Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Worksheet

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Based on a novel by Roald Dahl.

A. Entoure le mot qui correspond le mieux :
ChorIie 8uckef is poor / rich.
He Iives in on oId / o comforfobIe house wifh his porenfs ond his brofhers /grondporenfs.
They oIwoys / never eof cobboge soup.
Five / fiffeen chiIdren hove found fhe 0OLDEM TICIET so fhey ore visifing WiIIy Wonko 's chocoIofe

B. Regarde les infos donnes dans le tableau o tout sest
mlang ! Rectifie la vrit sur chaque personnage du film
en crivant un petit paragraphe pour chacun :
Momes Counfries MofionoIifies Wifh,
Augusfus EngIond Americon Her fofher is very rich. 0enerous
her fofher
Veruco USA EngIish She oIwoys chews chewing
A winner
The besf 7
Her mum
VioIeffe 0ermony Americon He oIwoys pIoys video
His mum
EngIond EngIish He Ioves his fomiIy. SpoiIf
ChorIie USA 0ermon He oIwoys eofs chocoIofe VioIenf
CIever 7
His fofher


Based on a novel by Roald Dahl.
A. Entoure le mot qui correspond le mieux :
ChorIie 8uckef is poor / rich.
He Iives in on oId / o comforfobIe house wifh his porenfs ond his brofhers /grondporenfs.
They oIwoys / never eof cobboge soup.
Five / fiffeen chiIdren hove found fhe 0OLDEM TICIET so fhey ore visifing WiIIy Wonko 's chocoIofe

B. Regarde les infos donnes dans le tableau o tout sest
mlang ! Rectifie la vrit sur chaque personnage du film
en crivant un petit paragraphe pour chacun :
Momes Counfries MofionoIifies Specificify PersonoIify Wifh,
Augusfus EngIond Americon Her fofher is very rich. 0enerous
his fofher
Veruco USA EngIish She oIwoys chews chewing gum. A winner
The besf 7
Her mum
VioIeffe 0ermony Americon He oIwoys pIoys video gomes. 0reedy
His mum
EngIond EngIish He Ioves his fomiIy. SpoiIf
ChorIie USA 0ermon He oIwoys eofs chocoIofe VioIenf
CIever 7
His fofher

C. Chaque personnage, except Charlie, est limin a cause de son
dfaut :
Associe personnoge (I-b) ef circonsfonce (A-E) cor fouf esf meIonge dons Io griIIe ci-dessous.
Inscrire fo reponse dons Io coIonne 'onswers'.
Chorocfers Answers Acfions
Augusfus 1 A. He is fhe winner becouse he is fhe nicesf chiId. He is generous.
VioIeffe Z 8. He is so greedy he foIIs info fhe chocoIofe river.
Veruco 3 C.
Mike TV 4 D. She eofs WW's chewing gum meoI. Her nose furns bIue fhen her body furns
vioIef. She sweIIs ond she Iooks Iike o bIueberry.
ChorIie E. She wonfs fo cofch o squirreI. The squirreIs offock her ond fhrow her owoy
becouse her heod is empfy.

D. Circle the right words :
WiIIy Wonko is weoring o red jockef /dress ond o fop hof / cop.
WiIIy Wonko hod o sod / nice chiIdhood. His fofher wos o docfor / denfisf. WiIIy Iiked / didn'f Iike him. He
wos / wosn'f oIIowed fo eof sweefs ond chocoIofes. One doy WiIIy decided fo go owoy.

E. Can you fill in the blanks : donce/smoII/ weor/work/sing

The Oompo-Ioompos ore very ______. They
_____ of fhe chocoIofe focfory. They con
_____ ond _______. They _______ uniforms.

D. Can you translate ? Willy Wonka donne des instructions dans chaque salle

Insfrucfions Pooms
Tosfe everyfhing l In fhe invenfion room
Don'f fouch l Look l Meor fhe chocoIofe river
Don'f press fhof buffonl In fhe squirreIs' room
Don'f fouch fhe nufs l In fhe TV room

Creofed by Fronoise ChopeIIier, Lo Peunion, coIIege de I'Efong Sf PouI, Z008

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