Network Marketing

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A model of distribution that is changing the entrepreneurial landscape, and one that is within the reach of the average person.

By Dennis W. Gaddy Network Marketing Consultant

Community Success Initiative PO Box 61114, Raleigh, NC 27661, 919-614-2369, [email protected] Dennis W. Gaddy-2004-All Rights Reserved

What Exactly is Network Marketing? Network Marketing (also known as multi-level marketing-MLM) is an efficient method of distributing a product or service to the end consumer, through word of mouth, or friend -to-friend referrals. Network Marketing is a marketing method where each person is an independent distributor with his or her own business, not a company employee. It is an effective and powerful marketing system, and a perfect vehicle for home based business and the decentralization of business, which is rapidly approaching. There are approximately 10 million distributors currently in the United States, who sell between $15 to $20 billion dollars in products and services annually. Yet, while more and more people are enjoying its benefits, most are still very unfamiliar with it.

A Brief History of Network Marketing Who actually pioneered this business? When did network marketing actually start? In 1945, Carl Rehnborg was known to be the first person to introduce a compensation plan to market his nutritional products. His company was originally called the California Vitamin Company, but later renamed as Nutrilite Products Inc. Using a multi-tired plan, it allowed any Nutrilite distributor to get a 3 percent commission from a downline on top of the regular commissions from his own sales. With this system, Nutrilite achieved stunning success compared to the old direct-selling method. In 1959, two good friends- Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel- started a new company called Amway Corporation selling biodegradable all-purpose cleaner. By using a network marketing compensation plan, the tiny enterprise achieved remarkable success with a sales force all over the United States. Dr. Forrest Shaklee did the same with nutritional products in 1959 with Shaklee products. Over the years, network marketing has evolved and diversified into a wide range of products and services as more companies have adopted this marketing method. Network Marketing is not an Employee/Employer Relationship As a network marketer, you do not work for the company; you work with the company. The business relationship is a tangible and dynamic partnership where the company provides: the products and packaging, research and development, capitalization, financial management, legal and regulatory compliance, data processing, administration, order taking, purchasing and production, quality control, product satisfaction guarantees, warehousing, shipping, creation and production of marketing materials, and so on. So even though you are in business for yourselfyou are not in business by yourself.

Here are some examples: Just imagine youre a salesperson in a large department store and each of your customers becomes a salesperson for the product you are selling, and that you are able to get a percentage of what they sell

wherever they go after leaving the store. In a traditional business organization, this would never happen. In network marketing, this is exactly what happens. Or again, if you are like most people, when you like something, you love to share it with others. How many times have you told people about a movie you really liked? Maybe you told 10 people about it, and those 10 people told 10 people each about it, and those 100 people told another 10 people about it. Thats 1000 people that went to see that movie because of your referral. Wouldnt it be nice if the movie theater paid you a percentage for each person you referred? Here again, in traditional business, this will never happen. Yet, this is exactly what takes place in network marketing. By referring people to the company, you will be entitled to receive commissions. In the above examples, those customers leaving the store would be sponsored as distributors by you and would be placed in your organization. Likewise, all those people going to the movie would be sponsored by you, or by someone you sponsored, and be placed in your organization. The power of network marketing is in the duplication process. The geometric progression can be really astounding. This incredible multiplying effect can build a group of hundreds or thousands of distributors, each one earning commissions from not only their efforts, but also from the efforts of others. No matter when you join a network marketing organization, you are always the head of your own company. Unlike conventional corporations with one Chief Executive at the top, in network marketing, each person is the Chief Executive of his or her own independent organization. Is This a Pyramid? One of the most misunderstood concepts of network marketing involves the term pyramid. Pyramids, by their very nature represent strength as evidenced by our government, traditional business models, and the family structure- all form a pyramid shape. When the question arises (Is this a pyramid scheme?) the underlying question really is whether or not the company is operating legally. Unfortunately there are bad apples in every bunch, and there have been abuses of network marketing, just as there have been with franchising, real estate, the stock market, and every other form of business. With the proper application, however, network marketing provides an opportunity to become financially independent by showing and helping others to do the same.

How does network marketing differ from a pyramid scheme? According to Professor Charles King, marketing professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and co-author of The New Professionals: The Rise of Network Marketing as the Next Major Profession: Pyramid schemes make virtually all their profit from the fees new recruits pay to sign up and not from commissions on the sale of products or delivery of services. Because they are illegal, pyramid schemes usually seek a legitimate cover by offering a line of productsbut usually the products are not worth the value of what you pay for them. A legitimate network marketing company, on the other hand, pays the distributor a commission based on the sale of legitimate, value-based productsnot for recruiting anyone. The sign up fee is low, typically in the $40$100 range. While most companies encourage distributors to buy a small amount of product to become familiar with what they are selling, a money back guarantee is generally offered for all unused product if the distributor decides to drop out of the business. Illegal pyramid schemes try to disguise themselves as network marketing companies because they want to appear legal. Unfortunately, when the press reports on illegal pyramid schemes, we all suffer guilt by association and that does have an effect on our ability to retain good people and acquire new ones. Legal attacks by state and federal authorities on high profile network marketing companies do occur from time

