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The paper provides an overview of developments in linear least-squares estimation theory over the past 30 years, focusing on connections to other fields like signal detection, information theory, and control theory.

The paper is primarily focused on discussing problems related to linear least-squares estimation, also known as linear filtering, and its applications in fields like signal processing and engineering.

Some examples provided of connections between least-squares estimation and other fields include: signal detection, calculation of mutual information, solution of integral equations and boundary value problems, polynomial factorization, and inversion of multivariable linear systems.






IT-20, NO. 2,



A View of Three Decades of Linear Filtering Theory

Invited Paper



fields; problems of scalar and matrix polynomial factorization with applications in network theory and stability theory [135], [177] ; the solution of linear equations, especially as they arise in constructing state-variable realizations from impulse-response or transfer-function data, which in turn is related to the Berlekamp-Massey I. IN~~DUCTION AND OUTLINE HE SERIES of survey papers of which this is a part algorithm for decoding BCH codes [289], [191]; and the was begun largely to commemorate the twenty-fifth inversion of multivariable linear systems [357], [361], anniversary of the publication of Shannon s classic paper [362]. There are also more purely mathematical ramificaon information theory. However, 1974 is also twenty-five tions in Hilbert-space theory, operator theory, and more years after the publication in the open literature of Wiener s generally in functional analysis [245], [250], [261]. The section headings give a quick idea of the scope of famous monograph, Extrapolation, Interpolation and the paper. Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, with Engineering Applications [I], so that it is appropriate this year to I. Introduction. commemorate this event as well. [As noted elsewherein this II. A Key Linear Estimation Problem. issue, this month is also the tenth anniversary of Wiener s III. Wiener Filters and Early Generalizations. death (March 18, 1964).] Not only was this work the direct IV. Kalman Filters. causefor the great activity of the last three decadesin signal V. Recursive Wiener Filters. estimation, but it was perhaps the greatestfactor in bringing VI. New Algorithms for Time-Invariant Systems. the statistical point of view clearly into communication VII. Some Early Mathematical Work. theory and also control theory. It may suffice to quote VIII. Canonical Representations of Continuous-Time Shannon sown major acknowledgment: Credit should also Processes. be given to Professor N. Wiener, whose elegant solution IX. Recent Results on Innovations Processes and of the problems of filtering and prediction of stationary Some Applications. ensembleshas considerably influenced the writer s thinking X. Karhunen-Lo&e Expansions, Canonical Correlain this field. tions and State Models. The subject of estimation is a vast one, and most of our XI. Concluding Remarks. attention will be devoted to the particular problems of XII. Bibliography. linear least-squares estimation, or linear Jiltering as it has Needless to say, the choice of material and emphasis generally come to be called in the engineering literature. in this paper are m ine; the field is a vast one and can be Even though least-squares estimation is clearly only a surveyed in various ways. My main aims are to provide small part of the possible forms of estimation theory, in some perspective on presently used methods, to bring out the author s opinion it is perhaps the most interesting and the significance and relevance of some relatively early, most important part. Least-squarestheory not only probut often neglected, work in this field, and to illustrate vides useful solutions to certain specific estimation probsome of the connections between least-squarestheory and lems, but it also has connections to and implications for a other fields. surprisingly large number of other problems, both statistical In Section II we formulate the problem of determining and deterministic. As some examples we mention signal the causal linear least-squaresestimate of a signal process detection [93], [291]; the calculation of mutual information corrupted by additive white noise. Although this is only in certain channels [303] ; the solution of integral equations one of a large number of possible estimation problems, [288], [292], two-point boundary value problems in many it is a key one in the sensethat its solution underlies that of many others. Manuscript received June 15, 1973; revised October 3, 1973. This Sections III-VI describe some of the current approaches work was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command, under Contract AF 44-620- to solution of this key problem. Information theorists and 69-C-0101, and in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program communication engineers have been more familiar with under Contract N-00014-67-A-01 12-0044. problems in which covariance information is given about The author is with Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305.
Abstrucf-Developments in the theory of linear least-squares estimation in the last thirty years or so are outlined. Particular attention is paid to early mathematical. wurk in the field and to more modem developments showing some of the many connections between least-squares filtering and other fields.






signal and noise, which are usually called W iener filtering problems. Control engineersdeal more often with problems where the signal and noise are describedby state-space m o d e ls, usually called Kalman filtering problems. Because of differing backgrounds, mutual knowledge of these two general approachesis often small, and one of our aims is to bring out the close and useful relation that must exist betweenthese two approaches.O f course no proofs can be given here, but the m a in results are stated and their significance and role explained. Appropriate references are given for the proofs. The discussionin Sections III-VI is fairly self-contained, but at various points allusions are m a d e to earlier results in the mathematical literature, especially of the forties. This work is explored in Sections VII and VIII, partly for the record but really becauseit contains ideas that in my opinion have still not yet been adequatelyappreciatedand exploited. For example, the work of Krein (1944) and of Levinson (1947) is only now beginning to be rediscovered and extended. Limitations of space again prevent any detaileddiscussion,but I havetried to provide someguidance for a reader interested in further study. Moreover, even a casual reader m ight find some fascinating nuggetsexposed here, although I should stress that the lode is really much richer. In Section IX, I have described in somewhat more detail one vein that I have personally found to be very illuminating and powerful: the role of canonical or innovations representationsof random processes.Again I have given only references to many results and applications, but I could not resist being a little more specific about one aspect; n a m e ly, the connectionsto spectralfactorization and to the so-called positive real functions of network and complex variable theory. The aim is to show at least one explicit connection between stochastic and determ inistic problems. A fact I attempt to stress in Sections VIII and IX is the importance of deterministic system structure in the theory of random processes. This is at the moment an active field of research,but one that is being largely carried out in control theory. There is scope for many more communication theorists to enter this field. Conversely, in the last section I have briefly referred to some recent results in information theory that have useful implications for estimation. The tim e seemsto be ripe for a fruitful symbiosis. Section X is a brief look at the role and significance of seriesexpansions.These should be relatively more familiar to readersof this journal, and I have therefore concentrated on some special, but often overlooked, aspects of such expansions.The section concludesin fact with an indication of how certain random process ideas can illuminate the currently active system-theoreticproblem of abstract statespace determination. Again there is scope for fruitful interaction with control and system theorists. The paper closes with the thought that it is the range and scope of such possibilities that has kept estimation theory vital and active, without, it seemsto me, the above-average doubts and m isgivings that the more self-containedfield of strictsenseShannontheory has been exposedto recently.

The bibliography is of necessity rather vast, although it could easily have been even larger. O n severaloccasions, the availability of convenient bibliographies has led m e to o m it various references.This is undoubtedly an injustice to the authors of many fine papers, but it seems to be unavoidable.I have attempted to do more justice to papers published in this journal, and in fact all such linear filtering papers in the period 1968-1972have been included in the bibliography, even though no explicit referencemay have been m a d e to them in the text. This has also been done for certain other papers appearing in other journals that I feel contain some ideas or approachesthat may appeal to our readers. The choice is of necessity rather subjective and any o m issions should be regardedas a measureof my ignorancerather than a consciousslight. The bibliography is organized under five subheadings, though the division of papers between the five categories is on occasion somewhat arbitrary, partly because the fields are of course not completely exclusive. In retrospect, some reassignments would really have been desirable, but I have not had the courageor the tim e to attempt them. I must repeat that the inevitable lim itations of time, space, and personal knowledge are undoubtedly reflected in this survey. The only palliative I can offer is that perusal of the various references will enablethe readerto learn many additional facts and results that could not be covered in the paper and to make his own judgment of any controversial matters. 1I.A

Some Early History

From the earliest times, people have beenconcernedwith interpreting observations and making estimates and predictions. Neugebauer[370] has noted that the Babylonians useda rudimentary form of Fourier seriesfor suchpurposes. As with so much else, the beginnings of a theory of estimation in which attempts are m a d e to m inimize various functions of the errors can apparently be attributed to G a lileo G a lilei in 1632 [174]. Then came a whole seriesof illustrious investigators, including the young Roger Cotes (of whom Newton said had he lived, we m ight have known something), Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Bernoulli, and others. As is well known, the method of least squares was apparently first used by Gaussin 1795[197], though it was first published by Legendrein 1805 [198]. (It is less well known that Adrain in America, unaware of these developments, independentlydevelopedthe method in 1808[196]). Since then, there has been a vast literature on various aspects of the least-squaresmethod. A comprehensive annotated bibliography of least-squares estimation for random variables has been given in a report by Harter [375]. (Seealso a brief surveyby Sorenson[376].) Therefore we shall not go into this here, but shall proceed to leastsquaresestimation in stochastic processes, the first studies of which were m a d e by Kolmogorov [207], [209], Krein [214], [215], and W iener [l]. The works of Kolmogorov and Krein were independent of W iener s, and while there was some overlap in the







results, their aims were rather different. Kolmogorov, inspired by some work of Wold [209], gave a comprehensive treatment of the prediction problem for discrete-time stationary processes.Krein noted the relationship of this work to some early work of Szegij [200], [201], on orthogonal polynomials, and extended the results to continuous time by clever use of a bilinear transformation. (We shall describe these results in more detail later (Section VII).) However, no special attention was paid to explicit formulas for the optimum predictor itself. Such formulas are obviously necessaryfor applications, and in fact, certain anti-aircraft fire-control problems led Wiener to formulate independently the continuous-time linear prediction problem and derive an explicit formula for the optimum predictor. He also considered the filtering problem of estimating a process corrupted by a noise process. An interesting nontechnical account of this work and its background and development was given by Wiener in his autobiography [371, pp. 240-2621. Wiener constantly attempted to examine and stress the engineering significance of his ideas and results and his book [l] contains several explicit examples, which are still generally the only ones to be found in many textbooks on the subject. Wiener was also conscious of the problems of actually building circuits to implement the theoretical solutions. For example, he notes that The detailed design of a filter involves certain choices of constants which must be justified economically. In general, it does not pay to eliminate a small error from a quantity when there is a large irremovable error in it. Another paragraph of his book is entitled The Determination of Lag and Number of Meshes in a Filter. Partly because of such concerns, much of Wiener s work, despite its hard mathematics, has had a wide influence in engineeringcircles.
A Key Problem

However, this breaks down in feedback communication and feedback control problems where the signal z( *) may be influenced by past signal and noise. Therefore, a more general assumption is that
Ez(t)v (s)

arbitrary, o l 7

t2s t < s.


It should be stressedthat (4) can be introduced only with difficulty in many of the analyses found in the literature; for example, it cannot be directly handled by methods that rely on representing the signal and noise processes z(e) and v(e) by Karhunen-Lo&e expansions. (See Section X for further discussion of this point.) To proceed with our description, let us define
K(t,s) = E[z(t)z (s) + z(t)v (s) + v(t)z (s)]. (5)

Note that K( -, a) is generally not a covariance, unless z(e) and v(a) are uncorrelated. However K( *, *) does determine the covariance function of the processy(e) as
R&s) = Ey(t)y (s) = Z&t - s) + K(Q). (6)

We shall require that R,(t,s) be strictly positive definite on the square [t,,t,-] x [to,tf]. Other assumptions will be that the signal process has finite expected energy and that K(t,s) is continuous, though both of these assumptions can in fact be relaxed; the essential thing is really that K(t,s) be smoother than 1,&t - s). (Seealso [327c].) The problem is to determine a random variable 2(t 1tf) of the form



s to






so that tr E[$t) - z^(t)][z(t) - i?(t)] = m inimum. It is by now well known (see,e.g., [lo]) that such an optimum linear least-squaresestimate is characterized by the orthogonality property E[z(t) - % t I tJ]y (s) = 0,
tq I s I tf 63)

As we begin to be more specific, we are immediately confronted with the fact that there is a large variety of estimation problems, even just linear ones. For example, as the reader knows, we can have prediction or filtering or smoothing problems, in state-variable form or transferfunction form, with additive white noise or colored noise, etc. However, in my opinion there is a key linear estimation problem in the sense that its solution can be shown to underlie that of many other problems (see [298], [181], for some examples): we have observations y(a) of a signal process z( *) in additive white noise v( *) Y(S) = 4s) + VW, where
Ev(t)v (s)

so that a simple calculation shows that the optimum filter

H( -, *) is determined by the solution of the integral equation

H(tYs) + s to


dz = Ez(t)z (s)

+ Ez(t)v (s), tp (9)

to tf
I s )I


Depending on whether c = or > we have what are called predicted, filtered, or smoothed estimates, respectively. For convenience,we shall write 1 as = to h(t,sM) ds.

= Z$(t - s).

The usual assumption on z(e) is that it is uncorrelated with 4.) = 0. (3)

Ez(t)v (s)

1 Some notational conventions: all random variables will beassumed to have zero mean. No special notation will be used to distinguish t scalars and matrices; primes denote transposes; ZP is a p x p identity h(t,z)K(z,s) h(t,s) + matrix. We could have assumed any strictly positive-definite matrix s to instead of ZP, but by a normalization we can return to the case described by (2).

Using (8) and (4), the relevant integral equation forfiltering can be found as
dz = K(t,s),
5 s I I tp (10)

tf t, tf t, tf t, 2(t t) t If(t) s to t
t, I t, s I






This is a key equation in linear system theory.

densities,for which K(t,s) had the form K(Q) = Ic(lt - sl) = i ai exp (-PiIt

It is important to note that (10) is substantially more difficult to solve than (9). Equation (9) is a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and a lot is known about its properties. Several general solution methods are available, including reduction in different ways to a set of linear algebraic equations and the use of various gradient methods, see,e.g., [51], [37], [18], [27]. O n the other hand, (10) is a much more difficult equation becauseof the constraint that s I t. This is seenmost dramatically by taking
P = 1, t, = -co, tf = +a, fqt,s) = K(lt - sl)

- 51)
exp (Pis>9
exp (Bit>2

C % exp (-Pit>
1 i


t 2 s (12a)




where the {Di} are constants, possibly complex. For such kernels, the bilateral Laplace transform S,(s) = m [d(t) + K(t)] exp (-St) s -co
dt (13)

in which caseit is easy to seethat in both (9) and (10) the solution h(t,s) depends only on It - sl. Then with an obvious changeof variables (9) can be reducedto

H(t) +s h(t) +s

m H(z)K(t -0D

- z) dz = x(t),


which can be readily solved by Fourier transformation. However, the correspondingform of (10) is
m h(z)K(t - z) dz = K(t),

is a ratio of polynomials in s2, whose zeros display a quadrantal symmetry in the complex s-plane: every root of the form c + jo is accompaniedby roots of the form -IS f jo. By virtue of this root distribution, we a-jq can make a unique factorization of S,,(s)as S,(s) = s, + (s)S, + ( - s) where the so-called canonical factor is
sy+(s) = $ Cs - zil/fI Cs - Pi> (15) 04)

0 < t < co (11)

which is quite a different thing. Simple Fourier transformation does not work, and we must in general use the celebrated W iener-Hopf spectral factorization technique [2][4], which in fact has given (11) its name. The W iener-Hopf equation (11) first arose in astrophysics in 1894and has been widely studied; seeespecially two comprehensive papers [234], [235], which deserve to be more widely read by engineers.O n the other hand, much less is known about the nonstationary version (lo), which we shall describe as being of W iener-Hopf type.2 Several referencesare collected in [257], [51], [298], and some of these will be brought up as we proceed with this survey. However, it is appropriate to begin with (ll), which was where W iener started. III.

and {Zi} and {pi} are the left-half-plane zeros and poles of S,,(s), Re zi < 0, Re pi < 0. The W iener-Hopf technique (see,e.g., [4], [20], [51]) shows that this factorization completely determines the Laplace transform of the optimum filter as
H&s) = 1 - [S,+(s)]- . (16)

This expression,though implicit in W iener s own examples, was first explicitly given by Yovits and Jackson [l I] and by Krein [235]. Yovits and Jackson also gave a closed-form expression for the mean-squareerror in the special case of uncorrelated signal and noise
E[z(t) - L(t)] = /a

In [l + S,(io)] do. (17) -ccI The first explicit solutions for least-squares estimates of Since (17) does not require explicit knowledge of the stochastic processeswere given by W iener in 1942 [l] under the assumptions of a scalar observation process optimum filter, it can be used to help decideif an optimum filter is worthwhile; severalsuch applications in m o d u lation (p = I), a semi-infinite observation interval (to = -co), and jointly stationary signal and noise processes.W iener theory have been discussed by Van Trees [40], [47], used a variational argument to determine the optimum Stiffler [46], Lindsey [52], and the references therein. estimate and was delighted to find that what was required Recently Yao [48], [49], and Snyders [54], [54a], have was the solution of the W iener-Hopf equation (ll), a extendedthis formula to cover certain problems with nonproblem to which Hopf and he had ten years earlier con- white noise, and signals or noise with nonrational spectra tributed an elegant solution [2]. The method applies to (seealso Prouza [53]). W iener s theory has m a inly beenapplied to the optimum quite general kernels, but, as W iener himself noted, it choice of various components in m o d u lation systems, as took its simplest form for processes with rational spectral we have noted previously. W e should explicitly mention
FILTERS AND EARLY GENERALIZATIONS 2 One might argue that (10) is just a family of Fredholm equations, indexed by f. This is true, but the major problem lies in showing that the solutions {I@,.)} can be satisfactorily fitted together, for example 3 This is not the most general form except when the poles {pi} in (15) are distinct; the generalization is not difficult but is notationally cumbersome and so has been avoided.

to makeh(.,.) square-integrable in bothvariables.







a notable early application to the design of loop filters in phase-locked loops [9]. Related applications were also made in optimal control (see [13], [24], and the references therein).
Some Generalizations

The Wiener-Hopf equation was soon extended to cover estimation of stationary processesgiven only over a finite observation interval (to > - oo), and more generally to cover the estimation of nonstationary processes.However, while it was not hard to discover that the general equation was of the form (IO), there was no general method for solving such equations, and therefore a host of special results and techniques were developed. We especially mention an early paper by Zadeh and Ragazzini [6], which we shall encounter again in Section VIII. For processes with rational power-spectral densities, fairly explicit results were obtained by Yaglom [lo], Hajek [243], Rozanov and Pisarenko [31], Whittle [32], Helstrom [33], and Slepian and Kadota [43]. Some solutions were also obtained for nonstationary processes [6], [7], [17], [21]. The most useful of these were by Shinbrot [14], [25], who however found it necessary to restrict attention to K( +,a) of the form
$ ai(t>bi(s>, . t 2

of the first to tackle this problem, and he presented some useful recursive algorithms [61], [80], [I.% ], that were soon recognized and applied, especially by a group at the Bell Laboratories, who added various contributions of their own [84]. For different reasons, growing out of his successfulapplication of state-spaceideas in deterministic problems, Kalman developed [64], [68], [69], a somewhat more restricted algorithm than Swerling s, but it was one that seemed particularly matched to the dynamical stateestimation problems that were brought forward by the advent of the space age. Groups at the NASA Ames Laboratory [71], [72], and at the M .I.T. Draper Laboratories [70], [83], took up Kalman s ideas and developed them into programs that were successfully used in many spaceapplications [139], [145], [138]. We shall examine the Kalman filter in some detail in Section IV. The reasons for our attention go beyond the specific algorithm and are more broadly connected with the importance of dynamical structure in data-processing algorithms. Unfortunately communication engineers and information theorists have lagged behind control engineers in appreciating this fact, though, as pointed out in Wong s recent survey [327], the gap is closing. IV. KALMAN FILTERS Kalman [64], [68], [69], changed the conventional formulation of the problem by giving, not the covariance of the signal process, but a model for it as the output of a dynamical linear system driven by white noise. Specifically, he assumed that the signal process z(a) could be described by 4)






This is clearly a generalization of (12), but its true significance was not appreciated until later (see Section V). Despite such important contributions, however, too large a part of the literature dealt with m inor variations and special cases,so much so that Elias felt compelled to editorialize in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY in 1958that it was time to stop writing two famous papers. One was The Optimum Linear Mean-Square Filter for Separating Sinusoidally-Modulated Triangular Signalsfrom Randomly-Sampled Stationary Gaussian Noise, with Applications to a Problem in Radar. (The other was Information Theory, Photosynthesis, and Religion, a title suggestedby D. Huffman.) Furthermore, there were other reasons for being dissatisfied even with the most significant of the results of this period. i) They were rather complicated, often requiring the solution of auxiliary differential and algebraic equations and the calculation of roots of polynomials. ii) They were not easily upd.ated with increases in the observation interval. iii) They could not be conveniently adapted to the vector case (p > 1). These last two difficulties came immediately to the fore in the late fifties in the problem of determining satellite orbits. Here there were generally vector observations of some combinations of position and velocity, and also there were large amounts of data sequentially accumulated with each pass over a tracking station. Swerling was one

= fww
= F(t)x(t) + G(t)@),

t 2 to x(t,) = x0

W> (19b)

where x(.) is an 12x 1 state vector and u(s) is an m x 1 random input such that
Eu(t)u (s) = Q(t)@t - s) Eu(t)xo = 0, t 2 t,.

Exoxo = lx,,

(19c) (19d)

Also the matrices F(a), G(e), H(e), Q(m), and II, are assumed known and continuous. In trajectory estimation (19b) could be the linearized equations of motion describing the evolution of the position and velocity vector x(e) subject to the wideband perturbations u(v) caused by random drag, gravitational uncertainties, etc., and the initial uncertainties x0. The assumption that x0 and u(.) are uncorrelated not only is physically reasonable but also has the important consequence that the process x(e) is now a wide-sense Markov process [225]. Kalman also assumes that the plant noise u(a) and the observation noise v(e) in the observedprocess
y(t) = z(t) + v(t) = H(t)x(t)

+ u(t)


can be correlated, but he restricts the dependenceto being of the form Eu(t)u (s) = C(t)cs(t - s) (21)






which is consistentwith our more generalearlier assumption where {@,T,H,Q,R,C,II,} are known matrices. The Kalman (4) on the one-sided dependencebetween z(a) and a( a). filter solution is The equations (19)-(21) describe the Kalman m o d e l for R,,-1 = 0 jzi+lli = @ i2ili-1 + Ki(Ri)-l&i, (294 the estimation problem. The Kalman filter is not given 2ili-1 = Hijlili-1 by an explicit formula for the impulse response of the Ei = yi - 2ili-1, (29b) optimal filter, but as an algorithm suitable for direct Ri = EEiEi = HiPili_lHi + Ri, evaluation by analog or digital computers
.2(t) = H(t)A(t) Pili-1 (22) Ki = ~Pili-,Hi + riCi = E~ilI-1~i I-1 (29~) (294

R(t) = F(t)A(t)

+ IL(t)@),
+ G(t)C(t)

a&)> = 0

(23) where the IZ x IZ matrix (24) f ili-1 A E[Xi - ~i~i-l][Xi - Rili-l]

E(t) = y(t) - .2(t) = y(t) - H(t)lZ(t) K(t) = P(t)H (t)

(25) can be computed via the so-called Riccati difference and the n x y1matrix P(a) is the covariance matrix of the equation errors in the state estimates P.1+1/i = ~iPi,i-l~i - Ki(Ri)-lKi + r,Qiri ,
P(t) = Eqt)n (t), z?(t) = x(t) - R(t). 06) P,,-1 = rr,. (30)

P( *) can be computed as the unique solution of the nonlinear differential equation

P(t) = F(t)P(t) + P(t)F (t) - K(t)K (t) + G(t)Q(t)G (t), P(to) = II,.


