Integrators, Differentiators, and Simple Filters: 6. Prelab

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LAB 3: Integrators, differentiators, and simple


6. Prelab
6.1 Designs of simple amplifiers:
For the circuit in figure 1 with power supplies VCC = 12 V, VEE = -12 V, and assuming the op amp is ideal, answer the following questions: 1. Design an inverting amplifier using one opamp and two or more resistors. Design it such that it has a gain of -10 (this gain is negative). Pick resistor values that you have in the lab kit. Include a schematic of this circuit with the component values labeled with your completed pre-lab assignment.

2. Simulate this inverting amplifier circuit with SPICE to make sure the circuit works as designed. Look up the textbook to find a non-inverting amplifier circuit using one op amp and two or more resistors. Then assuming the op amp is ideal, answer the following questions:

3. Design a non-inverting amplifier such that it has a gain of +11 (this gain is positive). Pick resistor values that you have in the lab kit. Include a schematic of this circuit with the component values labeled with your completed pre-lab assignment.

4. Simulate this non-inverting amplifier circuit with SPICE to make sure the circuit works as designed.

6.2 Analysis of integrators and differentiators:

For the circuit in Figure 2 with power supplies VCC = 12 V, VEE = -12 V, and assuming the op amp is ideal, answer the following question:

1. Derive the time-domain equation for Vo(t) in terms of Vi(t). Show that the circuit performs the function of an integrator.

For the circuit in Figure 3 with power supplies VCC = 12 V, VEE = -12 V, and assuming the op amp is ideal, answer the following question: 2. Derive the time-domain equation for Vo(t) in terms of Vi(t). Show that the circuit performs the function of a differentiator.

For the circuit in Figure 4 with power supplies VCC= 12 V, VEE= -12 V, and assuming the op amp is ideal, answer the following questions:

3. What is the low-frequency gain of this circuit?

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4. For frequencies

, show that the circuit performs the function of an integrator.

The circuit performs nearly like the following circuit which is an integrator circuit

5. Use SPICE transient analysis to simulate this circuit in the time domain using a sine wave input with amplitude 300 mV and frequency 300 Hz. From the SPICE output plot of the input and output waveforms, confirm that this circuit is an integrator.

6. Try to explain the function of the resistor Rb in this circuit.

In comparison with the output signal when is still in the circuit, we can recognize the function of ; that is, with high frequency of , plays an important role in restricting the value of , without , the value of will increase greatly until it reaches the value of .

6.3 Analysis and simulation of an active low-pass filter:

For the circuit in Figure 5 with power supplies VCC = 12 V, VEE = -12 V, assume the op amp is ideal. The input signal is: Vi(t) = Acos( t) where the input amplitude A is small to avoid slew-rate limitations.

Answer the following questions: 1. Derive the equation for the amplitude of Vo(t) in terms of the input amplitude A, input frequency and circuit components R and C. Do not use any numerical values. Note: there is no need to derive the output phase equation.

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2. The ratio of the output amplitude over the input amplitude is called the gain of the circuit. From item 1 above, what is the equation for the circuit gain in terms of input frequency and circuit components R and C? Do not use any numerical values.

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3. Use the numerical values of R and C in the gain equation in item 2. Plot the circuit gain (in dB values) as function of frequency (from 1 Hz to 100 KHz), using the technique described in the Discussion section. Frequency (Hz) Gain (Ratio) Gain (dB) 10 9.9998 19.9998 20 9.9992 19.9993 50 9.9951 19.9957 100 9.9803 19.9829 200 9.9219 19.9319 500 9.5403 19.5912 1000 8.4673 18.5549 2000 6.2268 15.8843 5000 3.0332 9.6380 10000 1.5718 3.9280 20000 0.7933 -2.0113 50000 0.3181 -9.9487 100000 0.1591 -15.9666

4. Use SPICE AC analysis to simulate this circuit and generate the gain plot. Compare the SPICE gain plot with your plot in item 3 above. Explain any differences.

5. If the input signal has low frequency, what is the expected gain from these plots in items 3 and 4 above? If the input signal has high frequency, what is the expected gain from these plots? Based on these gain values, explain why the circuit is named low-pass filter.

In the case of high frequency, the reactance of C is very small so the system will attenuate the signal. Otherwise, in the case of low frequency, the reactance of C is large so it will permit the signal to pass through.

6. Note that this circuit is topologically similar to the integrator circuit. Try to explain why these two types of circuits are similar.