to time. Most of those large companies, not only survive the attack, but also come to be considered models of legality whose policies and enforcement systems are emulated by younger companies (Len ClementThe Coming Network Marketing BoomNetworking Times, June 2002). The Direct Selling Association, DSA ( is an active professional lobbying group, based in Washington, D.C. that is a major force on overseeing that the integrity of the network marketing industry is preserved. The DSA is currently working on legislation that will create federal legislation for network marketing.(Note: In 1963, Congress enacted laws regulating franchising. The post regulatory era of franchising created an industry that now moves over one-third of all the goods and services in this country. Federal regulation was the catalyst to the biggest boom in entrepreneurial history(Len ClementsThe Coming Network Marketing BoomNetworking Times, June 2002). While network marketing has seen its share of unethical people and practices, its still the most brilliant marketing system ever devised. When an honest company, with a great product or service recruits an organization, everyone winsespecially the end user. Average and Ordinary People can Participate; Low Start-Up Cost; Tax Benefits The network marketing opportunity is available to anyone, regardless of education, background, or level of finances. Traditional business investments can range from $100k-$1million or more! In network marketing, for an investment of $500 or less, you have the ability to start your own business, and work it as much or as little as you see fit. By owning your own business, you have the ability to take advantage of the benefits that are only available to business owners, and you are able to legally write off many of the expenses working from home. But Im Not a Salesperson If you can push play on a tape/CD recorder, refer others to a website or 1-800#, you can succeed in this business. Previously, network marketing tended to work best for aggressive, sales oriented entrepreneurs. Today new technology offers the every day non-sales type person a realistic promise of financial freedom. Through new systems and technology, the average man or womannot just the super salespeoplecan enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurship while avoiding many of its hardships. Let the System Do the Work Advancements in technology have streamlined the way network marketers do business. This new technology takes away the need for extraordinary sales people, which in turn levels the playing field for ordinary people looking for an above average opportunity. The system simplifies, standardizes, and automates the most difficult aspects of the business. No longer do distributors need to stockpile inventory and keep track of all the paperwork. Most companies have you simply direct customers to a toll-free 800 number or company website. The company fulfills the order, credits the distributor for the sale, and generates a computerized commission check and detailed report at the end of the month. What makes network-marketing work is the division of labor between distributor and parent company. A good company takes care of everything except sponsoring. Network Marketing has evolved so that the distributor functions mainly as a human contact through which the companys communications or information stream is channeled. Someone who doesnt have strong communication skills, strong selling skills, or strong management skills can still prosper. The idea is you do what you do best, and the company will do the

rest. Voice mail, fax machines, electronic mail, Internet, videotapes, satellite links, and conference calls have made communication rather simple and effective, which allows each distributor to focus on learning and growing the business. Ironically, some of the same technologies that have allowed traditional business to cut millions of jobs are also allowing an innovative marketing method to offer hope and opportunity to people from all walks of life. Network Marketing uses this technology to support people, rather than replace them. As computers take over more and more of the work that people used to do, they free us up to focus on those things that people do bestto dream, plan, strategize, solve problems and interact with other people.

Linear Income vs. Geometric Growth Most people are trapped in a system of wage slavery. They trade their labor for a fixed wage or hourly rate tied directly to the amount of time they spend on the job. This is called linear income. Network Marketing, on the other hand, can be defined as a method of marketing that allows independent sales representatives to sponsor other sales representatives and draw commissions from the sales of those who are sponsored. This is called geometric or leveraged income. Author W. Clement Stone once wrote that the best sort of money to use in a business endeavor is Other Peoples Money (OPM). Network Marketing goes two steps beyond that(1) OPT (Other Peoples time, talent, and technique), and (2) OPE (Other Peoples energy, education, and enthusiasm). In short, People Powerother people are the greatest resource in network marketing. In many other professions, youre paid only for your own efforts. However, in network marketing, you get to utilize the age-old advice of J. Paul Getty: It is better to make one percent of 100 peoples effort, than 100% of your own efforts. Building a network marketing organization allows one to do just that. It is as if, instead of being a one or two income household, youre a 500 or 5000 income householdand thats just incredible. Not only will the total result almost always be a lot more with leverage, but your income is not dependent on only one person. If your income is produced by the activities of many, and something negative or unexpected happens to one or more of those people, it only has a minor effect on the total production. That translates to real job security. Leverage Your TimeEnjoy Time Freedom and Potential for Unlimited Income Nothing in life equals the joy of spending quality time doing the things we most enjoy with the people we most love. The major problem with the rat race and the 40-year plan (average working years from age 25-65) is the lack of time allotted to us for ourselves, time with our families, time for church and civic responsibilities, as well as time to be a good human being. The 40-year plan is the best that most folks can hope for in traditional business. By the age of 25, most people have an idea of what profession they will enter. But 40 years later, out of a typical 100 people, 5 are still working, 36 are dead, 54 are dead broke (or at least earning less than they were when they were employed), 4 are well off, and 1 person is wealthy. Thus the 40-year plan means that for four decades, most of us go back and forth from home to work, back and forthand yet at the end of this time, only 5 out of 100 persons can retire in dignity. The baby boomers (those born between 1945-1964about 70 million strong) and their children are beginning to discover that the road to riches promised by their parents has ended without warning on the brink of disaster. Too many boomers are facing old age without adequate retirement benefits. 5

Everyday, more stories circulate and speculate about when social security will run out of gas. Without doubt, what worked for their parents will not work for boomers or their children. Now many boomers will be forced to work into their seventies. Unless their children chart a different course, they may be destined to follow the well-worn and rutted road of despair. The rat race allows time only for being a good worker. Life has to be more than that. Network Marketing provides the key. The concept of leverage is one of the most exciting aspects of this business. It allows you to generate income not only from your own efforts, but also through the efforts of others in your organization. Even if you can only work a few hours a week, you could receive a second paycheck without quitting your job. If you dont have a lot of time, you can still find people who do and still capitalize on the opportunity. If one works diligently in network marketing for 3-5 years, building an income based on honest movement of products or services, the dream of financial freedom can become a reality. Network Marketing is the ultimate in freedomthe freest of free enterprise. There is literally no ceiling, no limits on earnings. A lawyer can only bill so many hours in a day, and a doctor can only perform so many surgeries in a day. Some great people working in traditional business havent had a raise in years. In network marketing, you have the option of creating a raise for you and your family everyday if you so choose. People Helping People In the competitive workplace, when you work for someone else, and you do a great job, you can become a threat to others around you. Or if you gain knowledge about that specific business and teach that to someone else (duplicate yourself), many times that person may take your job or leave your company and start one of their own in either case, what you have essentially done is trained your competition. In network marketing, when you duplicate yourself, and those who are working with you make money you make money. When they winyou win. Zig Ziglar says, I believe that you can get anything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Network Marketing is a fun business. Its the only business in the world where by going out and helping others get what they want, and changing the lives of others for the better, you can get what you want in the process. The saying goes its lonely at top, but thats only true when you have to step on other people to get there. Yet that just isnt the way to do itthe best way to succeed comes from helping others, and network marketing allows you do just that.

