55 - First Amended Complaint

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David S. Gingras, #021097 Gingras Law Office, PLLC 3941 E. Chandler Blvd., #106-243 Phoenix, AZ 85048 Tel.: (480) 668-3623 Fax: (480) 248-3196 [email protected] Attorney for Plaintiff Xcentric Ventures, LLC UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF ARIZONA XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, Plaintiff, v. LISA JEAN BORODKIN and JOHN DOE BORODKIN, husband and wife; RAYMOND MOBREZ and ILIANA LLANERAS, husband and wife; DANIEL BLACKERT and JANE DOE BLACKERT, husband and wife; ASIA ECONOMIC INSTITUTE, LLC, a California limited liability company; DOES 1-10, inclusive, Defendants. For its Verified First Amended Complaint Plaintiff XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC alleges as follows: 1. This is an action to recover damages arising from a frivolous lawsuit VERIFIED FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No: 11-cv-1426-GMS

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maliciously and wrongfully commenced and continued by Defendants against Plaintiff in the State of California (the Asia Litigation). PARTIES 2. Plaintiff XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC (Xcentric) is an Arizona limited

liability company which operates, and at all relevant times has operated, the website www.RipoffReport.com (Ripoff Report). 3. Defendant LISA JEAN BORODKIN (BORODKIN) is an attorney

licensed to practice law in the States of California and New York. At all times relevant to


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this action, Defendant BORODKIN was married to JOHN DOE BORODKIN and was acting on behalf of, and for the benefit of, their marital community. 4. Defendants RAYMOND MOBREZ (MOBREZ) and ILIANA

LLANERAS (LLANERAS) are, and at all relevant times were, a married couple residing in Los Angeles, California. 5. At all times relevant to this action, MOBREZ and LLANERAS were the

principals of Defendant ASIA ECONOMIC INSTITUTE, LLC (AEI) which is a California limited liability with its principal place of business in Los Angeles, California. 6. Defendant DANIEL BLACKERT (BLACKERT) is an attorney licensed

to practice law in the States of California. At all times relevant to this action, Defendant BLACKERT was married to JANE DOE BLACKERT and was acting on behalf of, and for the benefit of, their marital community. 7. DOES 110 are individuals and/or entities, the true names of which are not

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currently known, who are or who may be liable to Xcentric for the conduct alleged herein. JURISDICTION/VENUE 8. Defendants, and each of them, have knowingly, intentionally and

deliberately engaged in tortious activity directed at and within the State of Arizona and intentionally directed at Xcentric and Xcentrics principals, officers, agents and employees including non-party EDWARD MAGEDSON (Magedson) who are residents of the State of Arizona. As more specifically alleged herein, Defendants actions were specifically intended to cause harm to Plaintiff within the State of Arizona and, in fact, Defendants actions had the intended effect of actually causing substantial harm to Plaintiff within the State of Arizona. Defendants, and each of them, are therefore properly subject to personal jurisdiction within the State of Arizona. 9. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1332, this Court has subject matter jurisdiction

because there is complete diversity among the parties and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.00. 2

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Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(a)(2), venue is proper in this judicial district

because a substantial part of the events giving rise to Plaintiffs claims occurred here. ALLEGATIONS COMMON TO ALL CLAIMS 11. complaints. The Ripoff Report is, among other things, a website for consumer Any member of the public with access to a computer and an Internet

connection may use the Ripoff Report website to create and publish complaints about companies or individuals who they believe have wronged them in some manner. 12. Complaints published on the Ripoff Report are automatically indexed by

numerous search engines such as Google and such complaints often rank very high in Googles search results. Because of this high ranking, individuals or businesses with complaints on the Ripoff Report website may be negatively impacted. 13. Since the site began in 1998, because of the negative impact that

complaints on the Ripoff Report website may have, Xcentric has been sued numerous times by plaintiffs seeking to remove reports or otherwise obtain damages from Xcentric for the publication of such reports. 14. As a matter of law and pursuant to the Communications Decency Act, 47

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U.S.C. 230(c)(1) (the CDA), except as to certain types of intellectual property claims and criminal claims, Xcentric is generally immune from any civil cause of action arising from material posted on the Ripoff Report site by a third party. As a result of the CDA, because Xcentric normally plays no material role in the creation of the reports at issue, lawsuits seeking to force the removal of reports through litigation have frequently been dismissed or otherwise resolved in favor of Xcentric. 15. In addition to frequent praise and nearly unanimous judicial affirmation, the

CDA has also drawn substantial and widespread commentary and passionate criticism from those who disagree with or dislike the law or the results which it sometimes requires. 16. Among those who have been targeted by online criticism on the Ripoff 3

Report website or elsewhere, the CDA is often seen as an unfair law which creates an

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improper loophole allowing sites such as the Ripoff Report to publish derogatory and even defamatory speech with complete impunity. 17. One well-known commentary regarding both the CDA and the Ripoff

Report website is an article written by an attorney, Sarah Bird, entitled The Anatomy of a RipOff Report Lawsuit which was originally published on January 21, 2008 on www.SEOmoz.org (the Bird Article). The Bird Article purports to offer a legal

analysis of the Ripoff Reports successful litigation history, as well as the authors opinions regarding the CDA and her answers to the following questions, among others: Is it true that RipOff Report has never lost a lawsuit? Is this a failure of the legal system? Are the allegations unfounded? If there is truth in the allegations, then how is the system going wrong? Why cant RipOff Report be held responsible for its conduct? 18. Among other things, the Bird Article contains a discussion of federal

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racketeering laws, specifically the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO, codified at 18 U.S.C. 1961, et seq., and the predicate act of extortion. Among other things, the Bird Article suggests that plaintiffs seeking to avoid the limitations imposed by the CDA may be able to do so by pursing federal RICO claims against Xcentric predicated upon alleged acts of extortion. 19. In closing, the author of the Bird Article specifically encouraged litigants to

attempt to overcome Xcentrics CDA immunity by bringing claims of RICO/extortion: I hope that plaintiffs will continue to press the RICO/Extortion combo . 20. On January 28, 2009, a third party posted a complaint on the Ripoff Report

website concerning AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS. The report was written from the perspective of an unhappy former employee and it contained various derogatory statements about AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS. Other similar reports were

subsequently posted on the site by third parties between early 2009 and early 2010. 21. Based on the publication of these reports, Defendants MOBREZ and 4

LLANERAS decided to commence litigation against XCENTRIC and Magedson.

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Prior to the commencement of the Asia Litigation, Defendants MOBREZ

and/or LLANERAS and/or BLACKERT and/or Does 1-10 performed legal research and requested that unknown others perform research, on previous lawsuits involving XCENTRIC. During the course of this research, Defendants MOBREZ, LLANERAS, and BLACKERT reviewed the Bird Article, among other things, and determined that based on the CDA, litigation against XCENTRIC and Magedson was extremely unlikely to succeed, assuming the litigation merely accused XCENTRIC and/or Magedson of publishing material submitted to the Ripoff Report website by a third party. 23. Based on this conclusion, Defendants MOBREZ, LLANERAS, and

BLACKERT determined that an alternative litigation strategy was necessary such as the RICO/extortion theory advocated in the Bird Article. However, Defendants MOBREZ, LLANERAS, and BLACKERT knew that they could not legitimately present such a theory because at no time was AEI actually extorted by XCENTRIC or Magedson. 24. To solve this problem, at some time in or around April 2009, Defendants

