction | 4

This guide shows current Pentaho Data Integration Enterprise Edition customers how to upgrade from PDI 4.3 to 4.4. If you are upgrading from a version of PDI older than 4.3, refer instead to PDI Upgrade Guide documents from previous PDI releases. Note: This guide is only for Enterprise Edition upgrades. You cannot upgrade a PDI 4.3 Community Edition deployment to PDI 4.4 Enterprise Edition through this process.

Introducing Instaview
Pentaho Instaview is the fastest way to start using Pentaho Data Integration to analyze and visualize data. Instaview uses templates to manage the complexities of data access and preparation. You can focus on selecting and filtering the data you want to explore, rather than spending time creating source connections and identifying measure and dimension fields. Once the data has been selected, Instaview automatically generates transform and metadata models, executes them, and launches Pentaho Analyzer. This allows you to explore your data in the Analyzer desktop user interface. With Instaview, you no longer have to set up a staging database, understand ETL transforms, learn about metadata models, or publish to a server before visualizing data. As your data requirements become more advanced, you have the ability to create your own templates and use the full power of Pentaho Data Integration (PDI). See the Getting Started with Pentaho Data Integration Instaview Guide to understand and learn more about Pentaho Instaview.

New Features in Pentaho Data Integration

Highlighted features include the new PDI Operations Mart and new steps, such as the Concat step, SAS Input step, and EDI to XML step. PDI Operations Mart The PDI Operations Mart enables administrators to collect and query PDI log data into one centralized data mart for easy reporting and analysis. The operations mart has predefined samples for Pentaho Analyzer, Interactive Reporting, and Dashboards. You can create individualized reports to meet your specific needs. Sample inquiries include How many jobs or transformations have been successful compared to how many failed in a given period? How many jobs or transformations are currently running? What are the longest running jobs or transformations in a given period? What is the highest failure rate of job or transformations in a given period? How many rows have been processed in a particular time period? This enables you to see a trend of rows or time in time series for selected transformations. The operations mart provides setup procedures for MySQL, Oracle, and PostgresSQL databases. Install instructions for the PDI Operations Mart are available in the Pentaho InfoCenter.

Concat Fields Step The Concat Fields step is used to join multiple fields into one target field. The fields can be delimited by a separator and the enclosure logic is completely compatible with the Text File Output step. This step is very useful for joining fields as key/value pairs for the Hadoop MapReduce Output step.

SAS Input Step The SAS Input step reads files in sas7bdat format created by SAS software.

| Introduction | 5 This step allows PDI developers to import files in sas7bdat format.

EDI to XML Step The EDI to XML step converts EDI message text, which conforms to the ISO 9735 standard, to generic XML. The XML text is more accessible and enables selective data extraction using XPath and the Get Data From XML step.

New Pentaho Data Integration Software Development Kit Extending and Embedding Pentaho Data Integration enables developers to utilize PDI beyond the out-of-the box functionality. This guide explains the mechanics of extending PDI plugins. It also explains embedding PDI functionality directly into Java applications. Pentaho provides sample code for all plugin types and embedding scenarios.

| Upgrade Best Practices | 6

Upgrade Best Practices

All production software upgrades, including Pentaho Data Integration, should be performed during off-peak hours and with enough time to restore from a backup before off-peak ends if something should go wrong. Ideally you would perform the upgrade on a test machine that mirrors the production environment, take notes along the way, and perform the same procedure on the production server when you know how long the entire process will take and are sure that there will be no unexpected problems. This guide contains instructions for performing the safest possible upgrade. There may be quicker ways, but the software's architects recommend the path outlined in this guide for the safest and most predictable transition to PDI 4.4. Danger: Always back up your production data, and test the backup before proceeding with an upgrade.

| Upgrade Checklist | 7

Upgrade Checklist
The Upgrade Checklist is a concise list of instructions intended to show a high-level overview of the upgrade process. It also serves as a method of verifying that each task is performed in the correct order. You may find it useful to print the checklist out and physically mark each step in the Done column as you complete it. The checklist is not the complete instruction set; consult the verbose instructions throughout this guide for more details on each step. Step Step 1 Procedure Download the PDI client and server packages and the Pentaho Enterprise Console package from the Pentaho Customer Support Portal. See Downloading Client and Server Packages on page 9 Stop your DI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console server. Ensure that the DI Server process is stopped; if it is not, file copy and delete commands could silently fail later on. Back up your content files, database repository or enterprise repository; your ~/.kettle directory; your PDI client tool directory, and your /pentaho/server/dataintegration-server/pentaho-solutions/ directory. On your PDI server, rename the /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/ directory to data-integration-server-old. Create a new, empty /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/ directory. Rename the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/ directory to enterpriseconsole-old directory. Update the Data Integration Server by unpacking pdi-ee-server-4.4.0-GA and copying the appropriate XML files. Create a new, empty /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/ directory. Unpack the new data-integration-server archive to the local data-integration-server directory. Copy all of the applicationContext files from /pentaho/server/dataintegration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/system/ (the old solutions directory) to the new one. Optionally, copy the pentaho-spring-beans.xml file from /pentaho/server/dataintegration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/system/ (the old solutions directory) to the new one. Copy the entire hibernate directory from data-integration-server-old/ pentaho-solutions/system. Transfer the admin role information and merge any custom changes from your old pentaho.xml and repository.spring.xml files to the new ones. Copy the entire quartz directory from /data-integration-server-old/pentahosolutions/ to the new one. Copy the entire repository directory from /data-integration-server-old/ pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/ to the new one. Copy over the old JDBC driver JARs for all data sources. Copy repository.xml from the old jackrabbit directory to the new one. Optionally, copy the entire jre directory from /data-integration-server-old/ to the new one. Merge any custom changes from your old DI Server configuration files to the new ones. Unpack the pec-4.8.0-GA archive to the /pentaho/server/ directory. Done

