Seminário 01 - Engineering-Based Processes and Agile Methodologies For Software Development - A Comparative Case Study

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The Journal of Systems and Software 75 (2005) 1727 www.elsevier.


Engineering-based processes and agile methodologies for software development: a comparative case study q
 Eric Germain, Pierre N. Robillard
Available online 30 April 2004

 Dpartement de gnie informatique, Ecole Polytechnique de Montral, Universit de Montral, C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, e e e e e Montral, Qu., Canada H3C 3A7 e e

Abstract The emergence of various software development methodologies raises the need to evaluate and compare their eciencies. One way of performing such a comparison is to have dierent teams apply dierent process models in the implementation of multiple versions of common specications. This study denes a new cognitive activity classication scheme which has been used to record the eort expended by six student teams producing parallel implementations of the same software requirements specications. Three of the teams used a process based on the Unied Process for Education (UPEDU), a teaching-oriented process derived from the Rational Unied Process. The other three teams used a process built around the principles of the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology. Important variations in eort at the cognitive activity level between teams shows that the classication could scarcely be used without categorization at a higher level. However, the relative importance of a category of activities aimed at dening active behaviour was shown to be almost constant for all teams involved, possibly showing a fundamental behaviour pattern. As secondary observations, aggregate variations by process model tend to be small and limited to a few activities, and coding-related activities dominate the eort distribution for all the teams. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Empirical software engineering; Process measurement; Cognitive activity; Productivity

1. Introduction There is increasing interest in the teaching of software processes (see, for instance, El Emam, 2001; Halling et al., 2002; Hst, 2002; Robillard et al., 2003; Umphress o and Hamilton, 2002). However, this interest has not yet translated into acceptance of a common set of process principles. Rather, two main software process approaches seem to be emerging. The rst promotes the utilisation of a discipline-based engineering process involving eective denition of the roles to be played, activities to be performed and artifacts to be produced.

q An earlier version of this paper has been published with the title What Cognitive Activities Are Performed in Student Projects? in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEET2003). * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-514-340-4238; fax: +1-514-3403240.  E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Germain), [email protected] (P.N. Robillard).

This approach involves the production of artifacts to support early decision-making on requirements and design matters, eective communication, knowledge reuse and mutual work inspection. The main principle here is that eorts made in up-front planning activities and in artifact production will result in lower overall cost, timely product delivery and better software quality. The Rational Unied Process (RUP) (Kruchten, 2000) is an example of a process that ts this approach. The Unied Process for Education (UPEDU) is a RUPbased process designed for teaching the software processes in software engineering and computer science programs. The process is built on a set of focused activities with signicant cognitive content, and on a set of essential artifacts that should be needed for small projects. The process also denes basic roles such as Designer, Implementer, Tester, Project Manager and Reviewer which are easily understandable by developers who are inexperienced. Roles, activities and artifacts are grouped into disciplines, which are categorized as either engineering or management. The