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MOBREZ and LLANERAS devised a plan, to wit: Defendant MOBREZ would contact Magedson by telephone and would attempt to induce Magedson to ask for money in exchange for the removal of the reports about AEI thereby permitting AEI to proceed with litigation under a RICO/extortion theory. 25. In furtherance of this plan, in April and May 2009 MOBREZ placed a

series of seven telephone calls to Magedson using the primary phone number listed on the Ripoff Report website; (602) 359-4357. The date, time, and duration of each call from MOBREZ to Magedson is reflected in the table below: TABLE OF CALLS Call # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Start Call Length Time From # Min 4/27/2009 3:21 PM (310) 806-3000 3.5 4/27/2009 3:27 PM (310) 806-3000 1.0 4/27/2009 3:28 PM (310) 806-3000 2.9 5/5/2009 11:28 AM (310) 806-3000 2.6 5/5/2009 1:05 PM (310) 806-3000 2.2 5/9/2009 1:10 PM .5 5(310) 801-5161 5/12/2009 2:46 PM AMENDED (310) 806-3000 VERIFIED FIRST COMPLAINT 16.5 Date

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Defendant LLANERAS was secretly listening to calls #4, 5 and 7 from

Defendant MOBREZ to Magedson without Magedsons knowledge. 27. Following the completion of the calls and on the last day prior to the

expiration of the statute of limitations as to the first report about AEI, on January 27, 2010 Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS, and BLACKERT commenced the Asia Litigation which began in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. SC106603. The action was subsequently removed to the United States District Court, Central District of California, Case No. 2:10-cv-01360-SVWPJW. 28. A true and correct copy of the original 33-page Complaint filed in the Asia

Litigation, excluding exhibits, is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 29. In their initial Complaint AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS asserted twelve

claims for relief against XCENTRIC and Magedson including two federal RICO causes of action, one predicated on extortion and one predicated on wire fraud. The

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Complaint accused XCENTRIC and Magedson of engaging in a SHAKEDOWN by, among other things, offer[ing] to enroll Plaintiffs in the CAP program for a fee of at least five thousand dollars ($5,000), plus a monthly monitoring fee. 30. At a hearing which took place on April 19, 2010, Defendant BORODKIN

entered an appearance in the Asia Litigation as counsel for AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS. From April 19, 2010 through the final conclusion of the case, Defendant BORODKIN was actively involved in the Asia Litigation as counsel for MOBREZ, LLANERAS, and AEI. 31. At the conclusion of the hearing, the District Court issued an order, a true

and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. In the April 19th order, the Court required plaintiff (meaning AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS) to file a declaration describing meetings with any representative of defendant regarding extortion[] and to do so within two weeks. 32. On the last day to do so, May 3, 2010, MOBREZ and LLANERAS filed

their declarations with the Court as ordered. True and correct copies of their declarations 6

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are attached hereto as Exhibits C and D, respectively. Both declarations were sworn to as true and correct under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746. 33. In his declaration, Defendant MOBREZ detailed the alleged contents of his

telephone calls to Magedson in April and May 2009. In Paragraph 10 of his declaration, Defendant MOBREZ described the contents of one such conversation with Magedson as follows: On May 5, 2009, I again contacted the Ripoff Report office by phone. I asked the man, who now identified himself as Ed Magedson, if he had received the e-mail I sent to him February 28, 2009. Mr. Magedson responded that I would need to enroll in the CAP program. Again, I asked for more information regarding the program, including the cost of participation. Mr. Magedson proceeded to describe his Web site and how it could benefit us. He then emphasized that his Web site has immunity under the law and, therefore could not be sued. Moreover, he claimed to have a team of lawyers that would fight us if we chose to sue him. He further warned that others had tried but failed and that it was best to just go with the program. Ms. Llaneras witnessed this conversation from her office phone. 34. In Paragraph 13 of his declaration, Defendant MOBREZ described the

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contents of a second conversation with Mr. Magedson as follows: Later that day, I responded to Mr. Magedsons e-mail by phone. I told Mr. Magedson that I had received his e-mail and was still uncertain what he wanted me to do. Mr. Magedson responded that I would have to go onto his Web site and enroll in the CAP program. When asked what it would cost for us to participate in his program, Mr. Magedson replied that it would cost us at least "five grand" plus a monthly maintenance fee of a couple hundred dollars. He stated that these charges were based on the size if [sic] company. Specifically, he stated that the more money a company made, the more they would be charged. When asked the reasoning behind this, he was not responsive. He again instructed me to fill out the CAP forms. Again, Ms. Llaneras listened from her office phone. 35. Among other allegations, the allegation that Mr. Magedson demanded at

least five grand from Defendant MOBREZ formed the primary basis for the claim that XCENTRIC and Magedson engaged in extortion as to AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS. 7

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In her May 3, 2010 declaration, Defendant LLANERAS testified under

penalty of perjury that I witnessed the conversations that took place between Mr. Mobrez and Mr. Magedson on May 5th and 12th, 2009. Specifically, I listened in on the conversation from my office phone. 37. In her declaration, Defendant LLANERAS further testified under penalty of

perjury that Mr. Mobrezs Declaration is a true and accurate rendition of the conversations that I witnessed between Mr. Mobrez and Mr. Magedson. 38. In her declaration, Defendant LLANERAS further testified under penalty of

perjury that she took handwritten notes during each conversation between Defendant MOBREZ and Magedson as the conversations occurred. 39. On Friday, May 7, 2010, Defendant MOBREZ was deposed in Los During his

Angeles, California regarding his allegations in the Asia Litigation.

deposition, Defendant MOBREZ reviewed his May 3, 2010 declaration and reaffirmed, again under penalty of perjury, that the statements contained in his declaration were truthful and accurate. 40. Unbeknownst to Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS, all of Defendant

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MOBREZs calls to the Ripoff Report website were automatically recorded by Xcentrics phone system. This fact was disclosed to Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS for the first time near the end of MOBREZs deposition on May 7. 41. As reflected in the recordings of the conversations between Defendant

MOBREZ and Magedson, Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS each committed perjury when they testified that Magedson demanded $5,000 from MOBREZ in a telephone conversation on May 5, 2009. This allegation was, and is, completely false. 42. In truth, at no time during any telephone conversion or at any other time did

Magedson ever ask for any money from Defendants MOBREZ or LLANERAS. Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS fabricated this allegation in an effort to create causes of action against XCENTRIC and Magedson which they believed would be sufficient to avoid CDA immunity. By doing so, Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS 8

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hoped to force the removal of the reports about AEI, MOBREZ and LLANERAS on the Ripoff Report website. 43. On May 11, 2010, a letter was sent to Defendants BORODKIN and

BLACKERT, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit E. Among other things, this letter reiterated that Defendant MOBREZ and LLANERAS had committed perjury and that their claims against XCENTRIC and Magedson were completely groundless. 44. In addition, the May 11, 2010 letter reminded Defendants BORODKIN and

BLACKERT that Rule 3700 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct required the mandatory withdrawal of any attorney who: knows or should know that the client is bringing an action, conducting a defense, asserting a position in litigation, or taking an appeal, without probable cause and for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring any person . 45. In addition, the May 11, 2010 letter cautioned Defendants BORODKIN and

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BLACKERT that: Xcentric has successfully sued parties and their lawyers for knowingly commencing and continuing litigation that they knew was factually groundless. Xcentric intends to bring such claims against your clients for their wrongful actions and we will not hesitate to include claims against either or both of you individually if you continue to prosecute any claims in this case which you know are factually untrue or if the evidence demonstrates that you brought this case knowing that the allegations contained in it were factually untrue. 46. The May 11, 2010 letter to Defendants BORODKIN and BLACKERT

concluded with the following admonition: In closing, I want to emphasize one obvious factyour clients have lied about the material facts of this case. As such, just as your clients were, you now stand at a crossroads wherein you have a choice: you can do the right thing and follow the requirements set forth by the law and by your ethical duties, or your can ignore those duties and face the consequences. 47. Following receipt of the May 11, 2010 letter, Defendants BORODKIN and 9