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10

Step 11

Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 Step 16 Step 17 Step 18 Step 19 Step 20

| Upgrade Checklist | 8 Step Step 21 Procedure Copy the following files from the old Pentaho Enterprise Console to the new one: console.xml, console.properties, login.properties, login.conf, log4j.xml; and the entire / resource/config/hsqldb/ directory. Start the DI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console and test their functionality and availability. On your PDI workstations, delete the /pentaho/design-tools/dataintegration/ directory after you have ensured that there are no KJB or KTR content files stored there. Unpack the pdi-ee-client-4.4.0-GA archive to the /pentaho/design-tools/ directory. Start the Data Integration client tools that you normally use, and ensure that they work properly, can access existing content, create and share new content, run existing schedules, create new schedules, and have a connection to the DI Server (if you are using it). Perform any other necessary testing, then delete any installation artifacts and the dataintegration-server-old directory, and inform users that the upgrade is complete. If you previously used the calculator step, refer to Calculator Step Bug Fix. If you previously used Google Analytics input step, refer to Upgrading the Google Analytics Input Step. Done

Step 22 Step 23

Step 24 Step 25

Step 26 Step 27 Step 28

| Downloading Client and Server Packages | 9

Downloading Client and Server Packages

Log into the Pentaho Customer Support Portal and download individual archive packages for the DI Server and Data Integration client tools. If you don't know your login information, consult the Welcome Kit email that was sent to you after completing the sales process, or contact your Pentaho sales or support representative. Here are the packages you need for each platform and distribution: DI Server for Windows: pdi-ee-server-4.4.0-GA.zip DI Server for Linux/Solaris/OS X: pdi-ee-server-4.4.0-GA.tar.gz Data Integration client tool Windows package: pdi-ee-client-4.4.0-GA.zip Data Integration client tool Linux/Solaris/OS X package: pdi-ee-client-4.4.0-GA.tar.gz

If you download the pdi-ee-server package, you must also download the Pentaho Enterprise Console package: Pentaho Enterprise Console for Linux/Solaris/OS X: pec-4.8.0-GA.tar.gz Pentaho Enterprise Console for Windows: pec-4.8.0-GA.zip

| Creating Backups | 10

Creating Backups
You should back up your content files or repository and your Kettle settings in case something goes wrong with the upgrade. Refer to the sections below that apply to your situation.

Backing Up Content Files

If you do not use a database or enterprise repository for storing PDI content, then you are saving individual KJB and KTR files on a local or network drive. Create a zip or tar archive of the PDI content directories and copy the archive to a safe location outside of your local machine, such as a network drive or removable media. This should be part of your normal production backup routine outside of this upgrade process.

Backing Up a Database Repository

Backing up your PDI database repository is as simple as using the Export complete repository to XML functionality in Spoon's Repository Explorer dialogue, which is accessible from the File menu. Then copy the resulting file to a safe location outside of the machine you are upgrading. This should be part of your normal production backup routine outside of this upgrade process.

Moving JDBC Drivers for PDI

In order for your existing data source connections to work, you must copy over your old JDBC driver JARs for all of your data sources. Note: Ensure that there are no other versions of the same vendor's JDBC driver installed in these directories before copying driver JARs. If there are other versions of the same driver, you remove them to avoid class loading problems. This is of particular concern when you are installing a driver JAR for a data source that is the same database type as your Pentaho solution repository. Contact your Pentaho support representative for guidance. The relevant driver directories are Enterprise Console: /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/jdbc/ Data Integration Server: /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/tomcat/webapps/pentaho-di/ WEB-INF/lib/ Data Integration client: /pentaho/design-tools/data-integration/libext/JDBC/

How to Back Up the Enterprise Repository

Follow the instructions below to create a backup of your PDI enterprise repository. Note: If you've made any changes to the Pentaho Enterprise Console or DI Server Web application configuration, such as changing the port number or base URL, you will have to modify this procedure to include the entire /pentaho/server/ directory. 1. Stop the DI Server. /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/stop-pentaho.sh 2. Create a backup archive or package of the /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/pentahosolutions/ directory. tar -cf pdi_backup.tar /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/pentaho-solutions/ 3. Copy the backup archive to removable media or an online backup server.

| Creating Backups | 11 4. Start the DI Server. /pentaho/server/data-integration-server/start-pentaho.sh Your DI Server's stored content, settings, schedules, and user/role information is now backed up. To restore from this backup, simply unpack it to the same location, overwriting all files that already exist there.

