Zahira Shaikh Victim of Justice

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Zahira Shaikh: Victim of Justice

hile we, the members of womens groups and concerned citizens in India, welcome the Supreme Courts interventions in matters relating to the carnage in Gujarat, we are dismayed at its stringent verdict on March 8, 2006 that pronounced one-year imprisonment to Zahira Shaikh for having committed contempt of court. Zahira is not a routine hostile witness; she is primarily an injured witness, who has been used as a pawn in the unfolding drama of state politics. While the court has punished Zahira, it has not passed similar stringent orders against politicians like Madhu Srivastava, who intimidated Zahira to change her testimony even though the fact has been brought on record. We are dismayed that those who systematically planned and implemented heinous crimes have gone scot-free because the law enforcement system failed to implicate them with enough evidence. In the end, it is the vulnerable victim who has had to bear a criminal sentence. Zahira may not have been perceived to be a good victim by many, but this does not mean that she should go to jail since she could not bear the multiple burdens of courage and truth placed solely upon her against impossible odds. Nor does her perjury erase the fact that she has survived unspeakable violence. Even though Zahira has repeatedly changed her statements, and therefore the court has felt aggrieved, we must remember that she is a survivor first and foremost and her hostility to the prosecution is a product of surviving in a highly hostile and insecure environment. The interests of society lie in both upholding the dignity of the judiciary as well as providing substantive justice for survivors, such as Zahira. It is in the larger interest of society that we should ensure that the instigators of such terrible violence are punished in future and the fate of Zahira is not repeated. In the interests of substantive justice, we believe that the Supreme Court should take action against Madhu Srivastava and the political powers responsible for

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the violence in Gujarat in 2002, and that this intent be made public. SAHELI, SAMA, NIRANTAR, UMA CHAKRAVARTI, FARAH NAQVI PRATIKSHA BAXI, AND 10 OTHER INDIVIDUALS New Delhi

Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics

e the undersigned are concerned about the disturbing events that have been taking place at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. The present crisis has serious adverse repercussions for the institutes reputation and future. The long-term implication for the students is of particular concern. The institute is a precious national asset, a heritage institution of a unique kind, and its reputation is a serious matter for the entire academic community. We believe that these problems need to be probed and resolved by an independent body. In the last few years, the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics made news for good reasons. In 1993, the government of India declared the institute a deemed university. In 2003, the National Assessments and Accreditation Council team visited the institute and awarded it A+ status, an endorsement of its commitment to raising the quality of its teaching and research. Since March 2004, under the directorship of Ajit Sinha, the institute made rapid strides again. Its infrastructure improved dramatically, course offerings went through major innovative changes, and it organised several high profile international and national conferences. 2005 was the Platinum Jubilee year of the institute. In February 2005, the president of India visited the institute as the chief guest at its convocation. In September 2005, when Ajit Sinha went as a visiting scholar to the College de France, the joint director of the institute, Tirthankar Roy, assumed (Continued on p 1140)

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Economic and Political Weekly

March 18, 2006

L etters
(Continued from p 934) the duties of the director, following rules laid down in the memorandum of association of the institute. Between October 2005 and January 2006, dramatic changes took place in the institute leadership. We understand that these changes happened largely at the behest of the institutes trustees, the Servants of India Society (SIS). Though trustees of the institute, the SIS does not either finance the institute or manage its administration directly. The institute, which is a deemed university, functions according to a memorandum of association, prepared following guidelines supplied by the UGC. In August 2005, the SIS elected a new president. Within a day of assuming office, the newly elected president started criticising the work of Sinha and Roy. There were attempts by the SIS, which is not an academic body, to interfere in the academic administration of the institute. The board of management was reconstituted drastically. Several distinguished members of the board, who had served the institute ably, were summarily removed before their terms were over. Many major past decisions were revoked. Roy was forced to resign from the additional charge of directorship. He was also removed from the office of joint director. Most disturbing of all, the proceedings of two faculty selection committees were revoked. We understand that Sinha and Roy now also face enquiry and harassment. These events are far too serious to be ignored by the larger academic community. First, we are shocked to hear that charges were brought against two individuals who are known to be upright, honest, progressive, and men with impeccable reputation in their respective fields. Second, we are concerned that the leadership change will cause a setback to the course initiated by Ajit Sinha. And, third, the Gokhale Institute has in the past witnessed unsavoury episodes of leadership change. With every such episode the institute risks being branded as an unsafe place for independent-minded scholars. R M HONAVAR, NARENDRA JADHAV, K L KRISHNA, SUJATA PATEL, PARTHA SEN, SURESH TENDULKAR, A VAIDYANATHAN, M GOVINDA RAO, VIJAY L KELKAR, AMARESH BAGCHI, MIHIR RAKSHIT, ROMAR CORREA, JEAN DREZE, R RADHAKRISHNA AND OTHERS. New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai

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