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BLACKERT did not withdraw from the Asia Litigation. Instead, despite knowing that the claims made by their clients were factually untrue, they continued to pursue the case even more aggressively than before. 48. On May 20, 2010, Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS filed

Corrected declarations with the court, true and correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits F and G, respectively. In her corrected declaration, Defendant LLANERAS substantially recanted all of her prior testimony regarding the extortion allegedly committed by XCENTRIC and Magedson. 49. In his corrected declaration, Defendant MOBREZ also recanted

substantial portions of his previous testimony regarding the alleged substance of his telephone conversations with Magedson in April and May 2009. However, Defendant MOBREZ further perjured himself by testifying for the first time, In addition, there were a number of incoming calls to me from Ripoff Report. In truth, Defendant

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MOBREZ knew that at no time were any calls ever made from Ripoff Report to him. This allegation was simply another lie intended to further his fraud upon the Court. 50. Upon information and belief, Defendants BORODKIN and BLACKERT

assisted Defendant MOBREZ with the creation of his corrected declaration and in doing so BORODKIN and BLACKERT intentionally suborned perjury from MOBREZ. 51. On May 24, 2010, XCENTRIC and Magedson filed a Motion for Summary

Judgment in the Asia Litigation which argued that AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS had engaged in a fraud upon the Court by lying as to their extortion claims. The motion further argued that AEI could not prevail on certain of its other claims due to Defendant MOBREZs deposition testimony in which he revealed that during nine years of existence, AEIs total revenues were $0. 52. Defendants, and each of them, actively and aggressively opposed

XCENTRICs Motion for Summary Judgment despite knowing that each and every claim in the Asia Litigation was factually groundless and that the action was commenced wrongfully, maliciously and for the improper purpose of harassment and seeking relief to 10

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which Defendants were not entitled as a matter of law. 53. In an effort to prolong the action and compound the harm caused, one day

before XCENTRICs Motion for Summary Judgment was set to be heard, on July 9, 2010 Defendant BORODKIN filed a pleading entitled, PLAINTIFFS EX PARTE MOTION (1) UNDER RULE 56(f) TO DENY OR CONTINUE DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT TO CONDUCT FURTHER DISCOVERY AND (2)


the disposition of any of the claims against XCENTRIC and Magedson, claiming, Defendants [XCENTRIC and Magedson] will do anything to avoid the August 3, 2010 trial date. To support that position, Defendant BORODKIN accused XCENTRIC,

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Magedson, and their counsel of a variety of improper conduct including, but not limited to: With escalating frequency, disobey and misrepresent this Courts Orders and Rules, and dictating procedural rules of their own making Harass Defendants [sic] counsel with veiled threats of administrative proceedings and explicit threats of Rule 11 sanctions without basis. 55. At the time she filed the July 9 pleading, Defendant BORODKIN knew that

her allegations of improper conduct against XCENTRIC, Magedson, and their counsel were completely false. 56. On July 19, 2010, the District Court in the Asia Litigation issued a 53-page

order granting partial summary judgment in favor of XCENTRIC and Magedson as to the RICO/extortion claims and denying all relief requested in Defendant BORODKINs July 9 pleading. The court further dismissed the RICO/wire fraud claim pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 9(b) but granted leave to amend. 57. Despite knowing that the case was entirely groundless and frivolous, on 11

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July 27, 2010, Defendants, and each of them, prepared and filed an 84-page First Amended Complaint in the Asia Litigation supported by more than 250 pages of exhibits. 58. Shortly thereafter, on August 16, 2010, Defendants BLACKERT and

BORODKIN filed a Motion for Reconsideration requesting that the District Court reconsider its summary judgment ruling. In support of this request, Defendants

BORODKIN and MOBREZ each submitted lengthy declarations which purported to describe unlawful threats made by Magedson and his counsel during a settlement conference which took place on July 20, 2010. 59. On September 27, 2010, XCENTRIC filed a Motion for Summary

Judgment as to the First Amended Complaint in the Asia litigation. At the time the motion was filed, the matter was set for hearing on November 1, 2010. 60. Less than two hours before the November 1, 2010 summary judgment

hearing and knowing that XCENTRICs counsel would be traveling from Arizona to Los Angeles for the hearing, Defendant BORODKIN filed a second motion requesting relief under Rule 56(f). Defendant BORODKIN supported her second Rule 56(f) motion with a declaration in which she described, at length, her recent communications with an individual, JAMES ROGERS (ROGERS) who was previously employed as a personal assistant to Magedson. Defendant BORODKIN further declared that a Rule 56(f)

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continuance was needed due to her inability to obtain ROGERS deposition prior to the November 1, 2010 summary judgment hearing. 61. In her declaration, Defendant BORODKIN made knowingly false and

misleading statements to the court regarding the circumstances of ROGERS deposition. Specifically, Defendant BORODKIN declared: On or about October 22, 2010, I received a telephone call from Defendants attorney David Gingras. We again spoke about the possibility of avoiding this motion but his proposal that I fly to Phoenix the next day, Saturday, October 23, 2010 to do a joint deposition of Mr. Rogers, did not seem feasible. Plaintiffs had already purchased an airline ticket for Mr. Rogers for October 23, 2010. 12

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BORODKINs declaration was false and intentionally

misleading insofar as she implied that the only option she was given for taking the deposition of ROGERS to fly to Phoenix the next day . In truth, on October 22, 2010 Defendant BORODKIN received an email from XCENTRICs counsel which offered to allow you to take the deposition of James Rogers immediately at any time prior to Nov. 1st and at any place . Defendant BORODKIN intentionally sought to mislead the Court at to this issue in the hopes that doing so would permit her to further harm XCENTRIC and Magedson by prolonging the Asia Litigation. 63. On November 1, 2010 after XCENTRICs counsel had arrived in Los

Angeles from Arizona, the District Court vacated the hearing on XCENTRICs second Motion for Summary Judgment. The hearing was vacated solely due to the last minute filing of Defendant BORODKINs second Rule 56(f) motion. 64. On May 4, 2011, the District Court issued an order denying Defendant

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BORODKINs second Rule 56(f) motion in its entirety and granting summary judgment in favor of XCENTRIC and Magedson as to all claims in the Asia Litigation. In a footnote to its order, on the issue of Defendant BORODKINs second Rule 56(f) motion, the District Court noted: The Court notes that this eleventh hour filing was consistent with Plaintiffs pattern in this case. On Friday, July 9, 2010, one day before to the previous summary judgment hearing in this case, Plaintiffs also filed an Ex Parte Application to deny or continue Defendants' motion for summary judgment so as to allow Plaintiffs to conduct further discovery under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f). [Docket no. 87]. That ex parte application was denied in the Courts July [Docket no. 94]. Plaintiffs have demonstrated a pattern of filing papers late in this case and generally disregarding the scheduling orders of the Court. 65. By virtue of the May 4, 2011 summary judgment order, the Asia Litigation

was resolved in favor of XCENTRIC and Magedson and against AEI, MOBREZ and LLANERAS with respect to all claims and all relief requested. 66. On June 15, 2011, a final judgment was entered in the Asia Litigation, a 13

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copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit H. The final judgment resolved the Asia Litigation in favor of XCENTRIC and Magedson and against AEI, MOBREZ and LLANERAS with respect to all claims and all relief requested. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION WRONGFUL INITIATION OF CIVIL PROCEEDINGS (Against AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT) 67. 68. Xcentric incorporates the above allegations as if fully set forth herein. At the time the Asia Litigation was commenced, Defendants AEI,

MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT each knew the action was factually groundless as to each and every claim. 69. At the time the Asia Litigation was commenced, Defendants AEI,

MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT each knew the action was factually groundless in particular as to the allegations of RICO/extortion and RICO/wire fraud. 70. Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT commenced

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the Asia Litigation without probable cause. 71. Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT commenced Specifically, the action was

the Asia Litigation solely for improper purposes.

commenced solely for non-legitimate reasons including, but not limited to, the following: a. To pressure Xcentric to remove material from the Ripoff Report website, without any legal basis for doing so, rather than incurring significant legal fees defending a frivolous case; To discourage XCENTRIC from allowing consumers to post complaints about MOBREZ, LLANERAS, AEI on the Ripoff Report website in the future; To create the false impression that MOBREZ, LLANERAS, AEI were victims of extortion when, in fact, they were not; To provide unwarranted support to critics of the Ripoff Report website; To stifle the First Amendment rights of XCENTRIC and users of the Ripoff Report website; 14

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To cause XCENTRIC to divert its resources to defending a frivolous case rather than using those resources to improve the Ripoff Report site;


To intimidate XCENTRIC into limiting the publics ability to use the Ripoff Report website to publish truthful information and access truthful information published by others;


To wrongfully investigate Magedsons personal life and to obtain and publicly release personal, private, confidential and/or embarrassing information solely for the purpose of embarrassment and harassment. 72. Defendants wrongful conduct was the actual and proximate cause of

injury, damage, loss, or harm to XCENTRIC in an amount in excess of $75,000.00, the exact amount of which shall be proven at trial. 73. The actions of Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT

were willful, malicious, and the product of an evil hand guided by an evil mind. Defendants, and each of them, specifically intended to harm XCENTRIC to an extent sufficient to entitle it to recover punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION WRONGFUL CONTINUATION OF CIVIL PROCEEDINGS (Against BORODKIN, AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT) 74. 75. Xcentric incorporates the above allegations as if fully set forth herein. At the time the Asia Litigation was commenced, Defendants AEI,

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MOBREZ, LLANERAS and BLACKERT each knew the action was factually groundless as to each and every claim. 76. As of no later than May 7, 2010, Defendants BORODKIN and

BLACKERT knew, with absolute certainty, that Defendants MOBREZ and LLANERAS had committed perjury and that their claims of extortion were totally and completely fabricated and false. 77. Following the deposition of Defendant MOBREZ on May 7, 2010,

Defendant BLACKERT sent an email announcing his intent to withdraw from the Asia 15

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Litigation. A true and correct copy of the email is attached hereto as Exhibit I. In his email, Defendant BLACKERT stated, among other things, You have to realize this is a shock to me. Per my own indepedent [sic] research I need to withdraw from the case and explain why. In light of todays events I have a serious conflict of interest and will withdraw as counsel Moreover, I urged my client to dismiss this case. 78. Despite expressing his understanding of the ethical requirement that he

withdraw from the Asia Litigation, Defendant BLACKERT did not withdraw from the case. Upon information and belief, Defendant BORODKIN actively urged and pressured BLACKERT not to withdraw and to continue pursuing the matter despite knowing that it was entirely groundless and unlawful. 79. In or around August 2010, although he never formally withdrew from the Upon

matter, Defendant BLACKERT ceased participating in the Asia Litigation.

information and belief, Defendant BLACKERT ceased participating in the action because he knew that doing so was unlawful, unethical, and wrongful. 80. 81. At no time did Defendant BORODKIN withdraw from the Asia Litigation. Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, and LLANERAS continued the Asia

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Litigation solely for improper purposes. Specifically, the action was continued solely for non-legitimate reasons including, but not limited to, the following: a. To pressure Xcentric to remove material from the Ripoff Report website, without any legal basis for doing so, rather than incurring significant legal fees defending a frivolous case; b. To force Xcentric to change the manner in which it conducts business by falsely accusing Xcentric of wrongful conduct despite knowing that Xcentrics conduct was, and is, entirely lawful; c. To discourage XCENTRIC from allowing consumers to post complaints about MOBREZ, LLANERAS, AEI on the Ripoff Report website in the future; d. To create the false impression that MOBREZ, LLANERAS, AEI were victims of extortion when, in fact, they were not; 16

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e. f.

To provide unwarranted support to critics of the Ripoff Report website; To stifle the First Amendment rights of XCENTRIC and users of the Ripoff Report website;


To cause XCENTRIC to divert its resources to defending a frivolous case rather than using those resources to improve the Ripoff Report site;


To intimidate XCENTRIC into limiting the publics ability to use the Ripoff Report website to publish truthful information and access truthful information published by others;


To wrongfully investigate Magedsons personal life and to obtain and publicly release personal, private, confidential and/or embarrassing information solely for the purpose of embarrassment and harassment. 82. Defendants BORODKIN and BLACKERT continued the Asia Litigation

solely for improper purposes. Specifically, the action was continued solely for nonlegitimate reasons including, but not limited to, the following: a. To pressure Xcentric to remove material from the Ripoff Report website, without any legal basis for doing so, rather than incurring significant legal fees defending a frivolous case; b. To use the threat of continued litigation as improper leverage to coerce Xcentric into not pursuing claims against BORODKIN or BLACKERT for their past conduct in the Asia Litigation; c. d. To improperly attain unwarranted publicity for their own careers; To force Xcentric to change the manner in which it conducts business by falsely accusing Xcentric of wrongful conduct despite knowing that Xcentrics conduct was, and is, entirely lawful; e. f. To provide unwarranted support to critics of the Ripoff Report website; To stifle the First Amendment rights of XCENTRIC and users of the Ripoff Report website; g. To cause XCENTRIC to divert its resources to defending a frivolous case 17

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rather than using those resources to improve the Ripoff Report site; h. To intimidate XCENTRIC into limiting the publics ability to use the Ripoff Report website to publish truthful information and access truthful information published by others; i. To wrongfully investigate Magedsons personal life and to obtain and publicly release personal, private, confidential and/or embarrassing information solely for the purpose of embarrassment and harassment. 83. Defendants wrongful conduct was the actual and proximate cause of

injury, damage, loss, or harm to XCENTRIC in an amount in excess of $75,000.00, the exact amount of which shall be proven at trial. 84. The actions of Defendant AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS, BLACKERT and

BORODKIN were willful, malicious, and the product of an evil hand guided by an evil mind. Defendants, and each of them, specifically intended to harm XCENTRIC to an extent sufficient to entitle it to recover punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION AIDING AND ABETTING TORTIOUS CONDUCT (Against All Defendants) 85. 86. Xcentric incorporates the above allegations as if fully set forth herein. Upon information and belief, Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS,

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

BLACKERT, BORODKIN and DOES 110 each aided and abetted each other in the Asia Litigation as alleged above. 87. Upon information and belief, Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS,

BLACKERT, BORODKIN and DOES 110 each were each aware that the other Defendants were engaged in tortious conduct, specifically the malicious commencement and/or continuation of the Asia Litigation, for which they are liable to XCENTRIC. 88. Upon information and belief Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS,

BLACKERT, BORODKIN and DOES 110 each provided substantial assistance or 18


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encouragement to each other with the intent of promoting their wrongful conduct; specifically the malicious commencement and/or continuation of the Asia Litigation. 89. Defendants AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS, BLACKERT, BORODKIN and

DOES 110, each acted in concert with one another during the wrongful commencement and continuation of the Asia Litigation. Pursuant to A.R.S. 122506(D), Defendants and each of them are jointly and severally liable to XCENTRIC for any and all damages suffered. 90. Defendants wrongful conduct was the actual and proximate cause of

injury, damage, loss, or harm to XCENTRIC in an amount in excess of $75,000.00, the exact amount of which shall be proven at trial. 91. The actions of Defendant AEI, MOBREZ, LLANERAS, BLACKERT and

BORODKIN were willful, malicious, and the product of an evil hand guided by an evil mind. Defendants, and each of them, specifically intended to harm XCENTRIC to an extent sufficient to entitle it to recover punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial. JURY DEMAND Xcentric demands trial by jury as to all issues so triable. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC prays that this Honorable Court enter judgment against Defendants as follows: A. B. C. D. For damages in an amount according to proof at trial; For punitive damages in an amount according to proof at trial; For an award of taxable costs; Any other relief deemed appropriate by the Court. GINGRAS LAW OFFICE, PLLC /S/ David S. Gingras David S. Gingras Attorneys for Plaintiff XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC 19

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DATED March 16, 2012.