Backing Up the .kettle Directory

The .kettle directory stores all of your client tool configuration settings and preferences. It is located in ~/.kettle on Linux, Solaris, and OS X; and C:\Documents and Settings\username\.kettle on Windows, where username refers to the user account that the PDI client tools are installed to. Create a Zip or tar archive of this directory and copy the archive to a safe location before upgrading.

Backing Up the data-integration Directory

The /design-tools/data-integration/ directory contains the PDI client tool, JDBC drivers, and the command line tools (Pan, Kitchen, and Carte). While there are no configuration files stored here, you may need to back up this directory so that you can restore from a failed upgrade, or to copy over your previous driver JARs. Create a Zip or tar archive of this directory and copy the archive to a safe location before upgrading.

| Upgrading a Data Integration Server | 12

Upgrading a Data Integration Server

Ensure that the DI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Console are stopped. You must have a PDI 4.3.0 DI Server installed in order to follow this procedure. Note: For a smoother post-upgrade test experience, you should perform this procedure before upgrading your PDI workstations. Follow these instructions to upgrade your Data Integration Server to version 4.4. 1. Rename the /data-integration-server/ directory to data-integration-server-old. Note: If you have performed a BA Server upgrade, you have a server_old directory. If this is the case, use / server_old/data-integration-server/ in place of /data-integration-server-old/. 2. Unpack the pdi-ee-server-4.4.0-GA package to the parent of the directory you just renamed. 3. Copy all of the applicationContext files from the /data-integration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/ system/ directory to the new one, overwriting the equivalent files that are already there. 4. Copy the pentaho-spring-beans.xml file from the /data-integration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/ system/ directory to the new one, overwriting the equivalent file that is already there. 5. Transfer the information about the admin role from the following two old files to the new ones: /pentaho-solutions/ system/pentaho.xml and /pentaho-solutions/system/repository.spring.xml <acl-voter> <!-- What role must someone be in to be an ADMIN of Pentaho --> <admin-role>Admin</admin-role> </acl-voter> <!-- The name of the authority which is granted to all admin users in single-tenancy mode. --> <bean id="singleTenantAdminAuthorityName" class="java.lang.String"> <constructor-arg value="Admin" /> </bean> 6. Copy the entire old quartz directory from /data-integration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/ to the new one. 7. Copy the entire old hibernate directory from /data-integration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/ system to the new one. 8. Copy the entire old repository directory from /data-integration-server-old/pentaho-solutions/ system/jackrabbit/ to the new one. 9. Copy the old /pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository.xml file to the new jackrabbit directory. 10.Copy the scripts directory from /data-integration-server-old/ directory to the new data-integration-server directory. Note: The scripts directory will only exist if you installed PDI from a graphical installation utility. If you installed via archive packages, it won't be there. If you do not see a scripts directory, then skip this step. 11.Copy logs directory from data-integration-server-old. 12.Copy log4j.xml from old/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/classes. 13.If you plan to connect to Hadoop, ensure that the hadoop-core JAR in your Hadoop cluster is the same version as the one Pentaho ships with PDI (in /data-integration/libext/bigdata/). If these JARs are different versions, strange and unusual problems can occur. 14.Copy the entire jre directory from /data-integration-server-old/ to the new one. This step is optional. If you already have a supported JRE or JDK installed on your system, you can skip copying this directory and simply ensure that you have a JAVA_HOME or PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME system variable that points to your Java instance. 15.If you have not already done so, merge any custom changes you have made to DI Server configuration files from the old ones to the new ones. Your DI Server is upgraded to version 4.4. Continue to upgrade the Pentaho Enterprise Console.

| Upgrading the Pentaho Enterprise Console | 13

Upgrading the Pentaho Enterprise Console

The upgraded DI Server will not work properly without upgrading the Pentaho Enterprise Console. To upgrade, follow the below process. 1. Rename the /pentaho/server/enterprise-console/ directory to enterprise-console-old. mv enterprise-console enterprise-console-old 2. Unpack the pec-4.8.0-GA zip or tar.gz file to /pentaho/server/. tar zxvf ~/downloads/pec-4.8.0-GA.tar.gz -C /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/ 3. Copy the following files from your old /pentaho/server/enterprise-console-old/resource/config/ directory into the new one: console.xml console.properties login.properties login.conf log4j.xml cp /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/enterprise-console-old/resource/config/console.* / home/pentaho/pentaho/server/enterprise-console/resource/config/ && cp /pentaho/ server/enterprise-console-old/resource/config/log* /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/ enterprise-console/resource/config/ 4. Copy the your old /enterprise-console/resource/config/hsqldb/ directory to the new Enterprise Console instance, overwriting the files that are there. This directory contains PDI-specific settings. cp -r /home/pentaho/pentaho/server/enterprise-console-old/resource/config/hsqldb/ / home/pentaho/pentaho/server/enterprise-console/resource/config/ The Pentaho Enterprise Console has been upgraded to version 4.8.0.

| Upgrading a Data Integration Workstation | 14

Upgrading a Data Integration Workstation

Ensure that Spoon, Pan, and Kitchen are not running on the machine before proceeding. Note: If you use an enterprise repository to store your jobs and transformations, you should perform the DI Server upgrade process before begining this procedure in order to properly test DI Server connectivity from the upgraded workstations. Adjust the installation paths in this procedure to match your scenario. 1. Remove your existing /data-integration/ directory. rm -rf /home/rwilco/pentaho/design-tools/data-integration/ 2. Unpack the pdi-ee-client-4.4.0-GA package to the same location that you just deleted. cd /home/rwilco/pentaho/design-tools/ && tar zxvf ~/downloads/pdi-ee-client-4.4.0GA.tar.gz 3. Start Pentaho Data Integration and ensure that you can still connect to the DI Server and access your content. This workstation is now upgraded. Repeat this procedure for other workstations for which you have license keys.

