Global Warming Is A Myth

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Section B: Essay Question

Scientific studies have forever been successful as our main source of information about the world we live in, though it is to everyones attention that some scientific findings seem at first as outrageous conclusions which are intended to course unnecessary stir in our lives and to keep us entertained, but of course in due time every detail that we never intended to believe is happening in front of our faces and to our amusement we then realise that we have been alerted about such for some time. As for the subject of climate change, according to Weart (2011) has been studied since the late 19th century where a trend of warmer temperatures were observed. Thus is known today as global warming which is apparently caused by greenhouse gases. A number of scientists came to different conclusions about these climate changes, amongst those were observations of a climate cooling trend, which will all be discussed in this essay. In his study, Weart (2011) said that according to reliable measurements dating back to the year 1865, have shown that average temperatures have risen by several degrees in most regions of our planet. Such findings shows us that climate change is not a new matter to the science field, even though it might have been seen as outrageous conclusions by ordinary people in the past. It is today a household topic, at the time when it has become an alarming crisis. We may even resolve that if our forefathers had taken this matter seriously maybe it would not be a crisis today as precautions would have been taken to stabilise the situation. This is one particular subject which a number of scientists took with interest. Global temperatures were on the rise before the year 1940, but have since shown a gradual fall (Weart et al. 2008). Could this possibly suggest global cooling? To that extend we are certain that it might have been incorrect conclusions because of what we see today; there are no signs of falling temperatures. But it is certain that there are great variations in our climate. But what has caused these climate changes? We have learnt that human activity fuels up this climate change through the excretion of CFCs into the atmosphere. And it is to everyones attention that we all have a carbon footprint which entails our individual contribution towards this climate change disaster. According to Hansen et al. (2001) the estimated climate forcing of carbon dioxide from 1850 to 2000 is 1.4 W/m2, while the combined forcings of methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide and tropospheric ozone is 1.6 W/m2 when indirect effects via water and ozone are taken into account. These might have increased since then, which then tells us we are bound to take desperate measures to keep our planet intact.

In a report by Mohr (2005), global temperature increase is accelerating even faster than scientists had predicted and major environmental organisations have forever came up with solutions on how to combat global warming but to no success. Their failure is not because of their lack of ideas but lies upon the lack of support from the rest of society. As we all are aware that two hands are better than one. Global warming is a real threat to the survival of the living earth. We are aware that this subject has been under study from earlier days and it is because of the negligence of society then, which led to what we are seeing today. And it is up to us to start acting anti-global warming before the situation become worse.

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