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I, EDWARD MAGEDSON, hereby state that I am the manager of XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC, I have read the foregoing Verified Complaint and know the contents therein to be true to the best of my knowledge, except as to those matters herein stated upon information and belief, and as to such matters, I believe them to be true.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

EXECUTED ON: March 16, 2011.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20

_________________________ EDWARD MAGEDSON


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Exhibit A

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Exhibit B

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CIVIL MINUTES - GENERAL Case No. Title CV10-1360-SVW-PJWx Asia Economic Institute et al v. Xcentric Ventures LLC et al Date April 19, 2010

Present: The Honorable Paul M. Cruz Deputy Clerk

STEPHEN V. WILSON, U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE Deborah Gackle Court Reporter / Recorder Tape No.

Attorneys Present for Plaintiffs: Daniel F. Blackert Lisa Boradkin Proceedings:

Attorneys Present for Defendants: David S. Gingras


Hearing and conference held. The motion is denied. Order to issue. The case is set for jury trial on August 3, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. Pretrial Conference is set for 3:30 p.m. Within two weeks, plaintiff shall file a declaration describing meetings with any representative of defendant regarding extortion. Defendant, within ten days of receipt of plaintiffs declaration, shall file a declaration on the same issue. Also, within ten days, the parties shall meet and confer to exchange initial disclosures. The Court bifurcates damages and RICO claims. The trial will only address extortion. Motions for summary judgment may be filed anytime prior to the trial.

: Initials of Preparer


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Exhibit C

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Asia Economic Institute

11766 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 260 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Telephone (310) 806-3000 Facsimile (J 10) 826-4448 [)~111 iel, dasiaecun .oru 13Iackertcsq((j)vaIWO:Culll_ IisaJasiaecul1.orL'. IiS_~l hu,:()(lk i11' /" post. ban <.lc.<i_ cd_!! Attorney for Plaintiffs, Asia Economic Institute, Raymond Mobrez, and lIiana L1aneras





Case No.: 2:10-cv-01360-SVW-PJW

, ')

13 14

ASIA ECONOMIC INSTITUTE, a California) LLC: RAYMOND MOBREZ an individual; ) and lUANA LLANERAS, an individual, )



19 20 21

XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC, an Arizona LLC, d/b/a as BADBUSINESS BUREAU and/or BADBUSINESSBUREAU.COM and/or RIP OFF REPORT and/or RIPOFFREPORT.COM; BAD BUSINESS BUREAU, LLC. organized and existing under) the laws ofSt. Kitts/Nevis, West Indies; EDWARD MAGEDSON an individual, and DOES I through 100. inclusive,

) ~ ) ) ) )

) )

Judge: Stephen V. Wilson Trial Date: August 3, 2010 Time: 9:00 AM Courtroom: 6





of Raymond


- 1

Case 2:11-cv-01426-GMS Document 55 28 Filed 03/16/12 59 of Case 2:10-cv-01360-SVW-PJW Document Filed 05/03/10Page Page 2 98 of 7

I. Raymond Mobrez, declare under penalty of perjury as follows: I. My name is Raymond Mobrez. I am a resident of that State of California, and a

over the age of 18 years, and if called to testify in court or other proceeding I could and woul

give the following testimony which is based on my own personal knowledge unless otherwis



I am a principal of Asia Economic Institute ("AEI"). AEI had been in business i At the time the defamatory posts were posted on Ripof

California for the past nine years.


report, AEI operated as a free, on-line, non-governmental publication of current news and events.

12 13

On or about February Google.com ("Goog\e")

2009, Ms. Llaneras

and I conducted

a search

and/or Yahoo.com ("Yahoo") using the following terms: Raymon Within the first few search results, ou

Mobrez, Mobrez. Iliana Llaneras, Llaneras, and AEI.

names appeared in association with a "Ripoff Report." The resulting text also claimed that w

had exploited our employees and warned search engine users not to work for AEI. The posts ar attached to Plaintiffs' Complaint.



On February 15,2009, I sent an e-mail to Ripoff Report informing the Defendant


of the "outlandish lies" published on their Web site. In an effort to avoid the judicial process, simply requested that the Defendants remove the posts from their Web site and identify th

22 23 24

individuals responsible. Likewise, I informed Defendants "Your false publishing has caused m and others that you have named hardship and enormous loss." At this time, I made Defendant aware of the damage we were suffering because of these posts. Specifically, I told him he ha


put me out of business. He was not responsive. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT A is a true an accurate copy of my February 15. 2009 e-mail to Defendants. Defendants never responded.


of Raymond


- 2

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After there had been no response, AEI tiled a "Rebuttal" on April 3, 2009 fo

each report listed on the Ripoff Report Web site at that time. These "rebuttals," however, do no appear as "results" on Internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo. EXHIBIT B is a true and accurate copy of the rebuttal.

Attached hereto a

On April 29, 2009, I contacted the Ripoff Report office using the telephon

number listed on its Web site. I was taken through a series of voice prompts which eventually Ie

me to someone who identified himself as the "EDitor." The speaker immediately inquired int the size and profitability of my business. Based on my recollection, the speaker asked, amon

::'0 11

other things, whether my company was internationally based, the size of the company, and ho we were making money. I responded that AEI is an American company that has been shut dow by the accusations posted on his Web site. Later in our conversation, he boasted that Ripof



Report was at the top of all the search engines. The call was disconnected thereafter.
17 18


Attached hereto as EXHIBIT C is a true and accurate copy of Mr. Mobrez's phon

records from April 27,2009. 7. I immediately re-dialed the number. During this brief conversation, the "EDitor'

asked if we had read about his Advocacy program. Having not been aware of this program,

asked what the program entailed. Our phone call was again disconnected.
22 23 24


confirm the second phone call 8. Again, I re-dialed the number. During this conversation the "EDitor" told me t

read the information online regarding his "CAP." He instructed me to fill out an on-line form. was then asked to send an e-mail to [email protected] .. identifying myself an

27 25

describing the reason for my phone call. See EXHIBIT C to confirm the third phone call.


of Raymond


- 3

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On the following

day, I sent an e-mail [email protected]..

instructed. I offered to prove the falsity of the posts and requested the assistance of the "EDitor' in removing the bogus reports from his Web site. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT D is a true an

accurate copy of my April 28, 2009 e-mail to Defendants.


On May 5, 2009, I again contacted the Ripoff Report office by phone. I asked th

man, who now identified himself as Ed Magedson, if he had received the e-mail I sent to him

February 28, 2009. Mr. Magedson responded that I would need to enroll in the CAP program. Again. I asked for more information regarding the program, including the cost of participation.

Mr. Magedson proceeded to describe his Web site and how it could benefit us. He the emphasized that his Web site has immunity under the law and, therefore could not be sued. Moreover, he claimed to have a team of lawyers that would fight us if we chose to sue him. H further warned that others had tried but failed and that it was best to just "go with the program.'