Upgrading a Data Integration Work Station in Ubuntu 12

If you want the Agile BI plugin to work in Ubuntu 12, complete some additional steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to the Update Manager and select the Settings button. In the resulting dialog box, select Canonical-supported and Community-maintained options. Click the Close button on each dialog to exit the Upgrade Manager. Open a terminal and enter sudo apt-get update 5. To install the library, enter sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 6. Click Y when prompted. The files are installed and you can run Spoon without receiving SWT- or library-related errors.

| Calculator Step Bug Fix | 15

Calculator Step Bug Fix

In previous versions, the "Date A - Date B (working days)" function of the Calculator step reversed the calculation and required users to perform a workaround to address the incorrect values returned (link to previous workaround: http:// jira.pentaho.com/browse/PDI-6811). Users were advised to reverse the calculation in order to return the correct values. Unfortunately, an attempt to fix this bug was erroneously applied to the "Date A - Date B" function, instead of the "Date A - Date B (working days)" function of the Calculator step (details http://jira.pentaho.com/browse/PDI-7994). Both of these bugs, the original bug and the erroneous correction, are addressed and corrected in PDI version 4.4.0.

| Upgrading the Google Analytics Step | 16

Upgrading the Google Analytics Step

If you use Google Analytics in a previous version of Pentaho Data Integration, perform some additional steps as you upgrade to PDI version 4.4.0. The Google Analytics input plugins are upgraded to work with the long-term supported 2.4 API. If you use the Google Analytics input steps, you must add the Simple API Key in the step configuration. Obtain the Simple API Key by creating a project in the Google APIs Console.

| Testing and Cleanup | 17

Testing and Cleanup

You should now have a complete PDI 4.4 environment, from the DI Server to individual client workstations. Before you go back into production, you should perform the following tests: Open old jobs and transformations and ensure that they execute properly. If you are using an enterprise repository, ensure that each PDI workstation can connect to it. Create a new job, transformation, and/or Agile BI analysis schema and save it as you normally would. Schedule a job or transformation and ensure that the schedule executes properly. Ensure that existing schedules are still valid. If you are using an enterprise repository, share a job or transformation between PDI users and verify that both can access it. Physically restart the server and ensure that the DI Server and Enterprise Console are automatically started as services, if you have them configured as such.

Once you're certain that your PDI environment is ready for production, you can remove any installation artifacts, such as ZIP or tar.gz archives and installers. You can also remove your data-integration-server-old directory.

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 18

Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components

Pentaho aims to accommodate our clients diverse computing environments. This list provides details about the environment components and versions we support. If you have questions about your particular computing environment, please contact Pentaho support. Client Pentaho client software is hardware-independent and runs on client-class computers that comply with these specifications for minimum hardware and required operation systems. Pentaho Software Pentaho Aggregation Designer Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Design Studio Pentaho Metadata Editor Pentaho Report Designer Pentaho Schema Workbench Hardware32 or 64 bit Processors: Apple Macintosh Dual-Core Intel EM64T or AMD64 Dual-Core Operating System32 or 64 bit Apple Macintosh OS 10.7 & 10.8 Microsoft Windows 7 Ubuntu Server 10.X and 12.X

RAM: 2 GB RAM Disk Space: 2 GB free after installation Server Pentaho server software is hardware-independent and runs on server-class computers that comply with these specifications for minimum hardware and required operation systems. Pentaho Software Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Data Integration Server Pentaho Enterprise Console Hardware64 bit Apple Macintosh Pro Quad-Core or Macintosh Mini Quad-Core Intel EM64T or AMD64 Dual-Core Operating System64 bit Apple Macintosh OS X Server 10.6 & 10.7 CentOS Linux 5 & 6 Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R1 & R2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 & 6 Solaris 10 Ubuntu Server 10.X & 12.X

RAM: 8 GB with 4 GB dedicated to Pentaho servers, 1 GB to Pentaho Enterprise Console Disk Space: 20 GB free after installation Embedded Software

When embedding Pentaho software into other applications, the computing environment should comply with these specifications for minimum hardware and required operation systems.