This equation is a matrix version of the familiar Riccati equation, first introduced by Francesco,Count Riccati, in 1724[I951 and since then often encountered in the calculus of variations. It seemssurprising that a nonlinear equation should arise in a linear problem and be regardedas advantageous.However, the point is that it is a difSerentia1 iquation with known initial conditions, and such equations are comparatively easyto solve on a digital or analog computer becausethey involve only the iteration of relatively simple updating operations. This circumstance is indeed a very happy one, becauseRiccati equationscan be introduced to solve general linear two-point boundary value problems, which arise often in various fields, see,e.g., [146], [247].
Discrete-Time Results

The discrete-time Kalman filter results were actually, the first to be obtained, partly becausethe m a jor systemtheory activity in the m id-fifties was in the field of sampleddata systems,which arose when modern digital computers were put into control and communication links. Sampleddata filters for least-squaresestimation were given by Franklin [S], Friedland [60], and others. W h ile Friedland used infinite triangular matrices, Blum [59], [67], studied recursive filters for lim iting the storage requirements of such algorithms. W e have already noted the work of Swerling [61]. Kalman s contribution was to introduce state-space m o d e ls. He assumedthat (28a) Zi = HiXi, i20 yi = Zi + V I9


+ I-pi
ExOxO = l-I,, EUiVj = Risij,

(284 EUiVj = CiSij

EuixO = 0 z EvixO , Euiuj = Qisij,


The similarity of this set of equations to (22)-(27) is clear; in fact, the latter can be obtained from (28), (29) by a lim iting procedure [68]. Note that becauseof the presence of the PiI i- ,-dependentterm RF, the discrete-timeformulas are somewhat more complicated than the continuoustim e ones, or even than discretized versions of the continuous-time formulas. Moreover, in discrete time, there is no particular need to assumethat the covariance of the additive-noiseis nonsingular,and we have therefore written it as Ri rather than as I. Note that we could even take Ri to be zero without affecting the formulas (29), (30). This is not possible in continuous time, where problems with no nonsingular white noise component require more care (cf. [90], [122], [I811 and the referencestherein). The study of state-estimationproblems wherethere is no additive noise has recently uncovered some interesting differences between discrete- and continuous-time estimation and control problems (cf. [ 1701,[ 1791). By now the Kalman filter is widely known and widely used, notably in aerospaceengineering; see, for example, the papers and referencesin the survey volumes [ 1391 and [145]. Furthermore, (19)-(30) have turned out to have a fundamental role in understanding the structure and properties of dynamical systems, in many stochastic and deterministic problems. W e may refer to work in quadratic optimization, stability theory, network theory, covariance and spectral factorization, stochastic control, sensitivity analyses,signal detection, etc. (The factorization problems will be briefly discussedin Section IX.) W e forebear from giving specific references, but shall merely note some recent books in which such topics are covered[106], [128], [129], [132], [135], [143], [153], [157], [177]; it should be noted that Kalman himself launched the study of severalof these questions. However, despite all the good that has come out of this h t eory, there have been many excesses and oversights in its pursuit, partly reflected in an incredible volume of papers.Although some of this literature was necessary and worthwhile, a good fraction of it must be attributed to the general expansion of technological and especially space







activity that Sputnik and the Apollo project brought to America scene,in terms both of researchand development contracts for industry and of the rapid expansionof graduate education in universities. Another factor was that this period coincided with the emergenceof what is now called modern control theory, which was being built upon the rediscovery of the importance, emphasized in the m idfifties by Bellman, of the notion of state. The fact that the Kalman filter dealt largely with state-estimation made it comparatively easy to include it in books and courses in state-variable theory, without having to go very deeply into estimation theory or even into Wiener filtering. Although several excellent examples of the clever and successfulapplication of control theory ideas to estimation prob1emscanbefound,e.g.,[74],[111],[128],[133],[148], [84a], [193a], the majority of contributions have suffered from having too narrow a base. I feel it is unfortunate that a whole generation of control engineershas grown up whose only knowledge of estimation theory is through Kalman filtering. The work of Kolmogorov, Krein, Wiener, Karhunen, Levinson, Levy, Hida, and others (see Section VII) on many still important aspects of estimation has generally been neglected, not without loss. On the other hand, I should also state that in my opinion, the potential of the results and insights in the just-cited control-theoretic ideas has also not yet been fully exploited. It may be useful to reinforce the previous comments by giving an illustration from control theory itself. As Kalman has often stressed[68] the major contribution of his work is not perhaps the actual filter algorithm, elegant and useful as it no doubt is, but the proof that under certain technical conditions called controllability and observability, the optimum filter is stable or robust in the sense that the effects of initial errors and round-off and other computational errors will die out asymptotically. However, the known proofs of this result are somewhat difficult, and it is significant that only a small fraction of the vast literature on the Kalman filter deals with this problem. (Significant recent contributions have been made in [126], [ISS], [167], [151], [188].) Th e concepts of controllability and observability actually first arose as technical conditions in certain optimal control problems [ 1191.They also enter in a fundamental way [76], [119], in characterizing irreducible transfer functions and m inimal state-space realizations of linear systems.Kalman isolated thesenotions and, for conceptual and other reasons, also de fined them in terms of certain idealized but simple control problems; e.g., he observed that controllability is equivalent to being able to take an arbitrary initial state to the origin [62]. However, such definitions are only somewhat incidental, and their main justification lies in the theorems that can be proved with them. Nevertheless, many textbooks deal largely with examinations and elaborations of the definitions of controllability and observability, with hardly a mention of the associated theorems as being the reasons for this great attention. Information theorists may recognize similarities to the fate of the words information and entropy!

In my opinion, it was the peculiar atmosphere of the sixties, with its catchwords of building research competence, training more scientists, etc., that supported the uncritical growth of a literature in which quantity and formal novelty were often prized over significance and attention to scholarship. There was little concern for fitting new results into the body of old ones; it was important to have new results! Wiener had some interesting comments on the sceneas early as 1956 [371, p. 2711. Despite this unfortunate historical context, one should not underestimate the significance of. the Kalman filter, which, to repeat, is more than just a solution to a specific estimation problem. As a tribute to this work, I now attempt to add my view concerning the slight controversy that exists as to its origin.
Historical Notes on the Kabnan Filter

Recursive solutions to least-squaresproblems are not of recent origin. Gauss was forced to invent them to handle the vast calculations he undertook in order to help astronomers locate the asteroid Ceres. His work dealt with the discrete-time model (28), where, however, the state Xi was constant (i.e., CD and I were zero). Given hindsight one can generalize this work to handle dynamics and, for example, Rosenbrock has done this in his interesting note [92], (see also a note by Genin in [139]). Incidentally, Whittle in 1963 [32, p. 353 pointed out that the classical Wiener filter could be rewritten in a recursive form as a differential equation, and he also studied some nonstationary extensions [95].4 However, the general case was first studied by Kalman [64], who combined state-space descriptions and the notion of discrete-time innovations, as described for example in Doob [225, especially sects. XII.1 and X11.31, to give a complete and elegant solution. Kalman s solution also introduced a nonlinear recurrence equation (30) which was the discrete-time counterpart of a Riccati differential equation he had already encounteredin studies on quadratic m inimization problems in optimal control [63]. From this it was an easy step to obtain the continuous analog of the discrete-time equation for the least-squares estimate, especially since Kalman also recognized a duality between the filtering and control problems. An immediate bonus of his analysis of the steady-state behavior of the Riccati equation in optimal control was the important result that, under the previously mentioned technical conditions of observability and controllability, the finite-time solution converges to a unique steady-state solution, independent of the initial condition and of errors introduced during the computation. [This stability question did not arise in the classical Wiener problem, which roughly speaking, corresponds to a Kalman filter problem with the F(-) matrix in the state-space signal model (19) constant and stable (i.e., having eigenvalues with negative real parts).
4 Whittle [32], [95], used difference equation (autoregressivemoving average) models, and interestingly enough it is only recently that several advantages of such models have been fully appreciated (see the discussion at the end of Section IX).






Therefore, the signal variance goes to a steady-statevalue and it can be shown that SO does the (always smaller) variance of the error. It is a striking fact, at least without further thought, that the error variance goes to a finite steady-statevalue under the structural conditions of controllability and observability even if F is unstable, so that the signal variance becomesunbounded.] In view of thesefacts it seems fair to usethe n a m e Kalman filter for the continuous-time algorithm as well as for its discrete-time analog. The continuous-time filter is often also called the Kalman-Bucy filter, or sometimesthe BucyKalman filter (see Part I of [113] and also [136]). Bucy s coauthorship in Kalman and Bucy [69] grew out of some early work by Carlton and Follin [56] and Hanson [57], at the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, in which algorithms of the Kalman type were obtained for some special cases.Kalman s discovery of the general continuous-time formulas was apparently independent of this, being basedas we havenoted on analogies with optimal control [63]. Later Kalman obtained a direct derivation by applying a lim iting argument to the discretetim e formulas [68]. Bucy s important contribution to the joint paper [69] was a derivation using the finite-time W iener-Hopf equation (10). It should also be noted that Siegert in 1953-1955[58] had already shown in a different context that finite-time W iener-Hopf equations could be solved by reduction to a Riccati differential equation. It is also not so widely known that, independentlyof all this, Stratonovich in the USSR had begunto study recursive solutions for nonlinear least-squares estimates of the states of a nonlinear dynamical system driven by white noise. In this connection, it is natural to consider the linearized problem and its solution, and in so doing Stratonovich in 1960 also obtained the Kalman filter equations ([65], [141, p. 6751). However, no stability analysis was undertaken. W e should also mention that with hindsight one can specialize certain recursive formulas obtained in 1958 by Swerling [61] for nondynamical systems to again obtain the Kalman filter. Swerling did not actually explicitly consider this special case, nor did he anywhere have a Riccati equation. However, as noted earlier, Swerling s contain several useful and interesting papers [611, [1551, ideas, for linear and nonlinear filtering, many of which have been widely overlooked. [One such idea will be encounteredin Section X.1 As a final comment on this topic, we may note that in a little known 1944 paper [213] (unfortunately not cited in his 1953book, but added by Yaglom to the 1956 Russian translation) Doob m a d e explicit and effective use of linear state-variable m o d e ls to study processes with rational spectraldensity. This paper (seealso [219]) contains several formulas and results that were rediscovered much later in the state-space literature. V. RECURSIVE W IENER FILTERS Kalman replaced the conventional specification of the filtering problem in terms of signal and noise covariance

functions by one in which state-space m o d e ls were specified for the signal and noise, and it seemedto many that this difference in specification was the chief reason for the success of the Kalman filter. Therefore, it was thought that to obtain similar computationally efficient recursive solutions for problems with covariancz information one should first deduce state-space m o d e ls consistent with the given covariance specifications, to which the Kalman solution could then be applied. Unfortunately, the problem of determining such state-spacem o d e ls for nonstationary processes, which include stationary processes observed over finite tim e intervals, is quite difficult. Most known solutions require an amount of work roughly equivalent to that involved in solving the Riccati equation for a process with an already known signal m o d e l. Thus it appears in effect that the price paid for starting with covariance information rather than m o d e l information is essentially a doubling of work. However, this is not true. W ith a proper formulation, the same amount of computation suffices to solve either problem. More specifically, suppose that we return to Shinbrot s covariance specification (18), which we shall rewrite more compactly in matrix notation as K&s) = A(t)B(s)l(t - s) + B (t)A (s)l(s - t) (31) where A(*) and B ( *) are p x n matrices and I(*) is the Heaviside unit step function. The m e a n ing of this assumption, which as stated earlier Shinbrot was forced to make for purely mathematical reasons, is that this is the form that K(t,s) = E[z(t)z (s) + z(t)v (s) + v(t)z (s)] must take for the processesz(a) and v(e) in a state-spacem o d e l (19), (20). Before proceeding,it will be convenient to rewrite K(Q) in the form K(t,s) = M(t)cD(t,s)N(s)l(t - s) + N (QD (s,t)M (s)l(s - t)

where @(a ;) is a so-called state transition matrix defined [106] as the unique solution of the linear differential equation
d@( t,s) = F(t)Q(t,s), dt @(s,s) = z (33)

and F(a) is an arbitrary matrix that can be chosen conveniently for the problem at hand. There is no loss of generality in doing this becauseQ(. , .) is nonsingular and obeys cD(t,s)= @(t,t,,)@(&,,s)for an arbitrary t,. W h e n F(e) is constant Q(Q) = exp F(t - s)
4 I + F(t - s) + F2 (t - sj2 + . . .* 2! (34)

For a given F(a), the correspondence between (29) and (30) is establishedby the relations (with to arbitrary) A(t) = W Y W ,),

B(t) = w,,tw(t)

= A(t)@(t,,t),

= cD(t,t,)B(t).







case, where A( a) and B(a) are exponential functions, we have basically the classical network-theory problem of approximating a time function by a sum of exponential functions (or, in frequency-domain terms, approximating w = ~WW (354 a function by a ratio of polynomials). A modern version of this broblem is that of obtaining minimal state-space where realizations from measurementsof transfer functions. There d(t) = FWV) + W)b(t) - M(tM(t)l, 4(to) = 0 are now several methods available for doing this, and in Wb) fact research into more efficient methods is still going on (see, e.g., [129], [360], and the referencestherein). HowK(t) = Iv(t) - C(t)M (t) (364 ever, this is only for the stationary case. Although certain qt,> = 0. analogous procedures can be devised for the nonstationary Ii(t) = F(t)C(t) + E(t)F (t) + K(t)K (t), case [112], in general it is a difficult matter even in network Wb) theory to obtain time-variant system realizations. For this reason, and also because attention is shifting The equation for E(e) is again an IZ x n nonlinear matrix differential equation of Riccati type. It is different from the away from aerospace problems, there is renewed interest Riccati equation (26) of the Kalman filter, though it is in time-invariant models. Such models have generally been closely related [149]. As expected, (32)-(35) reduce to the only ones studied by statisticians and communication the Wiener filter formulas (1 l)-(16) in the special case engineers,and recent researchin control and system theory p = 1, t, = - co, and K(t,s) a function only of It - sl. has taken a big swing in this direction. Thus we have now found the recursive generalization of VI. NEW ALGORITHMS FOR TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEMS the Wiener filter. To put it another way, we can now see how to make Shinbrot s integral equation solution recursive. When the parameters in the Kalman state-spacemodel are A proof of these results is outlined in (128)-(133) of Section constant (time invariant), it has recently been discovered IX. (The discrete-time version of these equations can be that one can obtain recursive solutions without going found in [180].) through a Riccati equation, and in several problems it is The important point is that the equations for C( *) and possible to obtain significant computational advantages z^( *) can be directly written down from the covariance thereby (cf. [ 1661,[ 1831,[ 1841).One reason for presenting specifications without first having to determine a state- this result is that a special case of it is closely related to space model. Thus both specifications, in terms of covar- algorithms invented in 1943-1947 by the astrophysicists iances or in terms of state-space models, are seen to be Ambartsumian (USSR) [21 l] and Chandrasekhar (USA) equivalent, not just in that they give the same final answer [217], [220], to solve a class of Wiener-Hopf equations by (because,of course, they must), but in that their solutions reduction to nonlinear differential equations. This reduction involve comparable amounts of work. The choice between was actually sought to obtain better numerical procedures, them lies purely in whether state-spacemodels or covariance the same fundamental motivation underlying the work a specifications are more readily at hand. This fact is still not decade later of Swerling, Stratonovich, and Kalman. widely appreciated and the literature contains many disWe shall start with the general state-space model (19), cussions of attempts to identify state-spacemodels from (20), where now F,G,H,Q,Care assumedto be time invariant. covariance data so as to be able to use a Kalman filter. Then it has been shown [183] that the linear least-squares Nevertheless, modeling is, as in all subjects, a thorny estimate of z(s) can be computed via the equations problem and we should say a few more words about it 2(t) = HA(t) (374 here. State-space models are often at hand in aerospace problems, where we may have enough information to write i(t) = F$(t) + K(t)[y(t) R(t,) = 0 (37b) - Hi(t)], down the equations of motion, whether they be time invariant or time variant. However, the choice of the which are (cf. (22), (23)) as in the Kalman filter, except proper number of states to model a given problem ad- that now K(a) need not be computed via a Riccati-type equately is not always an easy one. In many problems of equation (27), but through the equations industrial process control and communications, it is K(t,) = l&H + GC R(t) = L(t)SL (t)H , generally impossible to write down state equations (as is (384 clear if we try to do so for a large power grid, or chemical i.(t) = [F - K(t)H]L(t), plant or a telephone-line channel) and recourse has to be Wd = J5l WI had to terminal measurements,for example of the covariance where S and the initial condition matrix L, are found as function or power spectrum of the channel output. Now follows. Let covariance estimation is itself a vast subject, but even if we D A PI-I, + II,F + GQG assume that good estimates are available, K(t,s) will be available only as a numerical function of t and s and not - (I&H + GC)(l&H + CC) (39) in the factored form (31) or (32); getting the functions and suppose that {A(*),B(*)} or {M(*),@(*;),N(*)} involves a further step rank of D = tl, of approximation. How can this be done? In the stationary CI I n. (40) Now it is shown in [I491 (see[292], [105], [144], for earlier efforts) that the estimate 2(e) can be calculated by the following recursive algorithm :






SinceD is symmetric, we can write it via a standardnumerical which should be compared with the Riccati-type algorithm procedure (called the LDU decomposition, seee.g., [387]) (35), (36) of the previous section. W e can now point out a closerelationship to somefamous as D = LJL, (41) equations obtained in astrophysics in connection with a W iener-Hopf equation (10) with K(t,s) of the form where LO is an n x c1 matrix and S is the a x a signature 1 matrix of D K(Q) = zc(Jt - sl) = exp (-It - sla)w(cl)da (46) s0 S = diag {l,l;..,l,-I,-l;..,-I} for a certain weighting function w(a). Ir. 1947,Chandrasekwith as many ones as D has positive eigenvalues.For har [217] showed that the solution ;ould be obtained in reasonsthat will be given later, we shall say that the non- terms of two functions, now generally known as Chandlinear differential equations(38) are of Chandrasekhar-type. rasekhar s X and Y functions, obeying the simultaneous This new algorithm determinesK(.) directly via the solution nonlinear differential equations of n(p + LX) nonlinear differential equations for the n x p am4 matrix K(.) and the n x CI matrix L(e). In the Kalman ~ = - Y(t,u) (47) Y(t,LW(~) & at s 0 filter solution we have n(n + I)/2 equations for the components of the matrix P(e), from which K( *) must then be 1 aw4 ~ = -aY(t,a) - X(t,or) Y(t>P>NB>dP (48) found as P(*)H + GC. at s 0 In this generality, there may not be much to gain by choosing one algorithm or the other. However, there are O<a<l. X(O,u) = 1 = Y(O,a), (49) important special caseswhere there is a decidedadvantage. These equations attracted considerableattention and have For example, if we are very certain about the value of the been studied, especially in transport theory and related initial state x(t,), we m ight assume that II0 = 0, which fields, by Case[232], Noble [252], W ing [256], and Kalaba, can be seen to lead to certain simplifications in D, in Kagiwada, and Bellman (see[254] and the many references particular that S = Z and c1< m in (n,m). in the survey volume [146]). In 1972, Casti, Kalaba, and Another specialcase,of particular interest in communicaMurthy [I611 used these results to show that the leasttions and in system identification, is obtained by assuming squaresestimate 8(e) could be written that the state and signal processes x( .) and z(a) are in the 1 statistical steadystate,i.e., that they are stationary processes. s(t) = L(Wy(4 da (50) To achieve this requires that we assumeF to have eigens0 values with negativereal parts and the initial state variance where to be II, = n,
0 = Fn + iiF + GQG .