0164-1212/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2004.02.022


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UPEDU has been extensively described in Robillard  et al. (2001, 2003) and is readily available online (Ecole Polytechnique, 2002). The other approach, called Agile Software Development (Agile Alliance, 2003; Cockburn, 2002), promotes quick response to changes in requirements as well as extensive and ongoing collaboration between the development team and the customer. The approach specically downplays the importance of formal processes and comprehensive documentation (Agile Alliance, 2003). It is based on the assumption that one cannot truly anticipate project requirements right at the beginning of a software development project, and that the proper way to deliver timely, quality software in a cost-eective manner is instead to build exibility within the development activities. The Manifesto for Agile Software Development (Agile Alliance, 2003) provides the basic values for agile development in detail. Some methodologies inspired by this approach include Adaptive Software Development (Highsmith, 2000), Scrum (Rising and Jano, 2000), the Crystal family (Cockburn, 2002; Highsmith, 2002), Feature-Driven Development (Palmer and Felsing, 2002), Dynamic System Development Method (Stapleton, 1997) and Extreme Programming (XP; see Beck (1999)). There is no such thing as a universal process or methodology. Organizations will typically develop their own process or methodology based on the approaches described, and often on an existing process model. For example, an organization may use tools provided with the RUP package to build a custom process containing a chosen subset of the proposed activities and artifacts. Alternatively, an organization may simply take the generally recognized set of XP practices and adapt them to its particular context. Meanwhile, students enrolled in a software engineering program who have received training on software processes are expected to be, at the end of the program, more sensitive to issues aecting software quality, cost and life cycle. This does not mean, however, that those individuals will actually apply everything they have learned. Previous studies (Germain et al., 2002a,b; Robillard, 1998) in the context of the Software Engineering Studio, a project-oriented course for senior-level students, have shown a signicant gap between theory as taught and practice. In these studies, eort slips were used as an indicator of relative activity intensity. Analyses performed were, however, limited by the activity and artifact classication of the UPEDU-based process used, making it rather dicult to determine exactly which elemental tasks had been performed. Using those studies as a foundation, we dened a set of cognitive activities aimed at recording the various activity states of a software developer during the course of a project. The utilisation of such a classication allows us to study the impact of software process notions

learned on the cognitive activities actually performed by the students. An important benet of such an approach is that it opens the door to comparative studies of the two approaches. Advocates of these are keen to debate the respective merits of each, or even sometimes the fact that there is any dichotomy at all between them (see, for instance, Antn, 2003; Beck and Boehm, 2003; Wells, o 2003). Several studies have been performed to analyse the value of a particular practice (see, for instance, Cockburn and Williams, 2001). However, very few studies have compared two complete software process approaches. This paper presents a case study of the implementation of our cognitive activity classication to the comparative analysis of two process models, one based on the UPEDU, the other based on XP. These observations should not be readily generalized to industrial practices because of the academic nature of the setting and the impact of the particular project, life cycle and technology chosen. Besides, repeating such an experiment in an industrial setting would be quite dicult because of the need to record individual cognitive activities at the developer level. However, we think that the study presented in this paper provides clues which may be useful when evaluating the importance of a specic software engineering process.

2. The Software Engineering Studio The Software Engineering Studio is an optional project-oriented course oered to senior-year students in  computer engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montral. Its purpose is to allow students to gain e practical experience in software development by participating in a small-scale software development project. Teams of students must develop a complete implementation based on software requirements specications provided by the instructors. Also, they must use a welldened software engineering process. Participants thus acquire experience early on in building an entire operational software project through design, implementation, testing and management activities. This project course teaches them the realities of teamwork, milestones and time constraints. As a secondary objective, students become more familiar with a specic application domain or set of technologies. An earlier version of the Studio is presented in detail in Robillard (1996). The Studio has also served as a test bed for the study of development eort and artifact quality. Some individual studies performed using data generated in a Studio have been documented in Germain et al. (2002a,b), Robillard (1998). Several other software engineering programs implement other paradigms of the concept of a Studio. For instance, Blake and Cornetts Software Engineering II class (Blake and Cornett, 2002) implemented a setting

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that was aimed at teaching every step of a typical software development cycle to students split into specialised teams in the context of a single, class-wide project. By contrast, in our approach, students work in small teams, each developing their own version from common specications. Also, in our setting, students are free to organize their work however they wish, as long as they deliver the required artifacts at each dened milestone. The Winter 2002 Studio featured the development of a Web-based meeting management system aimed at organizers of meetings where the number and geographic dispersion of participants make scheduling difcult. The software system to be developed would allow meeting coordinators to send availability requests to a set of individuals, so that each of them can specify personal availability periods. The set of availability periods would then be graphically represented using a special calendar tool to enable a coordinator to visualise the relevant information at a glance, making the scheduling decisions easier. The decisions can then be transmitted electronically to all participants. The soft-

ware system would be responsible, among other things, for ensuring proper data storage and updates, as well as for communications among all participants. All communications would be performed using standard e-mail. All the students had to use identical software requirements specications and were instructed not to add any additional features not explicitly requested. Fig. 1 shows a screenshot from one of the software products delivered. The main feature of the Winter 2002 Studio was the use of two dierent software engineering processes. Although all the teams were competing on the same project, each team would follow one of the two proposed software development approaches. One of the goals of the study was to determine the inuence of the software process on the participants behaviour. Thus, three of the teams were assigned a process based on the UPEDU. The other three teams were assigned a process built around the Extreme Programming methodology. Fig. 2 illustrates the prescribed software development schedule. The top row shows the timeline of iterations

Fig. 1. Screenshot from a completed product.

