Parntership Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) : Amyprince Petroleum Nig. LTD
Parntership Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) : Amyprince Petroleum Nig. LTD
Parntership Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) : Amyprince Petroleum Nig. LTD
Memorandum of Understanding
This document represents an agreement between
materials that are used in the partnership. Therefore, you would provide a definition of materials (documents, equipment, stored data).]
Partner organisation
[For the partner organisation this needs to include quite specific information on the roles and responsibilities of the personnel involved in the various components of the partnership. For example, the document should include: the name and contact details of the principal contact person/coordinators for this agreement an outline of the competencies/qualifications of staff involved and relevant facilities and learning resources required for delivery and assessment details of maintenance of record keeping associated with delivery and assessment of programs including how and by whom this will managed and then submitted to the lead RTO an outline of how personnel will be involved in the quality assurance processes agreed to on the advice of the lead RTO an outline of involvement in the processes for monitoring and evaluating the achievement of the objectives set by the agreement.]
Financial arrangements
Partnership capital Contribution shall be in equal terms, and each partner Shall be entitle to a 50% interest on capital; [Here include details of the fees, charges and disbursements associated with the arrangement.]
Quality assurance
[Here set out clearly the lead RTOs obligations in relation to assuring the quality of all aspects of the assessment including the assessment system, the assessment processes, the assessors, the assessment evidence and the assessment judgements. Check Chapter 3 for the sorts of things that you should have covered under this heading.]
Intellectual property
[Here you will need to include details of who retains the rights to the intellectual property if produced.]
Settlement of disputes
[In this important section, describe the process for resolving disputes that may arise among the partners to the agreement.]
Further headings
[There may be other items such as disclaimers, transfer and assignment, warranty and indemnity that you want to include here.]
Schedules or appendices
[Schedules or appendices may include details of what will be assessed under the agreement, including details of the relevant Training Package(s) and a full listing of the qualifications to be covered.]