Personal Development Advantage One of the major advantages of network marketing is the personal growth training that you get from the positive, self-help books, as well as ongoing company trainings. Some of the more important real-life personal development subjects include: an attitude of success; leadership skills; communication skills; people skills; overcoming personal fears, doubts, and lack of confidence; overcoming fear of rejection; money management skills; accountability skills; time management skills; and goal setting. Only 3% of Americans have written goals, and the art of getting along with others was never taught to us in our school curriculum. This is unfortunate, as success principles should be taught, rather than

caught. Because network marketing is based heavily on building relationships, the personal coaching that one receives is worth it, even if a person decides not to pursue network marketing as a business. Americans are Cocooning; Network Marketing Enters the Cocoon How far we have come from the golden age of Madison Avenue! A generation ago, advertisers ruled the roost. Captive audiences sat helpless before a barrage of televised images. Ad agencies funneled their messages, at will, straight into the consumers mind. But now the roles have reversed. It is the consumer who controls the information flow, while the advertiser resorts to ever more desperate means to seize his/her attention. The average person today is exposed to 145 commercial messages dailya 36 percent increase since 1960. But the chances of any one advertiser making an impact have plummeted. Armed with remote controls, todays consumer now flips from one cable station to the next, bypassing all commercial stations. As the number of media outlets proliferatesfrom cable TV to the Internet advertising messages are lost in the ever-widening data streams. Channel surfing is only one of many ways that people today protect themselves from commercials. To the alarm of advertisers, more and more people are adopting a fortress mentality toward psychological intrusions of any kind. Consumers pay premium subscription fees for non-commercial cable stations. They withhold warranty applications, lest they wind up on mailing lists. They fast forward through the promotions on rented videos. They delete commercial e-mail messages without reading them. They screen out unwanted calls with their answering machines. Nearly one out of every seven American households today have an unlisted phone number. Its all part of the cocooning trend, foretold by marketing consultant Faith Popcorn (The Popcorn Report) more than a decade ago. Americans are retreating into cocoons, says Popcorn, because they are overwhelmed by the frantic pace and social chaos of the information age. They are seeking a quiet, private retreat, where they do not have to see, hear, feel, or do anything except by their own choice. Cocooning is about insulation and avoidance, pace and protection, coziness and controla sort of hyper-nesting. (Popcorn Report, p. 37)

If there is one urgent business lesson marketers need to learn, it is finding ways to reach the cocooned consumer. No marketing method does this better than network marketing. Even the most elusive cocooner will still lend an ear to people they know and trusta friend, relative, associate, or co-worker who recommends a particular diet supplement, investment plan, or Internet service provider. Word-ofmouth marketing penetrates the thickest psychological defenses. Network Marketers are going right into the cocoonthey know how to invade the cocoon, without being thought of as invaders. The twenty-first century will see profound changes in shopping habits. Instead of going to the store, the store will come to us. In the future, we will be looking at network marketing the way we look at regular marketing today. (Popcorn Report, pps. 39-41) Residual Income Residual income is recurring income that continues long after the work you have done to produce it has ended. There are lots of ways to produce residual income. But many people dont understand it. Others have never thought about it or been exposed to itand unfortunately, many ways of producing it are out of the reach of average people. Successful authors, actors, musicians, and insurance agents are some of the more familiar occupations that produce residual income. Probably the best example of residual income is interest earned on money in the bank. It gets paid to you without you having to produce any additional effort, or invest more time. The same concept of residual income holds true for network marketingand the wonderful thing, it is within the reach of the average person. The network marketing opportunity allows anyone, without prior

experience, special skills, or large capital outlay, to build long-term residual income. As you build your network marketing organization, you are essentially building an asset that has the potential to continue to pay you down the road after you have rested from the business. But like everything else in life, residual income has a downside. The biggest one is it normally takes time for the magic of compounding to work. Residual income is designed for the back-end, not the front. Many people have a hard time understanding this fact and mistakenly chase false promises of quick or easy money. Successful people ignore this. Nave or greedy people usually get burned. Residual income is not about getting rich quick. If you are especially talented or have the time and money to invest, you may have some success in less than a year. But without a major investment of time or money, it takes most typical people a year or two of part time work to generate a decent income. But achieving success within 2-4 years of part-time effort beats the widely accepted standard plan of working 20-40 years for someone else at a job that statistics indicate 56 per cent of people find unsatisfying. A critical component to building long-term residual income is offering high quality, high demand, valuepriced consumable products or services that people use and re-order month after month. Network Marketing Catches the Attention of Corporate America and Universities Such notable companies as MCI, Sprint, Colgate-Palmolive, CitiGroup, Coca-Cola, and BerkshireHathaway (Warren Buffet) are among those who have some of their family of products being distributed through network marketing channels. The University of Illinois-Chicago is the first major university to offer a certificate seminar in Network Marketing. The course is taught by Professor Charles King, who states: Our goal is to set the standard for professional education in this field, and offer course work that confers credibility and professionalism on the network marketer. Conclusion Most Americans still dont know that network marketing exists, nor do they understand how it is destined to change the way we live and work in the years ahead. Never before has there been a business model that is within the reach of the average person. Just to review some of the benefits: Receive a second paycheck without quitting your job. Use sophisticated technology without the monthly overhead. There is training that needs to be done, but its a lot less than running a McDonalds, and much more beneficial. You can have a duplicatable business system that Richard can give to Mark, who can give to Doris, and so on. Enables average and ordinary people to create an income opportunity of their own with very low risk and high potential returnsregardless of education or current level of finances.