; L(@) = -@JqW) + x(t,dCY(t)

L(O,a) = 0,

- %t)l,

Now the matrix D reducesto

D = -(nH

0 5 u 5 1. (51)

+ GC)(TjiH + .GC) and rank D 5 p. (43)

W ith some small effort, the reader should be able to see that these equations are essentially the same as (37), (45a), (45b) if we make the assumptions
W(~) = ~

Assuming for definitenessthat the rank is p, the number of outputs we can take S = -Z and L, = iiH + GC, so that no special factorization is neededto specify the equations, which now comprise 2np nonlinear equations compared to n(n + 1)/2 for the Kalman filter. There can be a considerablecomputational saving when n >> p. If we assumenot a state-space m o d e l for the stationary signal processz(a), but only knowledge of the covariance function of z(a), we shall be closer to the classical assumptions of the pre-Kalman theory, and will be able to bring out some interesting connections.Thus if (cf. (32))
R,(t,s) = Z&t

cli 6(a


Ui 2



= diag (~1~;* .,a,}. (52)

This is why the nonlinear differential equations (38) are said to be of Chandrasekhar type. W e should note that the X and Y functions were already introduced by Ambartzumian in [211]. Chandrasekhar [217] first gave the differential forms, which Bellman, Kalaba, and their colleaguesbegan to numerically exploit in the early sixties.
Discrete-Time Models

Analogous results can be obtained for discrete-time problems but the formulas are somewhatmore complicated. + N eF (S-f)M l(s - t) (44) This happened also with the Kalman formulas but the then it can be shown [183] that the algorithm is just (37) difference is even more pronounced here. Once again, with (instead of (38)) we use the same estimator equation as in the Kalman filter
k(t) i(t) = -L(t)I!(t)H , = [F - K(t)H]Y(t), K(t,) L(t,)

- s) + M e F - N l(t

- s)

= N
= N

(45a) (45b)



Ki[Ri]- i?iy

A,,-, = 0 (53a)

Ei = yi - HRili-1







s and Levinson s but Ki is found not via the Riccati difference equation (30), close connection between Chandrasekhar results. Actually, both can be derived by using certain but via the equations [184] invariance principles, which consist basically of in(544 Ki+l = Ki + ~Li[Ri']-lLi'H' variantly imbedding the given problem in a family of similar problems. This will be explained in some detail in = [~ - Ki+,[R~+,]-lH]Li Pb) Li+l Section VII. (554 Rf, I = Ri" + HL,[R;]-'L,'H' We should also note that the techniques used to obtain (38)-(41) and (54)-(58) can also be applied [183], [184], Ri' L,IH'[R,"]-'HLi R;,, = (55b) to other problems where Riccati equations arise, even to where general two-point boundary value problems whose solution ROE = R + Hl-I,H' (56) K, = OoH' + l-C, is well known to be obtainable via a nonsymmetric Riccati and Lo, R,' are found by factoring the matrix equation. Furthermore, by using the ideas discussed at the end of Section IX, the results can also be extendedto certain D A N-I,@' + rQI-' - II, - K,[R,]-'K,' (57) classesof time-variant and even nonlinear models. Applicaas tions to infinite-dimensional (distributed parameter) problems seem to hold special computational promise since D = Lo [MO+ i-1 Lo', M, > 0, Me < 0. (58) operator Riccati equations on Hilbert x Hilbert spacesare replaced by equations on Hilbert x R" spaces. The matrix Lo has dimension n x a, where a = rank of D. As stressedin [ 1841,[ 193d], a significant aspect of all the Then Lo is the initial value for (54b), while results of this section is that a reevaluation is timely of M+-' 0 the almost total concentration on the Riccati equation in the R,' = Mm-' I ' 0 sixties. The rest of this paper hopes to describe some of the concepts that will underlie such a reexamination. These The form of (59) suggeststhat we define concepts have actually been available for quite a while, but, M, = CR;]-' as stated before, they seem to have been generally neglected, perhaps as historical curiosities. However, many of the in which case (55b) gives the equation results of Sections V and VI would probably not have been Mi+ MiLi'H'[Ri"]-lHLiMi. Mi+l = (60) developed without awarenessof the important role of the We could obtain other variations by updating [R,"]-1 Wiener-Hopf equation and of spectral factorization in this directly. The best choices seem to be those we have given; field. Our survey of these various ideas can only be partial, a count of the number of operations, which is more signif- but it is deliberately also somewhat tutorial so as to aid the icant in discrete time than the number of equations, shows interested reader in making a closer study of the many that all forms of the new algorithm involve less computation referencesthat will be noted later. than the Kalman filter. Recently, other variants have been WORK ON LINEAR found in which specific equations as in (54) or (60) are VII. SOME EARLY MATHEMATICAL LEAST-SQUARES ESTIMATION replaced by the specification of successiveorthogonalizing transformations (e.g., of the Householder type) to be apThe adjectives in the title might seem strange to someplied to certain data arrays [ 193~1,[193d]. These forms are one who has gone through the previous sections; it might intimately related to square-root estimation algorithms (see also seem a bit presumptuous considering how often the Wal, C128a1, U481, and the referencestherein), and to the work of Wiener has been mentioned so far. Nevertheless, ideas of canonical spectral factorization (shadesof Wiener, as stated by Masani [255] in the special Wiener issue of again). This last topic is further discussed at the end of the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, the Section IX. portion of Wiener s work [l] that we have described does As in continuous time, in various special cases the not have the theoretical strength and completenessof that algorithm can be simplified further, e.g., when II0 = 0 of Kolmogorov. Wiener became aware of this himself or when II, = fi = an@ + IQI . In the latter case, when he tackled the multivariate and nonlinear leastthe processesz and y are stationary, and it can be shown squaresproblems. Masani writes that Wiener adopted the that the relevant equations are closely related to the work [Kolmogorov] Hilbertian approach in his later papers of Levinson in 1947 [218]. Curiously, the algorithm for the under the stimulus of his younger collaborators. continuous-time stationary process case is also related to Before embarking upon our examination of the more work done in 1947, namely that of Chandrasekhar [217]. mathematical work of Kolmogorov and his successors,we While Chandrasekhar s paper was in astrophysics and should perhaps reassure the reader that the mathematical therefore somewhat inaccessible, it is unfortunate that level of our presentation is not going to take a big jump. Levinson s paper, which was reprinted as an appendix in Deeper mathematics, or even more abstract mathWiener s monograph [1], has been somewhat overlooked ematics, does not necessarily entail more formidable in the literature of communication and control theory, mathematical language. It is quite possible to present though it has been widely used by geophysicists [79], [96], the basic ideas of the deeper mathematics in a physical [1 lo], and very recently in speech analysis [ 1641, [173]. way, and in fact it is no longer a novelty that often the Since they solve similar problems, there must clearly be a deeper mathematics is closer to physical constructs. The






Schwartz theory of generalized functions is a good example, where the abstract topological notions of generalized equality and convergenceare more closely tied to the mechanismsof physical measurements than are the classical pointwise or Lp definitions.
The Work of Wold (Z938)

In 1938,just a few years after Kolmogorov had put the theory of probability and stochastic processes on a sound generalfooting [203], W o ld presenteda Ph.D. dissertation on discrete-time stationary processes.This dissertation, now available in book form [206], contains severalinteresting results, of which we mention only a very few, related to our theme. For example, W o ld already used the idea proposed by Frechet in 1937 [205] of regarding random variables as elements of a metric space with the distance betweentwo elementsbeing the variance of their difference. This geometric interpretation m a d e it natural to interpret least-squares estimation as projection onto a subspace.It took many years for this natural idea to penetrate the engineeringliterature, where even in the sixties, strenuous efforts were m a d e in many papers to avoid using the socalled orthogonality condition for least-squares estimates. W e may mention in passingthat W o ld was influencedby the work of Frisch [202], where as W o ld states, matrix calculus was for the first tim e systematically e m p loyed in statistics. In 1969Frisch receivedthe first Nobel Prize in Economics. One of W e ld s m a jor observationswas that it simplified calculations to replace a sequenceof correlated random variables by an equivalent sequenceof uncorrelated variables. He also noted that certain processescould be singular in that their future values could be predicted exactly from knowledgeof their past values. Such processes are nowadays, following Doob [213], called deterministic processes.These various ideas were combined into the following fundamental result [206, p. 891. Let y(t) be a finite-variance stationary discretetim e process.Then there exist three jointly stationary
processes MO,WW)~ 0 y(t) = x(-l + +(*I;

complete efforts, and Masani [255] comments that so thorough had been Kolmogorov s treatment of univariate prediction in the discretecasethat there was little left to do. Kolmogorov first noted that, though W o ld s decomposition was stated as an existencetheorem, it becomesa prediction formula as soon as the deterministic process {$(a)} and the coefficients {bi} of the moving-average process(so named by Kolmogorov {s(e)}) are fixed. Thus supposewe know that $(e) is identically zero. W o ld was aware, but did not explicitly state !n his theorem, that E(t) could be uniquely determined by {y(t), y(t - 1); * .}. In fact, W o ld essentially constructed the E(.) sequence by successive Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, for which this property is obvious. (We say essentially because W o ld was dealing with an infinite sequence {y(t), y(t - 1);. *} and a possibly nonzero deterministic $(a), so that a careful double lim iting procedurehad to be used.) This property was explicitly introduced and exploited by Kolmogorov as follows. By W o ld s theorem
y(t) = hoe(t) f blE(t -

1) + b2e(t - 2) + . . * (60a)

where the {s(t), s(t - 1),* * *} are uncorrelated random variables that can be computed from {y(t), y(t - 1); * *} by linear operations. Also
y(t + 1) = boE(t + 1) + [ble(t) + b2E(t - 1) + . . *I.

However, as just noted, the terms in the square bracket are completely determined by knowledge of past y(.); moreover, these terms are not correlated with s(t + 1). Therefore, we have
j(t + 1 1t) I linear least-squares estimate of y(t + 1) given {y(t), y(t - 1); . .1 = b,&(t) + b2E(t - 1) + . * *.

This solvesthe prediction problem. Here

bo.z(t + 1) = y(t + 1) - $(t + 1 I t)

ii) $( *) and x( *) are uncorrelated; iii) $(a) is deterministic and unique; iv) s(a) has uncorrelated components, E&(i)&(j) =


x(t) = b,&(t) wherexb

+ b+(t - 1) + c co.


- 2) + * . .)

This decomposition is now called the Wold decomposition and it has been widely used and generalized,especially in functional analysis [245], [250], [261].
The Work of Kolmogorov (1939-1941)

so that one may call s(t + 1) the new information or the innovation in the process y(.) at tim e t + 1, and the process E(*) may be called the innovations process of y(e), a n a m e that was apparently first used by W iener and Masani in the m id-fifties (personal communication in 1968from P. Masani). (See also a 1960 paper by Cramer [268].) W e shall seethat such processes play a fundamental role in our understanding of the process y(e) in both discrete and continuous tim e (Sections VIII and IX). So far we have chiefly an easy application of W o ld s theorem. Kolmogorov went on to deepenW e ld s theorem by relating it to properties of the so-calledintegrated power spectrum of the processy(s). W ith the covariance
R(i - ,j) A Ey(i)y(j)

W h ile W o ld went on in his thesis to apply his ideas to W o ld had shown that there exists a nondecreasing function economic tim e series, it was left to Kolmogorov to pick F(1) called the integrated power spectrum of y( .) such that up and complete W o ld s results on prediction, which he 112 did in a brilliant and comprehensivefashion in the papers exp (i2zkA) dF(A). R(k) = [207], [209], [210]. Later W iener m a d e similar, but less s -l/Z







In general F(a) will consist of an absolutely continuous part, a jump part, and a singular part (continuous and nondecreasingbut with zero derivative almost everywhere). Kolmogorov showed that the deterministic part of a process y(e) is identically zero if and only if F(A) is absolutely continuous and its derivative 8 (A) satisfies

TheseA-functions can be extendedfrom the interval (- +,+), or equivalently from the unit circle, into the complex plane, an idea of Hardy s [199] that had been extensively studied by Paley and Wiener [204]. Nevertheless, it was Kolmogorov who exploited theseideas in generalprediction.
A Formula of Szegii s (191.5)

s -l/2

In P(A) dl > -co.


He also gave explicit formulas for the coefficients {bi} in terms of the Fourier series coefficients of In fi(A)5 and finally showed that the one-step prediction error has a simple form

lim E[y(t)

- E(t 1t - l)] = lim E& (t)


= exp 3

11-2 s -l/2

In p(A) dA.

Kolmogorov s explicit formula (62) for the mean-square error had already been discovered in a different, but isomorphic problem by G. Szegii in 1915 [20@], [201]. The isomorphism was precisely the one introduced by Kolmogorov, according to which the problem of choosing {aj} to m inimize II-1 2 an2 P E Y(n) - 5 ajY(j> (67) [ is the same as that of choosing them to m inimize

Is2 -


0 s -l/2 I This last formula, which is valid for all processes (even ((33) those with a nonzero deterministic part), is closely related or to the Yovits--Jackson formula (17) mentioned in Section III (cf. [48], [54]). (69) These remarkable results were obtained by connecting the study of stationary random processes with that of Thus the problem of m inimizing a, by suitable choice of certain deterministic functions in the frequency domain. the {ai} is just a problem of polynomial approximation on Kolmogorov did this via the relationship the unit circle. This problem was solved for absolutely 112 continuous F(z) by SzegB, and rederived by Kolmogorov Ey(k)y(l) = R(k - I) = exp i2&(k - 1) dF(A). for general F(z). The connection to Szego swork was noted s -l/2 by Krein [214] and later by Grenander [223]. (63) It will be useful later to set

exp (i2rcln) -

C aj exp (i271;lj) #(A)

The Work of Krein (1944-1945)

z = exp i2nA so that (63) can also be written

Ey(k)y(Z) = R(k - 1) = P zkz- dF(z)


where the special symbol denotes integration around the unit circle. The left side of (63) can be regarded as an inner product between the random variables y(k) and y(Z) in a Hilbert space of random variables formed from finite 1= Atan- f WI = S(f), (70) TL linear combinations of the {y(k)} and their lim its in the covariance norm. Similarly, becauseF(A) is nondecreasing, tan nA = ___-exp (271% - 1 = if. exp i2nI. = -1 + if , the right side can be regarded as an inner product between exp (2&) + 1 1 - if exp i2nk3, and exp i2nlA in the space L,(dF) of functions (71) square-integrable with respect to the measure dF(3,). Similarly the right side of (64) defines an inner product This transformation has the useful property of preserving between the powers zk in the space of polynomials on the causality, and therefore it is often used in digital signal unit circle. Therefore, we have an obvious norm-preserving processing (see,e.g., [367]). mapping (or isometry) between these spacesin which Use of the bilinear transformation shows easily [225, ch. XII] that the necessaryand sufficient condition for no y(k) ++ exp i2nk,I c1 zk (65) deterministic part is (compare (64)) n F a,y(k) c-) $ ak exp i2nkA c* i akzk. (66) O In (f) df , _ Go 1 (72) f --m 1 -?-f
5 Incidentally, this defines the so-called cepstrum of y( .), which has had a vogue in signal processing recently [364]-[368].

In response to questions raised by Kolmogorov, Krein in 1944-1945 [214], [215], showed how Kolmogorov s results could be extended to continuous time by use of a simple bilinear transformation. To each discrete-time stationary process with integrated spectrum F(;i) we can associatea stationary continuous-time processwith integrated spectrum S(f), where

The bilinear transformation can also be extended to multivariable systems [233] and to systems in state-spaceform






(75) Since RN is a nonincreasingfunction of N, its value can be used to decide whether it is necessary to collect more data The Work of Levinson (1947) (i.e., increaseN) in order to achievea desired mean-square In the USA, work on least-squares estimation proceeded error. As stressedby Levinson, this makes it important to along different lines. W iener s basic ideas, rather than his find a way of successively calculating RN , N = O,l, * * . . The ingenious solution of the problem, influenced work on first step is rearrangethe filter equations (74) and the error anti-aircraft devices,where the needto find computationally equation (75) in a single block-Toeplitz matrix equation simple solutions led to some alternative approaches.Thus Phillips [212] beganwith the assumption that the optimum filter has a rational transfer function and used the meansquare-errorcriterion to solve for the coefficients. O thers, apparently including Blackman, Bode, and Shannon [3], tried to incorporate the dynamical constraints on the &N targets into the prediction schemes. (76) Levinson [218] formulated the problem in discrete time. In his words, A few months after W iener s work appeared, where gN is a block-Toeplitz matrix. The unknowns are the author, in order to facilitate computation procedure, the {AN,i} and RN. The aim is to determine Rh,, and worked out an approximate, and one m ight say, math- {A N+l,i} in a way that takes maximum advantageof the ematically trivial procedure.Levinson s deprecatorycom- previous computations m a d e to find RNE and {AN,i}. It ments notwithstanding, this work has had an important takes almost as long to describethe result as it does to give impact on the field, both directly and indirectly. His a derivation, following Robinson [110, ch. 61. W e shall equations were rediscovered in 1960 by Durbin [239] therefore do so here, partly also with the hope that readers in a schemefor recursive fitting of autoregressive m o d e ls may recognize analogies with similar proceduresin other to scalar time-series data. W h ittle [81], [32] extended problems. The method is first to try an obvious solution, pushing these recursions to m u ltivariate tim e series, and his work our luck the most by assuming that adding a zero to the has been widely used by statisticians. Levinson s work was previous solution may work. It will if in the resulting directly usedand extendedto m u ltivariate seriesby workers equation in geophysics,especially Robinson, with various contributions by groups in the Geology Department at M .I.T. and [ZJN,,,* * *,AN,N,~]~N+I = [RNE,O;. .A~N] (77) in the oil industry (cf. [I lo] and the referencestherein). These algorithms are now being used in speechanalysis the term c(~ = RN+1 + Cy- AN,iRN-i is zero. If this does (see, e.g., [164], [173]) and in spectral estimation [107], not happen, we have to find a (simple) way of forcing MN [156], [182]. Th ere are also close relations to the theory to zero. For this we introduce the auxiliary (adjoint or of orthogonal polynomials [208], [236], [241] and to the reversed)equations algorithms of Section VI. These and other connections [WN,N, * . . ,BN,~J]~N+ 1 = [PN,O, * * . ,O~N'] (78) where at stage N we assume that we know {AN,i,RN ,UN) and {BN,i,RNr,QN}. [For N = 1, we take B,,, = Z, R, = ideas on spectral factorization and innovations representations (see R. = ROE.] Next we form a weighted combination of (77), especially [87, sects. 5, 7, and appendix E, F). 6 SeealsoPopov [87], [87a], papers that contain several important

[163], j where it has been exploited to give a new technique for solving the steady-stateRiccati equation. The bilinear transformation was also used in some generality by Masani and Robertson [246], [35], [45], who paid particular attention to the question of how the discrete-time innovations processgoes over to continuous time. W e may note that the discrete-time one-step prediction error formula has no continuous-time analog, but there is a continuoustim e version of the W o ld decomposition and of the innovations processs(e). These are important results, which we shall discussfurther in the next section. Krein has m a d e severalother important contributions to filtering theory. In 1954, he discovered that the spectral analysisof a weightedstring, in which he had beeninterested since 1940,enabledhim to obtain [227] some deep results on estimation given a finite data segment.Krein s analysis also led him to several other results on the solution of integral equations, the so-called inverse-scatteringproblem (see, e.g., [224], [226]). Recently, Dym and McKean [259], [260] have pursued Krein s ideas even further.

will be briefly discussedafter we presentthe basic problem and its solution. G iven a segment of a stationary time-series {y(O), y(l),* * *, y(N - l)}, where the {y(i)} are p-vectors, we wish to find the optimum one-stepprediction
N-l $N[N-I & c



Let Ri-j B -@@y (j) then by using the orthogonality property of least-squares estimates,we will have the equations

RN-j = - C


j = N - l;.*,O.


The mean-square error is given by

RN~ & =





c 0



\ I

AN+~(z), [&AN,~ + KN'BN,N,' "9KNa]~N+1

where z is an indeterminate and similarly define BN(z), BN+ t(Z). Th en the recursions (81)-(83) can be written compactly as

= [RN + KNaPN,O,** * ,O,CIN+ KN RN ]

from which it is easy to seethat choosing

KN = -NN[RN ]-~ (79)

gives us a solution of the extended equation, i.e., [Z,AN+l,l>

which turn out to be exactly the recurrence formulas for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle [236], [241]. These are polynomials {AN(z), IzI = l} such that

1 = [Z,A,,,; . *,AN,N,O] + Kzv~[O,BN,N,* . *,BN,tJ].

,A N+l,N+l


<Ai(z),Aj(z)) 6
= 6ijRi

(87) @3)

Similarly with the help of

KNp = -pN[RN ]-l

we can update the {BN,i} as

[BN+~,N+~,...,BN+~,~,ZI = [VN,N, * * * ,BNJ,~] + K,$[& &,* ,A,,,,O].

where F( .) is the matrix integrated power spectrum (cf. (63)) defined by


These relations were independently discovered by Whittle [81] and Wiggins and Robinson [96]. However, the latter had the benefit of an observation of Burg that UN =

The recursions for RNE and RN* can be seento be G+t =



- PN

(83) (84)

]-laN. R;v+t = RNr - PN[RN Some Connections and Extensions

= a covariance function, Ri-j. (89) t6 A striking thing about these polynomials is that, unlike the classicalorthogonal polynomials on the line, to get a nice recursion one has to introduce auxiliary polynomials {Bi(z)) and define a simultaneous recursion for the {Ai( and the {Bi(Z)}. This fact was first noticed by Szego [200] who considered the scalar case in which the previous relations simplify because the Toeplitz matrix gN will be symmetric rather than just block-symmetric. Now it can be seenthat

dF(z) z

BN(z) = z~AN(z-')

= ZN + AN,NzNml + * ** + AN.1 (90)

We should point out that the method of using a partial solution and a subsequent correction using a reversedtime auxiliary solution is the same in spirit as the method of invariance introduced into astrophysicsby Ambartsumian [211] and Chandrasekhar [217]. This is a powerful idea, whose main thrust can be recognized in many problemse.g., in the method of adjoints (or influence functions) in optimization problems [128] or in the Berlekamp-Massey decoding algorithm for BCH codes [289], [354], to mention only a few problems that may be of interest to readers of this article (seealso [191]). Here we note the obvious similarity between (54) (55) and (83) (84). In [185] we have given a stochastic interpretation of the previous algorithm, in which the Burg identity (82) arises very naturally. These ideas are then extended to a general study of decompositions of a time-series (into conditional innovations and residuals) that yield a certain statistical shift-invariance property. This property, analogous in many ways to the natural shift-invariance of stationary processes, enables imbedding derivations of the discrete-time algorithms (53)-(60) of Section VI and of certain so-called Fast-Cholesky algorithms for triangularizing nonnegative-definite block-Toeplitz and certain related matrices [191], [193].
Orthogonal Polynomials

= the reverse of the polynomial AN(Z).

In 1961, Baxter [240] extended Szegli s formulas to scalar nonsymmetric Toeplitz matrices, of which the symmetric block matrix form is a special case. In related work, Baxter [2421, W I, D evinatz [249], Ibragimov [251], and others have studied the asymptotic behavior of the error in Wiener filtering for quite general classes of stationary processes. These general techniques can also be usefully adapted to Kalman filters. To close this section, we shall point out a connection with innovations that can be useful in generalizing several of the previous results to certain classesof nonstationary processes. For this we recall the isometric mapping (64)-(66) between the spaceof random variables and the spaceof polynomials on the unit circle under which y(k) +-+zk. Now, given {YmY(o?* * *I, i t is natural, following Wold [206], to consider the orthogonalized innovations sequence,say,
E(O) = y(o) = 1. y(o)







It is natural to describe the relations (80)-(83) in polynomial language. Let


= AN,N + +-. + AN,l~N-l

+ zN


By our mapping each of the innovations E(N) corresponds to a polynomial AN(z) = Z + AN,Nz + . * * + AN,lzN, and these polynomials must be orthogonal. In other words, Szegb s orthogonal polynomials are the images of the innovations under the isometric mappings (65), (66). Many properties of orthogonal polynomials can be interpreted as properties of innovations and vice versa. For example,






&ego s classic result that the polynomials AN(z) have all their roots inside the unit circle, so that AN-l(z) can be regarded as the transfer function of a bounded filter, is the analog of the fact that the transformation between a discrete-time processy(s) and its innovations is boundedly reversible. So far, we have only noted connections with known results. O n the other hand, innovations can be defined for large classesof processesbesides stationary discretetim e sequences.Therefore, we have the possibility of obtaining various generalizations of the previous results and in particular of the classical theory of orthogonal polynomials. (Seealso [248a].) These possibilities provide additional motivation for going on to a deeper study of innovations and the W o ld representation. VIII.

