Cenido v. Apacionado Digest

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[G.R. No. 132474. November 19, 1999]

RENATO CENIDO (deceased), represented by VICTORIA CENIDOSA, petitioner, vs. SPOUSES AMADEO APACIONADO and HERMINIA STA. ANA, respondents. Facts:
On May 22, 1989, respondent spouses Amadeo Apacionado and Herminia Sta. Ana filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 70, Rizal a complaint against petitioner Renato Cenido for Declaration of Ownership, Nullity, with Damages. The spouses alleged that: (1) they are the owners of a parcel of unregistered land, particularly described as follows: parcel of land

located at Rizal, St., Layunan, Binangonan, Rizal, with an area of 123 square meters, more or less, bounded on the North by Gavino Aparato; on the East by Rizal St., on the South by Tranquilino Manuzon; and on the West by Simplicio Aparato, and the residential house standing thereon. (2) this house and lot were purchased by the spouses
from its previous owner, Bonifacio Aparato, now deceased, who lived under the spouses' care and protection for some twenty years prior to his death; (3) while he was alive, Bonifacio Aparato mortgaged the said property twice, one to the Rural Bank of Binangonan and the other to Linda C. Ynares, as security for loans obtained by him; (4) the loans were paid off by the spouses thereby securing the release and cancellation of said mortgages; (5) the spouses also paid and continue to pay the real estate taxes on the property; (6) from the time of sale, they have been in open, public, continuous and uninterrupted possession of the property in the concept of owners; (7) that on January 7, 1987, petitioner Renato Cenido, claiming to be the owner of the subject house and lot, filed a complaint for ejectment against them with the Municipal Trial Court, Branch 2, Binangonan, Rizal; (8) through fraudulent and unauthorized means, Cenido was able to cause the issuance in his name of Tax Declaration No. 02-0368 over the subject property, which fact the spouses learned only upon the filing of the ejectment case; (9) although the ejectment case was dismissed by the Municipal Trial Court (MTC), Branch 2, the tax declaration in Cenido's name was not cancelled and still subsisted; (10) the spouses have referred the matter to the barangay for conciliation but Cenido unjustifiably refused to appear thereat.

, the Court believes that preponderance of evidence is on the side of defendant and so the complaint could not be given due course. The case is dismissed.
The trial court decided in favor of the petitioner and futher stated that

Respondent spouses appealed to the Court of Appeals. In a decision dated September 30, 1997, the appellate court found the appeal meritorious and reversed the decision of the trial court.

Issue: 1) Whether or not the contract is valid? 2) Whether or not Tax Declaration No. 02-6368 in the name of petitioner Cenido should be
nullified. To determine whether the Pagpapatunay is a valid contract of sale, it must contain the essential requisites of contracts, viz: (1) consent of the contracting parties; (2) object certain which is the subject matter of the contract; and (3) cause of the obligation which is established. One who alleges any defect or the lack of a valid consent to a contract must establish the same by full, clear and convincing evidence, not merely by preponderance thereof.[33] Petitioner has not alleged that the old man, by his physical or mental state, was incapacitated to give his consent at the time of execution of the Pagpapatunay. Petitioner has not shown that Bonifacio was insane or demented or a deaf-mute who did not know how to write.[34] Neither has petitioner claimed, at the very least, that the consent of Bonifacio to the contract was vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or fraud.[35] If by assailing the intrinsic defects in the wordage of the Pagpapatunay petitioner Cenido seeks to specifically allege the exercise of extrinsic fraud and undue influence on the old man, these defects are not substantial as to render the entire contract void. There must be clear and convincing evidence of what specific acts of undue influence[36] or fraud[37] were employed by respondent spouses that gave rise to said defects. Absent such proof, Bonifacio's presumed consent to the Pagpapatunay remains. The Pagpapatunay, therefore, contains all the essential requisites of a contract. Its authenticity and due execution have not been disproved either. The finding of the trial court that the document was prepared by another person and the thumbmark of the dead Bonifacio was merely affixed to it is pure conjecture. On the contrary, the testimonies of respondent Herminia Sta. Ana and Carlos Inabayan prove that the document is authentic and was duly executed by Bonifacio himself. The Pagpapatunay is undisputably a private document. And this fact does not detract from its validity. The Civil Code, in Article 1356 provides:

Art. 1356. Contracts shall be obligatory, in whatever form they may have been entered into, provided all the essential requisites for their validity are present. However, when the law requires that a contract be in some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, or that a contract be proved in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and indispensable. In such cases, the right of the parties stated in the following article cannot be exercised.
Generally, contracts are obligatory, in whatever form such contracts may have been entered into, provided all the essential requisites for their validity are present. When, however, the law requires that a contract be in some form for it to be valid or enforceable, that requirement must be complied with. A certain form may be prescribed by law for any of the following purposes: for validity, enforceability, or greater efficacy of the contract. [38] When the form required is for validity, its

non-observance renders the contract void and of no effect.[39] When the required form is for enforceability, non-compliance therewith will not permit, upon the objection of a party, the contract, although otherwise valid, to be proved or enforced by action.[40] Formalities intended for greater efficacy or convenience or to bind third persons, if not done, would not adversely affect the validity or enforceability of the contract between the contracting parties themselves.[41] Article 1358 of the Civil Code requires that:

Art. 1358. The following must appear in a public document: (1) Acts and contracts which have for their object the creation, transmission, modification or extinguishment of real rights over immovable property; sales of real property or of an interest therein are governed by Articles 1403, No. 2 and 1405; (2) The cession, repudiation or renunciation of hereditary rights or of those of the conjugal partnership of gains; (3) The power to administer property, or any other power which has for its object an act appearing or which should appear in a public document, or should prejudice a third person; (4) The cession of actions or rights proceeding from an act appearing in a public document. All other contracts where the amount involved exceeds five hundred pesos must appear in writing, even a private one. But sales of goods, chattels or things in action are governed by Articles 1403, No. 2 and 1405.
Acts and contracts which create, transmit, modify or extinguish real rights over immovable property should be embodied in a public document. Sales of real property are governed by the Statute of Frauds which reads:

Art. 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they are ratified: (1) x x x (2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in this number. In the following cases an agreement hereafter made shall be unenforceable by action, unless the same, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing, and subscribed and by the party charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be received without the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:

(a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be performed within a year from the making thereof;

(e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer period than one year, or for the sale of real property or of an interest therein; (3) x x x.
The sale of real property should be in writing and subscribed by the party charged for it to be enforceable. The Pagpapatunay is in writing and subscribed by Bonifacio Aparato, the vendor; hence, it is enforceable under the Statute of Frauds. Not having been subscribed and sworn to before a notary public, however, the Pagpapatunay is not a public document, and therefore does not comply with Article 1358, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The requirement of a public document in Article 1358 is not for the validity of the instrument but for its efficacy.[42] Although a conveyance of land is not made in a public document, it does not affect the validity of such conveyance.[43] Article 1358 does not require the accomplishment of the acts or contracts in a public instrument in order to validate the act or contract but only to insure its efficacy,[44] so that after the existence of said contract has been admitted, the party bound may be compelled to execute the proper document.[45] This is clear from Article 1357, viz:

Art. 1357. If the law requires a document or other special form, as in the acts and contracts enumerated in the following article [Article 1358], the contracting parties may compel each other to observe that form, once the contract has been perfected. This right may be exercised simultaneously with the action upon the contract.
Tax Declaration No. 02-6368[50] in petitioner Cenido's name was issued pursuant to the compromise judgment of the MTC where Gavino Aparato, Bonifacio's brother, expressly recognized petitioner Cenido as Bonifacio's sole illegitimate son. The compromise judgment was rendered in 1985, three years after Bonifacio's demise. Under the Civil Code,[51] natural children and illegitimate children other than natural are entitled to support and successional rights only when recognized or acknowledged by the putative parent.[52] Unless recognized, they have no rights whatsoever against their alleged parent or his estate.[53] The filiation of illegitimate children may be proved by any of the forms of recognition of natural children.[54] This recognition may be made in three ways:[55] (1) voluntarily, which must be express such as that in a record of birth, a will, a statement before a court of record, or in any authentic writing;[56] (2) legally, i.e., when a natural child is recognized, such recognition extends to his or her brothers and sisters of the full blood;[57]and (3) judicially or compulsorily, which may be demanded by the illegitimate child of his parents.[58] The action for compulsory

recognition of the illegitimate child must be brought during the lifetime of the presumed parents. This is explicitly provided in Article 285 of the Civil Code, viz:

Art. 285. The action for the recognition of natural children may be brought only during the lifetime of the presumed parents, except in the following cases: (1) If the father or mother died during the minority of the child, in which case the latter may file the action before the expiration of four years from the attainment of his majority; (2) If after the death of the father or of the mother a document should appear of which nothing had been heard and in which either or both parents recognize the child. In this case, the action must be commenced within four years from the finding of the document.
The illegitimate child can file an action for compulsory recognition only during the lifetime of the presumed parent. After the parent's death, the child cannot bring such action, except, however, in only two instances: one is when the supposed parent died during the minority of the child, and the other is when after the death of the parent, a document should be discovered in which the parent recognized the child as his. The action must be brought within four years from the attainment of majority in the first case, and from the discovery of the document in the second case. The requirement that the action be filed during the parent's lifetime is to prevent illegitimate children, on account of strong temptations to large estates left by dead persons, to claim part of this estate without giving the alleged parent personal opportunity to be heard.[59] It is vital that the parent be heard for only the parent is in a position to reveal the true facts surrounding the claimant's conception.[60] In the case at bar, petitioner Cenido did not present any record of birth, will or any authentic writing to show he was voluntarily recognized by Bonifacio as his illegitimate son. In fact, petitioner admitted on the witness stand that he had no document to prove Bonifacio's recognition, much less his filiation.[61] The voluntary recognition of petitioner's filiation by Bonifacio's brother before the MTC does not qualify as a statement in a court of record. Under the law, this statement must be made personally by the parent himself or herself, not by any brother, sister or relative; after all, the concept of recognition speaks of a voluntary declaration by the parent, or if the parent refuses, by judicial authority, to establish the paternity or maternity of children born outside wedlock.[62] The compromise judgment of the MTC does not qualify as a compulsory recognition of petitioner. In the first place, when he filed this case against Gavino Aparato, petitioner was no longer a minor. He was already pushing fifty years old.[63] Secondly, there is no allegation that after Bonifacio's death, a document was discovered where Bonifacio recognized petitioner Cenido as his son. Thirdly, there is nothing in the compromise judgment that indicates that the action before the MTC was a settlement of Bonifacio's estate with a gross value not exceeding P20,000.00.[64] Definitely, the action could not have been for compulsory recognition because the MTC had no jurisdiction over the subject matter.[65]

The Real Property Tax Code provides that real property tax be assessed in the name of the person owning or administering the property on which the tax is levied.[66] Since petitioner Cenido has not proven any successional or administrative rights to Bonifacio's estate, Tax Declaration No. 02-6368 in Cenido's name must be declared null and void. Ruling: The petition is denied and the Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 41011 are affirmed. Tax Declaration No. 02-6368 in the name of petitioner Renato Cenido is declared null and void.

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