2011 Competency Guidelines OSMT

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Certified Medical Laboratory Assistant / Technician



Competencies expected of an entry-level Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician (MLA/T)

January 2011

234 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1K5 416-485-6768 / 1-800-461-6768


Forward Composition of MLA/T Certification Exam Blueprint Summary A. Standards of Practice B. Definitions C. Medical Terminology D. Basic Biology, Anatomy & Physiology E. Laboratory Mathematics, Statistics & Quality Control F. Specimen Procurement, Processing & Data Collection G. Laboratory Safety H. Laboratory Equipment & Supplies I. Anatomical Pathology & Cytology J. Clinical Microbiology K. Clinical Chemistry L. Clinical Hematology M. Immunohematology N. Electrocardiograms (ECG)/Holter Monitors O. Reference Sources Page 1 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 13 Page 15 Page 18 Page 19 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24

Revised January 2011


In 1988 the Ontario Society of Medical Technologists (OSMT) recognized the need for the establishment of provincial standards for entry to practice for Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians (MLA/Ts). After careful consideration, time and effort a certification exam was developed and is held in June and November each year. Since that first exam in 1988, thousands of MLA/T candidates have successfully challenged the exam, earning them the distinction of being a certified Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician with the OSMT. It is the goal of the society that MLA/T certification provide the public with assurance of competent health care providers, employers with assurance of competent MLA/Ts who meet provincial standards and newly certified MLA/Ts with increased employment opportunities and portability. It should be recognized that these MLA/T Competency Guidelines are meant as a minimum standard of competency, which must be met for certification. It is further recognized that a MLA/T is required by legislation to work under the supervision of a Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT). It must therefore be understood that the emphasis of these guidelines is on practical performance rather than on the theoretical background. MLA/Ts will be required to recognize problems and errors but will not be expected to provide solutions. Problems and errors are to be referred to the MLT supervising them. Where theoretical requirements, prefaced by such terms as demonstrate, understand, have basic knowledge of are written in these guidelines, these terms shall imply the minimum level of knowledge required for the correct practical performance of the method to which the theoretical requirement is related.

Revised January 2011

Ontario Society of Medical Technologists Composition of MLA/T Certification Exam - Blueprint Summary Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician Certification Exam


% of Test 8 - 10% 5 - 7% 4 - 6% 8 - 10% 12 - 16%

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13


12 - 16% 5 - 7% 4 - 6% 7 - 9% 8 - 10% 8 - 10% 3 - 5% 5 - 7%

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A standard of practice is defined as the measure by which the accuracy or quality of performance of an individual is judged. The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician must be knowledgeable in the theory, technique and clinical application of the various procedures performed and must be skilled in the performance of those procedures. The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician must conduct himself/herself in a professional manner. The intent of the Standards of Practice is to provide an overview of the expectations placed on the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Cooperate with other members of the health care team to provide effective patient care Ensure and protect confidentiality of all patient information Take responsibility for their work Know the laws and regulations governing Medical Laboratory Technology and apply these to the practice of their profession Understand the difference between direct supervision and general supervision and relate the need for these to their work Ensure knowledge and application of the following: a) Health Care Consent Act, 1996 b) The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), 1991, with special attention to section 11 Ontario Regulation 107/96 Controlled Act and exemptions c) Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act, Regulations 682 & 683 d) Personal Health Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), (a Canadian Act for commercial laboratories) e) Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), (an Ontario Act) f) Chain of Custody documentation g) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulation h) Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDGS) Act i) Canadas Health Care System j) Canada Health Act k) Ouccupational Health and Safety Act. Practise within the scope of their competence and seek help when a task is beyond their competence



Revised January 2011




Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall take the necessary measures to maintain their skills and remain current with scientific advances. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the pertinent theoretical and practical items in the OSMT common core competency guidelines Share their knowledge with colleagues in the interests of optimal patient care Know and understand the ethical and legislative framework that influences the practice of Medical Laboratory Technology Know and apply institutional policies and procedures SAFETY

2.2 2.3

2.4 3.

Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall conduct their professional practice in accordance with current safety guidelines and legislation. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 3.1 Apply health and safety measures at all times to ensure the safety of patients, co-workers and themselves, and for the protection of the environment Know and promote the proper use of appropriate safety equipment Cooperate with other members of the health care team with regard to safety issues Follow the procedures for preservation and safe shipment of biological specimens in accordance with current government legislation Dispose of biological specimens and other hazardous waste safely, in accordance with institutional policies and government regulations Understand and review all emergency response plans

3.2 3.3 3.4



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Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall know, understand and follow standard procedures for the collection and handling of specimens and/or provide all necessary information to those responsible for collection. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 4.1 Show an understanding of specimen collection requests (e.g. which health professionals can order tests and the specimen requirements of specific test requests) Provide the information necessary for patients to understand the specimen collection procedure Show courtesy, consideration, and professionalism when dealing with patients Follow institutional protocol for the collection of specimens, ensuring proper identification of patients and specimens Follow institutional protocol for specimen accessioning and handling, ensuring appropriate identification of specimens and documentation that is readily retrievable TESTING


4.3 4.4



Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall know and understand the various steps of the techniques they perform and ensure the accuracy of their work by adhering to appropriate quality control protocols. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Have basic knowledge of the principles of the techniques they carry out Know and follow the various steps involved in the techniques they perform Be proficient with the use, operation and maintenance of the equipment they use Know the reference ranges, critical values and detection limits of the techniques they use Know about possible interferences and refer problems to a MLT Ensure that control protocols are followed for each test

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Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall work under the supervision of a MLT in a timely, accurate, and effective manner. 7. ETHICS

Ethics are defined as principles of conduct governing an individual or a group. Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians shall: 7.1 7.2 7.3 Hold in confidence and protect all the information relating to patients Work with other health care professionals to provide quality effective patient care Promote the image and status of their contribution to the practice of laboratory medicine by maintaining high standards in their work habits and through active support of the OSMT Work within their legislated scope of practice and seek direction where required Endeavor to maintain and improve their skills and knowledge Use safe work practices at all times

7.4 7.5 7.6

Revised January 2011

Appendix to Section A LABORATORY AND SPECIMEN COLLECTION CENTRE LICENSING ACT REGULATION 682 LABORATORIES (sections applicable to laboratory technicians) 1. In this Regulation:

laboratory director means a person who is responsible for the administration of the scientific and technical operation of a laboratory including the supervision of tests and the reporting of the results of the tests laboratory supervisor means a person who under the general supervision of a laboratory director supervises laboratory personnel and who may perform tests requiring special scientific skills laboratory technician means a person who under direct supervision performs laboratory tests which require limited technical skill and responsibilities laboratory technologist means a person who under general supervision performs tests which require the exercise of independent judgment The owner and the operator of a laboratory shall ensure that the staff of the laboratory, (a) examine specimens from humans only (i) at the request of a legally qualified medical practitioner or a dentist, (ii) at the request of a midwife, in respect of a test specified in Appendix B, (iii) at the request of a person who lawfully practises a health profession in a jurisdiction outside Ontario, if in that jurisdiction a laboratory may lawfully examine specimens at the request of that person, (iii) at the request of an insurer or an agent within the meaning of the Insurance Act, in respect of HIV Antibody testing, or (iv) at the request of a registered nurse who holds an extended certificate of registration under the Nursing Act, 1991, in respect of a test specified in Appendix C, (b) report the results of a test directly to the person who requested it and include in the report the name of the laboratory that received the specimen and the name and address of the laboratory in which the test was performed

Revised January 2011

Appendix to Section A LABORATORY AND SPECIMEN COLLECTION CENTRE LICENSING ACT (Contd) The duties listed below are taken directly from a guidance document prepared by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Laboratories Branch regarding laboratory technician duties (June 1996) and were not developed by the OSMT. LABORATORY TECHNICIANS Section 1 of Ontario Regulation 682 defines a laboratory technician as a person who under direct supervision performs laboratory tests which require limited technical skill and responsibilities. In accordance with this, a laboratory technician may, under the direct supervision of an appropriately qualified Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT), respiratory therapist (RT), medical radiation technologist (MRT), laboratory supervisor or laboratory director, perform laboratory tests which require limited technical skill and responsibilities and which do not require interpretation, assessment or the exercise of independent judgment. Specific work assignments should only be undertaken subsequent to thorough training and instruction by qualified supervisory personnel. A technician functions in accordance with predetermined criteria, which are used to recognize unexpected results, errors and problems. Any such difficulties or problems encountered during the performance of the days work must be brought to the immediate attention of the personnel providing supervision. A technicians duties may include the following: blood sample procurement sample preparation for analysis, e.g., separation, numbering (including referral specimens) reagent preparation media preparation, smear preparation, i.e. blood films staining of smears cover slipping of slide preparation concentration of stool samples for parasitology examinations planting and streaking of microbiology specimens and controls, including set up of anaerobic and CO2 jars, for reading by a MLT