Allows one to help other people succeed, and to experience personal growth training Time Freedom

Lets face it, in the year 2005 things are not like they were when our parents grew up. Our parents focused on job security and company loyaltymany times working all their lives for one company. The term job security has become an ideal from a distant past in this fast paced ever-growing business market, complete with downsizing, right sizing, mergers and acquisitions. The only job security today comes when you make the decisionwhen you are the company. Network Marketing offers a chance to do just that. There is no free lunch, however. Its like riding a bikein order to coast downhill, you first have to ride your bike uphill, and be willing to get back on when you fall off. But once you start, you find yourself enjoying the exercise and additional benefits of improving your strength, endurance and health. The same is true in network marketingyou must climb the hill (learn the business), before you can coast. Many people learn to enjoy the process of becoming better people, helping others, and improving much more than just the financial part of their lives. (Mike DuffyWhy Network Marketing) Please take a look at network marketing and see if it will provide you the security and freedom you need to capture and keep your American Dream. You have nothing to loseand you may have everything to gain.

The History and Truth of Network Marketing

MLM Secret, MLM Truth, Network Marketing Secret, Network Marketing Truth, by Greg Stewart

Enlightenment vs. En-dark-enment

The most fundamental fact of life in our world today is change. As a rule, people are reluctant to change. We resist it, we like to stay within our comfort zone of what is known and accepted by most. THIS IS HUMAN NATURE. But it's true that what you resist will persist, especially when you resist a better method whose time has come. In almost every field of endeavor, the arts, sciences, medicine, and business, most new ideas have always met with resistance and rejection at first. The more unique and revolutionary the idea, the louder and stronger the opposition to it. People have always been afraid and even ignorant about ideas and methods that may result in change. Fear of change caused ridicule of Christopher Columbus, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein. There are other examples of how fear of change had effects on progress. In the 1800's, people bought what they needed at small, family owned shops. Then a man named W.T. Grant had an idea that created change. What if we combined all these separate, little shops by making 9

them individual departments under one roof, in one large store? A new and better way of doing things. Customers loved it. The individual merchants who owned the old-fashioned retail stores saw their businesses decline. The shopkeepers fought back politically. There were thousands of them with thousands of votes, and they lobbied for their right to do things the same old way. They finally got the local and state governments to outlaw Grant's department stores. Eventually, Grant's department store won out. If there is a better way it will persist. In the early 1960's franchising was a revolutionary new technology in business, and it was also met with resistance. Newspapers and magazines wrote what a scam and rip-off franchising was. Stories of people who lost their life savings to some franchise were everywhere. There was a strong move to make franchising illegal. In fact, franchising actually came within 11 votes of being outlawed by Congress.

Today this so-called scam is responsible for over 34 percent of all retail sales in North America. Franchises sell nearly 800 billion dollars worth of goods and services today. Every industry goes through an evolution similar to this. Chiropractors were considered quacks in the 1970's, the stock market was considered shady and a form of gambling, and the first newspaper in British North America, The Public Occurrence (1690), was suppressed by the governor of Massachusetts. Now, we almost can't do without these industries. The Pioneers Like all-powerful concepts, Network Marketing has also met resistance due to a lack of understanding. There is no mystery to Network Marketing. It's just another form of sales and distribution. Network Marketing is 50 years young. In the early 1940's a company by the name of California Vitamins recognized that all their new sales representatives coming aboard were friends and family of their existing sales force, primarily because they wanted the product at wholesale cost. They also discovered that it was easier to create a sales force of a lot of people who each sold a small amount of product than it was to find a few superstars who could sell a lot of products. So they combined those two ideas and designed a sales compensation structure that encouraged their salespeople to invite new representatives from satisfied customers, most of whom were family and friends, who each had the same right to offer the product and representative status to others, which allowed the sales force to grow exponentially. The company rewarded them for the sales produced by their entire group or network of sales representatives. Network Marketing was born! A few years later, the company changed its name to NutraLite Food Supplement Corporations. In 1956, NutraLite was joined in Network Marketing by Dr. Forrest Shaklee to gain a broader distribution of the food supplements he had developed. Not long after, in 1959, former NutraLite distributors Rich DeVoss and Jay Van Andel started the Amway company as the American Way of marketing products. Like many truly innovative breakthroughs, the development of true network marketing was an accident.


Abuses of exponential growth haunted network marketing for years and it is still misunderstood today. One of the first abuses of the concept of exponential growth to generate income may have been the chain letter craze that swept the U.S. after World War I. The letters promised great profit if you would send a dime or a dollar to the person at the bottom.

The chain letters spread as far as Europe, and by the 1930's the U.S. post office estimated that 10 million letters were being mailed each day. Postal Authorities and law enforcement agencies battled the fraudulent schemes and the chain letter phenomenon began to subside in the early 1940s. Unfortunately, this scam spawned schemes which came to be known as pyramids, where money was given for the right to involve others, as no valid product which was being purchased from the company. In 1974, Senator Walter Mondale declared such companies to be the nation's number one consumer fraud. Law enforcement agencies moved quickly to clean up the abuses. In the mid 1970's, with no clear understanding of what constituted a legitimate use of network marketing, the Federal Trade Commission and state agencies across the nation turned their eyes to almost all network marketing companies. In 1975, the FTC filed suit against Amway, alleging that the company was an illegal pyramid and that its refusal to sell its products in retail stores constituted a restraint of trade. Amway spent four years and millions of dollars in legal fees to clear its name. In 1979 the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) ruled that Amway was not a pyramid, that its revenue was generated from the sale of its products, and the FTC acknowledged network marketing as a legal and efficient distribution system. Network Marketing exploded in the next decade. Who's Involved in Network Marketing? Today there are thousands of Network Marketing companies operating throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Japan and the Pacific Basin. Little Malaysia alone has more than 800 active Network Marketing companies. Network Marketing is reported to be a $100 billion dollar industry, internationally, made up of FORTUNE 500 and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) companies. In 1993, Amway was the fastest growing foreign company in Japan with sales over $1 billion. Discovery Toys markets their products solely by Network Marketing, with sales figures in excess of $100 million. Sprint, MCI and AT&T make their long distance phone service available through Network Marketing companies. The A.L. Williams Company utilized Network Marketing and astounded the insurance industry by outselling Prudential, a giant in the industry, in four short years. Traditional sales method companies such as Colgate-Palmolive and the Gillette Company have Network Marketing subsidiaries. Rexall Drug is now utilizing the Network Marketing method of distribution with its subsidiary, Rexall Showcase. Network Marketing companies such as Melaleuca outperformed Liz Claiborne, The Limited and John Paul Mitchell while Nu Skin bested the likes of Maybelline, Dow Chemical and Matrix. Mary Kay is bigger than Johnson & Johnson, Amway is bigger than Revlon, and Avon is bigger than Estee Lauder. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart is quoted as saying, "I'd rather 11