The concept of innovations processes was introduced for stationary discrete-time processes via the W o ld representation theorem. The continuous-time decomposition, which was obtained by different methods by Krein [215], Karhunen [222], and Hanner [221], is a natural generalization of the discrete-time representation. It contains a regular part plus a deterministic part, which will be absent if and only if condition (72) is met, as we shall henceforth assume for convenience of writing. Then the W o ld representationis
t Y(t) = s -Co s(t - u> dE(u) (91)

where E(e) is a processwith uncorrelated increments, and the integral is the so-called W iener stochastic integral, cf. Doob [225, ch. IX]. There are many kernels g(a) that can be used in the previous representation,as we shall seelater, but there is always a particular one go(*) such that y(a) and E(a) are causally equivalent in the sense that any finite-variance random variable linearly dependent on {E(u), u I t} can also be calculated by linear operations on {y(s), s I t} and vice versa. In this case, we shall say that the W o ld representationis canonical, or that t
Y(t) =

uncorrelated increments E(e) and the notion of W iener stochastic integrals. [The situation is analogousto that in deterministic system theory, where we can use Heaviside functions and Stieltjes integrals to handle singularities that are at worst delta functions.] Even when the second approach is taken, the concept of white noise is still very convenient and useful, as engineers have long known. A thought-provoking example is provided by the development of general series expansionsfor random processes, which were known to engineersmuch before they were formally discoveredby mathematicians(cf. Section X). However, as the mathematical sophistication of the field increases, there is a tendencyto uncritically reject the use of white noise. This I believe is a serious m istake, which delays for many potential users the appreciation of several general and useful results that may have been originally derived in a more abstract context. Moreover, at the very least it can be a powerful guide to our intuition and a hedge against many unfruitful investigations. It may be apt to note that, accordingto Doob [253a], it was W iener who first showed, and applied repeatedly, that the [process E(s)] acts as though [its] derivative processexists, is stationary and has a constant spectral density. Doob s book [225, pp. 435-436, p. 533, pp. 546-5471has some nice examples of how white noise can be usefully e m p loyed even in a rigorous exposition of stochastic processesaddressedto mathematicians. A recent book of Hida [295] stressesthe importance of white noise and this has been further reinforced by recent work of Hida and of McKean [323]. Rao has developedperhapsthe most generalresults to date [3!5], studying more white noise processesthan those defined as the derivatives of processeswith independent increments [225].
Properties of Canonical Kernels

Karhunen and others have studied the kernels g( *) and go(.) in some detail. Karhunen [222] showed that all g( *) that could serve to define the W o ld representation (91) are of the form
g(t) =

exp (iwt)G(w) 2
s=o+io (93)

G(o) = lim G(s),

0-O G(s) = A(s

s -02

go(t - u> dE(u)


is an innovations representation of y(a), and we shall call E( *) the innovations process of y( *). This can be rewritten in a form closer to W e ld s (cf. [60a])


P(J) = the power spectral density of the processy(.) (94)

y(t) =

J -cc

go0 - M 4


e(u) = dE(u)/du.

However, e(.) is now a continuous tim e white noise and process,so that the differentiation of E(s) is not valid in a A(s) = transfer function of an all-pass system. classicalsense, but only in the sense of generalized functions. However, as long as one is at most concernedwith a white Any such all-pass transfer function can be further denoise process (and not any of its generalizedderivatives), composedinto there is no need to introduce the machinery of generalized processes; it sufficesto work with the integrated processof (95) 4) = ~o~,(sM,(s)~,(s)



1) Letf(*) be a square-integrablefunction on (- co,oo). Then A, = constant of magnitude 1 (called a trivial all-pass t function) t I 0, go(t - ulf(u> dzJ = 0, s --m t I 0. (104) if and only if f(t) = 0, (Blaschke product) This property was discovered by Karhunen [222]. 2 Re Sk/l -!- IskI < 00 Re Sk > 0, 2) The canonical kernel has maximum partial energy (96) in the sensethat A,(s) = eeas (pure delay) (97) t all t > 0 (105) g&d) du 2 t s2(4 & (singular part) As(s) = exp - J O &$ s s @O] [ n s -03 (98) and all ciusal or noncauial g(*) with IG(iw)l = IGo(io)l. This property was given in 1962 by Robinson [271], where p(a) is a nondecreasing function whose derivative though closely related results were also noted by Levy vanishes almost everywhere,and 0 < p(co) - p( - co) < co. in the mid-fifties (see,e.g., [266, p. 1401).See also [317]. The {Ai} all have unit modulus along the io axis, so that 3) The set {gO(t - r), r 2 0} spans L,(O,co). This last result is due to Beurling .[264] and provides a version for IG(ico)l = /Go(i (99) L, of a famous theorem of Wiener s that the Banach space Also, for all but A, we have L, can be spanned by the translates of a function with positive Fourier transform. Re s > 0, i = 1,2,3. IAi( < 1, (100) 4) Let G(s) be rational and let If we restrict G(s) to being rational, then A,(s) and A3(.s) G(b) = IG(iw)l exp $(io). (106) will not appear and the so-called Blaschke product in Then C#J( a) is called the phase Zag of the filter G(a) and A,(s) will be finite (k < co). Note that all the poles of A,(s) must be in the left half-plane (corresponding to -d~#~(io)/dw is called the group delay. Of all filters with the causality, since the region of definition of all our functions same gain jG(io>)l, Go(.) has the smallest phase lag and here includes the iw-axis), though there can be zeros in the group delay. This is often labeled the minimum-phase right half-plane. These results were obtained by using property of go(*) (see [263]). classical results on bilateral Laplace transforms (cf. Paley Applications to Prediction and Wiener [204]) and the so-called Hardy functions (see It should be clear (as noted by Krein and Karhunen) Hoffman [244] and Duren [258] for recent accounts). that the innovations representation (92) can be used to It may be of interest that the decomposition for G(s) was solve the prediction problem just as in the discrete-time obtained before Karhunen and Krein by Krylov [262] case. In fact we have in a purely mathematical study of the transforms of onet sided (causal) time functions. Such results have again CI > 0. (107) A(t + CY 1 t) = go(t - u> dE(u), become of interest in recent studies on infinite-dimensional s -CO realization theory [307]. Of course, the difficult thing is to explicitly calculate Karhunen proved that (E(u), u I t} from {x(u), u 5 t}. For rational G,(e) the G(s) = AoGoW (101) solution is simple: just pass x(e) through the filter with transfer function [G,(s)]- . (In principle, this is what we is a necessaryand sufficient condition for do in general,but care has to be taken in defining the inverse --co<t~co MY; t> = ME; t), (102) transfer function.) Thus we now have an alternative basically probabilistic approach to the continuous-time prediction where problem, without bringing in any Wiener-Hopf equations. L,(y; t) = the linear spaceof all finite linear combinations These ideas were rediscoveredby Bode and Shannon [5], of {y(s), s 5 t}, and their limits in the cov- and Zadeh and Ragazzini [6], though not in as much ariance norm. (103) mathematical generality (only for rational spectra). These authors recognized very clearly that what was involved in For all other G(s), we have the innovations approach was 1) replacing, causally and -co<tIcc. MY; t> E ME; 0, without loss of information, the given processby a simpler This explains the names canonical representation and process, and 2) solving the estimation problem for the innovations representation for (92). We note that G,(s) simpler process. So far we have used white noise as a and .4(s) are sometimes, following Beurling [264], [312], simpler process, but it is not necessarily the only such process. For example, Zadeh and Ragazzini [6] show how called outer and inner functions, respectively. There are various other interesting properties of the we may use a process with spectral density equal to the canonical kernel go(*), some of which would seem to be numerator of the spectral density of the original process. This idea was rediscoveredfor discrete-time autoregressiveuseful in developing adaptive filters [38], [173], [55].






moving averageprocesses by Rissanen and Barbosa [131] Let k(* , *) be the so-called resolvent function of h(- , .), (see also W h ittle [32]) and has been exploited in several defined by the equation recent papers [175], [192], [184]. In principle, there are many other possibilities as well, and studiesof generalized h(t,s) - k(t,s) = k(t,u)h(u,s) du. (113) s0 innovations processeshave been m a d e by Kailath and Duttweiler [311], Kallianpur and Oodaira [321], and Then the innovations representationis Rozanov [314], [325].
Nonstationary Processes y(t) = j=; [I + jUt k(w) dz] dE(u).


The cited work up to 1950was all for stationary processes and usedfrequency-domainmethods. In 1950Hanner [221] gave a purely time-domain derivation of the continuoustim e W o ld decomposition, and this raised the possibility of extensionsto nonstationary processes.The first results in this direction were perhapsthose of Yaglom and Pinsker [265], who studied nonstationaryprocesses that had stationary increments of order II. The simplest example is the W iener process, which has stationary increments of first order, and can be representedas the integral of white noise. The general case was first studied by Levy [260], [274], who sought representations of the form y(t) = When

f g(w) dE(u), s0

This is a useful result, though it is a bit difficult to seethe rationale for the steps (see some following comments by Hida). W e shall give an explanation in Section IX. Although Levy [266] noted that his method applied to certain more generalkernels, e.g., those that were an a-fold double integral of [d(t - s) + K(t,s)] (cf. (111)) with a not necessarilyintegral, he was unable to prove that (110) always has a solution, or, equivalently, that an innovations representation always exists for a (nondeterministic) process. The reason for this failure appeared only a few years later, when in 1960 Cramer [268] and Hida [269] independentlydiscovereda new dimension to this problem, finding that a single kernel g( *, a) doesnot suffice in general. 0 5 t I T < co. (108) The proper W o ld decomposition for a finite-variance nonstationary processis

t) = L,(E;


Y(t) = 5 1 gi(t,u) dEi(u) + $(t>

1 0


he called the representationsproper canonical, using the word canonical for the case L,(y; t) c L,(E; t). This terminology has now been abandoned.The covarianceof a processas in (108) is
tlis R(t,s) = s0 s(t,u>s(w) du, tAs = m in (t,s).


Now Levy asked whether, given a covariance R(t,s), one could find a suitable function g(t,u). He did not obtain a general solution to this problem, but among other results, he did obtain the following useful one. Let t s
R(t,s) = tAs +

where $( *) is a deterministic process,and the {Ei(.)} are orthogonal-increment processes,uncorrelated with each other. The number N is uniquely determined by the covariante of y(e), though the {gi} and {E,(e)} are not. N is called the multiplicity of the processy(a), and if N > 1 the representation(115) is called a generalizedcanonical representation. The m u ltiplicity N can be infinite [273], even though all presently known examples of processes with N > 1 have rather pathological kernel functions {gi(t,u)}. Hitsuda has very recently discovered [320] that a processof the form w1(t) + f(t)W2(0,
t20 (116)

where wi(*) and w2(*) are independentW iener processes, will have m u ltiplicity 1 iff( *) is absolutely continuous with a square-integrablederivative. However, if the derivative is not square-integrableon every open interval (I,m) c = [6(u - v) + K(u,v)] du dv (lllb) [O,oo), then the m u ltiplicity is 2. The m u ltiplicity is also 2 ss 0 0 if f( *) has unboundedvariation everywhere. Hida (2691developedsome of Levy s ideas more clearly where K(*, *) is a continuous symmetric function of two s] variables. Assume that the eigenvaluesof K(* , a) on the and obtained several new results. In his words [Levy square[O,T] x [O,T] are greater than - 1, or equivalently pioneering works contain some points difficult for us to that R(. , *) is strictly positive definite on this square. Next follow. The m a in aim of this paper is to establishhis theory determine a function h(*, *) as the unique solution of the systematically and to prove some new facts. Among other W iener-Hopf type of equation things, Hida proved in great generality that if a process has a representationof the form (log), then it always has a t canonical (innovations) representation obeying (109). He h(t,u)K(u,s) du = K(t,s), Ols<t<T. h(t,s) + also gave the following extension of the criterion (104) s0 (112) of Karhunen: the representation (108) is an innovations ss 0 0 (llla)

K(u,v) du dv,

0 I

t,s I







representation if and only if t g(t,ulf(u) du = 0, s0







SOMEAPPLICATIONS for every t I T (117a) The innovations process was derived in discrete time by use of the Gram-Schmidt technique, according to which implies vectors are successively orthogonalized. by projecting each a.e. on [O,T]. (117b) new vector on the manifold spannedby the previous vectors. f(u) = 0, For a random sequence{(yi)> this means forming These results are for processesof multiplicity one and are difficult to extend to the general case (115), becauseof the nonuniquenessof the {gi} and {Ei}. The analogous procedure for a continuous-time process is to form Processes of Multiplicity One 40 = v(t) - $0 I t-1 It is useful to identify processeswhose multiplicity is 1, since statistical applications will be easier in this case. As noted earlier, the results of Krein, Karhunen, and Hanner show that nondeterministic stationary processes have multiplicity one. Cramer [268], [273], following the ideas of Hanner, obtained several interesting results. For example, he showed that nondeterministic discrete-time processes,stationary or not, always have multiplicity one, which is in sharp contrast to what we have just noted for continuous-time nonstationary processes.This result shows that some care must be exercised in studying continuoustime problems via discretization. Some studies of this question have recently been made [318]. Some other special examples of processes of multiplicity one (e.g., wide-sense Markov processes and certain harmonizable processes)have been given by Cramer [275], [300], who was apparently unaware of the class of processesidentified by Levy [cf. (ill)]. In the engineering literature, the great appeal of the innovations approach as described by Bode and Shannon and by Zadeh and Ragazzini led to various attempts to discover innovations representationsfor nonstationary processes.A survey of the results achieved up to 1961 is given in a paper by Zadeh [270] and a further review was given by Stear [94] in 1965. However, the results achieved until then did not seem particularly exciting. In 1966, Anderson [98] extendedsome of Stear s work to show that a canonical representation for covariances of the separable form (27) could be obtained if a certain Riccati equation could be solved. This was nice becausesuch equations were familiar from the Kalman filter. However, the Riccati equation developed by Anderson was of a different form from that used in the Kalman theory, and therefore the nontrivial question of existenceof a solution to this nonlinear equation had to be settled differently [122], 1271. Related results were obtained by Brandenburg andchl eadows [134] and Geesey [281]. However, the work in [98], [134], [122], [127], proceededin apparent ignorance of the fundamental results of Hida and Cramer. It is perhaps noteworthy that even Levy s result, though it was described in Zadeh s 1961 survey paper, escaped attention until it was rediscovered in a different way by the present author in 1968. This will be described in the next section, where we shall show that the Levy result and the occurrence of the Riccati equation in [98], [134], can be easily explained by means of some estimation results. but this will be identically zero for any process with continuous paths. However, if Y(f) = z(t) + 4th and
T E O<t<T


Iz(t)l dt < 00


then we will have a nontrivial innovations process

E(t) = y(t) - j(t I t-) = y(t) - s(t). (119)

Notice that (118), (119) is the time-domain analog of the Wiener filter formula (16). The process E(V) has already been encounteredin the Kalman filter (cf. (24)), and in that context it was recognized by a number of people ([109], [ 1111,[ 1141)that E(*) is a white noise process with
E&(t)& (s) = Ev(t)v (s) = Z&t - s). W)

However, the proofs of (120) in all these referenceswere based on knowledge of the Kalman formulas for 12(e) and the mean-square error P(e). It was apparently not suspected that (120) holds quite generally; in fact my belief in this was the object of much skepticism at first. However, in April 1967, I obtained a proof initially via the Wiener-Hopf equation (IO), and then by a simple use of the fundamental property that z(t) - 2(t) I {y(z), z < t}. This proof is described in [ 116, appendix I] (seealso [298] and [291]). Thus we now had the opportunity to use the innovations method for nonstationary continuous-time processes. During 1966-1967,the author, his students, Duncan and Frost, and Clark were studying nonlinear filtering. In that context it had become clear by a theorem of Levy s (Doob [225, p. 3841) that if (120) could be established, one could obtain the striking fact that if v(e) were Gaussian (but not necessarily z(e)), and if ;( .) was the least-squaresestimate (not necessarily linear) then s(e) would be not only white, but also Gaussian ! This general result thus followed from our proof in April 1967; Frost simultaneously established it [279] in a different way using the Ita differential rule. Shiryaev later informed the author that he had found a similar result in 1966 [lOl, p. 221 in trying to make the evolution equations for nonlinear filtering mathematically meaningful. Namely, one had stochastic integrals with respect to the process s(e) and these would not make sense unless E(S) was a martingale process. The same reason led






to an independent discovery by Kallianpur (personal communication, 1969). By now, several proofs of (119), (120) have been given under increasingly general assumptions, with the most recent results being in Kailath [304] and Meyer [324]. Specific extensions to discontinuous processes with independentincrements have been m a d e by Frost [294], [302], Snyder [172], Bremaud [308], and in some generality by Segall [326]. By how, the role of martingale theory in this question has become much clearer, e.g., the innovations theorem is just the Meyer-Doob decomposition for semimartingales with respect to the sigma fields of the observation process [326]. However, this is not the place for an exposition of this topic. The first application of the previous result was to deduce a general formula for the likelihood ratio in terms of the nonlinear estimate S(a) (cf. [291], [297]). Such formulas had been obtained by Schweppe [93] for Gaussian z(a) and, independently and in more generality, n a m e ly, for Markov z(e) by Stratonovich and Sosulin in a series of papers beginning in 1964 ([SS], [102], [141]). However, the arguments of these papers were rather cumbersome and, at the author s suggestionand with his help, Duncan succeededin streamlining and clarifying Stratonovich s proof (cf. [lOS], [115]). A popular method for attacking such detection problems (and related nonlinear estimation problems) is via the use of a generalizedBayesrule; the likelihood ratio is first written for a fixed sampleof the signal process,and then one averages over all possible signal paths. (The function-space version of this familiar technique was first introduced into the engineeringliterature by Bucy [91], and it is sometimes called Bucy s representationtheorem. Bucy has given proofs under various conditions (cf. [ 1311, [136]), apparently unaware that the most general form appeared in a 1968 paper by Kallianpur and Striebel [ 1181.) This was essentially the method used by Stratonovich and Sosulin and then clarified and extended by Duncan [108], [115], [293]. However, it has a serious lim itation. If the signal process can depend upon past observations of signal plus noise, as happensin feedback communication and control problems, then clearly the conditioning-and-averaging procedure of the generalizedBayesrule cannot be followed, because fixing the signal may also fix the observation. It seemsthat the only way to overcome this difficulty is to use the innovations process. This is done for additive Gaussian noise in [296], [297], with a heavyuse of martingale theory. It may be of interest that the general likelihood ratio formula was conjectured in May 1967, some tim e before much of the machinery for a rigorous proof was m a d e available through a now famous paper of Kunita and W a tanabe [278], published in late 1967, and a related December 1968paper [282] of Hitsuda. Applications of the innovations processto linear problems actually came after the application to nonlinear detection problems and were partly stimulated by the paper of Schweppe[93], just cited. Let
T qt 1 T) =

2(t) =

h(t,Ms) ds s0


and assume that the signal z( .) and the noise v(e) are completely uncorrelated. Then from Schweppe s paper one can deducethat

zz(t,s) = k(t,s) + k(s,t) -


h(z,t)h(z,s) dz.


It turned out that this relation could be proved directly by using an integral equation identity of Siegert, Krein, and Bellman [SS], [228], [231]. A proof via innovations was desired, but for this it was necessary to show that the process E(*) spans the same space as the observation processy(.). The author succeeded in doing this in November 1967by the following argument [ 1161,[165]. W e can write the relation t E(t) = y(t) - 2?(t) = y(t) h(wYw dz (123) s0 symbolically as
E = (I - k)y.


Now we can find y from E if (I - k)- exists, a sufficient condition for which is (Smithies [386]) that k be Volterra and square-integrable on [O,T] x [O,r]. Causality is equivalent to the Volterra property for such functions (but not necessarilyotherwise (cf. [311]), and it is easy to see that the square-integrability will follow from the assumption that z(a) has finite expectedenergy
T E s0 z (t) dt < co. (125)




Therefore in the linear case, we know that under quite general circumstances E(*) is a true innovations process: for every t, {(E(Z),z < t)} spans the same linear space of random variables as {(y(z), z < t)}. W ith this fact, the Kalman filter can be readily derived [ 1161, [ 1651, and several related linear problems solved [ 1171, [lSl]. Unfortunately, the analogousresult for the nonlinear problem has still not been proved, except for uniformly bounded z(a) [283] (seealso [301, appendix I]). However Fujisaki, et al. [309] have elegantly circumvented this lack, by proving that z^(*)can still be written as a stochasticintegral with respect to the innovations process, after which the remaining calculations are straightforward. Nevertheless,a proof of the equivalencewould still have various benefits, since it can also be regarded as a very general existence result for solutions of functional stochastic equations. Moreover, there is a feeling, not unshared by the author, that the term innovations process should only be used for E(.) when it can be proved to contain the sameinformation as the original observation process, i.e., whenever {y(s), s < t} and {E(S),s < t} generate the same sigma fields. Nevertheless,many important results, e.g., those on signal detection [297] and on nonlinear filtering [309]







can be proved without using this property. Therefore, the process e(e) certainly deserves a special name, and we use innovations in the hope that the equivalence question will be settled (sooner or later) in some generality for nonGaussian z( *). The term residual might be used, but this term is already used in statistics to denote (in discrete-time) the process ri = yi - H~ili, while the innovations process is Ei = yi - H~ili-1. The name innovations was apparently first used for the discrete-time sequence {v, - 9i,l- ,} by Wiener, Masani, and Kallianpur in their studies in the mid-fifties (personal communication from Masani). Some studies of its properties were made in the unpublished report [267], which is partially elaborated in Masani s survey [255, pp. 92-931. Masani [255] and Lo&e [248, p. 3861 have pointed out that LCvy used the centered sequence {ui - $ili-l} for various problems, beginning in the mid thirties. As noted earlier, Wold was the first to use it for linear estimation. Wiener and Kallianpur attempted to establish conditions for non-Gaussian {yi} under which the sigma field of the innovations would be causally equivalent to the observations. Masani [255] mentions this as one important problem bequeathed to posterity by Wiener. He continues Also left to us is the extension of this theory to the continuousparameter case. Here the absence of an atomic time-unit makes the problem of defining nonlinear innovations extremely hard; obviously all we may expect are virtual or differential innovations. As noted earlier [304], [324], [326], martingale theory shows how to do this for semimartingales (processesof bounded variation plus a martingale, e.g., a Wiener or centered Poisson process). The proof of equivalence in the linear case immediately gives a factorization result for the covariance of the process y. Let us define a Volterra function k via (I - k)- = Z + k or equivalently via the Volterra equation
k + kk = k.

require K( a,*) to be continuous, only that K(t,t) be integrable. Then in May 1968, we happened to discover a book by Gohberg and Krein [280] that showed that the square-integrability of K( a,*) was sufficient. Later Hitsuda [282] gave a proof of this fact using martingale theory (cf. the discussion in [296]). Combining these results with a decomposition formula of Shepp s [276, theorem 71 for differential processesgives innovations representations for smooth processesas well [285], [181]. Besides these generalizations, however, a significant aspect of our approach was its provision of a neat stochastic interpretation for L&y s calculations, namely that k(t,s) is a least-squares filter, so that we can interpret LCvy s process E(t) as y(t) - 5?(t) = y(t) - y^(t 1t-). Moreover, this interpretation suggeststhat when z(a) is generated by a lumped system, then a Riccati equation can be used to compute z^(.) and therefore also to solve the covariance factorization problem. This fact explains (see [149], [181]) the occurrence of the Riccati equation in the previously cited work of Anderson and Moore [98], [127], [140], Brandenburg [ 1341, and Geesey [281, ch. II]. Moreover, it shows that other algorithms for computing estimates can also be used when appropriate, e.g., algorithms of Chandrasekhar type (Section VI). Briefly, suppose that we have a process y( *) with covariance function as in (32)
zqt - s) + M(t)@(t,s)N(s)l(t - s) - t).