Fig. 2. Software development schedule (in working days).


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for UPEDU, while the bottom row shows the same information for XP. The lower scale represents the nominal number of academic calendar days since the beginning of the project. For example, iterations UP3 and XP5 both nished on the 45th day of the project. The middle row illustrates the timing of the equivalent iterations that had been dened for data analysis purposes and which are explained below. A common release-level framework was used to dene the development schedule for both processes. Thus, for all the teams, an initial specications document was provided at the beginning of the semester. A complete implementation of that specication was due after 45 days. Thereafter, a second specications document was issued which requested modest architectural changes to the system. Implementation of those changes was due following a further 15-day period. Iterations XP1 through XP5 and UP1 through UP3 belong to the initial development cycle, while iterations XPM and UPM belong to the maintenance phase. An important element to mention is that no specic constraints were imposed for specic iterations, other than the requirement to deliver specication-compliant end-products and linked artifacts at the end of the development cycle. In other words, all activities could be performed at various levels within all iterations. Thus, teams had complete freedom to schedule development work throughout the development cycle. Evaluating workload and risks as well as scheduling development work are part of the tasks that a software engineer must be able to perform on an autonomous basis. The concept of iteration applied here complies with the denition found in Robillard et al. (2003): An iteration is a mechanism that enables the interaction between the software life cycle and the software process by dening milestones that are often associated with the phases of the product. Sets of iterations are also used to dene the software process. Iterations are common to both traditional and agile processes. However, the average size of a single iteration is likely to vary depending on the process model used. Beck (2000, Glossary) denes an iteration as a one-to four-week period, while the UPEDU (Ecole Polytechnique, 2002 Guidelines: Software Development Plan) considers iterations of less than one month as short and . . . more suitable for the Construction phase, where the degree of new functionality to be included and the degree of novelty are low. One reason for these dierences is simply that people using the UPEDU require some considerable time to produce a signicant amount of documentation, while people using XP are likely to choose not to do so. At the same time, one may argue that the additional investment in artifacts should

enhance the productivity of the software engineers using UPEDU. However, this claim has not been proven and rightly constitutes one of the aspects that was studied in this setting. We chose, therefore, to arbitrarily customise iteration lengths for each of the processes used. Thus, the development schedule for the XP process would include a larger number of iterations covering the same time frame. However, the initial iterations time frame at the beginning of the project was of particular concern to us. The rst iteration is crucial for laying out the skeleton of the system. Also, the instructors wanted to leave enough time for every participant to become accustomed to the development environment provided and minimally comfortable with the language and technologies. The initial iteration has therefore been kept identical in length for both processes. Also, the maintenance cycle has been limited to a single iteration following general agreement by the students that this would be sucient considering the limited scope of the changes requested. The remaining iterations were set out such that the ratio of XP iterations to UPEDU iterations would be 2:1. Correspondence of UPEDU iteration end-dates to XP iteration end-dates was required to facilitate analysis of the resulting data in terms of eort expended. A set of equivalent iterations, EQ1, EQ2, EQ3 and EQM, was dened for that purpose. Students were free to team up with whomever they wished to and to register for the process model they wanted to use, provided that the following three conditions were fullled: We had to have ve teams of four students each and one team of three students. Three of the teams had to use the UPEDU, and the other three had to use the XP-based process. The three-student team had to use the UPEDU, since three people cannot all be pair-programming at the same time. The only problem we ran into was that two students were competing for the fourth seat on one UPEDU team. We chose to break the tie by drawing a winners name. There was no preliminary assessment of the participants skills, as it was assumed that all the students were equally capable of performing their tasks correctly and eciently. However, some variations did exist among individuals. A small number of students were not yet familiarized with the UPEDU. Also, a small number of students had been exposed to the Java language and to related technologies. Nevertheless, we feel that these dierences did not create any signicant asymmetry among the teams.