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 19 Pentaho Software Embedded Pentaho Reporting Embedded Pentaho Analysis Embedded Pentaho Data Integration Hardware32 or 64 bit Processors: Apple Macintosh Pro Quad-Core or Macintosh Mini Quad-Core Intel EM64T or AMD64 Dual-Core Operating System32 or 64 bit Apple Macintosh OS X Server 10.6 & 10.7 CentOS Linux 5 & 6 Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R1 & R2 Microsoft Windows 7 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 & 6 Solaris 10 Ubuntu Server 10.X & 12.X

RAM: 8 GB with 4 GB dedicated to Pentaho servers Disk Space: 20 GB free after installation

Application Servers Servers to which you deploy Pentaho software must run one of these application servers. Pentaho Software Pentaho Business Analysis Server Jboss 5.1.x Tomcat 6.0.x Application Server

Pentaho Data Integration Server Solution Database Repositories

Tomcat 6.0.x

Pentaho software stores processing artifacts in these solution database repositories. Pentaho Software Pentaho Business Analysis Server Database Repository MySQL 5.x Oracle 10g/11i PostgreSQL 8.x & 9.1.x*

Pentaho Data Integration Server *Default installed solution database Data Sources

Integrated Pentaho-specific, H2 1.2.131

Pentaho software connects to these relational and non-relational data sources. Pentaho Software Pentaho Reporting Data Source JDBC 3** ODBC OLAP4J XML Pentaho Analysis Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Metadata Relational (JDBC) Hibernate Javascript

Pentaho Business Analysis Server, Action Sequences

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 20 Pentaho Software Pentaho Data Integration Data Source Metadata (MQL) Mondrian (MDX) XML (XQuery) Security User/Role List Provider Data Integration Steps (PDI) Other Action Sequences Web Services XMLA JDBC 3** OLAP4J Salesforce XML CSV Microsoft Excel Pentaho Analysis Apache Hadoop 0.20.2 &*** Cloudera CDH3u4*** CDH4*** MapR 1.1.3 & 1.2.0 Cassandra distributions Apache 1.1.2 DataStax 1.1.2 MongoDB 2.0.4

**Use a JDBC 3.x compliant driver that is compatible with SQL-92 standards when communicating with relational data sources. For your convenience, we provide a list of drivers used to get data from relational JDBC databases. ***From one of these distributions: HBase 0.90.5 and Hive 0.7.1 SQL Dialect-Specific Pentaho software generates dialect-specific SQL when communicating with these data sources. Pentaho Software Pentaho Analysis Access DB2 Derby Firebird Greenplum Hive Hsqldb Infobright Informix Ingres Interbase LucidDb MicrosoftSqlServer MySql Neoview Netezza Oracle PostgreSQL Data Source

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 21 Pentaho Software Pentaho Metadata Data Source SqlStream Sybase Teradata Vectorwise Vertica Other SQL-92 compliant**** DB2 Firebird H2 Hypersonic Ingres MS Access ASSQL MSSQLNative MySQL Netezza Oracle PostgresSQL Sybase Other SQL-92 compliant**** Apache Derby AS/400 InfiniDB Exasol 4 Firebird SQL Greenplum H2 Hypersonic IBM DB2 Infobright Informix Ingres Ingres VectorWise LucidDB MaxDB (SAP DB) MonetDB MySQL MS SQL Server Neoview Netezza Oracle Oracle RDB PostgreSQL SQLite Teradata UniVerse database Vertica Other SQL-92 compliant****

Pentaho Data Integration

****If your data source is not in this list and is compatible with SQL-92, Pentaho software uses a generic SQL dialect.

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 22 Security Pentaho software integrates with these third-party security authentication systems. Pentaho Software Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Enterprise Console Authentication System Active Directory CAS Integrated Microsoft Windows Authentication LDAP RDBMS Active Directory LDAP RDBMS

Pentaho Data Integration Server

Java Virtual Machine All Pentaho software, except the Pentaho Mobile App, requires the Sun/Oracle version 1.6 (6.0) distribution of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK). Web Browsers Pentaho supports these major versions of Web browsers that are publicly available six weeks prior to when Pentaho begins to finalize a release. We also support the preceding major version. Pentaho Software Pentaho User Console Pentaho Enterprise Console Pentaho Report Designer***** Web Browser Apple Safari 5.x Google Chrome 19 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 & 9 Mozilla Firefox 13 & 14

*****Requires a web browser to preview the exported HTML reports. Mobile Apps Pentaho mobile apps run on the Apple iPad 2 and 3 using iOS 5.x and 6.

JDBC Drivers
JDBC Drivers This reference is a continuous work in progress. If you are viewing it in the Pentaho InfoCenter and see something that is not correct, know of a driver that is not listed here, or have a tip you want to share, please let us know by using the comments fields found in the bottom right corner. Database Apache Derby Cache IBM InterSystems Vendor URL http://db.apache.org/derby/ derby_downloads.html http://www.cachemonitor.de/ intersystems-documentation/cachejdbc-driver http://www.cubrid.org/? mid=downloadsitem=jdbc_driver http://sourceforge.net/projects/ daffodildb/