7. Experimental procedures
7.1 Instruments needed for this experiment:

The instruments needed for this experiment are: a power supply, a function generator, a multi-meter, and an oscilloscope.

7.2 Inverting amplifiers:

Build the circuit in Figure 1 using power supplies 12 V and the resistor values from your design in the Pre-lab, section 6.1 item 1.

1. Use a sine wave input with small amplitude so that the output is not affected by the slew rate in this part. From the starting input frequency of 10 Hz and varying it using 1-2-5 sequence up to 1 MHz (i.e. set input frequency to 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, up to 1 MHz), measure the experimental values of the gain of this circuit at each frequency. Record them in a table for later data analysis. Hz 10 ( -10.22 kHz ( -10 kHz ( -6.78 100 ) ( -4 1 ) -10.67 200 ) ( -1.71 -10 500 ) ( -0.84 -10.43 2 20 ) ( -10.67 5 ( -10.22 1000 ) 50 ) ( -10.89 10 ) ( -10.45 100 ) ( -10.43 20 ) ( -9.13 200 ) ( -10.67 50 ) 500 )

2. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with both waveforms at the frequency 100 KHz. Turn this hardcopy in as part of your lab report.

Figure: Frequency 100 kHz

7.3 Integrators:

1. Build the circuit in Figure 4 with power supplies 12 V. Apply a sine wave input signal with amplitude 300 mV and frequency 300 Hz. Display the input signal on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.

2. Display Vo on Channel 2 and adjust the time-base to display 2 to 3 complete cycles of the signals. 3. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with both waveforms to confirm that the circuit is an integrator. Turn this hardcopy in as part of your lab report.

Figure: Sine wave

4. Change the input signal to a square wave with the same 300 mV amplitude (-300 mV to +300 mV) and frequency 300 Hz. Get a hardcopy output from the scope display with both waveforms to confirm that the circuit is still an integrator. Turn this hardcopy in as part of your lab report.

Figure: Square wave

5. Repeat item 4 above using a triangular input signal with same amplitude and frequency. Turn this hardcopy in as part of your lab report.

Figure: Triangle wave

6. Now change the input back to a sine wave as in item 1. Remove the resistor Rb. What happens to the output signal? Explain the phenomenon you observe on the oscilloscope. Re-insert the resistor Rb and verify that the circuit functions as designed.

Figure: Remove the resistor Rb


7.4 Low-pass filters:

1. Build the circuit in Figure 5 with power supplies 12 V. Use a sine wave of amplitude 100 mV as an input signal (see item 2 below for frequency) and display both the input and output signals on the oscilloscope (2 to 3 complete cycles).

2. Vary the input signal frequency in 1-2-5 sequence from 1 Hz to 100 KHz. At each frequency, measure the gain of the circuit, using the data from the oscilloscope display. Keep this data in a table for later plotting. Hz ( -11.6 kHz 0.1 ( -10.43 kHz ( 10 ) ( -10 20 ) ( 1 ) ( -10.67 0.2 ) ( -9.57 50 ) ( 2 ) ( -8.89 0.5 ) -8.11 100 ) 5 ) -10 1 ( -6.11 -10.22 2 ) ( -2.84 10 20 ( -10.22 5 ) 50 )





8. Data analysis
8.1 Inverting amplifiers:
1. Compare the experimental gain measured in section 7.2 item 1 with the calculated gain in the pre-lab and with the gain as simulated by SPICE. Explain any difference between these values.

Measured gain Nearly 10 Explanation: The opamp is supposed to be idea in prelab but actually it is not.

Calculated gain 10

2. From the table of data in section 7.2 item 1, plot the gain of this circuit as dB versus frequency, using the technique described in the Discussion section.

8.2 Integrators:
1. Explain any difference between the SPICE output in section 6.2 item 5 and the experimental data in section 7.3 item 3.

Difference Not much differences between two outputs. Explanation In the oscilloscope, the signals on the screen only display stable form of signals after time. But in the Pspice we can observe it clearly

2. With the experimental observation in section 7.3 item 6, explain the function of the resistor Rb.

8.3 Low-pass filters:

1. From the data in section 7.4 item 2, plot the gain (in dB) of the circuit as function of frequency (using the technique described in the Discussion section) and compare it with the plots in section 6.3 item 3 and in section 6.3 item 4 (SPICE plot). Explain any differences between these 3 plots. 6.3 item 3

6.4 item 4 7.5 item 2

The graph of 7.5 item 2 seems to be quite different because in prelab section we assume the op amp is ideal but actually it is not.

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