3. Cognitive activity classication In previous Studios, students had been asked to record eort expended under each process activity. That approach has the benet of allowing a direct measure-

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ment of the process itself. However it can only be used on the assumption that the list of activities dened in the process covers every possible work situation without generating excessive overlap. Such an assumption has not been conrmed. Indeed, an analysis performed using data from the 2001 Studio (Germain et al., 2002a) showed the possible presence of ambiguity and confusion among participants in relation to the process activities as dened by the instructors. Another problem with the approach was that the presence of two separate software processes prevented the utilisation of a single process-based scheme that would allow comparison of the eort expended by all the teams. An alternative approach was to use a processindependent classication which would lead to the implicit assignment of eort to the proper activity. A classication based on the evaluation of explicit, mutually exclusive cognitive activities constituted an interesting path to this target. Table 1 illustrates the classication that was used for the the study. Participants were presented a total of 14 cognitive activities and asked to tag each eort slip to be recorded with one and only one of these activities. Three of these activities dealt mostly with tasks that we wished to exclude from our study, such as training and systems administration. These activities are not included in Table 1, and all eort slips recorded under them have been excluded from this study. Although most activity names are self-explanatory, we provide a short description of them below. Two distinct groupings of cognitive activities were dened for analysis purposes. These groupings were not revealed to the participants. Each represents one dimension in Table 1. The grouping along the horizontal axis, called steporiented, represents the sequence of steps typically performed in the development of a software product. The grouping along the vertical axis, called state-oriented, illustrates the cognitive states likely to be taken during software development. The Active state occurs when a developer is performing any activity the purpose of which is to generate or modify an artifact. It includes the cognitive activities

Draw and Write, which refer to the production of diagrams and text of all kinds respectively. It also includes a set of activities which collectively cover everything related to coding, integration and testing: Code, Code & Test, Integrate & Test and Test. This redundant labelling of activities was necessary because, under XP, these activities are often intertwined in practice. Thus, all plausible combinations of coding and testing are taken into account. Also, the Integrate & Test activity reects the fact that integration is presumably a short duration activity which immediately leads to testing. The Reexive state occurs when a stand-alone developer is performing any activity which does not generate or modify any artifact. The Browse/Search activity refers to the action of reading documents or Web pages in a non-specic order, as when searching for documents that will eventually be read, while the Read activity refers to the action of reading a specic document such as a textbook or article for the purpose of assimilating a chunk of information. The Think activity refers to the process of self-reection and thus encompasses every eort expended by a stand-alone participant for which no input or output exists. The Interactive state refers to work performed by two or more teammates at the same time. The Discuss activity refers to every discussion taking place between a team member and one or more individuals who may or may not be team members. The Inspect/Review activity refers to the technical review activities that may be performed following the production of any artifact. The Preparation step refers to activities which may be considered as pre-requisites for coding, while the Implementation step covers all coding, integration and testing eort. The Control step corresponds to explicit quality control work and includes the sole activity Inspect/Review. The original classication included other activities the occurrence of which would be interpreted as merely accidental and weakly linked to the fundamental behavioural characteristics of the participants. We removed all slips declaring any of those activities from our subsequent analysis.

