An Experimental Study of The Combustion Characteristics of Low-Density Biomass Briquettes

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J. O. Chaney , M. J. Clifford and R. Wilson Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK, E-mail: [email protected] Key words: briquettes, briquetting, biomass combustion, solid fuels, stoves

ABSTRACT In many parts of the developing world, wood is becoming a scarce resource. Densifying waste crop residues into biomass briquettes can provide an alternative household solid fuel, especially in rural areas. They can be manufactured industrially and on a small rural scale using a simple hand-press, making them also very viable for poorer communities. Compared with wood, biomass briquettes are unique in that they provide opportunity to control in the manufacturing process the fuel density, moisture content, size and geometry. As well as the material properties, all these factors have been shown to have a significant effect on biomass burn rates. For a particular stove and cooking situation it is useful to be able to optimise the steady-state burn rate and minimise the emissions, improving efficiency and reducing exposure to smoke for those in the household. This paper forms part of a study seeking to better understand and later optimise biomass briquettes for different cooking situations. Here, preliminary results of a parametric study are presented for the variation of steady-state combustion rate with the density and geometry of a biomass briquette, burning in free air. Results are given for rectangular briquette slabs and for cylindrical briquettes with a central hole. A simple semi-empirical model is presented that explains the trend in the results. It is found that cylindrical briquette with holes burn faster than slabs with an equivalent surface area to volume ratio. INTRODUCTION Nearly half the worlds population, almost all in developing countries cook using biomass solid fuels [1], predominantly wood [2, 3, 4]. With deforestation becoming a major problem in many parts of the developing world, there is increased scarcity of wood for household cooking. This especially affects remote rural communities that have no access to fuels such as liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and who depend substantially on burning collected local biomass for their energy needs [5, 2]. In regions of many developing countries it is not uncommon for women to spend more than 6 hours each day collecting and preparing the wood despite the fact that there are often vast quantities of waste biomass residues available with the potential to be used as fuel. Cooking is then often done over open fires, which are highly inefficient transferring only 5-10% of the fuels energy to the cooking pot. Diminishing forest resources and increasing population make this a pressing issue and solutions are urgently needed, not only to meet energy demands in an environmentally friendly manner, but also to address pressing human health issues. In addition to their low efficiency, simple stoves such as the three-stone fire are smoky and are often used in enclosed spaces with limited ventilation, especially in the more wet tropical regions. Indeed, burning biomass such as solid wood fuels, cow dung and agricultural residues and coal is likely to be the largest source of indoor air pollution globally, and to the greatest extent in developing countries [1]. Open fires emit substantial amounts of pollutants, including respirable particles, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulphur oxides, and benzene. The small particles in wood-smoke can bypass the normal body defence mechanisms and penetrate deep into the alveoli of the lungs, harming the respiratory system and there have been clear links made between their inhalation and disease [1]. These smoke problems particularly and considerably affect women and young children who, in developing nations are typically responsible for the domestic duties in the home. In addressing these problems, much work has been done around the world on designing and optimising improved stoves with the aim of increasing combustion efficiency and improving thermal heat transfer to the pot. With the improved designs thermal efficiency can be