+ N (t)W(s,t)M (s)l(s


Suppose also that the process y(:) arises from some statespace model of the form

= F(t)x(t)

+ G(t)u(t),

x(0) = x0





Then Z + K = Eyy = (I - k)- lEee (Z - k )- 1

= (I - k)- (I - k )- = (Z + k)(Z + k ).

with the usual assumptions (19)-(21) on u(.), v(e), x0. The least-squares filter (22)-(24) for this state-space model can be rewritten as (126b) a(0) = 0 (130) i(t) = F(t)R(t) + K(t)E(t),



where the gain function K( *), which is defined by (127)

K(t) = P(t)H (t) + G(t)C(t), P(t) = ET(t)?(t)


Equivalently, we have a canonical representation for v(s), viz.,

y = (I + k)E. (128)

This factorization, so natural now, took some time to be recognized. Shepp had given a noncausal factorization, but could not solve the problem of causal factorization [276, pp. 3321. This is now accomplished by (127). This result having been obtained, it became clear that for continuous K we had just rediscovered the LCvy factorization (c.f. (ill)-(114) of Section VIII, where y there is actually the integral of the previous JJ). However, our result was somewhat more general; assumption (125) does not

can be calculated via the Riccati equation (27) for P(e), or directly via the Chandrasekhar-type equations of Section VI if F, G, H are constant. Now, sinceE( .) is known to be white, (130)can be regarded as another causal model for y(.) driven by a single white noise. Also, it is easy to calculate E(*) from y( .): replace E by y - H? in the differential equation, calculate 8, and then form E as y - HA. Therefore, for a process with a known state model (129), (130) defines the innovations representation (IR). (This simple fact, widely known by now, was to our knowledge first pointed out in [116, annendix DlJ and exnlicitlv II I . restated in r2841.J L 2,






Now the generalstudies of Hida and Cramer on IRS (cf. The power spectral density matrix is defined by the values Section VIII) have shown that the IR of a processv(a) can for s = io of the function depend only upon the covariance of v(a). Therefore, F, K, H in (129) must be determinable (up to state-space R(t)ees dt transformations) from the covariance of y(e), no matter -co what state m o d e l we initially assumed.To do this we can = Z + M(sZ - F)-lN + A(-sZ - F )-lA4 . calculate the covariance of v(e) as given by the particular (135) m o d e l (129) and compare with the given expression(128) to make the nonunique identifications This is not generally the form in which the power spectral density will be given, but let us postpone this aspect for a @- (t,s) F(t) = i!y while. The problem is to factor S,(s) as [cf. (14)] M (t) = H(t),

S,(s) =sm


= II(t)H (t)

+ G(t)C(t).

S,(s) = s,+(s)s,+(-s)

W e now use these relations to express the parameters where S,,+(S)is the transfer-function matrix of a causal and causally invertible system with p inputs and p outputs. (F,H,K) of the IR (130) in terms of (M,@,N). Let Now, for finite time, we have such a system in the IR (130), (132), (133). However, when F is stable, it is not hard X(t) A ES?(t)?(t). to prove (see, e.g., [126], [135]) that as t -+ co, X(t) in Then by the orthogonality of 2 and 2 we have (133) will tend to a constant matrix Z and hence that K(t) will tend to a constant matrix R Ex(t)x (t) A I-I(t) = X(t) + Z (t) so that we can write K( *), as given by (131), as
K(t) = I-I(t)H (t) = N(t) + G(t)C(t) - C(t)H (t)



where z is the unique nonnegative-definitesolution of the algebraic Riccati equation (132)

0 = FE + CF + [N - %kZ ][N - CM ] .

- Iqt)W(t).


Moreover, using (130) and the fact that yields

g(t) = F(t)X(t) . [N(t) + C(t)F (t) - C(t)M (t)] , + [N(t)

*) is white readily
- C(t)M (t)]

Then the innovations representation(130) has the transfer function

S,,+(s) = Z + M(sZ - F)- K


(133) which we have designated S,, (s) becausein the lim it it The stochasticinterpretation of C( *) guarantees its existence, continues to provide the canonical (causal and causally and we seethat (132) and (133) enableus to calculate K( .) convertible) factor of the power spectral density. From from knowledge only of M(e), N( *), and @(*, a). Therefore, (135) and (138), we obtain the useful spectral factorization (130), (132), and (133) determine the canonical or innova- formula tions factorization of the covariance(128). The state m o d e l Z + M(sZ - F)- N + N (-sZ - F )-%W (129) was only used here to motivate the development of = [I + M(sZ - F)-%][I + K (-sZ - F )-% ]. the IR, as defined by (130), (132), (133). The result can be deducedjust from the assumption that the covariance in (139) (128) is strictly positive definite (cf. [285], [181, appendix W e clearly have several procedures for computing R III]). However, the present derivation does have the advantagethat it clearly displays the intimate relationship and thereby factoring S,(s). W e can find the unique nonbetweenthe filtering problem and the factorization problem. negative-definite solution C of the nonlinear algebraic Thus we seethat the state vector of the IR is a( *), so that equation (137), or we can find c as the lim iting solution H(t)a(t) = M(t)a(t) can also be computed directly from of the Riccati differential equation (133); another more knowledge of the covariancefunction; this gives us a proof direct method is to find R as the lim iting solution of the of the result presentedin Section V. O ther applications are Chandrasekhar-type equations of Section VI. The differential equation procedureswould be preferred because describedin [lSl], [285], [292], [310]. As one example,we shall show how to obtain somematrix of their simplicity and automatic production of the right c or K, but it is sometimesdifficult to control the accumulaspectral factorization algorithms. tion of computational errors until steady state is reached. Multivariate Spectral Factorizations However, the Chandrasekhar-type algorithms seem to Consider a covariance function R,(e) of the form (128a) behavequite well in this regard. The solution of the quadwhere M and N are constant p x n and n x p matrices, ratic algebraic equation (137) involves choosing among the several possible solutions for E and is generally more respectively,and laborious, though efficient eigenvalue-eigenvector methods @(t,s) = exp F(t - s), F = a stability matrix. (134) have recently beenproposed [78], [loo], [160].

E(O) = 0.







When Z(s) has rational elements, an important tool in such studies has been the so-called positive-real lemma, first given by Yakubovic [73} and Kalman [75] for scalar S,(s), and extended to the matrix case by Popov [87] and a polynomial matrix (140) Anderson (seereferencesin [177]). S,(s) = The positive-real lemma starts with a (nonunique) Vs)V - s> minimal realization of Z(s) in the form where $(s)$( - s) is a scalar polynomial that is the greatest common divisor of the denominators of all the entries in Z(s) = J + M(sZ - F)- N (144) qss). Now by a partial fraction expansion (or other means) where m inimality meansthat the square matrix F has lowest dimension among all possible F that could be used. Then we can decomposeS,(s) as it states that Z(s) will be positive real if and only if there S,(s) = Z(s) + Z ( -s) (141) exists a real symmetric matrix n 2 0 such that N-IfA4 >. where Z(s) contains all the terms corresponding to the left (145) Jl = &y+j=g,,, J+J -. half-plane zeros of $(s)$( - s). We can identify Z(s) as the [ Laplace transform of the positive-time part of R(t) [cf. Since the .&? matrix is nonnegative definite, it can be (1341,U35)l factored as We now examine the problem of how to handle S,(s) that are not given in the form (135). The properties of power spectra show that we can easily write S,,(s)in the form

Z(s) =


m [$Zd(t) + MeFtN]eFst dt


A =

W ] [; 1[L


(143) where the column size of L and W is arbitrary. Then an alternative statement is clearly that Z(s) will be positive Now Z(s) can be regarded as the transfer function of a real if and only if there exist matrices L and W such that system with impulse responsefunction [$Z + MeF N], and (147a) Fn + nF = LL therefore given Z(s) we can find M , F, N by using one of several algorithms [129], [306], [360], going from rational (147b) N-i%kf =LW transfer functions to state-variable realizations. (147c) J + J = W W . Thus we have some new methods for the classical multivariate spectral factorization problem. This problem has a The significance of L and W is that they immediately give a long history and several different algorithms have been factorization of S,(s). In fact, we can check that proposed by Wiener and Masani [12], Youla [26], Davis ( -s) [28], Yaglom [23], Rozanov [22], Masani [35], Csaki S,(s) = Z(s) + Z and Fischer [36], Tuel [125], Strintzis [55], and others. = [W + M(sZ - F)+L][W + L (-sZ - F )- M . The method based on solution of the nonlinear algebraic (148) equation (137) was first derived in a different way by Anderson [104], who used certain connections, initially There are many matrices n that will satisfy (145), and noted by Youla [26] and Kalman [75], [77], between consequently there will be many factorizations. The family spectral factorization and certain functions long familiar of all such solutions has been studied by Anderson [177], in network theory. Willems [158], Kucera [167], and Canabal [171]. The The point is that the Z(s) in (142), (143) is not an arbitrary maximum and m inimum n, when they exist, play a signiftransfer function, but a driving-point impedancefunction, icant role in the analysis, with the m inimum being the one a property that Brune showed, in a 1931 dissertation that that gives the innovations factorization; the maximum essentially founded network theory, is equivalent to Z(s) relates similarly to a certain dual system. being positive real, viz., that it obeys the conditions 1) all We cannot pursue such discussions any further here, elements of Z(s) are analytic in Re s > 0; 2) Z(s) is real but it may be interesting to note that related and in fact when s is real and positive; 3) Z(s) + Z (-s) 2 0, if somewhat more general m inimality properties were disRe s > 0. It can be shown (see,e.g. [177]) that equivalent covered by Krein in 1945 (cited in [22]) and by Masani conditions are that Z(s) + Z/(-s) is a power spectral [237]. The multivariate estimation problem has many density matrix or that fascinating aspects that are not generally known in the engineering literature, but we must content ourselves here Z(s) = m R(t)e- dt to calling attention to the book [30] and two fine surveys s0 by Masani [35], [45]. We conclude this section in a more engineering vein. where R(e) is a nonnegative-definite function (i.e., a covariance function). These equivalences enable a considerable interplay between results in network theory, 7 Such factorizations of the discrete-time time-invariant generalizastability theory, control theory, and estimation (see, e.g., tion of the matrix in (145) are at the heart of the square-root algorithms mentioned briefly at the end of Section VI. [771, [871, [1581, [1771).
= +Z + M(sZ - F)-IN.






The assumption of Gaussianness is m a d e for terminological convenience; all statements can be translated in a standard The many successes of the state m o d e l in recent years way to apply to just second-order processes. have led to an unwise neglect of more traditional methods The K-L expansion of z( .) is and problems. Some examples were discussedin Sections VI and VII. Another example, briefly noted in Section IX, (149) is the use of m u ltivariate transfer-function m o d e ls and frequency-domain analysis. Such m o d e ls are essentially the only ones used in the statistical literature, where they where the {Y i( .)} are eigenfunctionsof I?,(. , .), viz., T are known as ARMA (autoregressive-movingaverage O<t<T ds = &Yui(t), m o d e ls). There are several interesting features associated 0 with algorithms that work directly with such m o d e ls, including the possibilities of fewer computations, easier and proofs of stability, and more insight into certain structural i= 1,2,. . . . aspects. z(t>yi(t> dt, Briefly, supposewe have a processy( *) such that It is known from the theory of integral equations that the y(n) + A, y(n - 1) + * * f + &y(O) = w(n) {Y i( .)} are orthonormal
Transfer-Function Models Versus State Models

,(s) sR,(t,s)Y
zi =s

w(n) = B,u(n) + B,u(n -

1) + * * * + B,u(n - m)



dt = 6ij

and u( *) is a white-noise sequence. Then w(e) is a movingaverage process. If Bi = 0, i 2 1, then J( .) is an autoregressive process; otherwise we have a mixed or autoregressive-moving average process.The interesting point is that the innovations for u(a) are just the innovations for 4.1 p(n 1n - 1) = -A, y(n - 1) - * * * - A,y(O) - ti(n 1n - 1) so that
E(n) = y(n) - $(n 1 n - 1) = w(n) - G(n 1 n -

and that (Mercer s formula)

R,(t,s) = 2 iiYi(t)Yi(s).


A simple calculation shows that the coefficients {zi} are uncorrelated

Ezizj = ,liSLj.


If we temporarily write the random process as z(t,o), w beingthe probability-spacevariable, then the K-L expansion is a decomposition of a function of two variables into a sum of products of functions of one variable
z(t,o) = -g Zi(w)Yi(t). 1

The process w(a) is often much simpler than y(a), e.g., m may be much less than ~2,or the {Bi} may be constant while the {Ai} are tim e variant or even nonlinear. These possibilities have already been exploited in [ 1311, [ 1751, [191], but more can be done. A useful stimulus to such researches is also provided by the relatively recent work of Popov [355], [359], Rosenbrock [356], W a n g [358], Morf [191], Forney [361], W o lovich [363], and others, which has uncoveredthe close relationships betweenlinear ARMA m o d e ls and state-spacem o d e ls, thus enabling a fruitful combination of time- and frequency-domain methods. X.

Those familiar with the textbooks on statistical comm u n ication theory in the last decadeor so may be surprised that we have not referred to seriesexpansionsof random processes,and more particularly to the Karhunen-Loeve (K-L) expansions(see, e.g., [341], [342], [40]). Consider a scalar Gaussianprocessz( *) with a continuous covariance R,(t,s) such that
T T R, (t,s) dt ds < co. 0

ss 0

Suchdecompositions are familiar from the partial differential equations of physics and their significance in randomprocesstheory is basically the same. Since the (Yi(*)} are deterministic, we can replace study of the uncountable family of random variables z(t,w) by that of the countable family {Zi(O)}. The K-L expansionshave the further useful property that the {zi(w)} are independent becausez(.) is Gaussian,which simplifies many probabilistic calculations, e.g., determination of moments and convergence of sums. The K-L expansion (Karhunen [331], Loeve [329]) was independentlyintroduced by Kac and Siegert [330], [331], to simplify the calculation of the distribution of the output power from a nonlinear circuit (lim iter-squarer-filter) driven by noise. O n more abstract grounds, it had already been introduced in 1943 by Kosambi [328], an Indian statistician and Marxist philosopher, and also .by Obukhov (in a 1946 dissertation, cited in [346]), Pugachev [339], and perhaps many others. The popularity of the K-L expansion (this terminology is now well entrenched)grew from its use in the 1950Ph.D. dissertation [333] of Grenander to extend to stochasticprocesses the classicaltheories of statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, which had been developed for finite families of random variables.







The K-L expansion was soon used in estimation problems by Davis [335], Slepian [336], and Youla [337]. Its presentation in 1958 in the pioneering textbook of Davenport and Root [341] and the many applications in th$ widely used 1960textbook of Helstrom [342] gave the K-L expansion a major place in the literature of the sixties. Despite these many successes,however, the use of such expansions is diminishing for several reasons. One is ,of course that K-L expansions really apply only to Gaussian (or second-order) processes, while recently martingale theory has enabled significant headway to be made with non-Gaussian processes (see, e.g., the survey [327] by Wong). However, this deficiency does not apply to linear filtering, the main concern of our survey. Here a common complaint is that the K-L expansion does not lend itself to recursive calculation because the {zi} and {Y i(.)} are not easily updated as T increases. Also, since the (zi} depend upon the values z(t), for all t E [O,T], K-L expansions would seemto be more appropriate for smoothing problems (data over [O,T]) rather than causal filtering problems. For example, consider the smoothing integral equation (9) for uncorrelated signal z( .) and noise v( .), say (in an obvious notation)
T H(G) +

The easeof solving the smoothing equation (151) is heavily dependent upon the assumption that z(e) and v(a) are uncorrelated, which makes the right side equal to R,(t,s). Otherwise we would also have [cf. (9)] the term Ez(t)v(s), and now there is no obvious solution. Some reflection will show that what really yielded the solution (152) of (151) was the simultaneous expansions
Ez(t)z(s) Ev(t)v(s)

= R,(t,s) = $ iiYi(t)Yi(s) = s(t - s) = 2 1 . Yi(t)Yi(s) 1

= C


Ez~z~ = ;li6ij Evivj = 6ij

and the fact that

EZ(t)V(S) ~ 0 j EZiUj = 0,

for all i,j.



d7 = R,(t,s),

0 r. t,s I



The Mercer formula (150) for R,(t,s) now shows readily that the solution can be written
H(Q) = g1 A, yi(t>yi(s>,

But how can dependencebetween z(e) and v(.) be reflected into the {zi} and the {Vi}, especially a one-sideddependence as in (4)? This question does not seem to have been raised in the engineeringliterature, rigorous or formal, even though dependenceis needed to model many problems, e.g., when feedbaclcis present. The answer is that one should not treat z(.) and v(s) separately but should work with the observed process y(e) = z(a) + v(a), which has covariance
Ey(t)y(s) = s(t - s) + K(t,s).

will not generally be a covariance when z(e) and v(e) are correlated, but since Ey(t)y(s) is a covariance one The computational value of such a solution is debatable can show that K(t,s} (assumedto be continuous in t and s) becausethe {ail and {Yi(.)} are difficult to compute, but has only a finite number of negative eigenvalues, and the at least its explicitness is often convenient. No similar Mercer formula extends to such functions as well (Rieszsolution appears possible for the filtering (or Wiener-Hopf) Nagy [385, p. 2421).The emphasis on the observed process equation (10) becauseof the causality constraint 0 I s < y(o), as against the signal and noise processes separately, t I T. Nevertheless, recently a number of authors [352], is also the key to the development of the recursive Wiener [353], have shown that, with proper interpretations, series- filters; cf. the discussion of (128)-(133) in Section IX. expansion techniques can also be exploited in causal We have passed quickly over the above point that the filtering problems. The key to these results can be found in white noise v(a) or its covariance d(t) do not meet the an old device of Swerling s (cited in [155]). Swerling conditions for the validity of the K-L expansion (149) or calculates the filtered estimate .2(t ( t) as the Mercer formula (150). However, the validity of the expansion m
I K(t,s) ~(t 1 t) = C z^iltYi(t) 1

0 5 t,s I



where the {2il,} are smoothed estimates of the coefficients (zi} given data on [O,t], and therefore can be determined {+i(.)} = any complete orthonormal family on L,[O,T] by solving the smoothing equation(7). The filtered estimate can then be put together as an infinite combination of is usually argued on the grounds that any L,-function f( .) smoothed estimates. (This reflects in a different way our can be correctly calculated as comment in Section II that (10) is a family (but not the At> = T .fW(t - s) ds = 1 .f$i(t> obvious one) of equations of the form (9).) The recursive s0 Kalman filter can be derived along these lines. While one common criticism of the K-L approach can i = 1,2;... .fi = ST f(tMi(t> dt, thus be partly met, there is another more serious difficulty. 0






Therefore the {pi} can be chosenas, say, the eigenfunc- results can also be heuristically explained by using white tions {c$~(*)}of some other covariance,say R,(*;), and it is noise, but we shall give a slightly different explanation. usually argued that we can write
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
V(t) = i 1 iyiCt) + vrem(t)

The tim e functions {Y,(e)} in the K-L expansion are orthogonal over [O,T] in the sensethat

Expansions of a W iener Process

where the quantity v,,,( *) needed to make both sides equal is orthogonal to the signal process z( .) and can dt = 6zj. T Yi(t)Yj(t) (yi,y,j> = f 0 therefore be ignored. W e do not wish to push this argument too far, though it has been quite successfullyused in the This property does.not hold for the {Qi} literature. However, lest one get too scornful of what some people call engineering nonsense, we shall show how it can be used to obtain (or let us say conjecture)a result that but if we define a new inner product as appeared only much later in the mathematical literature (not that this is a new phenomenon). dt + a(O)b(O) * (4.M(.)>Hcw, = T a(t)b(t) s0 then it is easy to seethat for all choices of the {Qi(*)}. This inner product is appropriate for the W iener processw(.). For other processes, we can determine suitable inner products that will make the corresponding expansionshave simultaneously orthogonal random variables and tim e functions. The only special feature of the K-L expansion is that the tim e functions are orthogonal with respect to the L,(dt) inner product. However, there is nothing sacred about L, or about Lebesguemeasuredt; we could, for example, use a measure p(t)dt, wherep(.) is a weight function such that ss I I
R2(t,s)p(t)p(s) dt ds < UZI.

W h ite Gaussian noise can be thought of as the formal derivative of a W iener process w(e) with continuous covariance function
Ew(t)w(s) = m in (t,s).

