Section 6-4 Product: - Sum and Sum - Product Identities

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Section 6-4 ProductSum and SumProduct Identities

ProductSum Identities SumProduct Identities

Our work with identities is concluded by developing the productsum and sumproduct identities, which are easily derived from the sum and difference identities developed in Section 6-2. These identities are used in calculus to convert product forms to more convenient sum forms. They also are used in the study of sound waves in music to convert sum forms to more convenient product forms.

ProductSum Identities
First, add left side to left side and right side to right side, the sum and difference identities for sine: sin (x y) sin x cos y cos x sin y sin (x y) sin x cos y cos x sin y sin (x y) sin (x y) 2 sin x cos y or sin x cos y 1 2 [sin (x y) sin (x y)] Similarly, by adding or subtracting the appropriate sum and difference identities, we can obtain three other productsum identities. These are listed below for convenient reference.

sin x cos y 1 2 [sin (x y) sin (x y)] cos x sin y 1 2 [sin (x y) sin (x y)] sin x sin y 1 2 [cos (x y) cos (x y)] cos x cos y 1 2 [cos (x y) cos (x y)]


A Product as a Difference
Write the product cos 3t sin t as a sum or difference. cos x sin y 1 2 [sin (x y) sin (x y)] cos 3t sin t
1 2 [sin


Let x 3t and y t.

(3t t) sin (3t t)]

sin 4t 1 2 sin 2t
1 2

6-4 ProductSum and SumProduct Identities



Write the product cos 5 cos 2 as a sum or difference.

EXAMPLE Finding Exact Values
Evaluate sin 105 sin 15 exactly using an appropriate productsum identity. sin x sin y 1 2 [cos (x y) cos (x y)] sin 105 sin 15 1 2 [cos (105 15) cos (105 15)] 1 2 [cos 90 cos 120]
1 1 1 2 [0 ( 2 )] 4 or 0.25



Evaluate cos 165 sin 75 exactly using an appropriate productsum identity.

SumProduct Identities
The productsum identities can be transformed into equivalent forms called sumproduct identities. These identities are used to express sums and differences involving sines and cosines as products involving sines and cosines. We illustrate the transformation for one identity. The other three identities can be obtained by following similar procedures. We start with a productsum identity: sin cos 1 2 [sin ( ) sin ( )] We would like x y Solving this system, we have xy 2 xy 2 (2) (1)

Substituting equation (2) into equation (1) and simplifying, we obtain sin x sin y 2 sin xy xy cos 2 2

All four sumproduct identities are listed on the next page for convenient reference.



sin x sin y 2 sin sin x sin y 2 cos xy xy cos 2 2 xy xy sin 2 2 xy xy cos 2 2 xy xy sin 2 2

cos x cos y 2 cos

cos x cos y 2 sin


A Difference as a Product
Write the difference sin 7 sin 3 as a product. sin x sin y 2 cos sin 7 sin 3 2 cos xy xy sin 2 2 7 3 7 3 sin 2 2


2 cos 5 sin 2 Write the sum cos 3t cos t as a product.


EXAMPLE Finding Exact Values
Find the exact value of sin 105 sin 15 using an appropriate sumproduct identity. sin x sin y 2 cos sin 105 sin 15 2 cos xy xy sin 2 2 105 15 105 15 sin 2 2


2 cos 60 sin 45 2 2 2 1 2 2 2


Find the exact value of cos 165 cos 75 using an appropriate sumproduct identity.

6-4 ProductSum and SumProduct Identities



The following proof without words of two of the sumproduct identities is based on a similar proof by Sidney H. Kung, Jacksonville University, that was printed in the October 1996 issue of Mathematics Magazine. Discuss how the relationships below the gure are veried from the gure.
y (cos , sin ) (t, s ) (cos , sin )


sin sin s cos sin 2 2 2 cos cos t cos cos 2 2 2

Answers to Matched Problems

1 1. 1 2 cos 7 2 cos 3

2. ( 3 2)/4

3. 2 cos 2t cos t

4. 6/2

In Problems 14, write each product as a sum or difference involving sine and cosine. 1. sin 3m cos m 3. sin u sin 3u 2. cos 7A cos 5A 4. cos 2 sin 3

Evaluate Problems 912 exactly using an appropriate identity. 9. sin 195 cos 75 11. cos 15 cos 75 10. cos 75 sin 15 12. sin 105 sin 165

Evaluate Problems 1316 exactly using an appropriate identity. 13. cos 285 cos 195 15. cos 15 cos 105 14. sin 195 sin 105 16. sin 75 sin 165

In Problems 58, write each difference or sum as a product involving sines and cosines. 5. sin 3t sin t 7. cos 5w cos 9w 6. cos 7 cos 5 8. sin u sin 5u

Use sum and difference identities to verify the identities in Problems 17 and 18.