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subculturing of stock cultures in bacteriology titrations using a pH meter urinalysis (excluding microscopic) recording quality control results for interpretation and approval by qualified staff as listed above operation of automated instruments after proper functioning has been established by qualified staff as listed above set up of erythrocyte sedimentation rates set up of micro hematocrits set up of serology tests, e.g., occult blood, pregnancy test (to be read and interpreted immediately by a MLT) routine equipment maintenance temperature monitoring of thermally controlled equipment transcription of results from worksheets to reports filing of records and retrieval of files glassware washing, housekeeping preparation of kits

The above-noted list is not intended to be all-inclusive. It is recognized that there may be other laboratory activities that do not require interpretation, assessment or the exercise of independent judgment, which may be carried out by a laboratory technician.

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(The definitions given below are for use with the OSMT MLA\T Competency Guidelines)

MLT - MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Means a person who is registered with the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO) and who, under general supervision, performs tests which require the exercise of independent judgment

MLA/T - MEDICAL LABORATORY ASSISTANT/TECHNICIAN Means a person who, under the direct supervision of a MLT, performs laboratory tests which require basic technical skill and knowledge

DEMONSTRATE Clearly show and express knowledge through words or actions

UNDERSTAND See the meaning and importance of words or actions

BASIC KNOWLEDGE Entry-level comprehension of theoretical basis

PRACTICAL Demonstrate ability to perform a technique, distinct from theory

THEORETICAL Based on theory only

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall have a fundamental vocabulary of medical terms.



The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician should know, understand, and be prepared to explain: The human body The human cell and its major constituents; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. The result of combining any of these elements: water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats Tissues structural and functional characteristics. The four basic types: Epithelium, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous The organs and their functions The body cavities, skull, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis The Body Systems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Skeletal Muscular and Articular Circulatory Hematopoietic Lymphatic Reticuloendothelial Digestive 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Respiratory Urinary Nervous Reproductive Endocrine Skin and Special Senses

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall know, understand, and be able to perform the procedures related to the following: Statistics: Use of specific units in the International System (S.I.) (volume, weight and linearity) Define mean, median, mode, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, accuracy, precision Calculation of mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation

Quality Control: Differentiation between standards and controls as to characteristics and use Differentiation between commercial controls, in-house pools, and blind duplicate patient samples Evaluation of equipment and methods with regard to accuracy and precision Effects of potential sources of error Use of external quality control methods

Laboratory Mathematics: Ratio, proportion, dilution Exponents Metric system Convert temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius Significant digits Rounding off

Solution Preparation: Preparation, standardization, and storage of molar, isotonic, and percentage (w/w, v/v, w/v) solutions Calculation and preparation of dilutions using concentrated and diluted reagents Relate the following terms for grades of chemicals and their practical use: analytical, technical, commercial, C.P., USP, B.P. certified ACS Use of deionized water vs distilled water

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician must be able to: 1. Recognize the importance of specimen collection (i.e. all subsequent procedures rely on the quality of the specimen) Correctly identify appropriate sites for venous and capillary sample collection for adults, infants and timed specimens Select appropriate equipment for blood collection (including vacutainer system, syringes, and variation of needle gauges, butterfly needles, lancets, anticoagulant, microtubes) Correctly perform venous and capillary specimen procurement using proper aseptic technique in various situations (e.g. alcohol and iodine skin decontamination) Recognize the terms and uses of anticoagulants and preservatives Describe the potential hazards to the patient and to the Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician during phlebotomy and subsequent specimen handling Explain the necessity for proper patient and sample identification in all stages of the specimen handling, from collection to final disposition Describe the methods for preservation and safe shipment of biological specimens in accordance with applicable regulations Describe the differences between isolation and reverse isolation and recognize the significance of each Describe the proper collection of a 24-hour urine specimen Describe the protocol for collection of mid-stream urine specimen (MSU) Provide kits and instructions for collecting skin scrapings Describe the procedure to be followed if a specimen cannot be processed immediately Recognize if a collected sample is suitable for the requested testing and understand the proper follow-up procedures. This is in reference to method of collection, sample identification and specified collection time, specimen volume, storage, stability, hemolysis and type of anticoagulant.




