Cleaner Production

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Prepared by the Institute of Environmental Engineering (APINI) Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Sponsored by UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics

Team for CP success

Managers, engineers and finance people in industry and commerce, in particular those responsible for business strategy, product development, plant operations and finance Government officials, both central and regional, who play an important role in promoting CP Media representatives who play an important role in disseminating information on good environmental practice

What is waste?
There are literally hundreds words for different types of waste:
BOD broke contaminated solids core loss customer returns damage drainings dust effluent evaporation furnace loss

greenhouse loss
hidden losses leakage non-conforming material overfill packaging process loss rework second quality stock loss washings and etc.

Waste is waste what ever you call it : take the opportunity to cut waste and increase profits!

Where are you now?

Only a change in technology would eliminate waste completely We are optimising our processes and achieving big cost reductions Waste is coming down as we change the way we work

We have identified our waste and monitoring it We plan to reduce waste

Waste is cost and regulatory issue Waste is only disposal issue Waste is not an issue

Passive environmental strategies

Dilute & disperse

Reactive environmental strategies: end-of-pipe approaches end-of-

Reactive environmental strategies

On - site recycling

Proactive environmental strategies: Cleaner Production

Prevention of Waste generation: - Good housekeeping
Input substitution Better process control Equipment modification Technology change Product modification Efficient use of energy resources - On-site recovery/reuse

Cleaner Production Definition

Cleaner Production
Principle Substitution Source Reduction
is a

for modifying

Preventive Integrated Continuous Strategy

Energy Conservation Design for Environment


Processes Efficiency
to enhance


Reduction Of Risks

Environmental Performance Reduces Costs


which improves

Competitive Advantage


Properly implemented CP :
reduces long-term liabilities which companies can face many years after pollution has been generated or disposed at a given site

Properly implemented CP :
increases profitability lowers production costs enhances productivity provides a rapid return on any capital or operating investments required

increases product yield leads to the more efficient use of energy and raw materials

Properly implemented CP :
(continuation) results in improved product quality increases staff motivation relies on active worker participation in idea generation and implementation reduces consumer risks reduces the risk of environmental accidents is supported by employees, local communities, customers and the public

Properly implemented CP :
avoids regulatory compliance costs leads to insurance savings provides enhanced access to capital from financial institutions and lenders is fast and easy to implement requires little capital investment

How CP could be applied in practice?

Cleaner Production practices

1. Good Housekeeping
take appropriate managerial and operational actions to prevent:
- leaks - spills - to enforce existing operational instructions

Cleaner Production practices

2. Input Substitution
substitute input materials - by less toxic - or by renewable materials - or by adjunct materials which have a longer service lifetime in production

Cleaner Production practices

3. Better Process Control
modify: - operational procedures - equipment instructions and process record keeping in order to run the processes more efficiently and at lower waste and emission generation rates

Cleaner Production practices

4. Equipment Modification
modify the existing production equipment and utilities in order: - run the processes at higher efficiency - lower waste and emission generation rates

Cleaner Production practices

5. Technology Change
replace of: - the technology - processing sequence - synthesis pathway in order to minimise waste and emission generation during production

Cleaner Production practices

6. On-site Recovery/Reuse
- reuse of the wasted materials in the same process for another useful application within the company

Cleaner Production practices

7. Product Modification
modify the product characteristics in order: - to minimise the environmental impacts of the product during or after its use (disposal) - to minimise the environmental impacts of its production

Cleaner Production practices

8. Using Energy Efficiently
Reduce the environmental impact from energy use by: - improved energy efficiency - by using energy from renewable sources

CP versus End-of-Pipe approach

Cleaner Production
Continuous improvement Progress towards use of closed loop or continuous cycle processes Everyone in the community has a role to play; partnerships are essential Active anticipation and avoidance of pollution and waste Elimination of environmental problems at their source Involves new practices, attitudes and management techniques and stimulates technical advances

Pollution Control and Waste Management

One-off solutions to individual problems Processes result in waste materials for disposal a pipeline with resources in and wastes out Solutions are developed by experts often in isolation Reactive responses to pollution and waste after they are created Pollutants are controlled by waste treatment equipment and methods Relies mainly on technical improvements to existing technologies

What Are the Benefits of Cleaner Production?

Improving environmental situation Increasing economical benefits
Continuous environmental improvement

Increasing productivity

Gaining competitive advantage

What is not CP?