CUBRID Daffodil DB

CUBRID Daffodil Software

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 23 Database DB2 AS/400 DB2 Universal Database Firebird FrontBase Greenplum H2 Database Hive HSQLDB Informix Ingres InterBase jTDS Free MS Sybase LucidDB MaxDB Mckoi Mimer MonetDB MySQL Neoview IBM IBM Firebird Foundation FrontBase EMC2 H2 Apache HyperSQL IBM Actian Embarcadero jTDS DynamoDB SAP Mckoi SQL Database Mimer Information Technology MonetDB Oracle HP Vendor URL http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/ software/toolbox/ http://www-306.ibm.com/software/ data/db2/java http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/jdbcdriver/ http://www.frontbase.com/cgi-bin/ WebObjects/FBWebSite http://jdbc.postgresql.org/ download.html http://www.h2database.com http://hive.apache.org/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb/ http://www-01.ibm.com/software/ http://esd.actian.com/product/drivers/ JDBC/java http://edn.embarcadero.com http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ http://www.dynamobi.com/c/ downloads/stable/ http://maxdb.sap.com http://www.mckoi.com/ originalmckoisql/index.html http://www.mimer.com http://www.monetdb.org/ http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ connector/j/ https://h20392.www2.hp.com/portal/ swdepot/displayProductInfo.do? productNumber=NEO10 http://www.netezza.com http://www.openbase.com/index.php/ products/downloads http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/ database/features/jdbc/index.html http://www.pervasivedb.com/ download/Pages/PDBDownloads. aspx http://jdbc.postgresql.org/ http://www.sapdb.org/ sap_db_jdbc.htm http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/ SQLiteJDBC

Netezza OpenBase SQL Oracle Pervasive

IBM OpenBase International Oracle Pervasive

PostgreSQL SAP DB SQLite

PostgreSQL Global Development Group SAP DB Xerial

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 24 Database SQL Server Sybase ASE Microsoft SAP Vendor URL http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ sqlserver/aa937724.aspx http://www.sybase.com/products/ allproductsa-z/softwaredeveloperkit/ jconnect http://www.sybase.com/products/ allproductsa-z/softwaredeveloperkit/ jconnect http://www.smallsql.de/download.html http://downloads.teradata.com/ download/connectivity/jdbc-driver http://www.vertica.com

Sybase SQL Anywhere


SmallSQL Teradata Vertica Apache Derby Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver IBM Company URL

SmallSQL Teradata HP


http://www.ibm.com Driver URL http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_downloads.html JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:derby://<server>[:<port>]/ <databaseName>[;<URL attribute>=>value>] Embeddedjdbc:derby:<databaseName>[;create=true] JDBC Class org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Comments Open source database Cach Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver InterSystems Company URL http://www.cachemonitor.de Driver URL http://www.cachemonitor.de/intersystems-documentation/cache-jdbc-driver Details JDBC JAR File Name derby.jar Default Port 1527

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 25 Vendor Name JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:Cache:// <server>[:<port>]/<namespace> JDBC Class com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver CUBRID Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver CUBRID Company URL http://www.cubrid.org Driver URL http://www.cubrid.org/?mid=downloads&item=jdbc_driver JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port Details Details Default Port 1972

JDBC JAR File Name cachedb.jar

Server 33000 jdbc:cubrid:<server>:<port>:<databaseName>:<username>:<password> : [?<URL attribute>=<value>[&<URL attribute>=<value>] ] JDBC Class cubrid.jdbc.driver.CUBRIDDriver Comments Open source database highly optimized for Web applications. Daffodil DB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Daffodil Software Company URL http://db.daffodilsw.com Driver URL http://sourceforge.net/projects/daffodildb/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:daffodilDB:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> Default Port 3456 Details JDBC JAR File Name N/A

N/A Embedded jdbc:daffodilDB_embedded:<databaseName> JDBC Class JDBC JAR File Name

in.co.daffodil.db.rmi.RmiDaffodilDBDriver DaffodilDB_client.jar DaffodilDB_Embedded.jar,

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 26 Vendor Name Details in.co.daffodil.db.jdbc.DaffodilDBDriver DaffodilDB_Common.jar Comments Open source database DB2 AS/400 Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver IBM Company URL http://www.ibm.com Driver URL http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/toolbox/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:as400:// <server>naming=sql;errors=full JDBC Class Default Port N/A JDBC JAR File Name Details

com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver jt400.jar Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration DB2 Universal Database Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver IBM Company URL http://www.ibm.com Driver URL http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/java JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:db2://<server>[:<port>]/ <databaseName>[;<URL attribute>=<value>] JDBC Class com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver Firebird Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Firebird Foundation Company URL Details Default Port 50000 Details

JDBC JAR File Name frontbasejdbc.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 27 Vendor Name http://www.firebirdsql.org Driver URL http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/jdbc-driver/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:firebirdsql:<server>[/ <port>]:/<database-file> (JDBC Type 4, official format) Serverjdbc:firebirdsql:// <server>[:<port>]/<database-file> Default Port 3050 3050 3050 3050 N/A (JDBC Type 4, compatibility format) Serverjdbc:firebirdsql:native// <server>[/<port>]:/<database-file> (JDBC Type 2, compatibility format) Serverjdbc:firebirdsql:native:// <server>[:<port>]/<database-file> Details

JDBC Type 2, compatibility format. Requires libraries) Embedded jdbc:firebirdsql:embedded:/<localdatabase-file> (JDBC Type 2, compatibility format. Requires libraries) JDBC Class org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration FrontBase Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver FrontBase Company URL http://www.frontbase.com Driver URL http://www.frontbase.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FBWebSite JDBC URL Syntax by Type Server Default Port jdbc:FrontBase://<host>[:<port>]/ N/A <databaseName> JDBC Class JDBC JAR File Name Details JDBC JAR File Name jaybird-full-xxx.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 28 Vendor Name com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver Greenplum Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Greenplum Company URL http://www.greenplum.com Driver URL http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:postgresql:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> JDBC Class org.postgresql.Driver Comments Greenplum uses the Postgresql JDBC driver H2 Database Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver H2 Company URL http://www.h2database.com Driver URL http://www.h2database.com JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port Details Default Port 5342 Details Details frontbasejdbc.jar