13 14
., ".L "


Ms. L1aneras witnessed this conversation from her office phone. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT is a true and accurate copy of Mr. Mobrez's phone records from May 5, 2009.

After our conversation, Ire-sent

Mr. Magedson the April

zs" e-mail.



hereto as EXHIBIT F is a true and accurate copy of my May 5, 2009 e-mail to Defendants. 12. On May 5, 2009, Mr. Magedson made a lengthy response describing, among othe Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation and Custome



the "Rip-off Report's

23 24 }::,

Satisfaction Program." The program, as described by Mr. Magedson's

e-mail, promised t

change ..the negative listings on search engines into a positive along with all the Reports on Rip off Report," I never threatened to sue Mr. Magedson or his company; yet, the e-mail warned tha a lawsuit against the Web site was a losing battle. The e-mail boasted that the Web site "NEVE


of Raymond


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lost a case" and that suing would "only get [us] more publicity and additional listings on searc engines." EXHIBIT G is a true and accurate copy of Defendants' e-mail. 13. Later that day, I responded to Mr. Magedson's e-mail by phone. I told Mr.

Magedson that I had received his e-mail andwasstilluncertainwhathewantedmetodo.Mr.


Magedson responded that I would have to go onto his Web site and enroll in the CAP program. When asked what it would cost for us to participate in his program, Mr. Magedson replied that i would cost us at least "five grand" plus a monthly maintenance fee of a couple hundred dollars. He stated that these charges were based on the size if company. Specifically, he stated that th When asked the reasonin


more money a company made, the more they would be charged.

behind this, he was not responsive. He again instructed me to fill out the CAP forms. Again, Ms.

Llaneras listened from her office phone. See EXHIBIT E to confirm Mr. Mobrez's phone call. 14. On May 12, 2009, I contacted Mr. Magedson by phone. This phone call laste 17 minutes. During this time, I told Mr. Magedson that I was hesitant to join hi

IS 16 17


program because I could not stipulate to the allegations in the posts because they were not true. Again, I offered to prove their falsity. He was not responsive. Mr. Magedson said that I woul


have to agree to his terms in order for him to help. When asked what we would receive if w paid the fees he demanded, Mr. Magedson claimed that "all the negative goes away and you se


the positive." At the conclusion of this phone call, Mr. Magedson again insisted that we fill ou
23 24 25

the necessary paperwork.

He told me that once I filled out the form and entered CAP "all of th

negative goes away and you see the positive." Ms. Llaneras witnessed this conversation from he office. EXHIBIT H is a true and accurate copy of Mr. Mobrez's phone records from May 12




of Raymond


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Later that day, I received an e-mail from Mr. Magedson. The e-mail complaine

that I had driven Mr. Magedson "crazy" because I "never filled out the form." Again, Mr.

Magedson provided me with a link to the required application form for the CAP.


hereto as EXHIBIT I is a true and accurate copy ofMr. Magedson's May 12,2009 e-mail. 16. On July 24. 2009, I responded the above e-mail and again informed Mr.

Magedson that I was hesitant to join the CAP. I refused to stipulate to the false accusation

posted on his Web site. Again, I offered to disprove the veracity of the posts and offered to mee with Mr. Magedson in person to discuss the terms of the CAP. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT J i


a true and accurate copy of my May 5,2009 e-mail to Defendants. 17. In his e-mail responsedatedJuly24.2009.Mr. Magedson stated that there was n


sense of meeting. He reiterated that the Web site never removes the reports. He claimed tha "even if you were the pope .. (sic.) It would not make a difference." Again, he expressed that th


Web site has "spent over 3.4 million in legal fees and never lost a case."
16 17

Attached hereto a

EXHrBlT K is a true and accurate copy of Mr. Magedson's July 24, 2009 e-mail. 18. Despite the unremitting damage to my company, I refused to participate in th

CAP. Again, I pleaded with him that he put us out of business and ruined our names. Sadly and, yet again. he was not responsive and, not surprisingly, again brought up the topic of money.

20 2l

Because we refused to pay Mr. Magedson, the accusatory posts continue to appear on Interne search engines such as Yahoo and Google. 19. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT L true and accurate copies of hand written note

L. ~,

taken by me during my telephone conversations with Mr. Magedson.





,)r_! L_




of Raymond


- 6

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,I I/


Pursuant to 28 U.S.c.. Section 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of th
4 5 .:;

United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

EXECUTED ON: April 2, 2010.

8 9 10

12 13 14 15 16


20 2l 22 22 24 25 26


of Raymond


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Exhibit D

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Exhibit E

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4072 E Mountain Vista, Phoenix, AZ 85048 Tel: (480) 668-3623 Fax: (480) 248-3196

May 11, 2010 VIA FACSIMILE: (310) 826-4448 & Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Ms. Lisa J. Borodkin, Esq. Mr. Daniel F. Blackert, Esq. Asia Economic Institute 11766 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 260 Los Angeles, CA 90025


Asia Economic Institute, LLC, et al., v. Xcentric Ventures, LLC, et al., U.S. District Court, Central District of California Case No. 10-cv-01360

Lisa and Dan:

This letter is a follow-up to several discussions we have had relating to the events which transpired during the deposition of your client, Raymond Mobrez, on Friday, May 7, 2010. As Dan knows (because he was there), and as Lisa knows (by virtue of my email to her on May 8, 2010), both of your clients have committed perjury in this case by manufacturing and presenting sworn false testimony accusing Mr. Magedson of demanding $5,000 in order to make negative information disappear from the Ripoff Report website, among other things. The testimony given by both of your clients could not have been more material to the claims in this case. Their false testimony literally constitutes the heart of their extortion/RICO claims. The false testimony also bears on all of the other claims in the case insofar as your clients apparently were attempting to argue that the Communications Decency Act immunity should be denied to my clients because of these acts of extortion. Based on these events, I am writing to explain my position on several issues and to demand that you provide me with your position on several issues. I. SUMMARY OF XCENTRICS POSITION

Our position is very simple your clients have lied under oath and have commenced and continued an action which they knew was factually groundless. They clearly did this to maliciously harm Xcentric, harass Mr. Magedson, and to lend unjustified credibility to the lies of others who dislike the Ripoff Reports efforts to foster and promote free speech. By their actions, your clients have violated Fed. R. Civ. P. 11 and they have exposed themselves to significant civil liability under Section 674 of the Restatement (Second) of

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Ms. Lisa J. Borodkin, Esq. Mr. Daniel F. Blackert, Esq. May 11, 2010 Page 2 of 8

Torts which Arizona applies as our common law. Assuming the present federal case in Los Angeles is resolved in favor of Xcentric, a new lawsuit will immediately be filed against your clients in Arizona seeking to recover all damages caused by their illegal conduct. II. OPTIONS FOR PROCEEDING a. Mandatory Withdrawal As we have already discussed, these events give rise to serious ethical and legal concerns. Among these are your duties to the State Bar of California and to the Court. To be clear while I am not threatening to report you to the bar or to make any reports of criminal conduct to law enforcement in order to gain any advantage in this case, at the same time I believe it is appropriate for me to stop and make note of your ethical and other obligations and to insist that you act lawfully in this case. In that regard, I note that Rule 3700 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct appears to make it mandatory for you to withdraw from this case immediately. Specifically, the Rule states in pertinent part: Rule 3-700. Termination of Employment * * * (B) Mandatory Withdrawal. A member representing a client before a tribunal shall withdraw from employment with the permission of the tribunal, if required by its rules, and a member representing a client in other matters shall withdraw from employment, if: (1) The member knows or should know that the client is bringing an action, conducting a defense, asserting a position in litigation, or taking an appeal, without probable cause and for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring any person; Clearly, at least with respect to the RICO/extortion allegations, you both know that your client has taken a position that is manifestly without probable cause and which serves no purpose other than to injure and harass Xcentric. As I already stated, I understand that I cannot force to you comply with your ethical obligations, but I believe it is appropriate for me to remind you of what those obligations are and to demand that you comply with them. Of course, the events of this case give rise to other serious ethical concerns, among these are California Rules of Professional Conduct: 3-200 (prohibiting a lawyer from bringing an action or asserting any position in litigation without probable cause and for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring any person); 3-210 (prohibiting a lawyer

