Jurisdiction of The Courts Simplified

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JURISDICTION (downloaded from www.batasnatin.

Types of Jurisdiction


a. b. c. d. e. f.

of General jurisdiction thus (f) Actions subject matters PECUNIARY estimation whereof incapable of


Title to or possession of real property with assessed value more than P20,000; MM P50,000 Admiralty and maritime juris. demand or claim more than P200,000; MM P400,000 Probate testate/ intestate, gross value of estate more than P200,000; MM P400,000 Marriage and marital relations Cases not w/in exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body exercising judicial or quasijudicial functions Actions and special proceedings w/in exc. Orig. juris. of the Court of Agrarian Relations as now provided by law Other cases where the demand, exc. Of interest, damages, attys fees, litigation expenses and costs, or the value of the property exceeds P200,000; MM P400,000 1. Controversies arising from devices and schemes employed by the board which are detrimental or to the prejudice of the public/stockholders Intra-corporate controversies, between stockholder/members/associates, between any or all of them and the corporation, or the parties and the regulations of the corporation controversies on election and appointments of the board, officers, trustees or managers petitions of corporations on the impossibility to pay debts because of insufficient assets 1. Actions involving personal property valued at not more than P200,000; MM P400,000 2. Actions demanding sums of money not exceeding P200,000; MM P400,000, exclusive of interest, damages, attys fees, litigation expenses, and costs; 3. Actions in admiralty and maritime juris. where the demand or claim does not exceed P200,000; MM P400,000, exclusive of interest, damages, attys fees, litigation expenses, and costs; 4. Probate proceedings, testate or intestate, where the gross value of the estate does not exceed P200,000; MM P400,000 5. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases 6. Actions involving title to or possession of real property, or any interest therein, where the assessed valued does not exceed P20,000; MM P50,000, exclusive of interest, damages, attys fees, litigation expenses, and costs 7. Provisional remedies where the principal action is w/in their jurisdiction OMNIBUS ELECTION CODE: 1. In cases of inclusion and exclusion of voters.

ORIGINAL Exclusive

Peitions for CPM against: 1. CA 2. COMELEC 3. COAudit 4. NLRC 5. Secretary of DOLE under the Labor Code

g. Actions for annulment of judgments of RTCs




3. 4.

Types of Jurisdiction

Petitions for CPM against RTCs




Insurance Commissioner

Claims for insurance capable of pecuniary estimation

(Insurance Code PD 612)

1. Petitions for CPM against inferior courts and other bodies 2. Petitions for habeas corpus and quo warranto

ORIGINAL Concurrent

Actions against ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls

Actions against ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls Claims for insurance not exceeding P 100,000 and those not capable of pecuniary estimation Claims for insurance not exceeding P 100,000 and those not capable of pecuniary estimation

(Insurance Code PD 612)

(Insurance Code PD 612)

Types of Jurisdiction SC CA
1. Ordinary appeals from: a. RTC, except in cases exclusively appealable to the SC. b. Family Courts 2. Appeal by petition for review from: a. Court of Tax Appeals b. CSC c. Central Board of Assessment Appeals d. SEC e. LRA f. SSC g. Office of Pres. h. CAB i. Bur. Of Patents, Trademarks & Tech. Transfer j. Natl. Electrification Admin. k. ERB l. Natl. Telecom. Comm. m. DAR under RA 6657 n. GSIS o. Empl. Compen. Comm. p. Agri. Inventions Board q. Insurance Comm. r. Phil. Atomic Energy Comm. s. Board of Investments t. Construction Industry Arbitrtn Comm.; and u. Any other quasi-judicial agency, instrumentality, board or comm.. in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions, such as voluntary arbitrators v. Ombudsman in administrative disciplinary cases w. NC Indigenous Peoples 3. Petitions for review form the RTCs in cases appealed thereto from the lower courts



Petitions for review on Certiorari against: a. CA b. Sandiganbayan c. RTC in cases involving 1. Constitutionality or validity of a treaty, international or executive agreement, law, PDs, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation. 2. Legality of a tax, impost, assessment, toll or a penalty in relation thereto; 3. Jurisdiction of a lower court; and 4. Only errors or questions of law.


All cases decided by lower courts in their respective territorial jurisdictions.

Types of Jurisdiction
Delegated Special Summary Procedure




Cadastral or land registration cases covering lots where there is no controversy or opposition, or contested lots the value of which does not exceed P100,000, as may be assigned by the SC. Petitions for habeas corpus in the absence of all the RTC judges in the province or city. 1. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid rentals sought to be recovered - violations of traffic laws - violations of the rental law All other court cases except probate proceedings, where the total claim does not exceed P10,000; MM P20,000, exclusive of interests and costs.


FAMILY COURTS Jurisdiction (from RTC to Family Courts RA 8369 Family Courts Act of 1997)
criminal cases involving minors petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas corpus in relation to the latter petitions for adoption of children and the revocation thereof annulment of marriage and those relating to marital status and property relations of husband and wife petitions for support and/or acknowledgement summary judicial proceedings brought under the Family Code of the Philippines petitions for declaration of status of children as abandoned, dependent or neglected; suspension, termination or restoration of parental authority; and other cases cognizable by PD 603 (Child and Youth Welfare Code) petitions for the constitution of the family home Cases against minors cognizable under the Dangerous Drugs Act Violations of PD 7610 (Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act) as amended by RA 7658 Cases of Domestic Violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN

APPEAL same conditions as appeals from the ordinary RTCs 4

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