run a profitable business in an unconventional industry than an unprofitable business in a conventional industry." Network Marketing has evolved in other ways, as well. Companies that began as direct selling companies are now utilizing networking marketing compensation plans. Some examples include Avon, the $3 billion cosmetic giant, Watkins Products, which had been direct selling for nearly 100 years before it converted to network marketing, and Encyclopedia Britannica. One reason for the decline of direct selling is that beginning in the 1970's, distributors making calls on people found that no one was home. Women, long standing as the customer backbone of direct sales, had entered the work force, leaving few at home during the day. Companies watching these societal trends moved quickly to revise their marketing plans to network marketing, which allows for more informal methods of sales and greater compensation. Network Marketing Companies have actually pioneered entire industries: natural vitamin supplements, nutrition and diet drinks, concentrated and environmentally friendly household cleaners. One network marketing company almost single-handedly created the billion dollar home water filtration business. The Company Wins, too Why are so many companies utilizing network marketing as their chosen method of marketing? Simply stated, it's more efficient! They do not pay for marketing, distribution or sales until after the sale is made and the product is delivered. Compare that to traditional marketing where a company can spend millions of dollars on advertising, as well as all costs associated with an employee based sales force, such as benefits, support staff, communication, travel and office, before any product is sold. Charles Givens, financial expert and best selling author of Wealth Without Risk, points out that 80 percent of the cost of getting a product to consumers today is the result of marketing expenses. Companies are looking to move their cost as close to the point of sale as possible. Network Marketing companies replace traditional advertising and marketing costs with sales commissions to the independent representatives, paid after the product is sold. In her best selling book, The Popcorn Report, Faith Popcorn explains additional societal trends driving the success of Network Marketing. Her book describes consumers as having a desire to cocoon and stay at home. She believes that they wish to avoid crowded malls and traffic jams, and are looking for the convenience of direct delivery of the product that Network Marketing provides. Advertising Age magazine states that the recommendation from a friend is the most powerful form of advertising; that is what Network Marketing is all about. The changing work place has demonstrated that there is no security in the traditional corporate structure and career path. In the United States over 3,100 jobs are lost each day due to downsizing. Automation and technological advances are streamlining business and changing entire industries. Millions of people will be out of work searching for the same kinds of jobs their former employers just eliminated, in another company that just hasn't yet streamlined. This is postponing the inevitable; In fact, 47 percent of the companies that made up the Fortune 500 in 1980 are no longer in operation today, which represents a net loss of more than five million jobs! Technological advances affect the work forces of entire industries. One example is the vinyl record business. In 1985, vinyl records supported a $24 billion a year industry. Today it is all but extinct, having 12

been replaced with producers of cassettes tapes and compact discs. The steel and copper industries have suffered with the advent of new plastics and alloys. The functions computers are able to execute have caused the replacement of millions of workers. Robotic technology similarly has taken its toll in the workplace. One robot can replace twenty human workers and extinguishes the need for companies to pay exorbitant amounts in employee benefits. Man Power Inc., a temporary service, is now one of the largest employers in the world because companies are finding it less expensive to hire temporary employees and thereby avoid paying benefits to permanent employees. Marketing on a part-time effort can provide a financial cushion of residual income to protect oneself from such events. A recent Wall Street Journal survey found that 80 percent of the work forces want to own their own business and 40 percent surveyed would like to work at home. This is exactly what network marketing provides. People are searching for ways to build a future that develops leadership and provides a balance in their lives for their families and each other, without sacrificing their sanity in the process. How Does It Work? In network marketing, you share information and develop personal and professional contacts. You are rewarded for sharing information that results in product sales. Network Marketing empowers you to build your own networking sales organization from your personal and professional contacts, which also empowers everyone to do the same, creating exponential growth of your network. You can earn income from the successful efforts of your network of business associates. Unlike conventional Corporations with one chief executive at the top, in Network Marketing everyone is the CEO of his or her own independent organization. A network marketing company supplies the product. Then they join in partnership with a network of independent representatives, each one in business for themselves. The company takes care of the research and development, finances, management, public relations, production, warehousing, packaging, quality control, administration, shipping, data processing, the accounting and payment of representative sales commission checks.

Cooperation vs. Competition One of the reasons for the success of Network Marketing in the 1990's is that it is based on cooperation, not competition. Unlike in traditional business, career advancement in network marketing comes directly from helping to create success with those that you introduce to the company. Network Marketing is sharing information that results in product sales. People involve themselves because they want to finally be compensated for what their efforts are really worth. They're involved because somebody cared enough about them to show them the awesome opportunity of network marketing. They get involved because they were ready to make a change. Why Hasn't the Truth About Network Marketing Been Told? People resist change and are fearful of what is not fully understood. People are comfortable with what is known and accepted by most.