JDBC JAR File Name postgresql-8.x-xxx.jdbc4.jar

Serverjdbc:h2:tcp://server[:port]/file- 9092 path N/A Embeddedjdbc:h2:file-name JDBC Class jdbc:h2:tcp://server[:port]/file-path org.h2.Driver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Metadata-Editor JDBC JAR File Name h2-x.x.xxx.jar

Pentaho Report-Designer Comments

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 29 Vendor Name Open source Java SQL database Hive Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Apache Company URL http://hive.apache.org/ Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:hive://<server>[:<port>]/ default JDBC Class Default Port 10000 Details Details

JDBC JAR File Name

org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriverhive-jdbc-x.x.x-pentaho-y.y.y.jar Example: hive-jdbc-0.7.0pentaho-1.0.1.jar* Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Metadata-Editor

Pentaho Report-Designer Comments Data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying *x.x.x is the Hive version, y.y.y is the Pentaho version. Pentaho has enhanced the standard Hive JDBC driver HSQLDB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver HyperSQL Company URL http://www.hsqldb.org Driver URL http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:hsqldb:hsql:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> Embedded Memory jdbc:hsqldb:mem:<databaseName> Default Port 9001 N/A N/A Details

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 30 Vendor Name Embedded File jdbc:hsqldb:file:<database-file> JDBC Class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Informix Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver IBM Company URL http://www.ibm.com Driver URL = JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port Details Pentaho Enterprise-Console Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Aggregation-Designer Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Metadata-Editor Pentaho Report-Designer JDBC JAR File Name hsqldb.jar Details

Serverjdbc:informix1533 sqli://<server>[:<port>]/ <databaseName>:informixserver=<dbservername> JDBC Class com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Ingres Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Actian Company URL http://www.actian.com/ Driver URL http://esd.actian.com/product/drivers/JDBC/java JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:ingres:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> JDBC Class Default Port 21071 JDBC JAR File Name Details JDBC JAR File Name ifxjdbc.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 31 Vendor Name com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver Comments Open source relational database management system InterBase Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Embarcadero Company URL http://edn.embarcadero.com Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:interbase://<server>/ <full_db_path> JDBC Class interbase.interclient.Driver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration jTDS Free MS SQL Sybase Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver jTDS Company URL http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type SQL Server jdbc:jtds:<server_type>// <server>[:<port>][/<database>] [;<property>=<value>[;...]]] Sybasejdbc:jtds:<server_type>:// <server>[:<port>][/<database>] JDBC Class interbase.interclient.Driver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Enterprise-Console Pentaho Business Analysis Server JDBC JAR File Name jtds-x.x.x.jar Default Port 1433 7100 Details Default Port N/A Details Details iijdbc.jar

JDBC JAR File Name interclient.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 32 Vendor Name LucidDB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver DynamoDB Company URL http://www.dynamobi.com Driver URL http://www.dynamobi.com/c/downloads/stable/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:luciddb:http:// <server>[:<port>] JDBC Class org.luciddb.jdbc.LucidDbClientDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Comments Open source BI solution for Big Data MaxDB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver SAP Company URL http://www.sap.com Driver URL http://maxdb.sap.com JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:sapdb:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> JDBC Class com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB Comments Database management system developed and supported by SAP AG Default Port 7210 Details Default Port 8034 JDBC JAR File Name LucidDbClient-x.x.x.jar Details Pentaho Aggregation-Designer Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Metadata-Editor Pentaho Report-Designer Details

JDBC JAR File Name sapdbc.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 33 Mckoi SQL Database Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Mckoi Company URL http://www.mckoi.com Driver URL http://www.mckoi.com/originalmckoisql/index.html JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:mckoi:// <server>[:<port>][/<schema>]/ JDBC Class com.mckoi.JDBCDriver Comments Open source SQL database written in Java Mimer Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Mimer Information Technology Company URL http://www.mimer.com Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:mimer:<protocol>:// <server>[:<port>]/<database> JDBC Class com.mimer.jdbc.Driver MonetDB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver MonetDB Company URL http://www.monetdb.org Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port 50000 Details Default Port 1360 Details Default Port 9157 JDBC JAR File Name mckoidb.jar Details

JDBC JAR File Name mimer.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 34 Vendor Name Serverjdbc:monetdb:// <server>[:<port>]/<database> JDBC Class nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Comments An open source database system MY SQL Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Oracle Company URL http://www.mysql.com Driver URL http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:mysql:// <hostname>[,<failoverhost>] [:<port>] /<dbname>[?<URL attribute>=<value>[&<URL attribute>=<value>] ... ] JDBC Class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (official class name) org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver (older class name) Shipped with Pentaho Product Neoview Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver HP Company URL http://www.hp.com Details Pentaho Enterprise-Console Pentaho Business Analysis Server Pentaho Aggregation-Designer Pentaho Metadata-Editor Pentaho Report-Designer Default Port 3306 Details JDBC JAR File Name monetdb-jdbc-x.x.jar Details