6 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES AND CONDITIONAL EQUATIONS Use TRACE to compare the two graphs. 33. y sin 2x sin x 35. y cos 1.7x cos 0.3x 37. y sin 3x cos x 39. y sin 2.3x sin 0.7x 34. y cos 3x cos x 36. y sin 2.1x sin 0.5x 38. y cos 5x cos 3x 40. y cos 1.9x sin 0.5x

17. cos x cos y 1 2 [cos (x y) cos (x y)] 18. sin x sin y

1 2 [cos

(x y) cos (x y)]

19. Explain how you can transform the productsum identity sin u sin v 1 2 [cos (u v) cos (u v)] into the sumproduct identity cos x cos y 2 sin by a suitable substitution. 20. Explain how you can transform the productsum identity cos u cos v 1 2 [cos (u v) cos (u v)] into the sumproduct identity cos x cos y 2 cos by a suitable substitution. Verify each identity in Problems 2128. 21. 23. 24. sin 2t sin 4t cot t cos 2t cos 4t 22. cos t cos 3t tan t sin t sin 3t xy xy cos 2 2 xy xy sin 2 2

Verify each identity in Problems 41 and 42. 41. cos x cos y cos z 1 4 [cos (x y z) cos ( y z x) cos (z x y) cos (x y z)] 42. sin x sin y sin z 1 4 [sin (x y z) sin ( y z x) sin (z x y) sin (x y z)] In Problems 4346, (A) Graph y1, y2 , and y3 in a graphing utility for 0 x 1 and 2 y 2. (B) Convert y1 to a sum or difference and repeat part A. 43. y1 2 cos (28x) cos (2x) y2 2 cos (2x) y3 2 cos (2x) 44. y1 2 sin (24x) sin (2x) y2 2 sin (2x) y3 2 sin (2x) 45. y1 2 sin (20x) cos (2x) y2 2 cos (2x) y3 2 cos (2x) 46. y1 2 cos (16x) sin (2x) y2 2 sin (2x) y3 2 sin (2x)

sin x sin y xy cot cos x cos y 2 sin x sin y xy tan cos x cos y 2

cos x cos y xy cot 25. sin x sin y 2 26. 27. cos x cos y xy tan sin x sin y 2 cos x cos y xy xy cot cot cos x cos y 2 2

sin x sin y tan [1 2 (x y)] 28. sin x sin y tan [1 2 (x y)] Verify each of the following identities for the values of x and y indicated in Problems 2932. Evaluate each side to ve signicant digits. (A) cos x sin y 1 2 [sin (x y) sin (x y)] xy xy cos (B) cos x cos y 2 cos 2 2 29. x 172.63, y 20.177 30. x 50.137, y 18.044 31. x 1.1255, y 3.6014 32. x 0.039 17, y 0.610 52 In Problems 3340, write each as a product if y is a sum or difference, or as a sum or difference if y is a product. Enter the original equation in a graphing utility as y1, the converted form as y 2, and graph y1 and y2 in the same viewing window.

Problems 47 and 48 involve the phenomena of sound called beats. If two tones having the same loudness and close together in pitch (frequency) are sounded, one following the other, most people would have difculty in differentiating the two tones. However, if the tones are sounded simultaneously, they will interact with each other, producing a low warbling sound called a beat. Musicians, when tuning an instrument with other instruments or a tuning fork, listen for these lower beat frequencies and try to eliminate them by adjusting their instruments. Problems 47 and 48 provide a visual illustration of the beat phenomena. 47. MusicBeat Frequencies. Equations y 0.5 cos 128t and y 0.5 cos 144t are equations of sound waves

6-5 Trigonometric Equations with frequencies 64 and 72 hertz, respectively. If both sounds are emitted simultaneously, a beat frequency results. (A) Show that 0.5 cos 128t 0.5 cos 144t sin 8t sin 136t (The product form is more useful to sound engineers.) (B) Graph each equation in a different viewing window for 0 t 0.25: y 0.5 cos 128t y 0.5 cos 144t y 0.5 cos 128t 0.5 cos 144t y sin 8t sin 136t


48. MusicBeat Frequencies. y 0.25 cos 256t and y 0.25 cos 288t are equations of sound waves with frequencies 128 and 144 hertz, respectively. If both sounds are emitted simultaneously, a beat frequency results. (A) Show that 0.25 cos 256t 0.25 cos 288t 0.5 sin 16t sin 272t (The product form is more useful to sound engineers.) (B) Graph each equation in a different viewing window for 0 t 0.125: y 0.25 cos 256t y 0.25 cos 288t y 0.25 cos 256t 0.25 cos 288t y 0.5 sin 16t sin 272t

Section 6-5 Trigonometric Equations

Solving Trigonometric Equations Using an Algebraic Approach Solving Trigonometric Equations Using a Graphing Utility

The rst four sections of this chapter consider trigonometric equations called identities. These are equations that are true for all replacements of the variable(s) for which both sides are dened. We now consider another class of trigonometric equations, called conditional equations, which may be true for some replacements of the variable but false for others. For example, cos x sin x is a conditional equation, since it is true for some values, for example, x /4, and false for others, such as x 0. (Check both values.) This section considers two approaches for solving conditional trigonometric equations: an algebraic approach and a graphing utility approach. Solving trigonometric equations using an algebraic approach often requires the use of algebraic manipulation, identities, and ingenuity. In some cases algebraic methods lead to exact solutions, which are very useful in certain contexts. Graphing utility methods can be used to approximate solutions to a greater variety of trigonometric equations, but usually do not produce exact solutions. Each method has its strengths.


We are interested in solutions to the equation cos x 0.5 The gure at the top of the next page shows a partial graph of the left and right sides of the equation.

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