Now the eigenfunctions of this covariance are readily calculated

Y,,(t) = (2/T) / sin [(2n - l)nt/2T], n = I,.**

so that the K-L expansionis

w(t) = 2 w,Y,(t)

where the {w,} are uncorrelated random variables with However, since formally variances{4T2/(2n - 1)2rc2).

t44 w(t) =s dz,


u( .) = white noise

we can also write

w(t)= c Via+(t)

where the {vi} are uncorrelated unit-variance random variables t pi = q O i(z) dz s0 and the {pi}

This leads to expansionsthat are orthogonal in L,(p(t)dt) norm. In fact, to avoid dependence on such arbitrary weight functions p(.) or on the arbitrary family {qi(*)}, it is desirable to try to seek an intrinsic norm associated just with the covariance of the process w(.). The norm < 2 hz(W)is just such a norm, and it is called a reproducing kernel norm because of the property <Rw(t7s)dd)Hcw, = m(t) for all m(o), such that

are any complete orthonormal set in

< ~0. Ilm ll&wj = <m(.>,m(~>>Hc,j

Such reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces(RKHS) were introduced into stochastic process theory by Lotve in 1948(cf. [274, appendixI]), and their usefulness in statistical applications has been m a d e clear, notably by Parzen [347]. Many other references as well as some tutorial explanations and applications are discussed in [347], [349], [311]. T wi = T Vi(t) dw(t). ~i(t)U(t) dt = However, it should be noted here that engineers have s0 s0 generally tended to think only of the space L, whenever For most purposes these expansionsare almost as useful Hilbert space is mentioned, perhaps on the grounds that as the K-L expansion (149). The previous result was first L, is isomorphic to any Hilbert space.But the norm is the obtained by Shepp [276] and has since been extended to most important feature of a Hilbert space,and isometries fairly general (non-Wiener) processes [350]. These general (norm-preservingisomorphisms) are more significant than Thus we can get many expansionsfor w(a), each with uncorrelated random variables {wi}, but with dzfirent families of deterministic functions Q i(*). The {wi} can be calculated as







additive isomorphisms. The theory of RKHS shows that there are many other quite different and quite useful Hilbert spacesbesidesL,. There are many other aspects of series expansions that could be discussed (some are noted in Wong s survey [327]), but we shall conclude with a discussion of a somewhat different type of process representation.

used it for the calculation of mutual information [338]. Some especially interesting results are obtained when the two families of random variables are the past and future of the same random process. Yaglom has shown that the past and future (and in fact any two disjoint segments)of a nondeterministic continuous-time process have a finite number of canonical variables if and only if the process has a rational spectral density. Canonical Correlations and State Models Recent studies in automata theory and algebraic system Since series expansions generally contain an infinite theory [119], [129], h ave shown that the analysis of a number of terms, they cannot be used directly without system in terms of past and future leads naturally to a truncation to a finite number, and this brings up the state-space description. Related ideas can be recognized question of which terms to keep. It is usually suggested in an interesting but somewhat obscure paper by Levinson that we keep the coefficients that have maximum variance. and McKean [345]. For a stationary process y(s), they However, calculations of least-squares estimates on this introduce, among others, the subspaces basis have not beenvery satisfactory, especially for processes with rational spectral density. The reason is roughly that B Ca,b) = the linear (Hilbert) space spanned by the random the whole data interval enters equally into the determination variables (y(r), a I z 5 b) of all the series coefficients, whereas, for example in prediction, the most recent observations should make a larger B, = B(,,,, = the future contribution. The state-space description of random processes reflects this circumstance better, but there is B- = Bc-m,oj = the past another quite general statistical technique that is roughly equivalent. This is the so-called theory of canonical cor- B+,- = the prqjection of B, on Brelations, which was independently developed in the midB o+ = ,?, %.a)~ thirties by Hotelling and Obukhov (cf. [346]). [Incidentally, Hotelling was apparently the first to use eigenvalue-eigenB, + is called the germ field [343] and B, , _ is the minimal vector decompositions (the finite analogs of the K-L expansion) in statistics (in a 1933 paper in the Journal of splitting field of past and future, viz., it is the smallest field Educational Psychology).] such that, given B,, --) B, is independent of B-. [There Theseauthors proposed the following method for studying are clearly many splitting fields, e.g., B-; the proof that the interrelations betweentwo (full-rank) families of random B+,- is the minimal field was given by McKean in a variables {X1,X,; * *,X,} and {Y1,Y,;. . Y,}. First find the fascinating paper [344] on multidimensional Brownian linear combinations motion.] These concepts are clearly related to the notion of state, and with this in mind we should not be surprised that u, = i cc,,xi, B, l - is finite-dimensional if and only if y( a) has a rational vl = $ PliY, 1 1 spectral density or that B,, _ = Bo+ if and only if the that have the largest cross-correlation coefficient spectral density has no zeros [345], [261a]. Recall that the state of a system can be determined from the output and p1 = EU,VI/JEU12EV12. its derivatives, without knowledge of the input, if and only Next find linear combinations U, and V, that are uncor- if the transfer function has no zeros. It can be proved that the canonical variables for the sets related with (U,,V,) and have maximum correlation coefficient, and so on until a new set of random variables {y(r), r r 0} and {y(z), z I 0} are a useful basis for the has been found that span the state-spaceB, , --) and this fact has recently been cleverly (U,,U,,* * *,u,, v1; * * ,V,) same space as the {X1,X2; . -,X,,, Y,; . *,Y,} and are pair- exploited by Akaike [316] to study state-space modeling. wise uncorrelated, except for the pairs (Ui,Vi), i = 1,. * a, In particular he obtains a stochastic interpretation of the min (n,m). The actual calculation can be shown to be Ho-Youla-Silverman and other algorithms for determining equivalent to the solution of a certain eigenvalue problem a minimal state-spacerealization of an impulse response. We cannot pursue these matters any further here, though (see, e.g., [340]). It is reasonable that in making inferences about the as a final comment we may note that the canonical cor{ Yi} from the {Xi}, the first few canonical variables { Ui} relations would seem to be useful in more problems than should give us more information than the first few coef- those to which they have been explicitly applied so far. ficients of the discrete-time analog of the K-L expansion. XI. CONCLUDING REMARKS This observation was made by Yaglom [346], who with Gelfand generalized the theory to the case of continuousIn this survey, we have described several well established time random processes(x(s), s E S} and {y(t), t E T}, and and widely used results and on occasion we have also






indicated some areas for further work and some new directions.* One important trend is the growing interplay between linear system theory and linear filtering theory. This is reinforced by the growing realization in both fields of the importance of understanding the underlying structural features and invariants of dynamical linear systems and of the stochasticprocesses that can be generated from them. This structural knowledge is bound to be useful in all applications where linear systemsand stochastic processes arise, ranging from long-distancecommunication problems to the analysis of single circuits. Another obvious direction is into nonlinear filtering. Actually the last decadehas seen a considerableeffort to extend the Kalman filter to nonlinear problems. This vast areawill have to be surveyedseparately,but some important aspectsshould be mentioned here. Recursiveformulas for updating the least-squares estimate (the conditional mean) were first obtained by Stratonovich [65], [66], and Kushner [86]. However, it was found that in generalthe formulas involve all the conditional moments, so that an infinite .set of simultaneous equations (or equivalently, a partial differential equation for the conditional probability density or the conditional characteristic functional) is necessary. There is still no consensus as to a satisfactory way of truncating this set of equations, which incidentally is also encounteredin other fields such as fluid mechanics and quantum mechanics [388]-[390]. Furthermore, no other computationally satisfactory approaches to solving directly, even approximately, the partial differential equations seem to be at hand, though spline function approachesdo hold out some promise. At the moment, one of the chief benefits of having attacked the nonlinear problem was that it brought to the fore certain difficulties associatedwith the proper definition of the differential and integral equations used to describe nonlinear operations on white noise. For nearly the first time, as far as engineers were concerned,the use of different definitions of integrals m a d e a difference to the answer, rather than just to the rigor of the proofs. It also affected the proper m o d e ling of physical nonlinear problems. W o n g and Zakai [277], McShane [277a], [277b], and others have m a d e important contributions to this subject, but there are still many unresolved questions. Nevertheless, this work pointed the way to the introduction of martingale theory into communication and control problems, a fact whose significance will probably far outreach any specific nonlinear filtering problems. This point has been discussed at greater length in W o n g s survey [327] ; seealso [298].
s It perhaps goes without saying that we have confined ourselves for many reasons to the theory of linear filtering and in particular to the probabilistic theory, where knowledge of all statistical parameters (e.g., means and covariances) is assumed. The development of a statistical theory of filtering will introduce several new dimensions, although it might be noted that the lack of a complete statistical theory does not seem to have significantly limited the successful use of the ideas of the probabilistic theory.

It should be noted that the previously mentioned unexpected difficulties with m o d e ls and integrals lent the nonlinear recursionsmore than academicinterest. W o n h a m gave the first rigorous proof, but only for signals taking finitely many values (e.g., finite Markov chains) [97]. O ther proofs have since been constructed for more general signals, but under rather complicated and physically obscureconditions. In particular, dependence of the signal on feedbackobservationswas excluded.As noted in Section IX, Fujisaki et al. have recently used the innovations approach to overcomemost of thesedifficulties. However, although such rigorous proofs are of interest, their m a in contribution is to highlight the fundamental difficulties in the way of practical optimum filtering. Despite m a jor efforts (see, e.g., the proceedingsof many recent symposia) the field is in some disarray. A good account of some of the more successful efforts is given by Jazwinski [138]. I believe that the situation is somewhat analogous to that of linear filtering in the m id-fifties, when the field was rapidly grinding to a halt a m id a welter of numerous attempts at direct extensions of the W iener filter. The Kalman filter provided a new impulse that moved things out of the doldrums into a new and fruitful direction. Similarly in nonlinear filtering it may be that attempts to solve the nonlinear filtering problem along the lines of the successfulKalman linear filter are m isdirected. Some new approach needsto be uncovered. Perhaps the way to begin is by lowering our sights by restricting ourselves to parameter estimation rather than to estimation of rather general stochastic processes.Even this is a difficult subject, which will not even be outlined here. However, I bring it up becauserecently informationtheoretic ideas have been found to be useful in getting error bounds for such finite-parameter problems (see,e.g., and to a small extent for certain [3771-WI, [W), infinite-parameter (or stochastic-process) problems as well, see [383]. Furthermore, recently Blahut [382] and others have begun to show how the basic results of information theory can also be illuminated by the use of some simple hypothesis-testing and parameter-estimation problems. This interchangewill be valuable and is in fact somewhat overdue,which brings m e to my final point. At many times in the twenty-five years of information theory there has been a not inconsiderabledissatisfaction with the scope,development,and application of the theory. This may or may not (probably not) have been justified, but it is interesting, at least in my opinion, that the fields of signal detection, estimation, and stochastic processes have not experienced such traumas. It seemsto m e that the reason lies in the actively pursued connections between these subjects and many other topics. Strict-sense informa.tion theory, although a beautiful and important subject, has suffered by its partially deliberate insularity and isolation. The numerous interconnectionsof statistical
In the Shannon sense.







signal processing with other even in the small subdomain of surveyed, is perhaps the surest vitality. It has never been other have worked in such a field.

fields, as richly displayed linear filtering that we have guarantee of its continued than a pleasure for me to


The last sentence really says it all: I am grateful to all who have contributed to this field. Several friends have generously provided comments on drafts of this paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Wiener Filtering and Related Topics [l] N. Wiener, Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, with Engineering Applications. New York: Technology Press and Wiley, 1949. (Originally issued in February 1942, as a classified Nat. Defense Res. Council Rep.) [2] N. Wiener and E. Hopf, On a class of singular integral equations, Proc. Prussian Acad., Math.-Phys. Ser., p. 696, 1931. [3] R. B. Blackman, H. W. Bode, and C. E. Shannon, Data smoothing and prediction in fire-control systems, Research & Development Board, Washington, DC., Aug. 1944. [4] N. Levinson, A heuristic exposition of Wiener s mathematical theory of prediction and filtering, J. Math. Phys., vol. 25, pp. 11&119, July 1947; reprinted as an Appendix in [l]. [5] H. W. Bode and C. E. Shannon, A simplified derivation of linear least square smoothing and prediction theory, Proc. IRE, vol. 38, pp. 417425, Apr. 1950. [6] L. A. Zadeh and J. R. Ragazzini, An extension of Wiener s theory of prediction, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 21, pp. 645-655, July 1950. [7] C. L. Dolph and H. A. Woodbury, On the relation between Green s functions and covariances of certain stochastic processes and its applications to unbiased linear prediction, Trans. Amer. Math. Sot., vol. 72, pp. 519-550, 1952. [8] G. F. Franklin, The optimum synthesis of sampled-data systems, Electron. Res. Lab., Columbia Univ., New York, Tech. Rep. T-6/B, May 1955. [9] R. Jaffe and E. Rechtin, Design and performance of phaselock circuits capable of near-optimum performance over a wide range of input signal and noise levels, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-!, pp. 66-76, Mar. 1955. [9a] P. Ehas, Predictive coding, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-l, pp. 1633, Mar. 1955. [9b] R. Price, On entropy equivalence in the time- and frequencydomains, Proc. IRE, vol. 43, p. 484, Apr. 1955. [lo] A. M. Yaglom, Theory of Stationary Random Functions, translated from the Russian by R. A. Silverman. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962. (Originally published as a survey paper in 1955.) [ll] M. C. Yovits and J. L. Jackson, Linear filter optimization with game theory considerations, in IRE Nat. Conv. Rec., pt. 4, pp. 193-199, 1955. I1 21 N. Wiener and P. Masani. The nrediction theory of multivariate stochastic processes, Pt. I, A& Math., vol. 98, pp. 111-150, 1957; Pt. II, ibid., vol. 99, pp. 93-137, 1958. [13] G. C. Newton, L. A. Gould, and J. F. Kaiser, Analytical Design of Linear Feedback Controls. New York: Wiley, 1957. [14] M. Shinbrot, A generalization of a method for the solution of the integral equation arising in optimization of time-varying linear systems with nonstationary inputs, IRE Truns. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-3, pp. 220-225, Dec. 1957. [I 51 F. J. Beutler, Prediction and filtering for random parameter svstems. IRE Trans. Inform. Theorv. _ , vol. IT-4. DD. _. 166-171, Dec. 1958. [161 H. Laning and R. Battin, Random Processes in Automatic Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958. 1171 S. Darlington, Nonstationary smoothing and prediction using network theorv concevts. IRE Trans. Inform. Theorv _ (Suecial . Suppl.), vol. IT-5, pp. i-14, May 1959. P. Leonov, On an approximate method for synthesizing 1181 optimal linear systems for separating signals from noise, Automat. Remote Contr., vol. 20, pp. 1039-1048, 1959. [I91 A. V. Balakrishnan, On a characterization of processes for which the optimal mean-square systems are of specified form, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-6, pp. 490-500, Sept. 1960. [201 Y. W. Lee, Statistical Theory of Communication. New York: Wiley, 1960. r211 V. S. Pugachev, Theory of Random Functions and Its Applications in Automatic Control. Moscow: Goztekhizdat, 1960;

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175 linear dynamic systems, Aeronaut. Syst. Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Tech. Rep. ASD-TDR-63-119, Feb. 1963. R. E. Kalman. Lvauunov functions for the nroblem of Lur e in automatic control, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., &vol. 49, pp. 201205, Feb. 1963. -, Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 1, pp. 152-192, 1963. -, On a new characterization of linear passive systems, in Proc. 1st Annu. Allerton Conf Circuit and System Theory, Nov. 1963, pp. 456-470. A. G. J. MacF$ane, An eigenvector solution of the optimal y;;y regulator, J. Electron. Contr., vol. 14, pp. 643-654, June

232-240, May 1971. [50] Yu. A. Rozanov, Some approximation problems in the theory of stationary processes, J. Multivariable Anal., vol. 2, pp. 135-144, June 1972. [51] J. A. Cochran, Analysis of Linear Integral Equations. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. [52] W. C. Lindsey, Synchronization Systems in Communication and Control. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1972. [53] L. Prouza, On generalized linear discrete inversion filters, f$ernrn$ka, vol. 8, pp. 264-267, 1972; also, ibid., vol. 6, pp. 225. . [54] J. Snyders, Error expressions for optimal linear filtering of stationary processes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 574582, Sept. 1972. [54a] J. Snyders, Error formulae for optimal linear filtering, prediction and interpolation of stationary time series, Ann. Math. Statist., vol. 43? pp. 1935-1943, 1972. [54b] M. G. Strintzis, A solution to the matrix factorization problem, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 225-232, Mar. 1972. [55a] D. G. Messerschmitt, A geometric theory of intersymbol interference, Part I: Zero-forcing and decision-feedback equalization, BeN Syst. Tech. J., vol. 52, pp. 1483-1519, 1973. [55b] R. W. Lucky, A survey of the communication theory literature: 1968-1973, ZEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 725739, Nov. 1973. [55c] J. Salz, Optimum mean-square decision feedback equalization, Bell Syst. Tech. J., 1974. B. Recursive W iener and Kalman Filtering W I A. G. Carlton and J. W. Follin, Jr., Recent developments in fixed and adaptive filtering, NATO Advanced Group for Aerospace R&D, AGARDograph 21, 1956. [571 J. E. Hanson, Some notes on the application of the calculus of variations to smoothing for finite time, etc., Appl. Phys. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md., Internal Memo BBD-346, 1957. 1581A. J. F. Siegert, A systematic approach to a class of problems in the theory of noise and other random phenomena, Pt. 11, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-13, pp. 38843, Mar. 1957; g Hfu&!., vol. IT-4, pp. 4-14, Mar. 1958. Recursion formulas for growing memory digital [591 filters, ZRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-4, pp. 24-30, Mar. 1958. [W B. Friedland, Least-squares filtering and prediction of non;t&onary sampled data, Inform. Contr., vol. 1, pp. 297-313, smoothing procedure for satellite observations, J. Astronaut. Sci., vol. 6? pp. 46-52, Autumn 1959; see also A proposed stagewise differential correction procedure for satellite tracking and prediction, RAND Corp. Rep. P-1292, Jan. 1958. [Ql R. E. Kalman, On the general theory of control, in Proc. 1st ZFA C Cong. London : Butterworth, 1960. Contributions to the theory of optimal control, Bo/. K31 -, Sot. Mat. Mex., vol. 5, pp. 102-119, 1960. A new approach to linear filtering and prediction prob1641 -, lems, J. Basic Eng., vol. 82, pp. 3445, Mar. 1960. [651R. L. Stratonovich, Apphcation of the theory of Markov processesfor optimum filtration of signals, Radio Eng. EIectron. Phys. (USSR), vol. 1, pp. l-19, Nov. 1960. Conditional Markov process theory, Theory Prob. [661Appl: (USSR), vol. 5, pp. 156178, 1960 A stagewise parameter estimation procedure for [671 M. Blum, : correlated data, Numer. Math., vol. 3, pp. 202-208, 1961. [68] R. E. Kalman, New methods of W iener filtering theory, in Proc. 1st Symp. Engineering Applications of Random Function Theory and Probability, J. L. Bogdanoff and F. Kozin, Eds. New York: W iley, 1963, pp. 270-388; also, RIAS, Baltimore, Md., Tech. Rep. 61-1, 1961. [69] R. E. Kalman and R. S. Bucy, New results in linear filtering and prediction theory, Trans. ASME, Ser. D, J. Basic Eng., vol. 83, pp. 95-107, Dec. 1961. [70] R. H. Battin. A statistical ontimizine navieation nrocedure for space flight, J. Amer. Rocked Sot., v& 32, ip. 168 1-1692,1962. I711 J. D. McLean, S. F. Schmidt, and L. A. McGee, Optimal filtering and linear prediction applied to a midcourse navigation system for the circumlunar mission, NASA Rep. TND-1208, 1962. [721 S. F. Schmidt., State-space techniques applied to the design of a space navigation system, m Proc. 1962 Joint Automatic Control Conf, Paper 11-3. r731 V. A. Yakubovic, The solution of certain matrix inequalities in automatic control theory, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 143, pp. 1304-1307, 1962. [741 A. E. Bryson and M. Frazier, Smoothing for linear and nonP. Swerling, First-order error propagation in a stagewise Lb11

[751 [761 [771 I781

development of discrete filters for detection of nuclear explosions, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, DD. 5559-5567. 1963. A statistical optimizing navigation W I E Swerling, Comment on procedure for space flight , AZAA J. vol. 1, p. 1968, Aug. 1963. W I P. Whittle, On the fitting of multivariate autoregressions and the approximate canonical factorization of a spectral density matrix, Biometrika, vol. 50, pp.129-134, 1963. Numerical identification of W I K. Astrom and S. Wensmark, + stationary time-series, in Proc. 6th Znt. Instrumentation and Measurements Congr., Sept. 1964. [831 R. H. Battin. Astronautical Guidance. New York: McGrawHill, 1964. P341 R. B. Blackman, Methods of orbit refinement, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 43, pp. 885-909, May 1964. [84a] H. Cox, On the estimation of state variables and parameters for noisy dynamic systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-9, pp. 5-12, Jan. 1964. [85] R. E. Kalman, W h e n is a linear control system optimal?, Trans. ASME, Ser. D, J. Basic Eng., vol. 86, pp. 51-60, June 1964. [86] H. J. Kushner, On differential equations satisfied by conditional probability densities of Markov processes, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 2, pp. 106-119, 1964. [871 V. M. Popov, Hyperstability and optimality of automatic systems with several control functions, Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech., vol. 9, pp. 629-690, 1964. [87a] -! Incompletely controllable positive systems and applications to optimization and stability of automatic control systems. Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech.. Electrotech. Enem.. 1 vol. 12, pp. 337L357, 1967. Rw G. L. Smith, Multivariable linear filter theory applied to ;g4e vehicle guidance, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 2, pp. 19-32, [891 R. Ll Stratonovich and Yu. G. Sosulin, Optimal detection of a Markov process in noise, Eng. Cybern., vol. 6, pp. 7-19, Oct. 1964. [901 A. E. Bryson and D. E. Johansen, Linear filtering for timevarying systems using measurements containing colored noise, IEEE Trans. Automat, Contr,, vol. AC-IO, pp. 4-10, Jan. 1965. [911 R. S. Bucy, Nonlinear filtermg theory, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. (Corresp.), vol. AC-lo, p. 198, Apr. 1965. 1921H. H. Rosenbrock, On the connection between discrete linear filters and some formulae of Gauss, in Act. Congr. Automatique Theorique. Paris: Dunod, 1965. 1931F. C. Schweppe, Evaluation of likelihood functions for Gaussian signals, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-11, pp. 61-70, 1965. [941 E. B. Stear, Shaping filters for stochastic processes,in Modern Control Systems Theory, C. T. Leondes, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965, pp. 121-155. r951 P. Whittle, Recursive relations for predictors of non-stationary processes, J. Roy. Statist, Sot., Ser. B, vol. 27, pp. 525-532, 1965. [961 R. A. W iggins and E. A. Robinson, Recursive solution to the multichannel filtering problem, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 70, pp. 1885-1891, Apr. 1965. [97l W. M. Wonham, Some applications of stochastic differential eauations to optimal nonlinear filtering, -. SIAM J. Contr., vd. 2, pp. 347-369, 1965. [98] B. D. 0. Anderson, Time-varying spectral factorization, Stanford Electron. Lab., Stanford, Calif., Tech. Rep. SEL-66-107, Oct. 1966. [98a] P. Businger and G. H. Golub, Linear least-squares solutions by Householder transformation, Math. Comput., vol. 20, pp. 325-328, 1966. [99] R. E. Mortensen, Optimal control of continuous-time stochastic systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. California, Berkeley, 1966. [loo] J. E. Potter, Matrix quadratic solutions, SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 14, pp. 496501, May 1966. [loll A. N. Shiryaev, Stochastic equations of nonlinear filtration for purely discontinuous Markov processes, Probl. Peredach. Inform., vol. 2, pp. 3-22, 1966.