JDBC JAR File Name mysql-connector-java-5.x.xx-bin.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 35 Vendor Name Driver URL https://h20392.www2.hp.com/portal/swdepot/displayProductInfo.do? productNumber=NEO10 JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:hpt4jdbc:// <system>[:<port>]/[:][<URL attribute>= <value>[;<URL attribute>=<value> ] JDBC Class com.hp.t4jdbc.HPT4Driver Netezza Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver IBM Company URL http://www.netezza.com Driver URL N/A JDBC URL Syntax by Type jdbc:netezza://<server>[:<port>]/ <database> JDBC Class org.netezza.Driver OpenBase SQL Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver OpenBase International Company URL http://www.openbase.com Driver URL http://www.openbase.com/index.php/products/downloads JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:openbase://<server>/ <databaseName> JDBC Class com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver Default Port N/A JDBC JAR File Name OpenBaseJDBC.jar Details Default Port 5480 Details JDBC JAR File Name N/A Default Port 18650 Details

JDBC JAR File Name N/A

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 36 Oracle Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Oracle Company URL http://www.oracle.com Driver URL http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index.html JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port Thin Server 1521 jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>[:<port>]:<sid> OCI Server jdbc:oracle:oci:@<server>[:<port>]:<sid> JDBC Class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver Comments The OCI server requires OCI libraries Pervasive Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Pervasive Company URL http://www.pervasivedb.com/Pages/default.aspx Driver URL http://www.pervasivedb.com/download/Pages/PDBDownloads.aspx JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:pervasive:// <server>[:<port>]/<datasource> JDBC Class com.pervasive.jdbc.v2.Driver Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Report-Designer Default Port 1583 Details JDBC JAR File Name ojdbcx.jar, ora18n.jar Details

JDBC JAR File Name N/A

Comments The data source is the ODBC DSN

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 37 PostgreSQL Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver PostgreSQL Global Development Group Company URL http://www.postgresql.org/ Driver URL http://jdbc.postgresql.org/ JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:postgresql:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> JDBC Class org.postgresql.Driver Shipped with Pentaho Products SAP DB Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver SAP DB Company URL N/A Driver URL http://www.sapdb.org/sap_db_jdbc.htm JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:sapdb://<server>/ <database_name> JDBC Class com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration Comments FREE Enterprise Open Source Database SQLite Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Xerial Company URL Details Default Port N/A Details Pentaho Data Integration Pentaho Report-Designer Default Port 5342 JDBC JAR File Name postgresql-8.x-xxx.jdbc4.jar Details

JDBC JAR File Name sapdbc-x.x.x.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 38 Vendor Name N/A Driver URL http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/SQLiteJDBC JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:sqlite:<filename.db> JDBC Class org.sqlite.JDBC Shipped with Pentaho Products Pentaho Data Integration SQL Server Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Microsoft Company URL http://www.microsoft.com Driver URL http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/aa937724.aspx JDBC URL Syntax by Type Default Port Details Default Port N/A JDBC JAR File Name sqlite-jdbc-x.x.x.jar Details

Serverjdbc:sqlserver:// 1433 <server>[:<port>];DatabaseName=<databaseName> JDBC Class JDBC JAR File Name

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver sqljdbc4.jar Comments The open source jtds driver also works with MSSQL Sybase ASE Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver SAP Company URL http://www.sybase.com Driver URL http://www.sybase.com/products/allproductsa-z/softwaredeveloperkit/jconnect JDBC URL Syntax by Type Server jdbc:sybase:Tds:<server>[:<port>]/ <databaseName> Default Port 5000 Details

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 39 Vendor Name JDBC Class com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver Comments The open source jTDS driver works with Sybase as well Sybase SQL Anywhere Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver SAP Company URL http://www.sybase.com Driver URL http://www.sybase.com/products/allproductsa-z/softwaredeveloperkit/jconnect JDBC URL Syntax by Type Server jdbc:sybase:Tds:<server>[:<port>]/ <databaseName> JDBC Class com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver Comments This open source jTDS driver works with Sybase as well SmallSQL Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver SmallSQL Company URL http://www.smallsql.de/ Driver URL http://www.smallsql.de/download.html JDBC URL Syntax by Type Embedded jdbc:smallsql:databaseName[?URL attribute=value[URLattribute=value] ] JDBC Class smallsql.database.SSDriver Comments Default Port N/A Details Default Port 2638 Details Details JDBC JAR File Name N/A

JDBC JAR File Name N/A

JDBC JAR File Name smallsql.jar

| Compatibility Matrix: Supported Components | 40 Vendor Name Details Java desktop SQL database engine Teradata Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver Teradata Company URL http://www.teradata.com Driver URL http://downloads.teradata.com/download/connectivity/jdbc-driver JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:teradata://<dbshost>[/ <URL attribute>[;<URL attribute>]] JDBC Class com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver Vertica Vendor Name Recommended Native Driver HP Company URL http://www.vertica.com Driver URL TBD JDBC URL Syntax by Type Serverjdbc:vertica:// <server>[:<port>]/<databaseName> JDBC Class com.vertica.Driver Default Port 5433 Details Default Port N/A Details

JDBC JAR File Name terajdbc4.jar

JDBC JAR File Name N/A

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