Charlie Bucket is a poor boy who lives with his family. He finds one of five Golden Tickets, allowing him to tour Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children. During the tour, each child is eliminated for misbehaving - Augustus falls into the chocolate river after being too greedy, Violet turns purple and inflates like a blueberry after chewing Wonka's gum, Veruca is carried away by squirrels after trying to catch one, and Mike is stretched like taffy after entering the television testing room. Charlie is the only child who follows the rules and is good, so he is awarded ownership of the factory at the end.
Charlie Bucket is a poor boy who lives with his family. He finds one of five Golden Tickets, allowing him to tour Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children. During the tour, each child is eliminated for misbehaving - Augustus falls into the chocolate river after being too greedy, Violet turns purple and inflates like a blueberry after chewing Wonka's gum, Veruca is carried away by squirrels after trying to catch one, and Mike is stretched like taffy after entering the television testing room. Charlie is the only child who follows the rules and is good, so he is awarded ownership of the factory at the end.
Charlie Bucket is a poor boy who lives with his family. He finds one of five Golden Tickets, allowing him to tour Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children. During the tour, each child is eliminated for misbehaving - Augustus falls into the chocolate river after being too greedy, Violet turns purple and inflates like a blueberry after chewing Wonka's gum, Veruca is carried away by squirrels after trying to catch one, and Mike is stretched like taffy after entering the television testing room. Charlie is the only child who follows the rules and is good, so he is awarded ownership of the factory at the end.
Charlie Bucket is a poor boy who lives with his family. He finds one of five Golden Tickets, allowing him to tour Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children. During the tour, each child is eliminated for misbehaving - Augustus falls into the chocolate river after being too greedy, Violet turns purple and inflates like a blueberry after chewing Wonka's gum, Veruca is carried away by squirrels after trying to catch one, and Mike is stretched like taffy after entering the television testing room. Charlie is the only child who follows the rules and is good, so he is awarded ownership of the factory at the end.
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Based on a novel by Roald Dahl.
A. Entoure le mot qui correspond le mieux : ChorIie 8uckef is poor / rich. He Iives in on oId / o comforfobIe house wifh his porenfs ond his brofhers /grondporenfs. They oIwoys / never eof cobboge soup. Five / fiffeen chiIdren hove found fhe 0OLDEM TICIET so fhey ore visifing WiIIy Wonko 's chocoIofe focfory.
B. Regarde les infos donnes dans le tableau o tout sest mlang ! Rectifie la vrit sur chaque personnage du film en crivant un petit paragraphe pour chacun : Momes Counfries MofionoIifies Wifh, Augusfus EngIond Americon Her fofher is very rich. 0enerous nice her fofher Veruco USA EngIish She oIwoys chews chewing gum. A winner The besf 7 Her mum VioIeffe 0ermony Americon He oIwoys pIoys video gomes. 0reedy fof His mum Mike Teevee EngIond EngIish He Ioves his fomiIy. SpoiIf copricious His grondfofher ChorIie USA 0ermon He oIwoys eofs chocoIofe VioIenf CIever 7 His fofher
Based on a novel by Roald Dahl. A. Entoure le mot qui correspond le mieux : ChorIie 8uckef is poor / rich. He Iives in on oId / o comforfobIe house wifh his porenfs ond his brofhers /grondporenfs. They oIwoys / never eof cobboge soup. Five / fiffeen chiIdren hove found fhe 0OLDEM TICIET so fhey ore visifing WiIIy Wonko 's chocoIofe focfory.
B. Regarde les infos donnes dans le tableau o tout sest mlang ! Rectifie la vrit sur chaque personnage du film en crivant un petit paragraphe pour chacun : Momes Counfries MofionoIifies Specificify PersonoIify Wifh, Augusfus EngIond Americon Her fofher is very rich. 0enerous nice his fofher Veruco USA EngIish She oIwoys chews chewing gum. A winner The besf 7 Her mum VioIeffe 0ermony Americon He oIwoys pIoys video gomes. 0reedy fof His mum Mike Teevee EngIond EngIish He Ioves his fomiIy. SpoiIf copricious His grondfofher ChorIie USA 0ermon He oIwoys eofs chocoIofe VioIenf CIever 7 His fofher
C. Chaque personnage, except Charlie, est limin a cause de son dfaut : Associe personnoge (I-b) ef circonsfonce (A-E) cor fouf esf meIonge dons Io griIIe ci-dessous. Inscrire fo reponse dons Io coIonne 'onswers'. Chorocfers Answers Acfions Augusfus 1 A. He is fhe winner becouse he is fhe nicesf chiId. He is generous. VioIeffe Z 8. He is so greedy he foIIs info fhe chocoIofe river. Veruco 3 C. Mike TV 4 D. She eofs WW's chewing gum meoI. Her nose furns bIue fhen her body furns vioIef. She sweIIs ond she Iooks Iike o bIueberry. ChorIie E. She wonfs fo cofch o squirreI. The squirreIs offock her ond fhrow her owoy becouse her heod is empfy.
D. Circle the right words : WiIIy Wonko is weoring o red jockef /dress ond o fop hof / cop. WiIIy Wonko hod o sod / nice chiIdhood. His fofher wos o docfor / denfisf. WiIIy Iiked / didn'f Iike him. He wos / wosn'f oIIowed fo eof sweefs ond chocoIofes. One doy WiIIy decided fo go owoy.
E. Can you fill in the blanks : donce/smoII/ weor/work/sing
The Oompo-Ioompos ore very ______. They _____ of fhe chocoIofe focfory. They con _____ ond _______. They _______ uniforms.
D. Can you translate ? Willy Wonka donne des instructions dans chaque salle
Insfrucfions Pooms Tosfe everyfhing l In fhe invenfion room Don'f fouch l Look l Meor fhe chocoIofe river Don'f press fhof buffonl In fhe squirreIs' room Don'f fouch fhe nufs l In fhe TV room
Creofed by Fronoise ChopeIIier, Lo Peunion, coIIege de I'Efong Sf PouI, Z008