Off-site recycling Off Transferring hazardous wastes Waste treatment Concentrating hazardous or toxic constituents to reduce volume Diluting constituents to reduce hazard or toxicity

CP barriers
Internal to the companies:

of information and expertise Low environmental awareness Competing business priorities, in particular, the pressure for a short term profits Financial obstacles Lack of communication in firms Middle management inertia Labour force obstacles

CP barriers
External to the companies:

The failure of existing regulatory approaches

-Difficulty in accessing cleaner technologies -Difficulty in accessing external finance

CP motivators and drivers

Internal to the companies:
- Improvements in productivity - Environmental management systems and continuous improvement - Environmental leadership - Corporate environmental reports - Environmental accounting

CP motivators and drivers

External to the companies:
Innovative regulation Economic incentives Education and training Buyer supplier relations

- Soft loans from Financial institutions Community involvement International trade incentives

CP attacks the problem at several levels at once, introduction of a industry/plant level program requires
- the commitment of top management - a systematic approach to CP in all aspects of the production processes

CP management system
Marketing Top management commitment Pre-assessment CP policy declaration
Start CP project Top Management reviews Final report Measure progress Project implementation Assessment report Project organisation

The continuous CP loop

Assessment PP options Feasibility analysis 48

How can governments promote CP?

Applying regulations Using economic instruments Providing support measures Obtaining external assistance

CP applicability for local governments

Corporate decision-making Local environmental management strategies Community and industry partnerships Sustainable economic development Public environmental education Specific local environmental problems Local environmental monitoring

CP and financial institutions

Environmental evaluation will assist financial institutions staff to:
avoid financing activities included in their exclusion list identify the relative environmental risks level and assess client's ability to manage them understand the financial institutions exposure to environmental risks and liabilities and to respond adequately monitor the env.derived risks of the transactions and respond to changes in the banks exposure to those risks evaluate risks and potential liabilities in foreclosure or restructuring activities

Environmental Assessment of a Project

Loan Application
Environmental assessment of the project
Based on Cleaner Production Concept Based on Pollution Control Concept
Environmetal impact of secondary pollution should be analised

Environmental performance improved

Environmental performance reduced

Cash flow Financial position Management Adequacy of security Loan structure Sectoral outlook Competitiveness


Screening Appraisal Preventive Risk management Monitoring

Environmental Due Diligence

+(-) Loan proposal


+(-) Agreement

+(-) Monitoring and Reports Progress


Factors Affecting Exposure to Environmentally-derived Risks

The nature of environmental risks inherent in business activity of the client The size and term of, and the security for, the transaction The clients ability and commitment to adequately manage these risks

If CP project is presented to financial institution, it should be clear that company already undertook voluntary actions aimed at:
rationalising the use of raw materials, water and energy inputs, reducing the loss of valuable material inputs and therefore reducing operational costs reducing the volume and/or toxicity of waste, wastewater and emissions related to production improving working conditions and occupational safety in a company making organisational improvements improving environmental performance by the implementation of no-cost and low-cost measures from the companys funds reusing and/or recycling the maximum of primary inputs and packaging materials

Other Business Activities the Financial Institutions Should Be Aware

Trade finance Retail banking Equity investments

Environmental Investment Opportunities

loans to enterprises to finance required or desired investments in technologies resulting in direct and indirect environmental benefits loans to municipalities to finance investments in environmental infrastructure loan guarantees to both enterprises and municipalities for soft credits from national or regional environmental funds for environmental investments loans to finance businesses environmental goods and services providing

What have we learned?

The CP approach reduces pollutant generation at every stage of the production process CP can be achieved through:
good operating practices process modification technology changes raw material substitution redesign and/or reformulation of product cost effectiveness increased process efficiency improved product quality cost of final treatment and disposal is minimised

The economic advantages of CP are:

Effluent treatment, incineration, and waste recycling outside the production process are not regarded as CP

Broader Aplication of CP
CP is closely linked to:
Environmental Management Systems Total Quality Management Health and Safety Management

Cleaner Production and Sustainable Development

Economic Instruments Co-regulatory agreements Comand & control Agenda 21 Compliance Environmental space Factor X Responsible Enterpreneurship Eco-efficiency Cleaner Production

Government Agenda

Sustainable development

Business Agenda

EHS Auditing

ICC Charter



CP is a journey not a destination

An understanding of the business value to be gained from efficient use of natural resources is an important first step toward sustainability: toward building a world in which resources are managed to meet the needs of all people now and in the future.
(J. Lash, President of J. Lash the World Resources Institute)

Centre for Business Sustainable Development

Eco-efficiency and Sustainability

Recent, on-going and planned onCleaner Production and EcoEcoefficiency Projects in Portugal

Some Results of Recent Projects in companies

H o v i o n e , S.A. (Fine Chemistry)

BENEFITS Financial results annual savings > 128 250 investment = 1 030 137 Environmental benefits annual savings > 175 000 (4 options) wastewater discharge = 114 000 m3/year sludge produced = 500 t/year other wastes > 7 t/year water consumption = 89 000 m3/year CO2 emissions = 550 t/year

H o v i o n e , S.A. (Fine Chemistry)

Cleaner Production techniques Pay-back time

5% 35 %
30 - 35 months 0 - 6 months Off-site recycling In-site recycling

15 %
Good housekeeping

50 %

25 %

45 %
6 - 30 months Source reduction

25 %

ABB/ M s e t, S.A. ( M e t a l W o r k i n g)