5. 6.




10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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15. 16. 17.

Perform serum/plasma separation and storage Understand proper storage of whole blood samples Meet requirements for filing, storage and retrieval of pathology/cytology specimens, blocks and slides Be familiar with a system of reporting laboratory results including the following: a) initiation of the request for a particular test b) use of patient requisition forms c) specimen collection and labelling d) forwarding and receiving a laboratory specimen and requisition e) the importance and reason for stat orders Recognize abnormal results which must be verified by a MLT Understand the regulatory requirements involved in patient confidentiality including requests for telephone reports by unauthorized persons Recognize the legal and clinical consequences of reporting Know additives for various blood collection systems, e.g. (vacutainer), uses for various tests, order of draw, and implications of incorrect collection Know the technique for blood culture collections Know the proper technique for collection of blood alcohol levels Know the technique for collection of fecal specimens: Ova and Parasites (O&P), Fecal Occult Blood (FOB), Culture and Sensitivity (C&S), Fecal Fat and Viral Studies Know the technique and sample requirements of sputum samples for C&S and cytology studies Know specimen requirements for seminal fluid for fertility or post vasectomy studies Know the techniques for the preservation of fine needle aspirate biopsy smears and specimens


19. 20.

21. 22.

23. 24. 25.


27. 28.

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall demonstrate an understanding of the need for and the effective use of (or response to) the following: Laboratory Safety Symbols WHMIS Standard Precautions Transportation of Dangerous Goods Basic CPR Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment Procedures for Incident Reporting

Physical and Chemical Hazards: 1) Response to fire and use of fire extinguishers 2) Safe storage and use of chemicals (including spill clean up) Biological Hazards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Standard precautions Leaking specimens and contaminated requisitions Biological spills Isolation techniques (strict, enteric, wound and skin, respiratory, reverse) Biomedical waste disposal regulations (institutional, federal and provincial): a. Packaging b. Containers - reusable - single use - sharps c. Colour - coding and labelling d. In-house movement of waste e. Storage f. Treatment options-Steam autoclaving-Chemical decontamination g. Containment, Decontamination and Disposal of Sharps h. Use of Level II Containment

Radiation Hazards: 1. 2. 3. Monitoring Spills and contamination Accidents

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LABORATORY SAFETY (Contd) Safety Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Safety gloves, gowns and lab coats Eye shields Face shields and regulation masks Pipettes; safety bulbs for pipettes Acid bottle carriers Fume hood Biological safety cabinets Safety cans Safety shower Eye wash Fire blankets and extinguishers Latex and vinyl gloves Chemical and biological spill kits Flammable storage cabinets Gas cylinder carts Self-contained breathing apparatus Safety Shields

First Aid: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Chemical injury Heat injury Trauma Electric shock Radioisotope contamination Needle stick injury Body Fluid exposure

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall demonstrate the understanding of the theory and application (handling, storage, safety precautions, care, and cleaning) of the following equipment: Mandatory Equipment & Supplies in Schools General Equipment: Balances (Mechanical and Analytical) Centrifuge Hot Plate Autoclave Compound Microscope Mixing devices (i.e. vortex, shaker) Water baths Refrigerator Freezer Thermometers (including chart recording) Hematology: Manual cell counter (2 and 5 key) Hemacytometer Microhematocrit centrifuge Sedimentation tubes for Westergreen Method Microbiology: Incubators Loop incinerator/Bacti-Cinerator Class I Biosafety cabinet Culture media (plates, tubes) Histotechnology: Automated cell counter Automated slide stainer Automated coagulation analyzer Cytospin Additional Mandatory Equipment at Clinical Placement Optional Equipment (usually at clinical placement)

Alarm systems for performance verification Alarm system for performance verification

Hot air ovens Class II & III Biosafety cabinet Automated media processor Automated blood culture system

Tissue processor (open and closed system) Microtome Automatic cover slip applicator 15
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Mandatory Equipment & Supplies in Schools Urinalysis: Reagent strips Biochemistry: pH meter Micro-pipettes

Additional Mandatory Equipment at Clinical Placement

Optional Equipment (usually at clinical placement)