The truth is that most people in power today have an overriding fear of the loss of their own power. Network Marketing is about empowerment of the individual. Is it really your best interest they have at heart? Remember what happened with W.T. Grant, franchising, and the first newspaper? Most new concepts have always met with resistance and rejection at first. Newspapers, magazines, radio and television earn their primary profits from their advertisers. Is it in the media's best interest to say anything positive about an industry that does not advertise? Do you suppose major traditional marketing companies that are receiving increased competition from network marketing companies are excited? Whose side do you suppose the media would take to protect their advertising dollar? A few years ago a network marketing company that sold personal care products became the attention of the media and several state Attorney Generals. Their sales were approaching $500 million dollars. These sales were being taken away from companies such as Revlon, Max Factor, Estee Lauder and others in the health and beauty aids industry. Do you believe the competition was pleased with the success of a network marketing company that was not spending multi-millions of dollars on advertising as they had traditionally done? Furthermore, network marketing companies were bypassing the department stores and malls and going direct to the consumer's living rooms with sharing, caring service and time saving convenience. What if you were one of the brokers, retailers, wholesalers, media people or any other person whose job or businesses were being threatened because network marketing was a new and better way of doing things? What would you do? If you had a friend in the State Attorney general's office would you call them? If you or your company had contributed to any industry lobbyist, political action committee or had media contacts might they be contacted, too? What if, in fact, your job were in jeopardy either as the VP of Sales or as one of the executive staff who might have to answer to stockholders and explain why your market share was being taken away by some network marketing company and your position, your power and your income were at stake? Do you suppose these strategies are ever used against a competitor? How many votes do you suppose an Attorney General would risk by focusing on a network marketing company that employed many people and paid a great amount of local and state taxes - in a different state? Just as in any business or industry, there are scams and schemes that hurt the industry image. Real estate has had its scams. Banking and Savings and Loans have had their improprieties. Ministries have had abuses for selfserving purposes. The stock market has had its insider trading scandals. Why should network marketing be any different? Look at the company, the product, its management and their past history. Understand the commitment that is necessary to achieve success and residual income. This advice is just as valid in network marketing as in anything else. There are many myths about the industry of network marketing and the companies involved. It is true that many recognized traditional companies have started subsidiaries, such as Gillette, Colgate-Palmolive, Rexall and thousands of other companies that are using network marketing as their preferred method of distribution, creating sales of approximately $100 billion dollars. It is often stated that Coca-Cola, Goodyear, IBM, Firestone, and General Motors are involved in network marketing with their own divisions. Actually, these companies are suppliers of products to companies that utilize network marketing, such as Amway. MCI, U.S. Sprint and AT&T supply long distance service to network marketing companies that are rebillers. Due to the high cost of real estate for showrooms, Toyota of Japan uses direct sales to market directly to the consumer, but not network marketing.


Network Marketing is the new way to financial freedom. You'll never create residual income and freedom from the traditional job. Even professionals are trading their time for money; if they are not seeing clients or patients, they are not getting paid. Most income is temporary and it is easy to determine if your income is temporary - just stop working for 90 days. If your income stops or slows down, you have temporary income. In network marketing you can stop trading time for money. Once you develop a solid network of sales representatives, you will create ongoing residual income. This can give you the freedom to do what you want when you want to. It's interesting how resistant we are to change. We want to stay in our comfort zones even when we're miserable. It's been said network marketing is the next step in the evolution of free enterprise. But there is one thing we can always be assured of: the most fundamental fact of life in our world today is that change is inevitable!

The People's Franchise

By John Milton Fogg It's probably bad form to begin with a quiz - but just for fun, let's do it anyway. Now, don't worry. This is really easy - and it's multiple choice, too. Listen to the following statement, then choose the correct answer from the list of choices at the end: 'In most Americans' minds it's a 'scam' and a 'scheme' questionable or unethical at best, immoral and illegal at worst. Many own-your-own entrepreneurial hopefuls have been hyped into turning over their life savings, only to see the company go out of business, taking their dreams down with them. Politicians, regulators and the media (especially the media) cry 'foul' whenever its name comes up. Newspapers, magazines and television news and talk shows regularly expose it for the 'flim-flam rip-off it really is.' Major corporations who get involved go out of their way to avoid any appearance of doing so. There is even a move in Congress to outlaw it altogether!' Now, guess: which one is the right answer? a) Some TV ministries b) Off-shore Investment Deals c) Multi-Level/Network Marketing d) None of the above Did you pick a), b) or c)? Well, there's probably some truth to all those choices - but none of them is the right answer. The truth is, it's a trick question. The right answer,d) None of the above,' WAS correct - nearly 40 years ago! Back then, that's exactly what people were saying about a revolutionary new business concept called Franchising. In the 1960s - before Ray Kroc and McDonalds, before Seven/Eleven, Subway, Pizza Hut, and all the other successful franchise companies established franchising as a legitimate industry - all of those negative things were being said and done about franchising. Yes there was even a move in Congress to outlaw franchising. And today? Today, many experts say the franchising industry is responsible for more 50 percent of all the goods and services we buy and sell at retail in the United States - One Trillion Dollars worth! Not bad for what just a few years ago was labeled 'a scam and a scheme.' 15