BENEFITS Financial results annual savings = 69 000 investment = 71 000 Environmental benefits reduction of energy consumption = 88,4 tep/year water consumption = 1 000 m3/year raw materials cons.> 12 000 kg/year reduction of the generation of hazardous waste > 3 000 kg/year wastewater = 1 000 m3/year

ABB/ M s e t, S.A. ( M e t a l W o r k i n g)

Cleaner Production techniques

Pay-back time
0 1 year Off-site recycling

12 %
Substituio de materiais

6% 42 %
Good housekeeping

42 %
Product modification

1 3 years

94 %

P A R M A L A T P o r t u g a l , S.A. ( D a i r y P r o d u c t s )

BENEFITS Financial results annual savings: 470 000 investments = 145 000 Environmental benefits reduction of: water consumption 4,0 m3/m3 milk proc. wastewater discharge 2,46 m3 effluent/m3 milk proc. energy consumption 316 tep/year production increase of: 1,25 M liter of milk proc. social benefits workers health risks reduction noise and workplace contaminants (4 options) more environmental trained people seminars and training courses improvement of companys public image donations to charity institutions attitudes changing towards Sustainable Development catalyst to change

P A R M A L A T P o r t u g a l , S.A. ( D a i r y P r o d u c t s )

Pay-back time

Cleaner Production techniques

0 1 years


40 %


26 %
Process Modification

Materials Substitution

> 3 years 1 3 years

16 %
In-site recycling

53 %
Good housekeeping

20 %

20 %

RIETER, L d a (C a r C o m p o n e n t s )

BENEFITS Financial results annual savings > 65 000 investment = 207 000 Environmental benefits reduction of: environmental noise = 5-10 dB energy consumption water consumption > 35 200 m3/year elimination of SO2 e Ni emissions to air reuse of CO2 > 115 800 kg/year

RIETER, L d a (C a r C o m p o n e n t s )

Cleaner Production techniques Pay-back time

4% 36 %
Immediate 1 3 years Process Modification Materials Substitution

44 %
Good housekeeping

18 %


12 %
0 1 year In-site recycling > 3 years

Off-site recycling


64 %

HEMPEL (Portugal), Lda . - Paints


Financial results

annual savings > 255 000 Investment = 110 000 Environmental benefits reduction of: wastewater = 26 700 m3/year toxic materials dispersion = 91 t/year energy intensity = 2% materials consumption = 92 t/year water consumption = 26 700 m3/year

HEMPEL (Portugal), Lda . - Paints

Cleaner Production techniques Pay-back time

29 %
1 3 years

15 %

0 1 year

Process Modification

48 %
Good housekeeping

35 % 3%
Materials Substitution

Immediate > 3 years

16 %
In-site recycling

Process Modification

35 %


Off-site recycling

R E F R I G E , S . A . ( B e v e r a g e s)


Financial results annual savings > 65 000 investment = 405 000 Environmental benefits reduction of: environmental noise = 5-10 dB energy consumption water consumption > 35 200 m3/year elimination of SO2 e Ni emissions to air reuse of CO2 > 115 800 kg/year

R E F R I G E , S . A . ( B e v e r a g e s)

Cleaner Production techniques

13 % 11%
Off-site recycling Process Modification

13 %
In-site recycling

Materials Substitution

Good housekeeping

* No data available for the pay-back time

O n - going Projects

ProSTove Eco-efficiency and Sustainable Production Torres Vedras

Partners: INETI/CENDES, AERLIS (Business Association), General Directorate of Industry, Torres Vedras Municipality

Objective: to contribute to sustainability at local level focusing on cleaner production projects implementation in companies (micro economic level) and involving the main stakeholders (meso economic level).

Funding: POE/FSE

Duration: 15 months

SuRViE Contribute to the Glass Region Sustainability

Partners: INETI/CENDES, VITROCRISTAL, AIC (Association of Crystal Industries)

Objective: to contribute to sustainable business development in the glass region of Marinha Grande, through the implementation of cleaner production strategies in companies.

Funding: POE/FSE

Duration: 15 months

ProSSado Towards Sustainability


Cooperation: Setbal Municipality, Quercus (Environmental NGO), Arrbida Natural Park, Sado Estuary Natural Reserve Institutional support: DGI (General Directorat of Industry)

Objective: To contribute for sustainability in the Sado region. Funding: POE/FSE

Duration: 2 years

DEUSA Sustainable Urban Business Development in Aveiro

Partners: INETI/CENDES, General Directorate of Industry, AIDA, AIA, ABIMOTA and APIFER (Business Associations), IST and UA (Universities).

Objective: To support the implementation of cleaner production strategies in companies located in Aveiro as a contribution to regional sustainable development.

Funding: POE/FSE

Duration: 2 years

E3I Portuguese Business Eco-Efficiency Initiative

Partners: INETI/CENDES, General Directorate of Industry, WBCSD, EPE

Objectives: To promote the stakeholders dialogue as a mean for companies ecoefficiency improvement; Stimulate the companies to adopt and implement eco-efficiency as a leading business concept; Reinforce business competitiveness;

Funding: POE/FSE

Duration: 27 months

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