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increased to 25-30 %. These stoves, however, continue to use wood as a fuel. Biomass residues from agriculture and industry can provide an alternative to solid wood fuel. They can be found in abundance in many parts of the world, for example in Malaysia there are significant quantities of residues left over from palm nut processing [6], and in Ghana there are large quantities of sawdust residues produced by the timber industry [7]. On a rural level in developing nations, typically about 3-5 tons of agricultural residues are produced per acre [8]. Residues however, are often small in size when compared with solid biomass, burn rapidly with fluctuating power output and produce more emission products resulting from incomplete combustion. These conspire to make firewood the fuel of preference. They also have problems associated with their transportation and storage. This paper is part of a study exploring one option for solving the technical problems associated with residues by upgrading the biomass material by its densification into regularly shaped homogenous briquettes [6]. In this way the energy density of the fuel is increased, handling characteristics are improved [9], transportation is made more feasible and burn rate can be controlled [10]. Briquettes are not a new concept, in fact they are becoming well established in the field and there is a growing network of people manufacturing them on both rural and industrial scales. Notably an organisation called the Legacy Foundation in America has developed a lowpressure wet-briquetting process that uses a simple wooden press and has pioneered a successful training program for their production from crop residues aimed at rural communities in developing nations. The result has been the establishment of many smallscale briquetting enterprises that generate income and provide an alternative fuel for rural village communities [11]. The briquettes produced have a central hole, which is believed by many to improve the combustion characteristics of the briquette. This paper is part of a study in which the combustion behaviour of biomass briquettes is being experimentally investigated. The aim is to more rigorously understand the role of the central hole in combustion and to develop a simple semi-empirical combustion model that will predict the briquette burn rate. Olorunnisola provides a good review on the manufacture of briquettes [9]. Various authors have studied the feasibility of briquetting different residues and investigated important parameters involved in briquette manufacture. This has involved the effect of compressive pressure, material moisture content, the time the material is in compression (dwell time), and binder content on briquette durability, mechanical strength, density, handling characteristics and the relaxation behaviour of the briquette when taken out of the mould [10, 9, 12]. Briquettes can either be burnt in woodstoves or in specially designed stoves. In terms of briquette combustion, the effect of density on the burn rate of briquettes has been investigated by Chin-Chin et al. [10]. Various authors have undertaken a proximate analysis for different biomass materials (for example [13, 6, 14]). Most combustion work relating to solid biomass is focused on wood. Kandpal shows that the burn rate of wood fuel in a stove has a significant effect on the stoves thermal efficiency, and that there is an optimum fuel burn rate giving maximum efficiency for a given stove/pot configuration [15]. Being able to control fuel burn rate is therefore essential if we are to optimise thermal performance of any stove. The significant effect of fuel size on the burn rate has been observed by several authors [16, 17], but there is not a parametric study of the effect of briquette geometry on the burn rate, which is essential to optimise briquettes for a particular stove and cooking situation. This paper considers how briquette geometry affects burn-rate. In the methodology section the method of manufacture of briquettes of a consistent quality is described, followed by the set-up of the combustion rig and method used for measuring their burn rate. The results section presents the observed trends and fits a simple numerical model to the data. A discussion of these results ensues in the section on modelling briquette combustion, followed by some conclusions and a description of further studies that are planned. METHODOLOGY Briquette production The manufacture of briquettes in more rural locations is of the central interest in of this study. It is possible to form briquettes from waste crop residues, in locations with limited equipment availability, using a wet process with a hand operated press [8]. In this study newspaper was