Table 1 Cognitive activity classication Preparation Active Draw Write Implementation Code Code & Test Integrate & Test Test Control

4. Analysis of cognitive activities performed 4.1. Raw-data analysis The rst analysis step is to look at the raw data for each team based on the eort slips that were submitted. Fig. 3 illustrates the eort slips corresponding to the cognitive activities of each XP team (XPA, XPB, XPC), and of each UPEDU team (UPA, UPB, UPC). The state- and step-oriented categories are shown along the left and right sides of the diagram respectively. We chose


Browse/ Search Read Think Discuss Inspect/Review



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Fig. 3. Eort distribution by activity, by team.

at this point to remove all data related to the maintenance phase, which was initially set up to measure the relative maintainability of each software system. We suspect that the various design choices made by the individual teams may have had a signicant impact on the eort patterns deployed, and therefore on their convergence. Potential sources of team productivity variations are many; for instance, productivity gaps between individual developers are often very important (see, for instance, Brooks, 1995, chapter 3) and may generate even wider gaps at the team level (Cockburn, 2002, chapter 4). In order to eliminate the inuence of such variations, all eort data has been normalized relative to total eort for a given team. Fig. 3 clearly shows wide variations in intensity among teams for each cognitive activity taken individually. This result shows that eort convergence at the cognitive activity level is low. However, relative eort expended on active cognitive activities (see left side of Fig. 3) falls into the 7176% range, which is narrow. This suggests a very strong inherent behaviour characteristic which is independent of the process model used. By contrast, eort distribution between the Reexive and Interactive categories varies widely from team to

team, and likewise shows no relation to the process model. Implementation activities (see right side of Fig. 3) represent between 49% and 73% of total eort for each team. This clearly shows that, beyond the central analysis, design and testing skills that are, rightly, promoted within the software engineering community, this discipline remains a coding-intensive one, even when performed by students aware of the importance of software process activities. This nding might provide a part of the answer to the question raised in McConnell (2002): How important is software construction? Software construction is very important indeed, at least in terms of its intensity relative to other categories of activities. The only category showing any apparent inuence of the process model is the Control category, where all UPEDU teams expended more eort (average of 8%) than XP teams (average of 3%). 4.2. Aggregate analysis Fig. 4 illustrates the aggregate eort distribution by activity as a percentage of total eort expended for all teams. The diagram also shows the relative amounts of eort for each state-oriented category. The Code and

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Fig. 4. Aggregate eort distribution by cognitive activity.

Code & Test activities have aggregate relative weights of 29% and 21%, respectively. All other activities have weights in the 311% range. Activities in the Active category include almost 75% of total eort. Fig. 5 shows the aggregate information for each process model. The separation between state-oriented categories is shown with bold dotted lines, while the separation between the Draw and Write activities and the other activities in the Active category is shown with thinner dotted lines. Coding and testing activities are less intensive under the UPEDU. However, the Draw and Write activities include more eort

under this process model, bringing total eort under the Active category to almost identical levels for the two process models. 4.3. Inter-process analysis Fig. 6 illustrates the relative weight of each cognitive activity in the two process models. The process activity index (PAI) for a given activity is dened as PAI lnEUP =EXP

Fig. 5. Aggregate eort by cognitive activity, by process (%).


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Fig. 6. Weight index by cognitive activity.

Fig. 7. Weight index by category.

where EUP and EXP represent the amount of relative effort performed by the UPEDU and XP teams respectively for that activity. Thus, an index value of zero indicates identical eort for a given activity. Negative index values mean that the eort is greater for the XP teams, while positive index values mean a greater eort for the UPEDU teams. Activities are ordered by increasing index value. Fig. 6 illustrates the essence of the cognitive activities of the two processes. Positive indices shown for the Draw and Inspect/Review activities were to be expected, since those cognitive activities, while required under a UPEDU-like process, are not covered at all by the XP methodology. Under XP, production of diagrams is not recommended by some of the principal gurus (see, for instance, Jeries et al., 2000, Chapter 16), while inspection and revision are theoretically performed on-line in the course of regular pair-programming tasks. At the other end of the axis, the explicit role emphasis on the Integrate & Test activity reects the intertwined nature of integration and testing under XP. That the activity is performed mainly by XP-based teams should not be considered a surprise. The presence of the Discuss activity at the very left end of the axis posed more of a question, since the XP methodology promotes several teamwork practices such as pair programming. It is interesting to observe that each activity in the Interactive category is dominant in one of the process models. This suggests a real inuence of the process model on the relative intensity of these activities. The framed activities in the middle of Fig. 6 are considered to be equivalent for the two process models, since their index values are close to zero. Fig. 7 illustrates calculation of the PAI using the state- and step-oriented categories. The Control category, which encompasses little total eort, is overexposed here because the index calculation is based on a simple logarithmic function. The other ve categories are considered to be equivalent for the two process models.

