Basis Set Theory2
Basis Set Theory2
Basis Set Theory2
One of Cantors central motivations when he inaugurated the mathematical study of sets was to explore the relative sizes or cardinalities of sets, in particular, innite or transnite sets.
To give Cantors central denitions, we must begin with some terminology for discussing functions: A binary relation is a set of ordered pairs. A binary relation R is a (unary) function if whenever (x, y ) R and (x, z ) R, we have y = z . Given a function f : The domain of f is {x : y [(x, y ) f ]} The range of f is {y : x[(x, y ) f ]} If f is a function and x is in the range of f , we write f (x) for the unique y such that (x, y ) f . If f : a b, then we say that f is one-one or injective if, for every x, y a, if x = y , then f (x) = f (y ). If f : a b, then we say that f is onto or surjective if, for every y b, there is x a such that f (x) = y . That is, the range of f is b. If f : a b, then we say that f is a one-one correspondence or bijective if f is one-one and onto: that is, injective and surjective.
Denition of cardinality
Denition 1.1 Given two sets a and b, we say that a is the same size as b i there is a bijective function f : a b. We write a = b. Denition 1.2 Given two sets a and b, we say that b is at least as big as a i there is an injective function f : a b. We write a b.
Denition 1.3 Given two sets a and b, we say that a is strictly smaller thanb i a b and b a. We write a < b. Theorem 1.4 (Cantor-Bernstein-Schr oder) If a b and b a, then a = b.
Notation: N is the set of natural numbers. I.e. N = {0, 1, 2, . . .}. Q is the set of rational numbers. I.e. Q = {i m : i {1, 1} and m, n N and n = 0 and m, n coprime} n
R is the set of real numbers. Theorem 1.5 N = {x N : x is even} Proof. Dene f : N {x N : x is even} as follows: f (n) = 2n. Then f is bijective. Theorem 1.6 N =Q Proof. Dene f : N Q using the following diagram:
1 1
G 1 1 d
d 1
G 2 1
d 1
G ...
1 2
1 2
2 2
2 2
3 5
1 3
1 3
d 3
2 3
3 3
1 4
1 4
2 4
2 4
3 4
1 5
1 5
2 5
2 5
3 5
. . .
. . .
. . .
1 1 1 Let f (1) = 1 1 , f (2) = 1 , f (3) = 2 , f (4) = 3 , and so on. Whenever you come to a rational that has already been taken by an earlier number, skip over it and take the next one that hasnt been taken. Then f is a bijection. 2
Theorem 1.7 (Cantor) N < R Proof. Dene f : N R by f (n) = n. Then f is a bijection. So N R. Now suppose, for the sake of contradiction that there is a bijection g : N R. Then write: g (0) = 3.7898234 . . . g (1) = 8.0912384 . . . g (2) = 2.0982348 . . . . . . . . . . . . Then, for every real r, there is a natural n such that g (n) = r. Now dene a real number r using the following algorithm: Let the number before the decimal point in r be 0. Let the rst number after the decimal point in r be given by taking the rst number after the decimal point in g (0) and adding one (if the number is 9, use 0). Thus, in our example, the rst number after the decimal point in r will be 8. Let the second number after the decimal point in r be given by taking the second number after the decimal point in g (1) and adding one (if the number is 9, use 0). Thus, in our example, the rst number after the decimal point in r will be 0. Let the third number after the decimal point in r be given by taking the third number after the decimal point in g (2) and adding one (if the number is 9, use 0). Thus, in our example, the third number after the decimal point in r will be 9. And so on. This gives us a number that cannot possibly be in our list, since it diers from g (0) in the rst digit after the decimal point, from g (1) in the second digit after the decimal point, and so on. Thus, there is no n such that g (n) = r . We have a contradiction. Thus, there is no bijection between N and R. 2 There is another, more general way to see this point. Denition 1.8 Suppose x is a set. Let 2x := {f : x {0, 1}}. Theorem 1.9 P (x) = 2x Proof. Dene the following function f : P (x) 2x . For y x, let f (y ) be the characteristic function y : x {0, 1} of y . That is, y ( z ) = Then f is a bijection. Theorem 1.10 R = 2N Proof. Dene f : R 2N as follows: for real number r, f (r) is the function from N into {0, 1} that gives the innite binary expansion of r. This is a bijection. 2 3 0 if z y 1 if z y 2
Theorem 1.11 (Cantor) For all x, x < P (x). Proof. Dene f : x P (x) as follows: For z x, f (z ) = {z }. Now suppose there is a bijection g : x P (x). Then dene the following subset y x: y := {z x : z g (z )}. Now suppose that there is z x such that g (z ) = y . Now, suppose z g (z ) = y . Then, by denition, z g (z ) = y . On the other hand, suppose z g (z ) = y . Then, by denition, z g (z ) = y . Thus, we have z y z y , which is a contradiction. 2 The power of this result is that it provides us with a way of producing larger and larger sets. It also gives rise to Cantors Continuum Hypothesis (CH): (CH) There is no set x such that N < x < R. This claim cannot be proved or disproved in standard set theory. It is independent of the ZFC axioms. G odel proved that ZF C CH ; Cohen proved that ZF C CH .
Cumulative hierarchy
The other upshot of Cantors Theorem is that it suggests the cumulative hierarchy picture of the universe of sets.
Denition 2.1 (Well-ordering) A relation on a set S is a well-ordering if it has the following properties: (i) If a b and b a, then a = b. (Anti-symmetry) (ii) If a b and b c, then a c. (Transitivity) (iii) For all a, b S , a b or b a. (Totality) (iv) For all non-empty subsets A S , there is a -least element of A. (Well-ordering) Denition 2.2 Two well-orderings (S, S ) and (T, T ) have the same order type if there is a bijection f : S T such that a S b f (a) T f (b) We write (S, S ) = (T, T ). Denition 2.3 A set S is a von Neumann ordinal if: (i) S is transitive (that is, if x S , then x S ). (ii) S is well-ordered by . Theorem 2.4 (ZF) If (S, ) is a well-ordering, then there is a von Neumann ordinal x such that (S, ) = (x, ) 4
This theorem shows that we wont go wrong if we simply let the von Neumann ordinals be our privileged exemplars of well-orderings and discuss everything to do with well-orderings in terms of them alone. Denition 2.5 (Cumulative hierarchy) Dene: V0 = V+1 = P (V ) V =
Theorem 2.6 For < , V V . Theorem 2.7 (ZF) For all sets x, there is an ordinal such that x V . This gives us the following characterization of the universe of sets: V =
Axiom of Choice
So far, everything we have said has been provable using only the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms. But they are not powerful enough to prove a principle that is often required in mathematics. This is called the Axiom of Choice (AC): Axiom 1 (Axiom of Choice) For every set X of non-empty sets, there is a function f : X X such that, for all non-empty sets x X , f (x) x. That AC is independent of ZF was proved by G odel and Cohen: G odel showed that ZF AC using the method of inner models; Cohen showed that ZF AC using the method of forcing. The power of AC is witnessed by the string of important mathematical principles to which it is equivalent: Theorem 3.1 The following propositions are equivalent (relative to ZF): The Axiom of Choice The Well-Ordering Principle: Every set can be well-ordered. Zorns lemma: Every non-empty partially ordered set in which every chain (i.e. totally ordered subset) has an upper bound contains at least one maximal element. Every vector space has a basis.