chosen as the material for the briquettes, because it is readily available in the UK and bonds easily. Furthermore, because of its fibrous nature it is likely to behave in a similar way in the densification process to other fibrous organic residue matter, such as maize husks. It is this type of material that is more likely to be available for briquetting in rural locations. The paper was soaked for at least 5 days and pulped in an industrial food-mixer. The briquettes were then formed by compression of the pulp into a mould with an Instron compression test machine using a range of pressures to achieve different briquette densities. Different shaped moulds were used: a large rectangular mould and cylindrical moulds with a central solid cylinder passing through the centre along the central axis. The effect of pulp moisture content on the briquettes final density was minimal; on compression water is squeezed out until an equilibrium reaction force is attained at a particular pressure. After forming, the briquettes were oven dried at 105C to reach 0% moisture content. This was done to minimise the effect of this variable during these preliminary experiments because of the difficulty found in controlling moisture content. It should be noted that pyrolysis does not occur at this drying temperature. On removal from the oven the briquettes were then placed in a sealed container containing silica gel (which removes all the moisture from the air) and were allowed to cool to room temperature. All irregular parts of the briquette were removed from the edges. In order to produce briquettes of different surface area to volume ratios (A/V ratios), the large rectangular blocks were taken and cut with a band-saw into slabs of different dimensions and then oven dried again. The cylindrical briquettes were cut to the required heights and if required turned on a lathe to different diameters. A stereometric method [18] was used to determine briquette density. This was chosen over displacement methods in order to ensure the briquettes, which would later be burnt, remained dry and were not structurally affected by the measurement. In this stereometric method the briquettes were weighed using a mass balance to a precision of 0.01g. The dimensions of each briquette were measured using callipers as follows: For slabs, the height and width of the briquette were both measured by taking three approximately equally spaced positions along the edges and the mean calculated, the thickness was measured at each of the four corners of a slab and the mean taken: For cylindrical briquettes with central holes, the height was measured in four positions 90 to each other around the briquette, the external diameter of the briquette was measured in three positions, at the top, middle and bottom, the diameter of the internal hole was measured twice at each end in perpendicular directions. The volume of the nearest geometrical shape was then calculated and hence the density determined. Briquettes were then put back in the oven for a short time to drive off any atmospheric moisture that may have been absorbed and then transported in the sealed silica gel filled container to the combustion rig to be burnt immediately. Combustion tests In each test a single briquette was placed alone in the centre of a steel wire mesh grid resting on two supporting fire retardant bricks, allowing the free flow of air around the briquette. This was positioned on top of a mass balance (Metler tornado) interfaced with a PC to record instantaneous measurements of the mass every 10 seconds throughout the combustion process. Smoke was extracted using an extraction hood method [19]. The extraction rate was set so that it was sufficient to capture all smoke, but had no visible effect on a match flame held in the position normally occupied by the briquette. Ballard- Tremeer et al. [20, 19] have statistically shown, to a 95% confidence level, that such extraction rates have no effect on the burn rate. Each briquette was ignited by placing a small amount of firelighter on a platform 4cm directly beneath, but unconnected to the mass balance. Enough firelighter was used to ensure the whole of the bottom surface of the briquette was ignited simultaneously, avoiding flame spread in the transverse directions. The firelighter was left in until the briquette was well ignited and had entered into its steady state burn phase. Mass loss was recorded every 10 seconds until the mass of the briquette was 5% of its initial mass. Mass loss readings were normalised by initial briquette mass, and a graph of normalised mass was plotted against time. Figure 1 shows a sample curve of a mass/initial mass versus time. There are three phases of the burn marked: Phase (1) is the ignition phase, phase (2) the steady state flaming

combustion phase and (3) is when the flame dies and the briquette decomposes further by a char combustion mechanism. The gradient of phase (2) is the normalised steady-state combustion rate, referred to here as the normalised burn rate (NBR). For each briquette burnt, these graphs were plotted and this quantity was calculated. The next section the results for NBR are presented for briquettes of different geometries and the trends described.

Figure 1: A typical curve showing the decrease of mass/initial mass of a briquette as a function of time throughout its burn. There are three distinct combustion phases marked and these are described in the text

RESULTS The effect of density on burn rate Figure 2 shows curves of how the normalised burn rate of slab briquettes varies as a function of the briquettes A/V ratio. The curves show that burn rate varies as linear function of the A/V ratio, with a positive gradient that is greater the lower the briquette density. Therefore, lower density briquettes have a faster normalised burn rate compared to higher density briquettes. In practical terms, slabs with a high area to volume ratio will be those that are either thin or short. In designing a briquette, it is clear from these results that its area to volume ratio has a very significant effect on the rate. A typical briquette of density 276 kgm3, with a height of 30 mm, an external diameter of 70mm and internal hole diameter of 25 mm would have an A/V ratio of 0.15 mm 1 and a mass of 27.8 g, therefore, according to line (2) in Figure 2, it will have a normalised burn rate of 0.0015 s1 giving a steady state 1 burn rate for a single briquette of 0.042 gs . Changing the height of this briquette to 45mm would decrease the area/volume ratio to 0.13 mm1, resulting in a decreasing in burn rate to 0.02 gs1, a reduction of over 50%. This clearly demonstrates the significance of A/V ratio in briquette design. The effect of briquette area to volume ratio on the burn rate for briquettes with slab geometry Figure 3 shows how normalised burn rate varies as a function of briquette density. The six curves are for different A/V ratios, the lower one having the lowest at 0.2 mm 0.0051 and the most upper one having an A/V ratio of 0.35 mm 0.0091. There is an exponential decrease in the normalised burn rate with increasing density according to the equation:

( Equation 1)

where =briquette density in 0.0023 0.00005.

and P can be assumed constant and has a value of

Figure 2: A graph showing the variation in normalised rate for three different briquette densities

Figure 3: The variation in normalised burn rate of a briquette with briquette density for different area/volume ratios of the briquette. For curve (1) A/V= 0.35 0.009 mm1, (2) A/V=0.30 0.008 mm1, (3) A/V=0.27 0.007 mm1, (4) A/V=0.25 0.007 mm1, (5) A/V=0.23 0.006 mm1, (6) A/V=0.2 0.005 mm1.The dashed curves show that for each data set the points follow an exponential relationship of the form given in equation 1.

There is a linear relationship between the constant Q for each curve as and the A/V ratio, such that Q =0.074* (A/V)-0.0076. This exponential dependence on density is confirmed by Chin Chin et al. [10] who studied the effect of briquette density on burn rate for a number of different materials. Although their study does not consider newspaper briquettes, the value P found here is of the same order of magnitude as values for other biomass materials, which can be found from simple manipulation of their data. Consequently, for any given A/V ratio, Q can be calculated and with P, now a known constant, the normalised burn rate of a briquette with slab geometry burning in free air can be found according to the equation:
( Equation 2)

This equation demonstrates the significance of a briquettes density and its A/V ratio in determining its burn rate. This equation allows the power output of a briquette to be written as:
(Equation 3)

where is the initial mass of the briquette and is its calorific value. It also allows the steady state burn time of the briquette to be approximately calculated as:

( Equation 4)

where T is the steady state burn time of the briquette. 0.8 appears in the numerator because approximately in each case 80% of the briquette mass is burnt in the steady state phase. These equations apply specifically to slab-shaped briquettes burning in free air. However, density and the A/V ratio is a physical properties of a briquette, thus these effects will also be very significant in determining the rate in other combustion other conditions. For example this could be in a fixed bed with many briquettes or in briquette stoves. Other conditions have not been investigated as part of this paper, but forms part of the overall research into briquette combustion of which this study is part.

Figure 4: A graph showing the normalised burn rate/exp(-0.0023) for different A/V ratios for cylindrical briquettes, where A/V is varied by changing the briquette height and keeping the other parameters constant. The internal diameter of the briquette= 22.1 0.1 mm and the external diameter is 62.2 0.3 mm. The dashed line give the curve expected for slabs according to equation divided by the factor: exp(-0.0023).

The burn rate of briquettes with central holes Figure 4 shows the variation of normalised burn rate/exp(-0.0023 ) to remove the effect of density) for cylinders with a central hole, where the A/V ratio is varied by changing the cylinder height. The dashed line is for briquettes of slab geometry and it is clear that these results deviate significantly from this line. As the height is increased the A/V ratio of the briquettes decreases. In other words cylindrical briquettes with central holes will have a higher burn rate than slabs of the same A/V ratio. It is important to note that the curve describing this change in rate will never cross the y-axis. This is because as the briquette height increases, the rate of decrease of briquette A/V ratio deceases, until the point where increasing the height further has no effect on A/V ratio. In other words, for a given internal hole diameter and external diameter of a cylindrical briquette there is a maximum height beyond which further increases in the height will not change the effective A/V ratio of a dashed curve describing slab-geometry, giving the cylindrical briquette with a central hole an increasingly higher rate compared to what would have been achieved from the same A/V ratio with slab shaped geometry. The solid black line is a fit of a semi-empirical model that considers the effects of the re-radiation that occurs inside the central hole. This is described in the combustion modelling section. If the briquette height is kept constant and the central hole the same diameter, and the A/V ratio varied by changing the external diameter of the briquette, the resulting curve has the same gradient as that of the slabs, but is shifted to a higher position on the graph. In this case the re-radiative effects and losses inside the central hole are kept constant by maintaining a constant height.