5. Concluding remarks 5.1. Study limitations Developing software is an open problem. There can be as many solutions as there are individuals or teams. In this study, all the teams provided acceptable software products in relation to the requirements specications issued. All were also constrained by a development schedule and met all deadlines. Even though the software process used seemed to have an impact on the importance of some cognitive activities, we did not observe any signicant relation between the process used and the magnitude of the overall eort. Eort expended by the XP teams as a whole indeed exceeded eort expended by the UPEDU teams by a whopping 29%. However, the external factors that may have aected this gure are numerous and make this result highly questionable. The only threeparticipant team was a UPEDU team, which showed the least total eort of the six. Also, the project required quick learning of the Java Servlet technology by the participants. Since the XP teams had to start coding almost immediately, they faced technological diculties earlier than the UPEDU teams. We observed signicant technology-related knowledge transfers from the XP teams to the UPEDU teams at the time when the latter started producing code. It must be noted that other kinds of knowledge transfers, for instance those related to architectural decisions, seem not to have occurred. Traces of such transfers have not been found in the resulting artifacts, except in the form of reuse of a few key external components by more than one team. Total absence of knowledge transfer would have been very dicult to achieve in practice. Eort performed in the context of this analysis made up the entire contribution to the realization of a frozen software requirements specications document. Using evolving requirements in the course of a project would

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bring a very interesting dimension to such a study in the future. Requirements evolution is a usual part of software development and constitutes a strong basis for the justication of the XP approach by its promoters. However, we predict that the impact of such a change on the eort mix would be quite limited unless some other major changes are implemented in the setting, such as making teams swap their respective projects after a delivery milestone. In any case, it is important to understand that responsiveness to change is highly inuenced by the previous design choices made by a team, which in any case suers from lack of experience. Measuring eort expended in such a context would therefore include the additional challenge of trying to exclude the inuence of that factor, which may prove very dicult in practice. Two important objectives are at the centre of the case for engineering-oriented processes. First, well-dened design activities and artifacts are meant to ensure that important design decisions, especially at the architectural level, are made properly and before the costs of change become too high, assuming these costs will rise exponentially as generally assumed in the traditional software engineering community (Pressman, 2001). Second, the value of the various artifacts that are developed through the project will be felt the most when another development team tries to maintain the software product, particularly if the original team members are not available for consultation. Unfortunately, our study neither conrms nor denies those statements. The benets of mandatory design activities and artifacts are most evident in large projects, while the setting featured a small project. Measuring those benets would require the realization of a similar study using a much larger project. Also, the impact of the methodology on product maintainability could only be measured through the realization of maintenance activities on software products developed using dierent methodologies. The Studio class as established can constitute a very suitable environment for such maintenance projects. The validity of the study rests heavily on the level of condence that exists in the eort slips entered by the participants. Dicult experiences from earlier editions of the Studio show that the instructors cannot wait until the end of the semester to validate the data as recorded. Such validation must occur in a continuous manner and be enforced through weekly meetings with participants. All irregular situations, for instance dubious eort slips or time periods without any entry, were signalled to the students as soon as detected, and immediate corrective action was requested in all cases. This attitude has generated two benets. First, it helped improve the eective quality of the recorded data. Second, it gave the students the impression that the instructors really cared about eort slip quality and were determined to ensure it. This pushed the students to act proactively and pre-