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176 [IO21 R. L. Stratonovich and Yu. G. Sosulin, Optimum reception of signals in nonGaussian noise, Radio Eng. Electron., vol. 11, pp. 497-507, Apr. 1966. [103] D. C. Youla, The synthesis of linear dynamical systems from prescribed weighting patterns, SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 14, pp. 527-549, May 1966. [IO41 B. D. 0. Anderson, An algebraic solution to the spectral factorization problem, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-12, pp. 410-414, Aug. 1967. [105] B. D. 0. Anderson and J. B. Moore, Solution of a timevarying Wiener filtering problem, Electron. Lett., vol. 3, pp. 562-563, Dec. 1967. [106] K. J. Astrom, Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory. New York: Academic Press, 1967. [106a] A. Bjorck and G. H. Golub, Iterative refinement of linear least-squares solutions by Householder transformation, BIT, vol. 7, pp. 322-337, 1967. PO71 J. Burg, Maximum entropy spectral analysis, in Proc. 37th Annu. Meet. Sot. Explor. Geophys., 1967. UW T. E. Duncan, Probability densities for diffusion processes with applications to nonlinear filtering theory and detection theory, Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. Elec. Eng., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., June 1967. uo91 H. J. Kushner. Stochastic Stabilitv and Control. New York: Academic, 1967. t1101E. A. Robinson, Multichannel Time-Series Analysis with Digital Computer Programs. San Francisco, Calif., Holden-Day, 1967. [llll W. M. Wonham, Lecture notes on stochastic optimal control, Div. Appl. Math., Brown Univ., Providence, R.I., Rep. 67-1, of the impulse-response matrix, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. (Corresp.), vol. AC-13, pp. 739-741, Dec. 1968. u131 R. S. Bucy and P. D. Joseph, Filtering for Stochastic Processes with Applications to Guidance. New York: Wiley, 1968. [I141 L. D. Collins, Realizable whitening filters and state-variable realizations, Proc. IEEE (Lett.), vol. 56, 100-101, Jan. 1968. PI51 T. E. Duncan, Evaluation of likelihood functions, Inform. Contr.. vol. 13, pp. 62-74, July 1968. PI61 T. Kailath, An-innovations -approach to least-squares estimation-Part I: Linear filtering in additive white noise. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol.-AC-13, pp. 646655, De& 1968. I1171 T. Kailath and P. Frost, An innovations approach to leastsquares estimation, Part II: Linear smoothing in additive white noise, IEEE Trans. Automat. Cont., vol. AC-13, pp. 655-660, Dec. 1968. [liS] G. Kallianpur and C. Striebel, Estimation of stochastic systems: arbitrary system process with additive white observation errors, Ann. Math. Statist., vol. 39, pp. 785-801, 1969. H191 R. E. Kalman. Lectures on controllability and observability, Lecture Notes; CIME, Bologna, 1968. ser and A. N. Shiryaev, Nonlinear filtering of Markov WI R. S. Lipt diffusion processes, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (English Transl.), vol. 104, pp. 163-218, 1968. Nonlinear interpolation of Markov diffusion processes, WI ~ Theory Prob. Appl. (USSR). vol. 13, pp. 564-583, 1968. w-1 J. B. Moore and B. D. 0. Anderson, Extensions of quadratic minimization theory, I, Znt. J. Contr., vol. 7, pp. 465472, 1968. r1231 F. C. Schweppe and H. K. Knudsen, The theory of amorphous cloud trajectory prediction, IEEE Trans. Znform Theory, vol. IT-14, pp. 415-427, May 1968. ~1241 E. Stear and A. Stubberud. Ootimal filtering for GaussMarkov noise, Znt. J. Contr.; ~01.~8,pp. 123-130, 1968. n251 W. G. Tuel, Computer algorithm for spectral factorization of rational matrices, IBM J. Res. Develop., vol. 12, pp. 163-170, Mar. 1968. W61 W. M. Wonham, On a matrix Riccati equation of stochastic control, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 6, pp. 681-697, Nov. 1968. [127] B. D. 0. Anderson, J. B. Moore, and S. G. Loo, Spectral factorization of time-varying covariance functions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-15, pp. 550-557, Sept. 1969. VW A. E. Bryson and Y. C. Ho, Applied Optimal Control. Waltham, Mass. ; Blaisdell, 1969. [128a] P. Dyer and S. McReynolds, Extension of square-root filtering to include process noise, J. Optimiz. Theory Appl., vol. 3, pp. 444459, 1969. [129] R. E. Kalman, P. Falb, and M. A. Arbib, Topics in Mathematical System Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969. [129a] N. Morrison, Introduction to Sequential Smoothing and Prediction. New York: McGraw-Hill,, 1969. t1301 N. E. Nahi, Optimum recursive estimation with uncertain observation. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. DU. 457_ , vol. IT-15. __ 462, July 1969. u311 J. Rissanen and L. Barbosa, Properties of infinite covariance matrices and stability of optimum predictors, Inform. Sci., vol. 1, pp. 221-236, 1969. U321 W. M. Wonham, Random differential equations in control theory, in Probabilistic Methods in Applied Mathematics,






A. T. Bharucha-Reid, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1969, ch. 2. H331 L. E. Zachrisson, On optimal smoothing of continuous-time Kalman processes, Inform. Sci., vol. 1, pp. 143-172, 1969. [I341 L. H. Brandenburg and M. E. Meadows, Shaping filter representation of nonstationary colored noise, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-17, pp. 26-31, Jan. 1971; see also L. Brandenburg, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia Univ., New York,
.June 1970. v351 R. W. Brockett, U361 [1371 Cl381 [I391 [I401 [1411 [I421

Finite-Dimensional Linear Systems. New York: Wiley, 1970. R. S. Bucy, Linear and nonlinear filtering, Proc. IEEE, vol. 58, pp. 854-864, June 1970. A. Gersho and D. J. Goodman, Projecting filters for recursive prediction of discrete-time processes, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 49, pp. 2377-2403, Nov. 1970. A. H. Jazwinski, Stochastic Processes and Filtering Theory. New York: Academic Press, 1970. C. T. Leondes, Ed., Theory and applications of Kalman filtering, NATO Advanced Group for Aerospace R&D, AGARDOgraph 139, Feb. 1970. J. B. Moore and B. D. 0. Anderson, Spectral factorization of Time-varying covariance functions, Math. Syst. Theory, vol. 4, pp. 10-23, 1970. R. L. Stratonovich, Detection and estimation of signals in noise when one or both are non-Gaussian, Proc. IEEE, vol. 58,
E. ;7C-;;9,Gya~ 1970.

H121C. Bruni, A. Isidori, and A. Ruberti, A method of factorization


Autoregressive model fitting for control, Ann. Inst. Statis;. Math., vol. 23, pp. 163-180 1971. D431 B. D. 0. Anderson and J. B. Moore, Linear Optimal Control. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1971. The Kalman-Bucy filter as a true time-varying Wiener [I441 __ filter: IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., vol. SMC-1, pp. 119128, Apr. 1971. P451 M. Athans, Ed., Special Issue on Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Problem, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, Dec. 1971. [I461 R. Bellman and E. D. Denman, Eds., Invariant imbedding, in Notes in Operations Research, vol. 52. New York: ,. Lecture .--. sponger, 19 11. [I471 G. Epstein, On finite-memory, recursive filters, ZEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (Corresp.), vol. IT-17, pp. 486487, July 1970; see also ibid,, p. 614, Sept. 1971, p. 753, Nov. 1971. Square-root filtering and smoothing for I1481 P. G. Kaminski discrete processes: Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., Sept. 1971. [148a] P. G. Kaminski, A. E. Bryson, Jr., and S. F. Schmidt, Discrete square root filtering: A survey of current techniques, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, pp. 727-735, Dec. 1971. [149] T. Kailath and R. A. Geesey, An innovations approach to least-squares estimation-Part IV: Recursive estimation given lumped covariance functions, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-1.6,. pp. 720-727, Dec. 1971. [150] D. G. Lamiotis, Optimal nonlinear estimation, Znt. J. Contr., vol. 14, pp. 1137-1148, 1971. [150a] --, Optimal linear smoothing: Continuous-data case, Znt. J. Contr., vol. 17, pp. 921-930? May 1973. [151] K. Martensson, On the matrix Riccati equation, Znform. Sci., vol. 3, pp. 1749, 1971. [151a] J. K. Omura, Optimal receiver design for convolutional codes and channels with memory via control theoretical concepts, Inform. Sci., vol. 3, pp. 243-266, 1971. u521 I. B. Rhodes, A tutorial introduction to estimation and filtering, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, pp. 688-707,
Dec. 1971.

to Communication and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. Reviewed by K. Yao, IEEE Trans. Znform. Theory (Book Rev.), vol. IT-19, pp. 374-376, May 1973. [154] M. D. Srinath and P. K. Rajasekaran, Estimation of randomly occurring stochastic signals in Gaussian noise, IEEE Trans. Znform. Theory, vol. IT-17, p. 206, Mar. 1971. u551 P. Swerling, Modern state estimation methods from the viewpoint of the method of least squares, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. vol. AC-16, pp. 707-720, Dec. 1971. [I561 A. van den Bos, Alternative interpretation of maximum entropy spectral analysis, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (Corresp.), vol. IT-17. DD. 493-494. Julv 1971. [I571 H. L. Van Trees, Detection, Estimation, Modulation Theory, Pt. III-Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise. New York: Wiley, 1971. 11581 _ - J. C. Willems, Least squares stationary optimal control and the algebraic Riccati equation, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, pp. 621-634, Dec. 1971. [158a] --, Dissipative dynamical systems, Part II: Linear systems with quadratic supply rates, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., vol. 45, pp. 352-393, 1972. [159] M. G. Wood, J. B. Moore, and B. D. 0. Anderson, Study of an

[I531 A. P. Sage and J. L. Melsa, Estimation Theory with Applications





177 1973. See also IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-19, Aug.
1974. [f85] G. S. Sidhu, T. Kailath, and M. Morf, Development of fast

integral equation arising in detection theory, IEEE Trans. Znform. Theory, vol. IT-17, pp. 677-686, Nov. 1971. [160] A. V. Balakrishnan, System theory and stochastic optimization, in Proc. NATO 1972 Advanced Study Institute on Network and St@aI Theory, Bournemouth, England, 1972. [16Oa] A. F. Fath, Computational aspects of the linear optimal regulator problem, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-14, pp. 547-550, Oct. 1969; also, A. E. Bryson and W. E. Hall, Optimal control and filter synthesis by Eigenvector decomposition, Dep. Aeron. and Astron., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Cahf., Rep. 436, Dec. 1971. [161] J. L. Casti, R. E. Kalaba, and V. K. Murthy, A new initialvalue method for on-line filtering and estimation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 515-518, July 1972. [162] P. E. Gill, G. H. Golub, W. Murray,. and M. A. Saunders, Methods for modifying matrix factonzations, Cornput. Sci. Dep., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., Rep. CS-72-322, Nov. 1972. [I631 K. L. Hitz and B. D. 0. Anderson, Iterative method of computing the limiting solution of the matrix Riccati differential equation, Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng. vol. 119, pp. 140221406,Sept. 1972. [164] F. Itakura, Extraction of feature parameters of speech by statistical methods, in Proc. 8th Symp. Speech Information Processing, Feb. 1972. [165] T. Kailath, A note on least-squares estimation by the innovations method, J. SIAM Contr:, vol. 10, pp. 477486, Aug. 1972. [166] -, Some Chandrasekhar-type algorithms for quadratic regulator problems, m . Proc. IEEE Conf Decision and Control and 11th Symp. Adaptive Processes, Dec. 1972, pp. 219-223. [I671 V. KuEera, A contribution to matrix quadratic equations, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-17, pp. 344346, June 1973 -_ .-. [167a] --, A review of the matrix Riccati equation, Kybernetika, vol. 9, pp. 42-61, 1973. Hf31 H. Kwakernaak and R. Sivan, Linear Optimal Control Svstems. New York: W iley, 1972. [I691 J. T. H. Lo, Finite-dimensional sensor orbits and optimal nonlinear filtering, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 583-588, Sept. 1972. [1701 D. Rappaport, Constant directions of the Riccati equation, Automatica, vol. 8, pp. 175-186, Mar. 1972. See also IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-15, pp. 5355540, Oct. 1970. 11711 J. M. Rodriguez-Canabal, The geometry of the Riccati equation, Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles. June 1972. r1721 D. L. Snyder, Filtering and detection for doubly stochastic Poisson processes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 91-101, Jan. 1972. r1731 H. Wakita, Estimation of the vocal tract shape by optimal inverse filtering, Speech Commun. Res. Lab., Inc., Santa Barbara, Calif., Mono. 9, July 1972. See also IEEE Truns. Audio Electroacoust., vol. AU-21, pp. 417-427, Oct. 1973. 11741 G. T. W ilson, The factorization of matrical spectral densities, SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 23, pp. 420-426, Dec. 1972. u751 H. Aasnaes and T. Kailath, An-innovations approach to leastsquares estimatton-Pt VII: Some applications of vector autoregressive-moving average models, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 601-607, Dec. 1973. V761 H. Aasnaes and T. Kailath, Robustness of linear-least squares filtering algorithms, in Proc. 1973 Joint Automatic Control Conf See also IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-19, June 1974. v77l B. D. 0. Anderson and S. Vongpanitlerd, Network Analysis and Synthesis-A Modern Systems Theory Approach. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1973. 11781 J. A. Edward and M. M. Fitelson, Notes on maximumentropy processing, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. (Corresp.), vol. IT-19, pp. 232-234, Mar. 1973. 11791 M. Gevers and T. Kailath, Constant, predictable and degenerate directions of the discrete-time Riccati equation, Automatica, pp. 699-712,. Nov. 1973. -_ -^_ vol. 9, ,,. [lrtuj -, An ,mnovattons approach to least-squares estimationPart VI: Dtscrete-time innovations representations and recursive estimation, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 588600, Dec. 1973. [181] T. Kailath and R. Geesey, An innovations approach to leastsquares estimation-Part V: Innovations representations and recursive estimation in colored noise, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 435453, Oct. 1973. [182] R. H. Jones, Autoregressive spectrum estimation, in Proc. Amer. Meteorol. Sot. 3rd Conf Probability and Statistics in Atmosuheric Science. 1973. [183] T. Kailath,, Some new algorithms for recursive estimation in constant hnear systems, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 750-760, Nov. 1973. [184] T. Kailath, M. Morf, and G. S. Sidhu. Some new algorithms for recursive estimation in constant discrete-time linear @stems, in Proc. 7th Princeton Symp. Information and System Science,
Urn --, --~~----

algorithms via innovations decompositions, in Proc. 7th Hawaii Znt. Conf Syst. Sci., Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan, 1974. [186] R. Sh. Lipt ser and A. N. Shiryaev, Statistics of conditionally Gaussian random sequences, in Proc. 6th Berkeley Symp. Mathematics, Statistics, and Probability, vol. III. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. California Press, 1973, pp. 389422. [187] B. P. Molinari, The stabilizing solution of the algebraic Riccati equations, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 11, pp. 262-272, May 1973. [188] -, Equivalence relations for the algebraic Riccati equation, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 11, pp. 272-286, May 1973. [189] J. B. Moore and P. Hetrakul, Optimal demodulation of PAM signals, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 188-197, Mar. 1973. [190] H. J. Payne and L. M. Silverman, On the discrete time algebraic Riccati equation, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 226234, June 1973. [19Oa] M. Aoki, On the subspaces associated with partial reconstruction of state vectors, the structure algorithm and the predictable directions of Riccati equations, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 399400, Aug. 1973. [191] M. Morf, Discrete-time multivariable systems, Ph.D. dissertation,, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., 1974. [I921 J. Rtssanen, A fast algorithm for optimum predictors, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, p. 555, Oct. 1973. [193] --, Algorithms for triangular decomposition of block Hankel and Toeplitz matrices with application to factorizing positive matrix polynomials, Math. Comput., vol. 27, pp. 147-154, 1973. [193a] F. C. Schweppe, Uncertain Dynamic Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1973. [193b] A. V. Balakrishnan, Stochastic differential systems, Pt. I, in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 84. New York: Springer, 1973. 1193cl H. J. Pavne and L. Silverman. Matrix Riccati eauations and -system structure, in Proc. IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, pp. 558-563, Dec. 1973. [193d] M. Morf and T. Kailath, Square-root algorithms for linear least-squares estimation and control, in Proc. 8th Princeton Symp. Information and System Science, 1974. C. Some Early Mathematical Work
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178 [211] V. A. Ambartsumian, Diffuse reflection of light by a foggy medium, Dokl. Akad. Sci. SSSR, vol. 38, pp. 229-322, 1943. 12121 . _ R. S. Phihios. Servomechanisms. M.I.T. Radiation Lab.. Cambridge, Mass.: Rep. 372, May 1943; also in Theory of Servomechanisms, H. M. James, N. B. Nichols, and R. S. Phillips, Eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957, ch. 7. [213] J. L. Doob, The elementary Gaussian processes, Ann. Math. Statist., vol. 15, pp. 229-282, 1944. [214] M. G. Krein, On a generalization of some investigations of G. Szego, W. M. Smirnov, and A. N. Kolmogorov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 46, pp. 91-94,1945. [215] -, On a problem of extrapolation of A. N. Kolmogorov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 46, pp. 306-309, 1945. [216] W. T. Reid, A matrix differential equation of the Riccati type, Amer. J. Math., vol. 68, pp. 237-246, 1946. [216a] -, Riccati Differential Equations. New York: Academic Press, 1972. .12171S. Chandrasekhar, On the radiative equilibrium of a stellar atmosphere, Pt XXI, Astrophys. J., vol. 106, pp. 152-216, 1947; Pt XXII, ibid, vol. 107, pp. 48-72, 1948. [2181 N. Levinson, The W iener rms (root-mean-square) error criterion in filter design and prediction, J. Math. Phys., vol. 25, pp. 261-278, Jan. 1947; reprinted as appendix in [l]. w91 J. L. Doob, Time series and harmonic analysis, in Proc. Berkeley Symp. Mathematics, Statistics, and Probability. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. California Press, 1949, pp. 303-343. t2201 S. Chandrasekhar, Radiative Transfer. Oxford, England: Oxford Univ. Press, 1950; also New York: Dover,. 1960. 12211 0. Hanner, Deterministic and nondeterministlc stationary random processes, Ark. Mat., vol. 1, pp. 161-177, 1950. K. Karhunen, Uber die Struktur Stationarer Zufalliger FunkP-221 tionen, Ark. Mat., vol. 1, pp. 141-160, 1950 (Transl.: RAND Corp.. Memo. RM-3091-PR. Am. 1962). w31 U. Grenander, On Toeplitz forms and stationary processes, Ark. Mat., vol. 1, pp. 555-571, 1952. fand and B. H. Levitan, On the determination of a 12241I. M. Gel differential equation from its spectral function, Zzv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 15, pp. 309-360, 1951 (Transl.: Amer. Math. Sot. Transl., SeE. 2, vol. 1, pp. 253-304, 1955). L-1 J. L. Doob, Stochastic Processes. New York: W iley, 1953. P261 M. G. Krem, Some problems of the effective determmation of a nonhomogeneous string by means of its spectral function, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. vol. 93. DD. 617-620. 1953. approximation problem in the theory 12271---, On a fundamental of extrapolation and filtration of stationary processes, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 94, pp. 13-16, 1954 (Transl. : Select. Trunsl. Probl. Math. Statist., vol. 4, pp. 127-131, 1964). On integral equations governing differential equations P28j --, of second order, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 97, pp. 21-24, 1954. On a new method of solving linear integral equations of 12291-, the first and second kinds, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 100, pp. 413416, 1955. The continuous analoaues of theorems on oolvnomials ~2301-. orthogonal on the unit circle; Dokl. Akad. Nauk*SSSR, vol. 104, pp. 637-640, 1955. 12311R. E. Bellman, Functional equations in the theory of dynamic programming, VII: A partial differential equation for the Fredholm resolvent, Proc. Amer. Math. Sot., vol. 8, pp 435 440, 1957. t2321 K. M. Case, On W iener-Hopf equations, Ann. Phys., vol. 2, pp. 384405, 1957. E. G. Gladyshev, On multidimensional stationary random WI processes, Theory Prob. Appl. (in Russian), vol. 3, pp. 425428, 1958. PW I. C. Gohberg and M. G. Krein, Systems of integral equations on a half-axis with kernels depending on the difference of the arguments, Usp. Mat. Nauk, vol. 13, pp. 3-72, 1958. M. G. Krein. Intearal eauations on a half-axis with kernel WI depending on the diff&ence of the arguments, Usp. Mat. Nauk, vol. 13, pp. 3-120, 1958. [2361 U. Grenander and G. Szego, Toeplitz Forms and Their Applicalions. Berkeley, Calif. : Univ. California Press. 1958. s theorem on monotone matrix-valued W 'l P. Masani, Cramer functions and the Wold decomposition, in Probability and f&tistics, U. Grenander, Ed. New York: W iley, 1959, pp. 175de type Riccati, Bull. Math. Sot. Sci. Math. Phys., Revue Physique Roumaine (New Series), vol. 3, pp. 229-249, 1959. [239] J. Durbin, The fitting of time-series models, Rev. Intern. Statist. Inst., vol. 28, pp. 233-244, 1960. 12401G. Baxter, Polynomials defined by a difference system, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 2, pp. 223-263, 1961. [241] L. Ya. Geronimus, Orthogonal Polynomials (Transl. from the Russian). New York: Consultant s Bureau, 1961. [242] G. Baxter, An asymptotic result for the finite predictor, Math. Stand., vol. 10, pp. 137-144, 1962. equation differentielle matricielle [2381 S. Sandor, Sur I