Refractometer Automated strip reader

Automatic dispensers

Water distiller Ion exchange resins Automated chemistry analyzer ABG analyzer Desiccator

Immunohematology: Cell washer Serofuge Heating block Electrocardiograph (ECG): ECG machine Holter Monitor Other supplies/reagents: Sufficient laboratory glass and plastic ware Sufficient phlebotomy supplies, e.g. needles, tubes, biohazard containers, etc. Sufficient reagents for staining and laboratory procedures Sufficient safety supplies (e.g. gloves, safety goggles, splash shields, spill kit) Flammable cabinets Automated glassware washer

Revised January 2011


Laboratory Glass and Plastic Ware: Properties of common types of laboratory glass and plastics with reference to effects of temperature extremes, solvents and corrosive chemicals. Use of beakers, centrifuge tubes, funnels, graduated cylinders, syringes, test tubes, flasks (volumetric, erlenmeyer, florence). Use of pipettes and pipette washers: a. Serological Volumetric Mohr Capillary tubes Multipipette Understand and use of: I. T.D. pipette II. T.C. pipette III. Frosted ring


Microscope / Compound microscope: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Function and use of objective Oculars Condenser Iris diaphragm Stage Light source Filters Vernier scale Mechanical stage Use of immersion oil Refractive index Calculation of magnification Kohler illumination

Revised January 2011



The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall be able to demonstrate understanding of the following theories and procedures related to the safe reception, processing, staining and cover slipping of both Cytology and Histology specimens in the department of Anatomical Pathology. Specimen receiving: Accessioning Common specimen rejection

Specimen Processing: Fixation Centrifugation Decalcification Cell block preparation (Application in Cytology only) Cytospin Technique Direct smear preparation Filtration-nucleopore and millipore

Specimen Staining: Romanowsky, Papanicolaou and routine H&E stains Stain and reagent preparation Staining sequence Manual and automated staining Understand cross contamination risks and the proper procedures required during specimen processing and staining.

Cover Slipping: Mounting media Manual and automated techniques

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall know, understand, and be able to perform the procedures related to the following: The specimen collection requirements for microbiology specimens Common specimen rejection criteria Classification of Microorganisms Have basic knowledge of the classification of microorganisms: bacteria viruses parasites protozoa fungi, molds and yeasts chlamydia rickettsia

Bacteriology Inoculation using: agar media (four quadrant streak method) agar slant tubes culture broth tubes automated plating machines

Distinguish between non-selective, selective, differential, and enriched media Know the use of common media: Blood Agar, MacConkey Agar, Chocolate Agar, Thayer Martin (Transgrow) Agar, Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA) Agar, Salmonella-Shigella (SS) Agar, Thioglycolate Broth

Incubation of specimens: correct time and temperature requirements anaerobic conditions: anaerobic jar including gas-pak method, anaerobic, glove box increased CO2 tension: CO2 incubator, candle jar mircroaerophilic conditions

Be familiar with the application of an automated streaking machine, i.e. Iso-Plater

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Preparation of Media: Given a lab procedure for the preparation of media, be able to: select the correct size and type of container measure or weigh out the proper ingredients measure and adjust pH filter heat sensitive ingredients sterilize by autoclave or inspissations dispense into appropriate containers using aseptic technique prepare complex media additive: laked blood, peptic digest of blood, eggs

Storage of Dehydrated and Prepared Media: stock dating/inventory procedures temperature requirements

Staining: Have a basic knowledge of the principles and correct procedure for Gram Stain ZN Stain

Understand fundamental differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria: Cocci and bacilli

Outline the use of the steam autoclave to sterilize media/equipment and to decontaminate biohazardous waste in the lab.

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall know the specimen requirements, including common rejection criteria, for all routine clinical chemistry tests and be able to set-up/load both automated and manual instrumentation including QC samples for initial analysis. The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall know the reportable ranges for all routine clinical chemistry tests, recognize variant results and report them to their MLT supervisor. The MLA/T shall have basic knowledge and be able to perform the procedures for the following: Urinalysis: collection instructions for routine and microscopic (R&M) criteria for rejection of unacceptable specimens for routine and microscopic preparation of urine for microscopic examination preservation of urine for R&M if necessary collection instructions for 24 hour urine knowledge of 24 hour urine preservation, preservatives and their proper use measuring total volume of 24 hour urine and know the significance to the test requested