vent problems by paying careful attention to their task of accurately recording the eort expended. 5.2. Observations on the methodology The main goal of this paper was to dene a methodology that would enable comparison of eort performed by developers at the cognitive level, so that fundamental behaviour characteristics of a development team which are independent of the process used can be identied. In this respect, the consistent balance of eort intensity between activities in the Active category and other activities in the state-oriented categorization seems to reect such characteristics. Such an observation opens the door to the development of an eort prediction paradigm which would use compound program size estimation techniques encompassing a whole set of artifacts, instead of just code length, for instance. Research activities pre-requisite to this goal include validating this supposed invariance of the Active category, and measuring the result of restructuring the underlying activity classication. Ultimately, a useful target would be to dene a cognitive activity set that is powerful enough to provide invariance at a very ne granularity level. This is far from being achieved as yet, since variability between teams at the individual cognitive activity level is very considerable. In the meantime, there might be some important benets to testing the hypothesis of invariance of the Active category in a few industrial settings under various processes or methodologies, in order to establish its validity and usability in practice. We applied the principle of eort normalization relative to total eort by teams throughout this study, and thus did not analyse in detail the relation between overall eort and its distribution by cognitive activity. Such an analysis would be useful, but would require a better understanding of the factors that inuence total eort output for a given team, such as team size and schedule compression. This, in turn, would be best achieved using a larger number of teams, as well as multiple studio editions. Such a strategy would allow the identication of factors of inuence coming from particular conditions. 5.3. Participants behaviour This study illustrates, among other things, a basic observation of team software development based on two dierent software engineering processes. In spite of the limited scope of the study, a few general conclusions can be drawn, although these conclusions need more experimentation in order to be validated. The eort expended on core activities within each development project is more or less independent of the


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software engineering process used. Rather, one process will emphasise a particular type of activity over another. This shifted emphasis does not have a spectacular eect on the overall distribution of the cognitive activities performed. One possible interpretation is that some cognitive activities will require a minimal eort investment regardless of the software process used. We observe that a well-dened software process such as the UPEDU will put more emphasis on the engineering aspects of the software implementation by stressing the pre-coding activities, while the XP-based process will put more emphasis on ad hoc communications. While these observations are totally in line with the denition of the processes involved, what is most interesting is that these dierences between processes are simply not as great as one may have expected and have no impact on the eort-intensive coding-related activities. We did not observe any signicant relationship between the requirement for explicit artifacts for the UPEDU teams and the productivity of those teams. Informal discussions with the participants who used the UPEDU revealed that most of them did not feel the benet of having produced those artifacts. One possible explanation is that, since the project was very small, most relevant information could be mastered easily by the participants and communicated verbally, with greater eciency than through the time-consuming production of documents. Of course, it is possible that such an explanation may represent more of an impression than a concrete reection of the true characteristics of developer behaviour. 5.4. Teaching software development The main advantage of a well-dened software engineering process is that students are aware of the various activities that are likely to be needed for the proper development of a software product. They may thus decide to put more emphasis on a particular activity while at the same time being able to anticipate the impacts of their decisions. It is not clear whether XP as a whole is suitable for teaching at the undergraduate level or not. It is already recognized that XP is aimed at teams of talented and experienced individuals. Indeed, experience often comes from using a more structured approach, from which one can pick the valuable aspects and throw away the rest. XP is often learned through the pairing of an experienced programmer with a junior one. Academic environments, at least in their usual form, do not t in well with such an approach. However, it may be important to familiarize students with the nature of XP (or another agile methodology) once they have been trained in a more classical process approach. Of course, some methods which have emerged in the light of XP, such as pair programming (see, for instance, Williams

and Upchurch, 2001), can be considered for teaching purposes independently of the process involved.

Acknowledgements We are grateful to Mihaela Dulipovici who participated in the preparation of the project course, acted as teaching assistant for the course and was deeply involved in artifact and eort slip quality evaluation. Also, this project would not have been possible without the participation of all the students enrolled in the Software Engineering Studio course during the Winter 2002 semester. We would also like to thank Alexandre Mo se and Martin Robillard for their insightful comments while we were building the requirements specications for the semester project. This work was partly supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under grant A0141.

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