Water Supply Regulation 1991 English
Water Supply Regulation 1991 English
Water Supply Regulation 1991 English
No GIDC/ENG/(PH)LAW/AMD/18. In exercise of powers conferred by Section 54 of the Gujarat Industrial Development Act, 1962 (Guj. XXIII of 1962) and in supersession of all the existing rules made in this behalf, the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation with the previous approval of the Government of Gujarat, hereby makes the following regulations for supply of water to the Industrial Estate of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation namely. These rules were published in Gujarat Government Gazette on dated. 3/10/1991 and In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section 54 (i) of Section 54 of the Gujarat Industrial Development Act, 1962 read with Section 32 thereof, the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, with the previous approval of the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (Supply of water to the Industrial Estates) Regulations, 1991 viz: 1. These regulations may be called the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (Supply of Water to the Industrial Estates), Regulations, 1991 (First amendment) Rules, 2010. Where the holder of any plot or shed or other property of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the Corporation) in an industrial estate of the Corporation desire to obtain water for any industrial, domestic or any other purpose from the water supply system operated by the Corporation in the industrial estate, he shall make an application to the Executive Engineer or his authorized representative in charge of the water supply system in the estate, (hereinafter referred to as the officer-in-charge) in the form appended hereto. The Officer-in-charge of his authorized representative may sanction the application and water from the water supply system may be supplied to the applicant subject to the terms and conditions and payment of charges specified herein after and only after the execution of agreement with the Corporation.
TERMS CONDITION AND CHARGES: 1. The quality of the water to be supplied from the Corporation's water works shall be depended on the source from which water is obtained by the Corporation for the water works. If any improvement in the quality of water is required by the consumer for any purpose, the consumer shall have to make his own arrangement for such improvement at his cost. Water shall be supplied to the consumer during such hours as may be fixed by the Officer-in-charge. In case the consumer requires continuous supply and if is not possible for the Corporation to supply the same accordingly, the consumer shall have to make his own provision for sufficient storage. If the consumer requires the requisite pumping arrangement will have to be made at his cost. Even if requirement is not continuous storage should be invariably made to take care of unavoidable and unforeseen interruptions. 3. In case the supply of water from the water works of the Corporation is affected due to draught, accident or any other reasons the Corporation will take all reasonable steps to restore the water supply as early as possible, but in no case shall Corporation be liable for damages or failure of water supply to the consumer on any account. (i) The charges for taking connection from the Corporation main will have be borne by the consumer. The charges for connection of sizes will be as specified by the Corporation from time to time whereas the charges for giving connection of five centimeters and above will be estimated by the Officer-in-charge and recovered from the consumer. Such connection will be given by the Corporation from the pipe line nearest to the plot or shed of the consumer or from a most convenient point in the distribution system from where such connection can be given depending on the quantity required by the consumer. In no case, connection will be given unless drainage arrangements up to the public drain of the Corporation have been made by the consumer for the disposal of waste water and approved by the Officer-incharge of the Corporation. (ii) The pipe line from the connection point on the main of Corporation up to and within the premises of the consumer shall be laid by the consumer at his cost. The
connection on the pipe line of the Corporation will be made by the Corporation and charges will be recovered thereof as specified by the Corporation. Any damage caused to road or any other structure shall be made good by the consumer to the satisfaction of the Officer-in-charge. 5. In an industrial estate, the charge for water supply to the consumer shall be calculated at such rate as may be fixed by the Corporation from time to time for that estate. Provided that where water rate once fixed is to be altered one month's notice will be given to the consumer. The consumer shall fix at his own expenses and to the satisfaction of the Officer-incharge a meter on his water connection within his premises at the most convenient site and the consumer shall be liable for any damage to the meter and for the cost of all repairs. The consumer shall keep the meter in clean condition to enable the reading to be taken. A meter box with glass window shall have to be provided for the protection of the meter. The same shall be sealed. All the water supplied to the consumer shall be charged according to the quantity consumed as registered by the meter. The consumer shall initially pay to the Corporation by way of Security Deposit, a sum equivalent to the estimated charges for the water supply quantity mentioned in water supply application for two months before the connection is given and shall if subsequently called upon to do so pay additional sum by way of Security Deposit as may be determined by the Officer-in-charge, for one month based on the quantity of water actually consumed after the connection is taken by the consumer.