Let's take a closer look at franchising. Franchising truly was a revolutionary business concept - and it still is. Take a look at your alternative: 80 percent of all small business fail in their first year. 80 percent of those that make it don't survive to see year five - and of those that do, even fewer will last another five. Think about it: how many companies do you do business with that have been around 10 years or more? Not very many. Franchising is a way for the small business entrepreneur to boost the odds of success. A franchise takes the guesswork out of building a business from scratch. The franchise company creates a 'turn-key opportunity' - a ready-made business, complete with products or services, training, vendors, policies and procedures. Virtually anyone with the desire and start-up capital can climb into this vehicle, turn the key, and drive off down the highway of entrepreneurial success. It's truly brilliant. You don't need to know all there is to know about building a franchise to own one. The franchise company has done all that work for you. You simply pay your franchise fee, build or rent your location and furnish it with the equipment the company has already designed and successfully tested for you, hire your people, and then pay the company a percentage of your sales and profits. A Question: How well do franchisees do? According to its critics, the truth is about one third of all franchises fail. Another third break even and only one third make a profit. In fact some franchise veterans say you can't make money in franchising today unless you own five individual franchises units or more! Still, that's a much better average than the 80/20 failure/success rate of conventional small businesses. Question: How much does it cost to own a franchise, today? Ahh, there's the rub. Franchises fees range between $1,000 and $500,000. The average fee today comes in at around a cool $100 grand. You can get a Molly Maid or a Thrifty Car Rental franchise for a fee of $17,500. Sir Speedy is $25,000. And the big guys, like McDonalds..., well even if you could find oneForget It! It's millions.... The really bad news is that's only the fee. You've still got to pay for the building, equipment, initial inventory, etc. - all of which can run into the millions or more. The average investment is $250,000! Not quite what the average person can afford. PLUS, most franchise company's take a percentage of your sales- not just profits, SALES- as their royalty! It's tough to start a franchise today. It's not like it was back when the industry was young and unknown. As in real estate, the stock market or most other opportunities, the real money is made by those who get in early. There's a higher risk, and a higher reward. Once anything is a sure thing, it seems everybody's doing it. Today franchises are proven profit centers. That's one reason why they're so expensive. You pay for having less risk than a conventional business start-up - and you pay for being a Johnny-come-lately, as well. But there is a way to have the low-to-no-risk benefits of a proven, duplicatable business system like franchising, and still enjoy the rich rewards of a ground floor opportunity. Frankly, most Americans don't have the extra $250,000 or more that it takes to own their own franchise business. But almost every one of us can afford to have the next best thing. And that's exactly what I'm telling you about here: The NEXT...BEST...THING...and that's Network Marketing. Network Marketing has taken the concept of franchising - providing independent entrepreneurs with a ready-made, low-risk, proven, turn-key small-business opportunity - and made some remarkable improvements on it. Low Capital Investment - Little or No Risk


How much money do you need to become an independent Network Marketer? There is usually no fee required to start your Networking business. You'll typically commit between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for your sales kit, training and sales materials, and all your initial product inventory if you even need it. The Benefits and Tax Advantages of a Home-Based Business For most participants, Network Marketing is a home-based business, so you don't have the high overhead of a retail or office location. The equipment you need to begin your Networking operation can be as simple as a telephone, desk and file cabinet. And the potential tax advantages of owning and operating a home-based business represent one of the last forms of tax relief available to the average American today. No Employees - You Are In Control As a Network Marketer, you are an independent contractor - the CEO of your own businesses. You have no 'employees.' The men and women with whom you'll work are also CEOs, running their own independent Networking businesses. In Network Marketing, you don't simply 'own your own job' - you own your own business. (And unlike most entrepreneurs, your business does not own you!) You are truly in control of your work - and your life. More Choices - Part-Time, Full-Time, Travel, National and Global Businesses Every Network Marketer is a volunteer: You don't 'have to' do anything. You're free to work the days and hours you want, where you want, doing what you want - and perhaps most important of all, you're free to choose the people with whom you work. Although the majority of Networkers work their businesses parttime, more and more men and women are pursuing Network Marketing as a full-time career. Some work exclusively from their homes; others enjoy traveling to other cities and even to other countries, building their businesses on a world-wide scale.

Complete Professional Support In Network Marketing, you're in business for yourself - but not by yourself. Your Network Marketing corporation's success depends on your success - they're your business partner, so they give you all the support possible, every step of the way. As a good franchise company would do, a good Network Marketing company provides you with the product or service to market, plus an R & D department, new product development, field training, sales and marketing literature and promotional materials, a distributor service department, and more. And today every Network Marketing company is Internet Friendly. You and your company are truly partners in a winwin opportunity. Sound incredible? It is - but there's more. There's another very special reason Network Marketing is the next step beyond franchising. Which is why it's sometimes called... 'Franchising' When you buy a franchise, you acquire the right to market the product or service provided by your company. It's much the same in Network Marketing, except that you don't have to pay a franchise fee nor the same huge startup and overhead costs, have retail location and/or elaborate equipment, hire and


manage employees or have geographic restrictions on your marketing territory. You also don't have to pay a percentage of your sales back to the Network Marketing company, as you do in franchising. What's more, you are an independent contractor - you work for you - not for 'the company.' And as if all of that were not remarkable enough, a Network Marketing company does one more truly revolutionary thing for you. They give you the ability to offer the opportunity to build a successful business to others, too! In Network Marketing, you not only get to earn income from marketing your company's products or services (like a franchisee), you can also earn income from the sales generated by people you enroll into your own Network organization - people who, just like you, own their own independent Network Marketing businesses. That's why we call it Franchising. And that's what creates one of Network Marketing's most powerful and and profitable features: it allows you to leverage your time, talent and energy to earn commissions from the sales made by all the other people you bring into the business. Andrew Carnegie once said, I would rather have one percent of 100 people's efforts than 100 percent of my own. And that's just what Network Marketing enables you to do. This explains why so many 'ordinary' people can achieve extraordinary success in the Network Marketing industry. Conventional sales and distribution methods depend on a few, select high-performance sales superstars, who each do a huge amount of sales volume. Network Marketing is just the opposite: it's based on a lot of people - doing a little bit each.

That's why we call this concept 'The People's Franchise' Network Marketing powerfully combines all the income-building benefits of being both a 'franchisee' and a 'franchise company' at the same time - while cutting out the major stumbling blocks of both. There's no fee, because you're an independent Network Marketer You don't pay royalties from your sales back to the company. There's no hiring, firing or managing employees. There are none of the all-consuming demands of a seven-day work-week and 15-hour-aday retail operation. There's the powerful marketing advantage of offering superior quality, one-of-a-kind specialty products and unique services that meet high consumer demand with exceptional value through Relationship marketing.. There's the independence of choice: choosing with whom you work, when, where and how you work. There's the freedom of a home-based business - and the potential tax advantages that come with it. There's the flexibility of part-time or full-time involvement, as your unique situation allows. There's the ability to leverage your time and energy to earn income from the efforts of others. There's the limited risk of a start-up that requires only a few hundred dollars. There's the proven potential reward of both earned income and residual income - which can range from an extra $500 or $1,000 per month up to $10,000, $25,000 and more. It's a great business for the Internet, too. When you combine the High-Touch of Network Marketing with the High-Tech of e-mail and the world wide web, it just might be the most perfect business of all.... And finally, there is still the opportunity for you to be one of the first to enter an industry an industry that has just begun its dramatic growth curve an industry that is creating a revolution in the way the world buys and sells everything!