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from advising a client to violate the law); and 5-200(B) (prohibiting a lawyer from misleading a court by making a false statement of fact). Furthermore significant case law exists for the principle that an attorney should make a motion to withdraw from representation when the representation will result in a violation of law or rules of professional conduct. People v. Johnson, 62 Cal.App.4th 608, 622, 72 Cal.Rptr.2d 805, 812 (4 DCA 1998) (citing Cal. Rules of Prof. Conduct, rule 3-700(B)(2), (C)(1)(b) & (c)); People v. Brown, 203 Cal.App.3d 1335, 13391340, footnote 1, 250 Cal.Rptr. 762 (1988) (same). For these reasons, I would like you to inform me as soon as possible whether you intend to withdraw in this case. Normally, this decision would not be exceptionally urgent. However, because this case is set for trial on an expedited basis, and because Xcentric will need to take additional steps to protect itself from further harm in the event you refuse to withdraw, I would like to request that you provide me with your position on this issue no later than Wednesday, May 12, 2010. If you do not bring a Motion to Withdraw by that date, I will assume that you have decided not to do so.

b. Continuation Of Case On Modified Factual Theory Assuming that you do not withdraw, I believe that you may be exposing yourself to significant liability if you continue to rely on and pursue your clients existing factual allegations regarding extortion/RICO knowing, as you now do, that those allegations are entirely false. However, based on our conversation yesterday, I understand that you have indicated that your clients will be filing new declarations/affidavits which seek to correct their previous testimony. It is unclear to me how these corrections would allow you to proceed with the extortion/RICO claims. Your clients brought those claims based entirely on specific factual allegations that you now know are untrue. However, it may be possible that you believe the case, or some part thereof, may still be salvageable based on the disclosure of new or different factual theories of some kind. While I disagree this is even a possibility, if you intend to continue with this case on a modified and previously undisclosed theory, please let me know immediately, bearing in mind that the Court ordered your clients to disclose their factual theory as to the extortion claims no later than last Monday, May 3rd. To the extent you attempt to assert any new or different factual theories, this plainly violates the Courts order and I will object to any modified theory on that basis. Furthermore, the deposition confirmed and in some cases revealed serious deficiencies in your evidence related to essential elements of the claims brought. It is exceedingly clear that your client can not satisfy the elements of extortion or RICO including a lack of damages and a lack of causation. The remaining claims are barred by the CDA, so the entire case has no possible hope of succeeding.

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c. General Settlement Points As Maria and I explained to you on the phone, Xcentric has successfully sued parties and their lawyers for knowingly commencing and continuing litigation that they knew was factually groundless. Xcentric intends to bring such claims against your clients for their wrongful actions and we will not hesitate to include claims against either or both of you individually if you continue to prosecute any claims in this case which you know are factually untrue or if the evidence demonstrates that you brought this case knowing that the allegations contained in it were factually untrue. That fact notwithstanding, although the settlement window will be closing very soon, this case is actually in a good posture to be resolved without years of additional litigation. That is so because at present, Xcentrics attorneys fees and costs are relatively low (probably less than $25,000), and based on my discussions with Mr. Mobrez during his deposition, we believe it is likely that he has information that may be of substantial value to Xcentric. In a nutshell, I think our clients may be in a position where they can each receive something of value from an immediate resolution of this case. Thus, as Maria explained to you on the phone, we may be willing to agree to a settlement of this case based on several simple points. The first point is that your clients would need to retract their prior testimony and admit that they were never asked for money, etc., and immediately agree to the dismissal of their lawsuit with prejudice. The second point is that your clients would agree to pay all of the attorneys fees and costs incurred by Xcentric to date which we believe are probably less than $25,000 (though this number is increasing with each passing day). The third point is that your clients would provide a full, complete, and truthful explanation of each and every third party who aided, solicited, and/or encouraged them to make their false extortion claims in this case. Ultimately, even though Xcentric has suffered damage as a result of your clients actions, we have a larger goal of ferreting out and stopping third parties who have helped or directed this type of fraudulent litigation. As such, Xcentric may be willing to reduce or even completely waive the amount of damages and fees your clients would have to pay depending upon how useful the information they are willing to provide is. Of course, further false testimony is of no interest to us, so we would only be willing to discuss this option in the event your clients can provide solid, verifiable evidence (preferably in the form of documents) which show what role was played by any third parties in the initiation of this case. Again, the opportunity to discuss settlement on these terms presumes that your clients will immediately end this case and immediately stop causing Xcentric to incur additional fees, so each day that passes makes this proposal less likely to be acceptable to Xcentric.

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Having stated Xcentrics general position, I also wanted to respond to some of the specific comments/remarks made in Lisas email to me from this past Sunday. a. CRPC 5100 Lisa noted that some of my prior comments referred to your clients criminal actions and to my decision to contact the State Bar of California. Lisa cited California Rule of Professional Conduct 5-100 which provides, in part, A member shall not threaten to present criminal, administrative, or disciplinary charges to obtain an advantage in a civil dispute. To be clearat no time in the past have I threatened anyone with criminal or administrative charges of any kind, nor should this letter be construed as such a threat. Obviously, because this case contained allegations of extortion, I am well-aware that it would be patently illegal and unethical for me to state or imply that I would report your clients criminal actions to any law enforcement agency, or your actions to the State Bar of California in order to gain any advantage in this case. So that there is no misunderstanding, I want to offer some explanation of the actions I have taken along with my reasons for taking such action. Under Arizonas ethical rules (specifically, ER 8.3(a) of the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct), it is mandatory for a member of the bar to report any conduct by another lawyer which raises a substantial question as to that lawyers honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects . The failure to report another attorney is, itself, an ethical violation under Arizonas rules. Because I did not know that your clients had perjured themselves until I received their declarations on Monday, May 3, because I did not know (and still do not know) what involvement, if any, you may have had, and because I did not know whether California imposed a similar duty to report ethical violations by another attorney, I contacted the State Bar of California ethics hotline on Tuesday, May 4th, to ask for their guidance in this situation. I did not tell them your names nor did I tell them anything else about this case. I simply inquired about the nature and extent of my duties and obligations upon learning that the opposing party in a civil case had committed perjury. The person I spoke to at the bar informed me that unlike Arizona, California does not require lawyers to report such events, but she also indicated that reporting any misconduct that may occur is strongly encouraged. Of course, as I have already explained to Dan, my assumption thus far has been that both of you have been unaware of the truth. If true, then you would not have engaged in any unlawful or unethical conduct at least up until the point where you became aware that your clients had lied under oath. From that point forward, the situation changes because now that you know the truth, you could face serious consequences if you continue representing your clients in this matter.