8 (A)(1) [The consumer would use water within the maximum quantity of water as mentioned in consent of GPCB vide order No.........................dtd...................In case, the consumer uses water more than the consented quantity, the water connection would be immediately disconnected by GIDC/Notified Area Authority/Association/ any Operator of the water supply scheme and GIDC/Notified Area Authority/Association/Operator would inform GPCB to take appropriate actions under the applicable law.]
This sub regulation is inserted vide notification no: GIDC/ENG/LAW/AMD/18 dated 10/2/2010 published in GGG extraordinary part-IV-C dated 10/2/2010 at page no-60-1 to 60-6
The meter reading will be taken by the Corporation's staff monthly / bi-monthly / quarterly as decided by the Corporation. Monthly / bi-monthly / quarterly bills indicating the amount payable by the consumer for the water charges will be delivered to the consumer and the amount so charged shall be paid by the consumer within fifteen days of the date of the bill. If the payment is not made within this period, then the arrears including penalty charges as applicable shall be shown in the next bill, and if total amount shown in this next bill is also not paid within fifteen days of the date of the bill, then all water supply connections in the name of consumer will be disconnected without any notice. If there be any dispute regarding the amount of charges demanded.The charges shall have to be paid as per demand and refund will have to be asked thereof.
In the event of the meter reading appearing to be incorrect, the meter shall be tested at the Corporation testing room or by any other agency approved by the Corporation at the expenses of the consumer and if found incorrected by five percent, or more on either side or in the event of consumption not being recorded due to meter being out of order or removed for the purpose of overhauling, cleaning, testing or repairs or due to any other causes, the charges recoverable for Water supply shall be based on the supply during the month immediately preceding or the month immediately succeeding or the average supply during the same month during the previous year or any period during which in the opinion of the Officer-incharge the consumption was most likely to be similar. Adjustment would be considered by the Officer-in-charge of the Corporation on account of any circumstances which in the opinion of the Officer-in-charge might have materially affected the supply during the period in question. In the event of no such record, the consumption shall be calculated by the Officer-in-charge having regard to the size of the connection, pressure, hour of supply, etc. and his decision subject to appeal to the Superintending Engineer of the respective circle of the Corporation shall be final and binding on the consumer. If the meter which is fixed by the consumer goes out of order, it shall be repaired by the consumer immediately and refixed in the presence of a person authorized in this behalf by the Officer-in-charge. The water charges under this circumstances shall be levied on the basis of average as per the condition No. 10 for the two months. Thereafter penalty shall be charged at the rate of 50% for the third month, 75% for the fourth month, 100% for the fifth month, in additional to the charges as
per first month. If the meter is not repaired within five months, connection shall be cut off at the end of fifth month without any notice or connection will be treated as unmetered and charged accordingly at discretion of the Officer-in-charge. 12. The consumer shall not allow any other party to use water or shall not use water for a purpose other than for which the connection is taken. In the event of such supply being detected, a penalty at double the rate shall be recovered for the quantities so supplied or used and if the default continuous the Corporation will be at liberty to cut off the connection by giving three days notice to the consumer. The Officer-in-charge shall have power to disconnect all the connection on the name of consumer between the consumers pipe and Corporation water supply main in any of the following events: (a) If the leakage or any other defects in the consumer's pipe line is likely to cause loss to the Corporation. If the water is allowed to run waste after the consumer having been warned by a notice in writing by Officer-in-charge not to allow to do so. In the case of broken pipes or fittings causing loss of water which are likely to cause damage to property. After such notice as may be possible has been given to the consumer. In the case of refusal to allow the Officer-in-charge or his authorized agent to enter on any land or premises for the purpose of inspecting service pipe fittings and other appliances or taking meter readings. If the consumer fails to embed pipes, which are exposed or are lying above the ground surface in a manner approved by the Officer-in-charge or to remove pipes from the place which in the opinion of the officer would cause contamination of water supply in each-case within a period of 48 hours from the date of issue of a written notice to him by the Officer-in-charge. If a pump or any other contrivance for increasing the supply of water through a pipe be unauthorized connected to the service pipe. If the consumer fails to provide suitable arrangement for the proper disposal of the waste water.