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theory of stochastic processes, in Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Mathematics, Statistics, and Probability, vol. 2. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. California Press, 1965, pp. 215-224. derivatives of Gaussian mea[276] L. A. Shepp, Radon-Nikodym sures, Ann. Math. Statist., vol. 37, pp. 321-354, Apr. 1966. 12771 .- E. W o n a and M. Zakai. On the relation between ordinarv and stocha&c differential equations and applications to stochastic problems in control theory, in Proc. 3rd IFAC Congr. London: Butterworth, 1966. 1277a1E. J. McShane, Stochastic functional equations: Continuitv -oronerties and relation to ordinarv eauations. in Control Theor; and&the Calculus of Variations, A. V. Balakrishnan, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1969. [277b] -, Stochastic differential equations and models of random in Proc. 6th Berkeley Symp. Mathematics, Statistics, processes, and Probabilitv. Berkelev: Univ. California Press. 1973. W '81 H. Kunita and S. Watanabe, On square-integrable martingales, Nagoya Math. J., vol. 30, pp. 209-245, Aug. 1967. t2791P. A. Frost, Nonlinear estimation in continuous-time systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. Elec. Eng., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., June 1968. P801 I. C. Gohberg and M. G. Krein, Theory and Applications of Volterra Operators in Hilbert Space, (in Russian). Moscow: y9yok)a, 1967. (Transl.: Amer. Math. Sot., Providence, RI.,

[275] H. Cramer, A contribution to the multiplicity

13011P. A. Frost and T. Kailath, An innovations approach to leastsquares estimation-Part III: Nonlinear estimation in white Gaussian noise, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, pp. 217-226, June 1971. [302] P. A. Frost, Estimation and detection for a simple class of conditionally independent-increment processes, in Proc. IEEE Decision and Control ConJ, 1971. Also published as lecture notes for Washington University summer course on current trends in automatic control. St. Louis. MO.. 1970. Zakai, and J. Ziv, Mutual information of the [3031 T. T. Kadota, M. white Gaussian channel with and without feedback, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-17, pp. 368-371, July 1971. [3041 T. Kailath, Some extensions of the innovations theorem, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 50? pp. 1487-1494, Apr. 1971. [305] M. M. Rao, Local functtonals and generalized random fields with independent values, Theory Prob. Appl. (in Russian), vol. 16, pp. 457473,. 1971. [3061 J. 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Weinert, Some relations between RKHS norms, and Fredholm equations innovation representato W iener processes,Osaka J. Math., vol. 5, pp. 299-312, 1968. tions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 341-348, [2831 J. M. C. Clark, Conditions for one-to-one correspondence May 1972. between an observation process and its innovations, Cent. Co6y.put. Automat., Imperial College, London, Tech. Rep. 1, [3111 T. Kailath and D. Duttweiler, An RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems-Part III : Generalized innovations representations and a likelihood-ratio formula, IEEE Trans. The relationship of I2841 R. Geesey and T. Kailath, Comments on Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 730-745, Nov. 1972. alternate state-space representations in linear problems , IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. (Corresp.), vol. AC-14, pp. 113- [312]1 H. Dym and H. McKean, Fourier Series and Znte,graZs. New York: Academic Press, 1972, 114, Feb. 1969. [313] J. Rissanen and T. Kailath, Partial realization of stochastic t2851 R. Geesey and T. Kailath, Applications of the canonical processes, Automatica, vol. 8, pp. 380-386, July 1972. representation to estimation and detection of colored noise, [314] Yu. A. Rozanov, On nonanticipative linear transformations in Proc. Symp. Computer Processing in Communications. Brookof Gaussian processes with equivalent distributions, Nagoya lyn, N.Y.: Polytechnic Inst. Brooklyn Press, Apr. 1969. Math. J., vol. 47, pp. 227-235, 1972. [286] I. M. Gel fand and N. Ya. Vilenkin, Generalized Functions. [3151 E. Wong, Stochastic Processesin Information and Communication New York: Academic Press, 1968. Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. Reviewed by F. J. [287] T. Kailath and R. Geesey, Covariance factorization-an Beutler, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (Book Rev.), vol. IT-18, explication via examples, in Proc. 2nd Asilomar ConJ: Systems pp. 827-828, Nov. 1972. Science, 1968. [288] A. Schumitzky, On the equivalence between matrix Riccati [316] H. Akaike, Markovian representation of stochastic processes by canonical variables, SIAM J. Contr., to be published, 1973. equations and Fredholm resolvents, J. Comp. Syst. Sci., vol. 2, [316a] -, Stochastic theory of minimal realizations, IEEE Trans. nv. 76-87. June 1968. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-19, to be published. [288aj A. McNabb and A. Schumitzky, Factorization of operators, [317] B. D. 0. Anderson, Algebraic properties of minimal degree Part III: Initial value methods for linear two-point boundary spectral factors, Automatica, vol. 9, pp. 491-500, 1973. value problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 31, pp. 391405, [318] A. Ephremides and L. Brandenburg, On the reconstruction Aug. 1970. error of sampled data estimates, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory [2891 E. -R. Berlekamp, Algebraic Coding Theory. New York: (Corresp.), vol. IT-19, pp. 365-367, May 1973. McGraw-Hill, 1969. [319] A. Ephremides and J. B. Thomas, Random Processes-MuZtit2901 T. Kailath, Application of a resolvent identity to a linear plicity Theory and Canonical Decompositions. Stroudsburg, Pa. : smoothing problem, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 7, pp. 68-74, Feb. 19m Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1973. of some classes of Gaussian proA general likelihood-ratio formula for random signals [320] M. Hitsuda, Multiplicity [2911 -, in Gaussian noise. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theorv. cesses, Nagoya J. Math., to be published, 1974. ,, vol. IT-15. ~~, [321] G. Kallianpur and H. Oodaira, Nonanticipative representations pp. 350-361, May 1969. of equivalent Gaussian processes, Ann. Prob., vol. 1, pp. 104 Fredholm resolvents, W iener-Hopf equations, and r2921 122, 1973. Riccati differential equations, IEEE Trans. Znform. Theory, [322] T. Kailath and A. Segall, A further note on innovations, vol. IT-15, pp. 665-672, Nov. 1969. martingales and nonlinear estimation, in Proc. IEEE Decision [2931 T. E. Duncan, On the absolute continuity of measures, Ann. and Control Conf, 1973. Math. Statist., vol. 41, pp. 3638, 1970. W41 P. A. Frost, The innovations process and its application to [323] H. P. McKean, Geometry of differential space, Ann. Prob., vol. 1, pp. 197-206, Apr. 1973. nonlinear estimation and detection of signals in additive white noise, in Proc. Univ. Missouri, Rolla-M. J. Kelly Communications [324] P. A. Meyer, Sur un probleme de filtration, Seminaire de vrobabilities. Pt VII. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. vol. 321. Conf, Oct. 1970, pp. 7.3.1-7.3.6. See also Proc. 4th Princeton New York: Springer; 1973,,pp. 223-247. Symp. on Information and System Science, 1970. W I Yu. A. Rozanov, Innovations and nonanticipative processes, [2951 T. Hida, Stationary Stochastic Processes. Princeton, N.J. : in Multivariate Analysis, vol. 3, P. R. Krishnaiah, Ed. New Princeton Univ. Press, 1970. York: Academic Press, 1973. [2961 T. Kailath, Likelihood ratios for Gaussian processes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-16, pp. 276-288, May 1970. [3261 A. Segall, A Martingale approach to modeling, estimation and detection of jump processes, Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. A further note on a general likeihood formula for [2971 Elec. Eng., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., Aug. 1973. random signals in Gaussian noise, IEEE Trans. on Inform. [327] E. Wong, Recent progress in stochastic processes-a survey, Theory, vol. IT-16, pp. 393-396, July 1970. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 262-275, May 1973. The innovations approach to detection and estimation [2981 [327a] J. H. Van Schuppen, Estimation theory for continuous-time theoj, in Proc. IEEE, vol. 58, pp. 680-695, May 1970. processes, a martingale approach, Ph.D. dissertation, Dep. t2991 B. D. 0. Anderson and T. Kailath, The choice of signal process Elec. Eng., Univ. California, Berkeley, Sept. 1973. models in Kalman-Bucy filtering, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 35, pp. 659-668, Sept. 1971. [327b] R. Boel, P. Varaiya, and E. Wong, Martingales on jump processes,I: Representation results, II: Applications, Univ. of [3W H. Cramer, Structural and Statistical Problems for a Class of Stochastic Processes. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton Univ. Press, California, Berkeley, ERL Memos 407 and 409, Oct. 1973; also, 1971. submitted to SIAM J. Contr.

180 [327c] L. H. Brandenburg, Covariance factorization: Some unified results encompassing both stationary and nonstationary processes, to appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. E. Miscellaneous 1) Series Expansion (further references can be found in [327]) W-81 D. D. Kosambi, Statistics in function space, J. Indian Math. Sot. vol. 7, pp. 76-88, 1943. W'l M. Loeve, Sur les functions aleatories stationnaires de second order, Rev. Sci., vol. 83, pp. 297-310, 1945; see also Comptes Rend., vol. 220, p. 380, 1945, and vol. 222, p. 489, 1946. [3301 M. Kac and A. J. F. Siegert, On the theory of noise in radio receivers with square-law detectors, J. App. Phys., vol. 18, pp. 383-397, Apr. 1947; see also, Ann. Math. Statist., vol. 18, pp. 438442; 1947. [3311 K. Karhunen. Uber Lineare Methoden in der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Amer. Acad. Sci., Fennicade, Ser. A, I, vol. 37, pp. 3-79, 1947; (Transl.: RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., Rep. T-131, Aug. 1960). [3321 N. Aronszajn, Theory of reproducing kernels, Trans. Amer. Math. Sot., vol. 63, pp. 337-404, May 1950. [3331 U. Grenander, Stochastic processes and statistical inference, Ark. Mat., vol. 1, pp. 195-277, Oct. 1950. [3341 A. Ya. Povzner, A class of Hilbert function spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 68, pp. 817-820, 1949; see also, ibid., vol. 74, pp. 13-17, 1950. [3351 R. C. Davis, On the theory of prediction of nonstationary stochastic processes, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 23, pp. 1047-1053, Sept. 1952.. W61 D. Slepian, Estimation of signal parameters in the presence of noise, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. P6IT-3, pp. 68-89, Mar. 1954. I3371 D. C. Youla, The use of the method of maximum likelihood in estimating continuous-modulated intelligence which has been corruvted bv noise. IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. P6IT-3, pp. 98-105, kar. 1954. fand and A. M. Yaglom, Calculation of the amount of [3381 I. M. Gel information about a random function contained in another such function, Usp. Mat. Nauk, vol. 12, pp. 3-52, 1956. [3391 V. S. Pugachev, Application of canonic expansions of random functions in determining an optimum linear system, Automat. Remote Contr., vol. 17, pp. 489499, 1956. t3401 T. W. Anderson, An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1958. [3411 W. Davenport and W. L. Root, An Introduction to the Theory of Random Signals and Noise. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958. [3421 C. W. Helstrom, Statistical Theory of SignalDetection. London: Pergamon Press, 1960; 2nd ed., 1968. 13431 V. N. Tutubalin and M. I. Freidlin, On the structure of the infinitesimal c-algebra of a Gaussian process, Teor. Veroyat. Primen., vol. 7, pp. 196-199, 1962. l3441 H. P. McKean, Brownian motion with a several dimensional time, Teor. Veroyat. Primen., vol. 8, pp. 357-378, 1963. l3451 N. Levinson and H. P. McKean, Weighted trigonometrical approximation on R with application to the germ field of a stationary Gaussian noise, Acta Math., vol. 112, pp. 99-143, 1964. W61 A. M. Yaglom, Outline of some topics in linear extrapolation of stationary random processes, in Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Mathematics, Statistics, and Probability, vol. II. Berkeley, Calif. : Univ. California-Press, 1970, pp. 259-278. Strong limit theorems for stochastic processes and [346a] -, orthogonality conditions for probability, in Proc. Bernoulh, Bayes, Laplace Symp. Berlin: Springer, 1965, pp. 253-262. t3471 E. Parzen, Time Series Analysis Papers. San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967. t3481 T. T. Kadota, Optimum estimation of nonstationary Gaussian signals in noise, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-15, pp. 253-257, Mar. 1969. t3491 T. Kailath, RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems-Part I: Deterministic signals in Gaussian noise, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-17? pp. 530-549, Sept. 1971. [3501 R. D. LePage, Note relating Bochner Integrals and reproducing kernels to series expansions on a Gaussian Banach space, Proc. Amer. Math. Sot., vol. 32, pp. 285-289, Mar. 1972. N. Jain and G. Kallianpur, Proc. Amer. Math. Sot., vol. 25, pp. 890-8951970. . [35Oa] E. Lyttkens, Regression aspects of canonical correlation, J. Multivariate Anal., vol. 2, pp, 418439, 1972. [3511 S. Cambanis, A general approach to linear mean-square estimation problems, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, (Corresp.), vol. IT-19, vv. 110-114. Jan. 1973. [3521 W. A. Gardner, on A general approach to linear mean-square estimation problems, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, (Corresp.), vol. IT-19, pp. 114-115, Jan. 1973. Seealso this issue, pp. 271-274. [3531 T. E. Fortmann and B. D. 0. Anderson, On the approximation of optimal realizable linear filters using a Karhunen-Loeve






expansion, ZEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, (Corresp.), vol. IT-19, pp. 561-564, July 1973. [353a] V. Belevitch, On network analysis by polynomial matrices, in Recent Developments in Network Theory, S. R. Deards, Ed. Oxford: Pergamon, 1963, pp. 19-30. [353b],z Classical Network Theory. San Francisco: Holden-Day, [353c] C. Gueguen, A. Fossard, and M. Gauvrit, Une representation intermediaire des systtmes multi-dimensionnels, in Proc. 1st ZFAC Symp. on Multivariable Control, Dusseldorf, Germany, Oct. 1968. 2) Linear System Structure [354] J. L. Massey, Shift-register synthesis and BCH decoding, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theorv. vol. IT-15. vv. 122-127. Jan. 1969. [355] V. M. Popov,, Some properties of control systems with matrix transfer functions, in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 144. Berlin: Springer 1970, pp. 250-261. [356] H. H. Rosenbrock, State Space and Multivariable Theory. New York: Wiley, 1970. [357] L. Silverman, Inversion of multivariable linear systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-14, pp. 270-276, June 1969. [357a] L. Silverman and H. J. Payne, Input-output structure of linear systems, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 9, pp. 199-233, May 1971. 13581 .~~ . S. H. Wane. Desien of linear multivariable svstems. Ph.D. dissertation:Univ. Calif., Berkeley, Dec. 1971: also Electron. Res. Lab. Memo. ERL-M309, Oct. 1971. [358a] A. S. Morse and M. A. Wonham, Status of noninteracting control, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-16, pp. 568-581, Dec. 1971. [359] V. M. Popov, Invariant description of linear, time-invariant controllable system, SIAM J. Contr., vol. 10, pp. 252-264, 1972. [360] B. Dickinson, M. Morf, and T. Kailath, A minimal realization algorithm for matrix seauences. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.. vd. AC-19, pp. 31-38, Feb. 1974. [361] G. D. Forney, Jr., Convolutional codes I: Algebraic structure, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-16, pp. 720-738, Nov. 1970. [361a] -, Structural analysis of convolutional codes via dual codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 512-518, July 1973. [361b] -, Minimal bases of rational vector spaces with applications to multivariable linear systems, SIAM J. Contr., 1974. [362] S. H. Wang and E. J. Davison, A minimization algorithm for the design of linear multivariable systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 220-223, June 1973. [363] W. A. Wolovich, The determination of state-space representations for linear multivariable systems, Automatica, vol. 9, pp. 97-106, 1973. 3) Cepstral Analysis
[3641 B. Bogert, M. Healy, and J. Tukey, The quefrency alanysis of

time series for echoes, in Proc. Symp. Time Series Analysis, M. Rosenblatt, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1963, ch. 15, pp. 209243. [3651 B. P. Bogert and J. F. Ossanna, The heuristics of cepstrum analysis of a stationary complex echoed Gaussian signal in stationary Gaussian noise, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-2, pp. 373-380, July 1966. [3661R. C. Kemerait and D. G. Childers, Signal detection and extraction by cepstrum techniques, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 745-759, Nov. 1972. [3671 L. R. Rabiner and C. M. Rader, Eds., Digital Signal Processing. New York: IEEE Press, 1972. [3@31 T. J. Cohen, Source-depth determinations using spectral, pseudoautocorrelation and cepstral analysis, Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Sot., vol. 20, pp. 223-231, 1970. 4) Historical Surveys [3691 R. L. Placket& A historical note on the method of least squares, Biometrika, vol. 36, pp. 458460, 1949. 13701 0. Neugebauer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton Univ. Press, 1952. [3711 N. Wiener, I Am a Mathematician. Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, 1956. least in least squares, J. 13721 C. Eisenhart, The meaning of Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. 54? pp. 24-33, 1964. t3731 H. L. Seal. The historical development of the Gauss linear model, Biometrika, vol. 54, pp. lL23, 1967. [3741 H. W. Sorenson, Least-squares estimation: from Gauss to Kalman, IEEE Spectrum, vol. 7, pp. 63-68, July 1970. i3751 H. L. Harter, The method of least squares and some alternatives, Aerospace Res. Lab.: Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Rep. ARL 72-0129, Sept. 1972. [3761 H. W. Sorenson, Estimation theory: a historical perspective, in Proc. SW IEEE Conf , 1972.





IT-20, NO. 2,




5) Information-Theoretic Analyses 13771I. Vajda, A contribution to the informational analysis of patterns, in Methodologies of Pattern Recognition, M. S. Watanabe, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1969, pp. 509-519. 13781S. Arimoto, Information-theoretical considerations on estimation problems, Inform. Contr., vol. 19, pp. 181-194, 1971. I3791 J. Ziv and M. Zakai, Some lower bounds on signal parameter estimation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-15, pp. 386391, May 1969. 13801L. P. Seidman, Performance limitations and error calculations for parameter estimation, Proc. IEEE, vol. 58, pp. 644-652, May 1970. 13811J. Seidler, Bounds on the mean-square error and the quality of domain decisions based on mutual information, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-17, pp. 655-665, Nov. 1971. 13821R. E. Blahut, An hypothesis-testing approach to information theory, Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell Univ., Ithacar, N.Y., Aug. 1972; Abstract in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (Dissertation Abstr.), vol. IT-19, p. 253, Mar. 1973. ]3831 M. Zakai and J. Ziv, Lower and upper bounds on the optimal

filtering of certain diffusion processes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-18, pp. 325-331, May 1972. [384? J. Ziv and M. Zakai, On functionals satisfying a data-processing theorem, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-19, pp. 275283, May 1973. 6) Others [385] F. Riesz and B. Sz.-Nagy, Functional Analysis. New York: Ungar, 1955. [386] F. Smithies, Integral Equations. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1962. [387] J. H. W ilkinson and C. Reinsch, Linear Algebra, Handbook of Automatic Computation, vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, 1971. [388] J. R. Klauder and E. G. G. Sudarshan, Quantum Optics. New York: Benjamin, 1969. [389] E. Hopf, Statistical hydro-dynamics and functional calculus, J. Ration. Mech. Anal., vol. 2, pp. 587-591, 1953. [390] R. H. Kraichnan, The closure problem of turbulence theory, in Proc. Symp. Applied Mathematics, vol. 13, 1962, pp. 199-225.

A New Estimator for an Unknown Signal Imbedded in Additive GaussianNoise

Absiruci-Estimation of an unknown signal observed in the presence of an additive Gaussian noise process is reduced to the problem of estimating an unknown complex parameter. A new class of estimators for an unknown complex parameter is introduced, and their biases and mean-squareerrors are studied. The performance of a particular member of this class (c-a estimator) is compared with that of the maximumlikelihood (ML) estimator, and it is shown that the c-a estimator reduces considerably the mean-square error for small values of SNR, at the expense of introducing a small bias. The c-a and ML estimators of a complex parameter are applied to the problem of signal estimation, and some interesting numerical results are presented.



N MANY communication problems, such as the discrimination of small-magnitudeseismicevents,the background noise causesserious difficulties. Seismic discriminants such as complexity (ratio of the signal energy in two different tim e intervals) and spectral ratio (ratio of the signal energyin two different frequencybands)are powerful tools for discrimination of large-magnitudeseismic events [l], [2]. W h e n the event m a g n itude diminishes, the noise becomes so critical that these discriminants lose their identification capabilities, and therefore one has to search for different means of noise reduction.

Manuscript received April 4, 1972; revised September 6, 1973. The author was with the Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. He is now with the Faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran.

Although various array processingmethods have been e m p loyed, and significant improvements in the signal-tonoise ratio have beenobtained, there still remains a residual noise that needsfurther reduction [3]. Since by their very nature seismic signals are unknown, this noise reduction should be treated as an unknown signal estimation problem. One widely used technique for estimating an unknown signalis the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation procedure [4]. W h e n the additive noise process is Gaussian, this estimator has a simple structure, and it chooses the observed waveform as the signal estimate. The M L estimate of an unknown signal, observed in the presenceof an additive Gaussiannoise process,is an unbiasedefficient estimate of the signal, and makes no use of the knowledge of the noise spectrum. In this paper we introduce a new class of signal estimators which take advantageof the noise spectrum and which are generally biased. The reason for introducing such biased estimators is to reduce the mean-squareerror at small signal-to-noise ratios. Analysis of the performance of a particular member of this class of estimators shows that, at the expense of introducing a small bias, a considerable reduction in the interval mean-square error, relative to the mean-square error of the M L estimator, is attainable. In seismic signal estimation, the noise process is shortterm stationary and this method of estimation proves to be extremely useful. For such a noise process an updated estimate of the noise spectrumis usedin the structure of the signal estimator.

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