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However, please note that I have never threatened to accuse anyone of a crime or to report any actions of anyone to the State Bar, whether to gain a tactical advantage or otherwise. Instead, because my clients are plainly victims of your clients criminal actions, I am merely demanding that both you and your clients follow all applicable laws and ethical obligations. b. Timing & Admissibility of Recordings As to the issue of timing, obviously the recordings are rebuttal evidence used solely to impeach your clients testimony. Under Rule 26(a), it is not necessary for any party to automatically disclose this type of evidence, so thats why I did not disclose them to you as part of our original disclosures. I did not intend to suppress evidence, trick you, or withhold anything from you I simply did not know that the recordings were going to be necessary until your clients claimed that the extortionate acts took place during these calls (Mr. Mobrez could just as easily have claimed they took place in writing, in person, or in some other manner other than by phone). Furthermore, as you certainly know, the first time that I learned about your clients specific factual allegations was in their declarations that you filed with the court on Monday, May 3, 2010. Before those declarations, your clients only made generalized allegations as to when/where/how they had been extorted, so until they both accused Mr. Magedson of demanding money over the phone on specific dates, I had no idea whether or not the recordings were going to be necessary at all. As soon as it became clear to me that the recordings were needed, I disclosed them to you, albeit only after asking Mr. Mobrez to confirm the story as contained in these declarations (which I felt I was required to do in order to protect my clients and to prevent Mr. Mobrez from changing his story again). In addition, and to respond to another of Lisas questions, until I actually saw your clients declarations, I did not know whether the recordings were admissible. This is so because although the recordings were made in Arizona, and although Arizona does not require the consent of both parties in order to record a telephone call, the law in California is different. Under Cal. Pen. Code 623(a), calls recorded without the consent of both parties may be inadmissible in a partys case-in-chief if the communication was confidential. Under 623(c), the term confidential does not include any calls where the speaker knows or reasonably expects he is being recorded, nor does it apply to any other circumstance in which the parties to the communication may reasonably expect that the communication may be overheard or recorded. Until I saw your clients declarations, I did not know that Ms. Llaneras was listening in to any of the calls. Of course, because Mr. Mobrez knew that she was eavesdropping (which, by itself, may have violated the law), Ms. Llaneras was kind enough to render these recordings admissible because Mr. Mobrez could not have expected that his conversations with Mr. Magedson were confidential when he knew they were being overhead by Ms. Llaneras.

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Although I believe there are three calls that Ms. Llaneras did not eavesdrop upon (Call #1, #3, and #6 according to my list) I am confident the court would find the recording of every call to be admissible. This is so because two of these calls were voicemails left by Mr. Mobrez (Call #3 on April 27 and Call #6 on May 6). Obviously, a person who leaves a voicemail knows that the call is being recorded, so the eavesdropping statute would not apply at all. This leaves only Call #1 on April 27. Even assuming arguendo that Mr. Mobrez could have reasonably expected that this call was not being recorded, that point is irrelevant because the exclusionary evidentiary sanction of Penal Code 632 is not a shield for perjury and therefore recordings made in violation of that section can still be used for impeachment of any witness who takes the stand and lies. See Frio v. Superior Court, 203 Cal.App.3d 1480, 1497, 250 Cal.Rptr. 819, 829 (2 DCA 1988) (explaining, the evidentiary sanction of section 632, subdivision (d), cannot be construed so as to confer upon a testifying witness the right to commit perjury.) What this means is simple if Mr. Mobrez testifies falsely about the contents of Call #1 (as he has already done) the recording of that call can be used for impeachment. Of course, if Mr. Mobrez chooses to testify truthfully about this call and every other call, then the recording of Call #1 is would be unnecessary. c. Authenticity of Recordings As for the authenticity of the recordings, Mr. Mobrez admitted the voice on the tape was his, so I do not think this is an issue. In terms of whether the recordings are genuine and complete, I have a couple of comments. First, the recordings were NOT made by Mr. Magedson. Rather, they were created by a third-party vendor to Xcentric who recorded the calls and then emailed the audio recordings to Mr. Magedson in the usual course of business. These calls are business records of Xcentric and the original emails from the vendor are kept in the regular course of our business. I also have the original emails with the original audio files attached to them (these vary from the ones I gave you only with respect to the file names which were changed for ease of reference and some of the meta data in the file header which was redacted in order to protect the name of the vendor until such time as a protective order can be entered). Second, if you wish, I am certainly happy to expend additional fees allowing you to investigate and confirm the authenticity of the recordings. As I already stated, absent a prompt settlement, your clients will be bearing all costs and fees incurred by Xcentric, so any costs we incur will ultimately be their responsibility. Even assuming the vendor does not maintain copies of these recordings beyond a certain date (which I have not yet been able to confirm), I am confident that an expert could review the files and the process by which they were emailed to Mr. Magedson and confirm that tampering with them would have been impossible.

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Third, you should note that in many ways, your clients own speech on the recordings confirm that they are an accurate version of the discussions between Mr. Magedson and Mr. Mobrez. For instance, on the final recording (#7 made on May 12), Mr. Mobrez tells Mr. Magedson that he still does not know what the cost of the CAP program is. Of course, this is entirely consistent with the rest of the recordings because Mr. Magedson never told him what the cost was and never asked for any money of any kind. Similarly, in the recording of Call #6 (a voicemail call made from Mr. Mobrezs cell phone), Mr. Mobrezs message states that he has been talking to someone at Xcentric who keeps hanging up and doesnt seem to want to stay on the phone. This is completely consistent with what the previous calls show. As such, while you might think it is prudent to take the position that there could be a small chance that the recordings have been altered, I want you understand that the consequences of taking that position could be substantialbecause the facts clearly show that your clients have lied in virtually every material respect, continuing to represent them will make you jointly and severally liable for their actions. Thus, assuming the recordings have not been altered (which is obvious under the facts here), then travelling down that road in the vain hope of finding support for claims which you know to be false will not result in any reduction of your liability. In order for counsel to become personally liable for the tort of wrongful use of civil proceedings, all that is required is to show that they commenced or continued a case or claim after learning that the claim lacked probable cause; one who continues a civil proceeding that has properly been begun or one who takes an active part in its continuation for an improper purpose after he has learned that there is no probable cause for the proceeding becomes liable as if he had then initiated the proceeding. Restatement (Second) of Torts 674, comment c. Hoping against hope that you might find probable cause in the face of such overwhelming evidence does not mean that you will do so, and if you do not do so, then you will be exposed to complete liability for continuing this case without probable cause. IV. SUMMARY

In closing, I want to emphasize one obvious factyour clients have lied about the material facts of this case. As such, just as your clients were, you now stand at a crossroads wherein you have a choice: you can do the right thing and follow the requirements set forth by the law and by your ethical duties, or your can ignore those duties and face the consequences. Although your clients have clearly made the wrong choice, I hope that you display more wisdom and that you decide to make the right choice while it still remains available to you.

David Gingras

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Exhibit F

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Exhibit G

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Exhibit H

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Exhibit I

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David Gingras
From: Sent: To: daniel F. Blackert, esq. [[email protected]] Friday, May 07, 2010 10:26 PM [email protected]

Subject: Re: AEI et al. v. Xcentric (C.D. Cal. 10-cv-1360) Draft Rule 26f Report

In light of todays events I believe I have a serious conflict of interest between myself and my client. I will do whatever state bar mandates. I have called today but they do not resume until monday. In light if todays developments which were contradictory to anything I have heard, seen, or discussed w my clients. I will act in accordance w my ethical obligations 100 percent. You have to realize this is a shock to me. Per my own indepedent research I need to withdraw from the case and explain why. In light of todays events I have a serious conflict of interest and will withdraw as counsel. In addition I explained to my clients the implications of todays events and that I can no longer represent them per ethical obligations and will explain to the court why in a dec. My only concern is still seeking correct anaccurae advice from the state bar and acting accordingly. Moreover, I urged my client to dismiss this case. I need to review the ethical rules in more detail and talk w the ethics hotline. As lead counsel, I believe in good faith,sadly, that I can no longer move this case forward and do not intend to do so. I am taking this very seriously and am completely shocked. Daniel Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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