There has never been a better time than now to take a serious look at Network Marketing. 'The People's Franchise' is an extraordinary concept whose time has come - today! Now is the time of best investment for greatest returns in Network Marketing. It's like having the chance to buy gold again at $49 an ounce! Make the time today to check out the benefits of building your own Network Marketing business. It's a straightforward and simple, low-risk investment - and it promises to return the most remarkable rewards you can imagine. Thanks for your willingness to take a look at Network Marketing - The People's Franchise. JMF

Community Success Initiative

A Non-profit Corporation PO Box 61114 Raleigh, NC 27661 (919) 682-8473 ext.14 Fax (919) 687-7033 [email protected] ************************************************************************************** Helping to build communities where people discover their potential, set worthy goals, and take action

15 Principles
-of Personal Growth and Leadership to Take You From Where You Are -to Where You Want to Be by Dennis W. Gaddy, Leadership Trainer
Principle # 1: You Will Become What You Think About Our thoughts are the only thing we have complete control over; based on the universal principle of sowing and reaping; you must be the gatekeeper to your mind; understand the power of affirmations. Principle # 2: Maintain Character and Integrity at all Times Be a person that keeps their word; establish the habit of doing the right thing; if you have integrity, nothing else matters, if you dont have integrity, nothing else matters. Principle # 3: Develop Your Spirituality and Put it into Practice Give love, kindness, respect, and compassion to every human being on earth; take time daily to seek spiritual guidance and understanding; be forgiving; as much as possible, live in peace and harmony with all people. Principle # 4: Develop and Maintain a Pleasing Personality and a Positive Mental Attitude Become a person that others want to be around; consist of tone of voice, expression on your face, etc.; always look for the good in people, and all situations; keep an open mind; if you develop the ability to skillfully get along with other people, you may not need any other skill-however, if you dont refine this characteristic, it will not matter what additional skills you possess. Principle # 5: Establish Worthy Goals and Review Daily


The starting point of all achievement; goals represent your vision-for your future; write your goals; have short and long range goals; correct and adjust to lifes challenges; become an efficient time manager-if you cant plan 24 hrs, youll never plan 24 years. Principle # 6: Spend Quality Time with Family and Those that Mean the Most to You Balance your work with time for family and friends; set family goals and have regular family meetings; utilize teachable moments; if you are only interested in what money can buy, you are subject to lose what money cant buy. Principle # 7: Establish a Sound Financial Plan Budget! Budget! Budget!; establish a relationship with your money-know exactly what is coming in and going out; establish a systematic savings plan; adequate life insurance/up to date will; live beneath your means; if your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep becomes your downfall. Principle # 8: Take Care of Your Body and Overall Health Exercise regularly; eat right and supplement with vitamins; relax, and get proper rest. Principle # 9: Read Daily, Increase Knowledge, Skills, and Vocabulary What is worse than not having read a book in the last 90 days? Answer: not having read a book in the last 90 days-and thinking it doesnt matter!; read at least 15-30 minutes/day; get a library card (theyre free!!); keep a dictionary close by; if you empty your pocketbook into your head, no one can steal it; one who will not read has no advantage over one who cannot read. Principle # 10: Learn to Laugh and Have a Sense of Humor Laugh and have fun-dont be so serious all the time; laughter is healing; letting go and letting your hair down occasionally will do you good; happy people carry their weather with them. Principle # 11: Be a Giver Give love, kindness, appreciation, and praise; giving goes beyond just money; must be sincere; understand the Dead Sea principle-if all you do is take-and you never release, you will become deadeven while you live; keep prosperity flowing; real charity doesnt care whether its deductible or not. Principle # 12: Establish and Maintain the Habit of Self-Control Do all things in moderation and nothing in excess; enthusiasm is only an asset when properly harnessed; seek balance in your life; utilize counseling if necessary. Principle # 13: Always Look for Ways to Improve Establish and maintain the joyous habit of continuous and never ending improvement; get quiet and exercise the power of your imagination; keep an open mind; learn from those who have succeeded and from those who have failed; keep a journal-use your mind for creativity-not storage; any problem will give up the secrets to its solution if you study it enough and have a burning desire to solve the problem. Principle# 14: Understand the Principles of Leveraging and Compounding


Leverage allows ones effort to be multiplied into a greater power or consequence; lightens the load by doing the heavy lifting; allows one to work smarter-not harder; Compounding-starts small and builds momentum over time-can fake you out-unless you understand the principle ahead of time; Chinese bamboo- 5years to reach ground level, then grows 80 feet in 6 weeks Principle #15: Take Time to Measure Your Activity and Progress Youll never master what you dont measure; evaluation serves as a report card-How am I doing?; Where do I need to improve?; allows one to detect neglect at an early stage; reflection time will applaud you if youve done well, or should prod you if you havent done so well.

Success doesnt happen by accident. The habits of success must be learned and practiced until they become permanent. Developing the ability to communicate will change your life for the betterFOREVER!! -Harvey Mackay-

You can find out more about Network Marketing by using the following Resources: 1. Networking Times- (probably the best generic magazine about the industry) 2. Direct Selling Association, Washington, D.C. ( )

Other helpful websites for Training and Resources:

21 Personal Development Training Resources

If you have further questions or would like to talk, contact:

Dennis W. Gaddy Executive Director Community Success Initiative PO Box 61114 Raleigh, NC 27661 919-614-2369 [email protected]


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