DISCUSSION Combustion modelling In this section we offer a quantitative explanation of why the A/V ratio is important, and explain the trend observed for cylindrical briquettes (with central holes) of varying heights (see figure 4). A solid with a large surface area will transfer heat into the mass which it bounds more quickly than if the surface area were small. A large surface area will therefore lead to a more rapidly changing temperature profile passing through the solid mass. Many authors have assumed, with much success, the kinetics of pyrolysis to follow, in a first approximation, a unimolecular law according to the expression (for example [21, 22, 23]):
( Equation 5)

where is the pyrolysis rate constant and is an activation energy, both quantities determined from experiment and assumed constant for a given material. The greater the rate of heat transfer into the solid, the more rapid the temperature increase of the material, and the more quickly elements of the material reach high enough temperatures for pyrolysis. The result is a greater overall rate of pyrolysis, and therefore an increase in the overall mass burn rate of the solid. The central hole in the centre of cylindrical briquettes provides an insulated combustion zone resulting in less heat transfer by radiation to the surroundings from this surface. This produces higher temperatures within the hole compared to the outer briquette surface which is in contact with the atmosphere. The steeper temperature gradients result in an increased rate of heat transfer into the solid at this surface, a heat wave moves inside the solid, rapidly increasing its temperature. The result is a faster rate of pyrolysis compared to the outer briquette surface which is exposed to the atmosphere. This increased rate in pyrolysis in the central hole region compared to the outer surface explains the deviation of the burn rate cylindrical briquettes from slabs in figure 4. The deviation becomes greater with increasing height because not all radiation emitted from the surface is reabsorbed within the hole, a fraction is radiated into the atmosphere and this fraction is a function of the briquette height. The proportion of radiation that is emitted and reabsorbed within the surface of the central hole is known as the view factor and can be calculated by considering how much each unit area of the surface in the hole sees the other parts of the internal surface. An element towards the top of the briquette will see a greater portion of atmosphere than an element located in the centre of the hole, and thus the element in the centre will have a greater view factor. As the height increases, the heat lost by radiation from surface elements closer to the top and bottom of the hole becomes a lower proportion of the total central-hole view factor, increasing the overall view factor of the central hole region. As the height tends to infinity, the view factor tends to one and the rate tends to a limiting value determined by the chemical kinetics of combustion. A lower proportion of heat lost to the atmosphere by radiation results in higher temperatures and thus faster a pyrolysis rate. The solid line is a computational model of this effect which suggests that radiation to the atmosphere is the dominant means by which heat is transferred away from the briquettes surface. These results clearly demonstrate the important role of boundary conditions in determining the briquette burn rate. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK PLANNED This study has shown the burn rate of biomass briquettes is steady and controllable. Particularly it has been found that the A/V ratio of the briquette, its density and the boundary conditions are all significant in determining the burn rate. An empirical expression for the burn rate of a biomass briquette of slab shaped geometry burning in free air is given. Knowing the normalised burn rate of a particular geometry allows an expression for the briquette power output and the total burn time of the steady state phase to be calculated and equations are given here for slab geometry. Slab briquettes have been compared with

cylindrical briquettes with central holes, and it has been shown that the central hole causes this form of briquette to burn faster than slabs with an equivalent A/V ratio. The next stage of this work is the further development of the numerical model and the derivation of a more general expression for briquette burn rate. The study will then look into understanding the burning of briquettes in stoves for cooking and consider the effects of the briquettes physical parameters on harmful emissions. The aim is a more rigorous understanding of the biomass briquette in order that its burn characteristics can be controlled and optimised for a given stove and cooking situation. Ultimately, the results will allow the briquette moulds and hand-presses to be designed to form briquettes with desired burn characteristics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Id like to thank Mike Clifford and Robin Wilson for all their help and guidance in completing this study, and Alan Feebery for all his help in fabricating and setting up the apparatus for the experiment. Also the Legacy Foundation in America for their inspiration and knowledgeable help on everything to do with briquetting for rural communities.

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