If any attempt is made to obtain water supply directly from the connection and by bypassing the meter fixed.
If any attempt is made to temper with the meter in any way. If unauthorized bores are drilled. Obtaining prior approval of the Executive Engineer, if pollution nuisance is created by the consumer.
Obtaining prior approval of the Executive Engineer, if at any stage any unauthorized construction is carried out by the consumer.
[If found using more quantity water than the consent of GPCB as per consent order No.............................dt....../............/.................]
[On expiry of 15 days notice issued by the Regional Manager, for payment of any outstanding dues of the Corporation in connection with any plot or shed or other property of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation held by the consumer and on non- payment.]
Where water connection is cut off due to any default of the consumer, the connection can be resumed thereafter only on the consumer paying the reconnection charges at the rate prevalent at that time, and after all the dues are cleared by the consumer.
[The consumer may get water connection stopped for any period by giving fifteen days notice in writing to the Officer-in-charge, only after first three years. In such a case, he will have to pay the reconnection charges at half the rate as prescribed by the Corporation. Water charges shall be paid by the consumer up to the end of the notice period. Also during disconnection period the consumer will pay minimum charges for the maximum quantity which can flow in the 15mm. dia connections as notified by Corporation irrespective of reason of disconnection.]
These sub regulations are inserted vide notification no: GIDC/ENG/LAW/AMD/18 dated 10/ 2/2010 published in GGG Extraordinary part-IV-C dated 10/2/2010 at page no: 60-1 to 60-6 This sub regulation is substituted vide notification no: GIDC/ENG/LAW/AMD/18 dated 10/2/ 2010 published in GGG Extraordinary part-IV-C dated 10/2/2010 at page no: 60-1 to 60-6
In the event of a change in ownership of the water connection, the new consumer will have to make an application to the Officer-in-charge to register the connection in his name and after signing the agreement he shall be entitled to draw the water only after permission is granted by the Officer-in-charge. New connection be released only after previous dues and liabilities towards the Corporation are cleared.
16(A)(5)[The condition as stipulated in clause 8A would be applicable.] 17. If the connection is given to the premises outside the limits of the Corporation's industrial estate, water charges shall be calculated at double the prevailing rates fixed by the Corporation from time to time for the respective industrial estate and the supply of water shall be subject to the other terms and conditions herein specified and any addition and alterations as may be specified while giving the connection and all other water supply rules as in force from time to time shall be applicable to them also. 18. If the water is taken by any consumer without permission from the Corporation, the unauthorized connection will be cut off and water charges will be recovered at four times the rate prescribed for the purpose for the likely quantity consumed as assessed by Officer-in-charge from the date of possession or as may be fixed by the Officer-in-charge at his discretion depending on the likely quantity consumed. In case a connection is cut off the reconnection charges shall be payable at the revised rates in force from time to time. The water connection given by the Corporation under these conditions shall be further subject to the provisions of the GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Act, 1962 and the Regulations there under that may be in force from time to time. The Consumer shall provide Indian Standard Institute approved water meter. The Corporation shall have right to check the calibration of the meter. 22.
(5) (6) (6)
This sub regulation is inserted vide notification ibid. This regulation is deleted ibid.
[If an illegal bore is detected in the premises of any consumer, he shall be liable to pay charges for water used from the bore (quantity of water shall be determined as per the procedure laid down by the Corporation) at double the prevailing water rate over and above the legal actions that may be taken by the Corporation as per said rules.]
By order of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation Sd/Vice Chairman & Managing Director.
This regulation is substituted vide notification no: GIDC/ENG/LAW/AMD/18 dated 10/2/2010 published in GGG Extraordinary part-IV-C dated 10/2/2010 at page no: 60-1 to 60-6.
Special Adhesive Stamp of Rs. 100/G.I.D.C. Water Supply Rules, 1991 First Amendment- 2010
For office use only : Water Connection charges / deposit etc. received vide T.R. No. Water Connection release on date,