Tolerance and Stimulation Testing: types of routine tolerance testing and glucose loads administration of glucose solutions patient reactions to glucose load timed specimen collection

The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician should be aware of the following tests and their normal ranges, why they are ordered, and why some are grouped together: Liver function Renal function Lipid profile Cardiac enzymes Endocrine Tumour markers Drug levels Hepatitis testing Electrolytes Glucose testing

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The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall know, understand, and be able to perform the procedures relating to the following: Specimen requirements related to hematology testing Common specimen rejection criteria Know the meaning and normal ranges of the different components which make up a CBC and Differential: I. II. III. IV. V. Haemoglobin Haematocrit RBC and Indices WBC Platelets

Be able to load samples and reagents onto automated counter: Recognize and take appropriate action with samples which are: I. II. III. IV. V. Lipemic Hemolysed Icteric Clotted Agglutinated

Automatic Coagulation: Specimen requirements related to coagulation testing Have a basic knowledge of instruments operation Be able to prepare samples and load on machine Daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance

Manual Techniques: Retitulocytes sites Preparation of blood film

Counting chambers: care dilution of sample flooding chamber

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CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY (Contd) Sedimentation Rate: correctly set up ESR be aware of sources of error know the difference between Westergren and Wintrobe methods Routine and Special Staining



The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician shall be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of blood groups, blood products, storage requirements, effects of storage and the tests routinely performed in transfusion medicine, and be able to understand the procedures for the following, including implications of errors. ABO grouping Rh typing Antibody screening and testing Blood donations: Main criteria established by the Canadian Blood Services for acceptance or deferral of blood donors. Collection of whole blood: a. anticoagulant in current use b. additives c. preparation of components Common specimen rejection criteria Tests routinely performed on all blood donations.



The Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician should know the theory and practice of ECGs/Holter Monitors. Patient preparation Placement of leads Conduct test Baseline determination, artifact recognition and correction Recognize abnormal values and know appropriate action for each

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TITLE Histology and Cytology Notes for MLA/Ts


Reference Guide of Acts & Regulations for MLA/Ts 0-323-03412-8 Clinical Laboratory Science: The Basics and Routine Techniques - 5th Edition Clinical Procedures for the Medical Assistant 6th Edition Student Mastery Manual for Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants 6th Edition Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Textbook 7th Edition The Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook A Complete Study Guide 7th Edition Laboratory Safety CSMLS Guidelines Fifth Edition 2001 Holes Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th Edition Laboratory Procedures for Medical Office Personnel Clinical Laboratory Assistant/Phlebotomist Electrocardiography Essentials Human Body in Health and Disease 3rd Edition The Bantam Medical Dictionary 3rd Revised Edition Dorlands Medical Dictionary



Kathy Bonewit-West


Kathy Bonewit-West


Elaine N. Marieb


Elaine N. Marieb






Elsevier Science

0-8926-2434-5 0-8926-2435-3 0-323-01338-4

Thomson/Nelson Thomson/Nelson Elsevier Science


Bantam Books


Elsevier Science

Revised January 2011

REFERENCE SOURCES (Contd) 0-323-01430-5 0805339701 Mosbys Medical & Nursing Dictionary 5th Edition An Introduction to Chemistry for Biology Students - 8th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2005 Basic Medical Laboratory Techniques 4th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2000 Lab Notes: Guide to Lab and Diagnostic Tests F.A. Davis, 2005 Essential Laboratory Mathematics by Johnson 2nd Edition Body Structures & Functions 10th Edition 2004, Toronto: Delmar Publishers Boundaries of Practice Guidebook, Toronto Collaboration Practice Guidelines and Guidebook, Toronto G. Sackheim


B. Estridge


Tracey Hopkins


Timmons & Hall, ed.

A.S. Scott/ Elizabeth Fong CMLTO CMLTO

Color Atlas & Textbook of Diagnostic Koneman th Microbiology, 5 Edition; Login Brothers Publisher Tietz Fund of Clinical Chemstry 5th Edition; Elsevier Publishing 1-56238-515-1 NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture; Approved Standard Fifth Edition NCCLS Document H3-A5, December 2003 Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 682 Statutes & associated regulations, Government of Ontario www.e-laws.gov.on.ca Burtis

CLSI (formerly NCCLS)

This list of textbooks is meant only as a guide.

Revised January 2011

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